Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, July 22, 1851, Image 4

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K '
,AJ AOT;iit '4 Mm or SwJaT
ktiok 1. 0k A tMtfcJ ly Cnsci7
f nrpmttitttittt or we aer
HMpyVPnfw, Thtt ill mala person
Mpraw jiwmi jone tan any yean 01 ajw
wto kava raalded one raooth in thU Tar.
rltory, and who aw sot County or Town
Up charge or otherwise exempt by law,
sftaJI la Hable yearly, to do and perform
two daye' work on the publio road ; un
dor tat) dinotloa f ike Supervisor a lil.in
Wbon district Utay may reapectivrly re.
ftavf. Tbal it ball b the duty of
vary Supervisor to order out every uch
ftmm, raaidant aa aforesaid, between the
irit day of April and October annually,
t perform tho work aforesaid on
na akio rotda wllhlo bit diitrict : an J
fT,ay,aueb. resident betnp; personally
varaail bw Iba Supervleor, or by leaving
ij. wriu aadea at Wt place of abode, or
ff y tame Vrx code the direction or the
, jJjiairtfacr; by whom each warning can
orej, Aball refuse or neglect, having
fcajl atltl,lhreUyt notice-to attend,
' ayklmealfortubftitute, tothe acceptance
, of lb Supervisor, on the day and at the
Ihaoaad place directed by the Superv isor,
f Jawing attended, shall refute to obey
taa dWotroo of the Supervisor, or thall
aawad tba time in Idleness and inatteuiion
to taa duties assigned him, every suck de.
rtoe,aaat aball forfeit and pay for each day
be aball ao refute or neglect to attend, or
lor any or the oOenccs above specified,
thaaumoffi'vedjllarf, to bo recovered by
ottoa of debt, before any, Justice of Ihe
peace, having jurisdiction thereof, at the
ault of the Supervisor within hcsc di-
irlctauehdelinijuent may reside, and tlicty j,v, b.. )hc iu,tce or ,10 ,.,, or
money o collected shall he paid over to
the Township Treasurer, ar.d accounted
.or 07 me supervisor, ai .nc annual
tlenicnt with the Trustees of his Town.
hip J PrerideJ, That in Counties where
Townthip are not organized, such fir.
failure aball be paid into the Treasury,
and appropriated as piotidcd for in this
Sac. 8.' That in case any person thtll
remove from one district to another who
ksfaal rirlr.a 1i LtlMa r.StliVsl1 lf.rrA fl.A
", f " , ' ' "-"lor
whole or any part of the labor aforrnald,
or la other respects, has paid the whole or
Vlny part of the arrtxjrt'aforax.id in lieu
of said labor, and aht.Il produce a certifi
cate of the same from tho Supervisor of
the proper dittrict, such certificate shall
be a complete u
therein specifijd
uo cviiiincio wnviwik'i' vf iiic Binouni
be employed or uatd on the roads under
... . . . .. '
'.vih., .w .
tbe direction or said supervisor, who ahalli
allow uch person a reaconable compen.
atlonfir tho uso of such team, waron.
-. ....r . ..i..l r .it..i
vail, vi.i'n, w I'.vuii, ,1, UOVI...KV Ul
anv labor due from said nrr.on.
Stc. 0. That i persons a ho may Lo
deemed by the Supervisor unable, to Pcr., "'
form, or causa to bo performed, the tiro.
Sac. 7. That the County Commiition.
nor tho Truslocs of Townships, when
'the same aball bo organized, shall as often
.a they may derm it necessary, but not
oftener than once a year, divido their re
fcotiva Counties or Townships, or any
ajart.tfiereof, Jnto suitable and convenient
road district., and csuso a brief deacrlp
llajaf the aamo to bo entered on tho Coun.
'ly 6r Township records ; and in case any
tat.! I at aAl ahatl Kj acfM!uiiAjt a at aa i rf
be. 4. That every pcrn c. ed upon ....rued a, to prevent the Trustee of for all fir..., penalty and forfeit. ., - ' J - lnB 11W rxtrordliixr.ly ,lrel, and de .JZZnj )Z.
top.rforro any laUr upon publio roads, c. , ,,,.
hfchwiyjMder.nyo impeachable, and .ho has. .ul, o ,l 11 5 XnM.rall.a.hi, pan-r. arr ..d. that tha
of this act, shall appear at the place ToHnshi bor cbunly Treaturc, or Super- Ju" anJ "" M '10U,,1 " P",'0 1 V ""T U!"" ,?,'"l',",r' '"r nil. rti.,1 frantio vingean-. 'la the i '"11', out I . ', ,'t con.'i tl'l
pointed by tl.o Supervisor, at the hour of vUo of' j atlJ ,liz,iway, f , Ukiii and allow ucl, amount for deli self and relative, by the toil ol her own ,,,, mlll ,, accll.r.l aa tl,u chief of 'f , "' "il ,?1 , d Z.e , m TeJnsfl?
eight o'clock In tho forenoon, with such ! " ' ' , , ' . , , imucIn as they shall deem just and rca- hand. Had not our hrart another slir.no B lail,, t ,,,,,, ,a.a,n,flll, a u,,. , " r""" "'" '"' ll iaira under oaf),
necessary tool, and implement, a. taidl S?' , , ; and If urn a Mr and accurate1;;1'1' da.i,n' .' '";"!,'. " "'""' trlrpuiJl.r .le.,,.irl, asy.il.ai ho hate..,. . uvm.k.tla fil
xi ,, r, , . 'each and every Suncrv sor to onen or . , .this moral heroine this Joan uf Aro of r,.,,rit 1X0 crime whnsn vietuns won. Ins Hami. XUiti.b. e make the fol.
Supervisor may direcl,andlhe Super tor. . ' ,',., ' . . sett trncnt thero shall appear to bo a ba. ' , ,r, ,ti,ni,.it not temnt it tn v.i. I,,""II ' f'" , , , '.'"'" r V ' 1 ,, ,.. r,..,,, il,n o,..i ....h a.
r,. ' . . , ' -Icauso to be orKnt-d all nub c roads and , c e ,i..eaiiiiiion rnigni noi icmpi 11 in vin. OHI kter, her husband. h, flslfr, und a inxving axlracl Imm the gn-al speeen 0
mayirnecemryfoxtbelmproven.ent.of I P " ancc duo to any Supervisor for In -r. Mr N..rioii'.0n.rraie.l ii.junriton f,,lmo aorvanl; the who... cause or all livere.l by .1,1 a.ate.m.n a. llutr.ln:
the roads, order any person owoingtlie B .7 . . ,?.,,t,y, , " ""' "''is act, the Trustee shell' to "love not." A it I. wo adii.. our ,tt,wlc.beli.g.npi...ren!li,n...iar. ... ., '. .. . ,. ., ,. ., ,.
ame ta furnisl, a team of horse, oroxen i1'""" 'I,d u,?nJ - '"f give him an nrderon tl.o Township Trea. ! friends to pay.nt.oiitron ,0 nur .,, ,,, IC oiisf.ly'nfa'la.l, bl.'nepl,,., 5" ' ' .''" . '"" s' , '' 'h
.,! w.r,.BD.e.rt. ,,.. nr Mo,.,,., J"! Pt of the district assigned to such . J f,, ,Mnnlllll ,WoeJ.Tha.l,"ooJ """til "Hour' gi.l."-.Vemr ,, ,,,, ti, ,., lrMll.u, ,, ,,r ,. , fw W " , ' " '"r, ffS.'"-
"",- "- r- - r""Ti"i "! , ii. .. . . --.. -"-. f - r 1 j--.--- .
daya' work required by this act, shall bo """" nJ'"'ng or lying near mo roaus, tthllin ttloir Counties agreeably to tho ""B"'" ""! '''-r re.c.i.,.B, simen nun in an atiion lor wage. , . , , , , , ,
.. if Ph.t i..-.-..i. .i.-iii. lthe samo as they deem necet&arv for the ,.r.... i. i t. . .i.n ,i..n.i ..,.. .i.i ,....?... ....... r .. .,, ... ' ' K'".u ,l,pl "'" """ .""" """'I " i. .,,,. wlm n edo the r sacred hono?s.
"-" .on.ii.iiii.j.jini, , ,. ,. f , . "'" "-....- --.. v..-. ............ iniiuc mana,unuBi!Kiniiiiiiiq.ii.sissippi cmatlon Mr murder, In llie.u cams, aro ', ,'t,.', I,... --
in consequence or sickness, absenco from' '"ncfit or tho roa.lt, doing as littlo Injury CominiMionersn said duy. valb-v, take tho roulo by New Vork and inrlalnly puiltv. Cnd furhld vxo shmild '" Hch ' C"",P ' fApHauc.)
home, or any ether cause, that the two,M,n,' lo ,0 axaaiJ laantlar, and the drains, Sae. 1.1. That each and eve y Super- NowOrlcanes , noross tlm latl.ru... Tlm a.siunn nny m Ii llcc.w, or attempt loi .,.,. ,' .." , "p. K.
day.' work arorcsaid shall not be perform-; or ditches so made shall not Ik, slopped or' vijor ,l0 .,,, nc$ttel or fPr.SJ ,0 pur. jlm- comumed h ""''".'!' '""S"" " forealall the J. rf.i.ci.t uflha juries "l)""nySZmhm
J ,.,, ., ., ,, , , '., obstructed bv tho owner or oecunlor of e .i ul -i it i ". and the coxt far mini crnnoinlcal, w Uo'in ho .a I r Uk.ii In priinouiiin up. sirieane i irayunr ayauiai ,i verai targe
ed within tbe time specified In this act, "intrude I hy Iho owner or occupier ol fi)nn , ho several du les enjolne,, nn 1.1m by f,,u ii, r emigration fro... Ihl .Lie ,,,, iheir uuill or iimwiucr. Worrf.r to and Inll.ienllal parlle In Mexico are plot-
the Supervleor shall bo authorized lo re- i!Uch Un'1'1 r ny other person or per. ,,, aeIi 0, ,v10 ,ia(i, untcr UU pretencn ofll.oHncky Mnuiitalnslo llm IWilio coast them, in ii i-encrul way, cs case in point, linKr'r " cliAsifj" In the government. One
a a m . . lenna t ttxIat tali it, aatntll nf CnC illrna a t A . . . It f I I .1 t t . . ... a ' a ilvurU Ulalifta III I till tlMtlnrt iilmn tnfira li
quire the rerfnrmauce of such work at iny "" """" V" c ' "' " " "'wnatovcr, give orwgnany rectipt orccr- nas raincr iiuuiiiimici, inn r.urnpoan inn ami iuss Ihut will rrinnln in point, who. ';' "" ' " ."' v ;
-a ,. sum not excetdinrt went vilollara for each ..ia.... i .- l. .... . firnllmi. frnm Krancn. Hnolnnd and tier. ' ....,!.. ....!.,... 1.. . .11 il,. I,,,n.vn fn.l. Hiaiii,aiid counts on Nnanish troop and
ri y j iwsstt HaH ew aaiwwiifiivii ijj fpi
'of tba line or boundary of any Township,
l. 'aaaa'af thoadioinlnrrTownshlDsshall meut
" sa k ' aafi it ai aatati a'atsw Tat hlaaa aaa aanuM allua
(sTfKlfs) strVMIVISIWajs, afltva s ayu atuf
;iiNjs1 division a convenient and apportion
'aaask tosula between tlia two fawnahtna. a
'4tBtWa and eoultv mav rcaulro fur the
fOp of epenlag and improving Ihe
' aiaifi d tbo Supervisor and Inlialltants
Wwaahip hsll b bound to work
r istM, aacordingly. t
tk.aavaal Hupervlsors
laataMilva diatrlot ihall col.
JitArinim all tm, for fail.
uader th provisions if thlt act, untruth
collaet loo thereof I herein provided for,
and pay the tamo Into the Township
Traaeury, If tha. Township are organised
on or before the firat Monday in March,
Mberwiia In the County Treasury on or
before the firat Monday of April annually,
taking tho Treasurer' receipt for the
ante, which receipt thall be the proper
voucher for tho Supervisor to settle with
the Trustees or County Commissioners for
the amount thereof, and all fines and for.
felturr aued for and recovered under the
provisions of this act, by any other person
than a Supervisor, shall be paid ovor with,
in twenty days by the Justice of tho peace
-.... vt. .H..:. ,1 . ... t. .1 -
orcstable collecung theaamo to the
Townthip Treasurer, If Townships are
organlred; If not, tothe County Treas.
urcr, taking a receipt therefor, and Hie
Trustee, of Townships, or County Com.
mlssioncr. shall cauteall moneys so paid
Into tho Township or County Treasury to
be Immediately appropriated to repairing
the publio roads la such road dittrict
wherein such fine or forfeiture accrued,
and If any person shall be sued for doing
orperfcrmlng any act or thing required
or authorized by this act, such person
maVplead tho general Issue, and aivcthis
and the special matter In evidence, and
ua-..i. ., -1. iii.i i. r
I twwuiiiii
Townships or Count v Commissioners from
1 11,1,, or r0Covering any money in
he han(ll 0f the Yo,.,,,-, or (,'ounty
, Treasurer or Supen isors of roads and
, li?Wsys by anv 0(ICr rcron ,isn B
Sti pervlsor lial be mid over within twen.
Constable collcclimj tho ssmo to tho,
ToWB,j ,:p Treasurer, if Township ore
-10rMtlij. fn0,.,o lh(. Counlr Treat
urer. taking a receipt therefcr. and the
f. . - c .1 .,-!-- r, r .
iiuiii-raui lunntnip. or vouniy torn.
ifanv nrfAn.jTall nsl fa, .Ininr,
. ?
performing any act or thing required
or aulboriaed bv this ncl, such person
may plead the general issue, and give this
and the special matter in eviJcnce. and
no suit or
action shall bo brouchl or main.
e it shall have lien commenc
tu it shall have been commeno-
six months after the cause of
taincd unl
Jcj wi,n
1 aui.11 viiuii niiaaii 11 mi (i arisen rai rnritirii.
. .,lnR.ui ... : rn . .
MK ...i... :- .1.! r. .1..11 1
a liViaaiui; 111 11119 'It.l.lUli PIIBI1 Ut! ftsJ
.... , . ., . . ot
.P0"' fp ,ne ,ame-ln rllr'
ir Uftliol. hllOJUB V.A Ct.AVut.nH .p.
' -, ' . w....... .,-... -..
,x" "" i.cmw upon onj un.n..
P0""' lanJ near oradjolnlng the rnblic
riroads, to cut and carry away any timber,
. . " "
to dlgorcau.e tobedugand carried away
Vtt' ,"ml or ,,one' or E"'cr any loose
"'' may ho necessary to improve
aHiIa ll& .a...!. &hj 1a .!.. ... b..
u,,cl"" "" "'"" """ i-r unany
oflbnee, to U rcWred and apppropriated '
a. provided in),e preceding .ect.on of
this) act.
Str. 10. That if any ticrson or person
iiu nun or action siinii uc uruiigui ur main ",w .v.. w v.u.vvu. ...... !. ...-
talned uuless It shall have len commenc. 'ng l'd one day notice to attend as afrro
cd within six month after the causa of said, be subject to tho same restriction
such action shall have ariten: Vmiird, ' and liable to the tame penalties, as if or.
That nothing in this section shall be so dorcd cut under tho provisions vi the sec
construed as to prevent the Trustees of cn"1 ind 1iu"1' sections of this act.
missloner, shall cause all monovs so paid Ihe proMslonsol this act : rron,l,-l, l hut inotn.-rnniiHi.ur. .x warm r ani neiii; ,, ,-, Ia) , r UI1,,C,IV(. ,,,
into the Township er County Tr'easury to i- P'rdin3 section shall not nu.horire . ' """ h''- ' '. J-' ,.lax t and u,., f.rg Hut ... ao.1.1
Ihe public roads in xuch road distrk-l perform more than two day work in one ,ut, rinploym.nl e...,imoiily rnnti.lrinl ,.t.r,i , , f -lc. T... ,n.t dniini:
wiirrciii men imp nr iiiriariiurn tirrruixi. j ! .. - ...- ....,., -. , . , ,,,, , ,t-, ,u,.. ,uu , , , . -, ..
aV , UtetlllU. Ill 11119 171 LlVM PIIBI1 IH! ftsj - ... . a - . m . T tiovi""? ",""l"l ..-.... .- . " I ,., ,l,l a , I a... ...Ia.,1 ..... ...aa ,ai t
I --,.-.! .,... .. . " II. ....,.. ........ ...! i. ... . .- . I.ll.'ll WH..I. il llvll-l I...L1... ...1.. .. tou...u
shall feel himself aggrieved by my Hu-' ry Supervisor ao oiTcndlng, shall forfeit
per visor 'a cutting or carrying any timber 'or cvory such ofilncc, not less than fivo
of stone as aforesaid, they may. make dollars nor more than tweuty.fivo dollar,
complaint thereof to the County Commit. ' to bo recovered by indictment in tho dit
iloncrscf iho proper County, at a regular 'trie! court, or by action or debt beforo
meeting within s'z months after tho causa any Justice oftho peace having jur.
ofsuchcomplaliitkhall exist, and the Cum. 'Isdiction nf tho samo, and it Is horeby
rnissioner shall sppoint three disinterested j piado tho duly oftho Trutteesof iho Town.
Isnd holders oftho County, whose duty it ' ships In Counties where tho aanto aro on
shall be nfior taking an nath or affimia- ganized,andCounty(immlasionerwhoro
lion to ditchargo their duty faithfully and Township aro not organized to proaecuto
impartially, to proceed and examine iho all oficuce against tho provisions of this
matter complained of by tho complainant, ad: Provided, That If any Hnponiaor
and assess and determine Iho damage if
any, and they aball report the same in
writing to the commissioner, at their next
meeting thereafter, and Iflhe Commission.
er shall bo satisfied that llio amount ao
laiaucd and deterninod be just and equl.
table, they shall causa (ha aaroe to be paid
to Ira complainant out of tb County Ireas.
ury, bul if upon view tbo .aid lnd.Iiod.
era abould be of .'opinion that there la no
grlevaaca or jutt oauae of complaint, the
ptraon ao complaining hall pay the coat
of such vlewC
Sec. 11. That each Supervisor within
hit district aball erect and keep up at the
expense of tho County, at the forks of eve
ry Territorial or County road, a post and
guide board or Aguro board, containing an
Inscription in legible letters, directing tho
ay and dlatauoe to the neat town or
I towns, or publio ptaoe or places, stationed
on each road respectively ) said pott to bo
at least six Inches In diameter, and not
leu thau twelve feet high, and well sot in
the ground
!r.. I TtL,iniilinii,liii:iir.il.iii'.i,
MX. I.. Tlat an) tlmo during the) ear'
when any publio road shall l obstructed
by the fall of timber or any other eaute,
or any nrnign shall w impaired so ;nul tno
,,-..., of team, or traveler, on sail ..!
1 or bridge shall be damaged, and theba
porvlwr In tho dittrict ln which such ob.' JmprjAoned not lets than 0110 moiilli nor
structlon or impaired bridgo may ovist, 'm)re llihn llirco months, at the discretion
, shall bo notified of hoaanio, it shall bo
his duly to cause auclT&bslruetlon to b
removed or brIJgo repaired fortliwlth, for
which purposoltc shall Immediately order
out "eh number of Inhabitants of hit dif
trict as he may deomtiecesiary toreirtao
sucli obstruction or rcpalrsald bridge, and
ill b. rAtia iriin..ii mil Iiii .iiiip iik. '
Sec. 13. That In all can when any
person shall, under the direction of nit
Superilsor, perform more labor on the
I'""" fad '"n may I due from him,
, Super iwr shall pivo such person a
certificau speciftlog tho amount of extra
labor to perfoimed, which certilicato ihall
"e asigual.!e and receded for the amount
specified in such certilicato in ditc'.argoof
ptiu lalifie (wttliitt Mm ani And I4clrift
. .. a . .. .
j , -, ...
Inch may be due from the holder ofsuch
..T1iliii,ti, n QUI at!fri iltur, l,f tiiirii.r
- - ..--
duo from such pewn BfffrabIo to tho
!.t r-al.. T. .1 -.a.L a
pioi.ui .ng nm -s..ui. ....
&"-'- l",t w,,cro lownship arc
organized the Truttees shall meet at the
I"1"' of ,lollIin8 Ton'P Uitctions, on
",0 first Monday of March annually, at
' "J Phi Ihe several .upcr.
Township shall attend and
IW" or tho ownsnlp shall attendant
encu nrauuee nn iiiii unii nriiuumi to
cether with the Township Treasurer's'
the Supcrvlwr shall in all cases, bo held
... ... ...
accoumatio for the full amount of labor I
,Iue m ),;, dl.trlct, unless for good cause-. ..r.N.Tliere is not great a rush among
,ll0W1 ,ie Trustee shall deem it just to'emiBrntstoCa!in.r.iianr.dOrog,ii,acr.si
,, ,i.. t..t .:.i..i r...,i...
, villi, iiiu nainu . ,.o I'f w. .-.t- j .. ". , .
Tllll in CounllM whcr Townlh!M lr8
ncl orglniIcj ,10 CoUniy Commissioners
,all annually on Iho firat Monday in
April, cttlo tho accounts of Suhcrvivors
nurnnrtino- to hd a mepi.it
1 I
or money paid prior to the giving.
'or signing such receipt or cerlificato; eve
conceive himself aggrieved by thojudg
meut of the Justlco oftho peace, he may
appeal lo the District Court a in other
Rrx. 18. Thai eaoh Supervisor aball
receive for hi aerWcei for eaoh day em
ployed under the provision of (hi act,
MaM for labor pcrf0ncd 0'r ,noncy many, y iho llrlti.l. We.t Indie Mean.- ,h
w, Ilmtl()0 WlLZ'S. !'
over and abov two day, th tarn of mt
dollar to be paid out of tha Towaahip
Treasury .in .the order of tho Trustees
where Township are orgsnlaed, but In
Counties where Townthip are not organ.
. .. r. . t 11 I It rl
ueu. me oupervisor .nan oe pa... cm o,
the County rroasury on the order of the
County Commissioner. Ithmenl. Thero are acino qiind, end
ly Comuilsaionors in Counties where town. enoo (,, for 0r j,,,,
ships are nnlorganlred, shall annually at t I an ancient and welbrcmembered
their April Session, appoint a suitable num. saying that ho who values not hUnwn lile
UrofSuMrltrforsuchroaddltlrirta,l' "'" master of jny other llfo he may
are no, provide, for by law, and they may t, XSAZSl
fill vacancies at any tlmo when they may ,r, iirn, j, this a horrible truth, which.
occur, and thall cause the Sunervlwrt by
lliemappointed to bo notified thereof in wil.
tint, tint any person who shall destroy, or
1 .- 1 in. . 11
, ,ny ,.0 Jcfaco oroMilorato nyK..l,l
lnanlor mile twl set iipaciwnliniMolhe
! ,ro, i,l0, 0f this net, shall bo guilty uf a
niisJcnirniior, ami upon conietion there
r MX flllCll ln ,np iUlll of 0l ,,
,iail tn) or morn than fifty dollar mid
of tho Co'trt.
Sjc. IS. Tint bridge' en
roads thai! not bo let than ixti-rn fcrt
i.lc. It aliall be the duty oftho Judge
of the Dittrict Court lo glto the forrgning
, ,
tccueil ui una nci 111 cnmrgo iu met s t rutin j
at tach term of their reretnc
l'od tlie Council I'lbruary ft, I "ft I.
I'awed the Homo uf l(eretciilntncii
IVliuar) 0, 1SI.
Sptaltr it. It.
Vrtntltnt of I'ountil.
A Moit.l or Wiimax Some time
since a mini residing n tlnirt iliytriir fio'ii
llie ci v "tliullled "If llii mortil vi,''
lpnjinu'a wife
ill ihren ilniighli rs ap .1
ai d prnmliss iini the
reirl) hrlplei
1 Id. lu th. em, rgrney theiMe.i. Ill
ir ui L't'-M 11 ai iMiriiw liiii ii 'iHtiiiiin.
J T r '
. .. 1 " .
i.. 1... b nil r. .. ill.. .. .. r 1...
m J...... .. . u-. .... ..,..,,.,.
Nmhiui! dauntid, however, nur herfd.i
eniiinn'iici'd rpcralioim, and by dint of up
plication an I rconeiui , in a alioit timn
managn to sase inoiigh from Irr earn,
inj- tn buy her a uim and train .SI,,'
is now daily seen telling aI in our
st cct,and iinoadin-.a actl.el) asoi.)
wwty - -
.f U' V" """' ''.". "T, -'"""'V
-....... .., .-.-..- .
ari i n ma i-tn kiit i n ntir ur ik nr
friends as aro matrimonially inclined.
... a - '. m
KiimnATiuN to CiLirnunu au Oxc
s - r -
'llm citntlnent, by land, dunna thn pre..
, - , .....
ent-ato.,,a..l.e,(Jw.,.lur...gll,e la.t.wo
or three season,; yet there I, . steady
wall stream. A.,v cry recent account dc-
scribo, ..no of Iho caravans a. containing
a1 a". . . I . S 1. a.atfa I
imccii iiunureu porMiislrori..ii.irniianii
iftttrnn fxsid t-iatx,x 1.1 a. ttintt m rt nr.,ix,Iini
.nn.... fair I... II .1, I.I. VX'.t.l Im l.u .Ib.iii.
On Iho whole, therefore, tho emigration of
IHOi, to ualilornla and urcgon, will prou.
aMy Ihi as grcal as that of last ycar.-
1 . Ucrafil.
A lady in Auburn, N. V., has adopted
the short skirls and irowsers reccommen.
ded by the proposer of reform in Iho fe-
maleciHlii.no. nor lirst appcrance in
this garu created a marked sensation,
The editor ofono nr Ihe papera says:
'Tho lady hcemcd ready for any emer
gency. Iftho street wero in bad condl.
lion, alio was capal.lc of gliding along
without ihe least iuoouvenlence; if limy
were dry and dusty, hor dreaa wa not
called upon to do the drudgery of a broom;
and if it becamo necessary for hor to
uulckeii her pace, on anonuntof a threat.
nlng storw, she wa ready to put hersolf
In oompellllou with tho moat Ileal of fool
of the opposite tea. Wa sy, hurrah for
the short dress and Irowsers.1'
Dr, Johnson compared plalotllTanddo.
fendant In an aotlon at law, lo two men
ducking their iMadi in abuokat, and dar.
Ina aaoh othar to remain loagest under
1 ' ....
The following article, which wo cony
from the Philadelphia North American,
may furnish food for profitable reflection
,10M m,uVcn p,italilliro(.lle, who ad
vnvate the rntlro abolillou of nanital mm
if rrllected on, may make many a check
turn pale, and msny a heart lhnb wllli'nii.l hit tii r(Ult In crime, the inillilrrera
"lr,or,- " '" pe'lly "' '' '" P? Ilitl" Itumi.f and theOmlen ftmllv, It
wwiiiwa nnicrc annul iwina imnueq luriis iiwniirti inry tiiiueii inrir wn
( ,, (Uo ,ncan, uf J.L,!1,,,,! K)k ,,.1,,. to prn.erve ihrui. With
.,w..t nm ,,tl.r n,.,l, m.v .l.v l.i,., nil 1I..1 mnaklmr rownrdim uhlnh it a
in the alrerl, In tluwhiirrh, by liMiiriJc
'" may smi nim iiown in open uny,
' "T I T
...n;,.!..' ., r-t,. it... .I....,..,i..
urn to xalltfy even one wIhi has an
cnerov, upon hnw frail n lemiro he holds
' ' ' wlsdnin anil pniilciiec, inrnin
tC lanl-tv anil itm nitii.ii' uf ilm law
nruinci tn iiiul1it!iriitl'. Itfrm-c. uliih
citMtu lhai the gditler ) nation, nvcr -
,.-. .. .- .- -..,.
cinn call llilngt t
M And if ii do tul air I, tli Imur,
Tlir nftrr )fl tai liimun wwi
Whlrh riKitd VTAt'e, 11 Itlifwrgt, hi
Tliv itirl waif I, aud tg
(If Inn, who tiraaurvsup a whicM
'Die real danger is that cirry 111.111 hn
, . ......
, enriiiics. and nn mie inn till Willi ttlmt
lerlniK his foe may iegar.1 him. Ite
I vrn,;e Isrs irratmnal as an i.ther passion ij
I sniiielline, n,v. j s) than liny olhrr. it i
in umid naliires n nrl uf iinrnity, whkli
harill) needs nn eauw, nr. at f-rtlieat,
the most InMal oil", to excite it to theex
tremlty of fury. wmd, a mV, the
slightest ceieeiiable wwng or Injiuy "in
l-ianu cainbi anllier, it nr nn) I, a
siillicii'lit apirktnliiolhi. whole iiuKBiinn
uf hiimin ihirniily. iiml a. u-n a devil
never tn be laid I ut by I' "I Ml post i
linlnv is full of etainii'es ul Iho m ,si
Imliolii'al nits td revni;u uiciird hv the
',' .". ... :.,.."" " .... , Z "
. ..1 . i.......
iiifi.ihi 1. Mil iiiriiii .... mi' 11. iiiii 1111,
,i10t ,,,; ,, what s-eins In 'is thn un
naKin ....... ... pent or Ionian. . r pr,-.. ....
nothing iltii.tralnrnl he w.rk,.,g ot tho
destrULlivr. pasmn. I ..If i hl.l.li a
many uf Ihe ant, nl murder wl.ith di.
(jrau. cur ago and nur .,., country.-
Iw.t nceiil c,.,-il,., ,.Wt r.-cn
that it has not et beiunio hi. siibiicl ol
. , ,,, 4)lJ ,,0 latr,t nn alnviiy .,f
y,iwhhy - ncmtin(i In Mar, land, ina;
I''""' ' xcnTi.lifie.tim.. Wo af.
,,,',, ,,,,. iur,,r J lho i;0..l.n fa.i.il)
t on atnvity nf,,
,n inn .jaiitrit a,.iri. nnti hut hi tin iiiun i
.s . .. . c .1 . 1 ..s
.,...,.. u ,r i ti.i,, ,., r'
baiubhail taken frt.ni tho furinor tn live
with him. In tlir.nthnr.au Innocent child
of live yrarn old, on hi way to m-liuil,
as snatthed up in tho open strri-ts, in
! - ' -v. 'hw.r w-
,ou,o. when: be was criiiillt mid barhar
' ... ' . .
ously put In. loath ; the cause in thl.r.te,
if c-n heli-vo tl.o tlnorv now prevn.
,.n, , ,imnre. Uin the desire ot tlm
...iinlnr.-r to rc-xuuUc l.l.nclfiin tlm chit.r.
.. " . a
iMher, his lonner i-inplnvtrjwhuha,! iioii. .
..!.! 1.1... 1.. ... .. .a!,... f ... .. l
-L-.! .1.. (.. I...1LI. .1 .......
fl.uni.lL: 11 nil .1. win iii-iihiivvi 11' Rb,',
rg nntivo mutt hnvo betn cno nl manl
oal uasslon and venifoaiier. no oilier ho.
,i In nny way cincrluiUn, Vi'lio ro. I
inrmtiered cnto r.f l.anl, hit, hduged Inr
tl,o murdor of Mrs. Iladtmachor. Is not
11 iinriiuu svptvj iiunao ! iiaiatui u
' liable in the charge nf ilouhl or .iispicio.i
I nf liiins.lcn. More tlm assassin hnu.ilitf
tlm bod slduof his sleeping victims, wok.
Ing through iloapcralu peril and horrible
cruelly, though mi'iakeu on .1 object,
10 grainy ma vrnireaiico agamsin wiiucts
wnnso testimony nau on a previous occa
siou, sent him to tho penitentiary for lar.
Iltcausa on man boro witness I fore a
jury because another gained a petty
causo bef.irn ai magistrate because a
third carried away, perhaps with the best
and kindest motives, a child, 1.1 wife'
nephew, to be placed under hit wllo'a pro.
lection I It for .such cause a theso so
many and sue terrible murders, have
bconcommiilod7 Why, every man may
feol that he ha given as great, orgrcalor
causa of offence than any of these causes,
lo some person, or to aomo dozen of par
son around him , aud who can aay that
there may not laa Langfeldl among Ihem
some wretch who waiting or aeeklng
an op)rofttlrnt)f lo alay hi child or hi
wife, or to flood til frtalrk with tka bleed
f his whole fsmlly I Who can think of
the things, and not feel how frarltl an
Insecurity may he hanging about his own
life, or that of the best man In the romniu
till r
Is there, then! r.'J remedy f Most assu.
redly, there is. In the first place, allho'
no one rail U aura of the security of the
Individual, the danger does not extend to
the many. Hitch at t roc loin acts as those
inrfillonsd are very rare) and men
frantically vlndlrtivoare, fortunately, few
In number. There are few men in (the
world who value their llvrt ao cheaply a
In be willing to aaorifii'o them, In exchange
for the Uvea of liter riirmii't. With all
ilhe dsanerate devilltliness of l.anafsldt
part of cruelly (a brave m cngn It never
a rriiei nnej, iney toujun 10 pnninc in
-"." ""V"" , " , . '!?";
il,.,,,.M... ..v fm,,, wtm...e.. Tl,
drradisl driccliun.auir ijirv thought uf the
j?a!lni. The law I slid, though innrn
nr lets iiiPiiicirm imm nigirci r pener.
. timikuf nottiilar iitilnloii.a litMrr oftlrtneth
and a nillar i.f I'lulrctioii. Wo coil Itiakei
, ,. ,
'it more so.
III prMliiu at 11 it a ler
111, lu n ,i uu'iiuri, ii i uiii smiiiii miii,
lanfrguanl from tho fury of thn )irne and
I the malltfn of the retiingcful It it nly
the Inn est and inuM iinliitelliKelit mind
nhleli are tapible ( lh'o insane actt of,
'iiniurnsnrril (ci,!mi"i' fmni which lh
. ... . i.... i. i. li. .1.1 ....I
iiilividiial f.'i-li tli.U no niduiai) prevail,
titns can nv him. Tlie fca'r nf thu law,
i.li..rn li... tivb ii ii i Cut ml V u.dl a.linlnlav
." ....- ... ........ ..... ....
lr(.j , p,,,,,,, ,.,.. f,r ,. restrain
MH., unhappy wrrtrhe uand.ducslloii
ploH,r llK,r,f R, rfll(.,oU, iraiiiiug will
Ru ,tj roilhrr, Ucautn it transforms
,.,ni, chaise them frum llie condition of
wri.J., , V4,, to that of reatnnlng,
r..V0tiiiK Mini (nrlriice and cnminon
,, Brn ,,,,1,., uitLnatait In tin, l.ang.
,;,,ill( t X.MV ; u!, ,(n ure fauitiliet
, d,n ,t,il.nia.er and llm dlslno
,.. ,.!i Knr tin, l.ml and loiid
the liistincl nf niunlsr.
X (Tt-aai xri'i" Itr.jfisivr Hcsitrt
, ITiiiss Tl.o fiillawiii,!, tnirthr Hart.
t-,r,l Tiiiirs, are the terms iifcu whicli
firiimls call b,f adinit.eil as cltirns nl
111" ('lilted Ulntu
I. I'iie sears residem"" iii till country
lllSII cpa-i.
.1 ihclnrittion of iittrntinrt to hrcmnn a
ci.ircu must l madi. 1 futu a xiurl of
lit tfi.iliNl Nlalrs. nr n S'n.f. Cnnrl. nr ia.
. , , . , . - ,
flt(, ifj ap,,ri...,(, ,.,r , ,.,,.,. Tbi.
,,, ',,',, .,.,,. rc,Ill,fo, ,
, MIX-mr .1 and I.)
., .,.it ( inof ii(.fc ,,(,, c.
u nfi(. ., ,,,,,. .,,
, , ' . ,,,. ., v, .Bf ,.' ,
, . '
"! '
I. Iftliu applicant fr rlifronlilp h
rri lul in tin I'liitr-I StrJiir yMn, lu
IuJiiil' Mir trirco .um iif.t prcciMiinir
. , . . -... . a
'" ariituiio tin. agont .1 )iar. l.e wm
ciiso, in thu Stale of New York. hat
do they say ? thai, an help thrm Ood, no
efilnrcd man shall be tent from ll.e Slate of
riii unit i .. . in . ,
iw Zv.r ;;. v.:.r,hers:
uiuiit nf thai, they plrdgu their lives, their
' " ,no':" ' L.;" ,Tr7?ln.W, 1
r''. '' ir .V-""' l,0'"r.' (,' ) V'
.' ""x; l'"ew tneir aacrcu w.nw yoiaia
11110 I AW A f)l lllf'lr PflLllll f V1! IIP V IMC l IT ft
, ;; ., .-, ," " -;'.. '.',"
1 111 l Pa-i an l.uiiui m iiini un n VM"
uiitliori.io in Cuhu for assistance Anoth,
or party, tint of thn manufacturing Inlor
oss, is trying ijuielly mid alowloy to gat
up a fooling In favon.r Ihe raturn of San
ta An.na in power. 'I'hore is still Anothtr
.1 . . . .
prty,nn.l hut n feehlo one, In favor of
immodiaio nminxaiiou in the Untied aiatss.
laai.ANo it riiTune rosumon. in
cmtgratloi) from Ireland tthl country
will cxutil, this year, that of any pre
vlous one. Largo landed proprietor ar
laying off their estate Into small lot and
olllnglhnm In fen. Instead of leasing thom,
a heretofore. These lot are being pur
chased by Kngllsh farmer. The result
I that Ireland I being peopled by Eng
lishman, while ihe Irish ara moving to
America. In flfly yeara hence, Intro
will be fewer Irishmen In Ireland than in
the United Stale.
Somebody aya that a young lady ahould
I ways ask. tho following question before
accepting Ihe hand of a young mint '
1 . Is he honestf 2. I ho kir d of haarll
3. Can he aupport m eomfo",eblyt And
eiolally crA UtU Httuptftr and
pay for il in advance?
Tbi moral, werU. w Itkwt HHfttftU
a a iaa aasarat wefta,
i r