Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 12, 1851, Image 2

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T- Nr1 PJ-b "
& .
MaMJagMWB-Meaeagg- i taf '
Wt, 'jf APT. "tv aSagfagfagIIfa Mgf
. - tlftBiT
'S Va ,.
rptf r-Tl IL Mail arrlrd la thl city
VIMh astral ag last. Tha tm.
Jmtt tItaraia N hour (Ira
'.1 - - . - U -
JmZ:'ThUtnmm Atraiebed im with pa
ftmhm la tbasa aad California k ad.
lastta taaal. -Tk aa a lUVt iu
iVMNIINI.. Csva ud Gregory'i s.
. ..Si ".' "' T" --.,....
1 'tatMlatv : Tbsl 4 Co. cam ta a ftatsf
a, .r"w j t ir .- .i ti -..-
! rv svtvra umn twrvrauiy our
1- taatsa tar taa aaneia.v uretmrv sent us
-.-..- r, v -.,
; ivi't aiaae yanety. sir. rerguson win ao-
r ut aaaa war itaaa aiao ar ii( savor.
.3 IX . 5. V- a." ' " . "
CMTTS.-f-AA . . ... . .' . ...... . .1,
'lKJ,42r?r?KB,wrT.- "TT:
5--i W JMt fK MMMi ISM 111 fMf IO MM
lpilJt wmUt. 9thea Met return
ijvr aft Alt clly fcw dayt eg with quit
-'M i' "-II w wi m -- --
ril.a -vm-u l-H-kBW-Uai)n-viili. Ur.
tat ia M MattriawMH ha made hit
tjr itWrakliordlflng.1
- V
I.Bosm aakaowa friend baa tent a
rt - --"" ----- "-- -
S.Mr th- CWslm V tha KaM-r..-M al
'jiilpiiii of mmu o-t -ad wh-it : th
iinpjMMMM oter mi mm in Migat,
' iMd'tM ii h tit t-llMt wa trer aw :
k'MHMN. otif alitud a half, tha
Xalka m ajriag between a' quarter and
a hair a laoti far diameter. Can three
aeectmene -t.-wMen I
7 0" 8a Ultlalean&ifDca hare our c!ti
ieaa, m the idftor of the Siaietman, that
they refceetoadrertltelnthe paper. The
MHar aereral weekt aco complained of it.
Ht, ha.a4rertled the "Ll.t or Law"
freet-JlM eemmeneement or the piper,
nwRft thfougb eteren numbers, when it
waa oalr ordered three tlroet. To have
ataa-tog mailer, he fill teveral column
wW prwaeetuaea and patent medicine;
lor which be geu nothing and which no
t paiauHwao. ite uaea to nare tntng in
Mail, intent madioinea. auack not-
lONa-i aad fiilaifVi-f editorial, make up
.'";;-Aa. KaieeopalUn Church' waa or.
-brtaiae-l ia tliia eby on Saaday laat. A
Ttnr wMatee-M, and Her. at. u. tux.
fraeaM'Maar. The use of theCoa-
i waa obtained on the
irthar oarar It great,,'
b tea tmlir na-tor.
be held there twice a. dav
erery foar week. ' A large cengrrgation
It 3d,lo hare been ia attendance.'
Vr The organ of the Democratic party
baa anated to Portland, and ha appeared
oader a new name, baring dropped the
nana "Tha Western Star," it ha a.
aureed the name Oregon Weekly Timet.'
There 1 a moderation and manlineu
about tbe.Tiror inat we admire ; Ux the
( .dikhoewrable, equiocatiog, and di-bonett
coarse ef the State-man merits nothing,
U-r thaa our supreme contempt. Hue.
osss I- tha Hates in everything save poll,
tio. 1 aere is Ti-ntly a muss brewing
batwaas-ba Times and Oregoniaa. Hold
jam taaaaers. Don't let the Time gat
XjWk j-.
(c'twT.Aa ,", a w hf e, learaai, wHh
-i"ijy,w a-eeptlaas, wa haTa'raaaon 6
betler that the members elect at aucb
tarn as the Territory greatly stand In seed
Vat lUt particular tie.' Tha member.
jltb lt LegUlature, the great majority
'' -of them at least, had readered tbemselvea
odious to' the people of lb Territory. We
oeegrstulate the country upon the ihvonu
ble change thit has been wro't in tbe'pub-
. tie mind. It will bo a practical lesson for
the new LegUUluro that wllleneol much
good. K'will teach them that the people
'require something etsu at their hands ctb
erlhap tho buslaeu of whitewa-hing. Ao-
oordiag to tli ezpretted riews of some of
- 4M M -mtmrntj, tb ntrct toportaat reso.
luues-paaaedby the last LegUUture were
tho wMwaaM-t fxsj-. Wa pitied the
waaULs of the" men, at the.lima U orlgl.
Mt-SMio took the lead In the bungling
whitewashing proceas.iBucb things are
too often carried to eitremes.
The Mlowisg additional returns hare
Jtcen received. Wa -hall nublUh the full
l vota as soon a -the official account It
If ' IAHUI-I. -OV.-TT.
- no. si toici 9V9
La Ml
'dfVagaa, lOfl
5t. '
,l Ltxa Cptrjrrr.
il'v - rf .
l'1"S '
. ? W,gi-)aaai--rta. , .
(ST Tb Raft Mr. Gteodell, captain 'of
the ewBay who hare joet arrirod ia Of.
i"i uwn-vri-aj in -11 una lutf rwrv-as,
giraa a dreaaVul account of tb treatment
receired from the Mormons at the Great
Salt Lake. The people are represented
a being diesolul and immoral to a shame
ful xtnt. We team from Mr. Uoodell
that lhay hat appointed roistlonarlea for
Boath America, California, Oregon, and
numerous other countries. The object ap.
pear to be to make prosolytet, with the
rlesr to join them at the Salt Lako to In.
crejue their numbers. Tho two minion,
arise appointed for Oregon, it I expected
will soon arrire to enter upon the duties
of their mission. We cannot think for a
moraeat that wa have men among u who
will join them and be enticed to go with
them, after obtaining the feet' about' their
manner or living and their groit Immor
alities, which outvie in practice, the e.
ragliosof Ibe Turka and Persian.
Tha principal pan or those, arrived are
tuaWis. TVr are some TJO fmll!
a-noag the number. They ltd the Salt
Lak about tb last or March and arrived
at the Dalles of the Columbia on the 9ad
May, having been 03 daya en the road.
The Oregonian learns that "they practtco
polygamy to a great extent. Some or tbe
prophets are represented aa J baring a
many aa SO wire ; all takr unto them.
selves at many aa may cleats their f-ncy
and their means will support." Think of
a harem la a country belonging to the
Ualted States.
Since writing the above we have receiv.
ed the following from Mr. Coodell, who
ha promised to give us, aa soon as he gets
leiture, a more detailed account of tbe
stato or society, 4c:
The number ol our company, aald he,
is 105; or them 49 are men, 10 women
and the rett children, Included In 10 fami.
lies. Being compelled to winter among
we Jiornions, it, rare utan opportunity
oi becoming acquainted wiin their man.
ners and customs. Concubinage, polyg.
amy, and incest, are common among them.
It is not at all uncommon for a man to
take for his wires a mother and a dauch
ter at the same time. Polvclmr is nub.
licly advocated by the leaders. Brlgham
Young, according to the testimony or
Merloni themselves, nai over 80 wives.
Between 800 and 10.0 person, immi
grants, wintered in the Salt Lake valley
moat or loom were bound lor Uliibrnis.
They all asflered mors or less or injustice
aad WTOtu: from lbs Mormons. The lib
erty oTseeech waa denied them. Their
v.wfa laraateaad y tw neaos oi tnej
"- - ,r. . .. I
nai.su ii inT aaia ausni assinii ino re.
llgion or practices of tho Mormons. Tha
most unjust measures were retorted a to
robtbe Immigrants of their inonoy. One
man wno ventured tosav "that ll xman
in the States had at many wlvo atYoung,
he would be called a wicked man," was
immediately arrested and fined $30 and
coeti. 0
To cap the climax, an unjutt and cruel
tax was imposed upon them. After they
hsd left their settlement, they were fol
lowed 00 miles from their city by the
Stste Marshal, with power to assets their
property and collect the tax at Ibe same
time authorized to seito their teams if
tb tax waa not promptly paid. This tu
was 2 per cent, on every kind of property
they p-eseeaed crVn to tha beds valqed
at tha prices nuf upon such properly Jo
Salt Lak, vajley. The immigrant bad
to pay frees (15, up to as high at 930 and
fW aaoh. This, eoasldering the elrcum
tuoaea In which tliey wtr placed, they
fait ssrsrely.
I U Hormoos aro oppotsd to llie uov.
emment of the United Slates speak
against it publicly and privately, and pre.
diet its overthrow.
Tb health of tho immlsrant waa sen.
rally good.- They found do snow to Im
pede their progress until thoy resohed the
Cascade mountslns. Their teams and
soma of their f-milioe are trying to make
Ibalr way aerou thn mountains.
They bad considerable difficulty with
Lb Soak Indians. They were fired up.
on at different limes by ibem they ap.
peered very hostile. It 'is Tested that
small parties owning through tbls scRson,
will suffer tererely from them. Only a
wall uortioai uflhrscanipaoy hareas yet
arrived those her came by water, bar.
ing left their teams at the Dalles.
P.KtnmTinv. Tliero are four reikeli
fitting out id London, and seven in Liver,
pool, giving a free parage to married
people who with to emigrate to Oregon.
W havo received the above Information
from a private letter written in Brittol,
-.Ugl.OU. v
Kr Ooder's Lady's BoolTfor May has
heif-iBlrsd. fledav teems determined
to keep even with, If not aliltlt iivadvance
of tb time. Tho .nreellishment of the
Lady's Book are superb, far surpassing
all Its cetemporaries t every nuuver iur
Blsblog cometblOB original. That'klndof
enterprise will always sucueed,
CtT Several parties hare been up ex.
plorlna tb Taalitln river, with tbe view
(it learning what may be neossitry to
raodsr it navigable lorasmallstesmuoal.
Mr. Murray, tbe owner of a proieller, on
Its, way to this, city, It one among ibe
number. ,"
erPujeb say that it.saddlnalmiuli
kclnfury forth tax collector (o call up.
aa a Wl-d person for Ibe psyment of the
window tax.
tmcUv XllesMriaiNdl Frtualc
09" CoimavcTiya MiUiot.--.TJsi bill
abolishing coottructlva mllekgatM eot
UktcActat the last session of Hwlen
ate, and thos Senatort who tbe, fcok
tho usual extra pay. It waa ttndered to
Mr. Clay, (between four and tin huadred
dollars) but he peremptorllrtfuttd it, a
he ha, we beliove, for all aessloaa where
no actual travel has been performed, also
he first took his seat In the Senate. Mil.
Stntinel. "
Many of the Senators, aa usual, received
their constructive mileage. Tkisold'prsc
cttted sin hst leeched tht national Treas
ury of thousands of dollars. According
to tho rrasoninsofour nelshbor. laatmuch
as It has been practiced for years, it Is all
right for members to continue to receive
ll, whether they perform tht journey or
not. Although our neighbor pretends to
be a progreulve, Harnburnlng Democrat,
yet he would pronounco ibis mo
Innoratlon thus with him, a w
sitted In becomes rlgh't. lie ia
of a Hunker at New York or CI
turn up) s
lie admits that matter for th
lias been illegally ftrenksd.; bat this, to
him, Is no new occurrence It It "prac
ticed by all the members of Congress."
Wo would atk, has there erer been utter,
cd a more base slander than ia contained
In that attetlion. The abuses by John
Wtntworth of tho franking privilege, was
notorious throughout tbe Statea' several
years since ; it brought down upon blm
unmeasured contempt from all quarters.
Tbe diecoi ery of ibe violations committed
by mailing letters other then those written
by persons entitled to the. franking prlvil.
rge,i caused the enactment of the strict
est laws rerpectlng the franking prlrilese.
In the counts charged of illegal franking,
nothing has yet been sstd concemlut; the
letters end prospectuses (prcaunouncl.g
the birth of iho Stattntat) ihst have been
smuggled Into the country. Nor wet tho
fact made known Ihst A. Hush was smug.
gled Into the country under tho cover of
a frank, with scarcely dollar la bis
pocket. Nothing was sal I of the large
library directed to Wilson Dlaln, Linn
City, last fall, which remained in the Ore.
gon City pott office torn two or three
months, and which called forth the aston
ishment or every person convsrssnt with
the facts.
Now we venture thejsiortion that a
like Imposition on the Department baa
nerer been practiced, In theapaoa'atwo
yearsr tbroaah r single pe-rit-hse, Aa
individual, aa ha disgraced tha LlatTCtty
office. An attempt hssaettnaade It eot.
er it up and keep it from the eyes of the
publlo; but a course is being pursued that
makes it necessary to expose tbe facts,
much to Iho dissatisfaction of our neigh
bor and his abettors. They may endeav
or to smother it up ; but by so doing they
will only Inrolie themselves In greater
difficulties. Rustc! and Bush wore com.
missioned and sent here expressly to reg
ulate and straighten thjngs., Russsl pity,
ed hit part beautifully, fulfilled.' hit des
tiny and vamosed ; Mr. Both tiepaed In
to his shoes,, makes a drive at aJfsnenln
authority who are not tainted with the pa
tent, double distllled.Cbleop democracy,
live out an ephemeral existence, tb se
quel or which will be told hereafter?
ter Witness the course; or oaratiah.
borl Soaroely bad tb.lctln paased
over belore he began to lire upon tht in
dependents and those who opposed the lino
or policy marked out by the persons who
originated the schemo or starting the
StaUiman; the object of 'which was to
turn up Jack and demolish things. The
one man power, exercised according to llie
stricte'jt rules of the ono-horsa Dsmocraoy,
marks every jeaiure oi wis model tailor's
sedbbllnes. He iblnkthit bain franked
to the Territory for a specific purpose,
was a go.-senu io me people or this be
ntchted releon. Ho Is tnaklnsr the tcildtr.
vest W ami ttotiom with a vaogvenice?
Having been schooled wlih James Cordon
Bcnneti, Miko Walth, snd other like wor
thies, bo has taken the Herald, at k used
to be, and the Sultcrrant an Democrat, a
hit polar stars. Self-conoclled and pulled
up with inordinate vauityplie treats with
utter contempt the sood sense or hit Intel.
Ilgent readers, by pouring forth, weekly,
his fulsemo and libellous sorlbblloss.
Doe ho luppose that such assaults unon
decency as ho commits in his every Issue
win do toioratcd in a virtuous and Intclli
sent community f ll Is pssslne a verv
sorry compliment, Indeed.upon hi reader,
to upposo that they delight to read his
iwui'HPmiiii, .t.iiu.,. -iiwi. ,,- ll.,
been an Issue or the Statesman Ihst hit
not abounded with fslto statements and
slanders, both editorially and byjpretendod
oorrespondenoe. Wo greatly mittak tb
good senstTof the people of Oregon, if they
can be Interested and edified by an ever-
lasting sing-song of scsndal and vitupera
tion. Thua ha Intuits his retdert week,
ly, without onct thinking or tho contempt
he is bringing down upon hit own held,
by purtuutg aAoourse begun In Iniquity
and oontlhutdIn scandal, and prompted
from the beginning by hollow-hearted i-nd
baso telAthnest in unholy ambition to
tally unworthy ol the ago tod country
wt lire In,
1 L.V--JJ.'J'J.-Mt'
Orrgaat Md CiUlfaftsM.
Th MtlnmikU Seniintl draw' a com.
parlsoa betwten California aa. Oregon,
and arrlvtt ii a tentlbl eoncluslonTrf
tftetlng thra(lvintaget b'nd pregreat of
this country. Thero It no country on
th globe that ofjlfi tuch Inducements to
th former as Oregon. It net only places
at bis disposal tht mssns to acquire eoni.
forltble and easy living, but furatsbtt a
tract of land In ft alniple('auch of the va.
cant landa aa may be Wished, in a country
that hat not its equal In America, In point
or health as good water as springs from
the earth, a good market for everything
he can raise ; thereby affording him the
best opportunity anywhere to be found to
actually make money. Such advantages
cannot be too highly appreciated. A cor.
respondent of the Stntmtl it fully con.
vinced Ihst Oregon It ibe.New England
of tho Pacific, as the following will show!
"OfO.'Bon,w hear lint' but, In the
long run, thst Is Io be Ihe tnoet Important
region of the two for mining countries In
th preoleus msj.au, ar paovarblally
thriftless aad unlmprovln and although,
our race, by northern unergy and per."
etvranoe, may, In torn dgree, chtngt
th course of ptst experience, aa Io ibe
fote, and progress, and advancement In
ateady industry, of the golden California
I had rather lake my chance iifOregon
even now, than In California. Oregon,
tho New Kngland or the Pacific, with a
more favorable climate and sunnier skies
but still a country for Tree agricultural
labor that labor which it tho sou roe tt
once, and ailment ofower (iroscrity and
freedom honest, free agricultural labor
Oregon will reap mubh of the benefit of
I no isi I lorn is trrasurfs, in exchange rur
lis lumber, its wh.'at, potatoes, and other
fruits or tho earth and of the orchard
and the population of Oregon, determined
in llieir t'liiiitrstion, not by tho ilszzling
vlslou of ealden sands and tuJilcn wcsltli
but hy the turo yield to iho aim- of
strenuous and ell directed labor of the
meant of lifo such n population will bo
more orderly, economical, and cool to
live anions thin iho lian-hazan) ariilu
lire anions .iiiiii ino nan-natani ariilu-1 . 7 n ',., .' . '"', ""-"
lneratioofadventurort,brouKhl7geaT,llJC,1 W0U i U. I,""M',1 o lets of cor.
I ., t .- . ' n I rie! I".M than hnitral frim.lMhtn llitt tl
by llie search for cold
" ir men will abandon tills Allantta
slope and csnnot find in Wisconsin, ur
Iowaor Minnesota, lands new, andc,lieap,
and fresh, and far enough oil lei ihem go
to Oregon and on the banks or the low.
er Columbis, or Iho Willamstle, ley thoir
foundation in broad farms, and herds, and
(locks and they will not tepenl at Icituro
tbo Impulse of the hour."
The news from ths Allantlo Slates Is of
but Utile imparlance, cxcopl tho accounts
of lb discovery or another Cuban eipodi.
tkm at New York and the arrest of Its
ttTS.- -
The accounts from the ItlsndofCubs,
in connection with thit movement in Iho
Uolled States, stste th,t the authorities
are fully prepared Io resist iho invaders.
Tho steamer Isabel arrlted at Charleston
from Havana en the .3th nil. Much ex.
cllrmenl continued to exit! on account ol
Ihe Invasion which wat expected to hare
landed on tho 10th Intl. The Captain
General had receired a despatch stating
that an oxprdrtion had sailed from New
Orleans. The, troops wero sleeping on
their arms, horses were ready saddled for
expresses, and one steamer kept her steam
up conunuany, out wneu tito Isabel lell
nothing had occurred. Ooo Spaniard had
been condemned to death, having been do.
tected ia bribing a pilot to assist Lopez.
Jenny Lind was insulted at Pittsburg
by tome mischievous boYtthrowinir stones
into ber ctrriige, and io lbs windows of
n-r urauug room, one gate one concert
which netted 90000, end woe tnnounosd
for another, but left Ibe city without glv.
Ing It, considering herself grouly insult
ed. Tbe aitizeiis wero greatly mortified
and disappointed.
Hon. It. M. McLane sailed In ths Ohio
for Callforn!a,.whera bo goes to attend to
professions! business'.
Census or the District or Colcmsu.
The Washington pspers publish the full
offiolal returns of the Centus of tho Dlt.
Iri-t of Columbis, according to which the
population In tho eggrcgato Is 01,070,
cojnpoicdai follows: Washington City,
40,001 ; Grorgel-wn, 8,300 ; Kuril Dis
tricts, 3,303. Tho total while population
Is 39,027, of .vhloll number 30,910 are in
Washlnston Cily, CCfl In Ucorastown.
and 9,131 in Ihe lti.ral tllslrlott. Tha
total free colored papulation It 0,073, or
wnom B,U7- aro in Washington U ly. 1.-
MO In Oeorgolown, and 310 in the Rural
Judnlne from Ihe reports of the papers
In srfous parts or the Slates, tho immi
gration by land will bo largo to Oregon
this season. The N. Y. Tribuno haa th
following on this subject I
"Iowa Emigration, die, A corres
pondent at Council Bloljt-writst that tho
Bmlaratlon from Iowa ibvCallfornla thla
Spring will be email, to Oregon consider
able, and to out bake very large,
lb latter , place tho emigrants will bo
Drlnoinallv Mormons. Villsrres are ran-
idly springing- up In various portions of
the Stale. Tho region around Council
mulls, although ll lias not yet been sur
veyed, Is Improving with marvelous color
Ity. Pnel and timber aro not abundant,
but It it believed that a fow ysirt will
afford a atiflicleni supply, if Ihe fires can
bo kept from tho Bluffs. Thor is nothing
new (n political aflslrs.
ttir TJio Alton Ttleeran Is now Issuod
trl. weekly, and it one or the bctfpanert
In llllnnl. Wo wclconn In appeirance
among our exchanges.
i iw,i, -.--ate
, .Wake Uptettlsf."
f-J . -TJ -TV.. . ...
T in rtMie.
tine extraoftjBjiiry court wnioh II
edistr afthi 8)nm hat loua. pleatvr
In'pursMiig tb' laat thrto wekj In filling
hit columns with Itivfcharge or o'flm
saia io nar ptn oommittexi in in ait
charge of my dutle at Pott Matter at
Linn Clly, has, It It to be presumed, no
toss astonitneii nit irienus tntn crtiud
surprise throughout tbe community ; Irt
reply to whleh I only deem It nscestary
Io sav that eaoh and ererv oi auoh libel.
loua oharget and slanderous statements
ar rait, and wore known to have been
tueh it the lima of uttering them, ind
miue no lest mr msiignani purposes man
without any juslldabl okleot whaterer.
If this shall be made toippeir so In du
time, i snail iook with coniidsnc to in
enllchlened nubllo Oblolon for a lull met.
sure or condemnation upon tb head of
on wno naa vioiateu not only in laws or
in itnoYBUt me iswsol trulti ind Justice,
due from tho conductor of a nowspir
lowinl ill men, whether In or oul of of
fice. My action to arrest what I auppotn
to havo been e grots violation of the Post
Offico laws, by an individual then high In
office, nut btf tin Itfort hit tUctatr, aid
HwiW Is th proper DrpanWM foe ti.
Ihtr awrvtal or HuaMtroral. A large In
creato oftuob fraud came to my knowl
edge iftsr lint event, and aftor my sub.
mission of Iho subject to the proper au
thorities; and, it can hardly be expected
fioni ino now Ihsl ellber Ibreala or charges
or crime made against mo by Indiscreet
friends of that officer, will protent me
from pursuing In Iho premises just that
lino of conduct, plaluly pointed out by Ihe
law regblating my duly, and enforced upon
me by Ihe obllgsilont of my official oath.
ll might naturally be tupoted that com
mon (llvfotloo on tho pari of professed
frlt-ndt, litvjng any reference whatever
to tenderuessVuwarda iho moiiiory uf the
dead, wouldwhilst the nubjcct or those
fraud was( undergoing investigation t
WashlngtonVat least stsy fur a briefsea.
ton such outrsgcnui atsaulls at I bare
been ihe victim of fiom Ibis comparailru
tlrangrr and stripling. And further, one
would tuppuso that at tittle fMicttj us
fiot$ible to tuch lurplludo In abusing the
irsiiking privilege, alter nia,t lias trant
reel taste than haunt J'nrnJihiy, Hut It
baisrcmed good Io the editor of the .S',il!.
Msa to do otherwise. Whatever come
quoncos may follow, I am entirely guilt
lets of. It tins not Imen an all'slr of my
uwn trckliig ; and, while such Indiscre.
lion mutt be toriously regretlidliy erery
right minded mtii in tho country, and
while from self-respect I Sin precluded
from string moro In answer lo lbe im
proper tune, worse Uttr, and gross man
ner of suchHllack, I shall it nil with pall.
dice for a full vindication, by iho only
riithtful authority, uf mv official comlncrt.
Aditorimlnaiinir public will ask no loori-.
and what 1 feel as -duo to myself dcinahfle
no irttirom tueinarr llie lorsgoing stste.
ineut. And hern I lesvn it until I hetr
from tho P. O. l)o artinonl.
Lis.l CiTvJune I'd, ItUI.
' the ."pKtstor.
Kp. SrrcTAToa:
Sir I see n remark In thn Umietman,
chsrglng Mr, Moon-, Pottmstter al I. Inn
City, amongst olhor things with publish.
Ing the seurcls oi tho P. Office Now,
sir, I have examlnod bolbuf Mr. Muora's
stslemenls in the Smtclafir, and can find
nothing in either of them, but whal if true,
th liubllo abould know. 11 an attempt
has beta made Io commit frauds upon Ihe
Depirlment, I an not sure but it Is the
duly of lh P. M. lo expos. taid frauds,
mo to bring mo perpetrator or perpetra.
tors to justice. Those very frauds wilt
cost the citizens of Oregon thousands of
uousrs in ino way oi pottage. )ve an
remember lh speeches mado In Conjures
upon ibe lata postago law, ind Iho vast
amount of mall matter that was brought
to Iho Pacific, ind tha tremendous ex pens
of transporting it across the Isthmus, waa
taken into lb account in fixing Ihe rates
of postage that we, the people or Oregon,
wlU have lo pay. It is al littl a third
mow Ihsn ll would have been if these snd
slmny r frauds bad not been committed. I
can see no good reason why a privileged
poraon abould bo screened whrn bo trans,
cends hit privileges, in J for private sln.
r. u.
RiTcnu't " UaroiTUNATK Comtiact."
Mr. John C. Klrci, or the Wsshlnuton
Olobe, Itligbs at 1'atber Kltohls'a whining
ovor, nit " unionunste com riot ' Willi uon-
gress, and elTeis lo lake the job off hi
inds, give boiler security, print tbe work
on boiler piper, In belter time, and in bet
ter style then tho portion already finished;
nd betides lo pay Ritchie 1000. Yet
Ritchie wants 100,000 to tavo hlin from
ruin i timcogo vcmotrat.
PAriric RAifcaoAD. The Missouri Re.
publicin says lhat'thls road will bo com
menced at in early day, and proeecutcd
with energy, although the grtnt of Itndt
ttked from Contress hit been refuted.
ll addt tha) there Uilrtadysn luutieap-
titti oi mora man inrse million provide.!
forlhecommcnoemeniortberotd. Three
route hive been lurvevtd ind renorieil
to tha Direcltrs,'but it Is uncertain at
yot which oflhsm, Ifoltherwlll be adopted.
Petition auaikst nuinn.LerriMn a
Drf William Turner, or New York Clly,
Im petitioned the Legislature oftho'Htsto
to piat a law making tht usooflho Ltnctt
InMlseases a penal oflenco. He ssys he
hat practiced medlclno fof lialfaccntury,
and thit his experience nnnvlneat blm ihai
ho habit or bleodlnjr Is deslruollvo ofi
uuouii "im mo. we may put down ur,
William Turner is a vry inodatt insm
berofthe fsculty,
" Tm Woilii imu avuav Man a Liv- V
IKo" bjl profound lic,cunnlugly masked ' '
In tha pit ofirutlj and If acted upon,
bl th manner that reckless and ilesper
alt men deilno It, would bretk througli
ill those checks ind guldss by which thir
gtlnsofhoncsllndustryirenowproteeled, '
and lay toclely open to Ineesssnl altaoka
from 111 those who ar too Idle to work. '
too proud lo beg, ind loo " high spirited'1 ,
J-fslso igiln lo graduate tbelr expense
to tha condition of iheirciroumitince. , ,
' Slrlvt (honestly) and Thrive" i the
true mtxlm. Let evtry man work reso.
lutely, tasking all his energies lo alliln
ptrfeetlon In the ptrlleulsr business, or '
proresslon, to whloh he msy hive tievotod
lilmtsir. let him be lust In his dealing '
strictly correct In his psrsonal dsport- t
ment courteous In manners and liberal
within the compass of such meant aa he ,
can reallv call hit own, and Iho world
will certainly yield him Ihe living he hit
faithfully earned. On great element ol
success It, however, yet lo be mentioned. '
Ho must let rn tossy No! It Is the moil
difficult word In Ilia l'.ngllsli Isnguage to "
pronounco firmly, and at the proper time
nd place j but tllll, whoever would pur
sue a successful course In life, uiustlrarn '
bar ill other things, Religion exoqptrd, . - ,
when, how, where, and In whit manner It "
la ltt lo tay, No I .
Whonever he It tempted lo exceed bit
appropriate sphere of acion whenev.ir
he It templed by llm Importunities of his
fsmlly, or hit own rising ambition, lo tlvo '
beyond the actual and certain profits of bis ,
regular business, at Ibe risk of falling In
his duty tu bit creditors In short, vihan-
overlie fecit be it about to do a doubtful,
era follsh thing, lot him learn lossy '
" No!" Arthur llomt MuRitiinr.
A I.mso.i rox (list 1. An iiitrlllimil
geiitleman of fortune, tst Iho llangor
Whig, visited a country tillage in Mtlno,
not isr from Ilsusor, and was hoipltaUy
entertained and lodged by a gentleman '
hating three daughters two ol whom in .
rich ilreues rliterlslnrd Iho distinguished
stranger iu llie psrlor, while one kept her-
self in the kitchen, assisting her neither in
preparing tbe food and telling the table
for tear and after supper, iu doing the .
work till It ai finally completed, when
she also joined her sisters In tho prior '
i--r llie rrmsiiMcr ni mo evening. I Im ,
noil morning Ibe aame daucblcr naa
again early in tbe kitchen, while Iho other '
two were In the parlor. The genilonian, -
llko Franklin, raueated a discriminating "
mloj was a cIOm nUcrter uf Ihe habits
of the young ladlt-a watch'tl an opportu
nity and nhlsperrd something In thn car
of the Industrious mm, and then left fur a
lime, hut rvtltilrd the Mine fsmlly, And
in about ono year Iho young Inly of llm '
kitchen Mat ronteyeil lo ilotton iho wifo .
of the same geiiilmnan visitor, where sl.o ,
now presides at an elegant mansion. Tlio""
gsulUman, whose fortune aim shares, she
won by a judicious deportment, and .""1' s j
directed Industry. So much for an Indus- ,T
tilout young lady.
A IIeav IUumhci. amo.no tux Work '
mi.n. A corresionilenl of tho Sundsr ?
Courier lhut describes an rxecntrio indi
rldusl in New Oilcans :
" We haio a man bore of the name of
Duncan, who hit a most singular taste in '
legard tu clothing and jewelry, I lo wears ,
su Immcnto while brosd.brinmif d list, and
a gold embroidered suit of clothe lint
cost, In Paris, nrsr 800. Ho lias a gold
watch-chain that would fasten an elephant; '
le or six pouiidt of rings dazzling on bis
fingers ; his boot aro encased In silver
coats of mall, ind ho carries a cano bediz- .
zened wllb- inasslre chunks er silver.
There Ism amiable beiring about the '
man thai wsrrsnls mo in considering hit a m
ihostslngulir ftney, snd not a chailstan ,r
love of notoriety. He is a clesnly, hard- , ,
working stevedore, and lh. jewelry on his
person I valued at SOOO, which he weara
only en a Hunday. There It no illrty
misanthropy about blm, so often mistaken .
for Iruo democraoy, but a desire lo gratify
this odo fanoy with tome propriety.
Siiauiacii. Wolakolbe followlugpar. "
agiaph from a letter from Boston to the '
Now Xork Kxprrat t
Shadracb, llie fugitive alave,'' Ihe fm
provement of whoso bodily comfort and "
worldly estato was so dashing an object
with Iho hlghor law.ycrs, hereabout, a
fow woeks slnee, has (it Is said), sent word
to his Mends" in this region, that he I
In distress for tha mssns of subsistence, in
tho new ind hippy refuge to which they
so ncnovoienuy consigned blm. And ho
Is so much an object ofclnrlly lint rsitaln
nrgru singers, wno aro jutl now in lighting
Iho good peoplo of Monlrral Villi their
aweel inlnstreity, havo glicn a cWert for
bli benefit In that cily. A ourUus com
montary upon Iho phllanthmify of tho'
protent enlightened age I
The ilaltmon Patriot thus gently hints
that some or our Missouri legislators en
tertain some queer notions i
The wisdom of com legislator or the
present day, mutt mark H as an era in
legislation, Tin climax or fa mo, In Ihlt
regarn, wa peruana reaoliul lira other
diy In ihe Missouri Legislature, whsn a
member offered a rcaoTuliou lo petition
Congress to prohibit ateamboili being In
ured I lie intlmttod Ih'at Iho boala wtro
often blown up for th inturinco I The
retolutlon was rejected, but Iho moro hid
xu supports oui.oi 1)7 w)io voteu.
Ma. WxnsTM. The Boston Mercin.
llie Journal, intikint' of Ihe chsnae of
sontlmvnt In that clly, says I
i iioru aro thousands In Iho cominiinl
ly who wtr dlstalltfiod with tbo speech
and position or Mr, Webster in March list,
who now reeoffnlze to the fullest ex lent
the. wisdom of hit course. 'Hie film ol
pntiuuioe and passion navo been removed,
and they ttow recur with a shudder to tht
danger front whloh tho country hi been
ilready dtllvtred." -
,- .