Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, September 30, 1851, Image 1

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    latoaaoaBoaBtV. er f J" " iJ fUH
TUaaeeeeeeer-'iai ff. ..USTHIiH
I .
MftTW t tWB HMAtt
mMmw yM "
i Kui. a unuii
i reeeia or oiaem
Jff 9. UtoiMfi Mijbr aa l'l
-' MVAIUaTA&ylirB, t
9M easy, 001 HWHtMntmttmniHiy BB
ear ataaajBie,..i, ..,. m,,. BO
Ommhm(HHm)w la) two Imrt ,, -
iAMaiilihlliKUIIlMIIIIMttltMtllltMltlMltV W
MrMMTaMliM loteruea ,,...'...,. I W
.. MetMtlaeirtJ MM h M(h
3m m Jke aw, -j"f" 'J&J& .
f"t"" ens piii i i
j; u Mm. ic , i gerei hmi r iim NpM-
Mb Um TefrHety, end b eaUtttlted I receive
M NwtM ' ill nwn rtlUt to lh Rc.
A. M. r., Ko, . ofy.. Uw- rawiy.
T. P. Peweae, Cltuoe) eeaniy, O. T.
flee. Amihtitt A Co., Oregea ehy.
Covet) . Col, PottleM "
j J. & MVu.,r.ll.Um.'
C. M. Wiee,ea).Cehiem,
A. J.lleaieia.re., Yamllta.
"P. tttv.eau,. Una ehy.
Jaunt (I. AtTiMt.. Meelh f Mary'e rite r
A. BeMea. eon., HtlkfcMMfk.
J. W. Neenirn. Newnllh'eieulle, Talk
i county
Jttee Arruutrt, Unnu yeiiey
W. II Rite. Ualmd)
Hoetar Niwbll. rheiupnef.
Devi A. Liaviixi, lciUmul.
K. Halt, Kenton riHinljf.
J. D. Ilauua, I'tcllie I'll)
Jicoe Com, rlyracuae, I jn toiinty
K. Biwtvw, n.M.m 11.11 IWllll'tf, llentan
Ceaety. '
NtVMtn Oltt, Iiallre, I'ehirnLi lirer
Jena Walnut, Neaanilhe Mdta, llk county
Wiluaa lliauitr. Ctixnitli.
Maun fVrot. Mw.lk.lto, (). T
Vet IS HaMUiw,
Th vtty k4 fft
That k(ku m Ibn' l.f' rfvoinj Jj ;
Par wka t an mid,
Dejtetee' at n4,
Il eMteaJUw bhat VJ away
faW CaMt) One
Than raaaiai'aay Ikal mk mch bom
About 4ikiif aartha,
AMawT aa4 Mow la mk a anew,
" AM cry, M caaaa oa, my hoaiUoa,"
Alt M lha chaaa ba aat Ibalr Uapa
llUV i .aTV-,. TaeaUhlaAiwawiiiUlat-i
P' '' To 4nw Ida Um at Ikty may ahlao,
AD heatoty tf l:Uttf
Thay think If Ibay kut Mt and bray,
Aad 4oail for a davoction,
Tkal lh y may IraJ and aura iuf cr J
la ( aminf an aUrtioii.
Dal part) Baiuo m i Ilia jama
lly wliicli wa rrMmn la leal thr-m
Wall kaow, irtliajiri, If IWidauca
Willi rotumoUMUM liMb'lat tliam.
MVdlika la know Ufaia Ihay a
To aid m Jrgwlaliont
U lliay!! roiulMn a. d il lha " aiaa,"
To arandaJua Itao nation f
Wa don't aicl la haia dirrrl,
A UrUriora(1ay,ai
Nor yal do wa tipact tu aao
A llautoncMDallila way,a.r
Bui fttnm Uad, withheld thy ted
Aflbel ua net wllli dnaklra
Va'f a had a thing thy rail a kin;,
Klfhl frutn lha land of meakiee
AaJ there In elalt aat Ma.lar Ape,
U'ith ipiadmprda mmeundad,
While man of ernae and conaeuiriice
Wa by their imIw confutindid,
New the whole " nine," ea wa tlirlnr.
Were wadrd to a factleu,
Wllh iatra wall lilltd and ready drilled
To join In a tranaaclloa,
With might and will, hut lacking .kill,
They ea arranged llieli project
To epeil Ihtlr fun, for II when dene
If party wean, at il appeare,
Hneh huge unreal facea,
Tf make lha inaaa elect an aaa,
And aal Um In " high plac..."
We bapa la ka eacuaed yen are,
AM lei Iheni hate the glory
a. Mia bag la aay, la ear poor way,
. Well chronicle lha atory.
. W. C.
HlUIT rlT, Chtaep, Bejil. U, IrUI,
t Maoavar ! rled TrcaaMrtt.
Roxiuiv. July aa. Three men be.
l0DIag lo thla place, being Informed by u
meemarlxtr that aqutnllly of money waa
bafled il the eornerof I'arkar and Hub;.
glaaatiaela, proeeeded lo the apol, and af.
tar digging a few feel dlaoorered a box or
trunk, containing a largo amount of mo.
nay, auppoaod to have been burled by a
mtoHoue character named Walker, who
oooupled a collage In that ylolnliy, noma
tlna aiao.
Pamr mii.y tui. I'leaiure awoa
all lie Mat (o anticipation. The promiaa
of a abilllag fiddle will keep a aoboel-boy
la happlaaaa for a year, The fun eon.
neotad with lu poiaeaalon, will expire In
an hour. Now, what I into of achool.
boye la equally true of man. All 'they
dlfcr la, Ta the price of :hlr Hddlei.
flir There la a Judge la' wYeooniln,
WM Km ate Court, regularly opened.wlth
f'Mtl WW MMtli till i
oa inuir wadpir's rim courtship.
'Tatkln' o' spreM,
Mil in in
mini) o' ray young days,
ioiiIJ rather
gueM I wee )rt for 'rti nme, mywlf Ilium
iThU wm.mM liy an olJ nugwhom wr
wilt lolroduo Mr. June VUtr, at
ntlMf oltJInr WJH.rlrry
My (him In retilf ri knotj Mm tnd
M rMJ for rim mwiIim. Ji U HitM '? PW lh M 'omiiiwj
MmIb of mllllla Inlnln di y. rtTh' I'Vrnwn. Il w dotT , I
m' a oadly numbtr. aflor ths (mi
it tHtmUil front duly, who r tei
anjuad. awl all now italbtr round ih
afreald, aid Jim, la htt Mn jfm (o
wnifn nf.ni iiroaay vun ui
and on
Tbuboirii umnl
lir. Than, ifler Wnuntlnii ilml iuhm
lKm hould liuvh till ka mi ihmiinh.
with a few nrwwrtiarv hmt. and en
umpliun of a comically (rare fart, he
comiiwncud. (I wild I could raivirl in lilt
Inimitable language, ttrhall rt tlltratlm.)
"When I were !') ou knnw.iliit'y
mod from. !u"ill,ny fcalmuoa. Jd
brenUmi JfcMo"h up cu ll,r fronlaera.
and Kalntack wal a paradlio for me to
hunt bare and Inline-Jn.- Dul I forgot,
on nam a.oourlln' atory. Well, altbo'
waa alwkva a outlin ua aaina devettrv
ainonr the boy, yet. aome how, I waa a
Iretlp !iy ami akrary amonnat the ra!e.
I like I Ihncrlttara irodlalouatv. butabeui
lh" only in; I could menace to ahow il,
wanti) ca.tin aiiecti rvea in nliumlanco
at 'rni. V hail inrrlln'a na well a fml
lea intnellniei. While the prcachtr aa
tiieiililu' lemlrr hrarlrdnraa, hrnthrrl)
iniliieiaond lor, I waa'nt lliliikin' n' no.
thin' rlar. I uanl to act whrre I could
look llm Rala In the fareand then L'aro
al aome puny vnn till abe'd bluth as ml
aa a ptppur pot. Then I fell ao jneer
about the parcl, and wltli'd an alrth.
iuaka wouM toinaaiid throw me right In
her lap I I waa In love, but 1 couldn't
tell who I loved moat. Thar Waa Peggy
Maaanhammer, a mighty fine gal, even In
her tow.llnca f reck, her ckeeka wur aa
full aa a China nlir'a and aa red aa a tur
key gobbler'a; and then lhar waa Sally
I'urklm, with her glorloualy atrlprd hnm
mado cotton froik, beaidaa her liar and
eyra at Mack aa ink ; and then lhar waa
dlmple.rheek'd, blue ey'd IOtla Hmllli,
who alwaye loled her ahoraand ttockhl'a
in her lumU IIU alu evaj efatfct aVenawMaAa
Widl, o' thnac three I couM'nllell ferftiy
life wIijlIi I IlktilUtt timet Imet no and
aonieilmea anotli.r but allrra the latt one
riooLrdat. '
Hut wlirii Hpiirn Croniptlou camo lo
npr dlijitina, hit I wo ;alaluck the liiiiootF
tljo real on Vm, 'apittally hit olileat one
IlLttrt. I eluiri attrinpl In UetcrttN licr,
but when I tell) on elm had a calico frotk,
vtitlt sailor in wera at Mir
r llnwera at big at vour liaml,
hiaat far bntn, betide half a iloren atraua
o'lada a large aa tho ren I '' your little
fimier, ou may think the waa a. charmer
I did atiyhow. Of all the mayr'Hrn Wun
charmera I'd aver eeed, alio tat the mag.
nun 1-onuntit ! And ao all lhr ouqg fi I
If rt aaid lu. When I fuat aecd her wa
at Deacon Hnook'a mectln'. I fattened
my ayea on lierl till her'a mot mine, alio
looked ateadfai(l, then tmilrd a iharni
in' ainlle aiid bluih'd and Irwk'd down.
Lvrdy I there w'Ma a llullcrin' then, rijual
Ion aaw mill, 'l ween my two jacket pock,
eta I I fait I wa a coner. Prom that
hour I wa too bis for my brrccbet, and
uf Suudaya I horrlnl dad a h
aya I Iiorrieil dad a hreechoa lie it
- -
lii-eii ma
rrled in before Ilic ..evolutionary
Uar, and conwnirat hit knee, but a hr
wa tall and I warn'l they come below
ininn three or lour Inchei. Agin tne not
I"" aej.1
lilg atllf:
meetin I waa prepared to cut a hig
titter aal, tor the ntirnote itarct
lied anil
Ironed mv new fine ahlrt at atifTnnd
aa a ahect of now tin. Thla thlrj had the
finrat kind of Ilea linen lu the boeom and
i i
collar, but tho Invitlhle part ol it waa
ooareo tow, wlih a hem that would cable
a teambftal Now, while Sal waa atnnoth.
ing the rinulea near the aaid hem wllli an
inn jutt hot from the fire, down ttalrea
tumble one ti' the larnal hrala, knocking
lha breath out'n it. Il wa Saturday
night, and the wat the only one up, and
run to il In coiee, bulafore it como to,
inv iron nau vory ueoinnuiy ninue u mart.
that it, burnt iwoholealn ihn exlr mily
oi my linen, rteti iiiorinii i put n on at
il waa, then dail'n true bluet, I lien the fut
rrgtar built par u'elmea I'd ever had, I
waa aeventren Jutt, Hint Numlav mornin ,
and in my Sunday rlgnln', fefl tneelf a
man, anal waa reaolvcd Ifllnttey Crumji.
lion waa at meetin' to how It. Well, the
waa there, and I axl for hor romnany, and
got it) Walkin by Iter aide, I full aa light
a nothin' akorcely touched the ground
I walked on, Hut I ahnnt tell the line
ihinga I thought and aaid to her on the
way, and, morn after we sol home.
(", Oh, yea, do,") aaid aevera) voloei. No
yo'll havaxsnough without thai you're
loaklm thorjam ofTthe tlory yet.
She kept ma up lata)" aay two o'clock,
and aplteof llio novelty (It being the fuat
lime) I cot sleepy. Now lha Squire had
jutt como in the parti, and put up a one.
atory , ona.roomou teg cauin, ana tne wnoto
family, 'oept aome o' the young en a slept
below. I waa a leelle.beihful 'bout gwlie
lo bad lhar, but I waa three milaa from
bajM, and It wu ratnln' like blue blaaee,
ilnnU in tfy'UMn. IrJed,
((.' mi j war JMa
(nif auv mnf and I
Thai wm I
rd by tno lioikd (ball
eleot undtr l,bd)4MHln'i
oir'n me. Jlalr bearaMl INK
hour, blcn.kbrtakftal a l8 a
malnbrdt Juilai(wkgwMi1i
..! I. M. Ik. .1.1 .. &LI
vrnaon. Il w doj( dajca, M,'
ton'xt In iliiiuty. .1 foiimttfi'J
ho wrnl mil aailn and lbll laefc'
iwwK ihai; ibey war in iba-jaH
in atip at n loot oi iim ixu i , 1 1
the fwllioord i
' Dllrtibw . I coilHi'l cpl
' u hrruk llio I ibp but II wat no 20. i
"1 all llm liouniL comitwnccd jftlll an
I lurioiuiy ino oiu -oman and iKHn gala fan
I in '" w what wa up, and wbaa'll
errd il waa lira lliav run out
lo hollow (or lli Arulrr, while Iom7,
llirouxh the crncke, battled wild Sakin
nolra llio curad hounila that arer walHa'
me Oh, I thought ofALamiemMmJ every
body that fter did hang, but he IbAr'i
'liana hr llir wronc end. no. that waa a
coneolatlun I lnJn't. pl'd a ruat my rWe
"like lloiton, hut I remHnWd I bVan'd
' lo m otln'. and it waa aain the role.- I
did, homaomevrr, think eomc mighty jiard
"orm it i.m.in t apeak em! Hut all tkal
didn't doAio good. I couldn't make anth.
in' by pyillu diwnwarda, ao I thouskl I'd
cllinij Lfri tho pott and unlmae myaenlhal
w,y I bad neatly tucccedrd whea,one
o' tlu tininauncrly nunt attacked net in
' the air, ami looiin my bolt in a nof-nie
. . . . -..
Udedly rlln oirmy linen the tottom
butted off, ami come out full lengthen
the floor, In precUely tho aame atate affix
, J"1" "' h eome into iWe wotldl The
uexi minit I waa undor the bed Jtber
I he ctrrlattin' pupt had dragged say Irow.
' ". I cum them off, fcul everyJUate I
put one log partly on, the Infernal arhafiw
would pull tother off. I worried tk
oine tune, when a puncheon
ana i tell through into a tro
through the houto I Uoeli I I tk
wat In the pit Ihat'abctlomlcaet
tbe whole
him dovn hill, and
oi r hrad, to the bottom. Here I recov.
eml in unileratandinr;, and without any
ajiolociua, or urn a wt.nl, I etrutJra be
line fir liomo jutt aa I waain my rvarVre
purity, at a enrcr that nlirihe wad, my
toe nnll attlklnjf firo out r llio flinr every
mil, h'hoya, never went within a
quarter of a mile of Squire Crunifton'a
aflrrwatdt ner did I eten catl ahrtp'a
eyttat IKiaey again, lit alone gallant Mr
home !"
Kpcret ol Being l.ovrel.
Wm. Writ' lettir to hit daughter e
ilia "iniull, awrel coiirlealea of lltc,"cot).
taina a paatage from winch a deal of hap
pioraa might be learned :
"I want to tell u a aeurrl. Tht-wTv
to make youraelf plaatlnff'to prKerala to
ahnw that you cam for them. Tbe whole
w - -I""".
a ,ko the miller at Manafiild, who dared
.for uolod, no, not he beeauat; novd)
rnn.( for him." And the whole world,
' will acrvn ou ao. if oti cite ihrni the!
, aame crtute. Lei every our, therefore,!
. that )ou da rare for them by ahowing '
tame crt
thru) what Strjie ao happily rullt ihn
aiiiau, urn Ttvntiini oi met- mote,
orv JH. omjaut m I iaajaji .mi.aiani t .awttalaara.. .he. . ' tiBaaaaaaaaC2iZr3 . ci-'- ? JaSaaMTganaCJal
lixj,-g,a!,vaatiBt J, '..aitamiij Barayjaaaaaanaer-'- , .- aaTjaaaaaaTTr n iiaal aaWonaaaaTaaaaaaal
12LalnBaJ?aBleaB A.JaaweaweaweWaMaTyJM gaaaBweBBBBeal
ThMlulMtColllaaaaaaaCaiTaaaaaaaaaaaaae TeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaCiaa. ' ' 7SPriaaaTaBnaeJ
ikmM,-iAmmmmmmmmwirm..-ZMrvr-.:... AarwwawwwasaBBaa
... mj v..otovw loiaoai.. iooooooo.veMi. im.'m . . a
aaLtiJ-za woajptaK.. wmm'Jmmmm j-w.w eMoaajp aawei iretoaawe
thotq and I
courtratca in wtiich lliere ia no pari
who. voice ia too aim to If aw, and
manifest ihtinaelvee liv Ipmlee ami
Donate Iraikt, aud lllllo kind act of'aU
trution, gUing otbrra the prcfereuce In
cvurv nine iijovmciit at the tattle, in lliv
field! welklni!. ailtini'. or atandlne. Thltl
ivlhaaplrit thfctilvfe tn yoiihRrdr WblVtch a gooldrn bug. Bill Ihem toner
and to your nog Ti Swertet 'It contf. ITillea, I ray to colrf ; they doea It about
intra the aum total of all the a,iubcraft of h,f iheiraclfa, and if you're any way
women. Let the world tec. that yK urjejteplah, they don't stop much about do.
fiiat earn ia for .nnr,lr an.l vnn i:ltiJail.A k.,1 r I, .
.pread the tolltudonfihe UimatreearoundJ
o In the aimn way, by llm iimunat On of e
a jii'oii ulilth kill nil tbe juice of af.-
fitllon in ita itelghliorhood, aSuch a
h a ujrt
niav oo e."":rcu tor ner uniieratamiing
and nrrompllthmenlt, but !tevavill never
be beloved. '
Tho ed of Invn tan never crow but
undor tho warm and genial Influence of
kind reeling anil allrotlonate manner.
Vivacity goes a great May In young
persona. Il cull attention lo her thai
ditplays it ; and if it then bo fouti'l atao
claled with a genoroit fontllilflly, ita ex.
eoutlou it irrcaialiblo. On tho contrary,
If il bo found It) nllianoe, with a oold,
haughty, arlllth heart, It produces no fur.
lhar effect except an ndverae one. Attend,
to inn, my mtugiiirr. ll' liowa irtm'l
heart that feel fur you all the anilely
that a parent can feel, and not without a
hope which oonililitlen a patent' hlgHu.l
happlnes. May God protect and biota
Your affectionate father, i .
WJrJ, VfRIT,"-
CrtMi TM.uWloko.d.y,
aMI LA. AlMMAaallM LUMMlit'lH
rial nJncntlM M ia'wldm
'wlilubrrhnjf6uiif.aTrfn)ti of
l..d OklhWrt. .
wl ptauiil ft'M ihc.donly of roar
lJ Inquire-, whW tonet'fttfrrf
itiwr oaaiiur mm nn
" . . ' T.
muthth weM exactly
flo, iroOfllBOtai
infallrrble aiiti cf manhood,
many tit otd woman ralaea thai aorter
thing on her upper lip without any tiauble
of cilterwatlon.
'Hie next thins la to buy a (food pocket
haoffcereher and lo keep hi note well
wiped, which i a matter of the greateel
eeewquence, forth) gifterality of the gala
la ttery perilcklar aa that pint. Anotbar
laapprtant flxtrr. in gii'iag fitted out (era
wtftlng exnerdlllon, ia a emill tooth
eonb, for when you wltU a pal oa eieh a
JeNrcate ellair aa love.makln', abe doean'l
expect you lo bring any Iroubleaomc com
pary with you. I wouldn't adwiae you
lo taller your bead with a coromoo din
oaidle lo make II look amooth aod ahUy ;
foriallar halnt atwaya got the ptcaaaoteet
k!nl of bod or, and ite no uto lo try to
kotth a gal'x eye, if you don't pay aome
reaWUo Wr noae. fr
I wouldn't like to reckermend iheee
French aweet.icrnled Ilea and perntatuma
nntter ; ht Ibal'a coreJag M a leeHe tee
Mroog on letter teea; wnare
leckina vatataelf off with cham
nllowan of Meea, and aiek-lika,'
aryl Agi
era) amlla.aaIgWjaM'Jike theaetloa
afaaur trying HJagW her wHi.aay
lieat like a geh rvlbhliaaT al a hail aad tail
It .! . -71. ,ii ill.- I.
tag giniiy, io iry wunncr you ii iiao ii or
wot. and maybe while you're dotnc ao.
Ttm'll gel hooked, arid be obleeged to take
ft whether you like it or not. Suppoee
you want to thy on, you find ahe'a got a
hold of your gilla In a way tbat'a onoem.
nioortitJcreeabie." if you vo gel anything
Sit pay with, the fetche you up with a
ireaih of nromlte and make vou pay
puny handtome for all the hugain' and
iiatlu' you've gin her In the eparking era
ion. S'poae ou've got nothiog but your
bide and taller, (aa tlic aayiug !,) ahe'a
glne rally iot a big brother orcouain, thai
ceme, with a raw.hide in hi hand, to ax
you what yon mean by making a fool on
bar. Then, if )ou hainl got epuok e
naugh to tako tho licking, vou hat to take
tfcewwrfr, which ii generally the woner
halternallvi) of tho two.
I tell ycu what it la, my young cenlt,
you'd better know hat you're arter when
wu U-i-in to i.av vour 'dreaaea to a wir,
J- " "' "
jeiut. Hut oh.my dear fellera, hadu'l)ou
Anlter Ib wideawake, If you ever think
about buakTnc un to a widder! She'll
tingle, you Up like a fly. Ill ateb.wab,
(ibite "otl arr tporUnc lii the, aunehlne of
fcr amllea, not drramTim of any danger;
anu inr lire! )ou kiiow oi youraiiciii'
that yon are a gone chicken. A wid.
kin lung hcraeir around you likuaan-
ondy ; anil when )ou feel thai bhea
a grin on you, you mout teal aa well
n in al once, for your partition ia de.
II. II n widdnr tnkr a notion tn you,
tho'll have toil leal at aura aa a bov kin
SSomellmea, in tho coune of human
eWcnit. Ii mav Iw a feller's detterny to
court any old maid. That's a puny nice
jab; 'apeclilly If aho'a got any votUr ;
IK ll wont do to lei ner autpcci mat any
ilar attract yoavbul her beauty. Tbe
oyer and uglier aheTa, thq moro the wanta
u to lie intra cated ltn ner lovcuueu.
fou rea a mighty great offbrt to go off
a fit af extercy when jou are kissing
old aal mat nam l get a loein in ner
d i and if you do aloh a thing for the
or, a lortln, I aay ll'a aooui aa naru
ay or yearning money as i anowa en.
airs, I think it are I
ow. I want to give the abemale part af
aujente a few hlnta and Intinerations
wrulnrz lha part they oughteraot in
drammv ol courtship. Fust and for.
it, If a feller ia the Mast bit of a pup.
aaoa mm m qutex aaaporn.nuaatng.
ng short of a man, la fit far (parking
aaat and ratwomber. my aal. that
thW other praof of manhood to bely
atikiildae) pair of whUkera. rtaalba
t M too rnaea nnfgisg ia tat eauniag
aloh aniamia rtaeaoTao tteaaW aawat it .r.T -i'T- 7 T "TJBBMaaa aweeTF- ""1
Py eraaU. I. auaJb &. Jl. eetM.Bkataa Tr." "" T.r l1 UOmm nil III II I aawew
r " i aw-e- eweaaiaBBBBBBF-. . -T" .L.aaar e aaaraatAaiaaBm oaaa astasia aaavaui aaaa oaBBBaaam wbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi - - - aa.1. ' i an
Pfaaff CaJlal of MamMbaey. the MaeAarler C?!!S wlaC!3CC" 7'i'SSlPr.
V. nefJaf . Mesa lhat hk ha aaad li" aanaWTli TZJr7WMa2ZrT,&- afMMaM Maaaareaa
tP!L TAlMia preaiailf rMtV. dgffcal tee lZ233BSKEvlmmiL-& TWSSSm
1 1" taaajr JMtKMdiyla'IJaabV?5ri khe JaaaaaaaaaH5IB2T lM2MKf9
wimoj n awa
tu. If w
MUMCiMt yMfUNa".!
bara afaatt afaW mMfh
av1W V bHVIvV 1
a palf
and Maih irhlwar anr kthrilM iln Ibkai
apd . OiaVii mm aaal
.'em. Whea'a
tiag aei
SlnajghteM blCtMl
ilt)1rai, wha cbap
to MegallM bwtletje ttli
-r- r -T-L"
oretrHaber. If
hale all thatMfMrtbMayei BMydepial
on'l ha'il taaat to eoaw to a qaisk aaltU
menli' for rale redan t love la a jlnuiMge.
ahead arlsMrale: it'a for plichloa, on
waiJ. Ta'aaeteaf ererr oUterc . . Ptl bo
Watwedlfkta'ntl 7
Aad ao, ladata and reata, heaiaar V
I've fetched any euUimeldoerawltfaTa the
coapaaeofyeufeaneeertlra, I'll ahetup
for the Dtreaeat aad leave rm ia neilarlata
on the wfeeVenjof Horawr lllgg'tebollom'a
aiaiccnta lavieT."
The k'etekerbooke'r. for July, la lamed
by Samuel Ifueetos. The Introductory
article ia eothloO the Northern fleaWe,1'
and ia written try Mr. BMawortb,wk9
lately npreaawtaoj oar wwe)lry-aMt at"
tne nortMra.oaarta or
l n-a
i e-ahaa we MM aoxt aaa neat am. .
Waa raring wwa way, aM waa fooler,
AM every atmrk aaa-aeaUtte
Tfce la the kind of aplril that Is going
to preserve our "grMt and' geMorioua
ked'niry" fremprtvfMturedhotelutioa.
" I see you are la Mack," said friend
of ours, tho other day; "Are you in
mourning for a mend, Tnwaaa 1" "No;
I am mt..." vtog for my ahbt.!! Sl aaver
beard lhat r had lot! aay.'' wm lha In
stant and kern reply. "
(toon alter toe revolutionary war, a
brave Yankee eCcer, a former captain
ia the sanrlca. happened to be al St. Pa.
leraburg, in fluatia, and while there was
invited to dine al the laWeof a dlMingutah
ed merchant. There waa a large num
ber of guest at tbe table, end among the
real an Unglith lady, who waaanxioua
to appear aa one of the " knowing ones."
On understandinn that an American waa
attliog mar her, she expressed to one ol
her fricude u determination lo quia him.
She fattened upon blm like a tigrcaa, ma
king numerous inquirict touching: our
habile, cuatoni, drees, macnere, mode of
IIC ul..i..ilu. ' u. fn tl
..v, vaiiavi..ia,, aiiiiw,i,a;m, trio. v till
theaa qucriea tbe oewoer gave oourteoM
anawers, which teemed to aaliafy all the
company with the exception of the lady
herself. She waa determined aW to be
isiiatied, and went oat "Have the rich
nle in your country1 any earriageef
luppote there are some wheeaalllMra.
atle rldh" "My rctldenco," replied,
the captain, " I in a amill.tarwUTjjaJB ta
ialaiul, wlaora4ti'are'but fcwarriages
kept ; bm lu lb larger towna aad cities
on the ma'n land there are quite a number
iiutiuiaiiivu, tunc louur ispuuuvna man
B ii I.J.1 1" ...likt. r.l..,u
MWe MWV ' . M.f H' " M . W.
tionar, In a tone it.M waa' both iotf'rroga.
tive and exolamatory; "I can't fancy
where you And ooaohment I abeuViut
think the Aniericaae knaw Aew lo drive a
coach." " We find no diKculty on JUf
account, Madam," calmly rejoined tho
captain t "we can hava plenty of drivers
by tending to England for then." "To
l&1.n.l I" ..I.UJ tba Ual aaaUaa
very quickly i "I ihUbk lha AawtriMM
ought to drive lha English, iastaae) of the
English driving the Americana." "Wa
aVd, Madam, in lha lata war," rijewei
the afoeer; "hut bdaea the peaae.'we
hava permitted the Bagllah to drlva aal'i
There waa aa .mora ,''quiaaJBa''.at'oar
American during lha dinner, . tie waiwd
in vain, like San, Jfeller ia -'Bardell va,
ncawioa, ror tne next queiuoa.
PpKcroaUTtf. WaehtagtOB, whaajk)da
oretary, belag rtpaatadly late MJU.
laadaaoe. laid lha Blame aa Wa waMa.
Mid You must auWfst aepjlwr aaah,
MlaMtlteraeewiary. ; .', r
lavMrtaM awa mtm 1mmimvii ,
Ituraaa,-' Aaaoac lkMra'abeVaw
aawirv are aaaaa airman? leeaa awniaii i iBab -.....
HTBtatatBBtawaaAf.taMtouaolaxaa'vatoieaitai I .l. - ' ' .t.
peeaaaeaeaayig-j ejaitilejoPrTaaVeMaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaTaaaaai m. ' LaeaatoAaai
!PaarMv1gT3Ckju v.jBe iaT!
tr-rm "T"- .r '. "IMTSljaaaaapaa rsawaxoaaBtaaw
Vim take aha tallnaTaaafi J ,' fflWIag.. ai tie atiaaoaaV
Tleab rlUa'Tn tkn .gWggMaaj ? -- -..-. lw
exhrbiieel Wbleh
few wattiMar
faTefM pMaVI Of wMM I
tiro MataMrt'tJeMM
ally ftaaaaw raJtiaWa.
at'eJaWMf. W
r. u
rWM J aseoTelBeaaawtwa Tgfi
with aaVaataaa
aVglaaj OfMBrH VVlavW1
lOaMM a etMai teMafV
gaawHHM toM
fOafa WMtaypTiMMMM
by tho fbttfaMeaM
hava aWaeati a waM at
eratlaa wWah J trtM of aat.
obaraalariatle. IfltxwfJMJ
ia tho Aabtricaa VM4eMaVl
serving a pair af verr" wtl 4
exqubitely gaMeMMraMM
wUor lha Priaw af Wmimf
ofiaa wart. faara aawiM
nlllehlaiar anr tsanta Wtaiataaaa.
wtveawawaj awe ewei eweianaeew
!leii8a'sBr "'
UfJgtggniVlaaaaa y
rias for lovajaM awjfc
lorUMMKa hi
trees: who aWM
takea a'tady. -YW art' I
wHe. rMawIM Mr waajr 1
by your lady.tYabav4l
aeu, a Mra.eM,ybr4'
ineaoa, a laay aar ino 1
will aartati with ve.'yaarl
aoooawBoHata yaav,' ytvMWatJ
mi; . ieur-wiiwwja,.IM-
luMhold. your aalstraaa 1
your laar of 1
tiokyeur wifcj
quire aejeryourheah
wan year win, a nos
and join aartten wkh
wire will ahara.JMaf ga
your moaay, aid your
your aJtlrMattMtjtjatVi
mournlM." "A yaaral
He aseia veatr wMevlaV
iwiltreeay la. al,WMdiagB
raoafntag ffmmfWFm tatajat,
A talking rMethrtaee?aajbt
Orleana a-Bv araaeia
tinuer. acearato'taa
ihlneen haejra,twnata
waea taey wi
anjoeiiM n
lucklaa wl
(aTvTaTy oWMayHl
r AaewatM(i
-fUntg ngP
".. djHHjH
at '. ..i
. v.
j. :
LTrVrf 1
a r. '1
i -" !
' .'Vi
- m
t ''
I ..!',
r 1
F --,-. 4