JBL. t OREGON SPECTATOR. O t SOIINCOI.V. KPtTOIl VOL. (. Tilt. OHItUU.t HIBCTATOKl A WKKKI.i NKW.HPAPKK, ,.j iit'i 11 U0'' tSTtTCD tO till llll, CltU ISO inilUXII V Ilia IIVIH w vna-v .fc m mm ..a. tin mmm m nkPinkn TKK.M8 l'VA.tlAIII.Y IV AliVAN'l!!!. 0. pt. mi annum . '. 00 'i 5.1 ' fur mi month ASVSRTISHfO. Oh aiurs (18 Im. in !"! lt lim ilium, Mk... . .2 00 Far aftrjr aJlitlnl Inwrtum $l 00 Tn(tmkxii uul HittallrM I'tliR ul ID Ilnr4 W Urn, 940 pit aiMum A kattal d.lttctUi iiiI In fully dutli.'. Tk aanikri of Inonlom iniat Im Jubncltjr mataaa ii lh mrln. siIkihim ihy IU U ab.IbAaJ IJI f.il kJ . I.a.m.1 KjuwJinlr fetei-rwav.-w rvi AAA naraWllr llfHiM. Tha NDjnitiftl tpnllril lio" arr a liainlalian af lha Orilnal Mtiwillit l)iim,u ...ulr urn all Karen ollli Ilia Iwlins tiillhuha, ami U'l'-I ly "'""' " ,""" ,n"n ---, f il" .... rrawaad hraiU. AnJ llimij-li 3r ha lain - dlelttl II l ! un( lipait paio oi of am, in of lha Hlatra of turn), II i mil rfcnlinl Uthrr. lUuchlrr, anil iing arnuitil Ihr r.4 paaaaalrr in lha itill ririitup, anions lha T)til, lha Aloa ami tin-Sitoi.a. tin-rlii..hr.lw.l.i -f ihtirhouorholil. dita ih ilifeiti of t)Mnt Aad whrni retoliillon pimB. i,.lnanyofilia eaauoa . ih. Itliuia or ihe ,,. ii i. hi.l hi .. . .. . .i .... .i . ... mt Taa Ol mo roionm, " jjninj niriii ii . iii tbair owu, bmiliilwhirli liirnlliro wit In.Mi llm unliul.ti uf Ike 10.1. imU.l.rJ in tli Iitla hjmo Tlw Marwille. .. dJIiig ir foi il,. j.l tanet f IVeJoni hi fiaure. mtn ami tlir UtrmaDlc Mt.tr. than all th. bunuaf oiitoiv ..I U.....I k- n ...r. . s. .ii. ft eteirinJ, 1-ofJ, "Itt in wnle Ul UUiJ-of " ' i ' .VttlB, ami 1 rarr bet U mkr tlifti Uw T KOI t KfAIKff fck (d '!) Hark ' llaik lt. nt)J t.ul )uti ft Vour chiJJiro, hum, tul irrauJm l(1r BfUolJ irinr irr tJ l.r lh(r (t fib .11 ha Ufa I l)rn.U. unr htrf UfsJ ng, W'ilb hirrting ltait, 4 lulTun bauJ, Affnf hi ami JtnUl (I. hiti I. WMU Itbffl) atij ffar hr blrrdin-j Tu arm ui.rtiit brt 1h atoni tig worJ utwlaLh Mairh on ' marrli en all ktarU iw1thJ On v.ctor) wf iliih Sow nan-, th Jang too torm w tMm;, ittch ttmvttftt kiaf rum feduiu lane. hovrlinr ii.Fii.c. Tba 1.00 of war Ii AdJ lo' otir fie'tla atij citif Uat, An4 hall ha I) rtw ih rum. Vhu 1Um f rrr, ilh c'l) Ut. Kjfta la Jfwvlaleun fit ait 1 wj, Vtih eniiKa tnJ Max-1 Ii.lt4iil m hrutnj To ant' tftarifj' )i hn.r i- With luniry anJ rdn iirrurul I Tha blJ. matniii , ti ife Tlmf lhifl of fu'il an.roae?r ulU t.,'.l To mla i) it J tttiil Ihr Ijrht an I a.f teiko Umli of buiJf n wouM thy lo nd, frfke (JjJ Wm.M bit. tlcif !. ad Uul man i nn, arl wh i trior Thn liall th-) huRrr Ul. aiiJ fj'nii 1 ' ruftrnit' to4rii" ) trar Xe Oh hbrrty, can man tmin iUtt, Que baviaf fftt ih) ctifrmi ibmo Can Jtmreiw, txilu, nr bar ronfin thr Or nh pa th) ittrhle jnt tatnt' IVi lonjf tht woihl ha . Uwiilint;, That Ka1a4-hofil-la(irr l)tatila wn-ll Out Kiavtlom u our iword anil h rU, And all thnr arU if .uiarail ng To aniu Irt anii" y hrn-tii' Ar A K.WTHI.MS l,(.yia...latheratingii. . . . . a ar cate Ordering ou he ra mat ic, liaai nlratanl was also to be led to the aliar at Ihn same timo by a merchant in one nf our tesperl cities. Tho ilrewti were prepared Tor both, the clergyman engaged, and et en tiling waa ready, when an intimation readied the father of the brides that his intended aondnlaw in Boston was nol What he should be. Investigation was made, and il vn ascertained that the bridegroom had been residing at one of oar first hotels for months, with a young lady aa hla wife, under assumed names. He had also two olhor ladiea lo whom ho waa paying particular attention. Aa soon aa Ina facta became known, ha loft for New Orleans. His paramour, with whom he baa been living, dressed herself In mala atllro, and attempted to eicapo with him, but waa delected and aent home lo Now York whera she belongs. The ar. rtngemenls for iho wedding, of course, were disarranged, and only one of lha sisters waa married, ike disappointed lady acting at bridesmaid on Iho occasion. It la eald that Iho young man hat spent 990,000 within a few months, the money having been bequeathed him by hi f.'h. cry JfMfen Jour. Lame Fashinc Hon. Henry L. Ella worth, lata Commissioner of Patents, is one of Iho moat extensiro farmsrs in tha world, Ha has, this year, in cultivation, three thousand acres of corn. fn. .Vnlmc. okkoon .Hrflliig K4ii-iliB lit Ore- gnu s hi. Ala imelliig of lhn clergy and lailv of the Prntettaut l-pLoye! Churih of ihr ' Territories af Oregon and Washington, gnu II). i , i , .. i. .i.i .. u. tt...i. ii.i. ...I. i ir.M.n INI. on llio '.'J day of Auuiiit, V. nn ilia iJ Jav of Auisiitl. . I).. I"VI. ' " . . .. .. f i . 00 morning irajrr wan roan iij hip n" jihii tKllMoCatlv, I). IL.tlir Mimon wairolicil ' .. I. I . II 1.. ...I ....I .1... , morning pra) rr vrai read l.y llio ltv JkIiii l.u it.. Ilm. 1.. A. Wnmiiaii. ain I in icrinriil ur llic lioni'a Hiiptmr ailmiiiii i ternl by Ihe v, Si. M I'aeklrr. on; whnvt mollon iho Hrv. (Jr. illCLAnr cnllnl lothn chair, anil K. Haniillon ap. pointrd nocrrlary. Tho LuilncM wat ojwiicd l an nJJrrn from lha chairman On mollon of the Uov Mr Tackier, tl wat v iV-J-Tot onmniittw I apaoinU J to cooalJar ami report on the rxprJjrn. c) and propiiety of rniieiiing llio Urn rial Convrnlion, at llir nrxl srnlon, to appoint a Mianonary llitlmp for ihrsc ln The fullowing wiro apimiiilril llrv ' Mr. Woodward, Major Mmilli, I . S. A.. (Ion I,, bnein). Jno 15 Campbell. i:.n and lr. Aldrii II Slrele. lln motion f I'.. Ilamlllon. It ni re . i-ii, I,., ,. 1 tl(.i y00jWBrji .Major o1wil that n rnninuttrn I appuinlid In r.m.ij. r and n noil on the ttibicct ul ra tahliahing n 1 Seminar) .combining religion nml li-armag, In Im. under Iho patronage ami Jirrrtmii of ihe chuiih i.i.. e ti. ..... ........,. i n. i lllcllll'llll;wll'w'"'ll., ... i Mr Tntklcr, Mra.ra '. Ilamiltiui. W. M llgilrn, n llm I., ami w l.akc. I he meeting, hi niotinn. lok a r.eea mi'll I oVIock, r. N . al winch timo the nuninillica nrrr ordered In n porl t I o'llock the tiicclini! returned l.uai i . . . . ... I '"" Hiirn tne commiiteo to nnnni wnt rrferreil thn aul,ie t nf the I'tuarnnatr. pr itrd iho following report The ..iiuinillee Io whom wat referred thr tnbiecl of reiiettina Iho (ienrral I'on rnlion u oppaint a Miailonarv llitlmp lur the Territorirt nf ( Iregon and a.li uigtoii, lubmil Ihe following report . .' .. It ai'ueara to the corniiullrn harill) con i.lrtil with our na at Kpiicopaliant to T.roi. do for the tn r lual wantt of thete m' i la a .. . r a Ihe inhabitant k llio c.talilithincnl of nur ilittrili and cinlinrf cur iiiiiiltfrM here, and )el tuner llie imiuairy in re. main incoiuptotr, and willuul a head, ami hnib miiilntrrt ami laliv io Im with. u, the aupervltion and other bcoeula of 'the Hpbeopal oilier. .Nntonlv do we need Bk (i r . . a iiKimp to oraain, aiimimairr 1110 rno ni confirmation and coo.etralc rhurrhet, winch pertain exiluutcly to I'm olfice of a Hilltop, but one it required for oth. r purrou-., iniporlanl tn Ihe prmpeiiij of nur cliurrh here, at it it In itt complete- ni-L-.mtitioii and llie nrniwr inaiiaurmenl ol 111 air.ira Iho wantnl a llitlmp lur em, iiiinniiirj owrnliuii., in iliut repre. nlrd in the laat nnuual report of the Ikimetiii ( oinmillcpofniir llnardof MIt Mom ' The vnilalion of a lli.hop it prrlupt llio only way, at it it certainly tin: iimti in aernrdatice with our rcclciiatilral )a lein hv which audi a urcy or the lirld .-. .... ..: j cnuld or made, inch aelci lion or atiiulile .intrrtofiiperallon doleriiiiiinl, and audi an i ttini.lo formed of the cap.ilulitirt and nrietiilii't of ihe people, at it needi d for Iho well hIng or the Mittmnarv entrr priic in tho 'I crntorj . ' It Hum tn thin i-iiMnuttce ktill iaih nriitsur and important tint ur lnull hue a llitlmp t anient amongst tit, wlln would apend a great part or hit limn -In traveling aud oflkialuig through thotv,lho itnporlauco llial wlien children aru lerrilorira, an the chuf iiiitlonar al liiri.1', prumntlng lliorobv not only f thn ro. ligiotit liuprntiiim nt of nur people, hut " k ,. ". 'V . I''. .' . ' '"' V .' . uy (N rutin'', VlflCll a lllt-r wmuu uc, liy ,.,, of hl, oaJt c.Wng frln -.hu 7cal and abilillct of KuitcopaliaiiH, . . . ' IIU mfit . W .ll," ,. .M.,1,.1, U quired towards obtaining a more adrqiiatu 1 . .... . . . . ... supply or ministers, wnicn it me great c.icni, aepenui-ui n iiuii,r, .., want of Ihe church here. This agency i It will be open to all children alike, wlih. ho could effectually cxercito by corret. lout referenced Ihe religiout vlewt or con. ponding with minitters in the Allanllo'neclioiit of tho parents. No religious Hlalts, inducing ihem to come out bore, by the representation, from his peraonal knowledga or tho wants and capacities nr diflursnt missionary stations and parishes, which he could hold out to llicir labors. Ho might also promoto the same object by finding out and encouraging propor fiorsans to become candiduloa,rbr the min. itry, directing and aiding them In their education anu training for tho sacred or. fice. Turning our attention to tho establish, ment or tho proKod Seminary tu bo un der lha patronage and management or Kplicopalians indeed, In vlow of every measure designed to promote christian knowledgo and purity, through Iho in. alrumentalily of our, communion, wo aro made sensible how ' much wo need a llishop to adviso and go ahead, to bo tha center of union and co-operation, around whom lha clergy and laity may rally, under whose dlrect'on and lend Ihey may unito their efforts for tho gospel end church. 0f tho Redeemer. Thete Territories aro to remote from lha jurisdiction of any llishop of our church, thny must have nna aenl to them to b. " over them in the Lord," ar remain Ilc linn i mr 1 ill v. itn city, (ukkiiun tkiumtouv,) piuday, aikiiw hIiImiiI U'lconlm-rirc ml tuperilt. , ml I ln Iiclil liuri. tn lar ironi nm ur. . inn The hum liuri' vi lur ironi n"i Kr. ng sufficiently larg anrf Important to require ihe entire irlret of Mlsaloniry i llitlmp, it will be fniiml llml the lal-ora of ...... i.....m.ap nlniniluni. ulll iMiiiiailriitiaio . in m i ait all riltnl nl rouiilr) an it con. I . . . i.i ... .1 ! ...ii...l. ........ il.a.. tahinl wlllilii llirm Ti'itllnrlM, iiuiro ianipn nmn urm ,..........,...... lir llmm larger than tliu rnllrr- IJ I...I Ut.u. ..ml r.ir iMitiiilli v iiihii . Kntj am hiatrn. ami lur iiiilliin rapidly lucrraiing, ami mii iIIhiiuiiJ, wliore omt tlilnjj ia imn. nml cvrrvtlilng llir lllfi I'lllirril minwiirn.ni nun iit-ifim, aawrll atrarrud un ami tniiiplrtnl, r. iiiirlng llio comlant ailvicp ami aupor. vialnn nf a illahop, nn whom ili'tohet th cliicf inanagrmrnt of llio aflalra nf our communion aa well aa " Iho lare of all lha ohurolMM," t Thou alllwagh llw MJMlonary IIJjiJ hai, In i lew or Iho nrccaaity nl hating a Mlaaiunary lllah.-p hr-f. rr.,ti. .tr.l ih- (.moral Cnn.entlon In lakr- llm rr,lim ry of appoimlnR O"" 1'H" ''"" -'"'" coniiiirraimt oomriilirr! pinr ihnt . -hr. .,. in.i.i loi.rrrn. ,1 in llm in. we who aro jmul cmicrrtii il in Iho ap. iKiinlinenl, ahoiiM rm.rrtiour tirwa ,. U,e ' aubieol. and rrtpretfully but raruiMl) rr. iiue.l that lnly. whirl, hat ll.e p.icr U thn Hth canon nf Inll. In make tin up pniulineiit al the ni'tt liK'i'tuig The committee would then-lorn aiiuiiut with ilu irKiit( the billowing rraolulinua forhe iminderalioii and arliuu ol tin- Minting ..... .. Ti., i in. im, iiiu. nf iMniri h. ,',., ... - ,, men in ('uiiiieil l) milled, imprraw.l mill Ihe cuiivicimii inai inn aiiimiinrni in promote lirallll ol omi) ami i(;or oi iiiimi, Mia.ionar) lliahop for llie IVrutn.ica of ,J 1MI, than all. It ill inleml llm M.t. Oregon an J Waiiimgtmi, it n inea.iiie of,inga nf a roihI education to nmnv who lh, lir.l Importanci' I ' the proper orRan. .re unable tn hear the rtprnt,. ol our or ialimi nf nur ihurrli and id tunrttful Mmary !K.ardmo trh..lt riiaiiiiaoiiii in ;ici. ir.ji-i nn) .uni-.n, .-ii.i . i . .....r.. I. ....I ..... ill rruuitt the (inirral liniiciiti'Mi In make audi appointment at the iieM art. ion. g WwiVrrf. Thai o conlialU and ro apittfullt riconuiiiiid tothnCcm lalCou I lonlion tho ap.Hiiiitniriit of ihe Hcv Julia MiCaiti. Il I) , i.ow Chaplain I'.S. Ar. ' mx J.-.l-ll.... my, initiunar) in i urgon, aa wic .wihii. ory llnhnp for our territories. I hrrhairmaii liamg rolireililuring llm . !..... i a 1. -... . J r...A.t olu. l.orn, tho iUftiou wcro Ukrn t.v iho .SrcreltTV. tli rrportwai arcriitrtl, and hip reaoiunou. uii.iiiu...u-., ...... .... Tho committee on llie tubjeit or U ' Seminary. Drctent.J iheir report at fol. Iowa and the eame wat aoccpUU, ui The ooinmflleo to whom wae referred . , e ., . j.m.-.r ,1.. .t..f. in.i pommi v. mo .. . .... ...... man relating to the ralabliihment of ft aclionl for ihe education of yeung men and boya, combining rellgiou and learn, mg, reapeclfiiliy rerf Thai the almoat entire aeveranco in nur public tchoolaof religiout aud moral nur. i. e i. i i . i. .. .!. liure irouiacuiiiar learning, iin'in n nn inorn imporlant lliat tho Initiluliun prn noted Io Im founded, thould onoouiago re. ' ilgion and learning In juit harmony, im. polling an cduoaliou in crtir brinch, rrom the eli'iuonti lo the oliMio; which will make nol only good aelmlara and In lelligeul tillMiit, but fiirniahed Ar dut) in all llio reliliont and ollicre of aocioly, and preparo inein wr mo everiatung. There it iiiuali greater noed of turli in. tlltullont in Oregon and Waihlnglon, than in the old tlatct or tho I'nioii, becaute as vvt tho aclllora are too few and tcntlered io cduotle their uhildicii without vending liiein rrom lioiue. and uontruuonlly tha gnaler prnwirlion, in order tu rcroie any cuucaiioii, etcepiiug iliai winiii ia ourrn. lal, mult be teiiltu boarding tlioola, lienti', .thus removed irom parcuiai (.aro ami au. monition, and Irom the good InlliM nirsni 1... .1...... .I....I.I 1.. in. 111.. it..... ..Illtr. .."I' .'""".:.. L...i .1,..,., mni MMi'.ii.i-iisvtn i, a laJ -"" - t w,l bo attended In at the a. lime thai Iheir inlelleitual liciilliis uro ruimuluJ i . . ., .. . ..i.i. r..i ............ , , -. - - der thocaruof the church, and loa great . . J ..I..... ... I., a... ........ ..Ill tests, no assent to an) creed win no ro. quired fur admission or participation In its advantages. It Is true tho religious instruction will bo in accordance with Iho doolrinot or the (Jospal, as held In our church; Vt ill, thn calholio views and spirit or our communion, aro a security to the publio that a sectarian, much less a proselyting spirit, will not prevail in its halls ; but it will bo our aim lo teach and influence Ihe piuty and morals of Chris tianity, on the opening minds of Ilia young, and nol porplex them with contmverled theology or peculiar dogmas. Il is also desirable to havo at tho tamo place, and under tho ssmo clerical teach ers, although in a different department, a seminary like that at Nashoia, In Wis contln, for educating and training can didatet for Iho ministry. Awart that we cannot expect anything lika a sufficient number or missionaries will coma from tho far off east to supply lha wanla of lliaaa remote and extonslvo territories, we should at ooco turn our attantion to ob taining candidates and cduoatlng them hore, where If wo cannot give them at complete scholarship, yet this will be more than compensated by their having at it HmrM hi i Kih l)rruiri'i' Wrri a (nunc mliiralion, In inglakiu froirt aim wen atqiiaiuiril mill tliu pooplc jiwm wen jiminirti niimugtl thim ilu-v an and bring cdut Mod mi i ng tyalrin, wo litisl nn in live nml lalwr, ilrr a ilf.iipioii. i.li.iaua nt . Ili niiiliiMv M-Hli." iliiifulll !wtl.fier nualifloil to hummM iIhiiimIvm. ami ram lliin tkelroKii litlnvai far an may li ncrcoa WVkly Timra. aurl OoliimMan, U tr. Nnw ry, by thrlr on lalr. illlmf by ti aching poelfully rriur.tcd in puMHh iliour pro. a anmr fanning, ami garJonlng In glrla,irilliiga. . ioir un n iitinv m lar hm nmv im' riercimi ' .L.I. u .. ii.. i " t i . j which we Tioio to er boliMijjInj; to nvory parlili. Ilcillei, ln clrnual lrLlir of the ai-mliiaric Mould oltliialu aa initalun arlra in Win aurroumllni; cniiiitrv, ami thtia llm liislilullontiiiiilil arruiniilili in a groat axtrnt, tho enda cnnlfinplalnl b) Ira Mlaalomiy l.-mr, whiuhllie Domra. do roinmltloe dircctrd their firat mlxinna. a.''-'" ?rrgori to elblih. T In order tn exiond'moil wld.lyfU ad. j vantage nf I bo proponed Seminary Io the 'rhlldr.n nf iho r-nor aa well aa thn rich, , i I. dralrable In nialir Ihr price of tuition li.l obtaining endowmrnla fnr llamp p,iM, hv making ihn tjalanrauf ihe nn , ,J...I i. ....... ...,l.-. .,,,1. ,.i ),.,.. , pl,.yril laaohrra nuly a iiiwlirale living.! l.y furimhlng plain Uanl. and ob.rrtmg Brral irnntmy In all rtprntea. IW lliaaainnend il I. prnr-ited In make ' the Inttiiuilun. In pail at Ira.i a Manual ' ......... ... . 1 l.aber Schu.il, whern boya, wli Im elirmon mav t,nv a farl or iho wlnje of their Ini tmn and board by their labor en llio farm or garjrnt of thr arheol A plan that bat thla rroomiiiendnlion will ..i.. ii. i.u. in i.t.. i. .f i.i.in.i.w nn,,, u ij -. ... .. ..- i. .. (1rn tlicm tn lake carr of llic'itarltra, ' mr van "i mi, ihiii ni h u oonrii uiii a iriium m inn ninu ... i . .i .. i. i .. .1 . i .. i nil incci'e. lunch bi Iter line Ihnn in the Atlanta Slate, lieraiite lalwr loiiiiiianda retail rely n iiiiic'- !..t!.er put e, i thai a Ivy ofJrnm twelve In titlern veara of age. may, b ihe labor of a few hmua ae J,y, ,,!) p,j the rxpente of tui ion and board. ... .. i ror the tucietalul 1'itauin.nmrni oi mo echool, fundi mutt lie tilted in the firt i iailance to nurchaae laml not Irtt than ll . . . ( t ...!.! m nunurtn aopTJi ii impruir, imw "'iumy recti-. tM in .-uinsion, rominc oy Hack it, an J tree t plain, cliraji huil Jtnga; o obtain theaa fm!, wlnUt a.licotim M made lirrn tn ihr irtf n-n m tin nd rducallon, nur main drpfn uai b on tht wealthy t hurchmeii patron nf learning In th Kail, ta nan earneit appeal thouhl he made, thla bohatf. linereupnn, win louowiiiy rcawiuiiuiia wVfa moved and adopted ax .1. r.11. ... 1... tirsvirru. rial into nirriniK v"i"in 1 J ll.a aLI al..- .... I. .11. approve the plan nf the pruKied Scinui rry at tet forlli in the report or lieOom mitlee, eierially or lit ditliiiguiahing i . ..' r .. . leiiararirrmtn.', Iliai nl rnniuimug religion, 'caching with tcculur liurniug in jntl harmoni . Hwlreil, Tliat the rircuimtanrri of i ur jicople in lliete new Terrilorim re. quirn boarding nchoolt where Ihe exprn. ta ( euppurliug their children ihall be nuiicrially rrduird, aud llilt meetiiig ri. gxrd wiib etpecial fmnr llm fealurca ofi garil wiiii especial imnr inn leaiurctoii W crnlemptnled institution, which make It partially at east n si f.tupi.irling . ' . . .... .' . " ,1 n arlf.tiiiiporling school, as calculated tn bring up the lm)i In habits of induilry and ecoi.niny, and nnal IV llie ni Intake f-aro of and pnniilo, J .. . . . .. fa (liisiiiuaal una ajtiil HiArrt et tut I it 1 1 (.' Hm thereby bringing llie odt uiitagri of a goml . . r. " . . . .lucalmu within Ihe rruli of llio iiulm iiunua poor. ' lleiohcl. That in order lo obtain in adeiiunle tupply of inlniMert Tar lliete ex irnsiio lor llorict, wo mutt turn nur views and rllnrtt lo candidates lur thu tncrnil ollirp nf ihn ministry taken from amongst nuneltct and tn bo educaled, and tfiereforo wn regard the etlahlith. limit or thn arhonl for the training nf our candidates, like that of rtaahnta in Wli consul, at llio Mine nlsro as llio literary 'seminary ahoio iiioulinued, lo bu iinHcr-l' Ihu ssmo liaulura, though in a separate department, at of the greatest Importance in the progress or our church In these aVrritnriea, and the supply or the spiritu al wants or Iho Inhabitants. iVrsiiiW, That in view of tho recently n an eudowment nf the contemplated Seminary, an earnest appeal In this be half be madn to Hplscopalinns and the friends of religion and learning general, ly, both hero ami in (ho Atlantic States, ami that iho present committee, wllli such additional members as may bo appointed, he authorized lo present tho claims nf the Seminary before the church and lha pub. lie, wilh powor lo appoint agenta for tho collection of Hindi, io lelect a location and obtain lands for said school by dona, lien or purchase, and alto to call any future meetings thoy may daem nrcea. tary for the promotion or this object. The following were thereupon added to ttld oommlttee, vix : Itev. Jno. MoCarty, Rev. Jas. A. Wood, ward, Messrs. Albert Royce, K. M. liar num, aud Jno., M. Ureok, On mollon, ordered that Ihe next annual meeting of this Counoil shall be hald at Portland on Ihe first Wednesday of June, 1804, le Whloh all the members and friends of lha church are affectionately invited to attend. Oq molloafcydcrod that a ropy oflhcto prooetdlngiatt Irantmittod by tho Secre tary to tha Committee of Domettlo Mil. iton i of tht Church, and that roplts or hM im, irb. thai portion rvletittg to llm Missionary . IJItnop lie. irantrnilirn io in rrr.ming llithnp, ami llio rrealilmt ol mo uianrai anil Lay IJrnulim ur llio nut lienors! Convention. fin nwitlnii. orileml mat tliu (Jrciion . Huiman. Orpuon .Sp'cUlnr, Orcfffnian,' iiirrmy i inirv. mi'i ivniiin'iiif un if. I 11.. .1.1.. ...J r..l..l.t... I.. . i'i.. .....i.nn ii.o,. il,i,iu,i.l ii.niitiml kiflicra of ilctuti'iu being read, and the 'benediction rrnnounretl JNO. McTAllTV, CA'ms. It Hamilton, .Vrr'e. 1'rota WMaklMglaai. The Hepiibllo'ilioiiiecorrep"tidoin fur. iiMiea whal fullnwa : ...i FfAkil.ai Wia.V in, liut In .... ..... .. ..(i. ...jV. ...... ..,,..- ' - - "r-i. . - .. t . .7- : v have "mutlo frmn Florida, and Uncle s"" mu' )'" I'1'- Th people of "'at wrereign Slate hae inmlo up Ibelr "' " C rid nf iho Indiana rrmainlng '". at Mlialrter h.iard lliottarlie. Iiarlinetit hero lalaiili-nurn out in lit con. ' . . i .. r.i.i.. .... !L .. I-'"""' "'" "'') i. u., " ' "ir cuniiing or iho iirgro Abra. ham. ami are, I fane), glad Io have I londa '' ' J "'f "'" hndt- , '"" ' opinion of ihote brtt ii.rorinrd .1.. ll... I.M.I.I...... I..... I .......I.ab. 1.HK ' !" l,,,,, ii'iir mr imi miiit: i-iii- "unurni ano iwemy warnora. l' AIM'S nn Tltc I'rNam.t ()rrt r The lullierln reapeclable lawjer or 3 raruw, ' No Vork, who wn rrrrnlly arrcHed for nimlnii riiilAn tinttm. it anitrarv mi if. i"'p- ,--,---.-.-,, - - -.---... .... ..... .., ... ........,, ler "inline ine irroaun nune ninnraur, nn- wnun- ainouiu iumii io i- mm in-n Ihe catoiml elceedmg 10. Waller Tay. Iir, now being irird al HnrlforJ, Connec. I licul, for a aimllar olVrnie, hat five indict. , metilt lunging ner him. on all of which, m.- . .-i,.i.' ..m. ... ...mi,,. .-,,.1 i.ivm.n .1.. ii....!ah It....... Mt..lt.'...ilu ..T...I.I. to coiuirl him, tending him to thn peni. Icnlury fnr llio real ol hit life, lie had lliut exlraclej aomo )n,00(l from the Irraiurv whrn hiaajtlrm waa dlicovered, an I haiimilarpaprlnothercaaepcnd. mg. which, had they paaird without the teiutiny they rccciied, would have en. .11.1 I I. .1.. .. -r . amtu uiui i iw ins gniciniuviii an aggregate ol Vl!0,UIHi. Tnr.KLnnCosraicT. Lellcri were to. a a t mm at . 1 . I ( the laat arrival from Meilco. tayinp that Santa Anna, .nc reauming power, htJ forma My declarH hia approbation of the Sloa Tehuantppeo treat v. rcccrltn the , S50.O0H monthlv navment umlrr the coo. irart with Hloo which fell due auUtquent in hii re. elevation to the I'rea.denrv or . Diotatorahin. ' j H( 1V,V. n Tr PjirtnC. The follow. ina --.... 0ir.cpri iai- brn orderrtl unon ."..'-.. ... .. ll.e Pacific Railroad Surveying Ktpcdi lion, toon to Marl out tinder the command or (Sot Htovent, ; 'apt i W T ISiBmtia.Cirat dragoan. Iln-al llapl. II W McClilum, rnguir.ii hond l.nt A.J ItotKIAii.eB.inirr hrriKid Unit K Hiiton, fourth arlillrrj S.roa.1 ltiu. J, K IHactt, third arlillary. Srruud l.rul II III lliaat, Hold llllll'l) Hrrond tJ.nt (' flaoot, fnunh artdl. ry llitiel Vil I. ml. J MlLtoa.jrfiM artillrry Sravm ron the Hoai ToTiiuPtcinc. rk.ful.... 'P.lk.... .r.l.. mil. ..... " "'n' "i"' " ' .", Capl. Cunnimn it now in thia city on hit' way In take charge oi the surveying par. t .L. v...... ill. -tr.. II.SI.....I II wv M lake charge of lha surveying par. ly the Lenlral raciRo Kail road lloute. In the sen Ire of tho government, C'upt. . ' nf Iho Mitiiaiiippi. 'He iprnt one winter "as noroinurt irarrrwsi inn rnuiiiry nr.i .r .i.. sit ..!..! 'it. .. ... ..!.... in tho (treat llttiii, and explnreil the coun. .... .I.......I i.. . . ,1... tn. ...... .. .u. i try lhorourJ.lv from Ihe Mittoun to the iry iiioiuuriny ironi inv ii.tn first hilU wett of ihe Salt I.nko. A. W. Ttnkham, Ktq lam or Wash. union, naated throuoh iho cilv eaterdav for Mi. Paul, lo min liov. Slovens' turvev. iug party or the Northern Route lo the Panne. Mr. T. has been associated with (lev. Sletrnt for eleven years nt a Civil Knglnrec. Vat (lot. Stctens' party 10,(100 has been ii Varan of thn 81.10.000 annrnnri-, . atoi. I -Voiigrou for all siirve) h. At'sTtlA ami Kim-ANn. Tho London oorreepontlent of tho lloston Post gi.-. aomd sampios oi signs oi in it-ouug, wnicn are observable In Austria against I'ng land. Thus: The Irritation or Atulrla towards Knglaml It tint diminishing. Her newsiiapera are full of predictions of the certain and speedy fall of Ihe Uritith powor. Kugland, say thny, la treading the revolutionary path and rushing mad ly to her ruin. If any foreign newspaper ventures toqueslion tho inralibility or Aus trian statetmon, or lo blame any parliou larly violent met tu ret, Iho police, for warned by tho clectrio wire, waylays llie number containing tho article, and il Is unceremoniously " burktd." And yet this tame police permits tho most violent at. Iscks unon older countries, l'or Intltnce, on the 10th March, at a great spectacle of target shooting, there wore intortbed on one of the targets aa follows : O Eng. land, hell-brand, rtlrtat for mmtn. Mow It in vlecet. the inftrnal ncil. tki .lye for all rohber " The bull's eyr of the second targtt wat representee uy tno nrii. ish arms, with Iho motto" lie JktU hai a ton, mrcty 'lira Lard Palmtrtlon." Oxosa Aausi. Tho following outrage, oua slandtr wat perpetrated by the Pitta burgh Journal I Said a heavy tided but clear headed old Oonnan, a Democrallo member of (hr Legislature" Leas, da publio works and past dlt Main Liquor Law, and I wouldn't give a d n for the Democratic parly I" is AND TROrWETOR- . - o-l sji-a NO. 27. I Alill slle Ce rrat ir i" ,, . -- - . iiriegtirs in ina von.riiii.-iii.. uu. ..i ift aimicimi..:r "i uw iiimr, nwi nn. ford on 1 hurtday. llio t-aarow oi in assemDtoKO may uo partly loailicu imm lellar In llio I nbiino, which aaya. " Tin amWy waa not numcrout. Therffworo not an many trni aa would JorJInarlly U Pund nt a morning Math. -...-.,. II Tit kjimliK oJlat olaM.meellne In a country rlllage 7, "i :i lT. I iiecoucourio waaiiawnrrriiTiuiii'yiiirvr t being a ani Inkling of blacka, peraonawftb umhorn btarda, women ef a very quir tar.of.B.aV.lariih air, and men of longiof md enthutlatlle aapatU. Thar war theaa who aeenied to be mMttotM Io play lha Cliilat of the mofomenl, In ao far aa it could be dona by parting their hair sai tlelt fijaaheadi, ar4 lrlfItaM.hBW4 hind, and wearing hearth to aaaioh.'?" The llluinlnall wlioenllghUnedthCa. venlion with their argument! war Datle hlmtelfi a "burlv fellow." who denoun. vi hi Ci ai crd the aprrrh at irtmm ; If. C. Wright, l ...".. i itl i u.m .. . anii.tiarrry leoiurcr, n ..i..ui...n..n ; and the next day lhay were reinforced by Win. Loyl 0rfi' Ir,k,r W"Jury, and olhen; and Mr. Oarrlion Imroduead , the following reaolullona, whloh eontalo .1 I . . tt.m b !. Lah Ebb nntninjr moro llln no no miai mn year) reapeeilM Hie mole, mil aro wonnjr of record at Iho P"nl limo: Kfoltcd, rhaUhedocllineorthoArnerl. can Church and rrieathood.lliat lha UiW it the ii ord of fjod, that whatcrer it coo. . .... mmiA im "o ;.. w...m ...-,......., . r. m -,'. .............. -..v .-..-. ...... .f , tioe, la aeir.evldently abturd, exceedingly injurioua both l the Intellect ami aoul, highly nernicioua i;. Ita applicallon, aod a numb Ingblock in Ihe way ol Human ....-...,..... t ' mliimnllfiii. . iraorrn, i uai ima oocinns I"T been held at a potent wrapon in tho handa of time aervlng commeniatora M4 detlgning prieata to beat down ilho riehtf I fpj'il of rellglout liberty, and ditcourago j icieniltic developmenl, to nbeerte loo in. tereita or blind guidcaand ralea leachera, I ....I ia nil .11 Ali.t.l.mlAm arllh MAnllll Maa -.....-....-.. ......... -.... ..... and ttrifo : and therefore tha time ha come to declare Ita unlrulhfulneta and lo unmnk thoee who are guilty of thle Im pott u re. lUtOi'tri, That the " Word of God" U net bound either within Iho I Hi of any book or by e'cclriiailicat edict, hat. Ilki ita Divine author, waa before all books and la every where preetnt, and free erlattlrrg lo everlaiiipg, aver enunclaJlag the tame law and requiring the eame oho. dirnce, being quick and powerful, and harper than any two edged iword,tko lliblr Itself being witnou. lUtolrnl, That it it a secondary que, tion at In when, where, or by whom lh book i nf ihe Old and N'rw Testament wern written; but Ihn primary and all. important question it, what do they leach and eouimahd ; and in order to aa. cortiin tlila they are to be freely examin ed, and at readily accepted or i:!jced aa any oihor Sookt, according aa they aro found worthiest or valuable. ' Rttolrti, Thai it ia the c'lmax of au. ilarilv and tmniolv fnr ihi. nallnn Ia rw. - ,,,."' . , . T Ti. V . ceive llio Dible aa Ihe Inspired Wold of uou, ano inen io mso ii peuai tooihw I In all. Il la im' nt lha million, whn in held at chattel 'slaves on this soil; ihua conspiring to mako them miserable bora) aud hereafter. UetotrtJ, That judging ihcm by their courao of action towarda all the reform. or the age, and their position in society, the clergy of Ihls country as a body would at readily burn the Bible, ln.morrow If I public aenllment demanded it, and pel cullon and loss of character should be lha result of disobedience, aa to-day thoy are I found earnest in their endorsement of the plenary inspiration oi mat ooou in sroora- lance with publio sentiment. Mr. (larrismi was to take the floor in support of his resolves ; but tire fact that this lonir. heralded niectinir waa wmcifti. Iv attended ia sufficiont to show that what. ever he may say Is nol likely lo create a alroje additional toonito Potion O A tniegraphlc despaieh from Hartford statees that this Anti-Bible Convention "liroko up in a row" on Sunday nlgbt. Its limo oo Saturday was occupied in a ilisoustion with some second advenlittt or Milleriies, who proposed to onset the wle dom ol Iheir doctrines against the aanlty and soundness of the Anti-Bibe men. The two seels cot Id not agree, for each waa too crazy for the other to oompr Send il. None of tho above resolutions were pass etl.Nat. Inlelligtnctr. (&" Crying children in church are usu ally considered as nuisances, and takes out, but this Is not always Iho case, aa tha following anitodete from Ihe Ladiea Re. pottlory for April will show t 11 A brother jutt relumed from CaHfbt. nla save he waa present In the oengreM. lion or brother Owen, when a babe In the armt of lit mother began lo ory. Ataiaf' ao unusual In California attracted art a little attention, and ihe mother rose to tn lira. 'Don't leave,' aald tba preacher, tha sound of that babe's -reiea ia more Interesting to man v In thla tMttntptloe. than my own. It is, rlape,'tne aweel. est muslo many a maa'aat htai, alaae" a long time ago, ha took UT of hie die tanlhome.' leetwttxMhwUataiMaM and powerful, and a !arifrtlon of tba congregation me i teg mm wars'.'