Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, November 11, 1851, Image 1

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" " Mi
' h J WMwr4 the fltftr f Imilrc lkM JM wv." O.O. I
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a.i. r-r rr .uraa atr?:.
Vol, G,
Oregon City, (0, T.,) Tuesday, November II, 1851,
r. boyd t. KsSBSEmbr Jm
eaaaaensaaasa; M tVM
Till. OKI.UO TKtri'ATUHl
lirrClttTa gr T tlorlS ar ostooa.
I J Nchaeblr, iklllor nntl IrO.
Ona copy, hi aiiaum
" rat sis n-miilri
On fount. (11 Hum or ,ta) Iws luaaitlmta
el 83 00
Ki a tary aldiilal latrrtwii $1 00
A lilaaral itailuetlett M1 tt J-l)f ailtalaarra.
Th mmiWr of limrtlaw wm I" lMiMitjr
aaiktd on tli intrftn, tthaiwaaa II,. r will lit
cot Halted lin (otbM, a) ck.rpw "-t't,t, T ,
.kgflMt far lllti ftiM'rtiitnr.
Tha fullowlnj xlait at. iiIIk.iIihI In art
A'enla l,rlhHelat..l 'I l.v will l.cme a lib
lliUwua and AtltrllHrnirnla hr lla
1 I. M. l-h "t'll.UtM.I l.i ih. Sc.
IX III lli" 'I. mill)- ami la ailllnitl.. l l.f.llre
and ra-.,4 fi all naoiieya ielalll,s;.e IhaohVa
A 14 I'm, h, ll)in, !! muni)
T I" I'uwaaa, I ll i r...int) ( T
lie . AaaaxtTHt A .i , lii. ciljr
fen. ll A 4u ."IVltlaiid
J II Ml I. "a, I' M halm,
ll.n i.ila Aalmia
I' M Vt aLtaa f- I lialial.1,1
A J llaMiaar..!. antll II
V Pit, . I tun nl
Juaaril I' atrl. Mvulll "' Mat) a HIM
A MlM.aa, , .llla.lu.i(li
J Nr aoitll S ..until a In.'. IV.IV. CI UHIJT
Jaaaf mi4Ta, l'ni"Ma all.y
II II. 1. Hot I.
ll.iaaa Sawm, Chaiii-.r
lll.la A I.IN.UIR Irfiral.niiilr
I. I- HaiaM a, ll.iil.iii i ..n.l
J l l"l.. I1, ill. ' ll
J.r.ia C.iara, Hlarti ' I n,n ruiml V
I. Ilalaluw riru.Hl Mill I -Ullll. r, tlrnloll
Na-naa li-.rt Hall" I J iinlua mf
Jim Wat Mia. Sr.ui I
I'sk , mil)
I1IUM) ll.al. w ( 41.. i .1
Dttlli riaff M .nl 'all I II
lla.ll. Nutlla, lt.M
II liaat.l lal-. .'a i.
II M lt.illt.., HI 1 1. In,.
T II hIIH, Milloil
P 0 E T H Y .
Tim lllluil lll)'a I II Plla.
.fliilln r
TIia IJm. I U.) .I.ii ai U) ittoili.r,
AliJ m.ll) (altira wa ha I
We .. tiiini ti ii.ii nay ni.4t.li
- Alhl atf.ry l.i waa rlail
lint wl.it . r..mi.l a alafijr lUnal,
Anl .laiil lla tan.tt It. i
A laal i am. trrfii!.lili l.tt II li a r) ,
Jual I.Ik" tillu . I rt4
U a Iw. I. Iiiiii tu lh. hi II III 41 ai,
Mirla Itllnitf walriamitM
A laml.iw, t. n Hi. nil, m .11,..,
Aa gl4J.il anil I4)a .la).,l
Kill wli.lt w. all ml. I l III. araiia,
Alhl liail.'l III. rl.ar ttti. ,1,1,
lip alixal ,ulr alill U.M ll.a l.alik,
AnJ l.l.atliaj 4 I..111;, I nc 4,1,11
WaatkaJ him wli) li. w.H, tnnllirr,
li.l.a .1 w. lauu.t It,. nu
W h.ra iiiwuiklia n4, mulli.i,
O .1 wiliiy..!.! lit. 11,1'a
MAli inr," I,. ..!. wliil. I.aia inn iluwn
Aa faat aa allium. 1 alinwera,
'll lalratiaa I raltliol aa
'I li. luualmi. and Ilia lltupla"
Oil, Itiat af r ai;lill.M ti) lilwtlirl,
llaalauitlillii. I 4111 M.al,
I w I ran l,Nk,willi j.i) v molliar.
Oil all I kite Hip la-t
An.t wli.lt I a.plt. illliriii. all.aitl.
Aim! ilaiaira l.J ami w Inl,
1 II knrrt Uhiii llip lit.aj IW an.1,
An.l thank in) (iial ft r M;hl
Nrnitn .Sum wiinm, A griilleman
ant hit Mnck atrvaulln purthaae n freth
full. Ilo went to u tlill, and taking up
a lith, hegtu to mini I it. Ihe liiiiuioif
ger obsemng him, und fearing the by.
ttandert niighl iiilch llm acrnt exiUiuud,
"llnlloo ' you Mark rascal, what do you
imcll my lith fori"
Tha negro replied'
"Ma no iinell jour full, main."
"What arnyou doing, tlicn.tirl"
"Why, iiiu Inlk to lilm, uiatsa."
"And what did youaay tuihu fith, ehT"
"Why, tue atk what uowa at tea; that'a
all matta,
"And what doe-i ho tay to you I"
"Ho tayt, ho don't know; ho no been
dero dem three wreka1"
Kr The llnngor Whig aayi that a Ver
mooter liitimenlrd a machine fur making
brick hy ateam power, by wlilcli Ihe clay
Utliaviid up, dried, pulvorlted and prett.
cd dry into the moulds at tho rale of SO,.
000 a day, and placed in tho kiln for
burning, no nun-drying boing nccentary
nflir tho bricka come from Iho mould,
(r Tinnta viliulti iho air of a room at
nlghl, not hecnuto they part with carbonic
arid, and inhule oxygen for a humtn be.
ing would vitiate it inoro than this way
but from their powerful odor, which hai a
moit violent effect on Ihe nervoua ayitem
of aomo poraom.
(T Uov. N. 8. I). Ilrman, I). O., of
Troy, ii writing In The Whig a aeriea ol
aharp letters la Archhithep Hughes on tli
questions at Utile between the I'rnsbyto.
nan and the Iloniin Cnlholio Cliurvlies.
Umrmt l-ope.
'Narolw Lnpea was lorn of vteatthy
parents, III Venezuela, In 170U. II u
III mil aon or lila narenle tint arrow to
math it it ' though he Imtl number of al.
tars. IIU father lituj a commercial liouie
In Caraecas, a brtneh of whloh ( Valen
cia, In Ilia Interior, win placed undor Id
ehargo of Narciso l an early ge. In
Iho war f fiiilo(MMialiica there, lilt faltWr
wat a "Pal rioln," or aillierenl of I lie parly
aeokliiB lo fru llielr count ry. I am pot
aware. hoveYr, t.Ml Ibo laiher
up anna, until liii mtWe city wa
nl by Hi Bjiiiilarila in IBM,
hgwotrar, aoon (ell into Ilia tan ol Ilk
k t. II . H..4I. .. ..4, 4L.
I awngHinar iMiaca I4ain waw,niaw4fr
aertrB plrt In nftri6t cauW. "TTUoTty
in vrnixuela erer auuarcu o iiiucii ai
Valenila, from the iruelllti of tha royal
lio.)ia lain, Lojier'n father wis adtiMiil
to Into fur Puerto Colifllo, which hit did
aa aoon at h wan able to racipn from
Valencia, Oil hit way to that city h
wat murdered and of courun no palm
In find uul by whmn ha wai lliui put to
death. Naiclio wat then fjulle a youii)
man, and cither joined the Hpmlardi, or
wat pretted into tha e(ice, Tha mode
of hit rnleilnj!, however, makea but little
diir.Tnice. Iihe did not enter wiluntarlly
he rrmumnl thero voluntarily and volun
tarily aoii;ht fivor and irefrriiieut from
the acuurg of Ida own country, the
Due day, (Sen, Moral?,, tven mora
blood thlrtiy and aanmtiary than Ilivea,
n anted aimo one tu act at Secretary.
I.ip. wat 4lntid out and choaen, and
theme an ingratiated hlmaelf villi lilt
t'liiiiniitidrr, that"ltbe lultnr did atl h
could to advance liiin. When the Hnnnl.
arda wi re fimill diltrn .Mil nf the conn.
try, i.iiie 1.11 ma ntnve ton, wiiii ti.e
rank of Culonel, in an army that had done
in bl to kieu hit uatiii country (Vene-
fiiela) in ktibjviti m i
l.niK? theiivteut lo Rualn, diallnguMieiff
lilmtelf, I believe. In the Car lift war, and
hud lli honor af "Marlacal do C'ampo
conferred un,'n liiin. lie aftetnardt went
lo(,'uba and remrl atatrtthat diaappolnt.
merit hi not iitlliiii! the Captain (.moral-
ship of Ihe Tataiid, firtt Induced him to
commence intrigues which retulted In hit
Ming ul.ligril to lcao there.
1 1 only remalna for m to tay that my
Information in relation to tho firtt part of
hit cartel Wat oblahttui In-law, cltr f
Valencia, my informant waa Senor Hi
cnrihiiela, for a lone lime Senator from
that city, and wlio wat, like the father of
IrOlicz, obliged to teak tafnly In night.
Dclng on a viiil to that city in July, I
waa at aomo nalnt to find nut lomelhiug
about the early course of Ironex ; and a
'Utter nf introduction to Senator I'.acarl
iiueit, iitppiiv enauieu me to ua to.
No ono who know a an) thing of Iho
cruelties of Spaniards in South America,
will lei iliapoicd lo think lint all nf what
it Mated by I.opcz about Spauiah l)ranuv
it la I ao Scarcely any ono can to well
leitif nthetan. Many years a protege
of ihe most sanguinary of his counliy'a
oppressor, It it to be expected that ho
would Lo ahlu to declaim eloquently on a
sytlem of tyranny, which bat long tinco
been toficned into lenity and mildnett,
compared to what it was when he fought
for it, againtt the playmatea ol his child,
The principal portion of ihe above ac
count, It Irom a correspondent of tho
I'hiludi Iphla Ledger.
Another account says : Alter the
Spanish army evacuated Veneruela, I.o.
pez wont to Cuba, where ho remained and
ralabliihcd himself in life, soon makine
himself contiiicuoui by hit advocacy of
liberal principles. During thn flrtt Car.
litt troubles he chanced lo be In Madrid
on privalo biitlneat. Having joined the
roialtal party he wai made Aid tie Camp
to the Commander.ln Chief, den. Valder,
and received several military decorations.
He was honored with soeral .Important
offices by the Queen, and was finally made
(overnnr of Madrid. Allerwards, ta
Senator from Seville) ha la said to have
mado the condition of Cuba hit especial
study, and the rxpulilon of Ihe Cuban
depuiira from ihe Curias Induced him to
rnsign his offices and return to the liland.
There he held several posts under the
Captain. General Valdez. I'lnallv he un.
dertuok the reworking of an abandoned
copper mine In the Central Department.
where he Is said lo have employed his
lime in instilling liberal principles into
me minus 01 inn popular.
In HMD, when tin thought everything
was rlpo for a revolution, lie came lo the
United Slates and not up tho imiuaturo
and uorsa than usoless attempt at an In.
vasion, known aa the Hound Island Uxpe.
dillou. In May, ISnO, tho famous Inva.
alon of Cardenas took place. In Auguit,
1851, he again landed In Cuba, at Dahla
I londa. II ia followers wore speedily dca.
troyed or raptured, and he himiclf, a
fuL'itlva a mon c' tho mountains, waa taken
on the 97lh ol August. On llm 1st of
September, 1S.11, he suffered the Ignomo.
nloua death of the Uarotce, at Havana.
Thru are tha prlnolpalrent of a life,
remarkable lor ua incontniencpjs.
(tir The moil worthless of all Taniilv
treasures are Indolent females. If wile
knowa nothing of domeitlo duties, ahe
not a lielp.nistc, but an Inoumberance.
mrangfl lMflMll4n-MRrrl' 1
m While Wmmm with ImHm.
Our villlaga ha ben In ataia of'fer.
muni for a few diya pant, in sonM4tianoa
of a rrotnt alTalr of lo, romanca ahd
matrimony, ihr prominent ilctor, or ratliar
admin. In which U not unknown fh thla
vicinity. We ha not room for a dar
tailed lilttory of the matter, but glfa tb
proailoent faota as they wara rlatad lo
uaby an cyo4.rar wllneaa. Dotlor
Oitali TuLbc. Baler In tlia Choctaw Na.
rer lMktlon of Indiana', In A
aaUWBUtilhaljprlvrfnar or
Valencia? iatngllnsinuiioal
Indiana1, In Arkanta, la a dlitln
on Iha lut. ana baa
ntarlainmtnta la Iw
aaMin of jbaoounlry far mitmi tlm fvf.
fav aa inarrvwu, awauvai.
II l liaaTeiwnijr axuicaiao, it liio ma
HaVM aajal
pliyaoriSWr ona hundir
undred difrerrnt
of mutlcal Inatrumenla. A fewdavjilnca
a lady of retpentabln connection! reildlnt;
In I Id, plate, atepped ou lard the packet
ai tint village, witn mo intcruion 01 viaii.
Inir frlenda two or three mllea up tin
canal. On entering thn cabin aha met
Dr. Tubbeo wIkuii tha bad heard of but
had never before teen. I'oud of inuiio,
and having heard of the Cliootaw'e ro.
markable porformnncci on the flute, alio
ventured lo aak him to play. The Indian
complied and the lady wat charmed with
lna mutlc. Alio converted with him, and
waa more deliuhlcd wild ilia mutic of hi,
wordt than with Iho tilvrr notea of bH
fainou. flute. Tha boat arrived at tin
port where ihe wat to meet her fiienda,
lint aim concluded nt tu leave ; and,
Ufure their rnei ling had been prolonged
tu a tiuglo hour, their mutual ettcem baj
been npentd witli audi amazing rapidity
lhat the lady, now fully giten over to tin
utea, declared In the mo.t paationata Ian,
rutvu that aha loved the chief with ai
I unciitierablo f.indnett, and ;avo proof
01 nur micerily Willi a llooil oriiart. I In
Indian, in return, I'll upon hit kneeaant!
n-auird tlio tnunMlnj; pirl that ha love
'" reriirocateI. lie told her that aeven
ear ano that lery day ha had a dream,
i in which ho aaw a beautiful woman who
wat nretenled lo him aa hit wife. Since
' then lio hid been wandering up and down
I Ihe earth in aearch of her, but to no pur.
pose, until thla prorMrntial meeting had
uiougbt him race to race with tha Ida-nth
cal imacn whom he had seen in his dream,
At Middieport lb parties exthangrd cards
and tha enamored woman left the boats to
make suitable preparations lo follow her
tawny- lever w!jram rant, on lit laaj
lowina day. At the rails they acain mat,
when Ilia matrimonial alliance waa fully
completed, and, in Ihe presence of the
thundering waterfall, sealed with a fcr.
rent kits. It waa aereed that the cere.
monies should take place on the banks Of
llio river, under Die blue a roll or heaven,
and in tho majottio presence of tho great
cataract. Priinda were Iniited, a clergy
man secured, and, at the appointed time,
Iho matrimonial groupo were atandlng on
the brink of tho precipice, on a g ratty
prominence near llio American Fall, wall.
Ihe arrhal of the man of God, to ofliclato
in uniting the tawny chief iih his fair
lartrothed in Ihe hefy bonds of wedlock.
Afler much delay ho made hi appearance
clad in Iho robes of his sacred office.
Timidly ho approached thq company,
ga7ed widlrly at the swarthy Choctaw,
cast a hasty glance at the fair woman
with the hridsl wreath, peeped cautiously
over Ihe prrciclce, trembled, grew fidgety
and, finally, backed out ! Under the cir
cumstances ho dared not marry them.
Ilo tried to persuado Ihe matrimonial
candidatea to poiipone their maniage for
a few days, uttil they had consultod
friends, Cut to no purpose. A clergyman
of tattler pluck was employed, who pro
ceeded forthwith in the hymeneal cere.
mnnit'i. The parlies were married, and
the prrytt welvrd for hit service twenty
dollar; in gold Irom tha hand of the fair
bride. Mrs. lubbee returned to our Ul
lage the day succeeding that of her mar
riage, and remained here until yesterday,
when she left, with bar husband, lor
Itochester. Dr. Okah'Tubbee ia now
Iratclling with Mr. Gardner, an Knglish.
man, and, we understand, will leave with
him for Kurnpe in a few daya. Medina
(N. x.;uii7rn, Aog. .'(.
Poldinu Maciiiic. We Hated a few
dava since lhat thero was a folding ma
chine in this office, which folded Ihe
fapers aa fast aa Ihey wero worked on a
Inn cylinder preit. The machlno had
then jual been nut In operation, and we
could not peak ery confidently of its
auccesa. Hut It ha been In constant
operation ever since, and (olds our daily
and weekly Issues, and does Its work well.
In folding our daily paper, It I particu
larly serviceable, aa ll Iardil1icuit to gel
boys up regularly and promptly by fuur
o'clock in the mornins. Tho fuldina ma
chlno savea all the trouble on lhat toore.
ll it attached lo, and runs by tho same
power that turn Iho press, making, a It
were, one machlno of the whole the
sheets being spread on In oca plaoe, and
coming out printed and folded at another.
It would soon pay lla way, in an oiuoe
where power presses aro used. Ohio
Slate Journal.
(& An exemplary youne lady up town
la very particular about dosing tho win-dow-ourtainatoher
room before retiring
for the night, In crdtr to prevent lbs man
in the moon irom looking in.
taa-av f
the now
The eccentric MVt. Switahelm, In a ro
Mot. number of the Viaitor, speaking of
dot experience, say m lias made aover.
I aruropti to wear (M Dloomer' dress
bat has now given it up, convInScd It is a
mistake. We give some eat racts:
It lb Iron tera are loom t DM ankle
ibey go flip flap: if gathered W band
and piling over in a putT, they lip slap
a ota walks. 'If there Is a ruffle to fall
down on the lop of the foot, l( gets In the
mmi, and la aa ugly aa the loarest skirt.
drawn up. is), us conveaieot, a
Iha toot m4 Mkl is eipotcd aa
i asj4irti9imitiiiihioraiicon
and long.jaMM,..
lenlh treuters a
ilbotta trou -
Ivaaceneral appearance of defurmilv
of dropslual leg. Next, with a skirt
that falls six inches over the knee, one
cannot have the upper part of llio trou
sers mado like ihe drawers worn by women
and children. They mutt be liko men'a
pantaloons, oral least those worn by bays
of three. and fouryeart. The undergar
ment must be worn Imid of these, and
they supportd by straps over the shoul
ders, or a body to which they aro fastened
by half a dozen buttons round Ihe waist
band.' 'Trousers worn without resting upon
Ihe shoulders oro muoh worse than aklrts,
becauto of tho strain in silting, and this
strsln Is much greater In wo-nen than In
men, on account of the dllTertnce in Ihe
form. In stooping far enough to lift a
thimble from Ihe carpet, or to pluck adal.
iv, in a tkirt six inches below the knee,
the front part of tha drapery falls to the
top of tho foot, and the bsck part rise
tome eight or ten Inches above the knee,
I-" exposing the front part of the under
skirts almost lo tho waist.. If one avoidt
ihe stooping position by 'squalling,' there
must be constant care and uio of Ihe
hands to (mure lhat Ihe ikirte do not lodge
on Ihe knees, but fall over. If they do
not, one may exhibit her troutera t the
wain; and when a woman exhibits her
fori, with no other covering than trousers,
w do not want lo be there.
Skirts which reach quile,down to the
nkle, and touch the top ol tha foot, are
n ImptJimtal to walking,! unlet they
have a bifurcated carmtnt, underneath.
lend iba.two. toge'Sar dq.aormtlnKf, stop
ilecJWion aftogi ter, until they ara , if.
ad into place; but w would glv the men
folk a monopoly of all manner of cover
ing for the nether limb except aklrta
Oh yet, and hot in muddy weather.
So loose iklrttand warm stocking are all
the covering any woman's limb require,
unlets in case of aomo emergency of trav
elling in a storm; but when one gets In
aide of a quilled balloon or a grass cloth
tub, the wants clothing to protect her
Irom her dollies.
Our experience teaches us lhat decen
cy requires three corcringt (or tha person
in tho warmest ealh,er, two ol ruusiiu
and ona of lawn the widest of the un
flertkirttto be three jarjs la circumfer
ence, the other two and a half; the lawn
skirl outside may be four, five, aix, or
soven yards wide, and the three garments
would weigh two pounds, scarcely ao
much. When this reals upon the shoul
ders it It not a tery grievous burden, and
if it is not enouch for tho requirements
or decency, it Is twenty years since wa
wore decently dressed on a very warm
day. If the wind likra to come and wrap
your skirts dote around your limbs, that
Is the winds buiinrsi, and we do not aeo
lhat any one has a right to Interfere with
old Horeai when lie it engaged in a law
ful calling: but if you want to check his
advances, put a litllo starch oriruin in tho
two outside skills, and if our lawn ia
very thin ho will whistle through without
taking Ihe trouble to bend ll close enough
around )our form to retcal your pro.
portion. When tho wealher will admit
add another skirt for romfoit; but nouo
are needed for show. It is a false Idea
bustle rellq that wo mutt put on a
rdhttof drspery to make a form of our
selves. The Good Father made tha form,
and made It nicely." All we have to do i
to cloth it, and leave it proportions just
aawe find them.'
Ax Immrtiai. Jopox. A deceases,
chief justice of ono of our courts onco
addressed a jury in tho fallowing model
speeoh, which we respectfully submit lor
tho consideration and study of all loqua
clous law pleaders and after-dinner speech
ifnfcors: Gentlemen of the jury, in this
case the counsel on both sldos are unlntel-
ligible ; Ihe witnesses on both sties are
Incredible : and the plalntilr and defend
ant are both audi bad character, lhat to
m it is Indifferent which way you give
your verdlot." There wat brevity, satire
and point, almost -unparalled. A great
man ua that chlaf justioe.
OCT A correspondent ef the Leloester
Meroury, having heard that a prize had
been offered for a rhyme on the word
moat, hones that th following may bo
judged successful :
A waiag giri sat oa her rttbtrs knse,
A tirlag Is sty tha Ihlla word mratb i
Aad aba ItuiVd at sbs taid, "111 kt yoq thta)
I eta lhay II again, tor I'v Ihtld ll woalb."
Mr, rtwlsaliciaa.
k ndtrWra. tTT
ThoukU Ut Ttyuc Warn.
Thare I ona error In rtgrd lo health,
so common In all rank ef life, that apo
dal pain should bo taken lo prevent
young rnn from Incurring ll misobltb.
Almt evwy man has hie own ftt Indul
gence. Thlahe dfnd by aaylog lhat
however Inlurlous It may bale others ll la
harmless to himself; and he refer to hi
past experience to justify hi future In.
4u1gnca; affirming thai be has triad Jl for
years, u know it baa been innowious,
and he will therefor persist.
Now thii reasoning, In nlnly-nine ea
se In a hundred, I th shallowest or lai.
lacle. In llw Aral aleea. a man can ay
er know wtll he wauld have bn, bt
1 tar la lavdidnavsa ha daleod,
t. He waata
.Tl'oTfhemrKefSuS aecMttfTy , a -jm
of companion, and a a ground lor nia in
ference, lhat other self, which but for lb
Indulgence, he would have been.
In th next place, and principally, y.
try well constituted person I endowed
with a vast fund of health and atreogth,
at his birth: and if thla has not been Im
paired by the Ignorance or lolly of hia
natural iruardiana, he bring it with him
upon the stage cf lib. This fund of na
tural. inborn health and vioor may be in.
creased or kept at par, or squandered.
The case may bo likened unto a deposit
In a bank of a hundred tboaaand dollars
for a young man a benefit. II may make
a draft upon it for fire thousand dollars a
a year, and may repeat his draft annually
for twenty years; and because Ihe draft
is alwavsanswercd. the drawer may aay.
I knew that thla expenditure doea not
Impair my fortuin my credit continue
as good aa ever, and the last nine my
check waa presented, It waa promptly
honored." True, llut tho aelf same act
now cited to prove the exliauslleunete of
the funds if the very act that drew the laal
cont of llio deposit, and balanced the ac
count. II Is a lalse logic, when trie in
Terence uses up Iho premises and the ayl
logism seems to aland stronger until It
alands on nothing. Yet such ia the argu
ment in defence of every Indulgence aa)
every exposure that militate againat the
law of health. He who draws upon a
supply that ia not infinite, will scooer or
later reach the bottom. Let tbia be re
ceived as an axiom, that no law of health,
any mora than a law of eonsdenoe, caa
ever be broken with Impunity. To affirm
that any violation of a law af health will
not be followed. by It Qorreajolaajaja
ry, is as philotophically aWfl eaTST .Vy
there may be a cause which produce no
ell eel.
A young- man ia the oily, and in
avocations in the country also, who baa
only a limited stipend lor Ibe supply ol
..... .i . . -
all hi wants, is sorely tempted to Indulge
nlmsell in what meets me public aye, ana
to scrimp hlmtsll in need ot a more pn
vale character. An unbeallhful sleep
ins room may be' endured, -that a showy
dress may be displayed. A month ol pe
nurious living ia Ihe penally of an ex,
nentlve entertainment. A day of India
creel and perhapa baneful plsasura ab
sorbs what would have sufficed to spread
comfort over weeks. In former day, un.
derthe despotism of a custom aa cruel a
it wa ridiculous, a young man wnn I
few spare dollar In bis pocket, waa ex
peeled lo spend them in Ibe sensual plea,
surcs of a wine bibbing entertainment,
inttead of spending them for the God-like
joy of succoring distress, of reclaiming
Irom guilt, or rctculug innoqenco irom
perdition. Horace Mann.
Tue New Post Orrice Law. The
law reducing Ihe rates of postage went
intooprration on the lit af laat July.
The rates are aa follows:
Single letter, distance less than
3000 miles, pre-paid 9 cent.
Single letter, distance lets than
aO00 mile, unpaid, 0 cents.
Over 3000 mile pre-paid, 0 cent.
" unpaid, 10 cent.
Double letters, double postage.
Cvrry letter not exceeding half an
ounce in weight, ia to be deemed a single
letter, and every additional half ounoe or
lest lo be charged with an additional (In
gle postage.
Letters, when conveyed wholly or In
part by act, or to and from a foreign coun
try, for any distance over 2500 miles, 90
cent for any diatanc under 3300 miles
10 cent exoeU where a pcd treaty
provide for duUrent "rale. w.
Newspaper not exceeding three ounce
in weishl aent from the office of publica
tion lo bona fide subscriber, are charged
aa lollowt
Weekly, in county where publishtd, rait,
,. .... a.- .... ...I..-.
out bf county wlirr
fiubllshed, and with
n fifty mile, 5 ctt. per. qr.
over 60 and net ex
ceeding 300 mile 10 "
over 300 and not ex.
cecdlnglOOVmilea, IS " "
" ever 1000 and not ex
ceeding 2000 miles, 90
oeedlng 4000 miles, 33 "
" over 4000 mllea Tip
Monthly papers i tho fortuoing rate.
Semi-monthly, ,
Semi-weekly, double "
Trl.weekly, triple, "
Oftenrthan trl-waekly, tire tlmea the
foregoing rate.
, r.'fJJV
I itrmrt fnn Ik kaatr Mtaaa,
slight sketch ttiUfntmi
oi in rrMts). i waa
ting af milnrtlasW '
AltMfcMarsi.JM. I
a taraajajaraaaatM . aaasa- rvayayjBBBBBBaa-sa
un bis right area i
rvormanby. a
orowded Ifna. oa
1 Inlfi Wlf aW Wt9&9U
atida'iw-ooribr) Mmtil't i
wkh Udiaa wheal ha
plc.ures, with the
Napolean.and If I has! met Ma
1 abould have known Mai iaataadjr. ttt.
oat a prompur. HMaisal aaiMM
tha ogravioga ret
MaafaTal afjaBaaTB- aaal ljBBaaaaaaaaaV
tauara and heavy, hat tha Mflaaasaj
admila of a ailaiiiaaasl I
aa wtll on aetwaata hkrtfiMmmm
a hi preeeat aeattiaax? ' ,imjO
laOTbNaaoteMkaHitlattaltrtaa, i
aaaisiua aar saawta
aakaal UaaV-a aaTnaaV Sastk,
a-aawa -a",-yatatvtfaa-.
say u ve kaet aigu iaaa I
er broad and square
what thick neck and l
a French head, lilt l
HI Diaiiliilia aaaal ej
I L,as sZiai ajajafajfala fcMAa
I apaff ( HM'f aaVaVaBM(
presaioM. hit wide I
Mpeaactj at the aidaa.i
at the forehead, all .weald hava,
had I aren him wiiboat kaawii
aav h wa a German. Hm
brown; mouaticha rnr aaaialVtV'aM
reddish brown, eyes dark frariak, Up,
almost oovered hy thiek aaai Vt)WiJKr
lids, and shaded by, heavy, Mmkf-.mm;
brow.' His movement are alraaia,' af.
ral and mode rata, with a roach otm)jBf,
which I the mora efiieflfe, aa fcvstajaa.
suggestive of aot-sethiagaaare heUaisVH
Oa the whole, Lqala Miaal m&
paaa In a crowd aa an ordlaary bmsj, Mb.
ambitious at heart, bound to Mfcaaa'atf
fortane, conaeorated to ntf Mgh atari kaa aa?
aebleveTneat hy Prldaai,.rlaate)iaa
lently at hia MitniaaajafcrsMjja,aim
of Josephine, wheat bltea) laaaia.kighfa
heart, but la train. , ' 1. leMMijW
thaatmblaaea af am pmllifmmWW
whoa mtfif ha all ha WiHi, ; l
aa taaort yet I taraajtai i mmt
aoaaataiaa ar wai i
waa hharaetaittte of I
Is, however, aUaht, aad haaiaatl
aire AaiaUo loota whkak Uaaki
rendered lerribia tha oamlmmm ft aaa)
Coratcaa. On lha eotvlrarr Laaisa'Wa---
poleon'a faoels decldadly linmllM. hsa
unile ta pleasing, aad tha play of Ma Wt
I urea rather aoaial and aenkal: -Mtlaaaa
ta a aadneaa aad a liage of ay aasfy la
him like that of a atan tniaasi la eaaatv
polntment, and liitle arcustoaaad ta.aab:
one wboha walked lha vorid far Mm
not refusing, yet aesgalac to aak k aaa
who ia accutestTatd lo be laakadati aa la.
die, which be would aot ar aaajMiMI
solve. He doea net look i
nor the contrary; neither aaaay Mr
happy; neither exalted nar apiaaad.---
Hisanerelexpreaaiea ia Hat af aaaaii.
nesa, ttlf-roswssion, cnodsaly, whlak IrtraV
slstibly invite aympathy aad satftaa .,
vor the more, peraape, tuaaaa ar IM
blsxeof pomp and power with' wkiM ha
is surroundtAl, and which hs aaaaaa M
command. I can vary eaaily awiMki
now. tb power whioh Leaile Kaa-raiew
exercises over a coeaiderable pan ef.taa
people of France, la apite ef iha dianaa)-
ties or bis tituation, aad ua naaay
eood ar III, which be baa dee, aad
of necessity have olten tallaa wkh I
Ing emphaaia upon tha dasUag iawiatl
of parties, clique aad oabal.'r
ACowwitx ait Fitat CAtr-lla,r
Ruaael Woodward, in lha iisaaimf da
New York Beard of Af rietvkara,jttu
liar found lhat youag oowa.tlaa fatMa:
I ktVtrf'tt'aihw
milk mot any leaaih af tha isnaV "
But if they are lek ta drr aa earkriaTsia
aii.iuey wm a tare toary aawtatsaiai
eaoh succeeding year if IMJ havf'f aa
-...... . t a .. - - ...
near in season oi ine year, aaa
but extraordinary keepiaf wlH '
It, and that but for a abort iamV
had them dried ua all their aaDk, lai A
gust, and could not by aay aaeaae.aaaka
them give milk much bevoad that Ma ip
any sueoeedlng year. I have Iwa'aawa
nnwlhal vera, mllbaul lhat Ira -aSMrtSaaYtl
I had oilve till near tha tlsaaeif lhatlra-atlfw
fog again, and have continued ta alrt Mkttk
I w. T . . .. hl 71 ia
i aa late aa ever ainca u w nua laap.,, ,,.,
we nave aeen the a.oecy oi iaa
plan verified. American raraser.
EITTAfit ')
j' Tbi
' (t.il
. 4 1 I. I
Uaaeraaalh thla alias dan. He.
Bask U beak, aay wtfs aad 1 1
Ksw ft Data taiVtaa, ttt I
l(shaswhl1lwall rJ4 !
rVfcta Aiaa,awly fcratifcaahsaiithfe 'l ,
WMa'.ta.valwMif- 'IMW' .
IStr Adaat I a ef a ymwmt ,a fla-
ooaonaaH-rof aaatati laeaua naa-Maati.-
Aa ll waa Iha IrW tlea;ii atay tosaMsta
bIird that ! looked wMt all. mfA
tlm fHIH ftUall --a Aa .' AaBMaataTITflBB
aaf aBaflaaHBaMn B
i i,'a
l: ""!