aVar fB.t'Qr - A- uw-Tx. i ilj- -. . -!" J?f S? WJF, y ha, .-- fa HW .l v Zj?w. r irSV '" ," 'M? W ,f .i . V i'.i".Vi.,(U j- .r i.u.V-fkAy&AiliMijfiAA . t -wfaf rawCTif a. . .?" i:'v i " .ri'.t 'iJ V. -T... r. 4'.r ktriM SL- W. kli t. T vwuiwraa sug iJlEL .. mm m EK1 w 'V3- V 'A J l'i.ilo!J. a j . M . u'lUTTh WtfMlirt'M1i4-TWWwHwclliiywMMWqil !K . h:'j.uMMtd(i.'i tiiifrrttM J. i '17i1WJ? f WWtJ H . THHHUO ggM!TATOMi, rnvursB.TB Mf Kiiil., aocui. i Irrnssst laraaairt ,t favui vr mmo. Wfcrt nrv, k'riprleiot'. ' TKRaW. ' (NVlUllL; ft aPVaNcIi Oo at, WaJuuun ...,.... ,," oil ,Wlraaiitht, ,. , ,i, 00 , J" a.- 'AllVMtrtWI. ei4iMM(mtoMM Waltwo Inwrttorw, .,.....;..;.. .: )..fiov J IHimTHHWI MHWI4m.....n,l,,,,1i uu , ij A IMmM dads" IMiU l tawly admliaan. K? , Tlrl .WMW of leaaruaM mutt It illatiatlly K,w marked aa 'Ike sriarflaj oUMrwIae lhajr will U Wa ntsllaasa UN NraM sad ekergad aeeaidtaftyi N't . "" . . rr- . ' Agaaats fair Ika NyeMri .. xmiwmij.. w:!,.:,:! KiiyUmifiiMi Uftnunu lu' ' J. I. Mm. Ki h iuil rl fur Iht Him lor lu im Trrrilorr, wl la uiiiriui la rttm ml rrerl)it (nr nil nvtm)i ntllsla Ilia utl). A. m. aua, ti, uijrmaata inn rcmnir. T. I', Fuwua, CUIw aiiiyi O, T. (iau. Aaaitaatlit JL ro,if(mjcll)t I'oim tV LV , I'vitlaiitl. J. II. X'Cuil, IVSI, Patau (If. Atla) A'laria. (, M.WlUm,j.ClialiViii A. J.IUnaaai,a , YinaHilk I'. U, a , Llai ciljr. Juairia i!, AhhMi Mafli ef Mar) ' inn, A. HbUiMi rm. IIUIahcWMgli. J, W. Nuhith, .VoMi.lli'a nulla. IMk rwiniy Jrau Arruaatd t7niipi Vallry W. II. Run, llulaMllU. lluaaT Nawttx. Uhamtmar. i )tia ,V Lixiiku. l.urtUninla. w IM'. Hiac, llruton rvunlr, J. II. Iloi.nia. I'arlfk- I'lir. J. II. Iloi.ma, I'arlfk- I'll J arm ill llualjr, Jarwi t'oKii Hyrartiaa Unil rtnintr IUiCiuwi llraMM IM I'Mlllrto., Ilrnlou rt'iTuii Uum, !. CdumUa riiai lull Walalaa, KrMiulli'a Mila, I'.JIa nmnW U'-oiE'iurx . Ym Ilia irutor tiii: (a.tiir.nn. cainl'trr la what' lii U a.i.1 hIiom r gH,4ur Tit tuta vf fyvS ifiilrr kaa lMif brau a IvriuaH t WhaweauJwt wanrh iliahhi-ia m i,a rnralin 'Dia fart.ihat h iloca dm accoH wlili ru .laalmj A camtlrr U wiiatT-K la oim wikmc n atmu la (Vaaaatal la fiaoj aii4 mk(rprvalatHii H la aaaa alii aeeuftwUlr IM-fvlUa liMaur, Hj barabratl driajitiaa and llalioaraa' itKaaurra. A'taatUar aa Ut t-ba I th datlta rrranlai, rWwbail-Jaaaaarabiafinoialy, Tb aukar W bra aria aad baaraur tt i)aan Ii Th baafUy tWlaal ef all k-UaaIa,' TJ carta at aula awl th f4 ef a uatian. A (aaabler aa wbal ? lit la a fix- lo MlralUn, A fo la " Iba totuino oniMl'a Iru jaralivn i A IW la lb gaat a fuo lo ila lirasur,, A vangaatM-a maik'Jal.jrtl if llaai rn'ailiticaMiir l I' i Va.hiU. .MajfJI.IMI A Nuvl i. in.ii'iTKiN or liRAHinr. A prrcevioiii tiiutb biii( uUtu llm wunl I'r,. ll,nr.r...lMNilir-, rnrnuiinmlil It. ..-..,,...... i - - -. pnrae, niniiipru matter flitirplv naknl linn, ilu iii nut linow what part (if apcech frnj If, air I Yea, air, a notiil. ' M'liM kind of n noun .' A Moody noun, ir. 'I'li.tt lioy must ho an nttiirlio oflli" .N t). I'rnceiil. A OALiroiiNU at WisaT I'oitr. Mr. lilllicrt baa firwanlrd to Admnlcn Valh. jo, hi apxilnlnieul a Cadet at Wot I'olut. Mr. Vallrji ha the honor nf be. ing llio firal rcprcaentativu of (ilifuriiia lq tho .Military Academy. (&" We" would havo nil luiini! men lu. ijuire what tlmo their aweclhearia rlae in the morning, nml how ihoy aeiid llicir lo j ; null ibo jnung wninenlii be juat an lniiallvo coiicrruing llicir nivalin, ll may not hn verv ixiencal In ho thus nrv. Ing, hut il may s'atcn unrldiflrniibh by-1 nud bye. ' .i" i ""T i i ;"" tV llielog.oueul them wa4lo hold onolho in lii.til.'hl, I oggy I oilier end lu prevent ll going loo far, while No you ahau t do no audi ihlug I ,lf (,,lcr , , ,,, ,, i.'rnr,lf( ,int 1C ftiuiitliurulao engaged. mighl nol U nhlo toprotcnt theroiio from "I awanny, I giiov. j on tn lulsafit it , lipping through hi finger, Jimmy, who for I'te gol my Irow.rr. vlckel4 lull of Wai llio aleorsman, ll.il it to hi boil v. glnguriiroail. ..." Start lata.) aliy, I'hellm," aald lie. af. vou .may ioko my arm, Jonathan, I' only aijj ao.' Vniai.iu AMU Till. Com riiiiMisn. Tin Conipriinilso rrsolullou havo been adopt. d by llio Virginia llouyjof Dolegalv, by nn almost unanimous toto. They do. Iiounco secession, refuao lo cu4jeratr tviih South Carolina and declare for the (ompromUo and llio Union. Hurrah for Ilia Old Dominion' tho mother ofStulou .tbo homo of Wathiiigion ! Missoml flfpullltttll, Wiima.i. " Il Is llio pari of u woman, like Iisrown beautiful pfanot.to choorthv ilswn and darkiie lo bo both tho mom. Iii'a atid iba ovonlng alar of man's life. fTbe llgla ofhoroyo is tho first to rlao and tha last lo'set iinonjiiaiihood's day of trial jtiid, rultbrln'g," (KT Jenny Ltud1 refuted lo icavo.Notv 'lieantcjl flundav. and tho boat had tn jVi.Vpiph 'wt. ;.-.:, ! .U.?-i fWl iMTiiJgrlli Jii uJt" " r j t ' " ..r-tft 'tt ' "." ,.. '-. li-ll.'L'J,',; .rl ..TJ ' , rwjn Hi APMjf Alia , fA k''Ii yaunu Mil tIV,' Lut'bovo nil ;lflii h till n ailr ot itU otiijQf, lata, v nrcKCUtrd lirl(l)fo.iv -'rtlii l'i ililnii Uvrvor, (wo trtaaUlo tli InvUeut frmu llii'l'ciioli'jounuN furllip Iwnulil uf car ioiiMj.itiJ fiitptnuy, ouJ ilii nddtcMtd lilin'i ' ); ' w " Mviulour, I pomp to couault y ou.ypon ()rvri'arirr ij.'imil lo olll((o iiiu I lovr, lu uiirry mo In aplty vt ilintlf. HoWaJi"" liroCBll" ;"' . , ,- 'ilia uonlUman nt,llio,Uf lax) ol.oeiirM ufficluuil.At!jg,jBunc!cpG. Hr lootrll ,tnoiii.Tt('Wi, MplKtl uabl) luiinrnii i l r I .. ' tl tminiiii a man lu marry yuu ton mtul rtmaln on llifcq octaal'ma ulmio wllli blm : ihitn )ou can an-rar Wru'rv a jualj'.t tUal u la 'jour lovH" , - "Anil thai uiuauiiicr, .Momirurr 11 Yea, Mademolaajllo, w'lll no filrilior condition, " 4dM i. Wll f" " "Tliat )m trill prmlucs tvilnriaax wliu will malt oatlla lo llicir having Mm you rriiialn n siknI nuartrr of an hour with die ' Indialdual mid lo Imo trifled tilth jour allmrtKrt." ' . Viity a ell, .Momlour. I will retain on na o"imaol In iIki nianagcnioiit ol tliiat alliir. licvul Uuy,'' . . i ., , .1 n turned. 8ho la myati-riyualy mcHiol lav llio lawvrr, ttliiAicarr4y uitlns her tjnin I'lSculhiTwIf, ijiltlMia llrr witlithn nvo Hvrly ruroliy " Wrll, Madnifiiaplh, hou dn lintleri iiniwr V Oh I all l"k- mi an iinnilnaly. I hare 1 pmacd n half hour mill my inlrndad. I ban Uaii ami lo (jt up ntnir niid oonin iduwn anin. I luvo fiiir wiliicaart irho I .. Ill '...., l... t-...il. I will nllirin thia under mill. Capital! lapitnll I'aiicTrm In your ilrif n, Madnimiaclle l,m iiilii,,tlmno.xl IIiiif oil umiaull mo vou muit tidl uwlho ' name of llio )ouna man wo am ning lo i rtiidsr happy III (pile of hiiusclf.' " tuu aimii h3t- ii wiiiinui iitii.' A furtnlrjlit aHerwardi, the yuUng per. aon, more imrf and candid than rtrr, bnocard ifiacrrrtly at the 'dour of br counacl'a room. No oour u aa ahr w Ilh In, tliuu alio lluug horaelf haatlly into a chair, aayiiiR tliat aha bad mouuttd the ataira too ranuiir, aitd umi aaMUoai nutue lo roauuraher; and tttada bor inhau Mil, and oven propoacil lo unlace hor garment. " It la liacli-iu, .Moiltleur," aald ahe, " I am much Iwtter." " Well, nuvrdotcll llio nameiif lha for. lunate mortal j ou ure coiii lu etpouao I" , " Ani ymi viry Imiuilient tokuoir it ' i "IJti'niliiiKly o. ' " Wull, linn, tli;' firtuuite mortal, l" it LllOMI H)0ll, i )OUIpf" aald ' tli" umii" hiauty hurst in;; into n lnuiiti. n"ir I'm iuiduivii mr a iuw uaymiierunnmii )oiiiij RirHcu txiiwcen'lhein. Wertr ahall 1 forwi "' i . Tr I'".'"?, ,""r' h'MrV """' proeeed amounloJ to me. d I , , Tc ,ma9,,,In ,cr ft!"' W3 taat onruthird !.." ""?..' . S. ""if 'u value. The mol notable aril. f ii tctc vilh vou, n nn Iji 1 in , rojJ) nn , y Ua lo tho uuUiratc, trni.!i' i.fiitiit. I ....til.. ' '' ""' lb. h.w)..r, hua (airly caught, had .he ,;! aenao not ,. gel a.igry. f ho rntr.1 tZi lfe wl. L r .'l a , av make", an , joiiiig fc. !'",' to way, make, an "Hrn'it m lift Jimmy I" Two broth, em fioni thri (niernld late, a few ilajt Incr, niirchaacil a iileco of Inml not far from llio Itriuhrr, and went In aork to clear il up. Alter cutting don n llio large to'J.i. d understand Jlr. Alger would gruuili nml burning tho itndcrbruah, they not dlspoio of It for $,'00. llararehUhwy nmteeilnl lo conlrite b plan lo cVt tlie.glre il a valuo cutlrcly bctond any In. i ' fallen trunk topclhor In npilo for tlio pur. jfiaiMit-iJuiuUiaaU. 1 tin lanil lay upon a aide hill, and iheymcltided that If llio a aide hill, and ihevNiincltided that t could roll nlogtthlih niyneortlioununlt, nml place It nlwitl half wny jdown, Ihey might piln tho rest against It, niiTlhui o. euro llio objecl. Hut Iron- tvrro tlltv lo ' prevent It. when nncn under way. trout rolling lo llio Uiltom, and thus defeating their plan I 'l acrompliah this Ihey obO lalnwl a mp-, and making one end fait to , contincinc himaelf that all was rlehl II lid tiL'llt. I'liellni did btart him, mid a the log commenced In progress tho hpo ratight In n prxtjectlng knot, and began rapidly to wind up. It soon drew poor Jimmy chock up, Pirat ho went over tho log, and then tho log wept over him, and so they continued llicir circumgyrations and som erset, I'hellm watched their progress for a moment, and Ihon sung out : " tStlnk to him, Jimmy faith vou'ro a match for blm, any tvay; jou ro u-top half tho lime 1"Mtiint Puptr. Clkvxr Kiitoht, A servant girl In tli town of A., whoao beamy formed e'inat. lor of general admiration ami ditoiurslon, in passing n group of officer In the street, hoard ouocf tin m oxolalm lo his fellow, " lly Uraven, alio Is uilntod," " Yea, sir, and by Heaven only," she very quietly replied, turning round, . 'J'hp ofl'ujor aoknowlcdgcd, im foroe ol the rebuke, and apologised.,.' v3 , , II Ok" mmmimm (mi I W! 'ssrrm . ar fl A man 1 imHmMUi'm. P a - a a , V-'-'LJl perftM in nr fM M'tMO'lat to I wlaao- HttrfcalaateM.WtVla frly..MMMiia k,Mjiaaly.! wllb and oblldren, and Ujo; whole, tdi.cjrul. Mrilcli, lA.bit soli inirrlfii;afi; olafaW atiliitfta,-krt'pr'r lIoUn&aWrirjMw butlMlaMHMaN UHttai lio aMXAakiuAKaa tU-crow'a ond (.'! ofyiucfi a. mM,M ,UaM ,w dan(fefon.',lo ma indWtya fVrW ! aH foibUflt. And Mom ted all E lglthtitijhtfMl&& J'tiMf" awryPJaWHTfaWwriPBVljBmBBi iiKront Ilia, Ibing. ,.Il It &, aed-il oaaaof no ouicrwip(r anu mw oniy awpa or ap iivailng thoao who arrlixollrd asadnai rno (a In further conrioolpiat do lototfTaeta mo ao rdamnlly; tha.ovailc;uipUtioa of uo JuiTioeM mikva nla ao bamr. ai I bat aVtwccn marritd 'popo. Ii la amastac 10 myafii uteauao u. art in to me, tut I, lltliift iinmarrlrd, or matalaaa, bars with tbat iiaiirdncas llttlo to do. Hut It laao, and ll ulwaya wb wat 1 raa but a Ihtla child when I aatv my falhrrcctudaj.oom , Into llio room aalnre mv inotbar waa. and pilot before her a,ia;ln whtoh Kara bar Rrrai pieaauro. m klaaed hi hand, and word nuil iranoe oriearAil altarllnn .. " : . . 7. ". on pa ai liomt Ihd fcalinR of bapplnau, nay., ol bllaa, wlili h riuahtd tliro'uli my aouhaa I nlti nraard llili, alandlna aJIcntly Jn a comer of iIki ruom with my doll. It a ai If I tea veil had aanlc down upon my hrart.- I aiuu aiiriitiy oiuur it wtlglit vrhan tho glanco of may narrnti fall tiiwn nw. "Sho Mmlioa.o beautifully iholittlr one!" aald my molliT, nircclionnlcly, ami nvy father rniua and laid hit hand aoftly upon HIT M....I ' biad. Xerrridiall I foreet lhal either. ll la lomctliliis of lliia hlinful focllnc wlduli I experienca ovcry time I aca Ibo happincat of aapood inarnrd pair, aapaol. I ally when itiaa oouthleratlo lima aftar the lioiicy.mooii. Afi' lirrmer, It I lingular IndacO that one' who ap preciate! ao highly Ibo married life, or the Ijrcnl Improvement made In nun thereby, thould have remained ao long alngk. Sba i boyond rjueallon entitled), after thai, It gWtWWJaqtMilBlBf, will aucceed we bare not Ih least doubt. Hii.n or I'aor. WcasTBa'a LtaoaATo. by, rrc The yariou appliance of lira late I'rol. tvebater a laboratory wera rolJ ot Auollon by Mt. Leouard, 1 rcmonl now Amouc thtaettcntiroaaaortmrnt weroun Iquo glaaawarp, electrical machine, air pump, batlcrio. ami llio Ibouaand and one thing uaually found lu k cliemlit'a nparliucnt. A great many of the thing were uacleta, having hern manufucturcd ftf Ptnriinrnta. 'I'lit b.i1h Innlp.l Iwa . ... -'u " llif COIIOCIIOU wa lliagnei, OOCO nwn. . i.. . Il.,!.,t.l.,l t.Ml. l.m , I(!1,0f,,er; u, f, h Wf, ,H.hf,llcj d , , ,.,,, , ,,"i"'- Aflar ariau, fortuna. ft eamo In. 0 ,,, km of l'rof. Vebater,.by 'hate been owned hymen who have met Ilh n most unfortunate end. The mag .net a purchased by Mr. 1'rancla Alcer, of ftnith llotlon, lor the trilling sum of trinalc irluo. In this oonnectldn we may atam inai at trie auction ol rroi. u coaler Library , hi name waa orated from all the ixicra except one, niucli book la now in mo possession or well. known literary gen tlcimu uf this city, who hate quo of the largest colloilItKis of autonroph of any person in iho country, 'fills book con lalut the I'rofi'saor's slgnoUiro, written In a bold and lUablaj; manner. It eaoaned tho detection of the family by one of the leave adhering to tho cover, liotton lice. Omit or (Ics. HiiAiiv. Gen. Ilrady. of Detroit, died on tho tOlh Inst., from the eiT'ctiorlojurle received by being thrown from hi carriage. ' On. Ilrady was born In July, 1708, nml tvns of courso nearly cluhtv.threo years of ago.- Ho entered the servlco of the United Slate, and rccc rod hi llrsl commission, as Kuslgn, under (heJiand of I1. tl'.-ut. .. He served with Way no In his reuowneil Indian campaign, which wrested Ohio and Kotiturky from the savagon, after tho do. feat of Uen. St. Clair after which ho .re llrrd from acllvo service for a time, and re turned to it again-hi 1808, wheu ho,ro coived a commission from Mr, JetTeresii. He diatlngulshsd hhrunlf at Lundy '4 Lane In the war of 1819, and was in active ser vlco during: tbat war.durina whioli ho re ceived the commission of Colonel .of lh 23d Regiment of Infantry. "Upon tba re duction oi uio.armyin tutti, ucn, iiraity waa appointed to t tba command of I ha, 2d Iiiianiry. llSlury. , W In the year 18a5, Gen. Brady was aW pointsd o iho commait-l of the Military Ucnarlment of Ootroli, and waa slatlonad attietroit whem tiobas cvcrtinee,riiei Lia-!JLJlLLjjfet!JlJitVJr.i4a " -" "' "' "W 'J UWX-ii iv mmLWm Z.iMtm L ... -J-ft-ftil iLaVRTS I' RiM'A"aW old aoWlr, an' (arWalVaWW WalianiBBIi.. . bbwhttoiu BaciwMr.aavn. i old maid. ataaraiaraM naVmtr. (ulsa antaaiiav.a aajaaM.aaalatM . i-l L . -a.' ..i.i iU lZ wt m vivrKaaaaa w fta jJaaicawva H aao aaa. a rJivalala'n'vriA ilopa run aVtll bailtnla tliaaf U curVa. a 'amokar liart jnal upon ibt brink of leattlg aawcriui laivvr, a alioat emrtxr, a aaw. ul gold digfar, ajaa bniclwr, Taor, an'iaooawBoKer piayar,; poiiea Mf,. a aaww, Litt,TiriaeAwa.-iA' W' Nat rdiVt ni'jH ''.' '.ii tmruii A loytr about lopop kh; k tnah bo dda iiot like lo no anot at, mm rtamoai ra caaafai board. ',' I UioMriw Max-iAi ail etetmbaat With a cMtts 3 t Uiomtiw Maxr 'Ai ail ia aavnlry town, a aaldabltwnsn on aoarter dack. and a icIiocAeoirmBltlee on rximuialioa day. Bniti Fows1. Tho gant'lbat, drive the Ami bona. My eldest boy : and the fallow, tbat takes the prlso for tbs"eoau'n. drum. ) . v Kxowixo CnAn, Those country mer chants tiiat bld.olTlhoaecbeap gold wtcu e. ThoW chap lhal 'giro these gift books and lbOV jtwelry ta Ihoaelrls, and those tar aeelajr Mlawt that girt ua tha latest news frdm Waahlngton. 3nn I'oixa. Tbo man wliocaonot co any fun In your joVei.Th edltof who reaaectfullv deellaei communleationa. aad Iba lolka who'wllj not leara you aloea wutiyoaar iaiy lore. uoaaowrTL reortt. lbs doctors Jn llrpo ofgVeal slelne, The man wlio Is not ablolo lend you any money, and tho Tfleria tlfet regrets that yoti cannot stay any Jonfer. OorjJPcorLi. Tho man whose rellg. lou apislons are tin same as yours. The man who never Uuob. The jroiiog lady that baa a borror pfioveli. The lad that neyer,aajired a twitre, and Iba ehep who does jtTmow tha meaning of trumps. KifaV FoUk. The man who makes you prassouf yon 1o not wast. Tha (Head who glea sba ao much good advice. Tba lady tbat itnlsts .that you have not made oii your1 dinner. Tha old gentleman that atarraa tlmself to lay aw mowey for you. siW aMn krrf er Wba aatas tba price of r that lets ber children do aa ihey nlaaMS. hA rrienil tarlin ilrlnka tf nTiliffA r j" , t - .--" B- yot),'nd tba young man who waiu at ahtanli to valiant tba ladlea. ifcrrr Pot.-A child wiih a rattle. A ssmII ohap drumming on a tin pan. A school bov on a holiday. Two lovers twalkltg by Tnoondlght. A gent imbibing a snerryoauuicr. a ooy sucxing ciucr throwk a straw, and two country mines oveianice cream. rue FcLums Tho man tbat adrer tlsea. The nun tliat never relates lo lend yod pioney. The fellow who is courting your sister. The man that takes the Sore. Atiorand pay for ll, and the fellows who wait on tne gais io -meeun . lafttrE.itiE.xT MtJK. A wood sawyer. A philosopher with no pott at bis back, aniTa turn-coat. Immmiors Iolm. Tho younn lady wha'reads romance In bed. Tho friend who Is always engaged when you call. Tha 'corretpondent who cannot find lime lo answer vour Idlers, and ihe chaps who carry, gate and griud.ttooe about towu at nigtit. Umurrr Folks. Old bachelors, old maids and married people. Mru.N 1'oLXS. Tho man who kicks peoOle when they aro down. Tba sub. soriber who neglects to pay for. his paper, aUd daddy when ho refuses lo let you have money to bujv ajiuzlm pin. ScisfV'Eorrl. Yond I. M.AIHKO vriTvt x.towino it. A gentleman of Indiana is claimed by a la dy lu lid oily a hor husband I Hearing of ilia claim of late, the gtnllsmin made hia way to Cincinuall in considerable haste to see tho porson who claimed blm. He searched tho records, and It was ascertain. rd that ther regular papers had been made out, that Jthe marriage had taken place, and that clergyman, of good standing had olliolatod, and tba wbola mailer was, to all appcarsnoea, a legal transaction. The ladyliorsalf states that tho gentleman la the. 'Identical person sho was married to. ilutourlloosiernslchbordrrrissatl knowl. edgooftha lady, and, in aJcariwbioh wo4 rind In Ibo Uautta Intimates tbat aonvs person bearing a strong raaomblanoe lo blm, and of course, knowing hJjresIdericc, ofllclsted aa his rcpretenlatlvV got mar ried, and In a ahert lime after left for parts unknown I .ibis la, Iba latest Imptsltlon, if Imposition It be, and wa doubt not It, Is, that baa come to light. The'objecl of tha false man Is plain, yla t to Imj vlat to Imposo upon tho lady and escape lb law, CkuhiM Paper. (fiT Thoauapenslon brldgsjorar tb K. anara. from Lewlaton to Uueonstoo. waa tealed In1 the pressnoa of a larsa nuataar ofpersons. Thirteen wagon, laden whh sand and , a! one,", passed Trom each'' aide saura awta ,avi-lf- a-aaaaaia iivaii vv4vn maellng la the osalre, and at tbeaajsu hj10 M hundred person on horsskfiek and ou foot paed,oyr.' Tho' result' waa satlifaetory to the'patlles concerned, , Wnw. "H a'faUaaiai., rT3ffiEaataU'r'' fw.J'.aV'Wl.Wl JJJ5IT1 - ir5Brgftf ,VV .WWW- iryiflawfiM T ..J Ilk. , .V . d. MM !kV(J r-"AJ r aaaaaaPWr Jr i yw 'i Ty 66 Mlmia LiJ1llaaaaa tha froartkr tfmflwatt aVMHH-a will baaaraM; oVaat a fw,? IHmb HUmH th BOIWlarToriW who bara'irrlreal moMr uipntUtm. clad. TTasy wera Irtd Comrhlaairr resat, Utif MiaallWiaTiad' a asa.jaaaifeaaa ffawsj asa'Ar a dajrr f t. m4 d(yatbeyMk.rtfiiftal They'arria'llrfaiirfrlK.' ." JcK aconanpaaltdby aarJM HMtfWi a of puriid." Tkey aay !tlaii maaa rrom I wo to au MnMt ajar . .r. u.. 'as. aira-ua'ji wltbtrwb'SVrainl atataa.tbatlhe wrt tifHkjl rbrtyihiVea, owing a. .Itta ajj uBhajr only lottona.m'iilada rmw ilorma. aru! that srBa feasant Valley, abaot Hi Webbtrtille. TM'mrhofa parW iwrerar aaft, and was gc4ag ,c wall." Sires an account of asvaral Sgkts k ic emigrants sbd lsdlaaa aa Iba I ., , matso tabswes) HasaboJJk river; tha Indiana always iisslag baT vraai rtnlia. TfA ttvA and naMafN tf aaa aaaa. a vsn the women aad eiiildlaf do aeajMaa tba handa of ifc ristblMDara, chucb au awn wast .armaaw, ws saaif receivea laieiiuaaaa aw a. aaasai horsemen, who.aeajonfiaieaVtp; title inomlnai Sdath Fork of tb 'Aaiirtjira Mcampment or IaaHaa, snow boattuty. MyoiM aave iarewa,n tha ria in ika-a- .1 ..1 ja.t .,Uu iuiui uruiK aa ur ,. aaaivaaaa; saaaa ,ieroen from HacerrBleVtli go firTaSlM .! . ... .a.'. .i.i rJ'-' vZZZSifaj'! ' JOHN BaWsflf. '' r- (fir Has a Stale a rick lo asasda t iaa nuestioa wbieh is iusl now sery-aMv das- oussed In some of tb8ofbera) pae.-J.. The Virginia RasolutrOlta T lTfJ MVB been supposed to favor stseit daetrwes, wit wa are told thai " it win apji-ar rrom fir, Madison's papers, now m Ha of:ho Government, but BayiH BBBabHah. cd, that Mr. Madison MejMatf'aWMt'ao consider them." Amonc the aaaafa re ferred to, it Is said, ara several vary able essays In strong opposkkw lsU nilHiaV caiion and s-ecoeaioa pfiaotpteai UMtl hay prevailed In South Carolina, aad wbieb havo been advocated lo a aqnaWarawaer tent In other States. N. YiStfttt$. PaitB Fiortwo Tom Hyer laotrt whh a challrngo to fight any tnaa ia tba world lor fto.ouua aide; aad oaarstagtvaany irvau from Enslaad, 93000 la natal Mm bare. We havo ao doubt that be am be accommodated j but wa bopo that Mr country will net be again Wagraoad by sucli a brutal exhibition aa a prise fight. I'iiunu Ur. It la esalmaiad fromoffi cial and other aourcea, tbU.tka iataalara. tion to tho Uulled States, dsjrinir lbs last two years, with a view to aerataasat tat- tiement on our territory, aptHociraataa .to .a .. T llio enormous amount ot 030,090 souls. t (& "Martha, does thto love mat asked a Quaker youth 'of one at whoa hrtne his hearts loudest leeilnM bad been ojlered up. tvny, boui," anawaroa anav wa ara commandedao Iota oat-aaitaar, aro.wa, not , r , " Ah. Harflia. but dost iheu rsMrd with that feclleg whUh tba world calla loyal" t. y " I hardly kaaw what to tenth, tleih, I liar tried to bestow my bra aa all, kail I have tomtlims tratW, JMrbra.that thee was getting mora (aaa ajfahar." - . - a Tn Fact. Ha wa baa a Wfh 'dbesrttad. will have bis ayaa uadar it, aad wiU Ufa all lha dava of Ua lira. .. , .. j . .. Ha who baa a tang nose, will va tat? ihwiv aw whw aaav a aia v a-aaa. Ha that la bald will stava ay) bata J. bat If ha Maaa.saJiM ttajr tUMai .lhkaMpsM - vat l. i "bht aSBBBBBBSSB BBmaTasm BBfeBl aBTam aj)aajjaaBaBtaTa ' aBaWaThffahaaaaSBBBBTa a fT WasVaflaV . W JafaSTV VsHlsfsN 9j WfVwfal wUl iaaH Hbalibaad bava lyUaisiiiast. alar MaasJh'aM b bakyajtl U aa aaa aihaa awAeteatUUagiMte "j ,. j . BraooM'KMTswfLord Byrwlaaa said tnat, wa guilt; vanlia-f tl becauto try.dity;badtf.dsa him, LMa HiJBVfM r7"i.ivB - - ... Vim. zlz. ni'ir k afaMsaaaTJaaaaaa laVsH HaWTW I I77taaTa. atataiSkaaV "- - aaaattasatki j 3Ki TLjZmmi&lfim TnaWj T assaaar - w wv 's ." 'iuii -T jf! r,,, - - - - - - - - - ! 3RB that i awaMtviteMTajf thfiairaf ajntjaajaanaaa. ?. ukM' JW;?izmm. ' aaa auMaaaaaaawi 'I M.K w 'J mvms. cJi"f-:' ltVI aafrrSBSHr aagaa-.tirjlajaix SSalarBBBBBKVSBfBBBtft ajBasyaaanyraaaiy 7Ai- - .. ' tVriA2l ,w hava,bad twovaaaa m I three for Mayar, aM r oaaMi Miieaa for rraaUpt. . Oartwa BaHtJaa a asaaabig.'wd.Bjax mm. afraid to tm ar laaat we- akuU Al a aakj?, wwaaaf.-- v . v v i!fJtt;j-. aSaWMSaVaWH IwXTiSil jaawslwMri "i -. ai "'" - ajau: teuaab.aMl ikMaaaaaaaaaaBBKaBBaMV ' Maifaa.iaiasaaatjaM'ataaMMM'' UaMt mmS Mef wis We)aS9eaBt " y sTrPTT - - 'HisHsKl' r .1vtb7 a""1. apaaBBBBjiwW ajjjjjyjsfj aaaBHB)raBtiwV itMUMMMf Mai kaM-klMHaaT bVbMbbHKbbbbW tjtfaks, ay ii i ll I ii JaB' sssesamm XSSmSm:'" H IJIIIB.IIIMIIJBT IW..& v JH - - ------ - - " t- ungaj laRy kaa wasestaW-aaaVtysSia.' 1 1 lrs.laalMkilaillilHgUa. ,rl& rates for tltiaa.fea4BkkMAa $. IttBL, - it i last assBBV-'' ",,,;- ifl WPaBaam,,.wiV ,.fl ; . M-,- r r TT'rJ'tSrttf.il a'-Vj BS A. wh aaa 0ssaaa,a aaaaaaiatf aaa UiaatMyitjbt.iMaViBt.sMswia'r tl---llaasaaattaatta, agalbtM '-2J -j wa eeoktj teaae tw mbbsb1 ajH jr'f ' wanaTraV tba daaaatb ttaaa a JMr daya aiatca. JtbtraaU that it.srMiail kaaa muob lottgar. aad thai ht)' a. ara arr to dlstributa ft J ta fmt.m' M-wyt - .a -. 'M & W have la Mr --atjir am ' ajvasjajaj rEtaaaTasC ,aWfr,, tnadeby.GeaeralJi oT hand, btto wbleh STSG balla lalriactktbty. Uo ihoatlag aaialabi bVI !iWWPf tKr; Ttv waear"f;lti bssbUm4 bla'grtWjj raotjet ainwuraaiaa bauefMlll letter irotaasu tba Bsaearar Ii silver nddea la saiob' MWJl atlaTaj MStTaralwaaTaaBBSajl aBwa-aaBBaaasBBB staaaajaaaj) . tassBSS-1 BJaMW-.. Ver la Ma bad. Jr hv"-.- v - "Wtaaf I sBBttt'aaflstwWribiiWM. Li Yat? had awa7aa?lf I iIbbbBbKNC" 'Nad Ma aaachbar ' fof'shaa w kaftfwll' aaya w aawa sjaaasw wa,aHiHiWi a-aa IJKM.1V -. 7 t iZ 1-IL. W I A ( J i 4 lL Iao .1 TtaiMKaMalhUBvi ialyiag la W ' TW WfmVM 'af'llM'lsaWiBtskl-1 .'.a. liajfil alSBSS-HI r-f.l-j It MiaBt taaaTs -,. -itts tSaRkmm i&zr m wmfrti'" .-aa BSBJtaBSttWtBSJBIIaVi ,jr flB-a uaalaa mmmmMtmb- .',&& raaMaaasBBiaaajaajBjajaaastjBH v . a BtatsaWa-air' S-Ti'Ti' W -J r "rfs &$ffii$$:';: ' -jj Jra."l !P3fHB WT n, -Sy rA, kk&m iVi ". w - ; ? M V -iM . ' TttU Majg-aaajL vr-w,.,-. m r 7'"!3 l 'VBJ a. . TT.'fc'-U. 1 a -tj. tn vi ,'rW,'2 fi-iZi&Jfytlm in. vi ' 's'.ia ijfV''' y rWi' VttV.' J y "& &, .illUSM at. vi jIU if :,'!..,.. 'US yi.vh. yyj. :hU iMMa W r C-JE , ery,i A 5, KRmJiT " ?tism. 7 tftjVLJ. V. f I.., ? A .it; J-VJ