Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 19, 1851, Image 2

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    f '.. -l '- ' - JK
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mdffi' PIpp
0. 1. (CnitltLT, PTO.
' (KT Tbe matt fur ihe atate wilt leave
Oregon city oq Monday the SSnl Instant
v 03" Tho Immigration to Oregon by
Water ti large Boveral preacher came
by the laatMeamer rrom Iheat.tet. Rer.
Mr. Miller and family arrived In tardy a
few daye since in our city. Ho purpose
tutting tht upper country before he to.
catet permanently.
Mr New digging between Rogue river
.tnd the Klamath wrre discovered aome 15
4ay ago, at which tho miner are said to
c out won.
r i -
iipTtfcWrvvr nvMMii. martin nai, was
.. UA.I..1..I t...
.'.iT.-f. . t . a e a aw ..a -. - a" aa
.-.---.., wren-ted nniiioi ineBieam rmMMtr
Mack Hawk. Ho la jut the man lor the
butmett, enorgetlo anl Inilustttou..
03" Cpt. .Murrav haa arrived with
bra Iron, te.n propeller. She is being
placed oo tiw'uppcr rlrcr. Cant. Murray
think he wjll l able to naiigale the
vvinim.iio a urasrsti.ni at any tetson
of tht year. Our river begin, to exhibit
an air of buInc--thlngare looking up
and the timet evidently Improving.
swamer are last multiplying in our river.
Our butinee mri feci cheered by tho rap
idly increasing prospect.
3" Wo learn that Dr. McDrii. after
ftw month visit to the mloet, bai re.
turned to hi fiimlly eome 90.000 Utter.
03" Tho nw tawmlllofAtooro and Rice
on lb Tualttin, will bo it aned in a few
day. Ji it situated a low mile below a
valuable pinery. Tbey will be able to
furnish excellent pine lumber, in a short
lime, lor finishing the inside of buildings.
C3- Tho poetry of M. V. is on file for
our next paper.
03". The new Postage law, It will be
remembered, goes into tiled on the first
03 A controlins I merest in the ele
gant Sieamer Lot Whltcomb, ba. been
purchased by Ihe peoplo orthlt cily. She
baow lying al our wharf for ihe purpose
of undergoing a thorough repairing. Tbe
tmtklsM been commenced. Ilia the pur.
,iW believe, oflbe owners to put on
mftUktHrtin befler aeeommed.
'ataaisritalnvllnr naiklln. ' Annihaiplm.
rovement u. needed i Ihe erection of
pair of tlalrt lo n.;nd lo Ibo present
rotnesade deck ; It would tave much In
convenience In gaining the flt. part of
the beat, and leave much rojm for freight
That' it, under the present arrangement,
wndered of no avail, by it being kept
clear, on eillwr tide of the engine, for a
walk to the cabin.
CiT By the latt Pacific steamer we no
Ilea the arrival of Nathaniel Ox, F.so..,
Pottal Agent for Oregon Territory, and K.
Wampoo,Esj., Indian Agent. From the
avtiematlo manner In which he goet about
thines.llie l'osltl Aient promises to le ofnrlce seali.jt ihe In.Usns Is verv stninir In
tervice to iho Territory. Hero are more
" ifforlnl nfficert" tar tho Statestaa lo
wholesale doctrino of free trade tu tho
whole world. Die wisdom of such dis.
.iiiiiiiiiiiuii n Kuiiuuurcumprciicusioii.
(Sir The Columbia river lit. risen tev.
rat feel. This it Iho annual Juno rie:
Indeed the river may be said lo bo blgh.
Tbe rite In It has eiTccltd n ri- in Ihe
VII amelleeofovertttorert at this place..
Boalt pats up and down over iho rapids
with Iho greatest ease Iho back water
from Iho Columjiia h. completely re-
movct' 'bo rapids for Ihe prcsent. III.
......... ..... il.. "-.. !.(.. . - t
iii-ujjii. iii-i in. ...iiiiiiuiu uiiiiui remain
l.luh very long. There It no .now Iu Iho
Blue Mountains, and wo aro told ihoro Is
it... il. .. . .. ..it .
aiuo Moumaiut, ami ro aro toiii inoro I.
comparatively lilllo In tho Cascade . loun.
tain, llio rise mutl uo caused then,
pilucipally, by Ihe melting .no... In ll.o ,
region of the northern branche of the
We hope that n .Imllar negl. ct will not
eniliKn. W,.,J .lLl,'7,,.,Tl,f,,l.
enliuilierin Iho road, and llio labor of
clearinirout tf.o road I. bv no means.
i n.'aZ "'tT IVW"!
lan year nou lo assist mii.c, oii Hie other
. . .. . . . ii
tldo of tho inountain.in rrnderins the road
passable. Would it not Ih. well lo lake,
even nt thl. early day, aome preparatory
atep. tow arJ. having It attended to In time,
and not wall for llm tnunlirrallor. lo eornn
in upon u. before It will havo been oo.
compll.lied. Very effi-leiit aid wa. ren.
dared last year to tho aulfurlng Immigrant.
bt inaiviauais in llieir private capacity.
There will, In all probability, bo much
more aia nceocti mils te.son tho Imml
'" ' sve iimi 9vm rriiiw iiiiiiiis .
f ration, It la opettcd, will l to much '
.11.1.1 -.
argor nut man la.t year, llio novorn
tnant pott having been aboJIthciT'at tho
Dallet, all attlttanco from that quarter
will be out ofT. Lt.t year the timely at.
iatance retiderod by the government bfll.
Wi wat truly a bl.islng to many.
,. . M...V-. ... ."... ... -..,. .. li(. Thu r()llowni. ,npcar. at an ad. why Iboy aro not a. -arer.il in regar
(& )Jc l.avo not ., jet beard of any would have a heavy account lo-eltlow,.b ,,,,,-,,.,.-.,- 10 New York Herald ; ll ''' nmral rbaracler of their. ... -paper h
preparation lielngm.do to cutout tho Iiii. ,11111 III could ctt hold uf the file ol I he ., , .,.., ,.. i. . . ..... I.oy arooflhalof their religious ten. her
miftrani road, acros. ll.o Cascade Moun. ' .,,.,. ir !.,..-. ,., .. !.,. " l ,cc ' "'' " rlm.0n) ' ,na.,,,, '" ' One I. of a. mud. Imporlauco a. I .th.
taint. Ll)Wll wai done by thngnvi !.,,.., tum,uu ,l0 Linn City Post Ma. I '". WU . 'n"rn ',v,,",B?'lor. Iflhn peoplo would have honest uud
ormnen. ; uui ii nan nren liegiectru until , ,." . . ,. ., .o.iw pint i inn strniory, i. -ometrelianio newspapers nicy inusi iiisioiiu.
the Imml.ranl. bad arrl.td ni iho l)llr. tcr Iniquities. shown up liy Mm, I.I. ,.. ..,,. . ,.vjn... inrilu !,,nr. n.olirn,irn dl.boneslv ihcmtehi . und isluh.
ateeftai b tU mm
Dr. MttrUt't Qmmm
rs . a... JA nr II
fodiin HIM Mtf tu Mny mor spemtd.
tiOn teU mm wmmiei tkt LM.
tu jUtlf rtptit4Btmuil hottUHf
ittUtrti jr tU Indian Ont. Lam end
Get. Qnintt pnt I tU went e actio.
On the flrtt of May, Sunday, 90 mile
beyond Rogue river, at the. Green Willow
Spring, 99 men returning to the Wlllam.
It .valley from tho mine, were attacked
about noon by a band of Indiana number.
tag from 160 to 300, warrior. The while
left the ground without euttalning any in
jury. The neat day, party of four per.
eon. were attacked, ami weir n.uies, 10.
gether with their baggage and pack were
carried cfl" by the Indian. They were
recovered by a troop ofxoldirr, from tho
Chatte, on the following day mule, bag.
ejige and pack.
On Tuesday, l)t. . IcTlride'a company,
33 peraon, inen and boy, were atiack.
cd: Ihe company had only 17 mint, and
the Indian had from 10 to 3 V Tho In
dian comrnend flrlng a britk engage.
wtewt-eMiied.Art.toa wta kept m nenrly
the whole time for about tour hour.
During the encounter tome 3 or 0 Indian
were killed and at many more wounded.
ever) ofwhoae wqund. were conidered
mortal. Aidbne the killed wat a chief,
Chuckle Head.conttderedby lhemanreal
warrior. Tho Indian, were finf-.tRuard wcu( lo tlccp. The.Ind.an". .ll.S-'- " U an el.lbnl..n of enlarged ies
pulsed, loaving their dead upon tho field p .... , ., , , , , . and nxlemls tho urea of frntlom.
Sfaclloo. During tho fuht they were "R M w.e from their blanket, Wo like Iokt an editor lien I.e. nake.
beaten back teveral timet ihey would ami telxingtne loauoigunt oi ineuniiM,
rally again and drive b.ck the whites; dCtoharged two of them, one only, how ev.
but their inlrilt digged when their clilel'ipr. ,.uaa rtT.-ct. The two mnainlnu
out meiripirili nigged wnen llieir cntei
fell-he wat acveral lime. een urginrf
them on to combat with tbe utmost aeal
and ardor. hlmtelMeedlng the an.
... ...i ... -..- .,.-: j
The while had but one mm. Jamrt
Barlow of.lhit city, wounded; ho a
(truck below Iho hip in one of hit legtbj
an arrow which penetrated the flesh to,
the bone. Tbe arrow was. immediately
eilracted,-not, however, without consld..01 ",0 "or" m,cnc'1 "car "y '"" M,"l,Hniiy and .espeil.l.d.t) lo a ptp, r,
erable Ibrce. fit caused tome naiii fat
oreral day, but I now nearly well. )!
na luuan tucceeuci tn arums on tno,n .(, M ,,jcnPrn ,, forehead and
nock and capturing the booty,
'dims have tworn eternal ven"c
The In-
b..Mvui.vw a. vvi.
anrn aiyan
Ihowhllet-lhe force, aro belm, conccn-
I rated at diiTcrent points along the road, the Indians hating reappeared jn lliecanjp, i Wo like tu eo an editor, tlcli at ierv
The ferry, wo learn, on Rogue riter, lit. ripped open tho bag. or Hour, boiiiO 'JoOIH popular nhiin, and tulk fir luiukuin It
been abandoned ll.o onner wat unable andiiourcdito.er liiebodyofParsont, I' " ctldenco that ho likes to ho on the
lo employ a force luflio'. ot tn protect il. . ' . . ' .,, ,, . ., . . , ... ''" strong tide."
II It thought that a c ,Pany J lis. than "" !n6 wi h. ,l"'n ""'". "M- l0 1 We T.kc to see an editor tu.nt.ng tl
J3 men would pe-" ..ieirli.es in attempt, bo converted into shuts to cover their na. fiiorof both wings of bis rty. IV he
log to past ' . road, whilst Iho present krdiiet. It wa. supposed that the Indi. 1 1. sure to receito ihe confidence of i.titber
excitemer iattt. They are Implacably ot were lying in ambush bard by, and Wo like to wo an id. tor pulling lu.n
hostile ' . all white persons. A apcclcaoflai,., i. ..,i,.:, lt.,!,t.hn,. ,,,, self over the tlenaliirn of another bi
guc iia warfare win uotibtteti i
tl A upon all parties not strong
Intimidate them.
0 prau
(.-en. -Lane went out on Friday morning
tati to me tcene 01 r.ostimiet, wun liiojof the company. (They aro wonderful
view of Prcvantlng the commi-ion ef lur. 1 eowirdly-18 men could travel anywhere
General I. favorabli known amonir ibem.
Si!J TOl,W2Lb!
-mww,imsim ur iiichii eiiisj 1110 nnvii;
".. . . . .
mailer to adjuste-J between the while. and
Indians at to 'event al similar disturb.
ancet in futurr. Il i. deemed unsafe to
travel tbe road lo Iho mine, in .m.lLcom-
panics. Notts iih.tanding ihe late encoun.
iters, .Mr. Evans and teveral other, .tart.
Governor Game. ha. repaired to the
scene of war.
Permiuion h. beftn n.k.
cd, we learn, ofthe Governor, loiarch
Jmo their country amf. lay Ihe aavagct'
'wherever they can be found. The preju.
ll..u.an.U r.l.J fPI. n.a.:.
:he mines, and it daily increasing. This
permission it atked of the Gotcrnor, no
,'m foAicrVicci ' In 1 another Indian war.
Thcro nit manv we auiiDoac. who. ditan.
pointed in tho mines, would prefer warring
to inlnltL', II tlicy coulj ilraw pay lorlliclr
."'..:;" ,..1. ... .1" , . . r .. 1
, , , I ',
a.l.t-iln n ..rant nl .. . Ii
,,,,,, , i wm ,, ln uiii.o,,. nrnrwr
protection. Thero will I great need of
,.,i,i0Co In iho east wo ftar llio Snake
,nJlan, al0B0n loU) tronbleso.no to tbe
LOmne immicraTion.
A new paper ba. been commenced in
Cincinnati calld llio .' Political Humbug ,
L-.ll I, t-.ll .L- ..! tJ.
nuier, pr.nici.iii.neiieriii.noi.il i"g-
lisli lancumes. ll . oslensiblv devoted
. t sit i i ,iu
to mo unuonaK na oi exno.ini.nil k llll r. r
all llio political humbugs of Iho day.
.,.! lt.l I I I !- .1 I .. 3
aunuaif limes.
i awn n rr i un nrir nsiiriiiLrr r.v nil manna
Ho ad.l our neighbor by all meant
,.. . .......
,. - . - ...... .r.F.rl
iinio.j iiA ii.isniia iti ivbi its ihiiim at
circulation humbug, which ho ba. repeal.
""""'"'eral week. and whlcl. ha. prove n
rc, ,.ntv to bo doul o that of the Sneeta.
rcccml l ........ .'.'... .
'or; l .mall-fry correspondence hum,
, llll! 11 A.I
bug ovor the name oi wing. All
ibuto would bo handled without glovcv.
Such thing have a tendency to destroy
We .coil tugitetlcd that Gen. Cat. it
n"' I" w'l '""" "I"" ',l8 quctiions
connecled with Ihe net Presidency, and
that it will " cover all the ground." I lie
Ueneral'a letter may covor all Ihe ground
before tho uleotlon, and he himself will
cover all of It aflcr the election ; or at
- -- -- ,.
icnti o mucn oi ii nt can uo e .vnreu up
1... . I.t-a .... I..I... II. 1 ..... I... I.....
by a blir fat man lyinir flat upon hi. baok,
Loviicille Journal.
00" Tho Inqulrle. of V. P. wo aro re.
quoted lo .tale will bo answered through
our column nest wetk.
VahI VailM ,.
, Jaoob Panont, formerly of Qulncy, III.,
waa killed by the Indian beyond Rogue
river, In Oregon. Mr. Parton had (or
out months worked at hi trade, Mack,
writhing, In thl Icily. Early in tho
prlng, her itartedHtlho Klamath mine,
where, by trading, lie bad mado aon
tnonpy. About a ino.ili ago he returned
to thl city. In n convertation wo bad
with him, wo learned that It wa bit In
tention to return Immediately to the mine
with proviilont and ilnretof ariout kind;
having procured il outfit and aomo eight
or nl.to mule packed, ho itarled again
oino three weekt dnee for the mlnet. Ho
had gone along aafily uptothn time of .he
murder, and it wat thought by tho com
pany generally that they were beyond the
reach of danger. Titty had croued ihe
Itnguo rlvrr. IK liid two oilier pertonv
of the train proceeded in alliance. In
tho crenlng they encamped, thorlly after
wiich four Indian appeared In their
I camp, apparenlty ruito friendly. Tbey
bad their aHppere'given tbwt, and
permlttlon to remain with then, over night.
Tills being granted, they all laid down on
their blankqtt to repMo for tho r.lght, one
of tho whites tittlnir un lo keen cuanl.
WV.rv nlih '.',, f.tlpuri of ibodav. tho
i cr, ubing cflVct. The two remaining
wh-pcrMni min.dialely tprnng lo their
, . ', , ,.,,,
rf' ml Ju"'pi"K ""flJo of "' l'0M.
I ' . ... . .'
. lied near at hand, made their way Uck
to tho train and related ll.o horrid tragedy love of iiittlee.
thai bad occurred. Wn like t tee a prnfetsrd Di'iuocratle
,,.,.. .,, ...i ...i . .i.... f....i,..'iournl filled will, numerous little articlia
,. . -,,,. , ,
tauuicu anu uriuieu i arsuus hoi ijiug
dead upon examination II na.discou'red
fca.nc out abovo hit loft ear be was al-
. .- , v.. . '
., a ...a
,nos 'n,"rl,v " ov" "'"' "ouf
I .in. 1 .1 . r . ii .1 1
' ,wo M ln,", ctof un lylbg the. horse,.
.... . a.. ...... La a-u- 1L.1 ..... .u I.! !...
, 1. " iiiuugm, w, ui., i.i -wic i.ix.n-
encd from their purpose bytho largeness i
' wl,n01" ml""'-)
... ',U r..": rTerri.ory.ha.byen.uch a. ...call doun
vuiu i u (iifii 11111 1117 iiat ivn m sji7
and teveral children at Qulncy. It was
h,, , , ncJ hr8wIe,
, , L , , , . , ,,
,,,e comlnB rf11' nd ln ,llc Pr,nK W,ow'
mg lo remote hit family to Oregon.
Vcmteanco ba. been declared upon ihe
Indian, forlbltoutrace. Ancnn.Keinenl
,t -I.... . i. a.. .n. ...... a ."
. ,'," "... ;-."- ' '
ofwu'cli will le found inannihcrcolumn.
ft.,-.-,, , .. ... ,,
OCT Tho Dcu-ocratio organ, "Uc.ltlj
Timet," it of opinion that n bavo arrived
at that poriod ol'our country's blslor) tliat
makes it necessiry to oreauUo lite parties,
oya.tob.illl a ra.lroaj lo Mount Hood,
A popu!at.onollcesll.anCH,000!todraw
party lint.! and fom fiat I Can It be to
rialaj n ..inlnitllnn Tar il.n Ifll.A aR...i ..f
--" ..-....-....... ... ...V I I UIIIUTI HI
..... . ... ...
" ' orrilory I e hope r.l ll.o goo.1 of
tho country that no tuch llilns will l at.
tefnpted. The election for Doleg He is.
scllled f.r twoycarsni.d Ifllieparly line,,
al0 ,0 Lo .,. for tho sako or the l.ttlo
. . , , ,, .
l0 "blamed by holding ollice, wo gy
let iho p.trintto Democracy have ihe
loaves and fisliet litVckoine Hut as
t0 a divIsIon'V i.orliet wi'Tii. in lliu
. ... ,,,,,-. , .. . '
iniiiritiiir .- si hi in bbuv a it ririsii . iiiiri
swv n , -
...lit tt.n.i. "
'I'1'1 llem
Mrs. Partington will lie taken all aback
when tho rds tho patent right ..r ar.lL
, , ,,, prei,arle.rorBetllnKmr.char.,. but would ask sud. uen.lem.n
r i
jo (. f ,BrrI,gciMo ,,.,, j(
' , .. (Iccm, . ,,, ,,
, ' ,, , ,. , .,' '
I'". Hero It hi. advcrlltemei.l :
ItmlnalA, l. VVlnn nT l.rillllmi lil.
....a..,--. ..."...., -a a........... m.U
nrrvc, Hostoti, will tend many ad.
drets, on receipt ofono dollar, posl'pnld,
plain direction, lo cuablo ladit. or gcnllc.
ilncn '" '" ''l0 I0"0'''1' ir.tlloin of tho
onixwlta un Tho process is simple, but
.0 captivating, that ull may lm married,
Irre.ipcdUo 01 age, appearand or nvllloii;
and lav, though not least, it cud ho nr.
ranged with such caso and delicacy, thai
detection l.lmpovlblc. Addres. Professor
Lawlonj, lloston, Matt. No letter, takau
from tho Pott Ollice unlets llio postago it
Tastiiwi Wive. Two men, namod
Taylor and Hill, havo lately iraded wives
at Milan, Ohio. Taylor, it seems, got ll.o
beat of the bargain, having received two
children to boot.
Tmino W Liik to Hk. Wolikp to
tee an editor pulling lilmwlf, bomting orn
Inrga circulation, a great run udicwml
vfrtitmtKtt, and of lilj ' rhelcirlcul
merit. Wo flko to tettnn editor Ulcli.
lug forth agalnttall men In authority ulio
dilfcr with him in lilt political vlctvt. Il
thowt modet'y and IndrpeiHli'iiiv.
We liko lo tee a 'm r iillnl with ro
poclutxt and free advertisement!), tl
thowt liberality Umard tln biiilnc pub.
lie ami journeymen prlutert.
Wa liko lo tea an editor nhrii lieltelcc
led Stato printer, adverllao the llt uf iteln
patted, teveral moutlit grails. It i'l
dencrt patriolism.
We like In ten editor put In long ad
vertitementt for tho letting of" Mail L'on
iractV" without being onlcnil, and llicn
try 16 get pay fir It. (We like tn rr
people get dltapjiolnted Minietlmct, whi'ii
Ihey are ton pretumptiioiit nml crnfly.)
It tlmwa a full development of ilio organ
of hope. ,
e liko to teo an editor print and on
lilrl tinr. ulitpli In l.riialA tin niilta
7, I 1' .- ,-...- . i
lila .lltfll Mtlil Ml II.M aiMHIA lll.in Iaill llm '
...ai "., -...- ..- ..." ....t.. .. ... ....
publlalt bclnngt lo no mm. Il lalliot ij
well with couslttenoy ami truth
like In tea an rilitor uplinlil ili-lum
ely, In franking unmaiUMe nmtirr. lirn
It cost no pernnti mi) tiling but 1'iiilr
rlsc ttalementt. through Ihe rtyirttenH.
lions atatkrn, Mick to tin in. Iinunru
' dencc of tpunk and t;oo.l brridliiK.
' dencc oi tpunK am
I W" "kc v W" '
I up by an editor to
iMcracy to vn
i m'.. in .. . . ..- ...i. ... i.....ii..ii ..
. , ,inv u ni' i.ii..i. ii iii'iimii. "iii ii
ti) son i' one mug ul the
liedl the nlhrr nil. tiT lis
., rluht.. Ii shows inaiilini .- mid u
mf" UAif correpi)nileiiee." Ilglveidi
Vo II!
ko In sen an iditor iptiiu llm in
Iroduclion of ulllcen. Irum ..lirii.nl, hy o
rninenl, Cir the Terrilorj, Il nrguet
that bo is in finnr of " ifomrstir iiiauulai
1 IUI.-I .-;uw -. lliu 11.1 iiii.-. i.iii mh,,1
.... ..1 VI...- ilmil ...... ...! . i...t
"fcxccllftit ptiiH'r' iliothoico tiMttiT Hitli
s , , , tml m ..,,,. olr
ciiaiioii" a kut. 11 .shout ilartry lo I lie
acquisition oflbe almighty dullur.
Tn Pjinrr I'nest. Thocourx-ofcm
duct pursued by one of lbs ;ry presset
ever tince it ha. been established In ll.o
. if 1 1
iiruin It (VMiinral ilianftnrfiinl In Must rrini
fl'VII . V us . '- ! SB. .ISSfr wwift
munity. The conduct nf a newspaper, if
properly dlrctlid, is a t;rcat publin bene
fit. Hut what is 10 ho thought 'nf a man
iv ho wilKpublisl. nil) tiling and oveijilmi
thing thataro kiiom. to ihe puldin nn I
lo the publisher bimulf to bo faKe, and
lien cornered ami proven a ultifler, to
persist In wrong doing f Such has Ik en
. .... ..a nf..il aast....lw.. I I.. Iia. a.-nasn
himself an ejunl for any b'acku'iaid.
Tho moral Influence of his paper, if be
continue, in llio old vein, will gain for him
lor lo iho people of Oregon. 'I ho ...I.
joined arliclo from ihoWirrr ,Slnir,
(good authority uilliiiiirn.igl.lK.r) a den
ru m. Ill llll tier lif lalllllill. n lllil ll k1 1. I 1 1
.-a.w, ,-. a - l T '
t" the course nl our n. igl.tm, .t Insert
It without furllier.coininenl:
" .Nowvpniiert aro iho channels ihrougli
which tho piiblia mind now receives nut
"? I1 k,'wll,,lP1" "r I'V'1" ,",",,l' l""
also, tn a great degree its flucilm,, iu ..
Rllri 10 )wn n, measures in nil malln-i
of Imblio concernment. Ilow imimrtaiit,
then, thai lltcso ehnnncls should in. kept
. . ..I . . I
l'"re. A corrup. iiiiiuiuu. cnnuoi Mini
loitl. nuro waters. vVunflcii lic..r will
. .
iigNjion NiH-ak nf die corruption nl
Iho pnrly pry
ess, and the littl . r.llnn. elhut
1 1 .' . rt i. . -i .. t i- . i
" ,n,"" V"," "'"".." V.. ' J '
iiii iniui i iiii i iijii. u u itiitiii nut
- ow.j. ,i.. ,nl,. r ,.. .a..,u
. .
''''' '"" " l" "'" n"'r"'s lijr nil nidi.
..tiliinl nml ftubllo tralisuetions.
i. if. i.i.. 1 1... ...i..,.,i,.i ,.r..r...:..,.
'in bo nnrnnohliii'f nun lo a iiohlt. ii.iiure,
IU u. Ilkiu iiiu iiiiioi.ii in iiii isiwii
.....I ,!.., tl.n l.n.l !.. mrrni.l ......
.llll. Ill III- -.. .'.'., I"U a..f.'l. IIIU'I,
it llm bad imitt, llio corrupt inuu, where,
'ever you place him. Tho dishonest pol
Itlulau is llio scoundrel, pluco him w born
j on will."
I jir King's (lection uh 11 member of lliu
legislature, l.generully Louceded. W
had hoped ll.o result would have been dif.
f.irclli. Wu shall halo I1I111 bridled .vli.u
ho again lukes bis sent. If hn bail U-en
haltered la.t year, ho would havo douo
let. mischief.
IlEAUTiriiL. RiiiiniTioM nr Mnni.ti's Dr..
nnoKACV Tulbor bard for llio defi-nt nf
Gnn. Laiiryand then fire cannon over bis
election I Heller tint let thn Halnmilet
catch you at that trick again bo).
,ir .lie -jiriMiir
, lAitr or 1111 ('in i sum I
' Jim-. I, '01 S
Mil. Si iim in r
It would si em al. no. I u.t 0 pirn In nt
tempi 1" gie ton nr mi I. hi. ' b i'.
mi) noi'out.lol ll.e'.i.(jii s l m ,
.mill I rem h ..ni I. - bum.. Ilul tin
ueiounts II. it hiiie ii.i. In I in. ui n Lit
lo It.. i . i.mtrt I luid n imp it
The mi. mint nl the Ci "I. l i .1.1..1. I
think Is nl the 1'i.lls m-ti u I I l"s If m 1 .
nil) I" In Md) ul tin U ... I .
s.Mlie lile II. lies tiiltln I in-l M'
n.er 1.1. d Its ..I'ii.I.Ih.i. sli n s In t.ii 1 11 11
t'asradis in. I the It.lhs .. .. . tl"
n.iiHt nileii sliii ll.i.t I l"i' ' - 1.
The trees, or the rem. ins nl tin m t
lug 1.1 lite M.i r m from t iiutnt I 1
ut.ter, Lie ii..t un u 1 mil' ill'. Itin
110I phii id ilu 11 In sl.li-li mill 0 1"
ti.m , tin i .iu I .un I 11 I Ii -1 Ii 'I'l
rl.er, mid 1.1 plin'i s "I. " lh " "" ul
do iii.i iipHuii h 1 a. tl.i . 1 Ii 1
lh. rel re 11 usniiiilili ih tin' tin'
1. 1. 1st I.....I hi 1 .1 n slil 1 i'.i in in.' 1 n
ul lmt is i .lb d Ilu I '1 I . I s In ii I I.
raised the mi r 11 mi toii.'s l' i'.hi
I see no si nulls il tilt till. .11 I . 1 1 t; . 1 un I
.1... ... . . . - ..... ... 11.. 1 .. ii ...
t-i.r Hie 'fritll.'f
urn 1 ii. mil 11111 111 i'.i' ,. - .. i . -
III" trl1U () llllll Hllh.V lh. D..1 . lit
nnl ot.ttiru. ii n i (it Pit .. It ipt.I-. K nl
s?i . . I ..1 .. .. 11 ..It . l .11 . 1
111 in 11 mil'"1 1."-'" mi i 11 1 if
ht litunl it 31 u tU .milt it 1 tiilti inn
1 rjt 111 in ! walir.ti un I'm I! (
iiUltt tin K'I'lt I iitU al I Hil'Kil' I
tint nt ll'io I'lnii', lli'' i tin ( I nil l
Iril"' of lulii.ni m Ifitlriu i'i 1
cA lh Co UM". .Ilttl lilt Mil ti I .in I t
NitiM't I nut ( Hit in mi in IHi tit
It 11 ij'll'i llll ItltiT 's'ltt,' 1 1 t
inih I'T.U ( lh" I 'i -1 .1
nml nil Id' ml. I" tli w I '' m I i
o'Ih r 'I'ti it 1 Ii ' m,i Jin n M 1
at unlit mil' "1,4 ii'l (I iil t i i
tnliil tl I jut 1 1 nl 14 1 tie in i am'
IL'IIII ilt I l1l til llll II I ii 1 t l '
fci I ut litxTi . ...w i r I 1 1111K1 , 1
till I ttic Ii itrn I 'n Un it I
I r in ui '
m ti nl.
i N 1 t I
I'l.lS I I s I I ,
W I .
one lll IHaj'e. t t r it i'ii 1 ' -'
ml -i Ii lr n i'ii n I
II ii. iiii I ui -I nt. I I i .
parMi n.e ... tin .'. n I
that h is su.l i t lr iu I j i " i
. in ire th in Hi i in i
Ulie.e l.ivn mil iii .i
l '. HO illi th iiiiu II. . '
(Ui. ) t..i: I
icord m t it'., r ' '
wiiin, the nliu i I I I i ' I
it ih no old 1 ... turn nn I I.iih i i
lur Mars, ("uiii .... i 'i Inn n i" .i
tint., r.gbi 'I'b" vni.s.i. ui il
are going on in d.lli m.i purl I i'.- I i
ted Stales are i tl'i . ting in n It g . I i le
passage, oflhu (oi.iprou.iie measures, the
Cheap Postage h, nml the n firm "I lite
Constriiit..e Mih .igi tui u ti I hi ll
cnllnl lor b tli"p'"de Tin ii i il o k
we Vi(t . m i ny il.i'i .1 v.i'1 I. il,i.
flanking iri. ih ,, iIh-i i. li h.
iu the lull, si it .sun mi it I . i n
gji d in tiih I ImL'
Hi Ukl II till' HI ! I n I
. l;'lltn II Ii i I III ilmi.i 'i r
will uln . mil. I'd n ''. I. I
iipuhle it r i.i.ij I'.o
i ul if i's o n . i
fd.l ui d t i m in s I. i
fi in with th li i ii II' .ii
he inl) lie ii I il ii Ii I
trill" In .i.i I it i' il
Ilu lull in wlm Ii I Ii ii.
no II thin he u m ' I i
pair i I win., m.iil' n tin I
Wltll Hill ki I j nuts t i ,i l M
lh. slhiul I. rs, iiimI .i ri.iij n
't'lS lit
1 1 III
liruallv 1 1 1 n Ii "in il.. '."'ainii
flillll the sin. lllili r J.11I1I 'if ll III j. ii. the
dthtiini " r.11111 tho sh ni1. 1 r I the Ii 111 1, lit
11m heal liy 1111.1 tin iiirwitl Iiii ...ii,
uud I llll I IIIMIIISI tin enilb 11 'h III. let I,
so iis tn uii.kt at h i.i 11 tu.ii'liiil 11r1U11t
I nt. I. Illtlll I "This llll' Hull! ,, nihil
ih lie, 10 the diriitiill'l 11 1" hlh ..ml
will. Ilu- md "I hi. f" I III 11, .il'l.tli
lilill.M.JI h.lil ill 1 t It'll J I'l llli eiul'i , tint
oil one 1 1 1 iki hi, ir.i.i ri d 11 piiii Ii n t nl
1, .era! miles 111 1 tii!, h. h illeliti '
nJlust lite i pint tin (lies ,Sii h inn
tnwim " i.iiulil h- f I mi s'i nd'ili ..line I 1
,lunn.' 1 n i'm ,i btiding 1.1 nib. r
Will) IIHILI I -.-ll'ln Hi' mil mis , 1 1 ..ping
from sur.oiiiiiliii 11 1 hi rgs , t plmiiii"ii
id volt nine, rait) rs, 1 1,1 11 rsi 11 ii si 1.. 11 11 ipi
lllld moriisM , .. iIKiii. ni-r 1 .'.e mil
hUiH ; hounding mi r iiilit nil st s, straits tin I
proiiioiiliiries, nr explmiiig tin 1 tun I 1 np
.ml pinks ol l.liiiiiti"iii'i, 1 mill hum all
m ensil) 111 inmpliih'd I ll'n ' ..mi
6V . veiv fi'lisi inmiirv i.giiiui tint
rounds nf the in itsp.pi rs, Im-nl up 11
soiiin hnirsiv " 'ns usliin'i ,n h iru
in Ivill.iinl " lie uns linn un Pop's
('n.k, in Wi stiuoii hiiiil Ciiuiut , a A
tone Willi 11 stiiliililo 11.-1 ii'ii"n, plu.id
lliero wo liliete h) Mr. t'niiis, mtiii'
t. lirs llgn, lliulk . ihe site o the h 'Iiii' lit
..huh tin I nib. r nf his iiiiintij hut saw
the light .Im. (V.i.
frV"l'assiiis M. Chi) 11 urn 111 n spun
id uil, Ires, "loth" In 1 un 11 nl Kent in I. s , "
ns.iili.st thn I'ugititu Hluvn I, .it, 111 wlm h
hu s is:
"Tho passage uf nn lilljilsl nr uuronsti.
tulloual ii.w klmll mil dim mn friuii my
alliginuce und siihiiin.siun in Ihe A uteri
can Union, far tem 1.I1.1II ihe repinl of
Ktiib 1. lun, force me lulu tri amu uud civil
wml I am not niilv lor llio Onion re.
pin! or no ri peal hut for tho Uul'n, Sla
very or no Slavery I"
A Mit.rr.TNAoniMNNY AtrtiK.-Tlio
Ni JiUiln(Mi ) I' ni'M itii titr- lliopnr.
liMildm nl tin alutn t'Minii nt nl n tnt
i ntt nl ti 11 tiii iii nn tin- riMiit nf
Mi vim, U Ciiit lnilo ll...kinn. (.( il,o
tliiji '.' Iniii. tn I lie 1 in uiii'ttiincri, f-
till. ! in !i 1 lU tt 1
Ilu l'.. l.dii.i'i lli H.im rmnti-oo, f.jr
I'm mil iliili nil iui.i iih.''- Vo ,
iiimI nil' 1 t 1 mi 1 hi v itn I nt tun tlnjn,
h 1 i.nt 1 ami tv 111 I a H In lit'l, t!jc
( .ipiain 1" ) " I tl ! a ti hint-1 r Itnat'i
x tiiiiii r un tin 'ttM n ti .linuli I Inml
.11 itii 1 1 I an t ' I'm ii Hut tni
I 1 1 It I 1 t 'i ' Ki'U i(j nl Coil
iii .in I ii ' i' ' '1 11 1111 n nl llm
I n it 11 i 1 i' 1 n'tl an I iii il for
id in oh ( mi tto't nult'H ii'Hili
1 Tin mil, t .1 11 Ii' dii at nm lior
in iw mil 1 t in i'ii -It ii Hun af
i ih t it t- '1 ' -s' ) "Im itl ' il nn
'. . un.! I ' ' t.( l.i sr. tin
' ii 1 1 1 hi I. it , 1 1 ,ni mi ri).
I 1. ill 11 'i i' '! iHif 111 v tin,
I I III I ,.. ' It I 1 il t I tin fttl HM
I r r 11 t 1 I 11 ' i I 1 in Iiojim
1 1 I tji u 1 i' t ! 1 it tut nil hi i in
1' mm 1 Ii . I I" Mi' lliru
11 . i .1 1 i'm . 'u Iii nn Cpir,
u . 1 i l (in 1,1 1 Ii 'I It 1 flll0
1 ..it 1 nit I tl. 1 mill 'm 1 ti ni I Vil
i 1 si tiinl 1 miiiii , tins) 1 tin 1 , tn itj in i
1 I t tiu 1 I nn f ifl r m 1 in tin 1
I .1 Ii'. nt I I hum, nml J
U tk. . t 'it M.i I ii. tr
n hi I N 1 M , in nistt.
in'i il 1 tin 1 t 11 1 C i t Hoji
I 1 1 ' t I . II II 1 . I tit 1 tllrfr,
t ,i , I I th hi t .Sin 11
1 1 11 1 . 1 ' t t ih- Ii 11 r 1 I thn
t hi 1 I Mirtinij ,
1 1 1' J hikI In lirf
I , ' 1 Ii I !ii pit tr.(
.- I il, 1 (ii It 1 1 1.. ,,'; tn
11 1 1 t It ' v 1 Ii n.nl jfi
- . . ini I'ii
j . I ,--. ii,
i . i i i ii,lm
i ti h I II t
I ' lin. ir i
' i im ill
,. r,
i , j
.t u
I its
I rf . Mil 1
I ..It),
. I ' si
, I .-
. it , n
I i. urv
i. t in i n mv Ii.
ii. barii y
I . - t it t I ii
Ii. I M i.i s .
l i' I i i I'ii i i i i ver the v
i i . I I i i ' 'i I ( j tst the
n i. . il i '. i' . i, it hts oi
-tun. I I), i un is nti I ii i 1 1 d Kin uIIiiidlq
i I ilrij-.iti-.ii., since I fn loin descended to. J
siolencoand tmH-ulcd lo tho passion, of t'WS
retoliitlnn. l(rtnieusiiLli.'ktremslli(r s"
is liitl" I i hixHe, fir ltli nre equally r.
in id f.nin thiit siai.daiifnl lil it) and or-
l r to .vim b tins. niiiitr. hi j.il adheres.
Hut ilu ih ejh i di..'ini i ii si ., in 'iiiropiu
i ui u.Mi.i lh i-h wlin in -i I (in ltd the lib
I I ll I .lll-e t. I'll It' I ill V MIS ti of 11,
in I th i. i I r t .ii ltd M tu whio'l
' - i I tin,
' .i'.i pi J
' . i l I ecu
I , n t ti
I I a . .'I 'I 'hi
. I. i
I I 1 mi 1. I.t
' . .1 . , 11 I'eLetn.
. r ,
I lln.lt, . t I P -II
Ml II ll I I
1. n . I'ii-o
I11 11 issued,
1 tt I It'iuls
til l 11 11 11 I Ida'
' Ini in 1 ti in. inuu 'mil th tvin.
ir ti '11 1I1 11 '. un v u hih I it is not
l" il, in ill. 1 11 1 in itii stht nt our I'a
flier, unit, iii i.. 1 iiild v nu 1 ii l.e I ijf. til
ir I mil . np voir sin iHinetiu l-el ire dim.
Anil h h .Id, inn stmtilil I it wine m,puru
w 1 iii" i.i.it'"t tie .hi", nt jour
in il e n I ut un vi .11 ilrinltt u.i- not
t 1 t'n I. It hut ( 11 i'i H11.I1 ii; of votir
I in - .nl iivani 1 mi . n ii imi f n too
I it , in Hie 1 fir tin In I t . nii'l t. n a gou I
t n 1.11 . 1 it 1 iiti le 1 1 1, I 1 11 . nn I
II 1 s 1 I. I ut tl' tn I lilt It ju'J.inef I
iill I i'hII 11 I It, III ll it lllltlks U'O not
I r ill- l.llt '
'I h.. , nml 'tr ul if hi.'I'iiii .r.i
II" llillli ml' ill ilh" I ... Iv Hi ih I'i 1. si.,
S' ti'titiei, I. M i- Itish p. I'm sin, Tenth.
ii-, ih in nn , Hi ilii . 11 an I J- 'e-s of lh.
('Iiiiu h .I J 11 ' 11 ist 1 1 l.ntter Day
Siiuis,' 5ri I Met un oiil'iel id confer
In,!, tier 1111 I ' tl iid- windier ihey nro
si ut I 'ilh in tin i'ii,' mi of tho foil.' of
nun '
WI 1 ilu r hot drnil..' aro ' fir tho body
nr In II) ,' nr 11 .!, is 11 nn. .'.Ktuoii in tho
0 '' I'i 'I Pur. s IHiet.i Mnguelio I.o "
I 'in .Iiti , wi hiiin fiom ihe Natiotiul In
II II. yi neer, h is 111 nl 11 mji (.esful 1 xpor
urn 111 il nip, .tub graliltini' resu'ls. The
Inli II tnmei id tin .'7111 ull , suts:
"Pnifi-Mir Pag' 's III. 1 no .Magnrlio
(,m iinntiti ..e tindiTsimiil, mntle 1. pro
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 irt in il lln d it 'a 'me )estridny on
nir iiiilmiil, Im th furpnsnnl testing tho
In si in h 1 I' an. 11 hmg ihe ln.llnr), which
,1111s mil' 11 ilillu uli point, n.ting 10 the
u-,imt' "ii I M illi.lnius of Iho Incomnllto.
It wns 11111 out nver two miles, and'tha
In -.1 speed, in. n strnlgel track, tva. ten
mill's 1111 I10111 'J'ho loeomntlto tviight
tt.11 und a hnll' tons, und has fiva led dri.
tirt, mid two fiel strnlic. Wo honu toon
In reu it under wnv in full blasl. ll made
1. u nous" uppenru mn lo ihusn who hap.
noncd in bit on tho spot at iho time, at ll
look exactly like pautngsrutr."
a - .v . ,.xa
. - . . .'. .j ,.,-. ..,--.. , ..' . - mslLB
1 ti , .(.rtAT-.( . , .V-Z
r v if i -r . -s" si-s-ie",' . 'is a. ) t 1 1 T t f y !-- v!