Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 26, 1851, Image 1

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    i 1m
. .la.tr .. ..IrjtaaJa
- -- (..
ii Bl4Jtti
! 4 M kwc4lkaMl
----? -
j-a.'vayjv .- garrjayrctet errytjMi'aettyf ;
i. j. HCiiNr.m.v. KDiron.)
!,t&ii ;
'- "axeVrflaxtl .'eMaWlaxew'' "' "
'xr taxanaxaxaaxaatfi. v-Va'Txaaxar -TTS P-
MmSmfiF" 7lW
fl ttl I j lfl 11 m I "txxaaaa I'bblJ Am vm 1 miflN
k" eBB "" r r 7h t"" , BBxaaaaeaaaaaxxaaaaaa- -p-- Ar. - .-,
- 3- ittT-J
ttrTiitara or Tim rtorut at aiuoa.
art 11 orr, Proprietor.
' eopy, par aoiuin...
" fofaliuwnlha
.. V 00
.4 00
Oneaqiiare(l8liaeaoe lea)l Inaartkiaa,
each g!l 00
Pat evary additional inaartloai ,. 00
A liberal dedawUnn wade I yearly edrrrtlaera.
Tba awnbac of luearllene nraat Ix dMioctt
walked an Ida margin, otherwk ihy will Ik
mrajtbned till forbid and charted eeeecdlatly.
Agetsfi far Ibe ajpt'Caalor.
The Wtiitrlnj patentee ia airlharUad U aat u
Aatate for Ihehuaatalef. 'I'li'jr will recede auk-
a and advert
Mm. Kii
earuaMue im airtnMrmeiMa lot na.
J, la. Mm, K , Ie (nial a nl fur lha Hpea-
let In lha Trrrilarv. anil la aniborlied la rccelte
and taceipt tnf all money i teieiiag t iita anira.
A M. I'os, Kan.. Olympia, lte manly.
T. r.,ri, (.lalntii rtrjlity, 0. 1'
firaiAariastm 4. t'x,'.iefucil)
'..ii;W a, Co, railt.w.
J. IK M'I'uk, I'. M Haleni
Clan. Autia, Aeta;la.
U. ,M Wii.atairi.(:iieheirm
A.J.IIicr,r), Vamlllll
V. Dt,. iJnn city.
JoetrM t' Aaar,ai, Month af Mary 'enter
A, Kvuca, ra, IlilUbamnah.
I. W. Nteami, .Veemlih'e niilU, I'olk rumr
Jaa ArnauiTi, Unnua ValUjr
W. II, Kara, UulanllV
Roiiit NaoiLi, Chatiiimag.
Ilaru k Liatiiia, LitrkiainuU
K. F. HaiNhra, llahion raunty
J.I). lloLMta, I'arlAc I'Uy.
Xitoi I iiara, HyracikM, IJnn rmiotr
lltltrow, iiaini inu r.i iii,c, iifuiun
f NaTHta Olkt. Dallrt. (Viiniljla Hrrr
JaHN WAIMlat, Nafmllli'a Mtw, Talk rjf,ty
nitutM iiiiujw, i ammaii.
Vat lha HpartaHr
C'tiaali) IMnlu.
Tha ('barta iaaka ara wtuia Kitli Mwm,
I'half atavy fatlay, warm ami b
Waa catca a laka iu ilaya of i4J,
llut mw'i (try lam auJ )irluia gntit,
lia narlh'WrM coniai'a yrry iirb,
TliayAaJaMnagvUar'irraa'aflliayd'tcb ,
llrtan with iraaa aaUueaily laral,
1'ainl Willi alala aa4 ftajr wllbfiatal.
Ia arirt)4iu( aaka alal laftf (kna.
Hbada lha tampa all o'ai lha mlaea ;
Trmt aanh'a tout uuartara.yaunf aaJ rxJ,
In Iryion' coma lu ftjt of (ol 1.
Ilrra ara aboui ihrta lhauaaiid man,
Aadacarrrly ryoui for na in tan
'Jlif) hara a law far rath man' cl4in,
Which haUitiv lnl or wtittaa nam
lUrh man inakra hla owj aurray,
Tanilr4wUlaor aqntra aarh way
!l alfrw xi far at ivary rlrUa,
ll inakra hu rliin oua third tvw wije
A,. amna flrfy lha lawful rutat.
An.) hold Iwa rlainii ty ailraflaala
And tliu kataul inait) a ponr man.
Vy araiia uld l,uTrl, Mck, ar !au
Clu.l. Imii'4, .Ma) I, IbM.
A tKKk.
I wanld hava a ranila nvaalan
liva in, oh, huw landtrty t
All hr fudduaaa loving fuudoaia
Hha aliouM latWi upon ln.
Mia alioukl lota with an ardor
r'aw kata avrr fall Ufora
la in daarJy lora w darpl) ,
Thl aha could not loia ma mora
I wanld ha nwrat danitllilaf ifird
(Tola her I'd warn la ba
I would lua hat yaa, I'd haya her
Taka a rtrlda lu loviiif ma.
Corttaj ihf ibould fondly think ma
Common morta!a far abova
Thluk na aumalblnf oonaeijoiodal
Homathlof worth be r vhlla la lara !
Stir. mlhl know I had my faihnp,
I f tar thaaa iha lot'd ma If ai
Sha ahaulj think llirm fondly Ihlnklham
lltaranly ylrtuca In eicaaa.
Fha m'hl amlla on all around bar,
Vat I'd haya bar mindful be.
That aba alwaya alwaya, ajwa)
(iiva her awaalaat amllaa ta rn.
(! wnk tboujkl and lhr laurel
Oa, wWi caaaiif hoard up palf
Iata wami,'atl woman,
Awl you'll rear ia Joy brrtalf.
I wanld haya a gantU maJieu
loy ma, oli'j eh haw leadarly
Hal It I a hopaleaa ylalon, . ,
A,ul nn naa.r. nf kl -i
KrTht figure ejuMMlnp the iititnbor
W the United 8tte-hr(i at Fiat chaagvd.
'Tli obi " 18" l tiinifHl rniirlH Irlto 31. i
Kiam IU BlabaaMvl (Va.) Whlf.
,'fraf aaMCB ! Ill Whlf.
WijiiiNUTox, March 30, J8SI.
Our city ft rorlai while Congrcaa l
In touloii atignilca ai aoon ai "lli
Country' Cullrcllve Wladom" goat back
to hi mihltuJlnoui but ihallowar fouuu
from wliriica ll cornea. Doiiisof Ilia Indl.
vldual dropi which iiiatto up tbli manifold
Inlrlliitcoco mirely raviilla Ibclr original
aoutcca! otheri aro aUorlyJ back lo ll
Coram. Tdo fonnar I noad not advart In;
(or we iliall continue to have tbum befora
ui: the latter claim a (urtlng notlca.apo.
Iltlcal kblluary.
The nioal romarkabla of thoea jtut
gathareJ to tlialr father ar Col. Uantoo,
Mr. Dlcklnann of Naw York. Mr. Slur.
I Bcuu,cf rcnnaylyanla, Mr. Tulatarriorl
f, rivcaiiyuoi.rrntrioiuaiiiorniar
rttfally Col. Fremnnt of Callfbrnlar-
lie'mocraUi with Rwlnit, Wlnthron.
all IMmocraU; with Rwtng, Wlnthroi
and Ui) Ion Whlir. I confine myiefl,
)uu ace, lo catlnot 8cntor. Home of
)i'f arn fit lo l ilnalt with In a fow la.
crliiilnilowordofiraloorUimoi a arn.
Icnco may aum iiftllielr inalgnlficint pub.
lie UTa. Wrro I writing for other time,
a ilnglo icnlencn would bo in honor lu
which they i-ould hava no llllo. There
aro folk i enough, who haio alood, year af.
Inr year, in the very cjuuf liiilory, tvhuiii
aim nuver aw,
l)t thta aori aro, cinlnaiitly, Dr. Stur.
Ipoii and Mr. Vules. Than the former,
a duller man ha aclJiini itiiiiriiHj our n.
I tioiul couuaola. Hilvy of funn and of
nicl, hu.lookeil and .vi thn tery em.
lajJIiiM-nl of that ihickneMof akull which
haa, Inr n cowl while, hern imputed to
I'cnnaylianin.ai her chief national r.lir.
I ictvrUlio. It undn lilin, however, none
I the )m faltliful Drinociat. I'nr livnioo.
racy, the perfection of rcaion and frociloiu,
dix nnt reijnlro ) ou lo iindcratinil, if you
willinity otwy. roimcally vpraklng, Air.
Hlurueon woa liimplah hut inalcal. He
neer gnvn hit party the leu', trouble ;
lor lie alnay watted ta bo told what hr
waa to do, and did it wltout naklnj a que,
linn. Never poakinr, ho bored nobody,
Ilia forbearanco In lhl particular got him
, a hott of frlanJ : for an Immeiiw gratl.
tildo la nod aliould b foil toward aonio
x'Cilo, when tlioy coiiNiit lo ho habitual
ly alien!. Dr. Biiiroaou waa cenerilly
rrgarded aa a ery brnovolent peraun ;
and ho certainly meriteil thai character,
l,y hi pbilanthraple leglilativa taclturnl
ly. Tia a pity tliat many ofourdiwoura.
en oauoot )ioa)r--bow- much aSaotiati
thy might ecra1n thl way t Tb'aom
up Mr. Sturgeon, ho wa, ludlvldually and
In private, a quiet and worthy man ; but,
I in any public icnae, no wa a mr polltl.
cil automaton.
Mr. Yulro had activity, peraevennce,
and a dexterity of mull or unfit thing.
i He did thine whloh Mr. Sturgeon .could
I not do ; and he wa ready to do thlug
which Mr, Sturgeon would not heve done.
In a w nnl, if mure capablo than tlio heavy.
willed I'ennay Ivantan, ho a leu reipect.
ed. Ho ai a funy little irton,and nol
without inch nipcralioii to the pilm of
eloiiicuco aa aometinu' 00 ro nun up lo a
tune aort of rliodomontaJe : but a man
would n toon hate attained the renown of
tho orator by Stuivron a ailenca a by t u
Ire'a peiking. 1'liore it nothing cruel
. in it, nothing beyond lh necrially c'i ..
, lio truth, if I any that Yules wt. - aorry
i litllu demagogue, who never did nor (I
think) attempted a public aortico in hi
llfn ; and who, to crown a long career ol
1 Van Hureniam, at laat turned Calhountto
and dUunlnnlat J fordliunlonlit I inuit'in
aiat that the man l, whether northern or
outhern, hi oppoe tho CompromUo
Mr. Dickinson I a man tt horn, for ome
of hla hiitiatlvo mlatukr In tho Sonata, I
boftm by bo.rhymlng and liavo ended by
rateemlng and rrgrcitlg. Without being
exactly au able, liewaa very enlbls
ind utefnl legialator. Though a iarlian,
he wit kindly, Cilr and at en liberal : tho'
doclrmally a Ixjoofoco, yet ho wa no
mtra paritlte of popularity, no aycophant
of tho aovarclgo jieopta orcuuio aoveralu.'
no Kmber.teggtd lv alwaya auelng from
i hla belly for lha public gaoe, a If lb
Tmllludloaui royalty of the many wora
' in ear In ita hU apd wa daf to all
Ihatatandup. A Naw Yorker, ha I a III
tie proapeotlvo j a Tammanylia, he hn
! nothing of the iplrlt of the " Spall." In
horl, incainaon waaaucnaLcocoioooiiiai
I would rather ee fivo mora like him In
the Sonata than oaeiuoh Whig aa Seward.
I'or while aomo peoplo draad. In politic,
tho enemy, eiparlencena taught ma that
there la tar mora Dccaiion to fear ono1
Iritnd. A a Southern man I have'nev.
rr thought lha dlitaut, folly of lha Aboil.
, ilanld either to dngerou or o aullly a
the raatromlva raga and uproar M Aglta.
tor at dome fkr mora mlaonlatoui. With.
1 out Callwun or Rhelt, Glddlng could not
i hava blrroed ua that I, If we kept our.
telvei calm and manly; nor could lha
perllnaolou malloo of John Qulnoy Ad.
ma hava panrthaal ua. without tha hnlnlnn
'antagonltm of Henry A. Wle. It haa
I beooiwe BDoarent. now. that the eeemlnaly
.violent hoetilit between thoeelMtrM of
the North and South it only teeming t the
1 couree of event during the laat ten or
I twelve month ha eihlblted them aa pur.
tulng jurt the aame line or action. .cu, the
bnejjreat queellon, wfiloh they Ihf me Ivee,
have brought aboutf-the o,ullpa of ilia,
continuance or noo.oontlbuihie of M
Union'.' Oil' It', they lir'5 ctril'jiltkc i n
"Weatwarel the Boar atf aVaailre IOn H war."-
Oregon City) (0. T.,) TTttwUy, Jane 20, 1851.
only difference between them bee UtM
and I merely, that, dolaa tho aame) OilnaTi
ihey rlve oDooeil) reaeoae for ll. I fcava
iutt aaid that people ere peroelvlaf, ae
im, inai lit tierce aagee oi laoearjiww
Krtlee ara but Ilka aeieeor Uatlea, lie
ik ae 11 Ihey, were deadly bent at each
other, and yei only help one aaotbar la
cut ui, the cloth. Tii to me, however,
who have long, at thl central potal
iwnere aiipanietareoeiiajeaweeaaeiaa
head and lo be .hinge, rtot woM.) eM
watohlng tbeae ailreiedete, ao aaw eMaaVa
erv. In lha the of tbeae rselleli(Waft
rloue altercation Wtweea AejaeM'aeji
W a. IhaNiuellr llteaed laaa.
to two tellowa attiilaaT wkdj aH ahatlt
at the oppotdte eadae a rope wMe
arounu our necai may appaaeaa
iwtrin TrrrfretWr aaalaat aaah
but were only aiding one another ta daat
tie the country. The cootett wae a eaar
pit ; the rjtieatlon, a whip eaw t Adam,
tlm uppar lawyer ; Win the lower the
public, a etlck of limber. Adame pulled
tho aw up, and out uaa little but with,
out Wieo lo jerk It down af'li he mut
aoon have Hopped awiag. Pulling by
turn end apparently againt each other,
ihey worked together and cut u into lam-
tier to build their own noutea'wiih.
I have been led away from my Intend,
id political obltuarlei; and have not now
ps: " ruine them. Talking of the
dead, howevtr, I may mention ibat Ueaer
at Caleb Cuahing, ex-privale of that fa.
moua Uuird of which Mr. Wie wa Cor.
poral, hn not long alnce rn.anpeared here t
tiiaald, for the purpote of laying before
tlm Hoard of Mrtican Communloner a
claim for hi rubbery, a he came home
through Mciloo, of tho M. S. journal of
hi reaideno in China, ae American Com.'
niianio er. I hereupon, allow me lo give
you the following dialogue between the
pilfered author and myaelf :
- 1'v Uan pludarad I Metlcc rulwad by baa.
IWL'uahlna?: raw caaa I moat baartdv ainyl
" Yarn lhay nftad and aula my aaanaacttpt laavaa,''
Then, Cairb, I ply, aat ,tm bat Uw Iklev!
The 8u:ar or Pla.it. The way in
which aleep ie ahown In the vegetable
kingdom (a infinitely more variable than
among animal. Man tkrowt himeelf pro.
iraie ; eorrte xiao er monaaya it aowa oa
their etaea ; im caaaei piaoee iu
twaaMa lJwakavaaaan'raintl Uatin
inetT iteaaa ajaaaij taja Waner.
theaethere are few remarkable dlfleranoee
Uut in plant, there Ie no end to tea curl,
cu and beautiful dlverelty which reward
the aeeker after nalure'emyrteriee. Some
planta droop their leevee at night, the Oat
part becoming liaccui and penduloua.
I," aa
t to.
uineraoi the aind catted "compound,"
clover and velchca, cloee their leaflet'
f ether in pain, and oocaalooilly the whole
oaf dnytp at the tartte time. The three
leaflet of tlover bring their face to the
outalde, aud o form a triangular pyramid,
whoee apex Is the point of union between
the leaflet and Inclr atalka. Lupine,
which have leave rctemhliag a (even.fin.
gcred hand without a palm, ibid them to.
cether like alady'a half doted paroeol.
Chlck.weeJ" rlae it leave eo a tq in.
braco the item, and eome apeclee ofiotua,
bedde many of ft elegant family, the
LeguinlnoMB bring them together In euch
way aa to protect the young flewer.bud
and immature eeed-venel from the chill
air of night. Theae are only a few out
of the many caici which could be inttano
cd of change or position In leave, whilst
in flower there eom to be no limit o
variation. ' The creator part thut lha pe.
tal at night, the (talk declining, on one
aide ; but Ihcro are aomo which roll their
petal back, and curl them up like mlnla.
luro voltunei. TaAjjJetp-of aomo planta
I probably. unccpmpanledby any exter
nal chno.M'The aame may ba eald of
Campanum, and other bell-aliapcd flow
er. The four pdatcd flowereof Cruel
vttf, il ihoutd have been observed, are
remarkably oaxaleea of leaoae. Taeir
eaWaJ-eW inaaPtaaiiieitr'
eeem reetleee. and in tho ro
loina a uoay nnu uuuvniiunerviv.
flowere are over-blown, or the pli
annual, I ntar lit decay, tne
or aleep are very oontidtreMy
In fact, they. are only eeen (i
when the growing powen of ti
in.tneir mil energy, ueciu
thatli, auch a cist their leavea M au.
lumn are in a aori oi iranaa in. ine
month. Flower, too. i lata their
bill! v altocether when tea iariod of
cation I paued, a may'be readily
bo insoecllnaa field of eVleiea early
jeyagavwair jgajaJjaaVaxaja
- . t aw.jBB..
ajaaaaaw r.
morning, before the dale ie off lha giaeeflaara."
The over-blown one will be found wide
open ; tboie lo tho vouavar alagestf all
11 orlmaon lipped," and aound asleep. ' '
Naw Siiou. A naw art(ole of hoota
and thoe hu just come up In $ngead.
ll I called tlio Panama Coriua, or the
leather cloth, and, wae javente by bar.
ion named Hull. -The material ieaeMea,
but bat the rruuus and general aapearaaaa
of leather, aad receive poljeh fraaa
ry wacklug'. and In tbe.aama war.
uatd only for the upper, tho eele
leather. .It jt.aald lo be aa dutaMa.'U
leathers t)ever oraelta'nr apljf, aapW
icttoiiiwiiuivantago.oi poi, orawatgae
foot. ' ;tfj.
Me)rr 1 m rirat Kata.
la lha University of Uoaala. fa Sweden.
UM a young etudeal a lone'y youth,
vwaa m aivwa ivtw ivi niNiet, vat w,.Miit
Nat of punulng them. Ire 'waa poor
eJ without ooonaction. Still be etudier)
oar, living In great poverty, but keening
M t cheerful
heart, and trying not to loei
ta Ae future, which looked eo arlmlv at
Mfi. Hi good humor and goad qtulltlte
ood numor and goad quautit
loyed by hla young comrade,
i etandlng with eome ef them
I a-iaara of Upeala, pratlag
aim o toyed
he wae
aa boar of Itieure, when the alten
Use yoaag met) became arretted by
yotrag and aiegaat lady, woo, at
or aa eioenvoae. wailed aiowty
a a aa. ' a. . a . "a
it waa ta aatsa nter or
I tt ffataad. reeUaaar U Ike
tlteMrtxiM-Waaker (ti
Bne wa cenarallv known air
her beauty, and lor her coodnee and sen.
tleneee of character, ana wae looked upon
wtin great aamirauon ny mo student.
A the young men now ttood tilently ga
xlag at her a ehe paated on like a grace.
ful vidoo, one of them exclaimed :
11 Wall, It would be worth eomelhlng lo
bare a klee from euch a pretty mouth I '
Tho poor undent, the hero of our (lory,
who wae looting intently at that puro and
aagellc race, exclaimed, at II by inaplra
lion i
"Wall, I think 1 could bite it."
" What I" cried hi friend, in a chorus,
"are you craxy f Do you know her ?"
" Not all," t answered j but I Ihlnk
he would kilt me, just now,' if I aakrd
" What! 1c this plaoe. before all our
eye I"
" in tbla place, belore your eye."
" Well, If the will give you a kla in
tint manner, I will give you a thousand
"And I!" "And I!" cried three or
(bur otbertribr to it happened that several
rich young men wero In the group, end
bete ran hinh on ao improliable an event,
and the challenge waa mad? and received
in leee lime than we take to relate il.
Our hero my authority tells not whelh
er be waa handsome or plain I have my
peculiar reaeoae for believing that ha waa
rather plain, but Angularly good looking
at Ike ume time our hero walked off to
meet the young lady. He bowed to her
aaal eaH t ' ,
aAwedheroiepe. Heprmidtd toatate
attraaate aa coednioa, ate
aaa aalalaal' almnlv and truly what had
iM paeeea act ween bin and hlreompaa.
iaa.! The yoona ladv Itateaed attentive-
mi im when ba had eeaeed lo epeak, ahe
wawluehlng, but wiik great aweetaeta :
? by ao little B tking eo much good
OaTaya ae epteied, it wouia ae very looutn
ia atalo refuie jour'rtqueat" and the
kMaad the young man publioly in the
Next day, the young iludent wt aent
for by iha Ooireraor. He wanted to eee
the youoa man who dared to aak a kla of
hi rjaaghter ta that way, and whom ahe
badlooateateil to kie o. fe received
bM'with a eevtro and Mrutinlxlng brow,
bat,' after aa hour' ooovereeilon, waa eo
pleaaed with blm, that ha ofered him to
(Kae at hi Uble during lite oouree of akf
aMJMea In Upeala. " ' ..
'Our young friend now purauosl hit
rtgeVei in a maoaer wrdobaeoaaxade him
ragerdedaa lb meal promising jeaeUr at
lha Uaivenlty. Three jfeajnirere not
pUted afldr lhaday of the fi.nl kit, when
llpa youog nun wa allowed tc give a eeo.
ond one lo the lovely daughtero? the Coy
etaor, aa hit betrothed bride.
1 lie became, later, one of the greateet
atbakra la Sweden, aa muoh reepeoted
far bit learning aa for hla character. Hie
warka, will endure forever' arnoag the
work' of ealeaoe and from hie happy
Wan tHagav family well known ia Swe.
eiaajhs tii ajaaaM day, and who wealth
atrtuaa exai Mm peeWan iu aooiety ara
salttalai; eomaarad with
, A t'iautT Scx-tx. The following little
aaaaaaalt by fin. Slgourney.
aafc.enir veang readere the I
af 4aVaa ta render themael
it thouid
themeelvea ueeful
lertrame af lakfartuae t , T '
f ''"Iba'ye loe't rriy whole fortune." ald a
laatrchant a he returned one evening to
AU betaa j " we can no longer keep our
feajraue; wemuiieaveiniiargenoue.
children can aolonoer no to expensive
LMbool. Yesterday I waa a rich man. ta-
Way there ia nothing that 1 can call my
t U ria tiitahan aaM thii wrte. IIm.m
ra etlll rlohln each other pnd in ourchll
drtn. Money may pat away, but God
haa clven ua a better ireature In tbeae ao.
live band and loving bearu." .
i Dear father." aaid lha children. do
oot look eo eober, Wa will help you lo
IfiKlMvVa." . . ,
vrnatoan you oo, poor ming r- tain
r You aball eee-you akall eee I" aaid
etveral rotoee . " It ia a pity if wa hava
been to eohool for nothing . How can the
father of i eight children be poor t Wa
aau ware ana mate you rico again."
.Man a wua ana ciiiiurea,ar irua non.
rttoaaymtn. '
jayaaiaexv:' caawvr wj
L awST.t--fceMniAi
v ,yW
Id no way'eea eWialuae and rat lata
rloue food ba aa ataaleatly. oMaly, aad
anivereally otrfafaed, aa ia taieaeVafvatloa
of fruit. However billy, rueajad, aad
rooky the land, although it refuaa tbe plow
and ecytbe, there (a eevcely aat aara Ja
our ooontry which will not prefaae gataj
malt or torn mm. tna eaaraa watea
bide deiaaoe lo ealtivatiea wkh xaee
elve dralaage, yleUe wbortleaaeyiee axM
aranUrrieeTaach Wgbly veJaajkU ia
way. The glen aadisawnteifWida "T
eaetiy ae made pretuw ia
pear, paaoh aad aaete aad I
nit pertaoaaaf tbe eel
i aad grata ara eaHy
luoed, will repay tba.
Ub rleA'Marari. hla
aeed frah trta wDI'tseU
Set nutritive valaa tbaa-aay other eea
that can ba procured from the eeil. No
labor of the farm, aad no uee of the anil,
paye mere abundantly than when applied
to the cultivation of choice and rood fruit
A a tree of choice frah eovere no more
land tbaa a poor oae, it ia of the first Im.
portanea lo make tbe beat eelectioa. and
render tba moat faithful atttnlioa to it
full development. Van doe not use half
the quantity of fruit he ahould do at an ar
ticle of food. Thousand of farmen live
mainly on eult beef, pork, and fiah, who
might bare tbe luacioa luxury of fruit at
every meal, every month ia tho year.
Beside, man Is adapted in hi naturVto
ubsist principally on a vegetable and
fruit diet, and would be far more healthy,
happy, and lono lived for ao doing. Aa
an article of senerml food, fruit In It vatt
vatleiie. ie without a parallel. Oar
friend at a distance from cilia will find
it a eource of profit, a railroad bring
them o near ihe market a to enable them
to compete with farmer In tbe suburbs of.
cute, we nave lelt Keen regret in trav.
ellng In different portion of the country to
sea ao iiitie nuenuoa paia io iu -jujoi
of good fruit and have "been etlll more
peloid lo eee orchard fbreate of miserable,
tour, rutty apple, inly fit for vinegar.
iet nrewooa oa made or tacn mucraeie
Tba Spaniard have a maxim that a
man ia ungrateful to tbe peat generation I
mat pianteo laa tree iron wnicn ae eaia
and deato, unjuetly with tba next genera.
ilea unleee be plaaf tao
aa aM of ibat fraiai
jimri m -.
TwWrevefittil-wSm 9
lei tba gaaaeJ, ana aavata taei'pataf
core, lantoqoeauy, au overtaj
tbe read aid, aad eUewhare, frait
abondaaca temate tba taata, aad ia
free. This ie aa aaeily wreafbl eJtafstjr,
andaneviWaceraaoUeeeJ. .LettajU
practice be Imitated ia oar owa raaatrr.
and tba weary wanderer wW atdaaf.aad
bleae the hand aaa tba llbarMltaWn Hal
miniate red to bl eomfert aatj Jpy.l-Wa
ara bouad to leave the world a aa
better tbaa we found il, and ha batata
churl who batkt uader irWThtdaeii aad
aau tba fraU or treee whic
have pleated, if be will
aaaH yeea Iran to.ooeaiag aHaaa
No voaaar man ahould veaaisaila
ry until ba haileated oae traa aa ajawi
denoeof goodcltixenthlp. WlwKbii
Iba'alme of Boatoa oaaaraoo aad a? Haw
-Bavea, wkiob ara aa jaatlyaeMriaaaf t
cMireiy -aat tea at eee at gaaarattea. mm
fruit traea ba la .Ike waaaar.aaejttaaibe!,
tnai unnorn gaaerauoaa may aa grataiui
lo thU. PArraffiea JearrW.
IravTaeerrait or Phatx. Tba Over-
Janaf Mail bringe aaaooale of tbe deetruo-
twej or a number or ptratee by the Uatcb
among the lalanda la tba.faIograaja. In
the month of November laat tba UbHid of
Baweaa, oo tba eoaet of Java, waa akaaaVel
by fifteen pirate' prabae, wbadtd aattah,
damage, carrying away many af tba ia
naottanu, ana a iruttieee aearca for (nam
wae made by H. M. eteamera Broeeo aid
HoKia at taa laiand or Belomao, aad '-dag
eoaat af Barato. Tba
at laatVaedad la
m,- aaaVafaWa ffvaal
lag, eaeeeededlakllllag
tne wnore eooin
Hekla. however.
laWaai ta-wttatbam.
deal of bard figktiag, aaaeeadedla ktlllag
annta and dlaaaralaar tba aamalaaUv' Tk
reeak of tbaaa trtratiiaa ia tbue diiiaiiei
in the Java uouraat : 'i ,
"In the whole the Hekla hat brought,
betide the large prehu, foortaaa piratee,
aixty one reecued alavea, aad elcht piecea
of ordnance, arnoag which la a metal can
non of th former' Sail India Company.'
Tba red of the gqat, lying In the mud, aad
eome good, lying on the (bore or floating
in lha water, were given lo our alliea, the
Kanieangere. Tbe Hekla arrived at Bur.
abayaoa the 18th of January. Tba leee
of the piratee ie thought to have' been
vary great, iney beaida loet all tba
booty To arjod andalitea which they had
taken at Bawean aad Sapadle. Thle ar.
duoue end aueceeefql engagement waa un.
aooompanied by any oaaaalty on Ihe part
of our force." '
A LAwrxx'aToin. Belooarlna-atTha
eald,' to the profelon whloh had the rep.
utattoo of being food of fee, heefteradi
Fee aaarpka ad atmpaa faa,
Am aaslaWdj whaa sttrd te Ihaa,
Tfcati btat ef fa raaaal.
0 Ha who enlarge hla, heart reetrieti
hit tongue.' ,
' XmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW
?." Y-i--
mare left, even ia year
doa me. United 'Stalea'
Marthaft, and tba like, I tlaitblyaal
bad eoeae ihamel Pardea taya bear
arxviMeuehinwaaeei umm
er wae found to furakah tba warrcat
don me, I did not know ba waa a aaa
loner ; If I bad I never would iteva
ll. ( ;M
" Spirit of Ty rasU, ! look deem ta yaat
anade oi cam, tnou great. arm
forgive me that I bare fbraot your I
an J did not rsmember Ibat yoa were ga
rent' of ao long a liae! Aad JtmfWf
brethren, if nereaner I tell ye) taat taajt)
i an limit of meanneee or wtakaaVaaae
which a Yankee will not jetap afar.'lfa.
trunt me, and remind ma of tail day, Mi
IwillukeitUck. .,.. v,.
'Let ue look at the publlo tathetef
any Commiaaioner who will oeud aa'kaai
cent man from Boaioa Into eravery. 'A
man commit a murder, Inflamed by JeaL
ousy, goaded by deaira of great gala, aa.
olted by fear, tung by malice, er paitaar
ed by revenge, and li a horrid thiaf .
But to eend a man Into lavrY k wpvai
then to murder him. I waeJd rather ba
lain iban enalaved. TdolHe,leleaiid
by no jealouay, goaded by aaeJaalra af
great gain only tea doliare I , wastai by
no fear, stung by no faxlal.aatifee, aaf. ,
eoaed by ao revenge I caaaot eetapral
head that ia aav mas. aat em ia a Mat
aa; baaate that rave far betaa .
far kniiaa'a aaha but ta feed leek, aVat,
Forgive tae, oh t ya walvae ial bytaas.
HalLarhhall itai
saiatwoboareof nyaaaatb Raafci
1 1 la aigbt af Baabar IHI abab
prai ao eaoa m aeaa,u ateatt taata
I tbere Uaa 1Mb of areata leaataaaa
prepare a eaaatxar abaiaaaf aV
wtaa 'aaaar.pava
RaM itra MwlTTaWaMi
xxVlxaaxWaL taaxaxf tsW gJagtaaggVfK i
JfaxaWTap cBBxa BBBB) BBJBaaBB"BxM"BW-
latay af wtatee-'jaBaxwaWaeaaT
raaBXttaawaaaeMaaxHtalta "
laaitlar adHHImtaUr - VJ
IrNicixAorA K&tuSJtmim'im
eteaanere. loteedetl aaaMst tvifaateVo
tbe Baa Jaaa Blear aftieaalaeaAai
York Tribaaa aa,BI a lljal ijsjll
tba raate oa lha fret af Jtiiy.Mm aap
aaaa us xtet tong, aaa.
tag awe. to
ra freaalaa Jaaa ta tba Msjlia af taaV
Ullo ViJo,aad oaa fraaa xaiMelatxaT
ehyoT Niaaragea. Hera .fee4.Nie
haaalready beta newelttjad ta tba part 'af
Saa'Juan oal Bar, aa tBT Paaffaa,Vaaa.
lance oTooly twelve raUee. Ow tba IM
of July tba line will be iiajaliiikj ate.
ateamhlpa will leave Baa FiiailiiBiai
aad New York direet W CaMrai Aaatet.
' - '. (
. tyy- clergymaa wha had' fcrai,
weat aat to ate one of bit laborer, tree
waa ploughing la tea Aeid, aa4 MtjtaJ aJaa
V K Prw Iff! f9 -"
eeie ae, wouio it aot ee a aaaa
te twve a etae eaMaa lerfa,
"" '
a few boeaaawbJa ito
ai TweHJeMlrlL ta
hava a twfag lie beard to paitaaeai
when they are
a ttwawr to awiefta a
toewfafre a'ifeia
haa I"
m t
rrtf-i it
Woxtit fereel Img$r-Tmyu,ti
memoer oi tne oar ia M4acnateaa,ai
ate caaa te a pretty etreeg oae
ith the fugitive Sbadraeb.
toner Jiall.it gave bit deciaiea beeaiag
him for trial at Ihe V. B. Diet riot CBur).
Ball waa fixed iatbeauarlaeeh
waa givear-u la tbe Iret Iwetaaae, by ti.
mayor Joatab Qeiaey; IfMarrtoataam
rioted, of oouree Me aeaaitilea 'wkebe
bermuetceiee. MiifmJmmtk vm
Dtvoxcx.-The Mtaaeeeaia LZ.
.peaking of lb eViat aYbVa I ajitltla
or thai Territory, taya hV
In committee ef tba whole I
looeo pmvtaiaai aTtbe lawa eaalahia, t
now any 7 1-,? I
iiTtageagaitHr, ro roaaa leetf I
beretata. Dlttrtat Cwact teapttb
for aad eel ale a aeeraa'
tl,mMeat.wapatagi wTaaaraabata
coramoa a iwapptag ataaaA. 0ird;
IVflaPalaiV M letV JaxaaxBBXBBxVVVl
flit HV t aVrSBteXBXBBXBBXBxfki
aaUHBtnal MMaxM axsaxM
axoaxeaaxoaH I a ' " ""."' r5
pff? mWMRfmm
aaaaxaxaaagaggahexera ea awaagavaaaaaajaax
.'gMBBgll11 lpaiy 7. !. v m
I llbatalbleeataa)aaa1
lV .a:-.7T '
i r. m r
v y aK'
1. ya
l ,
A? - ..i.iifJi-i .&.
bfWt ,ti