Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, February 24, 1852, Image 2

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yc,cdd), I'll take. Vm ott-I'll lake 'cm
rT-.i..det. I will."
JesJediah. as trood as hit word, hel'rr
its Bloomer reached the drtr.aiiig.rvom,
had pulled out tho best bureau diawcr,
and commenced ransacking its contents,
Tha linen and hosiery 0-11 in a shower on
lb floor.
"Oil don't, JeuM), don't: mikI III never1
hj a Bloomer gin'." imploringly scream-
a ntajwilc, wiping t" cold perspiration
ni nerface, and sink!
6 m:
Yemi'ro iutr vrou'll never p it them i
flap-jacks otfypur legs a'lnt"
"At Iru e veou're name's lietscv 'Me
lts. Doughkln:"
'Then! wont take our rod shawl. Pf"" "' ," ".,.. 7.7'
abtl yeour blue gown, nor the Sunday I'1'0 "P" nJ n,Krm "lic" r ,he
fan, andrido straddle Into town on the .Constitution. This disobedience, on the
gray mart." I part of a few.wr are happy to say, produ.
"No, no don't;" .he hlublxred. jeed no unnecessary alarm in the public
" Ana Lthan half an hour, though ' mlnJ; 'llho"8h 'hn f"mn, " ,0 ,n.un
Ml. Rhmy Tut told her.ho waa " precedentcd pitch, and the representative
toalshln' waak woman," "Mrs. Doughkins of the people prcdii trd that Ihe most dire
saWsl the costume, and resumed the good consequence would Inevitably befall the
Mlr,,,0f 7ueryLJ"l,iff'Tch ,9 .""(country. Disunion waa to have taken
JrMlooktd .Mack at thesi.i.or..troked
' baaver, and vowed, that after
4 dooe. he waa ths4"condrnost
L.ratur alive, If pesple woutd'nl
iwllawith new notion. "
'. ,,
ince .7-
tab i
I almost needles to say
iiah Doughklu has never
leaaptad a iiioomer.
fftKIT CtaT aD Tom Marsiiill
A af reapondent ol the Lrouuviiic.ouriui,
wrlliog rornl'-ranS.fort, give, the follow.
if fraphlo deacription oflhemeeling and.
neoMillatlon be'ween Henrv CIa and '
Tata Uarahall, the twogreatKentuckiani.
bo have long been estranged. The letter
if: i . , i ,t i
....?"" 7 .'. . .. ,"ru .?:.'"'
vouio ooaerve inoai inings 01 inieresi, ami
tree and
a tall
fill cnuntrvinen to Wie seat from which he
Oft arc, and with more than Tullj'a
Wkottwcd the effect ofhis reenc before
bavaateoneonraiiof Kenluckv'a eoncrrn.
fataal Intellect and beauty, would have
Mi an enemy admire and drop I he hate
I a a tear ahed there then. A manlhoun. or a Uemorij tve do net mean in ,
whoa Kentucky too hath loved, though ho
wetea prodigal son and left the heanh
atooa of hia p.lllical father, wasseensilt.
lag at a dlsiancc watching with nervous
Irritability and eicitem.nl Tthe noh,l,ty of
mil prevented to hi mind by the great
bolore him. Well niisbi he
v looked upon him. The twocreat in-
.tt . e .... ?.. .. 1. '. 1 1
..va,.OI our ., l.uKi rair.nKr,,
him well and long, a man to whom my
oountrmen hate liaterrd with uonder.
ful amazement, aa his eye was kindled b
if!!.?. L 1 ?.W"C -!VPm,!''!n,. .".'.
purpoacd time and again; he finally arete
from hi sett under llie influence ol the
aw a wot aii incu aiiaaL ui-'iiisii iii virami uiaaiii
tan thousand thoughts revolving in hi
awn great mino, ami in ironi 01 inai an.
.I.... ..!.. a r tl., M.I .k.-L.
MI.U.B ailUIINIUI III ..... via. mi.'. iivj.
by the hand as his friend-Tl.omis V.
Marshall. I
wnat a scene Tor rcllection was there
In. m.r. 1. uknn. nnliira 1u.L nA sail,.
the man to whom nature looked aside
fitting one to commune in a dissolving
a, (. a - a.
hour wh our ercat son. was fiun? him-
aelfagaln in the heart of the great man,
too ciou snan inn upon mm. mess inee,
Marshall! You belong to us again, and
when a nation ahall ruin rn ihe tliaih of
Clay, thy longue shall speak dreadtd mun
cdy;li the only one fitted 10 makeiore
tearafall. When he isnone we will look
10 thee as ono worldvofour admiration
that kindofajmirstioii .Mr Clay alnno
call forth.
Otvam, I'di 3 'oi
Te Ecrroa ur .SrcctaToai
Our citiiens wricked on Charlutt's
Island, and there retained a pre'tv long
time, bate been ,,,a.td. nd are for...
. - "
SlKK rileblJXiswAv;:
" .
lor overy American, li ttasenly psyingj
intmiorinc irouui- nnu care uetnwen
uponhem after tho shipwreck. In fact
our Clintons have been always v.cll in at
ed bv llie Indians. Th"V nlwavs hnd
' of salmon and potatoes for fiol
ilia terminated tint unfortunate acci.
dent which dns lcni represented under a
ery sinister aspen fir want of informa
tion. So much fur the satage .ridc-i or
Queen Charlott' Mand '
We do not know how tho ulTnir at
Cape Flattery will be sel.lnl vvdern the
Indians saw a lup on ground, plunderi'd
ilia whoto cargo anl st fireioherP There
I talk ofa man of war going to punMi the
atuiltv tribe A
A OlANT The Ohiu Slate Journal,
yivc.an.crrm.nto. a ...gr ,,nc..u-i oi
Unt and onooflhe greaievt living curies
IiLm extant. He stand about eight feel I
high, weighing four hundred po'indt. wild
good prorations, and jet h' i a beardl. ss I
tytf&i '$:', ';:'.;!
.hU.udiupe.roni permuted to grow.
(ftT Circnmnnce which n wrrn un
able to control, prevented us from iasuing
aWnertatt neck. W shall endeavor
1 prevent a imr unur again
(SDtcgon Spectator.
Tmtday.prtratrya, IM.
. J !M'h nrblr. KstUor.
Ambition JiiMly Krs.n.rJcl. 1
During tne past two car great ..
clten.cnt ha prevailed in the National
,-, .I...CI. .. it. ,,i.ii,. ...,,.l i,v
PU' Constitution was to have been
amended there were eceioniite and
tiallifyer Inie Soaith I hate war "higbi
rr law men and diunioniats in tne norm
the houour on both tide would have1
fi rroduced revolution and diacerdj but '
Y, .......
the public pulae continued to beat with a
healthy itroke,
, ami the destruction!!
;loiioudy defeated in their
were alt nmt gloi
,t.0ni vie are never troubled with iheie vile cpl. I
' d d ,het. that none but a hitrt,rnl f.W. or an
iiit.ii.w... iu,. k , .ignorant than who kuow no belter, could
a traitor ahould unlvcraally depied.UM. I
JolmC. Calhoun spent a good part of his
,fcin the cauw of nullification, and a).
tlouehaman oftowennggeniu, hiaover-
.n.h.i.nn inmnired hia uaefutnes and
grestly circumvcnld hia inlluence. T.
..1 .k. i.i .i 1....1..1 .n. A.ro.li. In
, , bu ni, mtnnXiVer
a bw .pparent 10 be brooked by a con.1
S l,n nnLlir.. Ilia nolnleal dealh waa,
,elfj by his own acts and deservedly too.
. Q A ,j c,, I
' mental capacit) j but have wo any arnbi.
Uious apirnts io the political field, whose
I ,.. .... jvo ,nc ,ie 0 ,M ,h,if r0Ttntr
1 , . , . ....
Ptiora, ' "ho ' nothing more
than a bundle of incviiatrnciesf Do
ihey need to bo pointed out? Cannot the
r.a.l.r .. nn,. utih n .mnliaiin
-- " r
an.J ,, ntctutry t0 My
to Ju,lKe IT.... thou an th. man? A no.
lineal Judas most surely, who would lain
darter awat the test interests ofhis coun-,
lr. to cnal,e dim lo ride into power! A
m.n.ded eirort surely. What would'
the r
public Ihinkofusif wo were toavo-
inour nest numbr that tve hivo become
a rank abolitionist Would not the pen.
DIo think lha. our natt course branded the
""vcnlcni " lal" on!' ,nu ,n" Kmf'
sinister motive caused (he mdoVn change 1
. ....
in our principles tvnul.1 1. not do right
., . I. ... ..... . -l-t.. 1.
fjr them to do so)
.viosi cenain.y i.
I1UUIU iUn niiat S, I WVUiy a M'Kv I n.ala ak
.. . ".make one
.'rail eapect than that the people "hould,.,.
-" "'" " Mi,,c.a.i m ..,, ,... ,
r) to public opinion, by emp'o) ing all j
Uni0, b.l.traps w cheat il. i
, , , . '
The way of the transgressor I hard.ao
likewise ihe way of .lie political cheat,
wluse motivesarcof hellish darkness.
"He that soweth tares shall reap eorrup-i
tion." Judge Pratt has been sowing tare, 1
for whieda frtlitical death awaits htm. I
His course would damn any man. It isl
iraugni wiiiiciemenis oi us own oesiruc-
tiurj. ., r? i a.ciiG.cr bl'oii .i.i...iiir ai.o
We havcnever seen anything else,
- J
o. sud, baseness Our prayer l.d
..... .
- 'we mil cter pray," that jim.im .ray be
awarded to all such Political manoitfarer.
K , 7
Tor a month past wo have, enjoyed the
most delightful weather, Iho'sun shining
out the greater part of tho time,
mild has tho weather been that the buds
hnvi, swollen, and some of thn forest
huvlica arn Actually leaving out, This
winter dan den remarkably mild, and at
this lime. I'eli. '.'1st, vegetation generally
" ' forward ai at tlio first of April, last
tear. We have seen delicate (lowers, the
growth of the laul month. Pcrvjin hv
lnj, uperniiccd lh diilling wind of llli
, d Wisconsin, know bow to
"pprerlate our climate.
(ytr Wo lea.u tdal Juixjk Nruox, al
,lr r8(.iel ,licilalio.i ofa numbor of the
r h t,hc,d
Contemplatrd resignation. Wa may
there tore exptct that his nutle a the
Judge uf llio second district will bo dls
charged by him. The court in Ibis
county commences nn the firrt Monday
of Maul, iivtt.
1 The Sultman fear that hn " fodsrall
, hoard" la going In take charge af the
Sptetatw. It Illy become that paper to br devils, in their Pandemonium lialli,
speak In advance for us, when il knuck- could have dcvld a morn aure plan to
lea to t'10 "one.man. poer" to a moat upsot the peace and harmony of this
ahameful patent. A few weeka ago we country, than did the Salem meeting in
recognized hum four or Ave column, of. fasalng a bill to change the Judicial dia.
what purported to bo editorial, aa thsf trlclt. Ilapeara at though thy,&eiit all
writing of a cerlain Immaculate aaaoeJ their winds In Ihi end. Net content to
ate, the head and front of tho IranacwMjooStio iliemsolvcs to their legitimate
dental diquc. Tho following hit from I
im IhaaSpfuJ
Indiana MadiHmia it aoannropoato the
coan of our "''H"1" "' ,h ,'"'"i',n
of this article, that we transfer it to our
column, lor tne special uenent oi ine
.t.ormou paper, me oiaiesinan ;
We are not o ttfut and demagoguical
aa to be Kartd at the courae and ungen.
llemauly charge of being under the Influ
ence of leader. The guilty creature,
who la ever willing to barter h!nielf for
money, la generally loudetl in proclUming
luv own Independence, and alwayt wrilhra
at the charge. The humbug cry of the
freeoom of the prea aauiled in a counliy
like Ihit, where, even the fool know, that
the Uovernment ltlf cannot biidle the
free eireion of opinion, or iiiterfea
with any man right to prim and
tUh a paper. U another dap IcaaaM
to by ihoee iiibeervlent knavea to gull
Ignorant, and frighten children and the c
iwhiuVj we may chance to have, among I Aa he w
calling Ihemael.e. .ea. The , M
atale and aillv cnoa are the never failing, '7
llgn, of , w-k ,nd inlb,cl,a ,,,,, 0"r lKa.i.
,tni, i ence tho drmaqogut upon llielrjT. I, aadjnaW.ih.it leaih.wnhenlieotpaina
utterer. Wilh an approving conaoience, ,'lhfr'mchaiic rum.eouUI pa
v e are never troubled with iheie vile cpl.
(T Publiu rmeling are being held in ,
vanou part ol the Territory, approving
and disaprrovinu ofJudse Pratt's agency
.'. , , . . .
'in bringing about the ronfuaion that eslst
lnni.elf. II. 1. the head and front of the
transcendcntalials, wilh the Sbtltiman Cor
ber t thn Council for his left, the man ,
who father thn Judge' memorial IB Con-
grM the man who stultified himself be.
rore hisconslilueoU. A. to tho monton-
al of Mr. Deady we hate nothing to aay
of the subject matter; but the spirit of it
i malicious, and the atvle of bar.room
eoaraenes. When peop.-y pray and "ev
er pray," they ought certainly te be a lit
tle more bumble and exhibit a tittle more
generosity and honesty of purpose than Is
embodied in il. It la full of pastloo bit
ter invective and coarse pertonalilir
more becoming ... enraged and rio.ou.
populace than a Itfritlalirt body. If the
grievances complained of aro so apparent
and necessary, why not treat them can.
d.dly. decently and fairly. wUhout letting
..,... ,. . . ... .
me leenng...... o.cia.en it run no, am. ,
commit ll manner ol indiscretions; which '
hve embodied tho whole affair with the
element of Its own defeat. 1
The .S.ermm i.-laim great power or
. . , , . ,,., , , k .,,. .,,
s mln tot ,h, crisis, ntl whero
eri,. ., ..,. lh, ... ln,
dividual to
is wan ng the very imnviouai o
me. We agree with that paper in
j that l. has made a crisis, and one '
(w M nM ffr.troyrd ,u future pro.
it ha rfrnli
. Wo .dniit
, .. ,',, ,. oat
,M't" m our
but we are deli
t that wo have been bad.
estimate of Judge P.,
etermined not lo "stay
fooled" and follow him in his Iniquitous
course. Our lilllo service shall be ren.
Jercd very willingly to the pulling down
of all inch humbuggera of people'a righta
and opinion. Ilia organ, the Statesman,
wiU-fini) it necessary lo abandon him be-
Mre six months shall have passed awav.
Or A large meeting was recently held
PoMi.nl.o ,d. Into consideration the
-..l -Tti.- U.!I Ul..n..l,:h,nr.i.ai.u'.
rrnrataiw ma nan uiaaonmow,,!,.!!, .
neau tjuaner iromsnas piase uown 1001,
Helens, on the Columbia. It was resolv
ed by I ho citizen uf the former place,
(bat they will, for tho future, in no way
patronize tho vessels belonging lo that
eLcompny. A large amount ol indigna.
lion was spent on the-ccasion, which win,
no doubt, effnet but little llie determina
tion of the company; which Is to much of
a monopoly that it generally managos it
business to suit its own iinmediato inter
ests. Crir The Jas. P. Flint has becomo a
regular picket between this city and Port
land. This addition ha been much nee
ded of latp. A large amount of freight
has collected on both sides of the river and
is awaiting sdipmonl. Large quantities
of grain, principally oata, sonio wheal,
havo boen purohoVcd by Californiao fur
that market. Wn Warn that a great deal
of the oats ia intended for seed. There
is quilo a demand for onions. Potatoea
nre not inquired for.
(fir When our paper went lo press the
malt from the S'.at" had not arrived.
A Ciumok in nia Jcpicul liieTaicT.
1 It la extremely doubtful whether a el
Ire of endeavoring to utrengthen and
harmonize the diicordant feeling of all
narltra iIimv il,al ti.n.kr ll,l liri,-lirA,itl
I--- ", ''.- - - - --
Into tho peaceful boaom of the Territory
in order to aet hrolhor agauiWbrotlier and
on againit father. In thi act ue clear-
ly aee I ho finger of that ml geimi ol
whatever clime he la in I). C. I'ratl
The following li descriptive of that Indi
vidual toliliquimg to himtelf than
which a truer picture nrter wav written:
Ye rwen uf rtI auoia (tur.1 an demon !!,
To f uide my OliaJ, my futilMf m Id ilrleiMl
While I hall tread th Jmhhm dtmbiful roaJ.
i-That lead im la that hleaej ilrainl alaale,
Of laatina: fame and Mml df lightlnf tml,
Whr I in viMon Itavo w oVn al.hl
Ak t Wvuld thai fuardiaa power hel de gn In (rani,
Tti kaw br whkh my aoul dolh hetuljr pant.
iw , Mjari "
I aaMei
iiaeilaw me t tod and ham.
Te min(Unf ilh a vulvar erewd of foota.
Aa,! oj-eraiina; rw auen eiumay Imu,
Aa lit aupme aa dull around my ahoui
woul l ma feua lha course ol ualura Mufi
ahart hour.and lathe dread til ihro,
nature, hotl the euroed oliifa below,
I J a, ..-, ...r. uv...- .
J ', r"T
"-. ' - " - , ---a
411a with dainnad hir. hrlow
The naticalion alwte ami l-low the
fallaaiill coniinuea iroml. Water I nlm-1
, I1M. il,. .i..l..i l,.r. .nv. ihor.,
.11 . .. ..i.. .1. k,,.. .r.
t nothing lo spare, wiieti tne Doan are
. nn mi.uir., 1. i..i.,..
i'.K the mines paae up tho Wtllammel
Vklley. The aiapl. article f lranpnrl
We Hunk the water musi be bad to nel
o much ll'juor to qualify It
EtiRATa. In the Surveyor t.eneral'
letter published in our paper of the 10th
inst., in the third paragraph from the top,
a. . in the sixth line, which reads "intro
duction," should be read MhtrjaVlion,"
Latter froa lata niMra.-DlfllcaUr
wilk the latstlas.
sjt'e are under obligation m Crouch At
Co' Kipresafor the following letter from
Shasta Oute City:
Shasta HcTiCirr. )
California, Jan. 2
I, If.V-' S
To KiJiron or Srscraroa
.Sir An event ha occurred
III tin
VICIIIIIV Wlllfll alillUIJ lit 111,1111 known IU
, ,r,.Mm,.
,.,., ., ,,., 1..,. order.
Mor i, mipuUtions uf the Treaty made
wild the Indians in tins eeti.ni ol tho
country, lournay rely upon the relation
of facia which follow as being authentic.
They are from an individual who has nc
i trd a prominent part in the latter part of
I'" proceedings. The facts are ihea'-
s,nJ ",, ,, ,,.,, nf .
Klamath tribe visited Humbug Creek and j
were on their return on Monday, win n a"
I ........ r . i e..llu..l .,. .... k.
creek as far as I'rrn Tovwi. I'iiuling the linn, mid .he provisions of .Ins Inw.lhere
Indiana in a Ten pin Alley, Ihey rraii. shall Ih., and hereby h. granted llie pun I
inericed an altatk upon Idem by anappinjjty-nf'nTic''iiarier si-ctl n, oronehiindrid
two caps of a revolver at thcinvThe and aisly acres of land, if inglo nun;
Indiana ran. and as they vvern tonniiig a "r ll innrrird, or if ho shall beiiiiin' innr
man named 'llowc,' from Oregon, shot a
named ' Howe, from Oregon, shot a
al one the hall entering tlie lly
-r llie right nipple, passing through i
chest, came out under the left one '
the rliesl
killing hirn almost intuiitly. Da. Iitox
aibi waasent for but arritrd loolatt: in hu
"" uanairc" "" in'ii.us lieu io inn
l.iuuiiiai.ia, ,iu, .lie, . tiiir renirnri, ,
when, in order in apprasi Ihem for a time,
six blankets were given them by the mi
ners. A meeting of tin- miners wan con
vened, at which it wa resnlvtd to arreat
the perpetrator of tin- nut rage. Two of
th parly are now in custody, but the
principal offender llowc- is xtill at
large, but a ioinmil.ee aro In search fur
him. A messenger ws despatched fur
Mr. MiKce. tho Indian A gen I, to meet the
Indians al Free Town lo day, for the pur
poso of nettling ll.e affair amicably if pos
sible Mr. MtKin hs not rrl ved aa yet.
The eixi'iteiiinnt among the beiivr think
ing portion of tho miner Injgtense. A
description of iTio man who ha thus in all
probability, (by his rashness,) brought on
another Indian wlr, may be of sorvioe.
Howe Is about A del 4 Inches high, thick
aet, aandy ccmpltolion hi eye hava tho
appearance of having been tore for ume
fiod grant that the spirit of retaliation
mav be allayed in the Indian, (or tho aake
of those nf our fellow uitirona what are
now on tho Klamath projecting.
Mining in thla region I quite good on
an average Thn men on Humbug are
making 10 to 54 dollar per day to llie
hand. Nothing more of Importance.
I foreol to mention lhat the nrovoca.
lion alleged waa that thn Indian had alo.
ten tome few artlcleaof lilllo or no value,
Your Iruely,
The t.MHl I.Ntv.
n'-A. ,1..,,. i,. I--., ...,. .....,ri.
p ,.- ...v,.i a.a.u ww.. ...m.j ., .'..,.
i f i . r . . i i.. . .i..
mnup ui ihi luruur ,), vuniaui,,, inn
Land l.aw,tt re-publitli iuuh part nfll
at intureat the settlor.
Sac. 4. And If it further enttctnl. That
there nhall Ik, and fir roll) H, granted In
every white Miller or occupant of tho puh
llu land, American hall. breed Indiana in
cluded, above the ago of eighteen year,
being a ritiaen of the Unilwl tHalee, or
having made a declaration aeroiding to
i law, of hi Intention to become a oilUen,
1 or who thill make auoh declaration on or
oeiorn ine nri tiny oi irrcemiier, emu
lee,, hundred ...d llltv.oi.e. now ,e.i,l,n,
in ald Torrllory, or ln ahall In-iume a
reaidenl thereof on or before the llrat ila)
, of December, eighteen hundred and fill)
apd who almll have rended iimiii mdcul
tivated the aanie fur fjiir tiinatciilnc
year, and ahall otherwiaii i-unfurm In the
univiaiunanf thla ail. lire iiiMutitvol one
iialT aeelinn, or llirro liuinlic.1 ami tweiit) , "
l tr. itf lai.,1. if n ailmttf mill, and if a i .
it.arn.-fl ii,n rtv if lir. alialt Im-i-h,,!.. (liar
-,,- ..- ..-...-'. -. ....
''"".e'Tirl-lher '"'" appointed Ly law for that
from ih. I.r.t day of .,.l i.Vuro rllfc! a under aneh
hundred and 1'. the I',,,,,',,,, , ..,, be preacrlb
rird within one year fi
ManaililuB aalaalilautaa tltt
...vt..-.,..-.h.... .--..- ...-,
lorty acre, on. half to birnaetr and the
other half w i bla i fej o bo held bv her in
.hall dealgna.e the part enuring .. the
huilnd and that to the wife, and enter
theumeonthe reeo.ila of luaoflioti; audi
in all caaea where audi married per.n.i,.i( ,,,,, r,j no , ,)rLUOn
have complied ml h the pmvi.iona .,f Una , , ,, , r.,f ,,, u'j ,
-I ...... ..I... I u 1. ...!. .....Ir .1... I.,..
IrU.P iiii,iunti . ,.,.. . ,..,u, , i" ,,.'
rroviamual iiovrrnmi'iil oi ureinii, m
aii.ee, and either ahall have died bef.re
p.teni iue. tic aurtlvor ami . hildren
or heir, uf the d.ccaaed. a'l.ll be .ntit id
(Alii a.lara Pi tr laitatraaa.1 ial III. aIa.Vral ll til
to the aharo or iutereai ul llin dec-aaid in
Initial nroiHtriioua. rtcint where the An
rce,.,) Illll ntlierxi.r diai.e of u In
leaiament duly and properly evrriiteil ac
eordliiL.' lo the la w a i.l Irecon I'rvndr I
1 im n aura mai, ua rninini i. m
1 UnJ Rr.llri, il , .t lllltl ,, ,,,.,
That no alien ahall be .11tllle.lloap4l.nl,
prikiuce lo III wuri')nr liencral ol lire
,(, pa. a ten of llua a 1, ahall d Ik'T
Ins iialuralu.tiun almll U. c u..t, d il
.,,,.,,, ,,w or ,,,,., , ,.1,.,
1 hi whom, aa the caae mat br-, llie ! n'
hall isaiie- I'rondnl, further, I hat in
all 1 as-s provided for in this aeclun llie,
donation shall embrace the lunl aelnallv '
occupied and cultivated by tin .eliler
thereon: I'roriM. further. That all fu I
lure coMranin b) any -r"ii r p-nniv
entillcd lo tl.o In-nefu .if this art, jr the
ale of the land In which he nr lh--v nit)
be entitled under this act Ix'fi e henrthet
hate recelstd a patent therefor, -lull Ih
void: i'rornttd further, hoictt'r. 'I hat
tdia aection shall not he ciuvi'unl as
lo allow those dunning rights mid. r t!i I
trentj wild t.'reat llrilain r. lain.. 1.1 il.e
Dregon le-rilnry In tlauii bn.h under mn
(rant and the treaty, hul.nerelv "'""
Ihem tho elc 11 and confine thim lu a
inaic grant i unu.
Sil fi And U it further tmirteil, I hat
to alt w Int.. mul.' ulitiia il llie I ml' I
S-.tei. or t...rso, who .h.ll hate
llltil.' ,
Metlaiation of iiitenlh.n ." hecoiue ulIi
abotc .he npo of iweni) one ''
enii' !
tiand a-llluij in amd Teml"),
blwrru ih firat djv iif lleceiiider, etgh-
leeu hundred nml fi It v . and the firat day
of licembcr, eighlein hundred and fifiv
three; and lo all while male American
riliena, not deroin before protnled fur
Wc,inilll(j ,... j ,,,, ,rf ue. m
said Territory, and .. iilmg there Ik tw r. u
the times Utt a fun said, w d i hall in nth
. r ,. . . ,...., ,ti. uriih ihr. fnreefiitl M'C i
lied within ono vear fnnii the lime ol r-
lied within one year rmni tho nine ui t-
riving ni naid Territory, or wildln of'
) ear after deioming twenty-onn years nil
age as aforeaaid. thou tho quantity of one. j
'half neclii.ii, or three hundred and twenty
ni-ra. ,... half In lha llllsbaild Blld tllO nth
er halflo thn wife In her own right, tn be
denigualed bv the Surveyor tieneral as , ,.(, I(,rrvnliun the improvements of any
afuresald: I'rovided, alirayt, That no Urttler mid" previous tn the passage of
pelaou ahall evrr receivua patinl fur mure idmad, II shall in such case be thedulv
llianonn donnllon of laud in aulTerrito nf ,n Kecrnnry of War lorauaelhe vai
ry in hi or h'r own right: I'mndnl. Ilr f ,,,(, impiniementa to be asoerlatned
Thai n mineral lands shall be Incnled or
granted under Ihn provlalons l this aei.
Sr.c.fl. .-Ind bt if further enaelrd, That
within three nmnlha'afier the aiirvey has
been mado, or where thn aurve) ha been
ma-lo beloro the nelllcment comineneed,
then within three month from tho eoin.
menremenl nf atl'll aellleimnt, each nf
add settler shall notify the Surve)nr
(ioneral, lo bo appninlrd rnder this act, of
lh" precise tract or tracts claimed by ihem
respectively under this law, and in all ca
ses It shall bo In a compart form ; and
whern ll i praclirahlo o to do, ihe land
o claimed ahall be taken ns nearly ns
practicable by legal Niibditlslnns; but
whero thai cannot be done ll shall he Un
duly of ihn naldfliirteyortlcnoral losur.
vry and mark cadi claim will, the bound,
anea aa claimed, al thn request and e.
pene nf Ihe claimant ; the charge for tho
same in each case not lo esceed thn price
paid for aatrvnying tho public lands. The
Surveyor General ahall enter a descrip
tion of uoh claims In a bonk lo be kept by
him for thai purpeme, and note, tempora
rily, on the township plats, the trarl nr
tracts o designated, wltlnho boundarlcKS
and whenover a condic. of loundarlc shall
arise prior to Issuing the patent, tho aamo
ahall be datarmlaed bv this Surveyor Oen.
eralt ProvlM, That after thn first of
December nexl, all claim shall t liounil
liy limn I u til
iK rail and went and
north and aor'li .
( pnmtlrti furtkir.
a , , ,
I That after he aurvey i made, al
I tlalmi
lull be made in uouformll) to the lame,
nml In comparl lorm
.Sic. 7. Ami he it further tmitteJ, That
llhlii twelve iiimilh ullri llie aiirveya
have lieen made, or hIiihu llieeurvny ha
been iiiailn U'l'ciio I lie nellleintnt, lliU
wilhili twelve n ion I In friiin tho lime the
eitlement wit cumiiieiiued, each peraon
claiming a donation right under ihi act,
ilmll proie to the talliTiitlon ol the Hjr.
ve)nr lleneral, or of mioh mher officer
a mn) I apiolntril by law fur that pur
,' , , ., :, , , ....,
I " .".' b)'.'11"' 'tl '''.' l,rv" -"''"',d.
ihi.c, llial Hie krlllcineiii anu cuiiiraiiun
p cil) Iiik tho timniif 1 1xi c'liiiiiienoemenl;
nml at any lime aller the eipirallon of
Imir yonri fmm the dt" "f audi "elite'
ini'iil, m liellier made under the lawa of thn
late protmiuiial Kuteiument or not, ahall
prove In liku niniiiier, by twodlaiillereated
him e-ea, tlm fact of roiilinued residence
ml iiilliviiinu required by the fuyrtri
aect on ol Una acl , ami uixm auin pruol
made, Hie MUMetnr ueiierai, or
..rulKaiilriculationa aa may be lire
... . ... ,y , ,., -(. n...i
, j ; , , , f ,
, ,,,," ,r 4 lu w,,lcll ,b.
,,,n,'if, And th. ..Id flu,,
', ,,.,,, ,, f..rn the proof o
urn (ii ,, ,,;,,,. o ,, (.o,11.lli,,i0llil.(f
. ,. . ...... n,r. ,j if ,k. ij
nluii' In llie lerlibi'nlct aforeaaid, upon
llu utren Irr llierenf
.Si In Ir it furlhrr twirltd, 1 hat
im . diil f ,,,., ,,,,.
I .; , r ,,, r.r v,r.u...illi.ued k
, ( ( , l ,,, ,c ,,, , h
. ' . . . .
f 1 , ,1't.j l under llua acl ahall de
nd lo 'he I nra nt Ian n audi a'ltler,
im !u iii.; tin ! ", where en is left, in
le'i'i.l pnl. nnj pri if of compliance
1 .. ..I. il,.. . (..II,,..,, ..I ll.ia I 11,1 ,., trta
, , ,, , ,-,ller ah.llbo
Uiilln kiiI 10 inii . I hem 111 llie patent
Si 1 II .In .e 11 'urliir riuiclrd. That
in. 111 1 J allrrll r
.liull an, li clans
irtev "I lha aame , noi
I. aeli In int Inrl or
pan el of ami a
lied fi r a mili'arv inisi.
cr i' iln ti" mi
iheieo', r to an) elder
an I r rt.d
11 i. . tl retidi
Ititr-riiiiH nt pur".se,
ml 1 iillitaiiuii llii'ia
1 1 tha'i have con
need pravinua to thn
.-!., n r reaav
of tlie aamo fii
Mi I.M
.Si li In tei( luktrtiueled, Ihat
1I1 1- rna claiming lanl stodar any uf the
pr ,vivina n ihia nr:l, tty vfaiiin uf nrdtle
iii.nl and ciiliivalion c"mmrHcod avbse
n'l'iil ! the liil if Drt'tnib
t.nr oiv-litreii hundred and lifly,
mak. alliilavtl Utjrc 'he Silrtstoi
I, ral, w, 1 ladfirehv aullmriitd t(imdi
ler nil taut t tha nr sllirmatnw, er be
( wnp Ulr e-nnpalnil ollicer.iluil the
, 1( llr,i,, , , ', liwrl ,,
lnJ ullti, , thitihe) are nnt acllng,
l,,r, , ,v or imlin-i lit n. f,tu (ne, or in
lt 1.llll.-., ltt n i(,.(, m making ii'ili
,.. ., a, ,in, , v t ,, ,,,. nn aale
ir ir.tn.l. t, r unv n r-N i.kt-iiiiil or agree
lit f - nn v ial.' Iran fir rr nhriialionoi
or hv "Im li ll,- jiI I iml shall
euuie 1 , the Ih nt-fit
f nut iillif r perann
. .. i ,.. ,.ii. i .. .
r. ,iii,r I bv this act
ah-tll he UN d 'if n i I J I'V 'lie Survey
i r I Si nerd in n Uvi lo Ih kepi dv I nn fr
lli.lt puip ise nml ni pr.etf lfure li court
of i ,ni tr nl iriolicli ill. tlmt any of
aut d riaiha ur utrnmatinna are false nr
frniidiileul the pera 'in making such Tela,
ur fraii'lulen: n.illi. nr ntlirmati'ina ahall Ih
miIv'CI ti kll III psina and p'nallieit nl
c. . ,, I... r ... ., ,.. ,!...... ,.,..! Tl..,
no ,,, r. aii,.r lan.U r.'eived for
,,,i, ,, ,hnl Ih- Iml.le p, any c' inn under
B1 j ,j ,,.nif 0r il.e r ,v.Moiuf lliUaet
t ! tint mk ti pnrli"iis of tho puldie
tninl ns niiis be ileai.'uu.nl un !-r the au.
tlioriiti nf llin President nf .lit United
tlinrn nf llin rrrsulenl of .lit United
Sn,t,a fur Inria, mgaun s, arsmsls, dock-
j,,, and other needful public I r.ea, shall
j, ,,. rlr, t)(j . . t-ptt-cl from the crura
Ii'in rr lint an I'roiidril, Ilia, if it
shall ho deemed neeesssry in lha Jildg.
ftir-nl of llie Preaidi'iil In im.ludn in anv
ami llu- ainuiint so nacerlaineil shall il
paid to thn party entitled llierele, oul oN-
any money not uihrwiMi appropriated
Approved, Sepieiiiln-r '.'7, lrt.1l),
(fi Henri Vamaeei.n the case of
John mid Hnriit'i'llenriMcy vs I.oui Tp.
pnn, fur lamlnr, in .Nnwork, thn jurj
La brought in a terdicl for (ho nlaintiffs,
for 9111.01)11. I 'ne slander roiisiaird in
giving iufiinimtiun, through thcilefrnilant'a
Mcrcsntiln Agency officii, disparaging
nud injurious lu the plointiff's credit and
standing in tradu
"Why, jnii'd belter knock the door
down ! what do jnu want 1"
"Oeh, my darlini, doii'i lei mn wake
any o! your family; I'm just im'n' your
knocker to wake the people next door ;
I'm locked out, d'ye see, and ihoy'r
niver a knocker.
Itnp! rnp ! rap!
What ia thn differencu between
Hinperor uf llussia'and a beggar I
Am. Tho Emperor Issues manifestoes
whllo the brggor manlfoa-lne without
hi about (issues.) Tho author of th
above, ll is understood, haa l"ft hi ctnit.
try for his country's gned
I l
" 'li