Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, August 05, 1851, Image 1

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o j. N'iiNi;iu,v, r.i.iroii.j
Vol, .0,
. x '
nii:.oui:a. nii:i!'imtoiii i
m turf it tii tiir mumi. hui. ami 1 1 trrak v
im-rimu r the rKorut or uikuom i
Itulwrl ."Ho ore. Proprietor.
IN A It I A 111 V 11-UiV. rt I..
On roiv. i imwm , .. 87 "0
" IwlMkinuulhi I 0
ath . ! 0
JVrttty RiMtifuii! iiicrlMin .. I (Ml
A iUrl italtti Um iitillii ).. Ir il'Hif
Tito iiumUr of tiiM-iiitiiw iiiiiM U ilMjiieUj'
llllVJ mm lli liiirtfm, utlicl..! tliX JI1 (
4'DiHiiiti'J till tab! I tnl rlirr.l acruiiJiiigl
Th I ! ttif "preii ar iullnilinl to act ai
j(nT fnnlirft'if Tltf) mil ifrnto mli
Mftf(utit JUil diliiltlM-MlflU (nf !!
J I. Man.. I.t ufiir4iHj tit fw llif i-
Im m Ill" 'Nrrilori, an I imMUkhI tn rctr-n.
n-l r r ijt I ' all hion) i fvtliig tn tl t lite
1 I'.n l.-i (liit"i !. ttl
l 1 l(Wi, I U j. ...ut.t. 1 r
Urn t ami in A Oi.Orfj t
Cuii it A I , rrlUnl
J It MCi iir. I' M ilfin
dm Vl'Hi. ktrN
4 M ut i ., ItrliftU-m
A J lUvtail ,r Tf1 I f ll
I' lu r Cum fity
Jmii i m,'(, Mciitliof 4Mfnir
A Hiir ej . lliH.Uiri.tij;.!
J H N'i-with ftnilli tnllU, T.flk f.itnti
JlMr Vrnii lnit ''
II ltts llolMtttlr
ItnrrkT Ntwrii, ,. ,Mp
tii A t.iti tit l,urkiiitutr
I) I skitt, tl iilfii ukttt)
j i M..JMVV i-.r.- i !
Ji ui ( ir S Mr in, Ittiiu i iiiihU
I! llllfldrt, l'.r.tit Mill IVtMV. . Hn.l
t "lllt)
N'tm t h r, Uir, tuntlt4 i trr
Join H iimu, Sftintli' Mill. I'Jk fMinft
UilJttM HaIIaiw, 4 it' hull
1 tutli llr ,SiW tik l.lirt
l.Mrl'iM . ,
m mMk rrtfv, i s, tut
M.iill tl n WOfi.l I r J iltli'J'l HMfli
I 1 liaiftrd far 411J lirl,
(.J ili rtjlilirr i ut Ji
A )wtl lill hwlth ItW
I r en tic UtM-t -I fl lit1 l
l ir4l.il tiuilttlt kllitl,
W lif It m11 l l uil) IU unt
i f muI lit") nwi TuiJ
I k Hh 1 III th lltf tutibrtl Ih p" '
il )t Hit) lirli Intitacll,
W In itfot tit1 ljgjl finin ii J i
W tti ltf Mil liw lief
I ir rrii n Jiu1 wlii jiwtirr Kiltl.
Male J.rilJ (aiiirtrl "k).
'tit kudli B i'r xmII ii4 mvU
1 -h ft w-tlnnp Jj)
I m iutiWll k Uw rr Ir.l n i aw
W ItaiiPtrl sriit In Ih!I,
tnl LimMii n tlui ti.r ,iitt i'( Uh
I'ltk Kii 'frt 1 1 id an nil
I r ktiuun atuifjiiin jNk I Ik liullt
I Uemti a mwli rr,
liil knew irVuuii iltrtt iu wnlli.
iMittiafgvtl Mit i tun i rrr
I it knouii a h;mhi -Ij) at hhih
Wliti nriild uol ji') at iihi
Atnl kiiinn an AbuMivtiial
V'liu Jul a alata tiriiiv ,
Til Uviali IU iia iiirhll' Wild
A m.ef lioatl tin jjoM,
And acr i ii mutlicr lrne lifi i litl.1
1'ur lriiijcrt lutidt tu liltl
1 vi" tern a i.. ilru rtlirt lia.I iM
W lift liU'l a iiiiitrl ait.
y nj atru a fci I tv nln iWfiimtj; Iiil
ul Ituuw llitli Ha fmr
Oder on a i ailrnad lnhi,) !t
Tu a M mp"ji litf ,'
And on u tlrimrr ouct I gA
A tin rut cup i( Ir
VnJ I limr rrn, citrr la mj .fc,
V ItuJmuJ, dp it kiiimii,
W libtlul tu I lirat In hri(lilMu' v(
Siimk I'r'trr limn 111 mm ;
All alwarrh I'll U(-lonl H.i.k'J
A entile ftk I rail
Sum lilklA UOr it a I think, -
I air an hours! nun
Ni:w I'kintinii lnr.j. Mr. Julm It
Hatliauuy, nf NorftUt, hat;oiioo Wn.Ii.
ingtoit, for ttifl purjKHu of tnKlug out n
pntut for a triiitlng pro, or liU ltncn
litn, willed 11 to I to woikoil entirely Uy
onn pcrwin, oml "ill llirou ofTouo thou.
itunil oopln por hour. It N very simple
In Iia construction, and ran lo maJt ut a
roil hut lilllo nlxvo the unlluary hand
Oold CoiNAO. During 1 1 to mouth of
April the amount of gold coined t Iho
PhlUiklphU mint m 60,170,059, of
which tSai.eO were In double ogIc,
0011,700 in tnuUti f 'J,V70 In quarter
tznus ijsatacjr.
Tans ces? xLJVuztJAnrjKjtuiaxs
I'rvin (lit lltnoJtunftL
nr LAuati todo.
1 I 1 1 rod In Virginia during tlta winter of
Ihih. At an nvcnlng parly in Uichmood
lhfrn wcrotwi'Ufr mothr, twelve deugh
j trm, and n toleraMe nrinkllng of father a,
oni, widow, iinil widower preaentf with
l.uuric Judd in their ruldit; aodyoumay
Ihj aiire wo had noine fun. Convaralog
mill an ancient lady, aho remarked that
I her uruiiJUllii-r Inlt Scotland when yourf(
and avtllod in Virginia. IU Ucaini a
, inrrchaiit and a planter, and grew rloh.
1 III agmt in Ulatgow wai Aloxandef Mo
I Alpiu, to whom ha conalgned two or litre
I cargtif a of tobacco ever Iti m4 rffi-'i
fd oi rfturn caih, hardwirde.'dry gobtle,
i ! lie had ll tt:l(t and herua, tneu acr
t aula mid maid mr ants Iwmea and ntuloa;
hut no thiii hit yet lacked ho Iwd no
I'irtt) ii(it'iKiii with him when lie came
iioN.r ut night, fatigued wltlr counting
m.oih'S, mill a mated with wnrUlly palf, fur
he hid moru of that tharvjieart could
uuh Si nllur a while, hu coocludcd to
taki n ifi---a Kiu ai he could catch
liTe u an the ruh. Hii time wae
w,-upi..l til. Iii. bii.iucM tliat ! couM
ii it Ini'l linn' t'j Iimk liut liini fur a wife ;
niul tf ilmn nil, l nil beiliful man.
lirn lir imm innltlrn nfluonty advan
iiiir iii Im iatli, lie wnuMrrotithe Dtrtrt,
IiuiTuI rUiii; killed liy a iliot from her
,iiil.lii'K r)vn Hut a rnnfiiy Ma at
I1.1111I, lurtcr. lie hail ofitn hrard hie
Pr..it..ak 111u.il m piaUo of ihebon.itelIIMj ,M muc, iBollaad to eaaaet
i.j .,.., .,f SiMlaud. A bright IJt. u.fcmlly to act witb tba eaaetaeat of
tn.. I. him lira 1,0 a, tcavlnsc H'O machluca, making little allowance for tba
iill.n-. I.11 rli ik kii roiivinc n diipllratfl
ur.li r I'.r miu'Ihi- i.i In' irnt ai part rf tho
riiiitu iarK'. I Io tliuuglit tohlmlf that
he in ! oritur a jminj; Untie for a wife,
n. 1I.0 Ui lU'iii'ui tlir lima. The article
.. cnii'i.l acci.rillngly
i tin- mtniu lime he wrote a tirlrate
liii.-r of 1'iMrui.lionituhiiagenl, Mr. Mo.
A l-.n, (; 1 v I n jr n iiiintile ilcicrjptioii nf tha
in,. In unnii.l, at tu age, height, wealth,
1 1. In l. ri, tin iniKt I a bonny Scotch
l.f , 1 1 In- cnt on the rrturn of hit owi,
lii . l.'-r naiiii-1 . bon the manifttt, hill
ut luiliii);, ii' ilrpromited, on arriving,
iu liinu In r sloi.il in home of a rciect
..Mr m.l'iA uliiiiu lm named, anJ if agree,
nli'.p tu lh j-ortK-K ruucernr.l, he would
i.inkr l.rr lua ifi iii thirty laj a after her
d -1 itah If ii.'t.Mi.Ui.eKlihrJ'lo return,
hv v .n.I.I mj i-iwnva, lun nf time, eto.
Wliru SiinK McAliun had finithed
ira.l.ii). Ill- l.-ili-i of IiiitrurlKin, he low.
Iv im. m.l l.u ic larlei, muttering to
hiiixelt " i'lio tail (lii corroiponclcnl,
hIi nt tluity M-nrviilif) daft ; lielella
me in riiJ In in a wife, a if the were a
'..nil o'le'l lirrnngi , fju.le kein, Xhtath
(lrouhje7l un in prt s uiti. larirjtrl.
I II Or liatllii'j;ilili'irmji,
hlrn 1
Nrxt .In) Mr. Mo Vlpin al in roi'icil
' .ll. M. an.) 11 lnulalioni wern
nt I" 1.11 1i1.1t rum, u Imw ilausliK ra were
- ' is iiiniitij aa i(t'-av UHlliilltl I v V
hi in. 1
I ..ut of i.'rnt, tu iisrinl.li! at Mrs.
i.iii a it iiboaru i.ncn matron was
n.iiiiir.i tu hrnig wttii Hit a oaugliter
wh 1 a iic "oVr yomip to marrj' yet."
All 1" inn prrai'iit 1111 huur Ifforo tea, Mr.
M.' Mpiii nail llio letter and niado ail ex.
iilan.ui n Tliey then al ilwwn to tea.
After tU eaih lastnxe In her ultimatum,
it lien it wo fniiinl that only three were
MilliiiU to accept tho offer. These three
nrci-J tu ilruw tola to deciJe tho prefer
unci'. .Miirj Itoluiitoii drew tho longed
' ktiaw ami wai Imiled a tho bonny bride.
In ten il.ij-a thereafter they eel a II for
Aiuetica. Tlii'V entrreilCheaapeake Hay
after n tujago of twrlte week, and in
iwu iln h inoro they wcroin Jaincalliver.
(Wl.eu Mr Crawford, our hero, heard of
llio urriMil or the ahlp, he, with four aer-
1 nnia rriairril to tho wharf. Mary waa
MumliniT on the nuartur dock, admlrino
' iiaiuro'a wildcat utandeur. Hho had n-
u.itciI (loin Iior in.lckiie when four
t .l.ija nut. TI10 healthful brcrxea of the
hroad Atlantlo had Imprinted on herpret.
tl fucn u Uauliful frethneaa. There aha
1 fno,l, her cheek llii;ed with tho roet of
Minrim.nnii iwr tioiiiiy brow wiitto aa the
lily of the Milli'V. Crawford apratig on
.Ink, nnd wot introduced by tho captain,
H l""lied "ii Mary wlihloio and admire,
lion ; Ii.t mifl hand lay In iia; he waa
ihot !
Tlicy all ileu'eiuled from the ahlp, and
1 repaired to tho mention of the widow
afiircanitl. On llio thirtieth day of pro.
, liution, the latere wcni united in the holy
I hondt of ucillncli. In conclusion, the
j tprlulitly though venorahlo wiilov remark.
' ed, that a happier couple were never linK
cd together.
.Small I'nx anomi the Ifffeeajia, The
St. ,oiiii Iteinililbaii learna (rout major
Hurry, V. 8. Indian ogenl, that the email
pox la raging with featful vinlencn among
tin 1 Hioux Indiana of the upper MlaaourlJ
In tho vicinity of l'ort Pierro and ModU
ciuo creek, Novoral hundrod iro report
rd havo died of the oonlagloue dieeaae. It
la likcwliio extending down the river, and
had mado ita npnearanco among the Io.
waa and Saca and Foxee. ll la not known
how llio diaeaao waa otmmunleeted to
them. , .!j i,
rronroritv. aaye an exohanae. la asX ta
make manjiy. n .WaabouU at) wUllee;
"But ilbci: rwt mdketWtt1
ihcrl" mM MnMnil to ktrMUmi1
"MMla't Ml fcihtrF wktof.rW:
idar on., to im yowgar, aaiataa a t
"MuMa'l tall daaal" arM girt
tvn( awtniag ina nmmj aaary t.
Danjvi ajraaraaa mmmti, mumn
watght aba mu ataaaailaf .
Jidim femllh traa fertaiaa la
ihoo of ajow.ll.r. Ha ti
ruun, aaa a iranwona'
oU araaai aa4 hU fUikfW
wiava aaaaae
aaaat a want, ua.aaa
town, witb a MtcbM-aaraaa la ll
and a flower.ptot In'Tronl. ffa
youBa cool-naiuroi htnjtoia.'wllii,
a tiumcnnt. family. Ufa wife-liawayat,
wm Bood-oaturarf, without much firawaN
orolitraotcr. 8ha lorcd aar chlldrta 14
a foolish, IntliMrimlnallog wajr, aaa la
crwn their ftulli, would often hid. Ih.
truth rrom Ih. faihar. Hiraoga to my,
.lie wai not ahum lenient bemlf. Sta
u ratbtr ctpricioiM witb thaw. At
tu m kind to tbem, that (bo waa oopta.
!tlme.dlappototed io an adequate return,
and ao becoming inceneed, aha need Io
wreak a temporary rengoanca oa them
a temporary and otiual vengcaaea for
tho aame cbild that tba beat mm minuta,
ho waa euro to hug, Io fondle, and ta
jth. the next.
The father again wae aomewbat too
buoyancy, the irreaularltle., lbs ibonabt.
lomneaa, and Ilia Inciperleooa bf children;
He loted Martha, but many a grate leo.
ture, many a eerioue admoaitioa, aad
many a pbiloaaphical raaeoa, waa ha eoa.
atantly tltiaa bar on tba lubjaet ol rear.
Ing chlldrta in aooordaaea witb bla no
lion. Truth to aay, both tba toolbar aad
her children ware aomewbat afraid of tba
father and they were mora hutbed aad
guarded in tbeiroooduci whan tba matter
oribe bou. waa at botae.
Till, wu mM It ahauM ka. Itm lb
fault did not entirely He at bar door, lie
had too hard-beaded a way witb hlai ear;
talnly ; Mill If hi. wife bad beta lata Hoi
id, that la, If the cooMeaee ofiratliaad
piincialt aad
i".1j . " TLa
laiaaiBtBat aiw awiaaiam
own good feeling, aad lhat ta ataxia
them, Instead oferadinc hia Iniuoctlatie
and arguments, ay recouraa tea patty
duplioity, ll would haveeen better for
iior, lor him, and lor the children.
James bad tame taste, and bavins eared
a pound or two, over and above what he
was in tiie hawi or placing meniaiy in
tti'i avln,t liank. hail illaAlafwl ihalillla
.ji.-.:.-Ji- .- nnr'-ifniT-l-r 11 -t . ,1.. .u.
(ahrlghtalx,n.0U( jog. ,nd lambs with beaky
tans, aa wen a pair 01 lovera anting in
crmtsoa grottoes, wnton aaa mine no or
lamented bit mantel-abelf, by a baad.
I lie had eiven many dlrecttona ta bit
atUHfaj riarj,
who not to allow the onlldron to play al
hall or at shuttle-oock in the parlor. Even
in the reign of the little glased dog with
the boaky tails, there existed etaadiag
rule against games la that apartment,
which were likely to preduoe dettttation
among the china auadrupedt ; but now
thai tho rate, the alabaster rate, ooonpi.
ed the mantel-piece with quite a elaatleal
eftect, alone In lie elegance, the old rule
had been deliberately re-stated
I'oor Mr. Smith eat In the p rlor, eur.
rounded by tier numerous progeny, oepi.
Ing, and about Ing, and pulling 00 aaotb
er aoout iota ona laughing, mat aaa ory
Ing. The mother tat
mine m
nldal, '
the Infant peeping upon the tccae irom
the ahelter of her wins,
" Now John, you naughty boy, you
know what your father says no battle.
dorc here! Ellen, I'm attonlshtd ,at
you lay down that ball thlt Instant
lew me, children, you'll drlvt ma dlt-
tr..I.Ml ttut natal tntnil If Muta talk.
. ....... ........ .... ... ..avT aiw.wi whiwi inr. oiiiiiu, ,110 luinri,
dot not htar of thlt to-night. Yoa ah tllLtttr might olhtrwls h.ve heard nothing
suiter for it I"
I'oor Mrs. Smith; her wbol oonversa.
tton tnrougnout trie nay waa in tiut ttyl.
he thoutht abe waa worried and blaa ued
out of ber life by bar children' but aba
waa quite mtataaen. one waa in Mr na.
tural element, and would havt been mla
arable without theee tame urchin tcream.
Ing and tearing coaetantly abapt bar.
Now John, you uaugkay boy," aba
began again, elevating ber vole Into a
aoreeoh above the dittraoUag dla, wtrto
crack 1-Jobn'a ball atraek aad toppled
over tha vase, the areoloua vaaa I '
Tban there waa alarm lit the camp
tl vPrll,l iviaa laata.aaaJ I .L.
look of their elder, tad tba dittraetlon
of the mother. iYrr,Artt Impulta waata
ttt tba abild down, attaa bar aaa John,
aad thrash aim toaaaly all of whlab aba
taTtiaMasi'Mkat. Joba reared llki7!.
gnat tpeiled beaby, and artiiaily tba
meiatr rtltottd, aid eaJd aba 'wanld aaa
wbal aha could do, tboagb be did at eto
terra It. ItwulboBal fltttlahepsusagt
frttn Ita placa to latharl itar.iV vaaa
bad baaa iaterraMtdeyaektakitwUtb
rrtta tMa aaawna 'taa mjm
1 fKW1l"jSiM.,i
Im takae'lutta."
lay, Atugust 5) 1851.
iftnttb had inad. for the repair of
oblaa. u out Into reouliition
I broken ourlbora filled each other ad.
iljr, tba Iraolura being a clean one
atraight Mrougb and without frag.
Tba oemenl wai appliad. The
iltaalM forth tho ehtereoflho In-
troop, ae the rtte wn re-ettib-
orerlba fire-Dlice. and the muitn't
fctbe'r' Maead from tba one to the
1 itmee Smith ceme home, and little
na auner tint oay, or me next,
day. after, that any tuch petty
I bad bean ptactioedaatlntl him.
aaa Aaa afierooea, bin. Smith bad
M WM't!droom. to over
laiaiiiifafaabylHota; aad
Wdren were at play In the back gar.
iy ware atplay in the garden, and
exhausted iMr present meagre
present tncasre
of interest, they aat in a row Uzi
!.. m-li".l.
' "I " """. who minus un.
and ready for mischief. Anap.
. J. .. J I.' ir . I..r .1
asi.aaaia, vtiiaaMj iiacii mil uviuia mem uu
tUpaUag, and tempted thorn with its mel.
raw etiuten. jonn mi ana paasr .1 11 a
tajjo, le then ventured ,0 point at
aroayappla with the end of a .tick hs
,' 1. .irTi' 1 -..-. 1
aisters. At ihia tha others intarciiinffed I
witb him and with each other cl
--. .-. ...... v. n-
and with each othor olances of I
racoanltlon, and looked at what they with
ad, while tbelr countenance! expreucd a
uearoftbaoonatquence ofdiuibedience.
John now tapped tba apple, and tboy Uugl
IOt lauuli
ed hor.paaeil, and tapped it moro fore
.. . .a. 1 t ...
' m a ."
IWV. ana tnev lauetim mora aud v.
Richard started no. and He mn.t .trlt I.
War, toa. rnn.i .(.. Ii . i-l,. Ai i
ijeagth, John emboldened Into hardihood,
. . . . . ... .... I
Kia 11 a knoew wtucii brought it down.
an ll rolled, and ita red cheeks and j el.
low ataee cauaeo uio eyes 01 ina juvenilo
delktooMtilo Mitten while they cave ai
moot, we giMoeaaoi wmen waa marrcai
- - . . . J
a .a a a- at a a ' M . i
bv AattaaW el till I itair. lhv r.tli.ri
together in a group ; one Ut out a p cce,
an? another eagerly clutched the apple
c.mnM.i ii,i.M..i..u:.... i'ti.
". af af
TT -;"-. 'T'rr' "".v " "." u.'- '"
suj nanus, no wmmpenng lor a snare.
They laid their heads together, and the
saMbtr mado suspicious by the ominous
tall la their noisy gambol, popped her
over tnt wtnoow. sue espied tnein
It aaaaeooaplraev. and beard nothlne but
jhv vmirtvt 1111:1.1
kA - ti ..it LuZ:Jj. ..11 t".i.i
i aaara a waiaai uwu a tun urJiuvri
T It waa but an apple 10 bo euro ! But it
applet hi
reach. No wonder, under all the circum-.
ttanctt, and consider ng that the treo was I
yet young and un.bl? to bear a great
ill ,L...i i i ib....i
IT:: 'ZS,: "J. " Kri: ". :r;""T
r.T-v-" !" -ri--" - ""(,- ..k.u .... l... .i....i.a ... .
tat).- The Ireo had hcen planted loo bv ' """ "-"-" .-.....,. .v-. -... v... , ,h tw f0tbtatt deaaaRa
lb. father, on the birthday of 1.1. hmttiV'if .,narcl' or.ren.,?,,..,f. 1,ow "". of coal whirl, will b. nci3rr mC ?
i. John. The fruit .si to bo gatllercd ; '"'.T1,' ,?f 'r " ','!,, " ' l, """. ""n"0 " tKjtata3
Richard' natal day, when the young. I d,ruB'' d!1 f "' Shou'd t be crop )en comm(rce of ,h p.j, Wr7TS
wero to have a treat for their cood "" fcV '"' '."."' "" "." "": ",r '.".' drawn to our Western coast and to tba- J
in not previously disturbing the , roiiiiwr, tanicn u new tn einuryoi.. umlIl m
inalnjr ao lemptlnnly within tlit-ir ""'"'' .-,,. ,,.,, f irtt t- ntn.iar.aaai fVJ
.... ... m.i; ....... ...u ..i, ..u... ,.".,. ",.;,.
der, as tbey were of a fine description, aboja Uestni.n er AbbM. " bat
that Jamt. Smith thauld with to lay ',e1eII.rill".'",,.I
tmbargo on th.m, till they were quite a ''. k0 '.nd el nl an . '
lift) and good. Tho children knew too 'other kinds or monkojs and elephants
trail bow dlsUnctlr John had transs-resM.I ' "an they do now.a-days. At first io
Elau?oX h nof the crowd; but on of the
sue minr oruer. ,..,,. i,..i .rr!. iii,,. i. u,..
Wrath wa, Mr. Smith, I can assure "ff","'f "fi'Vi.llowed m co mi .In
Xou, ,o:.hlnk Iha, her owp children, of, I ' '
wnom ane was so iono, ana to wuom sno ... , r i i .. n . and in
ni .,.,..,. . ..... Of course he fee s bet er. after this i, ?i;er "'"".
watto aina, couu tnusue.iso o.ceittu iv . ... . .. , -,- ,.n .i. r. i . ton wit ,
1.1., nia.i.. ... .: , i - cert ficnle, thsn hedid just s.fttr tho alight ', , ,
byhtr. Outheran1aelxlnglnhorpas.l f ,,,.,', ,;.,,.' ., ,i, n.i,. the whole
bank of a birch broom. Armed with this I
... i.
4 !, ! '
eke flew after J.hn, whose conscience
htm fl" before ber, rouud and round
aa .11.1. a.a.1.1. 1...I .. i". ....! iL . VI It.v H"Hvm aa . v. t . o. . a. . tt. (VIS- . , ,
Z,ll .Vlk Ai'l.n.ii. .1.. n.HLlnl pMch, iliough, he onmo near being
ravel walk. At length .he overtook J , , " , , , fi
fkLlo. i"10" ' "' f
. waiTV.tt hlhr and .eamed"" I HritUb Tiltc slaterv. Silll l.e got through
a wat a great booby and icreamed. III... , ..- , .... , . ".
of hi.
ha wa a great booby and (Creamed.
turned out lhat the end or the broom-stick
... ...ju.......!i ti.!. ....
,H left IU polntUh. flesh. The .Mr
Hoved ttrlou ;
al akasljaa.at a al. a .IaaIas I.a.1 ljk 1. An .
hr and. of course, Mr. Smith, lho father,
aaac. iiiaLiur iibiu iu uo ai-iii
nlh.M.1. Iiw. h.a.l nnlhini. .
flht'drcunkitanco, had Io l informed '
the Whole Oalr I
htd I heard them, Mailha, Instead of
yourself," said Smith, "you would lime
expected mo to hate been 'it much hurt
with the word 'don't tell mother,' nt
" Certainly, James, if they would de.
eaire lho one, they would deceive tho
" Perfectly correct. Martha, and when
you taught them to ay don't tell father!'
you put them in the way of cheating your.
"1 tauahl them I" ejaculated Mr.
Bllb, bluMlnj
Von. mv dear." reolled the husband.
ad.l .a.. 1.. .... L.LL... V 'SI..
"wnswi sno vaaa waa uiwa.ii. wai.
tla, tbtl little matter haa come to light
yeaj taught tht llltlt thing to soldsr it up,
Hd tooeaotal the fact from their father ;
d youtbtn, not only .afforded them a
ta ina an oi oaeating youraen, oui
Ibem a kind of lattruclion, that being
Mttl ia,,mighltatiyieaa them, by.
'eamaJt fraud. forgry,'or em-
Mt,'i . ... . . . .
t fn aicialmtu
' 'Don't tell mother!" repeated Martha ' " "'". "',"i"i."n;
(eetliigly to ber husband-" it broke my , iff"3' of l.l,a,?U"J b' ""' ,,B,rIaDj.yl
baart, Jame. to think thai they could say , ' f" "' '"tt " ,0 )r- ''"c'i
I. ,, ' ' ' 'ards assertion that the covering of the
coming emboldened Io defund Jiersolf
"what a dreadful serious way you have
of talking about thing I Now the fact l,
that it is because you are such a bard
thinking man, James, and ao sevore with
Iho children whon they do wrong, that I
dare n be candid with you sometime."
fiorne further ci,.irtil!on ensued, and
the result was, that Jainea saw that there
had been a fault en his side too, and he re
solved to amend it.
TnaraTBMto RBVOLcrto.t i.t Mxxtco.
Tclegrsphio report have Intimated lhat
evidences of a project for revolutionizing
Mexico are now on foot. That something
nnusualla going cqJp.Mtxico, wjdo not
doubt. Our 1'aris cOrraspndenl oiiiiAn.'
Jcet tho puicliste, hy Mexican oflicra, of
,ownJnf Vnnteuni wc know
,.. ,. i, xu.i,.- t,t
a large number of musktl in
u.. n..i ... ,. .1.
" " .'.eauail llllKIll Hi
cur, w men connrm our smpicions mat
... .' t.. r l:.i .. :..... 1. ...
. M,enlcrDrl,e of m, kin, or ,noth.r i, ,,.
,-,. u"..i.: .1,. 1.., .1 .1.. ..t
"" ''""" "10 "BO vilina,
foot. Within the last three months, ao
1 iinuiut t larire numuerui .iiexican i-eii.
n 1 1 m.......
,t. i.....i,..t.i,. v-t. ...1 ,"..:insiatedthataiasrcani uraaostt. wta,. j
!!" " ......... . v ....., ..... ......
u... ,.,Pt , ,.Lin rnn,.r nr VB
d;:; f" , , i?n of their country u dl .
iM!.nDr.Jn,td,. ,,.! ,,!.. i,,!uf fcngland, 1 1 exemption fret tba MjrV :
vrc, ,, u .. 1,01.0,0
say to wnu uv aucn merely commercial
' ,. .
ari is rnriana miinrii iv inair na ii i rai-vari
?."..: .v "..." (il.T'u::". .......
. ..-!...: iil i. "i.,-r " "ill '"'
.1 .; , ,. .3. 7
thing moro than smoke.
It rannot be eoneialeii ihU tht nrnuiki.
. -------- -- i ., ; ,
I""" ",- ; " - -
Innw a 'nrnriln IT.mn uilh m.inif n- Ptni
.ri ai tha m iiinn Mn An til Mattirn I
----- --. r --
' "'8 iolhern and cslern Slate.. lhat
many Mexicans are In favor ofwming
aritl.in flu. iiiriaHlr.tinn nfflii. ITn.fMl Slot.
"" i ;- v ,,;.;'
and that our population In California de.
airo to extend their gold? n pursuits into
ihote reniona which hao been so sutler.
.... ... .
'CuMyexpioreu.anu wmcii msj yet jieiu,
I ft Part tnfla.l( 1 rtaBtif iriJ. I III IflC U IlOIfl.
.'". "-- "- 1 u .1 '
vtatiarinr thai afafs nf HltalfVl flnrl nil II"
liaitaa riul m tawlalnla t bm Miniaanle. line tnjaiAtlia
"v""o "":""' w ..-,.-, -..- ......
""'." ""'- " v................ w " tl0W fsiand must bear toward tkltaosjf-;tt I
,0 ,LrinP H "".ler the reg men of rcswii, ..iifcB
enterprise, and induHrj, we are niiile.,' jud .k.. ta. U
I nr,n.rr,l lo anlleinata a reiolutionof iime
: .--"i,"." Cr. lTl-lv on. , ; m.V-
kind. It may bo a bloody one, or it may
bo a moral and commercial and political
one, in which the people will form a tre.
mendous majority for annexation to tho
I l " "" P'V"' or " '",) V? ."""'
......... - .. , , ...
rollini: both ways at once, bloooyono way
I . .-i r m.
anu btoooien tne otner. 1 n tree it in
the seed at present,
be seen without a
Hy and bv, it may
microicope. .Mean.
, . ,. ,
axlkica:" n irtiw.-urciitr, ae.
eording to In. letters fro,,. London, hat
somewhat recovered hit rnuiinniiii of
te,ner. and bePi. to loom l.r'ee. and even
mond dinner. It certainly was a xery be
neolcnl net on the part of iho negro, par.
ticularly as t!recley felt ery sad. In
. .".i,;,.. ..... , ' Lr,..i,.1
'to send all tho white slaves of Lnglainl
' " '''' fc"?, r ,,'"
V4. i. !. v. !. . stvr ita at
- -
Haib ok PtrrEBKiT Ricr or Mkn.
Mr- "tt"' i"i..eij..,ia, has
comuuniiciiicii " mr Ainrninn i.iiiii"iojr,
'lfJ of a negro is hair and not ,W Me
states that thero are, on inicroicopo o.
animation, ttireo pruvatiiug tocuis oi tho
iransicrsv scciiuu oi uio uiameni, ,:
tnocjiinunoai, iiiuoiat, auuvccciiiricaiij' uecrnuioi lasuiun, nor in ino aauaaaaaa,--elliptical.
There arc vttolhrco direction, of fashion. It allow ofa fowornatmiaa'yf
in which it pierces inn cpmrimis, anu ti
prolonged to its apex. The straight, and
lank, tho llowiui; or curled, and crlsiudi
or frizzled. dilVer respectively as to tho un. '
glo which (he filament makes with tho,
skin on leaving it. AVhtlethoojlindrical
and oval pito lias an ouuque angio ot in
clination, the eccentrically elliptical pier
ce the epidermas, at right angles and lies
in tho dorml perpendicularly. Tho hair
of tho white man la oval; that ol the
Choctaw and tomeothcr American Indians,
(cylindrical ; that of the ncirro is eccen
trically eliptical or iat. Hair, according.
to there observations, la more complex In
it (structure lhan wool. In hair ihe en.
veleping scale are comparatively few ;
in wool tbey are numerous.
-A nun wha data swUlS
r. . v.v-. .aBa t.
a; t 'Svsra
V L i-Mf"-
(T. r. McKiaOYat CiJty
Tha sfesaaarteta
The difficulty betweea Ibal
to such arTaxtent thai II
ened whh 'falockldt. bet' I
refusal of thVHarwaliaB 1
accede lo'lha demaaJd of Ibtr inrataft't
tlirlr wines and braadlactitMbJ
. ed at lewer dulif Itian ihote aa U
In tha treaty wliVh the Ifawstfsin
menl made with KncIaGd and Vnate.'lti
was stipulated thai an ail ralnrti dtilii.taf-
live per cet.t. diiooi mjixcu opiin an 1;
ported artjetrs except nintaarM Vafdjta..
upon ine, ino ouuck were If.ww"
al, pfovldedihey did not P'osiM wl
uiuiiivij. na,HfviaiiiivH .a.
va tleanitJiiMri
divand mcfaaaav!.
Jt t iDritish government rcmontlrated agalcetTl
Jr. I ...1 cl'"g alo and beer wilh wtdtt amlij!
!! ."!' spirituous IIitioni,ndaj tha firmrwf-re
..spirituous Honor,!
., .,.! ,(,,,(. ll.B AitlA .fhrt '
. j, ,, .uil i.i .ej-j.ittJ
I had h-en paid upon Ibem were MJassjsllsal
and no moro than tHa ardiery;aty
..-, .l.,l Tl,. t7.--l. -ii
sequently levied. Th? Frcnoh, naa. Hl 'J
insisted thai as alncs'and bread JwejsjJ
I . -. . -. . . - uj ' j
. seouenuv ic
, .
as much tho natural growth ant) praaai.V
. ? - tsussosss:
, : : ,. j-..-. -7- '- w .
o her roints of d UVtrcnct Olltsa tMaWLr.
. -'- n
The affair seems to be eomethlarjlxsa?!
1 that which tho French became InravMafe?
I t Tabid some years ago. Bot tbf bt
ofibltSlfTieully llhltoBbajaJ.t
i r a t t. uLJLa.iLa(f '
n .iocrmicni juutti nuanum if' i
t .. . at. a "a. x.. - ' tl
proiaoiiity, 01 wnicn we rbts sai
:. ., .. ., . fl I I. ..tti 1.. J.t.
lion, inai uio uianos mnwiimi
, l. unj,r ... nroiecton of tha O.' aWttl.?
i ... .... ,)... ih. Preacb abaaU.BtJ-f? i
I , .,. .ii-.i.i. -.. art... 1. L. -J r , J
uenaKe a mocaaoe. inaniui u aaaanaa.,
l.. .....1...1 ...4..'.nl. ww,iln'iau:1 $
, t0 run u ,i10 , 0r ,h. United Slala5
. .. .... .... . if.fli.. . . -
toothoa wn en Amencanciisessso e.
. .,... ,...,, Ut0 -, fcjUjfti
..... .. . . - .ar
'"? " ' 1 ' I"!"- l
' " "" " ""V "."'.""" '5T T . i'
gou-mment or the united otaiea, wai
ture. woulJ not permit the asctndeaey
Mrm.n.nl ..Antrnl nf anv RllPAfltaaft SatW.
.v ....... v.. . ...... - .-J ....... r -
. ..... t..M t.T.n.la TK. fTaailtllatt
1 ,1
Mands, situated on the route. I
k..-.,. , from the Oreaea)'!
, . ..;... . n. 'jiiaa.
China, .must becoma.
- -
i l.
suptdics lot tho whole trad
portant line. Honolulu, tha
the Islands of which there are elav
nilI Iu Uri,.u nnd MTenty.ebxM Ai.
LreaJili and I. much the larrreslla tba
" 'l 1',', four'Xuaaad J
S'0UP . contains eoino lour ItMUatM
i aquare nine, w hilo all lb other COBtaU -rtn
butiitlleoertwolIiousand. They lie ta- .
twfcn lho eghtfclUll an.i ,weniy.ooad J
having a aala. ,
b"ou "" "d producltvtelL- It
, r .. tJmm.nm howavav.
J V.i m 5 commcroe Ra"?x"
lhat hc,0 sland. gmw into coo-jtderatlon,
and in tl.it view the r future importance
"" hardly be over-catlmated. 'Noapot
in the Pacta ocean can compare I.X
commanding advantage or pots.
nat group. The popuialtoaar
s'roup ts estimated by tee ma.
' "uuul """""
Thero is no probability, wo may tale
l "" granted, that Franc will atltinat
lho conquest or these islands and their
pormxnent occupancy In tho lace of tba A
,,cciJcJ .", oriheU.Siatat.
Tho occasion ofa blockade, how.ver.Ifh
. , , ,. rfrre.l. mav thrnv-il-aaataaaaytr.
should bo forced, may throw'lba'l
uiwn our protection in eucb a mlBrtba
tho future possession of them mutt rtetaia S.
in our handi. B.ltinor flmtrtcan, , rA
.-.... ... ....... a.-fji 2l.V .?
iiSKsa. lie uoninnow wdowim wm. ' j
er oi mis, uui ne, Bias rxacuj tsssMjp
ot sense : ' s ffr '5
Klegance in dress is cheap aMtisxfie, !
tvttat tl costs a man wr toutcaaja
it. is aufticlenl. if added to tha
cent of his clothing, to dress hlmwlllrjE!
gance. A Tow moro shilltnga a y
cloth, tho work ofa tasteful tallox.
'cent 'regard Io tha pruvalllnttwod7aid '-!
cortaiu noatucss and .inipllolty, U 4hhisv"l
i.iegsnce is never gauujr, never nTu.i
and no stuuira uiapiay, tn aaa
ofa single dollar In an article of
may mako lho whole distinction hi
elegance and vulaarltv. Atlnaleial
ornament may apoil lUt effect tf that
tailor's workmanship. ThoallgbtMs
centrtcity of out betray Iha lakaja I
(&. most destructive loostl
curredon the Upper MlMiatlMl;'!
iributaritt. it teem wi
aevastaiing agist vw a
atreami in Iowa. "Tha:
Terre Ilamerlndlaeaa.
than it baa baao aaowa,r J
There arWtaM Mil
liona tor ooaia