tvp " wj ty'pr" '"SvbtJ "tv p?'i'llW(i(S I'tiHii Hit N.w York Tnlun., April f I rON'lUH No HI. Ill Cngland llio Mininiiy It mill In a iiokiiui iiuaiion. 11 lit nut yi got ll AnlM'upal hill through tho Common, ami ll tce.iit doubtful whether It will, On llio 'JOlli iiilto in excitement wu cauaeil In that body by the apecch ufMr. DrumnioiiJ, an ultra Protectant, who declared that no iuoIi Impotltlon nt Ilia Poplth rtllnn, llio inlraouloue plcluroa, or llio Virgin Mary'e milk, could go down In Kngland. Tim Irlili and oilier Catbolla metnbore woro greatly out raged, but thoHpcakor refuted lo rail Mr. Ur.imin.iiiil lo order. In franco Ibcro It no nlllical new of' inucii microti cuccpi uiai intieau oi a iu ion oi mo i.puininiMt anil urloanltli tbate It nuito n hot onnfiuiou among Idem I liny ro now Intriguing witb a tl tlw to clbm. llio aphrnaihliiK I'rnalileutlil elei TheroceiiiitnbpinohiicoofthniroJnti. gallon of the term of l,otila Napoleon and the (ivolbrovol llio Conttilulloii. Agocxl ileal lit been ald about a riot, brought oubecnuto llm jwllce at Hi. Amand taw fit to prevent a lew young inrn from aunt, ting Ihemtclvc hymarohlng about town with a red Dag; Nobody waa much burl by it. Had they been left alone lo have Ibrlr frolic oul, no further harm would have come of it, but Ilia fitd of a I'refect rould not loleralo any audi lawlatttieai. The (lavernor of Pranoa need to know imifu of tbo Jnlirraonlan theory, and mind .eryUly'. bn.lne.t, great drt le... .Ml liiterrtllng ipiarrel hut broken out Inlheb'reiichCatholioCliUfdi. HomeliiiK- alnce llio Aruhbl.hop of Pari Ittued a a panoral teller reroininendlng hit clergy tuavold engaging In llllct agllalluKt, und ii"t to makn Ihonnctvet pny men, c iiwclall) In llio ptetrnt atalo of alfrlre. 1 lie Itltor waa mllil lint ilecideil in lii i.'o, biui wat vrrv o-ner v aimrotrtl. An. aiiproi i of Clii iithcr prilalr, Hid llltliop or (Jliartrct, li'it now mmooiil with a counter Matt ""!.! Irllur, coiiche I In torint in'xt tetero end nven iiiiiilling, In flirt tlinpnof a pittornl o nit clergy At llio tame tlino lie olli Wall) nrdrrcd it In be published in lb re llglout jmirualtof I'arlt, and tliotc j'nif nalt, tmaiting under llie reprimand of the ArcbbUboi, maditle t'tghe the rrtil) lolliu wurlJ. The Arrhbihon bi refrr. rel the matter In the Provincial Oium II. blch tilt tlil year Tbit tptll in llie Chunh i. nam. all) the tnpio of gem.ral dnciiMlon, and It lint thought to ronlrlb ulo In the iKipular retpect fjr llie tlorgy or fur the church Itnelf In llut), ni an boar, an arraiio.nnit bat been made with tliol'ual tlncrn. iiirnt nberrby it it In ay for llie llildrt belonging tu the llrlilth and Toreign III Ids rod ty, wl.kli It ccnllicatcd on com Ing back In the cily in 18 10. A riot Imi taken place at llomn lielneeu the I'unlili ! untd.rra and the 1'renoh troopt, mi nc count of a jnko put on llio former by the 11, m IUh.o 11.. 1. I... Il. m n.hliBW nf llie lluulau tteiieral. now at Home, hati""""' ,'0,,, 'rro ccondt, and Immedl i,,a,I i ,.. ,1. .l, n n .nnn,,ni,.l .Il. alely aftcrwardaa lumlnnut meteor of hr. appointment In loe. lie ttabbed hliutelf1 Inaix placei, and ill twitlUy die, though il I. hoped oiUrwl-. i I'mm Hvt il 70i lain) tin bate tomo fei nl.nut the (iermaii refugeea. It appeart that ulii'iijliey entered llio Swita terrlto riet, nfirr tIio'.uiipretlnii of llio iuiiirrec lion in ll.'lrn, Ilia fugititet were alvtut 11,0011 in numberr .'I hey have gradual i .1. I., i... ...,i...,in.. ,n Knoland and America o con.lderably flint at pn t-nl llm iillce return only the i-;.m.i I..I..,. . ..t.. in-, Miri l.l VI "J IIIIIHII tl IIIIMI II ( decrofeofibolllltbofJulv. IHIII. in were i'Xllril I ho li)rnlKfy by name, and by an. nlh;r of llie IOiIi nf No ember in tho tame jtarTVof Ilia leaden were alto ordered lo milt lluVlti nubile Tfrrr.ii ut Airme t Tbo American Telegraph hat n corretpondent who ha. ""u " " city or .Mexico. Ill ll.i num. enjoyid the privilege or a coiiyorialloir"'' "." perithed bycholtr. with Tuppar, the great Ungtlth iioet and , ,, " " pliiUwopber.iiitthkh.aniongoihcrlhmgt,., ' Nmhoei it DaiawAnr. 1 be Mr. T. rtpret:cd lilt view of Ilia fulled ' LegMaliire ol Delaware, hat been legit. 8utr; that i.iw wo hero put on record l"K " l''J 'f uf free negro a in by way of in.linclion and warning M the Hat "tale. It it proM-d lo remote from piiblio: A. .Tnhunt, Ibo .Slate llie more wortblettofihltunfor. "lle(Tupper)li much pleated with 'f ", to m lo Mlmulato oilier to our country and people. Though be ex. eiri-!nallon and Improvement, peeled lo lind ut afirMt nation, he find. herd they will dritelhema not n part lit greater Ihnn he amlolpntcd. He thliikt "' "' legnUtivepoHcV ; probably loOhio, there nro only two great danger ahead "lllrl' ' ( becoming a colored colony of tint l.'inernnientJ-oiio li, that our re. a' her .Inlet. Cincinnati l.nquircr. lielout Inlernlion mav liad lit lAtn Infiilcl. ' itv : nml llm other, that tho Jacobiiiiaiu of n great niiinlipr ol llie pfniil,. mar finally iletlroy thcrontertalltr.pirit nliiihnloiie can precrvo ut." Muvi. c.t. If )u nre mh tt Ikj any ''itug, )ii miit mako a bi'giniiiug, and ou iiiiil make it )iiurM'll. Tho world i it gdllng to prmllcnl tihvlpdronet and piuli tlniii'.jlong, when thero I t busy i n or worker, nhn, ll anMiilim, lite too fail. Ynu mutt lift up our own feel, nmn jouiavn c. og. ..... which nHiut our hcelt.lhev wll omi lie worn i -T ; . , , nil ami left behind in llio dinky pathway, ------. . . a. ..I. .... .1... II... .. I.I..I. ..a.i .... 11 ,iaia win um iiiiu niiimi inn .....j. ,v. truth Iw Ibo objccl.glatt hoiictly llietiir. . voying cl.nin-and eminence llio letel ' with which joulay out your field) amir tliut proparcd, Willi pruileucoou ono nauo and pcr.cterance on llio oilier, you need lear no nbtlaclo. llo not be arral.l lo lako. tbo first ttrn. Iloldiioii will beget atu rauce, and tho fint alep will bring you ao much nearer tho ncconil. llut if our find atop break down, try again, ll will hn ttirar and tafer by Ibo trial. Dctidea if you never niovo, you will nover know uwu power, A man tlnnding "till nud declaring lilt Inability to walk, trilli on! making an effort, would bo a general laughing Block and ao morally, I llio man, in our opinion, who wilt not lotl hi moral end Intellectual power, and 'then gravely aaaurea u thai ho ha no genlut,' or ' no talent,' or 'no capacity.' A man with ecelng eye keeping thorn hgl, and complaining thai ha cannot oe, I tbo triiinpiler of hi uwn Inability, ' Tile Hunt llov Angot MoKa.klll, llio young Nova ftiolla Uiatit, gnvo (be watt taut or lilt reeefill f lilt reception leveet, in Haleui, on Monday evening, Angut, wo believe, la llio "lallctt tpciliiion of humanity" lliat ever nppearru in our niiiiit, nut hltenor. tuou corporeal Ulinontlonii excited the wonder and adinlrailon of all who taw Mm. I lo aland 7 feel 7 J Indie In pumpe, linaiiiro,07 Inohr round the oliatl, U7 round tlia bead, and wolub 400 bound I llo I dally Inarcaalng In nature and wclnlil. and mav vet. nhvalaltni think. add another foot to hit already oxlraor. diuary height,! ll In Dialed, at inoal re. markablo Uol, lliat, at llio ago of tweltro yean. ingot wat mil ;i loel loll, wolgliod only nt pound', and w genorally tled I. " The Dwarf." About llilt lima ho had a eevcro attack of whooping cough, after which hn began to grow rapidly, and for llio alx following year added eight Inchoa par ytar In hit tlaturo, ami the aovonth jeor, ending In llcccnibor latt, oaten Inchc making 7 feet 7 Indict, lie It well proportioned, and of great ttrrnrlli, having for tevrial year Ikjcii Inured to i hard Jab-ir. At a miracles of phyilcal Igrcatnc, he I worthy of die paironagn of the public, anil ought to bo gawd upon by every man, wnimyi and child, who would featt Ibrlr vl.ualt with a tight of the largetl human being In the country, 'If not In the wnilJ. tt;l U fuund wry affable ami obliging, and no one will , iter regret lofil. o.blblllouroomt. no nn one win Silem nrgliler. ' , KT A terrible alin-in occurred on tbo ""h April, In llio llotlon Harbor; inuclnlmgn wa done lo ihe wharvct, ainl llie Mlnoi Idge I.IgM llouto wat ,'r.w, ,l1,,v" 0f '" ''mieni lont, dura. ""7 "u ciruui.jii, we gainer me ioi. """k irlng partlcjilara from the '''"' o. , r uf April : lhoaad.lrt ihaptera In the hUlory nf, Ilia recent lerriflu atnrin bac et to Iw r7,lf; ' ,'t,, ,,e,7 r ''. Jpln'Hlw. ..f Mliiot a ldgo Light, and the lot, of im. I.e.. occatlone.1 general wrrow In . lint city yetterdaj. 1 1 at regard, d at n ttriirture nf great tlmiglh, but il could uol wllbtland tbo furv of llio etrmentt mi Wednesday night, allboiigh, unbanned, it bad aiiMalned thobovk nfiiun tero gatrt. The tlriieiure uat comprned uf , Iron throughout, and lit dimenilont were atfolluw.! Whole height from the ledge, ' 7Afre; frnn lbs rock to llio keener home, (III. The diameter ofll.c Iron pile. wat H Incl'oei tlie Ue, and I 1.8 tialirt at the lop. Ilrmdlli nf bate, !i.1 feet. Koeiwr' raniu, 14 feet. Tbo diameter of llm laiilborn wat II 1.3 feet, and il t rontaiuril in retlrclort oral Indict each NrcaxtTiN.j Mr.xici.i New. Tamnl. U'i dttrt of the 'JOib utl., are on hand. On tbo "Jlllli nf Janunry a oetero aback jf an earthquake wat fell al (luerreo. ll con. '" " w" '' Iraverw tho hear nt, illuminating brilliantly tho whoUvat "y; w e'ertl to tall on a neigh Utrlng mountain, and on lit coming In contact with I ho earth, a loud etplotlon entiled. Ilyan act, thieeof theorderi of nriett. IIOOll, it it i .. . .... . . . confidently itatcd. hae been abotithe'd. i,onsrett nit urciarru uncontiitutiona i11 ?. oftho I.egl. aluroof(Juoretaro,ln. lHliicin the Jet alto the ait of Ih uitt Inlo that Htato, and . o L, gM.tuie of Sonor., nle tract of land to (ia.l , R'niiug an rav nnd oilier. The tituatioii of llio Slate of Durantro it . ' M ''" ,,",, dllrciiur. Tho luiiiint 'have totkru nictiion of llio high road' i lending from Malauzat lo the minot. f I .. Iunng tbo jcar 1830, ia,a30, pertoni, tfcV-Tlinrlicll"iiofVado, I'.S. Hena.l lor forOhlo, doit not meet with wry gen. crnl fnt or, on account ol lilt at owed oppo. kIiIoii to tlio I'ligiilve Hlato Law. He it tald In tide, in inpnlby, ni'lh linle, Sch. I aril. Thutlnn U'roJ, (l.'ddlngt & Com pauy. A 'DitTitm miii)'1 ltpiiii'i.. Thei1' telrgrnnh ttatet that among tbo "ditlln. guitlied"arrivalt al Now lurk, wat Hoc ,. iiu;,.nriviiir.,i. 1 ho gentleman imutli h noro .idUilnguiilicd" by pock. I r,illR 9mw irm, ,, r,,.ruciito mile. . ..vt.i.,i. i. fifu .i.n.i . i w,, i', ..hi. i. ...i..n, .ii-.,.,i. , uu ..'ii I.'1, ""mi I'iriimf iicim;,, i imj cmii. ; .i,, .,!,. l.r..r.n il..., l.u nil,r .m I .... .. . . . . .V. ... I ttniclilio etcrochieteil III liltllle. I ffot. j lon Courltr. ItMiiiBATio.t moM UAbiroaNiA. Thcro ' arriten at now torn ironi (.aiiiorma uu. ring January and February latt, 3,7011 pertout, uiiriiig I no tamo penou I at l jcar, Ibo number was R38, Kr Tho editor of an exchange pnper tars he never taw hut one ghot, and lliat wa inn gno.i oi a .innor wno turn wnii. -oul paving for Ma paper. " 'Twa terri. mo lo looa upon , inagiioitoi uamici na noclrcuuulaucel" 04rA Clock ro Sixtt Cmti Mr. Chauncey Jerome.of Now Hayon, Conn., ha actually nitdo a tlino pleco, which ho will warrant to keen good reckoning, and which ha oella for titty ccnlt at wholetle and one dollar at retail, Tho work ar allmailoofbrau, He mtket "upward, of eight hundred a day of I bete arllqlet. UvJ-l.J Tlia Vi,io;of Ricjiju. In iblicoun. try deaib bring adlvlilon of properly, and It bring! new fine nciora J lb old agent I illidiurgtd the young gentleman take bl ravruue an!) begin to travalr-to. wardt poverty, whloh lie reaehe bro death r hi olilldrxn do, If be doe awl, Ho that, la fact though there I a aott of moneyed rank, It U not hereditary i ll I ec. cotiiLt o all ) three goodaeaaoniofoM. ton trh' atrul generation of men up; eooro crf yeare will bring them all down, and ton their children again to labor. The fitter grub, and grow' rloht hi children ilrut, and um the money f llilr children Inherit tbo pride, and go to ahlft. lnovertv : their children, ralnvlsorated .by freth tilcbiaii blood, and by the amell oflhflclod. comounasain. That aoclrly, liko a tree, draw lliaap from the earth, change It Into leave and bloieemi, tpread lliem abroad In great glory, then lnm on to fall back to tho earth, again to mingle with llio oll, and at length to reappear in now tree and frcth granite. Clntfoni I'Mn Dtakr. ter A bachelor friend of our., on pat. Ing up tha roet picked up a thimble. Iloatood awhllu inodltalliig on tho proba. Mo beauty of the owner, wlien, preening it lo hit lip, ha Mid, O, lliat li wat llio fair llpa or llio wearer.' Jutt a ho had flnlahed, a big wench lookdoutoftho win. low above and uul liott jit pleato lo .,... , . - ... ,'" "' '""?t mZ3TjAMrZf. ,, ' i ' uMtT- . rorlli.Hp.ei.tor. ' n OrfftlMal RMdlc My dw.lEnjr U fd il. romkm and otlrr, ' AbI.I.ii kr IIm DratinUU thttllow t. ikttot, I Vmuth Vm fcuBj n ,. ,,, .m )m, , wiUr AnJ ,, !a fMlU ,,, u ,r Jml .., , m (Mtii Au, t,Mtj iinilrkrl m.iiuj wa (!.. ., r. ., i,, -,i,i, .... ,.. ,., .. ..,i... i H.-rd .way In .. old hh. .. w IUlttl, m. ,,,., ,, , .. ,w.,tlMli WmU mt .v..d.Uy u ...mpl.i.. udlkwAll-i ..l.l ..ilirrenlieadl. aln. u., .-. ........ .. l..i u - i ... I , . ' -"' ' "" """ """. i llitufl, will, liWitjr I Lotr urcualwapcontrio. ni, , l(Ml ""' Mt'r.J boul will., Andiomobaio.uH.d m.anl.fii of itwfottun., HtcauM I am fweutally found la a top. And iIiomjIi I tin hiUI.c ,n aulunm an.1 wmtrr, ' ",i,,k ""," ""' ) iUU eonfe-ed, TI" dunnj lU nimi of Klnj r! of mntnitr, ,lu bivanaUy found in my uet. r flotlre. Tho Cungrectllnnal Meeting-house at t'orltind, with leave of Providence, will bo dedicated on the third Habbalh In Juno, tho 13th. Kxerchx. will commence at half natt ten o'clock, A. M, We: cordially Invito clergymen of all denomination who may find It conveni ent, and people generally, to bo pretenl on that oocatna, . , , , flORACR LYMAN. Portland, Juno A. MARIUKU-O lU d of Mi by U.. hTt. IL M. I'boullo. Mr. Uaoto P. 8. liicva d Mm Miat H. Ileirr, all of Ltbaaoa, Meilcn Co., O T. ' DIKDi Al Oregon C.iy ou T4yiU lh of M.y, Al. f 7, &$" " 'U" " """ - .'v. i M . .T ' -ru . Oraron Oltv Retail Piieti onrrtBt. a-rot iNont- AixjIm. dnfj mi lb ... Ji37 37 ..11.18 . .1090 ..VI 73 so 7M' rrtclif f , dnrd, rlk , IWi If nil al niarkf I VmV prr lb ..., Itnllor prr lb ,. Clieno l lb t'ioui wiew.t. t loUl ffl bill Urnlu tthoalhar buihal (lata prlbwIrtL . .... ,. (tola, ahf, prr dot Urocerlra CoflVo prr lb , Kugr,browu, pri lb. Hugai, toaf, i.i Hi. Tr a, prr lb Molajaoa wr gallon . Hrien ft galloil . 1 oUoco ii lb. . . ltirorilb. I'M. prdi l.anl, prr lb , . , Sail, irr cat Oil, linwrd, jw-r gal y. Ilnriluitrc (ilaM prr I Uu, ll) IH (llaprr(bol, Illb)'.l9 Iron Nrlli. N.ilaprr lb Cotikingalovr. ,,. , ., Ijilnbrr. prr M TAVI.UK dk CO., Oommliionkro;wrillngKerchaaU,l IIAY'l ON, O. T. J"' 'S-3M mMAtt I.IM IUCON .V l.lll for' 7IIIIIl'',.,..",Vui' ''" ,0,i r m w a aalt by TAYI.OU tt CO, tt...... . a, .,. "i"-"' .k.-jjh aTk.ih.ik I ns sun ah r.-t. b COOO AvLo 7l na)ton.jMiiol,'3l-3gif For Bale, AHTKAM KNOINRaad tloiltr, ourhatU turd I Ui HImiq ProfMlMr Bktcc llaaTa, willUaoldMrraainabUl.rnu. IafwratUou cou rrmlng il may bo hid by calling an m ptraonaliv, or on tk Ann ol Ab.rn.thy &. Co, O. CLARK. Oregon Cily, Juat 3, 'Jl-39if Ittnv Oiea. CAME to lb midoac of lb WMtntfotd bout ChiUdnM laat, on jrok of Oxtn i ono rnlitrlv ltd Willi aa of hb bora, troabod rauad b) fraat J hit face. Tbt oib.i b whit and rod, wWi no parUcul.r ruulu. Tlity art about 8v or da )rtra illsr r , . A. P. COLDWBLU Tutlitin rlvtr, WathlngtoB eo, Jnao 4, '3l-3a39 IXWVK for mU by lbtukterib.n at PiUaJ In quantlly I cull parehaMro, atMauerd CDUCH CO. ug33-3tir I-M.900, ..w wot , .3001 M JO ' 13 It) 30 . ,..100. I JO li)0 1 JO ... .371 U3 13 .IM.Ti 30 .. . . iOOotUKI iVO eno 700 Klair, 1310 . ..CUOO!IOOO ,3iM a .1300 .'JLUJU- MatM Barraekt, (VjaMrwr;, ?, A l)aMtd MaWoUat ahma, tit I 4l M eriMr,. r . MUiMirMst, , tbtUafrerk, WJOUrfUfc. . THBO. TAtiMTT, I , . . IttllanvlAAHy, VrptCtn Jum 2333 IfallllltlllUl'l ll. I Will, ttVlotlM kWW UMiril S.VUek . ""',rfctSI"l. alUxtWrefMM Cltrk Ufflet la Orafta CUy, Um Mlowtef Ma4 prly, Ulmjlnf l.lh. touttof JI.M. WiIIi.n, loetatdi 1 CM HJnr., !l (!oM Waickft, I ;U I'liila, I lltt, I Coil. or 'rmt, cuk. J. U OAltl)n-, AomuUrttw. Orrgen Ciljr. Jam i, 'U4WM an Ckaorce far loirattaMcaif. TUB MaVitffMd Mg pnfrltlM T ew of Ik tlw IliiMt watrr powita la Uw wttM, vovl4 yraeeat I bare Ik aaim Unfiutt4. Tk wtaU U Um comtrjr wm Uitmtmi tftij cmmm lioeT mU ImprineawaUl lb (rMtiw of IW. wf Mltk, uti ohm! an Uad. tt KMktoerr tktl e U prepelM kjr Water j a4 Ik water tritll. tpmUlai m toamr,UM m4ndf4vmU pn. mm lo caMUbU. ItilUli ttitam tt naila rraafomaUlVktrinj mU water ketofkt Ills lounMlal um, aad-wlll tAVrweh HiiriiiiaHU ' J. ! i iJT mit ' 1 - Mo MO-av nniqm m iwh mm llliai Uwl Ibtjr ctaiMl lU U tneel UmIt . Hakj waler rvwtr a ai im unai ran r Ik WlHaarU. pt muweMtar 1 MM Oral M la UeaUM, M U m in iimm i um won, le all lb farajfim camuy fcMB(tlkTM( of llMfittalljr aaeMfatd. vt MUOMUf . uau oa u RODKItT-MOORB. IJua Clly, Mareli lTotiefl. M. KII.UHtPriN,'Harmu IttalU, ,U JM 'd frttMl oltt JLF oittM eniCttalMjai oalu In I frw day. al " Aritij. ffiyTMiy 97SMStf DmU! ttotlce fkR. J. A. COHEN, Hrpoa ),i;.(, .i, of -"V ! ivai,rptciMiTiMoriui clOicfc of Unrni Cily ud vicinity Ibtt be baa vimao.utlyUcolrd In tbo aboto ltc., h oflcni bio Mmrri lo Hit mMe In all bianchrt of kJ ' ,rf ,, . ,., .,,, H . Utrpm Cily, Uty 39, 'il 33S Oxes for Ssle. AT Una Cily, tiro good Jk of Oien. Amer leu brood, an for . Any noreon dooi. nag bfonwlMn eoaooraini lbm, art rwwtotod I call a lb odOor of IIm tipNttl.r. M.ytW, teil. Etfikr TrJf i., THK BtrACK HAWK, Cutoxn Cuir, Coanattdor, wriH raa ronhuly krlwwa Otona Cily aa4 rruaad loavbM lha Int coated placo ia'lb lainil.g aad returalag Ibo iw day. The tranliag aablle r aanttl Ibtt Uriel Mattaolily, m lo lb Um at Uruac. Will b. otMnrod. Onn City. May 9t, 'l-lf POWAMDlHO AttP COMHmiOM. Jl UItopayy4utiiluUrMiMUtboMiMr, fcnrudiaf d iyf food. d rndaM of all a novo Maoaa, oa nrj own caaoaaauj nia' . wblcb onabloa m lo mitt oood. tad arodMAo lab from OtrgM Clly anaad lb PJKaadU all Uad f ktoliog al neb tticoo M I aaabo It aa advoataaa to ohlucMM and ihaao orajllaap h.ol. tag doa U giro ra a call. r. I, II.MAI BMIASII, Cantnub, M.y ID, 'il 37 1 rr . rajtlli; nndri(nril wiahing In amatm of bit fJL t.VJt7..tfM,bMlfuIlyiluilrd about .1 of a mil. from lb YViUunttto rim and Immrdl. Itatoly wart of and adjoining Ilojh Huina claim, ISiUI mII It upon rraooaaUo unm. Tho tract con. talu bud aerro. Aay paroon doairinf labmatloa tonccml il, la roaorolod to eall M mo erroaaaltr. ratfamarl Milltr. who lire oa an adjoiaing claim. ino autaenixr wuiiing lo weal la a diUottol pan of Ibo country will dirjna, of hit claim opou rta tonaUt term.. KAMUEl. HIIAN.NOH. - Ut City. M.y W,'il-3a37 Pocket Book Foud. WAN found oa tbt mad loadiag from Portland lo Vaneoutti. a mcktl book about i In the. loni villi tbo name of VltT.a Dta.tao.con. tajaiag a aumbrr of paprra In tbo Prtnch lanjaajr. IThtownoreanbav calling on Droit Htrtrln PbrUand. rnotlne nroMriv a'nd raivini? ! JUarjr. ii.. I UKXI3 IIAIITY. May I0,'3I 3vr37 If 1 ', IV Vatatf ldta attaaT laf - 1 Atl. McKINI.AY CO. Ik. Uavolo' iatlnfo. rorm Uioir friend, and tba nubiio rvncniliv. .. . . . n on.Mns cn.r of Third and Main-re.!., and I Mttloth BeWhMore.thfi ar. Krparrd !?. ntl caring now rtmovro to uwir new uj eeouno- new aud Fonuno. l !..,. ..u .. K... , VJ .......iJ- Lnru. 'V '"'"""" ' Orogoo City, April 30, IB3Mw3l -g jwk iiAHRKWMMEJartr.idp.r M. VW Hark DoodmMna. aad for mm by (ICO. AIIKIINETIIY tt CO. May IS, '3lr-3t4f lAlfe im Lns- COFFER Utal. by WwwW (.KO.AiiKii.(rrriiY4.i CO. Mo 13, '41-3 Clf Law JVtyUce. & HAMILTON wiU PRACTICK LAW in the tevtrat Court, of lb Torrilorv. pOnV In Morriaoa' Duiljlug Mala trrl.XJ urrgtn city, May i, iii-nr ' Sekoel Beok. (ISTnetltrd prr Dark P. Ptadlolaa, d.rort nam ntw ton. a itrg lartw! rwnooi l which laowoeaifwaiMatradaaadafMat. rJonawrt' Mrir. of R.adrra, 8ntlwra do. Thatn. a. Mtntal Arilhawlle. Pnelleol da. Harkw do. tlta ralloaopbv. Youth'. da, Um. CbtaWrr. lUfhoMh't UtaUgy, Wilmto llkaary V. StatM, l.Kcbl Kwtr.YMU Choir. AlabiM HiuW tt. R. M.-todtro. WdV Urunmai. Bullkta'a do. Praellctl do. OlWaJotoV Fr. Unm. our, Olntyo Otagnphy aad Attn, Quarto do., Primary da, batiui mtaary tav, MacUrogor. Hook KMplof , CattaiMka aVaaay, Yoatba do,, Naluil IlKory of Bud, Btoal 4a., Cbureh IWntka, Drawing Paptr, Wrillng Book, fte. AIAO ra haal a UrnwItetTM of LiWarr Dooka Wloro OMiailo MomV OwgM CUy. U D. C. IA TOURKTTR. Marcb'97, IMI. 31lf wanai IIMMItl wtrai rut am lukuf ''t w MTW iet f Ongnj OHy 4 the lie tmtltuUitmm4tmib OrifJii oWPJ ''Wl IMMaWf MMftJ IMal ta.J - aat ImmVao? ttAaHaKtMaSaVUKaiat aaf ooVa akk VWVanMe aw pewj .vaiiHalaBMMaiaBjMj vjm annr WW -"- - -- J la a -Ot ------- flM OBAOTaas (bM IWawllafajBHMl IjmpJ WmJ aJJ MM Mall NHkHM INW M H' ffHlaVT T IM BaVMWffrilaMMM MlffM mt faMi tiBaaVatte UVta'aatr fMm JmTUmm UnCm MItMV MMb MMHi WHS BotVMHvV Mv lfe 0m with wo li I rn. TbTAKIakMlat m yfty HMitraaytaMr Ht IUm 'itmur. t. ih im r wr. , i A. n. riiti. Orena Cir, My W, IMI-JwX ONfMaaWUM. fllilB Suwmar Term of ihUdntthutlon will corameoo Monday, Jun 6th, lo ewHiaw twr.n tnu ' r S. IIOVT, PriaelMX Haltm, May S, IMI-9w8 DtoMlwtlM Ifotkt. TUB CoparMenhlp heretofore eiltf. Ins under tho ttylo of CiMrncLl tt tSurtn it ommIvmI by atil caawaL Awf mi. Ma Mnff drai.a. onkMl irM ma WW Miff vj iMBMOMie MearMuuon. v-0 J. UGAMrSEbU M.jrM.'il IwM ,u , roTllir. MUTUAL INKUBAlfCK OrTtCK JL hi aialu4 aal rt4r to mdve fV cbimm ie loeor iim. RKUBKH P. BOICE, NtmUrf. 'rilO8.U.k0BIMlfJH, Titmttr DIHRCTOllS, Aun T. Harru, Raetn P. lotce, ClLtaWlUlM, . A.J. Htanf, Ommt B. Biou, Wa. H. Wilmh, Aaaaow R. BuraM. H. Mr. Cult PankuHl, My It, 'Al-37ly Wmmwm tJCoOi NOTICE Uttlr gttta uW mImJm wj Uttta.toUMBfWUmofUMfiMMlit'Mil r laa county, fur beta I wttbHi a rir inuuiri, oa im mikimi tw ron or im vt lift. Cr.ak'INNKR. ;. Last eotmty. May 13, 'il 137 COLUMBIAN. Faorr ut .Wiwuorot rVrurrti I'oiTtAD, O. T. rWMir. undariigaod would Mtonn Ik m Ibt-. a M rnp-Jmm. I bntwtaj HMt Jt. ramie uai na Haul, aad ksttef kaat ataay ytoV lieneo m a Iltitl bo rltl trtlb tk prMor IttMul tritbla kit reach, Ih Co U.iui will bo acceptable la all wb atty a qakH relretl. Tbo Ubi will bo aapaaod wkh a lb lunrtrt and wirattntialt wwea mt nanot ar-rordo-hit bai with Ik ekalMtt Wlae. aad Utjiwn. TU booM U Iftdahtd aWMtbwit with (Mifrly atw foraitaro. Tha CatnaibT trU bo ftand a fint-cba Howl, when lb umtuf and tf oil will b rtgtjitM by tb tnkwilkir. orlando Mcknight, rrtftwut. MyH.'M-37tf iMllltMi l PantMnbH. rTtJHE taulMntU Unltfaro tiWarl JL A.P.HtMaudWM.?.oiat(iiMiday ibatn.ii il by anlatl at t Th efabo of. fifn win to MttUd k VnMLmmw A. r. HKDOM,' MfM. BAtLOW. Caaooaab. May 1, lSI-r7. llOtMtelt tdttaJwtlhttBlMWtoMtoWbVatV !UalathMMaaa4iirar mttajafc7"-'?tr"'ij rr-?Z -BMT 094H, OMOCMMtmf, WOT AND MMOMM, MAMDWAMM. JMjr, PAINTS, OIIS, 4.ft. 4. h otMllod troot tt Ih Mtahy aotlala. Orr m a eall Unr yoo bar at a hiffc aatet. nilO.IAM BAI BABLOU. Cajxaub, May 9t, 'Jl-37lf A. 1 COMMISSION aad Forward!. Mrrehtal bbip maolor for Bttatta, and aftat far rrrt SUPERIOR FURNITURE " eoMtaatly on hand, tit I Tonka, Cbalta, aad nodxtaat, iw nu rreach HeoMeaat or mm knv. Portland. M.y 13, 'M-3)ly, TODD & CO'S EXPREES FOR OREtlON $ CALltORVlA. THIS Compoy bta Won tagagrd for lb hat 18 OMBtbt. reuahw an EaMMi frtM Boa Froaeaco, via Slacklaa. u all fan at ih BtaV era Miaet, la rooaoelb with th nl bow it ADAMS CaUkVtBtelM ropo. Mr.Todd.of tboabtTolea,baahMtiaa king amngtawnu, he tbroagb aa ah pbatraal dtiM la Oitgun, nd tbty at MW amaitji I tranract any and all kind, of Eiaraa Boiaaota, hi oy-part or California and OrrgoihMgb Adaa ot y , ta in u nnea auim aaa aa. ..." '' ! ? tl.raf. W- waracu ana laturtc aiuo wtoarawi fatttn, PackagM, Frtlgkt, 'a ftnrarJrd by evory atoaiwr karkig Sut Prancia Portkakr attontioa paid to purchaolnt and abiayiaf rropretrully Mlicit a portion of lb patnatf of Ibo rro4. of Orrron. TODD oV CO. Auttnit Oaioot AborMlbjTaV Clark, On LJtZhLihrtoYalS i'??J..J - tliSWL5.S.VSfS ..... lt . .. .. .... .. -. V" ." " BMataaaa .- .... , .Artoria. M' Afrfl IP,'3-tfJI Pnbllc Bale. JW'OTICE U hereby given that a puUia ail of x ti a largo nunwrr oi mt in ut towu t Anaay! (b cooalv Mat of Unn connlr, will b tb ground on Ibe 13th day of Jaa Mat TbM Iota boloag to lb coualy, and ar amoag lb atat deoinblo In Ibe low, btvlog beta Mloctrd wbh a I rrgard la pMaatatntM of ohnatlon aad valM, both lor ir.iu.uco ona Biauoa loca.wa.. niooaj, m tklct Mag lb county artt, la b.Ufuily Mttd o thi WUlamotlo rinr, in th nab f a &a ag ricultural region, which b) fiillag optnlhatbritlag population m rapidly petbapt m any north of lb romtory. A rtr clime tat lavoatrntat It hie aOtrtdr Ih aiUatlte,f lb pabli b rttpretfaa latlttd. Dy ardtraf Iha PrubaU Caart of Lhy Cuaty. M. C. CHAMBERS, CbriL Una county,. O. T. April J7, IMl-3w3l HILUaMKOVtaaV. MI F.V GOODS Mt S.htMtM Man aad Joha 1 vb frwa Phlhalibbla. aad BarfM FtJ ebaadUukafioraNowYoehi ,' Mra Hilbrfchtwlng WumWm with labia. Hmobin tobaee. Ctaaatr panto, aaaorled, MoSbttTUlaiad BilUrt, Ctf y tad BptUlag baahn r-tialbratht, Sad fawd.1 aad Loaonfto, lly aad aaaaar fork, lloM,rkMaadlkb i1aMlthlittttjwnv MMttf jaeacim Onnlbtadaeck,. Ptald Jaektla, Woowa'a btUwi boow. Aad bta of athtr OMful artkba. aav of lb Suit. ueoaafttai t ABRAHAM HULORR. March 13, IWUJJlf. Mnnhi Couia oi 7??'alnnTV9BTsVTVB C wkkin' a TTOMMMif at mottMkmLaMJtrzMt1. irt..r.t,'i.uWhvItf :. .. ; ;.-xr V. AROSNTI tVaJIM, BANKEW.tVwt) imV'-i MW Batata. lnniW ll waM.mmtlJa tB-l. Baieuti aV wmjlSiJL E Maaioaat. Oreie-nnr rattaaattati WMotertAtc ITflHMM.anMtf i e tcom-v. Oi,. t jrataa ;BjrHW -.V- '. ' JJttii . .ttk i t-Hwti ni n-tMiitHHnKi -W - - a.- a rjn ! 'flt".'i w i itjt ? . w "i BBran. 'MHBgii im, f mvLAjw, lUt4, IB4S, irarn. -''.cvtv WINTR LATlMmL- Jrr" . J.gJf.!i!'ajlL-W-. -W Jaaf7, ABCA 'h!KD.SfSK ;& ,r- rfriLfm "arajw, intafi Wftavtj aMf vaMjaaMMavvtvaM r j 7 - m. P. r. aim, ttfiMti V-51 DafcBMnACatMtMa. r P. M. Tm,KwYaaa.;f. ,, EaMcorr t 8aata,Bt ritatilM. Jaaaaiyl4,eltU fty -, , CtriL I50I9OH, BMtBNM, MXTWrVM ANU SISItAb V'StM WttHI Wt .wWMaV tfifjTTZIT-TSivJrf.. OMgMViiy.jaiy gho. ABBRNrrmjirco. ;j, .-.,r - -! . MKMVMAHTM,f 2 oatuo.t cm, easuoM taaMffaF;s . at, la.ajmrr, aaua ;, liK rat. a. a aw. iTT' ,? TIJpMAH V. SMITH, A tt 4i MAvnimma AMtm limn kt,!'! lof S MVMMtfl A MSMto mm tfltaW tVarRjltBTal Ml wwWIiv HV ' sM ,.-,k"Vr.3aM'r.( - tr:mmtCi mi ivrajnsj y tetawawtPtafMi , ut NMman IdJpMWOTV ww 99m PH' .5r.ssi2a.iV . . " .JPTt . i rr. !A.Y14, AV; mmmf .W. wt-Jtv JawaryM. iSf". w-'W. chapman, wm TTORNMY4 fNMHei 4ITUIP, IttBtrjUIB. mhm. J". -'1 foruana, Marat 7, IWtVMf- yf- .Hew tmtl heB. ATLUrN CITY. fmHEMbtMMMiea ttemthy ja aairim ofPryCMtWU M.BM trbbhlka7aWtthtatna aVaaMaaa Bad aaBMaatmalaW aal aVaawtaT taWtaaW BaTal BJBJ fMVT 4aaBl al BaVaat 'Tataaatkaatpaar ' taTBfJtTaj mm aTW WtWWimWWf nattttwot batmitia a hat T.ntatry. ,v" M', MMMaartitiiii N tmtt aadCbata W mtnd'a't- aafaforttaaV. T , .f v W.r. DAY AlKMaVAaWlaV mm wtf , taa a, laaMM -ytfiU", H ,lI,tJ-Sf IW NEW DKTtt ILLt-Wlw oak oa JM ttlttl tnlttMt M atarDryOM, Ww9mwm) ntHfMaVe laMBaaaaM'i a Ik fliat tt OMabot But. WWCHEKTKR.PAIKBtC.' .i itiaboatawtaT Afi" ImI bark. a. h. JASl rtfo Uty. Ota. 31, If- watt a tjtaotai aoaaaaaMM, Ji. LINMMYwZm--mmZj .' H tlaBV.n .' f-V ataf-trtflHU . $ tm'miw ,v ' ja 2fi2t OtMrnfaardtaMMa nawawMataawaV MatettastWrX! BMaaaaaar -..--' Ji 1" l tttMtataMtT aaajtaaaa, . -uuaai Man tvwrrm , . . FOR BALK. gV wlr bbek, HMlattgt1 ar ratUaad.liiet(kMtlMi ta IB MHtOUM. Tbdwt4bMhaM I ubttb ittt aMttatM'af Ttrrilonr. TmUmm rortltad, vnT3 'MaararM ! . -or oMhUiM Mmm taatl'iaVn flln aavvaar rrt tj. KLwrnAi crrwri ptTJ. OOD-WII.UttMk aMI j rBVTmnAKt, aMtiattntt. ,Jar Ortft City, Dtattnbar 11, II mTOTICE TO LUMUtllaWrMrtM.' xtj MnMr.lfMtauiaa.aaal ry rar a mw ata MtjaitM I a aad Iw Band Mate, of ha trbtohWiUhUiwp,l fcUarraatb..,Mitatli; C JfUBT reettvad ii ilhiai mlmi3huJfSS wriaaiiiiiBiiiiiiitMl tttfUoaTtM .VvtatAI aad OitttM Bbar eaatl bS.ll OraCay.JtMMeyl rmytn Jl T riajUtti Qtfta1 wjiiMBjBi -"m,s?:vm &nKR'P. N r&mmi&jmu tim ii aaa I i . B Mfc4tti:-'i.l'',lV' ' Jt. B atpMEpp .",' tial !4M V ,.-, M ?fV il ftew m -.m .1(-Vtt Kffm S3&Sa'Bi JTX).V m I-' tW?-iX hm 'V.tUh i(M -M ilfl r-i,i- m iitJiVX.W- ''.c,:it i. w- - 'V1;'Kfi;', -.i?taa V W '. fc .k V ' -y1 wnzi&fi ' f 'li -V.- JM w M 1 m v. w "KtYSf1 SMI rf v kvSvtl ' ,WC"J &8Sf irrLUi.. U& TS' & 'i'VS ljKO I. X i .imm',' T','-.v.,S m-,Mrrii Hhl -,''"' '78H .tnjSvii. 3v .v. ''V'lO iS, ST' , '-t- W si'.vLl&L MJtMJfa'Xt. jUJ.WrJjit. VJiaiiv