Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 29, 1851, Image 7

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    - I4J. V
Tho Rating lmilou IMItorlal. .
Tlio Hlitor it emphatically a .'.evclofS.
lent of the present Ago. .'orntcrlyho
in a simple rv.mpound of I wo or inoro
nmi slmme rvnnpoun
profculoni author and politician, (tor
haps with splco of ill clorgyiuan In his ,
composition. Hut at present the irnroi
of MwniMr ri.icinrio has completely .
developed lhocmi ..dllnr, a now ami r.i.
maiKanio growth in tilvliixuiion. vvr,
havo hml In uur mind tu note down mil?
of tho enteric characteristics of the ola...
and 11111 Intend in do o, hut In tho mean.
Ilmo. we Itiia one of lui iHoul(arltlc9 wi nil. ,
mtlaliltf rrrtr..4iiitiil In- Ihn I.niiile.1 tjr,ul I
"...-. .,. -. - ,. ....- - -
r, tl. al no cannot rrirutn irum giving a
synop.ls of it as an liiiporlnn
tfon tils lliatory ofllio l..lii.r.
riant contrlbu.
Thrro I. n stnrv t.dil of a Provincial
Kdilor who, dijcovcrlui tht una if hi
liciclibon liail liunu Mm-cll. woulil nxl
i. ... . V ... ii
cut him ilouii, nor inriilkm Iho dl'uorv
lo any our, hut Uit llio bnly uiulor Kh'K
and key for two uholu dnya
Ilia reavon i
wai liiipli and auluuicnt. Ill paper ap
peared en Thurmlay ; tho paper ofhla rl.
valon Wciti.owlay ; and " Itjyou think,"
ho trlunipiiirly ntkril, "I uat golim to
ay anytliini; almiit the tutoldo, and lot
Mill itmlnitrtl knre te jurafirttp'i I" That
wat tho Into editorial palon, The do
airo ,.raKCiai nen.iu t m aout an ,., -,,,. ,., ,,81 wi,x M.
Itor U tiitrnw, all-abiorbinir. I.lro llaelf fi,r ,, ,., ,; i ..ii... 1 1..
a viewed only with refonnc.. to tho par-
lErn.in ii nut iuiiiuii. i. amnuiioi are
. I f it, t t .1
A murder la Ilko rain In the
m. Kntrolutloniarornrtuuea.
drought aeaaon
p , , , , r
it e know n pciilIiMiiaii itlimo iKulimn
, i , li T . ii i (
Iirlntr nnn Uhffli HAltir.llv mnLM linn nn.
...,.".. ...., i, i ., , ,. .i , , ' i" wii, n iu uifT iinmii iii B'i iiiiiir I in i
Zl" ; 'J', .h"? fc:f.ft,S!htNIl T"-'-. rWn -t al
." . ... ' . - -'-. ; .
,l. " ',.,,. '.nil """'" clnhii. iiroilitriiHiir aaid hlalp, liain fur
Iho iiecrol.ig.cal l.ne. 'iho crow lnot, ., .B1lllMi Bri mr" P.. mil
.-.,,cr m imhiuco urn carr.ou man liny
Kuurea.ui.lrr uioiiannounc.-i.iriH. of
Mun.. ,n ... ...... H...:H.. ik.... ii.i-
wvaitu 110 i-inii-i mil u lUHIH
ii . ...
Z"1" w u ' rr'iT. Bv . T
luiadlrd for Iho .... nl. llol.ui,h..;,,.y j
blank diiappoinlnuMil lengthrnt thai ra.
-'" ---.-. ..- ., -. . . -.,...,
.... I ..I....- I - -...i... .. ,
.ii.i iiiv i,ii I iiiiiit ii ii llir rill. Ill KV II, A'
I..-. If n . , .1." '... (.''
i J ifi. ,'i
i,,ii,,iia ii, int i.i-iiiiiiiiii i.u .iiiiim in
him In tir III! I'n.l.v ; if inl'iri.iaiiu.i
ic.icl.nl im lh.it mi nui:ul . .ln.ial
" , Tiuo I'n n Sutler." in i ! WurrrVor
Spy, diitrci..e.l by il..- prrarnt awkward
pssilion uf thin., nuvwrii the iurlimi
" wlint . the dulv of the I'nu Soil pnrlv
under 1 xl.ting ciri.iiii.ti.irea '" a. fol
low a :
" Than can I" but nnn anivvrrtnihi.
qucstinn I.I Ilm nreat ol every l.onr.t
man. Let lliu party fiill hi.l. iin-m il.
lir.tpriuuij.lei. J...t u tru-l lo II..-puri-
txi. ikhi-.I'.' 1. Il I II ll.. IUIII. Mill-
lyoflta lie., ve. i,.(.nmpl.hlnL'thei,i..
blopiirpov.n..w,,,twa iircatnl for
which It ... ore.!.., ,. 1.0! it .a.' oil'
all allinnco wiih tho.- ..,,, runi, ,1Jv
inn II 10 til If l litll lietPf Clu I.. I U
.. 'I
coursr, divtatdl nliki ley iliv tlriuonfiu
muct and n rnnl (r nclfn jjioct, and
Any other roliry. nltlioii(;!i ut iircmil
auccciiful, mint, infvitnMy, In the rml,
nrovo dNalrou. .nv ot.'iT roiin.c
iioureor promiiln-' at prprrnl. will inoi
aurrly, umlcf ii-.iin rirfiiuntnncri,
briny upon Ilm p.rly
uuH t
iiltin.alc ruin.
Thl.ivrllcr.il ktiii.. In. iilnadv
covered that the vvav nf tr..niTMinri I,
hard ; but llio i.litnr nf tho Spy rfwilluif!
to wait a liltlo InupT for tho RO'V.1 time
i-omlng. do iln.ei.'t want lo ;;o ba., to
' firjt prinolplea" yrt. Str u Itrglwr. i
. lZ7r.Zu.. . "ii" , i
........ ...v. ..-.- .....,.... -jjKi""' "'ar.il of I horounn nfMlatr. Srnulnr ami ' . ..."V""" .....v"' '" ". n n. iwenn iii-iiiui. uei.ire i m
l I rant I . .la l.,.n , ! ..I .
II not iniiilleil. lint h lii'in it ii ileatli , Cron.l.o of ihn I'lmilre Cruud Cro of ""'"' n '':'". un ll.n "Hi day id' explrnliou nf that pri"l, neither of lint '
to announce, thn how hi. hand, uro ,1,,, ()ri,,r uf Haliit Slfid.eii of llununrv JI"V' HH' w,('t'1 '"n,,,"il'"' MnX ' bi)ih cniilraitini i-nrtlr-n ahall limn nn I
cheerfully riil.heil, Inw ela.lU' hli alrp, f,ri,. I.pri, n of donor nfl jiiiv and nf ''"' '";"1' l""K,,!lM'. i " fHn r : mumped, by nil nllii-ial noiificaliun In tin
luw hicr.di!u! will, iho i lonoflholj,,, M.iurui. and Si. .azar.iiifS uil.ii '''""'"" for the rrtcnion of -main llii r, il. inleulioii In nrre.l Iho i.pnrnli.m
"parnKrn.i ifi, f'arlitl,-, thi.ih.-nlh ,. Olllct r of iho luipVilal Order nf (he "''''"""'. n'lUoint,! iu the' lr,alj .. nfnld In-aly, ll .hall ri-main binding fur
will rurni.b! I ia hnppv; anino one ,.,., (Vmniaiiderof Iho Order orChri.t ' rumurrrr .. mr(Utn of 'i'.lh Ax, "" year hevi-n I that time, nnd .o on, nn
hat died, nnd h luawi upaiion; tlm ex. .r,.,m f , (, ,.,! nf Minnl'r.' '"' N'-'9- '"'"" '' '''"'rd ,ShW ol ' Iho i-vpirnlinu nf lltA Kulvo inimhi
tonori.vr.ilur-, In-.inB i only rl.ilc ill" . yll)MPt all, Sn-reinry uf . Slate f..r f.r' Imi'if". "l hiiumjtily the V.mitrorof whnl.wlll f.dlim n himiUr nulifn an m.
Blnsn?Me! , '.i...! AITair. ; ,h.. alilr xcliniiKins ih.ur '""'" ,, . wl.at.rrr llio lime t win. I. it may laU
" n.,..i..llil,l,..rtl. necr.il. m ',,.,, ,. ,-,, ., ,, The Pni.ed S.ale, of America nnd hi.l plnce. ,
n-i.t. I. Iiiu.t up the ,, on I pm.p ',f ( .j ia ruortnr tttti majialy the llnmi-ror i.r Au.tria hnO.ij AT. l. 'I hnmnen,r.,,ronelnd-d
every week f.r Ilm j.nrt of our i.iper i. J.c, . " '' jnvd In rxlciid to all de.clplinn. ol "iibjeri Intho r.itillcilioii ffllip IVcm l-.it
no lie,,t """'. n'"i. Iit. !"" huiiler.,, j,,, J, -m two hmh rnntraclln" ' l"l"'"- ''"' ,,'"l,,'ft from due., tne. "fthe I'nilrd Smte. if Aui'noJ, by mil
wo prin ihc tune. worm, down raibur .,,,,,. B,.,rrf.an, ,,e dimVulu- o( "r 'W'- "hull wa.aecure.l lo I lie p, r wll.ilintt.lvlernndiiinwiilullh.iMei.nl.
accor.Im.' M tho Irmldo il In. rn- in ' :'.... ,i 7i . ..r.i i... .'unl coo.li of their rr.neclivn riiiirn. th-reof. rml nf hi. Mnn-ov Iho Kinnernr .
than tu ih-valurnl tliroa.ui. ilM-lf. Tl.nl -,i,. r... ,i..i..i.. r.. i... .. niiiUuin.-cl. hv the elovpnth orli.-!.. ..f ilio nf Au.tria. mid the rniilii-alion. tlit-rr-d
, ......... ii ,.,a nun 1K., ,.., .a rem. ,., BtmP nt .,rr,.c .....I.TrntarMlitm of I'Mnlnl t,. Il.eir re.clivo , ..,., ul.hv the tml. nl.anra l,v. .i,..j tl.o nl.iv.i nn.
Kiiia. Iin.1 ..nml. re.! hi. yr.vn.1 mulher. or ,, u ,M N , n( X ( ", - ten'h nrtnlo i.f .lid treaty i.f commerce , 'le.. n. well it (.-r.u.i.i ... in i:iSli-lt.
Ii.it n driiuini ,t bad throw ii iiiiiiiia!i.rc) ,. ,, , ,,, ... , ' r. Undnnnli I.avo na.nr.l f r Ihl. pu. ,nd lnvo thorrinallixiil llielr aeaU.
?? nm"- I P 7 T" ,!", ''!"! I'T Vx.m.n" li Ml. "nler to l" ,' lnHnienllarl;! , l-nn In tho r.., of W....- on .he
f ,',MP 1 ..'"" i ',1n1"ee" carry tl,l.ur.-en.e...i...,.,eo.,.0. i, be. i ''. '''".lent nlbo Umti.lMiaiea ' IrIiiIi V 'd Ma, one thou.and . ,Kl.i
fait tolbo wo. ,1 1.,-hinee .i;rr. ci.in'a ll.r dutv of Mranl to i.lnce .it the "f America l.m. unnfrrrrd full puwrrami hundrnl mid fiiriyilplil, iu ihn ..vei,t
(lulM. nv.K ti I'msr I'lii.M'ii im. .l.Kilti in nf ll.n I'rraldrnt tiflhr I
s..,,n..v..... .. .1...,..... .. . ,.., ,,., (.'overnnient to tha' f ihoHInlted
,,liTrHT,T'i,.,,,,ll.re'T.,,o:S"W 0"n IM. ci..vello ah.ll
,;r clevin thousand dollari nonstruclive
llli.Oi.se, lur union proi.ll.icil kiiiuvci iroin
..... . r-i.-i i.. ii.
Woihingtou lo Hnn I'rnuoi.co and bucn,
between 1 1 o'clock and noon nn tho 4lh of
ticoalle, ijiat ihonj who havo lliu. fur
.inn(d, nro Ihoeiilleiunii who coino from
llio romntctt iSialin, nnd nro lliertiforn cn
titled to in alio tho lnrgc.il haul upon tho
irnajury. Tho imiiny vvn. paid by tho
Secretary r,f Iho Annate, out of tl.o con.
Ilngunt fun I provided In tl.o deficiency
law, Kvory Senator wnn oilurrd a ro.
ceipt loilfin for tho mllcagCi nnd a.niany
at vvcro of rnay vlrtuo algm..!, nnd pock,
etc J tho fund.. A bout tiity Ihonsnwl dot.
Ian havo been thn. far appropriated."
The Worcc.lcr iUili rcinarka
" Wo thought thia acandaloua usage
wianUdhlicil by n bill paa.n.l ju.t bolorn
tho Irccnt adjouriiment, which vvaa innal
1otuenlly lUKfd upon thnKenato by Mr,
Clay, with all hli portuailvo ilncoiily."
Courting li an Irregular aclivo Irani.
Illvo rorb, Indicative mood, proton! ten.e,
third person, alngulnr ntimbor, ami ogrnei
with It ngrrci with all thn girl, in town,
don't It.
SiSh. vieo t rna,r,,,, " " " . - c. -n,
Ihr raph uy of .ho journey. f , .,,,, r ,,, .,!
M vVn"".0!. 'SI?.1 M f ",01 ina.lol.now,, ,hinpl.al. fur which 1,1,
i ., . '., ii i i , liliinrll lo o'ltn hi I ho nrcoinary fundi at
fcrn Iho con.trncllvo mlloacn, li ij rm-i.. t e.i.. i..i..' V
rtnn.ic ath
' Jntlnf lrfl irnitit f i 7"ii ly-jtrit
1 ngrti.
Co.iVK.ii.inN urtwki. tub U.itTKtiSrATM
, Ahkhm-a ami Ills MajitiTr tiik Km.
rHn , lRAiit. r.R .iiKATirAt'Tlti
Ill' t.'l WMH lir ( tTIXTMH or tiik IImitkii
Concluded January U7, ItUD.
"V " rrtwttuioj im 1nnY.I .,.(. m n
Whereat a Convention between ill
United Htstcsnf Amurira Bin) hi. Majesty,
llH-i:mrororilrull,f(.rthpndm,tiwiit',,,,.d Hiim nf America, havo caused
or rtuiin. ofclilzriii uf tho I'liilcd Static t,0 ,j (xn eiillon to ho mado puhllo, In
- ,i Ii i. .. i
nunuiM lin- iirniiiiiuiiotcriiiurul, wuslil,,, ,.,i,l il.ni ih anmn lu. ,,i.......i
miiflndi'd and aliiiiil by their l'linlu.
puuliatipaul Itludn Jniinlro, on thrlwi'ti
ly.ii'tri'iiiii nay oi January, mm liouninl
right huudml nml furlr.iilne, nliloli Cmi.
lllljlll I. .... Ill ll.a I.. ..II. I. I.. . .1- .... I-
"""' ""'" " "' ''n;"'i i"B""K',
n lolloui
In the mimr nf iht ,1iwj Holy mi. Inrith
W Tnnity,
Tlio Onllrd rilatri of Ainerira and Ida
Majrly,.Un l.mporur ofllraol, dimlrln
,,,,.,, mv ,, ,,, ltB(l(1
,r,v, . i.i.,i ., i- " t. ,i, t....
i""nt miim nivii II i ii iuiii i Hie iniwr- i
0 of u,, tHllllllr, to roa,ltll . , lu i
,.oniB for ,,, , ,,f.l,llu, .
' i nio lor mat iniri
i . ....... ' i
.uerainiiuing, eiiuniiy
I . i n I . '
iuil nn I hoiiorahtr
i to rncli
to Ilm iiiihIii of ('tiling I in
i - ii " " " - i
rcamitlirlv. t lt!
Tlio I'rMiJrnl nf ilm Unltnl
I HiatPK of.
a mi ivtiiiiiii lit iiiii .flllllil iltllt'Bl all
. ..
i iiuriiitii iii i 'nt in iuu, ijiMtiv i'iraur
' ''"'' nl"' M,nl.ir l'lenl,otPH.r from
Ili.l kUl.l lllli.a lnna II... r'.lil aT 11..
llfM, ,10'i1Hh, ,IW BI , . hi otcpl'
, ' , Vm-omit uf Ollndi nf In. ('aimed
. j
" i
r.i ,i i
" fllnju"IPellhiMl.i..i..ai..lth..
iii-ir ii.iiixi. e nml In i.iu
nil i
vim nl Hint tin. nulv . ijuilalilr and lnni'i
lile uiill.oil liv vvliioh III. tw.i rounlrin
I mil
Slnle. .be nitiiii.iit nf rjin tiiimlrfil
1 1 1 1 r I V lliLiilKn.iil imlrfil4. iiirrmi. iit.inni nf I
llrnil, n. a rra.iu.ilip nnd i'.uiinhli. auui,
which liull iimpreheii.l Hie wlmln or liie
n rlainnllo.i", wbnlaver inav Im llioir ua
lure, nnd iiiuuin:, mid n. full roii...'na.
li'n for ilm iiideiiiiiil'.cutloni
11 1 .Mi .1 hv
to be viwid
nn' iiovrriiim ul i.i Mini hinle.
in a roun.l auin, wiilioul riTerenro to nny
one uf aael rliin.1, iijy.n Ilm nioriti ol
't ...!-. . iiiiih, Hifi.i mi' nn.llil Ul
wh.cl. the two hiKli culrntlin p.irlie.
refrnin fioin nil.-rms ; Il lwtn IcA to the
Onu rnmnit of Ihn V nilrd .Slntc. lo rli.
mata Ilm iti.ticc that mnv tiermln In thci".r h" "Oho nili,ircontinclin party,
a j .a ' . a '
rlntmnnU fur ilm nnriinan
no ol iniriiJiilliiiT
uinoiiu lliiu llitf forcwM urn of fivr
humlm! nn.l llilriy ihouiaml milrvts. at it
may ilrcm wl iiruiwr.
Uffrcul nu in Ilm prrcnlliitf arilclp, Ura.
il Ui-toneraif.il rrom all rPMronnibility
miriiiu out orilicnrL)rfii,iii:,. .......t.
-il ly ilm iSotnrnmrnt nf thn ITnitnl
Stalin tip lo ilift ifutn of tliN rimvi.ntloti.U'0'"0" tlilln rral properly, or proprriy
.. I.I..I. . ... ....Iii I.. I I "
ti ui' ii uvjii iiriunT vv ri prifiiiu('ii n r rc
roiisii.iMO'l In futiim.
Anr. 111. In r.lcr llmt ihn (;orrn.
in.nl of tho ('iiitrdrilntrt in.iv bo enah ed
properly lo roipider thn elnlm. of iho
lena t.fa.iid h'lnl.r thry remaining, ft
abuvoilrclurril, aiibjict to Ila judginrnt
tlin re.petnlvo document, which throw
IlKht ilimn them ahall bo tleliverr.l by the
I rccolvo Ihn ratification of Ihetjovernnicnt
'0r, Slblr.
Art. IV. Tho auin njtrord uKn ahall
Aut. V. Tim payment ofllio Mini nbovo
iininc.l nf fivo hundred and thirty thou.
..and nillroi. ahnfl not Lo mado until aflor
thn noeptlon of Ihn notlco In thia capital
of Iho t!Xchnn.o of ratillcaliona; but Iho
aald auin ahull bear lulnrevl, nl alx nor
contuin per annum from tho first day nf
jmy next; inn imporlal Uovcrninrnt,
howovcr, olillge. itself lo mnkouooil lhal
Intoroil only whon, in conformity to tlm
preceding orllolo of this convention, thn
utnounl ntlniilattd shall ho paid,
Aut. IV. The preaent oonVrnllon shall
ho ratified, and tho ratification, oxchang.
od, in Washington, within twelve month,
afior II I slne.l in this capital, or sooner
In faith of which we, I'lenlnolenllarles
of Iho United Slates of Amorica, nnd of ,
Ids Majosty ilia I'.mncror or Uracil, sign
and aeal the Mine,
Dono in Iho city of Rio, do Janeiro this
twfnty.wrnih day of January, In Iho
t.1 llHl.l 4. . lllllLA. Ill IT,lll.......ll. .1.
. inu nv., nu44inii u, iiiu irizi.iiii.irr
year of our I.nnl ono thousand eight liun.
dred and f.irly.nlne.'
IUviii Tnnn, It., .
Vtacoimnt i Oi.i.iha. i a.
And whorran llio ul uoiivcullnii linn
toon duly ratified nn both nana, ami tho
rr.peollvo rallflcnlloni of tho some wero
exchanged at Washington, on I ho elgh.
Iccnlh day orjnuuary, una thousand eight
hundred and fifty, by John M. Clayton,
Secretary of Btato tho United Hiates of
America, and the. Chevalier T. Herglo do
Macrdo, Knvuy KM inordinary nnd Mln.
later I'lcnljiotcnllnry of Ida Mnjiialy the
Ktnpemr of llrnxll, mi tho part of the Ir re.
acprilvr (lnvrriiiiirnlij
Now, llit-rrfuri-, be It known, that I,
ZACIIAIIV 'I'AVl.tm, President of tho
mnJ lulfillcil tiilhiiKHl faith by thn I'nllrd
Sim,., nml tho rliurna thorrof.
i ,, tpllnirn- when-of. I ham m,r,Mn
BPl my iai nnd caii.nl (ho anal of the
I II I 'l ,1 . .1
I'liltnlMalna In lie nltlinl.
Done nl the city of Washington, thla
illicit I'litn ilny in January, In tlio
i.. . yenr uf our l.onl one thouaml
i'IkIu huiidrrd and lifly, and In tho
ant nil vfnurili yi-nr of tho liidcpcnildatie
i.flhoVllIlrilSWl. "
Ilv llwi'roidriili
Jtill.il M. I'LtVTn.t, Uttrtlnrji of Stale.
i r.Tv nr i imiiRRLi! x iiAviniio;(
I wtTWrns Tin: I .irr.n HuTCa A.lli Au.
Cn-ludrd .May , H.
i ll iKr l'rt,ul,nt r ik. irlil V.i .f
"" M '"' f Ih, Unllvl .Male, tf
i ! jt
W norrn a tmvr inlmi fir i.i.tiM.kiftfi
, p . t a i
I "' "' "l"''""'" laliiW in tho
- .--. ..( . ..
H?1!' A,,"."' Xm 'vu "ho I'nlud
.. ' "' ,p''" " "' Mnj'My lb
I litftAfiir nl Aii.liin waa n,ir..l...l I - I
Irratvul iiitiiineren nnd navigation which
vvuHifiui.ii,m lictwern tho pnrlle. on the
t nl) . uiiiIulT A.i.inl, 17','Uj ami bt- ,
v. f.ir l!. ii pin.. i i, iui'ieti.uitl." town.
li,nr lluuhai.aii, Secntniy id .State iif(
''l0 ''"ll"l .Smii., nnd hi. lnajoi.lv ihe
iiupururiii A.iMri.1 .ii in lii.l.l.aro ilAI.
in In llio I iut.il Statri.Joi.il (ieorL'n
lluUfinann; who, nfier haVin" rtchtmr-
id thtlr until lull imwrra, fiiiiud in due
nnd priMHT fnr.ii, lawe njjreed un.taicn. '
id thn fiilliiwiui! arlit.lr.ij
Auiii.i;l. Tho i in'rrti. nr aulijeet. of
enih of iho tonlraelin p.iriie. !i.i luvu,
(Niwrr lu Uxikko at lli'ir pitmiiiuI prnp-r.
. I ' -.' .
X l'in th.Sintea nflhn olh..r, by te.ln.
""wl. il'UMtion. or Ptli-rlto ; nn I ih.lr
I"'lr. Irgalm and donee., Ik-Iii cltlena
,-i..M. ... i,,m.iiiii i-n''-
alii 1 1 allrfKil In ll,.ilr aiil.l .... B.wt.. I ........
c,rl- '" ' -he pnncMnn thorcur, ji. ,y' '.7!!:
xx irliy Uirm-Hvcn or by oi!iriftcliii(? fur , ALI All. l.
Ilnnn, ai.l iltto of llio namu at tliuir. l'nit- .Stall- of
tin, I
,,lft,)l11111 f ,J oinnry, wlinro llio
M, ,f0Vry lic, shalllnj llahlo to pay
it" ! cudCf.
KT H. Where, on llio ilfaili of any
'not puriioii.il) vvlihiii thn tcrritorle. of 0110
i i-.-
I pnrly imcli
j"111 of ll,n
11(11 tw.ri.fiM il .Villnti I liat Inrril.iri.i4, i.i una
ill real property would, by tho
mii'i, ucrcemi on a clliv.cn or
'"."''J1''' of thel.llicr, worn ho nut tliaiiu.ill
rll-1"''1' ''' Ihn ,iw-a1irtlu'coilntry'vhnr.'i.u.oh
,0' l"'l'P"'ly xilunlcj, auch cilircn or
ll"Jnt't "hnll Im-alluwcl a lerm oflwo
iycl" I" "nH Iho a'riN,; which term may
'' f,'""""t'l,'y prr.loilifrj, aoctordlnff lo
clri'iiimtuiico. J uud lowiiriacaw Iho pro.
'" iiioiuihi " mux.! inoieiiuunn, ami rx
rmiil from any other charflea than ljioo
which may bo Imposed In like oases ufc.i
Iho Inhahlianls of ilia country from whlttl
such proceeds may la drawn,
AttT. III. In en.n of tlio alnenra of ilia
hoirs, tho samo raro shall bo tskon, pro,
vlaionally, ofaucli real or nnraonal .iron.
rty au would bo taken In a Ilka caaa of
property lHilon;lnj( to thn native, of tho
iHHiuiry, un'r' tio lawful owner, or tho
person who has n right lo sell llio same,
ticuorillng In artlola second, may taka
incastiri'1 lo rccolvo or diwso of tho In
hcrllanre. Art. IV. Tho high contracting parties
grnnt i each oihor tho liberty of having,
each in tha orli ol Ihv other, consuls,
vluo.coiiauln, cnniinerclul igonls and vloj.
commercial agents, of their own appoint
ment, who ahull enjoy lha samo privileges
and wcrs as Ihoso ofllio moat favored
nation. ( hut If any of llio said consuls
shall onrrv nn trsdo, Ihev ahall ba sub
jeotnd lo tho samo laws andusagca to
which private inuivinuaia oi tncir nation
uro niilijectctl In Ihn samo place
The said consuls, vieo.oonsuls, oorr!
murolal and vlco.oommerclal ngonta, shall
have lha rlflht, aa suoh, to sit ni ludiros
and arbitrators In auch dluVencoa aa'msy
urlM belwcon tha masters aut) crews ol
Iho vessels belonging to the nation wh)',t
Interests nro committed lo their oharge,
without Iho Intcrforcnoo of the local au.
Ihorltlv), unlnattho conduct uf tho urrwa
ur uf llio naiilaln ahould illilurl. tho order
ur tranquillity of Iho onuntry l or thn
nald ronaiila, vine onuauN, oonimerulal
or vloo.rnminnrolal agputi, ahould rp'Uirn
their a...tauco In ("inuullng or aupport
lug their own drcl.lona. Hut thla ajieclpa
of judginrnt or arl.llralloii aim!) nut do.
prim tho uonlrndlug parilea.of tlio right
they liar to rraorl, on llmlr return, tothn
jvllcial nuthnrlly of their nwn country.
Thn ald eomuli, lic-cmnliU, com.
memlal agrnla and vlcn.cnintiirrclnl
aoeuta, nro nuthorirrd lo require thn m.
aiitnncn of Iho local aiilhorlllra for thn
march, arrrat and Iniprliomiienl, nf Iho
ileanrtpra I rum llio alilpa nl wnr anil nier-'
chnnt icicla nf lliiflr rounlry. I'or llii.
purpn.o they ahatrppply In writing to llio
rninprtpiil tribunal., juilgoi and ollicnra,
and ahall ilimainl aald dc.rrtnm, proving
by tho in hi hi I Ion or tho reglalora of tho '
roaai-N, thn n.a.tpr.rolla ofthoornwa, or
by any nlhrr otllo'al doruinriit., that audi
Indiriiluala form legally part nf Iho crrwn;
and on auvh rlalm Udng aiih.tatillalrd,
thn aurrrnder ahall not bo refWd. I
Much ilc.rrlir., when arrratril, ahall bo ,
placed at thn ill.Kna of tho asid couiuU,
vlce.ron.ult, ranunerclal agrnlaand vicn.
vnnnnnrclnl agpiita and may I i-nnfiurd
In Iholii.bllo priton', at the rrqueat nnd
iitl of thoyi who ahall claim Ihi'in, In or.
dec lo bo nr'nt lo the vriiula lo width lln-y
belong, or lnfill.nrn nf thn nmo cniintry.
Hut if lint arnl hack wlllilu tliri'n iii'mlli.
fioui Iho dny iifthvir Arrr.t, ll.oy ahall bi
mil at llbrriy, nod al.nll not bn again or-'
rralpil for thn aaliie rauar. If, how.iier, I
ll.n ilir.lir klmll bo (;'iiii'l lo have ruin
milted any crime or bUViifo riiiulrlnr
lilul, hi. aurrruilrr may bo drlayril, until
ll.otribuiiul Uifi.ro which hit cam ahall b ,
landing, ahall hair, priui'iunccd (Im i ii
Ipiicp, nml nuili leiilenci ahall bain Inn. '
larrit'd ii.liu Ifect.
Aur. Ti. Tlio iireiM.nl Ircatv .hall cnii.
iliiuo in f..rt li.r two year., counting
Imm tho day ff ll.n exchange nf ila rul.li-
ii . ...ill . l. .1 , I. .1
'"ill '"' xcli.injjnl in Wu.hiujton, will.
'" ''"' leiu.oln.ir jiar fiiimilin .lnl"nftl:e
ttial.rn ll.tr. ..f, or ammrr, if i..'.le.
In wiiiui. alieriiif, ll.eri.peetlvn pi. n.
rnwi )ear il tl.o iii'liwiiili uco nl Hie
Hnltnl Slnle.of America, nnd in the f,.ur.
nininjenr ui me re.u oi nn nnji..'j
tho l'..nieror of iivliia.
Ja'IKv lli'.iin.i.i, .. t. I
IIumkmam. i.. n
And vvheren., lh jid convention m.
hern duly ralilie.l on built pr.ila, nu I tin-
ri'ipictivn ratillealinu. nf tin; aamn were
Ilm "Uy rv. hniiii.i nt tho cily nf Wn.h
utnin ny Ji.ui m. v..r. 4.V ri.s, rti-rreiarv
lJ a al I'll It. II
d Slnle .. Ihn l,iille. Slnle., . J.Hts
I.kiihi.k llrUKMavi. (hnrKr .1 AUtire,
"f hi. ma..ty the l.mperor Ol Au.lrM li
"'P I '"'" "'. " " 'rt ot tlielr n
r- i I . I I I
Now, therefore, Im it known, lhal I,
I.O.I, I'reiidelit nf Ihe
America, bnve cau.e.l
lha said convention In ba mule public, to
too en.! dial llio aainn nn.l every claii.e
and nrliolo thereof may be oh.erved and;
fulfilleil ivlih good f.illh by llio U. Slate.
and Ihn cilieii. iherenf, '
III vvitncii. vvherxif, I have hereunto set
niy hand and oau.ed tho seal of Iho I'liitcd j
Slajc. lobe ollixed.
DonouCllu. rity of Washington, the'
iwciity.fiflh day of Krl.nury, In !
thn year nf our IW.I ono llmu. '
fl.. . sand rlfiht h nni I red nnd fifiy,
nn.l uf tl.o Independence of the,
United Ntatcs of America lliu;
'.. TAYI.on.
Ity Iho rrmldent :
John M. (.'i.AYTaN, Secretary of Suite,
Raanuif ..N .r TH4i II a4i 4 r. .e., IA 1444.4,
J-4rry 131, IH2II.
Wlnreif Ih. lima llmll'J ky ll.n Cili atticl rf
tlta uuMallafi far lha riiimm. ol certain liin
lalla..u..l.Ini.il in tit Treaty of (au....rren nttit
Nailc.t.im nf A..K.ul37 IHW, Wturrn Hip llnb
14 Malt vl America ami III Majraly Ihe Urn
ntrerof Aii-tiu.coiicliKlrd al Ih divot Wa.li-
Inrt.... II. Mli .May. im, baaelMratl brfur iho '
r.nliotlliii. uf lliaaaltlciinvtallMliy Ilia Hrnate, I
Ixiiuhfriifiirp, i
Urnlrnl, (Iwo IhlrJ. of Iht Sfintnm iirwt'
eoneurriojr,) That Ilm Hen. artrUe and i.iiih.ii J
la Ilia cicI.i.i(k f ratiflcatloo of Ih e.nnrnllou
afureaaid, any Ilmo viar lo the founi. Uy i.f July
Mil, whf never Ihofanio h!l In. nfli'tril hy I...
Majm)jr lb Kmperorof Amlri., and Ih aal.l ml.
uValioua aball Im .tamed aad Ulna lo have bn
rrffi.larly oirlianifnl, tho limitation em.tali.rit In
said eonvrnllon lo lha contrary .inlwlilitt.iidli.jr.
Allfill ASIIUUV llH'KINrl, .Vrrrrfary,
m Hiroliawd a Im or Ixita of Ilm pri.pr.rl.ir ot
Una City, or who now hoUt a lol or tola by Imii.ff r (
44IMHW4I4V4. 441114 414 4V IIUIU,,.. ,,44 llf HV.IIF,..
and havf not eompiiod wilb llwlr eonlraol a. froill.
ed In h lloud lvn for III!, art f.rfcll'd to Ihe o.
Klttur, unto ll.ry havo bad whim wrlltan or vrr
1 couliacl with nv to lb ronlrary.
IJnnCity,Nov.99. leSO-IHif I'roprlnor,
1 seritwr, from Maine, haa foi aal lh maehlmj.
ry for a aaw inlU eon.(Jl aUo, Hl.li.f I M achlurf ,
am! Iwo Hmult MiK of Ih. best kind no in urn,
which will bs sold (hasp, and iwl lha sain In op,
ration. .G.JOIINHON,
Haa Frtnelac, March 13, 1M-I8tf
fttiituu nwu.
fill 1 1! Ol(f(i Milling ('iiiimiiiy mimiM ir.-r
M. fut I y iiukn kiiiMii In ili-ir ttml himI yn i
truii'a Hint III nut ii'rtv nmiiiiiy UiiU llieir .V.IH
mi'l OHST .VA..V, Munr nml i. it mi') (.nv
llilf vrnrtil Imp tu r- "tprtfut ttUrt0try
HI" Tllttv MPttlnt In nlli n I In nil (uvula llll fill
nnd ilif putt Ii.
TO J.1MM VV'.V Ml ur mitts
Wfi Iit rmivlaiilly in nu n iiw-rlur Nitldr
Iff Nj-nf,Hf ftuHI,'r, wr vtlll fcrllht Hi" Ion
rat iii)LI fiilf,
OfrKiHiCly.Otit.lM-r l, Mi-rnw
To liiiiuluimiu unit olhrn.
llin uinI''riM''i1 aiM)iilrliif tlir Tmh ur
m All IT". lMltif( t rn ui i4 In lmv Iiiihw
IMIlU yttfitr$m riHH . lf p (lint llinjr W ill jiyf
lu rrrfjr linvl nf it Uimly Imo lwn !, and u?v
fry It a le limn nnr Iumii u, hImi HiirUnmir nu
tiut wllli r in fniMfuMii Hiilnii u iii'iimO, nml
ItiiiM n liMiinr) uimu lli in" (u rfit'Mlmi 1 1 v (. i,
wit vrlll pr) luiMmif iiiittrnnl d llnvtliit nm ,
I hi i Kif'iii, hm nltnn Miriiin trawiuM" l iitli '
nf llniv lo y ftif iIipiii in (
Tu any m ltt Mill ImmM n cm.liril Mill.uiil
ruin Ir d In tin li tiUMiiiMi f Ih' p'aif r, h Mill gun
h mi'l itr, tyf lit' r wild land kiillU m ill lr Of jmr
wmt tt n ifil null
'I'lil ItfHli l tmli ImmiiI) Inratfi) mjh.u tir Hf
tiriiHii ( Hip illmitic ftif, iiii
jM.i fn riu,u,ii,
aiMivr II junrtioii witli I In-1 u , lornirril
mi rirr drill Imilfir. nml Ikib lit" iUnniiii f r.
lny rr W ff'fti Ml' anti , .tin r Ii) liiiitl if hh
trr ; it i U 1 1 luttrat !- ii- ii ii ntrf Dial
! a MnMit MM.) Iriiiiiu Irum it lull.- Will in. it
'I'wn Htoiihlaiii tffmuJ inn mi ail i Hi )i Bijf of
llit low n, ii Il ml mi; ttr - uMc'if-nt i i unn
fartiu- .MI.IHIO trrt t, i I.i t j i d) .,- i mi
if wtilrli ll.i miw tn 1 rr ii-.u iiM't'-rwrij'h
Allllbitylr llll I'lMTII liaa In M I Hit out lull -i Cm
imiiil II lii aitr iy i ii Jo Mm Ii tfofrm m
vHltl ttl llliJ'MitriMMlt llllil I I'IMItM ii ltd It da f.ir,
a-iu, lu Im-cuim Hit iii ajt uii'rUiit mif ..i il.r it r
''i lKia drirnil it I m Itp llii.) i 'mniti, Mr
MlMltlJ att ,tVM t( urMiituM h) n lentil I ft. I
Aiidfffld4.fi rlMNirXiMinlr Utrfj.m i ru Uul
wf. Iuclilihf Hi hmijM ji.a'i., tiir- Unlid,
III mil HlfciratrhAltr I'faOtitvUlrly ttli'l'i iihi
III ('alUpundV if Uia iNff, utM. tti" line It. nd
III 111 iliilhriliat irni nf f,i t( v n
r-uoMiir h. HMriif
OrltUf IM, fvi-r.ir
IS. II, Ur rill rlf (Wltllinnit r ipl.tMiM nl I
JiJlt n liUlitU-l u( lituils iluitug 11 unilrl,
Tlinllllltl .li'ltilrni)
rBTiiH i.i.iii.iiui i. kii.mi.: in Hi' ...T. ii .'f
Ji. I'tittl t.'n ,.. 'I'ii,, .t.ii I'Mn . I. i..it, ii. ...
Il.fnr), 1.) i4..il .tilri. '"' Ml, I' "lie li fml
l.tfnr), 1.)
lu thil M-iimi
1. lu.v 1 KMil. ,1 in.) ,.il i i . Hi. Ii.nl.
llnlifiM mil lir.,,! i II,, i. ,i ,11,11, ii.rLiffrtirr
nu,) nn,, it ill I tin uiliul it. l,nt . ,gll) llil
M,rli 1.4, In . w,II t i ,1 ., I iiiaI.. II,.
In(lii..l iii li.nl n. 't in .1 u ... . im lit nf llir
i li'iUr. Ilir.f i In. f ) .l
.iiihm nti.1 I, ti Vr.J.1,1, li'ijilinr. ,it.
I ii ! tr. uii a . i i i inn iiln .1,4 I ,w uf
ttai, I Hi li.nr i I. . i ii.,. , , vi ii HjJ UII'I
rhr li I nj fiilr , i I i ii ' it v. i,l (i.f.
Mi.li min If ii". Mini, J Hi. i. i I. ii ! iii1iiii,I.
l Uf ..I...
I uir.t It l,iv r i. u. I ' , I li.1 I lini tl r It nni
cl M II.Iiii., M' I'., ..il M l.u,, ll.r.
jwn I ..y. iti.l t.ii i)
Tl.r p . r I t I in t I I wi'l rum-
...nl r Mai i I.'. I- .1
N.llniil r 'I, ii. J nu II.
i'...ri iii t;.
Winl. I.-... i i . I".
'Jin IVri.a v . If "Vi, ii u.i k 4' li 'I, l,un
fj.i "i I. .hi
Ii,i4l,l '4 r , 'i' . i . il it. r , a' liii
it i r . .i
TI." lll '.T. . " ...II ' . "-ft
rf., r.i.li I III, .14.. eal Uf i.'" in
tlrlrl'l. ?MwllN, Wi.lfl- t ' 41 Jill
i i.i N. .1
.. i . mill
Wfhrif. .
II rtii.lltllfs, 1 lu ll!MI
.in! e'limli t.fivi-,.li.. ,
Mill 4 lll-l 'I . I. Ml) 4 t
I'll) lllll.ilfl. a I !,.. 4l.il I
A l
, 4, Diuri 4
mil.,., W ,1-
" I'll ll I
. I
, li
Ill Mill. 1.1 II.'' II ' ,1
Jinu.ry ir., i:.t im
Urt-Wvor WjvlrjnMc.n"
llif Willi, hi llf (Iff nil' lip ftlaiif- Ilif
n HMMitii ..f Min ii
I. I.nl I .Ml
1 1 Hill i( i. '
. Im tt i -
tK tin .uiin
i ..I r In I'nir)
t .1 tlir il
' I'Urllli o lu
tl III I'.IU In
.t?vAr 'IVflii.
u:i urrt.H
tlfl l UlflXlM'H I.. I
fn") nmyji'ilili . (i
utr. I ir ii' w it n
ttnet l Hnl mi M ii'm
lainKlIf ti.rr win ft tli
I IHllf) il
'III. ) U Hi!
r mm i t ui i
mi) tu i i b.,I,' jm nl iii t
frA4ill i Me
I r.iuwi win it:
ii i -n i-v -if
WllUin.lli. t.
N. II. All I'n-irlil mil I- .I.
i'I'J ii. itrv .In!
i M..J I. W
I -
4 cinI nlilrl .. u Li ii il H i il i
ITolti'i. toMiliovnirr4.V l(,.'ili:ii.t
I.U-.A '(fi'ihiiiil.
i ii us J4.n1 4.lHiiir.l
ii i"iim..i.liiliir.
111! .....Irifi.. ,1 li
iierlil In. II... it i
rilat ll.rj.iii. I'll), I ,i'l, i.i.i a, .i uuiihn
..Vrni.l.tr4r,lll llll.'l I I I) It,, (ifi.rlil In ml .,
IlKVli; 'I'" II nf Hi" Vl " . .il.t w -I! I.r ir i,l)
at nil Ii..r4 tiir.in.r .rl I r I i) i, 1 1 kMtrt I.) tin
car;., ur rrlu.l, tnlrlnl lu.i li. r, huap lniitMr
lt(l. ., , .., A ,i
III. I. nli. jHjyj. nl f ii a I ii nf i,i,4i.la rtlitninr,
In Iwrru "mi. I'liiti-iMw . 4i.iii .,i,,nt tii4il,,i i
Verrt4 Ulll U. Inaiti it Willi !.'Trtf-Oi..-,, 44 llirt
r.irjjo e it. In Uhr.t f.un. Iht w liairvi.... ul I .I.f,
,MiUa'il... Janiinr) Mli, I ...I
'M'ki:i.fllll,l'HI.S'..( A. ,mu ,!.,, .Ir.l.oi.
JsLlV' nl. Ili ttm ff tnril'.i... lUli.p i.itiil) i4ir,
lit... rvrNiaitit 4unl In l frmi. I.4.irj.li.i,. I.,iu4.
,.",-, " ..-----
jr., l.l.il.!l A ill i.,iui. r I.V nn.l ;..,) In
have u rl.irr hi hi, I4M14, M.i, ,. ,n mt'dl
n........ ui. nd.. I. anuui. u. jriniiiiii4 i;..i.it. '
nr fun... 'lliu e.laii vm ujij iuitd al Ion liiiu-
dml aiidtwriiiy.iiio ilii'lirf
llatrd, IlilU'ioriJiyli, VVa.liuigliii riH.K.V.O.T
April 111, Ihjl. .
JAMIIS W I'll Milium, !
AdniliiMialnr nf llir I..iiIim( Al.i.ihiiu Hv.l
rll. Iioiih .tiNn iS ,. luiiiri i'Ihi ntJ
".l' 44,,4.
IAIt.Vfiiicl.dliy ihe uiiilriMiirtirildr Hark ,
MW riaiiri.A liiiuaitlirrct frutu Xfcrf Viik l. ,
rurllanil, a larj; ami
tu:,vi;it.i. Assoimmsr or uotws
euilal t fur llilf emuiltv. uli.rl. Iliry w ill nflrr nil
rraMiiinlilu trrnil .t w luilrfuli uli.1 rrtmlt rnu.i.1
ii.jf il. i.rt,.if ll.e fullun 1..1, li. W.I . I
A corral it.iru.ioi.1 1 f Ilry (iun.. (invrrn-f, 1
Hardware. Tin. Ware, l'riH.ki..y, tveiitlri),,
llii.irf, llnrnrni, Sit.llir), I.Mlli'r, I'mik Mmrt, (
IVutltrn, r..ti..,r, rri.ilinr V4rl.11.. hl.iilii Dimu
andMrltieilii.., hrhniil Itmikf ami Slnllin.rry, ll.nil.
and hl.ur, llraily .viaile I Inlliliif, llltiilrlf, e ,
n iMn.0ll of wI.Erli wilt bviillirril fur ..to It) Ihr
I'.ck.co nl t'ai.hii.l hi anival, and al tin Mifil of ,
Ihe.'i.A' fOf.V.S' 111 Salem '
W,M. t'OX vc CO.
Balrm, Man I. 19, IH3l-.1iif
Just Rooolvcd
1KH HirkKucrcMi-lll lUrrrh IK,V.'I',
III ItarroU IJi.wd (lit (Uukd),
C llarrrli Tu.iriilliie,
U llarrrl. I'.ir.nl.ire Vnrtilih,
I Hariri Co.rli Variiltlt,
H t'llir. Kancv (loud.,
(II'.O. Alir.UNKTIlY, at CO,
Ortfon Cily, March 97, IS5l.-UJjf
I. V ;ntrniun9
Wiltlll.lCTIDI aTitr.KT,
roari.tan, O, T.
.May 1.1, IC'ilJO I, ,
miiiimh rio.i,, j tnoau H. amta.
.rron.r.r .y cnvsimi.onAT law
a -ii M.i.idTr.ii in (iii.icr.nir,
Orrr"" Clly, I'd, ul, '.VI -If
HP MCi:ilS, ,l:,wrn
MB Ilm,.
ii llauTiiiia A. Cn . .Vi-w Yard.
hiuiri. .Siiiii.iMi A Co.NewUibaM
llm.HH, Hmrua A I.V, l,lrtrpo4, pay-
.1.1 in liiiilit.i
(limr -I'liiirr r.irnrr tt Cliv !,.! muA
I'ui.miiiimiIi jirati., Han I'rantUea, Cal.forala.
n( n-vi-ir
corcn v co. ss
hiioi.cs.m.i: a itirr.vn. wkhciiantb,
mi.tmvii, uaiuioji Ttaamiar.
tl.ii.iKr4, H4i
.ifaiii. wiiap a. a. Larmaa
Mi'Ms'itir), ltMrrtil!.) A Washington atri.U
Jmi" 'j;,l-il-VI!lf
11'BTI.AMI, ntn.0.1.
.lll.IV... J
t.r., Kurt, I' M. .v., lUtlfynl:
tirn I' I Nmuii, Ofrglli.
II. in. S Ilium A (V I'll Ud'tfliii
l; II l.n.,.N.w V.-.V.
INii.c.tt A (ULi.t,Haa I'ranelaet.
J.in.al) VII, I '-.".11 I r
OKI i. I'. roit'J'KK.
i ivn. i:ii.hli:ii, ncuvctoit, co.iTrNCt
A .Mi 1.U.M.I1AI. I.jt.in AdE.IT.
I.lliri. .ili ,.f llriii, A Hallow. More,
.4.r,l I'll), Jul) Vi-lf
.m..f.i tiTV, nncno.N Tr.taiioir.
nni niiMTiii, in tin cu at.
tiidmas v. smith,
4ITU.I4, n T.,
HM pi.jmif J !a iiitulo tjl oidtn for lln cmv.
.inii.i .. nr.i1 ii-pur of tr.acMarry. Illack
in 'I, n. nl. in crr.vul, iiij tuitiirig in iron on
n nMit",llf IfltilVu
A. A. SKlNNi:it,
17 (.. .T .y rul'XSIUMR AT LAW
M. i.i ii'iri.ii in en virmv.
fii-fn Ilr4l 4.4.V f U',r i,T4f,
mrtuN en
Dfi I- t.ri
a iiuon,
Mi:ilCll.l.T AM) TRADER,
iinMiON riTVi
Juti.ir) 31, l:.U if
I7 7vi;,'.m:v . rt f.v.s.v.OR .it law,
I'ORTI V.!. OllttiON,
I'utUml. Mairl. 7. I'.'.O-lf
jisti iii:.oui.-rii,
.si it I ;; i ait,
Ot'l II i: nl Mr liiu'i, Uuu I'll-. Taravi
i.i rnicr. 9iu -i it ,y, ur for .urrtyinf a
" i U tu, ' ii il. ml am,14m. linn lb rniploytr,
n ei fur 'l'nM...4ilr., t't mill pr lot.
N II rrtu.ii4Hi4lnii(iaffn2ii;eaiiirvror,e.a
l .iTAiiti i4l4leJ, nl ili.l nUice, by tav.as;wwsl
mil. Ihr idiliif al tl.r olHef cf I), r Olfjoa 8f
tat.,r S.iiriiil. 81, IfllMInvitl
.l-vv ami lirnp Mori-,
rnillK.tiiiWr. bate iterolly rtluraed frass
la. h4ii rnrnri, w.ili a rcarral aawrlawal
f I'.)' tiiniit". tlroccrlr, CMIiinf, Itaai, Shesa,
t 1'vltii, rr., lint .Spmiil.. ,.&',, Flausls,
c , Him I. tlirv f(Vrlolliu4.vti4litaf lopurchsMi
i..ii. in. 1.4 a. fiim.tile a iliry can baebtalnsd
ri44Hiirre in ll.r Trnlm.)'.
A i-l.arr vl...blie palronaf U irrpactfultjr Um.
N II lliiiirr ami Clitne will be ttccivM la
rliKi.irr fm cwJv
Unnr.lv.irpl. J, IHWUSClf
77: iVfilf PHPOT
Wild, ulltr for lata at Bcstlla vltt, allS
li.il ur'I'iilf.wairroa IU Umsqu. river,
an awuitiiirnKiilirv OooUf, u roc t ilea, Itovw
ll4Kl.ll.. H.i..i .i..mii
,, ,(,,, ,;,uf Oclu'jrr I.nl.
Wjiioii., ll4iiir,U;iniKr, .villi liana, sic., I
wit 10, 'SMI
Stcanor Nolloi.
Till: Hln.nrr Coumsu vill U...
)rO"Wl''iia'.lLaiiJliic," al thaw of ik.
i.JAiH.I''i rnVy Wrdiir4lay nKXWn., at 9
u'rlnrk, V II
JAN. KU3T, Alkitar.
llrriron C.ly, Oct,
D. I., nous,
qmvrfflffit)n MiBiiMiiEiiLww
r! rrerlv li.j, co.u.LMly, on conu'tumtnl, a gr
vaiirly 01
, Dry (Ii.kIi,
Hkii. u.td rihorf,
I Clolliine;,
I'urnliur of all klnda,
J (lideia fion. Orrg-on will be atlfnuVoU with
ir(i.ni.ir,. Jauvtary 0$ Ict-9ml8
t'Ott SALE,
afklMt .mire l.lotk, coufil.i( of tltht Ms la
t'onhml. Inrrlhrr with niv dwflilas
and Hi ontdioiue aituatrd upa Ih. Bfsmase.
Tlio .Iwrllli.f houw la linlvf rvally aeknowMt'.fi -In
bo Iho n4t xrlmrn of sronllMtur. la UUS
T'rilllorv', l'oi irinia nnidy to
1'ollland, ous'iJ.'.'llf
UT For Halo, ja "
C40nn.WILL.floek and fixlurMof lha CON.
on Main atretL I'or partlaulara, call ant) ssu '
r. a ORoaiiY. .
Ortfon City, Drcambsr I, HJO-Ulf
' 1