Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, August 05, 1851, Image 2

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ft- jw. j"4t
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r. Tant riMM. 1
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, .iPTT "T ''
m-m-!k a:isili sewatry
ktuMNMy iBMtr Onm Mr.
festtlWs Mi wale sarins
m4om tjst) rloteo; easwsatedta that
fsJMMPsX MRVI wojaael "MOTV VVVv
Mo a
4L IaamivcbSmmc ?'
sjasMt, at Ah tbse, k Mtiew-
flsa.ilso townwn of tho
lh'M Matty Ioosm too oast
&' ' rawi
b. . . ', r.j
n b. .-.,r
satr .-i. - . .
1B1IIMH MM. IM the MVlsW,
NsWiet W haasad by tbb te-
Mk' tliiin ifi unmtlT
te'li afr'bssssdistelv.)
jt fhiMM oMlJolly situated sad
IMMMM Mb aumerous groves, rar
'Mstosfr taig lo aSbrd timber for tlto or
MuririmtttHi in ferrate! taoh t !
far UeUiag, fcaeiag Md bel
oer widest I havo traveled
t itot firaek tie Platan b about 18
Jw Ml Unmet I have ttn much
I 4a( esssT mm. (ska ariaclpal kind
v'j; r -'. f . . 1. .
,urMM. hmm a untMi im ten
i"l fJMl riii i ll I kaUMtef Uwagk too to
a HgktoMto m b mm of im
ffimt, Md m olMr; that of
'Himifi I M adairod the Pltlu very
MMB ftMtlM Urn I fir (track lUa,
b m portion ofthtra IBM ba im.
to farortblr tbtt denomlo.
fWoot TuiUtin Piiiot," on tba wait
b located tba Tualatin acaJ.
i, for 'ImUtutiM of
lofthobral that could hare
Tbe arotpeet aatt b Irani.
Imut fraud : four of tbe (now Intra
promlatntty fiaible, vis : Mount St.
Mount Bainitr, Mount Hood and
'Meuat Jefleraon ; tbeae in tbe diatanee,
'rith tbe beautifully rariegated apace in
Mnrenlng, cootplre to render the scene
M of aurpaaaing beacty and Iorelincai.
While in tbe rear, a few milca distant,
aad to tbe northward a like distance, are
to beaeeo the irregularly indented coast
naMofmouataina. The effect of scenery
Is highly educational in its tendency, and
MM Mb found here is eminently so, and
watt calculated to inspire the youth, in
eooree of education here, with lore for
,4be grandeur and sublimity of nature.
As respects health tbb location proba.
My b aol equalled any other place in
tha Territery. And during tlto warm
Manner months the ki breeu so medi.
Am tbe heat that it is seldom oppresaire.
Tba academy is not yet so far completed
aa to be occupied. The workmen are
gnlag to oommenoa on it again in a few
-eJaya, and it b eipected that It will be
.fcr the reception of tbe school by
taw beginning of tie next term
I tWted the two schools and was much
with the manner In which ihey
.'Madaeted. The male school has
ibly lessened since'barvest
department is under tha
of Mr. Williams, a fery
iaatractor : one loo who aeema
a eWp interest In the Drosoeritr of
j-. -.".. . ,
asboe! aad the adraneement of his
They are all quite backward
'which renders tlto teach.
(aj af them something of a task and very
' MWk.bllMI.
JV JtMime. Tba Instructor, bowerer, has,
it. 't Uk. a pratiy good stock of patience, a
Vflt'iadisMMtUo In' such a situatlori.
,V I'llt tVatala aepartment is under the
W aarsVaf Mbs Miller, a lady of aunerior
" aaflMSMaeala 1 wha nauaaaaa a f Ih.
J- ar aVcultv Cas.lmnartb (aitruetlan la
. v--,- 'v - r""r--" " "-r-
I !$Aj0hlh Mi taf Mod a pleasure area
., Vaaaaa'yMagese. 'Those aadMberMtrge
IMlWstlag"btBP Indeed;
alt wsaaaat aad orderly ;
; stair asiai. a bunaen it
'AjaeaaMtre' to m. to M tba
r war prided, for as r'1aJasnh will rise egele," is .re.d eat of
vaa'lM aMaaWaaaa
aaaasMtsaaaaMV aaasJaMJ mVm afcMMsaaVml
seMaaf hblhaa aaal Msaaa.
aaJbM "tit radsaaasssssV
sjMeiiMi m sasa i
ajUr ahkb aWM'deMHhosJt Mmaeav
Tm Ooai. OaaaoM. The rich vein
af Mai, dboovered soma time alaoe oa a
triktMary of tbe Oowllts river, which b
BjeMj Mrtially worked, aad tba lata oV
Mveriea thai have beta aaada at Pert Or
lord, m tMraetao ooaat, warrant tha
eenolaaba that there b aa abaadMcaof
eaal ta OregM fcr eJI she assdsl aarpeeae
that eatat bow, wW apiiajraala all fa.
turetbse. ItkMaWMdbewrered.M
to tab tbM ia base, m raaaecU depth, that
Will at all favorably eseaaara with tha im-
mease aoat beds (band about Pittsburgh
aad tbe other great coal districts of Poem.
sylvaatat but allboogb it b found here
afmaob leas depth ktotll oompare, wa are
tali, very fcrorably'whh im reaatylva.
aia asal, af taa sum ktad, u to quality,
t abaat Peaat'a sbaai IMOM'
MsMHWaM Of MMa eTawf Oil
yet, bora worked to
M7 J7 aaleat, owiag, no doubt, to
the high pries of bear.
fttPTbe steamer Washington" has
been taken from above tbe Mb and placed
oa tbe lower Willamette. The aide wheel
steamers aWar to suoeeed bast In shoal
water. Tba propellers reoulrloir to be
Mbmeraed to give tbesa power, which sub.
jeeta them to the possibility of coming In
contact with obstruetloosia the bed of the
river.' Though tbe bottom of tbe river, in
most of tha shoal places, b a compound of
sand and gravel and cannot prove danger,
one to the first mentioned class of steam.
S3rFor the month ending with July,
we team from the Herald, that there were
350 arrests in 8m Francisco for various
saisdetaeaaors. Thb b an average of 8
per day. Of the entire number, 140 were
discharged. The cause, of 33 per cent,
of the arrests, b immediately charged to a
too free nee of the "oh be joyful."
KT Coder's Lady's Book for July b
our ibuiv. A nnwi numvfip u
embelHst.meats are mostly original that
appear in the Lady's Book. Mr. Oodey'a
success Is ell that b necessary to be plead.
ed ia its favor. lb baa eooeeeded k.
pleasing Ms many readers beyoad all ca.
eolation. It b furnished, aa usual, at 83
per annum to siogle subscribers.
ter Mr. WanrooL, Indian Agent, left
hereon Wednesday last for the station as
signed him on the Ulilla river. This
pest, though far up in tbe country, poe
sesses much lo give it interest, particu
ularlv to one fond of novelty. U e havo
no doubt but that the Agent wilt be pleased
with his new home after giviag it a fair
(& The river above is said to be un.
usually lof lor thb time of tho year ;
though not is low by some 10 or IB Inches
ss at extreaie low water. The Yamhill
steamer runs regularly to Dayton, and
hss had the trade, since tbe withdrawal
of the Ceo. Washington, in her own hsnds.
03" The editorials of the SlaUtwtan
continue in their usual strain, with very
tittle "variation." They remind us of a
son; we have heard, which contained 103
verses, and, as well as wo can recollect,
Is something, all told like the following :
Study, tare be, will joe sail sae yew null t
Btadjr wU lUs rasa Us coUl, bat sutt lli mill
Moag t W Ssady.
Cwscfc Staty seta tbb sua bis Bill,
But stlo lbs mill Moapd to Baa)."
OCT The Surveyor General intends to
eommefes surveying shortly, and for the
information of ourreadera we would stale
that It Isof lbs utmost importance, for per.
sons holding claims, to be In possession at
tbe time the survey b being made ; for if
the claim of any person b found unoccu
pied and Ibo t chool sectloq should fall up,
mi it, it will be reserved for school pur.
pesee. It might be well for claimants to
observe thb notice, as nothing short of oe.
cupanoy will avail anything. Suoli are
the Instructions to the Surveyor General.
03 Alls P. Maui, Esq., nf tbb
city has. ws learn, been appointed Clerk
oNhe Supreme Court of tho Territory of
03 J. W. PasiT UuHTiaeTox, Esq.,
baa beM commissioned by Marshal Meek,
as Deputy Marshal for tbe Umpqua and
tbe Southern Couatiee.
V ftfj- Ttta'aftUla Trail. nramkmA . tk
' "V'1" '"'
rtas States wM
'aTaBaBa tmsmltsBBaMaasBsl
a aBSBi aaantasBnviBBBrajsi
Last tmti
several mbsmi
MHs vMa M MVw
lglasJgtM UaasTl sTaaf 'flJaasM tjastsTaBBBsTl aaata BBsBsJaKasssBBf ssTssB
thewaytoOngM. Mr. P. L. lUysataJt
from bdbaa. Ma af a astapaay of Kagt
mty'tmii WMtrwa
Wsw IVejsMffJ " CsMsW I
eraj arrived here m "Friday last. JMk dllbM of the charter until wa visited that
Raymond mads St. Jeesph'bb'startlaUpUoe and heard the project eiplalned and
paint. Tha perssas startlsg from St. n-1
seph were meetly deetlaed for OrsfM,
ukI Mubsi BHiHlal a&jIKLj fsVaa flattjiaia .
Some caw hvsadred leasas bad btsaded
geiag M-Castfcrab. The tsaprseslea b
plaoe will ba small aevenrasMll oata.
panlee were advbed not to atteeapt ta go
toCalifanib,M Maaaat oftMaMUM
of the Indians Ihey ihiigit tbairooaree;
la eaaasqueace, Oregonwarda.
Mr. Raymond reports grass plenty m
tba south side of tha Platte, aaoapt fcr
dbtaaos of abaat IMratba la taa
country. Grass oa tha aorth aids
rasested aat an hasjQ bmbm goad.
IMtergest parti atao Immlgretba
lbs trains SMlaa lbs OsmoII Bluftej
rendeavoua. SmoagthO number of tbesa
assembled at tha Blufib ihere were ovsr
BOO families for the Great Salt Lake val
ley. It is estimated by Mr. George al.
ler, of Illinois, who arrived here oa Sat,
urday.that tha number of families m the
road for Oregon, who came on the north
side of the Pbtte, wen between 800 and
600 m that branch of Ihs road alone.
Tba most of loose who csme on the
north side of lbs llstts did not cross that
river atall, except the Loup fork and tbe
Blk Itorn ; traveling through te Black
llillefcn that aide. Tbe grass is thought
toCo equally m good on the north side,
above Fort Laramie, aa on the south, and
the crossings tee, of ibe Platte, saved ;
thereby avoiding the dangers incident lo
Ibe ewimming of lbs steak. The bridge
over tba north fork of The Platte b
aidcred a rickety affair, but it snswsra tkr
purpojs "afUra fuhba." Mr. Keller
wm some 80 odd days coming from Coua-
oil Bluffs to OregM City. He reports
general good health among the Immigrants
so far as hie observations extended.
We are glad to learn that tbe great
jorliy of tba immigrants will srrlvs ia
time to avoid tho rain and snow in Ibo fall.
There is a good deal of loueo atock an tba
road, particularly cattle. One caoipaoy
his about 40 brood jsaaree for tbe Orsfjaa
market. They are expected to ejrfvaa
about 8 or 10 days. There hajbeaf
suffering again from laying in too seaaty
an allowance of provisions, though not so
much aa was experienced last year from
tbe same cause. Tbe time of traveling
from the Missouri river to Oregon by the
first immigrants b generally computed to
be from 00 to 100 daya thb season fur thoso
with horse and mule teams, the oa teams
111 be from two to four weoks later.
Some few bare, however, made equajly aa
good time as Ibe horse and mule teams.
Mr. Raymond reporta having passed
about 450 wagon&n tha road ; tba most
of which were at and near Fort Lajaialsr
fit. JftMnh lita In a ivreat maatir last fu
importance ... arting poTnt. Lty.r
almost two thirds of tho Immigration got
Ltj- .i i t-.!. .
up their outfit thero. Grass la exceed
ingly scarce in the Cascade mountains.
Mr. Raymond thinks it would pay any
person well to ship some oats to the Dalles
forthwith, lo feed the stock of Ibo imml
grants, whilst crossing the mountains, ll
might be sold for ono dollar per gallon
& The Tine Is " down on" the AHa
California respecting parly organization
it sets forth the idee, as one of Ibe fruits
of party division, that it calls out the Uil
men of tho country lo represent it. Frtm
a different source wa lesrn that it makes
Ibe partis reiponslblefor the. sots OsVUfctH
men Ihey place In power. If ll was
"rulable" not to elect demagogues toeatoe,
then parties might effect more good. In
this age of availability ll will not do. Tbe
best men cannot always harangus the
populace. We do not think demsgogutsm
at all essential to good legislation. If wa
are to have any impiovementa on former
limes by tbe orgsnizallon on the ftbof
July, we say, in tha name of all that is
good, let it coma J and, In tbe event of an
opposllo oonsequenoe,wo aay, let the con
aura attach to the party so offending.
Fat the RpoUtr. '
Andrew Smith b lbs name at lbs yoasg
man arrested forsteslleg la Wast Taaisa.
tin, instead of tbe one noticed fn year (set
paper, in jusiios va omiin ssuierf e
would say tnst m is a ase young mm,
aad entirely a diffareatiobaraeterj aasf
tor rear or an injurious impraastM,' ws
obeerfuUy.eorreol It,
,Miw Post OriicaB-Cilejsii
'litr The Pertlaad papers, tha Oregaafsw
ai. (bM JOaast, atom to iala oa'i coosldera-
"al'.fnrvissaat the remarks mi saade from lIUIs.
sHajtiagb, a,fiw wseks'stMe, rstatlvato
HNllaat neMunaner. wseatymaae
aaalbtha rtismlng voice of those Inter.
seted In, or sabaoilbera lo the building of
the Nasi. Wa were not aware of Ihs con
commented upon. Our neighbors must
I sC 11
not be IM sensitive. If ihey have Ihe
mesne, wa will. Iri them build a dosen
roads, aad make the head of navigation
just where It suits them best. Tbe peo
ple or Willamette would not object to Its
bebg placed at their city. Hut iu Iocs
Ibf It ws don't want lo see our brethren
getting Into a pet about it, as there things
oaaaot always be managed lo suit ene'e
swa flotbas. If our friends should hap.
asa to loss tho head of navigation by some
they would feel rather badly, af.
vhag saade so great an ado about It.
?t The imrrovemrnt of the Tualatin
is gradually going en at ins expense ot
persons acting lb a private capacity. It
bnow clear for 7 or 0 miles at the lower
extremity. Borne 19 heavy drifts have
been removed by persons engaged In raft
ing aaw logs. The task of removing the
obstructions Is by no means so formlJablo
as was at first anticipated. We have been
Informed that other persooa higher up,
and Immediately on the river have voluii.
leered to clear six miles of tho river as
Ibeir part. This Is llio right kind of
spirit. The work goes on bravsly, and
its early completion is just aa certain as
'rolling off a log." Tbe next enquiry la
who will build the boat. The dele rmlua.
lion of the people above Is to have It avail,
able at at early a day as possible. So
mote ll be.
Lost oa,Mtstxo. A prominent hotel.
keeper of Mr city, not much sccuttomrd
to the jangle of our Oregon forests, left
tbe elty some six dsys since, In pursuit of
a SfBkt tuck. An acquaintance of his
saw bmi tba next day he left, between this
and Ihe Tuallty plains, only a few rods
behind blm, evincing an ardour in Ihe
pursuit which might be equalled, but not
surpassed by tho lox hound. I saw Mm,
aad saw his horse under him a noble an.
Imal, all wreaking with sweat, but a man
Mtts asal act surpassed by bb rider li"e
days after our first news of him way
high up in lbs Coast mountains. Any
person who will pilot blm, shall have horse
feed and breakfast free of charge.
OCT PatKTicx. of tho Louisville Jour.
nal, acknowledges a complimentary notice
In an exchange, In Ihe following style :
We scaroely know, dear sir, how to
li--k you sufficiently. Wo wish you
were ihe son of the President of the Uni
ted Slates, and we were your father.
Censes or liunnis. We have at last
Ibe official figure of Ihe census by which
it appears the total population of tbe Siato
4f8 10,093,
AM"JS ?i "-' .'W.
persons) i
r"'"" " ' ." - - -
place )alerday for Oregon. The ladies
appeared well satisfied Willi thslr trip thus
rar. ai. joitpn un., Jipru so.
V. B. Tnoora Dxikxtino. The De.
troll Tribune' of Monday says lhat a com.
pany of new U. S. Recruits cam up yes
terday from Buffalo, and took the cars
last evening, destined for Oregon. We
are told that at Buffalo 30 of them had
deserted, and I bat eighteen had been re
taken. ,
Twosipso Paria. The Hamilton co.
(Ind.) Htglilir, b edited by a Whig and
a Democrat, each of whom stands up for
hi own peculiar political laun. ihosai.
utatory address says i
" Every Democrat should take ll. be.
cause it le a iiemocratte every whig
should take It, because it is a Whig pa.
per. l wilt contain arguments for and
against ths doctrines and dologs of both
political parties," dto.
Somebody thinks that fualtlvee should
be given up, because wa should render
unto tho setters the. things that are the
09 The Capitol at Washington it to
be enlarged, by ths addition of wings.
The plan decided upon b a oombiuatloo
irom im piane oi esverat aroniiecis in
Washington, Philadelphia, and Boston.
Tho las', survivor of tho Wyoming
massacre, Mrs. rlaaMh Mint, died at
Merldeo. Conn.. M tba 6th last., seed 88.
The massacre, It will ba reooibctod, took
plaM In 1780, by ths Indiana of ihs alt
Mtbas. '"
-. i. . I ' i i i i a i is
Durioa 1000,1m setbaated siports of
tauii sst iM year wore sataerai praoMi
IM.lU.8Mi aawtokdlural proshis.
OtasioM Cm, July S8, laol.
Ksevea Rnettteai v,..,
8i Your paper cf tri.r !!M U Ufore
nts, and In ,l( I notice a oemmunloailon
purporting 'to oome from the pen of one
of ths deserters from tho Rifle Regiment
In the winter of '40 and '00, containing
some very gross slanders upon ths char
acterof Jesse Applegate, Esq.
I regret that I have not time lo enter in.
lo a full history of the case and lo wholly
refute this roost base attack.
To those who know Mr. Applegste any
denial of these charges la unnecessary,
but persons unacquainted with him may
be led lo believo them if no reply la mdo.
From the article alluded lo, I quote es
follows t
"A party of these men numbering 07,
arrived at Mr. Applegats'a in the begin,
nlng of March, inM), and remained ihere
some fourteen days, during which time
thv expended with him In the nuruhase
of cattle and other necessaries, something
over six hunJrcd and fifty dollars. In ad.
dltlon to this they split him over Tour thou
eMdlle.BB4e'igblhundrelebMrd " Ll? VV "J
lo bauaedlnlM Improvement of hlsTuiinaclrtrllndlcate (heir dseVenr
for which nothlna was asked, and he had
not the liberality lo offer a single cent of
compensation. This took place on Ihe
partly' progress on the route to Callfor.
nla. On the return of the aame men In a
abort time after, with Gov. Lane and Col.
Lorlng, he did endeavor lo detain and en
tiro several ol them to run away lire sec
end lime, offering lo eonce.l and furnish
them with provisions and other necetsailra
until such time es ell seaicli fur tlirm
might be discontinued, and then to aiaiit
tlirm on thrlr route to Csllfernls."
tiring myself a member of Gov. Lane's
party, I had an opportunity of knowing
something about llto mailer in qiieiiioii,
and know llicsp charges la bo vhollt. Mill
If, and otttntgftritlit Jiilir.
The deserters armed In ihe lriiUa,
as stated, In March I "30, and Immediately
4:o., at lb. same lime plainly Intimating ,
k.. irk.JI.I ft, ,n ..II it... .....M
take what they warned by force. He was m "' ny rrlcnfon. east upon
alone and unprelecle-l, and ,h,mfi .he""" t""",nr f",1M' "T' M P"'
t.... f ... ..II- l.- ,.r....l , ..11 l.i. ' veranco with which he met and ovcrcamo
Mill. r.ih.r il.. U robbed of ilimn.
A portion of the msn, howvr, Iml
neither money or prosltions, end by rta
sun of Ihe Inclemency of iho weather, hire
compelled to remain. To these Mr. Ap
plegate (being compelled to frrd tlirm)
proposed that they should work while
they remained in tho neighborhood, and
npenaaiba for tht'lr la.!"" ,n PceM counsel a hen 1 arrived
,.d 1.1. propslrl-in. and ' ' "" X "" ""!' ""e(""i ' V
.11 .n, ...an.. ......ll. f n ik. ...I.r. -.1, .
recelre a fair com
bur. They acoei
ha and the other aettlcrs implojed llirrn
In making rails, for which they woropall
81 per hundred (and board.) I saw Mr.'"'"' '"" v'" "MT " ''J "
A. pay a portion of the inon.y m)lf,
.ia I in )
- '
The claploards mentioned wero nel
madu for Mr. AnpleKalr,or errrwrdijr
htm, but were niado by the dr.crtcr. for
their e.M irn. and used by .hem I,,.'" "''"'nfl peace and a good under.
i .t,..tl. ...111. !... a.. I..- rt.. Ii
building a ahed to protccrihem from Ihr
rain and anow.
TK.rt l... . a ...i.. ... .,
"entice several or then. I. run .way a;,,,i,M L" ,' '' M" P''V y
second ilms, offering lo conceal then, and )," XlVtD f',1m,h ,"dl,,,, ! ,h ,ndl,",
furnish them with provisions, it,, Ac, '-"'---r'i-7'v
I ise to be fault, and damnify fnUr. from ,h whl,M- or ,l'h tui ,,I0W P"
Mr. A. nrerr offered ...v Inducement, '1on, wllf,,," ,,l,en ho"" r'om "h
to the men to desert, but on the contrary! ,tou " cwnlry, are rrque.ted to
endeavored (and In one or Iwo Instances ' ",ore uo,h l"0"" " mulM- or,M ulr'
succeeded) In per.us.ling them voluntsri,on'' J "'" without dslajr. Per-
ly lo return. He also guvelo Oov. Lane"0'" ;" t" uw ,D u K' m"e" n"-
aud Col. Lorlng nvsry aastslsnc In his
power In effecting their object of nverla.
lu- .i, ..! . ...i..i rvi i..
Inf aa far as the Klamath In the capacity
D ' I
of guide
I am al a lota to conjecture what coutd
have been the motive of this perjured de.
sorter lu Ihue vilifying the character ofa
man who not only has never injured him,
but u the contrary lias often extended the
rites of hospitality to bla follow -soldiers.
and perhaps lo himself.
1 or u Hpsetalorr
Cucasim, July 33, Ifl'.l.
Dtar Sir A gsnllemsn from Ft. Lar
amie, arrived here this morning. He
stales that he traveled from lhat place
with a parly of emlgranta from New Lon.
don, Iowa. There are nhout thirteen per-
in tba company, Including three fam
ilies. He left the train (numbering seven
wagons, with ot teams) on Ihe Umatilla.
They crossed tbe Missouri rivsrat Si,
Joseph, on Ihe 33od of April. But few
emigrants were congregated al that place
Spring opened unusually early. They
have journeyed thus Ihr, with little dim.
cully ( thtlr cattle being now In good con
dition. But they passed a train, with
horse teams, in which tbe animals were
greatly exhausted. A portion of Ihs com
pany intended going to California, but
were advltos ai Lsramls lhat it wm lias-
ardoua for so small a party to attempt ibo
journey f la oonsoqueaoe of.be hootlllly of
tho ladlaaaaioag tho route. ,
Aa aeUaa died last algkt, whoa asath
laws regulating trade with tho Indians are
violated. The continual distribution and
use of ardent spirits amoiigif them, Is not
merely prejudicial to (hemsctvos alone,
but greatly disturbs the peace, and Impairs
Ihs safety of Ihe while Inhabitants, con.
Ilguous to Indian villages. There it too
much apathy prevalent In this country,
concerning this practice, All woll dll
posed otlitens should regard It as a conscl.
eniloua duty, to bring to justice Ihe of.
fsndsrs for such grievous violations of leg.
Islatlve enactmentst and groat good wculd
probably result from greater vigilance
on ihe part of the Indian Agents. That
"Inevitable destiny" that "mysterious
fading away of tho red man before tbe face
of ihe white," renralns no longer a my,
tery to me. Prostitution and rum, do tbe
work. I would suggest to philanthropic)
admirers, lhat If they would preserve here
the " remnants of a noble race," Ihey
niust, firstly, dismemlxra numerous class
of bipeds, which now Infest this country.
Their color, end general appearance,
Caucasian race ; end al asms previous
time In life, they probably thought them,
ecltes In be men. Secondly, Ihey must
preteut the inlroduetlon and use of iutox.
testing liquors.
The Mail for the Sail Lake Valley yel
re,ains at Columbia City, for the reason
L.( fc Ucn c,uU,,iej
,..,,,., .
una piace oi mo vanes, n is expecitu
thai nccesssry arrangements will be com.
pleted this ireok ; and thai the Mall will
proceed on Monday, the 98th InsO
Yours truly,
J fit 1.1 ClllftOHtTII.
I J. ScMirmr.
Kur lli Kiwcistw
.Uy lkar Sir I ant happy lo infornv
'" ' ""S ' sm.csLin
P00 ,'"1b-n "elodl with the Rogue
""Br "" "J "OTernor t.amos,
dllficulties to accomplish this mo.t dcslra
hie end, Is worthy of all praise. Hr
reason of protracted arid severe sickness,
there waa no Agent in lhat fiulJ when Iho
Guvenor, al Iho tlsV of lilt life, resorted
in the theatre of war snd csrnsg. 11
his prudence and guod management, ho
dually collected the Indians, and they
ail apiraranee, grrallr to ihe satlifacticn '
f ibe Indians. I bellure the Indians on
"" " " "' "" ""
win. prnii, iiisisioir, wno may nase
nr.al,i (,t (r. v.l nv .1.1.1 (m .!.. a,. .u
""' '"l'-''uX. " mo,, rsrnesuy rs.
quested to aid the ofTIcersof (Jorsrnmsnt
-" ' noi.
tionaof tho treaty are, to giie up prlrw..
" t'Oftrty 6" both sides. The
siry for ihe law lo take lla course, which
"""" ma,a """ nmouni, Msiaes
'meeting sll cost. Of course the Govern.
m.r,, U.III .Arf..
ment will rodetm lla own pledge. All
persons who have lost property by the
Rogue Iliver ndlant, are requested to
send in bills, with Ihe prices of such
property st the lime and place of the lost.
Mtiffiolent u alimony should accompany
sued bills, to satisfy the Government
that the property was really taken or
caused to bo taken, or destroyed, cr lost
by the Indians. Such bills msy bo da.--
reeled to me et Oregon City, or Calls.
pooynh, Lynn co., orVoncalla, Umpqua
eo. Persons who take this eltp, make
out their bills properly, accompany them
with sufficient testimony, may real assured
lhat thslr property will be rtttored lo
them, or an equivalent will ba retained
out of ihe monies lo be paid to the Indlaet
for their lends. Persona who bavs.ius.
talned great losses are respeeifully re
quested io use forbearance. We msy not
tie in a situation to ma'te all their damages
good at once. ll will not bo prudent to
retain so much of the monies as lo Irrilaln
tha Indians, until ws havo en efflcUnt
force in that country, either of troops or
seniors, lo keep them In awe, Tho oom
mlislonsrs havs appointed ths 18th of
Sept. to meet tho Rogue River lasbnt,
and io treat for their lands tad 1st ass
again meet earnestly entreat my follow
oliixens traveling among Ihoss Indians, ta
uas every pessibls method lo maintain
pases sod a good understanding. A Utile
rashness on the pari of a single white man,
may prevent our purchasing tba eevotry
thb season snd involve tbejevsramoot
lo 'gnat sxpsnae. Prom itMlatevty M alt
hands, ths great lo
ess of rio bm report,
kotiaiaotofa .'
I .
seaaty, F. A.tJMooweth, Post I
::r fit. I. MaOartef, bM a Ka4or -
..r L I'- -.-. -Sijl.
, naw sera, wm