Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 12, 1851, Image 1

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v,;i, nTllrlKM.T, KDIT
Vol. 5.
I).1 1 11 .1 111 I. - '
tub mtmmn bpkctatobi
urn asm THi rawui or him.
sVakari Mawrts PrifrifUf.
t?.saor, par nm .....$? 00
WalirnMlhs 100
. ' AumTttiNu.
Oaaetaarsflltlsaasf (mi)iws iiwtrtl,
. mSIT.... - 0
rvrr UaiOol laosrUo ,...1 0
A Petrel Matajggln yearly aatsrussas.
TM UmbumfWKB mm bs dtatlllj
'Ah tktWaljbi, tHwiw'M ihey trill Ik
, Th MmWfmw era esskavlaed ! m
Afoals tar Ik Maoclator. Tbey will rseolva m
ecnttiai sud st ortiasnstaU for a.
J. I. Mass, Baa , k pnl sfoal for Id Kso.
tar In the Terriwr. sod U astkorttrd I rscolrt
uJ (twtss far alt mseoya ralsUaf la Um offiro.
A. M. r, U Oltmfie. Uwla ssswly.
t. r. r.wir (7i.i eMair. o. t.
Uaa. Asssssmf A ro,(lifoclljf
Cot en A. On I'orllsad.
J. M. NCuu, r. M.Malara.
(Its. Amis, Astasia.
C. M.Wtutsa,aa,,t'hshalem.
A.J,llsasssa,r, VsuilldL
Y. Hit, . IJnii rily.
Jossr !. Ami ,'-, Month f Mary's riter.
A. Hri'iss, . Ilillaburwgh.
J. W, Nokitii. .Nrwiitn'riniik I'olk taunt f
ltm Arri.Mtt, Umniit VtUrjr
W. II. Rim, llMrMill.
KalltT NwU. CMiPf.
DtM A jni.ut, LuciImmI.
K K.lilti, Utnloii cmiiIx.
J. II. Ilointo. r.rlfto Olljr.
Jli Cure, Hyrarikv, IJ totinlr.
K. Hllttaw, ItnuM II Jl lw)ffif, IUbIm
Ntm Ouiir, DrllM, t'eUmhU liftf.
V lb Hwlalar.
Apeotraphe la ihti Patlwll.
av inn rir.
Craal MBclairjr (tit l.ij' llmi art a fot ditlna,
Tkiaub wlww ririaei afMK tlw fptl h-
rrpia Mna I
ThM ' kari Ilia .f olluif of IITa nj tlKlioa
1 lha akjr,
Thau I laaaliMt mmUU how la Ilia Ikal lhy In
baya may il a.
Hall.' Aacrrd IW ,tkaa holy irwt tram wkaaca lha
EiMo4i aalial w aula au whara art lla aauad L
rraoalaa In, rM-. happaaai, tarurra ha fulara
Aa4 mtkraiila palh afduly flam an,) ckiily uo-
Wban la Ihy at labia fiool r l.fl out aaiwui
Wa aaa " Ilia maaaaiiftr of tralli," Iba htraM i4
tha aklaa ;
Ilia coualraancf aita4a vt h tmliaaiy Jidnr,
Aod ui hla haad lha holy Uook with llulli iu aiary
AaJ M inaunl ntaai'a IhunJrra roar, lha alocnr
Inmkling aland),
Ua aaaa a ilaUlad law" awl bran IU loud do-
Hal aaol b hantkUd la lha dual, anon Iba thundara
Aad la lU aoul iaofliln laaaa " lha rl whupora
Te Uarh mauklnd to laafa tbalr tint and aaak a
KaiKK'a b'oud ..
T (nido Ihom tknub Ibb vata of laara aud biliif
lham aofa la (lod,
T malt lha alnuar'a alubborn haart and dry lha
ntouruara lean.
Ilea aaaa Iby leak Ihroaeh weal and woo lhe
algtlaan bandrrd yrara.
Ret lima la ratting on anaca, Ihy woik will aoon
be a'rr,
Th nwol'a ailttr Irampat'a aouod on rarth ba
haard no mora
Thy moannfar'a a loagar call, lha volca of mtrcy
- eaaaa,
Aad all thy fallhfal arrai ahall rrrairo llulr
grtal rtlaaaa.
Aad whan th Maviour of tha world a off ond lima
ball coma,
Aad krlag tapaai bUpronilara and laka hli ranavnird
Th (aad which thou haai don oa earth ahall all
Through)! IbeaBneb of a long and bltatclcrelly.
Bmvrd Hin Riuht. A young man. a
clerk In Hoohealer, wa rngaged to be
maiHed to a young lady of that oily, who
wa tha proapeolivo heir of a good " pile"
ot hard caeb. Ha wa exceedingly anx
loua about lb vDl, and lo keep up p
narane il I a Id thai he borrowed
tbo lay aaya embattled, beoauae It' waa
taken without lha content of the ownor
lha turn of MOO. He wa delected, and
lha moat aerlou oonaeuenae lo him waa,
that lha fair ona discovered him, and la
sow looking about lor a more worthy ault
or to take oharga of heracll tnd caah,
(fiT An lrlhman, on being upbraided
for hit cowardice, aald he had at bold a
jMtrt M W , but hU cowardly leg
. raa away with ill
i ft) aWJW,
WMiwwiTwwrwip,"w . . t
kri PImI Mai-MMi.
r vow, it.
My lrl ma bit fnutnl In Ihs wrlllogi
of D'yrfen. Il I In Ilia worilr,
x Marl botiM of lib am Ml I imiUI uu"
My hrtrert The titrm ihorl, applied
to human life, la limited lo no prrt's ltll
luil. I.lfa la ahort al lh longnl j If we
trnralo arerago a lhouand yrara eaoli In
Ihla pitrlchlng aphrrr, Inrtrail oMhlrtjr or
forty! aa l ivw I lie caar, we ahouM Ihrn
consider Ufa aliort aa a morning moom,
and probably not h, If ao aweet. 80 Ufa
la nviat mlaarablr abort, when plaord in
juilapoilllon wlih elarnlly almnrr than
a rabbit' tall oompartd with Ilia alrlne,
fimaahy of a aaa-aarneol Wlaao I thak
brtW bfVftaiaof lirtrnc, It pull ma lit
mind of I ho aboMctt day In winter 1 man
hardly geta tip In tint inornlsg, puta on
hla brrcohaa, waalira hi fare, comba Ida
hair, takra a look In Ilia gtat, and lurna
roiiml, bfore II la lima to go lo brd again.
80 Infancy acarcely caata lla cloula cro It
flnda Itaelfarraytd In the proud aliira of
manhood, aoon lo awiime the miIxt rt
ni'iilaofagr, andcjulokly to dim I ho pale
hahltliiMnla of I ho graro. Thut man
prlnga up like iparroit (rait, hop about
like a jwnptr-gmi, and lira down and
dlra like a joAmiy kariett l writlen In
t Ural chanter of Jertthuulrh.
My frlrnda nwat folk are overtaken J
and eeltrd by iletlh, other rathly and en lair and the wind favorable, they
foollahly fling Ihemaclve into the jawa of probably would have been enabled lohave
death, while othera run away abicond managed the veatel with but very lillteor
abMuatultn from Life, aa though il were no difficulty; end I he mate, no doubt,
a hint tk. master. Thoae who arc over, would have' had a nice happy time of it,
taken and seized by death are entitled I'i'aa a )oung lady, to whom io waa engaged
lh honor of doing their l"-l lo amid so wal (J)i bnar.1, on hT Hay iloun to lhA pa.
fatal a ralamli) : ihoaowhu l.mvilj, hut rrnla of her iiTianred Iner, where tlw
Inconsiderately, rush within the reach of hsnpy couple were lobe married,
the tiriin Monstrr, I look ujion aaa lieinp ut llm fates had not been conaulted,
half lirrnln and half foolish ; and thino inJ they were intent on revenge. Being
who run ray from Life commit suicide out of ihe Hay, they were driven about at
Icons, aa coiisumaln cowards. Si 'the mercy of tho wevre and winda, until
awfully afraid aro Ihey of existence, that, j about & o'clock, when, with fearful
like t man In the filth story of building crash the vrtael atruck the rocks, and in.
moomnaoaeil bv fire. Ihey throw them- .isntlv filleJ.
. aclvraoiilonii" world a wimluw, and down
Ihey go " all amash upon Ihe pavement
of ju-rdlllon. Hii. lakine a sudden juiAp
into rlernliy. like a froc Into a mtid-pud
die, I doing business ith loo much of a
iem to ami my auperannuaieo loeaa ni
life, dealh, and iuuiKirlalily. I.Ivn while
you live; imi live io lenginen uie, is mv
motto. Adopt It as your own plaster II
upon jourhrari ajolder II fast n ynur .
rnllmeaia puny it io your principles , llti monblc object into Ihe angry turg.
nd, like tho old oaks of the mountains, i , ,Mn A hopea of saving the vet
your trunks may become mpte with age, .f.,,, ,,. o,t, the poor, unfortu.
hut vour leave of life will .till hr creen. ,clm, 0f ,he mercih-aa storm hold.
My hcaroea ihe bounds set in the lire' inR ftrt , ,lr-fir,, iUb-thelr cloihe
ofmorial man are truly shot about the crcry rrw mtnutea covered with a freal,
samo as those set for elephants, turtles, tllfpyrxie briny el'inenl, became aware
and peese: neverthelets. He mav rell ,, u,jrM ,rne prompt C,,J imntrtlate
t okln ours. Ives with the idea that weoul. mM10d w b,pled lo protect themaelvea
livo the major pan of animation. There un, momlnp, 'rom the penetrating cold.
laninarctlliatiibornandfutliliudes. a rr,,in an, .Ireadful death would bo
liny Inlhrt brief apacoofatihour. What ,lrr re. Consequently they all laid
an i iislence for anythlnir mesrd of . ,ow logdlier, piiklng Ihemselvea aa
lalitv.and susceptible or ain tnd pleas. clo ,luc with tlie young ltdy III
lire! Crowe lio ten years, rabbita Itn, ,!,,,, . . ., ,.ereil thrmselvns with
dopi, in the court ry, retch fifteoriortwen.
iy , uui in tmoiHc.vnrn, na.iu mo. ..,,..
a?es ere they arrive at seven ; cats, wlih
their nlna live reckoning aeven year to
tneilstence cant brag much overman
ooncernlng their remarkable loimcvity.
nui our uay nave laieij i-rn miucrii 11
a very narrow space, for some providrii.
Hal re.on or other, which It wouldn I a p.
pear modest in me lo inquire in1 I prea.
ont. I auppov, however, lhai ewere
allnwrti to livo lonuer man w,. io. i hero
wouldn't be room for other folks to livo.
... ... .!. I .-L. . .I-1..L ClI
mine up io vnr. uar, inso m is,
back anil make room mrine res;, seems
in ine io no ine granu ''R'i"'. "'(''
'" K'. ::. r, .:,: 'llT S';, I, ,
Ihe twin lir-therlo Nnlhlnu a ahade of a
shadow no empty dream a mere name.
We pnrsuado ourselves that we live, tnd
are stlfied ; but lo whom ahall it be left
to sty that vvn trn not laboring undr a
mlchiy dcliit'on ? No miller" Vol'a
Ihe odd. M Ion,, a. ve ar., ppy la. the
cockney wotild aay. I ha i . It-M long
a, we can enjoy ourselves li'a all r.h .-
Womu.t eat, UrnK. mate .eve. tn.t il
merry; and II. In the end, we '"''''
life lias been short, we ctn console our
selves wlih the Idea that lla sweetness his
more than equalled il brevity. So mole
Uto- . ,s i
A Srrtovi Union Man. A oorresnon-
dent of the I'lnrrnun (Alahanit) iiavtrlto
la rather aimng in Ida expression ordfsap.
nmliation of those who are in favor of th
dissolution ol the Union, lie atyti
A man of that character could nolgeta
meal' vlotuala or a bed to alrep on at my
house. My dogs ahould not bark at hint.
If I was lo catch a buzxard eating the oar.
cast of a disunlonlst, I would shoot it.
Thy trr. iheMtat of altercation; fll for
nothing but to ba wlnkrd tt by nrgroot,
kicked it by mulct, goroJ by bulls, antj
bulled by rami.
There are in the KanawU Salines
about fillyiirnacrs, which produced last
year about three million buahela iall.
The well from which ilia water I ob
tained, are of various depth, omo be.
Ing seventeen hundred fret deep. Former,
ly the water waa boiled in kctilot, with
wood only. Now, tall it mtde by tteam,
and coal only It usod for fuel. OVo
Sitlr Journal.
TMVH -,fc &P - SOU , W VSW -'
Oregon City, (0. 1$;!
A ntgUl f faril mm tmlHHat.
"Quail," the flying oorreappodant of
the lloaton Mueeum, In a letter dated at
t'aatlne, Me., give the following eecouat
of iliaahlpwrrtk of a mariner and hWbf.
I rot lied bride 1
On Monday night laat, lh IUd laet,
during Ike gale, Ihera waa a raaaal wraea
el on Ilia moke but a few mile dlattnt
from Ihla tillage, (Catloe,) and arery
prraon on Imard coiullng of one lady
and two penllemen cam tery near par.
tilling wlih the cold.
The faola are aa followa ! The (
wera owned by our worthy (rUz, Utntf
Buiura, of Harerhlll, Maa who had aa
aloyaJ naa ja m &pb.4mmi
duol tbo buaineaa of Iba aaaer it beiaga
-Dnaater aa well aa hi own judgmeat
ahould dictate, and the adrlea of Ida em
ployer. Tide man, however, not atloaeV
Ing lo Id duly lo the aalUfaction of Mr.
Ilutlera, he raceired a letter at on of tho
ra.coaat towna, informing him that Ida
Mirvicre aAer I lie delivery of I he veaael
al a ttalrd port would bodiapenanl wlih,
aa a man more allenllre ti hi buaineaa
would be (bund lo All lha atalton.
Oi: receiving thla eomewhat nnwrlcome
Information, the captain quilted lha voaael,
and I'ft the mate and one man before th
matt lo deliver hrr al tha dealenated port.
Utt thev could. If lha weather had
Ti.. oun i,jVl ltrn. y,,!,,,! for .k.
ll( waa only enabled lo spring Irom her
Wniu oU, b,nket In herTind, ana
, k,, ro by rushing on deck. The
toIJ WM l0W nmmt !!,., and the entire
jecj 0nhe vessel, foie and aft. waa cov
rrtd w,, on, rfj ,hert ot M( .,, tha,
becoming thicker ami tblcUr, fur the tr.
C1ie w,re, wert rTary rnomont aweeelu
,crpMlw j, mlnnjli, iwijiaajwi
,l0 uiatikrt which alio brd wrapped tround
,er 0n springing Iron Do berth. lire.
Ucii llUU( ftW m , for ,he woottt
btankct to bei-oine cooled, and Ihe poor,
,lnurtnto aulTorera to bo encased with
ol,e wnire thick ahtel of Ice, which, dia.
,,,( , ,.,prared, was umiuralionably
,l0 0lly ,,0 that aaveil their Uvea.
Thn ,., mor,,),,,,, (, o'clock, Ihe
taor (jmke out from hi lev den. climbed
orer ,lo vrM ,JC) dropprd into the
watf r i, tKiflit low lido .and walked ashore:
i,u, ,1... nJoirnt he came uoon drv land.
. ..7 .......
,e cohl nAerpowrretl him, and lie tank
R,,,r f, ie ground.
I ,VrM, .ns , vtolnltx. Iilng
' j-.iulrc-y.rnl ..... a yea.e. .M w.ha8
upon their thorn, hastened down to ascer
lain the particulars. I'uiding the half
Itozen sailor upon Ihe gmunil, part orthelr
number returned lo Ilia houso wlih him in
their arms, while the other proceeded lo
the vessel, and searched lor other autler.
; , ((. , U j fc)
, p,rcu,;r, of ,hB .hipwreclt. "Afief
. . . . . ., I . .
. " . .umcenllv roalortJ to b.
I .uotonform 1,1, reuer. that there war.
yet two mora persons in the vettel, aad
that Ihey would be found lying on the
deck under a aheel of ice.
Tho gentlemen returned lo Ihe vatsel,
broke up the sheet of ice, a directed, aod
found utideroetlh, looked In each other'
trma, the apparently lifeleaa fornw ot the
mate and hi affltneed bridal
The bodiea were warmly wrapped In
blanked, conveyed to the house, and after
nearly an hour proper care, brought lo
lie., anil AMiuilniltfnoafl.
Tut Cooutt The China Mail, pub.
llahed al Hong Kong, in apeaklag or Ihe
crowing demand of lite Ibr Cblaee Ceo.
lie, lo be employed principally in Para
and inthePrenuhndUpanUbMlmata,
mention toveral iaalancea in which thaaa
nertont htye been Treated with aa Inhu
inanity by Ihe Riiglith, -actroely laet
thooklng thin that ohartolerlttog iba Al.
rioan alave trade. Inontol thacataaol
led, a Orlliah merchtntmtn, bound for
Llint, and whioli put Into llobari Town,
had lot! by dltcate and lulolde 19 or 40
per ctnt. ot na cargo or untneee uaaiiea.
'PI... MB..... fit tilt. nWtotllW OM InMtt '
riant tupply of provltlont and water"
M tLr Mm JL anfjaW a.. -tenFE w 4SLW
iwa.TOBiitimgAgeiiiw'i"iiMi"i : ilf Hi il? "''''"jfjBjWfllMW
i tkae mm Wf.f
Umm fT fQKI
r,-mro, , ra
I Veto Ma
1 mm ami H afltr mm daft."
r tMM oaiaof.tlM preaoaara of
an laaiaaa; aiiaateo oa uw
Thato. .between Norwich
Laalat; Araariaa, waa preach'-
1 lh) lawgvjaga ajaaa)i "Caet
am) law water, fcr iheu ahalt
1 ahr imf Viy,'rKoala. si. 1.
nnviw pae.peejafi wa ewivr wm
mmmttti wWi hi early day , a
to Nw Lead) wbb m XmM
ratiempUag lo aaoaae) Ha km
waat'llr,wm aaV. Indian MM Mat
la V M imueh fcr town body else. Sob
tirae anerward, the Indian wantit. a ca.
noel he wear up Bheiacket river, round
tree and made him one. When ha get It
dor Im could not get it to ih river. Ac-
cnrdiagly. be went lo n man, and edfered
hlai all lha money na had. if he weuM ao
and draw It' to' the river for Mat. The
man ld he would go. After gattlag lo
ihe river, Indian oard to pay Mm.
"No," aahl the man, "don't yoo reeo.
lect aa long ago helping a man up ihe hill
by your house t" "Tea." Well, I
am the man ', there take' your eanoa aad
go bom." So I Hod it after may day'.
How to l Urvto. One evealnff a
renllemaa related, in the presence of hi
little girl, an eoeedole of a ttlll young'
child or 1'r. iKxidridyp; wiiUja piraaeti
her eioeedinaly. When lb Doctor ask
ed hla daughter, than about ilx year old,
wbit made every body love her, the m.
fdied, " I doo'l know indeed, pape, antra
I ii because I love every body." Thla
reply atruck Susan forcibly. ' If I hat it
all that la nfcttsary to be loved," ihonghU
b'.." ,.."l"T0 m.k ""7 lon
me." Her father then rnoaiioaed, art-
mark cf th Rev. John Newton, that he
contsrlered iba world lo ba divided lato
two treat mas, of htnplneeaand raiatry:
andtt wathlt daily buaiaraato takeae
linlfMpoaw'bt fnxalbahsapof misery nd
add all he couM lo l hat ol bapplnre. Now,'
aakiSueaa. "I -will beam tcraorrow to
make every body hajmy. lasttad of
ihtaiMaM tha lima aTmyattf, I wll ah
H .laaaW Wn e 09 fHvl
tab it ihe-aest way lo be happy myetlf,
aa4 f, amrMt ;oed to try."
A CoMritnuiivc LtT4xv.-Graee
Greenwood, in a recent Inter in the Na.
tional Bra, write a follow:
A selfish, buslneea-distracted, and plea.
ur.driing world, join in a loud unlrer.
sal litany of From all button holdlntr,
one ttory.tellina old Ktotlemen from all
author of one book from all singer of
oae soog Irom all tannic M one Idea,
deliver us I From all mtl(rra of Bun
comb peeh from all conaiatent poll.
tlclaaa from all constitution erendeta
from, all perambulating periodical ageala
In green spectacle from all lecturer oa
Isms and ologn
from all vender of I
nfhyr-dv and coro.plas'er, d'llverul
From all newiy.marriea couple rrom
all nkll cblldrrn from all young off.
cere fn uniform from flirting, fart flour
ishing helU7-from all lisping dandle and
travelled mookcyt, deliver uat Fram all
tract. distributing, Sunday chool .estab
lishing old ladies fxvm all maiden ladie
with aahaorlptlon paper from all pus.
tr from alt blue, deliver ual
SoatratNa roa til Ladim. The In
illa Rubber House, Glove are aa article
wMoh we think will be duly appreciated
by our lady reader. . Bring imprrvlou
to Aef or cW irairr, they are invtlutbl to
those who, Tram choice or otherwise, at
tend to donvtetio matter, aucb tt awaep.
ing, dualng, etc, and n a eedy and ef
fectual care for chapped hands,' and in
wearing, bleach the hand lo almost a
mow wkitMi. JhV. Ait.
Tsfaajof a delicate lady, waahlng dlehea
or mouMlng dough with glove cot
Nowall he need lo naka the thing
peraeatiy tuxunout, taa aeii.rocter tor
the baby, a chair with a ranalUohnvent
for heraetf, and a amart acltve girl to
IkliJc for her. This done, and aha can
flourish Ilka a cabbage plant In the apring
rain, aad have a bead about at valuable.
Oihtf Journtl.
Taa Motti lariotao or Oinoirt.
A Pari eorretpooileni of lha Journtl of
Uommtroo uggeM tnai laa ww oanaiuoa
of lha moral among lha Freaoh I atlrlb.
uubl lo the national foodaee for, aal aaa
ofoaleaat tbtavgtblooaalalng,'mor
lhaa aay other, aa amount of aulphur acd
uhoMhorut. The writer oaafend thai a
peofl moving in aa almtnahtra of au.
ahar. aa Jrophere la which lha great
miher pr vl I auppoted io ba ntott at
borne, oannoi ha aa tueoeptlbl la aaoral
tmprtoloa aa ethara. Juat thuvk of lha
moral af tha oommuglty rUag aad foil,
lag wlih lha prioa ofoakw, aad the mild,
ar aad higher grant of humanity f rawlag
out aa ahort ep of ihocaUforauhikal
lavaflaa taa avletah of a tak with aav
laaal Think of alapiag aia wkh aaaa f
TUakaftheaa thfitM Capa CVjaWaad
Waaihaiadlsbl seal
awftawTam)Waje""oTa1 p
.nil iiMiwriin mmlmmmmmnum siaajA iriir--'-p-i iTT7lfTOn
' 41! , v i., 1""-1XW(
' ; .Sprt V" "k!
U Mu.mmMmM0Mittiiti Iff-
weuld every hear ha feaawad, ar laa aa
wm ekahpanl, aretlaWWtiaia'W.
aryraMraaaatiaaJHI Twaafwwriwaara
reauy weary ar aaaa mtm, tney aee aw
ajpnflaaT THJH()PaV BMW ajaanl attTJRKaTy
theau b Imp rK
ia lira NMBiawr mmnrmrw m m wm m. v
MleTTa Tl 9m MM'ewW aNreMMw; M9
BaasVaVsyavar aeraT VeTiMaBarssyBS asw p
watt, aaaiptmaja awaaaaaee i
wlasa tha taiaaaaat atka.
sMClflssIa IF 1 MaaaaiaBaBMIfMi VaWat aaaaMaV 99
day aWarlna every (tarriaga la lae lala
nail and vota4Wvleltei aaaa la tha
choice of tha parla whether tha ratettea
D fMMfvf MMftMaaf WOVJM aWMlinfaaf
weald ha all ft haata pala awUl
ha awakieg their tara at have tha aaptlal
knot re-UJ. Croat, rVwM.elehly 'wa
that aava alnstat aaaa Mi a aaraaa her,
taiofa.waald) ajrow tar Jtar Ma rbeshVl
of aepnratioa Pomlaarlag (aV)' ha
aaaa wouw oeforgtveai.aaMia ajjaaaea
where a aparh'af. aajfal ley retwaiwad
h woald hhtewatoaaaatet srhereaolh:
baa eav) aeaa aiaaara aatt taa aaaaa aoaia
be tAea up, made lata aaaa. aaa
I eawMffc SoVtl etraVVeWlT
cUaaaed thereby.
A OtttT Ditcoyttt We at, aama
week ago, la a Peanylyaala paper, aa
announoemeat that a motive power naa
been dhwovered which weald apercd
theuofteam.'Il hieaid thataora stat
htve reomtly com lo light which entitle
the fatement locreflii. rrar. MtoentK
of HarorfawurgK Ky., hat wwetaarurly ay.
j M tht -ow,, 0f wrbonJe' aeM gaa aa a
eebetitutar ateth. la aropelliaa; anafna
ry i every eatraoee. The power oflhU
go hMlorwbeoa knowa io chetahjts, but
their Inability regaltte aad gayera.rl
hat prevewted Ha aa aa a areaelllaff
agent. Pre. B.'ataima to haaUataaaa.
h H waa navnjet tatetys aawaetettataai
wM ejbra a pewar eaial to aliaai.oa
tf taataaaiJB
ajBjajaje Isssm
IJ aafsemaej aBeaaaar
QaaMlaWBOflaW aMiBOfcaMMfl
BBft Vf lw mmftm nHl Mn IMM9 1
MlVfeV fajyVfaaVaMW laaWl (.
mm m mm
eatlrely aaiislaatory.
Otrrttaa Strrcata DtaaftiJtrtM.
Douglas Jerrotd, a wel.knowa eontribu.
tor io Punch, and editor cf varioaa paMU
cation, Ua man about Iftv year of age,
ind in peraoa far remarkaily umn and
diminutive. Hi (tea I thara and ancn.
Itr, and hi eye it ol a greyish hue. He
I probably oae of Ihe moot oauatie writer
of the age, and with keen rnibility he
often write under the impute of the mo
ment, article which hi cooler judgment
condemn. A tt bough a believer In hy.
ompainy, ma habii do not oonrorm to the
Mlernal apaScalloa of Adam'eal. and
hh ton frreweat devotion at lha thrin of
TJtocaua na teajea area Mm eear, dea.
pirehiilarweearelaa IHaCaadU'Letv
tune have beea read hy every ana,
ooavertatlea ha I oulek c. retort.
alway refaed. 'ft tt a paahaad aad a
graad-aitber but ha lack 'relict be!
lag. w F v "
(Hr A letmr Irom Waihlagtaa lo tha
Nw York Bxtaaa,ayi
The failure oTra Mexican 1833 In.
talmenl BUI In Ihe 8enate, moat he a
pretty .aerlou losa to Barring Ac Co., be.
otuar, na Congees hat now to appropriate
Ihe CIStMrOe, ibay caanot now an the
credit of tbtt lo make Mexico pay tha tt.
lean or twenty .Ave paroeet oa that amount
ofmooeyiobeleet here. Whether or not
the next Congr will not to appraprlite
that mboey aa lo relieve Mt toe rrom that
have who aan for f
But th three reillioaaof thalaatalraent
of 1941. ihe Barriaaa areklready reeeiv.
ing money from ihe Uaaaa State, for, to
tneawsMMoraorae vaaw, aw, watea tay
hare atreadjp adraaoed to Mxle, at aoaw
fifiMnpereeat letereat.
Hiiiit Clat on M.Rtuot. Jo the
diaotiaa'on iu th Senttt on the Rlverand
Harbor bill, Mr. Clay la urging It pa.
age, aaH, that If the quoatloa ware,
whether they ahould laka aa ImMrfoat
bill, or ao bill at all, ha waa diaoad to
ttte a out wwon even, la nit own jueg
monl, might ba aueaeptibl of amendment.
Ha waa dlspot:d lotak Il aa a ayaa UkM
hla wife; for hetier ar wore, kaawhtg
that, though, ha might ha aluppaHud la
em rpot aay wife I betiar lhaa no
Wlfo, ' ri Tr ,
Wowaaarct Laswurie. TsAtaeW.
her of lha Penaaylvaala Lfwhlara,jay
a vlalt la a body to Baltlator aay.H tarn
aHer they had arrived, aa (adtvldaal at
tha nptaa arowd, waa appeared la ha at.
leativwr Itttaawg to tho aaeaal reatarh
of lha atarabera, with aa aatlaiaailaa of
aalaaiahmini; rtmarhea t Way laey na
BagHahl" . - ' "'
Ly.-Aliha)r th devil ViW
tataaf or naa," nattraa atwia, t aa
lUlA SkAO SM LBSHiAAaB ftA Sg., ftfMA
invw wow. ajtwias owvwajaows-ssr ass-Masws
hkl. ap kiu swnMatfaHa as thav Ha.u
sFssn sw ns oh snw HISSi
S.i a, ,1. r-
t lata thai
"'? i
poini In whfeJt it
r atoerlail tha
ta; ine laner.n
American tidlra
up,' who had aata la
helt iwssjtded.'aarl
ryUadairl: wha.
il-dh). way) af her ewai'af
Tear m wataajiaa
saaiek tCaTtaBdasIaWaaafi '
Bat. k la a
Saav SVa I
i as awams SSKH
an , ,ai i i
Itot.KajHa laaaa
a.'a aaatehforaar
howvr. eaaaot ba aald mt
ladle aa a ebtt. Taar ares
joruy of oatea, nvtrimaaj
.fiat. , . .askat - k, a-rl Q
mtsmi w:j
m aau." w. '.. s
sM.lwat of eMrok... Aa
m aosorta .miaain aMMm
!.. i. -i-
go u roaan aa maoa rxarao ta m
wlihoal dreemlag af fotfaa,a.aa)
lean will la a day. aad, he areeaa
the enioa.-AfeYwf'e,rTJtl '
AVtatTTOTai MaatotR
A cor reaponeVn ssj tha Wi
wriiina from the ehy of
. - ..
lag (all aaaewjla
drat aad ha Ireaa
boy showed a every
ar tl.a.cutiiltt la w!
lad heat it Maraad m"
W (w"djafaWwyda'l H fd
aad yajtaiiiaat
faalfaquara, tolahf
owe. ai
of an aagel,eakdty oarvW.
hktwtiat aad aaaeiiMaltrafjaai'
peari. hi winy am.ntmmar piiftaa .
with dlamnads, ruble aad aasaeaM. U'
hla right hand athoid. aoja)af whatjL.
madeof yellow toaaii ta aaraaaiaal "
or grape aaaaa ar aa
k also atuddad with d
The tipper pari loatilaajaai
to reareeeat tha aa,"Ba
half in clrcumrrtata
aata eat
af thaftet.
aama of tha Urge aia,'
paring oat Theareat
aadUaapere. Oa'M'.iij
the awe aad tha rete-ata
90alH,tTMl, jalfJTlfaHMBTjTB4Ba(l MW
ta Uotmonoe,.- .ptvwt&'is f , r
A DtaaiasMM UTaaAaa.-r
. . . . j.
BMsstetamTatJasI ema aamMaTaJmfi
uatative.' Beaia M
foaeof. Hawlaad, a:l
eompaaina watK, aad
ssLLhi. hand k. hla aaa.
ling, water' la da keaairT
aljai ha bUwatta Mmmtt
whahad pildaaai
alaagwWSal Nil
Bt wnJ
aaaaejai tag ajamri t
Uklullal ''' -
jtaejaaav. JJ,i
amajK' Ml
tstsB.1'' " :
- - - - J'l
.istjiia tiniii :M-t
MialiAaaali'-'-'-.V. i
ma7naS8S.' 'A
shlMTaemrta - . "
iKWAmaaaBBaaa - 4
HtrwlMm-- :1
rHrJhajjtfjaaaaaaaaaBMH - 1
aUnJaMaafE " '
wli aiyti lhai IIWWI -,:
Raaaal ."!jv :
dMdaTAtsHaaall 5 "
BaassaBdaBaasaaasnsassBasMi r w i
TatawemB3taraaF,,irA i
i ill aMMBIi i
ajaVaTaaaaamK e-' 1
aaHMi' !
laJiwjBajajaiv..'. j
tr t :
aaa.', J
jMm ,
. '