Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, August 26, 1851, Image 2

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)rcon Spectator.
n. J. tciiil.y, roitoa.
Oregon Flour.
Va have frequently id, and c re.
pl It again, that In no country Is tl ere
better wheat grown or wheal more in tor i
jnanufitctoriog tha wry be.t flour, than
IM woeev proauccu in urrguii. i ne
question has cJl,n been asked why the
ieor manufacture!.' from It I. generally
a ledirereol, aincelhc wheat i. ortho
ery best, and witerpower almost unlim.
t4J The question tievcr havo been
tUrketorlly aoawered in a publio ay.
IttoHTsotoridu (act that Orrgoii flouruJ tl ftcf 0,, rontr.liciion, thatLwho(ll I mlaiake notjatj up the tngln
a7rWl8loWctapOTndlethan4lhptltntMCanlmllj1, gfj,,,, VaJu lho willamelfe. It may Mi!
th Chill flour; while the esuente and , , ,y ,,. wn, ,,, , lIo,lp 1h ,hi,',errncdBood boat, and I rrg.nl bothTt.
diiBculty of transportation to the mine. ttty in Ca,lfrnlft. Urge number, have ' .ppe.rance and performance a. being
frwa CaU&mli are oren greater. Thr anJ arp ronnuiHj f,ing for Cali highly creditable m all thoao engaged In
faallofraakloglndiflVrent flour Ilea who). fjrnu. ln0,, f ,,r1) Bro ,tcn.leJ for itr conduction.
lyatthedooroflhe manufacturer. One . , v0 ha.e b-rn mr.iimr.1 that ' AOer the termlqation of thl. wcek.un
Mperttoccd In milling Inform. u that one i
eftba colcf reartn. la that the mill.un.
dtrtaka to do too much, by feeding KMiare orlh ,iMUl t2 cem, poUnd here,
ftM and grinding the wheat too hot. Ho I
Uof the opinion that by grinding lea. In a CO- We have received ae.er.l letter.
day, nd by having two pair f bur. to con.a.ning mqume about the pr.nting of
Wrotharalionanow. and by aharpen the Law. and Journal, of la.t w,r,ter. 1
teg them mora fluently, much better .ut.ng of the I.egI.ture W e are una.
TO i. . matler that .hould, engage
lh moitaertou atttmlonofOiTEon man.
ofcolOTtra; o that a traJo naturally be
longtng to o may be aecurrd, and all
fbrelen competition driven out. Oregon
b an asHcoltural country upon the da
veloprotnt or her reionrce in thi. panic,
alar U her main dependenctr. Apd the
period I now at hand for aomet'ung to be
dona to improve the proce. of nianufac
tnrins flur. This will, eventually, be
one of Ibe leading Jntereata of the Terrl-
tory. 1 deficleoy In Ihi regard rjiny
be ajcribed the great dlicredil Into which
Oregon flour ha fallen
Upon tha firat ditcovery of the mine, in
California, it is said, the article offlour of
Oreson mannfacluro wa. everj where
ought after, and was generally connder-1
d In best tbat oould there be had. One
oftwothinc murl have been true, ciiherl
ii .i. l i. r .i
alllbe flour brought from o.her ,urce.
10 California wa very poor, or the flour
taken from here wa very good. Why.
wo would ask, U there such a decline 7
The wheat is certainly no o'e. The
same accen wa. had to California thru
tbat 1 had now. The manufacturer. '
must either have improved there or thry
hav retrograde,: here. I
We urge that I he limo hai arrived for J
something lo be done. It ! not only l he ,
interest or thott engaged in nulling, tose
that this matter Is attended lo, but the far.
mer wants a market for hi. grain The
tittle homo con.umptlen a rnTc nMh
Ing, when the capacity ofih-j country i
, . ' ......
taken Into the acc-uut. Ii .hould Ix- thr
... ,
aim of our business men o .ecure the
trad, of California, which i. a very Int.
portant one, as it regulates the pr.rr. of
everything consumed on the Pacifio. One
thing 1. certain, California will not draw
on Oregon for supplies, of any kind, un
less It l tier interest lo uo in, and unless
our business men can accomftiodalf their
business to the requirements oflhe trade, of Dr II. F.Schumard, as wa. stated by
they must expect to lose II. There is no ' in.
favoritism In trade persons universally j A geological survey ofOregon has been
barter whcie they think it is to their ad- ordered by Ihe O-ncral (Jovemineiit.
ventsge to do so. fir Schumard, who was prvlouly em.
The interest! of California and Oregon ployed in making a likoSurvey of Wis.
ara Identical; Ihe one is almost exclusive, jcon.lu and Minnesota, is one of (helper
ly mining country, the other an agrlcul-1 sons to aid in Ihe work, and is now In I his
lursl one l to exchango the produce orthe
OBa for that of the other, is tha principle
wears contending for: but it i. the ex
crtme of folly lo expect any favor on the
ground of contiguity. The perils of
oceans far and near will bo ri.Lud whore
profit makes it necessary. And for our
Ml. in .a vnu mmt l,. n.lr flour or
1 .1, , .cholera: sosajsthe St. Louis llepulli
our anything else, became uo are part ' ' r
and parcel of tho same goveruinct, Is
"The short and lb long of it" is, a
revolution must be effected th mills
mutt bo Improved and our manufacturer
must enter Iba field as a jockey enters a
race tb best competitor lake the stakes.
Aad not until some such change Is made,
icrlh belter, can Oregon be expected lo
lake) position that will enable hertoreap
lb advantages herein alluded to.
Clncknutns Ropid.
A ro..iio4 b cluuas t Onion City wU
U fcW k OrtfM JImim, at C e'eluck ou Wed
SMiaasy rffal.J nasi,! tak. Ms c.aildtration the
TSYisMalt the r.f ii.
lull I
prlca they
! the price of bacon, render, the raising of1
hog. a very profitable business. Large
number arc now bring bought up lo.up.
ply the late demand In California, for our
neighboring Siale has dicorrcd the fact
1 that toik railing uan be made a succ-
' ful nml profiiaUo bu,ine anywhere on
the Pacific. The praple of that Statu,
ih&tc learned, too, that to render their
'country permanently prmperoua, grlcul
' vm, m'usl br ,,, , , mnd r0.trrl in their
)Wn count,vitlll gold digging alone
,(,:. ti1P country to continual (luctua. i
(Ion Wcarefirmly convinced that farm-!
, ncpr Hn muic profitable a
,;, , California a. in Oregon ; but
yp hfM, ,pal ou, 0r five it can be
lmaJa ,0 p,v ,prv wciirrob.bly full a.
wclI ,j j,,,,, tll, ,mc. The-1
,m, ,mounl of gri r-.lUircl for the
,,,. 0fi10I.,. i10Wu.cr. h demoiwtra
!ock ,10S, , !, ,J there from 00
I, ln ,. . Mn.i i, -i,i. The
refer the quemt, to the State I rln.er
" K"'"'g "" -naiou. ur.. .u
' in l,r'n, ,h? proceeding, of the Lcgi.-
deal of.
it .cem. in u. inaiuieroi. .gnou
expedition gained in .ending them
to the Stale, to hair litem executed. The
Slate Printer would relieve the mind, of
a great many people by elating when the
arrival of the law. my be expected.
WV are .ati.fied of one thing ; they could
have been printed in tho Territory atlea.t
itliree month, ago. W will be able to
f j"dge of the economy, too, a. well a. the
expedition, when they arrive, of having
them punted in the Slate
ThouL'b ne do not lavth upon iIkmc
jn autliorlt) indiicruniiute and Knielc..
vraitt ' Slattn an, Avt;. 12.
Not at all. You ara only lavish of
'indi.criminate ond Mnilew" aiiue.
' ,
" We should be nleavid to have some
on,comcrrtnt uilh'ie lnllterto.cau.int
',,, pllbIi(. Mi,, fclt respeeling thi.
jBt,ni to the Kogui; river." Stalinrjm,
.!"i' 12.
We hale n" doubt he f-els the nece..
i-y of hating the fait, stated, a. he feel.
mrapab'r of Moling them hinnclf It
would eem by the above adminion that
what ha. been puUi.h'd wen not facts.
That i. letting th rnt out .fl'ic bag un
OCT For the rrinotal of llie unags from
might h" urll lo obtain ub.criptinn for
thai purpose, and from the general fund
. . . " .., ,
pav so much a piece for the removal ol
-, , , V- , - ., j ,
each ; afir the fashion practiced in some
' . ,far . rarnSnll
rl ti.m Qlllea . tln.Ll.l i fit ft...! fTi-JAP
,. . J . , , . . . . , .
Th" above ii .upgeMed by a friend, and
i. offered for the on.idt ration of tha In
terested. dir ll was Mr I.. F. Carlee, who took
the level of Ihe Clnckama. rapid., In.lead
OtrFrom January CihloJuly lstlhern
were 510 death, in Si. Louia, from Chol
era ; for a liko period of la.t yea? there
wore only 23 death, from the same cause.
The week ending July 10, 1810, thero
r""""" "'"'".
CrirTodd ii Co. furnished us papers from
the Slatea and California, four hour in
advanco of tha mail. They have our
Mr. Furguson ha our thanks for a sim
ilar favor.
Choutu. Fifty persons ara said lo
havo died on on steamboat during her
trip from Naw Orleans tofll. Louis most,
ly emigrants.
OtTThe reader attention I directed to
the Scrv.yor General' adrertlMmenl In
another column.
03" T. J, E. and M. V. next week.
ItOjjt am
Hoot. Tho ee with vafi
wised In Oregon, and traf
command as breeder (Tor
a insrkrt, l this tint, at' well
Cascade, Aug. 20, 1831.
Dm St. The Steamer Ju. t Film,
which wa built at thl piece, ha jut
completed her " trial trip." Slit werujjp
to tha Datle. (distance Tony wile,) ye.
terday, and returned losuay. toe "run"
up was alow, owing 10 the Inferior quality
of the wood used and the time waa
lengthened by frequent atopa, rendered
ncccsiary for the better' regulation of llie
machinery. It occupied about ten hour.
At the Dalle, belter wood waa obtained,
and ahecaina down In six hour "running
The boat, though small, I I think well
adapted to the prnt elato of commerce
on thi part 6f the river. It I 80 feet in
I.ngth. wlh twelve feet beanj, and Ave
fret bold. i.The bull wa modeled by
Capt. Uamtfom. Th boat ha. been built
under the superintcudnce of Mr. O. I
Vanbergen.of ihi. place. Ml Plaromer.
who wa employed in the buildfngof the
Lot Whllcomb, being chief carpenter.
The encln waa put up by Mr ninnham.
der the command of Capt. Vaubergen, It
f. emecird to naiadallvi'Sundaya except
cd) between the afore-memloned poinU,
carrying tho U. S. Mal once a week.
w (
D gcg of hu
re Ur r.
8ptcwlor. The Salt Lake
u firji J
Dalle, I
next month.
fn ! ITtl. In m .Mini min nam!
iv:n:.. n,- .kiu .,it;ni, n..m.ll channel la at neatly alt time navigable
William Brown, while Mllmg In a.mUl , M M(J lU facrlh
boat above the Cajcade., fell qverboard.l, ;,,, chlnnei cl M ,edom b navl.
and de.pile the effort, of those In company 'eated. make, that of the anuth, wlih the
to aava him, ho waa drowned. 1 am
formed that ha wa. Intoxicated, and that
the accident probably resulted from that
cause. Two emigrants are reported to
bare been drowned abovo th Dalles re
cently by the capeiringof a canoe. Mr.
Owens, formerly of Si. Joseph, Mo., who
ha now established a trading post north
of Fort Hall, in th country of the Flat
heads, has just arrived at tha Dalle. II
prais highly the valley in which he la lo
cated. He aaya that there Is a large emi
gration on lbs road, and that a scarcity of
provisions prevails, i nave nan previous
knowledge concerning Mr. Owens' char.
aclrr, and am therefore fully confident of
the truth of hi ststements.
Mr. Wampole(lndian Agent) ha been
detained at the Dalles, slnca tha 6th In.t.
He intends to depart for his post on the
Utilla to-morrow. The agency building. "
.......a rF l..I-.. At l.ia a. a& .... .a
Will Ul CIITbllWI, .Wl ,1 Ul-, U' IV
the last accounts, had not been raised.
Yours truly,
Cttr- The health of our city I generally
good. One of lha M. D's. informed u
of th exi.lonca of a few oases of what
may bo termed a specie of Influents.
We are unable lo furnish Oro. Dryer a
receipt for curing the ague; butJt Is said
Ihst wood smoke will certainly drive off
musquetocs, We make no charge for the
03 It has become a mailer ol consid
erable Interest to a good many of lho
holder here, to learn whether or not any
provision ha been made lo rrdstm jbe
government icrip, Issued In 1845, There
ara men here, who hold thousands of line
' promises lo py,' and who ara only draw.
Ing six per cent for their money-. Six per
cent is small when alt kind of business
is, considered worth from fiO to 100 per
cent. Can any person gtve tha desired
Information 1 "
G33msll parties of Immigrants bate ar.
rived tinea our last. We have not been
able lo get any newt of very great inter
est forour reader) further than that pro
vision were yery scarce with quite a
(& Th most daogrou (saga in the
Upper Willamette, between th). city tod
Salem, have been removed. Capt. Bissel
informed us of but Intention to go to Salem
this trip If possible. Tho boat leave to.
Or August bower of rain have been
quit frequent during tbe present month.
The like, we bar beta told, jba. not oo.
curred alnee 18(5 J .ibl season s tald to
have been omwht similar lo fhlt.
.(tt-Allao, MoKlnUy it Co. have Just
received and ppeaed out a large stock of
new goou, wiicn joey promu o u ai
orloe to 4t tk lbs, by htl or
rtall. ihJra4rertletlji tnstb.
er column of tbljpapsr.
Aitoiu, O. T. Aug. 4, 1851.
Ma. Scnxttitl
Al every thing relating to th eatnuw
ofpntnoblerlrar, muil be of Interest boh
to" local end distant reador, Iaend-yeit
the following, taken from the log of Capl.
Brook, chief pilot, at preunt, at the
mouth of tha Columbia. Ctpt. I). hi
uroeeded In piloting through th outh
Channel a vetl drawing tnor walr than
any that aver before crraatsfL and ll I to
uch men a hlm1f and Capt, While that
thia growing country owe much.
Th store ship Ellxabelh F.lltn (Cepl.
Up.hawjwaihiardedqn Friday, IKih Ju
ly. Found her stendlig In with a high
weet wind at the samrtilm boarded Hark
" Oolden Age'' (Hichardaon) New Ynrk.
Stood In with both Mrw. and anchortd
touth ol the bar In 10 fathom.
IDlh. Remained at anohorlhl and the
neit day on account of the northerly
UlJ. Got under weigh and worked to
the north, abreast ot I lie vane, intending
to trv the north channel.
33d. Anchored oil th middle atl,
bo th north channel,
L.S'h OoiBir''algh. ;Vlod froW
8-3, r,"""P,V '"Jl' ?"
yjuh. (Jot under wlghHlght wlmla
from W. hlp uomanageabTe.
'-'Oih. Same. Ancltoied Cape Dip-
i7lh. Same. Attempted to ret touth
of I he atmng northerly current had wind
lillhl N. W. Anchored In 13 fathom..
Cap. II. 15. by S.
2Stb. Wind from 8. S. K. Vert thUk
approached near entrance ornorth than,
net ao thick with fog were unable lo en. I
irr obliged lo ataud olf. Tacked and
atcod In again nntwithatanding tha fog
Filtered aoutb channel rod th bar
in afoty,drawng vvcotecO feet three In.
chr had never le.t than twenty feet
waler crowing the bar."
JarH. Ilrooka reprecnU mat Hie aoutn
!n-,fBclnt pilot, who are alwaya attendant,
certainly the moat aafe.
" V -H f If
sours, . . .
Tux oataT uniatTlof. The Seem
lary of lho American Committee, Mr.
Kennedy, received by the la.t stramer a
copy of the "OCoUl Catalogue ol the
ureal inhibition oi ma inuu.try ei an
Nation.," published by authority of the
Royal Commission. This Catalogue is
prlated In quarto form, and contains 320
pages, close print In double column.
, The contributions ara from '.ii the civ
ilized nation of tha earth-f'om the Yel
low Sea,- Durumpootra. ana the Qaugr
In the Eaat, to the Mississippi, (a the West;
from Australia to California and their
number I almost incredible. We ahall
recur lo the list hereaflor, to give our
readers soma belter idoa of the vast ar.
ray. The I-cndon Time., in announcing
the opening oflhe Exhibition, happily and
justly says : " This is the first morning
since Ihe creation lliai all people navo
inbled from all pan of the world and
done a common act. Happily, that act is
an act of peace, of lovr" and religion."
We observe, comprl.ed with the Com
rnis.ioner of other countries, and assocl
tied witli them anil the lloyal Commis
sioner, inthe procession, Ihe nanre" ofgur
AgeiHs, Mr. Sian.hury and Mr. Riddle,
and Secretary Mr. D!g:.NalUnat In
lellgenccr. Tut PaxxiPiKT'a Toua. If any thing
would ahow an endorsement of Pre.Id.nl
Fillmore's course, il has been bis lato lour
jhrough Pennsylvania and New York.
His reoeptlon in ilia city oi new iora
was sraud and imposing. More than one
hundred thousand people wero present to
exhibit tbtlr attachment to the man and
their appreciation of his wIsdor-firmncM
ud statesmanship, amid ihe late crisis.
The enthusiasm displayed by the citlxens
oflhe rural districts, a lis rapidly pssaed
from tho great metropolis of the nation to
Lake Erie, mutt have been gratifying lo
him. The homage thus paid him wa cor.
dial and hoartf.Tl, and we kaow of no
good reason why It should not bti repeated,
If he It nominated for the Presldeney.
We know of no serious impediment Inlh.
way r.t his obtaining tha electoral vole of
new ion. weiuina in wiiigiuiinat
great Slate should unite on Mm. If thoy
will, he can beat any candidate wbo may
be started by th opposition. Preside!)!
Fillmore ba been triad. The trial ha
shown hlih to be eminently qualified lo
fill ihe tiation be now occupies. The
South respects him and the North honor
him. The Whig throughout tho nation
should unite on him a their next candl.
date. Unrling Ion Ihfk.Ef.
Dx&ieruL MosTALirr. The Si. Louis
Courier of the ad instant says!
We learn lliet the steamer Urand Turk,
from Naw Orleans, wllb a large number
of emigrant on board ftr St. Louis, lost
35 or ao ol her passenger by tha cholera
before the boat reaobod Cairo. Seventeen
had, died before lb boat arrived at Napo.
(eon, aod.lbe disease waa then rtglog ter.
ribly oo boaid. These unfortunate crea.
lure were transferred from an emigrant
vsssel at New Orleans, suffering with the
ship (nipt, d meal of Ihetn were In a de
plorable condition. Th disease that prov.
ed fatal mutt have been combination ofl
falpfvr and cholsr. Tb boat h
very mucb frowedf whiob but added to
the fftflliyj
teT Tha cholera; wa rftsf at lad,
peadtset, Me., on th Sfet of Jun.
A Si!trmTt Roi.ae.-i-A Mlow n.
trrl the hotiM ef Mr.'riteh, In ft Louis,
reeently. and rifled the bureau of Ihelr
contend. H wasliot utlsfted with kit
thefl, but teeing a young lady aitOp he
tola a kit, whloh aroustii in siseper,
who Mixed lho thieving rascal by Ihe
coal, raised an alarm, and the fellow wa
caught and safely lodged In prison, where
ha will havo I Im to reflect upon the din.
gar of indulging lo .enllment when busl.
lies. Is lo be attended to.
Tus AMt. Two thousand troops f
Ihe regular army are al thl. moment ta
tlanrdon, or have been tran.hrrvd In, the
Mexican and Texan fronllrr, lo rnforc
the provisions of lho treaty of Ouadalupe.
lien. Prrslfer Smllh ucoeels Clenersl
Uroiike In the command In Texas. Orn.
Hitchcock .ucrerda Urn Smith on th
Weit Pacifio dlrl.lmt Col. Hiimner alio,
credt Vm. Munru in New. Mexico. Cob
Harney aerv. under Urn. Smtlh.
MmKXsoTA.ny a latter dated Si. Paul,
June Kth, we learn that (lov. Itam.ey had
reached home. Speaking of the territory
he saya, Th population of Si, Paul it
about 2500, Ibai of Si. Anthony about
1200, ofth territory about 10,000. Liv
ing, a In alV froalltrpUoM, I high com
pared with the .tsndari 'prevailing la lb
older Slate oflhe West."
Sslk or W IxrcxxiTrs. A sale of
warlltlni, InnV nl.rA .1 W.thlntltnn. la.t
month Mu.kclt sold at an averare of
no els.; nworis Drought w acn ; uvtu
cartridge bote., t)IOj bayonet 19 rtt.
per 100; 750 gun Hock. 2 clt. eaoh;
75 lent. $112. Aureal chance for Cu.
. .. .. . . .. . ........
ban invader. I
PxAcricatSATiar;. Al8yrcu., New
Yor.V, on Saturday, a fat nrgm woman,
rigged out in ike new Turkish style, with
a ilrr. reaching just below her Hoc.,
flowing truwsora, and a gipsy hat, with
streaming ribbons, promenaded the slreels,
attracting cuntlderabln attention. Th
dre.i wa. given-her by some young grn.
tloman oflhe r.iy,
Liar.au. Ills quite rsfreibing indwell
on such an acknowledgement a. ihii fit
lowing from a London paper : " Liberia,
of a b'tv year, growih, I. alone, at thU
niotnenl, worth more than all that ha. In en
effected by the European race In Africa
intwenty.two centurie.."
(iovl.iox or Viani.iu. ll I. a .inou.
lar fealur in Ibn prewnl ('on.Hliilion of
Virginia, Ibat lha power or tho Uuternor
rrso Ihe tery moment he p.tw. beyond
the limits of the oily of lllrhmond ; or, In
the language of the Constitution, so soon
as he leaves tho "Seat of liuverninenl."
NaroLKoif's Orinioi or Tin: Piaxs.
' A journalist," said the crest Napolion,
" is a gruinbUr, a censurer, a giver of
advic, a regent of sovereigns, a tutor of
nations. I our hosill newspaper are
more lo bo feared than a hundred thou
sand bayonets."
A DtsrxaATi: I.NDiviniUt.. A hitiine..
man in Philadelphia, il I. averred, once
determined lo ruin himself by aihtrtliiiut;
but he found that Ihe more he advurtiard
the richer he grew, until at la.t he wks
obliged lo give up III despair of ever cf-fi-ciing
liia purpose in that way
Mr. Webster' toatl al Albany wa.
" The young men of Albany tho young
inen'of thia generation and of Ihe .ucoeed.
Ing generation. may ihry livo (urvrr,
but may the Couttilulioii of tho Union
outlive them all,"
DccaiMic or Hucxs. ll 1. titled by
Cut's Advertiser, that tho colored popula.
lion of Cincinnati ha deortased, since
H40, from one twentieth lo nnMhlrly
sixth psrt of the Inlubiisntrof Ihst cliy,
nearly onehslf.
So.' An I'nglWi pspar say CaHInal
Wisemsn boast that ha ha. a list of two
hundred Protestant clergymen or more,
ready ta.ooino over 10 Koine, irihe.iurnb-
their wive could be removed.
Ice produced by ateam, and steam con.
verted lulo snow, I. part oflhe ecicntlfio
entertainment provided fur the vl.iura of
the Ijondon atnlnition; ami aureiy lho
capabilities of ihe apparatus are among
fit wooden.
A PoRTtmi irr Tax. The largest ludl.
vldual las paid in New York, Is by Wm.
I). Aator. Last year ho paid Into lho
Cily Treasury lho sum of 23,10l for
taxes. Ilecomnlalna, orcourso, bltleny
but we wish ice had It lo pay.
Crowd of people flllsd fil. Paul', on a
recent occasion, when Ibe 11 Lho p of Lor.,
don preauhed the Great Exhibition r.
mon from lho text, " Nation ahall not lift
up sword against nation, neither (hall they
Icarri war any mere."
Cardinal Wiseman hat forbidden father
IgnMlue to hold a publio discussion on the
relative menu oi ine rroiesiani ami no.
malt Caihollo rsllglons, at Exttar Hall,
wllb Dr. Cummlng.
GlrU wh riM sson sod walk apac.,
8Ual rows from Aurora'. tr i
Bat wbsa Ib.y yawn la bad Ul lea,
AnrsoxUal. Ihsn bsck sgaia.
Cuamob in ml CoaiiNcr. Solomon
say Ihst when flour Is down lo 93.40 a
barrel, and wheat BO cenls per bushel, ft
take more than ton mill to makn a cenll
Sin Jottrii Paxton. It it slated thai
Ihe honor of Knighthood Is lo ha conferred
on Mr Joseph Paxton, lho designer of Ihe
Crystal Palace. "
tUr The Chicago Democrat tilt down
Ibe acpclalloa of Oregon at 150,000 aoul.
Tm ilwblr addition ol naught mtk
in orwrBe, a no wmocm it im
(ot flbblflg about Oregon,
Orwttl FlooU oil lha MlastalppL
Th tt. Leuit paper osm lo ut with
exttnefa) detallt of the ravtgei oflhe great
flood en th Mliiltilppl, tome account of
which w have already had.
Th St. Louta Timet of Monday, Ik
Oth of June, titles thtl iht waler wa ihtn
88 feet inohet above low waitr maik,
and still rising, being within 0 fed 8 In
cht of th mark of th are it flood of
IBM. Th bottom oppotit North St.
Louis was also flooded, and nearly all th
famlll hv taken refuge In ihe sixth
ward. It wa es'.lmsted that from on
thousand totwelr hundred persons men.
women, end children have been landed
from III nrposite thor,detltut of every
Ihlng needful for th preservation nf health,
and were lit th occupation of ihe Slur
ceou market. The depth of water en the
Levre ttore floor al Hi. Loult wis from
21 to 2H luchr. In all the oroaa alreett
running tolhelrvte ihe waler had pai.rd
from ten lo thirty fret beyond ihe Uvea
front of building. In Ihe lower part of
the town, th water hid backed un for
loverat squares, rendering some of th
street linua.sable. Arsenal Island and
Duncan's Island were entirely Inundated,
a waa also Woody Island, except Ihe ex.
tremo norths rg and southern, points.,
"In llllnolstown, lha destruction watlid.
mente. Many of th building hid been
undermined and swept away. Tin cur
rent had washed a chauuel around the
eastern end of Ihe Woody Island dyke,
ami a heavy uooy oi waitr wa passing
through Ihe town Into Cahokl creek.
At the American llotlom, a few high
pelnla were I. ft between tHe main river
and the bluff.. At Papp'a town thtro wa
a Utile grounJ lef uncovered by water,
but for mil's around ihe country present
the appearance of a gieat lake. Thou,
sands of farina bordering on th upper
streams were reported by steamboat cap.
tain. a. entirely tinder water, and Ihelr
Improvement, and stock swept away an
amount of lots to repair which will requlro
the labor of years.
The Hanuibal'Me.) Union sayat "Con.
sifbrhl damage will be done In this city,
though nothing to comparn with le ele.
vateu ptaoce alova end below ut. From
many quarlrra wo hear of the mo.1 dis
tressing scenes, accvinpsnled by creation
of property. In one hou.e at Tully, ll I.
rrported thai lhtr are seven fsmltirs hud.,
died together in th upper atorle. Th
re.l ar all Unvsn Irom Itxir I tomes. Al
Alexandria, Ihe waler Is said lo b up to
Ibe second slori.. Marion cily of course
i. completely submerged, not a foot of dry
land being anywhere .Itible."
41 ftt" Nnthlm. will ralluir m flrowd. and
entertain ll. like a visorous set-to by a
couple of ma.tilTs. Our devil saya a good
dog fight will break up a prayer meeting.
1 i '
03" Ladles, when you wish In read
a truyi, simple and unwpbUllcat.d love
story, lust read over th iwenly-fnurth
chapter of Otnlsis.
If you wl.h oaks, plant acorna; If you
with a fortune, plant dollar.; If vjii pre.
fer hanplnr.., tow Ihe seeds of virtue,
and cultlvste them with charity.
fttr '.. M. Lowry, of Porlvllle. New
York, ha invented a revolving csnuoti
thai will In. and duoharg Itselfyfly
finrs in atnhiUe.
OtrTho river I. gradually falling al Kits
placo. The late raina aeem not lo have
had any impression upon It,
iTJarrlcd i
On Ihe 31.1 ult. by llev. J. II. Wilbur,
Mr. FaANrt Ewinn lo Miss EuXAitTn
MttucL, both of Washington county.'
In Polk Counlv.on theOlsl of July, by
Ihe Itov. Hugh MeMallow, Mr. L. C.
Hfcxius'r, of Linn cu., to Miss M. Ann,
daughter of II. l)avfdoii, Esq.
Ofi llie 3d in.l.,,by Iter. Mr. Fl.her,
Oaiiul i, TatLLixorxjofMHwiukle, to
MIs.SaiAu E. Ulqvvi, allofClackamae
On Wednesday, at 7 rx., EuaAarru
V. Hum, youngest daughltr of Capt. Na.
thaolol Crosby, Sen., of Portland, ana late
of Urewater, Mst. ,
At Astoria, 3d inst., Maucvi Mocxtr,
formerly of Wisconsin.
To Country M erobaats tt otbn.
JI1HT UEUEIVKI) sad for sal by lbs sub.
Msiiban, a sslsct ajsorlm.al'er vary wperisr
rwb. stapled U Ui wsala ef the eevatry, aa4
wkleb Iheylavile th.lr fri.ntU sad lbs publio gin.
rally I Isneeb
OretsnCily, Avcwt SO, IUI IwJI
Llit of Utter
KBM AIN1NU in lb. Peat effies si Uo Cily,
At(it IS, IUI.
EUosurlL IllUrU, 2 t-'-dwhi Tsnlo,
JarhrMU MUler, llm. a It. Thwslse,
)ttn MeCey, Ea. Ktl tValktr.
Jsha M, ttmltb, V.n.
JAJIEfl M. MOOrtE, P. M.
A Waion Fonad.
TUB naa.nt'gaed picked up a watva fa lbs
ntMMtaJos sad breufbt ll ts bis rsatdtaes,
slMrtliusemUeSBSttb-esMefOrsfeaClly. Its
waf m l paialtd ni and la mad tp f tw diaV
saleassi lb bind wbMlttraek about J laeb
ntrrawer Ibsn Ufws, and whta feuad u wlUV
al IMgns. This noUes It iIt.o tbsl tb mr.
If b. esn ebeut II, rsa ebtala ll by eatUag ) 0
subsrlbtr, prtrlag prspsrty oad fAylof fce ibw d
ytrtiMmtai, and reastatU W Uiagtag It
UMgta viiy, au. ut, im iwoii
aaTBaTaTa Llta.SUflARtojxlbv