Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 22, 1851, Image 5

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    (. '(',
: hi
. . From (lit Orrjonlau
7lal Contracts,
Statement of Ihn lulling of Moll ronton
in Uw Territory of Oregon t
W)M PortUiid to Calunibl City,
IHW Portland to Ulllsooro,
Not let covered by
.- : 0730. .
-OnoaClfy by Ckxmpoeo, Salom,
CsaeinaaU. and Now Albany, to
Marjreviiie, and back, onoo a week
in steamboat.
Accepted by Isiao J. tlarvey.
0099 Portland by rllllsboro, Tualliy,
awl North Yam Hill, to Lafayette,
AMI I..... 44M.4A B MuL .... I..
r Acoepted to O. T. Dlmmlek.
0030 Oregon City to Harrison Wright.
Not let wall till oiHoes are ottab.
Ooat-Ute City to HllUboro, and back
, otoe week: Aooepted to Jamei
' D. MMr. P. M. Linn City will
be kMtroated to .employ service
from MaoCeo to Oregon City and
baek oaoe a week oa boree.
00SS Lafavetle by Nat. Pord'e and
Lucklamute to Marrivllle, and
baek one a" week, on horse.
Aeeepte to John M. torn-it anl
ale iry Hamilton Campbell's.
CiUM, Hantlam, Albany, Uala.
hi. Dr. Maly's. Hporc. and
I.turcno 1'. Hklnnors, to Pleasant
Hill, and back onoo a week, on
Accepted to Jolm Laytnn.
0034 Hamilton CampboH'i to Jncolp Con.
eon t Suspended bid too Mali.
0030 County eeat of Polk to.Nat. I'onT's,
Suspended wait till' an oliicu lie
0OM Pleasant Hill to Yoncalla, ni.l
back once a week on Irorsn.
Accepted to A. C. GiMis.
0037 Yoncalla lo Myrtle City, and back
onoo a week, on bono.
A counted lo A. C. Ulbbs.
0037 MyrtfoCllytoGalrdnor, and back
onco a week in aall boat.
Accented to Drlggv A. Turpc'r
and I). Maetariih. j
003SJ Umrxjua Valley to flacrartonto
City : Buipeniied for the prWnt.
8030 MouthofGwliK to Cowlllx Farms,
and baok onco a week In a boat.
Accepted to Alfred Townicnd.
0040 Cowlitz Farms to Neariually, and
baok once a week.
Accepted to V. L. Prater.
5041 Columbia City to Cascades, and
baok once a week in a boat or on
a bone.
Aooepted to Sam'l S. VVI.ito and
Dolphin D. Hornier.
0043 Caaoades to Iho Dalles, and back
oaoe a weok, with celerity, cer
tainty and eaourity.
AooaeUd to Juatin Chenowelh.
0043 Tke Dalle by Port Boiae, and
Port Hall, to Salt Lake, and back
NriMMl ear"onTMro.-- Pint
trip l to commence at tho Pallet
oa too let day or July, lB.il, and
afterward on the lit of each altor.
sat month. Leaving Rait Lake
oa tke lit of August, 1 "".!, and
'alUrwartl on Iho lit or cadi altar.
Y nate month.
Aooepted to i. L. Drown and L.
G. Torrenoo.
W44 Oregon City to Portland and back
v onee a week.
Not let markod auipendcd for tba
. present.
Cast nf roil eerrioo a reeently let to
coatraet, b 490,441 per annum.
" ffoitoK to Woouk." Wo bars read
with lafinito pltiiure, eulogiunu on the
eel, from M ungo Park,'Ledyard, Schiller,
and every gallant writer of modern ilrnoa.
But tbo Macon (Ala.) Republican, beats
tbemall. Here it let
'"WoaliN 4io Nawsrarias. Women
are Use beet aubeoriben in tho world to
newspapers, magazines, etc- Wo havo
beca editor now going on eight yean, and
we hare naver yet loet a aingle dollar by
female aubeoribore. They eeem to mako
it a point of oonaclentloui duly to pay Iho
preaeher and the printer, two clarsc of
tbe oomraunlty that aulfer mero by bad
pay (and no pay at all) than all the rest
put together. Whenever wo havo n wo
inau'a namo on our book wo know It i
Just a good for two dollar and a halfoa
a ploayune Is for a ginger cake. llcaidoi,
whatever they subscribe for they road,
aaetaef H i gooey " or inuworoni.
rpHaarnf r m pajiar iney
way uano!J
sVr whose slek
lka4'teorlbod a
- -raaU,
aat iaaaaai ww ,
wUbdki4 a little
groaety,7aw. MaagM. to atr aaaH-oea,
as7MCZ.iaf braatWag bar
laet, waMiat eejliS Mr haakaad to hor
bad-aMe.i "' ' ','
"Jamb.," ba family aald, "there'
Mlettie Haltoay, aba owe me six ahil
llnge." '
: " Ooh," axfttalmaa bar huiband, " Bid.
dy, dart!, yeer alaaibl to tba laet I"
"Yle dear an ther'a MIau M'Craw,
1 owa ber a dollar."
"Ooh, be labori, and ye'ro a fooliab
a Iver
A clan ha been eet on foot in Beetea
- . . -a .a a a
lo areet a Monument to the memory of
piepaoa uaye, mo nret Ameneaa printer.
Ha art up the proa at Cambridge In, 1039,
froa) wbieb appeared the Freeman's Oath,
tba first Almanac, and. the Palm.book j
and the other early books of Iho colony.
l.lun Conn l r CTcctlnit.
l'iirngiiiU-tr) prnvloin notloe, a meeting
oi inn vi'lera nl Linn County am iiviii nt
tho tnnttltig-hoiino Banllam on tho ild day
of May, IB31, for the nurpoao of ateer.
tainlitK cur trcii(jlli In favor ofour much
loved Irlend, the Hon. H. It. Thurtlon, a
deleoata In QmnreH. bill heirlnir of lili
unexpeotrd daaili, chanued tho ixiiltlon of
our meeting.
Whoreupon Mr. JamraCurl waa called
to tho chair, and Mr. Klrooro (lallaher
was appointed Booretnry.
On motion, Mr. Win. C. (lallaher was
requoited to addrcta tho audlouun on the
preaeut uccailon, which ho did with thai
uegrcn of aolomnily that waa truly dim to
our departed friend.
On imillon, Meuri. Henry 1. l'eteMon,
William C. Oallnher, Tliomaa M. -Ward,
cllciilion Carl, nml lalil t;lavil, nern
ohof n oa a coinuilltou lo droll a in-atnble
anil resolution.
In a ery fuv mlmHm tho vmuinittpn
preacnlcd tho following preamlilo mid ro.
irArmif, This meeting being called
for the rxprcif intrixxo of rillylnir our
elforti, and to try our atrentli In favor of
llio lion, a, ii. murdnn, an our canui.
date aa dclrgalo In Congrew, but licnriiif
of Ida unexpected, death, which uauwd
a dark, and melancholy gloom viiibly to
dwell on eachcountetiancoprefiit, which
caused Iho inambora of llin inciting to
cliango their incaitirofl, and to ratlmi .ni
aown an ulepy ol iloepest li'iiiuiilnllou in
lieu thereof j lliorcfuh1,
ilnolrtit. Thai we ilo feel Ihn ill ein-nt
enae of sorrov for llio great lim ol i ur
departed friend, helioving thai hli dealh
ii an irropnrulilo lots to u4, that wo frnr
cannot t rrpalrcl by any individual in
llrtotreJ. Thai wn mourn bii unliini'lv
deiiarturp and feci that withxn in him an
able atalcunan', a vrurthy uitir.fti, a ul
lUnbaud, au atrcctlonate fullier. mid n
brother in the trim cauie of llio llbcrtlci
of America and Oregon. Therefore, e
beg lo lakn aomc huinble part with lili lie
rcaveil conurt In Imart-Mt grmf, yri v
have a right lo coiuoU' oursclvei that hv
died at hla poit that he 0-1 1 In the cmue
of the citirens of Oregon ; un'iorn thou
atnda will Hip hia pratui wlnle partaking
nflhe fat of the laml lint n ilnnalrd to
their fathom, nnd lieiiieated.tn tholrcliil
ilrcn through tho representation and in
Orumantatilr "four (.arti-tl friend, llm
memory will Iho when empires Mil!
moulder into dual,
A motion waa madn dial the proceed
ing! nfthi meeting m aigueil by the prci.
ident and secretary, and a copy thereof
bo iiirH anted lo the Oregon iitalemim,
and iho Oregon SjieeLitor, with n rciicl
lhat they bo published.
On motion, Iho inciting ailjourneil une
A letter from Sacramento oily tays that
a abort time ainco the uamo of Monlo waa
very badly beaten in that ptaco by acme
peraona unknown. They broke several
hanks M Lce'a Kxchangeonn night. Con
sidaral'.o akill and science was displayed
in tho mannor I buy operated against tho
banks. They wailetl lili ilia Kxchange
waa clovidi and tho ilillt-ront " banks" of
tho establithmotil wcru depoilteil in n
ohost. They ihcn went under llio lloor,
f;upsicd whero tho Ixix ai aliote, and
nml through, hilling precisely Iho cen
tre, ttho money was laken down through
tho hole, and has not since been heard of.
Tho rogues ought lo tabling, but nobody
lias taken Iho alfuir lo heart, except tho
loaera. They ara tho only ones that wi
shad tears about it.
Wjit Awiulk. An Alakama paper
rotates tho following i
At a " fro eating" meeting in an Inten.
county, one of tho aponkers, a young man
in the course of a Darning speech, declar
ed himself in faor of a avceasion, and was
in favor pf making the Issuo then. An
old planter, who ia fond of good hritnly,
waa leaning up against a post, ami just
thon he needed a little support, liiionlnt-
to tbe fiory orator. Bo soon as hn heard
eocosslon avowed, and Iho desire to havo
it brought about forthwith, tho old planter
started up and sung out, " Don't you do
it, Jul wait awhile if you picnic don't
do it yet I times arn loo good getting
thirteen cents fpr cotton wall awhile, I
toll you I and give me a chance to mil n
few mora crop of cotton at 13 etnl I"
Tho orator waa anawered. A:
ben. JkeetaaaJgajasflkofTenn-
esaee, hve bMIJFJma1IVths Whigs
of Holler oounty, Oh!, fbriresident and
vioo rreswoni. Mr. may -anco rurused
at a dinner to lako precodenco to (lor,
Jones. "No," aald tba gallant Kuuiuckl.
an, " you aro a greater maa than I am j
you beat James K. Polk, 'I could not,"
Salem JtegUltr.
Aladintloaton.named William I'cllln
cell, wax restored to consoiouannss, after
having lain nineteen days in a state of in
sensibility, Tho cause waa a fall down a
long flight of stain. Whilo ho was In
eenxlble be was entirely fod with liquid.
It i laid lhat bo will not experience uny
permanent ill efTect (mm hi accident.
" My lad," said a young laly to a boy
oarrying an ompty mall bag,' "Aro you
"Yar dooan t aupposa raa a female
boy, doe yer 1" ami on he went.
Pappa, why don't they k!vu iIiu tc
ihwIrMadoMofglnr' "Why,!
child t" " Deoause the paen aay, they
ara out of order, mamma always takes
gla whan she I out, of order I"
Than ara no lea than nine editors in
the two braaahMof Ibo Winconsln Legii.
Iamrrtf' '
It linaiuhituid inii
a aiiinll biiluesi,
lias lavlveil uianr u
dull liiislui-Mi has renitereil ninny alott
Inulnrni j lias pii'servcd many n lar-e
Imaliieas j has urt-nled many a new Imsi
A VaLcntimi: A lady of Chleaf' '"
celvcl a valanlino from her hiilnd in
California, containing (.inn.
I'tiHOrnl Nailer.
Tl( fitnerstl iwitlcs nf llsaisi (' Cnn, t
immUrsf HI. Aixlrews llip. N" I", I' A.
M. UhstMafl. HomUi Cpllli. "Ill b" .rrrhr.l
si His MctlxxlU l.'huicli, in riit'ail, I'll Huwla'
n tit at II i.V.k.
All lirrtlnm uf llio Msmle HfJ'r. In gwl
tsmllnj, sr n-ireirully Insllnl 11 pail"-iil
wild u.
m:vih mav. a w m
Oregon Tract Eocloty.
Tim third annual meeting of thu Oregon
Auxiliary Tract .Society "ill Im hi Id nl
Iho At. K. Church in Oregon City on Wed.
nesday, Juno 4lh at $ o'cloak r. M.
Addresses may be expected from ter.
nl geutlemen.
The friends of the came are raruoall)
Invited lo In) present on tho ncru.lon.
Will othor papers tdiose In I'opv tin
lioiine for Iho good nflhe oailau f
ItANlKf. '.ST.MIMfTh'nrnii I.J
for Aaao4ior of Clackamas Count) . I
aiiniuiii 7,.mh7J: v". u i-niidi.hu.
for the llnli'rKi'picielltntlrs.
Mu. IttitTiia .
I'li-aaa auiiouiien theunine of 1(1 III I '.ll
C.M'l-'IKI.IInsa nndidatp for h- !'
tln IiiiIhioIIkv "I t'tiunt) 'I'r'iiurfr i I
Oregon City Rotnll Pricos Ourront.
Ai4r, ilriril il lb .3 .1 'I?
IVarlit. ilnril, cll. ... 'A
llrrf iria.l si hiaikrl 1 1 n I-
1'ixk -r II. II.-.N
llullri )Hr Hi .&o.i " 1
('lirr.o (hi tb ... ... .&"
VlyfUt i 1 Hi. 1 in
I luill it I M.I I.'.
VI,r.l-. ,i,, I .'.II.. 'i oil
(laU (irr luilirL 'J'"
Oala, !if, l.lul '.'till
r.r-r i.itii li
Hngjf.bfoHfl, r lb UtI"
Hinar, l.nf, .l Hi. ..'.M
Tra,-db .. I 11 nl. Ml
.Mul.i , (4ll.UI I (Nl
Hvrup wr xall-u I.0
Tobacco r lb .i:)'J'.
tdr. !-rlL. I.'.
I'M, prr Jul .tiVtf?
I-tJ. prr lb . .:i'l
Hall. i cwl. . . MiUdfim
Oil, linaml, i tl .... Aim
(il.-l-r J boi, hl.y in COO
lijai (bill, luliy 111 . .. .7 ihJ
Imnprrlb. I0.IC
NsiUprrlb 1'J.lt.
Cooking rtaraa WOO. 90t0
iMHDor. y m miwawni
.ilMle aislera I
tr...4.U MtnKIIMOT
a. wss s mpknrsd in inn "i in lmbj: a
nialr, la Ibo omploy of Ibo Indian CouimiaaisiMr.
fiotn r'hsmpnrff lo Orrcnn t'lly, but drrsmi.1
with it. sad, as M epMrd, proerrfld lo lh misrs.
Haul mills was a mars, Llsek, with lbs man
hog-gad sod bsaring hararao maika. A aullablo
rsward for bar rocorrry, sr for lbs conviction of
tbo Ibirf, nillbs Mldby
(iKomit: (iiniiH,
('cstinilMary to lit Hoard
Ma) ill. 'SI Iit '
ItlMoliitlsaii ol l'nrlui'nlil.
fBlllK IMiiltirr.liit ban tofdir rliatlnf Utn
JL A r lUixira aud Wu IUuj.w u llii.
ay I
diMulvrd by mutual ruiiM.nl. I do buinrM
liln film will ! nttlrJ I y William llaili.w
a. r ut:iKir-
Causniab, May 1'J, 101 3h7.
Ooodsl Goods!!
rgjl 1 1 1! uadrraif nrj brjv Irstr lo lufoiin lh
JL lie Ihal bo auH ba. on bsml and ia rcccum:
st Caiir mah a large stock si
uhy 'mods, iiinci:iui:s, nnor.i
PAINTS, OILS, ,Jc, .rc. .Jr.
which for cbtapnrra slid quality, ws think en' iwl
I caeelbid el f Iho Itorky mountaliiv. I. no
us a call brfuro 71m buy at a high prlcr.
fancmah. May 19. '.' I .17tf
A. It. ikliliuoru,
CtOMMt.H.SUIN and Forw.rJinj M'rrl.mil
' Hliip niaatrr forMramru, and agml fui river
svi'r.nion ruiiNivvini
constantly on hand, sin Tables, Chain, aud
lladntcsda, 100 ssla Kiciich llsdatcada fm ale
Portland. May . '..l-37ly
Tarry Notloe.
tflCE Is bsrsby ilrcn Ihal awJicslluu wid
a 10 uia lint Imii Pi Hi. rronals 'iiurt
almtv. rur.a llcstiao lo Ml.UUli a I'.nv
at BklaSMi, en llio ivinclpal wit fotk of iho Wil
lamsll rlrrr.
Hklnnn'.. Lane county, Msy ID, 'M Iw.'l"
('usaca or t'soirr asn WAainvitnx Htnrsi.
riV.Hi: unilenlgnrd would Inform Iho s,i
JL Public lh.il bo lias ojirlird u nsw Utii
Hold, and haviiiif had many wan' eijw. Jllil
neiieo as a Hotel keeps
keeusr, lis flslters hlin.e If IIki ,
with Ibo oer faelliUea wilhin his reach, llio Co
LVMbun willtwacreisablstoall whoiuay dealroa
uuicl rotrssl.
Tho tshlo will UauJicd ailli
lbs luiurlca and eubalantlals which the inailiet af.
lonis liu Mr Willi the cliolcest Wiuea and Uuon.
Ths Iioum Is furnUml lliroiiflioul wild sntlrrly
now furallurs. ,Tlm Culuml.iau will bs found a
fliai-clsas Hotel, whero llio comforts aud vanta uf
all will us tajraidsd by lbs surwrilier.
OKLANIIO MeKNIUiriM'ripilotor.
Msy aa, 'ai 37if
JL la now orjaulud and ready tortcelvo .i.i.li.
Cations lu Incur riaka.
UEUI.EN P. nOIOCVrrrerurv.
TIIOH.tl.llOIIINHIN, Trtufurrr
Alk.i T. Hkitii, naiiass I'. Hour,
Cit-ia WiiKiao, A.J.'fBHsar,
Hussar 8. Uiast, Wu II. Wiuun,
Aaoaaw II. Biinauaa, 11. T. Cum
Portland, May ISSIfl)
AliVMitiami. - '
r-ll.lltni.t. ii :oMMl.iMn.
VN ennui i u u mil, il, u.ticaiitil,. I i..u,
a Hill iliii)r imiiii .lari.lliiillfliiliilliBil,,,,,,.,
r..rnt Iiik nit.l f,l...,,ir r.., ii,,ipl,f )
klli.li. I liavi. I'miKnl my tmii rnnttmilly nni
lilni;, H hi. Ii M.nM. m. li.a,i)';M.aii ..u n
I'lanlfi Ilnjiwil'ii) i.i.,.iu.lili I'slli, 1.1..I I.
ili ll lln.l.. of ,aul n j ni ,11, h 1.1W4 n. 1 It. 11
nltuiia- I., M..n ni.it ll.i't waiiiini' l.aul
IhjiIhi I , jl i,tA n rill.
(' arinnli, M ly II, '-, ;
I'oi- Srt If.
rlll'l' ini'lrnlcnril hi1hiik ii'ilkii i.f ln
J. . I V ( ..I V, lauliri.lly ..lu.u.l nl.,1,1
I nt -1 mil fr in il,n iiUntrii na-r anil liniiir.li
i.ti wrt if nti.l a.lj.MliuiK lli()li llutlV 1 laim,
h .11 M l ii".ii raHililf Irilii 'I'Iih ,rt 1 011
lull U' .lilr All) 1-clKiii ilrliili( lnrniMll.,11
11.1 'II, U rrurah..l l.i mil i.n 1,1. jAiMHia'ty,
.. ..' Millrr, hIi.i tuit 1. 11 in, A.tj.tiiitiig cUllil
I 1. -ili hi.I,iii- Iii U nli. in liiri nl ait
,, . I-...I' try Hill iUj.m. ..r hi . t.i'iii ii.ii ,.
Mitfl, "ii 'i"'!;
ockot Uonli I uttnd
1 r UK I oil llir r..lwt Uii I i,h n.1111 T il in.!
1 Mlimilllfr, 'I tIuI ), ,1, Ml.,i,
Willi llir litltiw .f Vl I , ), 1, .mi, 1 .,,
'111 1.1 'rti-'r'. 11, ,. 1 ,, . I, 1 ,Mii 1 p
ill liflir ll,
'.. IIbii.I, 'f
.. I.) . ill,,,,; . I. I- ,
I f'lJ-Mly 1.11.1 l-l1)!
i:m ii.miii
.1 '! I,
miIIi n Itilllnl nl,
v. M. MM V A " U 1
1 III, 1 lo. ..I' ni.l llir tul.lt. (nii. 1
li n iii..,'.I ;., Ii,.,, in .iimI . ili"
'oiutr.f Tiiii.I aii.l Ij 11 n. 1.
tllirk l 1. , III. v .i. 1 ii.i'. I . .
HU a t.rrr-i.f . -),..
i .' in I .1 ..fll
nui:i.i.t 1.1 vi' ..I
Mirk Ii.iii .mil 1
lil'.ll AIU'IIM I ll
HI I I I. I.I .
l I I.M.I'll)
l.v r. M irtf
JI Aiillir.
I' Mii.T'iN h .1 ru 11 :
mill fvrl.l CmiiII. ..f lit. 'Ini.li.i
'm., 1 1 Miii .r. ii.i 1 i( m mi Mi
, 11 1 t). M.) I. Ii- .1 1
iMioci.tvi nun
fit vnA r;.i .vf.'.v. mix riiMiit ur
tutr.tuHt Tr.ititi mm
Bjiur. i- iitiM'i, i; , , r 11,, c.
s'ii-rr.Lry, .lrlari, an.1 IT. k k... M 4t .1
ll, Ifui4l miltilnl rl.li. 11 . VI, It t 1(. ,. , 1
Jilbr nril, tlir ,jil,r,. 1. I ,. ,1 ) ,ii,l,n. , .,111, lv
Hltlv' fl . Iia Ill'inU I nf llir I .,1 lu trl'le
rill Mi.1 ri l) III III" l-if.-U' I. . .in' 'y, to f,'
thr v.rlir rfti.l l. li lr.,k-iiili,, . f li,u
JatlKB trlll.ilr, Ivt ( uti iln.vi, 1 r ki,. r.mlil)
i.ivcii i.iiJ.i isy I,.. ! at ll.. I.i.r, ,,,. nit,, i.
Ulrgrtli I'i
II. ryl.il, ,'i) .. M.v. II I KM
joiin i' 1. aim:
-r- if,
r iiMii.i.i '. t.ui)
School Unoka
111'. I lllik I' rril.i t 1. il.tf.t
II) ll,'
ll.vkt. ,irh I how rtirr fur 4lr rr.lnrr.1 inrr4
Kau-lrrv' rnr. of ItraiUiv, rlj 'm 1I.1 'ri.,.rn-
I "u .Mtolal Alilbinalic. I lclrfIUu.Jlnli,do,
VVf fi"..n-i4y, Vouth's di, llrsy's i'l.nubrir)-.
IIMtlu-.-ll Unlcry, tVibm's IIHoiyt' ,Hlat,
Vcith. do., Hcboul Hintfar, Voun t'bmr AI,'tbinc
Uh rliaerr. 8. H. Mrllir. Wrli.' lllalnniar,
Uftoa's if 1'rscticsl !., I IllrndorflV I'i liisin.
nVi 01nryo Urosruiy and Alia. (juirtod,i,
l'itarr do., jtmlili'. 1'rimai) da. Mr(irrror's
I' k Krrpinf , CaiiHtrck'a llnlauy, Voulirad.i.,
israj llitny uC Hilda, llrsala .!, Church
. itirvUt., Ilrswii.jf I'aivr, Writmi- lbk, Ar.
ILSII on hand a large rrlfilmn f Lbrar)
l ks Sloro I'lfwite Mitai'e. i g hi t '1
U ll C LA Tlt III 1 ri
I arrli V7, IH.M 1 , 11
m:w kciidsm
um' iti:ci:ivi::; ,.r inn . a i. ..
tbrtct fn.11 New Vuik. u griKr.l nwuintvul
-.errlis'iilwr. rrmutlliig in mii of i,. folU.nln;,
r ) hiIIIm. oirrm! on rrnvunnM' 1. tin ill ibe
roftbo i:i-k nous 111 H.i. in
Meat y llrown alierltne. Kr 1 lurky Iraua. Fat
k-4 's, Kuminar rlutli, tne'i And lJa 11 C.rtl. nadr,
U- as I tlrtiwn PrillJiOiiul'Uriv.'iVkiiig, llleach'
cdCmmi, plain and fl,rurrd Jiuki.'t. , M nunc
M,i prints, VaneyisHiila, (Jil -ihntiu, AIit-cna,do
I !, rivnnrU of vsiloiu, eotorv, f no i Inr llrojd
ClotA., l'dct Ctotha, Cawimrrra, nmir very fine
Slim la of rarloua klndi, a variety of olovra lor Is.
dt asnd esnllrinen, Chturhillo Vrll,lllsck VriU,
tiffin ibi. Ldtre itiM. black Hhilesndolbrl cul
sn( 1'Araf.Jj. Ihiibrrllaai C.uubi of various kln.lv
IMile, Whltr, lilrrn, and Krarlct llhukrlal l-i;.
hor-l brads Iloiuirts. fnlliliiuabtr Pslmdrsf IUl,
Wid du, llrsvrr d.kX lirre, IMging, Inariliu
aad IU4nrUlwack otrl Hlute liur Koiflu.)! llm id
rlC'ni;, Hints Lanns SrHiiiK Silk, S.'l I nll.ni
andTbrrad, and i.lhrr aillclra of lit) (,... i,
tedioua In mrnliiui A (;rurral aNw.rlt )rnl i.f
UAiimvAiiti y wnr.Nsu'Aiir,
(!rsrkrry, Tinware, Cullrry, C1.II1111. .-a, llroad
,1a llattbeta, llamnirn, line iH"dird Sburria and
Tuoa, Hcylhea, .Sterl)snU, 1'ilia, CnqiellUt
llrawlnr Ksliea, l,.r Uirka, Hulls snd Krrvta,
NsiU 4, C, r). lO.I . (ilau 7 by !), H by 10, 1(1 by
19 1 I'utly, Nraf.'lk Latrhre, Mieep fhrara, Kris.
sorairrnsnlvi.a, Hulclirr hnlreaitumlinn'.Nre.lle.,
W- rants) Cotton lloltlnj;, Uaw Cotton, Cullmi
SJav'v.vi-'i aawrlmral of 'si
M iiltU ltrtw, HrinplUil rofils and CM),'
Uti, I'owder, !aJ, 8iMt, Caj, Hujjiir, (u.rr.
I'isV lrr, Njalrr, riniutiiiiii Hark, Niitmrpvi,
Oab'ltra NllHHr-lldUtsfs tltliiastrir, Jilii,tro aiul (i-
ljn Viuliti Hlrinnii intlirti, flovrf. (Jiiigr-r, In
Jigf, MniMcr. uTiiifrl(Vitr'a Chiilk.tilur, Var
ttlJt, (IlaititK-r anil I'lMtHii Unit, (ju nliir, (niii
I't.cl Own. A k ajtMJitmriil -f
saltan, hooks
an! Wrlllnirin'stf rial. SUlrsTniii! in'iuiU , muni
I vutiit of I'MiCJ ami MeilirJtic. HIuh-h ami
ii'tyi jf TanuiM iviittia 111 infii wi'ini'ii ami riiii-
.1 i Uf I . si . t.ll . tit. I II.. If..- 4 a 1.
tuirq niiiv rauim-"s laiiiinir iiiiimc) ini'i i uji 11
I 11..... tt .0 U'airnns I'M,-ll. A rlsr.ia (la..
Ilea l'ralhers.
... H . .,W. .' "I,.'..., . . ..... ,.,.v,iv..l ....
Il l-a.lli.ra. l'reniliiiu CitaiLlnKlnvr.. ItniM.
Krlilcs, llruoiuf, Fl)inff Pans, tlpwr .ml Hole
laher. llainiuVilii. Coif and Kip Mkln. IVce.
Throd, Win, AnU, Knlvis, llrullvt, Ac, for
Him mskors, ami many oilier nillclea ton Inhuiia to
mention. Pried Alp0" and IViichce, llulains,
I-'Il-v, uoft shell Alinouda. I'runea and Cuirnnta. '
. WAI. cox a co:
Hstin,.May 8. )&M U3i
IVooUtvorlli's I'lillllni: I'litvnla.
rilllK linderslifiied Is prep.ired lo eell I'lsnluir,
JL Tonauelni! and (Innilng Mnchlnrs, and llio
rigbla to run them, under ths ubuvo Patents, in
Oreion and California. ,
1. L. IM1K8,
Eichaugo IhiUdliijpi, Han Frniiclsco.
JtuoarO, IHSI-Jiii-trt' '
Bll.lillll for aals bV I Fir sulMcrlU'raat Portland
JL In quantity lo rult purrhawrs, at reduced
lulcca ' COUCH A CO.
I'Hbllfl Hale.
JWJ ilTlrlJ U lirirti elfru dial a 'Ulo aula of
l nlaig.1 iiuiiiWlufWai'll Ilia lowii ef Alliany,
ll.r rum y ! i.f I Jim coenly, will U ma'lj su
ll.n rii.iii,.I on Um I Wsla ilsy of Juas ustk Tbrs
.iU lirl., 11 ii, tin, luuitty, sail sro siiK'UH llio mwt
ilrvtulJr (11 1) r IvHrn, liatlnj brrit arlKlsd with a
Kiii.l In (liia'.aiiliKM of situation and valua, taotli
fi.l irai.lrlics n.i'l Innlu.x localkpi, ArbsSV, ba
.... i-ing tin. luinitjr antt, U UaullraUy sUsaM
'li tlm N illaiiirltn lllrf, In llw mliU of a flsa (
1 .'iiltuiiil ikii, hIiIoIi la AUIsf tfwHU a Ibrlvlnj
M..1U11..11 u tni.ili)r4ilispa MkaypoiliM s Uhi
IViniory. y
Mir 1 In 1, fvr InvssluMat ta Iwts tsTsiadV-ll.-
nilrlli,r ll,.nibtllsrsactrulllnflll.
11 ..til .1 uf llm I'roliaU CMtlof IJna County.
I. mi imiy, O.JT. AprU 17, IMI-lwIl
rinillrl Cimjuy bss boon snf afwl fur Ik Isat
H. I" mwiiUmV roauluK an KsprsM froao Bsa
flam ir.., via M.IUon, la all bans of tba HeaUf
ri.i Mlnm, lu ri.iiBMIIon with lbs wall known
In,... f Hl.lMa ,t t'O.tolh. Slatrs snJKs
ruw. Mr '1'iaU, of llw sbora firm, has boon Ins
kIii siiuiiciiisiibi, Ac , Ibrviifk all Iks (siaelpal
ill. a In Diripu, ami llicy sis aonr nrpsrsd lo
lutsct any and all Miula ff l!ijssas aluaiaraa, la
uny .irttf('lifuinUaiiillrriiillirouh Adsms
.'. 1 ',1 , in tin. I fiillr-l NMi and Kuropo,
1, 1 J. I Hurl, Com. and yalssbt I'ssksfss, fof.
a itril nod iivurr-l St III KiwmI ISISc ,
ImUi, I'mIkkm, riolfM, sVa. fonrarM by
aiy trainri Uailus aWrraacba IIIMsaat
iiiu iui u trnksalH aad aUaala sjaesV J
W r..tirutly tfirof etbaiiiilg4
of lbs l'ci4s of Uirfoa.
ikt,. TODU sV 00.
AVlkM (lasuoKAbsriMlfiy & CUik.Os"
; hi aawi lli.Uiu UoaaM, .llilwauaia
S niurl May, l'rtlsl .Vullaraatof.
l II ilM.M 1. II. UK. II.mS
1 rnill' msr fspclfn anasaaua
H , 1 iiit'aa KaakiaB aad Cl
! sia,,,. 1,111 ussM4siiWfaaBSBaiaa4
sut,,,. hiii i. ifsswdlalM
.I'Jijr i urasavmlh
. 11,"
.1 ..1 baaaaw aaa
1 J. a
01. .mat
Hi 11
11 ni.
4 milllllsslON
r rill I .ul-cfibar win
& . .allklBdsdfi
.V . , 1.11 cunDlUaloat, ami will able oy
irrt far Oiegeiirarvl Han FrsBeise,
n pirrhaan Hill bo lasastd foe tbo
.1 ifu. , ami say Isno. avrni 10
1 14. .it 4 ic rtuifrwvia
WILl.tAlT .V
'iti.ii'i n iKii-unf
airiar. r -wv vuaa
i i 1. II, ir I.,. Atlautio Miiiuvl In, f'o.
..I Rl I
J. lit
1 1 ...... I., Al.i Mulual lur.di.
I 4lrAV, l, llluuu
I tluEMI A Co, lliiiikiiatHati t'uu
ri""" ji
M-i. Aiiiii Kirtisr.
Mfoi. Xavarriiv A lo.
Clackamas County Femala Semlaaiy.
raJllli: fn.l trim i.f II.U Inalilatisa will com.
.1. tnrnre on Monday, May 1'JUi, aad canUaao
eleven Hrrks.
Ths Tiusiees aro lisppy Is Isisna.tV jatUls,
lhat laschera of liijU aad varied aceianissahrierals
and uf lone rshrrirnrs have been sseiunl, who
il .IrnHr ilKiinrlvea la the welfare of lbs pupiW
rmiimiltrd to their cbsrre.
A larc and convenient Rcrw'nsry buildlnj bss
br.ii erect vd, and inesajrra laksu tosscora all nco
cwary sjHvmtiui f.r Ibo scbaoL 1
Orepm Cl), tbe lucation of llis Seminary, pi.
M-nla eeveral linjuitant adraalair. II has a srolt
dwrred rrlebnty for brstlhfulitrss. being ftett
from llir iulrniiitteiil fevers common Is lis tivsr
n.n' It i ronvenleal ol aecessl stsaasbnits
J) me 1 11 lU Culuinks aud WiUsmtUs livvrs be
love llio UK, and ttlo-v abors will incct at Ibis
I nni. ) irrihinuirni. , .m.,.
nijh. r i.uUi piauias.,,,:
I.ani;uv;re, nruatr, sudor
llr order uf Ik Hoard.
yirgow atji aaajricsis. , t, w
flI:nbak ''IoaUaaa,"
s .
, larp- aii.i cmsaai
o. flolli
uoi.lrn 1
uivrior clci
It'lufCtr, Vnl
Rilrrl I'Ulnl
iiiiui iron a
fUsWltftl till1
roin4rlo 7thl
s.Ie-fateama saaul 1
1. vr. ."".rrTT"". . v
oii.iinicoo4UfsSTs,wim pipai
ayf;, . ll
4141,1 iliev
ri". the utidt
Jsof ()nron
ally. Ikal ws liar cornmsjaesd lb
In Ss liuuss fnnnsily occupied by Evual
Water ntnel, on door abors Uis Orsgl
ll.e ( asiles are not surpassed br aay
iik-nt in lbs countrv. Hood Frttk Area
Vri.t uu hand. This Is the oslv Citftilltutn
llm Toiillorr. Tlior are nreiojred lo manttfaatura
CiiuJin la any quantities, ualsra from a dlatsneo
mil l.e punctually attended to,
(IreRon City, January SO, IH3t-SniQI
la mil-r, fruui Maine, haaforasJathamackla.
ry for a saw mill romplele lbs, BMsiU MasMWstf
auillwuHinnll MllU.of tbl bssi Uad s In aw,
wincii win uo soiu oneap, anu san tat aaaae IB dps.
ralWu. J.n.JOatNBON.
.flanFrancUco, Marcli 15, IBM-IStf
purrhruvd a IaI er Lola of lbs avaaiislr f
Llun City, or who now hold let'av lotabylwasfir
1 rom uiuem n mi nsro rarcnaasa irosa us pesssssssr!
and bavo nut cuinidied Willi their contract aai
ed iu tho Huiidalvru fur lllle, anfurfslMtoilMBt.
pneior, iinn-es mey nar nail soma wnusu of yi
bal contract Willi uie to Iho contrary.
IJnn City, Nor.lW, IBSO-Ulf rroprlsur.
or For Bnltv-ci
K na.-rOv-.tV.cnHWsllo A. Hood's alors,
on Main street. I'ur psrlloulars, call and ss
Oreyiiii Cily, tlrrfinbcr.19, le.lO-lotf .
Mm lassJammmaaPn
) wfffaaaaaaaPI wl
I U1 K'
swaTsaaSasasl ae.
wm sniies,
ISSBBSaeeavwrMTfir i.r ll.MSBBBBBBSfWSr! -BBBW e
tti.m'. ... ii.vam,
1 41.1. m... .....tfeayBB
imaiisali aaaassssl Jseduca.' .' '': !
wjBHiaglvuasBssssssssssssssst' i
Br v naaBBBsr 4" vbsbb4IIIIIIIIIKs wa
haSSK V..htfV .. tlWlaB4S4H.4Ml
sreassBM... 1 .4a4a4S4VEiL.. -i4as4a4a4a4a4a4a4aKS4S4aas7s
4WVMhi irBTAS BBaib . .-S04WH4
X.M.A.HU. ' hi,
lltllKU. UB
icrrlMp) " gSHY h. IMlaV
l4aaVaril l, llaaWtaT ,,;Af
tlaftjgl M LalM?
laaaamal fi ? ii.K
HI, tbo undsnlsdg&eeJI laJri aaflgk
i aa aa tbs sasaa ama
id rissaaa rl-' n4.auTr-:i.
Ilnro C'lmiict) for luvcsltuont.
rilllR Knifsh)!wil Uliijf imprlcfor of una of 1I14
JL lb fmsst srsler wwcis In the woikl, would
ivopaa la bars lbs Mm laisot, Tha wsats
ut tM ceuulry sssni lo damand a ly eontplo
iwhoi saiuiniprfrrinsniaiaiiiosiituoaoi imu'
In Mllli. aiul aJmeat all kinds nf itutliloalV that-
esa bs itojwllnl by wstrr sivlths watr ;rlt II
rf raUlsf to etUwIvr, lbs undaraiiirdivsaU -ro
o is eaaiii, Dial lis is aawrooa el masniK
urauirlntu1. frbatlliK aald aialsl brvufbl Islo
linimiliats um, and will otTsr such Isdurrffisnts.to
llioss desirous of etifafini la such an tntarpibiti
lhat thiy eanixd fall la mart their vlr w flald
arattr nrer la allualo.1 at Um Clrrsl Falls of lb
WlUamsll. II is rbaH unnrcmairy lo add Uist
aa la location. II is ivthaiai tho f,nt in lbs nroild.
troinif st ali (jrc at outlet lo all the ttim'Kg tiAiuUyl
nfllMtTralvsllry oflfir Williin.llc. C'.lHullio
lilllll.lll MIJIIHl
Una Oily, Maieli 37, '31
Orncs Ni'risinrsancsr fUM Aruiss, I
Virptn '.ly, Afsil 17. l?il, j
AnilHKftVATION having Lrrn msdo by Ibo
1,'ommlaitonrra. In llirir tlrslv reccnllr maj
Willi lbs Csllapoola In-llaii,rf a lisct lylnj ubuvn
Kdlfsr's Fsrry, bslwrsn llio ri'.rtJi fitk of llio ;u.
tista.rlrsr and lbs flnl crttk Is tl,s niili of that
rlrc r. Tbcref-, ail prnoiu, eicrl Ci:.Ja lu.
Xans, as CosUiWsa lo srttlo upon or triuiy miy
part f seal aajsfvallsai cc )ttiiig ui b as sir no v
KcaSflsc ' smlms aa asld mtrtstlsn, fur lwm
aV fitly insUsm;. -
L! j"fsfotss)dsafuf ludlao AfCjira Orron
t f ,
.Administrator' Motloo.
HAVING beo iWtlfJ AdmfiiUtiabir ef
Iks rsUU of a.y'Wtl.I,l.Mt,S,nc4,
Vto of Clackamas eour-'y Slid Tcrrluxy of llircm,
ucnoy rmm an (wrocua imiei uu in mu rrutn
1 aasfcs laaaWialo aiuuirBl 1 aud si wnun
as) anay bass Uen liu!tbtr.l, lo.nnl
Bass, proriiy auraird, rrvi.itsa lu Uf
rikrd hv taw for ll.rlf irKI.Unal, c(
fersvrr bi iMwirnl
J. U IIAIII.OW. Alm'iJ.tistot.
pm Cny, A (.ill SI, H5I)h31
t ssuiice.
Ornce KefraiitrsncTr Ivnuti Arriiix,
llirjronl My, A hi VI, IS-il
A UKHLIIVAt Itl.N liavmit U.n ruads
CrJL Cormniealorula. in tltntr m4h! llsaty. lr
ceully roads wllb ll.e Tualsl.n fudisua, of a tract
of laad beirivded aa f.Jkrva, vir
llec Innlai at lbs ..Hilhwetl corner of DiBn F.
11iernj4v.aa claim. Ibenco eal liirra end a half
incurs aoriawanii aifiii raiew-rj sa 10 icara
oas rates n us can, in-nca at rteni
ranflr sis milre. thentr snntliwsn!lv at
sJt4aasVs,Utencs alrlhtsnrW nltli
nefviiH'jifff iDcirviiitr 11 ap
vniia i pear ,, r, Ml,
IValWl 1 it,( In.ile I
1I1112 bnr lelvrri 11 Uu tuu..-e fYniii
llillsiwl Wshlnrlmi, ant) 11. bl.l)'lyirij piilv 11
bulb Thrreforr, .11 (Mriiriv, rarvl Tualitin In
divti4, nrv ftsledde 1 lo m tlln 1 jm.u or ecruj nli
4lt of eld Ireeiva i'ii. rxrrnui; u1m, rurii I
ion. av srr now tct "iuc chlmeiu asld InHlvs
liuria hr nhoinlhe trraiy i.rovldea.
Kuirlutrrulrtit Indian AlTklra Orccen
rMlHKItl-: Is now opened and In full epcratloa,
M. ia Uils Cily. adjoialnsj Iho CiUlhtiX, aa
raUidimenlfottbam.uuf.ctwlocnf ris.S.Kf.
Ires, Ctfptr, Mime; PliimUnr, andjsU klsda of
JoUeVsr.aMarotest UUbii'as3SL-r T4V.
New Bloeeeftel lik, brubea llalre mended, i'umie
put la onrrarlaoii, lsd-raw laid, a nrratrlnr aillclo
f Alr-Ucki Sluvrs fur mis ; sn aiwrtmral of lsljo
and small Cook sml Parlor Mtovrs dsily erjiected
This maaufactory baa amido tiad. and msehloery
Of lbs rnol spprored kinda now in u In Iho atatre,
and ia fully unriarsd lo uirct the demaude and ne.
CreailiM 01 ItiU Unilory.
Oreisa City, Nor. 91, iejO-1'mol I
KW (illOII.f per r-'cb.oners llsip au.1 J J.u
Ilaris from rbilsLtelplua, am. Iiarur 1 isn
(Is aad Loulw from New
lota i
Mrs. MifJjgabswuif
Windcwaah uiUi l'l."-
mgs patu.aiTt.rtu!,
Assntsrs and"
aad manors fosks,
Aad lots of other useful article.
am of lb BUtca.
ToU' fc Co'a Exprtai,
UNN INO lo all parts of lbs Soaiihere Miars,
1' Bssi ItrJ csdy t.xnm la Btoskloa or Iks '
lamsaariHessuvected ia'8asf)aaiseo, with
Haawa Kssaes of A D,
aWikstliai. Drsfls
1 Vailed Btals aad
ta aay mt of ake Beaihern mines.
k.lMaWi.u sVe. Uy an sr-
W are saswsl u nana.
maMteassla that
"if, p.'i' -'
Baa rrasclece.
iT, Btockten,
Mttt Iroke, contain-
Iron brass botes,
ticnlare Iwrilie of
Oak roint.
" Orr-eon City
y las I.o6lsllit
t .il Tntwinltm.
ISftMUIlS &M)E)&
ti.t'.irAUir piaacr e-aoat minwin.
WVfl recslred and foe sale, by AL1.AN,
tf t KINLAY iVCO,OciietalArortment
of Coeds, sdipted to the wants of the s'tuulry.
Q,(roe City, Jaansry 03, 1851-lyiW ,
DsvAtRRB la Ready Mad Clsthlsf. Hard.
walsiCrooksry. Uroerlu, ProrWona, and
all other article nsnsily catted for by whiles aud
t. n.r 1 Km: 1:,
Caseads, OrsfcuaTer.. aiiR. SU, 'iO-Wlf
ID-BarBarllln.(3ni )
J VST rssorrsd ptraehooner MtpKW Vaanu,
from Baa FrsncUco, US eases uf IliUlol'a
will ba sold on fWvoraUa terms, ol tho Dry tlwnlj
14 Clrvcery Blore eppaslls Mona, by
I, ir. si. a.a iiriijiivi 1 r.
Orcp.n Cily, Isuuury 9, Itj0-3uit7
. . .1.1 .
. .pmn a H41WSB
aaaaaaaaaaaaaBWeaaTamaWiLL wa
Wm 9 fA ( aU. rm"J v
rotvaSS4i1iwateii-. - vttJ$ ..
Uolaaaalaad eacJi?
faaasjNat unoa
feurens. ' Col-" ,
a, BIBJIBi lhllui-irv.a. A. K
. hvmsi7 .m
""A MaaMjfmnR eekaMasst'er Saw
vvjfvajajmiaB aja aiaSsh urt mi
asssnO'' i. aw',' TVSaCi.
W-l'M'i&m AtKitmr
4 - I f " 4--.J
I (yP.r
. ..4?-J
e".ei t
.. 4.wtlrtv, jftjfr 3n Mr'?
.fefc?.,..-?". .
Mft. -
rtTrn,tr't "f $( e
ilV(.-'S'i5:'r "maaawamWw tvv..-;.Jt
-w.. . ,vJav.aaaams.,-a,--.1Jf- . 3: t r k