Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, July 10, 1851, Image 4

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1! "
J asttgi Mlflkt. .
Th following If not m w, I at hast
true end It, worthy of attention, at thl
particular tlms, when so many "of 'm"
are rushing Incontinently Uio the holy
bano'sof matrimony, to beSost "tool,
"TMe llttla fable," Mid my uncle,
"may (.crliajx la or lervluo to tome poor
devll,""'mor linn wIm.'"
A certain man one married a Inly,
ha reptilallan (br amiability of dlipo.
It Ion n ssrlously questioned, If It
not In reality seriously questionable. At
ttiM tirAjl.lIni Atfjtt ititnt u ..... nf1inll
,..u m ...,,, V I' I J 11,11,0 lull VI. lllM,llj,
01 course; theptrty gay Iheaunpermtg.
nlflccnt tho wMe aitalr had been eim
nahlly tuccrssful, (iidallparllntextrom.
ly delighted.
Un retiring to tils apartments, tun gen.
tlemin fouiiJ himself annoyed by llio
mowing and purring of oval.
"What in the devil name it mat f"
he exclaimed,
' Oh I nothing, my dm"," rcpllullh
bride, " but my fitvorilo cat. I'uitlia."
Oh I d n I'unlta ! I hate can !"
and wltli tills ho most unceremoniously
threw t'uailta out of'lhe aecondatory win.
" Wrll I If you haven't gut a lrm)r."
" Yc ! my dear you'd bttttt, Ulitrt
ft." i
"livery llilng," contlniud ny itnclo,
"went on ucll In lhat cttaUl.lmieM cten
to a warm dinner on Sunday
Now it tohaniiened llmt n frlenmnf the
above mentioned gentleman, ttlio had aomv kept you aiwitya on tho ttretch lo follow
month beforo " coiniiiltli-d tho error" of ihe Bvrjilng brilliancy and deplh of liU
marrying ''an angel," took occaiiNi to myriTk iacvVyCOiioluiloni, wlilili uvrrpow.
Inqulrn of him Tril you, fuHbo lime, by their ipeed of
" llor It wot, tl.nt lililiim,erertlilnj,'rimiuh ; but wererathnr apt t.i vanlih
went merry ui n inairiage Ml,' while, on lot , Allaclea nr revery, Alien you came
tho contrary, lie (liii friend) had bIiikxi tltrrivaidi coolly to rivlrw lliem by your
given up the Idea of nenring pantaloon ,.r. Aa flir I'rcaton, m i, dirau idrgaul
ol nil. ' lat.tr nr ciroto ol Khnlnra, ut clever men,
Whereupon l.e related lo hlin the lory
of ltiita un J the n-ooml tnr wlinlmv,
" without,", aiiid uncle, " fully ImprrM.
ing upon hit mind the important iiiornl
thai It wai nccca-inry n If gin ri:hl."
Novertlicleai. I Ik-i mui that in In-. i- r.
when lio Martvd lor home, "that told f
treiaon. f
VJ1!" laid hit wifp, " oii'e come
at last.havoynu aftorkecpltig me sitting
up for ou and wlint't the matter vou
haven't been drinking, !ifto you t Vou
lA very airnnge."
"Not In tho lean, mydrlr but Ditto
cats! lovely.
"You ijo -d.v )ou will I lito 'rm
that's all tin dnH-rcnco."
Hereupon the imforiunntn liuiUnd
mado a duh at poor Tahbv hjwa
nulellv snoojln-i mi the sola und rushed
impetuously lit Ihe window.
" You have been drinking. What are
you going lo do, monster I"
Throw her oul ..f llio window !"
"You beiur irv ltIM like lo see vou
.!!. im I i .- u ..,. iiv
uu ita ii in ! wi in in jinn i""i
n," ,,,' , '
ines and ills iiaiituloont en an easy
Chair, and exclaimed
"do In ducky daillllir, and till
,..,.. r i II
tiuu i ergii rijiiti.
"I rather think vou didn't you'd bet.
Udn t Tot; do it. W hen j on are oftcr.
ed a great bargain, tho valuo ot tthlcli
you know nothiiu about but which y;i
ore to get at half price, " being It ajrou,
don I jou do it.
When a tlinuc of narm fricudt want
..-.: ... e. .i......i..
tiiu m tun i p ur i.iinmii ui-
far set of ti. ws. and nrmulso vou a arse
quantity of fortune ami fame, to be gained
in lh' undertaking, tljn'l you do ll.
When rt young lady etjli(t you alone,
lays tiulrnt ejrt upon you, eiprcvtliig
"l-up ' in ctcrv Hlance, don I you do it.
When a tietulunt ihdividual Hilitrlyob-
acrvi to you, "ion liad belter cat ma
up, ht'l'iittou f" don't you do It
When a horm kick you, ami you feel
a strong (llKjitlon to kick tho liorve In
return, don't you do It.
When you urn shlnulne It very expedi
tiously around town, in soirch of tomo
body with noinelliluu over, who tan assist I
why don't you throw her out f-l darr pare mem io p.r.-ao inn meat nnr
you toilolt," husbands, lio studies nl their children
,, ,' ,, , ., , I It it common to vnuinerato all the Inion.
II. put ho cat Mf.ly down on Iho tofa. f ,,,.,, ,c r x ,
Imnw ln lint nil a tteit in llie pnlrv. Iil . .. .' ' .- .
I.r lake fretl, .nit-bm don', try that ", j, J" , ,lUU I'lp..
game again, or you II catch .t-como to f kiow JV arB 0(.
bod; and he we,,'. ., ,er. iwimlisli.c-prlciout. valul llocaa.e
oriig from the irK.n.u..0' I said I k ( W ,, , om,
uncle. "Oh, dear me! .... ' , .... .'?.. ', i....i.....s' i..
vou with n loan, uudy on nro tu Jdmly an., vlclnily, for Ihn .Suit Lake, at ten tliou
ilcloatel bv tomebodv who ttantt to bor. tand. Thn Latter Day Saint mako
row from vou. don'l ou doll. I
"KliouM vou fiit-iH-ii to ratch yourself
whittling in a printing otlice, and tho com
positor toll you to whlttlo louder, don't
you do It.
If on an odd occasion your wifo thould
exclaim lu you, now tumble over llie era
tile and break your nook, don't you do it.
When you havo any business In trans,
net with a modern fiuuntlcr, and he atkt
you lo go and dino ttitli him, don'l you do
il. a
A husband, who, In a moment of hasty
wralb, aald lo Ida wife, who hut a fow mo
intnti beforo had united her faith lo hit,
' If you aro not satisfied with my conduct,
no. return to your friends and your hap.
lata I" " Aud will you giro me book
(Mt which I brought toNyouf" atkod ihe
r'Oaapalrina wife. " Yea.'Nierepllod, "all
your woalth ahall go with yofl--4 covet ll
not." ' Alaa I' the antwerod, " I thought
not of my wealth t I apokoof my maiden
allettlont, of my buoyant hopes, of my
devoted lovo ; oan you give Ihean back to
me I" "NoP aald Ihe man, throwing
himself at bar feet. "No, I cannot re.
atero tkeae; but 1 will do more; I will
- keep them umullled and unttalnedj I
will oba'rlth tbem through life, and la my
dceth-j and never again will I forget that
I have aWorn to protect and cheer her' who
gave up to ma an the n.iu most near."
Tha following skated nay amura oar
Among admirable talkers, el way a .
taoar and a q'ritlo, wa ramambar iba bait
that till country hat produced Jefferson,
Dr. Tho. OooMr. Taawell.r Wbtr. Pat.
tlgru, Calhoun, Pretton and Legar. Tha
Aral araidldaolluand flawing, but without
wit i pourlne out. all Ilia while, sonar!
liirurmatlnii rather than thought) hut lii'lownl, a reg,and Ave mlnui time. When
a very cnty and agreeable ttyle. The ynu gel up In tha morning pin a petticoat
tocond converted more aud discoursed . very lowly at tho waltt, tike your rag
leas; possessed fr liner Udy of knowl. writ wettrdaud slip your arms and oheslt
t "MO i llf-HII It UUI UUIT Wl
ileall it oul only when Die occasion
It, and to lit extent l was. without,
called it, and to lit extent; was.
being exactly winy, singularly apolheu
initio, sententious and clour ; and eiili.
vened hl discourse by a prodigious shun -
ditico of utv and ant aiieodoto and re ml.
.nlsconce of nearly all Ilia eminent men oil
, hit age, most of whom lie hail known. i
Ho tt at in exceedingly entertaining talk,
Lor. Taxwell was mora In Ihn manner oftdribg tlila done, alt down, dip one fool In
Coleridge a sort of brilliant dealer In
paradox and tubtllltles. obslcr, some
what ponderous when cold, lu utnlal mo
menta becomes very happy anil hilarloui.
IVlllgru, with lit alrof a liy, (Iowa with
ijiilp and crank kadjeoae epigram a per
fect aa It t unttudltdPallvarrd in a mook,
Ing voice the wot ooanlo lhat oan be.
Calhnuu had neither wit nor reading, nor
laato; and never converted J but deliver
enil raniil and iloixtliiir llir1atlona. In
I which hurrying you on from ime Iwld
and i.trikiuir Jeneralixationln another lie
the int agreeably brilliant talker and wll
liAt o lime ever known, V alinuld,
for pmper pnwera of rontol nation, placn
hin, first, and l.tgaro second of all thai
Mi-have known, llio one was (In give
our rraners a noro nenniip i-iimii more
Ickii llnike tho ntlicr llko lloniirletk In
' lilt roneraailon
On the other hand, It strikes in tlisl ihe
moil harrru un in company that wu hatu
titer M-eii tat log, i-irliupi, his Itto M
"iy, Mr IV.Ik ,t. Mr Van lluien
lie was ilreadfullt sterile, and the few
i nuii'iii plans tlal he uttered gate ) on
tilt the p-tiiilul turtniul) that ho ttas si.
lout, not merely from ti niierauieiil, but
from ihe diitltution of al. resources for
Khlt.JlTlii.Niil luHI N. Without knowl.
irdpr, no wl.'o is truly wife uo mother
truly nmlher. In iintelling the feminine
' Intelligence the laws of nature, wr nerd
, " ,0 make uue dau-...er. phv.klan.
"' Billonoincrt, bul ; Ui lovisnralr llielr fo.
ultiesby llio discipline of Weiice to pre
. w . ..
I number morolpurlltol lanorauce. rtnowi.
, . .. . ,. . i...i ...i uie
, ,,., i, a ,nler; knutvledirn ! a
I!." , I............. I. i
' vIIull.liuil iikfimiivi- ! m u,,i,v,i, .. ,.
il.n mire,. c,rtliiuaiid moral faults. audi
Iao Ttis at nintitti I Wktr iln-nal klift mill lilm
,, do!j ,,ml ,! lr) , ( cllren) j why
,1M., .101Hg .in at,llt lu fdctllial wis
I ry lim , n(cmr ,,e know, nothing.
fepuuw, lcr lnill, teen nourlilirit on
i ,,!, ilkatt ,.,, ,(, 0rld of
iniellliiuicchsi l-onicluMMltulier. I hero. I
I - ... .. . . , . e i
loro i ii inn me IIIM liMiio wur i van.
i.v IL.tnailnn- Msnv . husband. .
ho mocks al Iho learningof women might
,,vu Lcen sated by it from dishonor.
Haw tin fiar of ill ronstiiueiictt lo wives
and niuthera, it will only render them
mora, worthy of the nntne.
Otrai.ANii Kmiuh-vtion to Oh coon.
An intelligent gentleman from Si. Joseph',
.Mo., informs thn t;tovuland lirrntu thai
" ThLrv will lio contiderabto ovarltnd
emigration ihlt ecavou, mostly -Mormon
to tho Sail I.ako valley, and fuiiiilloa lu
Orccon. lie citlmatr thn Mormon who
aro preparing to Icavn Council HlufTs and
Count II Hluir a aort of half-way hou
in journeying towarf llio promised latid,
slopping over lliero and raiting a crop,
and then giving way in iretu nosit oi -tior.
inon convert, from near and distant land.,
of all persuasions, kindred, and tongue.
Tho country around CJouncIl UlulTs It
prairie and very fertiln'and at Ihe laud.
at ill belong lo uovornmenl, and have not
been put in market, llio Btlnlt take pot.
session, and occuny whero, and a long a
they pleasn. When about to emigrate
further weal, they dispone; of llielr improve
ment! to now cotnert at chi-sp raltt, the
inoll'i among Iho brethren being lo "lire
and let live?
A Pmi.oormc Upitor, The editor of
tha Alabama Argus, published al Jiemoo.
oils in Marengo, nayltea merry, after the
following fashion, over what inott folk
would con.liler a aerlou trouble i
We too the aharllf ha advertised the
Argu. qlTioo for tale during our ultffiot.
Wo hope thn bidder will have a marry
lime nf It. If the alio riff can aell It, he
will do more than wo ever could. Like
a damp porcusilon cap, we think It will
fail to "gooff."
An exchange oaya i "If a nloe young
lady were about to be kitted by a gallant,
what American Oereral would tho nanio
in her plaoulatlon,'" Quil mm. It Imtue.
diataly add. We think It Would k-e JWbf .
II tl M"V lit'" mhwiii ! eiuatMBMii !
How a Law tifcovu W liixaiLr.
Mr. (Jwltthtlm, In th'Sturdy VlaH.
or, bf 1ob article to youag ladlaa up.
on tha ntoaaalty of eteanllne. In the
artlola aha give tha follow! dlraotlona
a to tha modut eyreraweV, which, to tha
bachelor who have no Idea at to tha man
ner In whloh auoh Iking are managed,
Vou only want batln of water, a
win uo oxiremeiy interesting i
throw haiulsrul ol water korow your liaek
and 'aw' ) drv rub Tail until vou are
nullo dry, put on your cli.mls alaavea,
draw on a lilaht sown to keep from chill
1 lug, while you tuok your akirla up under
' vnur arm. until vou with and drv on
limb, drop that lde and do the other Ilka,
wIm, and be aura lhat tha ainall of tha
back and aide gel their full there of rub.
llio bailn, rub aud dry It, put on your
looking and alio, aim iban waali llitoln
ttev. 8. P. May, of SyraouM, New
York, a Unitarian olargyman, aocoenpanl
d tho Infamout Urillah limlatary, (o.
Thornpeon, on hi abolition tour through
Canada. On tho Bth Intl., at Toruntu,
Mr. Ma delivered an aull-tlavery lee
turo. Ilotaidi
11 It wat better lo break up tha Union
thin thai tlftvcry ihould oonlinue. He
hoped in llio nniua of humanity hit i-ourrt
try would not ttand, If It oould not Hand
bm upon llio neckt of three million of
people, Mr. Thompaon anwred the
liivttlon, What hat Cauada lo do with
Amorioau alavery I' by iiuollirg tht Ian.
guago of I Inn ml Wehtler aud uen. Caat
on llio Hungarian iuolioa."
Uuoh langutgo at Ihlt, If ullorrd uion
American aoil, thould by legal riiadmenl
Iw made treaton, and Ihe penally death.
It it a aliunde agaiutt ihe government of
, ihe United 8ilot, and a war upon the
cunslilulional rights of fifteen of the llilr-1
I) one members iiriliitvnrederacy, which
limit I speedily terminated, or our re.
iiil.m at a nation will soon bo chanlol by
all ihe detlo govemmuult III the world,
Such language aa Ihe a bote is hntr and
mirn rrimimit than was the cenliicl of
A mold, who, nt a penally, tuuured a Irai
inr's doom. u. Jimr.
Tin I'tuir -SnaMiuuT. The mo.r .if
Ihe lirtt tteanivial (built b -John I' itch)
' tliscuvered, a lew days ago. In ihe
garret of tho lalo reslilenco or Col. Ml. 'one marker, and pmcred lo view, survey,
Imurnr, a brolher-ln-Uw of John l-'iloh, an, Uy nut nr alter aald road a prayed
near Ihe town of Columbus, In Ohio, ll fr n iho petition, or at near Ihe samo at
has been In the possesiln, of r-d. K. more r opinion, a goisl road can be, made
than thirty years Ciiicthmli Commtr. n rrasmiahle eteuse, taking Into con-ri'il-
I sldt-raliuii the utility, conirnlenco and In-
11 ll it ahnul I wo feet lonir, and set upon' convenience, and siwnso which will re.
wheels. Tho Iw'lrr It about a fool long,
and eight Inches in diameter, with a flue
through It, not iulto In lb centre, Intd
w hich llie lire appear lo navo been piaceu
'Ihn cylinder Mantle perpendicular, and
ihe framework that tunpurttll it not unlike,
.i... ii ..r.t. t ........
ni s uni n; mm m iw . f immi.
l.uia on I.mkn I'.rio. Thnro It a naddlo '
wheel on each tide, and, In fact, even-
llilmrUhiw-iiM In I- rninldeln ttllh Ihe el.
n -,,-------- , -
ceiillon of a condenter and force pump,
The boiler it even supplied with a safely
vsitc, iiiougn iari ni u pas oven uruacii anu utliter lo one ol Ihn vlctten, ttitli
oil'." lout delay, a correct cerllficalo return of
" Ihe survey of tslJ road, and a plat of tho
t'oMTariTivB MlLkAiic. Mr. Citin, .,,,. tM -, lowers thill inuln and
tli Senator from California, will receive .1,, a rrjn jn wlltin-g, slating llieir cpin.
nter eleven thousand dollar constructive I on for or Bganl llio rttahlishlng or
mileage, for being prreumed lo travel from alteration of auch road, and act forth Ihe
Washington lo Han I'ranulsco and back, reasons of Iho same, which report, togeih.
between eleven o'clook and noon on lh -sth,rr with Iho plal and aurvey of taid road
of March. Nothing ill Iho Arabian Mghttj,,, alteration, ahall bo delivered to llio
siir pisses thn rapidity of the journey. (county commissioiiert' ilerk, by one of
. , ,' i i w v i illw viewer, on or beforo Ihe first day of
rV7 An Intrenhtiitf ranf-al ill New lork .. - .. . . .
, ., ;. ,,.. ..1,1 .. ,l. w irtimln,.
,,l,rd r.rr" '" " "T wa tripping
r.'. ... . . .
along, in tho pride of her Isiry form and
raven ringlets, telling herlboro was a bug
on her neck, which alio allowed him to
knonk oil. When the got home the dis.
covered that tome of her taid ringlet
wcro absent. A lata with a moral.
OtT A notoriou toper utcd lo mourn
about not having a regular pair of ryes ;
one black and llio other a light harel, "It
it lucky lor ynu," replied hit friend, "for
If ynur eye hud lieen malehet, your now
would havo act them on fire long ago."
I'.NULIIII AllVKXTItl.N0, Tht ieayAfy
my. It costs a thousand dollar lo adver.
tlso by tho year in thn lndon Timet,
lhat which in this country, would net cost
mora than fifty, dollars for Ihe aanteierl
rsl. And yet that aiim I readily paid In
l-ndon more ready than many c4 Iho
commercial men pay fifty dollar in the
United Slate.
IrtroaMATiu.N Wantd. Mr. M. II.
Sartfleld, lalo from London, Kngland, I
anxioui for Information retpectlng her two
on, Miuhael and John Bartlleld, who pre
ceded her to thl country. Information
may be aent to her at Detroit.
Rattorn, Southern and Western paper
generally will pleatn copy,
Looxii-io to ma own Houniioto. A
Looofoco ootamporary aaya i
" It 1 lime tha Augean atabla wa clear
ed." Thl fellow ha got ahead hla parly, In
thus attempting to do the "clean thing."
Chicago Journal.
(fir The man who never loved pretty
woman, waa lately aeen by eotno Ureen
lander going round lh North Polo, an
iclcln a yard long hanging lo hit naMl or
gan, and a aharp norv-att.r alter him,
whittling O never fell In lore."
03" Death mm aeen at our hearth
leavolh ehadow whloh abldeth (here for
ever, i
Tarritetrial Iw.
AN ACT on Roadt"and Hlahwava.
BacTintf I. lit It tMddl ay At Ctmcl
axf umut of Ktfrttnwttu y Ike Trr
rltorf Orrgtm, That all county and
Territorial madt which have bven o: may
hereafter b laid out and ettabllihed agree
ably lo law In Ihlt Territory, ahall b
opened and kept in repair In the manner
hereinafter lirovlJrd) and all oounly roada
ahall heraatlor be laid oul and mtaldlahcd
agreeably to tho provitlnn of tlilt act i
and all county ruadt ahall lio alaty feel
wide, unleat Ihe commllonirt of Ihe
county, upon petition, ahould determlnn
on a leat number of fool In point of width,
on any road to petitioned for.
flic. 3. That all application for laying
nut or altering any oounly road, or fur
tho alteration of any Territorial road,
ahall bo by pollllon lo Ihe board of com.
nilitlonert or the proper oounly, alg ned by
at leaal twelve householder of tba conn,
ly, living In tha vicinity where aald mad
It to be laid oul or altered, and ald pell,
lion ahall specify of (he place of begin
ning Ihn Intermediate point If any, and
oflarmliiellon of aald road.
Sao. 3. That pre v lout lo any petition
Ulng pretented lor a county road, nr for
(he alteration of a county or Territorial
road, nnlico thereof ahall bo given by ad.
vertlwunenl l up at Ihe place of holding
county eommlnlonera' oourla, ami lliree
public placet In each township through
which any part ufauuh road ladcalgiiid
In he laid out or altered, al least thirty
dayt previous to Ihe mxetlng of tho hoard
ofuoimiycominittlonera, at which the po.
lilion ahall ho presented, aud on Ihe pell,
lion being presented and the coiiinilitiun
era aailaned lhat auch notice has been
given as aloreaaid, Ihey ahall aptmlni tlirro
dislnlerestrd lioiitehoMer of thn unnnty
at viewers ofsald road, and a skilful sur
veyor In survey Ihe tame, and ahall luo
an onler directing sti.l viewers aud sur
veyors to proed,on a day named lu isald
'order, nr on llielr lalllng In meet on said
da), within five days Ihorrafter, lo tlctt,
,survey, lay out, or alter taid road,
Sic. I. That it shall be tho duty uf tin
j viewers and surveyors appointed asafote.
atid, after receiving lit least sli days' pro.
tlinn nuiim by onu of the petlMunen, to
meet at llio liino and placo i-cclfud In
iho nnltr of tho commistiuncr. aforesaid,
ur within file days thereafter, and after
taking an oath nr alTirm.llQi, faithfully to
,. httc the duties of tin r apnointments
rrsprdlvely, ahall lakrt tutheir atiltlaiue
UU suitable iwrsont at chtln carriers and
aut n, Indhlduals as well at to the pub.
lie. If tuch road shall bo etlabtlslied and
opened or altered, and lh surveyor shall
eurvey tuoii road under I tie direction or
the viewer and cause the tame lolw cone
tnicuoutlv marked throtwhout. notion ihe
' ' . . -i -. .l ..
course anu msiaocct, aim ai tno rnu in
...I. ...tl. .I..II -.,,-u it,, niimlr nl it..
tame, ami also ihn ronmiencenient and
i.niiln.ll.. nr -.1.1 nuil n, mn.v t I.
........-.."t. ... ... .v. . .... . .v .
marked on a Ireo or inoiiument rreclnl
for lhat purpor.0 J bo ahall also make nut
motets hm oi iho rniintv commissi mers
court then next entuing, and it thnll be
Ihe duty of Ilia commitslonvri mi rrciv.
Ing Ihe report ol ihn viewer aforesaid, lo
cauto Iho tame lo bo publicly read on two
ilillercnl daya of tho ttmo rneeling, and If
no ufiai application titan noinaua loinrni
for a reviow of aald road or alteration, or
petition for damage., between Ihe first
day of their eettlon, at which the report
and turvoy aro made, and Iho eeoond day
of their next slated session, they ahall
canto aald report, aurvey and plat to be
recorded, anil from thenceforth aald mad
shall bo considered a public highway, and
the commissioners ahall Issue tbelr order
directing aald road to be opened. Hut II
the report of Iho viowera bo against auch
propoocd road or alteration, then no far
ther proceedings ahall be bad I hereon, and
tho obligor or obligor In the bond re
ceiving lit payment of cotta and expense.,
shall be llablo for iho full amount of tuch
cottt and expense: ProtMfd, That In
all case when any oath or affirmation I
required to bo taken by any perton under
the provitlon of thl. act, Ihe tame may bo
administered by lha surveyor, nr by one
of ihe vltwor or reviewer who have pre.
vloutly beenewornoraffirmed ihemeelve.
Sac. 8. That after ihe viewer of any
county or Territorial road ahall bare mado
return In favor of the aame agreeably to
Ihe preceding aecllon, and before aald re
turn ahall be reoordtd, and Iho record e.
labllibcd, It ahall be lawful for any house
holder of Ihe oounly, to apply to the com
mlatloner fur a review or aald road, by
Million, algned by at Last twelve bonat
holder residing In lhat part ol the oeunly
through whloh aald road It propoaad to be
Mtabfiahed t and the oommluloner ahall
on auoh etltlon being preatnted, and they
satisfied It I jutt and rraaonabla, appoint
Ave disinterested qualified votera of the
county, to view aald road, and latun tbafr
order to aald viewer, directing them to
moeiat a tlmtepeoified In auch order, or
within Ave daya Ihareajior, tad aald view,
er ahall meet after haWeg, reaelved elf
daya' pravlaiM notice by on of the pelf,
tionere, and tftir taking tba eeiK or af.
Urination required by rlw praoawlng
Hon, ahall proceed IcimImiIm retrkt
urveyaa roraaio rpanuy ine renner
mlialonar.'atatluitMr evlnlon la fcrerUM ll
or againti the aetabUMmeM M mm reae,
'.a 1 s . . A II el
and their reaooM for tho aame l and If
the report of the viewer Iw la favor of
aam ruaa, tho aame antit m eauuianaa,
rvoordtd, aud opened, agreeably to lb
provisions of ihlt aol j and tha partMor
JKirton bound for lh tame, shall patTln
lo ihn oounly Ire.aury the' amount or the
costs of auch review, but If Ihe report bo
igilntl lit etiabllalirnewtof ueh road, no
further proceeding ahall be had thmaa
before ihe commUtloner, and the per seal
executing the Drat bond ahall pay Into the
county trea.ury, the amount of cottt and
expeiiaei of the first view end urvy, and
review of taid road.
Hurt. 0. Thai If any person or person
through whose land any Territorial or
county road may be laid out, .hall feel
injured Iheroby, auch perton or perton.
may make noinplaint thereof to lh. board
of oounly loinnil.tiooer at any lime be
tween the session of the commissioners, at
wh'ch thn report of said road I. made, and
ti a second day of Ibelr noil stated set.
tion; and tlio commissioner shall appo!ut
thrco disinterested householders or tho
county, ttliKO duly it shall be, after hav
ing been duly aworn or affirmed, to ills
charge their duly faithfully and Impartial
ly, to proceed and view aald road Ihe
wholo distance Iho aamt may have been
established through the premises of Ihe
complainant, and asset 'and determine
hou much let valuable iho land or prem
ises of iho complainant hts been or will
rendered by the opening or uld road, and
they shall report Iho same In writing to tho
commissioner al llielr next meeting lliere-
tfter, and if tho commissioner! shall Iw
sal!. ed that the amount to atsessed and
determined, bo lust and enultable, and
thai said road will, in their opinion, bo of
sufficient linporttiicetotlienuMiotocauso
the dam.K. lu be paid by lha county,
Ihtv ahall order Ihe aiim to bo paid to tho
iiiltidoucr Ironi Iho county urratury, bul
If in llielr opinion Ihn aald road Is not of
sufficient importance In the public to
canto llio sauia lo be paid by tho county,
they may rcluse lo establish the samo a
publlu highway, unless t!is damages and
ttponsetant paid by Ihn petitioners,
tiic 7. That when any county road
thall bo considcrrd usrlm", and Ittelvc
householders reidie.g In lhat part of Ihe
couily where such road it established,
may mako application by llm pe'ltlon lo
Ilia board of commissioners of county lo
vacate the same, aelllns forth in said Mil.
tion the reason why taid road ought In
Iw vacated, which petition than lio pre.
stuird and publiuly reaihal a recultrsei
tion of the board of commltsktport, ami no
other procve-dinas thall be hail I hereon, un.
til lh next ttatnl session ofjhe said beard
of commlisionert, when it shall ho again
read aa afornaid, and if no objri tion be
made, the ccinnilttioners may on the last
day of lhat tettion declare said road va
aaled, or any part thereof, which Ihey
may deem urcessary la kern open for
public convenience, bul if objection be
mado in w riling, tignodal least by twelve
householders residing in ho neighborhood
of ike road proposed lo bo vacated, tho
cnininltiioncrt shall appoint three disln
Icrcsted pultons lo lnw taid road, win
-(still tako iho snmo oath or allinnation aa
is required by tho fourth section of this
act, ami prociru io view mo ruaii aiore.
said and make a report of their opinion
therroii, and (heir rotsons for iho tame, to
the uoaru ol rommtttioncrt, ami it saw
viewers thall report in favor of vacating
taid road or any part thereof, tho com
missioner may if they thall deem ll juxt
and reasonable', declare taid road vacated
agreeably lo tho report of tho viewer.,
hut in oetc .aid viewer, thall report
against vacatlns taid mad. then and In
that cam no further prnccci'.ihg shall be
had thereon : PronJeJ, That previoualo
any pttllion being prest-iilcd indor Ihe
prutisions oi nut ttciiuii, iiio tame noiico
thall bo given a I required by Iho third
section of ihlt act.
See. 8. That when the place of begin
ning or true courta of Territorial or ooun
ly road thall bo uncertain by reason of
Ihn'removal orany mouomenta or marked
trees by whiot. aald road wa designated,
or from any other cause, the board of
commissioners ol tho proper county may
appoint thrro disinterested persons, cill.
uns of the county, to view and straighten
said road If Ihey thall deem it neorsary,
and tho reviewers thall cauto said road
to be cornotly marked throughout, as in
ease of new roads, and a oorrr-olUurvoy
lo be made of tho aame, and shaft mako
return of aald aurvey and plat df. aald
road, to Ihe board of commissioners, who
thall cauto tho tame lo bo rcoorded at lu
other easel, and from thenceforth taid
road, surveyed a. aforesaid, shall be con
aidercd a public hlghwny.
Sec. 0. That if any person or perton.,
through wlioaa land any Territorial or
county road la or may bv established,
ahall bo desirous of Turning aald road
through any other part of hi or her land,
auch person or persons may, by peilflon,
aareaably to the second and third aecllon
of Ihlt act, apply to the commissioners of
lh oounly, while In session, to permit him
or litem to turn any roau inrougn any oili
er part, or off, of hi, her or their land on
aa good ground, without Inoreatlng the
distance to ihe Injury ol thep.tblloi and
on lh receipt of auch petition, the board
of commissioners ahall appoint a aurvey-
or, and three disinterested household. rs of
lha oouaty, aa viewer, wito, or any two
of Ihem,' thall prooed to view the ground
ovr which the aald road la proposed to be
turned, and ascertain lb ditlanoo whloh
aald road will be inoreaaed, by auch pro
posed aherattoo, and make uf a report
la writing staling lb savers! -dlsttaa a
round, toaether with thlret&M.Jtlat
utility or Inuillliy of relag laaU altera.
If asU temta'h4l reaert la Om
aortnitiasjeasini that tat) atayf of
laaar or wtftloa I reaaaaahle-i
t lh altera!! wiH-aM phuw ti
worst grouao, or Mioraaat in di-
tanoe to lb: Injury of th' publlo, 'ibiy
shall, upon reoelflng aaualaotory avldewe
that lb proposed new road hat been open.
ed a legal width, and, lu all rtepect axed
eouel lo Ihe old road for tha, oonvaoleno
oriravelen, the commlloflr a foresaid
may declare aaid new road a publlo high
way, and make raoerd tberaof, and at th'
same tliue.taeaie so muoh of th old road
aa U embraooil by tb new. and tho person'
or person desiring Ibo alteration afore
said, thall pay all (ha cost, of the vltw,
survey, ana return oi ..id auoraiiod. .
to.. 10. That If any nerson. vriro ahall
be apprdntad by the boanl of commission
tt a viewers, revlewerjor surveyor of
any road, hallute 6r ncilect io pr.
form lh duliea required by I lihract, with
out any aatlafaciory ekdutior tueh re
fusel or neglect, healiall b fined In any ,
turn nut exceeding trn dollar, lo be re
covered by action of debt by any ftraon t
tuing for lh ine, befon. any justice of
Iho peace havinv iurisdrtllonof the same, J
and shall bo paid over, without' delay, to
Ihe oounly treasury, by Ihe jbtlleeof tho
peace or constable -collecting tho aame.
taking hi receipt therefor, and lb board '
of commissioner thall naute all fine
which thill he paid Into the oounly treat,
ury, under ihe provision, of thl. tctlo bo
exjiemled on road ami bridge, within their
Hrx. II. That lb person required to
render service under ihLs act, shall re
colto compensation for each' day ihey
shall be necessarily smployed,' as fellow,
lo wll : vltwere and rsvlewsra, tbrsvdel.
Ian each; chain oarrUr d aaarkara.
two dollars each ; and aurveyors four do),
lar each, lo be charged a cost and ex.
peijset and paid oul of lh oounly treaau.
ry, on the order of Ihe board of oommU-
tinner of the proper county. .
Src. Iti. That when it ahall become
necessary lo rttabtlih a roau" on a county
line, the Inbablianlt along uoh line may
petition Iho board of commissioner of
their rrtpecthe counties, for a'view of
such road in Ihe manner pointed out In
llio preceding section of ltd act, and It
thall bo tho duty of tuch board of com.
mltsioners, for each of thn counties inter
ested, to appolol Ihrre illsorrel citizen a
t letters, who, or a majority of them, .ball
meet at tho time and placo named in thn
order of the commissioners of tho oldest
county Interested, who that) appoint a
surveyor; and Ihn vlewerif end turveyor
pimintrd a aforesaid, ahall make their
report in writing, for ur against auch road,
10 Ihe board of commissioner oflhacoun
tie concerned, and llio taid commlssloa.
era, upon receiving auch report, ahall in
all respects, be governed by lit provitlon
of thl act.
Sic. 18. That If, on receiving tueh re. -port,
Ilia commissioners of all thooouutlrt
Inlrretted, ahall bo of opinion tluaiucli
road, If opened, would be of public utility,
they ahall order tho tame to be opened,
in Iho maimer pointed out by ll,l act.
Sxc. II. That when any rued I. located
under the provision of lha twelfth and
thirteenth tectlon of this acl, ll ahall be
the duly of Ihe bo til of commissioners of
lh county, or trustee of township, ad.
joining .uch'road, lo select ono from llielr
number whose duty It thall be to meet at
some convenient placo near Ihe lino of the
aame, the lime and place to bo appointed
by the commlatloner or trustee of the
ofdett county or township Interested, pre
vtou. In the tlmo appointed by law (brap.
portioning labor to their respective road
districts, and shall assign a lulficUnl um
ber of perton, if pnolioable, lo opto audi
road and keep the Mine in repair, dividing
the road In suchiinoer lhat lh person
so assigned Intrry work under lh order of
the supervisors and person to astlsntd
thall Itrfgoterned by the provision or the
act entitled an act defining Ihe duliea of
supervisor of road-and highway.'
8r.c. 13. That en application, made un
der Iho provisions of ihlt act, Ihe boariTbf
commissioner oflhe proper counties thall, r
beforo granting any order thereon, require
of Ihn person or porsons making auch ap. -
plication, a bond, with one or more auf
riclent aurctiei, made payable to the coun
ty treasurer, and approved by ihe board of
commissioners of the county for the um of
the county. '
Cue. 16. Thatnochango .hall btfnad
In thedlreotton ofa Territorial road where
11 crosses ilia line between two Counties,
untosa by mutual agreement in the report
oflhe vltwer appointed by lha board of I
commissioner In the rountlr Interested, A
in which latl otto ihe plat and turvey of
tho variation from Ihe original road ahall
bo recordod In both counties.
Passed ike Council February 7, 1831.
I'asud the House of ltepreenlatlves ,
February 7,1801.
Sixittr H. X.
Of Cornell.
A Mississippi paper, In auloglxlog the
dliunlonltl. savi: The averlaatlns- det.
tiny of th South hang upon auch men u
QuttoJan, Devi and other. Tha Flor.
ana OeaHl remark that If thl be irue,
how appropriately ma- w exelalm, la
lb language of Dr. Watte-r
jOnsiWl ea what asltaatrlarsU
To Max Yaxar. To two mtddrtse-
la4 hplM potato add a plat of bsj4Mag
wat.r aatj two table apoaaeful of bsawa
sjgar, Oa pint of hot wtr bould ba ,
Hoi water ta'Muer M warw wssiher,--
Thwnaat Wat iaaW without lour,' will
kp wagMTi aa baaatM o b muoh bttr,
swsb suiy ptwvs-aetyra .