w . ,t . (. Lr P i v . V- J ..,. T7 '? . nS( W VMt. ItWMMtlMtUMlnelr. h wkUk . aW""g'7 ' nawiea ititMt, tbat awttattjJaa; foal waa jtarftined, few IHJfV",.- W ' HACTgJWy..-Wyw.wcwMi ia peril, Wft .' AP ktUmtimH. WhMtkMiinU. Wrv - ,r Mfm ttw MM aetata of Hawaii B Ajff'TS'Wrtylf oo either tV' .jifetjiyMtMaM wwlkrty managed, J If'lmmm earf In a rtroogwlnd, pluogi ;,. UiW.fAHlwit down, thtro bolng ,-J. MhaanJ betstea thirty tad forty persoas. V r -awa. nni IMHI lo ID CBDIB. 1 Al. Ju r-.. ,&.. L H' hart of them In Mm cabin. TM. M jutt alto dinner on Sundav. Thn auve who happened to be on deck v. ere at Wt tltqgetatr in tha waves, with no laf MNM but their akill In alm. MafA'ChnMlkn man, by the name of a. Wk had conducted mnrnlm, an. ataWtAatt B'Makhalli .ar.!.. olik ,1. . ii . T. -.T ...vv im Mis v, V Wja.,Ma fareaooa. bow && i'.lwr - SJsi called' them M, Mm to tha water, and imnlomd yJWflUmM.bt all v Thea aa a, strong 'Z&. 4ik-WmH aa tatting lo tha north nakhw It j.!'.. Matt Mill lo aat la Hawaii. rkiih. ik.- msSmfsess1 vv ' i E', Tha cajtfew of the achooner, a foreigner, bmw staawtoswira, wo nut by bit lit. wafUa. Honanoar,aadlhey two struck m together for tha far distill thore ; but am Monday morning, having survived the sttwi nigat, me vapiata qtcd ; and in the afternoon of Ihe time, day lit wife landed at KlweUwo. A floating hatchway from ha wreck gave a chance for life to a strong -yvntg man ana nit orotner ; out the lit. .ley perished before thodiy light ofMondty, wlOU tha elder reached thtisliod la tale. ty by eight or nine, feeble boy without My eapport, awam the Jtttstice of nearly thirty mile, and arrived stfo to land be. fcra any af the other. Mauae and hit ''Wife hid 'each arcureda covered bucket lor a buoy, and three young men kept them company till evening; liut all do. appeared, one after another, during the night, either by exhaustion, or gelling be. wjldertd aad turning another way, or be. naming me prey 01 snarst. Haw Yl. Toaac laaa I don't think aa much of that new ooat. Man of tour 'mewoa miaa n a nine oeyaaa youriwaaa aa that taaUd of wlaalaa aaatYtUtsaa yau only gat oaaaara. Or ft whhln your rattans, you "eat aa eiamala that yonean halter alard to oatli, than othera to iml. taw. AM your glove and vett end hat aad panta; your head la a Htila too run oi inem. me lauoroant maka a mm of you I and If you think ao, thoee about you know better. Content vouraalf with appearing well, without rendering youreelf anoojeci 01 remara, anaperitapa ridicule behind vour back. Nobodv ihlnka tha belterofrou. uolen It be aome atll v aphonl girl, who like yourself, haayet to oomeloL yeara ol dlKrellon. Never exert jour. Ti aeii in excel mow wno ureti reaprclably. Thoae who try to do this net mora Centura thin prilte. They may not be awaro of it, neoaute nobouy wanti to wound tbrir vanity. Vatl numbrraof voungmenare polled by this foolith habit. Thrv get S) t in ucui, into incir cretin aou tcinreipccl; and when I hear are gone their integrity ia very .likely to follow. If vou hava doubt! about taking our advice In (hit matter,' look around the most lucceatful men you know, and see what their exin- piesieacn. Are there any Uandltii .Vou-evr.knnBi,e- - acconiniith much in the world, except lo cheat the tailor and make a tool or him aelf ? Submit yourself, then, to the di rectloo of your common acute In regard urrf, ana re atturea inn men ana wo. meti'.iC common tcnie will tmirore your app rance. naiemur Mali. KT The poetical editor of the Chleai go Journal Indulgesln the subjoined pleas, log reverie updo tho subject of " the rain on the roof:" 11 Blened ire thoso who live in eirrets. or one story houses, for they hear the mu tic oi " the rain on ihe roof." If one wouU enjoy a rain, he mutt aet dote under a roof somewhere, but it mutt be a tight roof, for tkj feel of a stream of water irumwiiiioniuutiyningivs,iietracis from Ibn poetry of tho thing amazingly. There is a sense of security, mingled uilhthe lulllns sound of the silver rain. thai pre-ditpowt one to be content. And then, when ' it holds up" for a minule.ainl trie water spouts gurglo and laugh and Monday mornlnff the faithful oalr were found atone J and the wife's bucket com. iaa lo pieces, she swam without snvlbinu liU. afternoon, when Mauio brpamo too brooka brawl noUily along, tliere it mutlc waungoon. me wite stopped and an. in that. flpswM him fa kind of thampoonlng which Then, when the wind comes with a t( eowimon, hers) to that ho was able to sort of a sough, and whirls the drops from avian until,, Kaboolawe was in full view, the Iszy eaves against the window panes, Seaa, however, Mauae grew so weak that and down comes tho rain right merrily ka eeoid net oven bold on to tha bucket : once more, tbero is mudo still, bv the Kill "4 Ma sailhful wife, taking it from him, orchestra. km Madias to tha Ions hair of her Thrum throm soma body is .head, while ate atlll hopefully held on, by with a big umbrella-tinkle link! aaasasiiy aaanng ine enqrel Her bus. kaad'a haada however, soon slipped from tha hair, loo weak to bold on, and she tried M vela lo rouse him to further effort. She raaeordteg to the native ex. kooliaa ksna nutnoa, lo nale fm inn, lu inspire mm wi.n conn. by Mlolins to the land, and trill htm to pray to Jesus ; but he could only utter a few broken petitions. Putting his arms therefore, around her neck, sho heU A Mmtmaui AayiaTttw.- atory waa told aaa, aayt Or. Southey, whh aa aa. saraaoa that It waa literally trwe, of a gvnueman wm oatng in want CT a Wr, advertised for one, aad al tha thMVaad place apaobled waa net by a ladyiXkalr statioM In llfo entitled them aa la Weall. ed, and tha gentleman aa well aa the lady was In earneat. He, however, seemed to oaoi ine same opinion aa King I'edro was of hit wife, Queen Mary, of Arragoa, that she waa not d handsome aaaha mlaht ba good ao tha meetlag vaded in their mu tual disappointment, Caleb adrerflsed a second time, appointing a different aquaro for the plica of meeting, and varying the words of the advertisement. Its saal thn tame Inly they recognised eaeh olher-J coma noi.cnoneo out smile at the recogni. lion, and perhape neither of theta could choose but slirh. You will anllelneta tha etrnt : the persevering bachelor tried his ioi a iiuru tune in ilia newspapers, aad at the third place of appointment he mat the equally persevering spinster. After this meeting neither or them could help laugh. Ing. They begin to converse In good hu. mor, ami ine conversation became to agreeablo on both side, and ihe clroumj ttanoet appeared n remarkable, that tha uru interview led to anwiriage. 'It wis ftir Tho following aneodolo It from a work lately published, entitled "Noble Herds or Women r A V AUVHtUUTY, I'UBLIU AUTM PtHiirlt MrjtrtlsniMt4 TMrttJtH tf Caafrrss, TrlleaMrllk IhoTsitlUlH Tribe. ,NAVAJO TIISI or INDIANS. MIM.ARirTt.,MURK. rxisitiRitr or mn u.tiTtu itate or AxrsirA. 7b W imd tlntutar l trXom tiite prtunti shall fOttlf. ttvtlmm . Whereas, a Irealv mil i.nn. c uded In tho jralley of Chelllo, on Ihe ninth day or September, onn thousand eight hui.drrd and forty. nine, between ihe iiniiea otaies or America, by Jnlm M Washington, Oovernor of New Mexkii, and I.t.Col. conmianillngthotruopiiif thn llnitrd ytatet in New Mexlcc a,l J.,,. u ll..... i II i it i I """"" "' repreneiiling ! viiui'i oiain, auu manano ilarlliipy, 'cad chief, and Chipltone, scconil chief, on Ihe part of the Navajo trllmnrn.lii,. And whereat, said treaty, having hern subniitieil to the Senate for,, lit iiinntiiu. lional action thereon, llio Senate did, on lha ntnlh iav nfflaAlAnilu. mv Iiv..I.- eight hundred and gfty, idvl'te ami consent It in lh words following, lo wit : 7Vrary ttltr Ike United Hlaltt tf Amir, ten and Me iYitntM Indian. The following acknowledgment ' I ltl.JI.JLJ. as may be adopted by authority or tha stld States. - VIII. In order lo preserve tranquility, and lo iflbnl protrollon to all tha people ml Interettt of tho coniriotlng partlcj, thn (Invernment of Ihe United Slatot of. America will etlabllsh tuoh military posts u uomiit's, aim auinorixn men trailing. whloh said road shall balaM. a return and put aa aforosald, oCao muoii oftald road a shall be laid out i,i established In ssld county, to ba them recorded aa aforesaid. Sao. B. Htldwatnisslonert thtll.'aflsr the comn elion of tsa iuimv f nu,l a ifbrcsald, mtke sut aoertlllsd aooount it atll akulu. .! l si a . huuael at aiiehllm..B.llBnH .1.-7. "'.. "". T.' ''"." """. " UX. " .1. ..ij ...... ":"-- ;:" i--- , the slid (lovemmeiit may ilealftttato. A Or bIiKi nlltatP Itati.l- . iLAK.,tuu charging eaoh county through which salii '"" '""7 "vo uren laiii, a piOorllon or I.V llelylim ounfldenllv uiuin tho lut. Ilea and ll.e lilralliy of the afor.ald , he expense. a.,.blv '. .1 ?Z i, nf "" "" ine innowing icKiiowiiiigmentt, ,iec. mong Ihe persons liberated by lb Km- It rat loin, and stipulations, hava been ilulv peror Alrxandcr, ol Kiutla.ou Ills ascend, 'contidereil, and are now solemnly adopted tng ma tnrooe, was a nriiisn sanor.oi me Mot eminent, and anxious loremovaavarv iliu .....,l.....i.i. : ...,., . . . poMlblo cause tha, mlgl, disturb lU aain-SU. of M . 7udl. i. and qtilel. It Is gree,l by the aforu. ami settle thn ..mo. X ifnhSiT' S.V.l,,.I.l,m "'""" uf'1'.0, S.,c'."- A" ''"iterlal road, tulhor. United Hl.tot .hall, at lit ...rllettconvenl. Ix. lo belaid out by nyUw nf ihlsTer. T.llnlll",'l",,l,, "?d "''J"",""'1' '",". '"'"' yt couunsne,.!, sh.ll U . Z t l!r uk' ""' ';"" nn'1 "" ,,M m" '" ",0 "" 'roribMt In il.ls t In in their Terr tory such Ian. at may aol, and com.nllo,,ers .lisll comply will. t l lleillicd OOlllhll' vn In 1 1... nnuivnrllu .....1 .11.1.. i-.i i . ' . I i ,...' . , Ti ii ! ! ?'"." ",riul",,", nerei i oihi ainri and happlneM or ..Id Indians. I further, tlin r...l,hd wldlholall Terrl. '.l.lfi r ci.n,. Usilo,, of llm lorlal ro.dt shall lie .Uty foel. lierriu contained, hv the talil Ni,i I,.. iliam, ihu Ooterrniciit of tho V. Stales lll gram lo said Imllins such donalluu., pnitenls. and llllnlrniellla. ami aiUnl .ui.1, iitlff.Aiveturnt1 rriay nrem meet inn pnper. XI. This treaty shall be binding upon tho contracting ptrtlea from and after the ulsnlns of the .nine, nulilVi't only In tuch mudilicnllom ntnl aincnilnients at may he , ..I......I 1... .!. I !..-.... I. I... I!..!.- I ' 11V I located and estahllilitd grcably to tho provltliHIt of Ihlt let. Ilia saina shall tn aud remain a puhllu highway, and shall be njiriietl and worked Jiy thn twr mails are, and no part nf the expenae of laying uul and cilabliililnir any Territorial road, or the damages sutlstued by ally" "f lug mil nnn or irmt In coniriiiienp of Ijy ; out any 'iVrriturlal road. hnil be pali t nf the TcrrllnrJ;', irea.ury, proddct aid Jc4 name of John Duncan. His mother poor woman in Scotland, thinking It her luly lo acknowledge this act ol juttico on llio part ot ins imperial majesty, sent mm the following artless epUtlo : "Unto the most excellent Alexander Kmprore of that gral dominion of Russia, and the teratory there unto "belonging, cVo. Ac. fee " Your most humble servant most hum. bly brges your moit gracious pardon for my boTduest in approaching your, moil drred sovring for your clemency at this lime. 14 My sovrlnz, the candour of this free. doin it on account of your sot ring's good. nets In I lie serving ami inlarciug 04 my aiiopirti iiy ine uovernmrnt 01 ine uniitil ll.st ht rxprnte. of locating and etlab. Siatrt: auiMiually.ih ttrralvi-jrecrlwik iimln.. !.. 'i'...i...i.i ....iV t 1. considered, and are now solemnly adopted liberal i-nintruui!',,,, at tlg, aijJ n at , ,n willnmrHr. valley shall ba paid out or and proclaimed bv tho undersigned : thai j piaiTt.to the end llui the ssld Nataju In. tin- Territorial lrenurv. Is to ay, John M. Wa.hinglon, (lovrnor dlan .lull not bo held repoulblu for llio I Src. . The set entitled, An act in lo of New Mexico, nnd Lieutenant Colnnrl Icon.liict or others, and that Ihe liovrrn. rate n Territorial road from White's ferry commanding the troops or the V. Stste. In New Mexico, snd James S. Calhoun, Indian agent, retldlu!t al Mania IV. In N Mexico, repretentlng ihe Pnlted Siionf America, and Mariano Marllner. head chirr, and Chapitoiic, second cliiof, on the part or the Natajo tribe of Indlam. I. The said Indians do hereby acknowl. clge, that by virtue of a Irea'ty rnlerrd into hy the I'nitrd .States of Ainirlc. and the t'nilrd Mexlcm Slslni, signeil oil the second i!a nf I'clirusrv. in the wsrnf our Lord rluhteeu hundred ami lorn. cii,lil, at tint city id (!uadalu llnl.li;"., by.N. I'. Trll,ifthi)lirt pari, and l.un son, wIiom) nsme it John lluncaa, uged I (I. Cutras. Ilnrnardo Coulo, und Ml Al. splutter In Ihe silence, and Ihe ffrowlnr? . W.""J-" "" " . - picc,. n.inin, mine trcouo pan, inn sai.i tub. t a 1 t a . '. s V .0 tbeinast on her bosom with one hind, and still swim vigorously with the other till irighlfcll, when berseir and her now lire. lea burden were within a quarter or a 'mile or shore. She had now to contend .with Ihe raging surr; and finding the body or her hutUnd, which she had borne ao long, stone-dead, she reluctantly csi 11 oavanu tnortiy alter reached the land. Dut there tho was hardly better olTthan at set, foi long exposure to the brine hid ao blinded her eyes that it Mas some time before the could tee ; her strength was too much spent to travel, and the spot on w hich the landed wi btrren Ian, on the oppo. aito tide oflho Mind to anv aitttmi.n Food and walor tho must find, or die. who was prisoner with Hobert Spittle, hit was Ian fully placed under the rxcliintr matter, caplarn of the lla.11, Spltllo, of jurisjictioii snd protection ofthc (Intern Allot, tt the time or thn Ilritish rmbtrgal inent ofilmmld Vmwi S sic, and that In yodr sovring'a dominion! In Russia, ihcy aro now, and mil fomtcr remain un. I who Is i1k only wportof me, his mnther. and .betild I hive no other Wend for my scport; and on account or your gracious lusvallrnce, be pleated to accept of this small present rrom your ever well-wisher, whilst I hive breath. "The tmall present is three pairs of 5 1 W mwrnvm atocklngt, for eoingoo when youratwrina jgoet oui a hunting; 1 would a sMWtaanl yrwr sovriai silk ataMiaffs, Jf "JbbIW aa-couM go hlftfll. PllW ;ng so not at lata taaj Mat M there ihey go upon ibeliotpouttind pant; sidaab tpltth thai rush tha brook harder and stronger. Xieektluauah the aim window pane; tMaiMir dance, beneath old gray brickt red and new ag shines like a ni And away there, over lh Prairi. Hm. -r " " 'i " wmi hiumh yello-v streak or suntMnc, that hat some. "ur or this, by the bearer, and let meifel aggression agalmt ..id Navnjon, by how g-1 down among tho clouds, and fallen kno wn,t rm,J, orjcblldren vour aovrinilUens or others oriho liniird Hl.lnt, or as brightly upon tho bosom or earth, aa a ',' ' wi" "" ,oc'c'ng rr en r" ''IC 1 'V other persons or powers in nmlty with der ihr aforcsslJ j'iridkl!oti ami prtnn. lion. incnlufllic i nitr 1 .''inim .hall m IrgMalu ami eel a. lo .rrure tlm permanent pros. x-rity and liapplnx.nr.M I Indians. In f.illi licr.'.if, c, ihn undersigned, hatr signed thl. Iiraty.aud altlxed there. unto our trait, In the tultiy ofCbellle, lliit the nljilh ilsy of .S'i pli'iuhnr, in tho )rar or our Lord onu thouutid rlflil huu ilrnl and forlv-ninn. J. M. WaSIIIMiTON, i. . Ilrtnl Ijftitawnl ('.,', Cimiandiiu. JAMIW M. CVI.IIUUN, It. . Indian Agrnl, rtsidijj nl tomtit Ft, Mariami Marline, lu x mark, It., t.j llmd Chlrf. Cliapitone, Iih x nurk, l. s.j Stcoivt Chit. J. I.. ('..Hint. Jaine. O11U111, Loreux.i IVrcV. Antonio S4.1d.ml, his x mark I''rauccu Jutto, hit x mark.. utfrrrm.r of Jtmti. to thn Aqiiliis tiay, is not to bo Included in thn provisions or this act. Hm-. U. This ict to lake cflect and be In force from and after lit i.attsge, Patted llin lloute of llepretentltlves Jan. .tin, 1831, Patted the Council IVhruirv I, INSI. RALPH WICCOX. -ptnltr 11. :. WM. W. BUCK, Prttidtnt tifCovntil, II. That rrom and afler tho slunlmr of. Witnesses llmrireaty, haMllitlct bu'nrrn thn eon M. Ibndrlek, llretrl Maj. U. S. A. trading parties shnll ceav, and vrpetusl peace nnd friendthlp shall nxitt ; the said tribe hereby solemnly covenanting that tbey.wlll not astooiate with, orgivo coun teniae or aid lo, any tribe or band of In. diaaa, ar other persons or powers, who Tiri tmrtTntl II IBilly-wtlrilho Baelorth said United Ststes; that they win I raataln at pete, and treat honestly and humanelr all nersoni and nawnr. at cept of this, and laveur me Whh n an. .ipraro with the ,tatii States ; and all cites J. N Waul, llrrrtl i'l U. .Id Infry. joiiu 1 rck, lirtrrl Mnjnr V. .. A. J. V. Ilsuiuioiid, An'i Snrg'n U. S. .1. II. L. Dodge, Corf. comd'g Eui. Ur'i. -Rlchird II. Kern. J. II. Noaes, Sh U. U Jrtilmy. -trlatekarr John II. Dlckertoo, .Sec'ml U. Ul Art. W. K." Love. John G. Jones. J. Ij. Simpson, I'irit lil. Cerjx Top. L.tigrt. To Immlgmul. nnel other. '8x111! thlrri.pd, 4tiprllirt nf IhcTi. rr al MltTi.t. InIi.s; ilrMMi lu lists In.tinvt. llwl.lt twfm. ItlMlly, bnHtv that liitv ftlll tftft tu rtrl) lir.d vl . ItiiMt) lu low .1 lU. anj Iw sv rf) til.gU Mill iei louru ImI nltn mil brcunit Sfe I artMAl trtlltr in .I.I luMll w.ll.in til Utllllilt. .lul IkuM . li0utuH,tl. Htw t in ..If.lHttiluttjtlfh, a will Mil b.bidy.1) in.ttrl.tt lo iImm. lint .ce4 wf lint, lo t) fr ihr in in iT""j',-l,.l y L.,1.1. ;.!(;, n M.ll.r.t eul.le.tla Jalh. niMiiuf lh blacr.wt trill git . mill silt. Ingt!,rr wild Itml tutne.rnl fur tit N,r , pi ,! . g-mi Di.lL TI.m Inwn It lt.mttonttr loc.lrd i.mi lh i ..et branrl, i st, U ill.utrllf rlrrr, ju.i f.r .gl. .bntt ,U iuArtlrot Willi the IVi.n.1. I tlHlrr It .11 rtfrlleul h.rtwf, .it, ..t lh .dvtr .gt nf ! ia( trctmM frnrn .11 io., riihti h) and or w Ih it It ake lh lowf.l nl unn IIm- titer Ib.t bss a waswa mad la.J.ur limn il lo Hit Wdluetttt N!" e ii TWiaMslialrsint run, oo on ticl. tUe ol lh. i-.11tiit w.ur powtrtiiffiritnt la nit. a. can JWWI IMI 01 l.imurr ft tUy n stM vl wkkk IbrraMW ln''la .1. sow uuuVlwr.fh. Alllisugb ll.tt lowr nit krtu laklwil but a IfW rtMl.tbt. It liai alr. Iw il. m... I. ........ , l. I- -" ...-.- ........ , k,... ,w vml of imirotrilll atij r.tfiiiiu.rv.n,l I...I. .I. stray hope in a tearful heart Whv doesn't somo body set tho rain to music f Yesterday would have lin good day for It don't you think so T SnWAXEOMCoMBCSTIOJI PoETt.MATr. Ksrirr.MV. Iiavj. Iu.n r,rl.l...l ul,l. tho following facia: The otrelettnest of J'01,? unee, tmpners m not accurately describing tblr""' ,, , a, cofs. often causes much annovanea.and I So far was his Imperial Majesty from not unfrenuentlv urlnn .pr-bLnK On. , detpltinc the humble token ol tho cratl. tho urotection und cuardiaiiahiu of thn ofthe mott protldentlal etcapes that we ",lJo '",n9 writer, that ho ordered her a 'aforesaid (Jot eminent, shall h.vo thn anv have nter known (vernrrnt on K.inr.l... remittance of JL'tOO, which was paid her lorcn and efficiency, and shall be at hind. ' latt in this place. A houso. in N. York ""gh tho Russian ambasttdor in Lon- Ing and obligatory upon the slid Navajoet, f hid shipped on hot rd Ihe schooner Kim ,'a"' lend ex'cukd initio same ininner tt if plre, Cant. Hunker, a box or oil clothing, , .. (said lawt had been pittod for their solo I i,W. titfrfitrn J ., t .w.u,,. ,I.a, I anon. In liun. ll. ...J I....... ......-.... I ... Mil, I,. Mil) riU-MOlti: lre.i.lr-,,l ,A. ") hall 1. rorerre.1 to the ihe I'nilrd Slates or America, do, In pur. I -J.m UTT."!."0 ' Uk'"s "n':1'1"". IkJt.i.. i I . . .. .. . . . ' ' ' I WullrtI ftlttft III tit W kits UffAUliJat Li, M laaAisf. fill winter, before winter comi on. av alio i tKe till) Htatf . at nsiv anni aiatfa .isi nitniaM nnn mibiki .. i :t .. .r.. kii.i a - i a . o.t a a . Tt, J j B f "'""' "utcii,.,, u, ..mnmics mr niijiiaimrnt a.mncn pi me itiltjcc and tonstnt of t ic,iMlfinr.sjyf ei,v tl,-V.-L..i "Most dreed mtnnir, I am vour'moat ami aell Isnwnt. I ..... .. ...i i.. .1.1 i. ....... r' i, ""' ''. i'ewo'l'V aall,rr,c.BU.atl -i.. is .-.n !,-". ...... .,;...:.. .. .r...-.v,.i,.,,- .......... ... ......... ......,., .,,. .... , ,,,, ,U iigiiHinicni u, iitu aa.u.imioa inr ninill ll.v l.l n.ti iu utr. nnn lli.iiiknil I i,.a ttc.l anuailaiMita I'ra.nra lal.lv a "EtlZABETH Wilcox, .having Ibn solo and exclusive right of reg. Ivlahl hundred'and lilly. accent. raliTv. and , ''('llar.i. or lwia run, anJ "HI. Meunsoos, byHlerling, April 8, 1801. ulaiing the Irado and inlercrjurtn with Ihe fonfirnt tho said treaty. " in..iu..i. ticinii) r it,. i. I "Pleate lo direct lo me. to Ihe earn or .aid N.v.inxa. Ii la anrr.1 JtTa, il.r. lawa. I.. ,.l .. ..i rn i .. . t'KIISIIV A. H ua. v., i.u i r ' j.i...r.:. .:'. ;",,.. i ; ::: .:.::; " ...-. m. w, itwsu ' -...-....,.. .. ...... v i,v iiiu ii.hu niiu ,i, . v. Ul lliu Ull irtl OIBle. 10 IW llioreunlo' it ll. ttaranr.tn Icrcoutc, and for Ihu preservation nfpe.ee j ntth llio varlou. Irlbet of Indinnt iindnr ill lliolr rriaottltloil oi j Mn liai.na tha hV..ia plaint, Ntllt.aa Mmj, iplofrd npan lh. fins Itod MITII namiinthl iii,Ja,innl la ulta . nuinbrr al l.itMlt dunsg Ih whilst. Provldcnllallv the obtain..! ih lnn.r i . . to Mr. Tatspaunh. which the bill of l.dii.ir . ' ,r- Mabbi wii Vow. I crhaps there benefit and protection : and to lliit end. thn tavern v.iinii. rain that had recently rallcn, and that she' described a merchandize. It wis con. ' "r"cc'yn orlinary oath administered ,nd for all other iii.-rul purposes, iho (,ov.( MILL fTixcl, lntiiiL' tinned Ihu same with mv hand. Done at thn city f Wathingtoii till, the Iwentt. fourth itv ofSunteinbur. Ill the tear ol our l.ord onnl ''"''''".TiiaUlJ.ilMsrni llltiiowlalts L. 1.1 limn indriVht hundred and (If. I "'.TV' '".'" """"""", ."'" - .'. .,.,,. ivn.. .,,BT am .,!! ,i hi omv n. .. ...i ,V .in 1.1 .!. in,I.M...l.n.... r .. ii ' . . . . T..---... t ,, , ....i. ... Mv.. u, linnet aou uatuijroi ii.a loeaiioii, lha Inltll.ftae tho United Slates of America ! inoral.iy of tha li,lnb.ii,iu, burmcltlly Iktt will miss Tualatlu Acndeauy. rBllllH In.lllulMjq la aituilfd Jn Hit lawn sf found in the cupj of the roclit. Monday 'equenlly stowed In the hold and upon the ,n ,n5' "' ,h," "nacHons or lire, an little nennent of Now Mexico, as now orgsn tr. . ... ' ...EiS . ..., . . . . ramifmharMil nv .11 .I..... .. .1... ..I... , . i. . . .. " Auesasy,eiiiicsday,Bti Ihuridaycami) top wit piaeeu terenrern iegt o ftmnitr. Altl) PILLMORi:. lis. tl. It... !.l... a . .' i I II I i s ..-a."-.... ...... a-... i.u, mm rai" "tAjsaiia 1 1 jr I U I IIIIIIL'III . remdmbered by all cUet, as that taken 1,,,, or as il may lm hy iI.h (Joveriiin-nl Danl. Webitiii!, Srrrtlary of Statt. ... io .i,..,toi iiiannrr, .no iii me nl tho United Mtsli-s, or by the legilly - - - - prewnco orthn Almighty, by the husband consilium! aulhnriiiot oflho pcoldv nf N. Territorial I.BXV. ii i.i wiie, iiote, nonor, ami obny.- Mi-xitn, is ri-kviilrd and Jckn iwlt-djixl i Ik oijwtumtnt of lbs and went without relief, nhlle thn kept on1 Bn'' "round it some thrco hundred more gradually t the could towards tho inlmb. Hu Kmpiro cleared at New loik, on lied parts or tho island. At last, on i'ri. Monday afiarnrou, 1st Intl., and arrived slay morning, when hor mnmnhwa, heri"n,li Prt on l-'ridsy, making the pat awlmmlng hope thai had held its head so I S,S" in iv' )'' Upon opening the box long above the waves, was fast sinking '' "' '''u,"l "ltl alia clothing was com. with her Tailing strength, by a gracious 'pletely chirred through, and tho box much PrtlifIrtaXMik Alia. 4tawJLa..a..l a. . a l ftjairO flafl . 1 TATW f aAttf J tla. AM a) OAaii L., .1 ,'-. ai.'na In r..,t, p.. t - .... llml ,h l,r ri.main.nt i. ,k 1...1.1 . r. .. tiiict perjury. No womtn should mirrv tollghtened'likeJonsihan'sbyihohonev hour longer, Il It probtble that rcarrul;ilhou, ''''"'""? her husband's char. ihemteUes lodnliter lo thn military ait ., .a i . i ..' . '' ...iui .,..!, i i'. , .. . a.;ter to well, that she mav cihnv. hm with il.,..l.., r .1... ii..i...i ct.... 1.. m '1, Df,w.,v nwu.tt ..tin UCCH J0 CUntO ,. , --.--- - j f ,, , ,"w,"7 "' w,,,iv, .i.it.rt III ttnw .'u' quenca. ucli Uaclian will b. amnios cd Ri.rti inr.tiai .im ,mI.I 11 . KliOi'.ri, lliril lutf ohjril. a imrioua .ml iiukla ActdeiJy uulljlrf ' Ivrn timed uinii . tllr, cotiimoillnf Hit tiiw f two rtit.tit. pialiiri, w.ib their li.ltiTtnliig sad encircling fuir.l., iii.ilwlitneMplrlrd,il will fur. unli an..la .ceHiiinoil.iianj for bolli dtpsitsssatl now many wne"iove, nonor, indolmy" bv the said Navajoes; Jnd for the due en. ' Ai At ilo.icliuo lh manner ..riocaling """'? . , . lli.ir limit I il . .r.t !'..,,. ,, . T. rriliiriul Una, I. , '" ''lot. Il about Ml V, .., , , , , . . inrciiiiiriii 111 inn niorriai.i laws, unill tn - . ! Ml IM.-II,, .Milluii. IV How many even think or iloine toT and llnvurmni-nt nf lh,. Ilnlml Kmtn. .I.nll , Sec 1. Ih it ru.ietrd , n l.,n;,l.,i': ,... i:.io .....i 1 ..,..... yet Ihcro it an oath reoorded against them, otherwise order, tho territory ih Nav. AtftmMy if Orrgm Ttmlorg, fbil ..I Tl.r rii ,e Teim of 'il.. Ii otery simple violation or which I. a dlt. ,. 1. l.n.l.u ..nv...t .. m... vt..t.... ' Tnrrlinrial .n..!, ... i.n !......... i...,...i ih'imt, , , ... .. , ,. ,,. ,,..- ta.ti.ija.,u t. iiiin illDAIUUt - " - ai'w aw ta-t' lllllCHIIlll ttn.ll ; 1.-1 IV. T 1 10 V. 1000 aner sbo wnt lound by a parly or ilthermen, by them cared fir snd conduct. tjviair villtee, and next day transport. Cycanoe.to Lahslnn. whenen th fnn. dtred tchooner bid sailed just one week uo:oro. Indians hereby bind ""' ctlablishcd uithin this Territory, -1. .i, ,. . 1 . ..,1 I ana,i us tiuitcii, aurveyrii, tliu osliMl.n. Uuls.l fism lbs ttwai., ."iUW- inland. Mil. .kit, Vnlflftt.; .. .in ssatsi'-., l, IMlitft 'V II, " t. ml. and rnlurii. ii.aitn il.amr.r .i.,.l.lu discretion and safely. Sho yields to his Ico, nl Santa Pe, New Mexico, ,t. .oon a. , to thn provi.lontor this act, within ono 8urinin. illtwrtition, Trom which even an attempt lo , ho or thcy-ciTr1i apprehended, the mur. yt r Troin tliu assage or the act hy which Ba,rJ "y fly Is a crime. A wife what oaalrayiti. I ,Crer or niiirdciers or Mlcentd Garcia, said mad or mo'dt may bn granted, or an. I tk l,. It ,,.!.. H.I I. fr.r.ir.im KI hX.... .,.-.-,., f. . .... ..., I.I I ., !.l ! 1. I-III. ., . I mi.- 1.1 llitlilullou Maick rsti.nmar I arm ., Jane I all Trim H.pl. 17, W.ulrr Trim Ilrcera. 10. The Ttiii.t will U rktita wtta. tteb. Tattlsa .t. r. Labiu Sxaii.0. Ii appear that It It Xiil fasJilonsbl In litrlin for ladies lo ate. In the vicinity of the oily are largo skating ponds and this amusement constitutes the principal outdoor pastime Jn cold weather, of all toxct und dittos. Tho Berlir correspondent of the Itotton Araveier mut describes the sport : Tha ladle hive skates which can bo .Itced lo their foet like gaiter boot, aud as MS or them have ovidenlly had year or practice, ii it one oi ine moti beautiful ol tight! toaeatnem gilding, and, at it were, wBiuwg oror too oiaar ice. Bointllmet, arm ia arm with amnllemm. or band In .haod, thty raovt rapidly from ono tide of in aoBU,o iue other, Homotlmet, a whole bana togtlbor, keeprng" lime, waltz back ami forth. A talhtr and hit daughter Mxttaanaaa tjstart yung men tod their t unw prit ano.Doy aro giittagta "VifrifPST ooacelyablo figure, whllaTp taa aHiM tt IIIMd With ladle and Mniln. mm, Who, atandlcg or silting in tWr car. are looting at ine tpurt, or per. eyjWtmtoasIed.tnd areputhad Umitcd'Statks or Canada. A nrom. . .,. . . . . . r .- ... . r inent pollliciin in inronlo hit drawn up1 her Husband it foresworn. No matter and printed, but not yet published, a com. w'i kind or a man he be, she must obey nlete schemo or Federal I nlon for the him, ir the keeps her otih. Sho hit not North Americin British Provinces, in. ssld, "I will honor and obov bim'if be eluding the Iludton Day Company' tcr. ' s.tmtt desorve it." Her contract is uncon. ritorict. It is founded upon the United dilional. It would be better for vouna Htttef fclcrnl system, and would, iroar. I"irs Heroro lliey yield the fatal ye, to i .hall bo dollvnrcd by tho Navajo Indian. ai.i aiiat- .riLa, ... .: ra't a. .. - i . . . at a. r . -. viowui iiiowuBjroi. sney nave to the aioresata military a bs obtal.rd la prlvttt ftttl: XT lini.XS used I Ml; leans or Mexl power In amity with thn United Stales, .-.1.1... cam, or other iiermnt or voyeu and marked Irom lha beainniuir lliiorira, lir.v'a ClirmMiv. (i.l.'a fi.iinan. ricd into eflect, make them alinott wholly I ' JeshflKft in OUt UDOn Ihu nnnd In. f the sktters. Independent. The author of the tchemo it a prominent member or tho consort a. tivo party, and the sohcmv itself ia about at liberal at tho grettett radical could de. sire. It win bo published in a short lime, Diy Feet. We will give our readers a recipe Tor mixing boots water proof, whloh it worth mora than our tubtcrlp. lion prioa to any person who will try it. Moitture generally penetrates ihe soles of boots the upper letllier it not easily wet inn is easily arioo. to render lb sole Impervious to water, order roor bookma. ker to cut pleeea of canvas in tho propor tnape, uip mom in meiteo pitch or tar, nu ity inem upon mo inner soies uciore lUllina on the outer tolea or the boot. rids ttinpla process will Insure diy foet without makloK 4 be boot clumsy. We hayo tried thn cxperintrnt. and would ad vise all whoto totes ara afflicted with cold or dampness to do (he same. Vunlrr UUiit. a duty to perform to the r liutbandi whether he b hind or unreStonaMo.'tnd lliey mutt remember the poet's word' " War la no rtnfa T lbs dark bona snd lb dtlestod wlfs." ' No virtue It known to be worth any thing until It hit been tested. The bon fty that knows no corruption ; thn Udell. lylhat saver falls: the truthfulnata that never equivocates nor flSit-L-sralrt: lh i. ,. i . . ."-. . seii-iicnnce mil asks only whit It duty. aro all Ihe well-ripened fruila offrequtot, ana vinea, ana tevero iriti. (ftru My Dtar," said a gentleman to a youiie: lady lo whom he tTinuebt lo In nsrrled, -"do you with to make a foalsof ine t . "No," replied tha lady, " nature hit lived mo the trouble." inn. rVnw Mnvhvi An n. day or October next ensuing, that jiulleo ' which may uo mcieu oui io an wnnm ll may iaiii. corn and also, all Indian captives and stolen properly orauoh tribe or tribe or mutant at shall onter into a similar re throughout Ihe whole distance by selling I'1'. ""Uion's Utln nd fireek Clatalr .take. Ill llin nr.lrll al llirnn I...M.I....I " Sld'r of III. Ilo.lll. utliorltv nt Jo.rd di.tance. and blixltiir tree. In tho! i .e ...V'. " aikibu.v,s.s y- lieforn tho Olh . limber. They thill oslablfsti mile po.t, ' ' J '"""" thill be marked with a mtrkinv m..i .. . Iron, In regular progrettlon. Trom thn he. "" "V "" BtBWWy. cloning to tho termination or said road Si.r, 3. Tho cominisiionur and u rt uv ur nl eaoh road, thall make a certified tv an authorised ofHoar or agant of the said oiaie. oy in aiorosstu navajoes. VI. Should any citizen or the United Slates, ar other person or persons subject to Ihe law. of tho United States, murder, rob, orothorwlso mallrrit any Navajo In dian or Indiana, he or they thall bear. rested and tried, and, upon conviction, shall he subjected to ill the penalties pro. vided by law for tho protection or Iho per. tons and properly or tho people of the said Slates. VII. Tho people oflho United States of Aninrlna shall hava frn .ml aani r.iia.L . PP" There is no faco to pleasant lo be. aaatv ihrouuh tho territory of tho aforesaid hold, a lha faco thn loytt ut. Indians, under auoh rultt and regulations! 'HU: filit itrnt of ihla Intlllutian will com. M. miie on Mouilay, May Ifili, aud ceullaiw rlntmurrlkt. clprocal treaty, shall In llko r-.':'. and furn ol lh survey and plat of ihu wlml.i ll.n ta.elint of l.lfl. snd vti.ed scesraplialuMais for the tame purposes, bo turned over lo ' length of ssld roid, .pcclfylng in ssld r. "I"1 "f '" sastrirne. kit. baas- sscaitd, whs turn the wiiiin, depth, and voursoofall -"""" i"iaite. ins wsnsr oi ins papus mr.hea, and Ihefaoe oflho country gen. U.a.,sdl.siidirK.strs.tsksais.er.sJlie. orally, noting when limber and when ssry .psarslasteihakchool. pralrlo, and the dltlanco salt! road shall! ntm cTi b loesilwi tt lh 8enilssrjr, pr. Stnls SDVtr.l llwnari.Bt anvanlama. II liaa w.ll Ideunrtd eitibllljr for hMllhlulutat, bal.f Jt hava been located In each county. . . mssnsu csiiwiuisw tar uBBiiniuiiiatatar. natiataw . ntc.i. Bald return and plst thill be from lb. islsrailtltal hvtrs eoatmeait tksrit.r . ti w awtan.asi oi sectt stssntoal Hyfnf n ths CslsnUa and Willsmttl rlvtrs tat. low lbs faUs, aad tbss sbots will atssl tt tab plus. TU(TION. Primary OapsruMil.., MM lllfbsr Eath wudki, JJg lataiusars, smsdo, od orsamtaUt brtaths IOjM B'stsWiJMaVssitt. H. CU.RK, aatrsttrv. Orspa Ctlv, Msy , 1811. TisT turned by a intlorily of iho comml.ttn.. ers, and iho luryeyor of ssld road, and forwarded lo ihe Secretary or tha Terri tory within sixty diyt after the vlsw and survey of tho same, to bo by hint reoorded and pjctorved. Thty shsll alto, within slxiydayt aa i aforesaid, deposlio In the or. fioo or lh olerk or Ihe board of oounly commlsslcners or eaoh county through .vtt.