Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 07, 1851, Image 2

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ffittjaii Spectator.
A', .1-
,TOJS0DA.YOCTOUi;it 7, 1831.
e AfMtokelwmibtrali
Ttktt itw Spectator girt, mora renting
1 'mattrftluui any' other piper in tho Tcrri-
sr r.
,' tCrTt people oa tho rircr .bora
,- haw not been awakened to the fact that
Wood will be heeded for tho steamers at
1 wMtaalbta pomta along th river. There
'pffaaraUlutTO boe. no provision m.do in
- thia way far the boat, and they are from
t.Mtvaatty, oeinpellod lo take enough from
fceaaV, loading down unnecessarily tho
iata with It, to make an entire trip.
' vOcaai wood will command from four to
.'Wstollars per cord for tome lime to
vMMtv There are persons seeking em
ployment hereabout who might take this
,afgeetion Itrttfpoasideraiion, and mako it
y Carrying it out pay well. Tito Cane
kaak waa yery "hard put to" on thii c
'count. To carry axe along, and when
Vii boat geta out o( wood, to ho compel!.
td to run ashore to procure more, wat
iooadto be rather inconvenient, to aay
. Mthiag of the expense.
- fttrThe rirer, previous to the late
rain, bad got down very low. U Is now
gradually rising. A rUo of trvo feet,
probabty,would render uninterrupted nav.
' IfUon abore the falls to Maryarlllo for
the remainder of tho season. The Ca-
neasah started ono day 4ast week forSa.
, Jens, and although drawing only about 1?
ioobM water, aba was unable to cross the
bar at Christen;' after making the tri.
all she returned to 'Canemah. We un.
' derstoeda'Ktw days ago that as the wa
ter ia a.'llttle on the rite, the w,ill start a.
gain for Salem to-day or to-morrow.
The Canemah baa remoTed aevera! very
dangerous snags, one of which was at
.Rock Island. 8ucces to the Canemah.
03T PraHy copious showers of rain
bar. flailed ua lately, which biro had a
tendency to partially dispel the illution
into which, we hare been drawii lately,
6y the bright sunshine, encouraging the
belieflbat the rainy season was dill far
in the future. Wo do not wish to fright.
en the "new comers" by the prediction
'"hat "Winter in Oregon" it near at hand;
butwegire out the opinion in order that
they who are illy prepared for winter,
may take timely warning thattlio Itch
elon scattered abroad over tho land, may j
Ml to work putting rooves on and chiin. ,lct-licail, ' "Ica.hcrlieoU ami ''block..'0 a i"' urBu.iicu. m .a.o. o. .,it..,..
ncys to their houses. A word to the. bead;" and our pspor has hem st) led i zatiun.
rite, A:c.
OST Wo pltco belSreour readers very
Willingly a letter rrom an old rnen.l ami I
aakfor.it an atlentite perusal. Tho evils
....a . - ..... I
be complaint or aro only loo true. Wo
hope to baar from him again toon. Wo
hall reserve .little cornnr for him it any
time. .Wowishto represent every kc
lion of Oregon; and all wo have lo say :
lurtner, is, genuc.ncn speaK oui let
yourselves bo beard dor. 'l let vour light
be hid as it were under a bushel.
ttT AfrienJln Marion couuty lately
, . ,, . , l
entus three new subscribers, another in, ., ,l!lvo ron.lori enougli lo mak., a
iwi county tent us tbrse: and another j'cem ri)ncral ,iroreislon f.r iho little
aay. ho will toon havaian for us. Wc50Vtn.,iy.llilu.... Nu,v, if it wefo not for
know bow to apprctlilo such friends. j,l0 t,c, ,ia, Mr. ilu.l, is known nnd np-
Tluts IaaIt nt tl.t....d Its ll. t..l.t II. .1.1 I ...... .
Tbey look ujn tliints in the right light.
W.ahalLlry U oorn than deserve their
confidence and tupporl.
W. were pleased to tee, a few diyt
aJno, lit idsntical I'arson's who tt at said
lobar, been murdered by the llogue river
Indians last spring, and whoso death was
publisbcd by ut. lie is still worth a dozen
dead men, and looks as well now as wo
ariraawhim. His friends will bo pleased j
tttr Wo omitted to credit Todd tc Co.
'At I. Ferguson, Kit)., for papers by the
last mall steamer. That duty wo attend
to, know by returning thanks. Todd ii
Co. ai-uiual furnished them aevc.al hours
in advance of tho mail.
W. C. Dement says ho bat the cheap
.tort. II. Mil MM things "dog cheap."
Hsxlaiak ha can aavo any person n trip
talk h.d of navigation. Somo of thegro.
writ, are only half what they were a
yetngo. . - f
tirBy iho SeatJull, icr Oregory'anud
WKjksjMsV CoV.liapm, wo havo received
&VMilornia date a l.lo .a tfit S.lil. ult.
Hlramboatt In Oregon.
Ono ye.rigo there wan but one strain
boat Inlrtgnn, tho Columbia, not there
a'.o eleven steamboats of different kliidi
running in the Columbia and Willamette
rlvaSPtf tinl tllnlllfti.il llm I'm..!.!. ..............
V.r, .v, Mi.iH.iiii, .i.w . HVIIIU 0IVHHI1 If
...... ......
Sea i.ui una l.oIu,W.; the ormer run- e e.rnr,l the IblMning rn.tioul.rs ',,,,.,. , c,rtlt,P11 ,,,.,..
ningU-tucc. Oregon and Cl.foruta, ton- that hllhcro ttt.k.n.nn nnd une.plnrrd
ching nt tlio arioui pomlt on t 10 roast: country, llioNiiivrintrnilent thinks the ' . ,
., ,.. , ', ,,. . , . i , , ,,., '. , all wu ran for rinigrniits coining tram tin,
Ilia latter running leiiii.iihmtlily with thi District Included in tho new puroliaso ''i ,-,. , , ,..i i.. n,.,.. w, .1 ,t 1
mail, between Astoria and ban I-ran., second mil) to tlio ill.imi-llo nlU-,,
1 , , i 1 ... ..11 ... u .ii II'" " intii'i itssJiiip mill in uinn
. . Mnrmlnn.Uly.nJferl.i.v. So,. ,.. ... ,.. ,. ,,.,
I he amoirM-of money inrrsled
Steamboats at this tlhlrrmny lw set
down at cH0xy'0u Thus in the short
space of one year a capital of o or 9110,-
000 hss sought lliis kind of inu-sluicnl.
wv ..- vn.i im- -st , 111 ti iiikih.
And a trip on tho ri.er aboe, where it
useil to consume at least lli.oe weeks in
i..x. 1...1.. I. ni.i ...,. .i... fl
sn-slr ! tl nnu' llin lap ruasnilii tn
two davs, and that too in a good comfort.
ahlesie'amer. Tho f.cilitles have so lin.
arove.1 aUo the fall, that o now l,a,e
..1.IK- Mm . Pl,mn.r,. .lUt.nen of
.!... o.t mlW ..d n Issai n.rv ,
J.. .1 . .:., ,n.A 1 1 m'.u. funhor i...
and. distance of six miles alKe the SOmllrs, making ocr two and n half mil.
lunclion. on tho Yamhill river: and as'l'0""1' ' B" "' which i. represented
soon as tho walcr will admit of It, therein goo.1 farming land.: large tracts ef
will bo aWkly roininuulcalion between
tbofalisand Marysville, the highest icces-
. .... .
i riia tkii ninninn ii inniiiriin. nn ins
gam at the p
ciso tlmo he wishes.
Then, and not un-
ill men, can no cpec. orucr nnu s.. ic;
punctuslilyj two of the most important
.... i t. ..,..
.., ., - - . i . .
l.nuijr ill sueucssiui irau.ou.
(The time is almost
ri.hln our rreol
leclion, when on the. Mississippi, it rciui-
red from six to nino months to mako a
trip to New Orleans will, produco in Hats
and barges. What js the competition and
life exhibited there now? .Steamboats
run from Si. Louis to New Orleans in
three days and 1.. hours, and the loan in
! ( ... 1. .f I I
actiro operation may ba estimated by,
r. .... .1 I ...
van me hnsi iio..h,3 ouo a...U3 u.
ucginio esumaio wnai ine uauo en our.
rivers will be 20 years, or een 10 years )
hence. o shall not enter infi a calcu-
,.. . e .... i !..., - , j
aiKin ourscii, inn .case u 10 . no rpccuia-'
lion 01 tno rcauer, Willi llie nope tnat ins
mostextravagont expectations may oo re-
Ihe Mtitavan has been imJulnui" in
low epithets and applying lliem to the '
" stupid editor" ef the Vc''tor. It has
dienilie.1 us at tarious times with tho fob ,
lowing chasto nnd classicahiaines : "bill,
" '
'sc.cn by nine," "sinking comer.,,'
"family paper." Now tve look upon these'
things as nitogelhcr norlhy of their au.!
tl.or, nnd bo is entitled to nil the capital
ho can make against us in this nay. It
must ben mattor ol great puolic Interest
, V his readers to read an obituary of the-
jJ SptHltr ct try week. Wo hito now
oullitcl iho lives of a cut uccoruing to
his own showing. How many moro nbitua-
net aro in storo lor us is mo next won-
It sneaks knotvlnelv in llm sentn.c,-
t '
.t.i r..n..... ai'i'i ...i. .,..:!.-.., ., ..i
"I n
.:., :. 0ir !! about, ami m another tnoiuh
mat luiisiim. giiuiuuiniiuiTi iMv,iii
pri.cUud for what hois worth, in trull,.
telllnt;. it miaht b necessary to nolico
mora at lenrjlli somo of bis atalementt.
sC ----- '
ltitnotincuinbe.it uprni us to tcttlu ll... .
factof his manifest dishonesty and lack '
.' iu uiiii,ci U...IV.II-..JI uim w
of principle; it is too apparent, to any '
person who read, hi. paper, lo need it.-1
A 11,1 Ij-.lfl... le.. Uin I.OO.I. mn,. I,,,,..,. I
- -..-... sr ..v . i.isivii i..tk sif.-i- 1
lant mailer to fill up our paper, than In
makrt. weekly "dogberry" likenesses of'
hiui. i'he) don't look well on paper any
way they can be fived. 'IVy havn Ui
snuclidf a lUwnuul look; they could not
ho supported without llm aid of "Had. J
wavt llondy 11. lief." or "lliatt, infulli.
ble I.ifo llalsam," lo lack ihem.
(jW Tlio official tolp fir (ii.trrii'ir in
California, says Iho Attn, shows n major
ity of 1,'iOI for lligler, dciuocral. Two
counties ore still lo b heard from, Tiiui-
dad and Klamath. Tlicso tho Alia ihli.U
will iiicreaso lligler'a majority. tbrru.
fore (.eiaduwn his cloittuii us (erlnlu.
1 - --
Tlio chicken tradubclwccn Oregon nud
CallfornlanoiitiiiUM brMr. Tho .Scu (lull
was to hato left for California on Monday,
frcighleil will, lite- stock, principally hogs j
and fowl,
buiiness on the upper, iter ... ! amount c, ,,,., purenaso ,;":::;"-, lhe foumlle. which u.'i.and .,. The I,., of p,op.et,- United
been co-mrensurale with ile ...ultipli s-."VUvi p.).wc in nnnu.ues, u pan . - '" " , , .' ' ., rrnllv ,,. , ,,, ,.1M,i ,,tlv ,,.. , Nt.t. , .ill. .. ..I. aiconiremenu-and am.
of boats. Hut wo confidently an. , "'"' M-io w pew in money, inein -..-..., -'""" ., .... i t, .., ..,i .. mul.ili.ii i on.) nlle. will, Ihtures, ,Vc:
Ipate a great augmentatieu of Irade, dian of this part or Ongon np-ar to I . ...t.Vn m.d. rnrowih ol ,,,. ..no .....skn ;...... .Uhl., banel.-d pistol ;
Ihebustnea. of locating shall be- l.afro Unowlcv, ., ,c ta.ue o. moil -, .,.....,-,,.. . . ,.v ...... . ,wim iu ..,,,.. .Mtenl ntlouting lllle, will,
, , , , , i.v rift.i- are IiMiIy nleasr.I Willi Ihe ' " .-. rai iviisioi-.nnio imiin, ..-. - , - - - -
systcmied and regularly arn :-d et. lliv are niniii) pic.-isr.i wmi ine ., . ..... i. t u.i,.i, I.,,,.,,,,.. d iiiiid.-m. ul nud aimtiuiiitln: ono lull's
., . , . , ,i,, ,,r n.-i Km" .1 lafn iimnorlion or '" a n tiniamuie, .siciteinij ioasi - - - - , ,
thatamanon buunes. can go I.e.. , I ' or n. Km a lar a proportion j f . , , , ,, rnllr,u n .lHt. r. rriuli.ng pistol i one bi.cn
5K.int to .nether as fast as stca.il cat. the pa). nenl inJolhing. being ..Im-st en 'I ' ' """" ' " r - '". I f " ,. ,, , ,' ,'. ', , . ,,.,er pistols, together with a number of
' . '.!... ...i .i vV,..... ..... I-. .. Hliote i-uii liii-iicn fornn tho illaiuette. i "ll101 P'"'"1 ". sn "'i nni"t, n.i'i ! , r
I Lull mi Trrntr,
I I'rAiyj the, Superintendent, l)r. Aien
Dart," who returned fioni Port Orlonl,.
few djt siucv, wboro hq, together ttilh
his asatsnl, Messrs. Parish and SpulJ.
' nut li u I..U..I IrNltili, t. III. flu. Im.IIaO.
""li. 'SS ...H.tl.- I..' .1
. . . . .. . . . .
iuinenisnoiloiiM will soonlollo;, now ttiau
tho Indians havn U-cn ronttncod that Hum . r Q, , . . 'i
1. -TitrliiliihiisilllifiSlMilrLlifilstiI.kibjsTlsiaii1.T.
govfrnmrnt Is disposed to tteal them kind
jly.nnd protect them in their rights. They
' hate nlnay. looked iihii the whiles will
. .- -, - -! - -
..uplcion and treated thrm as intruder.
"') j niws..uaii ...... u.
"Treated with four hands of Indians
ho owned the country fro.,, mar tho
uou'10 f Oregon, on lh. I'a-
cilio ocean, to llm Cc,Uillo .iter, which
enters ihccccaii alom PO miles north of
t tho southern boundary of this mircbMgtnk .no lor this publicity of their int.-..
exlfiidinc back from tho coast moro tlita
"hlch nro tery lieally tiii.bcrctl wii
1st. a i .1 tin
" c.cnroi a largo growui. . a.-.r
' x. c. ....ii .....,.. ii. ,. i
ms mm't hii n-.ii. ,.- --
made w-iih the InJiaiu of this cout.ry
' v. l.prt ll.oi- i.nif.l . vrll ttl.-Hvr.l HUL
-.- , -,
' '' lfJu '"lI! uil1' ioirnmont IV
i wlmli. mimr il.Iitrari of ouunlts isl.-is
'' ' "
- than one and n hall cents per acre.
LmislativeIIuibsbi. A fact batiste-
ly been developed, that is calculate! lo
throw somo light upon the desjierato tor
kfngsoftlio last Legislature. It ,retins
' that the determination was to carr) lleir
, point, no matter how disgraceful were
llio means employed lo dj it. It has lea-
. I I !.- .. !... al u.f .- I1....
i ked out that when tho omml-us, looatiusi
j billwas up, one man was oilcrod 3,0
' e. nnri f... M. ....'.....! I III. .).
UI .i,oo .v..v v., ... v ,.
crwas-oucrcu .u.oisior n suppri on
llieamel We bate long l-cen continced
. ..v ... . . . . . .... i . hi nr II, mm.- mill ,.Inl.i..i litlli'l ill "'' I'l" i,
... . . .... . i l..ii.. 1.11111, i.ii nni. ni uu. ii.rriinr. i. ,.,,,. ...,.-. ........... ..--. -......--- ..
.,. 111..) ..!..,. l.U -Ollllilfl I1M.W ...1 ... . . I.I...L.,.
that a loul game lia.l l,een playci, mil "!,!,; , j rc,mjri. the three .orfectlmis
eg .ij..i fam, . u.-.- ii.c uonu. -'io(
.. ...... r. ,... .-.. : r ....i.
a uannuuiu proccciurc as inn. " ,,Bl?liiaJIv ilis,iiitiJii; while oil
counaciico can oc piaceu hi men no are
I elected to ninko laws for llio territory,
I but so far neglect their country nud i!i-
' nr. .s iS.t ,..., I. a. lit. a,t-n I, Imtci, !, t.i.
q..s. ...v.. in.. . s . . -...-... .. 0-
islalion, fjr iheir own private inturest..'
if i becomes necessary wo can gue
names. If thai is Democratic, Hod blip
'the Democracy ttosat. this will al-
. ...
Tc Ca.ni:m.iii.-TI,u new candidal,
for ,,,,,,-,. falor m,k.t, ,ol nfloa,-ntf y,
:,., i,,r ,.,.,,... r n.C..,i;., u.ll il.n
ni.llisill ijv4,'tbMv,i I'v.ii'MiM.i. "......-
.,,, flir lie! ,,l0 wa, ,t.,i..tlcJ. Tlm.ih-ir l al. sit.iali.l ni, ibr Willim.lle,
. . f . ,.. ," r ,,,, lii.i ,u.b s..mli nud -J I west from I'ort.
ttO01 nn.j Ore..on manuf.icture, nnd it is land, and --.'I imrlh and east Iroui Ihe
it ,, " f Mo ,,,, ie. ('.,. U.nlmg the Ugue Itit.-r
tlfJ lliat ,3C. The prop.i.lors have, by couiitrt, l.i.un ,.ii is iio.ib of llm cm
,.. inl . ., ,. r . ,.!..,. ,,,,1,1 line, but as reoa.d, lb-
Hfn ,,.,,;,,, , ,,,,, in M1,,1,yi..i.,u.iI.i.iv o Iu.,1 ada..:..! i.j tuliituiiou,
.,,.- ..,.. ,... . . , .. , ...i ,
,. .r ., r, , , ,
liCrif Inr ll.rt rniiini, aiw . r,f Irii n ninl Ir.i.
. ., i r.... .... i.
in 'i nii iiuiii nr iiii" v"i,iiii, i
' ".- -. .- t , J. t
linns r t. ,i. n I r i It
IllUml lj unfiirC flUO t C rV Oil". I nmTlinl
..i.i. ,i.. ri.. i...i.i....:L-:-.1
"IIK IIIU XIUIIIil,. Ill ll IIUsllC))ll ll'J
, ( irrBont tl.nl a boat, such as is her-
spokcn of, cannot bo built otherwise than
,a very beat-Ncxpcnse. I'or this htaty
uli , ,)0 .iroiirioTrTtcNsiito a lilrnl
lU,P,aiion. lo tav i,otbhonli,t tho'
.!, ,,, ir.,,.I.i.. l.u.i.iesSu.,, .,
....!.. M....I. ......It, i. .I. .l.S,!..
UHlllVini 1'ltll.ll s.lb.111 It ! sill" viv
worbir.c.i for Iho firm nud subitRiilliI
,l)ilmcr In which sin is built. .She is,
mSIIDCr In WIllCls kill IS llUlit, Mile is
fintiy modelled and in utcry way will
c.lcu,,cd , ..fill tho bill" for which she'
yn ft lIllCllUCUs rl U V riUCCl l till' II' I llfr
.' '
Kr Would it not b" will for "Jour
I'rinlera " toclvo '" "wain I'rliilfr" a
little tech for ar tiding llio Laws lo the
.Stales lo bo printed, thereby preventing
them, from any slii.ru at ull in llm tubor
of-nrinlinL' Iheui. They hnvo ns inueli
' riglit to mako Mieh complaint, or neu.ly
.'. - - -
iismwniuutiMivsiii ii-.u.is
o,as tho peopluhuvo for tho long d.day
in printing Ilium. Tho people hnv.i not
I ...! I . t.l .... ..... ... .1...
been lidvltcd eilhorasto tho timu hey
aro lo bo received. How inueli moro lii -
tcre-sl lliut would bo for llio publiu than lo
'"' lold every week that Iho .Spectator of.
fieo is paying leu fur liEndsnnd "chaig-
Ing gotoriimcnt oflienrB thrco uud live.
hundrcd percent, moro for work," a will
uiuii'ip.'i nii t.b,,t. ,,,',,., . .,, u ll
fill fiilw hooil, thin ij charged by tliu
' Hlahaiuau. Hut ns that Is llm only kind
of cipilnl employed by lliat vcrilablo
sheet, its i.mir.o is not lo be wondered at,
llriis Aiie
I'm llie Serf l.lnf.
Hm.wkm I'. I). I,im:(.'o,,
Kept. .), i".M.
-A conmwii itutv ttldW. no ono'
I .1 , I
l.i vac i other nscoiinlri mini, n Io rum.
rs. In kJliiis des-
crirlioii f llioco.uilrv f.u-u iiloim xlmiild
K'sliilod, mill s-i-lloiiat l(-tiuitioii
nnko no pari "f thai .Irscrlpl.,,.. I .i
( i.r (ir n fvrii itt tl
" '"" if 1 1, Islsll 1 l , f , 1 ,
,--- - - ,.--..
,',n i-ii-iiucm-m grossly iiiisrepirseiii
this upper country. Men I.m, who per,
haps intend u ..-11 out to this emigration
.nd ino Lew iI.ci.im lira. I knaw ..-a-
y..o.w. . the, i... sell intend to
Joeate here. And such persons i.uiy not
hul I.. !t.a.Ilt....t.. I ..II -.
"" '" I ..",. "... .'..... .,! I...II... IIM I .1 I,.
t ,
that where liiucr auJ seller nr ciiualli
, ,., .. . V, '
k 1.1 1 .- ii 1 .
Informed there is no Irau.l: ami fairnlav
,, . . . . 1 I r
is a jewel 111 iiuy couiurs. 1 miu.. 01
i. ikirl.A,, iiT llil 'IVirntnfV l.rAttA.iton. 1
more induce me.ils f. the riiilurant. who
i Intends to make Oreumi his home, titan
Mnhauk ami J, m,
I'.im M.m . ii,.. f..r
U"f tin
Muams uii'l Iheir tr.h ' slus ., it was lluiii;! I a.ltisahln In nbandoii
l,e.uitiliil .tnd talmiblo our aiiiiiiala. as woftild make but hlib
I think lint I might pmgrcss tilth tin in, mid that too, .ml m, ,
, utau-s nr. many
untBke.i claims.
... -.
safel) state that fmni , to of the tlnims,'ll,-l't,n " as lo iiuriaul lho oI.isii.ihk
iiitl.is ejunli nre not inki-n. llesidis ' "r ') priit.s.oiu. , th. refore, nb
f , .,,,.,. ., ... ., ,.,
'j ' , (p v. x( ltvxltr, j lH.rt us lotbe iinuth of ihe C,imIIo riter.
, lji)l0) ,lrtYflPr ,lf f our present oceu-' Af" r passing a few miles we came In the
.fj l,mK j belute that (here junelion of llio sftiilh nud n.irl,h fo.ks,
ar ,J(.j,,r, , ail0 Co'ititt who ,aM . wlmb forms n sixain aUmt eighty yards
. , . ; . ,.! wide, wli.-re th.-lido ebbs .ml l!v fr...Ti
, n , H01llu,uin Iw)k . a U.B11.
! I
, (insl.'ra-fisstrsl nn-f urinous wnuan ns ,,
t )tect , ,-,, LllUfrll lufn lltlJ Anpc.
w it,0Ut whiC smlli, Ull.l SufUllil.l' III
Ilucncn man becomes abjecl, uuCMi.l. and
miserable indeed. Hon.. in th-ir hoi ited
l,nUjj,ll f,rm n,
-, -
liers, an) thing
.,in cfc,lco M, )iXi( a ,, Hll!1HPr,
ill mistier.
tenant is
alf section
an seciiun
, v.
I til t the motto of your liumhle rcrtaul
itgml ir.'r deceit ed or a I
onli . li w is it with Miss -
had bitu r secure your iute.esl or
As lo the locati n nf this county, lit in-
sav, llmt alter th" foiiirilieii el ('ulumbia
-.. .--. "' " - -'"
Ttrtl,ryi j,,,,, cIl)y ,,, tl. ,.,.,,,1,.
,h lSf ((nln. (l ()rf(.lh, Ttmlom
Ti...i.int uhicli u n.arlh.j cmlreof
ih-.o.mlv. ux, I at wluth r,nt it.. Iwpo
in a short turn Usee and welrom, our
frier, 1. IleniKll. Iltrb.ti nnd lledfes. with
,i,, .,,,,,, .
, .,. i'. T.
! It I I III NT)
M n -. . , ,- .V,. ...tl .,l..,u, if
,,.... . ... . -.
- f
.i ...I. i ...ti..
VOUUllIlK ir'iT, IIU 111" UI-HO inHI
u,l- ,m,Unnl,!i,ai,, i w.nr .i
... j-.... .... j .. --
No- Th- im-rrM. ..f tho emigrant. d-
mands it. I .re it.. I .no N... r the
Hpitlalor, prob.bW tint from Iho office,
llul why docs noiiour paper coiihi lo this
I .. '...'. ' ..
office nnulallyf Ours is n weekly uo.il
yet vour pat.er comeaonly Muil.moutl.ly.
tao numlx'rs n time, tibllu llin Slutcv
- -. II' .
man cornea waekly. Though lam ps-llis""""'! nt there wcio ten Indiini to one
Ically oppose
icuiiy u..seu i, uii, jn m un uiu 1 1 nil' 1
ac.iialiiianco, I would likolo see ),i do
"ell, hence if il isyour faull, your inler.
sed Ki )oil, )it as un old friend
I I. ll.nl v,.,. ....,. i. T.rn
it. iimi.ui nisi nvti i- i.f id i'vuimsi
like nuwa b (i.ro il lromus nalc. f
j, thy fault of a I'.il. It is nn ael of llio
mt coiisiiminato iAci(uies. Kicry publio
olis.v-r ilionl.i .IIsciAkV ,1h fluty raitliful.
u. and f. ailcasly, iiiftl.ti'ittiii" in thu dls.
t,ar.,eof his piibllolliilius rrb-ud or foe.
....,?. )ii , .
III', Hill lllllIM .-I..I "'., .r. .' - .-
U(U IH p ih,j pJwera i-onlcrrcd upo
.' l!( rrjr m,u u, To wreak prltato ten.
,.,,,.,. kivl, bu'kicku.loui of office or
Jako IH r ,,l(J .,.,., ,.oril(..rtcd ui.on
ml -iji.,,..,, ,r ()n;uu loourirov.
0nllul iliniands u Jiuato.
Yours rcsii'clfully -
m j ui-.iu.x,
.- ---
writer in llin North Ciiroliim .Sentinel
n .Villi, 111 I, III l.l 1 1. ,,.lllll .JWll, ,,,..-,
oxpressns u wish thai 1 10 Devil had ull ihu
H0"1'1 1(Ja1r?",., ,raI ."" , ,W,U lnl1'' ,HC0
......:.... ....si... .iii... ... 11 11...
.'. ,, ". !,.i. Z,. ,1 , ,'J f,
. nrububly tat him out of houte flint hoae.
Lou, Journal.
V((I. T'Vuiltl, i:., teA this place
...meltm iiionllisTtliu'c, for Port Orford,
limbo, steamer Hva Oull. .Mr. T'Vnllll
In company ullli M oilier iiirn, tinted
rioni Toil Orfordnn llm 'Jltli of August
-xplor. and I.,-., nl. If ,WH,.
,,, .,., ,,, , ,, ,,,, ,,.,....
i-onntrv. lli-r hrlin mil sn'crnl ilnv
ll"""r' ,l,r ' "".. '"" "" ' rnl "")"
.iIii-miii t I11.lr.111s nh.i mniiir.-Mi..l nn 1111
Ifrirndlv dlsinHinon. Momr of tin- wrty
looming ...,l.c,i. no,! .xpr ..Lh
'11 muni 10 1I10 i.Ihco ..f inriin. An-
, ",,,""K' ""
- ohIiiiiiU In-nist of Ai tt, ttnlllm
r" It
llllllllioi 'tiulril Imii , llio let. I plirnlllM",
I 4l'-r - rpn.. 'I h.-.r c.u..- promus
' ,v """""" in Oil ill Hinnnn I up ui'j'iin
! "'-'. '"" noting w.lli mint idr.ia. los
III ill li illiri limi, tliry iliniignl llu-lt
cniirM' iioilliwnril. Alli-r priveedlng
some .lavs llirnili-liii sonirwlitl open i-oun.
Iry, llio) struck 011 the IVJih of Spl
siiiiiheru hraueh of llio lViilllo liver,
which Mr. T'Vaull ilhinks unptiri lnl
llio sj f-oii in Intiln.ltt III .li'g. nuil lOmiii.
I'rom a lilli.r ndd.rsned to Dr. Dart,
I 1 I li S'l I III Ml 1 1 illlHIIsi "li-i I s.i tiaiii.it.i'if?
, ' . ! I , '
iitiP l)rri;oulali, ui ijlin llio w riti-rs own I . .1. Iiavcnixiii,
-"'i" i'rrg..inaii, .' I n.' 1110 "
r . ,
ncinllllt lUlt, MllllPll lpll
willuml 1 xptik.ii.g nn ...
"l" l"'"i,' '""" "" "lheiii branch.
Uni-lul .lew from hlel.
"' nan seseroi w m iimn num mii
iiun. ler siillowain' l,.r llie last i'im
lamed Indian canoes nud In lianstoUaiis
iw.i to tl.r . f.
I is
t, nt n distance of fifit
mlleii from its nmutli. I'miii the juiis'
Hon of llu lo.kt, tho to.ir.j of lb- mcr
i .- . . . . .1 .1. . l
is norlli of west, assig thro.yh n tall
u- iron. ""'..-) -. - uc- -
r.n -Sum lat . tl.- I.l.h, Wdsy ...,;l .
, . - , , ,
' and .Sun l.i , up t
, !l or ID u'i I ik
"ended will, r.pidii) and . a.e
When Hithm u l.w miles of lh mil. of
""' 'iter. u- tl Iho pari), n ..ir. ,a oml iIkhiikIi Ihe mmiiilaiiis, lo llin
ll.ddoi, lit ,:niz.'l il.e linr lo I ,' .nines fmni IVit I lrlor.1, tin y rerl thai
"' 'l'. "I""1 '"' "!"" B"i"B "';'r,:'i:"ll''" M;l U'cmsel.e. wer.
i ,. , , i kill. d. n.ey isi-.iim.I bt running and
from I'o.t I (rf.nl lollrcg..... i.K. IpioU l, ,i,, .,,.,. ( of iheui is
cnmpaii), nu I lb.il llie ludiniis, wbichlud
become Kry i.iiiiieious, were llieii le.
tile, nt.d it would be n.e.ssan for Us I"
Is. .. our guar I. U e wcro u. tt in .igl.i
'" "" "" "' "'" ." icaso.e . ..
inns, ni the nn.,. ilmc parsing si.trra'ln -
llau l..u-i on llm rl-lil .. , wlicro tail
numbers ..) tlm naked 1,1 ban. tie..- p.......
cns.lmg lb.- bank, t luo of our pail)
whoso name I will iml Here in.erl, mtis
id tny Mr. .iuj.i.I) lb.il t.e land ., iho
irrlln-rn bank i.l tlm largest nmiaii to.o, -
to b,.Uee... and g-1 our br.al.fait. 'I
ibis, Mr. Iliiish im int.. Ifr, , istial.d.
We.hosictcr. die.t uisomar tho lank
tbattl.s lnd.... cnuld null iho k.:- .,1
""' canto win. ineir iianus, iti.uo in men
panmsltrng ..!.' shin-
O '
riic l"eN -
ul.ly ,:rab'.i I our ..moo niM r. rust. I lo
. ...... I
I i ii i iiiih i, 1. I in mil (iCiuam mii wo sue:
i -n
mil'il m I'Ik-Ihm,; oil" mmn l ImI. I.i.i
l,,,.vJ1" ' "''' H'"' '"'r "" '",
tho Mio.r. nud c.um.em.d lardl..g us.
nud M-'u.g l.oldor our urms. ., mads
uo lutu.itiiin.n rush for Ihe shnu. I
.I....I 1- It,. ..I. f.-.l tt I.I.I..1 li... (Jill '
'""!. .Mr. Ilru.b fired b pistol, tho ...ill
"" I re.-.llect of hearing. In less than
bllien inmiitea nu ttte complelely
, wl'"0 ""11 '" "'0 reritotiinor, nun noi less
1 ,1
''" f""'1 "ne-liiindreil to .mo hundred
nd (illy Maiming ainiii'tl. In dwnins.i,
lV ti X.sllOOIer, I tt at kll'JCkcil ll.lll II. Tl,0
I f
lirst Ihlng I remouibcr, I tvnssoiuo filieeii
yards m tho riter in swimming tvulor. I
lkd ur.jii.d nnd saw upon Iho sliori.
t ,lltJ ",0-t a" r,1 ,,,u,u ' "f"lo. '' "I
I""'" I" n Iho rCframi nrilioiiiiui.u jnas oiuii ciineu lor iimio gaiiioringt 01
'ihe fcoiiud of blows, Iho groans uud tin iolm llm pioplu ; great ayuipaly hit been woll.
'of thodyl.iL'. nl tho tamo lime I ii'.lli'id.od uu from humuii henilsj . collection
my friend llnish nM far dl.laut from mo,
j ....... - -,....- .......,.............
'" thovsaler, an Indian, standing in n ea-, wnn tnunled, It would Ik. round that tho
"00' 'llig hiin 011 tin. b. ad with n generuus nudiciico liad given twcnly.fivo
I 111. ! , ........... , ,.... 1.1,.... I,., ft l.n.u .I...I. I...... m....
' pddle, causing llm tvBte-r to bcc.mio Moo-
dy iirnund hiui. My nltcnlluii tiat llicu
direct. d to a small canoe, wilh uu Indian
lad in it, but 11 alio. I distance. Irnmiii... I
swnui toil: lin helped 1110 in, put n paddle
I In my hand, twinlcd to llin aoiitlicrn shnru
'nnd iiumcdlalely run to tliu oilier cud nfi
.i... ......i
tm canoo, t
1 tow him hedpl
. ... ... 1 1 1 .11.1. a
till inoi.iug u.ouuu, 1 iiiiuit
lug my friend llf.itli logil
1 into ll.u canoa, andho iimi.e.liulcly juiiip
' '' "te.lxKtrd. Wo then paddled for tho
'suutlicru bank of tho river. Upon land.
Ing, we imererded ill gelling Id shore, then
stripped ourseltcs of our clothing, and
crawling upon nr Mil. up tho bank,
sui-tHi'di.l in fkenplugiolliit Ihkkct, Wo(
IhciH-oiilluuc.l, in our uald i-oiidillon,
trawlliiig soulli, ll.rmigli llm worst of
hammock nud dmsn briery chsparels,
.luring llm dnyj at nlglil we approached
thelK-neh.lravi-lr.l nil night, and uIhiiiI
di) light, on Monday ..nHnlng, reached
t'dHS lllnni-ii. On Monday, wp wero la.
ken by the Indinns IMiionmr I'hm' lllan
eo.lrentiid with n great deal of Minimis,
kept nil nllilen Monday night with ee.
ry aicoiiim-sliillon lliey worn able lo af
ford, and on Tuesday brought Into I'ort
ll.fa.il, iillhn sililtlion that you saw lis
in. Mr. II. iish and myself are all of the
patty of ten that remain lo tell llin me.
iiuchnly fat., of oil. companions Mr. II.
hliig leicrcly wounded hy hating tetnr.
al Inches of llm scalp of the top of lies
1 head cut olr.
'i'lioimm-s nf ourcoinpanieiiswho aro
miifil.'ii-d, air
A S. Dohly,
ngid ill)
New York
Mi. hlgau,
N. II.,
' l',.i...,L M I.,.
I.. I WiIIiriiis,
Mil IV IMIaud,
Jci.in all H)i.n,
'I'" lleddeu,
New ork.
Tie furetem,; lontaliK, subslnntitlty,
ilief.nt.iuih-vtiaiispu.il. I hnwrvcr,
iih t .. miuli lieu.-, bill mv feeble slalo
..I' health and the trvere pjllis fiuiii ts.y
mi.i led nud bliollllg lllilbs, forbid iny
pntii'g " "'" prese.il
li will ulljid ino girat phature, at all
limes, to giro siu.h iiiformalltn as I inty
possrss. ,
I hato iho holier ti be. sir,
Very icspeclfully,
Your nb't seri'l,
w. t;. T'Vsi'u.
r.ir.T thronn, Sent. 10, 'l.
I . , , II !,' ."-I'll lli. II'," ,1 l II ll-, ,M(,,-R.
j, ,, tr .., Tcltorv, lor
I , - n -
(fi .rl, ,,e Mlf,vor,f ,;, lca',r,J
tl) Mr. T'Vault, tili.iwerdlryii.glofi.il
Tun lin II n.ritr.l be.o tll.usll.)
i,iy ,,,,! ,J ,j umiihs, llio beads
. I nb.uh baio u I let been .'.traded,
'I b. t i. poll Dial it :, III their cpiuion, i.u.
.....tl.ln ,.. ....1 .. ... ..
J,ulll , ,,
liln In "el a mail lliroiie.i liom I oil
j r. n , Hiwuier
I .,.., ,uM ,fLtau..
a.,!.,', uw.t.;
Aml.t ..ll,wi
WmiU U ft Wfl!J ti utr.
1 1 (Hi m ii m nniv iirv, iui iiuiriujiiia
, uu .,.hi. t.)M ,1slll. cfhaiing r.
, f11IIM ur ,.,.. duly, would greatly
, llll(,t. ,u. ..bj,, ts ..rour conie.i.plalion ;
; ,u ,. kMll!jllllll, brrakinu upon
i ,u,,y ,,BVi ,, wuM ,,,. UlMy
! fifiiii i!i fsjritKtv. nuil I'lvn llm niiL'ul nl
rill, mi nu-lieiicc in tho haunt of
,ir (. .., I. ..I us lo luid in tho
' i
. - - -. - -
. i.fil
nt.t fill It'll, froiiiQ purr
, lU . iI0',pliiii! Iiinilof
f.!.',,..),,,., . nlarg.d and buiiiishcd, u light
nnally cuter the wind., hi art. How much
Utter lo lay ,.!., ihe. loak of supcrlicial
saist my. ninl .to our whole duly In thli
1 .1 I t m
,MIU1, ..lt,, il.sn .land .too! lor fear
r .oi.inmii.niiu.i. T.y the deplbofyour
sympathies by real genuine works, and
,lUI yill w; fiM, that.
.. -j-fw rii.sl elrnvnl. ef all Ihl
r,.,r,. .', ... ,.,..,.
W.ft. .o..-i. w.il. l.aih,
lly I..IV...ni,-,,IU..Isn.i,il,
ilisc sifted
re li(I.J
Into s.nniilst )i,iilh,
1 ,,'
'and nro only Rivalling your geucroui ap.
precialioii. Thorn Is ton much cant, and
I'i lllllo cash, in uie unovoirnco ui mil
nr.'' Tliu ngllntion nf somo gol object
would Ih. made, and when
. ... . .
Iho donation
eciila iipikec. Ilpiv their hearts mutt
have swelled iituidsl lo bursting with liu
man sympathies.
There is nno thing, liowovor, which we
can point In ivllh pride, and which refleott
morn credit upon our country than .11
her military uuccrrs llm assistance in
.11110111110 ni iiioin.su laimiie. v nav
. .1 . m nr a
Mcure.1 llm friendship and gratltudo of lb
truu.bcurtcd Irishmaii, for all futur. lirn.
Huvli aciluns aro truly great, and will bo
long remembered.
h. '