. r- i r 1 ' "y w - lavs, 4 Is-"-"-v. Lv If I'll 6h HEGON i , . . J t;i5 L; ' 1 I II Ml If I 1 . W-MtMi"Mk'i faeaaaBkwj 'Bow aw M J I BBH I ff bbI 1 raaaY v ana TaVaam'vnfama lB1 'Hi i wi I I ""av Bt'"'w'Bl' i:i r rr- -r?jjr 'i 7S2."" i;- ..Ml fc sU.I.W- ijt tftXT flMM fat y I). J, HCIINICBI.Y, KUirOR.) Vol. fir? WriMM WW-i ifjgAiftJiftuwHfcmim Tmta&Bjava'3xxijaztKafttxMMiKrnzL-i?r9. W.tt4wr4 the Mw.ffMpire UkM li way rv Mra tmrmjt 'aruuuu. iatnwniri9itwiUAHu rjtTj hi wx cgriwuTCrtr j Ti t TT. ff T ".TTrTlflf'llHr ft ?,?$ Oregon City, (0, TMJiunsday, July 3, 1851, TH M!V aiJCTATfmi' " ' A WKBKLY HEVaTArK, MTrrt T Tt MXiU NCIIIl AS UTUUI mum or m raeru MaaWrt Mti tefrrealatr. TKKMrt. mVAlUILY tltiliVAKCC. Oas avny, r annum. atf M rorslsmonlhe 4 00 AIlVMTIIlnc). OlMlUf(IIIilHISf !")! lawrtlata, HII..H , i...d oo r'srsnryaaVUlleael laaaruss) .... I 00 . A UIMSI IMUIMUUH nM M JIMIT HmiMW AWdeiMwthaUir(W (Hrsssss. Il U.woemil.lmmolblaatall (Invito be anlnutHiMyandchearful. Sfckneti, sorrow and dieatier aro, more or leu, tlm lot of eyery bamaa being. Thero are, likewise, tltnwaM aoaeonawiien II it al 4J,muMlmym mrt'h-aWMr moat Impaaeilnla taJaHr OJso'a aplrlta, ad mMm Uw auufta, stksrwas) todb inai nsar aliaislasln salami lnnaW' HMkHl 101 Until ' " ' i ..,. 3u Ji ,7-7 7 .i, , " . " ,..; ' ad. 'A 'lUiWSalll'W kVHM' -TftMITiirjr WWliBWWaK: 1. U Miaa. li , U fsnaral uaat far Ui ( r U lit Tsnilntr, and la authorised I reealV .afibHa.aisr. Tlaey will naslta sub. oi ouilnae aneiyaao: eiBlia, or om -wnirUaMkwlutdcilwRitiiurorw. dull and murky alntoaehere." Thero From lias ranaavlranlaKoijulrar. lMIoofljr '! Casoarlartra.ee. tm aomswui caacu. - Bwool CbMtfulJMi. WkM ft, lib IvIaUlag atu. la a ! clnr, Wm a'MtfU oltb aattM, tUt U ! bumm tipuiwuy, juiy They ahould lie clieorful n wall or ihrfr " ' Cilry Ufe. own pleaaurr, at for the iitlifietlon, tn- '" How often do we hoar country Utile joymentandoontrntmentofthabouathoM bewailing llielr lat, complaining if the ciroie. i.iie, in n urn cononionj nai monoiony oi a country hip, ami eiirvlnt aorrowf, dloattera and vlclnltudea' lha( tlio drdiny of tucli of tlicfr cualnlnc are unaroidatile, uui If, In tery'perv aailva In the lunnoii andricllemcntoi a venenrtf. wo infuannreciato our uomrbrM lowol Would our fair reader but or and our Moulnga If, In mere liIm,'ca-Jjilore lha rich trtaiure of rational and price, or em temper, we aro pinonrjr, on-' pure enjoyment mat are aa proiuwiy teat. qull and unhappy, the comefiienoea wilt tered around a country houie, they Would not only ! dltrrmn In our own felteli bo moroar.t to condole with them than en- ty, but tothat of all within our Influence; Yji' their aiitera of the city. Our object, and who look on to ut with affection' and In thete ptc, will be to awaken In your rtapeet. Cheerfulnen. we ropeaf, la ' inlndt an Jntereat in the rartooawerkaof flnuo," that ahould be Muldualy MMOoni nature, aOlblaWttewora(Na.yoii Vto tUBtlytlaUd inoreryeaaJdAiaiJrUrop Jirect joaripiUmM )oo irdiia aa Mtot baaat-tw i.l rcii4 far H nww4rUllf u Uw Ai M. I'ou, H. (, Uwtt eeaaty. T. I'. I'nwaai, CtaUap cawily, O. T. (Jan. AfMMTar It ;, Uivgaa city. CoCt'H aV Co , faltlklKl. J. II. .MCui, I'. M.MaUm. tf. AtU, Aitoria. :. M.Wiunaim,Ctwhkm. A.J.IUaiata,Ma,YaailluL r. Dif, f. Uae c Ity. '' .. . Jeaira , Afl. Month af Mry'arir. A. bun. . llltUlMDMb. JMUIV mmt wm .wvmj 1. W. N.rra. N W. II.iKim, llalMtUh JtM Arrwatra. Vrnmaa Vattrjr. tHto. Rotiar Niwilu ClitniM( fltvn A- I.mnut, IjkIIibiuU. CKhinn, lloia)eMtHy, J. U. Ileuiu. TMifia Cllr. J teat Com, HirraM. Uaa eoaniy. K. Baitnw, I1wmI UUI IN-tOKc-, IWnloa Clr. Ntk( (iit, K.llf, ColamUiMirr ' J..' Wllllll, NMnillh'a MUb, IV4k tMkl), W'lLUtN DllLO, ('UMBIttl. la moreover, aaaaoa fur rll thbigf," and II I nernaiM, well ocoaalonalty. lu be calm, thoughtful and contemplative. Yet In h general aenao, and M'a rule of con duct, wa havegrcet faith Igciirtarcwwu. We regard II aa one of the brigbteat and nnal ooromendable of the gentler rlrtuea oue that, like a ray of aunahlne, adorna and baautlflet every thing It louche, glM and glorlfiea tho human countenance, and It a itolden and holy emanation from tho buoyant and Imputyvn heart within. iiuw rwKniiai lu mo iiuuirnuiu uucii' it ciititnr uLr! (How like tho toicn of tliomornlnir Urk blllh, tray and mount. lug U tho frro liuph of linioccnio and oulli! jpffanr. Tor the Hrctitot AMTOKIA. tl tmoooii J. rcatuax. Adxut AMMitt Tbm po m wtll aad wMcly kaawa la tvw ' lltw eTtra la Biy ko)hooj" nwir i- I've dwell lih wwdr m lb fil-etf tttttt Ptaicted by each bardf IrafalWru WaW mptatiooa, which all human bclngi are morn or leu lUWi". iOMtror.Mai ;y aw.'rwy.aj evi . aM.L rvw Miirucat) CosriUKicc. Janet d In general a good huthand and a domr-illo man. Occatlonally, however, hit convl. vial lattet betray lilm Itilocicrmri which havo tubjeclcd him more t'latmncn to the illclillne of Mra. A fnw nluhti incn he waalntllrd to "participate'' with a few frieudi al l'lorcuco't, by way of celebra. Iliiff a pioceof cood luck which had befall. tn ono of liia iieiuhliort. He did "par. Iicipate," and tn Tiii uMrr attonliliinent, lien Imi rone l lk lui li-avi, at tin v eo iliofl mur ayont tho twal,' he found the largrtfljrick in hi hat hn ever lav, In. iImiI Wn un lif.sp.1 fri raniinrtr Kntilnrtllniit. And how difficult It i l eeem'iy .. f,,nI(, Mr. Jone, jou Mere neor dull, weary and deprrHd, with audi a r,i0 L llghl before.' uunuoi iiuinr .io..uiy iiKiK . ,. .i,, .,. i,,., .I..II,l- iLm.... a. '.........- T """ .'-V..V-. ... ".'" V" .." j ! :,7.,.r'- route which n. auv thinir I oiM'aoara tl litery beuulioiiiciriieaiiouiuiio(;iaiiieii WraTaaa'Jll?Wwt'aa1WnBayMaM .bim anrnti: to ino nowera wnicu ooeb with their thouaand huet tho aunny lnk and tlMtfeitllemeadowa, (lie parched heath and tho rippling brook J and, ajovo all, to leach your thoughta !o attend from uo aJmlratlon nf thi creature to the eon. templatlon oftiaa Creator, and in all your olxervation of llio wofkt of nature, "to look lhroup.li nature up to nnture'a God." Kacli aeaaon b3aitalorieaand ill won dcra. I'irat cornea Spring. Animated by hr genial breath, the wliolo face of na. turo changes; that which i now wrapped in tho ploom and aleep of winter, will uon awake to renewed lifn and tigor, and all thit will tale place at firtt klowly and gradually. Now, then, i the time to com menco jour oUenatlont, before the mill. iinciiy oi ouicL'tB uiKiracis jrour oucn. Oiftaihj l.&abti.lfcvat aieIfiABiAi 1'iMi mini : livrii phi au iincin jwm iut,9i uu limit BtfjuircB hattl ofolncrvtng ; not merely Tub Ncw.Mr4-W. 'tori MitM' lowlnff from lhtivanh nftka ttwf Ami. nlnsll nn mAtimtlnMM -M or. while fpeaklaa: oai.lbo aobaoli : . i ... - u mailer, in wboae naoda printlag la one Powerful agent of publlolaetruotloaaJ tW nretent time, moat wo Jbnei aiwiOaOfra. Whether wo regard them ail tajVM echo of popular opielooaai a they partake of bolb i toat Inamaxament ad aalrabialMawllaV and nujUlirrfaaaaaleaJlaaAaaT bUiMMi ordtr. a cUaaWwaaWaaii nuantltraod thai tho day, Ita rtleMa acMioo M M wit and Inatrud tta whh tMr arWaaa."" TbeySixhibti tho brlltloooy afll taaaatt achular, and tho cloae aeoreMof iwmtb ingofibalojicuui. ItbaaeaalayiajM lu (tsclf. It reviews all booka, and ! raaf of at! ..'lence: It b aamTHor "mX fteography, and at home In all hietuiy.i i It is iKdipua to read the riddle whickoro. rv political anhins may oat before .ft.'"1 It direa Into cabinet tecrela, and aatioifOMO the purpoaea of statesmen. It baa law hundred eyea of ever wakeful Argise, law hundred handaand fifty heads of OriartaaV And aa omnipreaec: aa omnladent,, ad ubioritous aa veraatlle. it la' hero, there. and every where, from Indus to tfco Vo, from China to Peru, compawing too worm with Its correspondents and wjlhliaei lresies, and lha electrlo telegraph racing against time to communicate its Intelll." litlaiice liclMreiitlic poi . (mally, but by a of looking and oftering, but of intimately, Knco of" mankind in erery regioa) of lha ung but the .horteft ' narrowly obmnj: ; for b autircd that earth. Th3 aonlenta counted up tat'OB ointi, not, liowerr, j r.n obwrant I'nlypliemua, with hla solita. , wonders of the orld. t K tbey had poo- '. i t. i... ..i r..i eq aou maoe ."'"'" iwlihoul haviim rxiwritnced crv tonahl-'av -ye. olt winsome splri I At I me., we iiuniii, tnc rniu a,IcTIllwu lh, rPl:rHm, lic, one day than an iinobwnant Argui, wilh ottaina far more information in patlv lA.t a,nl iiia lltrlit lausli tuav aeciii ' .. . ' . ' ,t ' i ..,..'( I . i .. - i.i ?..i. I. i " if", , .." I tf awailru llini iroin .TIM, Jilirs. IH' B uw liunim tjra, in hiiuic iiwuiii. 1119 ,ui ui ", ' ,,-Jf iff .. Ill luck that iiighl, was .Mr Jonc, borring aurpritlng liow jour Intrreata in yourcUl UIO.UI .UUI.. mcu,, .. -""," ulnaVH liii priuiil ttanKrcsion; ho got ly alk will Uo tncreaaeu, when you nave chase away moody thoughla ana fancied mo -Mi hn fgllm i.j, Mav illto T,i, K,ned an Irsight Into tlm hi.tory, tho grlatrancM, Iho tendency, the influence , wi( , ..akinK .' creature, ' ut, and tho vanou. objecti nhich you cannot but be for Bond. Ju vouhb wives .. ,f. t...:.... i.i.im.., ;!. 'u.ll .i l...i nn ,,. mi rviiii m inniikf. jiiilt viu.iiih in I ...w. '-... .v .n, .v .. wv.- fand young hustanda, ilm duly, the (njticy, tlm beauty and the propriety 01 citacarui.. Kara cannot be loo earnestly urgeu. oucn ' favored mortals" should commence their matrimonial career with a determination to make each other happy, nay,, to rsndtr llatir UtUo hoata a refuge 'sjai baven at door, he cautioutly paused, to give thanks for tho "comririico undcfilod which se cured lo Mrs. Jones tho aound and re. freihing tliimbers which had prewntod her taking notice of his arrival. Heine satisfied that all was right, he proceeded to removo bis IntegumenU with aa much aataaa anete.' - . 1 . . .i .. iu... i.j-i''c 'wuu: ; jiuaaiBBiLaBiBBBavwivL,-:i. . -w . .i'2 iMiaiaaiiiBennmiirtfirirrtiimngnrira irnnri aBaHHBBB iBK. H MB BB mmamt K Ml .BMk.K. ljt...JA. . 7r Ill .BBH'TTTT.dBBBBBBBBBKi.BBHw mHBBBWT ' ' ' W.. " - MidBMBU aTaafBaaaaaaWBamaaaaaMLiMaaaaajiMJi-iaaafia 'm rirL aljaapaaf im ." m .rra xmmmMMmjsmsw m&i ajay I - ' WUailuaaajwrl 1 . Diaw swsj o-waj-a-- -j 1 la tus rtmelwl cIiidm) Ikfjr talk tt lbr. AaJ dtf at Ihetf art a larf and aWt city ' Anmnd tb tnAU rainy a Hlulrr alfhi, Thl yauthfnl eeftr pibf r, whil tba uU AaJ waywnra vayapi nlaloa U mtott Oar Iran md I UtU llwm f a 0U rivrr. Whx watn wah Ibjr banka, wln-t ba) M brand. Tb' MolwJ nntlra if lha mU inljlil nil I Awl bow lha (aUt anbnou, Kaluia't Luln lapa in Iba aunthma ! tf n, plU. did I tbiuk Walk) a bay, that aval I abauid Mad Thy sward, Aatarial and that I arranld Imk a BUjr nddanad nwinorina ilh thy nama. Uat'ao lb y (U-lH-J bilk, olu t lv laM, la griaf and tenia, say tlnl-born, alorline; boy ! And all lha spats me rattd npon with ph-aaiira, Saam now but la itinin.1 ma af my Im. With pnda auch aa a falbar uoljf faab, 1 Isvad to gat nn lilin and la IhluL Haw swaal wruld lx Ilia lima wbra he tvM Iwp My n,anw, and thine, Aalatia I Hut lha Iroulltd inc UrVt ml lha ell luatill lu rnliia wataai And Ha HharshntJ lh Loinamua waiiaof (laklaa, llaa kindly lolJ ua that tba waU of llraten Are dackad wilh infant charubat Hbalt wn wrap I all wt a4 ralbar bow full low lo Him, Who calls aa wban b I11U, and wh baa ta'rn Our darilaj ens far from a wotM of aln, Ta)oia in llrartn the concert of Iba blaat I Failarr T wi Jmt " Adlau ! la Ibas, Aatarial nay Iba bmta That winds among thy IrlH aa swsatly, ftand fotlb a filling mnilf m for eur boy. Thy acme 1 are changed ta iua Iho" I could with Te kwk upoa tba aa In bavkasd'a dayi , Yal all thy gtorlra, all thy erat romanca, Kara changed, far ma, b stem reality. Adlau I all strive to render Bona tbo tras aoaiwta and centre of those calm, tranquil, refined and virtuous enjoyments, whioh should congratulating hlmselfth'at he was In bed, and that his wife did not k try walk can be devoid of interest to a ininn uciirous 01 actuiriiiK iinuiinaiiuii. You 'vill ovor bo meeting with something new rO excite jour admiration, ever fall, ing in with .something fresh, to imparl in struction and lo oflbrd amusement. These ooemtry walka will (rive vigor to the mind, aad health to Ibe body ;. that whioh is loo aisaaVjMBjg" l"'iV'wt'liyg il r'.l f(t-ke eaasalee ia tho.opan air, and the result will be a buoyancy of spir. !t. and a llzhtness of heart, and a cheer. fulness of temper, which all your poor ...... -....I. a h.I a tt tiAits nrnfifttta fnr. sesatd a newspaper prcaa. they would bate had an eighth, more marvellous and of moro worth than all the rest together. " TjicTa roa VfxtfU.U will not dolo hoe a great field for little crops, aor to mow Iwentv acres for five loads of kar. l'.nricli the land, and il will pay you for 11. ncjier tarm twenty acre wan, man fifty by halves. , , In dry pasturrt-dlg for water oa Ike brow of a bill t sorlnn-s aro MM frsMSMst near the aurfaeoon a height than la a tab, Tho foot of the owptr k Uo.boat amv nure for land. It is beat W eat trala' ateli asi;aBOcraaa.U Wroa, raiaai at tZA T,mwwi Off ear" caleaaffi to bo a asra tkor RaPf Ot or arasiaffasl fesaetko mCLi-ff.'. f nr.w.soetalsi pblkJsasMrar, tre40fTriM SZtSi: aax b wosjUj fall Wm OMoatlaatl SoSaSaal lwMingiiBnjuieerafxtrasM4,rtaaajaj avasjsasysBjBi bo cot. FovtWo tkereia oiiiaiillla aTaawl ; aWaatotaW of iclce lo the ear. Every hoar H alaawk hMajilMaV il after this stage, ia attended with loaa.. Of kW sNaaK'. Obtain gora seed, prepare yor ground oa ajaMaae; ksai.l w.ll. nrlv. andnar no allenlJaa to tsMaWsajMb CsB Baa ' ' now how long I IA k..l IAH .1. M It .U.......A.I 1. I. ill. fllMt IIU I1NU .nVII IllfH, IIUVIUIHU .' ...... .... .... .. 1. i. u illll IIU. LI BII.C III. IW.IIIUII '..t .......--..-.-, .. . .. .----- ' .. . . .. . . hate birth and being only wtimn tno Horio . j m, ( ( f ,,,, ,;,, , ,,,. nu ttalk, ia, r.,r, ,0 pr0r,ire. well, sow early, and pay no auenuon 10 01 conmience, trannneas, aiteci.cn in.y Indulging. To prevent auch u the moon. . teem Arc there no; some 1 husband, and ( hcwUed to turn over Ho j A UriARBLr Womax -Tbo N.ila. Accounts should bo kapl deta lio- tho some wives, young well a. old who , , lf nccomplMbe,! hi. purrljA," American or TriJay savs: rxpen.and products of each field, aeenttotakea plcoauro in being fretful nowobliced toue thevl1t.11 sue ' S. . "".A"lt , ,'., Vcm When an Implement Is no longer wanl. and peovlshj who arc for day. and for . JH S";,: J""" AVw fd PlTT ' ' "V Me' ecks, moody, silent and morose; hJl.'L.L ,1.,, cltknU-r of hts domestic P"i sl widow of Capt. Andrew ilson, but let it be ivell cleaned, who thus are not only discontented them. .,7 .,.'"' ' 1' "' "' h ., , consigned to ilie gravo in I ,ne street Cu,vite your heart aright aa well aa solves, but who render all about them , ' '"'.'"..V n ' 1 '.a X I., tone, lit cliurth .,,ril- '" r" ,aJl,,(f"! u ,,cr f!"'.cr- )" """ i nd remember " whatsoerer Arc there not wine who hate periodical , " ' ' 1 . "" oul "f Z 7, . ' U v" ,,r-. "rn",1r1rtl t ,T,h1c. w".rlri,,'r 'an noweth, that .hall he also reap." t.. r i..l ..la..llvwl.i na. l ' imrron Ml 0.1 ol in; ten. ., - 0 j ani ,uj Bors,;.m lu .ine . ' - , . u r Mw.i-. ttim m . . . ...,. ,.h. .... .. .ww.v .v v... I'll'.... i.,i. .'.. . , l.....l. I.,, ,,. .. aH , .A v.n ,,,, i,Iiri ClllllL'll WVIUIU .11 "Ml WI lliu ,v.u sumo lobe wretched without tbo slightest cause who wear a constant frown upon the brow, and rriol overythlng like life, vivacity at some oentl iblt their husbands are compelled by the Vim yimVf dnnd titan through alrni cliurcli before the war of the rovo lilt iota and ever shut ; that when ill Itritf.lt held tH)ieion of Philadelphia During 1 they not milt contt-rtrd Mr. Wilson's vlu.Miv a.,,! nrm.1 humnr f A ro there mil . PlLVCK MlM.Su IX Mexico.- .. . .. . t.-.l- . iI.a 1 ItiMl . n.iv.tnii. In Muti.i.li nil entie wives, nno, acapno 1110 inci m.-jii in,.w,.u,.iiii..iii.. .... .Ir l.,..l..n,l m Y.nitv.lled bv the tlmrillrs, there wus txtrutted from all llie neceulllek of the case to loll asalduouily mines 111 Mexiro, wit or lo tho taliie of .corner of (Jeorc nu d South streets, to ac and arduously, day after day, tear after ' c":w,t"UHW wluel. is a pretty tonsiucra. ' cuminodate llntiah jilhiers; that, once voar. wilhtba obiui.1 of inatiiteji'iiii! are. bio amount ; ami from this it may be 111. juiIhil' will her hu'jainl, Mrs. Wilnou -m ....... --. ,..- . ... . ., II.. . . I 1 be killed by eatins too much Brain Keen notes of all remarkable events 00 tour farm; recording even your errore "- ,, , ,, ii ,,1 win 00 01 uencin. cliuri-ti into n amine, inn eipcne.i nersen 1 Qne animal well fed is better than two nuil lamiiy troni ner iiweuiug aouiu-ensi noorlv kent. . r i" . o ...... ...Ani ... "i .n.il.1nn.Itmiliianrieiv.niidiirotidiiiL! furred thai, (.oiililthecoutitrt cniny undis. the comforta of social and citlllitudexi.t.i untied lratiiiiilily, ami all its imlu.ltiul cno for the cherished onrn at home, vconi operalioiis and tnltrprisei be ade.unttly in.r.lr irvil,lnii like a nroner sense of protected and encouraged, tlm amount ""..' ." .' ,1. 11 :..:.!.. 1- ... 1 ......111.. i 1. rrunu tv 1'sEiniiT. Such ol our mer- rl.m.t. m.J others who are in the habit of wiix cnplurrd on llie IiikIi sea and taken rrochinir poods from tho North, and fall prisoner 10 Jaiunvin, wore her forcout will l0 n.o tho precaution to measure Iho pack. uml lutiguugo otnilcd to protect a good npCs in whioh they are put up, before pari 01 ner prupent. jib inigiii unir ia)jng Irelgr.t, are olten mane to pay appreciation, and lo exact as a right, all might I and wonl I bi greatly increased, added that the was in the receipt of two inll.u Qt ,nuc, as the bill of lading could . . - .'.. 1 .1 : ... A ...I If il - f lk..lL..lu .!!... ... . t r ..... ." I , o..... .1... . mi . w 1 ttiat la provided and none, wntic wiry ni ',u " i"--inni- ( ' .u-vuivi. r pcusioiii iruni ink iu-ih'iui unu oiair.iv imilv demand. Tho "oods are measured tho samo timn miirinur anil arc "out 01 rccriiuy m v-uiuuiuin, .u nun um rrnmnu temper" heoauso nv.ro Is not acooiupltsb. to Iw us rich ns the) are suppostd to 1 c, mtorct -d? Tbnv foruet that one of their dulek the consequence will neucrcnt rediiutiiui laketch to is to encourage and lo theer, and Ihus ttiVin the pnen or that mineral. It will fall imt her Mrvnglh of character was uiuf. M 0 the consignee. If the thing were manifest a proper sense, as well of respect no two thirds or onn.half the present prico; ffctc,l by cars; thai the carried to life's nol 0 8Uch frequent occurrence, and the its : that he kept up nu unbroken al t,e North, just before going on board of in nil political ulliirs, nnd could ,c ship undeitliersocarelessly, ignorant lot be lifo prominent Klliiciaiis: ly, or frauduienlly.aslocntailheatylou. inlfesla proper sense, as well of respect no two thlnla or onn.half the present prico; alTtclion. They know little or nothing and should this lake place, then ailter A Dutchman, on being called upon lo help to pay for a llthtnlng rod for the vll. lage church, toward Iho building of which ha had liberally subscribed, oxolalmed 1 I have helped lo build a house for de Lert, "and Ifliaohosed lo donderon Hand knock it down, ho mutt do II at hla own rlak." t LA ateam engine wolg?iing only 'mariri,of ai owice, la balog exhibited n ;YorValro)ln fullmollon. 7tlalulendod for 'iWJreai-BxhlbUlon, and haj been mad by in loftnlui workman In Saddle, worth., . close, unchanged bv roillnrt with new miint Iniohed. In inanv.cases aooner. of tho carea of the outdoor world, and ihcy lores, that aro loo Kr loyuldn reuiuncr. grneralions, the peculiarilira formed in the 0U1 wc ,10uld strongly Incline lo the be. are unmindful of the hallowed obligations sting amount 01 him momi, win uvcrana crit naysiuour isn.i nnu 1110 moai normy jCr that il was ..trtly the result or aoot .e.....-l a su.ll.1 .HAlrtn... mttnm li inli.aliln. and this new Hullreo ol melalio I vl nf nor litnlnrv. ana wna a char. tolls of lha day la rarely thought of. A w alth tt ill add, porhapa 910,000,1)00 lo JsViVl at once so unique ami resolute, dial , word of approbation, a imilo of encour. iho acgregato amount of silver raNed 1 so' the would hate been a treasure to 'no ge. 1 agemenl, aro doalt out spa'ingly, coldly, I that tho whole will not lull ant thinr short, nlus of Waller Scott ; ami we could not and aa favors. Sour looki, sharp words oftS 10,000,0011 per annum, Iho tranquility allow her to ps from niVijng us without and hitler complaints ore by 110 means , of thocouulry being pre suppocd. jthls tribute loliermon.or) rare. Should Mexico tield 10,000,000 per Alaal for Iho folly, the madness, the annum, Hie annual quantity raised on this ScTitsi and OiiDrrtA-Amottg tho wickedness of such a pollov I How surely continent might be assimicu ut onu nun,. 1 means of domestic caniPir thero is scarce. ..... .' '. 1 . n.w. II... .1. I.... I I.I.... II, . . i . UUU. dent ; but under existing cirdumttanoea, no cannot persuade ourselvrb that II il not, fur llio mo t par", tho'worliof dealgo. N. O. Crcitcnl. u 111 fa .l.tatauva nmiitilnnnn ami UnnLnlt ni fucllon ! How siKiedily will it dispel the not bo sufficient lo maintain tho equilibri 1 11 unvi iiiv 1 ' ' ..... --,- in 11111 11 1 1. 1 iii.'i ,iv,m'ii iiiii.i in...- mi '-. at r e 1, and render um hetwccii gold nnd niltcr, as now elab. mt much of llicir well boing depends on Instruiuent .Manufactory, a fe osen spot, tho ' lished, should California continue to fur- ,ilc arlli.le intemled for our daily and nce, wherojie was ahown Ih I priceless en-1 nlh the enormous quantities of the first, mniy tup A lilllo ntltntlon to' Ihcso l'raer engraved In a apace a Hut this prodiiil, large as il k will jT uy M, imjiortant us what ii household siiiiiciciii in iiiniiniiiii mo rijuuiiMi. iiiriuliirc : most persons must nave leu fond dreams of happiness, ar heme anv thlnif but the chosen duirUliMl Aiin-n of true and Dr celess en. . nisli tho enormous quantities of the lirtl, ,,,,.liilv ....v. -". . - " -- -- ' . . . . ..f.---- ioymentl And ao again on the othcr'aa ahnlias done lor Iho last two jenrs ; matters U of moro consequence than ma. hand. A moody husband will never make 'and that she will, nnd more, niuuy belie to i,r persons bvliete; kicpiug up oppear. a happy wife. SSrowne may bo met by I and beliove, t.x, that tho supply will be a'nur n iihln reusnnslilp hmiiuls is a terj smiles at first, buTa chango will soon ' permanent that is, il will Inst for an in. auJahIcimdeator. Appearances are, In conic a ohango that will lio attended by idelinllo numlier of yiars and ccrialnU fir tllJy respects, realities; children bro't, atperlly and harshneu, or disappointment I a great many. 11 this be so, inen sihoi ,, ,, P conducted home, it hero they and despair. There must boa mutual understanding n mutual uetonninaiinn to bearjatld lorbcar a mutual desire and effort to please. The toiling husband ahould bo greeted al nlght.fall gladly, oheerfully, lovingly, by llio anxious, Iho confiding, Iho aSeollonatt wife. Smile ahould ba met by smile, kindness by kind. neat, frankneaa by frankneu, and lovo by love. This la Iho only aafo rule, the only wiaa pollov. The peevish and fretful at home, will soon become the discontented and, unhappy. They will find themselves nagloded, if, not derided and despised. I ni..l rlun In t nil.,., nr mitil nn.Kt fnll. wliirll ....... .!.. .Imlf n. lun nf Wt. n ........ ..-.. .............. .-... . urn vll IJ 111. nti.ii 'i ...ww. w"v., h for (Il practical purposes, is immaterial. fH tasteful tasei or other ornsmenls, or And when this disturbance gets lo bo in. pictures 011 tho wall, ilean curtains and contcnient and embarrassing, tho wise, b'.inds, nnd well iwept carpels, look upon men who maku nnd unmake llie laws 11111M ihrm all as realities, and without know inc set themselves to work nnd cojuro out a.tl ,),ry grow up with aconlctlon of their renieuy lorine 0111 wnen u rumen, uui valur, nnu in most cases provo it, 0' think it is now on us ; others iiiiiik not. Wo aro In doubt ourselves n hellior It it or not. JV,SV. llrprrst. OCT Thai must be a tery foolish, rash cdfth ttifi water when it it raining hard, y keeping their own household in order. A propor and becoming (attention to appear nnees li often a tt arrant for truo resnecta. billty of character, and it Is sometimes said that ou neter really know people woman, who will put tubs out doors o till you have seen what their In.door life A Good Hit. Tho Cincinnati limit opens richly in the joke telling line. The ioll6wing anecdote of a skinflint la not badly dono t t A certain tight-fisted old codger of this city nappancii 111 at rosier a rnuoaopnicai lew week the Lord'a about Iho sire of a five cent pieoe, with which ho was' very muoh pleased. Reluming home, ho related tho circumstance to hie family, and a prodigal (?) aou coming "(nto iho aitting.room, the following ensued 1 aiy son, would you suppose mat tno Lord'a Prayer could bo eusravod in' a space no larger than tba area of half a dime I ' Well va, father, II a. halfdune la as large In every body 'a eyo a it p lo yours, I think there 'would bo no dlnaculty In putting il on about ear tout." 'J ' J' Vi Iloraoo Greeley saya the ataga la a by. gone atiair mat tno nwpaper,,iaa ly. ccuin, and the publlo mcli.g,.).ave etta plantcd it. It 00 longer a powef, toir mr of opinions, or a rultrof the awh(. iuui7 presoatsfc' aivlaaaiiUl aanaJaiiala kaatanlM Saf wassnanvvvai vssssansnisa ' ratloi:TfakaMte sjaaaaav tvaMb aaHtaawi BooraJtMo mmmm I temple or, wUdeoeaa. aoarHoa aa- traoasaada of lofty iiliajaaal.'tmt wUaaawatteaatai sV ww aw aMalByaal wfky 9LWm cruBiaaaag Ma) coanJaut) BB aW any weHt'-aarl"; defwoeoMaaktaa:). laatH wp laaasjaaMaraj pie. but aa aridifaay aolkuJia.' ifwill man watvla UaaVr ofhisfelUsr.aiaralkajii and itnaea nta awiaaty, of national Wilwy aai la iho trwa aary trlaMi ana atuaea trw eratkmtoasMiasoait sxmulaj oa" rta, owm; tome degryo 'reeeaiag, whichxivortakaatlMai of historiaaw Irsatstilw i. lASKKXmA UITI Tbo tsaMMaf patroa n araaoa the ioynyva.aa rirMkaaEfaVai sW-w'lliBs' yaJeittsl: taravreT'tf'i live c sxawttvw Otr', Mai old adage,MbalWkMMIa mlsohlef. CalMroai and If litaWeatlj'i diaelMMMMMI aver littlo aali whiea taeyarw'i they ahaaU ataaj andothof iat MMsaltat W ll :?j MfaM'l aa Ml ir"i-"l ! ! "II. lV5 ,.1 NWm " 4. . tfl 4. ..-ySSyi tw:-.?-'',iia