Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 28, 1851, Image 4

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Oregon Spectator.
I (Ml.
I. J. Hi lliulil), IMIIor
A i'llCt lU ltd Itl'llls'llllM'rs'll,
Tlitt lli Sprilator give im.ro rending
tmtltr tlian any othor J'apnr in the 'IVni-
' fry.
(fir Wo mo sorry tint ur ruiimn n
II editor due. net mill llio fancy of nur
nolghbur, llio Statesman. Our ninlnllon
its llltlo inure exalted limn mlm .-iiitlleil
with pleasing vnt "lion l.tle Is to gniv
I tling, mil wlm atpirea Im.Iio nothing clu)
man an arrant maoaguani. ,uiu n wo
prlul our (in ni r for llm perusal nf .leeent
people, wo aliall mil euro n fig tor Ihn
Rrowlinitofllioilidoriinl Sinimuinn. ll
firvwiinuni mo mi'iurum imiriiiiinii, ii
l.tfilalnly very co,mnci.,lM.. in nn nil. '
I (lU "UMU 11 IUII ui ai ill 'IM'H "V'l- l
otherwise proprietor- of i,c.p..H r. "oM
Lai. Ih.iiL LmMn .lnllrii Ii.. in e.
l.lio in.uri nouiilablo ilill.culli. m rn.
counterlnlho loniuiun'mn of Iheir biici
no,!. '
lor lo wnio wn-klv imtr, of lil ciri-ulatioii ' Muaitcr oftho ulel.e, hut more paillou. "" " r.r""- ' """ .- ---" ..',"" "",-.. .'. . . .. . "Z i
., i i i.i , iM.itv frmn llm -lUlle. " (lmi,iiun " and her, w h p, by I he i l-peli-allon or HI l " ') ""'; '"T' "" """'" I licy uroiigiii with incm bo.iwo catrl-
Ilie wagca liop-), lm lining iuier-d(lil Irom llm lUllia, Uinj..jiin, "' ' U, IBvo -uHWed llm mott rntlre niidLf,
Into a contract u i prim, n for a cer-1 "I lotwlulu" and "I Invnna." Thai from hw I '" W-nr. bo wm -licnJy uireriR ,.,, McuU ,, cary M qf M)n K
lalnpi!cp,andi-A.tlA"y-eA..rAf Honolulu l.expcr I'lt.i'fall fcr mail., '".dor nn nioumulalr.l o.i i.r wrrow, , , ,j ,, ,,,, ,)Cr Vt (. UMno
I'tnoiVfjMiviy.m.fe.i-HOf rr orer Al- "t' direct, nor fir the ..M-r,..p- An '" '''" '" 0'''J '"v" bclievrd, rv ,,n,. amlom l irlurn tolbelr bo.......
ll,o,1Kl,wplU paid, ho ...nn,. f,,lhV P'rv-n rl, Imneit u,ed ,,U .,.,,1, , - m, llm pnluo.io,,or,iml. ovldenoo AOrr '"B j 7r'"';',,n' ' ! . '''''' '' ' lr.r.nl War. ..II-
r. ' . ,.,. , ,, .., I..., .,.,, o, I U.e had. t Ii a ery eay mailer, '"IT"";' ,llM i-oi-aiiil liliwiiiinaiiil pm in(;, that fuurtepntowii- wi're In po-eM,oii ,
ooallourconlraiU. el wcllurkit not ii but lb.' . twii niiol havn Inp mill) " "'r " t H cede.! In ,a. 1'o.ai, wliloli ibey fnund f ,o pairiola Tbey found that llm'
vlnuolliat iienlawfpllv loimni-nditioii. iio.ibIi, m matter about pilnplile or r. I.'blor, fur any ano who it umctiipu. Bni,nf, ,.. t,n i,,!,,,,.,,.,, . h',, wo, ,..... rBPu .nmiv n.,i ., ,i..t'
pi.. ..i.ii. r..n ..f ...i. -. Iio.ip.iv. in tlmoe hit Hirriiimtiilenpp b'Ui rnmirli fjr llm purpose, lu ut in liil rrlurn imr I ill lilm. The nejl ilav ..... ., l ... I n., ... Ii"...l ii....
ft!-Al...!.!i,l l,rw. l ..II ,.l... u l.im'C.i , il.at wnitnil n our tnl le Uil an I '
an umleiiatmi; rpirrinrn It Hull'; nor
tlo wr bilieie wd hnu
world who llil'i! un r.it..ilile of kuiii'
ly dopnimj; from u. nlwu .lef) llm
w holo ihrIIcioiii pu I. who howl iikjii our
track to lake our lile and 'lnl out a
ainjjlo unlriilliiitlerril by u Slntrtuinu
What I'milvmiimi irrun.Mcnt! I
lllere n person lu our community who dot
. .
nol, Uwn reading llm nljve,whli I. nppenr-
cd In llm Slitma.iu of last weifc, pro.
nouncs it n sbamcleia nsaeitiou, ulteil)
could ilc.iie.lo ncii.mpli.il it, n ibougli
thocau.0 hid no virtuo of it. own, and
mint bo aupiwrtcd by nil manner of wick-
clnc.s, truckling nnd do-iblo dmllng. U,
rucn niccipouicoi n nccevary reion ior
c If . r.-
rm frost has yd made its appearand-.
Veactation Is .till preen and fresh look-
Ing.and llio weather truly d. lighiliit. The
. ., .. .....
leaves upon imiirws nrn sun fjn.,., ...in.
untenable ami uubliKhiiigly Tai.. I Mm .i-' '' ."-"; ",, '," " u ' T"" ,0" '" ",n '"U"tt "' ""' ,n . ' ' "f """ ' uf ''"' l"l"J'' " PMIl.ed i l.rltcr from '!. (.'rlllrndrn.
w would ai'i, ha. thero U. u n . m-ln Is. , ",t ,; "f,r JimciihVe oiteii'tin-'i "" l'" I "-" r- it" "f'1"1 lni1""1"' j ' tbo ..u'fioiillev or ll.o I.land. It will rtw ,i s.w Welo. fre-.i. Se,v 3.
auoof tho S'.alc.mau, lined!, birlli. that ',; ,rJ,J)lW,ian 0fpn.nRera between1 l'' tlm nnlfeted on .everal -Kca. lljoMcn ll.nt limy ipmj.ri,o only a part of . Tlm following Idler, llm lni thai llm
lioa pot coalaiuxl air ormort falaelmdal 1 the two vcram luvn been entirely ovtr. j .loni. Ai I aald 1fire, I have, ju.l re "'" Vou JCIa' Olis''"i4lcliai 1 O' Ka,lt'" C'IumkIcii ccr w rolo, liai U-en j
li oottraTmTnfniity nnd Ms con-' r"mn by the nrraiements m mado. (utr.rd, an.lwo l.J iwlrnuUo "ItJ-tTATTnitVrTfrkar Mi!' I.leul V Iwndad la 11a fur k plication. Tha nowa
tinned In acan.W. Kvery eteruon has T'J,0 J" Hefren. ' ' whicli we publMi today aiiowf that Im1
been uwd to carry llm peoplo mi tlio aidu 'h0ir bjcoace on hi" la tlm fact Ibai I (Jen. ' ,0' "ol l're,lc'', l,ll"," ""T' tlinaiigli lhe WaniiM.ro.'r Cnpt. I'.obnl I'.lln, uni mitlnkeu lu bis sweeping etlmale of'
of jiarty almost overyaluft and lurnhaa Munro idzed'a rllon of llm mules cii'! eu"itH of me one, nml l tlmt ono who Thnmai lldlwi. Cuban dotlre fir freedom, as, Indeed, he .
Icn made liiat llio ingenuity of man gaged in trainpirlalion, Mli.ngmg 10 tbo 11 ma, ho i intilled lo llm thanks of i' . ,J'",'t'lf .." '., f." ' " '..f '?" ' had uoier paned beyond the coavt iulia.
lrieHrmdinRof.a party? Wo think not. ...m ". ., ,..rr.r0. . urn urn . . ,,, tl)m,(1, LP ,u,,0,o most ueiiclltliu ,.4,t(llt Mctlralh.Cb.ilesS. Dail. Jaiuia "' V' "" '" , ,",. ."l wca
Wohavoloi.Eo"dano.,imof uurwor. "T '"""r.' ''I10 "n';, ,,r'ii T '" ' 'I . ami tlm ln would, I ure ).,... -,J.I, K. . 'hI. C.,l Tn,lur, , ,"UI,1, l'"'" jr.day. c were in
i.u nu.u iuu(lu"u n iiinw ui wmi-r, nuifidriitlv expects liiat ull iibaU- ' , , , 1 1 ri..J. 11. ...... f a 11. m 1 ...... 'small boats, lieu. Ipe. separated ll.e
thy ciliuns profclng lo bo democrat, tu ,.,, , t, linw r,.iil- nro obinf d by th. be I"' J ,ll"-, " "' "i-l''- ' ,"''"" J."";; -hnir Joio Chu'en li l,n,4"c" "fthoiommand from 1.10. I hn.l ,
I'n'nrtain any such Idea. iiieasurrsndopi.il. Cal. Courier. imr 11. ll" h win not ll.o proper nflWr ,,',' 'J, .' K, ,'. "' .,.',' ,' ' itli me about one luiudrril was attacked
...,.... .k.ii.u.iisoii, jgiiu 11. i.r '"ii, 1 nomas r.. ,' .. , ...r. 1
. nr- M r-i . ..1 1 . "I""' "!" ,,1B "'" '""' ' """J" ,l"1 , I.e.-. Capl. James A.,utll., Ilaruy Wil.' ,n" '' "" r,,r"'r J l
fr'r-ti (.it,,.. il,n -Jiili of litn.nr. nm 0Cjhus M. ( lav, il will be seen hj , . .. r........i . ... I,U rffirtii to1. r 1 .... 1... ..'. ' ' oiiiniiiiy of boro. Ihn ruIJi was Inn,
U-f SS.iu-' . .. ,..-.. --. ., -.-- . . I I II n IISS II M"H - -.. - , IIUIII1. I IIINIMIII llOIII.
lhosrajsisovertw.iincl.es in height Briti. .1. I. have iubieiV.1 llm lilxrl) ol I.. .IiIp Indians, nud loso by lliulr mercl
The slock will bo nliuiilnnlly pnnided , .ren, nnd nw llm In rdomof ilnbate. 1 1, l.niids n brother, lather or frit ml, and
r.r.lurtii" the wmh Is limn' nuy conn.
llieri' any conn.
ipan will. On-
, I I. I... I .ill!.
'j .blighted Willi
try lh.nl will heijlii I compan with l-
uonl Who would not bo
llio Mil Id puinforla lu l. eiijo)ed in It.
wlmlesomo clunatnl our incnui.arable
uiulcrs iitcMk rtiniijiiif at Urt-n linear, u
. ... .
far. nml Aiir fjriiicri tl iut ii.il.'tn.l.'iil
inniofall (Jod'a rrcatinn. They enjoy
to the full extent
'I lie ;e.,t'e llree.. I reeje.
'ri.Al llil unruH. ll.. l,..u
.. , .
ra iniu mai iksiiiiik neeie.,
s . . ,MM, illtl IllU aiiitisj mi iviui'i ai .iv
(rt-tynv, illi.atured perv.u his Ik-oii ' l'o.l'l. "'"'!
uullly of llm uupardomtblo crlmn of1 .. ,, ,, T , , , '" , .. ,,
" ' , , ' , , , 0.T Vnlleo la likely lo remain llm Cn
bo.ilmB hog. almut low,., I, pause Hi. lr in, linir nl, T,, ,,,,,! nr p,,,,,,,,,.
finpeaarunotg.xxl llOllgll lu keeplbum nK tlm Slnlu House nncurdiii;' to llm lioiid
out of their yards nud ;nnlcni. Wu arulgneii; nnd llm building will im ready fur
at not only a alnglo in.tunco of ihla
. .V... .
Kin'i jui".jCTii.,""i i-"' """
l.oes l.ai.i l'en del. In la .'ly j.ln do'v
KiT7Vr7.Tly' ""WV.' . . ' .
iiraM aVaaVIIU ITT ailifSBa. ft
t of eruHy would iei n .leaii man
DM nt hit roaldence, in I'oilsinoulli,
N. IL, on tl(6eplember, after a kIioiI
irgpa(furillntM, Hon. Lkvi Wnnuiisitr,
ila iilatlfogt(Ta'ic man recrlrcd llio nu.
mrqa'tloti for. Governor of Ihn) Blnto by
lliWwooi.atlu patly a aliurl tlmo Iuoo.
Hfli'hjaa) inai.y advocates, who had ho
livedo would fcavoi placed lilm In nomlnn.
lion for tho Prfaldeiioy at Ihn next Dcrrfo.
oratlo national cooronilon.
1 t II !.
V..K-eV" "f J 'l0.u0,?, Own-CuU,
QSTTIio rnntiitrl firuurr)iug ll... mini
fr.nn A.IutIii in t Irpgmi Uily, wnilel ul
8tu,0llil per minimi. Tlm .lolAiicn Id
nloul I IV, unlet. 'I'lir rnutr.ioi lor ;
rlug ihn mail In llm Grunt Stall Lnkn wan
lei ill tf,IOil. Tlm distant Is ue.ir lllllll
mill', nml nc.uli lliriniliK roiiin lintiii
In' turn lli'il hy laud, 'l'ln mm lu Antnriu
Ist.irrl.'l semi innnthl), nii.l iin ho per
formed In iiIhiiiI V!j .Ills; the ollii r is
I'littiul ouio miry nu mouth., nml re.
.pilres nearly the whole II nin In make ll,
nml llio route lie almost lolnll) through
in iiuinhnhltriCilltilcli'ni l.)rurl nml
blond. Ihursly rnmges, ulm lime t ru.'tly
,, , . . II i I ,
iiint.li.rtfil H'J ImliiliiriiiilM 1 lil d hens.t.1. It
... , , , ., .. ,.f
will li4oliv!rpil tlmt llirrn ln ''a'A'Im-!
. , .... . ,
lerrnrc In the tun tellings, 1 hrsn on
.1 i i, . e ........
tracts hate lirrn Id li ntr niurteiii.
It. I I. I I . - .. I irillllllllj llll'IV- Ml BIH riUlHHMIIUM"
Ilic ikMiiIo ofOrrgi'ti wi'ro not porniillnli ' ' ' '
1 ' .., f . ,. 'mioiiu id) rnlerm In vhlii om U lioal irom
inrnlfr llio livid ui iinnplili)r fur llio K '
, . .. ,, ,, 1 1 iomi icy i lirrWi, llul I wn inont ur.
ion n to Ailoim. I Inn llio enter nllli; "' '
. III..
nirii of mir iiwn loiinlrv urn uruilioil by
, . , ., , ,. , ;. , .1 ' v ,i
Ifolitatliin lor llio ucnrXil of Now lorl.
C4pllllll. " '
1X7 U'antdl al lln Mlicr, a chap of
toti.lor fc, who tlmll pi-o. .mnilimM
...-" - - t v '
nioiiRli to cmrerl rorrraron.lriieoH from
' 1 l
--'it any emergency that may an.a n,'
Lome - 1
f - , .
ti; """ '"' '" "M" ''' ompmiieil
with tbu ruivrit of Allan M. Kioliu, A
giie u niioppurtiiuiiv of linking kn iwn
nailer lit Ine'inilm pnli,i uhen. a iiiuro nilu l ol . u
i;arsmay U fiiiiu I Tlif) inm nHunlbr
our 1'inwr luuclnd in llio 1110.1 polite
mnmior vie lire rnpal.le m il mii; lie
111 "puir to seine piriKi.ii now It 1 n
fa. I Uxi. that tho li.no pit .1 "rllfilli.l
. . . . .
More, ami poo. iheap hr lliu "reail)
ilonj" gruceru-a of all km.N, China
('"'" elp.
,i. .. , .
lompmy. 1 bo iMiinrPlinu I.iie.-n the
". M.ni.iern " ""'"' 9"" T'1 "Uautnges ol a profuablo ami lucrative
,., 1. ...1! i.., ,V..Xi..
Willi iii.iv i "mn .i.vil era's.. t UIUJ vi
ic. n lb.-two. The ...uroofllio mi.l.-v
.... 1.. ................ ..T .1 I...1....
" " .ii.u- " "i" iwimij -hi,
iIp filbiwIngi-Mrni'l, is lh.111l.rul fiiramall
wvors. lie uais ins ikM like a mn'i
"Mv pnnsn.s i.rlosp.l I bate rr.ieiv.dl
but n fiw ihoiisamlielis. MTll 11 mi nu 1
-. ,, 1 ,.
' I he i.ogn of terror in Iseiitueky Is im
1 m jii i.-rroi .11 nri..et.y is .1" ,,. .P ho w.iulil
"""" i u ;s-rmine,i irli, u tdanlr,t, lhall. , 1f (1
","' nl I"'1 "M',"c ,r,' ''"' """ '"tl'c! ,
a) . .1 ' whuwiiuld, by Ills mill
"""" i n ;s-rmine,il irly u ;.MWr.l, ll.ai
Tin mi 1 inn Oiin.nv. Major li'pnnipy
..(.U. ... .It... (I. ll... .If I. ..till. I 'l.llllllt. III.
V.I 1 ... ...., ... ..... .'. . ... I.. .........".",
.. .. t . .'. r... u.A, . ,r..r.i .. !..-..,
nun nn t'imiiii ii iuii wiiuihi "imiu
illi... .....i l.-.M !.-,. . a.i.,l,liMl.,.,l. Tlm
IHIIUHl )ll II". S-ILIPS-."""- ..-
i liorim, bagga;;o uml olhcr . Ilecta bidong. would ronsliler lilm inlillid t all the
mg to tbo Iroups, will leave, ui a fuw iluysIIHiro (jrnliludo forhli dlsiiiteieilediUbila
mg to ti.otruupa, win ii'Hvn ... iu 'iaisinoro gralltuilo lor 1.11 uisiiiieic.ipniiiuii.
1 for llm same ?lnce, by lliu ateamer .Sua (() ,, ivi!5 r hi. fellow men. As I
' Rull. Tbu Indiana in that c-mi'ilry : hair, , ho ,,, Hnt
Ikooiiio.i Irnubliuoiimtluilil is necossar) l",r'"" ""'""' " , .. ..
Ikooiiio.i trnubli.oinstliiil it is necossar)
,,, , , . ..
I "r-"J",",' " " i". "" '"
. I'M. Inl.t... .....I. ll I. ..I.I Hull
" M ,' , IHIUIl I.II.UI. ,1 I. ...'. ..'.
1- .1, tho Gnicmoreliol, known i.
.;.ilnl bin alb in: nor can ho Mi
-. compiled Willi. Smiora (Ul)
, A'W.I .V Cio fi.rinerly Todd V
spreii ngenl, furuikhed 111 paper.
irnm llw Mates nnd California, anmn four.
Ineil hours In inlianro of tho mall. It
will bo seen by llnlr ndiiirliscment ihnt
Nowil iVCu, hnvo puri-liaii'd llm Intercut
uf Todd ii I'm. in Oregon, and luled
riinnin" il w I1I1 rvory imwilbla dlspaich
(itr Tho lutt woii.lor Ii what vessel or
mall brought tho HManan't letter from
Honolulu I A, friend aays.lt r.iu.l have
uoine a klglillug.
Wo return llianlu lo J, l''orguion furJ
Slate and California pnporf .
D-'i'lio rlvor JViii.eay. Mr. 01 Iddon,
liaa (link 33 feet In 4,000 years,
fori cMiitif cure.
t " ivr ,is
l'i.r llir HptilsluT.
ii aiiiiti, Ynmtilll (Vunly,
Oct, Iti, IBM.
jjtLuii TiTiHi - I letiirned fromllm
.nines ii tew da)s simp, nml was rejoined
In mien 111 r ' get in'" I'm mld.t of i'IiUL
mlliiii nml llm touilnrls l IK". Wn had
unilllhVull) with llm Indians, liirni'il our
lmri.es lixtso nier) ni;;lil, and idi pi with,
nut mi) gunnl.
,l) rnillnrni'lioii withtiveilhlngamiin
mr, l,or,rr. n. imldor.ldy IcucomI
liy mull lii) llm unirrupulous rnurie nf
..I.. ..l It .....II. I. ..I... ..! I(t
1'CllH... IH.lMlll .Wlllllllll.l., ,. nnvil, l
' '
mushier ll.elr duly, nnd .phero of u.eful.
' J , . .
ucs In consist almost intlrely in tradiic.
' ,
Inn all, win n any it n) roiifllelwlllilneir
" ' ' ' .,
I'llVCII "IICII I UMr ir llllIH'Sllli11 W.NB'
I ' . ' .'..TT(,i.
n fcit on I ho rnrt nr nino In liikH
. . '.... . . ..
tradusa ttil viUfyjIio acl of I
nor. wlili rrijaril t llio liraiyiwMfI7i
Itoj-uo Wtr Inillrnn. Ami that V;h1n
could to foiiml 'In Ore Ron, ulIJ' dei-
- I 1. -
ll"o of liuin.ully, nml rry cl.imei.
r.K.ni, In tlm .,.,.1.1 of plenty and -icunly,
and atta. k unv and all Urn ad. .f a ub.
"' '"a"' ",",,' tJ filHi
l,u. iluim iiml f-r wl.al lie lnimt--tJ l.ml ,
Uutl Willi lioili llm nailer ami llio man
ner. 1 inv llm n
lerv iniv mailer,
uu I pui'd) U inr ll mi)
Ifjid onn I. '
aiiifiiiuni , but Ii oil bn nio in mi) ,
nuy ai piiinleil uli thu ililliuullirs anu
il.inKi.nulieii.lwit upnii A jnurney lliri,uj!li
s rountr) inlial ileil hy In
,tle loJIana, ll
of reorlt. Ili
lauuol but l n nutter of regrl-t, IIUI
m h neiiv fjnll liinlliiL' Ik IiIk ism llnuld
1 j -ft
.. .. ... ,.
-r no I in our iniilsl , nml tuo proiur.
n.insnf nieli nrn entitled In and rorelie
il,. .nniemit of nil iioud clllrem. I
.rolled .l.u8l.ll
10 JP,, )u Oregon rccuw ibo ail-
'trado from liiat quarter. Whether llm
tl.neri.ur a, or wai net, tbo proper
... .1 - .1 .. ....... nllnni
iemui in in uk- iimji - -
gnu, )l0 j(lr, nll,( ,r,c,ty 0f his fellow
, , ,rf r ,!,. ,criiloui jim.
. ........ ..,
1lm.t1.ms Uatcl lliroiifcii 11m conn... .
,),,. .p , , would or could hnJ it in
if ( i( o ll!f. ,.o nils of .my 1 in.
lluencennd exorlioii',
...mI. i.i Irnm llu'ir 111. ecill u IJ.IIWHII11
. .. . .. i lr I ...I. ...!...
iii tlm fiituro: nnd If it should n"t bef
fjiind exactly 11 lliiln tbo limits of thl.(
..11 t
inail M UUll(. 1.0 tllfll. OM ll'iw uo.j
tlmt ealU them ihroiiRli that country, aro
fur from being illintl.fiod, and Ceding
fault with llm treaty, became, forvoolh I
il po.-ibly wna not llio Governor's anorn
duty to gu and make ll. Thoy aro h.ncaily
grateful to him for hi. Interfaremn, and
If they hocnino aullafied Hint llio Illior he
i.i.rfarined iii iiiul.lnc llio Ireaty, aliould
ijn brcf) (,otl0 t 10l, ,ity wi
,.. ; ,
""' Idm double ll.ank..
I H' lllMls.1 IJUIisjessiip .. v v ..-- n
i.iuili when I left ; but wero engaged in
hunting winter digging. Iicillh good,
uml siippllea pluniy.
Your.. A I'ackrr.
i.cTATuui 1 '.on by llm Int?
at lis editor imblilahlngly a.-
1 . 111.1.1 . .1....1..
has nit published a ilnglo
I'm rou Hri.cTATuui
hcrls llmt he has nut tinblialiod a ilngt
nitiol.i lu l.lu paper but ivlrtl wai porfect.
ly trim III Ha, ha, 1 can't help laugh.
Inp;. That inakrj mr think of tha nolo-rious-Wr,
n'ho, iitiooacousod ofhli want
of leraulty, boldly attb "Why sir, 1
mwerlold alio in iy 1 1 Tel
N.l'oliov ia a avalem of elhloiAlnvtnteit1
and tlfceil by aiansmen anu peiuiciapsy
It lmsA bad nanlo when adopedli-r.
s . . . . .i.u . y
vnto iroukactlo Ulween man anU
C'tibnii Mmn.
Ily llio lnl mull l trouylit connrmliig
liil(illl;rnoo rmppotlii llio nlloinplnl ro
rotullon In Culm (if llm mini fulliiro of
llio mlif-mc, nml llio ilrui lun priillreil
Ii) tl'n limlrra iikiii llio iruplo of llio II.
Hlnli's, mIiii wrm !lly riioii((li In Mloio
llio lir.ii)riliiirpii ilimil tliojluf,,in vlo
Inry In Irn'oliltliKil, mid llio ftit Ir rlnjt fit.
turn t lint milinnlol nil 'nrltcljmiiln In tlm
i'XK'ilillon, 'llm Iniliblo In liumlpil
K'luim n Imp,) la miywlioro ciilorlnlm'd
!! Ill llm livrlllirmv nf ll.h itfitiiriimfiiil
s ,,, nll.0.v ,.,. ,.... ov
llio Uluml, 'I'lio wliiilo nioii'iiieiit, nn llm
pnrl of llio ).cllril pnlrlol, liai not
niuuiinltiil In inorollian n lln.li in llio pan,
Wo toarco lliink llio motto of Dnvy Crook,
rll wna oUnrrnl in llm nialtpr "Ho unto
you nro rlgli!, I lien ;n alirad,"
I'lio lalcfl licit fmni Mavntia Ii Hpp,
I, llio day on wlili Ii l.uprx ttaa rioculnl.
We clip fiom the California foil ho fol
low In j; conddurd ncrounl ol llm ilimiii
arnca, T .
Tlio New Yoik Hun aunouncca llio re.
ull In llio follonlni lorinat
Tlio iirrxjiccl of Ciiunn Imlcprmlrnri',
wlilth ilawnrd to 1r Itrlit ly wllliln a fnw
llllVB .IMBl In MMUf .l..l(.l I... .l.l l I.
, I f, . 'J II ",-,"i ""'I ""I "ii jvium iiuhh
bo wn. nttnoked b) llmpoviiriimcnl troop, orn out lil,,unKera,.d fallKue, limy
!' wen, forced M rellie, l.nvlm; him In' ,ire Bny their aru.v nud amunilion
rr"",l"r lU" &C"' ""'l "" '"'onn eek Cforr lh.li captur.
' " nnc '"" ("'" ('lM,r,p' ""U C-Pi.ln IMIy r.lalrd hnl Im had been
r,m, who,,, mine I. .ml known, ami ,1' ,0 n.i.1 preinil.d upon by Mr
nboul Mfn men
llinaf.iviiiiiril of u
lir I illal
I."!" an.) hi cnmmniiil utatled (
,!"1 "'' "J tli mountain, but were dn I
hirii ui) tniiiiii i,jr tin ireimlo lo tlm. iiller
. -- - -( m t tiuii aaii'xtii-a
''' I "" whrru I'"' '''' amiilmr
iljjht .ih h., troepi, wl, t. rnlureil ihnr
lure lo '.'V.II men Willi ihran he itnitnl
to lll'lje,
mil wlillo breukfntlm lied
al Cimdatciiii, lua fiircn was aur-,
p.Kcil, altackeil ami illjn(.l by the
Ijiueii'a lioopt Hill hid I In nnchen in
7 ...
t'm luriMt, uiiiMliiru without nrm, whero
ihe rrinalneii lour ilai, with but little'
t-i.al. 'I l.enjin order lam tu(-ie Uicnn
I'. I'. i u.i, 11, ... 1 id. law
,;iimilc,i CmHuel It. Wie
X,.n i)K,.M.-J.l. I.leiil. Jame. I i.lepportuuity of fai'ly jmlging.
llweu, .U J. C. Ilu.h, W. W1I...11. W.I
"";' r,,Z Lu.fiv, ','", I.
.Miller, I. I.uce.le
'"W .......,--......", h"
111111, neiiry nmiii, John ijinc, Iihiict,
Intlrr C. Knoll .Nicholas I'orl J. Mull
1'uii.Ai.ri.niu Thomas Little, Com
.mi.sni) J. ,. Kii.psoii, 000. i Him.
, lvl-;N1u' ),,
Itolmil .Milmur, J
Kk.NIUKV. Uuilt. II. I). Ito.e.u, l.'l.
I). Iliitth.a, Wm. II.
nugatc, I'rancs 11. Ilolmea, Malbone
II. Scull.
MiMi'itis. I.ifiil. W. It. Craft.
Ai.iiiam.1 J.D. I'rcnll, W. L. Wilk
llismi, ('. Cook.
Ciiiui.i.sIii.i.- James Cliapmmi.
(i'im:.-i, hi.. Janus llrn.ly.
111 1
ri.TiMiiniuni.ii. Ileury I', Hint.
V111111.NIA. Wm. Cameron.
.Missiii-i.i.Tl.o..a Xlnuro... Wilm
I',, mines.
Oiiiii. Isana I'reeborn.
l'MTl'1'.SrATl..e Cornelus Derby I'otor
I'uIIkh, lien. Ilairnr.
Uiui.anp. William Caussans, John
iHUHiilirnry II. MolMlb, George
..' .... ..' .. . i
.Mctonllu.-anics 1'arler, TI104, MuDul
Ciiiia. Heruanlo Allem, Julio C
aagne, I'rnncLenCurbin y Garcia, lUmon
i. Arunii, Joso Dovren, Manuel Martinet
Anionic Hemanax, Martin Mcleaim.
Gkkmam. Joliautie. Huoil, ICdnnrd
Wltto, Wilbelm L.nor, Hubert fScolutt,
Ciriao Kiinepli,
HtiNOARV. George llnullila.
Nrw Grii.m.um. Andres Gonzaler.
Amii'izaii. I'ranclspo A. Lire.
lUiAMn. Manuel Diaz.
NAViHnR. Anlisiln Itomein.
Kpaii, I'rnneico J. Xamora.
Not sTATrn. MAnlonlo L, AH'onso,
Manuel Arngon, Josu llnjjanoilay Ittiblna,
Joakln L'aianora, Miguel Guorra, Win.
Mao Mnnoy, Dandrlg Heny,
.Huillolrt, J, I), llakur, Luis 111
I'lio folloviliig iriiiara wci
vt near Pan Crstobal, and a
.iiao Mnney, Uamlrig Heny, Leonardo
wero taken at
aro now In
llnvannn t
James Hmlth, Joiepli Gunn, Don Agua.
lu Manloro,
Tho Lieut. Governor of llnlila Honda
has put In Iho tilsposlllon of Ida Kxcol.
lenoy, Iho tlireo pi rate whoso name
follow 1 T
Jainri Carter, Ireland. Francisco Ig.
Julian Zamora, th) Peninsula. Itamon
Innaclo Anmia, Mlntomrf.
".iii .... 1 ..L.N.I 1
nouing 10 tnninumooriiioono nunurou
and iwantv.aoven jrho aroyiready In Ha.
i i.r.i..n..i.,n.....iie..ry i . iitiri ; .. .. i . i .1 . i i
fir U.rw.-J.cobl'o..i.,4Viun llsccl''" ""ii" " 1 ' U? " Ta
vana, and tweniy.jlvo who
n fow lioiir-, tlio total miinlier of llm prl.
nonrr- litVrii will lis onn litimlrrd and filly.
Tlio Argui arrived al Cliarlmlon on
llm lltli S-'ptouili-'r, mid liroii(lil Malanxaa
advlcm In llm '.'Dili of Atif,ut, lit llm af.
Trot llul IIIIO of llio priioiicru of llm o
prillllon nf l,op'X liBil liouli t'HCOUIril, and
that llililri'ii who worn -till on board llm
liiauinr I'lnrro, had l;ni liryuglit In liy
llm iii'Krix'i. Tlio, HpaiilariU.. taunt llio
Crcolra Willi luvlllng l,nt7. lu llm liland,
and lliiualifllidonliigliliii, Auiorluana In
.Mnlmixa-Tnro lu aomo nlnrni for llmlr
filv mi oi'ount of llm ureal oxollemant.
I'linCuun liberator-, wlionro aijcintlcl
nt Now Orlomin, nro pcnnllcat, and arn
ilomandliiK moimy of riio Ciilnn commit.
Iro lu order to ;tt liouip.
WABliliuTnN, Hcnt. 0.
Orricui. Di-afATtiir.. Tlio lldiuldlo
of litis iniiMiliu' puUltlipa n dpnpaluli from
Ciimiiinmli'r I'inll, nf llm W. H. Hliln of
War Alliany, hlni; nt Havana, ilptallinu
nn Interview wliloli lis dad wlili I ho prl.
Mimra, liorllv nflrr llirir arrrat aild con.
fimmirnl In llm prlnou- of Culm.
Capl. I'latl atalr that ho told them !
font rrri'lvfr any alatomonl from lliciu,
liiat limy wvro in full poifnpn of llm
Mpanltli 'Government, and that nolhlnjj
ooutd bo donn fur lliem.
He would, however, firward llmlrilale.
inent In lila KQicriiinriil.
Captain Janiea A. Kelly acted a--peakci
lor llm pilHiiicra lu llio priwncool oilier-.
.Slgur, of tlm New Urban iKlia, to join
tim i. nr.lllittii Ha Imil Mtul inlnv iitipr
lurllmr Mnled ihnt when tlm prinnn.
'r r, wre told of llm labium of LoiJc.n
cry of i mid cutiltntlm ran tbrourli
r v fii
ihcm nil
(,, Kcnil andllayuea, of Tennessee.
n. altn another nl ll.lr leailera. arn illll
L. Ili'M-J to Im In the mounlalna.
Tlm Itepulilic ) that on tho receipt
"IW '.i.iiii
ol lliMo illipatelic, copies wrro lent by
l0 I'rulibnl lo llm Siiaultli Mlnlitpr lo'
further enforce llio appeal alrrady maile,
U doal mercifully with the prlio'nera, in
liilcil b) Sptuiili fulicniien, ho haj no
Sum or Wn IJsir.uiMA
Augml HI, IKJI
DilAn I.11UN : lu balfaiiliour I, wlih
gicn', mid .iraugu lo tell, I was net fur
ni.liul with n iiugla inu.kol cntrilgo.
LoMr. did not get any artillery. I ban
not the heart In w rito to any of my family.
If the truth oier co.no. nut, you will find
Il.at I did my duty, and haio Iho porfcel
ronlideiicp of oiery man with inc.
VY had retired from tho field, and
wern going In sea, and wero overtaken by
llm Hpauisti ateamer llabancm, and cap.
lured. Tell (ten. Houston thai hi. nephew
gi.l aeparateil from me on the I3lli, iho
.. .i.. ...... I .1... I i .
Iiml since. Ho may hnvo atracsled off
". J" ,lr" .P"?' wno auvanceu rap.u.y
, . i "11 1 " ....
to tho Interior. My pooplc, however, wero
entirely surrounded on every side. Wo
.aw that wo had been deceived grossly,
nud wero maklm? for tho United Slatee
' when taken. During my abort sojourn
In lilts liland, I lima not met a alnglo
.""J' " "' " "' '
imliia In litis ueslwnril nl litis, anil sin siirM
.-.. ... ...-.-.....-. ........... .....v
that in lhat'pnrt of the 'Island Lopez baa
no friend..
When I was attacked Lopo was only
three miles off. If ho had not boen de
ceiving ui, as to tho atato of things, ha
would haio fallon bnok with Ida forco and
mndo fight ; Instead of which ho marched
on Immediately to Iho Interior. I am ro.
uiidtcd lu get )ou to till Mi. Green, of
the I'ustom.liouio, mat his brother aliaros
my fate. Victor la also with me, alto
Sanford. I rocollcct no oilier of your ao
ipialutancea al present. I will dlo Ilka a
nnin. My heart has not failed mo yol,
nor do I bellevo It will. Communicato
with my family.
This Is an incohorenl letter, bull llio
lircumstatiGva must cxouio il. My hand
arn awolleii.tn ilouulo their lliloKnew, re.
lulling from having thorn too lightly
corded for tho last eighteen hour.. Wrila
tu John, and lot lilm wrllo lo inv mother.
I am afraid that iho nowa will break hor
heart. My heart boat, warmly towards
her now,
I'arowcll I My tovo lo all my friend
I am sorry that I die owing a oent, but it
I Inevitable..
Your, itrong In htarl,
W. L. CaimanKN,
To Dr. Luoian Honiley.
InL Wr Prcpara your wood for whiter,
From llm Ntir Yatli Trlbtm.
i:uroiruN Affair.
Tlio aleamor 1'rnnklin arrived at ikl
port on Monday, bringing dale from Ioti
don tothoS7ili Augual, and I'arla lo tbo
'J'bo Collon market wna firm andprlcra
had Impnittd 1.
Tlm Kliiiciil ncwa l nol Important)
In Knulnnd, tlm Hallway Coinpaalao
havn held thulr annual meellngl. Tlio
lucreaionl Iravil liaa nol kept pace with
llio liiurrtM of railwaya; ll.o avaraa
profit la a per sent. Tbo failure of llm
old and reaprolatle liouaa nf Kucker it
Mom, London, Is announced. Tho pro
mcrtora of llio Kvaiifrellcal Alllanea met
at Kxctor Hall, on tlio SOlli lilt. Tlw
uueoMof Iho yacht Amor lea It allll lalkr.
r.l oflbcro. ifngllali yachl-bulldora bavo
oirered looonalruet yacla for competition.
Tlio Culmii dUluibaaicei ami llio Lynoh
law In California arn dabalcd wild MM
earnralnota In tho London journali.
In France, It Ii reported that an eipe
dltlon will be Kilt to tlio Sea of Jpn,
under ll.o order a of a Hoar-Admiral, who
bat long navigated Ihn Pacific ocean tad
llm Chlneaa Heav. Tlio expedition wlllj
I la added, bo at onco tnllllarr,, eommor-J
olal and aoleiillfic. and Jim for a)f object
I ho opening la Huropcaa commarca 6P
which have been cloved agalnel ll aiuco lb
Italy la In a atato n commotion, and It
laaaidlhc Ahsolutiittare turning Commu
iilit for the nonce.
in Auatrla Ilia (jovcnimenl lia eipal.
lid from ila terrilorie tho late Coiuul of
llm United Stales al Trieste, Mr. Warrens
tho cauoof the Kmperor'dlplea'iuro Is
alipMiH il tu bo tbo opiioillion ciprcaied by
.Mr. W. in certain ('overnmeotal ineas
urea. An Kuglish fleet umlcr Admiral
I'arkcr, bad appearo.1 olf Trietto, and
critic In profound acniatlon at Vienna,
na liavlup; a wlhlc connexion with Lord
I'olmo oil en's p"ecli on foreign afTalrt.
I'rtiin China we have intelligence of a
mnuacr.t of tho llritiali seamen belong.
hit; to llio ulilp l.arpcnt, which sailed frmn
Liverpool for .Slianghaion the 16th of May
laal. Tbo vcel anruiiR a leak on tho
I '.'ill September, nil i'orinosa, and on rea
clilni; Iho Ian I the rallnra wero plundered
bv tbo natives and brutally manacnd. A
law inilivl'lual weroaoiti in aiaiory, anu
k.ibieU(iitly rll't'Clcd their eacapt.
ItsiTisn AMniticA. The Canadian par
liumrnl wasaroroguod by tho Govornor.
General on Saturday thoSOlhof August.
The Itojnl Speech n presents Iho reven'un
n. in a latisfnctnry itate, and refers to tho
granta for Impioving ll.e'navlgatlenof tho
St, Lawrence, and to llm reduction oftho
MiilgranVjat. Six hills were reserved for
the. apprifflil of the Quean, three of which
relate tu ilinnhe. and recloriee, two to Iho
reduction of salaries, aud ona to the In.
1 r.i.. i..... ir.u.i n..ir.i
Cirpwruiiui! HI 4IIW11 uiif.wiuyH.1.
Suspcuiliv'asttatr OaaafHrr"TJiai.-r
prKiiy iiia.nnsraaiti awwaaaas.r .
The reduction ! llMasvii liat aaalasf
icd by tlio Imperial gorerameBl :ast)
licn rarried out by llm I.egialaiur. Tb
salaries of the Chief Justices an I that of
llmCl.aiiPi.llornreto bo reduced from 1,.
PU.)to83,0t(n yenr, upon tlm deparluro
uf llm present Incumbents from office.
The potato rot is prevailing lo a great
extint in'l'pppr Canada.
Wisr linn... We bale datr from
lla)ti to Aug. inili. Kicrything was
then 'im 1 in t'm (-olilienl affairs of tho is
land. Tho I-'mperor had returned to
Capo I In) lieu from lit. tour, haling cross,
eil llm I Kimiucian frontier without beinjr
nlulo.ted, and it waa rcporled that the dlf.
ficultics liclwcen Iho Domlnclan and Hay.
tieu goiermrent had been amicably act
lied; Aneiuptionof the long dormant voles
unosoflhol'clleo Mountain, in Martlnquo
look place nn llm night , VI August 6. It
was accompanied with k noise almilar to
tlia'approachoflliunderi'and with a. Iron
ilbrallon that was foil in a considerable
distance. The town of St. I'icrro, a well
a all the surrounding country, wa cav
cred mcr with gray ashes. 1'ha popula
tion of I'recheur was obliged lo flea from
their homes, and to take relugo In Hi.
1'icrre. There was no shock or an earth.
South America. W have advices
from Montevideo to Juno 30. The aapect
of affair in Uraxila'nd Uuenoa Ay res, waa
by no means pacific. Tha llraxllian for
ces under Admiral Grenfoll, tha Com-inander-ln-Chlef,
had ienetrated tho wa
ters cf the Uraguay, and war stationed
at commanding point Along the north
bank of the river. Tho disaffection f
iho province of Kntre Rio had been fol.
lowed hy lhat of Corrlentc; warlike prep,
aratinrnwarn In Iraliu and everything
threatened a general oulaWk. Tho med
iation of Great llriialnhad been accepted
by Gen. Honai. Tho alavo Inula on tha
roast of Ilrazil wa at a low ebb,' a deep
Inidachemofor it revival having been de
feated by ll.o Ilrlti.lmjuadron. Only 1,
000 alai es wero lauded during he first six
months of 1931, while nolo than 200,
OHO were landed In Ihn aamo period of
Awful. Tokla. a rtuy.cheekod girl,
and find your mouth filled wlih 'Venetian
red," and .he grow iwg pale on it.
. '
He ivl)o does not prevent a wiong when
ll is In lila power, iajsqually orimlnal with
him who commits liland will , I astMmod
accordingly, J
Oir A boy In eohool who had received
hi politic from a demooratlo'fatlier, ro4
fused to cipher Innem moaoyj - '
. ' in:
Otrln England, Bootland, M Wala,'.
llmr I but ona volar to ovary aaver-teara
Inhabitant 1 In Ireland, only oasjilto
eighty. c -jintii
. . . . -
I . '.ii
Vs '