Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, February 24, 1852, Image 1

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    f t( "Cf
j 'iirvk'iit."''i'(t
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M JT.SrlilMhlr IMfler.
Vol. 6.
- sjswasse SH
A WhRAUl (IRnDrArrtlVi I
advene n tm aioni, saetoi. fu irrtsisr !
UrriiasT or Tin rtorta'ar nimi
D. J.ftcktneklr, Praprlctar.
Oa(nr, tt annum
? oo
" for all
jMsUrnMtha 4 00
Om sonar (l!l Una, at ) lw Irwiiltua
tieh ... ..?00
rMtrtrykMlkHMllwiltM l
A kltnsl dxluclwa mU I yawlf JnUt
Ttw wbH tMnW miI U iWlllljf
uikl M ll Miarglu, IW
MilwMi till fUJ, wl hil reilml)r.
AMD ( M"ft
AftMlkMMcllv T!)rwtHIc4l.
MipllMMai44itllMiaU M w.
J U Mm, B.Ut.l ifnl rlh.lJi.
Il lb TnM)iaHl UuUwl.lrJ to rrci
4 IfCrlpt h sit ) tlatiu( lu III' llUrt
A M 1'iK, KI,OI)liii. l-rruulll
Til" Fowl", llopriMiiil)r,0 T
Uo AirTiii fc ' ,linclly
1411 Cll I'U , I'lllllltlHl
J, II M Claki, I' M HiUiii
iit n. Alum Alon
C M Vlr.ri.ahlit'll
A i llioill "!. T4lillllU
I'. If, ", Unit rlly
A. hlUiK, r. llilMUitmijlll
J. VV. .Simini, NoiikiIi imlU, Tolk (ubijt
Jm rrKiii, LinU ll)
W llira, I1ultillr
tinilir VlilU I '"S
I)fl V LlMtlllK, Lucklaliml
r. K Hii, ll'iiun fwulf;
J I) II. .... I'r, t ll)
Jtcwi (ir. i w, IUiui comity
B lltlitua, lJ.lil llillI'MHIflic n.iitoa
Tnu S Aniiiii I.'" Coailf
VtMN OliVi It!.. roluniUii livot
Jam iuit, SmmUi'a MilW, folk ctuutjr
tVillliM llnuiw, CanoiMli
IliTID T. M."lll'IU. T.
Iii latl. Al'
V. II. !. I l.i-.. m
II. M. KlMHUi, M lll
T II k'ttii, M.lcn t
fftLy A. I i.t. SkI.mi
llttiur. A. bt Ct-tti. Mtt)till, natu
Ca-Mlly. ,
Wliavt la a leurf
Tt'Ml ti s ' "I"UIJt a wsts
. lla Ul ctrk rolliMf airrttn.
slrtrt s)Bfa " T" !!" that s
Jrumit7 Aeesttbt it bat a tom
k aap Tie lurt s SU aiU'M iLiot
-SM'Tlni.VWa'IreaUart. "
Whlrh titrU wi auJ tiron, sa wbsa
It Urn wall 'ifid.il itsn.
n ball a jaail Tm bul a Wra
Of TiaKi'aiJJ t.(aiwkl -Or
but a tHgr uimi tli touk
Which utl, imut in4tly ai
Tl but a tj, Uh.u lilt ruail
HIikIi eui44 tlatiluVr,
A taw niwe M a ml r lill vralk
Life 'a wear) rua I no more
Wl.at.aai' Tia but a bicalk
Fiuiu 'I utir olil iiMtnt Mot ii,
ls tuihli.grtiwarJ n'rr III- rallb,
Vr lirar bu wiary nioin
Th lika Ibr b.buta uu llw n J.
Or ilru u n tli laatii,
Aalranaenl 4 Ilia ituvla of mora
Uustli tba atuimirraus
What ua )rait "I" hut a I) pa
Of lifu'a oft changing rii
Yeuih'a hT)' nwrii roiue tjailjr oo
With bill ami vall)a frrru
Nlit.Huininrf puma auccJtba8prlin.
Tim Autuinu with a trsr,
TbanionitaollVmlrdcJtli, swl all
Muot find Hint Ittslbrrc
Tat MiNiia'aSoLttonuv. To dig or ,
not to dig that lha uueslioii ; whether .
!ttSr. fcltfei dt-cS I
wear, and dig for a few paltrtkuuncr ;
ar te place one's animated tliiis UhiiJ
nelKhiinrluif mule, and Iravilliouic j
ward. Hold on I to dls, to linu oau pile
and by that pile say we cim our jvivrr
tyaud ray tho lliousaud little natural
. .ehiu we owe, 'Its a consuininstioii i
ly te be wished.
To be in luc
luck reach Ban Francisco
Jtutk lo visit monle ayt-, thorn's the
run; tor in inai painn or iiiancc wnui
luck may come. When wo have shuffled
en" this pile of our must gite tho blues
there's the calamity that makes one atay
from home so long; for who could bear
the fierce reproaches Insolence of riches
iho spurns and scoffs, that the unworthy
laksa or patient merit, white, hn hlinsell
be In luck the aamn I Who would hear to
dig and sweat under h weary life, hut
that Iho dread of returning home, without
the dust that slippery Ireasuro putties
the brain, and makes ua rather atay and
wail our better luck, than 'go lo hum'
poorer than we came. Thus California
nukes besuara of ua M.Alla.
fr Mora whiskey la shipped from Cin
cinnati than from any port in the Union.
Larso ouanlilloa, however, are retained
for home consumption, aa lha records of
saorallty snow.
(ttr There are about 805 students In
the University of Virginia. The ra la no
doubl'that lha numbor will reaoh, and
probably eiooed 400. '
aseaaasjswsasi B--WH!
,awtn.nrjiita,iwi -armtwyijMa
TeMsa1e.y "Jwrtilwsj, . IT.
ftfrOtnof ibo metnlwtp of iht Salem
Ittgiilalur, friHti Hoaton Counly, laink
llitl unit n Iho aMple through Iht coun.
try ewlriliutroflhflr inrantt'itlia fugle-
man, for lha priming orilti) "Voa ropuli,"
It will eomo too heavy on Im nwrnUra lo
hear lha inllra aipoiita. We inaka lbs
lalninanl on tba authority of a dnmoerat
from the Luckalmuke. He waa aollciled,
bul he thought aa ha hat no hand In get
ting It up Ik could not ea any good raa
on why U ahould U uad. II waa
wHIIng,' though, lo nay a dollar, if that
would he fonMentne' nVl. "Kit. TtbVi
Jliclilmi hating taken atty patt In that
infami ahtel. The thing I certain, ll
wae prinlrd on h.e typo and In hie office,
CCrTlie niad to Canrmah i altitttt i
Imiaktabt,, rcmli-rtil to hy un and (he
wet wcillmr. Hut bad it i it if stall ,
traelll by tli Ic-aint lnuh arr daily
plying brttrrn 1 11 placn and ('aneinah.
The quanty of prmluo, nuch a Hhrat,
nali, oni'iftvt, potatoo fM, ihickrn', 'US
and liio hog, all of Hindi, eicepl the
tvhcal, aredrttinrd for the California mar-
kn At no llrne slno the srttlrmrnt of
the country, has thero brrn so grrat a
trade drivi it in these several articles.
Large quaniities of grain are in stori on
both sides of ths river, waiting shlpmsnl.
The inrsns brlow fnrrarr)ing it ofT am
innjrijuate In the demands of trade.
Tita J (Mii P. I'u ir This boat again
i.i.uo ,r .,.,...,.. a, our ..,.,..B on
ye.lenla), niter an aunre. or a rew '
needs, in which lime she has heen refit-
In! In a laity and elegant t)le. Im
provement haio also been made in her
inaehiiier), by whioh her power hsa been
gt.'stl) inrreuted. Wo umlerstand that
aim will (wniinue t" run regularly between
this place and Portland. A I tha proprie
tors hate spared no eipense in refilling
her exclusively for this trade, they ahould
reerlta a liberal patronage from tba .pub
lic. We assure all I hose who want lo
lake atrip down the river that no paina
will be apsred by her gentlemanly Cap.
tain, Vaibisuiin, io make them comfor
table. 0!T The weather for the par' t io weeks
hss been unpnvedently fine; ll c sun shi
ning the greater part uf thn time. The
winter thus Ur, his liten much more
plessnnl thsn last; there ha been fewer
rainy ils) ; but we are inclined to the
opinion, however, lint fully a much rain
has fallen for a Itkn period during last
wit.trr. The rivor lies receded consider
ably both ebovo and below the falls; but
not so much as in tha least to Interrupt
Iho free navigation by the aeveral beats
upas far as Marysville.
OCT The propellors Washington and
Ksgln were both disabled for several daya
last week. The communication be '.wren
this city and Cortland, was in consequenco
tctnnorarilr ausnended. The unarnvsl
of the boats refered to fur the lima, was
, rIol8,y f(., by ,'lrvf)ing public; ao
'-P-"" J- '" -"me U,w..
H" H"' u0 nned. One )tar
apn a couple nf wlialo boats performing
,ree trips a week, ware sufficient to ao-
commodate the travel.
0Rgga haie declined iu price ill
California. Tne last report la that they
fire worth one duller and twenty-five cents
per dogen.
Catnoit Oil. roK Liaiirs. The Jack
sonville, (III.,) Journal saya it may not bo
geuera'ly known that castor oil in better
lor lamps llun sperm or lard oil, which is
lite fact. Botno years since, when this
oil was uhraper than cither of the others,
theoditnra of that paper used It in their
parlor lamps, muoh pleased -lith the re
suit; it uives a white, clear, and beautiful
Lllghl, atia doaa not clog the wick. It
sells in Illinois at ouo uonar a gauon.
OCT Sheridan ia repnried lo have once
fallen Into a ooal cellar, on his way heme,
after a good eupear at Urury Lane ,and bla
abuae of the veeder for not keeping a light
at the cellar door waa warmly retorted by
the wife, "Hang li,"orid Sheridan, who
waa no', much hurl, " do you think 1 want
lo poukai yeur coall" "No," retorted the
wife, 'but your nose may eel the ooals on
0tr Remember alwaya' your end, and
that lost lime nnver feiurar, '
i.'i- j.ui.ilj-j .ijjww' nui m-ir
tv.afV.-rat fir MUr Jdir AatfJit! a,'
CmmniA.ir. W lU NneUI. . '" faWftut." AaU'allatlaW m.dtt Ibthl I Weal
CVTMpMtilac tt the HjUIr.
Thv MeMariMH.
Aahaa already beeoeald the moderala
d roodcatpraverof Hie memorial pa wed
and modcat,pryarof lha memorial
hvihaReoraaenlalUeaofthaDeonle. aho'd
Iki eameatlv daalred bv evarr friend ef
civil liberty, and bow the eondoetor'af a
public journal should bo ao far blinded af
pattlun aeal ar personal rilandsbia, aala;
oppose a principle upon wblcb rtsls asja
whole political fabric, la le me Ineiplloe-
bla. He may rest assured there Is Ae
polltleal party In the Union who will ea
dnru l.la Mntlmania. arid ha will Mad Isbav
self alone In the support of principle that
have been far oenturlee repudiated bylbt
w!k,1o Analo gaaon raoe. '
Bat' there aia aorna ahieotlo
dooumeM. wMeb.'thab tta aaata paati
far WiMf 1Hlrtearttrn ' WmtUk'
dercrenoa lo ita ptraaia ana adopter, pre
ccrd lo notice.
A one of the raatont for atklng
hango in the Organic Act, Is the mlerule
of tlio ei'ixjlntrr. of the Fedoial Govern
niFiit, i u charge llto fact I ri(hl and
proper, hut to introduce the rtiitne or
Kt,ification upenj which the charge U
nuijc Into iho body of llto memorial, 1
think ia wholly out of plaoe. The tima
of OonKrrea Ix-iilg too nrrcious to be wet
fd with the etatninalion of evidence or
h ty detail of any butinrst before the
whole hod) ; fur till ai well a other good
rraaont, ucli mailer are referred to coin
intlirfa who examine and rrpnit upon
them. 'J'lie rrtficationil llierafura. lo
jtho fotin of aullirnticattd evidence, wo'd
havi limi urrat wrlitht. Hut anpearinc
in the body of the memorial and relating
lo special cas rJU ttmU not he kuncn lo
every member of the bodies thai gave
them their ssnclion, nut only ceasa lo be
evidence to establish the charge, bul ft-
?ulrt tridtntt lo ritabliih iVmierYe. And
unli'Mlie introduction of the name of
Aunry llolbrook against whom aa an offi
j cit , lM ,B.
nllrllun), (;orcroof l0 ,0 obooxlaus
turo bv bsd coiiiis!, a charge that sjo
rriflcner could ttliibluh, is a very grave
error or oversight in lha memorialist, and
fatal in iis character as a fair aad impar
tial of the wishes of the people. The
handing over of Judge Rr)anttolhe pub
lic execration dors not relit ve It of its sin.
iter or partlzan character; for be ae Jadge
Pratt justly rstnsrksls oue who no rules
of leatislation can biod one wbeae oowrae
has been too reerehenaible (sr anv oarty tai
dstend, or any parly si ebarge ae .
mladeeds of opponents; pertlea have not
yet uesc-nded to accuse eacn otner "tin
the creeds of felons or malefactors. Vat
JnuVo Krtant withdraw his hand from the
public treasury voluntarily, while ethers
who can aviipn no I igher motive for the
acceptance nt oitice, win note en use
leeches until glorified by political mar
ly nloin.
Kirryirue friend of Oregon muit re.
grrl thai jmrly feeling ahould appear in
the memorial; ii itives room for those
whose interrsts cau-o them, to wish the
contiiiuaucnof the nrtaent stale of thinrs
lo charge the memorialists with motives
of jealousy rather than patriotism; and a
greater desiro fur the removal of preaeat
oppressors than or tho oppression Itsell.
In reirard to that portion or the memo
rial which relatea lo the Interference ef
one Judgo with Iho jurisdiction of another,
I ahall only say that if such Interference
is wiihoulthe authority of law, the Judge
so interfering are bad men, and ahould be
dealt with by Impeachment; bul If the
law permits, or is silent on tho eubiect,
then the aytfesi needs amendment and the
remedy asked for is insufficient.
The frame r of the memorial appear
alarttied at the holdnera ol askine for a
privilege for which he can find no prece
dent. This I regard aa rather profes
sional and belongs to the lawyer more
than the legislator. Legislature as
Courts ore sometime influenced by evi
dence, but in precedents they differ. The
Courts by precedent entrench themselves
helund the wisdom of Ihoee who have pre
ceded them, while Legislatures by each
new enactment depart from former usaeea
or extend beyond them. Th one la ever
looking upon the past, the other to the Iu
lure. The memorial signed hy Mrssra. Lan
caster and Matlock, nol withstanding the
high praise it receives from lite editor ef
the Orrf-nnlsn, (lo whom I refer them for
the praise I should have bestowed,) I can
not regard as deserving special nolioe.
Thn authors in asminingti) apeak In th
namo of the people, aro as unauthorised
and arrogant as Ihrir ptoduction lever
hose and bomhaillc, and aince th daya ol
"Ancient l'itlpl" their parallel la nol
found lor either.
To search out the few grains of miller
contained in lha mountain of chaff the
solf-constltuled President and Speaker
fro It in have elaborated io make Iheni
solves ridiouloua, would occupy loo great
a apace in yonr columns ia oevoie to auon
noriseirto, On, a few, however, I will be
slow a passing remark.
The winnowing ol the first clause of
the memorial leave the Idea that the ler.
rilory la loo large to be represented by
nine councilman, and ask for fifteen.
Yet hi honor ifee President pro torn', feel
himself .looe equal lo tbi enormous res
ponsibility, and, large a are our bounds,
rise, th,ey aro too' narrow io "cramp hi
fiti ' iimij. itijfiptIsjjsasMssjt f i"jji i'wWMi-Mtfcii'tMrtiMlMlMMFW
SM 1 tWa c fWA L.1.H (AjiahwH BBB HIBSW
Ji. .1 h . i iBLaaBBBBBBBsaTa kV'
J' ' f BSB f SBB .' '. SBjrxFTSJSaT'' jw"a saw J
i . J m . am imaf oaTnay m
Amr"aHaMii ftfaaf ef llgbt
otif Mrary afaiejjeaf)c aaftaei
ir, WHB
umlrlng ro)MT anel aHkaiirUat aaliel
and eren Chlaa, are laid guderlaatla.
ii arw hh nuucr itiH
bli'lucid oxDtaaaHao'aX
oUlcatlona by bla lucid. MplaaaHaa
ihlf wants.
BatJ aoppoee tkla loorease
f councillors will be aeceaeary ee the
M PraeMant pre lam axaatta aesa is ba
called by a graiefiel.aeeeVale a eeet be
7 resigned tfiiwtwh ooaHeay lo bla
mtad Jo. Lane. Hela perhapa right In
te supply the place of ike great krahtafy
W Aurora, noraallaof tbeMrlb.' .' '
! (be neit paragvaab ef tttaVe anlatM
Vfeduellon, thar thaaafcrbtf. Hi At ear ef
aMfaaMa aa4 vatUaglai laarlieriwiMa
own aed eevtrat ether metro flights
equally akin to the ubject4ae Anally telle
our "crave ana reverend eeniera at
Washington, that "three email armed ve.
sela" oould Jilock u In; an evil certainly,
w hicb he propesea lo remove by a remedy
aa applicable to the grievance, at religion
is comparable lo basalt, to-wjt: a "milita
ry road in the Interior." What think you
our naval.and military men will tay le
this method. f raising a blockade?
1.01 ia a perfect avalanche ol words
and hlglfeeundlng and unmeaning phra.
aea, without giving the least data upon
which lo base an estimate, hia next prayer
ia for a aauCeieni appropriation to improve
the navigation of the Willamette. How
ins iked is the difference between mis
oraierend the legislative memorial re
ported by 11 r. Curry on thia subject. It
Is well known to the friends of Mr. Cur
ry that be it chasto and able writer, and
has an Imagination hluhly poetic, bul his
good sense and good taste forbade the dis
play or pedantry, er me indulgence oi
fancy in a memorial to Congress, yet by
his simple, straight forward and' laconic
sentence, he has aucceeded In fully at
taining the chiei beauty and excellence of
a memorial brevity, 'though I nave
much transereased upon your limit,
car.net forbear introducing on eamplo of
tba magnificent at) le tor which liitswnoie
document it remarkable.
After wasting at least a page of fools
can In informing Coru-retethat the yonth
of Ores-oa are urnoraot. and ia need ef
school books and echool masters an evil
which he think ten thousand dollar
worth ef book; eef H fV vUrrrrtlf"
tnuJ nmttlf he breaka forth .- "would
that they wore here, thai more hooka and
teacher were here ; then with the gran
dure and sublimity of Orrgoo'a ecenery,
itemouotaine piled up and supported by
pillar of columnar basalt, covered far
above the clouds with everlasting anew,
ils miahtv rivers and tumultuous water-
fala. ita magnificent forests, and ita thar
anlktrntforner itumUHg m thetoml, tyc."
If Gov. Laaa presents this memoriil
he may well addree Congress In the words
or Anton "ir you have tear prepare
to shad them now.'" A.
Lw jttp Mcciuiiri. The Har has
long been crowded with aspirants, of every
decree of calibre and qualification. It Is
extremely pleaiant to gaze on jut Ml of
fame, and to imagine one' a aelf standing on
its summit. aJmirod, and envied by the
gaxert below. How few, comparatively
realize their dreamt. Year pas on,
without adding reputation er practice to
ene-half of the liar, who, ia despite of
manifest failure, from incompetency on
their part, or from adverse cause, aim
oersist in th vain contest. Happily, an
other and more ludiclout direction I about
to be given lo the publio mind on this tub.
jeot. Th New York Mirror well r
"The Dar i no longer the resort of the
ambitious youths ef our country. Tho
mechenio departments are being prefer
red! there are now thirty young gentle
men in this city, that have received liber
al educations, who are aerving their
"limes,'' aa ahip-wrighta, arohileota, oar
punters, io. in a lew years, the United
Statea will have th moil accomplished
mechanic In the world. The Union
of substantial education with fnechanio
al skill, will effect this. Indeed, already
we oould name eomo mechanics, who are
excellent mathematicians, acquainted
with French and Herman, and ablo lo
it tidy the hooks in those languages con.
necled with their vocations. Heretofore
fond fathert were wonttoeducate their aous
a doctors or lawyers, to insure their res
oootabllitv and auoceat. That day ia
passed. Mechanlca will now lake the lead,
and in a ftw yeara they will tunply
laree portion of the Slate and Fcdi
Tn DocroVa Asacnici. A faehion
able doctor lately Informed hia friends,
in a large company, that he had been
patting eight daya in the country.
"Yea," aald one of Ihe party, " It haa
been announoed In on of Ike journalt."
'Ah," aald the doctor, stretching hia
neok very importantly, " pray in what
terms I"-
"Why, well aa I can remember, In
tha fotlowinat There waa last week
seventy-seven Interments let than the
wrex oerere.
W aW -SBBBbLb. -I. bBBX l.aSjTsTaTaTaTaklL. J'Tk?xVr .JSBBbW kBBBxT
-" ,1 t jf r liW
y.aia.ttti aw-avian a n i ..
lonNotelleetalesa eomtMHaiiaTve'tba
'' 'r7yssswfssssjuwsH aaTBl
.. 'ffgrs'te
. ! I aaa-aaaaaa-ar- - I .i -Lf .lr3
.volnhwrj mtov&
t'ti'J KvMJ.
a VaWa tt .Ijaaasjl -
ajM AaVJaaVaa laMBaTav'R tW aleBBBBBtsfatWtta
JadaaVah UoughWaa wy,a,TMkftW
meruvlaa a. raw aanaa frera
the Bute of Malad.'iJla aaeet
Arisiere. we waa waxaweTBl
ef llw aattaMl tAaiaavxaitMJa) i
feendia that ataaa of New laajlaaj',
oo the other aid ol taarivar Merrlaaaasy
"looking east," inettgn ia the way etiae
world aad tba fines of lha treM wWa
prefoandlryerdaat iaa saajkaVaavtM1.
owe oiever.ts) bwesra ajsj-,.,if f
jdeeAaaawia--a tmm,mm.w
tl waa wMtjfyjk)
early pari ait Wr It m
ls1atBaWMBMaxaS m
ia I a. Will laiT
bbsj wTsaai scaH.sswff: nwtswjsra
cam ap, sbe got' thM Idjil to ffe
Hie a cnutiby, otdiasajoaea sjaaw, noaeeej
around clear up to tha Bead. Ms had a
great weak for faaa Me, araaaawtesj
with "pictera and thlaga." 8a tar did ah
carry this faolaatio notion, that the had
one for every day In the week", and a
aplendid large pet one tor the Sabbath.
Shortly after tha Bloomer oturnla broke
eat, UiraeDeugbkina, unknown to bar
husband, gradually became tinctured with
the idea of tba abort skirts and Turkish
doni-speak-of-em. She had read In; the
village paper a graphic detail of tba ntod
of making the ureas, with Mglowlog des
cription ol it appearance andad vantage
that ahe aecretly and stoutly resolved op
havlni an outfit. If it were lust to tay
that she had "followed th fashuna." Id
thia determination sbe receive) the appro
val ol a neighbor, one -Nra. Rhuty Tula,
a friend from town, who used te pay ber a
monthly viiit, and bring down more go.
sip and scandal than would Gil a volume
Ihe dzeof "Cooke's Coraplat Voyage,"
even ifll were printed in agate, which, a
all bookseller know, take ia a yfeat deal
of matter lo Ihe page. Ma. Rhuty Tut
was a sort of Mrs. Malaoro. a Croat be
tween that loquacious old lady, and the
present Mr. Partigtei,'wiui ner arain
full of whimsical ooocelu of dree aad
fishioa, and a tongue that rua with pale
ful iniermlesloo. To add to' ber other
charms, she llped yea, lisped; decided.
Iv. eurelv. and unmiatakeaWy, Iteped.
But fully understand, rsadsr, the did .not
allow ibis te troubl bar ia lb least -jt
nothing ttood la r war aotatag. .
Several letters passed on the'siibjoct of
this Bloomer costume, and befere long
Mr. KhutvTute overflowing with Intelll-
gence, pestad down lo th farm, w bare ah
found ber rrlend up in arm and eager to
meet her. Oh, such a chatter as they
had! She had of course brought with bar
patterna I.". J plana matter and material,
for the new oo.tume, but poor Jedediah
was all in the dark.
"Now I do ihay that thith thtufl" will
look thunerb." exclalmo-J Mr. Rhutv
Tutp, displacing two-and-a-half yards of
peach-colored silk, and feasting her gaze
on the figure of it. "Mr. Thmitb, th
thopman, saya that ita Iho thcarce becauth
ita a little out ol thcason.
"Well, I curst he's about right," aid
Mr. Doughkfhs, "I halnt aeen nar.ee
peach lint for a good long time In thee
parts. That' lo make the petty-loon, I
"No, dear, that'a for what they call the
visile' Ihe calls them on on the thiage a
tunic, but Mrs. Bloomer thayth Iu vulgar
to use linage words in thoclety, and tho
wecalla'cm 'visitea.' Ita very like the
common mantilla whal every hotly wear.'
It was arranged that a Bloomer ilr.MJ
should bo at once prepared; and the ladle
proceeded to work. Mr. Rhuty Tute di
rected the patterna, and Mr. Jedediah
nlicd her needle according to Instruction
"Dear me, how Pa will look when he
teet me dressed all up In this. He won't
know me, will hT" asked Ihe dame.
"Won't he, Indeedl To beau re ho will
only he'll ihay you look ten years young-
-fl If. J if IIL..U T..
er, rviiucti wra. imuiv .. -
"We'll never aay a blessed word !)hln
mil mm not all roadv."
Do'vn atalra they went tittering and
ehakin their heads, into Iho large dining
room, lira which Ihey had a view of
the barn, at,J they htd scarcely pounced
into acouploot" high-backed, crooked. bot
touted, easy chairs, before In walked Jede
diah, with a hoe upon hi shoulder, whis
tliog a bar-and a-half of "Yankee Doo
dle," iutt nl thai particular portion ol lb
air where the word ingeniously Infer that
he, (Yankee Doodle) "came to town on a
spotted pony."
Jedediah started. Waa il a pair of fat
fairies he wat gazing all They did not
move and ha brandished hia hoe with an
attitude'of defianoe. All at once Mr.
Rhutv Tut lumped from Iter teal, whloh
ao alarmed Mr. Doughklnt, thai the
trembled Irom head lo foot.
"JarusaiVM oilakuwut ia that yeoul"
ahrieked Jedediah In one breath, hia eyea
starting almost out of their sockets, while
hit beaver toppled over'ofi of hi head,
"what In the name of all that' auperhu.
man now and forever, till kingdom oobm,
and all the time henot forth and hereafter,
have yaou bean and done" .
itVe we're B--Bl-Bloom BIomr
erst" lultrd Mr. Doughkln, 'alnvwt
frightened out of htr wilt, and hold lag en
T jvri:
VnMl A w iil w
IbSa A U httLt
nWi i fWA?)tI i
mv ."...; x
' j . -- i
.r4 k
MwW!(a ii
"Waaam eJx '
uiMuvi I
like 'a eaate avflaag'
tatia, waa m aartk aw
it I .T . T73"
rlggla t. May f .hat
several pltaifjaar MVtteaslijIie,
ueaooo piiiiar p, lfca atsjMNgW
i' aji1itfMV
lw U JIX.S 11 ..." 1
we're lawBtUet Bsaaaltha. aa aaat
fntaiw 'MtllfM BrLM.!. Jd
aftcuti) aad MrsMtaMbitd
her friand la look flown u ml, mkm
Hue.laxo.1 she,) t3G3a
ment.. "AflMJoaahrAiaajBav
ah was crowned Qoeea ef Tbp(aja
men of mind has a riakt io - ikaaaM
..t.,.. " " !
"Casaara vaur - ml mtmJH- i
) uLOll.fl u
muKd ImAmAimh- - - ..ri. . "ki
"Haarm oat.tfr. Dowklaihi .h'7 awav
.n t..1 .j.lij. tZl . vii
r " j.rr r --.':" , , ,
nearqi aaswiausau tasty, .vutir-rf-il iw'M
".Now.Iareeajaia, Mtmm-
Bu'rr:.- :,bvm
-asirasy sane, ti ysJ pi)SS'sM:..-'i :
" wn, txaaty ws ar I
., m asBBi . aa.. . .aa TC
mlattke yteurl
atiilrral wayaxaa,ts
a tile. lUi ase.taaaW,)
threat with tWHsxn
if, a taaarta iWaeBaai
Jahal" - l
Tata, aawlaaj ay J. hte fgajli a
tahUltviha aaaaarai i ngii Mm
you ansa to laiaiacfcaty latagiltif gztif'
"laen'l ear a toad'sj Moeafaf, aW lV
peach or apple; but I rneee 'yMr.taaflaV
ran we thaa aunt Sally SersjaaJaVaaar
here run to pad, t aay has tesata' a
a, a r a. i - I. jr r
I1 asw.'
tsrd piaster ea ber aeck t drawds "sjwf
totherway."- w
"JedUb, JedUh.'yoa'r ahara' 'jtslif
to company," chimed in Mr. DouhhV
flounciag about with an awkward faH."-
"YeMgoaad lake off then, Tebm
things, and not make a oof yariajlfr
rapuvu acv, jvrauis; bis jbck ei urassj
"- A amaajtl aklaaaaaalf mrnrni Lf aL - - - I
aaiNwai, awi aiujuaiiMxj nis uavTsr,
ueacon uonxieneaa.or any or as at
ter. were to com hi naow. ibtrtr'd'
yeeu'd'gba etark taad.aetlvty wowtd.V
"I tell you agin, Jeddy, ri 'a l&
r!" atldllr. Deklai ,'Ji
..V i7l ait- ''iSLTJS
look like a couple of graaatd tajoa ai a
spree nan sseaaarwrweaita waaa
take m off!" Tl H
"W. won't do ft, Mr. Dowklift; 'ir
won't, jutht for your Irppereacel". mM
MrswRhuiy Tut. "Vlll fa, daarl"".
"No, I gues w won't; wti want It)' ha)
nicomertft coincided Mr. DousUaa.!
"Yeou won't, won't yeout" hriliwai
Jed, throwing hia hat down with V lasr
ish. "Yeou tay yeou won'il"
Mr. Rhuty Tut nodded with aaplbv
ful leer. ' T "
"Well, now r want ItWnoeretood, Mr.
Jedediah Doughkln Iu not oftea get ,ay
noaeaer r, out may I na asad,l
nam ciaerana craux at IKIMTI
tray mar.
Mr. Doughkln sorearaed,
"111111 you, I'll do II",
Jedediah. "Neow, you'd bUr,Uaas)
ofT. Will yeou Uko 'en off eaaafc th)k
or I'll have th gray m re saddled ta Laja
man a Hash or grad Ughtnla'," l4iJp
"Mr. D. wa alarmad, aad teaaaat at
Mr. Rhuty Tute, who want J aaaaMarlsM
takaatbaok by ibbmeaao. r3 a mI
"No, ah won'il" exctalmad lha
"Yes, y-l-." Mr.
waa about to aay ahe would, hut her IH aad
gave hr uch a ikMllag Vook that ah lM
not finish lb MaUaoe. - n"iit
"Very welll -Beyi ISUg tashiU Jt.
tnantar," wisewaea eamaa. "
Betsey Mellt wliera'ayeajair bhsv'i
a a a r , i a . ' -" i
ami Buaoay rM riiianiMf M'i
Inttd oat, waetMa yoaag
Main, aad aBar Um Saw tha
asfaataa tawtr raaaeeaira i
. i-OWahUktHi
SJ-, . Hl-..i
wwe aawWjwwasaiafwssaa
irasWraasaMaBSl M
aaJkkaVaMP 5
sajSJMasjajaBsaj -M
mLMtm tsaaa.' ?
I-Maw j j tm .r
4, JlMfOWl
" llllrtlifaaaaat'
awJxt' --
asua- a
yeou don't go aad lake then vulfat-Jwka
In' hall lrowar,nd that elaty lanV
frock, I'll go rlghtotT aad dresawyseUl
pctHcoaia, ana no etraaaia tat tawa
IBaaw m
m &
j'rr ""MeTJa