Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, July 29, 1851, Image 1

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i ikk i ;i j 'Bwai i ' i vv i 1 1 i
DOl OnW DOOB . OnnW 0OO1 ' AV D& AW1 OM OW M . 01 OOK... aOM OOOBOLa. t. BOOB .000 Bl BBBi BBBfl, BBBi BL BBB' BBH- BBBL BBI J. t -.'OBfifafeiar
bbp Bafa Vaflkfl BjaiaWJ BSk-ataW aaBBa wasaeaw BBafarawT aBBBBfaSBBaBaw. nmaao aaVJoW obbW aaWa aoan b aBBama ". .. b afBBrJHr jf
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J. KCUNKBLY, KIJirOH.) "WtWtWl ! ! lpwj,iPi Hi sjroyV -HK-1- (1
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Vol, 5, " Oregon City, (0, T.,) frttria?, July 29, 1851,
nrrsairra or thi rsort. or ox.
Maker! Uleer. Proprietor.
Oik mvYi Mf annum .1.. ... S? 0
" ratals IMHillia 4 00
OntiiHiiM9liatflM tMi)twa Inwrtlnni.
. ..: j 00
I'm (mm ilitlllul luMillon I...,.,,. I 00
A literal bMwIlm m.l. In jrxriy Jtrtl.
Th kmWl of loMillaiw lnut b 'tiMlljr
MMlkMlM Uw iiuijIii. lblwlM lUjr will U
rmlul till fU4 wl ehffetWTlliil)r,
Th Mlawlnf naiH ! mharitil la l
,t MlhnpKiiw- 1 ny win rmm k:m
ril4Um wl 4ilHMnnlf ( im.
J. I.MiMi IV,U'Mlilinl ft IIkKm
lot in lk Ttnlloijr, ml U nll.oliJ la itl
iiihI llp (or U iiiimt ittallnf U lh sflW
A M I'oi. I!"i'')ii lowi'rounljf
T I' I'lWrm.J Ul-l'riMiiiy.O T
1)1.1 Aiiotrnt t". l)rreHiciy
Ciiirn A l'e, r.nl.il
J II M l'M'i l' M Htkm.
I(H .Vl'lU. AModi
(' M WLii,).ni.liilm.
A J.IIi.r.Ynlia
I1. Di, t. IJ'" "T. .... . , . J
Jiwrru C Arti,-1. Moulli ef Mrjr''rlT
A. Hi lull. tm, IlilhiiwMli '
J W Niitii. Numllli null. I"blk cutely
Jim Arnnutt, llmMa lljr
W II Urn, llulMflll
Kumt ,Srrll., ('Iitciii.j
Mini A. I.Kimr, l.urkUmulf
I! I' Kmtrii IUiiIm rsunly.
J I) lluivm, I'.cllklMy
Jiiot Ciiirh. H)lacu' UiinrouiiU
II lllllluw, I1.-...HI Hill I'.-lOlli.r, llvuloii
Nllll Hill llln, CoIiiiiiIpU lltfl
J,.m Uoviif Nrnil!b Mill", I'olk reunty
WllUAM IlkiUiw. railffliulb
Nubbnlli litrnltig nl lloiur.
j.u HtlUl!l UIU litr cctKil ll.lit muuJ,
AiJ tti liaun uf ilyni 'il,
u. IkiIicM liai in nuula raulul.
Alt'Miail galliff fal
Tli la i ima wt( ami Mia alona,
lluuwj wlurli our hrarla mutt clu;
Alal fotlilral nifflliwlf oM by ouf,
Tlinr cliairl liraaum Un( ,
Tlial apU U Hum ( 111 aanJ aTU'
AOuitl im uWonl Ihrn ;
.Vol ctood'J lualK, liar fralitr lialU,
NaT ca)nt liauuli if MKtl.
( au anu a )) o fct an-l 'ui
,S..u audi In Iktiu uimii;
,M Mi)aUa llirar for aya aiiJulf.
'Ilil 'ailh waia Uila a liairru
IVc waiiJf iJ fr 'rpong ollin bowera
'Pun ll.'' my r)nl.llionJ Vii'w,
Willi ln-l" vt callitnng fallrl fluwrra
'I Inn In ll." gatdtua girvi
Vil la Ilia roM r.iil.l'aarnpl tlirunga
'M.J iia Jul aiul alKimy atnfr,
AtlrrltiMi tuiiii l.iarfnrt uJ aaiiya
(If 111) )puncJ")oua l.f
ftonia'a arxll lotr .! gn-iip ' ll'a HablAlh aorig t
lla I.mim I aarin In bar ;
Tliaujb bwna full man) a Iragua along,
Tliay cunia il.illnrt and rlrar,
( I abballi uighl ! O Irraauirtl Imiia !
Fond atiJo uf mamoryla iram
And thouglila of )f , laliara Vr I roam,
Shall bring ") )uulli ogam
An OiDllniLri AinotiB lliecflccti of
Ilaviil (ImlT, oflUrl tawntlilp, Linaulrrj
oouiili. I'll . lately iliceniei). wau Uer.
mill lliblc, (11 Rood comlilloii, irlnlnl in
inl, by ('. l'rosolittiir, in Xuikli, Hwlt?.
RpariR.-Tlifi miioiinl of artcalo oinor.
tril from Now York llm ivrrk rnillng 'irllh
I of April wan 8l,n.VI,:il, sml tlio amount
linporicn uuring uiu aaino (icnwi 01,100,.
All ancient I'car ttco ii not Ice J in the
Now York Commercial ai liclng in full
bltMMin In the Oil Avfcniie. It ! aupnoacJ
lo have boon jilantudty (jlov.Hluyvcnunt
'JUO ycara ago K
Hon. Daniel S. IHokrnton, late U. 8.
Bcnator from Now YJrk Btale, la apoke n
of In oomo of the Souyliorn papera for tho
I'roMenoy of Iho UjllcJ Hlalci.
Inthe cilyof Moxloo in 1850,34,7'Jl
Mriwnwero orreilud for yarloua crime.
Over 7,000 of lliew were women, a ry
nmtll number of them boyi,
Tho Incomoof tho Sunday SclioolBo.
ticty of Ireland la year wae 3,4o'J;
nuinlwr of oboMl,001 nbolara 930,lil9:
yraliiltou Icachera lf,763.
I'tomaUMUM. A man at Oawegool.
r... 1.1 AlAJin ll.al hn nan Walk HAO
iuIIki Iii 1000 conieomlvo houn, al li
111110 por hour. v
(KrMght travcli at I ho rate of 100
rirographlcnl inllr In voonj.
1'ur Ilia Kclalof.
Ml. SoMntil.Ti
I notlorHn Ihe I7lh No. of lluih'a pa
per the iiroccnlliijft of a Deinoorallo meet'
ln which wa convened at Halt m, on tho
4lh day of July, being Ihe 70lh annlve
ry of our national Independence, and for
Ihe purpnee of organizing that parly In
Marlon county. Sir, It la lo bo regretted
that good and rjght. minded cllitene of
Oregon ihould to far forget ihe duty1 we
owe nua to another, to our country, and
tho Hluitrkiai dead, to) meet upon Ihe
birthday nf our republic, for the purpoae
of reviving and faHtrlBg lime party. pre
Jiidlre which inut provo delefeiloua to
the boat iulcrcaU of thla aparccly eellt4
country at Ihe preeeat time. If we have
calla for moellugfororlebrallonaunon'.he
fourth of July, In the nam of Ihe tonll
nenlat oongreaa, let llioae calle be untram.
mellrd by party, and extcrJVl to all
claeeoi and conditicrw, from ono end of
thla p;lorl'iia republic lo ibo other. Thii
doctrine may appear aiale and oldaih.
loncil 10 th lover of excitement, bul I
bate every confidence in Ihe virtue and
intelligence of the people of Oregon 40
know that Ihoao upon whom real, the fu
ture drattntei oflhla Territory, of all par
lie,, will concur with mo in ihe above
v,lewa. I would warn )ou, Orrgeniant,
by Iho aliadca of) our nnccilort, to look
well 10 ) our own intern!, tlio Inlerette
of your children, and our conuiion coun
try, Uforo liticl.liiigou the armour of thla
1ttical warfare. Our population la ln
than 1B,(H)0, conaaqucntly womuit main
our preaent furrnof goveniinrnt for (ever
al year to como ; wo need much aniat
ance, and to whom muit wo look for uc.
or lo any ono .Stale or parly In Ihe Union!
Certainty not ; fur wo are tho common
property of all llwroforo dependent up-1
on tti woegree or our uovenimenl, ana
iho common treuury of, the American
I'Miple. h I most (Incerely lo be desired
that tbo old wbeel.liorsee of Oregon,
auflcr tbemelvee to be frighteaed from a
potitloo which they have so long and hon.
orably maintained, by tho braying of those
long-eared leaders, whose ouly aim la of.
fire, and that without merit or sufficient
capacity within themselves ever to attain.
I have been a reilde fit of Marion county
aomo six )ears, and considerable longer a
clllorn of Oregon ; I am acquainted with
moat of tho early emigrant and their pol
itical views, and know that the wire-work.
ers In this laic fourth of July meeting at
tfalem, are ihr men who have favored lha
project of disfranchising foreigners prcii.
011 to the extension of thn taw of our
Uovrrniiirut, and tlnco that period havo
actually Introduced and passed a law to
ihatifllct. They opicd Jo. Lano iu
Juno last, become heai, a ihey say, a
friend to foreigner and Ilrillih Intcreit.
Hut enough for Ihe preterit, for it was on
ly my intention In writing thi article, to
call iho attention ollhose who are not car
ried by storm, to weigh well Ihia auhject
of party name and party lints? for it is
but Iho fororunner of mtichiof In our
present mndltlnn, Un which rests tho
hopo of iolitiinl demagogue fbr future
siici ess. rAXMts.
Marion rouiitv, O.T., July IS, 'SI.
KricvK TrlcA. Capi, John Rodgers,
of the brig Cynthia, at Baltimore on the
Will isal., from Kin do Janiero, reporle
Ihr I on Iho outward nassaco from lialtl
irmro ( Kio, on Ihe Ud of March, at 5 r. M.
in 1st. 'ii 31 S.,'lon. 40 00 W., fell In
with the barnue Win. Wilson, of Shore,
ham, from Shield, bound to Aden, laden
clth coals, In a slaking condition. Capl.
It. hove lo and took olflhe crow. consUtlnt:
ofnixteen men and two lady passengers,
rrukeing in all eighteen persons. When
taken on board Iho Cynthia, they wero
comploatly exu,ted, all hinds, including
the ladies, having been engaged night and
day, iii keening ijer afloat. A short time
after the last boat camo alongside, the
barquo went down with a plunge. Ths
crew and passengers saved nothing bul
the wearing apparel they liad on at the
time, there being a heavy sea on, and
weatliur looking squally.
Eighteen negroes recently absconded
from Iwle oounty, Ky. They have been
captured In Ohio, by oillaenaof that State,
and returned to the owners. Thla fact
doe not Indicate that tho people of Ohio
am determined to resist Ihe return of fug!,
tlio slaves to their master.
Tho iloiton Times closes a long auto.
Biiiic article on Mr. Ilarnum by saying ho
owea Id fortunu to a proper, judiuiou,
and liberal plan of ndtortUIng iu tho
A Mor. "- , atNcyorr.
K Toccmxo NlATlYl.i"Thrl 'jTk Ust anmber of ihe Daguerrein
an endearing Undsrneos," says WaoblBg- Mlal prktted In New York, conlalns
loo Irving, " to iho, lovo of a mother for Jaiaksr communlcatlofl from Mr, 1IIII,
her son, that transcend all other oec. otativo to sd discovery or producing a
lion of th heart." W havo just hkrdJranety of lint of colors in tho itma plate,
a touching Illustration of tbo fat that iMtho odltor In prefacing th letter says the
love of a ten for Ills mother may aJoojfWwt of (Iandscp by this procei are
trantcend and swallow up all otbor aiwJtafJOOOoJIed, tbo flower garden with all lis
lions, at a menfent, Wo. when be) saWnrlotr of blooming flower can be Im.
well bo pardoned for remsmU'rlog on)4 HaW with adegreo of exactnm and
hi own great IrlaU.
Some two years ago yooaj
longing 10 I'hilaawphia, was
by aVoMi,slkt4-oUy,
RoaaJUg, Pom. By an eeetdoct
hopaeaed to lb train a il was ep
big lb town, and white ho wa itanoaoi
upon th platform, b was thrown OK, and
fall partly under Ihe wheel of ihe succeed.
lug car, and bis right arm, 'marrow,
booes and all,' orushed 10 jelly, and strop
ped uselessly si his side, This, however,
wa fortunately his only Injury. He wa
a young man of determined nerve, and of
th noblest spirit. lie (Tiered no corn.
plaint not even a groan.
Whea th train arrived al lha depot, a
carriage was Immediately colled, when at
tended by hie friend, bo aald, ' Drive al
once to Dr. 'a, In Walaut-straot
"Hadn't you better go Immediately
homo I" asked his friend.
11 No," said he, " I don't want them to
know any thing about in until, all I
Our hero, for he was a hero, waa deaf
to all Ihe counter rsmoastrauee of hi
friend, and Ihey drava rapidly to tbo bb.tar
01 mo eminent surgeon ausMoa 10. 1 ney
wero shown into ino parlor ant lae doc.
Iro waa summoned. ArWr tbo axamwav
tien-"Well, myaoar WUw," asidib
surgooo, for he waa wall aoqualntee) wltb
hi patleat, "you know I Hfam, what
moslUdoa." 'Mdo,'' aM MpoM)
ll la Ap lha anmiua af hawlaut II aUaaa
.. .- .-. . ,.-.r. .. .. ..-j.-
1 am bar." ' Mr asira4aal saMa.? 1
doao without that I" askod ibo avfarar;
"I cannot be liad I cannot b bJav
Amputate ray arm bore, doctor," bo Mat.'
linued, holding out bUdingllog llatboror
iho back of .tho sofa. "Do It boro, doe.
lor, I shall not Intsrfsre wilh your opera
tion,." The limb was bared, two attendant;
medical students In lb hooat, war aam.
noned ; the arm waa taken off above th
eioow, wniin no sai as no nan rrqvswen,
uttering no groan, nor speaking a single
word, whilo tho operation wa being per
formed. Tha dressings were' applied;
and. attended by his friend, the patient
had reached the door, on his way lo hi
own Iiousp, which wa very near by,
when he turned round to the aurgeon and
said, " Doctor, I should like to look at
my arm once more; pray let mo see it."
Th surgeon raised the mangled limb.
The patient glanced af the bloodies hand
and said, " Doctor there is a ring upon tbo
middle finger of that hand, won I you take
it oil" for me 1 My mother gave me that
ring on her death. bed. I can part with
my arm, but whilo I live I can'i part with
that ring." Tho ring was slipped from
the cold white finger. " Tut It on thai
finger," aald he, holding out Iho same fin
ger on Ihe left hand. As he was leaving
the door, with hi attendant, to enter Iho
carriage, he said" How shall I bring
this thing to my poor liter?" I not
not this a Iruo " hero," reader f Knick.
A SrsxtiaiiCirai's-LooiiioSTiiMxa.
The Savannah Newaofthe ISih last. say.
"Captain Drown, of lha brig Amelia, or
rived 011 Saturday from .-.ew Orleani,
report having ,roken on Sunday, th 4th
Inst., twenty mile to the eastward of Key
West, a Strang stsamsr, whloh he sup
posed to be Iu distress. (I saw a large
number of men on board. Th iteamer
wa standing before the wind, and had
neither steam noreallon. Capl. D. run
down to her, and asked If she wu in dis.
tress, and If she needed any' anlatsnce.
He rcelvd for answar, that aha did not
wish any thing. Whsnaeked whr ahe
was bound, tho reply wasWAaifJUy dlindt
Lnowt She was painted 1 dark cplor.'and
had no 1:g "f. She wu not very Ian,
and appeared to bo foreign built. Tho
men appeared lo ba French or Spaniards."
During Iho month of April. 93,040 00
wero contributed lo the Washington Na.
I Ion si Monument Association. Of this
sum 'J07 were from Masonic association,
108 from Sons of Tempersnco and fOt
from Odd Fellows.
(fir " Do surt you are right. '
liancy which no imagination can com
. II WlH probably be six month
re tbo daOOOTsry i ready fur th pub-
HaWlisU, la osttsr to onow ttauue
can prodoo mgr.than one color at once
on a plate, My h hi produced several
portraits, ono of a laboring man, with a
ron-buait face, very rod cheek and lips,
blue eyas, auburn hair, the crave! red and
WU ; aS th above color are developed
with IruWulness, A collection of small
saints, rel, yellow, blue, and combina
tion of tnase, forming seven shades of red,
is many of yellow, three of blue, five
f green, three tints of purple, msking In
II tweny-cight hues, all of which ho ha,
en his plate lo lh very lint, except the
ebrome yellow, a color which ho lias iho
most d.'flicully with,, but which he thinks
,JW'Jt vlltvia H- iHiMnw 1
Tho dljcoiery, If il
c can overcsme.
should turn out as stated, is a very inter,
eetlng and important one. Wo aro as-
ured by a gentleman who has seen the
specimen,, thai the diicovrry la rjcnulne,
snd tbsn iIlo colors taken have the tame
foroo and briUlaaoy a is exhibited in na.
tur. II say nothing can exceed the
beauty and perfection of these colored im.
prsoslons. -
Amm.se Dicoviar.-.TIie Engli,h
B.n J., n . h.. if,. iv.!t0wln -.
Th. dooomnoaltlon of water bos at
leagtb bora obtained, and ihat at a merely
ainilnal oat, aad with unerring precision.
avmemovory, originating in Amer
aM?aM'orscted bv the expert.
staw)WiwMtOrman clismUt.and
1astto-aro-ItWagdaoa. by Me.
aVatpard. Tbocarburetted hydrogen may
ba formed to any extent, which, while pes.
aaamgan Illuminating powerequal to that
cuoalgms, Is capable of being Itselfap.
pliad to Ibo same purposes as steam, at a
remarkably high pressure. This gas to
also capable of producing an amount of
oalorio equal to that of live coal, and con.
eequently well and chiiply fitted to act
as a oomouiiiDio agent 10 1110 conversion
of water into steam. Thi tremendous
power boa boon for somit tin, engaging
Ik attention of our most eminent eugin
eer. and v. ill, whn sufficiently Icstpd, bo ,
experimented on before the public. IfrMJiW... Af
successful, aillieto Ieery present ap. isi'iuiuiiuiia ,,awBn ..,,
poarance of ... Using. ,h. reUuUon ,, . & in bno
roust efTsct in lh economic working or House, b) a oto of SO to 32. Beur of
railway, and indeed In every branch of' tho member who -.oted In tho atTirmative
trade and manufacture whero steam Is' war whig. "Governor" Dorr, It will bo
aroplojedaaa motive power, isaltogether rwnamborcJ, wM convicted of treason
. . ii. . .. 1 esra ago, scnlcnceJ to Imprisonment for
incalculable. It almost opens to the wen. flfC ftnJ tuUcnUcm,y par5on, ,1.6ugh
derin; the Utopian viita In which', loi restored lo his civil and political rights,
unskilled mi nua! laboi shall be no longer . on account of his rcfutal to take the oath
necessary. .1 is sufficient for us, howev. ,
r, to stale that soveralof the leading rail
way companies are in treaty with the
patentee, and thai, consequently, if an),
thing whatever it capaple of being msde
out of a diacovary, the railway interest
will possess at once tho first benefit and
chief honor In it realization.
.The American Hi Me Social-held It
thirty-fifth anniversary at Ihe Tabernacle,
In New York, on Thursday. The receipts
of Ibo eoetstr during lh year amounted
te4m.M9B9. Number '.of Dibit and
.Testament Issued, ot,4S. Total slnoo
in formation or in sooiely, 7,07'J,UU7
copies. Bibles hav been printed In Swe.
dish and Spanish, and In thn Orsbo tongun
also, for western Ainca. nearly an
the prinolpal soclelles have got through
llieir annivarsarie, and tho slaliitios show
that moral and religious progress ha been
Heady and gratifying.
Whits Man's NswarArxa. Thi iitbo
till of a handsomely printed paper of
quarto form, and very large aire, which
has just been started in Now Yrk. It I
liublUhod anonymously, is national whig
la IU politics, and and very ably edited.
Tha oblaot of tka Dubllcatlon Is to clvo a
drdlaianppert lo the perpetuation of tho
Ualoa,and loauvanoa 1110 claims 01 ttio
"whit man" to some littlo consideration
at the hand of that portion of iho North,
ern people whs eem lo hive all their yin.
pathie on the side of the Bllilopcnn race.
Am Old Siiavks. Died, nearDurllnc.
ton, Doono oounty, Kentucky, on ihe U-M
of April, John Hhavor, aged one liundred
and sixteen years and set en days.
Tko tirvm Cxblfclilon.
Mr. Kiddie, the American Comrrrltslon.
er at Ihe World'. Fair, glvea a rather
flattcrioe viow of the dlnblay mode by
tU United Stales In the eonrocatron oiTTb phenomenon bauajofiiM to ttto'
genius and Industry. 1 Iter following 1
an extract from his last letter, dated
April 28th
" Now that we are so near the comple
tion of ihta long preparation, you, wj
have taken so great an Internal In ourpart
or tho Kxhibitlon, will natnralTyaix trow
we art likely to appear. I answer, tretf.
We hate net fairly represented our coun
try, snd we could not do It. Wa bar
not dono as well as wo might. Rven
comidcring the three thousand miles of
distance, we havo not dono ourselves Hie
justice thai w e ought. We have not even
equalled th expectations that had been
formed of us. And yet w shall appear
trriY. Our contributions aro nations!,
characteriatio and aalque. They are
abundant enough lo glvaasmo Ideacfour
resources, and Ingenious enough to show
our skill, and superior enough M quality
to prove our capabilities. Wjsjuve a
better midline any mechanic -being
judge than stand within the building,
We havo a clearer conception or' the
v eiaavw stvs v vumvi. wimi w ij
graceful In vehicles than every other Ul
lion here. Wo are greatly beyond even
England In agricul'ural implements. We
can lay ono umplo of our cutlery by the
Uido of Shcfileld'a thousand (pcclmensand
. carrv otrtho nstm. Franco has not sent
a chandelier ; Norn ay anil Sweden have
not contributed a buihel of wheal; th
Indie, have not furniihed a barrel of rke;
London lis not displayed a paper-hang.
mg, or cncmicai,, or specimen, ot vaooa.
kmdery, or dentist's work, or hats, of nco
" orl(' . " Wp-
those we display upon our ooajaters.
pianos will be un,urpasd.'- Wo
have scores of barrels of flour altogether
unequalled. We have carpaaers' tool
In abundant variety, far before otbor na-
hloni.Aod (a tbo projaoto of.our soil, in
Indian corn, and cotton, and tobacco, and
all the finest gralos, we standJWhsre wa
ought. Though we might have dono far
more al this exposition of tba world's in.
duilry thsn wo have done; though wo
ought to havo lurpassrd in many things
wnero we iiave tallen snort, and in all
things whero we havo only equalb J, we
hate, nevertheless, don well, audafbui
thocent will prove.
Gov. Dors IlctToann to his II
In the llhodo lilsnd Senate, recently, the
cenDy, tl
Lieutenant Govenor presented an act to
restore Thomas W. Dorr lo his civil and '
The U.iiom. "Tho American who can
look forward wilh calmness to tho day of
seperation mutt be more or leu tban man.
He muit be Ihe victim of ambition or con
ruption aprophet of good which tho moat
anguine dac not hope and Iho keen. eyed
atatetman cannoi loresee. 1 hence. lor
ward the American caglo tliall drop tho
olivo branch of peace, and grain only the
arrows of wsr. The hand which writs,
llie declaration of disunion shsll feel the
blood curdle In its veins, and tho tongue
which reads il to the world shsll stluen in
tho act. Tho mountain that divides us.
shall bo 'iho dark mountain ofdeatbTP
tho stream Ihat Ibiva between, Hko the
wators of Ugont, shall be turned to blood."
tMr. Urimke'e "Oration al Charleston,
ourtli of July, 1830.
Tux Wosld'h Faix. Dy the last ac
counts from Europe, London was full of
itrngtr, to bo present at tlio opening ol
iho Exhibition. Thirty Ihoutand porsons
were at the ceremony. In Franoe, two
hundred and forty thousand parsons havo
obtained pasporls, preparatory to a visit
iu ajwiiuvi,. tun itu.iivw, w. aii,vilvai,a lo
increasing every dsv. The rninimum
price for dcoent boanl is $70 per week.
) el many pay 950. The correspondent
of Ihe New York Commercial say,:
"Around Hyde Fork It I but one crowd
of gin hop. tavern, hotele and restau.
rants; and from every prospect now, tbo
em irons of iho Industrial Exhibition arc
lobe o perfect nuisance."
Elder Ilrlglmni Young pledged his hon
or that he hna only tvcnty. six tried IIo
la the saint upon uhom fell tho tnanlloof
Joe rimllii.
Aj(A fttw..
Tbo preoipluitoai or formation of dew,
is occasioned by tbo atmeioAsra's atrta
lailng o.,r MtamaMV dtojJtotir.
The phenomenon b MajogatM jo ?
mailon of iooUioraa'eirll
water during somroer, aad' to of oeara
mors abuodaat 'wbea tlb -atasiaf m) ;
saturated with moUtur. aa'oajfciai'r''!!-
Ut abowar-or after rstay wea4brf,(f
alotberiimes. rwiwiirawaaaMa.
d mor coptoasly la .the ijrHiM
turns than ja aswmer, wbMtbo'ajakMt
r",Sary Kmjmu&
i. m.f ud " MTTT.BMr .:
our, not wnen im pi 1 asssi jrap
nalur.cf.Uw It wUl ba,ma;b.Kw ii
it can br dposaied a a auVaaama)t , ft.
...... 1-1 Z-J. x.JZ Xt,-- To .
aubsiano muabeooma aojdtr tbaa lb)
,urrooDdJrglr, Tkkto.a ssaVwbiab,
tboogb only yejeBtatoailj etplahiadjai 'j.
cent tlmor, wait k'aown by' rJWAaty4k
aaya In, hi -descrlptloo of the,
that this aouosl passes ibeaUst ratbo
water of tbo Nile, en accoaMsof ibmr
bolng vomer than the- nocturnal almo.
phero and ibo dew. Cleero aa) Viigtl al
so apply to dew th azpr gtUiui-r
Such being :b case, It will b asswlbat .
aa ubtancsidijler'iatblaVr,Wc.at
loslog thalr tcmperature.they iaHt dirJsr
in their attraction fonft m. Aooordlngly
Il Is found lo bo Mpoiiud.mota) vege
table than on dry aaaJ, .yety Kttwoa
bright metallc surfaces and auto at all on
large boJis of water a tbo- goaaa. . '
Swan' down and all .otbor oubotaaeeaaf
a filsmeatoaa onturo part with Ismh jmm
readily and csver uabajjmacii(w..jrUr
unwrougbt aatson ai4Uk nooioa, oaaV
dew tbaa wool wWrr.fibta an.tWafojrr
and coarser. Tbt; meebaalcal; bob Jiattai
of object IiKawls aJbeto lb forasMioo) it
daw, aa sbavinaa attraet It mora that, aa
Id wood.
Tho upper, port of lha blade of grass
receive II, by mdiattaftbelv tswipovsliir,
Into tb region of empty jpavwhslsUba.
lower portion, fnxMtbo swaltoes of their
conducting power, transmit rory liitkr of
lh Mrili' beat to restore lb temperature
thus given out; eonequntly they b.
com colder than the surrounding air, and,
aflording a surface fbr iho condensation of
the atmospheric vapor, becomes moist with
Ccac roa ru Tooinscnc Fasten a
strong piece of Iwlua .lo the tooth, that is
to be drawn, and attach tbo other end of
tne twine 10 a onca. men, 11 ino mow
be In the upper jaw, slaadon a fonc. aad
let . wlrt drop suddenly Sowalf the
Ihe fence, and throw
That'll fix 'em.
I.NciBAss or vnt MsTtioDirr EriscorAL
Crxcxcrr, The Western CJiriflUo Advo
cat says that in 1840, Ihe Annual Cooler
ances now embraced in the bonds of the
Methodist llplscopal Church contained
590,989 men.rs. In 1S30, there aro
reported 098,903, being an mcrea of
07,000 or about 17 per cent. ."", '
i i
Inxiqiatiom. Tho'report of the Sec
retary on foreign Immigration, for, Ibo
year 1850, makes tbo number arrived' in
thi, country over 315,090. Aeoordiag lo
Ihe rate at which It I bow sMm oa, Iho
numoerior mis year win eaoora wu,wc-v.
Tho history ofthajvorld affords niexaiu.
plo oisucli prtUlglouamlgtatloa.
Mi. WanCtxr ik Lono
Whitney, folftd in obtajMirut th saactlon-
of Congr lo hi, Ssnllo project for the
construction of Lis railway, connecting tho
tlsntlo and Paoiao Oceana, I aew'lu
to ontam the atlsallaa of
EDjuaheaUtalists. Ill soUraa seems
to have exeftsd some Intsrest. In a lonir
letter to the London Time, he eipkfau '
his plan for such a railway, and II great
; ,
Tha aggregalo ol Ihe liidebtedne of
tba MVtraT Stale of this Union, ia nearly
two hundred' millions of dollar. The
largest debt that of Pennsylvania M,.
uoi ana me least mat or lowa, oo.eoo.
Eight Stat New Hampshlr. Vanaettt,
Khod Island, Connecticut,
North Carolina,
Florida, and
have no debt.
In the Stale of N.' York ther printed!
50.daijy.aper,403 otlur thaa dally,
making 459 cHfTe rent paper tn lha aggre
gate. A specimen ofevery kind If to be
sent to th World' Fair. Ia lb eiwof
New York ther ar 18 dailiea. ,t ''
rr-rr a Wjt-
Among tbo peUato curd at Ibe.lW-
tod Slate ratont offioa, Ust waek, waa oaq
by Charles Blik,vof Belfasrjfc. aA
exnlodlna harpoon. -J J"-
sj Ja
i t
. fSi-TiJl.'
' W
K' - v