' "ffr. 'M3 H ""'ISA"" a! 1$ CpaO- w .& m 3 - "r ! ir; H?x ! wist in TmiW ' ' " IMPtCTATOR. iJniW iwtywYi, 5T M. '' XBITOI, ' w :.Qr Th flhwwrfwi ba btoa y rUhbtM Mm Load U " . C"- r ...aMMttiiFciTaT i ,. u-r--- Hi). i W'riMMMrnil "MMsVUOOOd M ut U4 oaf' her kJ -" t yau owa rwiil- i aha iMtkorlty of Mir mM rW",' rtalMoaiy rtjrbt wiy or MMf yotr reoMvoa mnci i poor ia,iao Territory-titoe n HVbmImWS It Im) INMmW Mmm Mmmm 'UhUU kwll r-H r - t ..f .-.it 1' . . - .. "I SMiSMMstYbMtltt ! ML ia nMOMBtiasi IM a Ooa. Laae, and wlthboUiag M M paper ceataiaiat: it mitreo- Um. The wot iVtto tetisfcr mm osweoartrolortril, contain. odft derogatory to Oca. Laae, Mn m Immi a candidate for la Coast, raw, aor atace. The tMa imi article, know log it .Ta author, of tba above Jm did jteee ba iMuad it tfMt kkMt'tU'NM. w will Itt Mb ao- i'MMtW(K"Vtao "blgkerUw" author &rfrs?Jl eaaWptibly mean to utter It .. . r.. :. .-- - . . . . ..... -m IM ftntpam, aaa it but utile i ao p.nm it. rtiv.vf ; 'V& i m It ft. MM U it. .s;,m tfjSjhri tba Mkakiatratlon are determined ,PM.im ! ajuui uraw party line in ijBrjatj " that they shall hate politic VjMsw-MlWclan.' All tba important office V&iljjw wltaia it gift are filled with ultra jr M war appointed becauae each." We boiler tba sur- tbo' pert at Portland ia an ultra :Mtd IM) portal agent wbo baa Ml of oliloe, U om of tbe mim lnv. nn btth tfiiwentefl am 2lV- -"i "r beat Whijain PorUand, and Mp WV mmmW immi arooBg ine n niga wdo were V aa'-'Jar'tbeeo atalioo. Tbe Orryonioi to it that aucb Whig aa tbe do not alert teo commandlof an in. orer tba Wbi'c of that section. fldf Tba grata it represented to hare been much more forward this than last earn on tbe plaint. The St. Joseph Ad Tenter nyt it is at least two weeks ear liar. jTbU wiU'enable the immigrants for Oregon to arrire in aeaaon to aroIJ the early Jalla of snow and rain In tbe moun. , Mas. A Urge number of stock perished satbaCaeetde mountain last fall In con. oeaaance of. laruTg been oreruken by tbe aaews. To lose one's stock at tLia end of Itm'ttmle, after undergoing the fatigue 'aalbardebipe'of almost the entire jour- mtj, la truly hard. Tbey are usually ao .Math 'reduced by the time tbey arrire MM that a frj little will overcome them. Qij A party from tbe Salt Lake, of wbiob we bavo made mention before, suc ceeded in bringing their stock thiough tbe nountains safeljv They arrired at tlilt place one day last week. Tho stock were w mi order and looked well. Tbo par. ty tWak they nerer rtw bad roads until tbey got into the Cascade mountains. The other part of the journey bears no com. parlsoo. Tbey all appeal, in good spirits and hare gone into the courHry in quest of 'claims J' CZr Tho Culloma brought arpart of MVoargo, four large cbureb ball. They ufor Jhe use of tbe M K Church ; on Csr tkia place, one for Portland, one for 3Sala, and one for the Clack am Female leaalnary. The one for tbe church la this pUoe weigh, wo wore told, 330 lbs. Tbey. ware purchased by Mr. Abernethy in Natjirk. C3T Tae 7k-Mf wasU to know who Is right tajptotlng tbe amount of gold dug rMcBride. We hare learned Irom araoa who worked with htm, that he mad .MitHW, all told. H mri.ytu learn nam urn iimti inai iu ,-Ws1tiMH tteamer a employed on iwtek iaostraetioaniinfrom the "mU rwt Igauar) Jo low water. M T A' . . .1 - " ftLJirj: .-."J....-i ..-, . . . jVaaj tiia un vrnnoawo maoe a piea- 4 Uu !( am lliAr fAtlrtla. in fli mnnfK nt tisKsasssi. r:.T:zi. : .r ..- .IMF HtetMitia sua vumawa tmj, ius L'i,r'to(al wa without a represent. rwrrj.. My, preeeat- , with M 'iathetbap rib. ' raaaae are Mw,r!f m aiadiai ofaao MH ttfTrritajrtot&r. the awiatry whan tkeyare ciUeV VmatMkd., Not'a weak mmm by M m rtfOfM immm m tram the Rogue Kim commit, an aaowmg ine aipwaaoie baalky la tBdUnhaonoeld against W wlUM.J.tUlr jMaiatiUatltM; mm towards person paeaici through iboirejoaatW. ItkoaWeaoar aeiafuide. ly t hafo rcrdd tbe death of aomo tt oareHlMM for tho past Month. OM cpjiirlcpou among the number was Capt. sWirait, wkoae Iom U deeply deplored by alt mm koow him. He wa one on tho MoaUera of hi rank, and had fow ta. ptrier la point of dbotpllao, judgment, aaj branry, and wa wttb all truly a gen tleman. Wo veutura again the aaaerttoa, that Martof tho United Statoa or.il TintlatiaoMooiaef&cleMty prauoledw lUilMaljiarpioiaa, Te(w. hare 'me. yr; at nl day; who ttaBd ready to justify the movement who uy that they were an Idle, lazy, and corrupt set of men unfit to dwell in so lovely a place as Oregon. They forget the great services rendered tbo last year'a Immigration by tho Dalles peat many of whom bad consumed their Issl biscuit, and had not aa much a a ba. ooa riae to grease their wagons, for some throe week or a month prevhus to gain, ing that point but who were, by tho gov. ernment men stationed there, restored to their accustomed vigor and manhood, and enabled to reach lb MtUonwnU in the Willamette valley by their timely aid This Is not all ! the road across the Cas cade mountaiua was uisde passable through the aia mesui. This year its management appears to bo left to no ono. II any iniuc is uoue it win nave io ue uodo by prlrate charily. ' In consequence or the troops haviog been sent out of tbo country, tbe pott at tbe Dalles baa been abolished no mora men being loft there tnan a sufficiency to taie care oi me pub lic property left there to tho mercy of the elements and tbe lavage of tho forest. We never could tee any wisdom or jus tice la sanding (he soldiery out of tb coun try. Government lis them to support, bo matter-where situated ; and as to the dif ference in the cost of supporting tbem here and in New Meitco, it is not worth talking about it i all In the eye and Betty Mir tin. We think it altogether probable that the immigrant will experience trouble among tbe Snake Indians, who aro little belter, as to intellect, than tbe bears and wolves of tbe forest. They are lawless, pilfer. Ing and treacherous, and improvident beyond measure, subsisting many times upon the carcasses Or7 their own dead. Small parties stand no kind of chance among them their only thought is to ira tuM'TJM m.Ul- MIL isiMPi ssven wnoasaMr1ap4MjMatM Mir t4JK9lW rtwLwt wtW MMi overpoerthewesk,pilfcrwhenevertheyj0,(0 above at all timet, Mf a judicious can and escape detection, lliey risk but little wbese lift U endangered rely ing principal upon Ihieting In a secret W'y' - Suir'sCazw DijEtTi.ia.Wo learned, a lew day since, that tbo ship I'tUti, which arrived at Vancouver week before last, was almost entirely deserted by her ctew. The wage allowed tbe sailors wa about 811 per month. The proipcct of making from 8 10 to 8C0 per month on shore, It seems, was too tempting for them to foregd;-Tho Culloma, lying about two miles below this city, was partially de serted by her ere. Wo hope that tho next Legislature will pass a law requiting a compliance with contract entered into by parti is previous to coming into the country, and that no person will bo per mitted to employ persons who are under obligations to perform smvices for another, although the wages allowed) for such ser vices may not be moro than ono fourth ol that commonly allowed to tho laborers of the country. Wo aro In favor of grant ing to laborers all they can get, where tliey come info the country at their own expose j but we cannot with, to tho ves sels engaged In Ihe commerce of the coun try, ouch " bad luck' a to bo deserted by men that tbey have regularly employ ed, and brought Into the country ; nor for tbem to be subjected to an extraordinary expense of again getting to tea, by being oomatHed to py the wage of this coun try to get a crew'. ,If auoh treatment to ship owner i tolerated, it will pixno, when it beoorae fully known, destructive to the trading Interests of tbo country. Tbtro I neither reason nor justice In al lowing a crew to desert a vessel when they are bound or hired to perform service during tbo voyage. Tbe propriety of en acting tome tuoh law for tho protection of bipowaert, ia loo apparent to need run tberthowlBg. ' Reading aloud.lt coeouelir to health. M. "' ia wr1 tiift iPeambaa'wodol for tbe'ranld and nenaaaeMal of alltho reat aicukttraltjnd tfN' a( Interest of this yowtg and groMfTLr rhery, we hare balled, with tho llrotieot Interest the utwaMg 'or a nhw era'wmVh I about oomnoMlag In tbo nodo of traa. BortaiMat-aaaLlU maaaa'of alliBlia UatbMugbout tbo ailreaUadUMJUbaot portloB.a.tbU fenU:4 lHV" gtaa, by the mean of aM na.letla. Two' aaaall ttearear are riow'ruanlag up on tho rirembore, and then are now two Cue atde-whael steamers preparing to f ford a rapid, safe and cooreaieBt commu nication wttb all the town awi Isadiageoh the rlteraboY, a for aa tho Willamette ean be narlgated by a light draft tteamer, poaacMins nreat power and speed. We allude, to, the Multnomah, which is now bolag put together under tho directioa af proprietors at Canemh Her N Tl8leet. breadth of bsm 17 Mat1' Jii-'i .... . ,-'..-isi rMMMt Dreauui 3 iri ujameu ftBsiwMMiBiva double engine of.1 power's draft 18 Inches, andMM 14 mile per hour. Her peculiar ooMtnw lion give her a buoyancy, llglitoeew iaexl strength, admirably adapted for tho and -! nwin., ..u -VMWHWHH hi ll ward to see her ruWnlng througMM lbetnd wllllngiesstoaccommodalo tbo wants entire season from this to Maryfvtlle, a we havo always been assured by every ono who, has had any experience in the navigation of the river, that there is never letathan It) or 30 Inches of water .upon tho shoalcst bars. Wo therefore most sincerely congratulate our friends at Sa lem, and throughout the valley, upon this most' desirable mode of communication, which will be opened to them by tbo 33th of July. C!mm i-.Mai. lli. l.t m WA l..lr Ikl.n ' WIMbW IIMII IIIW .WH V llin OT... sadly disappointed by the report brought back by the little propeller, Waihlnjton, of l!ic depth of water upon Mathcny'a bar 10 mitts below Salem. If it is true that her pilot found the deepest channel there, and the river has got to fall 13 or 15 inch es, the bar must bo neatly Ury at low water. . The enterprising people of Salem could, by a small expenditure, so Improve the river that boats of light draft could rsaoh their flourishing place at any season of tbo year; They must depend upon rait ing the means at borne to do it. There were some 830,000 spent here on tho Clac. kanus rapid:. This sum waa raited biro among our own people., Although the obstruction is not entirely removed, It has been impro-ed; the mero straightening of tho channel, II nothing more, has been of great benefit. Now tbe people Salem, wo think, tliould, and wa aro confidant tbey do feel a deep Interest Jn tbe ad. vancement it their town, and the growth of the country. The fact It, the entire upper country is Interested in It, and we have the utmost confidence in the success of the project of navlcatintr the Willani- movement Is made, and a properly direct cd effort is mado to render it so. Tho matter Is worthy of ihe highest oonsldera. lion en the part of our up-river friends. OCT On Tuesday afternoon, quite a number of persons assembled at Canemsli, to witness lb launching of '.be Multno mah. Tho interest of tho occasion wr enhanced by tho prcsnnco of the ladiea. tome fivo or six of whom Here on tho boat when alio glided into tho wator, and seemed to enjoy tho ride with lb most pleasing satisfaction. The representa tion, on the part of tho fair ones, would have dono credit to even the old settled States Oregon Is improving 'rapidly in this particular ; wo havo now some of tho fairrtt of tho fair to look upon. Tho wholo affair of launching passed offunder tho management of Capt. Bit. ell aiid Dr. Maxwtll, in perfect order, and to Ihe evident satisfaction of all pre. ent. They aro gentlemen of poIftyeil minnors, and appear to understand their business. The workmen, too, had every thing tu well arranged, and each seemed to perform Ids pari so well, that we wero unablo to discriminate suffice It to lay, however, that they all understand well what tbey profess they are good ttork men." (Sir M. Hannah, near Dayton, Yam. hill county, sent us aevnral stocks of oats that measured 8 feet and one Inoh. Mr. John Taylor, of Marion county, has tent us oats 8 feet 1 Inch In length, and one head of oat that inoajured just 31 incut, it seems that Yamhill oounly it not tho only county that can raise 111 oats. Kr The StaUnuu received tome Urge reddiihet last week j'theUrgest of which meetured 19 Inobe In circumference, and wa 19 Inches in length. At Ibl season of the year they may be contidtred large. rtrWoaryWured by Cspt.iiiaii U bf OMi'nh hi boat in II ,m-Hf-(fc' fo L.'hai irlo-l her and knows ekaMb wMtfla'J hojWadts,-tien make hla visits resular above, Is to have guarantied to him 18 or 90 Inoliteofwator on the bar.; ; The MulmVmah will bo an ornament to the river and a oredlt to the country. She ia well calculated io tarry both freight aad-paaMOgere, and tbo ooa. fideac tbo proprietors bavo in tho fwople doing alMbey can Io forward lb expert, meat, aMhl early period, when remu neration appear do'ubtfu), should enlist not only tbo iavor of the pooplo above, but should cauoa them to spend of their substance an amount' lufnownl to prose cute the enterprise 'to certain success. Tho propriety of It cannot tut bo nun. Ifest to all who have any experience in traveling up and down the river, or who have been engaged In builnews'ai Merchants, or shipping In any way. V.. arience hi taught us. that aa facilities Ipprovo for transportation and traveling, Vttimes j 'travel will increase. It ia tbe reliance upon this fact alone, thsj could Induce any person to incur the ex. pease of putting upon our river socspaci out and costly a boat at this time. Wo ITVI1IS0 t III VmiCIWI 1HU Vlll Neogntto it the proprietors tho capacity of the coui'iry, ahd would bo glad to tec a hearty co-opcraiion-od tho part of tho people worn immediately Interested. A trial trip of the Multnomah, will be made on or about tho 3Alh of this month. She, will proceed at far as Salom, nothing occurring to prevent it. Wo shall le en hand about that timo to witness tho rn. tliutiatm that the occasion 'till elicit to "takouotcs and print them." NuLLiricATicx IUviveu. Thecillzcns of South Carolina, under tho lead of It Ilaniwrll Illicit, have revived -tho old spirit ofCathouiilim, which was l!,Youted, horse, foot, and dragoon," by thr iron will of Old Hickory, who proved himself ihi man for thr oceaiion. Tho M Siatn'o rights doctrino is being sgitatcd, public meetings aro being held and revolutions adopted. Norlhorn aggression li depict ed In strong terms, disunion and seceslon Is talked of at tho only means of prcserv. Ing tKe rights of Southv Carolina. Ill to be regretted thtl the has been to aonly a'buted by the Northern Slitcn, her rights trampled upon, and her liberty to do as she please, restricted. Not lwing able to prodoo di'suoUt) a project harbored and nurtured for years sho threatens seccn. sion as the last resort. Flndlnt; no suf ficient symoathy on tho part of the other Southern H:stcs,.s!io has resolved to walk out reiu cum toh, relying upon tho strength within herself to accomplish tho design o havo not, at any time, full lll.o treating this rovolutlnnsry spirit In a serious way, nor do wo think it anything mora than tho ranlings of a few Southern Hotspurs, who Rurattoslratos.like, with to L'sin notoriety by havlnir their names' coupled with an act of vt IcKcdnrss, that posterity may know who wero the chival ry or 1651. It is to be hoped that such steps will I taken as will quiet this law. IcssneM and disregard for the Constitution of tho United States. Wo greatly mis take tho man who presides over the nation at this lime, iflio does not ptove himself competent for the emergency of tho times. KrTho "Main Street blouse" has been re-opened underthecliargeof Mossrs. Tiiitoiiiiu'tMAaai'Miand (J. lianniso.x. They promise to rendet comfortable all who may patronize them ; and will strive to deserve tho: name ol keeping a houso Mcond to none In the Territory. Mr. MAcntjbza baa had exporlcnco in hotel keeping, and Mr. Ha'xsison, though com paratively young, it obliging and nttetivf, will no doubt mako their house what they promise. The house is of convenient structure, and by the Improvement! lately made, it can bo mado ono of. tho most comfortable houses In lb Territory. Sinco our residence in Oregon, this Houso hat bent characterized by good ordtr,and the former proprietor hat alnce that lime mado such Improvement a warrant us In saying that it I pne of the most convenient, houses in tbo Terri tory, end under hi charge general Mil, fiction ha been rendered.' We hall with pleasure tbeso Improvements on former timet, and hopo tho new proprietor will bo liberally iiisUlnod. ' A tall I'l Tax. Mr. A. S. Am. Mirnr, of Oak Point, on Ihe Columbia river, and eomo distance above Astoria, gave us tho following account of ji yellow fir trco that lie cut and sawed into lumber. It made 10 aaw.log the chorion 13 feet long, and four of them wero 10 feet long ; tho Urged wa 33 Incite In diameter, and fho mallett 16 Inches. The tree was nof injured in the ost in felling, and v ery log " turned out" well aid mad good toundlunibtr. , ,. v lt the. Basel!. ," $ Oikoor im Jim 11, l$l, ' FaWtrBcHaiatY I h, Just fj year aw to-day lima steam- - T - I !" ' I .Tar ColuinWmtde hW-nrtt'tilp lo1l.lt plac. 8h wm the Brit iteamboat on lhs river. Gladly waa tit pointer hailed, and well pleased war wo all to exchange the tlow moving and tedious Mao, lot tba ruora.coruforubU and or. tain, though miniature tarur( But another year has, brought further improvement I and tho of u who have just relumed Irom a trip td tba trtoSlh of the Coldmbl with Cpt. Aimworth and Us An, boat, will adopt th best mean of praising rJoth,as toon aapoealUe, by taking another voyage, to iettlfy how much they enjoyed thlti We left Wo at 0 o'clock, a m,, on the third Inst. That greal'biigboar, the rap Ids, which the good people ol Ihe Willam. etteo are to much frightened about, was passed with scarcely a thought of dangtr, and the boat sped on her way as swiftly and surely at a.well Irained animal, trav. tling ihe smooth beaten path to its own home. ' Tho day was plcaianl, tho boat waa crowded, and all were bound to enjoy themselves. Some walked the deck and looked at tho then, nr IslkeO of tho plea sure that wo wrm to receive; whilst oth ers played backgammon or chess, In llin cabin and n third party, inuru pensiv than the others, leaned ovvr tho bulwarks, and watched Ihe ruldjing waters as wo glided along, leatlnp them I" foam and whirl in our wake, until they dlrd away and were hut In tho loihiiwii current of tho river; or porhsps their attention was attracted to the lono canoe of th Indian, ns they slowly toiled on thefr way, ap prating scarcely i move en tlis surface of tho water; whilst our gallant boat daslied the sprny asido in tho majesty of hor strength, leaving llient far astorn, to follow on their tedious course. We spent about thrta hours at MiNau. klo. anil two moro at 1'iirtlanl, where thoso who had acqiiniiilfliicesdinj suf. ficicnt timo to make them a paxfng visit, whilst thoso who were not so fortunate, strolled about loan, examining the numer ous improvements of the last fi:W months. Immediately after leaving tho la'tirr p'ace, dinner was announced, but on repairing to tho cabin we found lli.it thr table was entirely occupied by tho Udivs. This was what might ho trrnint a pleasant slit appointmnl, for nhila n wnre obliged to stay our own appctilo fr oiiolhrr hour, wc had thr protpcituf being iouicnsatcd in a fourfold drgno bj thu pit asnnt smiles which we all had hopss of ciiji)in; there after. We remained at Vancouver abo it an hour, thru sped on our way down the mighty Columbia. As wo left lliu shore, some of the gayest of tho patty started a danco on deck, which waa rcnowrd again in the cabin after supper and continued unilinear midnight; when tho god Mor pheus was 'balled to lake charge of the company. '1 bo cabin being entirely oc cupied by tha ladles, l!" men disposed themselves as best they inighl, tome on deck, and some below, while others kept watch all nlghl, starling the drowsy sleep ers every now 'and then by jojous laugh or jovial song. At Uuinlo't wo came to anchor uhlil day light, when getting under way, wo run over to lower Astoria, utid lainu to anchor by half-past fur. It is useless to spvak of tho scenery on Ihe rivers, ns it lias hern often mid well described; though no description can convoy anything liko an accurate Idea of lis sublimity, lieauty nnd granducr. Wu remained at Astoria about an hour and a half, when wo woro boarded by (icneral Adair and family, on their way lo,attcml tho Lelf brstlon on Clatsop. ' It being tho wish of tho majority of the passengers to visit thoso beautiful plains. tho Capttln tccrdrd to ihclr request ndlm. .,,.' .. ,,. b ',r i ' .i i ' .n-.i. ' "tf'i'l enterprising clllzriu of Oregon run down to, and camo to anchor elf tho mouth of the tiklpparnotvn. Gen. Adair look as many at hlssjoat would hold, and as soon a lip arrived at Lexington, which is two miles up tho Skibpornown, Iho citizens of thai placo manned their boats and camo off, to tako on shore all who wished to go. Arriving ai Loxlngton, mulo teams were in readi. nest to lake us Ihreo milca further to the placo of colebrailon, whero yve arrived in lime for ihe ctremoniot. After reading the Declaration of Independence, a patri ot Io song was most admirably sung, then an address was delivered by (Jen, Love joy, upon the iconolutlon of which wo all marolmd to the dlnnor (able, where wo had most amplo testimonies of Iho fertility of the Plains, In Ihe bouutlfui supply of good things, with which Ilia labia waa loaded. Aa old fathtrtlme wa hurrying on to." ward tunsct, wo wero obliged to leivo re h ceremonies wero finished, but Iho tarn kind spirit tint met ut, and took u tjk there, accompanied ut to Iho boat gain. And ll wa wllh tnuoli regret tht we bid adieu to thoso beautiful blalo. and llojiiad-hcarled peopl who wtloorrwd u there, rtnort aa wa our atay, w snsu long remember It a en of the bright pot of life, and huld'we uvet vlelt CItop"agln, our with will alway bo, that It may InorttM In btauiy and for. HUtyraad toward ij noal geoerou btatttd Inhahhaat. Tb trip up Iho nvtr, wa. very much tho mim a Iho on down, a'lbough rather slower, on account of iwlft current In the Columbia. Bui 'we arrived safely at home lul evening, all very tired, but al pleated wjth their ulp, th boat, and her ollcers. ' ' ' And now, let in clot with tb with tlist those who afforded ua this pleasure, may liavciain amount of enjoyment ox. tended to them every day In th year. Yours, cVc, II. L For lb HpscUlsr. iMtertMl lMro)voMsit. Dia Sir I saw some lime last winter' in ihe Oregon Spectator, a piece purport ing to correct a ttsleinent made In one of tho California papers, which stated that the people of Oregon talked of making plank roads, rail roads, and canals, In va. riuus pails of Iho country. The Specie, lor stated that the peopl here talked ol making roads, ice, but that no on tho't of making a (.anal at this time In Oregon. Now, sir, this is a mistake, for the ener getic, enterprising clllrens of Cincinnati have already dug canal out of tho I.a Creole, about a mite above its mouth op. posito the town, into the Willamette river, large enuugh for steam boats to navigate with perfuil safely, and Iho splendid Iron strainer Washington aulually pssttd thro' it tho other day without the least difficul ty. The citizens of the Willamette val ley are also talking about getting a char ter to mike a cantl around Jho fulls at Oregon City. This, too, In timo ran and will be done. The commcrro nf this tal- Im nt only rtquiret a ctnal around ike falls, but that thr ol structlutis Iu the rivrr should be spccdi!) removed. Tho Wil. lamctlo valley is one of tho richest and best farming coiinlrirt on tho I'aclfio coast, pruduL'iii, a grrat surplus of whraf, oats, and vegetables, ut nlinost all kinds, and ihe iiiipiovrmi-nt nf thr riser it of v. tal iinuirlanro to the fanning interests of the valley, at it is iiuputsiblv to navigate it successfully at all seasons miles it Is improved. This rivei nrither "diiesup in mntinicr" nor " frter.rt up iu winter," and ia one of the best navigable streams in iho world, with tho exception nf a few natural obstructions In two urthrrc place, which could bo cisdy Improved and inad navigable for largo class steam boats at all seasons of the year, by an appropriation from Congress for that purpose; or by tho Legislative Assembly, grsnting a liberal charter to some nf the enterprising rill, rent nl Orrgon. Tho people of this val. ley know this, and the time is not far dis tant 'vhen they will not support any man for Dulegato Io Ccngrew, or for tho I.;. islative Assembly, who is not in favor f the secdy removal of those obstructions by cither means. It is however, not likely that Congress could cvrr be induced to mako on appropriation largo enough to clean put the river at,il to mako a canal around tho falls nl Oregon City. Tho ca nal then can and must bo made by the enterprising citizens of Oregon at tomo time. Then will not the people require of the Legislative Assembly a liberal charter to a company fur tint purpose, so soon as any of iho rnlerpilsliig capitalists of Oregon could be Induced to ergage In tho great and important enterprise 1 W know that a few stupid, ignoiiut, narrow contracted, or base designing politicians contend that ll Is unconstitutional to dig a usual, ronslrUn! a plank road, or build n lipiilfts lit i rttia tits- fit finnii a !. tl. mvo commenced the great work of Inter- nal improvement, and,inourhumhlojude. ment, they will continue to Improvo and lo "remove" such politicians " from of. fice," until largo elite steam boals ascend tho Willninctto tlfbr from Itt mouth to tho three great forks, and until tho country It checkered w tit Inicadamized rotdt, plank roads, jpr rail roads, to all the great and lmK)rtsnt points In Ihe country. 'LaCilolx. A Pionric Cow. Mr. C. L. Waller, of Linn county, hss a cow.lhat brought forth a oalf In the spring of '40, 'fiO, and anothat in 'Al ; liar oalf of '40 brought forth a calf Iu '50 this year she hi two, maklng'in Inoretso ottlx In two year from one cow. Where is th country that can brat llilst ' OCT Th river below lb foil hu follen tomo 81 feet, In Iho Itit two wtktt but navlgatloa I a yat unimpeded. There I toaroely 18 Inohet on tbe bar above th fall. Tbo Washington icnped in MVral place during bar lt trip, below Saltm. The Hooaitrayntinu her reg. ultr trip to Daylon. I ,.,U a. 'si: