Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 29, 1851, Image 2

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-i u e, -
t J. HciiNr.iii.v, kiu run.)
Vol. 5.
a vi:kki.y .nt.whi'ai'i:!!,
OCtl.tlll TH THK Hl'ltti W.CUI. 1ll UTHIIt
itriatar or tii rtorn or o.roo
Robfrl .Hoons Proprietor.
'IT.U.MH. i
iv.nnm in u imi
ur cpy, pr annum .... SJ mi
for alt month . .
Oaiiiar(l9liMtor Ml mwilioiia,
aca 3U
Forawiy aJJitlonal liuritio. v .... I 00
A litoral deilnellen mad la )ilt ailirrlawr
Tbo nuinhar of lintrtioiia murt bo .lutim-ll)
maiknlon lha margin, iJliniiwe ihry will U
rojllnwj t It I forbid and rharfrilarroiilmgly
AgcMt tar llio MrlnHr.
Th followm., prraoiw. tr authorind to act at
Aranta for th hprrlator Thy will rrrrlva ub.
vtiMw and (ilrt rtwrmaala for n-
T P. Powiaa, rialaia ronnl) , O 'I'
Urn. Aaiairttit A (' , Ongn rlii
Toich a Co , PoKLml
II. Hl'uwi I" M.Salfiii
lira. Ainu, AMmla
t'. M.Wttar.a.e.q.Cbahntri.l
.J.IIrKr.i-, Yanillill
P. 1)at. , l.inn city
Joatru l Altai ,t. Mouth vf Mai)', curt
A. Hiuiaa, r-i. HilUboruli i
J. V. Nianirii, Nniiiilh'a mIU. IVIW raiinly .
J Arruutti, UinMua Vallv ,,
W. II IUa, llulntilla.
J. U. Ilouita. l'aciH City.
Jtroa Coma, tijrracaar. ! canntr.
R. IUiitow, Plaaaaal Hilt Pott ORIct, llriilua
NlTHta (lull, DkOtw. Cvlurabia rlrar
" ffbaifflEY."
;KlTaKM jtnr s i
- Toe lh paclalr.
JLmt turn Vp Lrl Ulan Upl
, at TutoDoac i caai4
llaaeta wak WuhVr, wIiom f"l c ')
Te wmlfcla Iba rautaatf Mt'a a.iK.m way
IVbaA&wa &Aei kaJkrUlaVtiip
Deal pn bJa t kajtl-Ul him op ! kl bun op
Ilea Una a Vtak troth!, VljAjfn I"'"
Oa FanaHVaBUaAlNtajfelMKia "-'
8m I bw ba'a aaV&lleUp T .
OaalaUK ImJmjgjffhtlh.: baajklai
.' Or, bed Uom atTJeJer, wW, wiUmf ie pay,
ObidMlwiibbl ireiuj'.'C fJ&Jaai we
iWaMAHMlinTw hba, op!
Who wifUe.t wlda inOuonra n Ilia lalul '
Doa! boni thai yoolli'a aonu I look al it anil tti.p
llall tliortl) write Ulkt b'lp him up' hlp I. in up'
Or ha than a foa in political war
Who boa-la of all wUdom anil tatrmiinu- !".
Bear Willi him awhila, Ihrio'i ina fun In IU f .;,
Don't rjoe ocli Inin at once tet linn oji J 11 hun up
Art Ikou an aniplojrtr ' anil )tamrillhou jrt
To wmif Iba lart panny from I'ovrrly'a iweal '
, Pana. In thy aaaclloiw I Ion bitlrr the cup
t lib chiUren are tltni ' M hun up! Irl Imn up'
for, oh J whan Ilia ilcalhUtl thill aummon m hum
may not lo aml.t
" Mr. Jatpor hardlng, of I'u,, not long
.In-.. ...wii.nr.il n l.-tn ,nni iil.iiil A1(
no heliovc), for Biilncrlpllon to llio " I'oiin
sylmnin luqulrei," of a man retiding lu
llhoda Itland. Tho clrnuiuitancet were
llicte : Thu MiUcribcr look Ihe paper li.r
tome lime, and then ncnl Iho publiaher no-,
tice ordiiconlinu.uco w lllio.it rorwanllng
Ihe money fur pnyint'iit. The publi.her
look no notice of till, nor aoveral uhe.
quent notice, ofrefutal lotako llio papera
Irom the poat-oflive. Tho reault waa lhal
linlwitb.tandlng Iho Ilhodn Ulandor did
not receive Iho paper for aeveral year,
Wl he wat forced 10 nay Mr. Harding the
wlfble amount up lo the iriod clalmod in
tho bill."
fc!r Orace Orrenwood't .kotchca of.
character and ipcaranco aro ery llfo-
like. For inslauco Iho following ofChlof
Ju.tlce Tnnoy 1
Tanoy it thu vory ideal ofa chief jut
liuo ; looking cold, emntionlc.i, iinimoep.
llbU a bundloof preccdontt an epitome
of authorllici. ll hardly lecui. lint audi
a man, from whom Ufa llio iutallablo
njiongeof llio law Imaahvirbod the natural
juice, ncid to auflur decay, and hn burled
like olhur people, at lul. Such an otiat
enca It in it.elf prcanrt ,'ng and inuinmy.
linking prnceat and ii would .Imoil
aecm th.t lie ha. only to grow nuiro uiu.ly
and dry, liko aomo old parcluncai, until
Death roll, him up.llen him wilh red Iajk,
and lava blip away In aoine dusty pigeon,
Or. but Ihw au i.my, craft) aoJ iVrtr, I lhoro WM a lit0 ,.;, of ,(, ,vn.. I paper being uwldn down all the while.
Wao hpaaly arnU U.. iht sa ' I. l"" ' largemenl of the a awolling, in fad J ' Now, you' I do, I llilnk. aald lloger.
Ca lb,ir.,gl.i J Ji, -aJ... w.B ..,.- I.W I ..ipi-ewe it", a ' I .hodfd think jo. aald Ullnn.
. ... V..i .iii.iv. ii'. uliai I' If I don I, aa d Hmilh, ' I know what
PTTaMmo.labawJiai.anathii-l.lhlriiiip' lou JUppoae II a what I ni i i ..,.,
rtci IM.Ior. Vimi in haul). imon. .Sinilli.' ui . In I. nann. ll rouMn'l nmnil, Toil uoil I mm .n (
. Aoddoubtlnhallcloiloui.l.H.alhloth.lo...b Ihe) l,arhr gently plied tho wi.p In Mr.Hinltll rvlMilllm list In liUlrlgloik. and aauoy miiithorii lnvi-t 1 SuuJtiii , "V '") " ""lf "J " "" ' " ,,, ,.xlnd factilllet J for Ita execution,
ML,.H.,1.nho.Lne.w,I,do.1.:i''., -- ""I Amll.'. fl-nr &, bul.l lH -ou ' -' B-"; , -. lA '" Su..' I ?. I -nlon oflho mo.teM'r.onlin.rj-powc.
, , ... ,,, ,, , . ,. rmtly drawn on, am ihiiharwr' boy, at I 'RoliliiKin,' unld he, I can I go to Ihe ami iiaii. in rua Hx..it.i io rt iio.t- " iT,,,e , ifmuchl the mol trlrti and die-
'0""lXl'",t,i'?'r "' '"""'' h-ti;ioihedli..,llly.,f.rr nnd in aolV halter', bareheaded.' Nor A IIai. IW,r.mo.N.-'l he editor It ml ea,v l fancy . ,or- ludl cw "V..-Mlife- of the .o,,lrcnglh of
Aattrla.aTM.yU.IHal. , . ,, , ,, .Certainly t.o..'ad llnblnm I go of lb. I'olle-e t. "are ... ...gge.t. the ea.ab. I.neelnrlo than . lady riding Ihrough lie '3;Jj' wilh mlunj.noy 0f ifuagl.
.Y..H.';.IS,n.,l,--je,,ll,nnk'en bov lo the l.a.lef'a and pick ahnt out for you. H.hmenl of a penal colony, by our gov. ....yn.fiil gallop wl, umnn bunging to " . r cinecntlon wlthwlldliycf
. nr.roM8.n....TV or Nrwirm. M-h ,, ,,,, ,., jLy w.nw'a Mr. Itnldntoii wa. not gone long; and eminent, mi k.i.ic Wand In tf.c Paiific thu lad olJier lior.o; bul.uc I. acene.are . ' , J, h
sc.ikm.-A. many people do no under ,,,,, ,, ,J.h , ,, liy wlic . u,. brought two or ll.ree .!., a Ocean. Tho auger.! on It a uood nnd ., ..r hourly oeeurnneo lu I- unc ha , and ihe- J"l- ', ' , warmtlfol po-
M.nd tho law relating to the circulation of, ,,, ,wM ,c,, ,. i w liuie ,y Mr. logcr', me-rcllul one. Tho cl.jecl of iho puuMi. rj e cm become. accuko...cd to them. "JJ ' ' a ;c ' ", M', of . , '
mwipaper. and the repon,.l,il.ly of ub. , . ,., ,,,, u , , f , , ,,. . but Mr. Smith wa. moody and ! wri-l Tor crlmo I. tho protection of mjcm ly. - f , ,,,, of ,lMurff ,lln command
icr bar, bui think they may .top a piper ,,,,,, , )( , ., ,Mim ,. I infllc?oly. At length, with a le.rful . and en Im accomplUhod by a iiidiciou M. Wi.iitTnB.-Spenklng ofthe rrcent fr ' , f r ; ,nd oroj wh
without regard lo arrearage, due, .1. In , ,,jliw ,. g , s , .t.llnBy, .,ia, look, and a faltering voice, lie .aid- jylcni of Irnii.norlarion .jullo well .hameful attack on the KeerrUry nfSlate ' , , ,, Irnprouon,
aert on of the fol nwine from nn rxclmnua .... 1 ,. .1., ., ' . r-....i 1I.I.1 . .. of, r n 1 Inc. la n ' bv a mcl hod of innYlvmuient na oiitaun. mndo In (Juuurr.. iho N. . Cuimnorcial '. . ... ..... .".. ... 5.. e
r'raui lb Waahlagtiu llrpullie.
A HwoIIch Iim, and llio Manlier
... VmuiIImm It.
"" "
Smith and llogora ro good-looking,
ini.lillc.s.-.l gentlemen, and very oUnor,
worthy, ml talented fellow., loo, ami lol.
crably proiperoua in llio aflalra of Ihf
world; Lul, alrangcto irll, Ihev will oo-
eaaiunnlly gel nut on Ml ore lurk, Willi
out llio nilvlco nml content ol Ihrlr con.
atltutional a.,iri i'. rf, Ihrlr wlvea.
Now, It happened lat work llial, after
'making a iil'hl nl II lutrlir, mil ln
iduluinu In n brliT morning nap. they met
it l In) Txtjter'a.
, ' How ikiyuii I'iiiiI tiiiuraeir'
' Prftly lirlchl, Ut,'tr.' wid Smith
! ' IiciJ lllllo nuair, ihotiitk.' -'
Ah, inJi'i-ill' wilil ItoijiTa. u:t
I Jiica look a lilllr iiurnr.'
j Vhkt V alj .Smith.' Uok . lllllo
iicrr' Whni ilo tou inrtn by tbit ?'
' Why, Smith, I iWt mean inyo&tc.
I only tlnnk your head dot loo llllle
' iiiier. 1 think l'ftwallrj tome.'
Smiili'a rLiwi well UlhertJ, cUar
I up to the tempi, antMilalorif hair HruiiV
awl l.nntr tt m r.lta aWkaaka nUa lluk ktal Vila
'" , ".V 7" "'" "I "I "J 7,r"Z',' .i!l
uuuemy loam iurw.ru, ..wforw ng in
lowe! fiom Mi IMCk, ami luV Jn'Olha
Mrlnua fao oT Hogr will. MaMRiMl,
oclalmcil: ,-. iS'n
y .!' mm ', j
la aavlkal 1
wy Mfiy MtkHt of mlae.n ;
'UK, aaM Hmlth; and,
te7 iwi. ' .
rWa ttUenlM wkflekMl
InaenlM, aMi Hmim'elnt.-under
i leather Half.'Mit".ll Ilia the1lfl, ofa
oopy.tfjlM JhHMK 'Sun.' inVeb he
I ahowed 19 IbMa), friend whujtnhher,
i aipppnrflii'aP the lame lima ptaclna iha
iioiiit flur of the right hand alnngalde of
lila note, Din raiting a aly glance toward)
(jouil inoriiiin Hmiili,' itjJ.1 Kobliiaon ;
how i!o o" .oil joiinelf ihia morning,
old frif .
' '' ily brlghl, HoliinMii,' aald Binlth.
' 'iMi you are well, my friend.'
Quito wnll, I lliank.'tc, Hmilh quit
.. .11 II... 1...- !.. 11. ..a... I.A J il
WOll. 1IUI HUH, lltl"TII, .VHI UVatJ
Mr. Hinilli, iau'leb, eh welled eome
swelled aoniel' exclaim
'.welled acme t Kb ! bow eh f
eon, what do you mean I ' ,
rOh,' DothtriftiililinottddK. I
llilnk but ll'a nolhlnc, I aupnoao, I
Ii thai a maii'a head could apirad out fn
. ...,l.l.n I -I.,,!, I il.i.ik
I khould Hunk not.' a.ml Smllh.
The barlier wa, now done whh him.
. I .I.....U .i.;..i, ..... I- a.,.1 i. ,,.,i,-.l .
a niiu'Mt tin lira u1' t auw nw ivi'niu i"
I.. .,!...., i.i. ..., I .i.nnl.l
il...,b ..,. ... !...! i' ....I .. I.. .ri-.Vp.l 1,1.
...1..1...1 r -.1 .I..I, i.aT. lo. ... ..i.
dentlv idc-aanl. ' No. no. Jnv leiva.' he
..... I u...l. - 11.. I U...I.I. !..- . I.. I
"11 "1111 n PIIIUU. m III! II 1111 liil
..-j . k!.-i.i.i. i. i ii f..- ...
Iho'l I '
' .MMnin, on, imiiiing, oniv a notion 01 " " r - ,
lol" an Ii rliniih laughed glad kind .-fa Smith.
laugh, whc-haeeniiVl in Indicnto an agree. ' Well, if your I M don't ill jet, atippnte
.1.1...- e.i.. i i -i. ..'... j.. ..f.1 n-..r. n. I,, nlirnl Unli
iw v iriiu'ii ui iiiu ninniu iuii "leu hi
a man realize, win n be it t.lea.-d with
liliniclfaml lln-rctofhl, race.
' I'eni'lid iijiou it riinilbiaiil llobluton,
' our lead mutt bo .welled Hinnn.
Why it iiiii'i be,' aald Smllh, very
heillnlingly, ll iinn'l bo llolilnaon ; how
could but doei it really look ao I yet
Ihi, h.t'aaa .'
' Well, Smith,' llobinaon continued. ' I
don't aeo how a good rubbing could do
any harm, especially If cologne ahould bo
freely ued i and '
The fact la,' .aid Smith, 'my bend
would fool holler after a litllo rubbing,
II... ....... n...l u.1.1. ll.n li.rl.-tpl. ...t.l.
, ,. mi. ii"f, ii. ...- ....., - v"....- -
auco, olf went c.al, vett, and cravat, and '
down ail Hinilli.
'(iliig.gliig-glug! .aid tho bollle, and
It. liquid Mowed gratefully over llio uufor.
........ .
liiuaio head ol Iho pnrploxed Mr. Hinilli ;
and thn palmt iiflhn burlior'a hand
ol freely aroiin I and nbout ll.
Ah!' aald .Mr. Smith ' ahl' avaiu
.iid.g.inlin inhaled willi a long ln,pirn
lion llio reviving perfumo, and llion fur u
lime, ho rioted hi. oye. ami gave himtcll
up lo thn aoolhing manipulation, of iho ii.
lent and aaiiduotia barber. At length, uf.
ler tho towel, nnd tho comb, nnd the l.ruili,
had been .ucccinlvely applied, and tho
nock bad been well rubbed, and the oxter
ual head onro morn prittenled llio appear.
nnco nf order uud nealiicaa, Hinilli nrewn
and wi. about toalllro himself oncn more,
while hla two filond, wero prnfiiuiidly nh
anrbedin tho morning pnpora.
'Siiilth,' .aid linger., .uddenly, Mry
voiirh.lnn fir,!, S.-n If tnti arc. renllv
.-r.uri i.iniiwfU'ii
Oregon Oily, (0; T.iJJThijfSlfty; MipWfm
... ! J'l"JK
Snillh look iii tlio.U-il, from which Rou.
on hail ciilrll)'.,Uclil onn fold of llio
pajxir, ami ila.wllt Htt,ly Upon hit held.
Ilo look holil of Hit br fin on each W,nJ
dtw it dywii.
1 lloger,' ald li, thtr U iuiprore.
nient ; but my hit mill not come on.'
Smith ald (hi with aouw aolpmnlty.
Oh I Mclalmed llour. If that' in
caxi if IharVa Impptenicnl, Hmllh If
there l, tjniini, Ultra r djo ovoaubn lor
alarm. II li.ww'l our i uo 6wn t.-r
No, ihki'a a fcol.il won''-,- WvU.Mtb,
let me lull you I iwM fina ' aitamsooa
Ihii' ! tltia wJt nAtil JkWl HaMaB 4TAI
" .'", w """ """ --TIT I -j
Well uM Kitilla. if ilia irifa M
benttlittd me llni.mueh. k mkt ntwi,
That lb !& will, brMlKTou
m much Msra.i KMeH'T-wihal'i cor
enough,' aald Mr. Rotdr.
.Certainly I atU Nr. 8oUoa-
ABiklatu aal VJ. RaWlh.
TV. lowel aHd before, and (be
tow', wsaHied behlad. and lhhmpoon
Wj freely applied, and Mr. Bafa!
Wm rubbed like a ball of aoaaAtavoM Ike
palm of Ibe barber' hajMei aadlbePn
hair and
looked ke a
Oeld otftmgmmmitjpmy hie and a i, W(,, w(, , now traveling ihrnuiih
beary'MfaVMrar)tw,owl exelnli.reai Hriimin. abualng u to hla Irearl'a
auaoroM iih) inoiMr,jw-.woiiu .
ducMraiaoforJor, and llteAruali again I
lar.iaatX' wfraiAi hi
v. now. Bi!Uiif-aia aoowior.
.... .. . -.LJ ' 1
nicr i iniioiurr imuviti rT''iiiii
n exlraoltd.). 'Hniallar.ctaHhl l
i.a. i- - ji. . .i..'A.. .. ...i
aiiggtited 4)ir4tieir0rilj; tM4ad.a.
readx tarned two Km uA a quairMr, and
who now ihoughl a)MMr Wry, Would nwko
an TM U-T-" , " ,wT
Your hair ItlelMI Rogenir
Yealer'ctwh taP-flUr , eaVRobln
on. ,
Scnlth. y
JU. aaT r
'Btttyet rJoti't expect (diet ealjrrly
mm at Mce, do you f ' taldlogeri..
ItuWell ! Idlrpd le cot my hair cut,'
CWt mtf hair CUl.
:. . . .l. -1.-1.
hlle reading yery Intently, Itohlnaon
'lrllnly nl, -aid lloiitii.n
' Menu lo whnl f
' Vo" ,lon'' """ '" ronipri-at.nor
'Imf'-nt. imr
'MIRsiio. aid hinilli, iiupalienlly
( atei i i t ll'l
with I had donu il nt lint; but I tint
' think of ". TimM or Sleven, rould hn
furnlahi'il Iim with a prime l.atnl mire
'.That', n fat,!,' ,aul loth Iho friend, lo.
ii.i I i.n.i ..u.ii .l.i (i i-ri.' fii,l
; "i .-..-..---- , " I 77 "r,
Imidr llie lining a cnupin in loiua en mo
paper he had jiuti-Mrai-tod.
"trail huiiineii
a bad biitini.tigeiilivmcii.'
It really
.' ..Id llobinton.
'And I amdnne wild It,'..."! linger.
And ao nm I, nai.l Smllh 'ilnno with
ll done, done dona I
d hn loan! lilt
forehead upon Iho hark
fn chair Imforo
hfni. lleinleineii,' .aidhe, 'I havn lieen
thinking, that a vendei' nf Inlnxlratlng
ilrinka, nml ivory onn ee, aimulil Im hrl.I
aec-niinlablo fur all thu qvil and all tho ex
penten hn ncoaiiout.'
That'n my opinion, ' tal.l llogon.
' And mine,' .aid llnhliiMm.
Iloceri.' .aid Smllh. 'I wl.li. if von
1 linvn any chnnge, you would nial pay Ihlt
. . j ...
barlier lor me.'
, ' LVrlaluly,' .aid linger., at ho handed
'ovar tlio mnuey.
1 lluhlnton, did von tell Slevcut thn inn-
, iicv win irnnd for tin, halt'
Certainly.' .aid Itnbuiton. 'hut vnu
teem Ion doapniideiil. Whut it Iho liial.
ler? You have not boon ao deeply Inju.
, red.
No,' nulj Hinilli, tearfully. No, not
very. Hut ll'a my opinion, I aay, Ihui ev.
ery vendor uf Intoxicating drlnka, and ev.
, ery nun rltu, ahould lu hnld acununlnhln
for nil tho evil, and ull tho expciito, he
And initio ton,' .aid llogera.
1 And inlno U,' aald llohlntnn.
And tho I wo friend, looked at cull nth.
ur very cunningly,
I nm glad,' .aid Mr. Smith, ' that both
of j oil, my friend,, connur wilh mc, Tim
iii.iiiiiilnlnu ..f .0) I'rlC'iil, ll' l...l!...
jwy rial .umiiariuaiii, iiwiiipiio nn. Muniiiounu, milliard l-ilimori?, ' i lial
like alu( thai, laid rhnhhKj . 'pleaaanl inaken, genilrmkuly men llirae
' ITtlon'tlt fit yell' ikedrpger. I ,ir.,lcry chapa are-! Hut f o fnrnel
'MB.nooulte. aald Smilb not uullo, ii,.v . il...lr .u.vlio C.r id. .L,.,
at et it a llillll ! lirrlty.Olsh,' . ran. Slum ih.m a rionmi weilrh Willi a
" lie enllnaii' hair are lollbly long.' race like bull.iW. ami ikov will bow In
httt"ttorirmnaBi;srto!minX - "" '-t-i
v ;v . - . ' - f-r; " . '. ..
Iierr, navo iecii rry piraaaiii, aim limit
Ha,uot nrcaaliiK with inc., 'I'lila now liil
la very ileilrable, atao. Vour arulliiH-ni
ate very jiiat, imi, ami I ilurlvv much
platro from thai. And now that In au
ooreaooe wllh llinn, you limu ieid Uo
barber, Bl'd BMiiiumj thn payimut fvrlhU
new hat, you can illaioaa ui uto biu mie aa
Jfou'lpleaao after Ural lakiug llio paper
frori llio llnlauf. Hicino iu, m I liavn
!.. ...... I... it 1. I
BUaweuio aiienn n. uuvu inurn. i
, ,
ererwa Smllh ko niimli admlreil
ladieaee) th4 aeau a on that
morale arnlchevrtr Im Inform
ailnare la no more .punctual una
i hf eiiy tnaa im toouiar Air.
, lwlld lb pay tor a ha 1 1 ho
rlaUCwMaMMaehe . bail
An Amlitiok Dkukiati: on imi Tmv.
uJ While I he Frenrh aoclalNli a rn nl.
unteerinflo eoilghten ua by publlahlim n
pejper In I aria lor circulation in inn linl
Silted Blalr-a, ihoHtioloh alnlltlimltta, with a
rear lilly.lUnml Amriiuan renj;adeaaa
their jackalla, am aiaolllnf- tbla oounlry,
Irum Ilia rmlruinaiiu inn puipil, Willi rvo
ryilliparacliiL' phrmo ibey can cull from
Die IrjIc'Hi of l-lackiruanliin. William
content, wiilealollie Anti.Hlavery Hlaml.
nr, nf thla city that a meellng haa born
nrn ni imi cuy trims n Hireling naa iitii ; -
hold at (ilaacnw, fir thn liurpuaaof wc. "
comlag Hilly llio.u and Nelly Crafli, uml I J
fongralnlallng the two littler un liarloit ''
i-onnralu at ilia
made llielr ncape from iho New York
.. .. .....' . .... ....
hotnieeloher I'Snriua, likvV llliulmianen
loliia Irti dligutllm; idul, Mark how ihla
PiVft1t frrtintaililai IM liiln I aliirat ttf lliai lrta.
pel In Scotland for con.lgnli.g u. U, the,
d-l bv public proclamiilicMi. ' Tho ml,,.
lat.r.' y. he, "do ll.eirduly faithfully. I
For denunciatory language tfioy oul.lrip ,
the rooal ultra aijoinionlat in nnf rank.'
. r . . - "
MaiGodkttftiytor llotheyl Well,
We laougbi-oujrTiM frienda, Abby t'olaom
iod.yV.odell I'lilllp., cool, nm Ih beat.
''.S !..- I .I...- 1..... ,1...
if'tltMw liavn Im..,i llu.v imiftl Ir.fii llifi
"'"7 ,-- -:". - -
ljij.j, (onfiUe, which I the true vernacu
rofruflieiilinn thoy may perhnpa then
liie-tatiSeibe wlili eat Uf fli ll of
llrolber I'nwill and the lauilly. tltupsia-'
.;. ri:t..:. Hu il...- At.ll ll-..
.'... .. ".' ';. 'H . :
Powell it traveling In ureal iiritain, can
hn not make it convenient lu drop in ullhn
coll.. f.elore.rMnnrhe.ter.nd rialfi.nl.
Iho lull facjorira of I'realoiii and, aboto
all, llio coal pila in ll.u,Aurlli uf Iviiglaud.
lit re llio whllo Imagrauflind, blackened
by conlact Willi Iho fuiilmt, iiTcjin miiit-a
!.l-. .lilt ... I 1 1, mi I. a I. itiM I. IfireMli. Milt
tit wnt atiii vinni mm '. ' Mia
...:.1M i:..i .ii...tt..i..f... inii.......Aiatrr....
i Will lllullii-r IWII ju.l luck in upon
' tefn frro while Kople, mid till ut what
i... .1.1..L. ,.t .1...1. ! I-....!..... ii..... ..
" " en- . (... ., -.. . p . -
corona red Willi llio alerk, inly aniM-arane-e
of the coniforlablo cloihcl, will.ftil, fnt
nl'lical to the'tuppreaainu of lro nt It i.
1 to nature mid humanity. No no no
nnaon why I talis pronoltion ahould net
, mccl.wiiii unleral lavor, anil wo conn
utly coinmond It In tho innaidoralinn of
' thote lo whom wo look for nur lawn, and
r nur lawn, ar
Suwlity Timet:
1 lor tho eupport Ihercor.
IlnsriTAM roil tiir NsA.-ir.. Thell.
S. Snn.le i.aiird a bill which tho lulelli
gcijocr well ay will aland an enduring
monument nf wiio nnd philanthropic leg.
mlalion. Wo refer to Iho bill appropria
ting ten million, of acre, of Iho public
laud, f equal lo to twelve million! Ilvo hun
dred thoutand dollara) lo Im apportioned
among llio acvcral Slate. In nn equitable
ratio, for the endowment of lloapiial. for
llui Indigent Insane. Thl gratifying ro.
aiill I mainly to he attributed to Ihe un
wearied exnillona of Mlta Dix, ao well
known throughout thn country, In behalf
of nurturing humanity. MtfaauLte Sen
tmil. Illllor, but trun. Nothing but law of
entail and primogeniture can au.lain an
arlaiocraov and tho.o, thank Heaven,
wo are nut cursed with. When one of
nur miiiiniiarira me,, ma propeny ugen-
erauy pnneu nun iroimcma, .iiu wjuh
lotc.itt Identity, Thnciily way in which
a rich American can iiorpoluale tho mem
ory nl hla woalih, la by orcallnga hoipli
al, a library, n collego, or aoine other pub.
Hn Inititiition, nnd making It thn liolr to
hit nnmo nml fortune. ,W;i lWghlcr.
aroharncwl nakidlo Iho uraga.nml per ".,..,., .. . ,. moinenloriws lUinn fori
,'form harder K-rvicc a ihouaand IHl Ik- 'f' '" ''" " "c.io.m. w,. , , - -( " i.llo of it.o commllle-, hare
'I I..., il.- I.U.I ,.r il, .n il.... nei Mlontc.iif.iol; nnd, when nu lUire to "-" I1"1 ".Vr"" ' ' T "" '""""' it
, ; " , ,,.,,' ml,, runt do i-niolii-. I.olj of vmir linr.n'. e Kl iroiiiuie tenerauio ai.ieaiii.M- --
' from l...ea .ml liil.le. I III. rn il nil rilll- 11, 110 IBlUlir. IiOIU Ol l.lir lli.rto .,....., ! i. e .1.. .!..!.. ...
ne.nf l.rl,.,..e..l a.-.io.t lh.. liari..-uiL- ""' and i, drawn along. In tint way ho "."" "B " ' -" " "' i "l ", ,,..i?j;
, ---- ..?..., . ..." nr..tr.i.l. link from mini in. n.v fr.ini 'l "'O l-uiliiiinil'o iiu.i.i.. .... -
itii. I ll. A nii.iiiv inn inn nu .. ll. .nil i.i ----- . - n j
"' ' .- - .. . , . .
..... l-. ...!.... ...... ....1 l,ll II. III. nr. I'., Nil! nil' inilM"- rutiin ui-
.. 1. fl" l.,...V.. ..-..., '.... V..'. ......
ilt-MMir Im Mm
" I ran Irll when a wOmiii'a face la
hriuilful," aald a friend In ua the other
day I "but Idnn'l now wlial you call a
hmidaoiiio man."
Wo uiljihl have referred lilm o llir
(nipillar roiiiimra of llio prrtvul day, fur
, mo iietcrlption ol nmniy ucauiy, but hay.
Una little ay ntpalhy forlhoio perfiTthrlnpa
wlih opanilvr brmvanf anowy whllenuvt,
. .11 I I .1 - ..l' I. . II
umiuii, iinaipiiig, ui'un, or piprcin iun,
black, or ntvy oytn, liuvly uhlaullvd fca-
roi rtolt, wnvy riirN, and all lli'i mlnu.
laui'iM rrroii(iii ( wc almpiy anl.l
wc uviiiTTrii iiirro nm nupanicuiar aiauu
urd of hrauiy, reonlxrj among llin la.
illxa willi ri'lari-nofi tu Ida aex, nnd wo
Ihluk that In ao laying wo were correct.
M4tMllUat)l'iHlJ Ml.
Willi intiiir lupand inky walk,
Willi liimU Dial I'irlllljr rpuil a fan,
And dallealr la llnl prtlllly lalk,"
ava a lady at our elbow, an Interoalliiit
and xinllilc or.o lu),
liliMineloi. 'furl ur til earlier lile. I wnicnrii in.
We hrlleu', aa u i;eiinral thing, Udlea
do not like what am called pretty ineti ;
ihclr alylo of faeo U Uo aoflly feminine ;
(here- l cencrnlly no break up In the mo
notony, of exprratfon, no audd'n gleam nf(
joy, tin Iliitlntt ray of ihoughl ; they are
like cloudli.i aky, which needi hero a
iiiv tiuuuiiii hi, which nerua nero a " "" - ., , . .ir .,
....lio. array of dark cloud., there .Ufi"" ," " 'fe"-
broken linn of llercy vajmr, hern a bii
a,ioi ni nriiiiant uiue,Piiiero a paieun),
a aofl, almnat ipitirrceplllile blendjv !
tho while pur iMit lhal aootfaKdlfl-
era our northern ioavcni f.wMri daz-
r.ling wrcalli, In make lie beauty Imprcf
lie and llnguiiug.
(lenllrmen, remember It doei not irtd
Iho ulr and face of an AdonU tu pleaac
a nn inlercat ut ladloa.
uinn the countenauco
ut ladloa. Only, lei M reJ
inienauco mo aianiB oi a OBJ.
. or iho muck tlnl.iinOEn if
llliatuil inlnil, or
till) eye, eaatmn
iinn irotinrriiia iniiniTan nmtiirira
..'...!. a . . a' I .
H " ' ""I""'' ..e...-.-
io an nn ni hinunrNi. if i ui imhoui ynn i
onro dipnlfied nnd courteom, tentfo and
refined lew all alike, ever! In the erring,
a. . rt
!'' I ur - .enlii-n. (e.,c ally I..I
!"' 11m unbem in in your w II, on y
- ' '" dUol'if rilhl, Kon.5em.nly
' "' '.''"'' "' n"' '." pere-n. .ml .
wo will all-llK w ho, opinion iaofanv '
, PHU .
Vulue, ol course pronounce
aoine, wiinoiit a iliMtiiiting '
ueincuioer thai tno nuaiu ea ol .int.
heart and tho action, of ti.e life .taiiin the
r. ....l.i.m u tT .,,,.,
v-ow,' - "' l-l. WUIV Hf ,.(. 11 .
"'"' KW"'" or icne.t, and cullljale,
h"" wrTacI an -and haUl which will
.i", i , .. i
wnii'ii uo one reatuqg can uui iovu
' ....i ..I...: ii...... i. ii...... i
.. ...--... w...t j..,.w..
i ,, ,, ,
.. "":.""" " " , ".. V ""T. .V"
Iliill. juiiii A 11 1111111 rrcciii t'n,
A Writer in Madeira," Pir. un amu,
in nccounl ol l.or.1 back riding at I'uu -
thai lor Ihlrtv cent, au hour a fine
coinn nci-i.ti.-m. d ti lh.-,e huumn ni.pend
. . ....
i .a . . r n i
ntfru, ami Unit llio irllo have a uay
'""king Iho hor.eagora.t or low attl.ey
'"iMr.-, in .pile of lh.. rider. Mr. lire
n that f.r ladii-a IliU nswici.ilioti of
. -
l.nrte nnd driwr i a
gieat conu-nlrnce.
Thev ni ed mi other attendant
Ilo i- nl.
Adverlinnr aaya
We have rarely aren a more marked
dinont ration of popular Imllgnoiioo,
mlngUd wilhconiempl for the aaaall.nl,
than that provoked In Iho clly of Wa.h.
inglnn, among men of all pari lea, by Mr.
Allen' aaiauit upon Mr. Webster, in llie
llouae of llcprcacntaliiri. Wo wero
J ratified wilh audi unhrmal aeiillmrnl,
or aeveral rraaona, but etpecially for It.
dl.plny oflhat Inherent iranoct for. mom.
hor of Iho national Adniiiilatralloii which
overrode party prcdllrtllout, and inadoall
led lhal tho country, and not the man,
had been alahdrfcf.
OCT The t'arla corrrapondent'Tif the
National Inlelllgcuoer haa.lhe following
rclailvo lo KomuiIi and hi. coinpaniou. in
otlloi ' r
"The remnant of tho 1 emigration of
Shuinla In. arrived al Cumtantlnople.
Thn Porte treat, litem with liberality.
Thoy will bo embarked for Gngl.nd at
the expenao of ihe Turklah Rovvrnment,
and aiinported during the paaaage, and
havn A3 eaeh given lo lliemon lliclr lam!
ing In Kngland, The cmlarant. of Kuia
yeliwlll be eed,ljt ael at liberty, the no
gotiationa with Iba Cuiietor
Vienna for
t . ... .. . . . . . .
Ilieir iiuoraiion having al length been rue.
gin liccuinie
It' Ulli old
OCTMIaa Tucker aaya ll'a Mill, old
bachelor, aa with eld wood, ll I. hard to
gel them alarlrd, but when lliey do tako
nnnrp, I hey burn prndlijlouily.
' l..r. ,. I.. I.lr...l .1 ...lli.n .l.l.l. t pOMIOie UUI ueierillllll II.I.OK.r
i . i . . .. ir inr iim ciiiiutriuiuii u i,uiiiwit,wnwn
UilIl.lll.V .V C. W. HMITII, PKP.
'No, 38,
llr.xiiYt.'i.AYA.tiMleitiiAuCAas. The
followlnit Irilrr from (Jenrral Caa wa
read nl he(!lay Hall at Now Vork :
Wamiivitoi, March fl, IWl.
Iti'iitlcmen: ll would afToid mo mlicli
pleaaurnlo makflnuoof llio nuineroua a.
.pintli.gnwlH.wlll attend the UUnil Moil
ilav eirnliiit. In lx nltn III honor of Mr.
ClSy, for well dor lie incrll lhl dlalliic
lion by a long lifr denoted lo Ihpaervlco
of lilt country, .nnd nhtrh will place hi
nnuio hl.h aiii'uijr l.'r hlitary. In aoine
of i he eeret Irlnlawe liareciparlenoed,
whn llio lirmcul nei appalled and the
Inel wore wavering, ho neither doublfd
nor (inflated, but went firward In tho
good work of palrimlnii, looking only to
ihci Conttllulion and the Union, and In the
recent and moit perllum criala q he
eicr icen, and ibroiiuli whloh by lire
blrulnecif Hod, we Imvo lafrly paiaird, ho
clml lu lliu aamo lril, and with all lhi
merry nnd Intellect which marked inoei.
cnune llli ccjual prlite and pieaurB,oa
I ahull nevrroeaae lo ilo juatlco to liliee.
inenl tinllilca, iliaplayed under llie moat
Iryiijx circuimianir, and allll iho bright
er ai the danger becn5 grealor. MaV
be And a jor rd In I ho alH-dloni of hli
Jvaaji ui iiuuiiu iwii,, . .w..----
Mir Iv dela ii me here I but inr oew iim-
rt attend you. I nnf)eJHlemon,' you
obedient aenant, i
I', .i- ll. i , m Ni iv Viiik. The ball
honor of lluiry flay, at Nlblo'a, N,
lurk, waa a iplrinliu ailair. "' u'!
..iirii iim rritii .i ll a 'clock, and rerl
malneil an hour. The Herald lhuno.i
" ;- , -" . .i.j ini'ilu
J '''- en ranee, accompanied by the
imniitco of rcVifloa : jm
A wwii Ihftl Ht?u Known iieta w"frj
7 T n it it.
" towering ale all around j,, three
I mom, while tho jadiea waved their hand-
nliaar-a aBVM r.f Irrtfil lllfl fTflllllalllkCIl ill
i;.',! .hew "ower. In llie dlree
,,"eT,,' don Aa Mr. Clay proceedrf!
r "'V 1oor. Aa W XP
' .f '" ' ,.. .,,. w4M P.
. , r . '. - -1 - -I a- ..- ..
" ',"'1 ,"j ,ore.acd,.d oery few cond, a regular- 7
ZZrl 1 1) urnanlt,l threo cheer, would rrn-l the J
n'L.lhhr. r .t-r Ir- Ol.oc.fll.ladieli.tidedhlmabtaii.jLi
nualillea ol ,lhf .,,.,, , .-ii .,,. Ll. aBH
w," '" '" I'"'' "'" "3"" "'l.
,, , , , i"-ii ,... -t.a
' H"?-'. received in rcturnaklMj
iieautllul nine roa ana oineriiuw..,
were fairly thowerrd upon hlmaahe pa-j
ed. along, and every. now aol.iaw.a'
tlfiit nahr of boullnir Una oreunled th
aelvoa, aaylug, aa flalnly a Up could
, ..7 ' . ":. :.i.,' i '. ,.l
i ativ lariiiiiiiii biiii ut iiaiainur luuua, ea
mo." The llpa neier appealed In talo,
- ..lra.roVor.nr,l.u.o would arf.
mill nl oicrv kiaa a anoui ami otner, uern
- : i ., . ., . ,,.
f'"' lrC!,me exceedingly exciting, and the
, lljii,, "" ,0 "W." T.0.?! i.
I ,, cnm.n.iieoarpiii....... 7 ---
liiigui'.hed gue-al into Iho ladiea- anting
"" Herii inwrmal pre?inaiiona
..!... :.. I.nlian tmneneart till rlniT h'll(CI1
I'IMVX ll'l IIUII nil ""I --. .-
Iliiie llie room wat crowueo io caeca..
I.Lou.1. i:lK. rloiurnce, in llaliigheit
m. -. . i , .ii .t . it.. ....
. "'''"' " ?" "" u" "7 " " '" ," "'
.....i ..inr iI.a human mli.il. it reflulrea
of the
Which ill" IllOrt
warful atylo of oratory
la lo bo created. Uut thl. ! not all.
Uut thl. i. not an.
lf,Boj caatntlal, are M
Vliyilcal power,.ir,Boj eaaenllal, are ai
Iran a great adtltiloa to the mental quail
lie. renulrcd for It euccet. The orator
muit hare at once lengthened thought,
which I. rrqulille foVa prolonged argu
meut, and tho ready wil which can turn
lo iho tier: advaniage any incident whloh
may ocaur In tho courie of It. delivery.
Mom than all U icqulred the Axlty of pur
lnto, iho energy oeiTort, Ihe commanding
turn, w hioh, a. It I Iho nwal valuable and
Important faculty of th mind, o la th
ono moat ready to be met with in any walk
of life, and leaat of all in combination with
the brilliant and Imaginative qualltlea
which arc the very wul of every rt which
I. to tubduc or captivate mankind.
A CoMruxntT woawi HATiiro. A
Mexican hlalory ofthe Mexico war, late
ly publlihcd, aaya of General Scott 1
"III humanity en all pcealona,hia
klndncw, a evlnoed to every Individual,
and hi aymp.tby aad alteollon to the fck
and wouilded, endekred him to the whole
army, omcora and men, In feet, the very
Kdieroiiiy and excellenco of hla heart led
him tomellme. too far,, and he, ha. alnoe
reaped In InifrBtuudo th good d aown
in the fuln?B. of Id. neW. Hiwlblllt!."
.. a
A bill ha been Introduced In the Leg.
UlatuiwofMlawurl, requiring that all ex
eouilon In capital oHmlnal car., .hall b
private. ,
. .; ........ 1. 1..., a nrt
W7 Adfcsd
""-. i-T
' :t-. ?.'-
- . . .
k '' 4
i&i -.