'tsjtij K7-' , v? ' S '!, I ac. R 9 "v I ' 7, . s, IVIMMflMMHViltfUAMMMlMiMII1AflniliwmAaklkAdh THE SPECTATOR, ft omuoncitti THUMDAY.JUNEft, 1801. D. K KimtDtTi RMTOR. OSr Tho election pat'-ed off very quiet ly In this city on Monday. Though there wtomolectlonerlng for Assemblymen, yet UooJy notes and igry contention, we km fleeted to My, m totally avoid. ed. " For etembtra of iho Legislature there wet, ootulderable Interest manifest. csj, end no one, even tho most 'knowing, could conjecture, with tny degree of cor. talnty, at the close of the poll, who were the tucccsful one. (Qr Messrs. Hedges it Dtrlow have re. eclved the contract foe carrying the mall from Oregon City to 'Marytvil'r, via tho river. The contract waa let at $3000 , OS Two atearoera aro now iu the Co. tuuht river on the bark Suocesa: the one propeller, the other steamboat thejMlre to be pieced upon tlie Columbia and Willamette riven. O.The office of the ITeefcra Star liat been restored to Portland, from whence it it to be latucd in future. The paper will be ittued aa usual, on Thursday. The removal will cause no delay aa to iu res uiarapptarance; to the editor informed us. $3" There is no liquor sold by any of the proprietors of the different hotels of mm city, inu it certainty encouraging to the laborers in the temperance cause. KT The rropeller DIack Hawk runs iter regular trips Between tmii city ami Portland, dally. t OCT The I loonier is to perform, it is aid, between this city and Dayton. She it to go up ooo'day and return the next. We are pleated to see eo much of a con venience for tho accommodation of the traveling public, with fair prospects of having it extended at no very distant day. 03" On Wednesday of last week, Ex Governor Geo. Aberhethy returned to this cllylafter an absence of neariy a year. In goodj health-, leaving hit family In the States. We return thanks to the Ex.Gov. far late papert from the States, Todd 4c Company furnished ut papers of the latest datea from the States and Cal. ltbrote aoaae tl bourt hi advance of the ataJU Tbuughtlieycame too laM favour ," list iitsti. we appreciate the'tndteverld fcvof ue with the meet Msre tMte He let. That U He kind oftpint we would tabs iaeulcate. Mr. FtrgUaondeeerveaoar ihans,too, ibrlale papert. Gregory's Express. 'at utual, funMshed ut with a full file of the Alia CallfontLi. Success to the 'enter. prising firm. (& The keel of a new steamboat about being built, was laid at Canemah a' few daya ago, by Messrs. Hedgtt & Barlow. She b to be 100 feet In length, with SO feet beam. She is to have placed on her two engines of 40 hone power each. Sho it -' atetlned to run the upper Willamette to the ktqd of navigation. A steamboat of such capacity is much needed at this time. Wauxrrre. On hasty visit to this place a fow dayi since, we noticed the skeletons of tome four or fivo buildincs in the course of erection. Oregon Sptclalor. These are just the kind of "Vcmtlns" mat giaoaen mo eyes 01 pioneers. tai-. cage journal. The kind Bl.Iefrton.that.r.10 I rrn moving about the streets of Chicago, aflor few years' rcsideuco, are not much cal. ' " - -" s,.-- ... . . . - ..... culaled to "gladden tho eyct" of new. corners there. (UT A fine and aubftanf.1 bridec lit Iin ...aiiuI ..... ii,. -.,,1. r.i, e .1.. S" ,".c,e, -.rf r 10 n?rth 'C nailO river, 1UU miles abOIC fort L.ara. !.. Jlr.Ml. . it.. m..i. ir.si.ii i.t 1 Oregon and California. Immigrants will '" ..fcV.IT -.. ...W IWUtU IV .y.l. II..V, I not be subjected lu llio same delay thlsiheanl scleral reasons a.signcd for 'sis ' i'tar lhaf ihcy wero last. .'course, somo or which'aro nol so credits. ' n. . .' . . 1.1- .1.11.... i.nu.... r..i.r.i. ii..t. 1.. niunt thine, sometime, cut be.t. ll Is no recommendation r,r n i.ar.r.l.nlfo il,m ilis.harn. So. it Is nol alnav. lluskeen. c.t wilt hat are most cffcctlo In life o, convcitation. Exchange. Tho cultina wit orour reil,bor as a'p. ..,,.. '?-.." .'..:.. .... ,'''1:L ",T. above ; it Is therefore made .' ,"',' F6"? " "!"""?" V "' : IIIBIIO .Or .11. e.OO. elal benefit, withthchopolhalho will havo mcroyonlho "easy." A little ol ilia in. tended for our post matter, nhoso crucify " ?,Fw i"" V Ul "' UP '",lro' We ting dumb. OiT Wo learned a few days since, from n relumed miner, that a lump of gold worth $3,300, was found a short' tlmo since In the Chaste diggings. That will enablo tho fortunate mun to fill one pocket ".in a root n.LST5rcT'r, .. J5KSJ? S.'SZitZ, lion on Monday, Juno 2nd, Git.v. Josxra .-m ....ivuvu ii'irifaiu, iv rs"piwlll Oregon in Congrent for iho next twoyears. Hit opponrnt, Or. W. II, Wilson's rote will not, when the result Is fully ascer tained, reach 400, whilst that of General Xane will be, probably, about 1000. Thty are both Democrat.. 6 On Fridav.laM. Anton Dart, lisn.. ' a..-.t.......i .'Lft-.fi... irrJt.i1.. ' ciuiiinciiu.iit vi iiiwiuli naKiiv, ion iii-ii', acoetnpuird by hit Interpreter., teoreta ry, and other aetbtantt, upon an expedi lion among the fndlant east of the Catcade Mountatnt. lie took the steamer iroi Whiteomb tothe Cascades, at whlchjdaco boats were to have keen in readineas to convey tho party to the Dalles of tho Col umbia. At Ihit place he expected to meet delegatloni from a number of tribes east of the mountatnt, who aro disposed to rcmon ttrate against the removal among them of any of Ihe tribes from the cast able. At the Dalles ho will lnvcs!rga!c the clalmt of tho Minion Society on the gov. ernment, and alto those at Walla Walla and In the Cayute country, for losses sus. talned. From thenco tho routo will lead through the countries of .Vex Perce, Cerur de Lalne thence through-Okauagen, and across the Cascades to Pugel't Sound, and after visiting the Indiana of that neigh borhood, he will return to Oregon City by the Cowlitz, Columbia and Wlllamctli rivert. It It expected that the trip w ill occupy about two moalhs, and will be a very in. lereeling one that much useful Informa. lion will be obtained, and a good feeling produced among tho Indians by the lr visit. Permission has been asked of the Superin tendent by the Net Percea and Flathead tribes for an ally, to wage a war of cxler. minatton upon the 8nake Indians, for long continued aggretalort upon their poises- tiont pilaging and dating robbery being among the counts. They are very solic itoue to get the asked for assent ; but I lie Superintendent bat sent tlietn word that he came as peacemaker, and could not coun tenance or tolerato any tuch watliko de signt. Rivxa and IIixBoa Dill Failed. The papers of the western States arc la mentlngtbo lots of tho river and harbor Improvement bill in the Senate, at close of Iho late ttsslon oi 'JongrrM Cass comes in for a liberal share for contributing to tho bringing tuch a result, by offering ameudment amendments, with no apparent design other than to cripple and retard its pas sage and havo it passed over with the otli. cr unfinished business of tho session. m.. ..1. L ,! .... e . . then ine west uas oecn peculiarly unionanaiOhat t,a slar lc, rili,r Uts list I liday in obtaining appropriations lor tho im. ptovernent of her rivers and harbors ; it appears, too, that in the choice of repre. tentative, there it an equally great mis fortune; even some of the most prominent aaembert oppbee the very taterettt for. wfttesVtbey are eeai to WtMim i protect. The 'only cotJtaa left to be pur tued with tuch men, U to give them the go-by, at they did Col. Benton v when tbey prove themselves unworthy of the trust and confidence reposed in them. Until some tuch course it adopted, it is useless to expect an impartial and proper repre tentation.. Wlien a representative places hla individual interest above that of his country'., he is not fit to servo in the ca pacity ofa representative. tKT Our ntighbor teems disposed to I harrow up things connect wl:h1hr or j 01 mo ucau, wineii, 11 invc.ugaicu, Kt f result in no good to the living, nor reflect any credit on the fijrmer. Itnaiourstish .. . .... , . . that this matter should havo been left to tlecp with the dead, and, If possible, sleep Iho sicca of death ; but our neighbor is .evidently, guilty of nn indiscretion, and evidences more spunk than manners, tiy Ids nretended ivmnalhv for the IhinL'. '..,.' '.,... ., I... ,. ,. inniirr IIIBI UUt7S I1QI ITOIlCrril US on0 way bc(n sltbl nor the other; but as it has 1 submitted lo liicdonarlment. and in- ilruc,ont solicited, they will bo forth. irnminff In duo time, to iimnrrlv rroirrn ll,n arllon. of thn nsrlln Intrrritrd. o - -- ,-.-,- -, B ' WhatourncinhboroxpcctttoBalnhvait. . . , "J. . ,"., , f ,' " , itallnjr Ihe subioct of illegal franUnff, is' - - .. .- - moro than we can divine. He have blc-dcli.acy, however, forbid, their be. Inn mentioned. . . . I ." htaa.Iverli.cmcnt In another icoIu.rTn, It will be tn lliM A. II. 1'rlur; iV.'f C" C '"I" f ""',O"'80r' ou,',: This houso has been newly fitted up, and Iho proprietor is enabled to make ids cus. l, - ,.. - ,nr.rr Hnl.t ti.rntiln .' tomcra comfortable. Hold keeping I. Vt a new business to Air. Trier. Ills ex ... ."J thould cnhllo il natronaL'fi of nerienco in Iho business lilin to tho confidence am .Ibo public. It is with pleasure that we ..'.." .. .... aimuuiiiu HIU l.w. 111., ii'iuwis VI lll.j Itl.l'l Q .... ..a. i. r.H. .,... it....... nr h. 1 1... i are not told ai nils house, ami ll is but f....t .. si. l r ti. .! .. .i... three or four months previous lo Ihe close of his propriciorshlp. Ily this move ho Ml ... U.VU...IV...II ', . IIII9 lll'JIUIIwl hat hcon tho means or confining tho retail ,'Mnt for selling this good ball In lion. May his shadow never grow less. QZr Grace Grccnwoo.1 In or opinion that Gen. Houston would fill Ihe Presl. dential chair pretty well "only let him be under bonds not to whittle the arms oiT." This Plesmuro Irl. On Friday, the SOih, ult., the steamboat Lot Whllcomb, started from this city on a pleasure txcu.Slon tq'tho Cascades, stop lng at Milwaukio, Portland, and Vancou ver, inoretiy allowing mo peopie oi immo placea respJclli ely, an opportunity to vlslr lAeplacoofxTonderandcuriosiiy.onthe Columbia river. (lulto a rcclsMp, number went from this place, of the stern er ox ; but the number of ladies, owing to Iho threatening aspect or Ihe wenlher, was small, Milwaukio did much Utter : Iff 0' llio ttv. UV InitUi.ln.illi' 1 .vrtl to ' (hd end of tho string" took n rid on the rail road, which being down grade went 1 lru.ni.Mi I. -. .....l 'Pi... -,-.1 1. .... pletcd for about three fourths ofa mil. ive wero agreeably surprised to sec I no extern 10 wweri Improvements Bvr been carried al tho head and foot or the Cascades. A steamboat Is being Kultt there, to run from the Cascades to tho Llnllcs. It is 00 feet in IcPKlh and tt ttotk harmoniously. The boat relurneil In Milwaukio on Sat. urday. In passing Vaneouser tiov. Og den rcturneil Hie salute by firing seven The best feeling prevalleif all the The parly returned lilehly de nied with the excursion, havm; seen jell on the tray to admire. No accl pastentcr. to Iho Propeller Hawk. Willi nnn fitnilrtt tltn e-Mlilnrial rnrt s ere fully renresenlcd: bra. Waterman's engtgcmenls bciug tuch that ho could not l.n nnn .ifllinnnn.lw,. A frlomt .ll-.r.!. I - -. ...v .. . ,.--. n hilit. .. .. ; ; , , KT r roin a private letter we recelsed ptrthelast mail from Illinois, wr make U . . 1 ie following extract, written by one ho traveled the overland route to Oregon im iseatoo, and aflcr a abort slay of fcurbr fisas.jBontha relurnoj to thtaMiojii fas hi. famBr with tho Intention of making Ore- gon nit future borne : "There aro a (treat many peothvon the move for Oregon. am besiegtd by anxious inqulriert about Oregoo, on all tidet, every time I make my appearanro in Ihe streets or Peoria, l'havo replied to their eft repeated inquiries- until I am tick and tired of answering them. " Ihe people here aro unwilling lor me to tell them that his a cood country, be. causo it lakes away to many of tbcircit. I ixens. I don't tell thorn any big stories, t nor advito them to go. I just speak of; '"'"S ""7 re. ami leavo eacn ape to ..,,..,.,,.. rpil w 7" . " L---rl county alone who atait Tor Urcgoq. Cali. forma is dead ! dead ! I I do not hear it mentioned at all. Qkcgon. rue persons wero, upset from a batteaux of wheat in tojtrrtn o Kock liland, in tho inoulU-wftTia Cvl.ini. bin, on the -." tli of January, and dron ncd. Their iiainos Here S. M. Morris, Gcorrio tt IK,,.I... Tn.n.. 11......... in.... II Fise n ...i'h-m ' . -' "'"'" .lupp. Tl.o iniiddy.liea.led editorH that preside o.rr thccoluinnsof llio Ckiempi Itrmotrat, fiom tthich we clip ihr nlwvo, scarcely rierquolo mm our paper without ni-i- ..,. ,. ' .... ....... ! reprceming 11 wisnlinf it I lii.l tw.l tl. l'lMKia.l wl" guuiy 01 prrviou .ii.retirosoma. ... ......,,.. J ......11... ""'" -'l''""i "'"'"""i "" "' " ,i,. ,! 1. ti, .. i n.i- WW ..- ...w ..w.tw... w. ..'... Island alluded lo, nro four miles alwo tlita city on the of ., (rl ,',. II0U .. i Willamette river, inttca ulh or thu Coltlnllll-:, .,.., do not nfUl. ,cnlure .,,.-,, .,, '. I. r.i... rvi ' I.!, r.. ,t. ...i i... t mouth or thr Columbia, for ,he Very U J I vrtinrta I si llin unrlil I ... .. . ,. """ni ... um wou. Dr.,Pr.nATK IUciikwr. An Orrgon editor, after announcing tho arrival of u I Lewofladii... who base, r.ntmin,l in'ihnt ,rI,ortf fir .,, , llrrio n 7- ,.,:. i (., . ' ... '.'.... T ." . 'ho young Mm how lo shoot," gonorJusly 'oiTcm his .services tn any ono of llipniwhol i,v to kind enough to accept hit piraon i i i i " , ..... .' . . ,, .' ..i ' im K-n.-r. ..I uiieriiiieiiuiiiX llio nun..- .1.. nn.,irii.,.i..i i.r.tv r i... r.i,i. true ctiaracier mm ormin oi ino iwi iiimTn,.,i,u,r.,-. i Ti "i " , . ,Ji i .i'. i m.,iinil AorlenliiirnlHoelnlv and S, K. Ilarhitt', 3ft, roiiti' In I lilnii, past near UlKHles. Iho WVc.trrCy,riv0tVrfe& " f-"'V 'Vm'r,r...wW.-IM.r,IH. dr., .iwk w.t .III on tho ,9B,h of F.lru not : '.ImS ladv renresentatlve V Thief Factor of Iho Hudson's llav Co. at CaUtl rrrelved IIM votes-llenj Jaok. arv, Iseiweru Wetind halfpa.t fije p. in.. couver ua unrrniinir.l hv U,ll.. 10.1 i"R I he agent, and n I so n memlr anld I'riee, 30. tl'i "I'lth at IheTlitrarc." nt Iho town, Tell Thr-lial to Hd. m tfiree I rir' solely. Vhr piinclpal member, he r.-M IW 1W-i.rrr.-MnU.rl Canfi.M re .wil. an an fill ..rath. ..-enihelmhiR Ihe the Ca7c.5eT.ho nnu'r 'for'lhM olsunco rjtrni arc I)?. Joh'n McCaughlin, u,!d celved .00 ,,.c, and I.. I. V l.n T-.ttr. .drrr. of lh.; ; u.Ulnn I. luy, Ft tfran. It a succession of ranlds Home of the George Hohfsts, Amoilcancitlrcm. cite. OS. ailgatloii Com ai y, whilst the iowcr HVffiffi She! .lies' ""'"-'. That from Ihe )rar'l9lUo Afr.- Daniel S.e.van, IOI..-II. of Ar.ya Kiile. whlrli command, the en. KoX prefe rcJ n cUntt stawbTr s "-" ' M. " Tholnift for and in (laker, 70,-Trulllnper, Ift. trance of lis. harbor, and several other Zi ilEh Ivlng XlotxtekU, behiirof ,ld society, now claim, and it. i ForJu.t,, olhr JW.-t! Harrison, tart, of ihe fori llcatlon, sustained great !' ATlTiii?" ? ... I" ''?..":,,,'. .... -It ,nM..,l ... nfil.nJMI Win. II. Cnmnbe . 01 . ..'. Car. 11 urv. as did llkettl.o many dwell nit iu atzrHiiiuiuirr riirr inn tYtfKti inn m i i -vistis.s-"s -v ! snust sn. i.(n---t r -. reel beam. T he Caseadn poinnanv have IteiiM, no Parns, no houses, Bint im carilrns, ' had a sawmill in successful operation for nor Is thorn any porsonorperaonsrngaged , hl,m,Ji-lx,,.Inrl,,H .. .. . i r"'Hl ,lllot,"lVtI V'1 ""","''"""! ',',n-v MRU ! Z. A fiaXat U Wt TulU for pumnll whatrrrr. for .aid society, I , Kor Ciuuly Trea.urer II..I.11 ('anfirl.1 '.,,,1, ..,r dne.l up, whilst In arid .s STtitAr 'MK&C$Zhl HMn I'" boiitidarlct of ..Id claim. ' , ha.l 09.-1.. I. I UTMia rt. r.ht ,e jet hair gu.lied out, jhang boutii Lb." e. RoktJt Tlltlt mM utll.r,, tal!nj, j For A.v..r G. IVullinger had r.O,- log U,. I- feature ,.f the raith's sur- We wre trulv deltL'htetl nitli the trin. Iho lands and impimemcnl. of many or, I'. Stewart 7. face. Thoomcera if The ba 0 gentlein.nfy the citizen, of the Fulled States, who! V County Conmils, loner I ). Iri, In,., Tl,o tou. .ri.es Is.y. whleh cont.hie.l andobllcln-'.andttcre, durlns thccntlro come under tho provisions ..r the lale Or. "had 07. K. S. I.cavit HI, llemamlii ,ntm lollw., , .,,,, ,,,, cn atauillng, MtJV&'MXlicZ , 'Pn Land lllll. i-k-HJ -J. I 'rleo '.-''".' ; I .ml no let. than flOO hum.., being, aro fortable. Ittiovcrhasteeiinurlottomect .Vro.'rr.f. That said cilirens receive, l-or Justice r ihejeai J. 1.. Ilrown rrctiulir, ,d under Iho ru,.,.. whlih with so orderly a crew, and ercrvlhlne arnings and threats in their turns l ' ," x V ? 11' , . 1 1 . 1 1 ",'"r ouM base Iwcn awfully aug. ........ 1- "ALa ..,...,. .S leavo their urrmi.es! Though .c'nlr I For Con.lal.le S. N. Chamberlain had 1II.r m, l0 ,llock ca .flrrllBh,r., , Gen. 'lent occurred, if we except Iho loss In the m" ihtiiiitii irriiurn 1.1 nnjiu wiui u. .-m, v , .11. M.Mi, 7, A ."ulgrr, 11, "ru -nun inn ian, 1.1 iiiiiv wiicvuu,,., . . .1 ll..l. .'t.lli.ii. Irt .!. II.....-I I !nv..i.innt .. II-, l- .1 ' ..r.. a 1.111. 1.... ....... I. tl. I, -vm .ll,.., h.1 oraLur ooa. 01 several i.uckcis 0111 01 one wneei. .v.,..- ...m. . r( .. ninrr. u. ... ... ., ....... .,..,,,...,.. ..,.1.... This accident caused ihr Lot Whiteomb , fr a .prely ndjusimrnl orour tights, and prohile Judge. Ot tlie s.ites can A. The sutsitor. at Mnkrl nlari.icd by ll. about of 1, , , ,. , , , , . r,nili. ., ,..,. not Ionic llio buithen lo our on n Impotent 'P. Smhh rereltc.l ! P.. WiitLrr. II. tepeati . I shock, which rre still oteurrinir . H . . . .! .. ... . I 1. .. .. ....... . . ... . .. A.' .'.. .-. A .. .1........ ..t - ,ui ler her s nncnt. I hatrfditor kiinwt how tdn in poumt, an going in .sir. rsenaior iwriaiui, "'"""", """ """ "'"" " " --"-a hint, and ifho ninl married .ho X It of Aikan.a,, under hi. own Trank, went oPN.w Yorkc ity forohstrucllng ho aide, svill li.o fault of hit. 1 f'' our city Post Olhcc to Iho mail boat wnjlt with ihelr Imxe., I..le.,nnd barrela I,,nccsl ,l'0' " atormaii in such a prcdica. I meni ns an baineiura shouiii bo pUctl in ........ wi. i.w. i. n..vi,,., wu l.w. ..I I r ho baoks out hols lessor a manthan ' t ' "T ,""" ''"" ,0 '.": T'".? shining'of il wo want In soo him walk up to lliQtBcriwO without faltering, wjlh a firmttcp and determined reeolvo to do ns all right-minded men do. There It onn thing corlaln, ho will never ,bo a completo man until ho fulfillslhat part ofthes1tli ture thn. enjoins, marriage, Public n cot iua nt Nlrllncaont. ' I'urnuanl to nutllo notice, n meeting or tba ritixens nf Ixnil County assembled at Stellscoom, -Miy inth, 1831. Tim call to order wat tucceedeil by tho election of William T." Oauuherty. V.vi., I'roldint, and Joseph S. "yj''"";- "rP?. . Oj moio.i. D. t. I rownfleld, 1 i.., htlel(y slated Ihn object of tho meeting, aftor which were submittrd tho fullnwlng resolutions, which were unemnculy adopt cd. litscltdl, I hat o make puMin me Caicmle rnngn of. Mountains, Uiunil north nml south by rivers Punllpand Nes jually, Inelnding an area or moro thai 'fiOO snuari miles, all which ho wnrnsthi Puull, ,0 pccl, as iho possessory rights " " ".v j ""7 " '"" It,t,-J:t Tl.nl .In-.. IWainlUnrrt .nt !. ..I.! I'l,l.l- .II...Ul.l,n.l ll... Tnr. mcr bniindarlea of tho claim of said sorl. rlvtnnnBrraorilliNiHarninl.es. .'...;. ti... ..:.i .....1.,.. 1..... n -. . . .1 home., Ihr said Tholmir tiuuhl U'O tho first mean, in his unn to eicel ihem. . )itto!rt, Tiat such conduct is greatly inimical In the sneeilv selllenie.it and pnprily f-r llio cninlry. And sueli licttlll.ri.l iu an .imriiuan I ...r.rn, wii'i thai on Aiifrican nl, 1. more than a Irrr- man will I Tnr. Tlieiefore, n call nn H'tti'ttil, i hat e reganl llio I uget Hound Agricultural Society as being a "m 01 irau.t aim pret inrenlc't i.y tho slirow.l cunning of l.ngli.hmen orin. lluence, tt bo forO'tll the toliCY illtlllenO ' 'g nieir siotcrnmeni bi me .euiing ni .,, . . .'., ' ..,. r , tho iuniiary question. 10 iirgo as n pro. . posilion Iho donating themselves a large .,. ofUn,. ii ,lvrjin. .,;,. Th.t ihr trrre. I -- t -..--.- , - .- . .- t- Ury bo dlreclr.1 In furnish Ihe diirrrrnt pre,,,,, ofih0 Territory, a true ciiyonhe . foregoing resolutions, 'and rerpeclfiilly re - ictt their pobKcallon. t y, p. DAUGHBUTV, Presl. Joskth S. flioenKAxcs, iSro y. Foe Hi. HptcUtor. Tho aletmrr Hootler, I hm informed, mado nn dibit on Thursday last to lisll Lafayette, ulih a parly on board from 'ho town of Das, ton, uho were liivilrd by Ihr captain to take a trip on hi. boat ; but up on a thorough trial, loumi a lack nl water, and Iho llttln party returned lo ihe town of Dayton, where ihey wero pleasantly cnt.rtalned by Gils Taylor stud lady. Captain Swain pronounces Dayton tho ( hea.i 01 navigai on, on 11,0 a.ni.lll rivrr. (.... nf ,iin tOOMi.r. ....J ,.1. r,. --, --...,-.... r::- ,.! asuro n rrcrm.ircndlng 1.1m, .. ell . tho Mof.totlm irnvclmr. - -.a. 1 I.r 1 ,..,..,. tail iui. - ,., ..,.! tho year as for a. Davlou, with nil tl case imaginahlr. Mho will run regular ly between Oregon C'ily and liny ton, ma kiuga trip every Ittoilajs. Thlt will he n conveniencn that has long been wanted, and since it has becomo u regular one, will bo fully appreciated, by not only travelers, but llio business men generally or the upper rnuntry loins, iVC, M. H. CrtrTho '(.'In eland Plain Denier" or March SO, announces thai "the C'inrin. nati and Western-Hill Itnad Company is boing organized. Tho object for wlilih ihn rhnraelrr un. nrjnlnl i In corlstriiel "'0 character a. gMiilnl is 1.1 construct . ,,, U Jllllt;,ioll ,oaj in India,,., and by n n.l Ivn... I'liwiiiinnli tir.i.1 In imniinn . - ... . that lino lu lmlinnaoll." i ii.u.ui.iiiivi.s. Wr would like to bo informed what kind of a cAaroeer waa granted lo Ihn company. 1 Ho company must liasu been' OTp IkCT . " it. lrCf compo,c, nt matorial, ch a grant Lecislaturo ui piled up consistently lth hlcl, ' ,tt OtrThoLouiivilloCouricrtay. S ".Some welvuor thim-Rii bag. or mail umller, seluhlmr unuard. of thirteen huudee.l ----, .-... .................. ucilntf Boulh. . . , . '.i i. . . i.n . t. .. i ,1,,.. . -. it... i.. ii s,l .1 a. it wa. ui Mien m-eor. . .v . . ., ,..,. ..,. a I ".'' ...,. , ,, ..annave en... lo give them character. , ' ii'n - ,.",, " .iriiniieii largely 10 inn wraun nn.l lo tl.o hafl been asked of Iho la.u WiiiPn,lljjrUHiiii.HlllHn I ,,,,,. of 0.,r o,,t ry. Trace ll all out. fOrciioii, it ...IkIiI havo been ',.'',,,"f!!,; -"..arrison I. elected Inthn 1(y loro ,l0 ,IOII,all( ,cn,t M,r-, of Theln were ihihlcrn thr. bushel bao.'1'. kwplng walch over the largo whole received at thu I, Inn Cily Post Oll'ico nt , , . ,. ,,... " li,"c' a"'1 'fn"'"'J ,0 ono ,"ll!vlJl"''. which had to lie transported across tho Isthmus at an expense lo Ihe Government of 30 cent, per pound. (C.T Tho rivur has ilscn during tho past week several Inches, al litis plauo. Wo return thanks lo our numerous friend for ikclr promptness In furnishing na returns of llir ehcllou, ' lllccMuia.KcinrH'. OitKtiOM (.'iml'tirt wt, ' pflrgatt la Ceagrew Or tlititates polled, Joseph Uns rewhrMSfW.-lf, Y" '1 aiidftscatteiluf.' t , 'IW Coiftlfff. A-. Ic'Love-Jiiy received J'J'J votes, (no nppotliloti, W. W. Iluck having withdrawn), scattering 4. For Htyrtttntitllrti. tleorso It. Curry received i7 volet, A. K. Wall, Iftl, V. T. Msll.K'k, 10ft, M. Crawfonl, 10 J, and M. M. MiCarver, lllll. tcallrtlngn. For Jwigti of ProMt.l lector Camp. tee. 7. CiiihiiMi-. Illgtnw, 73. Ni1.w1c1.11: nu.riM r. Fur Delegate Joseph l.mir had 70,' W. II. Wllwit tt. ' t Of IrOIMU'U A. I, Lovejoy had 70, SCaltl'lllll! '- 'ot Uepreiienliillses A. , Wall had M, W. I'. Malloek 07. G. I,. Curiy a 1. M. ,M. .Mclartrr 17. l'. I...I..A..e llrnl.nl. I l ..!. I .....l.itlt I ... ..Il.'. IV.',...' .... ..'. - ......... I '."- '.' ""glow I, acallriliiB 1. ' I or Collector I . uoltenburg na.i 1. afer the laN.r. of the day. 'he village . ;,, 'ur 1'ar.ilM T (if the vcleaiof Chl-tige ha rly met uiih tho sauw i.,0l.l r.p lllmiin in Cin.iro... Jmnih fole the upper part or n Iiul'o inounlalii l.ano received 43 ole.,W. II. Wilson, ll,M.ficAllerlng I. por ,V;i-fien.ilir- Of the soles cast ' n lll.lmn rreniiril 13. It TlioiuPn .(Viniity TreatUrer P. II. Ilarilenbiirc rrrr n l." intra Tor Wrtsor 110 npiaiirnt i fur Vorontr. Stephen Collin recused loirs, nml I.. II. Ilastill".. I.1. MKmlir Slillcr recriicl '.'t votes -----, :". w. . Justice or the Peace nnrpiK.nrnl. ConilMt. C. C. Mlllei rrcelsnl 13 , xotos, and Geo. ShambriK.k, Pi. . c.uir...:i i- i.vi. 11 1 . , ,4.4 Jil'linri . . nils, III Hllimil ' -a, ..-. ,......-. . - and John (..GiIiThi, each rrcrlsnl fl ntrs., Ihr fnn.ous C.do.fljs i.r Itl.ndr., which In Hugh Hums received I sole rnrcouniv it. d.y wa reck.mr.1 ..no of tho Misen , Canimisilonrr. ' iwnndetsi.r the hoiIJ, MJliriii slims f '-i-i iu.'. ... ky an rarthqHalVj.flyear.rt.efoirChii.1. II11.1 anouoi-uii. June !l. and SO ears afier it. rrrcllon. Ulug r llli.isnnuoriili, June 3. Mr. t). J, Sthntlfy : Dnstt Sin I nd von the rrsull of ihe election al this place." A. Nri.GFIl. Dclrgilc-I.am. 110.-Vis.,n J ,' I ancasicr I ' , ' Ueprrsciitalises W!ro I33,-Kin Ml 4n1it.tr Ml I-I lWlf," 1 A. I .Snnlli, 1 10 for Probate Jud) GnlTin, ll, l.yiuari, full votes for School (.'ommiuioucr.. FstnND iS. I .oii.l )mi tin? suite of Iip tx-.lW at thU place: I- t l.t.a ... ...!.. tl I .. l , , w , i , , .wi..My-llalli Wil. , i,,.. .,.. :. ,,, v... ,. tt.s I nt .""l i".'l. . nui.ti,.".! 1 . ., r.i'u. 1.:. 1 ,,,-. iv... si "tri.... mo i... .Sil'er'il """'"; " AMiiT. S.u Ill vote, for Probate , j 1 r-.t.'.i. ti u'nti... in- .,i. r... n ...,..! T aliir-r D. Ilahienburnh lot vo'e, for Assessor1 I.. II. II.Mii.iE. 0 1 vote, for Cormier. ' u...i ..! n-,7. in.. ..., r ... nlephen ('..thU 10'J sotea torUoroucr. Hrl mil KtMilurr.J. C. (JrllTm 3II. C. litl., .Vi, II. I.ymaii .Vi. '" "."- ' Justice nl ll.e Pence for llils precinct A. 1.. Davis elected, f'onstahlo for this predutl William M. Iliggln. ilideil by I III majvily. At Suu tin MuimI. I.uno , Wilton 7 , ... ii m .,,. ii. ... in nrpiriiiniii.N.ii nrnr -ii. iviiur '-n. I "' r'sjss,,,,.,, -. ,. ..-. .... '(, n,,tl,;"l7l' J' . .... .. I ..,,, ... ,,,, k . ,,, , .. .....:'.... : i .. T. . -. '. ,',," ." ""'I-1'" I - ..... . ,,,, ,, ; .Swit.ler'., I.ano 31, Wilson 'J .'ouvcr, l.ano !I0. Vancou ,, A MAVOtt llNINn lllMSBLr ,....,..,,.... fil, ,,,.',. nrgooda. Homo of lliesullorcra retaliated , talo establishment of thn mayor, who It hlimoir a merchant. I ho other day thny naught (ho mayor's employees napping, entered a complaint before hi. honor, when ho roadily fined himself llirro hundred dollars. 9tT i. Mr. Hmllh," said a Utile fellow lhd oilier evening to hit titter's l-au, " I wish you wouldn't pralsaour Ann Marla'a eyes any moro. Vou'vo mado her to proud now, lliat alio won't speak lo cousin f.ati. ra, nqr help innther the least bil.'iw . on I ho l.rg sla- , , "v ih. i. n . ,. ' immo ni"' promt K)sitiuii among tho na. . . i " . to huso been electri : Ilnntn i (;.. J. (. .i. r .i ..' .. ' .m.i. i.. P , .n.l .ir.,,... '-uwiioii i ,r maiiunsriiuiiiy. nrntnerilv. fn ow sirs uau.a nn. rir..el n. A I Finn lh Nw VmK fun, Ati IU. T'rs4kln IUrlltiinki In Turlr-j'. TrrHWn Dtilrutlim of lif aid Prop. rr(y, Accmuitt' from .Malta announce a euucestlon nrterrlMo earthquakes, which ha vi been felt nt Mtkrl, a oily of Ailolla, Turkey, on iho Mediterranean, and nt Ilia far-famed rlly and Itlatul of llhodet, which is situated Ml miles out from Makrl and tho Turkish cnasi, Hlivdes is neatly In the san:i latitude as New York, and Is ills, taut from hero sit, thousand miles, lis population Is iwm. Tim F.nglish Mall steamers mnnri'ling with the Oierlaml housi a, some of n I1I9I1 w ere shaken tolhelr terv fiiiiudalloiiv nu Iho ruck vlhnra rrnikcd throughout, Tlieoselllatlons wem from nest In east. At Makrl, nn the main land, mid Its im , mediate uelglilmtlio'xl, ihn consequences . hao been most dlaslrnu.tlid heart. rend liig. The hole isf I.'ip huU. dwellings. an.Utorr., lately ererted in ihn town, halo 'liern lesellrd in Ihe n-iind, fissures havn hern rormeil ntlioscrv'Mrecls.iroiiiMlilrli I 1.1. ...... ....... .r..w.r . ...I. iu.1.1 1..I.H 1 1 U ! IJ,.,I,.IV,. ...11, . .,,i.,i 1J... ...... w.. J , w." Uirn ,,r inhnLltantt rollre to lliejr home. ' basing rallen i.itit, and hlmkcd'up, lh nitinti pill u. i.n.riiiiir, 1.1 vi ..iitriiiiiiij; n the dwellings round alwut its base. An. ' 'other Mil tee, more Inland, has lirco liu slighter ualuir, hail flril lor taWy mi lioanl small riafl and fishmi; Irnats, cai ryiu Willi uieniHiini proprny uiry cnji.i I frnintiii.r lutiiua i,.g niil ii.Mii bdiralli ll." ruins of storehouse., mot of nhlch ha. been reinoird lu .Sum Ithclr., ami ether island. At Saiusonii ,i siunrt shok tias frit on ihn 'J.'.ll. nf February, hut ll caused iu latn.gr. Our readers ill iruieinher that land.'O sears afier it. rtecllon, Iwiuc nf ihr enormous ss right nf"f3,0(10 lbs. AliiaxOiiiraimNxiMu. The Now York Day Honk says th.il some lime since n higli church clcrg) man nl iho Prote.laul F.pis copal ihutih Mini from I my lo iak charge, of a cnngregallmi in Coiinrelloiil. t '"" n IHJIItjrClI IIMirsi ui un luiril. lly hi. 7eal and efficiency ho wmn ralrl Ihe prnsiK'cl. or ihr congregation and put everything In a prornu. condition. A Ton Sundays ago, bo gave nollen lh.it Im was about to preach bis f.reuell srrmusi ha. lug accepted Ihn pastorship or iho .Si. Thomas chapel iu Hronklvii. Presl uu. lo Ibis chatigo of iho fiol.l of Lis live fulness, i . resirted that ihe clergyman In question had insriglrd and seduced Ih-i daughter or 0110 or hi. ttr.lll.lesl parish. , iptii-r navinir tisiirn iew iiatcu 111 rm.ipa.n uitlitho girl, who wa. discov re,l In 1,1s rm, under llio Ud. Alteinp.s tterr uudo to hush tliv mailer up, but without success. A romiiilltra or (fen. ,'cc,il:l" c,0,"v '" i,i,r'' HlalyM ""Tl"1'1 ll WI;W",''Bniliw 1 and a!"' ' '-tl.tlaalfr.l 0..11I was held with closed d ur, at w Inch tho mailer stasia l-l , ' , , ,,, .. . , '."" (,,t ,HO f rk..-lfclliy Alllflrr- I.Arl SVl'lrtlC t AMRtiu an MrciuMia. 'I'lni wealth of n well stnri'd iiiiud, ll.n big li.in-1 and stout nrinof tin- lu.luitriomiiiecliaiiirnri' svorlli uiorr, lor llio perpetuation of nur u'orloiis inclplrsof pncninciit, mid for llio tiro I- i""" r-. m . i... ... jlho wuld. Aire Ilril V III llll T f 'lllll iliilry, tlian njl Iho got.) III a .ly haw llieir ncieiililu! iresearcnes, tueir -- w- - r. -........ uncasing mi'l untiring .ennray, I'u-ir many Invrnl lo,..,..iui ineir n i nneri.M impmvemouit in mac.iinery. K" " ",,r " "" "rpuunc gior.oua i,oy full in aiicrrasloii under jourobser. . vuliuii, and you will find American me. clianies and artisan. hac proved lo lie, iu their energetic mid Indusirimi. career,, among Iho priiM-lpal ugenl. In cITcnlliig American greatness. Stltnlife Amtri. can. Wriiubiit Ibom Cannon. Arv Impor. tant discovery has recently lieon mndo by n young man residing In Hufl'alo, of a pro. oua. for the manufacture of wrought (ion cannon, whoh bid. fair lo eclipse all pre vious Inventions fur addinu to the terrors of war. Tho prooest I. sory simple, It be. yond Ihe dunce of failure from over heal or any other causa ; nnd il. cott it SS per cent, list than Iho beat nnJ cheapest math- odt for casting, whllo Ihe strength ft far greater la proportion to weight lhan hat heretofore been attained either In wrought ' or out Iron cannon. I!. . &T'n ? tM