------------------------------------------------------- - 1 1 i UP". M "i "- KSfftmFESSBSFK- - ' - .-, MdhJkJMMPi u.it , 1 Jh.4 uPTMniMliMMilHbfliHi "Tf,WH'lmfv ..mm! mmmvmtw. Bf"-B M -. mm. T " rrfM rVv,IH"1 T-m- zm m ' -mm - - h tw. -"W raMtj BMwX-MMaT'a " U' It Mi U li :33SEi it? 3C'tr'.3a ?. I: j fri' Lao1 17. J " iiii ". " Orecon CItv. (0. T.,) TwrnrnfrVtctmUT 23, JB&u . ,r . Jo n i-.wrf.t!' , foil. p v r " rir in wMTn Trr ft TM OUMH (HWOIAOmj A WKBKLY NRWSPAPKR, NWU W WW M-l, e-OUI. M WVtUtV mmmuth raaru A 4. kRMMtf. rrfMr. TMMl INVARIABLY IN ADVANCB. On iwiiHiiiMl..tuiiiM itHMiHilr 9V ZZZ. ...... J Cmwii (J t Baa er h-) twe Uawitlae rw every iShiiiiiiir iiiii rtiiii .-". "-""SL AMrti tor Ik" mHI JL k Mm. K, L ftvnl prt f-c 0- Mm. Ila Un TMMM7.M4 bMlfaM tone Mi nhM to ktt mn rtUilM w lb. (.. T. P. rairtM, nuief w-y, O. T. On. AnutTNt A Co., UnfMtMjr. Cmm AC, rwrtlW. J. . M-CuM.r.M.Mtka. (ba. Adh, AiUrit. C. M. WMi,.CIwhUm. A.J.IIiatl".l omiiui. A. buu. 1. llilWrofh i. W. NtMira, NMmiih'm.Ui miiu, rlk tMiiiy Jim ArruaiT. UnM Vilr W. II. Hum. HirtMtata. Rmiit Niwmx, Cbmwf DiiM A UmiLtl. LuckUiniita K. r. Hiiiwii. Ibl rwwly. i. D. Houm. rwlfSc City. Jtcm CM. H yncaw, Uuo coulr. K. Iingi, ltwiil IIUI rxOffict, Ibnt l'Mly. f Tm.K. AvMi!MCMty. A ". M.ll. 1 'JanL tlHi Jw WATMiiTMniili' Milk, I'Uk eeaaly. W II.M4H M""l .- Iltritt T;:. mmiImb, U. T. Ui Imiix. AilMi. w.ii.iitT,cuirHiH. II. M. Khwitt.ii. m.llU. T.H.nn,Hita POITRY. t wniiwinM mniwiii imm,mi ' r M Bw HaM. rMni bnU Ajkfa H wkMl u4 Mfm, ItllN lMlylMMlMralWMB Tfc WMhliM Imh fimt Ik vta, Aaaika mMn waaAjai al 'nvwvMraWMay'MBr - s tkt a atnaaVi bat hat craaaJ Ik aU. Thar blaa tarn U aaaf yan, I ru mmII M kay turn lfc aya Aa, Aa4 mIIm kaqr nraOraa dnaa(, Aa4 bar Ik bm wll'i mwuafel awf ! a tka aUaapf caana k I plf1 frW tla rfH arw u piW la Ika kiud rW. Tkaia k) Ika afkart Ika vtnr lr. Wktia y cWka katw Ua kin af ti Aaa walaka I IkJ akaamy mamau raa. Till ay W ubUWJ laar. akada Ikaa ma; Tka awlaf ftam Ika kuogh " ' Bal Ika auaaara akiMna aia iwiafiaf iwn. Tlwn aakkba Ika akaiy priag Maw. Wkk lla kalnaA kiaak wkara Ika kaatlftuw) Twaj tfcara I PMM Ika eaUaiaa mt, Am) wakka4 M aJaaaw. paka ud aboat AMlkaara Ika nWakTa kit wlaa, f Bat Um atnaMVa kaakrt U al Ika aplaf. Ok I ya Uwl Mr cnailka . ;MaaHWylatIWTakilia, Aai vkaa yaa aaMNlika IJ kara ata, Tkaa lhkkkalaaaallaikrfaakaTa Han) fajaal rkkla Ikal Ki aW, 1 gklMaiwa ay Ikal ar aa aiora. Aa4aaayafaMkbaeiw4 yaur kaaaa, aklwatl Mtky akU fanaart A IT akj awawrin aUrraa Uwli knrt Tayaaa-VartaUWT.lkata, AM aWiat Hrac kM IM ipnaf, Mima, Um kmk. Ik kk. arkhtkaUkalafk"' aa lb eatlai wad. laMwDklbaaaU- wajyaaUraiiB, VlarllmllaUU. . k4I ba to Drew! to work. Lat W Mai WftMtBMd of hard flit or M-Vann aMaUakno. Lat him bo i ! LtaorMoo and aloth. Lot i m Mi) oTpoytrty. Lot him M IMPli Of aMMMty nd idltDOM. "Tfcor i PAtbbgt" Mid Sir Somual KMaUtv. br wkleh I havt throuah lifo pmm raiiod Mta by tht jurt obaarratlooo tM gw aflMM, Hd loo tinoaro and goo. lla asAMMfMiaa eran amiauo aad om hmi A mjt mtm Mra of ago wu aoktd ataMMi. With hUlltUo band al. Aia.ijal aboro Uw ioor, baayaajy roftM.HMaMMaioalUaoboy oo-hlfh, M I grr fM mm." i 'vM , .Why ia"V.oi of a dog', ull Ilka tU . iMHafabfMf Bommo ibajr an both j-liate faVHatS? i ' Vflm Oaaaa akat bam Bafimaa vnaaj ww njni T ' a f if J U A riMlb4yTkaja. WailMtM m Mla-rti mi, Um P."iit4at fwr w" -' it aaaaT taeaaaoa. Tka oldcat boUM 00 tbtt tataftd, aad porhaM ia thU aula, tiatil rod a foar mMtbi oiMO by ibo marob of "Imarof maul," wai tb old dilapidated maaarM al Klao'a BaV. arwud by ih anoettor of lha prMM.1 Kipp family ia lb day of Polor 8lujfaant, mora im a auoaroa aad alily yara ago. It wm alwaya la. haMublo, but al iMfth lb ttMttt war lilah.aad im "aigb-bMod" Kiapa.dwalt M loiMtf la IM.MHaaf MirtUMr. On Sunday morning, lb Iflib ofdepN, IT70 and a claar, pleaMnt, autumnal morning it wa ibo Kipp bout wa In habited by a plckat guard of Connecticut militia from ticn. Pcllowa' brigade, da- tloard thorn to watcb tlm motmvnlaof Ih Ilrllltb tro6pa, who oaotonmanu ware vlaililoon theoppoalta Newtown and Uuliwlok ahore. My grandfather hap. pnd on that day to bo eaoond In com mand al that important peal. Now I can not My. in tbo word of the aong, that "my grandfather wu a mot wonderful mn," for ha waonly a turdy Conncctl. cut farmer, eomewhal patt (ho mlddlo ge In life, who had ahouldered hi mutVet in defence of hi country, a'nd had been el ectwl to rommand a company of "minute men" thai marched to the protection of New York aflerth battle of Loog blind, M.j,r P , who commanded lb picket guird, wai anything but a aoldWr. : He had hern granted a oommiaiion by Cover nor Trumbull, becauM h bad been fartu nate In recruiting a battalion af militia j but of military taotloa be waa Ignorant "a a hone," and bl geMral education wm on a par with bia knowledge of lb tented field. The interior f lb "Kipp pmm" pre aented a curieue eoene on lb eMralng wo have meatloMd. Tb,raitar which had beta left by lb family, who had re- ewaTly,JwBwfe7 rwwVfwWw aTaBTeVBayMM W kaMfc Britieh, wm acatlered about her aad there, and ih brawny, form) of com twenty or thirty haifunllbrmad aoldlii renoeed "in lb anna of. Morpbeba" In different portion offao building. Orer the kllchen fire hung an Immense Iron kettle, filled with the ration of the wholo company, which oonalated of codfiih and pntatoe only. On a table near by wa a luh of aeabiaouit, and halfadoxen broken plate, with knive and fork lo match, denoting tbe meee table of the officer. A to coffee, tea, or butur, there wa none ; but a hag bowl of St. Croix rum made Into "toddy" oonetituted lb bore tage, and wm common atook to all. "Captain B ," Mid tbe Major in eomrr end to my grandfather, u be filled hla cup with toddy, "I reckon them lob. ter back on 'ihoder aide yonder are oon. iMerably akeert at oeeln' u here, and don't mean tooome over, no how." "If I am not miitaken, major, they in. tend to pay u a villi before aundown. Three of their ihip went up the river be. fore daylight, and lb Rom (loop of war ha anchored within, muakel ahot of ui ibice then." "You don't My Ml" mU the major, wallowing hia liquor la great twite, and Ihruitlng bia rubicund vlaage out of lb doorway. "I declare o ah ha I I My, capting, don't yaw think I'd better juii gallop up lo lb eural, aad 111 him all about it, beyl" "No, Major, your poit akould be Aer, until ordered lo retire ; Mad your young. Ml lieutenant with a verbal or written communication. A commanding officer ai no right lo leave hi pott." "Wall, p'r ara your kinder right, cap. ting. Bui if I ebould get a ahot In tho giaurd, I wonder what Mr. P would My f Thla aojerin ala'l vary p'.eaaant, no bow." At Ibli awmMl, a eaanon ibol entered through tbe open window, and, lodging in lb fire-place, mad "email potato" of i Ih kettUof oodfiabj and oatlrlng par. tlolee of lha hot ftm around, one pio etruok lb valllaal major in tb rear, lightly Maiding him. '!!, oa feeling the dampaeM, took It for blood, and ruihlng out of lb doorway, ecrambled among buibM behind aellght hillock, roar. lag out moot luatlly "I'm Abet I Oh, Lord, I'm ahot I" Tb drum were bow ordered to twal tha alarm, aad, la a few momentaj tb aatdwrt, arewaad frm bir alawbera, Ml into lb rank beblad ih none, aft aaflfilMt a WU whh tfr. latomo aewly eeeaalsnal ahot would nka lb Mrtb aad Matter the dirt aronad tbem. A glaao aoroM ihs bsy icon aooouated fcr tb audden cannonade. Ffm Newtown eteek aad, In act, from all iboabor of Lff latattd fcppoelie, aambrtM Man ad bargee Ailed to oraHhrwfag whh irltala' proodelt troop, aoMniMBled by mtuitj with mtlmental rtaadard aad MeJaaJ Boatlig la tb Um, pjmmM yla that New York wm dod.' "! Rrttiaal MolbMM MMeVif W ter." aad other Martial MM MM a lb JaiUUiaMlapVMi from tbe'm of '?' intended lo cover lb loading of lb ret, raa iroope of Ppatooy, Mlndea, aad ar own rrooot Bunker Hilt. ' A horeeman rod at full tpeed down ilic narrow lane which led from tbo'otd Bjo. tan poat.roed lo Klpp'a Bay houV. A reined up l.la ted before tb firet plekel guard, a4d, leaping off, inquired lor lb commanding olGoer. "1 believe you'll im bim behind Iboae buhee yonder, air. At any rate, hi oio comr from there," Mid Capuin B. A the neral' aid and tho captain advanced lo the P0l. thoT bunt into laughter at the acene preaented to view. Tbe major had denuded hlnwelf entirely of hli brecohea and netber garment and ippaarcd to bo very buiy rubbing hi penon In that portion of tho body called kv am ika aaat of honor ;" nor did be Kn roaring luatiiy during the operation. why mu jh, d, "you bate a voice line DUII. 1 OH wouio huh an eicllent adjutant general. What Ih devil alia you I" -Otvl'm ahot I Lat me bo carried off, and Mod tor. a aurgeon I Oh I tbl d d MJer bualoM! "Bhott WheraT How I Here." Mid tb valiant major, point. ing to tb ellght Maid, looking like a rod pimple, which from it potiUon, wa tnvl aibta to bia own eve-aieht. VTL ." . w. . .. - of your poet. Tb commajndr-laaIr hM eeot tor you, and a b.-igad I now oa lb march Ir aka poeltioo here aad repel lb landing of tb enemy. Station your men behind tbe rock and do yeor duly. or I ihall report you for oourt martial. Yonder come a field-pieoe, with the artil lery man, already." The officer re.mounted hli horae aad rod rapidly up the h'll to urge on llio advancing troop. Captain B ," aaid the major, alow, Iv takinc up hit brvechea, "I with lo thunder you'd kinder nation the men where Major Humphrey Mid, I'll be along by'me by. The requeal wu needle, for tbo cap tain had already departed with tb In' tructioM of the aid. Before the troop. loaded bargee had reached within two hundred yard of the hore, tb field.plec or militia bad twice or mrtee nuriea it death ahola amid! the enemy. Nor had the eannonada from the (hipping been without injury to thoee on ahore. Some half doun of Jw Americana were killed or wounded... .njjie meantime, a brigade, ooniiMlng of two thousand Iroopi, under the com. mand of General Fellow, had reached and occupied tb ground in tho Immediate vioialty of tb bay. Nitttr aad aoaror approached the Brltlab regular, aad bow could be heard dlatlnctly lb order af lb officer, m boat after boat diverged from lb Um to lead aa different point of lb abor. Tb fir from lb war ahip aleo began to laeken m the barge neared, and Ih aiuakctry of lb aoldler on both aldea Increaaed lb Immediate excitement of lb acene. Now, it m happened that Major P , In bia anilely lo eeoape, had approached Ih rivr a little below the old KIpphouM, at a apot whloh had been omwhat un. guarded, and, In hi (right, bad not yet put on hi brecohea. When be mw lb enemy Hearing Ih beach, he upheld ble nether garment in aitooithment and ter. rori and aa they wer waved by" the wind, they wer mistaken by lb officer in Ih hMdmoat bargee at a elgnal of iub mloelon. "See, my lad," uolalmed Lord Peroy lb YaakM aubmll at the tight of bia BMJeoty'a troop I Utv IhiM Brltlah ohMre, aad paah la." Tna 0Mr woended of bolted lb Malar, a dJpm m a Mm law lb world from hi Mt. aklrt cownward, aad war "W.aaeay h- IieaHy lali aee.jaaMtrulivariaVTfT atfrre malhf, atatbiaed BMnbytWM MMd fw a paale, aad (ollowod oa tb aU f lb major. WaguUr aa It may afMa; w MwardlM'of oa man eorne. lhM1aM.'wlU-arMy,for, la lb rW-rM tAwaM. k vm dvH Uka Ma4iaMV'w1rb lb wad brigade, aad ejAjMIMofKlagOeirgi took yniaiiilia r !! raMMM afftaan m p " I ,' Ifl tb jroep wer lying to at dry Mbet- f aMMra (a .Mm AMjbt awwaj i . .a. . r .nr aWM witMn a vff waadnd yard rremwheneetbey baited. Bfaameoaywi!" exolalmed tb for. matt, whloh proved lo be lb commander- Inf-cblof. ArlMMlMMMorLMiiag. In too, Bunker Hill, and Quebec, flying before a few regalaraf By O d, air, hall Ihl initant, or I'll ahoet you down." Al the him tenant b look a piMol from hi holejer, aad aimed ll at mo of lb ret reeling oolooeUof mlllti "Let me entreat your eicelltncy to retire. See, we ar nearly mrroonded, and you once lott, (arewell t ibe freedom of the thirteen oolooiee," exclaimed Uen. Greene, Oh 1 Greene, Greene, I did not think of thl." Ho alowly turned hie lion' heed aid rod oa. People who mw bim that day, My that -It waa the only lime, with om exception, thai Waahiogtoo aver dleptaypd rage on the bullle.field. That aigbt Itaw York waa ia poeeueloo of th BrltUb troop under Sir wm. Howe, ana M continued till the 8bh of November, lTM.Waahlagton retreated to Hartem Heiahto. V AaVtaBWJor,MboMaTaibraeehM triampbAMly, Ilk tboM f pkbMwtr lb AMd of lb Turklab fafM aad bmrjm army arepAWitory t betng Uka mm. H alfraya avowed, bewever, to th day rmV daib, that tb abMBM W bU towf IwT"T - - ' '. . . . . .. at Kipp' Bay. CrDarina th yMr 1840, a bmiIm Sl.'.'LouUv Mo., named Jack Roberta, alia Ward, bearing a notoriously bad cbarao. ter,'wu arretted by the order of the cily marthal, under the vagrant act, but wai reUaeed on giving the promite that be would leave the city within three day. He did not leave the city in that lime, ub order war iuued by th marihal to the guard, to re-arrett him wherever'lhey might And him. One or two morning afWr uch order had been given, an offi. cer named Hlbler, and another policeman found .Roberta with a companion named Jeaoa, ia a cone houee, and at once pro ceeded to arret! him. Roberta wa ar. reeled and received from Jonet a ptitol, which b fired at Hlbler,' who 'dfed from the edect of hi injurlee on the aarne night. Both men were arretted, both have been tried, convicted and Mntenced to death. The local vagrant law wat termed illegal, and by it, It wit thought by miny that the men would etcape reaeonlng that an arret! kuthorlted by auch a law wm illegal, and therefore juitlfied a man la mining Itt that compelling a man to iMve any place wm a direct Infringe, meal oa the liberty of tb citizen, and therefore (unified mittanoe,,The law, kmnr. oa th auealton beina tried be. fmjtifi lupreme Court oil'kiaiottriwM aAra by.inai ooay, ana eo annua gww laafa'atll repMled. BiTaaM) Womcn. Tb women of Bavaria ar celebrated for their innate kladaM aad goodn ofbeart. A young opera-aingr of Munich, who travelled with pm, havlag worn hlnwelf out by ex. com of joalag and laughter during Ih day, beeam aleepy in tb avenlng, and, not occupying a corner orib ooaon, louaa hla load rather Inconvenient. A Bava. riaa lady who Mt next 10 him, protenlog that ah oould never aleep In a coacb, aarrendered her plana to him, and In a few retnatM M head wm recumbent on her ahoulder, hi arm round her wain, aad ha elept profoundly. When the coach (topped to ohange hora I walked with my nfuaiMl Irlaad lo vlw ih mini ol a llltlOoh4ooJurcnlnUmooallghti and oa aakleg him If ha wm aoqualotd with id way on whom noaiaer n aaa atepi M well, m repiled,' "I hava.neveraeM bar bJU, bt wa aa 1mm tkldg far aaa aMht hV Batarla." Trawl a lava? rla. " ' " - toAfMaHrsr t c llMMbaMbjMwbMgWM.Mf It. warMpJao yweg people mm". raaah nf aarrarlV. M doMMiy. . -. J . 1-j. ' -'. "'A." ageraeal ( tkotrdomeMio !(,. 'jl; or much ty al ffmlly, If ifkmlaaoa. Uaual Immj la w tota ojr a far. lor, iiruMaway Jjaoa mt i hme; aaj ibaiMMM Wfuh orif "bl:: Uikw n.twa.tMcn. wj, . ,,--. p-.. tldM hMMaMMfogt" jVjfe ' i&k$&mJm UattlMaiar:toaapal adovaay prneofllfMlbA-IRaA,P ttatt ia, aad b Mlaoa Imtm lavpaaw. laalty uahnprorad. Amangeu alwlf ulookJUrp4aa!r,aad lo aatlM bus la hi journey, through life lo ducal ud pnpar hi chlldreo, for a proper na tion to lib, and not iodWpeleJiU properj, ty. lAhMMdburMtabpuldla)iaa wifMcar, aad bergreaten ambUlomoa. ry ber no farther than bia walfar or Jjap pineea, together with that of bat cbildraa. Thl ebould b her eole aim, aad tbe thea tre of berthou.hu in lb boenm of her family, wb.ah may do m muoH to ward making a, fortune m be can, la Jb oountlngToora or la worktbop. It it not lb money aara! mkt a man wlihy It it what baaavM from biarni8g.i . A goad end prudent huabaad make a, depot; it of lb frulu of bl labor with Ma bM friend, aad if that t' be not true to himwbatbMBAlobop?, If be dare act pUM coldnf la lb oompaAIM at w bo.wwrUbUBlaotlf A wife act not ferlaWMlf Mly. b ah U th MMtofMaay ah Imm, aad aba I bouad toaMtoMaBaad,aadaotfbrlMr ova Wh1etM' Mrhaekaf goM lataf aiwbJewhmitd-alai aataapra MtM tahar raatataV . BlfgtalllMiai laJioriediMMtoaMte,Mi oMaay waa hat paw ' wohy I extraragaej tawMMad fbatM a deotor e bill lo a Hag flMara aMiaau aad lb latter brian iaaJtMiraarl,' tb womol allril, iabttrata. ' r P.vimxn Ttl Dun' PxXAlTT. Aa. apparaluito prevent death by haagiag I Mid to hav been uaed at Armagn, ia,ir. land, in 1764. TbomM ' O'NmI, who waa caoltallv oenvicted of Mealing a mare, wm ordered for execution. The aheriO; accordingly, attended with a prop er guard, mw Mm loth place of axecu lion, and after oonie time apnt la prayer bwM turned off. Having hung aboat half-an-bourhe wueeen by th bria to move bl neok. m though be wanted W eate hlmtelf. On tbalh aherUrimmo diately ordered tbe executioner to atrip hit coat and walMoMI oft". Nothing ap pearing, he ordered hint lo atrip off hU ahlrt, which tb MMUtloarr Kerned very reluctant lo do, My lag that Mrtpping hint would bo Indecent, and that bia time af hanging waa nMrly oxplred. Tb aber IfTinaMed thai it ahould badone; but tba executioner waa vary dilatory in doing it, in hope that th hour would expire; When ho had (tripped of the Shirt there wm discovered a collar of iron aboat hit neck, whloh wat fatUaed lo two etrap that went under hia arm, wbiob two wer fantnad tobur other that wMVrouaa hie body; there worollkewiM ftnened iw that went lo tha bottom of hit feet, and underneath thete were two platee of Iron nearly big at hi feel; and there went up eaoh thigh another (trap, which met and went round bit wain. On the ahor. Iffaeelng thl, ho Immediately ordered lb etrap to bo cut, and Mayed with him full four hour and a half, and commanded tho guard, to attend all night. The next even ing he waa cut down, and Inttintly' bu rled. (&- Gen. Cm ba writMn a letter to Senator Clemen, of Alabama, in whloh he taya of publlo Mntiment at lha North: ' . "Ther I a better feeling al lb North, and though mnetiolem will talk aad wrk Mill lhr I juu m Hale) probability of our Interfering with your alavea, m there la of your Interfering with our bouaea and lende." " ' (& PrlocIpU ehould alwaya b Md. ad, and eapwUlly ia oomm whh Ital ivUVivap If tbere ba a BttMWta iki2a wbleb ar aiaH.'MP a ar Hm- WafW "77Wr . '"- .- "Ma a . .- Hi iMMn WMtW.9rt If9M1tX4 w dre.aW ft, BMTWawaaM" pMPapMF ' :Mahvi rtaaa. bia rKBaw-l fel 5ES51HI P..'JMl"A"ga1 wan atw jfwaawA i tffHwaV--p)lfrr tlMtMralMttalipt tbywT'-4aWtai trMMBM'tt ataaVt PJSaSafl PSfCTVVlaN aMtM'hkW MbmfT tarfp aaBBa kMk aaeakaawtT . r-Bi' nVaTWTM aiaw Ifalf BMilr kMbM tawy in it. Ii IHajlaM , oatU"ta.iliM Ur.tf4mmr:i: ; alaaaaoB.:MM-A-M.1BBW mmmmmm i croMlw Attaawe, Mfri ad.lollKVaoMaa-AaMl ....ji.- tihjU aotly tmaotwd WllMa Ml fbrthMihw M aei'ilwlaWaMi'l Imm MtWlM9 H99N 8rd,fHPra,lrl liajjr m tmM-lmiCm&0 . Wf " iNaatun.i-w!; aad royal a;MaVadai. MR Ifl Maart'oWfTW ae of.rojalir.i'iTMeWa w deek tolrMKlakoitday.aua j pajajaggaj, Weffal WWattTfl 91 ( fapPfWMJpBPj a royal Mint aad ja tmmptom'Mk. oomod W gueMMjb(.dttJf th polliaM beMtlag Oaaaf iMM,a very gaudily attired NiaMwaa. away from th Mrty,,aad,Meia miaobipa, eeakJ a w!4MM.aAjaAJAa bad aavaf mm M(af,. A,ai4a)lt eipaaaW by Wa air, U U-laB, aad. foUIng, hM.aeaM lea)A,.aMfcjavJi, wbM U yielded to bia W-aAa. b appeared .belor,,beel MijMd,fMjk velocity thai wMoaAUf 1aaMVa," WMhUMaWllrrM;aiyr tojrw.l, lalahapdiaaoad r-raiy oa 1iM, ThU wm aveu-M uwba.iMiiVl! Mi5"ft" Tfm,-' -TBI .. l.L. J ..u:.Lt LU Ui MM reapMirallyrrtl bg MrVoaAM dore, but m haaj an, JUa-A.hA JA .""i " "? ?ViTT nm ZTVTZ.i!?r? dowp.ibpAibaay." ,f eJ-Ai6-lt Awfpl Taioisr-A Glkaaw MUStV 'UIWvm'm wekll aeem that two.W iiarMrr-oBriivjo. o.WrlnWUi.-iioi Id lartMM WMaawaMaWaaf? Th. mHIU "WTSSWJW ttoy, anuMiieu.iaf.wvg tioa of wrrytojr hka o and armaU himacll aee) met, and a bWr.flgtt' TeaoeeMo tUrMr' abot lb all muakei. nd wa Maajilf .The Kentttoklan died 'law . T V " .Tl.iv-J ,, hooting tna yfaaiaitaaa) abgrlim after e.nd diedat rth Kentuoxiaa, atwag ruthed uBoahbiaaMllaata with ,a- knlfe.'-NMhrrH;; sept, awn, nJi; au.-al J ... .aL'ji coubw from Itaipajpajve MaWkaJdtAvkMfMi WVtt. 9llNHi9 T9lMr Bfa-Pw . H- HMMh 'Hkwmvn T7"BX V Ygf awjaweaM-BWvnt i -uimmm'Wm mzzR'k f& "aegi JW-MW'-t v jaj HMBMffiaMWn -.".i mM&rm: t W amtaBflll aamwamtaT-I r I I mm sm Matt Wmmmi - ' 1 AMavBB '- i$H '10 TmmWPI- - -i-5 at AlAB9aaMMtM r A TVWmBVJ MMBaMJgawMi.T. wrfll Kv .. J eia -, iim AIM MM an laMMfipwiaBl r ' v . . . I . iit. .i. ' rvi &i W Tit j . f Ail ri J x"Z J..X1 w, rA, UaaVir'S ' T4M ,i'j4 ',r i ' . tnn I A"M' - i . 7..V flA..?