Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 14, 1851, Image 1

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    ? ' . i r SMHbbbbbbb
Y V ' "V
TTTII' .a . . J """"'.' "' '- "J-'" SnRH
ammmmtmtmmttim tai
vaia Miif pkutatohi
eefettara fat aaVaat. octtt erntsav
num 4 eti leant er too.
XXttaMlT.B4IUHrM4 Prap'r.
rattarsM(l9Uaeatr lata)! luMitlnu,
tea on
ttfMMyaMMtoMllMrtlaa I Wl
. A-BBaawl iHIm ids t vsarl. tifiimn.
The tsatjkar.al' ItiirlTati mud b dirtnrrilr
aaaMlwkw Ibav will ba
tjaaMaatee MH MM us etffa1 aetaraia.lt.
taxable tail '- tatto-ibid 1 Wtt u
AfMUfcrUMBaMUtw. Tby will rrorlif mb-
J. U Mail, Katj, lafan.ralafsnl I" "' """
lar he eke Tanst-ty, aal h Uwli'J i iei
tasl IMf 14 (m til WWII lalaliuf l lha anTe a
A. M. rf, Eat, (Hvaatae, l cmnljr.
T.r. rtu,CUtMuil),0 T.
U. Aueaavuv 'a,Oititcliv
Caeca aY Co.Tmi1.I
J. . MTun, r. M.Halam.
Ota. Aatiii AjH
0. M. WUH,Mi.rirth1in
A.J.HlM,r, YwntlUI
r. Ui. n U" i'r
iMnt C. AtTii Mouiliof M.i.mi
A. HfW, m, HUkkmuth.
J, W. Nawiif h. NmtoIiIi'i null, ralk cvumjr
Jim Arrtiatn. Unmn Vlly
W. II. Rmm, U.I-.UU.
ItUlf NlwtlX, Vhuiporg
Dw A jii.ti, lirtlimiii.
B. F. Hll, rkHlM cly
1. D. Hmjim, I'miIW fi'x
Jtrvt !' Hyltru. IHiiroinit)
R. BlltTOW, rVwuM Hut l'.MHIii-., IViiIoii
NtTii Ou.it. )ll, Culumbu m.r
Jmm WAtmiv. !rHliiri MiU. TulV tJuni)
WitutM Bit"w, Cinrinib
Pitiu Hri. Monlir.Ilo, I) T
W. II. (iitr, CUlv fJ.mt.
1H.J. ' '
mmmiwmvwi r - - - -- '
TO MUvlng Uunfnl ncl p.tpii.l Imr.
r vntua (M 7lh. IcU, lj Wiivl.iinK
" Ma4( III rftrturd, N. fmrk.t, uf
UatiafnS,N. Y,whHrrJrilMi Wil-
ft lh fM.lol
Ai HMlydulM lh mtmtn mi
BtklaJ Uv Mvaltlm jr. jr.
,1 Mud knU Uw ft tt mm,
fJhhMwa U nilMtril Ur
A4 u lb iliia Waal. k it. r.n(.
BMM.lb lb lBilbl .b),
I tbjmt Uiiakta hdu) w.nj.,
TUtPfiirl prbr.
Ill bom WM.In tli rslil, Uljl.l noilh,
'MIM mll awl (mllnp dV.r;
AUa I lbt b kbouU .o4ri foilli,
,T Wr wiBMif l hl
Tb UllgTwn Fir h( dwn ill li'.J,
Aalf I mfturn hn ftlis
Tk rt draop. noi,'.l In. btd,
Aa4 brth louk d.-ll
Y Wlxb, tkw( IhUlanfl) pol,
O'wft with drwrt wrrd.
Br f Mmllfmult .inji mK
To ialljr "lib tb rrU
Bl kMU IhM M h.l. t Ifll ) M
Wt la lb W'. looin,
Aa4 talx lic wh.ii h li,
la lb to biin Imub
And lbu, d.t bird, who IbnlU mJiIi
Tby w.Un anf lo-l.)-,
O back mJ J iby j.nil. iu.tr,
Wk ih.fi sol f.r wjr,
A4 lU hr whn you lnoli bar tr,
AUag IbU uluduif ttuttr,
Tkl jraubar bnl of oiik ho turf,
Will ( him moro. A F.iciii.
Tat IbL-tooKlltaJloiti. A I'u.i Tiurii tpciiliturii., ii morn exliaiaaut than
It MO JoiK. A i'reiiuhmaii. near ihe the, irtenvf nf millinui. t.hmo latlah
Canada Hue In
Vefinont, tnlil n huran In'
bit Yankee neighbor,
men im reiiiiii
needed a belno a very aouml. aertiuim I
afi! anlnil. Ill am If! nf llltt llltliroti laiUPam.
Ing'appeaiance. To every enquiry nf
the buyer retpecllng tho qualltloa ol th
horte, the Prenohman gave a fa.ornble
reply but alwaya commenned hi om.
txteadMion with Ilia deprecatory remark
ill. I . L ...! 11 li. V...,L..
liai nan iwa tpi kwh . "w . "hi-', 1
oarlruT little for
tha fooke nf llio horae, of m If, and run nlinad of duly. The teenud
judge for hlm'nir.wiihniitchangn wa rile with mnmeiitnii iufb
ifattnee, and being full) nice upon hi deallny; for thnrc boarded
which he could
theaellera att
atrtutded. after niiuuto intnccliuu.
Ihut ,
ina eeati waa worm 1110 nmierato
eaked for him, made iho purchnve, and
loth him home. A few daya afterward
""- .--........ ...,-..
ha returned to tho anller, In high dudi-un,
aad deolrtved thai ho had been ohratod in
t be quality or Iho norao, "vat la do uini.
talref" aald the Frenchman. Mittoil"
aald tha Yankee, ''mailer onnitgh the
herat oan'l tee! he I blind at a Imt!"
"Aht" aald the Pronohman "Vat I vat
loll you? I vat loll you he vat not tool
vtr good gar, I don't know If ho look
at tlif"
Loid Brtori'a iUuaiiTxa at a lloaxa
Rica. Bell "Life In London" reccnily
tUtttJlhat a lady btd lost nol let limn
tUMO oa tha Darby Raue. Tho Llm.
triel) Chroqtola atyt tha lady ia Ihe only
taagMer Of tht poet Lord fly ran, "Adda,
atat ataghtatof my houae and heart."
1 .Talt lathe woman who, It It aald hoaiia
tt aartf lUTiivg'retd her Father' Pionia.
WiW.WIIf W.. Il,.l
nnrrrll (or JlotM'y.
Tlmru ! a grry licailcil yi-ntlernan in
new lurKi a ruiirru nmiuiiBiii, wiiubo'"!'" Kiuivfin iviirnf. ii h...i
bUmlnti'l lioarly oounlrnaiicr mar a mipporlcil liy ler,' ami lUfo'aro few
fnraryily, In llroodwaj, through thowli" will aroune him of wrli) Trom
window ol hU carrlngr, a no lokr nit
alrlii. Tlicio ii imllilnj: aitintalluiiil
imiii bin Miulnatfa-nnNa of llial InljorrJ '
iljijay, unfuiluiiairly clianctrriillc of
unroiluiiairly chanctrrlillc of
ny of Notf Vrli. lie Jhk not
UMlaufa furrlijnaristocrici.by
lila arrvutil in llvrrlm; aiiil lifi,
iijii imny
aw the I,
attlriliil Ii
(.irrloHc, tlimi(li ivliliully of ooiily man
ulatliiro, U o barrrn ol linvl, ami ol no
uunrelciidliur a construction, that l!ifl naa.
"yal',1 W-ItW h in Jin. wMal
of lbekrubliiou''tuin-outf,"aoninn(roua
in llroailna), nould nevrr ufCl lit no
matlor of of un'timi'liil
ft I . I.. ...
trculili luiubliuif biiinj; iiji, loly and ' l'li.'K fiirnlnlinllicr wiihinoiioy aullicirnt
wiul, iiiniilii.iiJri'd uud ninny hint of llio . for her wnnn, and, Indrcd, fir her dr.
bilitciiid and l'lnl..'ii.l milrantaalrri tlio ctmroMiilcut of bor tbouglitt
whu iluili Ii) IiIiii ax he lilsurrl) rnniblra.olliqrwl.e llmlllnj.' her wlaliea. Hut wlieii
alun, in lliclr flunlpj, (jiniiLrrnd c. , s ytar had tfoim by, hc often atked for
hiilr.. arllrleaof drraa and luxury luxury to
lie ia oficn acooiuiMiiIrd !) hi wife them uhlcli her liiu'isnl could not af
and ilU)(liter; tin farmer incurving. In ' rrd lo five, and Reutly and rcolululy do
the wmicof life, traiea of lovclluei!.; tlw tiled her. ''It'a ery Mrange," thought
lollct in the dtwnlnif of Itutrnua beauty. ' Hrlrlt t'i hnwlf, "ihal when ho hat pot
J lih UMitleinan luinetn tho city liei) nil UiaillioiKatuiUallaraol mine, lio won I
a )iiiik man, a ir ii.lieritutir. He j let mn have what I ant." Iter ni'illicr
Iclt bU falhcr'a hiiinUe firtilde ill the fiMterid llie-cOMi.niniii thought, and
tuiinlry.ullli u liltiiii; and a little park ' on one motion wlieuahr had 'l ho heart
of clullie., and tulliii fitc dulUr noln in mi aoiii'Uli!ii nhlih he refused to ptir
I liia k.Ii I, all he u wmlli In the wmhl, tlinac, dm tcnturid lo vent her illiap.
he turned Ida stipitonnrd. New Ynrl. iintinent in leprnathea; and refcrrtd lo
' iiiniatit of maiikiiid.iif the orl I'a i;uill 'the thouund ilullar., which alio waa auro
ami i lime f llu- ih'Mi.aml. nrrt.iiijf, lie uiijjht In be at liberty to apeud, ainco
liLt I. i.i k. f tnlilirtfl iwtii, i fMiitriwtal.i fl u n. ull liff own. tlair waa a.lnnt.ti.
'iiillii.iiiaralwhlrli.nl, but full of cxiku cd, iiiill'iinl, but, rentmliiiiig hliiuelf,'" aowlutely nothing or It: lliero am
latum of hoj of deleriiitiialioiiof klmlly reaaoned with her, and rcpreicntid1 nioiiarchl.ta in that country inonarcbUta
cii'rg). It wax dlttaut a.vrral daya lo her how paltry a mill In reality a thou- Iff0"' I'auillwi, from conviction, from po
navel, but hr did imtgri ally ilimliiMi hia .and dollar wn, and how 1on a(;o 'it , "CV "' "0 claea. lutercat but of Atla.
.ranlv fnmi.. Ijr Ihn fnrin, r'a door ul wniild have been cihauitnl. had ll been in . 'ocracy ararcrly a trace la left. Your
which he applied at nl(jhlfjll. waa eter
oHiiMiicclvii him, ami a few huura of
lalorou llio mil nding day rniiill(d
fur ho would liavn aenrned lo accept ul
.aa tl. aa.a
iiiantv ttia iii'.piiuiity exit mini in mm.
lie Kjuglil a mean, dicaii I l(;Iiig houne,
ulirnat Uv, lio In). illini(jrr ktt jn, llio
Mfrru ni uic cn ; aui hiiiiuuki) wmurr
I iiii cuiioaily wu awake, hetMaicd no
I limn in I.llanr... Init ai,IuMiiMla aviiiiTrii nl
. .....v .. rai --i:
hliniclf ill atrLini: ocvuintinri. Appear
ancra am diieilful, and it iadaugrioua tu
ul faith in lliem: but the merchant who
tened to Joirpl
ih ilajjj'a aUry, and, ta
klin.ilialiiiiir.lt ilenLlril In lila Tate na
animlnrviiietil of Hi talh, made him preMlou, and, recretful, penllrnt and
1 liia 1'irlrr nctrr liaj rinwii lo icttrrl il.i alarmrd, he called earnettly and tear,
I I'or r.Hirc4ihe i a failhfiil 'r. full) to him tnreiuin.but ll waa too late!
tant, diligent, iiidiiMiluiK, lione.laiiilfru.'lt waaa .iillrn, atunuy, chilly, wintry
Kl. Cluiinu hiiliilieaiianer nilit dit. whtu I'Ujrs left hi home 'that mor ,
I fall, hit eemii:a .i in hiauwn; and h) nliiBj il wm, (,,, at ille very climax nf,
1 the lilit nl hia lamp, he deiniid Ihrm lo iw of thiiio commercial cri.ia when the l
the iniprnvriiHiil of In. mind. At tho rn h feel jawr and the poor beggar.; and
end of the fmr venra. with whnl he had I'lapg, hrea.llng the .tonn brovrl) thua
'inl fiou lux e'lirnini:., aim vuiii- Inilo far, had cnngratulatnl hlmaclf that in a i
avaialnuin from Ina i mpln)er, lieupemd n few da mnru he ahoiild bo aafe. and Ida
,anull ahup in an nlui urr Mnn, whenin hirtuwia golden foreer How bitter waa
lln tiiididnamall kloch of ili)vi;oodj, lii. .eiTilonj a. he came down llroul- j
I'roni the heiiiiing he anicee.liil. !olv, ny that moniiiv pla.hlng through the
mdird, Ml aiiiiv..fiillv. And ll.o mi rain! Ilj lovid Ikl.n dearly he knew I
iniiiv mat kiicoerd in nreeia. I the ..iino
iwuy Wlntcver one'a iiuoine rnv he,
l linnet r Iriflng, Id him ire iriltm il, on !
, he iaeten then proiperiug and In prnnper.
. In a great mtv rrucalilv neter unTla inelf
1 nl fault
Siili.i.ti nci and a linmn ma)
hn pmctired inof .iiiglto any qualit) nl
im am; ami lie whn eiiln falso' pride nut of
dnora, ami iudiiluea ather In that mire
ennobling aalixfaclhln, lliecou.cl tuinrat
that ho i u linking intHow b"iiig, by '
unjuat e liiiul-cmi, ia lavniL' a limn-
iiiiiion inr priiapnrnv uini iiniiimg iaii
.huti.. r..r limn,.!. ii.'..i. r ..anb ..
gaiht r alowlv, the aoul w ill he Inn..!,... up
Irentiirea. i.xliavnirauce i. u inninura-
live irm, and he who, with an inuninn nf
n few hundred, rxcenhi ita lioui'.ll in Ina
hand "cutler. lliiitmaniM iipnii llioiKxnda
rrom hl rrronm'. Jn-vhli l-lacir hail a
hllln aninethlnif left of kla lira! para uain.
tiit.la.aal Innnir atim ill llm ulnar iif lh i
aecoiid tenfold after llio third.
Aa hiaiondilimi imprnteil.lio ca lit loin. 1
h and ndtiaedly liuprnrd hi mole of
liviiiu. Ho muved In n more genteel
Imardlng limine and then a belter alill
...e..l 1 v.-.l a.f
rii - i uuiriui, iiunDtcr, inn iu urceiTc mm. ,
in tho aamo houan u widaw and hor prul
ly dauuhlur, Iho luat un Iioirn", wnrlh a
f Alil art liri f 'lrlfaa !! tarliliatxf iininaa.l
Wutkiu not Imr reel name. i.' Ihn liv.
ti'iTriaaai - aaa mv iv iitw a ii tail la. v
for, on nur veracity, wonrn telling a irun
utorv. and it mluhl uivo oir.-ncn in ho ton
parlloular wiiaiinlnverflpokcd with w It, 1
tun piquo'i norieii n miiLlioniier aienncr
jnlnluru and Iho Ihnu.nnd doll urn Helen
waa in pos4eon her nrdilingdi), na llio'
her hundri'il had been ihniiaanda, and
l.orilaughlar'a llioiuand a million, He. 1
Ion wa a aeutihlc, a vnry .oiiilblo uirl; 1 any thing, alio waalnnro frugal than ever;
and resisted, in u good degrer, Iho iinhap 1 anil ho waa roniellcd lo question her of
Cy tnlluenca nl her mother' wsaknett ; hor wamt and witnea, when he wat dls.
ut moil women, not being convoriam jioard to gratify thoin, na he natjlberally
with hutlneia, do nol appreolatn tho trito I nnd freely, mi toon at hit prn.no rlty wo'd
value of money; and il ia not amaielng I nuthorlzn ll. Header, tin FliiKlt'i tho
thai Helen, when It waa ao mnaianlly a, tamn halo old fillow whom wo have era).
themoof rxiillalion nnd prldo with hor ke of n rldiugiii hltcfrrlngp in Hroad.
mmhrr alwutdnt luat Imnj-inn Imr Ihniixindu 11; nnd thut wlfn I tint nam Helen.
dollarriH fortune. That onM,,!:'"' ah I can loll n alory of
Flagg, after a tintn loved her loved I'! Sim l to Iw married ma man nol
her Willi hit wholn heart, end wa aa ten- J "Ml" penny bul who laves her, and
i liir -I---1 rr-r-r n n n M Mi i mi IWIilM
- VMtww ik simt i m MUM Ha war. " yf
Oregon iJfc). T,,) Tilda
elerly loved in return. Ho had nlwava
determined, wlili an boiieti pride, ne ver la
Ian in lovo with a woman with money; "M
should ncver.lm oal In bit terlli by hit
wim-a grumbling relation, mat no m
1111 iirincipim; aiiwiugn noura ioto iioirn
Walkliif, anil alio Ud tlioutan dot-
Hi marrlod it; and on tlio wedding
Hi marrlod hxr; and on llio wedding
''ay, puruant to Imr fathara wilt, h
lliiimand dojlara wai plnctd in Flaa'a
lianda. Dniiu aa lio itiougtit beat for
! I r mutual adrnnlaRa, ho invr.ltd it In
uutioru, ami in.ieau 01 uainna out Wltn
an ftt!nlitmnl. rrmalnrd at tba Ivainl.
r, '"'Wi -Tt f"wBw r" "fa
wing unor, ininai nun lur mpnuia 01
oiiyililn iut lovo and liaimiiipv. and He
Iru iiftrr imlin ofllir IIi'Miund dollar.
. 11 f. l.l.-.l I ...I.I. ...! .
her own poealnn, by I ho procurement
of bxlf iho articlee alio had aVIicllrd. Hal
her pride preenlrd her from listening 'In
cnliunea.; and ha only pothered enough
aaa a .a t.ra a
"i id. expianaiion in excite in ner wnar-
ped jtidgnirrl 'he "lupkion that It waioil-
glvtn to exouae himself for hit meati-
In a alort limn hr Ihoi
owiand dollar
and again; the
. -r.-e-"- -- - -!.-."
(.anie tin a l ii. a. aln am
lat limn immediately after brrakfaal..
I'lagg could bear no more. Without a
rejoinder, ha Hidden!) Irlt the iu:-. liia
wifw aaw that ho w.
m,,. ihan r.tin..
rll mm id that he wore, a atarlllmr e.
ilmt the Inted him. Their daya were all
liappinria. aavo that destroyed hythia one
l.ublr; and Id come what would he deter
milled In ivr her "a Icaann that afiould
la.l her the real or her life-.
lln did not rrlu'ii at dinner. Helen wal-
lid for him, and rohhnl by her anxiety
an I rrnmtae nf her appetite, would not gn
diwn hernrlf, hul .at all lltn afternoon,
Inoking from Ihn window into Ihe detert.
r I ilrcel; wtepmg nmitlmea af though
tier heart would break, tv lien uayltglit
11.111 iiennv gone, aim ano nepnn o tiruin
!...... i.. .c.ili l.l. tA,. a wlilii.ni.
ahe di.con red Wm approarhliig. She
could no
iot, .he davrd not gn to meet him,
on he opened ihn door, the could
bin win
not rrprrit a th'nkatlho haggtrdncaa
nf hi tountrnanee. Ilocauii! to her tide,
and lakinir her hand, aitld in a voice Urn
ken hveiliaitatlnn and emotion, while ho
extemud mtli Iho other a 101101 bank
i I Ii In it ill.. A , tfAfit I rtriitamiif An
Mara. I hato had loilian I anauith,
pain rnoiirlh, to get them for you, intheao
dreadful limra, bin I had rc-ohed and
would not ho diaappohitcd. Take them,
'do with thorn at you tike, and wo will h
1.-11.. 1 V. I ..
happy ; for you never can re.
proach 1110 morn !"
No, no, nol forth
Helen, ninklii, on lie
iho world!" aobbed
r knee In ahame;
oh, husband; fnrgliome, forgive!" .and
aim tried tomako liiin acoepl tho note.
IIa uraa lafaaaraaaMat paiai.liilai .! aaall
a an nur. aiut ii 1 1; 1 a a caanuic. (Bill! it at
knowlii" from hi elm racier, thai what ho
wa drtermlnedoii naa proper courae, ho
would not awervo from, alio illainisaed Ihe
nuliject, aitdlhry were nftorward indeed
I in never ankrd her to what purpote
alio devoted her lliounknd dollar, but it
wna ovldrnt riioush that alio rxpeiidcl
them neither for drea nor ornament. If
j, October 14, 1851,
eMnot a pin for her falhcr'a menry,
C0llnjj, aa lie doc?, in Ma own energlra,
MM IM oM nentleman took earn to
naalraaura balora ho kbto bl onnent.
7t M lliat Ikoutabd UiXlara, It had been
aiM( lo conalantly by tha molber, ami
noar.ak good round mm we havo it 'from
goeawuthorlfy at leait twenty' thouaaVd,
wiiiimagiiiionarnaughieron nermar
rlaWJavt but wa warrant ou. aha. will
heartaa wlwla alory of "tha tboamad
dorteft," and ba warned noi to auapeot an
iinrwa, nignnuonea, loving man, ot mar
:r tea tin adltortal corrBCdrDca
L.Jr i "rif Tajfitit tri Jlr Ifii
iuJWI lUli'acT!"1' T ga- 5''
; '! hare bean but two dar wholly am.
ong.tbo Oermana, but I hail previouily
met many ol litem in Ungland, Italy and
Switzerland. They a re acen to the bed
advantage at home. Their uniform cour.
teiy (aave In the del eatable babil of amok,
ing where blher cannot help, bring an.
noyed by I heir fumra) Indlcalea not merely
good, nature but genulno kindnrta, ol heart.
I have not oeen a (icrman iiiarreling or
acoldin any where In Kuropu. The do.
fenoco of inrmbers of the tame family lo
tach other' happineai In cara, hotelt and
kteaiaboati, haa that quilt, unconacloua
inanarr which diatinguhihei a habit from
a holiday ornament. The entire abaence
of prtleute, of alalclinen, ol a deaire to ba
thougU a personage and not a inero per.
aon. la acarcrly more uuiveraal in 8witr.fr.
lanti man ncre. Uul in net I have round
Ari.tocracy a chronic diaraao nowhete
but in Ureal llritaio. In France, there
J atla bow.black will niko you alow '
m acknowledgment of franc, b- -o liaa
1,,0ta trace of Iho abjeclneaa ' ' a Londoo
walii and would cvldrr t decline the
l.raaajaiB vaT IkIaaa lalaaVAjl aa am Tfeaal laat
honor of belnc kicked nv a Duke. In
Italy, there la little r.nhood butnoclaaa-
"hlps her milll ofbegcar will not
abate lliemadxa ae whit lower before a
I'rinco than before any ooe rite from
whom they hope to we-rin a copper. Tha
SwIm arr freemen, amd wear tha (act un.
conKioualy laut palpably na their browa
and beaming from their eyre. Tha tier.
ma HibmU Daaalvelv to arbitrary power
hlTl t be Vie 6 not nOW aKCeaatUllY T6Ti
feli our Ihey render to rank or i 'gniiy
no more honiaga than la nrceaary their
oulf arlill free. And their manner
Jncea aimpliclly and fraikueav which
'"'S1" "m" "' "eatl Inalruct America.
O" the Rhino, the ateamboaia are aotmall
'bby, without atate-roomt, bcrih.
"""i or ",cn " VM"' Jeck that the
paaaengera aro nccratarily at all tluKt
u'"i" other a obtenation, and, ax
,,,e f,rc ' '"I;''! n' lwlcc muc" ln ""
"ll" " ln ,h Inward cabin, it,inay be .
ralrly prraumed that among thoae w4wiay
' h,S,,'' charge are none of the pooreal
data no mere laborrra of wage. et
inltilanuln cabin well-dreated joung la
dira would takv out their homo-prepared
dlnaer and eat it at their own good lime
lenancc of olhert. or troubl'g themtelvca
10 tea who wa obaervlng. A Lowcl fac.
lory.clrl would contlder thit entirely out
of cturacier, anil a New York, milliner
would be chocked at the Idea of il.
The (Sermant aro a patient, long auf.
frrlng race. Of their I'orty Millionaout.
aideof Au.lria. nrobablv leaaihananclLilit
at all approve or even acquieae in the de.
, ," -rr;-'- "",,, -
I 'potio pcllcv in which their rulera are
I leagued and which hat rendered Oermany
tot '10 prewnl a inero outpott of lluttla
I n unfinlthed Poland. 1 hee pijplo are
intelligent aa well a brave ihey tee and
feel, )et enduie rnd forbear. I'crhapt
tiirircourte I witer man mat wiutn not
impalienco would prompt na). I believe
it is. If they can patiently antler w ithout
losing heart until I'ranoo ahall havo ex.
trlcaled hertelffrom tho tolrt of her treack.
an-l!"0" niltrulera, they may then retumo
llirfr rlalit alinoal wilhnut a blow. Ami
whenever a new 1849 ahall dawn upon
them, they will havo learned to improve
il opnortiinilie and avoid ita wraknettet
and biundor. Heaven tpeeu lit autpici
out coming I 11. u.
Most LuniCrtovs Ixciuk'vt. A clerical
friend of ourt, residing in a neighboring
town, a moat worthy and exellent preach
er, wa dlacnuralng to ll ia congregation a
Sunday or two mice, on the fall of IVler.
lieeoming quite Interested in hie luhject,
he waa proceeding with mueh unclion,
and greatly lo ihe ediftoalton of Ida bear
era. Ho had lut rounded up a line peri.
od with tho word, "and immediately the
cock crew," when an old Chanticleer who
had been for tome time under Iho window
apparently listening to the discourse with
muoh attention, on hearing himself thut
referred to, and porhap thinking that he
could throw In n touch by way of deepen
ing the Impression, act up a loud, clear
cock'B doodle don, to the no small aur
priso of both pronoheiyand congregation.
Not content with one elfin, lio exurclaed
hit vocation through tho entire termon,
npparently determined to Improve hit gift,
ll la needlee lo nay thut the attenlHt of
ihr audlenen waa protiv much engrossed
by the jjcnllcmau outaldo. aktioa Got.
f l r 1 jfMii
j. viimrfi
, A New Motif I
Model art being butft i),feUf
inuairaia a new meineal JUT aajfaj
cldneryj the remit tf'niaf.,
prove 10 uaj an inai vim h wmm
will ba a greater revoruiiaa lUa i
ginal iatroductiaa of ateaat. TV I
plea involved art traely oxalata! rJ
fnveaior, and dagram nkpUtf
800 Brottlwar. It k 4MUMM i M
newtpaper article, la Mn mf'mitfm
eaplaaatioa". SunVe it. to, mm Jak
power reauna irom a novel eaenaf
centrifusal fore, uralaaat tiT.a
with ainuapberio aUtte,araijaj.:i
Mntrirugil Cm k a iaraaiaVl
a wwHeywajaaa,
latlng to tba edrfloeepfiy i
inrratfoa which eeem to
accepted notiona upoa tka) akjaa W
cnanic, but whiia are Mat l)Mf
vj iue invenior, aaa waioa) aa
at well by dediMliona froaa i
prlnoiplee by actual exprlaaaYatV
Ural it that cetilnfant tbrea la M
liendent nower af boiuiw. BaamiaaA aat'i
gravity ; mat it la not a part or
lum"; (hat it I no oliarge upoa
. r . .
turn, nor rotation t batlbat it ia a
evolved by rotation tabu tba foroa
cauae the rtrttlloo. which laaf ia
back again in mometlam and frietiaa ia
other word that tba power wbiak WaxaaV
clent to aplil a grladatone If it it taaaad
wlih ureal rarSdity. and which acta ia ft.
ditl line from the centra cut lo flat otK
cunihrrence, Uoo aart of tat oowar
turnathe griodttooa, and aotu nam
IBM. 11
power, the full mechaaioal pnia'aat aW'
wuicu it louna, apan irom una aaauira.
gal force, la the clrcaUr' metyiaataat' m
the wheel mlxti the frlcltoa. Tba
' ibeaa proaoailioo ia that atatlo' at
or what aeema lo ba aUiie araaaara, badaa
quato in certain arraogtioMttaIMdal
nroduoe notion. An llluttratioa la Mai,
in tba caa of wattr diacbargttl (rata a
retervolr by a y(eo. while tha aaaaa
amount or water It let into lka laaariair
from aoroa other aourec. Tba aftajetjM j
(be atmoapbera apea tka aairatava.ajfjiaS
water in ina rearnrotr tiroaa baa
ihroush lite ayaboo. wkda tba
doea oj eubtida ri all. tba araaaara
it accnuaa? la ba ataltataarr.- 'W iV.i
- . . - : af -
Wlib taa eomUaajiiMi rfuataa
prapoadiiew.orpriaoifdaa.ir wa
of the aquare of the Telocity, tha paa1
a neV mottr ia preaeoted which trMaavl
hautt nothing ia tba farm of fawa, axM
which will therefore turnlah motitra
er to tha world ai hjmitum free af aaat,
except me conttruction and manageataaT.
Such i the plan. Tba prlnclplea art aj.
ready open for the criticiam of aaiatatiaU
and practical men. If any onaeaa poial
out Iho rallacy hidden In the calculalloaa,
he will confer a favor on the auppoatd la
vrntor by to doing. N. Y. Parmer aad
Love axd llnaoii Tha rajitrrrk
(jo.) IDug publlthe tba followltf , at.
,,., rrom , ,, .,,, 11
j ,rrid rourd'r perpatrtateaJ at HaaaHktJ,
. "o.: ' '
We have a German in priaon aaiity af
the murder of a young lady vrbeta ha
I loved. Briefly Ihe clrcumilaaoea art)
Iheae. Tho priaoner wa terrant ia tha
family of Mr. Scholteo, and becanta ta
antoured of hi daushter. Ifa ilaalaraai
I before, at Ihe tetliinony thowa, that'ht
-.,--. . , ....-, ..
intended to make a declaration ol
j lovo, and If nol received would aaoot tht
I the lady. He made Ida dec
lovo ihe lady Indignantly rtj
declaratioa afi
lio went and got
.'. r .
iRuiaaaa aiavi.
a double barrel lata,
came into the houae, where the lady
ner inoiner were, toiu ner ne nan a
.for her, pointing to the gun. 8eM aha,
"you're not eolnv to ahoot, aurely.'
j rrplieil, ''I am," firing 000 barrel,
afterward ihe other, ibe load taklag af
fect fn the Ivead, acatterinher betJaa M
over tha room. The young ltd 'tyta
beautiful and accomplished. The- pi att
ner made a mam attempt to Kill
lie ia quite young, ana a vary
iv-vniiig fallow, 1
Kkouih Ontitona cr AwttWA. Tht
following It in extract from a tfaWak
lately delivered In Manohettef. by lajf.-
Cobden, a member of Parllairrtfil. It taajl
Ihe babil of Knallabaaatort not M
loatirer at the Uniud Slat, aa
did, when hcapoke of our pine built
nil failed nnr flai. In duriaina. at
alrlped bunting. Hut they have ohlaftat
an inai now. mr. tvooaoa eami
"I omelimra quote Iht United
of America, and I think, in that 1
they act u a very good examtle.iiaBjBj ,1
anybody dare to attack that aatlaaf 1
There it not a more formidable pawer, gp
avery tenia of ihe word, alllrOtMa.'yaar
mty ttlk ofFrtoot and Kuatit, thaa thai
United State of America, aad tatM-a
not a tlttetman with a head on hit
der who dee not know (I ) ana yet, tl
trOlioy of Ihe United 8ltttt haa.heaa'l
keep a very imall amonnt of araaaf I
in exttteuce. At tnt preaeat tM
have not a llne-ol.battlo thlp 1
wiihttandlng iht Tail exttvotioa af I
commercial mariae." f . a wjl
mm$ 7
jjSK' mt
,,t s