vVSJf 1"Kj fc,i-n' "J" r. ' .p -"iu vS A-J wr ' ' 4 IEMNW A -X Oar, fe I'- U iV"- r. Oregon Spectator. OKEUO-V CITYi TUESDAY,' SEPTEMBER 9, 1631. t. j tCRNElLY, EDITOX. !-!? p7 TtW Statesman hi given it out that tU Spec&tor It .bout "lo 'yield up the jhotl' .It tt m good t dead. Probably it will lira tag enough to expo more of Territory. What a great thing hv-numeroMa frleoda who are at all time "ready and willing to tako up the 'cudgel and go Into an editor' ainctum atrd hclpklrati "dobattVagalnit hi ootamporarKt. not among all the Helen, ce pot up ferjhe lllerar)'. fapolcon, we havo aot'tMn in'. firat.A of ('aid anj csmibrt" omred aa an apology lor the de tention lh printing the law. " Why djnot .twfie'of theaa'attpple and obliging corre. f.jndcntu relloTo tha'Stalelman cdllorof aomo of tho charge tho people are bring Ing againrt 'film for tatd delay I Not a line ha been written by way of explana. tloo. Tho work, it wa said, could not bo done lu tho' Territory. For trpcditlon It rauit be aent to the State. ' Wbetl.er or not we are ta got them beforo the Lcgiala. turo raf again, the Statesman liai not Informed u; but It look extremely doub. ful. . &" Mr J. Wraley Jone. being en. gaged in taking view of tho route actwi tho plain and prominent place on tho Paclfio coiat, deaiiea u to atate that he uialirs aomo iniat or daguerrectypiat, te ' take tome SO vlawpi of different toene in Oregv3, iz; .the important town, and the mott interetttng mountains and river iccp tmoeracy, whh.. , oorfeapondenta flowing line, r grace. I admit, tnd hope a If, , , , , , tl,Ulill, u, , ., ,, r ,. r .,, ., , , at hand, ready moulded, to do all.klnd. of a reformaltcn aomcthlng ,W ,.r the thin ci h a','rcsJ J- h , , , , , s dlnynrorkjlheyaroacalteredalloverthe JrVom feny )fVrvV'7B Lml toe of the foot. Tho cloth tohe mk .,,;., , ..,, .... , , ,,. ... ft.. aa.LM. L. ..ill ... A ..aK lU.I.L.- I-.. I 1. It. .l.:- .... a ..1 cn j r otjis.m uc win I'wij "C" rtiwii ivi iir irau in (i uuuiwwit i v k.ii j"4itii-. . . ...... .mi ii t. 1 1 ... . i .... i Vi t l.air.plato vlew.'-de.ivered at any ol . . eu e u. c(llm.nj Sr. Uvoh,, ami Hi the eutern cities or St. Loui., the coming UJ y'lli' "verv ntt imi ' J"ful '"l". " "l0 ""' ' "" ' ' ' winter. Perton. wUhing to embark In' fcet wIlich f uil0 ,5,nj In Hit. L""'; ""I w,,'"1 ultl 'r""" ,'f ''"' the enterprlaecan ee Mr. Jone' letter by , ,. co.tume, while ogr ' under.tandtu' i, ' .ft,ur,l,, ' ,h, ,B'lr' "'1 :n,",' r' ", "' callingatthhofl.ee. We nuolo from the lengtl.v, and nculd naturally auggrat to ,?,',?. , V ,'"."" V" , " n' '" letter fh. followlne OTraaranh which con-. leUlera tho propriety of .bhrci la. '"""c ' u( '" V',,J C, V, K7" I" teller in. lononingpiragrapn, h men c-oii. j t .,,,, .. new invent on U iiiidotil dl .in- ''.i -Uina-wmo .direction. t. tho mod. orj '',n? ,f "?.1'0,, El, 'T, l'"!'''1"1 labor a.ilnB..cl.l., ..(.!- .. ., . itMrt. o cannot tell ni lint rig it .Mri. , , ., t , , , , llTI,. nt.,.. m. I. ..nt n.V.t In ' .s i'i..-. ....j vvm. u-s.s ... grooved boxea well aoldered; DagucArco- lypitt underatand thia. There must! te note accompanying each picture; ofltho colorof Ilia prominent building or IrViea or rocka, i-'c. Arc. Also of the charac tcr or the country it repre.enta, and if whcrtKbout or geographical pjiition. Thl.anysohoolboycouWaoido. Any. ihlnw hitinrleal or le-erdarr eweornin. any particular plaic, we will l? glal to . -- ..-. - T U aind make proper alloaanco for it Ulrly gotten up, vt. u.rK... ... .t...,sn,l i ii i . In have nt ili-nlt v -nou"h lo heir tin haion tho way hero a propaller, and wil" " "' "lr.n"-v ettuii tu near up , , .,,,., i , . .j . acalnat tho conieniienceaof lla ailonlicii, havo becu told that it wa tho Intenlionul. ,n j f .!...,,' , , . I ., c msLCOiieoi inouretua, put nun anu tho owner to place her on tho Tualatin river. Wo are pleated to ire the Idea of i Tualatin navigation gaining greur.il ao fait. Wo liars not arcn tho General, but presume the statement iniy to relied up. en. " " (ffr- Th-M'ropeller Washington, on her .Inwnwurilirln. on.nn-1..! wrek. tu!i-.l I offtho liaft oroncorthe ntt-neller, by I coming Ii. contact with tho bed of the riv. .. tn .(.nil nlaen Sin. mul. tun 1,1... t V It l ' i , ' cr in a iioai piaco. one maue o trips joung girli and women wl.o have not aflerwlrdi, iio'.withaiandlng Iho depriva.paw.'il iho prime of lifu may luol: viry lion of ono of her nrouillers: and made ,vc" '" Turkiah trow.crs. V. would. rv IZ ,. VL Tl Wash in0Z I.' liko " '" '' uch ""7 . ' very good lima loo, ri.o X.uhlngton l.lj,,,, MJUIjtt, t0 ,B0 ,AU wn)fn ,; muoh tho largest boat of ihs kind in uss. ',,,.. ..h... t,u. ...,. ,. on. ..... here. C7 The New Vork Illustrated New, though not equal to th great Londati Il lustrated News, makes a fin appearance end may be act down a a pratty fair bo ginning in the way ol illustrations. Wo hope It may succeed well, as It desurvos to. fcr Tho Propeller Dlack Hawk, ha been takrn below the rapid to be run In the lower trade for a " spell." We aro aorry toieo this; but as it is a. nailer over which we havo do centrol, we have noth ing maro to aay. (ttr The editor of the Oregmlan ha been shown two large pecmen of gold, dug on Soil river, ono weighing 1030, the bluer over I0U0. Ut W, learn from th. Orrgonian that Itiw Iwwigraat were drowuod in lb. Co. 1'Mss.lU'HT.rUSbve th. Cacadej three WsWmm'Httr lh. Mouth of the Da Shule wan. Drown txtwm ine uaue i" J!' -- TT" lUMffolsvl) lh aow.r - V MIMII. ,whaw 10,000 I.W9 bloc yvb1 JMtWMCrlMt M . Wt twit, read many amutltlg notices of th. nw costume exhibited in differ. nt ptrU of the country. The great ni. Jority of th. editor approve of lb Turk. It!i style. A few havo the good eno and Independence enough to denounce it at a mode that baa a tendency to compromise .. j. t.-.e.i.,. e-l. .. k .. i . in. uliUi.j vi ..iU .... . "'"! operation on varloui klmU of work. Wc,1"'" v """" "' """ 1h '" imrii.i ttr that Interest trmjadle and ona that jccnlca it la the moat perfect and niluuru U' un.!i in.u!nci (..ik'ninnn ilu concarna tbem alone, vahall lot them, apeak for thtnuelvea by copying tho fol. 1ntrlnu rirrt. whlrh lull iiur iilen . L0.?.'' V'tBV.?yl?'M''.t,?; cut. ni". i. i . i. v.roiiirr, oi nil. noli, wrllins to the Cl.ioaso Tribune, ro. ..Li, .Tl,..ih ...MB .W,..,r ., W"-Ifc -l -WW! I ww 4 fair country. i. - r.. ..!... i "1. ..:"'" ; ibiiiitb ni-jr. n rn aii:riiicr iiiitiIiitpiiiiiiii. st 1 ' I'i-ti- it ii i' ii.iuii 11 i" ' i mi 1. t- .- ! . uui 1 iiiuuki uiiii-ru bium ir my ..i l .ij ..ii. .iii r ... i i it .1 .... 1 ' iu i iniu vii u umui iiirimiic uriai .omen If they could l.nd 110 h , , , , k , iween ho (lowing tobee, ,0c,n nM or , medium bctwei gncefully ellingtlicirlImba,andtlielior. rid brecchea I ... . ...... . forum we add. Well, let ladle, who with to denude thtmarlvea of the diatln. guilielink of their ex, do it aa early a posaible. We know uol what tho men think, but wc read the chancier of tuch women, and they are by far oo progrca. Ire for ua and our old fiilhiourd notion of " fold on fold" to drape the female figure. I have alien alx men' to mv country, to pill her coil, to fill lior chanuela ol com merce, to engineer hrr canala and rail. roaila, 10 bulla her liause, ami 1 cannot to uuiiunnr uauaea, aim i can noi Lfof'ml.amrfflhe" tm of my life. a. to doff the gown now to patriot! and aatumo Iho trouaera, or even b allow it In ba ataited In a public print, ao wide. ! Vstkail a tiiM tliial I imeiai'ii nt aaa ., - "" -ri"-- -' such ultra exhibition of our aeve unfit. nr for the breechea. Who would he a father llMt could bj a mother I ' KTMra. Swlaihelni. in the Salurdty Visitor of the I Uh ult., haa the f.itloning In relation to the new co.tum- and .Mrs. Itloomor: "We find quite a number of our . change actling ,., doi,a,an oppenent ol tho change in .Ire.,. Some one gor, ., tat ua iw raj aj nriu 'lie 1111 iu invivir it. and then Ixcau.e Mr.. Kliwmcr ook .'.... r.... ...I .1. ,l.:..l,!. ...,T:..:.... I. b. MUM SIV .lll.m ,, . U.llv.lll, f( I VUll'l-, not'jnly Ut jealousy, hut for ilowuriyht hoatilily. Aa for the new dreaa it -trite s ua aa a mire mailer of taste. The out v ' particular in dre-ia no havo oppiacd is ithe present shaped l-odicc, akirla which do not real upon ll... .houl-kra, an unn-c earv quantity of them, and a maaculine to,lume. We never visgcaled ll.n ml..p ilnn el tlio Ttirbiil, il Inn il.li.L-it ilue.omeia.eaaay ueoreia.aoniy,.rle c,0 u n0,ri, 0 . r(yfr jull for he atrec, and church, and evening. 8Uch , dlilnnco bo,lv ;,, ,,, M, rartlea." and the Oallot Ikix and I'utllo .... ,. ATI ,,.,. ,,,., , ..... -. ..... . ......... .K.'. ........ ... very cnmcnic.it nnJ aVopriale in manv placet, .and on many occnlon: but tin not think w. ahould ever llko it, for full drcaa or an ovrnlni; coilums. It woiilil Im ,.oo,l in work .nil S..II. in. 1.,i...IU- ran . . .no ... " a.tow .i v, ...o or tnree nelihlnri. the first inun wo nut wasi pnoivholrndbccnBlniovlamemhsrofour fauti.'v far seven yiara. lie stood nnd looked until no rimecloso, Ihen exclaim. ed " Will I do know you I believe; but indeed I thought ll ' " , " .Vow. Marv (J- iaa nifceofoun about thirteen years oln', and it did atril.- uv lliat fur a iioman of thi.-IV.rour lo bu ,nI""' '' Missof thirlten, unlit lic came tZTlt'Z,!!!'-!:!!!;!!'0' rtlf." AMAo:ncENT'Il.or..-.nB.'-Tholte.r,"''1 , . t 1 . publlo glvr.lho following account of a J ,10 la,,cr "'l'' cor.",l'"'"l' "l-J young ladv ho lately promenaded I'mn- 'our notions to a fraction. " K'lujs un." sylyanU avenue, In tho new coalume .1..--1. ' i .i -. . Tho trenror wa a young lady, liged about 11 years, me urea was extreme. ly fanciful, and was something lil.o this : 'i'ho Irowacra iterv mado ofdiep pink sal- in, covered ttithwhiio figured lace, full,lWo I'0!"0 our l'roll":r wil1 Imi'mw- llm and drawn at Ihoauklus, front which frills! opportunity, hy making 1my ulnln ilmsiiu ' or while lace lull on while kid boots. Tho. tunic fairly reaihoJ to tli lairoa. Thia was likewise 6f inalerluU aimilftr lo those of tho trowscr. Around tho hem of the skirt was a quilling of pink riband. Tho sleeve were full and tight at the wrists. I' rill partially colored tho whllo kidded j " ,v mlilako not, Ihli it lint lirat -.in. i.r. hand, in the right of which was a large, tho kind In Oregon : at any rate, in Ihu! 1 t......ir..t .. ti... ...... t.-i. .....I. . . . . I .in tiuauiiiui i.ti. ..- iiuin noir ".. uraiiitu anu turneu uck un ner neairi wa a roll or (urban of pink ailk .ml w lace. A billliant ornament In from ol clasped tho barrel of two while ft-athe tipped with rod, which gracefully wa1 a alio walked, somewhat cmbarrasard, with a malo friend mpposed to bo her fa. tnor, Two nnninaiitmiai. m. la ilu aikI V r "" .". -v ."- r ' -'"" .emVun r.tllntf ..I In 1 1. a . 'I'l.. at' lady. It I aid, resides In litis Dialrfct. BIHOiif uUHvw III IHV IVNI. . IIIM There were not very niauy persona on the avenue at the lime of the display : but those who were, availed tliemaclvciof thsvppporlunliy to tako good look at (lie lady aid the costume, loth of whtoh wire ihn Mswwiy oraiiy. - I A Uremt Invention Wo havo had the pleasure of It-oklng Into and examining the working or a in.i. .i.i.. r.. ..... -r .11 LI...I. t....i Wiimsi - ivnuiu! v. .. n.ii.t-, inini in yentcd, and now In uta In i.int.v pun. ul the Un led Slate. Opr friend ami fellow townsman, Mr. Jacobs, form"rly 1' 'rimmi inint tin' iinnm of the i'h im il.it for Mr. Hurdell, la Ihe agent for llm ante ,,,, ,r..iili llm inure i-l I..:k ...null of them In Hilt city and Mri.mv. n.l All.,.., ,..,..., . Wll, ,, ,,, , "W rvuri ni.iiniu rrn u in iirariii.in fit1 apecimen 01 lansco ins;t'iiiiii miii I kl" "' ",e CT" " ,l4 ro'pl'' K I maeli lie for making carda, or i lit. We b.vnnol rnaU.jU .till In M..r.l..i. I... I,. .I. , V s V I !" ondful invention. W. c..n I only ay It Ii built ol Iron nml l.iii, nil X . ... """ ". CI'1" '" "?"' "" '" '" 1 ;..III !.. . . I ... 1 - II.. 11- a siiilIi , inarv rato ot inotiou, to tlu number of rvrn orcli-lil luinilicJn-r niln V . inc. II s'AH IV UIIVVIl lUltilirr iia i.,-irf .... 1. I... .!...- .....1... .Li h ... ,.......v. .. . tanco Irom earn oilier, ami all on the s.uu acam precisely alikr. It can he gradna tcu to make the alllchva close, el to touch each oilier apparent!), or tn mil. them an elehlh of an inth una tl. I It threaiLcan, bya almple proceas Iv.l n light, or b-i left more looso. Tho ,tn aro aewed very firmly. They d.i imt .i ao eaaily na ordinary acninv', nml cm, ' .' . . ., ., 1 11 1 made nut at ilrnnr- na thf flirrail n it! a '"'i "i " "i'ir 1.. ,i... r. ., 1. ,.. ., , . low. Any alupeil aenm max It ,.mcI ;,,, ,,,.,, , , vt0.,,nA , , J-ircc,,"- The only thing it cunno, .!. ,. omaK,bMt()11 ,10lciam,r ( (,,,,,, When onl'e atarteil, ll can caiil) mi thread tnougli m run it lutt'ii il.i nn'rot' ..topping , n. ' '.... Vn havo aren the Uioin n' ,i fine shirt that wna atitched by it. tn ii R aicurato a lau acciirnir tutu Inn ,in ! of course, in all that cln of aw inc Ii r the alllche appear, ani.iiliMtM. .t , ' mg. V:c , the work U c-r I ; i I0 ,,lia' "f 'll0 mn rpenru,?..: I,.i I Theao admrnlilo mkclunea nr.' h.t , .Tacjurtd by J. M. Singer, nf N ,. . , '',"1 "' ihey are ,.p,dl K hi-u- ' '"" n" ,ou ' ;" U,l:l i,'n; '" ' "l ' .1 r . f".'n tlm arpoarancr of thing. n I, aa U Iii -j 1 tit an.t oA.iiti !., lrnM, r Mt i it i .t fuiiutte aru bctni! uriplirJ .''i th-t riv a i sot a ui lint vvininiiii rcilll.limil 111 lllll umill-ll m ini.tms 'sTMiu Sl'ile Jnurmi'. " ' an-rriU"ttl to a'ale. na .. Isre number uf trniisicni n'iiiini.r hum lullett! , at ihv ilnlributimc ulli' . A,lfia ,, ,, of , r Mr, ,, , , , , . , , , i,aM anl ''"'I-' K"U" "", I"1'""" thai iii-rvou. n-ndini! ni'Wrn"'r iihi-' prepay llicitt, and it is ilu duty jf il pov.mnlou to i.nmp tho ore-tit and tin ,.;,.,. froll. .lcli llir-v art. at-nt. .. , . , , ""- wrapper. 11 l liniriat.I nml p. r aonaaniiling papcra to tliflr Irun Is in Ih , ,, , , ,, . , .rtiava aluuldiiotonlvkiion lba, l,niihi. .... . . , . ;. Vm obiervo it; otherulso lh. v lll fa , , , .l.-linalIon. Tl i-.p-t.t-' , , , ' "P" " ""'"1 m"-M"T" ' l0 """ rath. 'JVi Cslifjini-t t cut, Letters fur llte.Slaica prepaM, U tents: jf ll0 pnpaid. ID cetita : to Calif-trnin, prepaid a - nt, , if no, prepaid, A .v.,.. '.'.... . . ' ' . . " '"" '" ""'' hy ""' aivi- ll.nl lit- pttago oil irans.ciu mm aimp.-ra la nuuo-i double that charged o luiern; uhil.t mMt ,l' '',', ""!."" lf'"'" "'" ChBrjfcll mure tllBII Our time 4 llltloll 01 ritivpap2rsi. ,, . .. , , ,, ",, ,, ! , " V ' ",'" "f "7 "" 5 ""rf "PI? "P rlpen.in.o a ,.iout.che ; i,r uf ,n n.i , ny lill you I1n1ql.4nrv.tl iir hiI-I-.ju. .Husband", Iil;o ii,c, arc ull llm t.Micr dutigeroua" wo have acti'd u III.' re 1 versa policy. Ilro, Wntitrinnii sli'ttiltln'l follow ull. " Circumstances ul. reavn.'1 The land donation Ian new oida u! ikiii.. shines. 03r Wo noticed a fi.iv d.ijt a-M, in' fronfof Mr. Coffin's miv building, I'.ri. j land, a briok pavement being laid ilonu. nrgt thai has couiu iin.lcrnurotisi-rvati'iu ' Tho pcnplu of l'uget'n .Sound itrnj ling tho Ury Dock fur the I'liciliu' ,., ., ., ,. ,1 1 i .1 11 ,.. 1 cling tho Ury Dock for tin IVIliu'. lo bo Icoaled in llnil tin rl til Ore-. . .. 1 gon. 'iho harbor there la unaurpasuil li) any other on Iho entire I'oclfi.' cuntt. . S . ' fc- - 4tV f i . rv.r . .. . ... TiC w" 'T-vw ii. s .. ,iiiii,iiiii-i .T- a I'frarl'I III ion litiat t.MAIi linl tl I.I I a. ia.,1 at Lebanon, Marion County. Joieph Hunt ha been appointed IVi Mauler. The Lot Whltcouib will leave Ihu fool of Iho rapid on Saturday next, al ft o'clock, for lh Ciiead.i. fT" VlM'INNMI.' I' 1 I 1 III, 'I. I'Jilor ptelnlor Si)! In 'Mir paper -l Si-pi. '.', m hu , , , , "" ,,r'' "" "'''" '" .""' ' "r ' ' omt r, ilnie.1 Lien-nl. Juh t . ! ., .... nuiiinn' ul ti fn- pim mi in inin Nun it is , ,:!,, ,nl unit 11 In 1l.r..it mi...i, ,n ,,....,' i '! " ' !''" tl III. .... I .'.... .1 ..... ii . . 1 I. 1 Tl tl ..I . .. i . J , I !. r. i.m ; II am! nii' it 1.9 t n, ami tli.u ilir I. la I I'- S'l "' '- 't i;.L..ai. mil I!.. 1 " sir, 'I n ii" .us Irmn tlw .'ii ' . .: r.igraili tint! llif ' hi'., nt. ui nun s 'roiA of hiiilif!; a 'ntmii Iji Hit. s'r. un llial II iiijj Ih kinmii l', viii.l -111. Cist I 1 linn, an. I nil elicit, lli.t .iiiin. 1 1 f I'.-llI llg II l.ri t'rr.'U , ltl.il b. in ; I1. mum: 1. 1 ulmli In' slrcaui ! n n iiinonsi ilu' 1 nr'i Nlntn sill..rs, 1 ' . .1 11 mi.1 f llVll 111 sji. ' .11 is 1 ' J'"' Imvui; I..111 c 1.11 u H 4s . In i e l.t-i. ri, . ih i.n'i lr. 1.I1 .1 1 ; 1 ., , ,rB,.,;, , 'tur . ,.,'rJll, , , . , , nririr as wc i .tl, I i t r m t' i. ti .m ll. ' "'. "j'i " " t.il .,. In ,, B ,, , ...,., S..i, ,. . .l4.. . lllllrl .,. ,y ,. ,. his in,, thai iv li.no ivii ll" .it'll nt. un I nili. I S il's oilj..r i.r an i.ili. . r nl Trance, l,nt wi Imie the nullu'ri'i ,a ft us ti t an nti iri ii", f!i.tt l..t 'n . 1 lias l! .. itonip th .t u , . .ii. tt 1 1 '. sti. ,in l tlir first . i,.' . . I I., i... nili i , 4i I i '. Ili'V JlIlM .i'i I.'1 rf snt'ini ur.I ,. iiuitriat.n! i ur it l 'tri.j ,- . i' Lit; i fit- i.. "Ihr tl,Jr) Vrf.'Vr X l mi .UN ("til I'l l .1 Pi. Til, t. .,K l,, li.l s,p, ., lH Ih'ur xir I mi. nit; i .i .1 I ' sort", in j'' In.. ! .. ts 1 1 1 j; i If, 1 Ii it ii i.imr. ih' "J ' i !' hn .irriie.l iliri'it In in ii., S i , IjIiiI-, iit'lt ii i -ii . e! it , -i s iii'tr. The J i'iii A'i' i'. m it i S tll ll f .' Ill II,,, 'I ! ll t', ,1' , hoii, I 1 1 i, ...'.!. i' . .i -tlfi-Osi, 1 ' ti .it t), I'l. I i I1,il.s ' , i.. , .1 T. . I. . ' t t I'll lll , ' ..! ', s'. II'. Is, .11 I ' I c ttljt ll III' I. tl III .III. tl ' .Mini I'l r I .jirm ,tl. I i lit i, .' I ...1.1 I till s,,!,,, ui lllillK.t .s' r i it! i . I ' .1 s; r I'i an I Ii . ii ill t !.i.:ei ut . .itt I r ' i .ii., ' tli. r .flu '". Hliu'li. y i i' ' iiiiinii'ii'aiioii I1' In. ni' it I Ui I 'I' .ll ! ur.il r'HIISf I'iIII si inj r. turn I T' '' . '! ,r. 'ju.lrr, spars A" An. I I v :'iat linn i- llm Inn. I i ; n s in ,i i nit I ll n Ii. ti'l i v, .. i . 1 1 1 in t . . tilings ah hi ii lui.i .i.l i anl ; . Ii ir I 'il ti ' .11... J 'lill ll' .11"' I" I. nht iiol thai I.l t I 11 is .'j, Mr-Is Illf.iV iv ' 'l "I I .'1 . Mi!l ij Ilu 11 liiiiii.! I 1 .11 1' .ii Ut M 1 pa 1 tn ni i i.i.iv h lit ship, tt ll. ur. iimt rniti uj i.i rrdrr "i. -".ttit.i'it i 1 .. '. Iw. n Hi NI.iihIs nml 1 it. p n, .. t.H.l.il I., h' 1 1. .Ii t-,!lli'.ll' s. 'I'. , , ,t i ,s ,,l III -in. in 11 til 1 ''-lout i,,, iim.,, n I il,., i i umi., .n....ia! im S ... t. '...n ,..., ,1. I ni -t in ri ir. '.! I i:i. I'. I M'uN, if t! 1 1 In I'ijiiiiI). r I.i ulciiarit (tfiieriinr. SA r. i:i'ii a 1 m it. i:ck i.i: v. (Jl t'trridl t'tiur.iy . - .' ,t..tri nfDlul', C.mi. Illi.l.. of i'.riit. Allorii") tr 11cr.1l, IJi.miv Mia .i.i.iiu 1 , nl I'luhklin Auditor 'if Male, Jiiii.n WuiiIjs, nl llnllir Tieatiti. r I' .Si.il-, Ai.nrar A. Hum, "I l.-trmii I'lildn. ''nik , II4MI.I. .Sl.n.l (, uf l.tir Uk. JnllS .MaIjI.IHA. of llat. Kami II. I.i.man,I ,Mi.s,m -um ''iipriin. Jinlp.'s, fi J, A'llillt.UI. nf ,'n lil..j:.1. (!. C t'nsVI.IH, ol Miiililngiiiii. 1'iTf.a O1.1.IV, of M ut!f m-rv, llci.l.lM V SniHLIt. I-I Illillilltr-U. (iunii-i. II. Wa. of iKIiauce. ai it.. 1.. 11 t I ..r 1.... .'i' nun- l;.i.iiii iiiii.iii ..1 ..- .11.- .,l(i.M, .... '.,.,, ,,,, ,.,. t ....,. i !..... I , . , i. ,..:,,. ,,u ."i, ..v....... mi ii llm Imga, Ihu n. ighiairi' ("I- nie up "''I'-f ttt iclunn ami nuw o ur. in ll. I Ill I.. I. ..i . .1 i r.t. ...1. ... 1 ... 4 b.iiiii'iiiiii; 1 nu 1 .. in 1 in. inn I a i tiny Ol II IT U I'l" ' liTUl If II 111 f lilt I III o- Union. (iV Juilgii A. A .Skiunir hnt. reft jw .1 llm apriintmeiil uf luiliaii Ag'iii, Met- II H. Alien, resigned, nud Mr. V, A. .Hiorl.ng I lake lire place of the Kev Mr. Spalding. C' Wo Inn i.vtii'rd, dining lloliNi ik, id.' hi nt ill nf n largh number nf Igrnni. A tuln of (I or ri img-ni, ,. , h ,.. ,, . . , ., l-rli.-n ,. th,. Missouri tmln. .-ro ,1 tl.- V. . ... rtl t t.t. I . I .. ... lu.l 11 .1 .1. it... I I..... r nt lliN plan l'.l A'li. ninl lint- uk-n up ti-mp im i quartet in ..ml, ill . iiii.tt Hi-t. nr. nun nr I. -. nrm.ils ,,,. A , , .,,,, ,, , .a i. . r. n m. nr in'imri r tit.m ufiln. nuinli'i i f hIhi.ki nu nttr. i.nin'v nl im ui..,i.ihh, n ir lliii m.i, ..! .1.1 mi m l....t l-..i Hull. m..ii.' , i i . i r .' I . n. .. ,...M l,ll .. II... .ill. I liMimi'l i. wi I'Mifalli ..ili.l) 1I11 In. nuns w It 1 tinnilM 11.1I i.f r '.M tif nit .- I.'ill tin IKi'sl Ii i. l. I M 1 Ii 1 II li'l I s in - u u'liii; l!i n! hi- u.'Iiiii.. Iiain iililml Mr '.n'lj 1, inrim 'y nl IV ri II' - I1.I1I s'. 11 Ii r. 'ml nl I. 11 . . I' I 1 1. . It' '..I is, Ii. Itiri II I Mill , nil I' "II II Hsi lli' Hi 1 - .In, Ii 11 Islllllill.. II.. . , fi !, ii tin ill 11 ., .tii.I 11 li Ai.. mi i; 'I IS. I.. 'tl-ll 1 hit 1 in bis 1 r. -in i .1. Ill' ..II. I . l 111(1 Ollll M,S s.ll.,11 ' I I I . . I -un mill f iii 1 ir I I i-vl.l 1.1 1,1,1111 1 1 in jti-t 1, . ..1 i ii i. Ii la ' It is i I HI, "11 ll si It. III! ' tl I ll I I tl "I' I II , , I il'.i' i' I'l ' I 1 1. 1 1 in. I, In I II 'I i . i t i mi l'l II I t III ll ,1,111 ,1 II- II III III iil.ll )'n!.l, it. I, ill lid! ' 41, I I , ll - "I I In , I I, '.ti lit t '.i .1- . ...i u itii mil vi ,. !.. in.! i' tt it i ii . ijiri! .Ii. . ij in .mi I.m t - ' sin, i - j'. it .tits .1 ...... !.l',.' I I . ,s II t I'n- rg .1 I ... .'in I- in I. ,u, s - I i v. r-i i i'ii ill ii Ii iii tit. Mi.' I nt i hi u , I .ll tltf. It r .iii - ' , i I ,i ,11'. , . ,t ml I I I t' t 'i'n ii . I. i. I at. ' S ml iii i,. r . .in tin I I.l. , , " ' ' I - I ' !. , I - ( ', I ' ,. II Hint I v i-i ll- I I' I I, -! i Hi ui,..' , , , 1 1 .' . I. ti,.' i,. tn ,1.. 1, 1 1 . ,.1 .'i n.i's it 1 j . - . it ., t.'iillltj; il. 11 tr . I li lli Ii . 1 nl .up L III,; I'l.itn .11' I 1 . 1 1 i" 11 I I,- Mt nu 11 -i.lins Iijv a- ' , j, I i 111 Iti isini i-1 1 1 I , ' -r . - I . iii. . .11 l.t.v . . VI I 111. mi I I nps il., 'iili p. ii-lt'-r nam I ;ni nii.ig' V I I .tr 1 fi -1 . 11 II k il t ot il- ' II -s t i'i .l lltlsj Tir ilnv'.'i 11 . -I .11" 1. ' (,i 1 t . f 1.1 niii'l 1, .1 tin nitt ! -. t 1 I1 Is .. II grinllt p .l T, IV.I, or ,,. 1 , ' 'il if I o .'-I - I l..i- ml. I In- 11 'i'i.iI tn I I ll I cvi 11 t I 11 . I 1'.. I a ,1.. I pn fi . . '1 - -ui in vim v lit !n r tin . 1 . . I r .t niiik-- III. a ili.t iilnii il y. ' 1 -, i r- nt- - 11 iv I tpi , Hit 1" - ittt-r t'i" ' ' 1. .11 1 I i-ii in . tl.. in 'H j-. r; .111 .t .ill lit his, uimki us iii 11 iiini' ,t-l. -til I r-.nt 1 .rruptis.il nml d-cuy t-..ll iiji I ..a 11' j nu I uii.u. tl ..-sir i,.'i.ir 'ij l)y Will I'l, I M sri Ulna AM ItOAII.I'.. - 'I hi S- r-iai, ..f V'.,i, 11 iiii'ltir .iiin-l, his isMiiil ,111 unl.'i l't(- ilio i.if-iri-'iiinl nfiiii ulil util r of lh iJi-r-iriuii-M. pr.-t-uriliiiig Ilu- sif "I w 1 inkers r,n t fa- - 1 iifniiny lli- - rt, iuhI t. 1 1 u I ! 1 1 1 ; r i!n kill lot.' .1 (if ...uslai li.u mill goali rt. Tin' proitlli if I in uiiioiii lh-' tniiiill nllii frit il llm urun and vuliinl wrt hit pliin.il ih. itiirkt-i tin- Mipply it gieatrr thm ike. I.'iii in I. f'm. (.'ut. I Tin Mi iiiiian I'Ktrrmniii.s Tho iriitlt alill lioiiliiiut. ill IK Irnil, I'll.' l.sll- ,,P,y.l,i..o,t isnai-l of ra. , l, n. .'v., iL,ru.',l It.tll . A ,.K Ml, r mill,, 1. In.'l. II, euili r. uf Um m,g tii-ii'i' imp' II tli'ilalii.. tint Ilu lolluiiuu fi. nd lil.it .me : " .Slunilil mu 11 iff, mu ,,- Ihrr nr 1.11 i'ji'r bn mi hi-inl h cart, I mil noi inis.. my i-llmtt loi iho ilr-uui. a guilty contolence paralyio tho en lion t,r iliu ltuilro..il pn p. riy. ' ,rie r iho boldetl mind, and enfeebUi - - - I tho stoutest heart. i-Ai .10.1 t.i i.Aitn. .t i.iucinumi in. i...... ..... ... ..i -.... .-.- .. ...-..., ........ .,, i '" :.ul.Tfu.im i"B:'ivr.M,,w,i upon llm nenii 01 n vouiig uiuy living on John atn-et. ll appeared Ihut alio had in hiiMt nf twilling and yB. her hair ao tightly thnt tho aculit htv I bu. cum" pnrled from thu skull, un.l it tins found iiect'st.ary lo npen llm rcalp lo re move llm inullnr which hnd acu,iinul,ilid hrnrnlli. Till la the first one of ihu kind wa havo tver known. Viirlvflrs. rimy hnn a Mr. I.mmoiii in luu I lad. ' "- Ct., wl.u weight Hvc.liundr.il and ihiity.nin, pound., or nlioiil one hundred , fj, ,r,,!, , ,mll o l)lon A. Lew. ' . . -I.. . f ll.... a....,..,. I Mr. Kmiiwut In of fltirt personal nii'nmin o, of elegant 'rnKirtloita, and s .i.l ,.. I-mm of the brat Jinlgea ol lioree mil coutiilr., U.ldr. bclngkgrrat 1 'ttlrni me iiiuifii A iin!ii' old grntlenmii, of an active, .iirrmn .IIsiiIiIoi, had a man at nnrk In Ins (-nnli'ii wli'i s((llt" the reirrae..- ' Mr ) " aal.l l.o to lilni. ono morn iiij;. .Ii I n n er aeon aiinll I" " Cr. uii'i," Knl J. 'lira "Tlirn," aald thn ..I.I lu " ii mini li.iw UKi lilni. aajou .mi!. I in i. r otuiiako linn." I'm 1 ' iriiiN op l,ilHi -Hy the lto i'i'Iisiis Hi. miijI-iII'iii ol l.oiiuun noa at. .-it., i,' I 1. 1 l '.,,:tll'),l tl. of which I, Hi I. I'D ui.n. tiiali'D, anil I,'.'.i'i,7iA Ir im'. - Iii lull, it una' l,UI1,UM(l. f nl 'i tH'.Ml'MI ixtk niali-n, anil Mlilti, n.il. i. Ilrn-'a Ifil.uiH) poor glrla imiKlili ttiiliout IhmIuiiJi. I'.iran i.tAttr. xtu l.t'xunv.- The .ii.i.iiiiv nfrtL'iri Imruiiiril into tho United fji,.. ,rr. umtliiiy limn JUvaiA, la aai't I in In !t. iru lliimlrvil Mlllloua, averaging ,u t tlnr IKflilv ilniura per tliouniu, iiiiiKin llm riiiiriiiiiila sum of fmilaeii mil Ii.himiI il.illnis. tthtch nu nm fol nrlnul. ,t m ,reir. A It 1 iMtiiLMt. All Hugliih journal llif rms u ihat a keeper III a iiiauagrrit , itluV in .1 lal" uf l.il-xlcdtioii, ttaagrap iil, il l. .1 lr-ar An elephant, who vtaa .kin., mi, sriiv-.l tiiuin hy the iibihi uf Hi.- mt '1, nml Ih'IiI lilni suipeiided till tlio .'ru ikt... tint loggr-l brute racaped 1 1 T-iitit According to the Medical I mi,, lli- r u are in I.oii.Ijii X'u7I dortora ni.'li , H7 atirgfona, L'l Imitm-paih. hi- 'I ins glipi aKiut one dnciorof ined 'in. 111 111 I inhali.'lanta, nnd uiitf alirgeou 1. I'.'i 1? uf ihu p.pulaii-tii. Of llm doc 1 1 s .1 iiiniii'iiie, ll.l ate aulhnrt. Tn 1'n.t in (V R ) Chr-iniclu inentinni ih- .l.-.it'i, ,u U' lllvi'r, uf r. JolmClils. Id 1, .. ilrys). lie. Ii id lie.-n tppad ."I- 11 in ., t.v whli-!i tho eniriiiv quail n'v nl l.'i gilloisof ator em lakrn , miiI- a I Ii. rti.'ltsi hit" 1 r niatlit nt an linjirj. in r in Inil,' ilirsfj i as bv Tallev. .1 I ail Id. It vo'iiIImii, nhcll aal(. ul. . In csj.inji.it uf her tri-a, li- ,.'i I i' .t Ixitu I sj lati an I ruded fi tiij Hr.ferii iillilnjiai oneocla I lh si ..ing eon:' VVhv art. c- rtalnlodlea I 1 - j-ruil 1I4.1 !ik'lh-t " (orluin Impa" 1 it '. . ir ng urmy lliiaute h.y arc .,; tin it i"iui-!ii. iniiiilicirrfctr 1 t-ltiinJ ' rurrt'd ut 'ViiiiiylvarU, ... -.nu r, nu I 114- . ti wet f-il th.it t' 1.11. ll a -lr l it l't 4V up Ittltt lilt. 1 I ii- jsji tur. t , u Ay lul.111 ll, i 1' r. '. .til - 1. tii',Ait!o.. A iiitiu' la-ly m'm iltukiil bv In r ,1 . It r l-.r kissing hr i.ils. til'skHajtis.ltis-it It ll l-l .('It ng tlittftxaig'T " Who. fi-l l . n!'l thai -17s 11 sl.nlllil do unto 1 .' 1 . Ill l sj ) lllrlll." i 'i 1 . I In n v 1 is in- inut .inrii.nl I -lit' . ill I tt- - ll'l. Ij. m1' tilurltt 1- 111 -'nr .tn,(ii4'i, mruati'nj . Ll .. 1 "It 'tik 4 in nirr 1.11, mil the iTreSti .. lh cijsi of Afnra. Mr. I'tilliigi.-ii iji that nt-llilng do i h't ait ui'icti a. 1 1 a'f pcup! nh.i 1 I-. I ti, al.a'nn, gt to thuroli . ti .ui ilteir pit "fucim rellt'ctioii i ill,' Mini , l.iuv 1'aiTi.iii We rrgret lo l.arn 'l.al ll. Iicalili i, l.mlj l'lan'tllll la very pr 1 an 1 1- 'iii! in .nt aiuKiieai arialug I iinli'ip' ilXlsiiiodisiiiJ'y wealing anay hfr III'-. Tun iiitii lilni ti r.t ijitroduecd iho fall in g in il .it -'. o-hiud, wa drnoijurid i .111 tl. i.t In una giiiitg upgaloof 1. . 1 1 11 . 11 l' I 1.1 0 n ilicd a ualm I Minniii a iiiinan fi'r her leaiiiy nml ills 'ipp. 4 nut.. , it I k" eating .1 lurl I r i'i stuping Vouii,: iikii, iiulc till, il -ti i ui -ur iii'tii'iiiiiijiiiii lKk. A tli.n Tr-. Irtrio lliinf, ..gt,H. f-nr y.art ull, I-nn-v tka ihn K-nttnky peiufiitia y, nii'-.r a tivsenci for tr-ii le.iri iipiillor out WtTtrltliiR up tho rdnor's ulutuuiy, U)s j IU .l.:J. nhi! ITn-Ttpt, ur.l,.twi.il, mim! umI.u4., A'.i.iiavatimo. To won cond.looliing iiimi ivif.iliug with ytttir wife in ft wall, iiiili'iul haling llio priilltge of going up nnJ tighlt nlug his neckerchief. A (SiirAT t'ou.Tiay.. Thorn am '.MO miHi In l.ineualer county, I'cnii , sntt wheal cnougli rala-iiltriKevptlioni.il buty. Mapir Jack Dawning, a real Yankee, s.iyt lite American understand the copy. rnlit law lo iiisBii iho right to copy, ir.,..ti 1, .1 ...r.,t 1. 1.... t 1 . If you .1 Iw o rrul. b bil.v- "'l"' rm". !"' la,V 'I'''1" ,M1 ?"' "Ul'"i " ""l7 l'unul' J J"11"."' Al Genua, it il aald, every allorr.t.y mkea an oalh lo iiudarlulto no cause whluli ha ilooa not eoiisidirr juvl. p, m.i i, ... t.. ,.,.. 1 wa 111 . aiw imiru. sv.il IIVIIL 1'U III. WCrt I il V ....l..r..ll..l M.l.... .Ij ...... cuunlrrrii ni.n.i.ri.i .n.r. ,i ,, , - , - W-...S.. illimiil-llon hi no defence. urimea muck us lis much; viae .1. most always loo Hi tin. Illuheagot by deceit, cheat no mioio much at lho gaiter l'ow envy (lie merit of other that havn. any ot tttoir own. k :v .1 r J ) H S