k s n r t ? IT LV" r IW It f P tf l I? tic IP' Hf CDrcon 0pcdator. OIIKUON CITY I TUL'SDAY, JULY 20, 1881. O. I. SCII.1IDLY, XDITOX. Kdllorlal Corrrsssosssletscc. The following letfcr should hare ap. pjarrd In Utt week's paper, bul aa It came Ion late, we publish It this week. TrMtur, July 18, 1831. ThU msroing wo tot out on a visit to llioTualalln Plaint, moro with the view ef taking Kino obscnalions of llie country than a disposition to m'.icatt. It waa un. v.pectcd to ut to arc ao much of the coun try occupied by new claimant!. From Linn City out to the PUtna the land, we havo been Inforrccd, Is nearly all claim ed, Mill and all. The claims in the tim. ber arc pretty generally backward In Im provements ; even these that hare been claimed and occupied for tereral yean : The labor of miking farms Intho timber being so much greater, may afford aome plea for their undeveloped condition, and the time cf the bachrlora being greatly oc cuplcd In trying to secure the trWe grant, li a sufficient excuse In many instances. There Is the greatest burzlng at this time among the bachelor portion of the lords of the toll, erer witoessed In any country Well may they bo busy ; they hare but four rronths grace allowed them for court. Ing and marrying. It I all right; we wish every mother's ton of them may bo well lulled, and that, too, in time to laki advantage of the most liberal allowanco guarantied in the bill. The country thro' which we passed for thirteen miles Is more or lets broken tim ber land ; and some indeed may bo said to be rolling to a fault ; this Is particular, ly trne of the first four or five miles on the road from the Willamette river. There are little spots of prairie on either side of the road some eight or ten miles from the river. After Boning thia dis- ,. i .l" ..., i . lance o oiscoYerru lira 00.1 improve!. The prairie soil seems) BMrs compact and marc subject to takkf, it, produce well, as the fields of oattead wheat abundantly testify. ' ' In thirteen miles wt reached Mr. Mas. tors' frm, one of-the'Mtt'aat we have seen In the country. Hem vas the first harvesting to be seen thus far on tho road. Mr. Masters u as engaged in harvesting liis earlv son ing of oats. This, ha told us, was sown in the Utter part or Augmt, illrtfg t!)e p, ,wo wtek T)9 DUck nnd although it stood thin upon the ground, , ,rIwk r0M h,r recjular daily trips between a ccinWerabl portion having frozen out, l,ci,y IDIj porl!and, and the steamer I r.as nell filled anJ heay. Tho wheafoW,!, , UJUt)i run, hef rtguir ,rip, crop probably will pot be fit fw barren. hehreW this city and Vancouver. Tim ing before the last of July. The wheat proWUyond doubt that the rapids can looks well, is large.heaJcd and promises k, na.jg.tej ,t low water. This set. nn abundant yWd. The oats crop looks ,Ul tne qucjon .bout the head of nai. remarkably well alt along the road. , gallon, either at high or low water. Cum Tho roing crofi en tho Plains are', UXj tjjro f)rycr? til inro or lcs rucumbered wjthyVrrt, v.!ilch grsus ;try fait and Is difficult tol &" Our thanks are due Todd & Co't bo subdued. Tho only effectual way of. Express for lato papers from the Stajes dcstrojing it, wo arc told, Is to turn the roo's up to tho sun uunng the liot dry weather in summer. t'a vm.nn mn ,I.A 1ttn inr.mpli.i inn,. to that cf Illinois than any other part of. Ht.t.lt.K w. ...V . ... ,.-- , Oregon we have seen. Tho land is level to a fault, and U without trees or brush - . 1-I.l 'PI.- ... r tm f..... ui ttuv Kiiius 1 ttn ihi 111 ui .'n. siaii7i3 i lies hsndiointly end is will improied a w Inriro r.sriion of ft is under fence, and -. omo "00 acres under cultivation. Ho It truly one of ths Unit of ll.o soil. The great deficiency is a general backward ness iu fruit-growing. I'msT Im.miubanm. Mr. Fisher, of loua, in company with some 14 others, with four o teams, arrived at the Dallas 1 one day last week direct from Ilia Stales. He arrit ed iu this city on Sunday evening! last. He loft St. Joseph on the 23d of1 April. They had qulto a successful lripSuiilh got through with all their stock found iho grass pretty good along the route, ex cept fur a distance of about 990 miles on Snako riser. Mr. FUher thinks from v.!ml lie could learn previous to starting from the .Slater, that the immigration to Oregon and California will not exceed 000 teams. G3 Mr. Cou, Postal Agent, furnished us with tho following names of new Post Offices established in Umpqua county : Gardner, George L. Spelling, P. M. fjcoltsburg, Stephen F.Chudwick, P.M. J'.lklon, Daniel D. Wells, P. M. Umatilla, at the Umatilla Agency, ISO miles aliore the Dalle on th route lo Sail Lake. A. Francis itoyer, P. M. The mail for California and llie Stales wlllcloso inthlsCiiyon the 8th of August at 13 o'clock, UT Wahad the pleasure of seeing Gov. Qalntath otbarday, who has just return ed Irons the Ut seen of hostllkie-on Rogu river. He arrived at th ferry on Rof u river with aom ten men ; whom he employed on the road aa he hurriedly traveled along. He sound, very mueh to his regret, that Major Kearney had left for California with the women and children, captured by hint in his tat operations there. Being thus left without any mill, lary force, aa abovo indicated, the Gov. Increased hi force aa he beat could, from among the returning miners, and by means of an Interpreter, whom he procured in the Umpqua valley with difficulty ; he tendered la the Indiana peace or war, aa best suited their taste. They gladly em. braced the furnier; and came lo his camp In considerable numbers, say on hundred, amongst whom wereeltvcn chiefs. The Governor succeeded in concluding a treaty, which ho thinks will be kept by them, provided an efficient Indian agent, aided by a small military force, are sta. lioned thcro ; both of which be hope will be shortly forthcoming. The Indian place themselves urder the exclusive ju risdiclion and protection of tho Govern ment of the United States, and bind them. sehes to restore all property, at any time stolen from the whites. Tho timely caattgation given them by Major Kearney, ha Impressed them favor, ably with tho ability of our Government to punish them; which, the Governor is of opinion, will inclino them to observe tho InltV OIa ,1-IhI.b Itnttrmtmm ll.a. I-..J !, r ' i .,' , it, ers will ba aafo only by cautlen and s fail- aoce, on account of their (the Indiaus) thievish disposition, which being tempted,! tbey could, with difficulty, resist. . " - ' The trade now being carried on b iwcen this Territory and California, Is found to bo highly advantageous to our people, and tho miners and traders who aro honestly cngtged In their lawful bus :4uesa generally ascribo the late diflicul tie to the Inditoreet acts of a few unprin clpal white men, and are, naturally enough, anxious to bo relieved from the effect of tuch misconduct in future. In a former number of the Sprctalor, . ' , ' that a Dumber of we stated, on the authority of a miner. persons had offered their services to the Governor to over run their country and slay the sav ages wherever they might ba found. The Gpvernor Informed ua that no audi offer or lKtr of service waa msile by any porsoa tat uch purposes. We will. Ingly make this correction, in order to set the matter btjforc the public in its true light. to: 'The rirr haa fallen very much a I hours in advance or the mail. Vtio enterprise of this Express is such as to entitle them to the pstronnge of the pub lic. Their enterprising Agent, Capt. Mat, I just the man far the business he list un Uertnken M. I.,.nn .n.l n..nn.u'. !..... ' -" --- """'.l haso laid usunderobllgallon. .0 them for. I... ... . I ..0.... ....... ... . "o l- ' rerguson will please SSO -. , , accept our special thanks for his bounte. out supply of Cslifornia news. 1 Kr The tallest oats this season in Ore gon was raised by Mr. Alexander Barclay I of West Tualitin Plains; it measured U feel The longest head wo havo teen or heard of measured 31 inches, and was grown by Mr. Jacob T. Keed, near Wap loo I.nke. OtT A young man calling himself Miller, was brought up bvfare 'Squire Tultle, of Tualatin, on a chargo of stealing from a Mr. Copenh'r:,, and was committed lo prison fur 30 days and fined 450. Tho same young man was arrested a )ar agoal Astoria, said ol charged withobling a Ksntcs, and csrno near being lynched Th oldest resident ofOregon, Monsieur Ilivel, was In Uwn yesterday. He camo to this country in l05, and live In lh French settlement, some 30 odd mile up lh river. Monsieur IMvol is ths oldest man in Oregon save on he is in hi 03rd year hecame to the country with Lowls and Clark la healthy, robust and active, and bids fslr lo live out tho tan- drtJ. For the quarter ending March 31tl, 1831,0,400,171 letters passed through the New York Post Office. Cxkutivb DarsTHiNT, Orrgm Cifjr, Ftb. 0, 1851, Sir ! I have lh ttttMr to nclos yo a cony of an aclof th Legislative At embly of this Trrltry, c.iIUkJ Aj Act to pravld for th selection of plaoi for location and rolioo of Publio Dull Inst of lb Territory of Oreswn." mm by thai body th lal Inst., and my met sago of th 3d in relation thereto, and as! tho favor of ou, at your earliest convrnl ence, to lurnisn m with an official ptnio. as in ins vauuiiy oi in Aol 10 question and especially whether the Leglstali Assembly, oan lawfully assemble at Sa lem, at it next session. Much dlffei enc of opinion exist amongst the insro oers, ana I am extremely anxious lo hav tne question sallied aa arly as possible. Very respectfully, Your obedient sen ant, JOHN P. (MINES, Governor of Oretron To the Hon. Joint J. CairrKiinx, Alt's; lien, of the U. a. Washington City DirAtnixxr or Stats, ) irnMiisgroi, ATo-jr 1,1881. J Six: I hav the honor t transmit to your Excellsnoy, hrwlth. a copy of, ooinioa of iho Attorney General of (S opinion of Iho Attorney General of lh Unltevl states, bearing tute tne '.'9u Intl., touching the several points msntcneii in the letter which you addressed te him on tho Oth of February last ; and Is Inform your Eiocllency, by direction of iho Pres ident of tho United Slatos, that he fully concurs in the official opinlor of Mr. Crittenden. I am, with great respect, Your IJicelle ncy'a ob'i serv't, IMNIRl.Wbn.Sr lilt. Ills Excellency Jun.t P. Gabus, Gover. nor of Oregon. OmcB or AwoasKT iJ'SMAt, J. April 'JJ Ibftl. To nit Pscamr.NT: Sit, The papcrsdately received froia r . ah .- ' . .... mo iioii. -loun I . usines. wnicn i coin. municatcd to you, and which you were bilcastd to refer to in fcr my opinion IVerroa, have been carefully examined auiTvontidered. They contitl 1st, of what purports lo be an Act of tho I.egis. Iaiie Assembly of tho Territory of Ore. goo 2d, a messag from Governor Gainea to that Assembly, bearing date 3d or Pel ruary 1831, expressing, for reasons given, his dissent to that Act, and his refusal to participate in lis execution and 3rdly, an opinion of the United Slates Attorney for that Territory, git en on lb application of llie Uoveroor, against tne validity oi tne said Act. Tho only acta of Conereaa which I htv found relating to the subject are, "An Act to establish the Territorial mtnl of Oregon," passed, 14th 1BB. and " An Act to waa iu proprlsvions for public building nesoia and Oregon,' V passed Juno 1880. f Oy the first of these acls, th L live power ahd authority ar reeled in lb Lctislatire Assembly or the territory. consisting of a Council and House of Re presentative, and the concurrence or approval of the Governor I not requisite to the validity of their acts of Legisla tion. Tho power "to locate and eslab. Halt the seat of Government for said Ter ritory at such place aa they may deem el). gibto, is expressly given to mat Astern Cly by the 18th Section of lhat Act. It may be a question how far this gen eral and exclusive power of Legislation haa been qualified by the Act bfCongrett aboe mentioned, of tho 11th of June, fj.'O, in tho Instances therein embraced. That Art in its first section, provides, " lhat the sum of twenty thousand dollars each, be, and tho ssino is hereby, appro priated out of any nionoy iu the treasury .... y......,v .,.,.. f. .., .- -,., nil nlliru!A attrtfArtriatotl Irs Im tnnliiul by tho tiovornors and Lenislatue A stein. Iu biles of the Territories of -Minnesota and Oregon, at such place as Ihty may select in said Territories for Iho erection of Pen itentiaries i" and In its 3d section it fur. ther provides, " lhat Iho sum of twenty thousand dollars Arc, be and the same is I... !....! I.. .. 1.. ll..l ' ,"' SZZZZl ieol, U,l APm . . l.iu r.t II,. 'I'.rrlt.r.. f fl,., in !.. "J " .-..- ..-. ,jy 0f il0 Territory - V " -..... w. ..-H"", ." erection of ituitablo public buildings at llu- "t of Government of said Territory." This last section does not in my opinion conflict or Interfere with the previous ex. clusisr power of tho Assembly 10 "locate" their acat of Government as they thought proper. It give the Governor no coulol or voice on that question. Hut the seat of Government once fixed by tho Astern. bly, it docs give him a concurrent and equal authority with liiern, in tno appiioa. lion of tho money to the purpoto designs, ted. This concurrence was required, probably, as an additional aeourity for llie proper expendituie and u if foe money . I- . ... a- granted. And j litis extent, and in ref. erenco lo thou to of this money, the Leg islsllvo power of the Assembly Is quail, fied, and Ihey caunet dispose nf il without tho concurrence oft ho Governor. In regard to tho first section of iho act and the appropriation of Iho twenty thou. sand dollars for the erection of Peniten tiary in Oregon, the act Is loo explicit lo leave any room for construction. -That money, in Iho werda of the law, is. lo be applied " by the Governor or Legisla live Assembly of Oregon at such place aa ihey may select for the erection of" Penitentiary. Dy the force of Ihlc Ian. guage, th Governor must hav concur rent and equal power with the Assembly, not only in the application of the money 10 the erection of the necessary buildlnas. but in Ilia selection of tho placo where they ar to bo ereoled. On th other lople presented in the mos. sage of Governor Gaines, and in the writ ton opinion of the United Slates Attornsy, It Is unnecessary, perhaps, for nie to ssy -AuMW inasVJi StSJHaau nitre, than that I entliely concur in Iho views expressed by llmse gentlemen. Th Aol or Congress which eslablithad lh Territorial Government of Oregon, and from which lis Legislative Assembly derives Its existence and Its power, ex pressly and imperatively declares, that, 11 lo avoid improper Influences which may result I nun Intermixlnit iu one and I he same " Act, such things ai hate no prop. , rr relation to eaoh other, erer ik shall embrace bul one object, and that shall bo expressed In the title. That tho act of th Legislative Assent, bly , in question, does " embrace more than one object." and that il It, therefore, in violation of lh Act of Congress, Is a propo sition that cannot be mad plainer by ar gument. Th same Act of Congress de. dares what shall be tho consequence of surha violation of Its provision, namslr, lhat the Territorial Act, " shall b utterly null and void." My opinion, tharcoro, of the Act iu 'question is, that it is null ami void In all It parts, and, consequently, can give no egal validity to any thing done uiidorcol. r of Iu authority. Itits statement, Willi llie message ni h Governor, the Act of lh L-gltlatlte "VVnrori "" A"I0' T.F.'Z KMmty. U opinion oflh. Attorney if the United Slates for the Territory, will iresent the subject fully, and enable you in give whatever direction may b deemed proper. i snail tie gratified It the remarks)- lias e made, ahall in any desreo facilitate our examination and decision of the subject. I have the honor to be, very rvspevfully, sir, your obedient servant, J. J. CHI 11 1.NUI.N. Km the KctstM. Aitosia, July '.8, 4.tl. Ms Kbitoi Having left Oregon City yesterday morning with some- ofuiy frirnds, for an excursion to the mouth the Columbia, and having also heard of llit rapid Im nroementa bein? made on this river for the last few es. I had some cun'o.itv to com. and r, and havo realired all that Us been said. It is most astonish. ing to see what a difference one doien ycarahas brought alut. Tho axe has ' . . . been used unsparingly, and is still to be heard on either aide of the river at all hours of lh day, Hut probabh to give your leaders aome Information of the im. provemenla thai have been made in the sray of traveling, would not be amiss. W lisfl on board lb Steamer IH Whitcomb, asxloaour arrival al Portland aaw lb tpUndld teanrrr Willamette, team up, and nearly ready to be off. y afteC th Whitcomb landed, th tt haul4 In ber line, hovd off. her bell and put out. She wa a aylaodld tight, certainly, a perfect streak, aJie) when under full way, I could coin par ber to nothing but a snow slip rush ing down the mountain, taking all before il : her wheel invisible, the bank of foam at her bow, her for and aft dig at full length stretched out as though nailed lo a wall. Just at this lima the bell of the Let Whitcomb began lo glnglt, which v. tt a signal for the pesteugers lo come on board. ThU done, she shoved elf and -i... r. i. -. .1.- turn... uv.,k iiib iiiiiiuira aiicf t,,w i,iBiiirt,i- !( itsss f .l Wlilf .itnts ( n lnlltiitiilsr rssttj .,.,,, , ,. unakinc on of the company and being high pressure, the appeared to, , ., . . , . ,, , ,,,. ... ,,-n .. Iho Superiiitenilenl of Ind raise her vo co and say to the W i amctlr, ' , , , r , . . , am coming, We soon had a full iewof the fait illameltu s slesm ; tho was lo all appearance tplitlinj ihn mcr.juiie in ksan aesrl lias Hhs IIiii h, ,ll.alin, ,.w, .,., -,,r. ,v H ,w ..,...,.,.,. 'n .,,.,!, i hr.-,lf..l,nl.1. wm,i.,"W -....- k - sight of her broadside. When she struck tho up current, I thought never had suds been made ou so grand a scale. The pas senger oucsch, boat appeared to bo anx lout; uoui uuais inaim ior 1110 norm line ' of lb river, .gainst tho strong current, ' and appeared to defy tho'poworof w.l.r. ,, ;. ' , . ,-x , I he Willamette n.ared the ..ore; tho Lot kept on Ihe outside pounding away, at much ai tu lay, I wiili to ilu IioniMo ' I the and of rhv nailviiv. Thin we a'r'"' ,.---,,.- ., , ,. ,,, ' , ,, side by side ; now old Lot takes his uoto ,,..,' , j 1 . 1 1 1. ..t. lllllji slir.Hnrtu, li. I.lrn. Trlulit .f h. n ,11110 .iil-.u now no ipso. iriKllI mi inn r 1.1 urn, .. 11 foam of the WillamelU, ,id aoos a clear , ...1 ,., ,,,,. ,. , """ "" """ ", l.nf.llt n,ir..il flip Kj a, il ni.b . , . , , , . , mountain man feel as good us coining sic. . , , . , ." , . 1. in toriouily out of an Indian fiahl.) We then look the .bore track, and saw on our' I arrival al Vancouver, many persons look. . ,. . ' tf I Tho Lot Whitcomb'. bill rang, tho en. ofnn .Innnetl. Nn .nmt.r llinn ua Ii.iI I got ashore, Ihsn the Wlllainttto again put out. Our bell rang all aboard waa tho orders so off again after Ihe Willamette. Th Lot Whitcomb alKiok herself, and ap. peered loaay, well, if I mutt, I can, soon jv wsnt and soon aaw we wer gaining. w lien wo nearennt. ueicns, in willam etla (topped and sent a boat on shoro ; Ibis dotentlou put ua to lar sliesu lljat wo looKeaoenina wnen w warned lo see her. W went on to Astoria, and soon after our anchor was let go, lh Willametto hove In sight, She csrno in, dropped her an chor, and looked somewhat tired. The passenger or the Lot Whllcomu all join me In compliment loCspt. Alntworth, and A. V.. Walton, Clerk, forlhtlr kind alien, lion lo ut and our families while on board. The Sea Gull went to sea this morning. All Is quid hero, eVo. eVo, Respectfully your, nrfliKRT NUWF.l.L lnkllo Meeting. Al a large and enthusiastic meeting of the elliaent of Oregon City, held al llit Oregon lions, on Tuesday ovenlng, the S9d Inst., for th purpoee of taking leave of Gl'Nl'UAL JOKKPH LANK, Dele, gala elect to lh Md Congress ol the Uiil. ted Plates, prior to his departure for lh National Capital, and leudcrlng him a puhlio oipresslon of opinion In regard to his distinguished talents and services. and exloiided his hand, vary politely r. Grn. A. I.. Lovr.jnv was railed to ihe( marking " I bellev I hate Iho honor of Chair, and Asahel Hush appointed Store Making by the hand nur .Superintendent of lary. On million, Hon. W. W. Duel, A. li. Wall, An wry Hoi brook, Wm. K. Kilborn, and James Walr, l.irs., wero appointed a committee, to draft a series of resolutions, expressive j troduco him In llie gentleman un his right, of' . tense, of tho meeting. Dr. Darl, the Superintendent. Tho Dr., The commlllee retired and subsequently who was mounted nn a small whitP-faued reported Iho following resolution", which, iuy, wore si sloiiuhed hat, hrowti linen on motion of Medorum (.'rawfuid, Ksq., , pants, and an old coal that looked consld wero unanimously adopted. ernbly the worse for wcar.J After enjoy. IUiolct'1, Thai, aa friends of General, Joseph l.ane, without (liilinction of party, we tender lo him our1 heatly and entire approbation of his acls as Governor of! drUon Termor. and devoutly wish that!"'" "l pulon board II. ferry l-.at, bis re-uiiloH with his family, may Im aaudour horses weiopnpared foranlm orownlns happiness to a safe and pieatsnl.lng lo the opposite shore. Mm anon, iournev home. I litioirtil, lliat, while wo remember Geniral l.ann's aurnoy in bringim: to trial and punishment lh WaiUtpu murderers In bringing back lo duly the iles nlng soldiers his efficlnil aid In the lata Indi an difficulties, and tho ability, energy, fidelity, and purity of purpose which lias charactorfired all his publio acls among lis, Il Is bul Ailing lhat we express our appro. Iiallonnnd adndrallon of his course, lltiolrnl, That General I.anr came to us coverrd with military glory, and lie Isaves us upon the butiiipss of the Terri tory, clothed with our confidence and at. lachmenl I On nvotlon of Capt. Kilborn, ' A. It. Wall and Amory llolbmok, were ' appJinleJa Cvminlltre lo transmit a copy " ''" lorego.ng rstoiunoni to v.eierai, I .. I II .:. I I. ..........;,., I.. 11.11 I' i """ "1 ,...-. , 1 The coniimllro introduced Gn. Lank, wlri briefly and appropriately addressed. , (.ltpiimi' iho audience, llunkliig them for the flat. iPIiry Wilion, taring manner in which ihry had been!j j. simnmris, pleased lo allude lo hts past services, anc .j. yt Chambers pl.dged hit highest endeavors to merit In. 'The comm.m-r rrlired, snd .hon't th futur the confidence and apprul.al.on) lirillgM ,,, (0 MMnR ,holr ,,., Ihey had expressed. That hating dellberaled on tin. mull. Able and pertinent addresses were also ()on of,,p northern portion i.l Orepsn, It. mtde by Messrs. Holok and Walt. w,m,( .,, iu rc,Brap,u ,, rrllrr, BIlU On snotion f A. Hood, Esq.,., i .j,.,,!,., Coiprl win, il,. Mgtl, Th. Secretary wa, direct to irautinl. , ,,, rv , ,,cJ (t ti a copy of theprooeedtngtof th wciing' . inipollInl, of , ,ll,,JfeI l0 , toGcn.LiMl. inhsbusnts north of lh.-Coluinlis nrr, On motion of Mr. Wail, ., . .,,.,, ailll n ,.,,,t,v tr. The dllort of lh eeral newspapers of the Territory were requested to pub lish the proceedings of tho meeting. Whereupon, on motion, The meeting adjourned, w ith three hear ly cheers for General Lank. " " Cv- Jul ly- ,',', fcoitot hrsnri fi.... v.. ti.. i . I ,i.. ..1. ...... el .inakinL-oneoftlmconipsny lravolli.it with " dian Afftlr on ' I.IU !.. ..... I. .1...- A ll... -.h... ....,., , ., ..,..' ....'. 'r . ' 1 win wiiii 1 aiir uniiiiHiuii iriatin nrniio ui uur rimnriin ii'ijr.urr iui "im ntiiwi ... -. i - --.I .. 1....1. ...... i.- li U HIV lill7 a sliu we ll l vil illtaj w m ivpiH'i , , , ..,, As wo look our deparluro from tho Dalles our cavalcade made 1111110 an nn- , posing apjiearance liot only oh account of 1 its numbers, but fiom llunarlely of 1 bar. , actersnf which II was lompotsd. Ther. , ., , f" "J"' 0.nT.tt ,"U,:,l''r- " , V,'? " '," ' 'l ' '"f'",U"'; (who Is blind) his favorite daughter, and . c.cr. ol Ur.ds belonging lo thai Qur y . . ,a . , lunr-fwi lurfifitv. ninl iihtniff Hi I ml ill 11 Wisrn Mho same number, besides leu or twelve . , , , - , 'extra ones lo terve us if ours should give . n I , . ,n, , oulonlheway. Thus prepared wr start, , , , , , , 1 , , 'oil with our train of filly horses 10 v s It ..l -.-I.. . -..-... r. ' ,,, u.muiu M will,,, J ,v ,,,.,, v, u. . , , ... . , , I'rely unknown, lo thtae whe are a 1 "'.ycquinied win,. n.l region or conn. tmf II will I.A HMnan&u..B -. . a ll.. """ ""' " """"' ".'" much of Iho lime, we wero enveloped lnl""s a ione mat win cm nl...!,! ,f ll rnlta.il atn l.u I La slrAiiii " "" "' Z.Z,?' Z. " I of the year. We passed rapidly over this open country, where not a shrub or tree was visible, and at Ilia end of 10 miles readied tho De Shulca or Fall Hlvor. When we came in sight of ihltilrtsm, we discovered on Its bank far below us, a large company of trawlers who had jutt arrived thefo from Ft. Colvllle. A wo approached tho rlvor, we aaw before u tents and horses Iu large numbsra, and a grest many packa slrswed along th short. Among the company were several French men, (formerly belonging to ihe Hudson' Day Company) and their wives, and a large number of Indians. A soino six or eight of us rode up lo the encampment and halted, wlih our horses In Un, all beaded towards lh lend, there camo out a tall gentleman, dressed In a long black j gown reaching to the ground, whose whllo Rloka and wrlnklsd vliagr, gar him a venerable appearance, Hailing a mo. mont lo survey our gioup, lis fixed his ye upon ono of our company, who rod a fine whit charger, and whoso full, round, rubicund face, silver-gray locks, and blsck still (that showed through th 1'iit in spots) gave him Iho apptirancouf en official dignitary, whom lie approached Indian Affairs." Th rnllcnian of the white tulUin, wild some Utile embarrass ment osptesned his rrgirls Ihnl ho could not take hlni by the tmii.l in Ihst capacity, but said Im would Iske tho liberty to iu- in with us a hevty laugh at his mistake, tho Catholic priest led off the lyee In his lent, where a friendly ohlt ohst lalcdtill i:. w 114 III HHK-UtiK lnbllr nming. At a nieeling ef the dllwns of Low it munly, aiemblel at Olympic, un llie afternoon of iho llhof July, Ifl.ll, nnma lion of Mr. I. II. Chapman, Capt. C. Cros by was called lo thr chair, and A M Poe appointed Secretary. Capt. Crosby, Col. Kl-ry Mr. Chapman, and Moj liohlsUtrough, severally, ad ilrrs.eil the mteilng an th" titiiaflon and wantt of that poitlon of Oregon Territory iioTlh of tho Columbia rlvi'r, andun motion of the litter geiitlemsn, a ci.nuuitlee of 7 wss appointrd by Ih rhalrnian In rr rfU), ,( ,,,,, f ir f . . ' .' a1(, Mrw, of ,,, ,n,llfli -lhf lUl, then appointed lhe "fallowing committer J V. I'lTt. II. A tioMtUirruc,!,. Hani. II Crockeit ollinirl ,, n ,,..,,,..1 ror,,.tlon0r.M ngales from every prec Incl In Clsrk, Low . is, and Pacific counties, assemble al the house of E. D Warlnst, Esq, tn ihi. Colil7 iner, on I'ri'Uy, llie yBth ilny of ' August ursi, to takit into tt refill comM rratit.ii, the present peculiar position "I I llit northern portion of the 'IVrntorj, it. wauls, th l,,t unihoil of siipthliirf thoi" ."- I'n.pr.e!, oi an .uriy.,, i...s ....I il. - . . s" t pnl lo Congress for a division ofihn'l'i r. ritory, loiM-ther with tilth Mhcr miitrri as may bo of imiiinlhtti Intrrrsi lothem selvet and conUiluvncics . and that there torv li it Itrtolrnl, That the envcr.il election I j precincts in Clink, Lewis, and Piicilio toiintlcs, l,o larneitly nqurtled to trri'l inch nurnlier of delegates at ihey may deem pror to a griiarnl convention to I"1", ' " Waibaw, on Iho Cowlitz, ", ' 'fJ'' "'" ?"''"' ."V' ,WI' '? . ii- mm lu'muvmiioii inr iintircsi aim K-";."'' -elfaro of.he Trrrilory norll, ef '"'""'V '7,'." ''"'.f " 'r.!,- I llfohtil, 1 hat tlm procredings of this ' "'"-K be .lRnl by ihe Chairman and Socre. ary, and fo,w arded to each ele. t prrcincl, and to a .territorial nowinapor t? in .1 ,or pumiiauon. The above resolutions wore passed unanimously, and tries mealing then ad. journed. C. CK0SI1V, Pret. A. M. Pot, Sec. Oregon papers plvaso copy. wliu ,,,., u ,h, ,Mnc(, of .1.. . .. ...III 1 .1 I.I il.l 1 .... ".r poo , win m mo en-i.i.nu ....... ro..- ilm. The "Golden Age"hM como. Tim Casuo or THU IIaiik Gumikn Ana PiaxcT run Wtur Ynmr, is now ft tils at Portland, am,tVhlcli will U found Urn atatrlmtnl ef Ibt bt.1 Itlad of ini tial, all Im ri" wd"i "J ' f lb' etnaot fall lo pbuo Iht buvtr. Blttktlt, top'r, walls andooloitd MacMutrt. Ilaslt o4 tlitts, a Itrft sad tsried tiwitnital. Clslklaf , st all Uado wtll mid.. I'ratUry sad aisstwtit a foil wtMtminl. COW, iruud,ls Urn enrktrti Mils t twttt, lloors.wlNdoK't, klioU slid loeU. Kurnllor of sll klwh, ratUitajt t, sIismi, c Aha Iwe spbadid pluw font, OrlssWisttt, fiiiiBowdtr, iliol sod bid. Ilariwus, u, mill ttwi, tools Ac 4c, Ifollowwiro i full uwrinitul. Iron, tlttl, ntlb, kf tiwl liorw-thott. I'llnlt, oil, lurptiiUno, ptlb .nd gU. 1 Phdi for wrllt, rle. and iplcM of all torts jSlovtsof His Usl klndt Tor baalof , lie. Kyrups He girt whllt ind brown. Sotp, siircri, miMUi ind bridles. Bopo of h.rop and Mtallt, duck sod otkum 1 oUcoo. hi in and rlntgtr of lh. bttt kinds, otc.oVe.4ui. I'ortltnd, July SO, IMI, 47. &."?? '$$& wt - ..: