'JT A m !?A .V CormptMdvncr. 1 ,Tho raining lrtte r, Urn K 0. Wa.h. infiou, auuitor 01 mo t'otl oiiick ittpnri. meal, under Prttldenl Van Hurra and J, Mu$qu Spectator. 1 .aaaaatlafat art! .. 4- -JHDAT..OCTODER,U, 1831. ''""b.'r'.'teWWM.T, ttDITOl. Ill III 1 .11 tf V the heattl el fort Metier, ptrtlou. laVty'aaa' ell othert Interetted, wp pub. IWalMgth. lb decl.lon of the Pott lgaaaw.&aoral ia to-day 'a paper. We til". II .i ' TW hajraniMnli about town art being eiaafc. A eVwad It bains madt of an m the kill at the lower end ol OawgeU. hat treatly itttproted ejaahaJaja by lereriagit teertl feet in jaaaafaJaaaaae. tad the ttreet hat been ypaaafawi hi receiving a tool of none hriage, which It truly iTr -: """ " " "" ""K f lap lolead laflU, a new one .tincourrc Vetera... ,VtvViw 'TUOuitaaah took on board the United MMatafla oa Wedneaday latt, and went M'M biga'aa Maryavllle without anv fmmf'., ft la tba opinion ol thote who tma. heard, that tba Canemah will be ahk ta tatke bar ngular trlpa witli the .MM rateagboot tba aeaton. It will cer jilajrf,ha a greet accommodation to the -faaali k tba aaper country to have a boat fnaaj eaplarly every week. Having b 7. . bmH to carry will make the .tttfaaftae Oeaemah punctual at to time. iHJo be obtained. Captain tie Salem, baa lain the pro. ef the Canemah under obligation r the raw be furnltbed the boat to mate ' bar upward trip. Ca;t. Dennet fcafaiamring and obliging Captain. i . Fe the 8pcUt. jjaWei atia In t By the arriral thit morn. lag eTjtbe aleop "Geo. Anna," Captain Ihad, frem Vaocouver'e Itland, we aaaerjr latareatlng newt from the OoM MJaea ea Queen Charlotte'a Itltnd. Caataia tswland bringt tome beautiful efeaaaaaa of virgin gold and gold bearing aaaHl tba tailor being oftbe ricliett quel Iry that lever aw. According totheac aaaau of Cast, lowland, who It a gentle. ajaaaf taraafty aad experience, the mlnet a QaauiCbarlotte'a ftland art equal If I All. KTl'a 2.1 - """fHS!?" Kuc lb Hpeelatir. iU)TR,Oct. mil, last. J In acontci-iaii.iu with Jatnca M. M.ri J. K.t'olk.w.t handed,,, for publication. ,,,. ,. .,, ,f .v,, .., ,.-.. .M,,K" '"'.'.TW" "'"" "" A" ' Mr. Wellington', cipcricnco and llior. ,, nii;jli In the n.rkn...... nr,,.n aiimriua. Utuch aatacalUlal.itonlnloa.tare.prcl. Lncooun.of ,l... ..' t II, ...,.. ""'"' .'" '"' ."" n!''"-' " ' V He,. . Nothing or a partiann chararie'r ran be H.,, .-' Yhaiaton llmt aim .. iI.m,Iv'1 T """ "'"' atlributrd to lim. ., h. I. nV f ..,.': .' 1 . .T',."m' "'':.? " ,,,,""1 Mlto.1..n,.r.lu. .,n...g,ni I u.l. I,.! f ...i I I... ..!. m ..I tl... 1 . . , I I I 11 e ) """'I ' M1 1, ' ' ll'l 1 i.!7,,,,i 7r ,,nl,," 'J iin.Mi.t m tl... Sim.. t.n.lli. la.UIM.Wlnll...Prncr IlJlJtil-I..ltI .,,., ,,,u. rrn ,,,, , or a aumlvr of r,-r.n .l,t hmw,,. . . , , , , , , ,,, ,, S,( the ibrl ca. and that aatl.rai..wrlM- , ,,. Mlnll,.r, f ,,.,. ,.,,, iiiu...' iii imi'.imiiii-'i i ict ii'.rrrr.i u. u the NiMrtof Mn '.'llnl.on.l I find that uiuocnm urmpcrai. in 1IIC I a nil : v Wajiiinotox, June 11, 1MI. Dear Sir: I hate received your let. ler of tho 7lh Juno laM. reucntlng inn in ciamino tho paper. tranniill.d to the I. M. fanrat nnrl ... ai... klm tinnn ft... ...k ... .. v . w,ru vuv. ...C .ntfiYitncH MA VMril. n.til I lin.l .1. it ' .... . jcatoryeurcorrcpoBdeBccallhlhranc Mr. Ilu.h there cban. I,, i,l. ,!, "" T' l ""'W' R - Zi CZ ' VC ' cial agent of the Department, touching crlnw of breaking w.ila In.... I..it.. ....t ji.urn-iuHiioueiiverirgoquaniu.voilrr nwHor. Iwlonlng to Mr. Tliiir Law and mi.cellaneou. Hooka, rccciirj ' ,0ii. ami I.., -ayn In the .tine number llmt (c5-To,ldVC. lurnl.hrdi.., n, uml, I, . il.m t. ,n.l.-vl.,liil.., c, ,rrv jury and. Il.pleaanri. nri'hn piiblio. "' p.prra wural Im.irt In n.h.uiivi t the ' ' ' In for of il.o o. nliro.v ..f ih. Jlul what I In lie done. In theerrnl of I mall, r..rwilvh u.. i.turii llinnk.. I'8""" l"M'" 5 " ".,.. tllmc, , , r,uu,n f(!niornl Valleln l carry out 'rK mil ,.v... ........ out '";.;:. . ,". ...!"" n :. """ ?-":"." w.. ri...iw...ti,..'.if..id i' i if ii ...ii , ill i in-, hi... lint Ho, ' VM'sJe "hiill full In I'niuply with the lermi .' n. ii' in nr p.. . .mi. elti i Mlii.li, I r tl i.tii...,iit, tl.,1 .rr. . . l 1. 1... I., u. I ..i, ,. Ilnnl, ' i n 'I llir !il.i. i mi. i Hi.ii.it n . in .. in III. il lli.. I', i1. ,in . ..-. hi I , I . I... 111! .-. I I . '. , , , , ( I'liiiii. i.t , iii hi I., .i, il ii, ii no im li.n.. on ... .I. hi, jiitiMi, il..,ni. nr id s.(jn i.i I ( III. " M . h il.. ,, r ,r.,. , ,,,, .Lin.. , n i. n. i ut nil 1 1 In. ii,, ml, I,, ,,i tin! I, Ny mi, I I... tirit.M illiiltru Int.. I. Hell 1 1 fine the in. m I. 'I.i.iii.i n.ililur. inril nlm lni Iwn . ruellv liiililei.il ' v "II M Si. rn .other n ...It I.I I. if ll. In it of tl... iiilml.l,iiili of Ciil. lu.il t i . I. k.i .... ..pli. t lie iie," il,,. ete I'.l'l II . I I'llH ni. i. III. Il iviilin, nn. , of III. The jjrrnt l.n.ler, On l,o nuurj;. UK, Ins lie, u i a.ni.,l ,m, ..,. of lil. 'r..nl.iii, In wlnilo or In part, then Ihi. net In ho volil." Hut It hat failed to .'.il'v .-l.nl authority .hall determine "helliei I ho I.mhIIi.i been fullllledor aot. I'm r.inlii eoiii(.ni.firary,lhn lloafune, n,iget. that ill Ilea .iluallon uffliri() uill .iobahly U) the duty of tbt.Ooterpor t. r. M...U tlm nuhlarea lo Sail Jpae, tnd l. ucniu pr.ielaliiilhal Iheaett of tiomn. in. ul. All l.txiitl. them la no dlrtct aalho. nit .f the kind lodged In ma haitdtof the limrimr l.y tin. act, yet II may not bo ini. niper to Infer II from the .plrilofthe iikUiiiih ul. The lioml which Urn. Val I. leu... nu.anirotrd I.V iho Lettlaltlura I. nil .riiu ki. in nil iii ul ..i.i ... . .. ill .inn ' ii tiiii.t iioi i.ii.,i ..iiiii.ini .. .i.i . . i. f . a oi your otnoe, unuor tne irattK ol vour,e doe. not e.-l lhce atiiemenu from n.r . .' ' h . . .' . """'"" '".iniior, aim wat giren to ma ...e delegate, bu, upon ,hV Wn,cn, of Z&) ' N-a -Jf Klta a'. . ' V " u T" 'TK " ' -" PI " .he legal roatage thereon. ,lr. MlWro tUlcJ ,., ,,,,, ,nw , I J ''- "" -.l-h. ..,, r ,1 , ( nf (i( ,,,,,.''-,, .he Suite; nn.l II may, iherelore, be pot. Your letter, doubileaa. came bv lha i... i i.i". . .. 'Me. tak u mtlithe pnrriimeiil of ( "ul... , , ,... i, ,i , ,,,. . . sil.lv Iii.i.H.nI fiom llieae faclt tbat the i i-aii mail mi tu ii in Mitv I'lUi P IllP'tl UIIML't till I I 1 I i --- ,, -. , i mall which conveved yaur letter j,v Mr.. Thur.ton lie mint l.nvo ..il,..r' e i .1 V..'IIM,"M "''"'''"i h'T'- '" "'n' " "' '1 ' 'limon. ..f the n ii ... in r lnlolhe.l with authority through ,h. ld paper, to tbo L Ma.tcr ? Z I Z'l ZZ 11 ft ' : ?' K'' "Ir 'VIS' 'l!X'V?l ' '- -P. " - -. U.. daajh i 1 i -- -- i- e . i in iiMiuiiii'ii ui u iiiii i mil nr ii.-i iinr aoniiMi iiiinin.iriii run h tamo and engigemeitl, in .m '. il . Utneral, wl.lcli wcro receiveJ several haaperi.ire.llilni.elf. I hai .., li 'at Hainan ilaya aco but it bear, the post mark of In the ,mii,.r u,.m.. i,. ir u. , All.r tin ..ii. inn ,i , ,1 l I' i . ". r. '"" ,a' rtuS" . ""nm'i.maklnthe,echarge.agiin.tllii.hand i ,,,','' .vp K""'-l on V thl. mornlil" ,i . , Mu"i ,l1"1 wnmilny 'ine I tir lue lV-kk -h i . . .they are not correct, the puMiu .lutil I I, n.ln.l ..fibe.Vii'Vtn.,, ,.,,,., ,,. I forthwith visftel the department and kno n. If Mr. tlu.h i .nlty of pub imrml ilui ihe S..,i,l, i.. , I , etammed the pi per. ; but it waa unnrcc lih.w f,.l., )m.u to iho ..rl,l ... e.,,lu r. inforn ,1 l. a I ire.. i,.l r. i.n I tl,.n n try for me laace tlie 1'o.t Mane-(irne. 'of prriurv. the o"iirr the nuM o Ln.n. W" nii....l.t.- to. ,.,!! n I jijaui.t il.. n. i, unl. ' .....irtl ,,..tPil ral, a. I found he had already con.idered , ,,o betier Wilhm, take .he pain, lo fc Br' V'TV" ''!' '.' ".""". '' '' ".","."' " '" I'-'f' k..... .ir.n... i . . ..." . ,lu.x l,n'1 ,,lfl ' ' Miller. I fir .n.t I '. u-ii ' .. ...! t.'i i i.M.-en . . ,.i thecaic, and fully appmre.! our conduct, cxanimo th- r"e.or.l. and In the pub!,.- Ui alll .,. ,) ,r ,, , M., N, ., , - .,., , ,.w.. , , O ,..,, ,... . f, ...!. . J 11 L.,1... ii. mt hi.l irtr, "" "u""' ,u u""n" woaiaar S, in,,!, c ,,,i ., . "r 'I"' me ii.mil lit Lcen comiilicO with. u niiniu.l hi It 'tl l) At It a a r irnill II .In..-: ..In. Ii t'i. Sj uii,l, r n.iil in. "r ""' '' lmd lit been complied . I.I b. .1 i.i . i ', ih ' ii lb ! i, mi I the II I' ii il.Mll.lful khii, liuwptrr. "II I a ,. ini.h in . . . er "lei I m n ..n lll'i ih il. .Iro.e.l I t the . , lei .j H ' .. e I .r i.ii.1 ii'i .... ... re ..... h ii I ill ...i.k.i. I )M n l lb. i ..Intl. Ilia letter to that eir.ct bear, date the ltli!kno 'i,m in fault. ASin.jRiuit in.t., tnd will probably reach you nlong - - With thit. r, II.. SprUlnr l.ivc mo leave to aiy, ir, that! have! Tlic higher Ihn MoiiKoj rlliuti. " read your corre.ponde ncc and publication I ''' wllh much ptra.urr.andthatibey highly . ,'" .... . .., .., ,. , .,.' I nee by the !at Stitrvitvn t .11 "Jour. become jou both a. a man and a public!,, ,. . iy . ..'.vi. nrt'aj. II om in all nrii.ie I ul ollicer. In my opinion, vou deaervo the , , B , , .i l-r .. " . .. .' . . .. lmo the primer, uf thu paper r.if,. ..Ii ..iiKa ui inn ciiumrv. in flii.i.i.nn in in. . . . ..." . I. J.oueof ll.o.erieiiLir.1 in iiiii.iii... tl... inken tttl'i mi n mni . approiauon ol tho department, lor your - ' " o.ild all ..i-f r In-t. . ooiihii nr.nl. h.ii..i...l. M .'e ib.in I. all iflln ir nii'ii'.-r h.i.l air. nly Imu l.illi , on I the r. in mi I -r in re mill" i me .1 . a I ful'v f.r tl. i. i. ... ,. hate inn,, I Seenij; tin. .tale ..) ilnm;., ', n. I..-. a.liaiiu.l In the I an I n '.Ir, ... .1 I i. brute l.illoncr. II. t .! I ihem if,,,. -I,. . t.iii.i.i.il iii iliin.,- I. i .. n.e 'II,. i -ul I in. I.iiij;. r hi. 1. 1 i. Ii i., mi ,, ,' force Kill ny unit il. m. an ' .f ih, ,. , . .ir...i,l r, tl.. . b-il'i. nonorawe maintainmco of the plain .1... (V .' , '. ,. , ,,, "Then for.. n a.. .-, , . ..,..! --ti.'vi, iiivu riuii-iiii ill if lilt.' I 'I1U tir , I i t i tl I novl,hanJ,n,. No... a. ,hry hate re u Vh. U '.J -, InZ,: l.l.eJ lo j;iu- lluir real nam.., I .hull nil t . .e..li nt Ih. ir l.a. .1., I ,, kn ... that urally aupKe thai it i. the o.tc a.ible i di. "n c,t " ' nb .1 il .. i . nan. .1, ..lli '. ' lor him.elf, whoi. thus lriii" tu create , -,tv '- ' e coin.imiil. r, the. .all- I co-nmunily ami ihe craft ut la';-e, for il. tl.rir nr.i,.. (JU1 , ; ,, V hi, . -. a . olhrr rea.oii than tint lie mini be "hard nlu the u.uN. I'l. S, ui.i.n.1. mi... i up" for inatler to till up hi. p.per, niij a,c ') "' ' -"'me "I.m.1 I. ,u '. . '. . t.... '. . he it ei-.tainlj the only ono of hi. ,rr. '"" ''J' 1,1"." ,''1, ' '" '"," '" i'," '" ' " eat corre.p.n.lc..l. l,o un,ler...i,J the L i , " '" J , ', "'-V-"' no touii.i tl.L-ro .. a. no b..H' ..I i.uatH, nn.l ih,t oyeranl, uf blackuarili.m, unltl.e ru.liing lo a .tu i pr.tii-iee, be plm... , ...... i. :.. .i .... .. . . . i... i. . . ' ' . ..' 7 ." .."ii. .... i .., ..n.ue..i..nuiii i.nli i. It Irriiiiiiaii ii ! II l.iiii...f. In'ilii f,,,'. gardt the allu.tn ll.cy ...ak. tl.X aw of ' ' ""''." . ."", "' '7 I'1;"""' ' "," i ii. . i ,, , imiiglril an, I LbtUin ., I,0 I. n t u l.a. backed out, uaUafal.e, . far a. .,r l ,.,.,.1 i. ,.. ..'.j.ik. .,...,. , mandt of the latv, in opposition lo tho weight of influence and even authority arrayed against you. I am, with great re.pect, Your obedient aervant, 0. 1'. WaSIIIIITO-.. Ma. Editor, Sis: Looking over iho Statesman of October 7lh, I find a piece headed "Fine Henry Warren and the ebuaeaoflhe Linn Cily Pot Odicc, j" in which the cleaaant chirninu r.lilnr. In lo. u.ual very mu.ical .train, arralena ibe!"'Uc,,,"3 hro-igh the column, of In. pa per. inuiviiiiKi. tuning llutLity. Ai re. - k 1 1 Hi I ii.. '. .i . II, 1 1 ll he 1 11 n ...111. I I.'. II I I hit. II.. ' I.I. t il.ll. e.il't ii i'i.i.v .i ..i.i. ..''. ii ' .ii . , t'il t.,1,1. -. I i.i ., til. ... . 1 1,.- v ..re al . . It ' - fi .'.' Il - I .-h't ' ' ' n: i. ai.t in r. i Ii -I ... I i i i. ii.' .. . I.. p. . I 'a. i.i in ('..In 'tit l' i ih .i.. .. i'l.. .. .t l...t I . I.ti fit. re ill ' .' ' t " it l'i t l " II. et ' . h . i ' ii ' ' , ii i I it . . f .' , , in '.''. ' it ' .1. Ii . . I.i" II ll . th ... I . . '. I ' in T'i . ...,..., 1 .' .' . ,1, , r, , xf, , ,, , ,, ' pi, , 1 ,. "i I Mi 1 1 i ii the I i i- I S-nii . I' '.!'.... Il . . ii. i.."t i bur.-. I '' ' I il 'I 1 III lf. .. I ... I Hi I lie I X i' 'i l . ii .i, , mi, 1 , , i... rl I tl ni Iii f i 'i I t 1 1 t i . a i .inn li '.. Second Atsi.tant Potmalcr General ami Janiro M. Moore. Although perchtJ on high, it wat cany lo diacotcr that there m -' .. .Lt r ... . I ZJZrrrr' ,TB. , W'"y dlKonlaamote. that fell on the ,r. -"'.k- ! kUk 0." 'h! Voor l'"i'-'" perched on a high II. -!. arfco. of the ground ntarth. beach and ,nJ no douU ., ,',,,, mo, of ((, b dog by the ntllyealo great quMlitie., ',, of ,,,. feather , no( ,,n?c,10fll,. -. -,.-.-..-p. ., What wi,, be Jonplie HM w hbb.ibv n... mnwn wnnim Ba.kA..Man' -. ...pg v. .... w.a lll Vail wat a key or a tcrew out of joint, by the ' nnl ''oncerncii in the matter, neither ilo In u he i ran !e I ! I oil' to a .hunt, e or i . In .e he a.k. I fur a ' ... I "a. t' . u iik. n In the n, ro ton , atake toemaelvea they manage to get froaa S to S ouocrt per. dty to the hand. Tbeyara very friendly to the whitei, tnd aaaaasaaaa to have them come tnd trade aad dig with iuem. Queen Charlotte. Itltad eaa be reached from here with or. dloary wtatbtr In about aeven day.. Very retpectfully your., A. M. Poi. Otyaspha, Oregon, Sept. eih, 1831. I iiiteiiJ to, , ..pile t ie vifort. lo nrolnee ""il' hul, .uch n re. n!t. tini-l it ... i. .m. .m. i.,. uat' r- '- tenien-e l!,..e leat.,... ,1 a.ter. ,'; luJ ""'"' "" ' to"' ' hoitetcr, I t.,.iil,la.k him, or tbrui. or K.rl) nn the mnrning of M n.lit the wlioetrr H the author of ll.ee article., It fS ; I. in1, rhe.i.i ink -u ut It , . wli.it t.a. the ujge.of prin't r. tttoje.'. "''' '"" '" '" ' h.. Inoui. i ..in ; ...j,. ii i ii at the ( i'r I... u.lj.i. ..I ,i u'.mi I,., ,, ( ,, . , a.lln ... I tho up. (t.t.r., tih i iiiiin1,, r. I ltiri.it tl.i.i.ai. I. II. ... I I'll'. in.! I am a... nt 1 1 li, ! nt, !. i'lel ti ii' rate ton, an'l iikibp t . lm ' .My tli'.ri. I.nti l.i i n ii.i-ini" . I .' .11.1 I I, It. (n l.ii.r ,....,.. I I I ' I I I , ,, .... ..w... ...... ..... I," i'll. I. II,..I"I. wlicnlcainetliewaywaapatedjoh what ""-'I" uaL'1 """fr "-"liwui name. !.. leimern. Kill ., tm I wm bite .'..,. cooing v. o had all otenheland: and fur nl,u.e and la-rly mureprem thoilur. ..ur .'r.t ' Hut mill ,,,v .'l.ib ih in..- a timo juu tungnith mo and my ma.tcr. "ct'r of ni.li.lunU. A. i do not tti.b ""V....I . i,.,t ,,,.. y& ,. Jlt Uutah! where are tcunoti at ihi. lime! I0 "l"'f" I-HJ ttarf.re, I shall nnl rm U'. .,'"" '''I''" ,. , ,., .i. . .. r .i . i ... ii.m imn. nl Ihe nr ler ii a. iii fn w l... nnn.n.u i ...... :... .. lice llii-. matt, r anv fortber tbrieiel. il v... n...... iiuiiiuivui uui j'j.jiefciiii(i. - --.- -. n - iiie . ' uri in. r r .. r . ing and hoping ainco my ma.tcr hu. cone l'-1!". nut " tiny wi.n an)lluun' moe, an I in.tmitlt b. m, t . a I I. Mi ... i.i not join with me ami indon thce men ! Ihey will da their duly regard!. a. of nS- "'"' h').ro the gentlemen !,., all my beautiful plumage and line iuuic. '""'S1'1 '!l " "'" ' iho pre, nt rat...' Why, my dear ft How song.tcn, when I M '"""" ,,,c ,:r''' I'erbup I ma) U came amongit you you had rrt. it. all "roi.e.ty tii.n.x tl nUnit .Mr. Il.i.h', b Ihe franked pro.pcctu.ri, with many other '"'" "-"1K"l ' 'bit miller, if so he .'n'l franked direction, from nit matter: nn.l ' I"0'1"-" ',1" "aire of Iblte pi r.'.n. hi ' . efc t. l ..,' lie nfl ' i'.iiihIi men pnti u. I i Ih. ir ,. .Inn l ii . I., ll . n-h, r I ... I . . it nf .... lb al ...t. '. in ll. a ' i. ... ii I! p .1, 'n ... iiT.ii.1 il.nl tl... . in -ul I I.i fi M I .. inlliii in . l-.ib i lli. ...I and prn n. , I .'in lb" prrr t'i'ii.. t "f the Si,n.i.. m.tli ., .,., ,., I,. , ,x,,i. , In. I,. i 'I . , t , . n...i r,t ,i , ' ,,, ' i "i 'fa. i . i. ii.l . ..' , .ii,. the Sj. nn, I. i . rn .- I ,'. .. ral i. turn jl a p Ire, hu' I. i ' I . tu .1 Th r- i'l .1 '..' I' .1 an .trl"i;'e .. l. '' I I. 't I.I . . it .... al ll.e ll 'i'l. .'!. ll. I") fl 1.1 tie tl.il, II"' '' ' -'I. ... .1 I, . mid In. n.l bi.niii. ... i a il. ii kn n Willi ill. I i nt . ti -r i . . in ... I,,. ,',,i ., , i rt i ii iba' ! .if ' I i I 'ul. turn I. . i... i.t - . . i '. 'I .. .i t, i ',.,.;' . rl ' " ' 1. 1 n lliieil i i ', I, -, ' I. n n ' i r ii ' 'i t , Ml. Wctrrii on Ccia. Soma einht or tea week ago, before Mr. Web.ter left , hi way of alt Re-.li. Cune, up In m ,l,(-7 " ha itinjir.iin ijwjir. Waehlagtoa, the Britlih and French diplo. bawl out with tuch a tnu.ica! Lrayina BMtio fuaetlenariet bare hinted, In a icmi wund, llmt wo will frighten Jam. M. oaVial manner, at tbe necetaiiy in which' Mooro and l-'iiz Henry Warrcu nut of their, retpeetlve government, might be alaoea to prevent the tttempt. of our ciii. ataata aeiu upon Cuba; to which Mr. Wehaier, I believe, gate a very compro beaeive rtyly, titling thai the govtrnment of tba tTaited Bute, had done, and hourly oatiavad lo do all in their power lo pre. veal other eipeditlooe againat Cuba ; but thai the government wtt not to be threa. .," teaed by any foreign power, and would aot litlaa to aucb threatt. Mr. Webtter't Beta raaaaJned nnanawered. Wathington aorretaoailanl ef the N. Y. Herald. C. ll. It. lint i. t'.ir ll.. .-..ruior. The In.t ,Snfrt.ifii . ,.kv tery feeling- ' .t.. Ii all o. i Tl.ry tlcu I rrrrd In. m,i a wl.litle " The mu.ic for which the liUl miit tta.' i. t . tin. turiii'l. il in I.t..! the .., ,,,,',. .(, .,,., ,1 !! in l ' Vita II ltp.iii.1 '" bnl iiiiiii'r.iii.,iuiti niMaii'lt nut.! iti n b the ul b rt. I lm d. all. . I ( i. ji, (...p. ii , en ale n irelnelnl ,.iii ,i ne I.t lli-i.lijfllit the I an I it o b in. no .1 ml t ,.,t e'a.at Ih.ni 'un'.iii.l 1. -ii th, ir i, iy .war I. (iii, a. wniii a. tbiy l.aru ihe n. w.. Ml i- it.. lli.it tun nl lln i.irn takiu ui'l. I. nn nn it. I nn in h .i.iiim.nil ...n.l .1,. - bil .mil uie siii'iti. ..I tf, tl,. i hum ; in .Spam. .1. ..' Ih. -he I ii i r in I p. .iii i ' ' 'h , mi . t.i h .... . . ii it eer' . n't .r. . . . i. r nil ; ,.-, n n, In. ' it. I Mi.. t in i' n. bnti hi n !,. : ia ... , i! i, , .pi i,-. I .in .1. . i ,. .... . 1 Item. mil or (lie i!til.- ( :.ii. I. ti i .' . t l.. I hi, ml l.a. I,, i, ,1 I'll! tl II b .1 .1 f It nf I '..III 11,1 I 1. , '.It till i il .".'at., ii iv hnte ii. The Inw maker wmild aeem lo have . nil n.plaliil tlm H..tlblliy of the neO 'iillil.nriii of the agreement, when Hhey - it ih.it ihe net bnll be tut.l If Ihe term I the p. .p. ..lion bo not fully complied nh A hunting that the Icrmt have not 'ii ii..iiili..l with, and the law become. i i I at d tie liiel oiiliclvra without a l.at 'k i. ii.iiieiit. What tl. ...I Why, inc.t ' " "lit . we are .blii. lo go back lo ... I , .- 'I be . mittiiutioii declare, ibat ii J . '.all I, the "permanent neat of i. . ....i.i ' until .hanged by law undar a ii ..i, In.. mi., The aeat nf govern. i t la. I. . n . Iiai-g. d by Uw, bu that i I . ii..' gu int.. rin-et until i-ertaln n I.i. hi . tpie.ie.l ui it am ili.ubargeil. I , "I. n. il, .. leu... I.. noil eomplird with, ' ln .i ', .1. n.l, of no clf.-cl what. ii. mi I ii a jiear. irreai.lible Ibal Iho 'i... in the rnutt.tutlnn I. nf at much I.... m., utility n.lli.,ugl.llw law. -hang. n' ihe Stan, capital bad never been 1 a... I ll.ii tie- iluhYulit ... t.ie.talili.h the fact tl.il lie . iiiiirii't bn not been kept and I'm the lm i. ei..i., ipientl) told. Who I .11 .In tin. I Uh.ie .bnll it be done! ' 'I. nil., the (.in ( rnor, or ll.e legi.. Ut. r. ti. ih ei.le ll.e ipiettinn, nr I. it in lm a.iinlli . .'in.. inn rumor F In lid. J.I. i nn. ''in . imitily inn ho little lm. I p. ... ih - g ... n.or'. ri'iiuiimeii.liiig i it ii I. 'I.I..I.IH- ihnnld a..emble at 'in J ... ihi.iig'i ne tnnnot peruetvn ie he i un I. ml a. it aiilborily for ..i. n-n p..., 'ain.il on tn that alf. tl. f j . ...p t I.er.infii r, that tlm at-roinino. . .. ...i n.l.. I for th.. public function. ' - "' a ' i "ill not In. fini.heil in ' . ihe a..iiub'ingel the legUlaturr , ti i ne i.i ihe In-liff Hint a rrioinmen. I I il. in the gnu rnor lor nt.rniMing l .-.i. J .... u i..' I met t tti.b (r, ii .r i. .n.i nn ille-r cmir.o. An I I i I. I' hi .V lie .u ! V since, th A.m. from t'lilm eipretied Iho b. lief, a f. n iviek. l wo IIimii.'IiI the nit. nipt hi re. al Can and tiik Ptr.tiDiitcr. JU- Hiiathaeilon Pa., the democrat, in aataatyaeaventioo have elected delegatet Mtbeaauecal oonveniion, that!, to be afMaai.be 4th of March neit, and In at ratal id Ibeai to vote lor Caw, at tbe can eWMa'atbalr party for the eretldency, TtoVaMraetleat patted by a majority ofl f,rf aaa oeatoorttt in rnnce uoorge't afitaty, HL, have deoltred In atrong MMatalbvaraf Cate. Al a convention a leWaMri aauaty, Md reacdutlooa reo- made, I thrir aentes, nnd all other, thai .lare ilo Iy of "the not iriou. I'it. Henry Wurr. n lliclrauly, or re.pcct latv or order. In a r lug dm ngnn I Iraiher dealing mem i former paper be aing.ofa ItUI nuil. Irj." Oiiuwuul.l mpje.,.. from tlm .imla, uai ht may tall mi4 rurtl, . bio loneiif hi. r mark ihiilbown. of Ihe oit muter, ri-inntid lit .Mr. Wu .... .r . ...I . ,..l,..l I .. i ..i ...i i: , -' "' .onniiiiy mi uittanku oi w,t,wt. t -wi ui iviiu. atii'e I at 111 V ii-'JI ' .. , , lt , .!.. .- .1.. I I ' i r i "h'.gdriiiug," to n good purpo.o iit iw lliu HtnHl.tl WIUUI Ul IllillU i Hll'l i f ,i t , I. u,n. ikn....i,. I.... ..... I '" "' "",u " ' ho mint Into made ., ... I. i, , , .. an i-xlriiui front hi own uiit.iibii.it. I ie. gtmniott again, and huvo him a u.ly 1 1 , . . , ., . , , , , , ' . . .... ii,.,, I rnoirn f;rlfu 1. lank U hit in t ho Id.oa-- over, M that w hcu ho awtiided the Ilu.li. , ., ........ .a i i.i , , . . I'igittI.eru the t.rntur iintue U ii.. I again and raited a luno with tho piuli .... . ' ' ,,, . l ..i I. .1 i... e... ..I..... Il""k "ineoiil of tin would invert tho tu. liirv. aaiave itu I'jrviJV'J III lUUUIUl III'JIIIII, hit g sounding .olco iriglit tons vU-nr as the early lark In tho Morning. UN ntVl WOlllil I ait lurv Inall nnllL'i In II. a I .1 f . i . . . "1,7, ' ,, . T lerrilcryr, uhoiilH f.r a luonunt bell..,,. ,'""""B ' mu .-i.-.n. .oiil.ru.. our p . tTTf I fodV?80"' , m ", ' '' '' B" "'" J'l-..n..,t tllld people "" i"1' " l" 'I'"""-! ''' ' fore.lf I find lehura.1 ill gito you ' fIr nr. .ruil.n.1 alLle-.m m t.r ft.,. . "'" i-""-ioit..n. Wo up, I , hint, ahleh terite ry.e If being a Demo. ,, ,.,,,, fur ,,,, . ,. ,. .. , ..lm ... ,. ,., k, of tl.o At,, CWbra., ., b-. I di.pluy an l.onorablo maulim..., "' :!''' "" !l'" ruil,,rP : which lialuro never furnithe.l him, had ''"' i'llilligiiiee yesterday h tin. North which hit conduit nover exhibit.. I. , A"''ao, l.bigl.ly ituiliuguinl n..-.ii.int. lit iii.lieiili. m.t .iiiij, ,ai the ut Jl'STICk. Ii'innt nl I'.ih.i n. il..,.,v ,,.r ,i i... .. --.-- ... i... ,,,, ,,in ..,,,. ,i, ii tr ii t 1 ,r i Mi ng It I n I i d '" lie n I Jliillll.il. .1 l.lel.ililt .1 in the .i heme. A i.d b ne . iiigintul.it. I hij.pi a. . nb ut iiln. I. than ii iar .. 'I be i rn r "'I a on.- lor crat, would liko lohcar houot men I'fuv Ilov I'ur lh Snettar. A Man who dom't ar.iiTiig 1'ai-iiiii In oonveralng with a Into immigrant llin other day, he remarked that tmv. (lainea mu.t be gelling (juIlo uged. "Not very," (. ... 1. 1 '.i .. ' ..lli i in , I, '.I nl He I,! ul.., b ua, i t .1 n'l ll.e 1 1 at. III. (Ii.l It. . ,.p .. ll. ua. t i 1 1 ,. il,. ... f.nti. ... ,r. ' r nl a ...,, . in .,1' d.ri 1 1 t . J i I un , h-in i 1 i I e tl M ill , nlu' - i p. h'a' . I.ir Ihevpe.ii I..I .i , l'i il -r iii iii. I i tin i.d ' . ipiia ll I- III lli, l',ii.l.u Si id. tiiiliriioil lln, "I'l"'" '.n't !" Ii. 'ke 71 irlliu. , l.ll I I i.e.. Ilth',.n.l.le l. .up .f V.'l.ji, Hill, ,i S"iiti hiiilhu. in p r pi. Mi, (pi . pie til . lie mm ii v .1 h ..'il I,. . u. ... .1 M....HMI in ..iiim ir.iualure, nn.l that il 1(. ,,, , -( .,, ., u , , would, in all pri.l.ahli-, be uiimI.. r la.l.i.e ,..1f.,l , ., h , ,,, ,, like lliat..ribel',,na,l,aan billion ill l"'l! . , , iir I .... Mare l.laiel, mil, nn. i-.ii. iip neit. lit- tin last inn. ... l.l. .1. ... ... .. ... . . v . ,i ,i..,.,..i ,.. i.i n.i.i r .n ... . r. . k, ti re oiiit. i ...in u. ll n.i I lm I the nt Vnril bll I .'.ui I h i. tune .1 ..ut a "... ir. un I Ih.l ll.o ,'M.ilc lliiilduig. i.i an- in nh. r I. ml ling. ie.r buibluii '.ui.Ik . I' lb day nn- In h. or. . work h i. iii ppi .1, nn. I th. re i. c tl,..! (!, n. Vi.ll. . ii ill I . en ul In. piij.. I, mi I Inlfil .1. i. ti. be I" ll ii Mare . Ill hi,' I .,l.,.i ll the Ii. Ii.l, ll.e I... prnvji VZ Tadoot .Tern the rC ,e,'!ieJ' "" m li," uu" " J."y LM. -boa-U. a atotioo to adopt them the .,.,.. ,... u ccrt...v ()u,.. ..,. ' J..'. ...... MAA..ltA ' . ...U ...1-..ICI.LU.O Will). ernocratio , l., ii ,.it.i ., r.., .,. ,. ...... ". .h "How .lure you,". aid a youn .nob In i'l",,n lwJ r,sl,ll"l ' " '"I'd fmluicl ll ' ' ' ' ' '" '"' hi pi.j.. I, aineol.ai.lr, ..they t. en once Ul, ,-ruiv I. 'ZZ u" ' ' Ji""' ,"'"' ' "' "'"' "'""' ' '''' ing in a, ,ho Trcmon, Templo ,o U, fcrtua.,.". ,. t liZZ tZ "V"V "" ,!", '' "" aaaMMtea, aajouraed. Tbe democrttlo orfaa rbara eayt. Tbajr war reaelved, by great cheer iai..al 'taVihM, tberefcre, la all proba. I;!), but for on. of JMPfaWfPawtnMaa taa atuiera ui coo. .joMttilrtoW ta wall bate aad wbea '.'JjkSvjt:.;, ...k.. nn . .-u .JV that," rejoined our friend, and continued '(Il (t longer than that tio.ee ha fought in the revolutiontry war," Wo explained hit miatako and left fully linprea.cd with the Idea that that man don't read tho pa. per.. 0" Never .peak lightly of religion. . .un., tcr- rByoiiioiiiotil,..irl''l"'",cdiug. Kimwiiig, li. tu, tl, ,i,,.,i '""" "r '"' """" '"' "' '"' " w-ry a.. lio.it a kblrt rollnrl". """'" lhal tho -. niuiieiit In lainrnfii in n " m win. In lie .'nnl.. it will bo How the deuco could I have a .l.lrl col. .. """," "' '-"ban liberty, .....hi , n l m In, pt .'.ably, m ihi.iud. ll mat larwhen ,our mother ha, no, ,, home! I.,:,: . ..r.Zil'"'. i"!" VT ""'"'' """'I "" '"! .uc-M-oribujauMt or ,h i,;;;,,;.,;;,, i""'"""' "h.. .,..r.gi,.i,.,u.r coupled with the faoln thai the gottrii. """ lo1"1"1""""" i'h (ndiilduiil. lo pro. men: of Ihn United Htalnt wn tery nit """" " ''"'"' 0,J" ' '""' ''""' Miir or nino, and that Lope, had actually tailul '",l ' "" M" ' cult rjiri.e. iiiiist end in Iho from Now Orlcann will, a large rnrrn and ili'giuce, ili.i.n.lneli.,ii nnd In.t of ihosu munlliontofwar, led ... in ,,,., , ,rt. NllllMllllllj ,,,,, ,,, my wail.ing I" wn thu reply. Tho narroweM eicapu wo ever heard of, waa that of Iho chap who crceped ihroucha knot hole, whon hi wife waa cha.ing him with a broom .lick. i hip., i, th"ii. ..I proper ojte. I,et . I it. ire a.vemble nt Valleio. and - 1 1, i tin i.-it I'm., th.. i..ntract fully i .I mill, they would curtainly be in I m nl mil mooting the aeat of i.i... ui i . ti.m.i in ire ellgiblo locality. Tin I' ..III..iltl. I.I.CCTKIM3.V-. Si.i.i.iI II.. ni. ,n. Iii.lep.ndei.l Wlilg, l.a. la a 1. 1 ti d to Cougi. i. from iho Tenth ' ir v.innl Hi.niet, Imllnna. The I.e. hi .ii frim i th Mlato aland, eight .1. in e rat. In li.n whig.. In Ti iiue. vn tbn Cougrea.lonal dele .'" it i upKiiri, atand Il.u: l.l lli.iili t. An.lreiv Johuaon, (land . f. liner) re .-lee-ted. '.'ii I . A. If. Wi.lkei'i. (iihliA roelooled. Jn.lal. .M, Aiidur.in, (whlg,)roi il.-rl.il. John II. Kiit age, (dent.) re.cho. mii wiil.oui i..olion. t.'.-i.rge W. Jnne. received the' whole of ll.o Union vole, and no opK..ilioii waa ma.ltt lohfinby the, ...oijiioiiiiao men, J line II. Thninii, (Union,) re idel-le.l. Mentdiih I', (lonlry, (wIiIr.) r. 1 1. ..-led. Hth. CejT. IViii.-TiiHom, (whlf,) a- gain, tub. I.Imiii fl. Hnrri, r. nrt of grid- uu! m urahiiiiiini, it ia claimed, it rn el. . ird receiving but a nominal oppoillion, Huh. IViderii! I'. Sianlon, (ilent.( I. re-( Icclod, llih. (Ml. William., (whig,) no op. lotition. ( 'I'liu l.egi.lulnrn will bo whlgon iolnl' h.ilh.1, which .cure, a Union SoiiaVf In1 pliii-o of Ttirnoy, (tccculonlat,) wheat, li mi ha. expired. Mr. Turney wu'al'j an n i-andidatc for the Suit Senle, and w.tilefetlrd. "..a ) i.d :t!.. .-nh. nth. -ih.