miv M 'JMMWMjjai ,'"ts'''1'' '-r " aTT5B,elB1BBWiiBB P: ';t , 1 ti.MuilNKM,Y. BPiroR.) J. , , ; . - , -, , - ,, , , " WwMwMf ? flgppiay M mjKttfi f t , . :m i)f at n 4Wjn VyfTTJT.t Miw W !' tt-afgfaaryrtTr.T voi g . - ' - ; .? v '" go" q to mf'Tkti THK OHjeMierrt MPTAVMM A WMCVLY NKWHrAPM,' i MVTtl TO TMI notit,' MCUL l UTSSaaV iKrMMfi er tni norm otto. Mafcarl iVaaar, Ptwprlctar, TKKMM. lVAUI.Y JKiUVANCE. 0i tear, par inaln I) M fwaliinasthe,. .4 00 AbVIITIIIMI, (la MM aaaMIDUuaaor baa)twa laaatll, aath oo Peremy eea'llloaal rtavrUan ,,,, ....100 AlrlMalMastaaweaWyaerivaavarlaMre. Tk nnr ef Iseanlaa ml ba dMaelljr Marked) the nttlfla, stbarwle lhay will U ellaiwd Utl tmUi sad ekartaeeeeilBihjr. Tke'fenewisf are tatherltad I it .Waal r tjflsU !! for Ilia HimUlor Tbay will racalta b tad adtertiatiimrta rr a. J. I Mti. K . U ttalaal ft IIm Hutu- lot iu Hi 'IV rnlwjr, and la aalliorlirtl la rtcrive aud irrniit fnf all mum) a rtlalln J In lb aCVa. A. M. Foa, Kaa.Ofjrmfla, !. eaaalr. T I'. luwlta,Claloacunl)r,0 T. Ilia AaTiit A (' , Oftfan rlljr CaicH A. fa , ImiI.ih). 1, II .MCl-i.r. I'.JI.H.Um 'ca-Al.ua, AHaila 1. M WLma,a,t'hliaUin. A.J.HIIHH,tai, Ywalllll. P. UtTi . U ciljf. Joaath C AfM,a. Mavlli f Hary'arirar. A. Ml Mill, rati HllUbatali. J V. .Vuairii. Naamllli'arsllU, Pulk cininl Jtial ArfUatTl. Ilmnat Vallajr W. II. Him, UulaxilW. KnaitT Ntnttx, Chaimwrt I)ih A lJilLa, iMtilanult t:,F.Hnaa, Hnilaa caanljr, J, II llouiia, VaclAa Ciljr. Jlioi (', Hj raciia, Unn tounly K. Diirrao, IVaaMl IliU VwtOHUt, KaaUa fVmljr. N trill a Olxo, llaftaa, ColumMa iliar Jam M'timat, Naanuili'a Villa, Polk rount). WllUlM llttLow. Cawuiah. ffOUT'i'lR'S'. Mr Wife and Child. I hifa lara af deua jeirala. Tlia falraal jfiua af earth I Ula tli'tn, , I Iota llitin far llnY mlrlnaSc wuhli ; Tlia ooa. atlian caraa a(faaa bta. Aral aailocai fiUa nij kaail, la rnaaknaaa cowatu Uaaa ma, Willi bar aoal tndaarlaf art. liar aan( lika alaataat Taapara, I nrjiha my haart wHH Jay, M l.ara l.k a (aanllaa attl, Mil roathaa MU Ullla boy I'nlll hu atanlnp alurobrr I moak aofl and dtap, Aui aa a afJrit mlrhalh Ilia ralm anJ ftactM ataaa. Tlia Mint vli t liit batuly Dwtlla in liU paaeaful ajraa, lara kk lb (ana Ibil apaikl Al tvaaiuf In Iha akiaa Ami lhaa bar ankaa mlraiciyj Of all aur lionarhtU a-aya Ha naga hrna'ti bla nialbtr lnft. Ami raya a kaaa'tr aba fray. Hucli jawtla Ood hath gltaa To ahair my hurnUt cat, Aa mraMniara from llntro, To b'aaa my waary lo And whtn Iho IwilifUt fadalh And darkrfcaa dima Iha ! W aak aur glaeloua Kalhar Ta guard ua vthila ar raat. The Wife. Mia clung la him with wonun'a lait, tJk Iry laaaaak) Whlla o'er hla haad wilb ctuJiIoj Coita, Ef rth'a chilling ItinpnU braka. Wbi Iha watld loakad coU u Mm, And Ulfbl hung a'ar hla bibm Bh iaalb'd hla aar with wamaa'a kna, And bad him rla again. I W hen car had fuirow'd o'tr la fact. i And clsudad hi yaung lioara, Sua wsva among hla crown of thorn A wreath af lor' own fiowtra. And ntr did lhal wtaath dacay, Or an bright llaw'r! wltbar . I'or woman' laar aral aVHirlahad lliam, Thai lhy might Uoom forarar. Tit f tel Iho with woman' Iota, Trw Ml III' aloroia haa paaatd And, Ilk Iha Tina around Iha Ira. brambaiu UU Iha but. tltaay Cuv The Rlohmond Repub Mean cloiet a well w rlttcn article with I lilt beautiful language t '" The luntet of Mr. Clay 'a career la aa ctlm and lieauiiful at lit morning wai bright and glnrlout. ll li aad lo think lhal. In the ordinary courte of went, hli life mutt anon hitten lo a clote. Hut hi crave will be made arteti by aa tenulne drop of woe aa aver bedewed Iba and of monai man, ana upon mat apot tne tiara of lha Union will abed a peculiar and In MtlDgulthtbla rajtra." aBBBBaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa BT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBL. ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBr BBBBBBBBB SBBBhBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaral lift' -BBrBBBBBl BBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBr bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 11VJ i saw i aw a iT i ' fil - i n i Bbbb .aaaaaa. 11 i Y UM lkihiiam, bbb Tl J I 1 I'Ynf I Whin k KM MtlM phr,"M"rtferar,", ErprtH, Wtljlo to M kl fjer "pBiioao. UU IM iV.l If. Urn vraatlaM thtl ha latla. Pfiv knav knatttali aAaA my bit tho liootrla. h pntewot In'thit otM I entlttetl tl Imm la lh merit of alrVOrilJf. W aWVw no nnpMl'aW fMir aWenaaKWIM. who) rl ! aMillna men othtr peopU'lo ! hi Umi arwl Eta oh glut praoiicainxarnpunoiiiofir but who it i alwavi aireful Mr lo ImMrd hlaown nfk, or hit own porteMl llberir, by M lowing Mi 6wn drloo. It mi Prowboa wo batLtft who, Aral proolilaMa) lo tho world, lh arou Irtiib lhal "All proaarijr It Robbery," but wa war novar Informal! that that gmtlaman arar BaaJartook lo ajon FfawitwaiffT laait aaajl 0paaiwwaT coorlctlon. Ualmaaly, aaraful bimaair not lo drKcn-i lo trw pleilnaand ttcallog fitrt of Iha oominunirt oratd, whartol hi n lha great csponint, neverthelraj he hai many follower In I'rineo, who ml no opporlunlly admiraMy to act out tba prln. olple. An amuilng caw in point, wa are cognizant of, in one of our foreign papers, received by Ihe lul iteiroer. A aerrint robbed hli matter of fifteen hundred franc, and deposited In the cheat he look Iha trenure from, a letter, which, lor ill pllhy and eenteiitioui ilpoalllon of lha "Huolil" creed la not often rillled, in the lltcrilurc of the lilouaei. T)i fellow writfi ai if ha were aincere, and no doubt ha I. However much we may condemn hla Hoclillam, therefore, we aild before, wa entertain for him an Infinitely higher reaHit, than for your UjuIi lllinci, ami )our Cibcla, who run ofTlo I'nultiid and Ainerim, wlicrever a practical enforce. mrnt of lliclr dnctrlne fa likely to invite a liait from tho police. Here la I lie loiter lhal found In Iho cheat, In lieu oflhrt frinca: " My alear Muter, Since I cime into the world, rather aince I hive begun lo retaon, 1 ant convinced thit all li not equal for ill. Men hive abuaed whtl God hli mule u,uat lor ill. llw what at range co. IncMence la il that ) ou have ao muih, like to many other, and that you aro over, whelmed with the favori of fortune f What hav you dona mora than I have, and a great number of wretch?, of whom I am one t Have you a larger doae of in telligence No! I deny It. For a mo ment the wind of liberty and fraternity had blown on Franco j everything wai about lo become equal for, ail but no I tavasee liaveatopned In progreai thing are the aanir wretchednea llwiya lor tho prolttairr. When I entered youraer. ! lco I bowed my head I wai hungry. I lowered my dignity ai a free man, I be- rimq your vilrl I But Mill I cherUhed Iin my-heirt Ihe thought ol freeing myaelf ouo day from that aervltude, from that abuilvo ilitery, from that profiting of man b) mn ahnme to me, ihnme to you. I hope)ou will liAderitiud the logic of 'my rtiftonintr, and thai ou will anrtc ' n lit mo In adopting the following conctu-, Ion mmelv. that he who iHifacBiaa too much, it the'Jebior of him wlio hi not enough. Now, I know that you hive tu- t peillully, and I therefore, profit by your uaencv w lano ina i,uuu iranca qui 01 ourtecrelalre, and to lake m self off. I can tttabllah mytelf with il, and gain an honrtt llvclihooj in trade. You an ilerttiml me well! Many people may think thit a then, but tlia principle or rea. ton declare lint it it legal. I do you no injury, at )ou potteai loo much. Now liaten and bear in mind a day will come when Ihe rich thall want the poor. That day la not fardittant. I Iiimi Influenoo In a certain quarter aroonpt Ihote who will before long be the conqueror. On the dty oftettleinenl they will be kind to their brother. My word with I hem It a aafegutrd. Rullfyouannoy me by com. plalntt, whloh will he liatened tobocaune tou are rich, I thall point you out to my hrolnri and tooner or later vengeance! II, on inaoonirary, you contlder you real f ai litMng only conferred an obligation on me, you will have nothing lo fear, what atermiy happen. Health and Prater- nltyl "Dai ." The fellow atalea hltcatt, Ilka a eoun aellot, aud we may be permitted la pre the hope, we devoutly Indulge, that when ' that day, which I not far dittanl,' comet along, Ihe "oooquerort" will not neglect to do honor to one who not only forwirdt Soclillim with hla pan, but with hit finger. Meanwhile, boweter, Ihe f;entlemin hat been arretted and clipped nlo prlaon, to awall hit trial for theft. A portion only of the atolan franca waa found on hit perton the rett ha had ditpoead of. aa la auppoaed, in forwardlna the hap py doctrineinf which had ihowu hlmtelf to sealoui ditelpla. The ohancaa are, now, that the light-Angered philosopher will be aent lo prlaon, where he will have excellent opportunities' for meetilatlon, up on tint "giri time coming" when the world wllllie brought to acknowledge the comfortable truth, " I hit he who postdate loo much, ii Iho debtor of him who hat not enough" Thli It adingtroui period ol the year forcojdat people ehoulJ be carelul Mra. Partington aayi ahe haa got a romantic tflrctlon In her ihouldera, the neurology In bar haad, and tba embargo la Iba rtgioa of bar jocular vein and all from opening lha window lo throw a bottle al a couple of blllrnt cat oa tba ihe). . Weelh taaiWUwiM froaa uara ( Aa.j 1 rtwiaa. h la oa of lha wagJIoopar'a Moriaa, Ihinklaw. one oftk riabaatl 9tt$m thttfMA a, M4 10 at While Maadlrag ewtrt'wraaMllr, ha 9m adJowlagooowyoi'BialilibjaWaBlwIa la aaad of Jakaa ol aHaaeH ). ra latee them alraoat aa fciiMoiwMlv aa "Ma Honor," gave up Iba following, vwaWng for lha aaManilal, auk-tuaar aalaleaiia of or ilia pania and Ietr ariaim "in tba anaaat eliitialil " Brilhron Crura) aail Noel vara roetnbera of Iba Primhlve Baal lot both elivar boant man wrWaaM uiea ana aetw aa una aatao aroed, wftba aaaaM flaBHMlBBBaaaiaaaaMaV'J1 f cam roiNad. bfotbee Noal waa M brother Crump waiiur to bain fuaaa; and on lira oilier lilod, ll aM&M lliwn Crovldentlil, how, if brother Cram M ehind.bro:ber Not) alwari bad a aanlaa; Thua barrowlag fromaad Undlag toasaabiMaaa oiner, woranipiDgai ina aaune cnuren, awe living only a mile apart, an Intimacy gradually ripened between them aoibat at tut Ihey did net' heallaie lo apeak In the fraaat and most faailiar' manner to ach othtr, In regard to their rtitietlre fnlLlaa. Now It came lo m thalbrother Crump (luring tne nveiieat pertoo or ine cotton tattoo, drove into Wetumpka and die- poaed of hit " crap" of tan balei at lb very fair priceV liicnn per pound, ll wa more thin ha expected, and at Ihe world wit city with him, he determined to inviat a portion of tho proceed of the tale of hi cottou In a barrel of whlakey ; pa) log therefor it the rate of prcciaely two pound of middling cotton for one gallon ol ditto wiiitty. Of courte it wat " norrated in the teltle men!' that old nun Crump bad bought a whole barrel, and after a few waeka peo ple begin lo dbterve that hit note grew redder and hi eye mora mohrt. The idea that brotherCrumpwaidrlnkinatootnuch dliTiued ittelf In Iba twiahborhood, until, aa one might tay, it becaraa tpldimloal. People talked and talked, mora eepeciallr whtl few" of other depomlnallona of Chriatiana dwelt Ibareabduti. Drother Noel vra' aore iroabled"at ihe acandal whleb oirculilad about bit brother and frltod, aad eaaaoUlly rearet ted the Injury (4 brought to tba elety" kttotba"city'at lag be iitapatV ovaf IflMMWeinr Sharon. vBooaeaaoraH to brother Crump' kaI in a half dosa In hla little norcb. Wont you tike a dram I" aakad broth er Crump, aaaoon aa he waaawara of tba pretence of hit ntlahbor. " Why, yet, I'm not agin a dram when a'body wantilt." Ilrother Crump got hit bottle, aad the friend took a drim apiece. " llou t you mink brolrior ftoei." aald Crump " thtl aperil it a bleating f " 11 V-o t !" rctpondrd Noel ; tperlta la a bleuln', but according lo my notion, it's a bleaaln' lhal tome of naabute." " Well, how, brother Noel, who do you think abutet ibe blettln' t" Well, it'i bird lo aav but people talk pon'l you think you drink too much, brother urump i " " It'i hard to iiy h'l htrd lo tay," returned Crump. " Uometlmet I've tho't I wat a drinkln' loo much then aialn. I'd ihink may be not. What it man f A weiK imrraar oi ine uuni wnat tne Lord tilth, that ahall be done I Bo 1 left it to the Lord to aay whether I waa goln' loo fur in tperiti. I put the whole 'ninri. Mijr on Urn ; I prayed to him, ef I waa drinkin too much, to take away my appe tile for perit." "And," replied Crump, "I've prayed that prayer three timet, and he haint done ll I ho l m clear or ine 'aponelulllly, any way.'1 Tba Lord', will bo dona I" ejaculated Noal, and after liking another dram went home, thinking all the way, how cleverly wrviuar urump nau wny traaano rTjtioa Among Ihe eralgraata la Oragoa who have left hare thia nanaon, waa 7oba 8. Zltber, Ktq., formerly the editor of thla paper. Mr. Z. carrlca with him the beat wlthetofa large circle of friend. Whlla we moat etneereiy regret titer raona haa lottaoaood aclilaea. welsel Aalleoo tldanoa thai hla fine lalentt aad manv amiable qtiallllt. will toon ateura him a ilil h place In tba estimation of I bote praoag whom he expecla to paaa tba remalader of I bit diyi. We aak oar kratktea af tba ivi. wa ant oar areinrea ar ine In Oregon, to give a eortUal wet to a thorough bred printer, aad aa pre unpretending, yet able and a)oampllbad man. I'Mfaai urn. mt. iMcaaiia or Brau w Irrmaai Narma. tion. A Mr. Devleee,of New York, of. fan through the Tribune to build a eteam v teat I, at Ibe axpeata or binttair aad aa eoeiatee, whloh ahall ua uaaqaaJltdla aar of tba roqulallee for Oaaaa or ielead aavl. gallon, aad, In point of apeed ahall go fur tber la 94 boura by 106 mllaa, than any other afloat. In oaaa of (allure they ag' topaytbarjapcatltecoatraetiaUj'panaiatlt aum of aoO.OOO. la oaaa of their aae oeta they are la receive for their veaatl taaO.eOO, wiling alto for , mere the right to run veaaala built oa their plan aa lha Mafcea aad WwrarLakaa aad 0VtJleWWaWsWrf aWswHMl eaeall iMaBBallaalalll a laifaMa Wf flM.at W4MNMI UMVMMy Uj i ' - v- . .a-w- - . i r BalMttaVrilWaMtyB ' BUBi iaWaTi W tiair Ittake. ft'aiiaf a aVaaal;. Hi7ataatt'aMflrtida ii Altafi.aaajatatrMm laaaa aaaj atrraM atWM. Tkatw tiwjaaaly tprki aalamlpfei wa aaioNrMaMaal M WlaaVi HataWW M PMaW BaMaaag aaaatak'wam H-ear rattUafiawaar atatlaaaaat VaWataltovaWla)aqwl4ra anal rag mat beee fly ihere to alp boaet freta Vaela fam'a awaetaowert, aad bear It atvy aero lha broad frtoeiee, or ta their jtrtsai ai tba aubarba of tba etty. Cewa are ajaltsly graatag, too ; aad iha unbar asaaed horse rolla bianelf oo ibe great, and ebaka hla tide la true demoe ratio iVratdora. A foreigner la vWlIng the Presidential maaalon mutt be araartviat tba total ab. aaaae ol guards. No iroo-olid 8wlta wheal around lhal bouea; no Intuiting soldiery eoowl oo you at you ptt. Every thing hi the air of confidence. We feel that the bead of or nailoa I bat a itlaea elevated for hit vlrtuee to iba highest or. fice In the world. Hla power it our bow. er. He it our (errant, and al the proper lime lit act will pat undtr national re. view ; and he mutt put on ihe robe of ofliae to become egaln a mere eltixen. There I every Ihior. about Ibe place to purify the heart and elevate the feeling there I the beauty or art and Ine aim pllelty of nature. How pleasant il must be lo one who ha reached the place of bead oi this mighty nation, by virtne and a useful and patri otic life to enjoy the quiet of those lovely walks, there to bold converse with wife aad child and Mead, aad la the tetaporn. n relaxation from puWlo cares lorefleet on tba vlrtuee of the miiblr dead who bare been In iohabitantt, and to reader grateful homage to tba kind Providence who haa Heated us as nation never wa I Prom tba eJeor of this manaien aa ejan gaaaaa tba twaauraaot ta vlrtiaa aad greaiaaaa, aaw rieing oa tba margto vn!rtS!SrmmU;tUXiirn lo arae- ilea the great truth tnat arur an ihera u nothing to leftaeatlal aa tiaeerhy aad baa eety. To whatever etevtlloo cunning aad craft aad a crooked policy may attain, be who would acquire true glory, who would ettabllth hlmtelf in the hurt of a para people, who would leave a name whleb wi) influence thoaeweo tliall cotneJ after hla, must forget hlmtelf, and labori I aincerely and truly Tor hit country's good iopg may our nation ue uesscu w a rulerl TralUsgtoa TVVgrwpa Four or 8aowr FcaieiToii. Major Noah aaya that furniture too good to be used I a nuisance. What can be more unpleasant then the aipect ol a room or tuite of rooma where every thing In lagged aa Chairs aad tolit in plnaforea, mlr- rora iu muttin, a dnutttlti carpet, a hearthrug wrong aide out, and a chande lier aack aeen by raya ol light tnat itrug. gle in edgeways through the alii In the aflutter, andexhallftcthat peculiar brown hollavd fragrance which batoncs to draw. iiac.rooma in masquerade dress, form ou of ibe most cheeriest, dltplriUag aav, aatwar ipecttcie in tne diorama .oioo mettio life. We would aa lief be uibered Into n vault a into auch an apartment. Nothlaa can be more cbtlUag to Ibe feel. Ing. except perbapa a prospective view af Ibe family waeh taking aa airing oa the clothesline. , . , Whv do beoole bur meanifloaat niral' lure to clothe il in hidden disgursewf Does Ihe glory of exhibiting the artioaee un. dratted half a doaen bvaniaga la the year pay for all tba ocjt and trouble f The tatter aaloye the flitbinaluetrsof blsaold larary time be lift lb IM ef hla strong aM,Mii wnat pleasure ana were aem aeaaaaatioaT a aweotet of prose'ly that laia. vjalUeihree hundred aad gAyaayaaat aravery three nundreti ana auiy.arar " Olva ua furniture that ta made to we table upon which aou can bring down Sir Mat with an emphathi without ihraw. the lad y ef lha lioee lata hyteree aaalmthat vou oaa lean haah In. aaraata Um you can promonade upaa la a word, give ua eomrort, and let aa wear iMage out. ItMprovoklaajtoaaeaiaalraandBtv fea praeerved for yeara without abet ar blemish, while the wrinkles are multiply' tag ta iha fcae aad tha gray hatraaa tba hafwi of tha proprietor. Far abaaa aad tawdry ether reasaaa we hard aa aapeeial mmlt aanhil aluaa AmllaM ' " 1 ' i j i ii I - Gotta Pucha aasuas. Tba Oatnials. staners ef the Oreeawieb Hnptial tibula awtherlard a trial ef tba OMa' Fereha sVMM j' laM 9Wwl MJtWaTTM SafV sHsVaTi their charge, mm altera aarara taat af all montiie,irM gallant ButerinMtMsar.iewt rvouas, now repora taat way ar 17 sWaJrw' atsjiaWanw)aJI aaagsW JaatfaaaaWs'( ralithaa reaaiiiili TW wttZtCiZZ Ztt1Z2LZZ?5 ESSEX ebW. 1 o7 CTam " Tl ' TP-aVaear....Bgyi. I I I HUB zone utm i. .. ,t laMaaMkwgfaa" mSm IwaMft rtta. rW1 'iaaaatharl aJtallafawtaVaWa1fr' WP. 5 affP'1; "" ' i. la II i ill il r I Ummih'tm LtmM aaBssmnf tsassBBBBaaai eaasVastsT' akaas aaMssW igaM apbTasfJa swae) faafsaaapaj J .IWJlYB ftlle IwO AlMfMaasal iaaWjT srVaWMssMMMTI aSasaM UMafsAajfw'CaMlHsr MsH 99 aMaaMtVa1 I WUl a Wwfea. to taart mnntf m lag. laMaaata Td aU thta, WWitv tw the itome Jaar. oal, givaa aaawar aa fetlowa t Oil tWf 90iaN "Ta sWaWM aMTal 9mlttm sTtahOVaaaaaaff iaaM sMieaB! UPaaaaaal aksf aids to ootnalexioa aa thia side ef ihe wa ter. When we aay that greatwambir or ladies, wkom wa ere w ta aast oraaa. I It if a m0 RaMV Ol MM eWNM WaMsM 0 MaV tribaUoa of wWteaadr,; wo whh la lai underatoodV'howsTsr, ae not jotBiagtaa writer in attributlag tbe practice to aa "obllquily of character."- If Ilia" aosl. tlve dWionesty to appear othertvlte than at Ood made bar." there are beiooae ebaa committed also with oottoa. We aaa no more "ioreUrv" ta latprorlBK tba plexloa, lhan in fetclnatlag wttb i. nVure uhlth al aMr rVaan srer tVm. The only coademaatiea wbfch caa justly be trfven to lrnawvamanta of tha eciwalsxlrat, wa ehoaM aay, lads ad, la ihe doiag tt as olumtily lhal it creates aoUluaion. Much the' baiter way would ha to advise epsaly wka friends aa id the bimlaaaa. ead with eairarw aa la the'an ef reajgtagaad searl-pewderlng, aad aa aaaka aareef ha batag wall daae. LetHia , ate rouge aad btaach, take oar wove law raveWrOtesIrr, aad tbeugb thla ariMe liwTrlbaaa weald taesa la ttaaly vhat waaj hav aaV aslrsd ataar aa laaiirtal baaah, lha Iki.' atiratiea waa aot aeeeeaaril thrown a war, 'Thai la yeafeTirpaaey stT'laaal displayed by tbsss two promlaaat wrltera of New York. The owe adtnirea aalure lahet purity, aaadnratd aad aert.akaaH be, arid ceaiimai frivoloua diciatltw aad fothiemble jugglery, aa praotloed by theae who crei!e tha ftiblaas for Afaatricaa adoption. Willi, of lata years,, has be come ooe of the atost anlhwalatitee ad. mirera of the ariatoaralie aire aaa bautaar of Europeaaa. The aflly gewgawa af fbrelga etaaufaoture pesaaasagreat cbarw terWUIle. Heetwldtawatareioadatire la a finely moulded and well develoeed bust of ,a nesrooairy areanaa or actress, tbaabe.eoaMia taanaast pWlaaajaroeac, beaeroleet pattern of a salat aaywhare to be (bund. It la eiosedlngly strange that tne krigtiteet tavsata or oar eeaatry can be prostkaled ta each tlWttagk Bach la tha aaaBataWaa of lha ataa that would give'teae re tba'raorala of New York- , Tarn naeaiKAiB. Poverty, la ttarlf, it aa wtt.r No disgrace belongs to the waa, who by .revarsaa la butloeetj la let down from aMotaee to destitution. Tha Boorest xtaa waa walkt thla earth of tor. raw, at' who telle ia vale to clothe aad lead hi eblWrea. eta ataad ta tha pree aaoe oftbamaa of millieaa, with no coo neliuaaata'af laferlorlty. Bat when pov erty hi tba result of crime, tt biaomaa at eaee atalM aad alairaainil i when ft le I the rssafa af waaMlaa. ar dftaUaw. er r la a sTj a.k "as IBg,H eoveie taviatjaas wta arooa or ahaaw. Uaaaf aay,rWmtsjBiii it It Mg-ja-sMaarlajB HakaMMfafkaMfJut tJaaaasal tssssssBitaTaaaaaVlaaBamal l'aj4aBaBjsBmBa;a' saaB7BJMsBsPBajaaBF vaaBJtal BVesasaaBBBBaBaBBtaBBeja to he veiy peer, aad b moat ataa.'aerera tybdrebdtdaaeatotjfTbawemofevItt; aPJaVW, pBaWrlwjr M M BaMVai W tOfsaMrf ft MwlftM ef laVssaaeraaae, aa l!ghfadbeat,to foj. low the rMagaf Ihe sua. , Ood haaao of. deJaed- la: hit ward ha haa aetared thai tha drsakard Mall eeeawtoaevetrT. aad taaf ataAalaBaaAaa aga-SkbhajlBB ajgaBJJjlfJjbaeakBJbTsBBBB. faaTSSa aaVaaasfl WbsWsjWwWB OTVaaaaaVaesaW lTTeassrtwaalasaaavS WJ tasVaVarW v.a uatata any LeKjl akjBMaautgfjj aaajLyji jaB-auakuaAaiaB. JSaawUB aaaaBttaBBBjrBjPaaaal sYWMlstsSBBBl I'BWstaBL'viaa) aaa ad sjstaaii,4 rVssgsafewMata,aad la sWaxBasa. aaaaaaiaaaal-aMslsBBBBSBA lha CK't I mL2.iVi u swB aaaTaaaw a awaw .naBaa, as araaa. eNsiaagvaaery statp aMtttaaataa taia fxrtt aaavi asaaaa ajvaaaaajaaBss assai 11 uiaiaiaavjaaa. saabja aajaaMaaBjmjas r.gfjjfjk f U far jukfwfef) J1X"ta"P I ajBaaBBBBBJBjaaTgl BfBSSSSSJ BjaajBJ ffW aBJBJBJWTaBa) ik vetae ar zr'i&r. '- 1 . I E . . . i 'if'SJS Him I aaiatwat ta aaj laaataa taaaalaaai anal aaTtArswlsi'aJka'sM l-aBSBBBBaaaBtsrteTSBBl mmmmm UssetewaW.ttlstl wm tot IDS SI sanmafsW BMbr 1 eraad'aTabtVasd-aa pony l irvouwinrawii acraae, l-ttin lei yew raa I k.i H.;w:mmi i WW HbvTsXJVbTw i.rffBaBTBFaV') sa gSSIISIW. ll'.1-".. JwBtrf 99 Wp aVaTtaal 9W999 " rssatTMawaraaai (JbbBbMM). ta SaaMber. OtaWraii taedto BWatarwwa BBaiiXSaBBBBBBBBB bIbBB taBBaTa) ttaBBtaBBBBBB IwTvrpaaTaTaV JaaoT BJBjrBBBfi sVaasTrhe eteaat aMaawavaaMataxi 55?Jf.tt,!Ly lefiag w la iw atyiai ?w7-ito.Bw1w?afl aal if arwasxxtwaal.tavi BBBB1 aBlWaBl BBBBk. I aad bed stask aa Ua Mel M( ff easMafMsMf wTJgisraw Wasf araBBtfas astaranw aTTsWaa ialsT "swaaTajBWaPaBf VaaBBBSBn BTVesWaT BSBBBal HOWaMCel WbIIwbM MsttaBrs ' arranvt boa" -Oai a .mu ii Am, i aa I 1 Mmvwm'Tvn.-tf; $ , WW, Jaae wumuvi. ,i W. L.iChaalia m Wttttl" &yrJeh?ffU&&w WTth the obbaet ef pniawligt' taatpaopla,aaairfasaieaiaasa 4 sa"J aaW WM JajapV m'rnSbshir.aaalby.tbal kart,sreleR tatolodemail liaaaobtsBaa'tteva been) hatah U: erfJawiF taBfBSaj gaaavsaaaBaxafBsnBBTBra'aaBBg " sBfafaratg esrsnarJsB BkeetiraaaretobaaeMtoiiwi bap aoma of she' aalabbarlrai oorrespoadsat t Aagaara, fa April T.'klvas aa awual ef O osBteaeech trMefe be beartlaMI aad ataiah iwae iimiathf aM, WMktBaaWa4wbowaetrdw wrhsa, thatW rfiTalBW' wejeaaiaia ay av IrHaahallfwi Vi Hat rouadly aad lha PriHlwt pwiaJWI-BB. i Our Mrateaeadaai litaa ObbsW afovaaaaai avajaaaajaaairi 'flt w BaMaaaaassai sa thai the i tteTekwl BsaartM hsaawar .- --, a-A AOhVa-BT.MSBa BBBB4 1 M.taaiawsasxaaBMia aadvlatti JfMkBsVVf and or an taw, mmat,mmmmmr put la aractiea tba riaiitifewid.B1i taat araa aBwaraai aaal lha a efthte.,?'! u$:tt?ABit a aTana at - " - MrriM.T:Miiii n u .-." -, a. . -T T H&.w:i,t: EOi B9BBB1 es.JBSah'aBBBl ' UaTaMPP ' afiSf! i fr1 an T'!aarF "fl HeHB"Hbbb"' a eeTMof"CiieBV ' fMy HaVajT rwyafc' vWaaeiaafanl "TV nsaalaaa WW tto-aaMaTi ' "IfiMlt "IWih ateWsVaVi vtli' ti-Jj 'wgfcgVj Teimfal awar,"' ? ir fW X :k j:Ar ,,iJ :i'i'i,'''mJJ f.f iiifcvf'tif(!(