Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 07, 1851, Image 1

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-w -t-w - i jAfwiwjNtwiNwyimftwftily .j.
(i., l nilm.L.. 'A- ,iT'iWWr-:.i
rm a. v-a. " - jj-. l-v '.jiy-
ISaSV . - 7r
:r.tt! :',ra'':
!. J. HCIINK8I.Y, KPirOltJ
Wlir the liar.H taaslr takai Ita way"
IrTrTyt October 7, 1851.
Vol, 0,
' atmTV-alOaajaVia
t.a .''
TR.,.s,: JAtyziJk
i;.iala. -m
.lay ; "r-r-..- -.-j.nr- ,,;
uj .Tin .maaiii'ii j "rjffrnffmyfgggM mm "
aiAi, tW R wAta'sMPrP9iet. -j
laaWiU, nmmtSmmmmtlrmimr
, Y3-' XKai'Xra.'- tPV-'-TJ
Mtova v nil nm. semi, am. uttatst
tarsaisT or tni nous or shmi.
B. J. fe-huchlr. Foliar m4 PropV.
OMtmMiumi 9?
'; brlimilk 4 0V
Ontaqaais (lit Haas ar Ikm) Iwo tearrtloiia,
Mh .. ,.e 0
.avatary sianlaasl umriim ..;....! oo
A liberal Mallw mads I yearly adf srUstre. '
Th sessber tf laasruoae gw4 be dwliK.il.
hiMh lb swarfta, stlwrwlse they wUI be
casual tin lettMsad chwftdimrJIiii'r-
The fallawlsf peraon ate sVdWlia.l to art u
AfaaU fat lite Mpectalur. They will lrl Mil
BerlplieM eud Mf aitisrinaiiia lor taa
.UlaUsa, KaTi.Uranrialsf.al far llie Hpnp
Im III III "mlef jr, and ia aulliotlitd lo rrrrio
aad reerlta f. ll luMioafalellnflo lliaiiffira.
A. M. I'm, Ka,tlliiuia, Ulrinljf
T P. 1'vttf ss, Clatmi rwiBljf, II. T
Ilia. Atiasi-m A , (lirgonrlljr
Coucu A Cn , roilUml.
J. II. M Cum, I' M Hsl.ro.
lit Anus, Aneiia
C. M.WlUaB,ea,l'lltlislrlll
A.J.IItassst,a, Vamllill.
P. liar, ran, Uun rily
Jossr C. Atstr,ei, Mentha' llsry'r nvf
A. Huuiss, rat. llilU'juriMijfli
J, W. Ntaawi, Nwnnili'a imlk r1" ruualy
JivsJUtliotis, Ilinuinia Valky.
V. . rWts, llul.UU.
Ifiiisar Nswtu.. t:iiaini"..
llavls A l.isvlllr, furtliiMil.
I V Hsumb, lrntii rt.iiiit)
J I) HuUl.a, raeiliel'il)
JtoB tToats. 8) rana. I Jan rotmly
I!. llslatew, IVauul I fall I'.nl ( Mi. . Ib-lili.il
NaTH.a lllasi, llallr, t'.-luiiil..a nvrf
Joiia WiiMiir. NtMiiillr .MilU, I'ulk ruunl)
XVnutM Itmjiw, rauriiuli
ltti Hrf, M..ulirlln, 1 1 T
lUllIt Katlla, AMuiia
XV II.IIiaiin(Miji '4i
.TIptrkrl-lloUMi llainlllcv
nr HiaAK r. ntiiuiMnnrtoM.
IVllk (.aKTKis I hatn nttivtil n
teller frniii a lady l,o rr-queiti me lo do.
liner a leclrr u
and at it runs in ih" hlil of Iho lliggin.
Uiltom family to ! ohlergiiig to Iho la
loclera on Temperaiiir, and he tnniit he
ter on lnti'iniersiice exceeding well, for
forgils any nf iho iiirlivklrrs, ho refreahes
his (nemery hy gillinu on n spree, si as
ho may know how ludeavribo all tho sen
MliiNit in his next lector.
tiich as hoiierhle and rrrcli'ihlo (rnla
hat been urd In t-urr) in a Iric k in their
hat Is Iho rljihi ,.or lo lector nit intrmpo
ranro; fir thry a,ear nil thn necea.
aary infor.nti"ii, mid kin till nu iiotv
coiiltiUt'i'eil lelrlicil a chap fei U w hi n
ho' j;ol the i. I'rui.i Irfu'ilini nr the ii'iii.
Ilul i ni'i' I.'-viii hna pit mil
on Cmisroai, I s'iioic ho donl nnderaliiiid
thorn .iblr. .,..1... .. well , l. 1 ,o
airs- I .urttaaaiai la. ti iilnilly Mttn.la.sitt Ia
qualerfy a feller In lecleron Ihocdlanf
'". " 'lli.ll "' .as aa alt' sat, as all SMS llf
inlemiioraiiiT. mi kin aio il thar in
every shapo, from, iho aiiipilieullon of
J-ojrr up to tho exlillillrcattoii of Cniii -
jminr. iiiinurr ino iniiiinencn oi mo urai
named lickar.ouo.halflhn iiiemUrs spend
Ibelr time in siuxulng, and t'other alter-
kel tela I'mher hulfof iho Inmurhlo grills'
lo fighting, A lo.npornnoo or Inlempn.
ranee lectcrur has a splendid clinneo thar,
to Urn all tho inlatrlrs of his bitness.
Yes sirs, tint's a fact, ho hast ,
Ilul nono of Ihn lllggliibottom breed
ever was blackguards or wii"ahoms
enough lo bo elected lo Congress, mid
werry lew on 'cm has any prarlorcal ao-
qualntance with thn mischiefs of rum.
auoklne. and all that I kin tell vnu about
'them mlschiofa, We heard froirr'oiher Im-
raters, slcli as (lough and Levin, who i.
(lies, I mmpiy w It ;o ueniami J lint. ., , . , tr., .' ' oreaaing inem, cannei be styled 6T anf
wilhslandiiiR Iho subject it ono lh. I J'' k. " '',; 'IU v cr.T ,h" U'm ,l,an ta f Ufoua, y I
should have aerlec.ed mv.elf, iK-rau.e dr,nk' '"X wnlli-ue. to be dirly, crawl.' ,, M rfflctcotl, , poo, .ni.n'.ii ,',,
very ..!,. Ihliik. hi,.rlf ill- to dorliver '"".''"'V'; ' '.' " ,,,S,,,,Jr P"nc"Pl rendered perfeclly docilewd manageable
ihcmMirto'l.clers.nndillualrushoralers "r ""''"" w "' .... in ihe course eflwo or three day,
.loo.n'i like in .1,. w,,.; every Unly e. ,. 0UnS " "f" ,l0 )'"' ,ru,' "; On. afternoon an opnorlunlly wa. af.
klndo.b.,lln..e...,.l aamrihlag which i ' nK .rrfo,r,mJ- l,'.r " '" " lr'fo"n'" forded me of witnessing the operation. In
. leetlo al,e ihr ...ndnrd nf cn.....ma a. ."'" ' '' "'. Ir V" "," 9" tho large cloaur. proudly Mead one of
.1.111. 1. 'I'l '- ll..v.. I .uIh I.. f,'-'t - - "-..-.".. wt ..a .i WW ,,. ma ...1. .Hlm.l. LILI .L .L
lio onders amis mat thing praciercaiiv .. " . ,,. ' , 7,i ,7 " nrigiil eyes elanccUtearlii y around him. ,". - "--..
And Ihero'a lloralrr II-hiWi ''" '-"'- "rV," ."""t'fi ,"" . ??, "7 " n.T hi. loud laughing voicoWng wild "-" Il .y not have becn ,hCa. per.
a.hilo on Iho ml....i.. J ru... .lri..kiF "f "" '""J1 .',M .- A'ul if o. dogu out , , h, , , j ..fj.,,', n.l and mental gift, alone which won
and lells cxackl) huw ilrunkn, f.llor y ,nr fcller. Iho ..lo alii, slick lo you ,,,. f ',, for rr!i.r. "'D Jowphine'a heart J the ready aympathy
feel, it. every stfo nf ,,tolc.io., and ,,"'- " "''" ""S ,'1U The fiery crenHre wa. heldhy a atrong ?U "hlch Napoleon entered Into her
will, every o , .oner Inker; fi.r . l-f-r. -r C....,;rc...,en j and In. sure b,, ,, fift , , , ' Ji fcellngtmay have been the greatett charm
i..-. t. .'iii... ....;. t s. jour alTichcriielo mothers would rather .ji!,, , .".,' .f'V .""t of an aftecllonale nature like her.
a wall up In Iho hul thing, theory (ml, iaiso cniiii, or y unnging otnera in, uy
practloc, aaaschnol.boy is Intho rnuller- wy r 0," " emlorsement. to pay
plieatlon lablo. From all accounts, as ibelr debts. In a word, diligent Amorl
I've hesrn 'em, n rum.sucki r must bn a can. fail logrow rich, at least to secure a
wary ilseply afllicled indorvidooal, and a ' compelcnoy by not collecting tho debts
eerier living mliforlln to all who ha. any
sorter connection with him; but it doe.'nl
seem lo me that he nughlcr to be cursed
and kloked by everybody. Drunkenness
Is not a wlce lhat always comes from a
bad heart ; Il kin hardly ho called a, crime
for II is ratthor a weakness; notwith
standing It la a dirty and delsalerhlo habit,
and Iho man lhat falls Into It, soon approx.
rmstea lo the nalor of the hog that wal.
lire (a tho gutlor. You dont cum Iho hog
oe h'a dirly and dlteagroealilc, fur you
know that ho cant help It ; and most on
Ih drunkards I purly much in tho aamo
lit they I what they Is, cos iliey cant
help il. You thai doea'nt liko tho, taste nf
lloker caul omadgln what It ihe force of
prlite ylt niajlw, aoiiw r." you who
ualliyuuratlvra lniiicriln, lll rat cab
liara md cuwiuiiitrra in cholera lliiitf,
and rH jnur lives fur lit i;rtIliolln of
your ln-IJ I incaii jour alainicto. Now
'marl you llkn llrknr an wrll at you doe
Lowcuiiihera and ealihajjit, donl you lliink
you'd jriuxlo at Ihn worry ritk of going
lo Kiphi'l Iho neit nilnnel 1
I'fller inorlili, nnlt you kin maaler
all youroira aiprllii', donl vou bo too m.
woro on IIik drunkard, luform him if
you kin, but ilvnl U loo oron with the
foot cralor, not n If ho la yoifrhuiband
lor tcoldln and bullranglng him wont
begin to makt lilm linpalat. Twtnty
rrlM cant make hot drink whtn ha'a not
la lh Aotlon r nt' ""tf me" ' anla "
cant inak a fallar quit drinking, if ha'a
iltlerminril In xrcwera In 11, Uri'ing
until il'i in alvli a rain at thla. Donl jnu
hrlinvv t lira t ha kinder ilglnj; crcrmailn
a tober man outer my brother hnrater, laic
ineiiiber nl Congmli from lh l'u'l Ii
triti. Ile'ii trill a man that kin be driiv ti
any ihitiR gnol. lie mini bo riuadril
anil led along fiilelly, and i it la with all
men ol afirrril when I hey gila addicted to
haliilt f lonfniiim, J
1'i'llur niliiti and alnnera, M aalntea.
tea and iinnrrrw, nolu 'itrufi ihil it take
(real udIIi'p, lliat II a a
htyhanl thing
lo chatter ihe habits of a drinking wage.
hour, whrlhrr he l7li lager or porter
or clan I or champalgne. .Sirh a feller is
a h-.(!ou mo ,.g, and if )on ehango hlsiniool, t0lv 0 , ' , , ,,
naler )ou iiiutt wnik a miracle; and I (invert.
-"-""-. ""-' J " J-" ""
Chanel him ,o.t II find, in.ybr thai
Ih- ., . n fi,l deal of Iho .,g lefl h.m
slill. u tuny reform him tomewhal, o
st lo ma
:r K'"" f?r.c:",A,":,orJr,?',ili!"" ', ,,.., ..iii .,0uraiihe
Vi . :r.7 i ""',""" '"
a.Hhlal with the decent memla-r. of Iho
human .clf. It will l a blamj-d shihl
raler to dresa a rnnilnon folir.rmilefl lioo
i... . Ml I II.. .... t.
i . . --- --- n
in while pants am Intake him keen hiwtlfi
liter Iho dlrl U'aj!aliiie(iii is like hy
ilmphnhy ; if It once pit. into the blood,
toil 're lint a noing lo rhy.lck it out wild.
out an knlaxin slulit or trouble.
When a
a chap has been a drunken loafer once,
he'll always hate a lech of loaferisin
aljoul lids. In spile of every accerdenlal
eirwuMr.ii.Bi lie Kin come to. inai.
the rrn wo have so many Inafora and
hlackguard. in Congress. The habita they
iuck to wiMttiney snooieu aiiui on cellar
is never lo neiil nnv reforming : never.
gin lo go Hie whole ling In Ihe wty
aeo ynu ha,... at once or put away out
n .i..i in .1.1 1....1, .k ;
,. .r,e0,..ry.lhereoWe
mi a-iaibtn dnerace lo your
you a living ami
laiiiniia in ino nay iui iiiciiiioiiru. I
ira it. Iho way jdyl mentioned. .
Wli tlon'l lufi)
gt'l Klrb
in Ptio iiiimiriiimni, ii wouiii io sale,
ho lliink, In assrit, that nl liaat fevrnly.
li.o have a Mrnng diir m I p..eaed
ol uirlill good ai in,pirlj in aword
to ! mh. tlf tin-so sm my lit c. in our
iJlion.il would rsrily happen that one
,.,,,.,.,, .";... .iiniii.au ,.u.
'"''' '' 'V'"" Jf. ',rf '' ' ' '
ffflld'a Illlll Vf F ll'tt . II !l lit lltltlllllv Bit.
limber'"!.. .eaieAo
, 5 Vludr ioe.' r.
dish ihiir wlthre. Can
n - - - a" V "I ,....,..
nciiiirn a cuinpi
lortiino, accoui
any iliangne us iho philosophy of this1
rcqutiit nsiiltl Itapjnara to us to lie
" '" luiiij.oaa. .nriu ia m virry
enmmunity n number of persona (later.
minid ntl lo faUr, who hud llirlr whole
inert eucr(;i a in tho rover.sl of Ihe order
of tho toripliirr: "lly iho sweat of thy
''row shall llmu live." They resolve,
d maintain llirlr resolution with calm
and stubborn uniformity lo iho end of llirlr
days, ol to tutal: hut lo "kf op coal"
and let Ihe oilier, do Iho nnni irori in iho
beat of the day. Characters of this
imp are io no lounu in every town, vu
lage.cily, and district In llie country,
And hoiv du limy live .Simply by ua
'"K utburs. Kiiher by gelling possouion
nf their prowrty, without paying for il on
iney iistd uarnrii in uirir catling, or liy
having lo pay tho debts of other people
i neso ure iwo iruiuui sources or pover
ty. IK' wo sr;iuo, therefore, againat loans
and credits? In on form, and auolhor
they aro Ihn bond and basis of all modem
society Ihe point wo seek lo pot at, is
this that men who have small means,
should live on .mall means: that no man
lias a right to launch Into splendor on the
expected profile of his business, and to
make hit creditor, contribute to hit ox
travaganco and that of hi. household In
other words, no man has s right lo spend a
dullur befiiroho has earned a dollar.
Galled horses can't enduro the comb.
diinra. ami tirawrltrl into nennla a allva.
nrillklilif. lor II IIIU onra Itiaku tun llllinoa .... . ' .. ... ' T . ... na anllnaaa InllfUl inala uraar In aaaaw
ThI WIM Mara.
The fullowlag It straeud from War'
ron'a "Par en the Amazou i" "X
'Many' wild horaea are atill oauch( ar4
uajueiro. una day a parly or eight
.a " . -.
ten of the native, mounted on well rfUej.
plined atecdi, and headed by the Eogliab
man, want out on ihecampoa for ihlapur
poM. Perched amid the tranche of
tall tree, I had an cilenalr view of the
graaay plain, and wa able dlnlnclly I
obwrv all the inovament of lb equee
irlant. Theheraemen were riding rapid!
hw airvciiua ui a imaii grore, wnea
dealy a troop ( forty r flrty of tkaf
resiurea ernergeairoia) sehMj
bounded iway hV'kMMlAliv;
i hit mcauow. a mruea c
now cofniiifnrAtJ lv iK tianint.IH .....
who atralned ihelr swift animal, lo their
greatest capacity ; never did I wllnts a
intensely cxcillng spectacle than the
hlch waa now before me. Tl.
r 11.1 lam ui mo iioract Here llylng
wildy in Iho air, while a miuofhoofj
ero ritlng and falling with a rapidity
which showed how tlglilly strung were
iho mutclva ul tlm animals.
'I'u my surprise the Knslithman kmi
....A. --.I .!! - .1 I
i.(. Ipad. ami araa .l.itnnali. tnt..M .....
'u,. ,,uIck.foiid fuiililvr.. Omiftir u
I r.s '.I a . .". . . t"J "
with iht m, he se
i loaning it arnun
Urging iho cir
if ipirrj hiv IaM( n, Ugin
round hit ,ri.l, cruJoillv en.
Oitltt lilt ttrmm l.u .!iit .1.-.
lly a sudden moiion, U the tamo In.
slant plunylng ,,o spur Into hi. ch.rCer.
, in orJcr l0 ncbrop ,,, f ?,
i,. ai..k.l ....:n r..'...i ' ri....i.
iiinini to'..,.!. r ,1,. f ,"!.....
nck or II,. foremost horse. The herd
wefe uw , , , , ,
,n ,r(n)nJ , lf ' ,
I.. .. ... . . '
i.in urieij .urrounuru uy Hie r pursuers,
s,.vcu ' .,Md ,,.,,. ..A . . .
.i . . . . '
ino remamuer Kept together by two or
mire oi me norremen, wlio were conlinu
ally cln ling around them : not one eeca.
ped, and ere an hour had elapsed, they
were driven aafsly into one of the pene at
Cajuelro, neighing loudly, and their
moutlia covered w lib creamy foam. The
Le horse. Wog selected from the herd,
,i ,M.i .5 j .l! ili." '"'
,.;,,',(,, Ur
T. ,.. ...," , . ,. ,
- ..w, uw.m vw ...a MVIIVW, VI
.1""!":,'. """-"" -no o.re-
. - ,..Hj.,.u iiiiiaislaii;aiiiD: up in rsno
- With his hoofs, and ahakine ilia haaaa
Ol .nana nn I. la flnatw ....l h.-L. i.ll- LI.
""""? .""'- n wo waa tnrown
,. .,,,,,, They 'then pulled with all
, I.. ..,!... . ti....
their slreniilh one war. whlla ilua akn
,ai hold Of ihe hallee re,l.l lka.maal.aa
tebcmenlly ia ihe contrary direction.
Tho object evidently wa.lo eflVct partial
slrangiilalloii, in order that they mtghl
weaken and lemporerily overcome' ihe
wonderful power of the spirited creature.
a loieni were ine plunge, ol'the captive
tlecd as he snuohl in vain, hy superhuman
""!,("". "J r' ''"-lf from the grasp.
nf lim MVIiatl liitmanlnsa aLa- t..l Itl.-'.
f ''m "'"f1 Xo"ntMon-, "ft '
7r '"" r" 'rVn'1 ,,.l,n' llh ""I
rific leap onlt served to draw the cord
lighter and lighter about hi. ucck ;
breathing became more and more illlfi
and miclitharo been heard at the distance
of u furlong. His hrait beat as ifll would
hurst from Ills heaving bosom, and his
veins stood out in rbJgca along his quiver,
ing fleslfi At last ovcrwblmrd with ths
intensity of his agony, and powerless with
suffocation, he fell, and for an Instant lay
without scuta or motion upon Ihe around.
1'ho noose was Immediately loosed ahoi
his neckajid shortly reluming conscious
nrss began to light hit glared ejes llie
fresh air swelled his nostrils, and hit Irv-
mendous chest rose and fell like the bll.
Iowa of Iho era. At the expiration of fif
teen minute, he wasonro more on hie feel,
but how dill'orent from tho magnificent
animal who had stood, in his native pride
and dignity, pawing Ihafsandy soil an
hour before! Weak hardly able lo
stand hi. head drooping, and hi. eyes.
wiitioutia ray, lie looked like a miserable
pooler of hi. former .ell like a monarch
dragged Irom hi. throne, who ha. born
colled at by those whom ho had before
despised, and foroed lo bo a wretched and
mitorablv .lava I
1 hu persecution of the horse wne now
by no inosns concluded As toon as he
had recovered somewhat from his exhaus
tion, ho was mounted by a naked Indian,
who was rewarded for hi tomerlly by be.
ing thrown to a considerable distance over
Ihe head of the animal. The native,
however wae but Ijttle hurt, and in a few
momenta again resumed his dangerous
seal. Thla lime lieijiepl hi place, not.
withstanding the vast efforts of the animal
lo shake him o(T; in fact the bono and
,4 1.7 h7MSrl?WM&ft,
i.i..l. ...., , .. il". !. Vi llahe read to him the lat letter which ah
hlridrr being neatly of lbs aamo color, I
HoMhl IrWly lo my mind tlie remem.
brBe f an ancient Centaur.
Trn.slmal waa now held lightly by a
II -... -J
wag rope, ad forced lo run round and
rouna in a circle, w he never ne naggeo,
or manlfeated the ellahletl obatlnacv.
Mllve. with a heavllvknetted cord awlno
fa around hi head, would five him a
Itrrible Mow on hi llaaka, the pain of
waich wa almott auaicMat to. drive him
io madneai. Qraduilly ha became moro
ana more mmiv, ana at the end or, ano
fhtr hour he. wia nulls tractablo.
w :
lagaaleMMi auae Jeaeaililai. ,
(Otr acnualaUBM wlibJowchln
vrW4(MlnijmkmeaU; by
I her eon
mi Bugene uraunarnaif, men a lit.
ffw VOX If CBme 10
boy. It came to rrrjueat thai hit U.
I ,k?f.'" l,word' which ,.",,d b"!I.?,,".r8fd P
I m,l,t '" '" 1 ' P-
-t'" .,( "' """"?" "' l'", "?
i ufB.ll W request, and the tearaVwhlch
could not be slaved when he bcheM the
aword interested Napoleon so much In hi.
favor, thai not only waa the awoM given
to him, but be determined lo become ac
quainted wh the mother of the boy. lie
visited her, and toon hi visits became
frequent. He delighted lohcar llie details
which the gave eflhe court of'Louit.
"Come,'' he would say, as he tat by
keralde of an evrniog, lowlct us tall:
cf Ihr old court let us make a tour to
Yerstillra." It was fin these frequent
ml familiar interview! that the fascina.
lions of Josephine won the heart of Na po
ison. She is," uid he, "grace person!.
fid everything .he does is with a grace
acd delicacv peculiar lo herself."
The admiration and love ofauch a man
could not fail to mako an Impression on a
nvin.u itac vvv,iiiiic ,i nai ueil SalU
that ft was Impossible to b In Napoleon'
company without being struck by hie per
acnal appearance j not to inucjyjLhsJare not always eo cordial to a' thla
eiquisile symmetry of his features, and Pawe ought to be, Christian charity
me nooie ncao, anu loreneao, wmen nave
furnished the painter and the sculptor with
one of their finest models ; nor even by
the msslltativo took, so indicative of Intel
lectual power ; but the magic charm wa
the very expression of countenanco, which
changed with every patting thought, and
ghwed with every feeling. His .miles,
II I. aald, always inspired confidence. "It
is dimculi7rf "not Impossible," so the Duch
es of Abranje writee, to deecrjb. Ihe
cbinn of hit countenance when haamiled
hi. aoul wa. upon hi. lip aad io hi.
eyes." The magic power of thai Mores.
alon at a later period i. well known. The
Rmperor of Ruxia experienced il when
ho Mid, "l never loved any one more than
ibat man." He possessed, too, the great.
est of all charm., a harmenlo'u voice,
whose tenet, like his countenance, chang
ing from emphatic linpresslveness lo car-
M' f".m "'""-f . h WM
mo.t touching larewell. Napoleon wa
deeply aHectrd I and it ha been Hid thai
the letter, and Josephine' emotion a the
read it,' had a powerful ctlect upon his
reelings, already so much excited by ad.
Big .Ilea. .
In mnnv n foot tramp in Western Vir.
c!nia and little Tennessee, we have had
..ion I. rcinarii th. -weight of men;
... . . 1 . . .
but Uov. Floyd, lb a Foui.h ohuly .peech
h8 '"de Klchmd, eclij-e. anything
, k.. .,.. Wamioie!
we havo seen. We nuote
"The Uoveruor Mid he did not rise lo
make a speech, aud would npt. There
were members of the Convention there.
They could speak (with a quizzical glance
at two distinguished meinber on hi right)
The tjnte was when he was "some pum
kini" as a slump speaker, but it had goo
by long since, lie made no pretentions
then, lie would conclude by tolliou Ihcni
. s Blarv of lila hnonnltnir K VAlllntaar. and
byofloring a sentiment. The story waa
tnis: in ino mountain cotinwy w tiers ne
cams from, when a man got seventy. five
men together, they were entitled io nnes,
and wens forthwith organised", tfc a rifle
company. Well, he look ll laio his head
lhat ho would like to bclons to a rifle com-
pany. He soon found the seventy-five
men. That being done, ihe election of
officers was tho first step toward, orsaai.
station. One of tho member, big Allot;
Miller who weighed 500 poundt, was
three leet across the shouldexsgand a span
between Ihe eyes proposeiTtiuit Iliey
should mako the smallest man In the com.
pany captain. He (Uov. F.) was at that
time nineteen years old, weighed 170
pouuds and stood six feel In his .lockings..
They made him Captain. There were
men In that company.
Some men 'ooi-speeches, linn Lyman
Trumbull, or Allen, is one oi these. Bald
Iho "Old Ranger," after replying to a jury
spceoh of Trumbull's t ,
"And now, gentlemen of the jury, I
have demolished his position., refuted his
arguments and answered every thing but
hit foot, and I defy the dnll lo do that.
waurtoo x'ainor.
I ti was id ine course oi one oi inca con
. .L r e.L
There j Amertilng cordial is' a hi mail
Every body Ilk hlai and be like every
body. Your lahmaelkea are la truth a
Ureboned raee, a, lank tribe they are al
keleton and Ufa. Food doe a taf Ma
good, It clings to him, it frticttfle hlm.'be
wellr aoWy out, and Ml a ceaerVo
tpaoe io lir: He it a livhtg walUM
niloUter of graikade toJa boaaty of
eann, dd the ruiioe thereof, an loear-
nat feetlmony against .lb vault tee af
earn, radiant panlfraiatrW of lb trie.
ilona or good humor. A rat maa, iter1
fore, aj-vwt ia vlrtae of bciag a fat taaa;
I. m i, a popular maa, ainf be uuiiapiii
ly deserve ble popularly, (a a cratseM
VVOHIIV laH aWWaPBl aaVaMal ,WWf 'axW afB
meet readr' lo mvrttmif.'
seem, half sorry lor hi. .i6, leet k ha iei
the way of olhenj but other would aat
have him lee than he ia; but bi humanity
Is usually commrn.urat with bis bulk. ,
a let man na Dunaane oi rien laic.
The hinge of hi system are wetf oHed,
Ihe spring of hi being are noiseless; and
no goes iiui way rejoicing, in ion cosiest
rfient and nlacldliv.
A fat man feel, hi position aqlid In the
world, he know that hiabelns Isceanixa'
ble; he know that be ha a marked plaea
in thai universe, ana ne una on extraor
dinary pain to advertise mankind tbM ha
it among ibem; heknowalhat he is in no
danger el being overlooked. Tour Iota
man is uncertain. 'and therefore ha boa.
city. HeNmey vanish any hour, Into
nothing; al'saar be it a shadow, and
hence it 1. that he utei.ucb laboriou ef
fort lo convince yeu of hi. existence, lo
persuade yen lhat he la actually aonw
thing, lhat h I more than a nooentily;
that he is a positive substance as wU a
his fellow cretture.
Il really does lake a great deal ,f wrong
lo make one hate a fat man, ana' if wa
take into mind the force of prejudice
which we have to overcome again, thla
TttlXMKia. A tat man l r?r. to the
most perfect of figure. "a mathematical
sphere; a thin man that meet limited af
conceivable dimensions simple lias, A
tat maa I a being of JiaraaeoUu volume,
and holda relatloa to the aaaterlal uni
verse in ev.ry dlrectloa, while a thla maa
in lact, ia but the coatioaatlon of avpiat.
Belotveiagtotha lean kiad af talks wa
will not be exnected to subscribe) lo the
truth ol the sbeva In It fullest extent,
but candor compel ua to y that fat ate
are the att of the earth, and taken Sa
maisi Ibey are mora amiable thaa the
of "lean and hungry look." Rut tbst
the "fat 'una" aro.oemetime envious ws
can prove by a case In point, aa lb law
yen My. A Hisad of ours who stand
six feet la his stocking sad weigh shoot
two hundred and twenty pounds, was ia
our sanctum. few day aincr, bewailing
in no gentle term tn seat or the weath
er, lie wa sweating at every pore, aa
hi linen coat save unmislekeable evl
dence. Wbilstlo th height of hi la.
meatatlooshe bappened to espy a ale.
dipper man tripping aloe. hi' the hot suo.
and apparently "as cool as a cucumbsr.'M
lata waa too much lor the equaarmtry.or
our mend, "now," be remarked, "Woa
at that batchet.faoed obap, ha'a wslkJag
in i hi aun ana sweating mait dress,
I'm tilling in me mad anu in
oft me. Ilow unequally tlpleasure of
j this world am divided, lis too bad! O,
that this too solid flesh would melt!"..
FlTlavg hli.
Near Hobokeu villag, N. J., there ie
a strong enclosure, 890 feel long, In which
Is almost wonderlul apperalus or rather
hug artificial dragon, nearly ready far
launching. Il ie a hug cigar-shaped
ballooai .no rest long ana . si Its greatest
diameteV. It hai a car 64 leet in length,
very ahaVp at either cad, width S fast,
height 0 feet 4 Inches, ths whole comsossd
of a strong, light wooden frame covered
with canvass, with door and glasa win.
dow. It 1. to be propelled by two of th
most beautiful engines ever constructed.
They are made or gun metal sod cast
ateel, are of 43 horse power, and are lo
work 80 inch strok 60 lime per minut.
which wilt glr 400 revolution lo Iwo
propelling fans. Th satire weight at the
oar, float and Altera I abou 4,000 .',
leaving a,Mffafds surplus. It Is 6.
idgneojaaps"eout 800 leet above lbs sun
faoejHsfearth at a rats of speed vary
IriaT an 25 to BO mile, per hour, hi
oaloulaied lhat the m will have sn u
hi fwsrd buoy ant force suflkisnt lo raise mo
than 0,000 lb, above th around. TI
engines only weigh IHt lbs. They ar
constructed hy Mr. Robiohn. a most in.
genlous mechanician, one who can make
a balloon go it neat and wen ceosiruotea
machinery can dolt.
, It I desisned to drive thla vets! by
team, and to obviate the necessity of coal
Mr. Robjohn My he discovered a plaa af
decomposing wstery wnicn t oonvonaa
Into steam by the combuttton, and this
sleam I asain condensed and returned far
decomposition. '
Th meet skillful and best of men srs
efteullme led away hy nlhuslara, aad
ills a good thing fersoUnoe, perhip that
It la ao, Srlessyc ateriVaa.
Fool may semeilme glv wfss ssssj
unsel. a ' ' '
' I -" .-...-.-a-i-a.!
taaaiftaTXaJBjls j
aVilaslsaaaVaea a
aP W aaaaaiaayr2pia;aapaaaaaaBanBja IV
f TjraaBBaarflsaVrIjWr mrKIF . '
baa a leftaTliasv srieV aajas vr a
aTsafaAaOaft aT 0. BataBBaaaUaaaTkl J
VfVWaV Vjsj m afjrwVarastWavfay
a Mis' J
sktlliltta v'avil I
kla Iklfas saaaL LAm
wa .eewajBJ
aadiaaiavW. ..Itowm
aaif ahaal
allBTaSaaj aavstafa Sast at
IiadasiU. Th.
A. aJr.Thaassai
asMaaaa that ttaaas
oMrss af lb ffttakal
fly from the MUMary
lis Will b BMSSSBsb.
one of twaaarr-ttm aai'Mlni
tees years. TlwarfasitVtisBlflMsaexaaM
of wiog ha dslayaal taejaMI
bow. Ths invwtar ha Itsai I
to aiivaul v. witk avssasdata m
ing flown sersas la'asVw?-
cioca io ine moniiwa. etas waaj
oread of 15 feut. sad tfta MweVi
through Ih sir with aM saWsVase',a
wallow, aAlouiriaf ! TJkktjmp
r raswatiag upright, tsj th jj.b
pleasure. y1 L-tittfawbi
Grr. Yort- Cart." kkihbtiFA
vVOV af'aPKIta'aVlaSafp W 1
witka aasar. I
nnsa of ,tUasje Wsi psa,
and will, afJSka.Btejssss, I
aewsMMr taaa;
ur SaVMatiag tatt
U oaasald mUk
OBnaTftfV tWBBM MftMaVsatal slaHal4sVHaaW JsV'
stady, araaf
afasTaBB TBfBBBBBjBBB f saBjSaV sBajassasy pjayajajaaaj
bats aat saaal tsrmtti4aaaai dW
looks far tkair fcaalUaa. waa. Mtli;)tm
aJTsa the mswiii t rsala'ra a ssa a mmm.
tar who had lorsatiy aad ll I ialsJiWy
fallm lata tsairtstkaaf ' -" '
i if vail
Tat FsAiir m Qmmw At Pit
or Ooo Ben. NttvitasJsBsals k
feslwartltubrsag M ateCaaa af
Good Ross,psrty saMaM Obis
nlst is grsatly istilmaalj -TU'aVf?.
Mr. Rentea, bavlag by his aMsmftssiBs
obnoxhra tsoa aarty, wsaanhhil ia Ms
lh.suaagswas ataiys)),
petNilatlou would ItssaaaiaM
tbi propsMd alar It ia iIwmM 'n(W
will be IMC) Banasjaa aM Mattil
SJJlJsWSl . la laa (aatBkafJsaa(aa gaaMaaXsaaaaaa BaatsaasV I ABaat
OWfaV If npfpSswwVVff mWW99mtmmmkW
BsMrl MMBalla . ataaaaaaaaaStaaaaaaataTiaataaa.
HM MsaraJM BBJats BWBnBajaaaaaataj
8AX0sf. Wa bar kaaM if ) aasl
aid ssotrt th faraa af tbasM I
gusg; if th felUwIsaj laMsssj Jpssssi
osrrMsoniatat ia Vlraaia Is. aat afcs)mll
la at lat ,IbiIbM Alter VMIWML
nasriasial mf a
Oirfli.M nmaJtss
i -t
WfBkwK' "
h mm w. r
aVatsas ffJM aABfrSBBBW
litjataMsaVakNsataW -. :
Ths Fiaaatiai astlaaatasW.
It fal ptVsMM iM tWaMy BsMHS MM
MsmrtyWajMaajaajajl sf aMak, tfaMSOtt
h WsisT. sfcaM haft a tWtka
ntaajtmmnaiTinilWaiaa-ai ,
slsvery, as waslalssi Jn "vA",J7S ,
wasIadaKf f"'1.?1 A
"ism sto
oally cursed
lb middle.
kitchen. Bat ! amst kwld, ar saSSto I
iMs.raet'eidBa4asJt!,' lV
The DWsheaaai raM wVAt'!
on nd,' the Irivkaasa'd aim 'iHti
ye, and coulda'l tea i.ar.cl
the Yanko'aknlfc'wsisdasiw,
aad a new blade, oalyV kM ss'as)'
at bath ends aad dsaiaiaj li sWaa.
ie 'wolfl' WhatsaytswCtariayl
TVim aver. t,'.4yViifoi
' Vsxr 1U TAsn.Tta. HarHAda
Uraos HUaSsabM saya ,104 a ,
will mako aa 'aaaansM, frastjl
aad Fort DaaaMial
oin oi Augasi, rot ia
Mutfhy, th sMsfM
family, th .boat wt!
tlarXMiaxVsaa rasalida
VlVjHtat anPC VfltafT laW sas"
Tunfiti- til
MM :
sbbHbb ssaaiaf cdMkfVoT 1
WmW aHgp wtLmwrnr J
talHsfVVsU aasMsBl fl
TTi 1
,ff JtXi-l