Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 16, 1851, Image 4

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ft- '
.-MwJ 1w-tnA. -,
MA ItiMMllv ni hb tad heard
tfMfeMMWUakori) Uekawa
it 9C tae Railroad
Samnimaj.' we) OufSTaf iIm Delaware
Canal Crjeapany with their
Malar Allan, oonoeoted to
M OMaf Engineer with the
If. T. Ma Railroad Mood Monarch of
lisa aJinmr, tad la eeaech at Dunkirk,
Mriiur Ike oaVatiaUaa, ba Midi
"TlMalrraeneUMM which led to my
Mm ataae an tba eagrM wan the:
Tfca ml waa Wilt In the rammer; the
rtraatnra waa ef bsmlociiiiaber, and the
n$att kn dlatiniim, notched on to
naafamd itr'aaait. Tha timber had
aiMaa4warad from e.potur to the
asm.' "Aster aaaa MO feet aT straight
Haalaa raad craawd tha Laekawana
Ciiah, aalnatk work aaaat Iweaty feat
bfebt amtwltb aawtra af SM to 400 feet
"5 .'i
radtaa. Tha marawioa wh ery no
aitai ma ban winstir wouM either
eanaV.fcwa tan road, ar that it would
tana tha traak at the a unre, and plunge
taaiaViaraek. My real to such appr.
iMaalaaa waa, that it waa too lata to con
aUaf aVi atahabUlty af aaeb oeeurrtaoee;
M Hill will aaatber aaaraa bat to hare
tba trial aada af laa strange animal
wala had aaaa atnakfhl, there at euch
grant lajiaw; bat that it waa not aecec
aurkVat liataiaaa ana MotiM he Inrolr.
ad la kt aW that I would take tha iret
tpleae,aad that tha time would come
I akoaia look naca aa twa incident
-Ai I alaned mv hand on the throttle.
, I tu undecided whether 1
to elowly, ar with a Mr degree
of apaed; hut JpeUeriag that the road
waald nrara safe, and preferring if we
did ga down, to go dowo handnomely and
wjpatat usateiiy, i sisruu wnn i -osioer-ail
aalaalty f aaiid the curve ortr the
ejratfajaljraad waa aoon out of heir.
lag af tha oheere of tha large asaero
Uaga'aaiaaat. At the aad of two or three
aagai; 1 reVereed the jalrea, and return
ad,'haVia Ulna aatfethe Brat Railroad
mfrWLii.mitiraWtba Western Hem.
ft t w
Tha aaaaah fram which we makethla
tlaldlaf aataraatiag feoti. It Ii
; enamels, that tha Llrsraooi
aad Maaahaater BaOroad waa tha first
bedk fa Eagtaarl lor paaaaagera aad frai'i
trBMaanatiaa. Sararal roads bad pre.
vioaaly bain Banetraeted in this country
aiad aiaeag thaw tha Delaware and Hud
aa, Saath Carolina and Baltimore, and
OtJaXaOfaadt. Tha idea was then in
EagUnd that the trains would hare to be
mored by eiatlooary power, tbat a Loco.
raatleaoaald not draw mora than three
times kaewn weight or more rapidly than
tea mites an hour with such a burden, and
area this Idea was for V time entertained
fa tha Ualted States. Maj. Allen was
thalratto recommend the use of Loon.
aaatira Power upon Railroad for the
traaaitof aaataagers and freight, and his
report waa adopted by the South Carolina
afalnad Compaay in whose employ he
was. Lancaster GateUe.
CAtraa'a Cay, nut St. Paul, Mix-
XiaoTA. The Minnesota Express gites
the fetlowlog description of on of Na
tare's Halls la that territory:
v Two miles aboTe8t. Paul Is what Is
oammoaly called Carter's Care. It Is
few' rod from the rlrer In a white sand
stone rock at the head of a beautiful ro
maatlo rarloe. This rock is about thirty
feat high, forming three-fourths of a cir
cl, and is crowned with grass and trees.
! tUe rock isacave about 30 ft. wide, end
MlJaat hlgbtaod from tha white sand
Aeorfiowsa beautiful crystal stream.
TM aava Is aa large that you can walk
erect fa it r 80 or 40 yards, when sud
dsnlyyou find yourselrin a room more
haaatifol than could ha made with all the
sVaahh of Astor. It la circular, about 1 6
mat fa dUsseUr, and is Just high enough
Jot tha' greatest beauty. Its floor,
i floor, Mi
of thifal
wH and celling are formed
mast snow-white rock. In Its centre le a
largaraaa smooth and white, and pol
lahadaa marble, thraa or four feet in ill
nmeter. and abant a feet in depth, into
whiaklka wataf fclle, about two feet, fill
Martha taam aeasslsssly with delicious
amajsav- t, , .
-"It waaaappsui that this wss the care
fai whlah Carrer encamped some dsys
daring? Ms travels In this region, and from
tklfU derlree Us" name. This care does
smt answer the description of the Care in
j4iahCnrFarencempd. 'fbU is below
sWi'lHwIaboutamllJ,. and its mouth is
nanrty.abatnutad. - v
" -- " k. mUA Pmuilaln f!ra.
... rat Jdiaa . .".i. w. - . .. tu
,'ParHMoaanrtae uons."'
ttl!.AjiM"0,ttd ,ha oo9i,W
.. .. ll-l ,L. . u. ..J ll I. ...
'at wafa) tnnfaaafast trwth, by hardening
iL s v ,.i , '
"A little faa sow and thta,
b nlatiW kjr Um Mt n."
(W Business be lorn pleasure, the
man said who (logged bis wife beforo go.
log to church.
OCT A lady drested In long skirts is in
full Mmm, but a lady in pantaloon la a
(&" Industry mutt thrlre, a the man
aald who held "Johnny" while hi wife
chopped wood.
CO" An exchange from Rhodi Itlaml,
wants to know If fat men will not be ex.
empt Irom the "lien" law.
Exactly So. "Why, Tom, my dear
fellow, how old you look 1" "Dare ssy,
Deb, for the (act is, I nt re r was so old be
fore in my life.
0 A young poet, out west, describing
hearen, says, "It's a worlJ sf bliss frncrd
in with girls." Where's tho man who
won't repent.
An Inrentor has traretled orer the grea
last part ol France in a carrisgo muted
by tha weight of his person on ths prin
ciple o I the pendulum of a clock.
QZr An actor with a rery homely phiz,
was acting Milhrldsles, when a beautiful
captire said to him "Ay, my lord, you
change countenance." A man in the pit
exclaimed, "For hearrn's sake let him."
Pora AifD TJti PaiNca or Wales.
'Mr. Pope, you don't lore princes.' 'Sir,
I beg your pardon. 'Well, you don f
lore kings, then?' 'Sir, I own I tote the
lion best before his clsws aro grown.'
i&"tie tbat sirrth to the poor, tendetli
to the Lord," whispered' Deacon (Jrinics
as he hsnded the contribution lux to a
well known 3d street note sharer. "Thut
may be," ssld the money cbsniier, "but
he don't get two per cent. r month for
his money."
A Romantic Incident. After Queen
Victoria came to the throne, a present
was sent her from Jerusalem, of an olive
tree. It was shipped at Beyrout, kept on
deck and appeared to die on the passage.
In that state it wss entrusted to the gard.
On tha week In which Her Majesty wss
crowned, the "Bristol Mercury" stated
that, ao tha day of the coronation this ol.
Ira trea put forth twelre blossoms. From
this incident it is thought the twelve
tribes of Israel will be gathered in Victo
ria's reign. 8ome who are leu theologi
cal and more genealogical, infer tho will
hare twelre children.
OCT A priest, who intruded into the
chamber ol a nobleman, who wni at the
point of death, and had lost his speech,
kept crying out, "My Lord, will you mate
the grant of such and such a thing to our
monastery? sou may depend. It will be
for the good of your soul." The peer, at
each question, nodded hit hesd, being ut
terly ignorsnt of tho nature of them. The
son and heir was present, and the prlett
turned to him, and said, "You see, sir,
thst my lord, your father, gives his as
sent to my requests."
The son made no reply, but turning to
his father, asked him, "Is it your will, air,
that I hould Uk the jirieit doie ttairt "
The nod Ha given and the priest Hcnt
down stairs, head orer heels.
What NbxtI The men who a fow
years ago carried a sealed note to the
telegraph office with a request thst it b
transmitted lo Washington without open
ing, teems now to hate been only a little
ahead of the times. It is stated that a
gentleman in Newport, Ky., Is perfecting
an application of electricity for propelling
a box containing letters orer wires from
place to place, on the telegraphlo princl.
pie. The experiment over wires of six
hundred yards in length, has, it is usid,
worked to a charm.
The Transcript learns that parties in
this city have been fqr some lime pstt
experimenting for the same end with a
good prospect ol sticcstt; and that tho
project has been thought plausible by
soma of our most practical mon, who have
contributed liberally towards lis accom
plishment. ersmio IIsipos icsomtii f.'siun it Rocii
Bars ll U pro-mad lo throw a i siariloi
bridf scrota lot Utiwsrt Rlw jwt Mow Ilia
.ewer Falls. Tbm familiar with that pfcturr)us
spat will remember that after tumbling
down Ihe cataract aforesaid, the river
runs at Ihe bottom ofa tremendous chasm.
over which, In the year 1810, that ill. fa.
tea wooaen oriage, soiamous in me cany
annals of Rochester, was (lung. No at.
tempt has since been made lo conned Ihe
two banks , although the Increasing popu.
lalion has lone rendered Ihe means or com
munloatlon desirable. The cpnlomplated
wire bridge will be somo 300 reel in length.
Boston Courier.
fcS-Amonff tha prisoners In Cuba is
Phillo Scbuylsrhim Van Vechttn, an
eminent lawyer' of Ibtt cily.
How to I. at rr Monkt rot a Raint
Day. A number of years sgo, Charles
snd Clara S wero married In the city
of New York. Charles was wrallhy and
I in good busincts very comfoi table clr-
. cumiiancf-9 for a young man, wjild
cd, of course, to develop his nst
' libersl disposition, peeling thus
cumimncrs lur juuug man, 'rm-u ioiiu-
and independent of tho world's frowns,
he proposed lo the youthful bride, one
day during the houey moon, to give her
five thouund dollars for erery "scion of
hi house" which should be cngrallrd up
on the family tree an arrangemrnl, a
may bo supposodlo which lht lovely Cis
r msde not the slightest olijittion. Timn
pstiied on, Charlei fuithfull) perform
ing hit agreement and making no Inqui
ries at to the dispotition of her money by
hit better half, until they had lcn mar
ried somo ten years; fortune which had
smiled with constancy, sudJenly turned
her back ar.J left him sppsrently high and
dry among the breakers of Wall streer.'
When tho crltU had arrived, lio went
home with a heavy heart, lo announce
thesidaewtohisMfe,lhsl he was an Ir
retrievably ruined man that his credi
tors had loft him nothing. "Not exactly
so bad aa that my dear," said Clara.
"Wait a minute and see what I havo oi-rn
doing." Thus saying, she ran up ttairt,
and soon returned with a deed iu her owu
name, of one half of an elegant block of
houses in the neighborhood, worth thirty
thuuiand dollars. "You nee I have hesn
industrious," enntinurd the, and have laid
up something for a rainy day. If you had
been at imiirl tit your hrotlttr, tec might
Aiire Aad Me irAor blixk y (Afs tint
Kennebec Journal.
The Main Lnjtou Law. Judge Cole,
of Portland, decided ori Monday In an sp.
pesled liquor case, that a flaw In tho word
ing of ihe complaint was fatal to tho in
dictment, ami ordered the reversal of the
decision of the lower court, and the restor
ation of tho liquors seized. This decblon
disposed of all but two of Ihe appealed
liquor cases on the docket.
The complslot on which these cases
were based was a printed form, setting
forth thst tho defendant kept "apirituous
and intoxicalhg liquors intended for sale,
kc." said defendant "not being appointed
by tho selectmen of said Gorham, as the
ageal th'orrof to soil therein, spiritawinss
dec." The Judge decided thst ll was
requisite that after the word "intended"
in the printed form, should havo followed
a declaration nr rroox, or that the person
was cnknown, and an avermeut that hr
was not authorised, 6Vc, and that the
omission was not remedied by tho after
drclar.tion, thst the person complained of
wst not appointed or slulhorlzrd to sell.
Tho complaint must allege that the liquors
were inhndeii ros sale by some person i
not authorized, Arc.
OCT Tho Courritr itt Elatt Unit ttstct
thst after Koouth hail arrived on board
Ihe Mississippi, ho received a despatch
from the Turkish government, informing
him that Austria had taken teriotii um
brage al his liberation,, and suggesting
that ho should delay Ms departure until
the? difficulty should be srranged, The
generous Hungarian ns disposed to so.
cede lo this rcqncsl, but tho Caplain nf
tho Mississippi interposed, and declared
thai he would not suller such, a violation
of American hospitality ; that Konuth,
having liteppad on board of an American
tetsel, was upon American toil.
Fire. At I'hilsdclpliis, the ICigle Cot
ton Factory, situated near l-'annoiint, was
destroyed by fire yraterday morning. Loss
920,000. Insured two-thirds.
Otrllrerity is the soul of wit.
JC. AINHWOKTH, Msnsa, will Utva
a Oregon City (or foot of the llssds) every
Monday and Thursday at 7 o'clock, a.m.; Mil
waukia H A. a). Fortland !l a. m. Vancuurrr 1 1 A.
m. HI. Helena I r. n. Cswhli 3 r. . i Otk Fuiut
I r. .) Calhlamat S r. " Italurning, will Ware
Astoria on Tnesda) snd Frlda)s 11 a. h.
IT Tha Whilcotnb will lew trseeU up and
down tha river on tha lowest terma. Freight and
paaaago al reduced ratL
Oregon Cily, August 19, Itil-UHt
Go it while you're young;,
111 OR when you gat aid you can't gat half aa
good piue lumber, al double tba price, a
you ran now, of Zfarsaaa, at Iha new nulla of J.
M. Mf Ac Co, on iha Tnahly river, or al llnn
Cily, where, not only tha very lot pins, but fir,
oaafsr, col loo-wood, maple, aak, aad, aud alder, can
be had at all limee, or upon Ih tliortast Satitibl
notice, at reduced price.
August 19, I83l0tf
THE undersigned bars just reeilvtd s large
supply of aupariav Hyrup and Halt, which
they offer for sal ea roodcrala lenns. Wbtat
purebsatd la aschange foe goods.
OaagM Ofey, Ih. (ih IBtl.
g Aglgsglg, LBH. HUOAR far sale by
U aw e.nnmailst-issi naini it a i nin '- -
N. DoBoli,
And Draughtsman.
sniwuiis, . t.
ill mart, ilwoinma t srtcrstoa oincm.
Allna, nrKlstlsir Co.,
wnvuatla t bitaii. niictaa in
hi' noons or kvkky vvsckii'.
SIIOKS, CHINA (1001)8,
Oct 14, Jl. -Ir
Law Mollrr.
Ja lalhr ramal Cowia uf lbs 'IVinlnir
ICrtOfttM in MornMi'a UuiUiiaaT Main .li.l jt
OrafinClir, May I, lil 36U
Orrawil'ily, IVb '.MJO-lf.
M.IH J. H.tCKllft,
IT Sbopipxaita Ilia Mam Kln-ol Hawo. J. J
Ura.siil'ity,.Srlriiitri lli, ItOI Slf
niTtusliL csoaat, J a. TMoau H. suitu
llaunn. Iltoniass, A. Co. Nrw Yolk
am ll. Nirwouoa Co., law Oitrsi.
Uaown,Tmrua At IV, Litaiaul, ua)a
Uo in LrMlon.
Oincs. l'rir ccxnrr of Clay atrtat and
1'ortsnwulb uara,Jan Fraucuco, Cabfoiuia.
Auf. rMd-U.
A. H. akldaaar',
COM.MIHHION and Kofwardiait Mairlisnl
Ship nuatar for a.nD, and tjonl taririr
constantly en hauJ, via : Tablta, Chairs, and
tMrtaada. 100 aaU Trrneli llxlataadj far sale
r-octlsiKl, May K, 'il-JTIy
T.tLYOM dk '.,
OoounluloB It Forwarding KercnanUi
roBTLian, uasuo TaaaiTOBT i
cMieooro, ic-iv.
oitsiiL wia-rsa a. a. Latiubb
Moutgoinary, batnrruClay A, tV'wIiinftoustrfats
Juna i;,H;o-tt)tf
f.rn. rticrt, U. H. A , California.
firu I'. F. Hmitii, " Orrfon.
IIatii, H. Iliuwn & Co. rhiladalplila.
I'. II.Titl.N.w Vork.
Ksmrurr A- (laitiif.Hsii Francisco.
January 'J I, IdW-lf
Ol'.O. I'. I'OKTUIt,
Office back of Urouka Ac llarlsw'a store.
Oregon Cily, July 111-lf
fJKO. AlilvllM-.lIll
Y A: CO.
uru. AatBBtTiir,
riilriiiiN CITV.
Januryilt, IMU-lf
Portland, .March 7, 1 Oil) If
H.I. cllrrfor sale at HcoH'a sill, al Iha
jirad uf'i'tde. water on tha Llnnniia river, l
an amonmeui ur nryiioous, urorenes, riovusons,
Wagons, llamM, Lumber, Mill Irona, Ice., tie,
en lua fi-sl of Ortolirr nest.
eepL 10, '40-lf
rgjiiir; Mini; a i. inhukanck offici:
JL la now organised aud ready lo receive appii
calioua Is isrur riaka.
Acswa-T. Hxmi, llnvsaN P. Iloics,
Calss Wilbiso, A. J. IlKHttS,
IIobsbv H. IIabbs, Wm. II. Wilsob,
Annasw It. MainHuts, II. St. Claib,
Fonlasd, MayJ9,'al-31ly
Ily IIm l.oitlalnNst nutt Trtrqitlun-
lbSfOllslISIlI Qwzmgj
JUHT received and for aala, by ALLAN,
MaKINLAV Ac CO ,a Oeneral Asaortmeut
of floods, adapted to the wanla of the rouulry,
Oregon City, January 93, lbJI-l jSO
Wm Found
IN TUB Cascade Mountains, some ait week
elnoe, a bundle of paper, caoeietlng af orders
aad a Cajrnee war grl, signed L, Hie. Tin
otbtr paps' lr " signed ky BenL WrighL Ths
owner can turn tb eons by alPg al Ih Hpec
tttarOaosssnd pay lac far lila ndnitleeaM!.
Oregaa ty,Oel7V,ll(lr-f.
Tststsnllss ArstssasHr.
rpjllllH laatMHUM U sllealsat la the Iowa f
M. Vflrr,Talallal,Ula IllaiiawlalU
lufanejr, I cl pamtt awl uardlu daalrliif I atad
l IhUi arhiiol, majr b aasr4 aat aaly af ih haal
lliiura unit brauljr of tha IcbIUmi, tha Ulalllf anes
and iialim ft tha ialiabitaata. tiul raawolallv that
, aurli laathera will a ainploirail aa will maka Ilia
IMSIini nifaiai aiM niMai iiuuiraiiiRi 01 uia
Miiolais, llifll rhlf ( ulijrcl.
A t4MU and nulil, Acasamy twlMlni haa
liatn a wlad uuu a site, citnitiaiMliii Iha slaw af
two Minims pialtlM, with llirii lulacst ulna ami
rnviirlins; f.iirala, unit whta raniiilalad, ll will fur.
null aiuo arcMimiudatuiiia fai tw4ti ilruaitunata
of Ilia m hoot
Yontl (Mva U about rquiJMant from Ilia lawaa
of HI. Kris m, Millou, I'olllaod, MUwaakla, III.
un t'ny. ami lifayalla.
Tha Hnrin 'I'miii rf tha Institution will earn-
tnonra Marrh 111. I Hi I
Hummar Term Juua II, '
r'atlTrtm .Ho4. It, "
VVinlfiTerm ..llrcam. III. "
Tba 'IVinw will ba rUvan wraka aarh. Tuition,
I'rimary sludira sj(U-lll(har da $H r torus.
Iloahl (nay bo aetalnil la uiiiala fauullsa.
-TU Holy KriiHuif., HauaJ.c's Httintl Hrad.
M PnHat II lialnriiaail llaasiloia. Miuudal'a aaamal
WakaWa HoaU.ts, Woreaatar'a awl Wabstara
-Ibflionarifs, 'riiowpson'a Aiilhniatira, Olnay'a
ad Hnllh'a llrofrabira, Walla' tlrammar, il
aon'a llnaxioa, I! lay a Chamia(ry,(lala'a I'lillaao.
fhy, Dulliont Latin awl tirrak Mama.
Ily udar of tha Boars. ,
O. II. ATKiKHON, Baa'y.
Jannary Id. 1931-lllf
T ItMasilarttBtta natal latora.
f gjsllR undanufiiol, piopnrlara af LbaTowa o
Jl Miltus, baiiif uVmwus to base improro.
nwula wf,iM isiiiljr. pnoo that thar will giro
lo avrry head of a family two town tutfo&d lo at
ary Magi man tt towu lot, who will barooia an
actual mICVi in said luwn wilhln sis nionllu, anj
build a hojM uarni Iha aaiua In addition tu which,
si will sll buildilia lilalanala la Ihuao that accept
llus iiopuMlioii, and allow tbtiit a raaaonabla laugtb
of tima lo w) for the in in.
To any one lhat will build a food tllUt Mlll.cal.
clilalad lo do lb builiras of tha place, wa will glta
a i nil ilr,li(i!iar wMb laud autticianl lar tha par.
ftm o gmt null.
TbU lawn is haiitlximaly lucatrd iifin 111 luwal
brauclt of tho WitUinciia rirar. just far snoufh
aimra lis junciiuu with tha t oiumwa lo rami r It
an vicrltrfll liaibor, slid has Ihi advantage of ba
ing aecf smUo fnmi all sdca, rlllii r by land ar wa
Irr 1 ll is ouu Ilia luwrl wiol tiMti Iha mar Uial
has a wagon road leading from It lo Ilia Willamstla
Two mountain streams ruu one oa each bmIb of
tba town, affording wsier ionirofftrIfnllo manu
fsctora M,WO feel of lumber per day upon one
of which threo saw initla are now naderweigh.
AlLhongh this town has been laid out but a few
month, it liaa already made much progreaa In
point of Impiof eiueat aiol -outfiterce,aad btda fair,
soon, to become tha mot iiupiatant ona in tba ler
To chase doawoue of taking up land aloians, wa
would stBta that wa aie aunounded by as beautiful
and fertile n section af rountiy aa Oregon ran boas'
of, including Ibo Hcappouae piaiaa, Haatiea Island,
iheiich andasleiwive Prairiee lately asplored upon
ihe Cailapoadlr or lwia rlier, and lb flu land
in Ilia immediate ncinny of tha lawn.
October 10, If JO-ilf
N. U. Wa can gis parmaaenl employnsent I
juita a uumber of handa during tba wialsr.
'i llumbofat, Ttlmdan, Xlanwlh. As-ifigA
toris, ML Helena, Fortland, aad OtrgawJlgK
fill, by aveiy steamer goiog Nonh.
AUo.tollii.Mj KI1.MJ, t:i.iai, touching atlhe
Handwich Islsnds, by Amenaan clipper buillaall.
ing seaeela.
To the ruraihern and H'retern Hlatee. br New
Orlesm duecl, aud also la lb Nerth aad Kuropa,
by tba eend.inoatblysleeniers.
No connection Willi any other espreaa rompaajr,
Iha eubsctlhrr having completed Ibo mart eyitem
slic and eslensiva ripieas buriueiilia eiUleuce la
end from the follow lug I
tlrncra. Aotirra.
New Vnk .Mris. TnonraoaAc HiTcncuca.
New Oilrane R II. Hiuuias.
Utrr)4 Joun W, II. st.
haclanutoCily, H O. V Clab.
Mar)still ' Fasaa Hvaaiu.
Manlerey H. C. Wicuma
Triaidad . Oirroau W.l.iasuv.
Honolulu, H. I " MirrnsL As Hvtcinss.
I'anama " Ks, Hiansiu At Cu.
I'mlland, Oregon. " KicaaiaoaB A (Jo.
Origon Cily. da. Allan, MrKisuv A Co.
Astoria, do. l.kossan Ac Obbb.
Cowlm, da. OueaOB llaiw.
I'ugeraHound.do " Cauaav & Msiith.
Millou, do. " o. do.
rialem, do. " Wicaun Ac Co.
Vancouver. An J, II. I.vans Ac Co.
JOHKPII W ODF.UOKY, rroprlalor.
Office in Ilia Flrrpiosf llankliig Honaa, corner of
Montgomery and Merchant at, Man Francisco.
Olackamai county Famala Bamlaar.
ranilKarcaudlerin of thia Insliiutioa will cow
JL nieucc on Meuday, Hept. Itt, and conlluue
eletrii wreka. w-
The Tiulrea ara happy to Inform Ida public,
llisl learhera of high aud raried aee npUalinsanU
and uf lung eipsrienco bar beaa aacured, wh
will devuto llH-uiarliea lo tig welfare of lb pupils
committed lo their charge,
A large and convenient Hemlnary building ha
been erected, nd inensurrs taken lo secure nllncr.
essar) apparatus for tho school.
Oregon City, Ihe locabea of lo Keaslnary, pe.
aouta several loiportant adranlsgeo. II ba a well
deasrved celebrity for hsallhfulneas, being flee
from Ihe inlenntftent fever common Is Iha river
lowna. ll la convenient oi access) aceamboala
plying on Ilia Columbia and Willanwtle river b.
low Iha falls, aad Ibaao abate will taaat at thia
Primsry Deiiarlnicnl..,,; gC,00
Higher Knglieh HIiMiaa 8,00
liigiiagri, vocal music, and ornamental
bianchea 1910
No pupil rrcrived for lees than half a term.
Ily order of Iha llunid.
II. CLARK, Hecretary.
Oregon Cily, May 6, IMI.
NRW (iOOl)S per Hchoonar Harp nd Jobs
Davie from Philadelphia, and tiara Fran
cis and UuIm from New York t
Mrs. Millers' chawing Act Window sash with light,
HiiioIIh tobacco, Casiinere penls.aesorud,
M..II..I ill..ij II.H.M i.Lil....l
...... . .. ... !-, ,, wtueiire,
t.o.yBiidhpellinebooks,lHoHa Powders and
Mollksw Jeekele.
Orrislle and socks,
Plaid deckels.
Ilav aud manuro Coika.
Iloaa, take aad took
Woman's leslhcr loots,
-............ .MM, (iMT,aNjns so ornweie.
And lots Of other ueaAil hhUUm B. !... ..
rianei aurt as drawers,
any of tha Hlatee.
March 13, Ie3l-97IL
ALL peraonv Indebted to ma, either by sots or
account, ar rnueatV to coma fotward aad
H4UAIIK UP by Ih Or. day f February,
1869. Abn all parson having cutim against as,
ar reared t praaaat Ibwa for MtUaawal wabla
lb lins abev snanlianad.
Newastrfcsl PUi, p est. 1 1 i IWl, dw
Amaftou tjaj yawlmi
ftnilKandsissgned, Aaim HiHMrr Fatiisaiaf
J. Nsw Yatk, Alssntsy east 0 ll i lir tf she
Hanraase Court ef lb Unltaat rrtaasSkbaa
lad hlsMfir WNh WarUslngtw OsilUma aVstSaSW,
or new urssaa, aa aa Attenwy atm vt
sj uia ania umn, aast taia ssassiesw m us I
Uad One of lb UnHad Rust, let Ifca I
Ilea af Law aad Agoaey kasdawas al WaaksBgasav,
lb seat f lb Federal Uerersraoai.
Thsy wiU allsad I tU tiiftaatut) tajsasaM la
IhaNupreme lstrtW Ih UaNa) atasae, aaat.
peekslty leesmsl Callfarnl laad UUaalf
up a appeal
To the recovery f every diisitptlsw t
la law w eootiv nlnal lb UakM Wats. I
Cawgreaa or lb KtMllliT PiaarsSSaals, Sad
gtinst rarelga Uovaraawtats, btrsV atry aWMal at
Comm Imlsns as al WaabUaJtea
To lb aalUoassal ef asrawala wkb lbs nisi,
Treasary. War, Nsy, Past OaTeoe, aad laaarkw
Usparlatana I
T obtain lb raasiaasaa af turn, ssatlllss, aaat
forfeiture, for alleged vtetauosw f lb HrvaSaM,
lost OnV,ar otbot lw
To tb Invostawal af raad la Ishad Stale
Hlocka, and collecting dtvldanda tbtrssa
T saoaeiag Laator Palaal fa atioall flea
Iks U sited Hulea rfra lUrepeaa Uveraswas
To Ih illisnsl af laad la aay of lb Hula st
Ttrntoriaa af tb Ualted Utataa, U ties testa
rspilsliau ar uomlgraala
To lb rellectloa af debts, rlalaaa. segaelts, aa)
Inberttancaa, eHher la tb Uanod Stala st aay
foreign coaalry I
Aad I lb UaaaaaUoB af aaf taniaaat raajalriaf
tba hssanaatsaa rf Aasteaay as Coaaaat
Mr. lbAstwaaViMsrf Us ltW YOttK
wkerb b nukllsbid ks taaa, aad wkosh kwsaass
ealenelrely aad adisalaatsae) kswwa la al part
af lb resnawrrlal wset. gat ba vaad Kataas
Iwieo aalna tssstiss af ssag Agaavay. Hb)Sw
ond taw waa made aadot Ms laksaaoaaa aaat
af Messrs. N. M. stttaaablUMts la ef l.sadaa,
with I Weir apaeasl lellore 1st M le tb SaTAteM
kraaefce uf thai llano, aad s lhaat rlaaVl eat.
raepoodeuu la Ihe able' sUo af Ksitai. en bast.
aaaa connected with lb negsllotase f AsasswaSa
rilocke, and he baa lb advietage. tbanfli,ef
being peraondly kswwa tH lb latding faeaAM
baakera and tha mast amlaoat foaJasa af la
legal ptofeaswa abroad.
Mr. Huelbsn haa bad atlaasiv ttetwaee,
dally and acofroay, la m araaile f Ms
Civil las, tb-s l-aw Merskaat, oar Ld Laws,
aud Iha Franoh, Hpaalsb, aad Masks Laws, af.
feeling land IHVa la nil araeered ssrasmlss.
Uoili tha uader.igned ar preeclaaMy rsavNTt
with ih principal Caropsaa laagssgaa,
All business conanod lo their Agay abU be
nod faitktuar attroded to.
..,,., ii,n, n.i uvn
nnaui. ssrsiitiss iaomssi
CT CsavasnalcolUaa mast bo adaToawd, past.
paid, t PALMKR 4 8MMTMIUI, Antina
and Foreign Agenar, Wsiblsglsa. D. C
Waablagtaa, l. C, Hmt, IMI-tltf
rgnilEwMlarslgdwMUisfasrnUy a,,,
M. laforas the cUitsasef Orrgoa Taf JnM
nury, and lb pnbli gewerally, tbat b Jgggo,
liae opened Ike above named naaa la OtagaaCAty,
pleaaanlly attested aa Ftaat Street, lor lb ateasa
msdailaa f lb beordusg aad travfanajeaaBSBaaHy
andbabapaabyatrsilauaatka la W tsAia, bada,
nad whaUver may caodncs le la Maawarts af bss
gtwata, t asarlt a kbarsl absr f Ihatr aaerasatg.
TlM Kdrar Haa ba booa twwlr aanoba) aad
furnlsked Ibroaghoat, aad lb heddtag I M iraly
new. TnalaslssriaU W fiartJsat warn law kaat
Iha snaikat saktdi. aad Batfrpamsd byaay k lb
Tariilary I aad lb siiaiatoai tnl waoares teeea
pasylb asatl rspeataa! btaetst m Ha
same. Tb Bar willalwaTa be ssttll laanhay
supplied wkb lb aaaat ekeee laasa) and t tkvw
Is renoecled a Sa Hrwllag Wslaaa, fas Ik ajy
meat of tba Idk) boura.
MraW o suppsrs lo U alwaja bad by calaag at
Iha Uar.
Also, goad aUkliag aad hasaaa (tt biro.
Sept. 30, IMI. 4-tf
FBI IIC eukacriber wtllieaon rdrs aad pur
JL chsaa all klnda af goods, star, mblatrv,
AVo , aa raanmlaaioa, and wvH tttif by itstslt dl
reel far Oregon, or via Han Frawls,asrajaated.
All purcbaaaa will ba laaand fWtbaUaaaVlaf lb
caaalgnee, nad any fnada seat lo ban wW b aer
radb) Inearance, arelvlg nstles af tao saaoe.
New Yarb, Feb II, lUIJJif
atrsssness asw Toss.
JoaiAH L. Hals, Kaa., AUantla Mataal la. Co.
Xtstnia Cooa, Ka , Astor Matssl laa. Co.
M rears. F. Atutatl At Co., Baakera, Ss Visa.
Maaara. AnaAiadc Srotr.
Measra. AtstnsTar dk Co.
ANfW VOLUMBaftlikJal efaeakk
onuiwaetalaJaly.iaal. aaasitttH tkield
send la tlirir asm al . Tb lslsasaliy aast
Pracllaa tt Hydronatby, PbyalalagT. aav Aaaa.
my of th llaataa Body, DlalaAssTnTaWaJ Bd
cation, Ih CbmUry af lib, aad al taa saat.
ten rrUUag la life, llaaftb. aad Hipttaaat, wlO
ba given fat thia JaaraaL We btllrt that aaaa
luy prolong his life mnak bayHtd tb aeasbsref
vssra ueually attained. Weil iff I skew kew.
PukUeuod saaaably, a Oa atafaMtmv k) a
A Haw Vol
OF lb Amsbican PaBsaoLMMAL Jevusl.
commencotJaly I, tUI. Nwjlb tba
tosuheeiibe. Oarated I Pbrsasaagy, rkyejissay,
Magoaliam, FlucaUon. Agrssaslara, lb Natarsi
ami, cuwcauoH, ngnonnar, SB ssaimas
a, and Ueaeral Islsllgtaet, Wtinasrr Ma
II cannot fall to lataat stary easni af rad
Iralrd I 11
m. Every family, aad itattltly al ywsag sta
and waman,rionldbvoty. I ki pvialed a
Ih Brat f ovary anaaab,! Oae Dakar a year. All
lelisrs sbbvM b psal-id,ad dkaesta ss
lWk MtHiat,
THE nadartlgaad bavaag awaWy baSSawd
aad atbarlsd la any a Ike (awJatet of
tradlag wMk the Waaseaaa, MtsaWa rirtr, D.
chut, aad CUckatat tribes f Isdkiss la Orrgaa
Terrilory, all saraaaa at dry Resaaasl I trad
with asld IribM ar Ivsrsby aWy awoiM ikallke
law for lb rarslalsMtf Irsaatrabkb saaasa
irlbMia OrM,wUI be ttrktly ladsmd kslba
Irrritarla efeald tria.
Pallas, ColambU RJvtr, Jaa I, IMI-tllf
LsttaVMX iBff Mlti
lalliaaOky; fssaam wkaksi t
I 4aaBMty 9f HsaVatjajnf WMV "" W"!
csaetd ibatr Mwhaa Twah rrvsr, at
Coar.Atb,Maf, Akttt, C test a Wltd. aalm al ,
Gllaad, HtaBaMbi tVtc, ea Iha saast rstssasMl
lamsa at tba MU I salla bass ska MM. ar at am .