Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 28, 1851, Image 8

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A Nrrw Kacmvo.
"Tou Mil to-morrow for lla)tl, nip.
Ulof' itHiulrcdabrlghi-aycd, dark akin
aiad, but good looking man, who might
have beeu thro to four degree (rum ihn
paw African, m he stopped oier tdu gun
wale of my llltlo trtjf. on a lcatint mor.
tiagln September, elitrcn year ago.
Yea," I replied, "clow to-day, ami
tell Jrp down by tin morning tide."
"in can get ready I will tako pat
MM villi you. My baggage, wliicli U
bulky, It ivii mlloa from lha oily, in Now
Jry, Hut, captain, iliouM 1' go, coutd
you manage to land me I don't cam
where, so thai it la on the Wand of Ha) tl
by night tecrctly 1" an J the man
looked mo atcailily in Ilia face, at ha ask-
aa) ma the queilion. Haytl wa then, an
It U now, and will bn until re-occupled and
G Tarned by the while, unitttleJ, revo.
lloolatd. I at onco made up my mind
'that my 'copper colored friend, albeit he
apoko excellent English, and wat an exile
irom me maud, uwirou or returning on
torn political enterprise, end very reaJity
SWMad (ay wltllagnea to tako him and
put iia aanara aa near oi. uomtngo, my
he of destination, at he deemed it nru-
deal to land.
The next mornins mv dark vitaiied
(Meager came on board, followcil by
etenen irunka; which were very heavy
m the effort of mv men in liflmir them
ltl oonvlooina? evidence. Ho aw me
leylagbla baggage cautioutly, and with a
cameMiaagn, remarked
"li iney weigh enough, captain, ou
will aeon hear of a government being
"Oh. hot" aaid I to mvielf. I hive in.
deed got political conspirator on boaiJ.
iveiiviti ihoticvillook alter lili own color
I care not who wlm."
I paaaover the incident! of ihe vovace
during which the impretiion na deepened
oo my mind that my pauenger wat i!e.
lined to play tho part of Calatiuo to an
aetooUhed crowd oi darkle, in that at rong
bold of darkeydom, Ilayti. My promi.n
wu fulfilled. 1 put my fiicud. wttli lift
heavy baggage, aalely ou ahore, I pocket
ed the paaaaga money, nuJ had forgotten
an aoout rum, when ho again presented
hlouelf lo my notice.
At thla time, however, he wat not Quite
ao cool.
"I am In a hurrv to eel awav from litis
laltitd," ho exoUimed.
"The davit you are didn't the ttuui
wcbranMugbt" '
Ha (Tinned diabolically., but without
other wit noticing the remark, continued,
vajrtata, can't you be irto nlghl I"
"Oa" lo aliht 1" ImpruilUe. I hate
lxt carried enoush on board for ballast."
I'"Never mind the cargo. Sail to.nlghl
aad aaiao the prfce."
"ttaen't be done, I'm chartered."
-"0reaa- ibroharter."
That will not do. but keen cool. You
an Ml enough. The brigantina I.eulin
alia to-night for New York. You can
get aboa roof her."
"impoaalbl," and the man't pallid
choeka quivered at he gpoko "they will
watch her, knowing that l.e u ubout to
"Out I can arrange that if our Lac
gaga la not too heavy," and I smiled as I
tfoke. "Be aboard h.z:t in two hour,
aad I will ae you safe in the cabin ofthc
Louira. Hut bring light ..eight rith jou,
or lha tlk will be greater."
IIo ahouk my hand and left ine. I went
on board the Laultn, tuld I lie captain Ihnt
a poor dot II of a patriot nought the means
of eaeapo, and arranged tho passagy.
When I returned lo mv own teucl. the
uppoted patriot wat there, hating in a
raw nunuiea brought hit baggage ibwn
and made hlmu'lf ready Li the llight.
The boat of iho Lrij,- wat prnniitl man
lied, and was oon ,hot out of tho harbor
Aa the men gat a nay he appeared to be
greauy relieved.
'It a daiiieroui Mine I've been ilav.
I rug," Ic) he.
"And a lotlng one," I adJcd,
That depeuda muoli on yourself." he
Iralurned with a amllu. "Ilul we dull
Imeet I hope In New York. Then, Jf not
before, you'll know all about it."
tva lay ou at llio Pittance ottix iniScp,
for, the briganllne till mUnii'lil. The
Mppoaeu patriot, tlie again exilid tinlor
kunata wat banded over lo tho protection
01 the captain ol thu Louiia, and I rctitrrrt
ni lo town with the pleaunt reeling about
ny heart which arlw from lliuconicloui.
mm of a senerous act performed. Tho
belt moriiing on vltlllug a tolfco hoiito,
much frequented by merchant and cap.
lalm, an uuuiual excllomcn! atlraclod my
'What ia the matter now t" I inoulrcd
If an acquaintance.
l.'Why, haven't you read the proclama.
I or IM government nve lliomanu
ia lor lha bead or a hair blooded At.
lko ooverajd tho island with ppurl.
. isoro u tna prociamauon.--I
Um document. It ofered a m.
at lea thoutand dollara' for my
timi the man I bad aecretly aided
iUaaacape. I fell excaedingly uncem.
labia, of ooarae, but taid nothing.
I When wa eama to Now York we mot ;
I We lilt no renew the acquaintance.
tva looked witu auapioioo on an poiiti.
, advealurara, aepeolally lawny onee,
r ataaa. i-m reliow made thirty thou.
I datiara by the operailen, I la riaked
iaaiadlHil (er me ha would have
IM aWWI, If. V. fatbOnder,
i. aro iaaapatila of ildnlng but
o o wu ia ooosjucr tnat
balwaen them 'and their
I out, much to their diaadvao'.
Tins Turkish fliitiNu-IIU 1'nwlly
nna III I'ltlurca
One of the innst Intereiilng nrtlclea wo
Imh erui'd in n long tlmr, appeared In
the last number of the Knickerbocker
Mauazlue. i'lio auhict.1 dlsuuid H
Iho Turkish (loteriimcul. and verv inanv
facta are related, which lo our renders
will bo milters of inturo.it.
Tho present .Sullnn, Abdiil.Mciljid, it
in hit twenty. ninth year, and aui'vcrdrd
Ida father In 1H.1H, when lint seventeen
yeans of nge. I'lctloun tu his accession
lo tho throne, hut llltlo vtui kunwn of hit
life, or thu way in which he was brought
up. IIo had several sisters and ntio bio.
liter, all by ether mothers thnn tilt own.
The former havealnco tut accession died,
with tho exception el one, who It a
wife of tho present minister est Mar, III
brother alill litra, and resides villi llm
sultan In hit palace.' Tho mother of the
Sultan tvaa a Circassian rlarr. Kite (III)
Uvea. She is a larjie, portly lady, yrt In
the pilots of life, and rnhlut with her son,
over whom the exercise! great liiltuence.
In penen iho mllan It of tuldJIe ataturr,
slender, and of a delicate frame. Jilt
address, when unrestrained by nfitclnl
forms and ceremony, It senile and
kiud in the extreme tnoro arfaUo
and engaging lhau that of hit I'aclut.
and no one can airoacli hlin without be
ing won by the ganlneta of heart which
lilt demeanor indicatra. Ha hat never
been known to commit au act of aevarity
or Injustice hit purse and hit hand havo
alwaya been open for' the Indigent and
unfortunate, and he lakra a peculiar
pnuo in bellowing pit lionora upon men
of science and laleim Among 'hit own
aubjreta ho ia very popular and much be.
lured (hoy perclve and acknowledge tho
uentu. or the rclornui which he haa Intll.
luted, and ho no looiter nred apprehend
any oprKMilinn nu their part. In aome of
the moro rlittnirt portion! of hit empire,
audi aa Albania, whero nerhat forrlsn
infliirnco isleiritid lo thwart hit pluui
nit nw )ttemei military rule hat not
)et been cartlru out; but It evidently
won will be, vtpralitlly when itiadtaii.
ttgc orcr the old it fell by the iuhatituntt
Tim palaces of thu ttilun, nil both
Lanka ol I he llotphorm, though rxtrrnally
showy, arc vrry plain and simple in their
interior arrangement. They aro sur
rounded by high walls and guarded by
soldiery. The first Lloik ol buildings
which tho trateller afrttxieitetsi visit,
ing them, up the llonphorqut, aro the a p.
iiartiiiei.ti iiflho tunuchetj the second his
hnrciii, or femalo aiartmeiitt, and Ihe
third those of the sultan. Iloyond these
are the ellicea of his secretaries, guard,
and bond of music, all beyond the walls
of ihe palace. The number of eunuclu.
it tonio tiny cr eighty, and the females
in the harem are about three or four hun
dred. The tulian never marries ; all the
occupanta of his harem are alavra, and ho
generally telccla fiom four to six ladles
at bit fatoriici, who bear children to him,
and who auccecd to hla throne. Tho re
mainder of lha females are employed aa
maids of honor, who attend upon hla mo
ther, hit fatorilct, hit brother1! mother1!
favorite, if ho have one, and upon Ids
children. Many hold alticca In the palace
and are charged with the inaliitalnanceof
grl order and rrgulariiy. Many of them
are aged females, who havo been ser
vants to hit father, his mother, and Ids
iMttcr and brotlutr, and havo thus daunt
tin hit kindness and protection. Tho
'lily unlet who hat o thu right of inlranco
to the imperial harem aro llm eunuchs,
ullnf whoni are black. Thu chief oflheir
corps, is an aged 'genllrmiii of color,"
Kmciiiug thu sulluu's conliJcncc in an
eminent dcgrie, and in oliiciut lank it
higher than any other inditidiial connect
ed with Iho Imperial palace. Tho eunuchs
aro assigned l tho service oflhedlircrcnl
lu.liri ol tho liufi'ui, il l.ictr shopping in
the llaauri, carry lluir messages, and
accompany Iheul on their tisilK. ludenl
their illilies urn much like thou of will,
bred gullmit in our country, without any
ofihe ambillout feelings which animate
the Inter; and certainly lliey nctvr aspire
tathopotteftion oflheir atlccliont. Homo
oflhein grow wealthy, pusscat inlicli pro.
perty, and tlavet of bolli eci, but aalhey
can hatn no females, iho sulton It their
le'-il heir. Kunuulit are txntcsiod by
many of the pachui and other officer cV lck headache, heart-burn, tape-worms,
rank, liir Iho puriio of acrving theiricoutlipalioii, rhcuuiatlsm in tho back,
IliWM .l-lAPi, a...! all. lli.lilaH ll-i... Maatf.
f Mir or five times aa much n an ordinary
black slave, and the highest officer tddoin
(io.iciiso moro than tin of them at once.
Tho xultaju' palace it peculiarly hit
private homo, and no officer of high rank
occupy it with hlin. Ho haa four pilv.te
crcrelnries, and oa many chainU-rlalut.
He lias alto two aid! dn-cainp, who nrn
(cnerally in coimnand of the body uuard.
which hut Ita quarter in Iho vicinity of
tno paiac-e. no aoiuom, however, com
mand! Ihelr attendance ; their Juliet are
to keep watch at Iho principal entrance,
and to salute hlin or any of hi higher offi.
core who may arrive at or leave tho Hoy.
al roaldenco. The oncrotarlee write out
hla order, and the chief of tho number
receive! all foreign funcliouarieeorTurk
iahdignltarlea who visit Iho palace on bu
aineaa. One af tltoqjli Iho ulan' Inter
preter, and trantlatoafevtlulra for hla po
rutal from tho foreign paper ho receive
from Europe and Amerioa by Ibo aullan.
All official doaumeiila are aenl lo Iho chief
Secretary by the different minister! of the
Sublime I'orle, and ihoto received from
lha foreign embaaalca and legations are
traoalated there, prevlout lo being Irani.
milled lo Iho aullan. No foreign legation
ever Irantaclaanyofficlal bushiest directly
with lhetullau,,or through the chief (pri
vato) acoretaryl'Lut lha latter may ba
ylaited on matter relating to ilia aoverelgn
personally. DocuniHita from tho Sublime
I'orto ara alwav oommunlcaled ihroualt
tho Orind Vlaier, who haa a number of
port folic, In which these aro placed, arid J
ho aonda them lo the nalaea bv ctrtaln
functlnnaricacharged eipoolalty with their
conveyance. Of these the Vlxlor Doeaea-
let one key, and the tulian, or Ida chief
aecrutary, another. 1 li aullan mims
levotnl hoiim of tho day, fromdon lo
three, lit Iho eruililgoriheiopaprre, and
in hearing their petuial by llm private aa
cnlary beforo him! and hla Imperial
commands aro traced oiilhtirbmrid mar
gin, rlllier by hla own hanl in red ink, n
Pi customary In China) or ho direct! his
tecrelary to do It fur him. Ho very laortid
eru ell manuscripts coming from hit pen,
that tlieso paprra seldom ever loavo the
bureaux lo which they belong except af
lor hit decease, It is only on audi docu
ments that the autograph of tho aultan la
ever eeen.
TlllNllt TIUT I HAVK NtVXtt Htfi. I
have never even a uenloui professed abo.
Iltloulit who wat not an Intolerable blaot.
Having such supremo regard for llm slave
they havo nothing but wormwood lor all
who dllfer with them In any degree.
I havo nerer seen a free trader, who
did not think lint the government ihould
protect this pirtlonlur Interest.
1 have never tern a third, party In poll,
ilea which wat not ready to aell'oul to the
highest bidder. jl
i iibts) noser swan poiiuciin wno wa
perpetually pleading ooueolenoe, who waa
not an nupiaciicaoio uuuee, or an arcn
I havo never Men one who condemned
expediency in all cases, that would not
adopt any expedient to promote hla own
I have never eeen a public man who
prufenrd great loto for tho people, w!h
would not betray thtJlr Interest whon oo
cation should require.
I have never eeen a politician who left
his own party for the take of promotion,
who waa not despised by all part lee.
I have never aren a man who labored
lo form a new party who did not expect
to U placed at its head.
Ni havo nevrr teen a democrat who wat
perpetually crying out aristocracy, who
u not hriuselfa perfect aristocrat iu thu
elide he moved.
I have never seen a clerueman who
preached palitics ou the Salbaih, who
piKiiiotrd iita own interest, the peace m
tho parish, or the success of ihe party Jie
attempted to sustain,
I will not tay that theio lliinct never
did occur ; but I must tay that I havo
netcr teen them, and if they did happen
along very often, I think I ihould have
met with them now and then. I'. I. 8.
Salem (lazctte.
Si'r.astiTio.i atuAXuiau Fxiuav. It
it atranco that l-'riday It-reitartlrd In all
countrira a a peculiar day. (n England
it I generally considered aa unlucky, and
many will pot commencoany undeitaklng
on that day ; and most sailor ara firm in
tho belief that a vcvel tailing on that day
Inure to bo wrecked. If amarriago lake
place on that day, lha obviflv4. shake
their heads and predict alfskjiid bfVtil
ou the brido and hndeorooin: nav. Ihev
even pity all children who are ao unfortu
nate aa to como into tho world on that
In Germany, however, Friday li thought
to bo a fatorablo day for tho solriniiiza.
lion of inatiimonlal and oilier undertak
ing!, and the re son adtocaird lor the
iri'lcrrnce attached, Is said to In- the Im.
ief, that witches and sorcerers iutariablv
huld thrir imctlilL's on this dav. and nf
courv wmisi iney were amiiMiiK Ihciu
thes wlili riding ou broom. ilckn rounJ
Iho lllusbiirg, they cuuhl hate no time in
woikuii) evil. i
It it hut a short time nines, thai a lnrnp
ship owner at Hull, England, to do awav
with the MicTstitioii, ciu.td ,u keel uf
u vent tu Imi laid un Iridav: shu wat
l.niiiched on a Friday, ami nkmed the
Friday ; s,e sailed on a Friday ; bu,
unfurl u'lAtel)' for llm philanthropic owner,
she wat never heard uf afterwards, and
lha superstition, in ronieqiienvp, hat iu
that Immediate vicinity tlnco reigned un
coiilrolahle. A I.ni'ti CcaTiru-ATK. Miss Susan
Nipper givrt a loud certlticato in favor of
some popular patent medicines of iho day.
Hhe wat sulTcrlnc from Kincrul dehllitv.
Iiouhlers and hip, add brsidca theto the
ilid'nl 'feel veiy well hnrartl, moro'n half
thetlu)".' 'At length,' she lays, '1 wat
hro't very low, o that my most Impudent
friend did not know mo, and llio regular
faculties did not expect mo tu live fron
Clio cud to tho other. '
'About thl time a friend recommended,
at a last resort, that I ihould try a few Lot
ilea of tho Pictorial Oxunard Compound
Saxafarllla douhlo distilled extraot of
Cherry wine lllttora and Syrup of Huck.
elborrie, latiifaclion given or money re
funded, lo be wall taken bo fore shaken,
deatrny the label aa oon at poaadble, no
pay oo euro, beware of counterfeit,
nouo genuine unlei Ihe proprietor iaon
the wrapper. 1 took three dozen bottle
of thla truly Invaluable medicine, and it
gave Immediate relief In Ihreo month."
Personally appeared Iho aaid Suaan
Nipper a arbreaald, and aworo to Iho (bra-
nnfnn. mA mmlA mUm l J.ml.l It I
be darn'd If It
waan'l true.
Venice, Mr. Greely mv in ena of hi
forelan letter, t full of detertod nalaoM.
hvhioh, tuouglrot ipaciou dlinemlont, and
or the finest marble may ba bought lor lea
than tho coat of an average brlok homo
In ilia upper pari of New York, Tho
Muchoit d Borri, inolherof Ihe Ilaurbon
I'retendar lo tho throne of France, hat
bought ono of the.e and generally Inhabil
II; lha lUithtohlldt own another, Ihe dan.
car, Taglloul, It la Mid, own four, and ao
on. Cheap they are, they are a poorer
apeoulttlon' htn even corner Hot In a
lltlgrphid oily In Nebraaka or Oregon,
A ihno or Wondiri. The follow.
Ing paragraph la front a report by I'rof,
t'orrott Shepherd, who haa lately mado
extentivo exploration in California. Il
la Interfiling and doubileaa truei
I havo now explored California for
nearly two year. I can truly eay II It a
land of wondere. There aro rresh flower
every month In Ihe year, and winter now
weara the bloom of inrlnft I havo found
water fallathrco and four time aa high
aa Niagara, natural bridge of white mar
bio lur surpassing la beauty thai of llooir.
bridge In Virginia aome thousand of
gold bearing vein, inoxhaustlble nuantl
tie of iron ;ml chroma orestead, bltmulli
and ((ulckallver, metl beautiful porcelain
clay, and In ahori, every ihlng that fan
Lien an luduilriou and enlerprlslng peo.
plo. In ono valley, I found moro than
furly apring over ono hundred degree
I'ahrrluholt. In another valley alxteen
pyatrf, Ilka the ftmoue out In Iceland,
In thla famoua abode of Vulcan, Ihe rock
are m hot that you can aland upon them
but a abort time even with thick boota on.
Tim slllcluut tocktaro bleached to snowy
whiteness, and breceiated and conulumo-
rato rocka are now actually forming. Tho
loar ufitersera at lieiot may be heard a
mllo or more, and ibo moment ia one of
Ihe inotl lulruie lularvat aa you approach
finv. llatuuaoN UaciiaLoa. Kx.Qow
llrlggt delivered an addreea on Thuraday,
before the Now York State Normal School
at Albany, which ia described aa being
full of humor, anecdote, happy Illustra
tion!, auu J anuml argument in favor of
lre education, u waa mainiy an un.
written, and unprepared etforl, but wall
stored with fjuod aenan and moral Inatruc
lion. Towaids the elate ho gave tlie 'old
bachelort' a scoring, particularly thai
data who grumble at bring taxed lo edu
cate ether people' children. Wo quote
hi language: "Am I t be taxed to aup
port children not any own!" grumldoe the
old bachelor. "Certalily." -'Ilul I havo
no children of my own." "So much the
worse; you ought to haio them-" "Uut I
hate no wifv.'' "Had again; you ought
in havo a wifea.-.d children Into the bar
..In t A ml .wtl I.Hf.tM t&lri. t lit. Il IM
(jood man ought lo b without, and no
children, which are alo necessary, you
de.vrve to bn doubly tatrd. Go and pre
rut yourself lo tome (ood old lady, aa
one In iu, uer sympatic, and If you are
deserving nfii, you willcertalnly fmdll."
IJottou Courier.
Moax A tour Cuba. Tho following
uispatcn, vvnicn wo ntu in the I'hila.
dilphi Inquirer, dilTere aomewhal from
any statement w have beforo wen, in
regard to tho fate of Lopet and Ida frienda
New Oat-tAita, Aug. to One of the
Spanish account by tl Empire City,
stain that on tlie day aftir ibo execution
of the Cuban Invaderi, at Havana, the
Spanish forcea enceuntets Uu. Lopez
and cava him battle. Th SpaolaMs suf
fer ed terrible alaughtar, but reinforce,
menta coming up, Lopet and Ida band
were surrounded aad outlo pieces.
Il ia uid that not om escaped U tell
what happened therratler,
The steamers Fanny and Alabama.
filled with armed men ipd munitions uf
war, tailed tail night for Uiba, amid ureal
enthusiasm, and in defiaice of tho feeble
opjoiltion nf the (loveninent offirer.
The retenuit 1'iitiiir, it inald, Intention,
ally kept out of the way.'
Tkil 1'kAMi.ta. Iloacc Urcrley, In
a lata letter drnuriplioii if Lnmbardy In
Italy, make , the followllg sensible atig.
gestiontin regard to the panting uf forest
".At to Irce-plihtlneUhorn can bo no
r'xeuso fur neglecting ijlbr no man nerds
hit neighbor's i-o.opeilion lo rinder it
roiiioinfcttl or cirictivell V iu America
,'ave been leeklessly. luilroying tree
qtlllii iouk cnoityiii, it laiitgh time that we
began 3)teni4tlcally tdreproiluco them.
'I'lioro ii scarcely a fan of fifty aorea or
oter in uuy but the invest Sialra that
might not lx- lucrcawd li value 61,000 by
Slut) judlclomly expcni-d In Iree.plant
Ing, and a little caro to irolect Ihe young
Irera from promaluro leatruclion. All
roadsides, iterp hlllsli ia, ravine and
rocky placet ihould be laulod with oak,
hickory, chesniit, pine, tocutt, dec, at
once, and many a farm v suld, after a few
yean, yldd 9100 worth.of limber annu
ally, without extracting 910 frem the
oroptoiharwito depended on. Hy plant
ing locust, or omo other nil-growing tree
alternately with oak, hiikory, cVc, the
Farmer would be ready h uao or mIo by
iko lime tho latter neeitd Ihe whole
ground. Utility, beautyitomforl, profit,
all oomblne to urgu iiiimeale and exten
sive trre-planllng ; ahall ijWt bo com
meiioed ? ' '
A NKwarAi'ta Uoo.-jfTho Albany
iiolckerbockcr boaat tharl haa In it of
fice a dog that will lick any dog In Ihe
State for natural aagacily. Jl belong to
one of the carrier, which l! aocompanlea
In hla round of delivery oflboul (is hun
dred paper. The carrieajell alok' but
Mid hla dog would da hla illy, and aura
enough' It did. A boy eaitylng "lha pa.
para followed tha dog, whlf atoaped and
wagged hi tall at tna houalof tnty aub
aorlber, nerer mlaalna' onalof Iba wool
l hundred aubeorlbtra. it tha door of
all aubaorlbara who had oofpald tcr Ihelr
paper for a longth of llmejtha dag wa
iiearu to nowi,
Florida SroitoB. A H y Waal paper
tay that lha loongo wblol till ba gather
ed In that neighborhood dm if (hi aeaaon,
will bo worth fifty thouw dilolUr. A
number of Freuch manufa utenaroMld
tnbo utlng tha material b lha making of
llio iidmi nroaooioin, uy i txmg it with
wool ar with cotton. Tha I k Mahtstl
by thu combination equal la. fcra tha
flneit Saxony, and ia tti af aallaen. '
S J1WIWl w
A. K. MM.
vi.r.H f iiAKifiiun, vr kvkkv
iwaiaao '
mum vraarr, awaiaao tii wtcviToa errica.
AIImm, RrXlainr Co.,
wsnuuiL aid aaniL esussi i
dky aoovH or kvkky nr.saHiP-
aiioKH, china ooutm,
WARK, ft. 4e.
(Oct. II, MMf.)
W. C. OMBieail,
MtAtaa in
UrticeriM ! ll hlnelt, PnlaU
mii araaav, austr arrvMri raa ecu stako or
eiMirr i wnsrrea.
OffjwCltv.Oet USUXAj. .
OoMakaion fc remtnUnc HsrchuU,
jun i,'M-jtr
Uw RMtew).
MJt la 11m snl Ctsms f ll Terrllonr.
IT Offio la ManUsa'a BulUlJ4t. n.l
urrgva MHf, mtf i, im am
AND olicto x crtAkfciav.
Orsfoa City, K.. SI, 'iaf. '
waxx or kvr.av btvairrinit.
CT f IwpsrruHs tSMala KtrMl llouw-XI
OnxsaCriy,Heptni4i 11, IUSI 4ttf
siiTiuaiaL caorar, ja. vaoiua u. ssnra
MILTO.I, oatuoN,
Usuwk. llsirrmis, & Co Nsw Yctk.
smia.NKiiuLM'i tC, MrwOiUtos.
lliuw,Tuirua At C, LiqJ, psj
Us In Irflnloa.
(linear- l'prr eeossr of C'lsy slrrsl snJ
isnsuiauia aiuut, Jut ratuMce, t-aufunu.
Aug. 0-a3-f.
A. M. likMiaatrs.
C10MMIH8ION and l.srJ.of Msrchant
J bblp ibaaur liH rissioea, and snl lur liter
reMtaalljr oa hand, till TtUes, Chsin, aad
Iliri4s, IMi stU Kn-acb ltrd.lsads for sal
rftlsnd. Msy , 'jl-jny
(Ltva ar Ba IYucisco.)
aoLtcttox in cuANceav, c. ap.
Ilivlnthwtttd kirns,! at fortUnd, O. T. will firs
an aiienikin lallis praelKa or bu pre'ssuoa
In all ths Courts la this Termor.
rcSTIUNIi, UIIUUK vrssiTusT.
0.tulr4, I HIS.
utssirL wiiTa a. i. Mincaa
Mvutjonie'jf, IwlwrrnCIs)' X Wuhiiiftonslrctts
ban raA.iciicn, vxvf
Jun. V7,lel0-9Ulf
t'UXTLANtl, tmruoN.
(If n, Rn r, U. H. A., C.lifurnJs.
(ien. I. K. Hhitii, " Ore con.
UiVlu H. Ilsowa A. Co. I'hitsdrll-hll.
I. II.Titvs,N.w York.
KswcuTT St. (, Hsu I'lsntlsco.
Jsiiosry'JI, I85U If
Offics back of llrooks A Usrlow's store.
uao. Aiaaaavnr, mibam cuaa,
ja. a. aoiSj
oatnoN citt.
Janury tl, I8M-U
It tie mi a nu &
iv. cimimaiii
rertlaad, Marsh 7, IBM-U
ILLaArrer aal at eetl'a vOt, altba
esaa o TMW-wauraa use UBMtw rlvtr,
aa assart msal as Ur Uonts. Gnsatisa.
Wagatss, llantaUadwr.MUl Ire, e-,4e.
M IM ttret e UeUher aaxt.
gV eatlra block, easwbtlog of eight Ma la
w raittaM.leflttlwrwHiiBly dweUU
aad lb eal-hf i stiaalad bmb the pttailata
TbedweWaf hows It aalvernUy ukaatvMfftl
leaataa laeal itisokttta af arcklteetun ia tat
Tanilary, FacUraisaatJvIo
itA-rtiAniBii, VKUNY,jr.
rertlaad, ag9M4lf
-HH-a I VT.M ... A -
JL la mw oriaahad aad ready la reeaiveappU.
eatleaa I taeor riska.
REUBEN F. RO10E.Mralary.
Ai,vitT. tismi, Rav F, laic,
CAwaWiuiae, a.x.KmUU,
Peaatv R- Rimi, wn.M. Wium, yn.
Aaaaaw R. Baiaawaa, H. Rtv Caata..
lssJad,Mayta,'M-3Trr '
Tatalatla AcmtUmi.
rillllS lastltatien U attnatod la Ik tewa t
JL VKWrr,TMliUarUJM ItttaewlarW
laraary, vet jwtruU and laanliaM atWaat U aaad
I Ibis nkW, may ba aswrtd net aaly of Dm ktal
IhloM and Uietjf of Hi locatlea, the latetDfeM
aad morality of lha InhtUlanla, but aenelaBy Utal
Mdi Isachsrs wlil U tuiplored aa will nake Ike
lilihMt msnlsl and iiwesl irnprortmaal ef Ike
Chelan, Ibtlr chief object.
A rptclout and nobis AcadsasV boildlf ksa
Usn netted wn a site, roininaadUf tba vmw el
lire tilsaslti prililM, wills Ihslr iatervealag aad
encircling rurtsl, nr.d whsa cwnUttrd, H wiD far
ulsli smpls accvaunodttloaa rctbothesrUMat
of lb scbsul
t'otvt Urors b about eouldMaalTrom Iba lewM
f HI. IttUns. Milton, Pwtlsod, MUwaakl, Ort
gea City, and lrsjrstu,
Tlit bprhsg Teun of Iba lostitatlea will eeta.
menef March 13, 1BSI.
HuninMr Tcno..... Jvae II, "
r'allTcna rWpt. 17, "
WlalsiTfrm Ueetln. 10,
Th Terms will U tltrcn wetka each. Tolllta,
I'rlmsrjr studiM 0 llisrhvr da $9 ft lend,
Ikxid may bs obtsliitd In itata fsmilkn.
Ths IfolyHcnpiiire!, Raandtr'srlcrleaef Read,
era, I'arUr'a llbclwkal Itsider, MatastWa aad
Webber's Hueilsrt, Woicratsr'i aad WtUUr!
Mlcllofiirlrs, Thompson'! ArHbrmtk, OunVa
and Muuih's Utefrtphlef, Wells' Uiaawnar, WU
son's Histories, Urtjr's Chsinblnr, Uala'i Hilloto.
pojr, lluiiwa l-alin and inssk (.liasies.
Hv order c( lbs lioard.
Jsaiury lH,;MIllir
T iMntlaraHle naul Utara.
f IIIE undtrslgwd, ojllofs of lha Towa or
Jl MlLlon, bslne dMrous to hsrs latprevf
nwnls rngn rapidly, prapM tkl Uwy will gin
to svsrjf head ol a taouly Iwo town Ida, aad Us?.
sr)f slnila raaa cm town lot, who will bseema aa
aelnsl asUltr la Hid intra within sit atttdaa, aad
build a bout upon tb msm 1 la iddiliai to which,
We will atll buddies; mstrll lo Ukm that accept
Ihlt ncastUaa, and allow llism a rtugosbls kaelb
of Uiiia U pay lor Ihtm in.
Te any mm list will build a (ood Oris! MlD.esJ.
calatsdlodelhobuslneaia lh plwt.waWUIgtv
a mill ! , loftther with lind sumckst f the ptji
posM ol a ami mill.
This town Is hsndsoroely locstsd Ufo Iho lawn
branch T lha WilUineil nter, jnst fsr aaaagh
abtvt lis Junction with lbs Columbia U nadtr II
an esllsnt hubw, and bu lha adraaUf if be
lt! accessible from all s4des, oiUhi by land te wa
ter I it U aba the lowest point upon lbs rim thai
bu a wsfoo road Issdiuj froin il to Um WBUawtta
Two mounliln slrrsms run, one oa each ssdo of
Ibi town.anorIJu(witsrpuwtrsufliclattonMaa
fscturc SOJMO frsl ol luinbrr per dsy upsa om
ol which thrt saw iMtlls ore now undertlh.
Allboucb lino Iowa hss brsn laid out bat a fsw
months, il his already mtd laoeh prsftwa bt
point of lNifHttnisnl sud eotnuwKo.and bids till,
somi, to bcco'dio lbs nM iin4tsat on ia ths tsr
rlu)f. To iIium tb-MTvi vl Ukinf up lind cisJats, wo
would slsta lAtl ws sis surrounded by ai bsautlfa!
and l.rtiU s section of counUy as OrtfMi eaa baatl
of, f aclunW Iho Hcn- 4sins, Hiuvlos Idaad,
Ihs rich and hIksi. I'rslnes Ulely siplortd sjpoa
lbs Callspoodl m lww rirrr, and lha aa lead
ia Hi' liumediits vkiuiIv o( U.i town.
Oelober 10, ISiO-ilf
N. l. Wo esn give perrnsnepl employnMBi la
quilo a number or buds during lbs wiatar.
A llumbol.ll. Tiioulsn, KUnstb, As-
ions, nc iitirup, rvrUind, and Or.
ClIV. bv ovorv l,llw.l mw NmiI..
Abo.lo IIOMJ KOMI, China, lowblag at tho
rtaudwich Islamb, by American cli-jr buUlsaU-
ut VffwtU.
r Ihe Koutbcrn and Western Klalsa, by Now
Orleans direct, aVI also la Iho North and Earept,
by Ihs seinl-inoutkly sloanier.
No eoaoeetion with any other oifresi eocapaay,
tha auUeriber hsvin; cimpleled Iho most system
alio aiut ssuntiia eiinw business bt existence to
slid iiKtniho lollowlur
Nsw York
New Ollrans.
TiioarsoaA llrrcncocc.
U II, lliuoins.
Joui W. llstT.
II. I- Cuu.
Kama Ucmiill.
Uirroso W.ljssur.
MitcaiL 4c llcTcuins.
Kt, Rvanttxa A Co.
KiciaraoM AOo.
Alum, McKimlav 4b Co,
Liomao & (laaaa.
Cooaua Uaaw.
Cavsif II Harm.
Do. do.
Wiiaoa sV Co.
J. It. I.rD A Co.
rtaelurlento City "
Monierey. "
Trundsd "
Honolulu, H. I
raliama... .
rorllantl, Oreria
Onijou City, c'o. "
Aslorla, do.
I'owlils, do,
fuffrl's Hound, do
do. "
da "
d. '
JOSIIl'll V. IIDKCOKV. Pnotolor
OlUc. IelUis I'irepnur llinklug llsuso, cwaar ef
.Mtni(intrry and Merchant sL, San Fiaaclse.
Olacktnu county FamtUa SaalRUT,
fllllKarcondlenn uf tills Institution will com.
JL awneo ou Mondajr, HepL 1st, aad conliaaa
eleven weeks.
Tho Tiustecs are happjr to inform Ufa pablte,
that teachers of Wf.li and varied accotnpBahmeotl
aiul of Ions; eiperienc have bMa-aaenrsd, wba
will devolo tlieuualvee to lha wslfars of Iba pupUs
comnliud to their chsrge.
A Urge and convenient Bunlaarr baildlaf haa
been erected, and measures takes te secure aH aec
osaarjr apparatus for Ihe school.
Oregon City, Ibo recall af the Seminary, pre.
seWssetsisI Important adTSoUgse. It baa a trail
deterred celebnty for heahbrulaeea, balag freej
from lha iuternuueal fat en rntnaisa t IM river
town Il Is conveuieal ol ecca atntitli
prylaf aa tha CotamUa aad WltlamstU rtrtet be
low Ihe rails, and Urate abort wlttawel at taJe
Primary Department. Re.OO
tllgber EagU Htudtea. 8fi0
Language!, vocal niulc, and ornussalal
braacnoe, 18,00
No pupil received for less than hah a Una.
By order or lha Hoard.
II. CLARK, Secretary.
Oregon City, May 6,1831. '
miKW GOODS pvr Sokveatra llarp aad Jaka
Xl Davla rroat rbUaAtlnbU, aad Brfsa Fraa-
ciawd Louisa from New York I i.
Mia. Millers' chewloa A
Window (aahwitkaaiila.
Sowkhur taeaec.
Copy and Spstllng books,
Mtakey Jaekala,
v.aaiuierv pamtkaHII
Soda Fowdaraaad
Oreraiu and locks,
Ptald Jacksts,
Woasea's lealher beets.
llav aad nai
Aad tola of othsr uaelul artietaa.
any of lbs Htatea.
March IS, IBol-37lf.
ALL pertent ladebtad t me. elUtar by aal ar
aM(ua( ataww a a taaaaiail In a aM t aVaaaB saul aaakR1
i awoaaai. tssmttist mtm aa aaar aytjaaww WU
BUUARK UP by lb Ant day af Feareary,
.w, wwuuinuonaviiu,oMMaantasasaas,
are royorod te r.ftnt tharn IW wtlWaiaat wtthaa
laa Uate aatva .ntaUtatA -7 '
NtwauukstPUla!,RepLll,IUl. 4-lw
f -M
1 IA
1 )i
' '-.
. .
n !
latt. i
; j.
a .. ' ra
-l' 3
. .
jjaitiJ" ?'!