Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 05, 1851, Image 4

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"tr W Vlt
II .
W l-UHIll !!! ,l.liaaill-llllllllll U-H1..I w
From tat OmnMi Tstsfrarb.
Good Skid. My ad vie to all farmers.
li. " Propagate from- tho bm." Thlt
should to the motto cTevery one. . Rather
pty an exorbitant price for a valuable ar
ticle, than encumber your toll with that
which will repay you with nothing hut
perplexity and ahame. I haro heard firm.
era remark that the care and scrupulous
caution exercised by some of their agri
cultural brethren, In the aclcctloo'of their
needs, scion, cVo., " I all nonsense !"
Now l cfttertain a very different view of
this matter. II I select lor iced Irom my
field of corn, a large well developed, sound
ear, of early maturity and superior weight
ofgrain, I entertain no doubt In my own
irunu, inai ine proust siiimi ear, nui i'contlngtnt expenses oflhe I m
of a superior auility ; thit itwlllpo.icis,
In a very visible and marked degree, the
peculiar excellences of the parent from
ohtch It ts derived, rso one who witnes
io produeo an eiceltcnt' arttolo of fruit,
'would insert a scion of tho common wild
crab, for that purpose: ho would procure
scions oi tno Wst ami most vaiuame van.
dies to bo found, and thus insure tho at
tainment of tho result at whiihiie aimed.
In sowing wlicat, rye, oats, barloy, pea,
and other liko productions, it is much bet
ter to pay an extravagant price for supe
rior seed, than to sour a poor or inferior ar
ticle, oven If it should bo furnished free of
cost. The labor of preparjpg the soil,
manuring, sowing and harvesting, are in
utVi cbses very nearly tno same ; ami ni
though a small crop may not exhaust
sou in tlta samo degree as a more
ant one, yet no larmerweuid tax
Calves. You.ig calves should never
be confined In yards with yearlings, or
cattle older than themselves. Asiheyarc
Inferior in strength, they are consequent
ly often- Injured, by tho pushing and
,...... f ,..t. .-.- ...,Vi2 ?
wiwnuiu.; w iiikii uiutv muiui vwiut'Mti t
u. .n.i n- .-.,,-t. ...,r...i . -i
cmn.tance Into eomideratlon against Ihe ,nd forty -six, ono thousand two hundred , tiency for this amount in the propria
would he f My advice, iherefora i, a I- ror . of c,ctk 0 ac.. ,.,,,,,,. ' rorIv.cil.. ,fri.d ,Uwunt six hundred
w.v, procure uu ue.i sceu. in tne eno, cn of ,he wtcrn .,;.,;; , lc Mf - y
nolosswillresullfromthiscourse.butlhe Bc. one thousand dollar. I For limited .nnu.iv foe innv..;. ve.
I navo always lounu u ao.
via aaiti Wlictl (iivuni if sas staii-i VI till . , , ,, .
troved ont-right. If you havo a Hock ofl0". '"erection of buildings for the
sheep, turn your young calves in it,i1Cn"T-f,ce UMtn Agency, (to be located
Ihe.n. They will there be quite safe, and ' "0'J'n6 ' treaty stipulations) four thou.
Thev Will ticro lie aUteaarc. and"
r.. r,m .tfr,n.,no- Ti,.!n ,,.
fv isi'sa anil "SiSS llJ WIIVll llllf "III I'lll'l
tako ofthtir fxl with the shetp, without '
ir. -j .. :i.. ,ii'l- i.--.
in a pen by tlnm.-lvcs. In manvdisearei
10 which cattle are sub ret. a tea of sheen
dung, Is the urcst rn
given. When ruunio
calves generally con
Ihr. -Iran nn.1 li!lrr nn u hlr-r. ,K.m in I
...i . .v.i.1. . ..! 1
man a llvivi amiaia n it it. 11 a iu Lriiu 11
tent becomes impregnated with tho pecu. ,
liar virtues of the "specific," and are
thereby prevented from falling sick.
Those who. have adopted this practice
speak of it in terms of Ihe highest appro
bation. Conveniences for watering, feed
ing, 4c, should be arranged, and tho an.
imals provided with salt aa often at neces
sity requires U.
Stcxeung Hoejls. It lis general, Imt
trip. It I. however, a well established .
fact, that If the fjnn of a horss'i shout,
der.and the consequent posi.ion, of the
fore-leg, enallcs him 10 put his foot lo the
ground,flal, wilhtl.o heel down, hisliftlng
the fool high Isnslnl all necessary, where-
as, on the other hand, if by any improper
poiltionofll.oleg, Imuing outof aihon,
f.rv ml.l.l.n nnltor. fliat (tin ..tlv r, a !.. ...! ...I.l. .T .U. ...... ..e .lln,.!
roadster depends up'ou 1,1. lifting hi. fore, teenll. of November, eighteen hundred ' treaty of twentysevenlh September, clgh- -'" "'u"n" ' s"wi mUIs,. mvwi r.aa aiaw,, U-Rlvor Navigation'!
foot high rrom the ground, whereas It all and seven, eight hundred dollar.. 1 lecn hundred and thirty, seven hundred j fi' (' ". H H '-""' , 'VJJ.''iZSZ. ' I" "" W '" " -"..''1 - "
depend, on the manner in which ie pla. For rn.anent ann-iily, stipulated in and fifty dollars. I article of the rraty of ninclrenili ( Hi fpn; M""J' M, ,J"" "'' ron""1" . 1 ..,), ui .,,. 11.11- Tl. w Kd IU..I
ots them down upon it. The highest go- tho fourth arliclo of the treaty of twenty For life annuity to one Wayne warrior, I ,wr e'S""" '""j"? "J" n"'yclKh, , Tha Trim ar Miryii mfinn il, .i.bl.e, ".W..'W I'UVI'r.tf wi.ln.wn tl.it......
er aie often the mnst un.afe ; and tliere fourth September, eighteen huadrcd and lipuhtrd In tho iwentylir.t arliclo of, ''n Ihnusand eight hundn.l and seven. ,., .f f ,,,, ,uJ l4,wj H WB ' ti... I.y i.,f.n...,g i h ,bl.e H..1 .1., to'"
are,hoU.,nd,ofir..,?nce,ofl,or,c.goingnine,ec,,rone,hou,.nddoliar..arCannher..e..yof.wen.y. , .- -CTe7..
very near ihe .-round and never maklnir a Fur the sut-Dort of blacksmlihs. and for eluhtecn hundrtd nnd thirty. Iwentyfive To Iht hiUapoot. i".. '..?.".?" '...'. m 1mvAi luA.lmi.w anv.il.rr l..nl,run il,Vu.
v. ......... ....... ..... ...w ...w.. w. ,,lo avvviiu uiiio u, 1,10 irc-aiv u. Kirn. ...p-.
upright, III. formeil shoulder, the toe touch-iiho
-,-.--,--- - --- -- --. w ..fc-. - n..., ,,,..-.. i.u..-
es the ground firrtnnda.il were dig. into dred and tvvcniy.aix, one thousand dollars,
it; no maltir how Idzhsucha hoise may , ... . ,... r. . u- ,
Ilabls to stumble. :..ny on Ihe font.
Mclei vs. Ilussci. A correspondent
of tho South Carolina I-'armnr and Planter,
w4a.ppciir to liavo had much expcii-
ence In raising mules and hone., s'.ates
inat iioiiacaeptoranicuiar account 01
inn cxptnir.ui eocn, or ine 11.1 leu year-,
live uoiiars. in regard lo llio compa
ntcexreiKcoi Keeping,!! says" tne m
i. i.... i . .....i 'j... .
-VUI. W All.. .1. a. vw. vuiiuiiiuii a. II1CI
horre, and will perform i,0 same labor,
however revrre.
e, in the same time and on
about one half tho feed." In uddilbnto
this, iho mult- will out.livo ll.o horsu by
fifteen totwenty uars, ami is seldom sick
nr crippled.
CK5- A writer In tho lloniculturalift
says, that nix quarts ol charcoal, nicely
pulverized, and put into a tutern of the
capatity of firtecn hogdieads, w make
ine water poiiecuy swcri ai any tune.
Will wortli lint trial.
Siieit is Vr.KMoT. The grower, of
wool in Vermont are inioii!i.g into that
State lha full. blooded .Merino sheep, and
have already found the great advantage
nf iho enterprise A Mr. Jcs.0 I lines, of
Moridou, imiorlcd lately twocwos, at an
expense of 6-.'()U each. ' 'I'lioy will yield,
it luald, an itvernge oflwilve pounds of
AttJM ix IlBr.au The Introducllun of
alum In bread, isn practice of long stand.
ing In IOjiiJon. It enables thn baker to
give to bread made of flour of an inferior
quality, the whiienei. of tho best bread,
and to add potnto flour, ground bean, and
pco, to a certain extent, to wh-at flour,
without materially nlleriui; tho appear,
ante ef llie brrad.
ll... .T .; lrV.il i i For payment In money, stipulated in dred and twcnly dollars.
V. ' L!"?. .'". fe'?? r";:M, " ".Vl, ' "". tho scconi article 0r llio treaty ,n,iy. ' To the Creel,.
Ml. naflUa. .., 1 nni. ,. t. . .n.ln. a.. u.a
r....i.r.,i,......i I i.... t -.... t' i ""' eighteen hundred and llilrty- For wrmancnt annuity, sllpu
.t. i i. 'n. -. ....-.'...'... soven, nine thousand live hundred dollar., tho fourth article or the Irealv of
ill? mult- iv uii'u ninr iwr itviniv io wc
- .
runuc ACTS
Ptmi dan'- IJfJlril Mlii.a Ike THrty-frtt
in.' irT ....ti.. .k...iu... r.. ik.
current and contingent expense, or (he
Indian Deoartmcnt. and for fulfilling
....... ..I....1..I.... ..t.i. iu... i.ii...
,iua.r ai.i.uiniii'iia nun lanuus muinii I
trlbca, for tho year ending June thol
thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred i
and fifly.ono. i
Be it rtwciV.. if the Stnalt .in.i 'euro '
ef RrprftnUtirrt ef Iht United Stotri of
-. .'... r, i .....
.imnni m wivrrm cJirncim, insiinr
following sums be, and they aro hereby
appropriated out of any money In the,
tv,....,,.. .m, nik.,.1.. .......'.u
jrJr ,,c rurpoje of paying the current and I
Indian Depart-
partment, and fulfilling treaty slipula
lions kiiii i no various imilan tribes.
For thejeurrent and contingent expenses
of tho Indian Department, It:
For pay of s'lncriiitenJont of Indian af
fairs at St. Louis, aud tho several ludian
icetits. as provided by tho acts of June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty. ",0l',r,;1 ... , , . ,
four, and .March third, eighteen hundred or limited annul y foi rortv.s'.x years,
and lhirty.sevcn,andof June twcnly.sev- W lPW C'''Pi'w1 t Mis.issip
cnth, eighteen hundred and lortv.six, P1- 'Isolated In the third arliclo of Ihe
eighteen Ihousand dollars. " 1 treaty of second August, eighteen hun-
For the tiv of sub-agents ,u,,oriredll''fJ'""l'0''y-v'"'.0"o,ouanddollirs.
Dy me act ol Juno tlifrticlh, eighteen hun-
.Irvil an, I thlm-.fnir. iwrltn r-r,, ,.,,.,, 1 1
seven hundred and fiftv deltan.
lor tho pay .of interpreters ulborlaed '
For buildincs at accticici and repairs
uvincsama acr. uiinccninousandilo ars. vears. nivaliln lo Iha l'i laser llin.l. ain- iv-sixiu v.K-inucr, ciimih
..... -.. . ". . . . ,. n-' . I .. .- . .
"" I or the pay ol clerk to the superintend. ' ulatetl in lbs fonnh arliclo of tho irestv . thirty-lwo, two liuudrol dollars.
" ! . " ient at St. Louis, authorired by tho act of of tho Iweniv-llrst Auirusl. oiehteen hun- For purchase of sail, stipulated in
einisiir. tuno twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred dreJ and fonv.iaven. lo aiinnlv a rleli. third article of llio treaty of seventh J
thereof fifteen hundred dollars. i pi, stipulated in the third article of the
Forihecrecllonandrepairsofbuitdiugs' treaty uf the second August, eighteen
for llio Choctaw Agency, fivo Ihousand hundred and forly.icvcn, to supply a de
dollars. , licicnev lor this amount in the annrorirU.
r , ,'?
Creek Ind
For the erection of buildings for the,
mu ageucy, uvo inuusaud nvu .
, , t i ti
liundrcd UoIUM.
"''. ':". "." ."Vf""MVUV""" ",uu,.li.en imund and ninnv 11 nr. lhr..l).nitr,
sanu iivcnunurcuuoiiarj.
n a a m . , '
. For the erection of an agency house for
the uic of the sub-isent for tho 0acc
, ,ot P",,c"" ,0 'nJil," l'"""'"' 1
'"- I
10 IU I.Ariflifn iHaj.lHJ.
if ..!... ,
1- ur im nninpni nnniniv. .iininitpii in
five, one Ihousand dollars.
ror permanent annuity, atlpulated in.
farming titenail. and cattle, and the em-
ploytnenl of person, to aid them in a"-
ricul.ure, stipulated in lie .evemh
article of tho treaty of fourteenth Janua.
ry, eiuhtccn hundred and thirty-icun.
two thousand dollar.!.
For education during the pleasure of
Congrcsi, atlpulated 'n thu sixth arliclo of
trcaty of fifth August, eighteen hun-
1 S0"'"" -'w l0" ""'""
, For education during tho pleasure or
Congress, stipulated in tho iififi arliclo of
tho trcaty ol eleventh August, eijiiceii
liundrcd and twenty. seven, one thouiand
five liundred dollars.
-pote Chiuptiau of UU Superior and
I For payment in goods, stipulated in the
.econd article of the treaty of twenty,
..I"... .... I I .1.11. "
"u "V n . ""II. "V"u?,. ......
For estallishing three smith's shops,
aiinnortln llirpn .mllhii. .ml f.nlJ.r..
: ' .O : -....--,-.. r
Iron and M.el, stipulated , ,hc,cond
articlo of the treaty of twenty. ninth July,
rlshioen hundred tn.l iMrtv.scwn. tt.ro
thousand dollars.
For support offarmers, purchato ofim.
plcments, grain, or seed, and to carry on
i their agricultural pursuits, stipulated in
the second arliclo of llio treaty nl thn
twenty ninin oi auiy, cigiitccn nunafctl
ii u.1 uiniv.iu.i-ii, uni; iiiuj.iiiiu hoi ars.
i-'or purchose of provision., stipulated
in ins aoconu unicie 01 ino trenty oi mo
ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty
tcvon, Iwo ihousand dollars.
For the purchavo of tobacco, stipulated
lu tho second article of Iho trcaty nftwen.
ly. ninth July, eighteen hundred and ihir.
ly.seven, live Hundred dollars.
For limited annuity in money, for twen.
ty.fi vo yean, atlpulated In tho fourth aril-
clo of the Ireaty of fourth Ortobor, elgh.
teen hundred and forty.two, iwvho Ihou -
sand fivo hundred dollars.
For limited annuity in goods, for twen -
ly-five years, stipulated in ilielourlli aril,
cle of the treaty of fourth October, elgh-
tren hundred and forty.two, ten ihousand
fivo hundrid dolls m.
For the support of two smiths' shop.,
gwlih'XeT.TC'' r ":?:'
l-iif fSinlieir,,.,.. ..- Aflha l.s.I'an 1 1., I II Vi. 1 lirTt 1 linilttB llll IIOII .1 r. I - . .'a. . ... all tthtU til lilt I ItlllSl rlaI' .UMl .UIsliM IM 1 lit rtitll? I rlI Ol inr I .!.1I,1MU, TA 111 CCni
sume, with avidity, ooiisn. ci iiiwiiaiia,..,.!,. -,,,. For annuity, in goo.ls. stipulated u, ihe ..uc-i-m i....lw,ii,il,-.,-ul.f i:.,.r-uf II. I yiT ., 17. -
- .' ... . v! .l "i7 I rot uio annuitv to chid. (Ikl Loir.) ,i' ?i in.M ' ci) nuthfuuiiirm ihibf. 9.1 iw-r inm
acts of May twcn.y.tixth. ctslitren ..l.,..!- .1.- . '.1. i-iIJ r.L-. .' tliuauJ ilolUn. II Hi M.rUi. ruurwo. ' iL,.i -.i....,..! .. t
hundrc-ii mhiI twtnfv.f.inr. am) Muv twnn. I 1 . . . . . . . -. ror ainnuitv. in moncv. ftliiiuUlcil in ILU I'ltl.T. si., kit
lieth. eighteen hundred and twentv-six, ? JTBT f;xT'2'SZ.TrZ ,ho ("nh of "',n-' of r',",,,, " ' a- , ... .
four hundred dollars. ' uVrT X ' Y January, eighteen hundred and forty.five, wv.t. j ""
dollars. ihrco tiiouiand dollars l "al" rnJrt id f Sawr Mill I ton. ronialn.
To Iht Chippcu-at of Saginait. For permanent annuity for education, ... ' . i,i i',i..,. .,ir.u.l "lf " iheaintwn.Kl.i ln l.t (.....
D " ... T. . . . . -.i..i..1.i i . .1 .- ii ..i ,1 rot agricultural iiiiplemeiits, stipula-. . . r, . . ..,.,.., iw iun ui.i. innwi. i
j-or permaneni annuity, aiipuiaiea in ,iimiw ... u r.v..u ....... ,w ,-., .. ,,. ...,i, .rfi.i. e. .. 1...1. r.r . J ..,. i
fourth article of the treaty of third treaty of Iwcnliclh January, eighteen .,. ,..... ., i,,i,..,i ' .,1 ' "" ' n'.i ial.
seventeen hundred and ninety, hundred and twenty-five, six thousand , "is. . .ss im:ii ahi:iini:tiiv a. ro.
Including ray of smith and assistants,
and furnishing Iron and ileal, atlpulated
In the rourtlt article orthe treaty 01 lourin
October, eighteen hundred and fortytwo,
two thousand dollars.
For support of two farmer, stipulated
'! fourth arllcleofthi treaty of fourth
October, eighteen hundred and forty two,
lone thousand dollars.
.. -----
, torpay oriwocarpentfra, sllpuliled In
', fourth article of the treaty of fourth
October, eighteen hundred ami forty two,
one thousand two hundred dollars.
, ,1or,,nc un' "J 'c,wo'. ttipulatcd
In Inn fmirih nritrlnnf the treaty of fourth
---- -i --- - ------
vciooar, rigmoen imnureu nu mny.iw -
o thousand dollars, i
lor the purchaso of provisions and to-
blcc0' ttipulatcd ' ' fol"l tMr
lh treaty of fourth of October, eighteen i
l.i, ...lrn.1 anil filriV.tWiV flirt f lulllann.1 .lill.
ror liinitcd annuity, in gooils, for five
years, pavablo io tho I'illagerUand, slip-
..1.1..I I - si. . r... -si. oill ..11. . ! ., ..r
ulatetl in the fourth article of the I real y of
twenty-first August, eighteen hundred and
"' y-""". "' tnousanu six Hundred
tonpvj arKcirncievt jormcr aypivpna
lions to Ihf CkiuvtmtM of fude .S'u.
rJor mid Mususipri,
For limited annuity in good, for fue
rtv.ix vea
!lo bo naid to tho Chinncwas of Jlisiiisin.
lions lor the year eighteen hundred auJ
uriy.ciglit, one tnouiaiM dollars.
7o Me tiiehnairl.
or rrinanen annul,- stipulated l)Uuwtyt rljtUtn hllfIllfi,, , ltllrlv.
he.etoriwen.yl.nh l.bru.ry, stve.j , , "h , fc , j ,
teen hun.lrcJ nnJ ninny nln. throe thoi h nt
1 i-ti ' i Tour uul.tu.
, ..... i
asalllli UU1I If I
rw,,,,, 1
10 Lie IhocMirj.
'' v0'd " ,clu ! ''u ,r,a,' ?'en;
"'"' ... "
....... wv.w.., .k..... h..,v. "",;ll. nHi.1i. i,ril, Irr-lv
twenty, six hundred dollars.
-. ..
For life annuity lo three district chiefs,
tied in the hlteenth arliclo or tin
For limited annuitv for twenty years,
Mipulated in ihe seventeenth article iof
tho treaty of tncnty.sevenlh September,
eighteen hundred and thirty, twenty thou.
sand dollars,
lor education or forty youth, for Iwen-
ty year, (including support of teachors
in tlw nation, two lliansand five hundred
----- --------. -( , r --;- : . . ,
dollars.) stipulated iji the twentieth nrllolei
"ftho treaty of twrnly.sevenlh September, i
einhteen hundred ff.d thirty, tweve thou.
sand fivo hundred dollars.
por blacksmith, stipulated in tho ilxlhl
article of Ihe treaty of eighteenth Octo
AT eighteen hundred and twenty and,
tliu'niiilh arliclo or the treaty ortwentielh
Januury, eighteen hundred' and twenty-
five, six hundred dollar..
For Iron and st-t.1
For Iron and st-cl for shop, three hun-'
August, seventeen hundred ami ninety,
i one thouvaud five hundred dollar..
.1 . .! --..., .r- .1 '... .t
' leonth June, eighteen hundred endwo,!
"" ?.."""" "l'.L .'"V" "i "1
il ...! 7u,l.M ?
i...: uy ,.... it ww...... ...
. For permanent annuity, .llpulatod I.
tho fourth article of the trcaty nf twenty1-'
fiinril. Jumiarv. U,Uin hun.lr .
twentv-six. twenlv Ihousand dollar.
For limited annuity for twenty yearaj
stipulated in thu ciuhth artleln of lha
treat v of twenlv. fourth March. nM.i.nn
' hundred and tblrly.two, ten thousand dot
lars. J
ror uiacKsm in and assistant. t nuta.
ted in llio eighth article of the treaty of
twcntv-lourli January, e if ilren liundrei
and twenly.slx, olght liundred and fort;
dollars. I
For Iron and steel for shop, two liunv
drcd and seventy dollars. j
For twn blauVsmithi and assistants.
stipulated In tho thirteen article of ihi
I treatv of twentv.fourth Marrb. .Uhtra
hundred and thirty. two, ono thousand ill
hundred and eighty dollars,
. For iron anditeel for shops, five hun.
, dred and fonr dollar.
1 For wheelwright, stipulated in lha
eighth arliclo of the treaty of twenty,
'fourth January, eighteen liundred and
twrnly.six, six liundred dollar. I
For education, stipulated In the thlr
leenlh artbU of Ihe treaty of twenty!
fourth March, eighteen hundred and tlilr.
ty.two, three thousand dollars,
Tor Interest on threo hundred and fifty
thousand dollars, at live, per centum, slip,
ulated In Die third article of the treaty ol
twenty. third November, eighteen hundred
snd thirty, seventeen thousand live hun
dred dollars.
For education, stipulated In the fourth
article of the treaty of the fourth January,
eighteen and forty-five, three thousand
7b iSt DrfotciKi.
For permanent annuity, stipulated In
.,.iV iuhm ihviu , ,..u mini; , mm
the louriu arucio oi mo treaty ol mini
AgU,i( actrnlccn hunilrcil ami ninety.
five, one thousand dollars.
For uornianeiit annuiiv. atlmiltr.l In
''the third aillclnjoftho treaty ofihirHeth
September, eighteen hundrud and nine,
.-..- L Il.t.ll
For permanent annuity, stipulated in
tiie cm, nrtci 0( ,, trcaty f'iilir, o0.
1)0l.r, clglilecii hundre.1 and eighteen,
. r
four thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated In
llio supplemental treaty u'f twenty. fourth
September, eighteen hundred and twenty
nine, ono thousand dollars.
For life annuity to chiefs, stipulated In
the privato article of supplemental treaty
of twenlvfourlli Meptember, eighteen
hu.idre.rand twenty.nlue. io.i-.iy of
third October, e'ehtren hundred and r iitl
teen, two liuuureil dollars
For lifo annuity In chiefs, atipulaii'd in
Uio supplemental article lolreat) uftwen.
en llllliureil nnu
eichteen liundred and three, one hundred,
For hlucLsmitli and auiitanl. tiniila.
ted in the sixth article of lite third Octo
ber, eighteen hundred mid righleen, set
en hundred and Iwculi dollar.
For Iron and steel for shop, two bun.
ilrnl and twenty dollurs.
For interest cm forty.slx th'iiuand and
siglilv dollars, at fiw per centum, Ucin
tho valua or thlrty.six sections nl lam
1 . . ...
net npnrl by Ireuly of eigliiciu hundrrd
and twvuiy.nine, loriiiucanon, siipuiateu
in resolution of the Senato of niiuleenih
"". V." "'"- .
lour uoiiars.
r " &"' Mint, r -SVmrnoej
rlgliteenth SeptemlHr. eighteen hunjred
.... ,..,... ,..... '.., e r...
ui a . a.-.L- iiaa aii nuuui itj aatiia iui ivmi f. a w
To Ike Aned.
For interest on ono hundred
For limited annuity, stipulated in Ihe
' fourth arliclo of the treaty of twenty.
( fourth Ckloter. eighteen hundred and
thiriy.tmi, five thousand dollars.
1 To Ihr Kuntm.
1 b'ur interest 011 two humlred ihousand
,t at fur. per mitum, slipulale.1 in
,, HCCOn, article of the treaty of four
(oent, January, eighteen hundred and
ucilli, uiiuuiv. i-..iivrt. ...,uuir nun
furiy.aix, leu thousand dollars,
7. ,.. ., ,,...
.. 7 rte .Vwawi.
, ' "' permanent aniiiiily, stlptilMeii 1,1
'" f0"'1' V"0'0 f.'1"' ,r("!'y n1r,wrn,y;
M"' October, eighteen hundred ami
twenty-six, Iwenty.livn llmuiand dullar..
For blacksinithiuid aiiislant, -tipulated
'" the fifih artltln orthe trtaty nf sixtli
Uclouor, eighteen Hundred nnu eighteen
i . . . . ...
VS." "''""'red nun emy dollars.
I U, I.U., U..M n. .-, ... BIIVII, ihu null'
dred and twenty dollnr-
...... .....J-, i ...... i i
I ur ui... .iiuu.n.K. in
Kor ono tliounnii'l (KiUlnll nf loharco,
I1.il IIH.II1HHI, r,ui.','. ... II. HI. Hill, .JI.O ...UI.
'"' I""'"' " sl'l, fclipulaled III the
', '". "u" V .r ' ir 1,1 f
I .? ' '' iS, , ,,
I twenty
Ired and
twenty. six seven hundred and seventy
i -....- fn... . Tt.
rur Py oi miiier, in iwu oi Runpniui.
I tillniilafrtfl
..f...i. .if.. .1.. j-ni .... . :. - . :
' "Z 7 Zd "" I ' tZd
i ... i .. "a. t v "i v.
.n .""ny.iour, ux imnurra u uarn
For on. l.undC.l and alxly bushel, nf
ait, stipulated in lha fifth articlu of tho
treaty of sixth October, eighteen hundred '
and eighteen, threo hiindrtd and twenty
dollars. '
For education and support of poor,
..I...I... I I. .1 . -l..l - .ti e.i . .
atlpulated in the sixth arllolr. r.r the Ireaty
or twenty.lhlrd October, eighteen hundred i
and twtnlyidx, two thousand dollars. 1
For the leinhortwenty Instalment., In!
money, stipulated in tho seeorT. arliclo nf
tho treaty or twenly.alghtli Wovommr,
... .." .
eighteen liundred and forty, twelve .1,,.,.
tand fivo hundred dollars.
For payment In lien uf labomrs, stlpu
lated in the sixth article of Ihe treaty of
twonty.clgritti Pinvcmtior, eighteen hun
drrd and forty, tno liundrcd and fifty dol
For aurloultural assistance,
, alipulatcd
Dly of sixth
' . .
In ll.. Iini. rltr. tt ll,.. frnn
October, eighteen hundred and'elghte.n,
i" iiuiiuitm i.uii.h,
Torts Ell Riven, (Mlamtei.)
For permanent annuity, stipulated in I
the fourth article orthe Ireaty of third
and twenlvthrev. and fourth article uf "". i...i.i:n....u .... 5... n,...w ,..,.,, n-
, lull v-llir, uiid iiiuuymiiii uviiai. - , ,
r ik ouv... . .. . """" "'
"" - li..-.':! ,tt. vi.rri. n. iiai.-j;ii
AiiljuM, seventeen hundred and ninety
(Ire, (he hundred dollars.
For permanent annuity, atlpulatu.! In
the third article, and separate article, of
the treaty sit thirtieth September, elgli
teen hundred and nine, three liundrcd and
llftv dollars.
For pi-rmanent annuity, stipulated In
the third article of the treaty of twenty
first August, eighteen hundred and live,
two hundred and fifty Julian : IWMn",
That the three preceding appropriations
ahall mil 1m tiald In snv noraou. or tior.tin.
lihfll iifmr i. nt.laliiM.I lif llirt ilnrniHini'llt '
that tho I'el Itlvera Mluiiiles yet clst as
. .J,. ,i -i.-ii ,i. ! .,,1,1 ,,, iipl
li i ' ' ' '
trllie only.
i".: ."".". ."..'v ............
71i Ihe .Ifrnolfoiiirs.
For limited annuity for iw.iiiv ears,
sllpuUted In tho lint seeon I arlloln ullliii
lint seeon I article uffllm
treaty of third SeiileinUir, eighteen linn
drcd and thirty six, twenty thousand! Jot.
llrt '
For two blacksmith and assistant for
twetilv venra. sltmilAlcd in tht set olid ar
licld of tho treaty of third September,
eighteen hundred and thirty ilx, nnu thou.
sand four hundred and folly dollars.
For iron and steel for shops for twenty
Msrs, four hundred and forty dollars.
ror purcliaso of proiiilon lor twenty
crs. stipulated in the second nrliule uf
tho treuty of third H..ptcn.l,r. elgli......
hundred and
thirty.nx, lb no lliiiuiaiid j
Kr two iliouvaml hhiiuIi of tobacco for
twenty yeais, stipiilate.1 in the mcoiiiI
n-in in mv liraijr vi inn" .-t-.ii I...-.,
i'lglitecu hundred ami tliltiy.iis, inrre
liuudri-il dollars.
I .-.,r Tar..,..., nlrn. nl.i rail r) lor
twenty ycaia, Mhiiiloled in the second
arliclo of thn Ireuly
......j ."--- -l - '" "- " ,
arliclo f tho treaty of lliird .s.-ptemle-r.
I eighteen hundred and lliirlv.lv, t'nohiin-
I dred dollurs. '
I eluhlpen humlred and llum.in, t'nohiin-
I 'or ilurly barrili nf iU lor
vrnr. slipulatrd in thn irciml
a .
treaty of third ."eptemhi r, eigli'een linn
dred'aud thirty six, one liuudrtd and fif
ty dollars
For miller, (fur lifuiii yer,) ilipula
I111 in tho foiirlh artli l' of llie treaty of
. .... 1 . . 1 , 1
eighteenth October, ilghteeu hiiiulrcil ami
i.niy.eigni, sis nuuureu noimi
To kt r onlin ne..
ftAA tr ffAi Pvnritff
""" " !
J! tN.NINli lu ill pirlil'f ll.r-u,ill,rln Mil.,
attv and 111 I'M'y r..tKr III ri.-ai..i p, 111
J HMltIrrtl finally I r fir,-rj u Sail rioHasMiwrt, Will)
!i.l- H. tr-.-n--.-t.
llif wfllkuown t.tyttmvt W I.-.V -t "(. In -U
iu, stii.irxiin, Hissriir in
UlllllfMKsl PtH ll MIi
an all brand f ih rti.rr- l.i,-,u in 1I..1
1 fr ,nj runrmrnt hmiinaty bmU.ii( ha.;
PW"lZX ,r y ., I
. .7 .!.''.... ,"..'.. ' , T'..' L.,
..i,.r,.j ,,i, r..r i.ea'.il.fui...... u.nr firr
frwn Hi minimum! frtn. nuimi 11 ihr mrr
lew ni 11 ir eviivniriit nl arrr..; lira InmiU
ilyinir I'll III C,liiltllia anil W.llalnrllr: mrr. Ih
lunr Ihr f.lw.aul ll.. ali,ia will liinl at thn
' I'nmaty lr.artnirnl $fi,IHI
llishrr r.nrlnli Mmlr.
I..nrtiarr. niu-ir.inilutiuiiirnl.t I,in,.i ,r. lu.ntl
11, Mdcr uf ll, lluard.
lltrgnnlll). M-y c, I-..I.
f.'aitllillssluil llinlui-i.
flllll! .ulMriUr w.ll rrirri until, and piK'
I. rl.aM1 all kind, nf gimdi, .Imri.fnii'.liiitrrr
&e. uu eoinini imi. ami mil .lup t irrl- ih
ire t for OrgJti, nr via Hall r'l.ncy-.., a. rrtinrri)
All nurrliawt will l iuiirn furtlif l-rupfitnf U
vnnmitnpm. klul aiiv fmJWnl I" ll'lll will t ror
crrdby liwuracirr, mirt-rrivmir iitirrofili Mme i
v ii. i.i. mi a i nitriir
Kw Vorfc, Kill 3, ?Z.uVMt '
arirsrier sw vuas
f.r rriiirth Jimit. Ifr X I u iM-.trMhihi, f i fttiT'lnl luirttl. itniirr I vrtii I -err lit l'i, "
J, ,, ., . .i . , . i . .. Irl. I.HEI.ii'1 n rgiiou -iMiii .i hi tiatip , mim i-
..llMl.ir.l..All-nli- .Mnu.llnj.1.. j,,,,.6,,,,,, lM ,,,' .M,,rd,rdinf:.l.
.r.ti.rr .-.. I.. . A-im Mnlu.l lu ful m i4 ( kumH ., j.j,,,,,,,., ,nch
Juiiirt. Isrr.s.l.-i.UiuMi .Miami. l h r.t.le was .iwal-d at f,.a bun.
Mra. I. As.iRsri .V Cn , llaiiki ,t Han Fr.u-
Mt-n-r. Ans.is A Hrusv,
.Mnaif. AarsssTiiv K Cn.
.-, ,;-, mta t.,,,7,,7,.
' ..,,........,. ,,..,..i
rm.NciMi.i.y miiwt viiom ui.M.ni.
I "s'l' rrerivrd sml fur .air, by Aid. AN,
MKINI.V A 'l,(!n,r.lArliiirnt
uf tlocli, adaiard In Ih waul-uf Ih eoillilry
J ,. ' Jlllu, . ,.,.,,..
!-,...,., ,..aT -
""mKALKIIH in Itrady Mad Cldhlug, llat.l.
J-v" waie, i.rocarry, u,rrri., i
..I. ..I... ...i.l ......ll.. .-I...I r.. I.
ja- wair. i.iucarir. i.t.N-riM... i rurMiuiia. anil
.-.... ..
J -b " ''"' ' h -I.-- ar -
I'"' t:n i. khiviuiv
t. n.riiiitt:i,
Caieail. (Irrgnn Trr., .nr. 90, '40-3..lf
I 'LJO'l'ifiKbh.rrhygiv.nloallp'rauiiawlisiiav
11 purchswd a lt or lA uf lha proprietor of
' IJniil'il)i"rwhncwhuldaalolortoUbylranafsr
I r.a.nnll.rr.lvl,nt,.irMn...rl.i..ril fnnlkaiM-AarlalAff.
j iSRtf'
wi.ior.unle- ih y bar. I,..l sums wriiurvsi.
1 litll JABSffrSii.t asvlll. a.tah . Il.ah a.a.a.1 aa, a
iioirr. moohk.
I.lnn Oily, Nv J9, IPSOJCif Proprlstsr.
Islnud -tills.
1 11111: Oigvn Milling IVinpuny wmiU truant
M. fully msts known li liiili I n nd and N
Irani, tint lliry sis now limning Imlli th'lr Nn It
and (IHIST MILLS, nimir iulnv snOisv
liij nrurril His wrvlera uf fmpth hi Millif. liny
sm fully pifMtrJ lu ttciul In nil fiw ullli tisl
wl ilnMlrli.
ro RMHiH.i.r.v -i.vi uriiKHu.
Wo livs rumUnlly un isml luiKilnr srllcls
of Sufujlin t'ltmt, willed s mil rll si lli luw
el Hisrkft rslrs.
(ltirmniy.llcli.Wt 31, Ht.MI-.Cnioa
To liniiiUrituls hiiiI oIIuts.
rpjllll iiiiitfrnisitpd, tiqillHi iif llm Ti.w n
.vim rim. iintf i4r-.iN in ni miirors
inrnu .n..t. ripMly, pn..-i. lint lhy wiilglv.
In svny lieail i fsniil) l 1-mnKi. sml lost.
, slnjls msii w wnlol, wh will Wen. in
' (, ;,, ,a, v,,umi ,i, mmiiIh, mi
,uiM n limne uiniii llii. lain ill nil.l.lj.41 lu It till h.
we Mill 111 hiuUil'K lilitrllaU lit lln- llial serrpl
...I. ......,... Mii.l bIL,. li,-. . .MtKltlA InMvll.
( ,,, ', (M)
. r ,, , .,,. r, .i,,,,, i.
Tuuiiw ihsi will Iki.u tliiiUi .Mill.rsl.
eut.u.l io .lu ihe i.iuI.k r iln i.'ir,w will jus
' null iltr. I..-lliri Willi UiKlmlrieitnl fur Hi put'
. I",i'w,", J"n,'
lilwrtTult l.ntril lltn III limsl
bisuili vt III t ilUnirlli. liiri. juil far ennuli
t.uv Hi jimciiMii ullli lit ('ulufiitiU in rt nitir II
II rlcrllrnt liailwr, nj liai llie aJlaritc ef b
ln( ri'riMit.U fowl all aTJra, rilli r b) IiimI rr WB.
Irr II li atutli l,ii 4iil ui Hi tint thai
liai wigutl lulit Iraiting llvlil it lutha WillaliMlU
li mMint4n iirruiii run. mi en earn uj or
"" 1,"""',""'", ""' l"in;''ii """
7Xh ih J nLiu m. r&JSZXZ.
Allhoiish 111. I.11VH It hA Ii4.hI till a fiw
uiMtittt. II ha alrr.lr liia.t much prnf-lfM In
, i "I f iiiirii..r..i .,.,1 r.uiiM-iM.ai.,l b.Ji fall.
( "
''u lh.a ileriruui r lakln( up lan.1 rlslnw, w
wimM ,llll,l aiai'iiiuumlrilliy ai Wantirul
I m.t fniili- u it,.iii.f lunuliy aOirgunrnl'0if
I "' niri.1.11111; in" . . .. ....., .,..... ...u,
llitili aiHlrilrii.il I'tatltn (alrl) spUrd l.oll
Hi rallai-MI' tr lw. inrr an.t II. tin tint
thr-I'allai.Mrtl' tr lw. inrr ali.1 li. tin
, l(l, Hj .t, ,4ij ,4 11,. i.an
L rlllll A NMIT
, !'''-' I. l-W'Sir
L Cltil,-ll A MM 111 I
S' It Nr Clll tflie IMfinaiirlil rll,4.,)inrlil W
. .),l a iiiimUr ul haiidi ilutmi; III wuilrr
Tunlallii Acititi'iii)
fllllH lllrlltlilM.n 1, ilmlr.l ill lit Inwn f
JL vrrlf flarrs'l'lialaniltlliltl ll llll.iw in II
infancy, irl iMtrulianJ ;Mal.liaii ilr.illMT I I
In Hill ,llm
,4, mat La aMiirril n.. wily i.l llir hrat
' linn'" an.i iN-auir in ill" i.M-aiini., .n ,i.ir,,n,.
. ., 11H,,, , f , iutia,,i., Ui r.p-rlilli ilnl
thin an.1 Wauly if Ih .-lirti., ihr. intrlliine
1 wn uiriirn win i rin;..),-,i win mi in
1 Injlinl i.kuI.1 and himiI i,i,ioiriiiiit uf lli
x lsini, lit 11 avinri viijs-ri
, jMCIOt't thi Hctd ArtsKllt) ttll'Mini
I writ rftrclfj li4t M aVilr. rt4MitihJinf ll l
twu llrtlil- ,ll.t.rl. will. Iltnf III!. I1rlirf and
r,.r,ii 1,1,2 ivimi. ..i.,i wi,n.
t.N.lr.l.n will luf
null a.i't'' n iii.i-l.ii. u I f Uilli dtitn.isu
.if Ihr Mhu.l
r.,rrll.ruia , alMj.,1 .i.,J .1,1,1 ft, 111 lli Inwn
ufMll.lrlK, al.ll.ni, 1'MlUl.il, .Mllw-ul, lira-
n.ir mots hkh:
'I'll Ib4l riiauir. hnumln'. Serir-nf Itra.l
rn, I'uflria Klirlurtrat Itra.lrr, SinitJ-l'- ard
U'rtMlrr'a Hl1rlir- t urmlrl'- -IhI Wrbalil'l
l.rli..nalir., Th"tnr-un'a ArilliliMl,n, Otnry'l
n', rlinith'a (Jrr-Kr.pMr. VrlUf llr-lnm.r. VVi.
Ml', llMtir, Ilia) a I l,tni.try. I.al'. Vh la
4t). Ilulliuii'. .alm and I. trek ( Imhi
II) I...I. I i.f llir lluatil
! II lhlNiX,.S.,y
Jannat) IK, li-M-tllf
,"""' "" '"" ""' ' iir.'i'ui uavue tn
'"'. ' .. .,
. '$fi& ?.'
Ullt.lnrlla lion, I I.l. 31. 1-iU-Mf
N II Ml ftndil Willi-dilitrtr.UldlV
si slrdir ai whrl. ptaerdwl board I,
.follrrloNlilpoxturnA. ..Icrcliiiiits
III! tiiiilrrirird, having brn apfMllitad
.... r.. tl. .l....w.l ..r l,,,l. ,.niii..i,.
.U'I , ..i .. ,,,.,.,. i,i rii-i. .11.1 i,i.,,li.
iririimil.-ltiil'l llir nun I ily, Hi piewnt liail ar
' iuvirittitii of ili( ilUiuritrs, niiii will b iftxljr
i t all .miAi lu rtmtra. I fur -l.iHMiig or 4l by Iht
mrifu r rull, i-wrUiJ luinLrf axpikr tlu.l-ci
IiiiikIs-m, aVr . Ar
tin in atf-i an agf-itt for a linn vt ., runnlnf
Itrlwreii Hun Fraiiriatu, (alifurma(atMl lliiplar
VtaivrU Hill Ix b.itlnl witli crrul Ji)atrh aa hn
cargo ran Lc ll..it fn-iu lli- wliatf in tt
.ui -tvui (.i;.mii.
Mil wank ic, J-muaiy tll. 160.
DI'.M'llin ION id A.atiiiH ViM.i.,drccsi
rd. Ilrwainf mrdiutti il.liiv.i.mly hair,
llu. rlra, and anl In br friil l..nr j.h,t. I,.nia
... L ..i . . . I.. ....I. . ..I.l ..
drrd alidlwrrntydwniloll.rs.
Ilalrd, IIiIMxi(hi;I., Wwhlngtin county, O.T,
Aiid ID, lrril.
Ailmlniitrator uf lit IM.t-uf Abraham Wool
ht. Uiuut iJn-r l-rai nul'C. dni MJ
!tvw Uuorls.
DAILY riprrtrilb) lb uudrt.l.wd.ptt H.tk
Kranrii it l.m.a, ihirrl fruin Nsw York Is
I'nrtland, a large slid
niiabl far Ihi. rminiry, whiehlhry wl'loffrn
rraiunabl If inn at whulrial and ril.il I coasitt-
iitar inpsrl.uf Ih f. Iliiwing, la will
A urn.ral aau.rliii.iil ur Dry (!wli, filMatlci,
llardwar. Tin-tVar. L'roekrry, fiU'i-tulliry,
llii-rln, llamra, Madtrry, laralhsr, f'uok Hlovss,
. .ii,ra. anmiii..-.. rruii.nr i.rou. ainua.iiriHra
...... . .. . r. -
la lertion of which w.ll Uuftitd far sals by Iht
rackair at I l U ml nn arrif al. and at lb alga ef
il . fr or IfrjIfVWuiNaLni
I WM. COX ii CO.
Hitim, M.rth 19, IMI-OOIf
Jut RCMlVtd
PER BtrhBueeessi 10 Btrrtlt HONKY,
10 Damls Uo..d Oil (IkhI.J),
C HarrU Tuipaollo,
a llairrb r'nmliurs Vsmlth,
I llaml Coseh Vamlib,
9 Catss Fsoey Oooda.
Ortgan City, Match 97, lBMr.Jlf
rrm Ititsiius'ta. In llitl Hi I cftiM wi't "r rlt m M kirtxh. I id
i-s-Xa r&l'JAA. ia.