Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 16, 1851, Image 1

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    v,u- -iTV
a h k - it"1' . V"? O" " '-.'"' 1 r -A . . t . I . .j.I.aMwjjajaaawiaMaawaaaa, . ji , V
, f . ,i t, . !. fatjiaaMasWaMMeewaM Kl ' "7
vol, e;
tllOtIP TO Tl BOUl, MMIU AB Uttlf
irrsaaero or Mi
D. j.dcliMklyt '
Ommr,IHHin V J
kretsawatbe. - W
iin Hu .. L Imm InaaHiiaa.
Mth -1 J 52
r every eddtUassl IsosrUee 5'!SSL0q
A Muni dad-ooao, seaaa I yearly jd?"".
TV. - - af UMlka boss! to Xlirttf
...,ka4 aa the morata. eetotwlae ihey wit to
taallawe. h nM. MdbM(4 "'
Aim for Ike aactaler.
Tbe Mtarl persona era aiithorirtd te act aa
Aetata MitoHfutar. They wlU raeelre tub-
MrlsUaSS and lf MtiMMIBU let .
i i. m.... ta.leaaaBfelacanlfiw tkeMoae
lor In 'Dm Territory, ie)Bnllioli.4 to twelve
and reeelM far minyi relellni oe.
A. M. Pm. W.Ofyn.ae. lawleeeaniy.
T, P. Pewe. UelBM aeunly, O. P.
Use. AassasTHT It Co, Off parity.
Corca . Co , Portland.
J. U. M'Cul, P. M.BeWm.
lien. Anna. Aelotla.
C M. Wuii.i.ClMtolm,
P. lv, eon, i Man tilt.
A. IIiuisb, w. IlilUwmofh.
J. W. Nimith, Nromilh'aniMls. Polk co.ir.ty
JeaM ArrUNiTi, Umfqae ValWy.
V. II Rasa, BalMiU.
Kossbt NswsU CkauiBefg.
U.vu A. Umilu, l-oekleawte.
K. P. flsiaiss, Banto conutjr.
J. D. ItetMil, PeetBO City .
Iim nBB. ttrMO. IJan eoualv.
K. Baateo, Pleas! HiU PtolUirke. IWrImi
Tina. N. Aasasr. Una County.
Nth. Omir , Dallas (Mumble river.
Jans Wevaial, Neeaillk Mitte, Talk eernl,
IVitxua eatvew, CsBemoh.
Il.vi Tons, Meaikelje, O. T.
Itavio laatlta, Astoria.
W.II.UmV.CUIso stains.
II. M. Kawutna, Itllla"
T. U.rre,Mdlae.
taniiii'" in -
lor tba rlnoeleler.
T Mr lataat Hoy
, STTNtoeoas J. cseo, r;. a ?
PR bold thee in nijr arma.
Par dey'e dull tod ledonr,
Awl borne la Ml f cliamx.
I !, nij wii auUnir, lap !
Mawi Mb thf jr wUh mil.l !
Haw awaat will to Ikr abrp
Thai iiawnalhjr Ma la-olhl!
Thy feathar laokail lika tlira,
Nat qallaaa full ( U.
Dut all ! Ikat lif attnljf loi !
V, ! wa lorail blm !"
(Prawu no, wa larrd anolhaf )
Tba Rial wlia laok liiui. kmw
llow wa dkllu hy brtnlmi j
And liaw wa naUlitil Imn fnw,
Tim' rwxilU that !!; taa,
Awl laaftd lafflkar an
To aaa ir bay man !
Al.J lnBlJaWld
Waa pa)rin( an ba rbark,
llow on ou UuJaJ kaara
Uur aoula' totxaai wa'il (
!lJtf,litll'daii:ii, lira
TJiy ftllwi'a fviidrat tnwt
Tbybaaoiylo Ilia dual I"
llul Tain aw fast) rrfird
And iha'thataak wm hard,
if Tby awUir'ibon4liif (rirf
Till haarra awtcl raUaf
Upooatumlatry iluawi
And thau waat aM to claar
Our aaJ tonlfbttd way,
And with Iky amlla I chaar
OuidarkMai lata day.
Ohl wardaa Jayanralharat
And Waia, lika mnabina rain,
ffaaa chtaad twardaaBalr
Wt tlpd aar toy f a.
m t
Ah (atopy Nuba,
And MaOiar wait far lhaa.
Gad lata thy praclooibaartt
AW Uaftbaa with a knf I
Bui irwaraealladta part,
OU (Mia lU Hi iawl Mnmgl
Tbaratald Iby Villa haaaW,
And alaap oorat Ink bl, rooihar-
IU11 draajnoT kaaraoly lamia,
AndaaabUUtUakraUiari '
CalumUa City, O.'f . Mar. Ml, 1611.
03 A Him 8o"ndr: In Loulunn liti
rteorarad twtWa thounsd dolln dim.
g from om Willlim L.'.Bhiw .for iUr
mktloaof obrMar,. Wht lite tltqtlir
ccoiliteJ of Unot iitttdi
(Pram tba (War Tiiw)
Mmh' ", fctlf rllili
New Vrh.
i tar a rciiant
"Tharo wm aouwl af rawlnr by lli."
Tho moan wm lilniog brigliily upoo
lb polUhtd niuakel ind gftaua efulp.
moon of nominal In lh nettlei uniform
of lb UulTa Id eraek rrgimowl of tba
llrlliib rmy of lb day m ba iravarted
kla brlof round al ilia cardan-eats In
Grecnwicb atrorl, bahlnd the mldmce of
Sir Henry Clinton, commaadar.ln.obltf
ol inn liriuan loreea in Amonoa.
Ilia italwart flauro and high grenadier
cap niiiM lilt anaoow nnpear giKanuo
beuMih Ibe ray or our full bu4 glorloua
orb tlio wrttern moon. Occasionally be
Mould pauae, a II llalrtiinx In Ibo rich
mutlo wbloh ever and anon awelled forth
from the renldenc of Sir llrnry, and hie
thought liirncd upoo tbo youth and beauty
tnliiilinir with the dancu wllliln. Oiifo
or twlr ba patted Ibo back of Ida baud
acroea bla eyea, at If to at ay a truant lear
that waa tlrallnx rroin lla luiintaiii. Ilia
tneinory runlutl In tlm dava of bla early
home In "incrrlo Hnsland."
"Ily St. drome!" be mil It ere J, half
aloud, "I did Mil think I rould he no child,
lah I Tli aounJ of that lun baa.put ma
In nilnd of homo and old lleTonahire."
Karlnir thli. ha broke out In that mill
tary aonu of (len. Wolfe which, aa tradl.
lion gnea, he.eung while paailng up the
HI. Lawrence, I tie night beiure no leu on
the plains oT Abraham :
NbouLI w U lualaMlwIr lra,
n hioa bualarar ua to d.a," ice.
Ilia voice, naturally awtcl, Bounded
wrlrctlv meloilioua aa unconwloualy he
Rirftot bit dutlea aa a aeiillnet, an-i gave to
the aonjj Ilia urn compaaa oi ma maniy
lofte. At a Utile dlatance, concealed from
the erntlnet by the ihrubbery, wai an
otricer, upon wnoae irniirtnni m ivauuiui
rlfl aboanlces from tba ball-room.
Aa Ilia after fate of tide brave officer
forms a memorable page In our couolry'a
biitory, my reader may perhaps Ilka a
dreciiplion ofhls perioa, lie was rather
under Ibn middle height, of a handsome,
weii-maue ngure, ami erect military car
rilne. Ills faca wai oral, and lb fe
turre decidedly bandsoine. The main
oapreaaion of bis oounlenanoa Jiaylayod
frnnkncM anJaTiiboriiy. ftle age'sieiasal
admit thirty. Ilk acarlct coal wa faced
with buir. and buff breeches, with while
silk stockings, adorned ibe lower part of
his person. Such waa the bail-room's
tu mo of an officer at ibat oerlod.
"You seem melancholy lo ulcbt, Major
A ml re" said bla fair companion. "On
ruch a night aa this you should be other
wise." "Aud in suoh company, you abould
Iisto added, MUs Urekman. I'ardon ma
fur this apparent iuiotnesa. The thought
tint tliia may ba the last night I shall
ever trw-od in New York is enough to
make one feel melancholy la it not, fair
lauy i '
"I.rare New York, Major Andro ?"
said lha young la-ly, with aome aurpris.
"Are you going south with Lord Corn
Willie I"
"A soldier, Miss Urekman, must in
form no ono of his destination, and parti
cularly una lika yourself, with a touch of
the rebel feelina toward your countrymen
This much I will answer I am no, going
VSome new plan of Sir llrnry', I'll be
bound," aaid lb laughing girl. "I do
lore Washington, and that is Ibo truth
My father, it Is certain, remains firm In
his allegiance to King George ; but I, I
go with our republican ueorge ueorgc,
the soldier from Virginia."
"I cannot say that I thtrik less of you
for such feelings, Miss Dcokman," aaid
Andre ; "it li natural that we abould love
our country. Washlngtou Is a bravu sol
iier, and, from all I hear, a sood man.
lie that aa ll may, however, lie bas no
right to take up arms against his lawful
king, and when he la taken, a he mual
be, he will end bla days on a glhbot."
"I'll wager you Ibis rote' aaid tho
merry-hearted girl, In a laughing lone,
taking on from her hair, against tba
first new novel you roceivo by the London
packet, thai you will aufler suoh punish
ment first and thai, you know, Is Impas
sible, Major lor my countrymen treat
the kings officers with Ibe highest respect
when prisoners. Spies only arc bung, and
neither Washington nor yourself aro like.
ly to undertake that profcation."
It aeemod aa if a spasm passed throuth
the frame of lha oflioer, for ha trembled
for an Inatant like a leaf an Incident
"which wa long alter remembered by bla
fair companion whon mentioning ins titer
anoholy fate,
You ire ill, major I Let u go In."
"No, no," said he, faintly "It wa but
momentary nervous amotion, and I
now passed. There are, at times, Mis
tleekman, presentments of evil In lha tin
man mind, thai come without real cause,
and trouble ua we know not why. I can-
.not say but that my phyitoal health Is' as
good as aver ll waa, in nigm la oeau.
llful, and lb aoeno within Kir Usury's
mansion enonantingi uui ami mere is a
heaviness about my spirits thai I oanoot
shake oft. I aaa a dangtr before me, yet
know not where to guard ajnloti It, or
how lo meet it. Though shadowy, ll an-
Oregon City, (0. T.;) tiiftr, December W, I86L
pear palpsUo and distinct. Abt that
At this moment tba sliver tone of (h
sentinel' voice rang sweetly upon lb
ear with the word of the eoog wo hav
xulluj a .I aLllad Lm. AmmmA IhA
llianuuiivv, auu, nim ! ?
major and bis fair companion appeared
suddenly before mm. in an loaisni at
nln waa huahfid.and hla muaket broutnt
uddetily lo "present arms," aa he alood
motionless In true military position barbra
Ida superior.
Nay, nay, Whitley, ceeae not yoar
song,' said (be major; "oaeuob bwh
a this J wonder not Dial you feel lika
..singing. I will stand responslWa lo.lba
sergeant lr won a orean m aisctpiiar. -"Iskoeblllkamooh'toUarlt
lo tMi
an Jier." aa d lie adv."
"I only know ll, lady." answered the
acnliiiol, "from hearing Major Andro alng
It when I have been on duly al nu nuar
lers. Perhaps h. ma'am, will consent lo
favor you with it."
"I Inalst, Major Andre no refusal will
I allow."
Well, Miss Dcakman, I will not dey
you ; but I cannot equal wiiiny in the
song, a you will aoen And out."
lie then commenced, and sang with
oreal natbo and beauty. Tbo calm anien
dor of Ibe night, hi pensive air, and tba
Irellng with which he entered Into the
words or me song, oomoineu 10 give n
great effect. Aa lie concluded, ba waa
surprised to bear the eiolamatiooa
"llravo. Andrei" "Beautiful!" Excel
lent !" from numerous voices, its fact,
be was surrounded by a goodly portion of
the ball. room company, who had availed
themselves ol a pause in ibo danco lo visit
the perueo.
"Well done, Andre I" said a stout and
noitlv ecntlcman In military costume,
with a iare-e star on the breast of hi coat
"you shall hereafter bear tba till of
song-master as well a aajuunt-ganerai
lo his msieelv'a troop In Amsica. Out
come, man your pnlltnsand gay'
seem to ba on furlough to-olghl. The
Ilaroneas de Keldetel na been loomog
all over for her partner. Step lo, my dear
fellow, itep in I Miss Baekmao, will you
condescend lo tak my arm I"
"1 have been nealectful.Bir Henry, and
will instantly repair my wrongs," said
Ha entered tba bi!t-toom, and waltsed
wkdLlaW SaisWail. baawLfiafth Haa-
slaVKnTraVBi'rtoyna'a aaaoMlsrtwa
mand al Saratoga. It wa tba' last waits
and ball-room soene ever ensaied la by
Andre the night of tbo IBlh of Septsrn-
ber, 1780.
The ball was over, the gueata bad d
parted, and it was waxins towards day.
jlgbl, when Andro left the private closet
of Sir Henry Clinton, and stood in the
doorway looking toward tbo Bowling
"Now. my dear Major," said Sir Henry
"I bid you adieu. May auceeaa crown
your eOurt. ll your interview wun Ar
nold terminates as wa hava.reasoa to ex
peot, West Point is ours, and a general's
commlulon awaits Jonn Anuro. ue cau
tlous. I entreat of you."
Adieu. Sir Henry I go I serve my
kins and country. If I bull will not
u ll. Blr. farewoll."
'He nhook lb extended band of Sir
Henry Clinton with emotion, and, aa ha
stepped into lha street, received, for tba
last lime, tha military salutation of a llrit.
lah sentinel. Ha touched his bat aad
passed on. At the water's edge ha spring
into a boat; and was noon on tho deck of
lha Vulture rtoop-or-war, on ma way te
his unit interview wm neneaioi Arooia.
In a little more than leu days, Ibe high
minded soldier dangled on a gibbet. Ilia
hones of dorr were forever closed In tho
dust and ashes of the arave. Forty years
afterwards his bone were brought lo ibis
oily on thelrway to rest beneath agorgeoua
eeno'aph In Westminister Abbey. Though
an enemy, wo respect the memory. ofa
bravo man j ami that suon a man anouta
havs been the victim of a traitor Ilka
Benedict Arnold! There le aomethlnc
ao touohlng in the last letter of Andre to.
washincton, mat wo almost regret in
latter had not compiled with hla request,
and given blm th death, of a 'soldier i
Tam, Oct l ITBU
Siii Daeved abate Ik terror of death by tho
ronavlauaneas of a fa davolad la Honorable rwiauta.
lid auuwa with ne ertloa last ran rivo ii roniera,
I Irart UuU dw raqikwl I make la your eiceNoncy
al this arrlona panad, sad which la loanfiaiajr
laal nvanaita, will not to raieelad.
Hjrinpailir lowanla a aoWsr WUI auiaiy laitMe
yonr siealleaoy and a niQIUry tribttml to adapt tbo
irwdo T ay death to tho foaUofa of a sua of
- Ii na bona. air. Dial If sunlit In'mv eharaciae
inpnMara you with eataam lowarda wa If sight la
my maaoruwas roars ma aa ua awum pai7
nd not of raaaalmant I shall esprriaiea Ota op.
ration of thaw freUncs I yowaWMi, by bolaf la
lumed that I aa not bs db oa a r ktoi.
1 han the bnnor la to you oxcalkMunrls roost
ebrdrvnl sad moat humble asrvait, JoiuAina.
At noon precisely, on lha 'li of October,
1780. ha waa hnnir at Taopan. On the
day of Arnold'e death, many year after,
Ilia Ires 'thai overshadowed the solitary
grave of Andro waa struck and shattered
to piece byngiitoing.
OCT Hon. Bdward Kvereti lis 'con.
anod todellver aa address on (he ooca-J
mor oi i no uaaicatioo or tno uamenoge
Athewium, whleb wilt Uka jlac lit
"rVrWWr.r Tar awayto tU,f.' '" ' iV ' ??$&? i. M&&W9JW
l-L . , - . II I 1 . . LL JUMLBggr J
f H "
saaawaoanai aaa aaaw aaowsw aatrBjowaaa
hav before mao mantloB of ibo n
aairkabla atlllaea wblcb may ba observed
afraldalgbt la thee regie), but not ua
taj'sow did it cam 'upon m with such
(oras, aad la such alagular roaaoar. I
ese atlempt to desoribs tba.mlagled
aajairas I axperleaoad, of ooasUaleur.
pfjaa aad aavsieaaoat at tba xtraoraloery
ryirirn-n1M'tt'' 'l'1, '
iHaat gating upoa, aad of rtaewsd boa,
asaMasrd Into a qukri, holy aad ratoraa
taCaVsatag gratk towards abat
llbtySelnff, who, la ihtosol
reltaod alika suprema, as in tba busy
hour of noon, when man is esger at bis
loll) or lb custom of the civilised world
giro to basin active life and vigor.
Sava iba distant humming noiss of lbs
engine working on board of lb steamer
lowing us, there was no sound lobs board
dettotioa; Iba existence of any living thing
or of any animate maUer. Yet there we
were, perooptluly, nay, rapidly gliding
past lha lands and fild of Ice, as though
soon secret aad mysterious power had
beea ssl lo work to carry us swiftly away
from those vexatious, barraastog and de
laying portion, of our voyag, in whlob
wa had already experienced so much
trouble and perplexity. The leading ves.
sets had. pasted all ibe parts where any,
furtber.dKTiculty might have been appre
hended, and thia of course gay to ua in
lha rear a eene of perfect aeourlty for
Iba present. All bands, therefore, except
tha atiddle watch oa deck, were1 below In
Ibelr respectiv vessel ; and, aa I toefced
forwafd ahead of ns, and beheld tba leas;
lla 'of masts and rigging that rose up
from eaob shJp before ma, without any
soil sst, any eppereal motion to propel
sack ataasss oaward, aad wltboat a stogie
humea -tatee to ba beard round, it did
aaaaetbleg wonderful aad anaaalag.
Aad yet It waa a aoble eight oW veasebj
were oastiag their leaf shadow se'ros
lkwajMMHaeeofctbe paasIagSoseof
kayrafaaW'aaJirT'awdi iiiwiairraill
geptler, but atiH beautiful lustre, 'was
soariaa; ,ibregb the palar sky, at lb back
of MetvuVCape. Ay, in truth it waa
a noble light ; and wall could I look up
ward to tbe streaming pendant of my own
dftr country, that hung listlesaly from
tha mast head of the "Assistance," aad'
feel tba highest satisfaction in my breast
that I, too, was one of her children, and
could boast myself of being born oa ber
owtffree soil, under her own revered and
IdoHxed flag. But oven as I beheld that
listless symbol of my country's name,
pendant from the lofty trunk, my glanoe
waa directed higher'; and It oaught the
pale blae firmament of heaven, illll In
thai midnight hour dlvestsd of star or
nteoa that ahlnes by.nlghi, and brighten
ed by the sun, my heart breathed a pray
erUst He, who dwells far beyond that
keaofmortsl eye; ..would deign to grant
Vk the attempt now making ihould not
baftuula In vain, bulthauhcae whom we
ware bow oa our way to seek might bo
round and restored to their home and sor
rowing friend ; and that, until than, full
apport and strength might be afforded
EslaMsiai Ik ftraer.
It is calculated that th division of tho
occupations of men in the United State
la nearly in the following proportion t
at la haemal mwalloa ssjott
ea Uaosiaa ,.MM
" la learaoa piafiaaiii aavsu
la ceaaerse UtMt
- la aaiafarmaa...... Tlrst
la agrlsnrs.t. .... J.7UI4JI
Thus It will be seen that these who are
engaged In afrioulture, are three and a
ball Matt gsatter than those engaged In
all other derision. The ssrloulturlsU,
etoasqutnily, have the physical and nu.
aterioal powtr, and can at any time oa.
ttrolayery'SMvahmeat In the 0. States,
aad give tone te' public) opinion'. But do
theyf No,laaedl for however power
ful ihy may be in number Iboy are weak
ha influenoe, aad thl arise from a waat
o( proper duoatioe. The slxtyslx thou
aaad two hundred and flfty-flve eagagtd
La the learned professions, are stronger!
Intellectually, lhaa tha three mlllloae
area hundred aad nineteen thousand nla
hundred aad fifty oaeogaged In agrioul
(ure, and tberefore' rule them. If ll were
not ao, Kvea-elghthi of tba oASoe in the
aWrUytvaajM not ba bald by lawyers
aa4j4atara.tof would all tha edlegee
aad has aaaaaiaiba endowed prlaelaaMy
for the btatfit of the learned profoasloa.
wmm una n-a jaaaaa. I A naaesai awaawaawaaa..,, waawawawawawawaaTjajBawawjaaaawaajaswaawa.-'v-,.';
About Iba. year iTt a
oocarreel whtea aeeerya wm wrtaeaaa
adamaa. lasbe waMeJaW.saaaiail
- 1 - . I . "h ' . . J
.. . .1 - --iZ
WHO use asengsaea) taa araaasaai inaas oa
lootaa eany aaaaaia insaase taa. aw-
t llb. Their asverfca imali, wa aa
w .. r - " 1 4n j . i
iba baakiof tai,(a)w taw,Taaaa)
betwaaa Haw LsaaV) aa! 'JsnHak. . A
aaaall raaaaaatal.TlaaalaMaM
aad the are
I mmi;! ?!?
Ha iiaaiia am tae w
brated ahlef Uaea. thtrnfOMm'tt
my raiaara merMaia araapenty aa ikm
employed several lawaai of tbktrjaa) la
huntlrftgaalatewaaaaaKia warevaia
able 'for tbelr Air. -.Aasaaa; tbeao baater
was one aamed Zfebaryi ef tba royal
rase, aaaaaalleai baaier, bat aa draakea
and worthies aala.Ha aa arar Head-
When be had aoeaewbatpasataj tha age af
fifty, eevaral raaaibara ef taa reya tah
lywbcotood betwaaa Zaibary aaoi tba
throne of bl. 110, d4d, Ms) 'bi 'aa.
birrwirwrib'alyeae',Ufc batweaa bias
and tba araplro.' Ia,tiu aoaal Ida eat
tergealu reoaaatd Its away, aad ha re
flected rioualy. "Hewaaasaobadraa
kenwretchaalamasajra tobetkavbief
of thli boeorable raoat What, wig atr
people sayf sod bow wHi tbe sbadae of
my noble aaeeators look dowa ladigaaat
upon tuoh a baa suoosworT Can I aaa
ceed to the great UaeasT I will driak aa
more!" He eiaaaly reeslesa aaver a
gain lo taste aay drhik bat water, aad he.
kept bis rseslatwa.
tlrely UlUy h;.aWyeaaf aa f araa, t aJ
ready parteok al tba'a WrKal aaaaaawt
forladlaa.- la tha biajljiahn af Mai.
the annual aleetiea ef taa.BsaaKf-
crs ef tba (lhaa) esJeay waa aaH at
Hartford, taa eapUat. MyPatkefi
aaabaT. lit lata it tilled
alally, aad k waa eaetaaaary aaraVt
tribe. MyrWber'a'
abt aaid way aataa"faad batweaa
begaaaad BaotfoH'waiaUeidaf waa
In tho habit ef iiaaabtaaVwaaTa
tba elaetloa, aad eVaiaf wbb bU btatbar
governor. One aa tba ialahivea tbo't
struck aw totry iba'akwerity orrbe aid
man's lemperaaee. The family ware
roidstdinaer, aadibarewaa aaeelleat
bjme-brewad beeroa tba table. I ad
dressed the old chief:
"Zaobary, thia beer le aaeelleat will
you laatalt!" .
'The oldmaa drefpid bla. kalfc aaa
fork leaaed forward wkh a ateM iata
ally ef expreesloa hit black eye, spark.
link with ledigaaiisa, waa fixed aa as.
"John," aaid ha "yea do aot kaew
what you are doing. Yoaare aattiag
Iba devil, boyf Do you not kaew taat I
am aa Indian! I tell yea that I aw,
that, if I abould but taste year bear, 11
could not atop ualtl I got ta rues, aad
came aaala tha draakea aad coal
wretch your hiker riasaakiiiaaata have
beea. Jeba; while yea live, never agata
tmpt aay atea la break' a geed raaala
rataa never attered a taara wlaakla
precept, lUeaawtMaaa eeeM aatvaaaa
giveaula aaore eel aaa taaaa af ileai nfaa
iwuinanaeratrwsa. y pawawitwaai
deeply aJKraltdi they leaked at eeeb ether,
at ne, aatTat tha veaerabla eU ladlaa,
with deep rVrtmgaaf awe aad rsaa oat.
They afterward frioueMly reraladad aaa
of the aoeae, ana; charged ate aereV at
forget It. Zaebary lived to pata the age
of eighty, aad aaoredly kept M raaala.
tlon. Ha lies burled In tba royal hartal
place of hla tribe, aear the beaullrV) Mi
of iheYaatlo.lbe waMera braaea ar taa
Thamea, la Norwich, oa Uad aaw owned
bv my frtead. Calvia (saddard. Baa.
vlalied th grave of the eld chief letelyj
and aepealed ta atyaeif kla, Utstlairtli
,-Col. Tma.bu.ira AaatUeawaahy;
via t tt tui uaii ii Jii
-Daib aa i raaana.."1
UadeltoateflehV Wheaaver hi al'lakea
oui of the water, evea though It aae ta
have received ao butt, it glvita aaaaak,
aad Immd4tly xptree) aad'tkeafh H
beihrowa laataatly back late Iba' waaar,'
It MVf fMffirt HtMviaw wTifP-;
"dead aa a herrlaa." - . i
i - - . i .
.'aMai Tti- ok '.UawrltUaaWr
gu-i- ta aba 0Aaal t abaaadk'
aJaiil 4,f" it:
. : " Tl , Z, -i... ,- .aaaa-a- a auawaui- ,,
I aVlBaw wW aw awTaTr"w",wa"faf" daafJMgT"ejaarnjpr'
aVa, il i niU-aa'aaatawtawa.
Lava'a A- laanaawahaBBBat
t aaaaaaTaa' aaay asa eaaaaaaaw"aewaaaaajBaBr
aV-a- -a -'- a - .-'--
FwaaV eFaTafrVjr"' IbnaVafsV mW
havaa aaajkaN
aaiaa. J - S'
v-aaV aas-ji1aaWBi Bail
n mwjfmwmmvwiri$,uT- iimi ' 54
.. - !Mt .x. l-j k ...(-2tt. .
aBjwgefAggal f-f. fmA
lasjairad what
kbi atiatiaiatathe:
hi aateaty-aalaW 'aalw-aaMaid
graai liiaiaaWaa,;. f'l WvAJtiH -jj,
rThaJ'Mwe. aka ' lairawlaiaf
tha BBBBTa'a
- v tA M X'Mty&h? ,
- aaaaaaaj wsaawfBsw,waBBrwBBwa'
aaa tail ale aaaJaa TaMM'waaaawawSir v..
' A easier, hoojeWhiaa) afllaall'atlt
ana. ' "- " " -aa aaaaaaBBara
WWaaaJwaaag faVWavaaFV awfaapaaaa awa I fBarsTT "afrafaaFejsTafaaBaTajH JH
fi ri rrt wjltfi H ewrV-o-a a
i rt-Aa wmm aWaaaaaaaaaaamal
' --- (a-ahaaaaaaami
lag, wkh rrvlag fcaiija-.'a
'-Thai ta tba fcat take .kaiViaaaa
IfaaxM '19 Wf 90M9mWf,Wmim'
year traak kaa atajft.-Kr
-v, ,
l H iiUJa'H'i.i'iEl
Cfcir. whaaaaa
.kaapa'lfc Mn
'a ' V
BaBBaBBBaBTwaTataataBBBBal aaBBBBBBBaataTi atafafal
Taaaat VaaafmaaBBBBi aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaf ' ataawaaaaV MV' i
aawa, waaa awanv aaa eajeaaai laaaajajar s
awa aFjf VBa' ivwsaweBaaTSeBwav V9PJHHHL
all ethar.aMaly; ','SmtJMML '
leak "1aia at' mmMfOngBLr-'' .
I la waa' Mi aaV sianl WMW... X
?waL??jj-jr?it?'"!"( "i
-,iw.'yyfi?yirMrtift.f!gTnJ v.
BaaaaTaffa aaaTaTaTaTaBaTaTafl aata BBtafaBaaaTaafai aTaafaL tfaBHte.taaTawr'
awaia. waa asttly iwSit 1flPPW
waa raatiiatad M,aaa.aW Mmmmft
aaajtaiy 'mmmSBtl
ayaaa Vast aaa aaJsAfJBSJaTataTaVaTaVBK. - .
.-'-rpr.fynjftW' awawawaBBawajaBaajBi it
arXMMfaaahJdiP ?j ,
- .. vy - ? - .yaauawawae' Oaal
-rr rTJrTwwJkajPrror oTvWVawa A.-- 41
aaBaaaaaBBBBwaaaaaT .'
tjtWKmmanmek. ?
g-saasoaJfcf ajatavk fA-LL kBBaBBBB? 'jT
awaaaaaj oaTawaaaj HaaBBaBBBBB aBaBaj vjavTaTBoTSTToBPaTBBaT Baarar ft
aaaKaBBBVsataV'' '
aawrht aaaar taaaaaaaMaaaal
a rl-'
t."j t
?x 4s&-4
sZMW22kffl&: m