Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 22, 1851, Image 4

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w p$
TIIuhsilAY, MAY as" IWU.
, Di J. 30IINKIIU, I'lllTOR.
For llrtcKiUfl in O-niji-ci.,
S'Tllr. I'oc.itmn t.s tin- Woop," is
tho title of an articlo on llio fuurili pago
It ia well expressed, nml there aro many of
our loYori ami lot oil one iiiot now .-.! '"
parloil that will enable thorn to appreciate
lU meaning ami fool Its Tone.
Oin. Senrr. Ily reference) In llio first
pagooftoiUy'a paper, It will bo seen Hint
then hat been a meeting Utwecn General
Scott nnd Gov. Marcy.-At thin insetlng a
reconciliation of formor dllVurencoi took
....vtlgritBnillcomjniinVhts prfScil fitr both
ride. Wo may expect tlio "l.nity plate
of biip" tllfTictilly all sotttcil, ami nevor
again to bo reiterated. So mote it he.
TtHrciUNCK. The article on our out
tide headed "Tunipomncc," is aptly il
lustrated, anil wo aro tnl.l well reported.
Mrs. Strigsiirt-'f. An article on tho
first pago from tlic I'ltithirgh Saturday
iiilor, by Mrs. Si'ulin, is truly tho
votoa of a right ihlnkiu,; woman, Would
that our land was filled with such women.
We admire her fear!csUi s and candor.
Human hire. A true pirluru of man's
progress thmugh life lili first and lait
minute will alto U found on lliu fint
page. Wo direct special attention to the
several pieces alluded to nbop.
.Kr Too Mack Hawk, a steam
noar, arrived ai our landing on
inst. dmvis ownca'waHr. urai
Clark, ami Itdislgiud, r liclleve, to run
daily brtwrcn Ihls city and IWand.
Ono year ago thero wa m audi thing at
steamboat of any kind pi) ng on the
Willamette and ColumHa r.irr. It i
now becoming nlmovt an ever) day occur
renco to too i'ean)!ati nriisin at our
. landing. Wo arc lnbking up, and our pro
"4c ate growing big with illr future ini-
fMMocc. 1 lio navigation nftho I uallliu
a thirty-odd milca above to within four
I satyc of llita city, by stcsmhouls,
Una ldor, and which.
Vt elajnes, may be carried
M0 effcet. A small ttrambnat. cmialdo
j;af fnjfehtlng froru.no to .10 tons, would
' fay well, (lilt th'u Would nulr r. plank
toad or rail road indiponsablo lo connect
thlsor I.lnnCilv with lh lower terminus.
Tlio people of Chchalom end llillshoru,
need not to surprlu 1 1 1 se, in lm than
a year, a Meaniho.it on the Tualitin rier.
We aro lohl that tho Ti.aliiiu it without
obstruction for at li-a-t .it miles.
Tlio opinion of lion. (
peeling the la wj
lounxlin 10-04'
v iuai naa Mas
-I.- I L.
r Hills understood, and
fe-to lb true purport of uBUi
bWsImm ftlren-h ontnlan it lenmli. wMcl
aaaa preparw wii.'i caro. we ask ror it
- & . . k ...
a attentlre perutal.
Kr Tho late intelliffcnco from lb
ibs is lets encouraging than that
By recclrcd. Hetoralofour
satitfiei tbtt 'rei
r realized only by
aevrrcit labor.'
tthey can
lth Icm
. . SJ
KV..1 -WI1 Mil
K Marlon
Co un
Mn. KniToa:
I have been Ira
ascertain with any
tho tlmo tho mail for t
closed each month.
fore IcAvtna but onco a
natural for anv ono wlnhlnL- to'
tors, to dcslro Ihn longest tlmo, aitlistag
glvo hit -friends Information from'hiS(sj
as lato a dato as posulblo t Yet 'ii'orde
to find out llio lime tho mail woulJ leave,
each man, for himself, must no or aoml to
.1.. nffinn In lf.iirn. r!.iiiTl'itl n.... it..i
i..u w... .- ....... ..... ... ut- ,
Post Mattor just drop n notn to ono of tho
'paper In town, a few daj prc lous to iho
mail leaving, stating Ihn day ho should
send tho mall ofT? nnd Ihus wry much
obllgn tbo public
A. C1T1J5KN.
(fir A- certain Juilgo of llm Kuprcmo
Cuitrl, addressing llio lienoh, obvcrvnl tlmt
that Cotltl dllfercd ffoin tho Inftrlor emm.
In hiring the "' ifweif
r .
mkm $a nuiUhi ait to
tVa i.,i,i ., A. T"W . ' I'
"Hi i T'
I n 1 1 1 1 1 li 'eif ataaaass
Tho r.it M'liMrnnttt
The tcrcut nrrtnln f litis tttoainhoat nt
our uhntf Imi ileni'init rated lh Ihot that
tho Clitokaiiinn rnpidi oan bo navlgntnl
aitecmlully. Il ha, hlllmrtn, born took,
rd njion aa a matter of Imposilhility for
lioatt tontovnd nr deioi ml tlio rapids with
safety, excepting at bin li tlinrt as tlio
back wntrr from tlio Columbia should ro.
fiorotlioobttruellont but ihonpponranco
nfllili tlfamcr liaiirnoted all doubt as
to iti practlcablltytnd hai gonu m Inr to.
warda titaMlnliing llio Inutility or ground.
IrMiioiu ofdoubl Upon tho tlibjirl, ihnt ho
Miovo tho rlrer'oia bo naVlgniod in this
city at trait nluo months In tho joar. Wu
lietimo too, that tho Lot Whlliomb, under
tho supuiliilendrnco of herprrtont coin,
mander, 1 ('. Ainsvotm, la tlio biat to
fill Ihn bill ; soma fow alioratlnns may
bo nccciiary to holler qualify bor fur'tlie
full rcrjiiiriiiiilitnof thu Irado,
IflxnH oatiinin n.ii'iid ilia rspidt Willi. I
nut ihllii ulij, fir Ihoy niiniiiinli wnrta at
tho heiitl nici tho Runt rio In the Clnok.
amisriwr, thnu the) "ill hunt an) other
Um, nv' nt extreme loiv water ; and
such will .ouiiiiuo to l tlio raw an long
as tho olntnioiioii li stirTiri'd to cmbarrax
-...i .. ....i .i . ...i I..-!... .
nun it iuiii iiiu nil u iiiiii l;iijiviuk iiiiririls . .1 .1 ."I .1
, , ., . . , , , . , .IthBii tolearn them a trado
in n mro iimirui 01 1110 ucbi airunu 01
Tho succost null which 1 1,1- strainer
has met, ii an c iJeuco that l-iilt, sultallu
tntho wauls of tho country ,e an Inbuilt in
OrcRon nn wellasonjwhfro il It ro.
tjulros inoro capital, It li.lruo, m have
the mtttrUU to build with, and when la
bor, aa inN'M every thln rlo, shall bo
reduoatl fta'arcfer standard ran om.
ploy advaatisfoously the ca'pital in lnuld.
ing our bomti and thereby keep the money
in llio couatlT, nuen o inKo lulu an
roun. lh.l,.T:;t,r l.l.. I,r.l ...l
---, . , ,
In r. ll.tt flM.I.I-...-. Mat .f ... lt.lH.
also, nt the tlmo tho INoJjVhitcoiiilj was
Mdorlakrn, and since, we have nohctita.
u uwi iiiv iiwii.iwwv vwiuv..'! .. j uiti.
ronounolng It a work of extraordi
nary rnterprlst, such an ono as but few
other men ooiiM have accompli, bed under
many ihiadtautnrfious oircuin,tsnee.
Apart fruni all other consldrrallnns wo
wo conmder tho building of tho atcaiuboal
I it Whiieoinb, not onh a i ro lit to tho
person v. hoio name tho hoari, but sho I, a
credit In the Territory bo deserves tho
coufidrneo, nml there I, not much doubt
but that she Mill noi ito it, ami pitronage
of our ciiixci.s Kiuerally. It nt few men
woulJ bnvo undertaken the building of so
largo a lost at that time, ami fewer would
mnarn-sui m. f II..,: I,
view of all theso things wo say success
to tho Lot Wliitcnmb.
Cv" Tho Tost Miiitiradinitathat bo hat
not taken the lawful mode of ascertaining
Iho extent of circulation of tho paper con
ten ling for Iho kh( olTiee printing. Tbcro
Is ono thing rt it.iin, ho never i xanunod
our loLs iur nsliri! It til tt. nr In il.. ...
nml... law ,n,i ,. i ...ii
-"- I -"..it mi. milieu.. .,,,. nn, ,.,. I.t I.
on iupKiti mi end n parly
t the P. Mailer irnanino
tor of Spectator! wishes
to him tkai i .was our
waa oocatloatrf'lreJiii ova.
and dltWanl of duty,
7 a matter to
$ thinks to
I aia (liat scoro,
li .. . r ..
ncn ; inr wo
oe, but for.
til ho rmdo
' htm for bio
a thy
vhiclii stays
laatnet from
t-tum In j
(-Tho If
M on her first trip to tho I
situated on llio u
iO had nuilo a lull load of naaseuircrs.
among whom" wero iho ltnv.''flfrl (leary
and fumlly. bound for Lnfaycllo. where.
will bo toon by an ndvrrtlioincnl in.tbis
r"rn(i Ho liiltnils to npLii n sclnxil, In
wbujif-ko purscs instructing young men
In the 'eUuiontary branches, nniralsoin
nm ciBtttatyto be coniincuoul a soon as
Mt.' Waaatrn. Tho Now Y.irkK;.
assjsjMW that Col. Jumca Tannaii, a real
aitizcn oi uiouceaior, matt., now
.star vcan of ace. who was ( soma.
this mora than sixty years ago) iaoiel
Webster' schoolmaster, addrossod a let.
tor to his respected pupil a few day tlnoo,
recounting some incidents of hit boyhood,
which was promptly answered in u famll
Inr stylo enclosing a fifty dollar bank note.
Childish Smrticuv. " Mother." tald
u hriuhulitllo cirl. " is hell a hot placo "
Doing n llltlo purled what reply (a make,
the mother nnsworid.ycv. " Then,"ttld
Iho llltlo girl, "teAj ilon'l they turn the
iltiiiijirr t"
...u '-mto&;
rnmrmoViM tun 'PtJiiTr.;
iimmuiir of I be Olili,iRlsl,
duood Into Ida Uonsto -oll, I
whlrli Wfs to tram tho iwn
Stale I'enlrtntUry inouoli ol
prlntlux to enable tlwin prlt'isj Ul
tho hooktibat maybsfordrrtHlMtltdlMl.
Clio bill provides that tullaHt fZiNif'
not cilmlnals, shall aupeirnlcnsVLaial!
lnB,W- TfT
The Pflnlcrs In tlio Journal it I
man ofkrt rrnnr.itralo agali
inonufaciiiro of prln'.ors by tho
to bo Itt liKito upon tho world
retpt!tlo tnrni of sen lev ahaU
pirau, to lnl.il tlieir plates am
PtcliUo men of tho fra'crn!
iie6rs that a lanyer was chsaaj
aniiimillen that reiiortod tho bilk. A
or suggested that a law c''no(lisaMatl.
A T) pa lets lonso upon thiBtjBiia
llio following strain . i
"Tho comlcti In lb nl'uftatrttaiiry
aro thus to bo m nil I'riutors kf tJsKilki
and nit forth Into llio ttoiMutfS&iAvir
place along tide ol honuit inM;,iaf) y
.....u. m hii IV..WIIUI Mi Wllivib , - mj
i. i . 1 . 1 .1 A fan'r
. buiTrciioo n piartil ue j
i.nwyer. OUHIU notlw
law siloky In the.iirlanti.
" yuutig Ideas" as the Logan
to defend sonundrolitm "for
' i'11
ttion. in my iiilml it ou!
t a. ... "
ahlo them to play tho rut nj& I
lircuil Iron) tho inniillui of tin
.Should tho bill tmii, It Is to I
the l.'vnii Honntor III lo I
prcnllvo l tlio d.inict aajluri
iu ia in re-inn iriiiu ii, no xii
honetl irisoby an AoneJturnri
" Tn N.r KMitAin Boa- Mam,"-
Tim iliminQiiMied '-"-"!?' -tin rsjslcss
In ihoal-fivnililo will demur (Ity tba hon
or to pay li a visit to-inoiroij tftalaf .
Head his advertisement, un erftakaat.
sonio i-ortraliof himself In oui 4reraaVj
' I".'1 "' I"" C,"".V- .".?"
i iinko n MMiiaiion, iriovnrs,. typa
- I 1.1 ...I... I...M. -It ..III I . T
Mini "
thnl tnuble distilled nui..ti
Iho l sukeo ten luncy to Hi
and tho prartlcal that Di haMa af
lather, that Homer of sudt, tW BaTW D.
P. (lardner, tho New Hngtand saaf aava.
D. P. (Sanlnor it nn orator o4 Bad ia
a high ami practical senio. Dts mMm
oXMIided In soft soap at the ft,Va)tlM
puipit, in mo inesire, or Irriaa M
wuuiu icaii nun iu inn same HS-fjjsj w
he U winning by expending laVlkt Bala
of hard soap to bis follow i4tVMlTt)i tkw
broad (Wd uf the world." t
All who go t lilt lecture, nttjltait
for tholr vest buttons.
Tho nbovc from tho Sale,
another exhibit of tho progi
Iho age. vt o have seen.
far-famed "Eator strop maat
U otT r kssirBAllst Ik
rutmnji m upoa Matrrom
casloolog not the least lata
nUhlnga good strop loaa;
nan a good uarter and
with his dimes. We thoi
builness of tbavlnv had lint
II, but when tho pedllng of
mauo a iiieiuo lor tlio xit,
numu, anu conless that He
! m" impressed with Iho
V r
IIhitisii Cold tun itI Tha Wl
(on corresionilenl of the Not
sys, " Letters were receiv
lKindor. Iiy thellast Siea
niet rcspcelabl sou ices,
was a atrcnL' nro bllllv Ik
persons who received bribo ia
otaies lor awing to obtain
Iho TarlfT law of 1840, wm
from tho head-quarter of l
l.oaauc, where Ihoy wero
This suggestion set mt to sta;
credible, at llio lirst lilusli, a
the strongest doubt, but w
nhloh havo already been d
oontldurcd, and placed In coal
tho authority upon which thee
aro founded, thero it loo inuak
hcllovo that conupt meant wttar
emjiloycU lo bring about that
ry Lhaugo in tno poiioy oi
nient, Tiino may yet dlso!
ujeel tiian na tweii n
m Nary. Da;
and read1
to Panama In 11
ale to bo placed on the road I
Thero aro now 700 men nn sIm
'MO wero to bo added tho lei t
Tho Ht. I)ul Hopuhlloi
very interotting liollco of llat
comlusltolc lumpen royt, rei
Uiui cuy. n imouo ui prsi
a pleco of wiro rope noro put:
sinllirsllro. llio neat wat
weld Iho itrandtof tha win
er, whilst iho hempen rope wi
ly charred onlh outside. (
was man t in pieoe or raj
bar of Iron wero placed In
ana mo iron Drought to a
the cordage wat but little I
isoteu oy me nro than in 11
vlliAUTirtii, lUsi.
"Tbelonaor llivu. thoi
that iho or oat diflvronco
tha area! and Intlunlficaul, I
viaoTblo determination iW
Doae onco fixed and lben,
tejtjr. ThU quality win uo if
tk world i and no lalonbs
stances, no opponunny, wi
r-TT i , .. iw
logBoilcreaturo a man v. lib J
1 l.lam.ll
MlasfetM av
im aaava.
.ofjfeat, If
ijtjara an
iiiiiaajl af
Maa (M
m t tm MBBBBST1,
M tkiSa
?-" -'
1.4.E..I (iiiliilon.
To tho eioltisloit or mtioli other metier,
wo publloh tho npluloil of Hon. 0.' C.
IVatt, sollulttil by Mr. HoliloriiMi and
others. An It Involves llin lldhtt of
groat many icrsin In tho Tonllory, wo
delay our pipe' I'11'0 I'")1""! 'I'0 '"""I
tlnm, to give It at ottly a circulation a)
poiuluhi. There have btrn nr!on npln.
Ion i nsprssed upon this subject, and
there Is not a llltlo iiiltnpprclicnilon exist
Ing In tlio minds of tlio publlo rcapecllnjt
It; In uoiioiuonuo of which wncheoiful.
ly glvb it publiolty without comment, at
It speaks for llsolfi
Oaten Cur, 0 T., May I7ib, Inrifl.
Hon. O. C. I'satt, I.Iiiii City i
DtiirSiri tskotho llkrly lon.kyoiir
opinion nna tiibjral of Ininorlnucotnmv
self and others lit this community. 1 filed
my intention to in'oomo a cillrun or tlio
United States, with On. L. Curry. Cleik
of tho Circuit Court nfClackai.ms County, '
o thasBTtl, Jay of March, 1H4.I, 11,1.1
was after (Jov. Laiio'a arrival and I'rrxi
lainatlon IuiikI, mi J Ufurc tho ariivnl of
llio Judues aiiiiolntcd by tho President for
tlri-l-on. 'liin liur-.ltiui I.AHln., laatti.
'leW'wlMitliur suoli flllug of intention was good,
atof fT) 'rcra!ory sttn In Uooww a oliitten
fllio CnlloilHtatost you will eenbr a Ik'
nr on niysslf and others by clvlna an
oplnliin. whloli, with your iHirmlsiIou. i
will Imvo pubtisloil fur the satisfaction uf
lliom who nro nllKo clrcuimtanoeil wild
fjin)K If In reference In this tuosllou
I rrinatu,
Yourn roapriilfull) ,
I.iM.sCin.Muy luib.Hil.
l)i.n Bin :
Your letter of llm I Tils lint., propound
ing on ni'iulry whether iho Llackaiuaa
county circuit court, ni II :xltrtl on the
U7lh day of March, IStt), wai a compe
tent court within tho intaniim sf iho ua
turallratlon laws, In which a declaration
of Intention by an alien tool J be legally
made, as a preparatory sir), lo become a
cuirrn or ino v. n , iot'ioro mo; ami l
hasten to answer thai, wblln I !o not ft el
myself at liberty to give anv opinion what-
vor, touching any iiartlouUr c.no In ad
vance of Its adjudication beforo Iho proper
iriuunai, i can see no objection lo giving
my views on the general question present
.il by your caso and other ilmllarly tit
uated. Under the Constitution of tho V. Slates,
the toner of naturallrnllon l vested ex
rtusitrly InCongrcft ; nnd, without going
Into detail of tho provisions adoptid and
rvxlified from time to lime on tho subcct,
Il Is sufficient to say that tulttontially th
aevcral acts, In force, provide that appli
Ration for tWaimrpoM) maybe majj to
toy ciruult, cr diftrlct. or territorial court,
ai the U.A8., nr to any Hints vourt which
.a ooun oi recoru anu uas a seal arm
itifcto- inor.uiiK'nrrrssitcntlonimsy
i irmio oeioru inc ciera oi ono ol lliiMe
eourti, aa well as before ll.o en ml itself.
This being tbo description of ccurbi In
which inch proceedings could bo had. the
nqnlry mJw Is, was llio circuit court of
Ultcknm, county In the iltMrirl M Ore-
ton, en tho '.'7lh day of March, IS If, a
'erriterlal court of tho Uulied Hiatetl
Cciiurtaa alone bat authority to make all
needful rulet and reputations rrsnectlni.
Jfc Territory and oilier properly of tho
'. S.j and, that jwwer wat first exorcised
ii tho country or district or Oregon, ami
J.nMlorHtnIreil government given lo It, by
HtH. ConareMlonal Act of August lltb,
1 . II went Into elfect and had a local
r;?ence at a Territory from and after
is pauage. t,nen notion 1st, pago 102,
. laws, 1P4H.) Tho laws ofibe II. 8.
Wtre. at tho tamo time, declared m lm o.
ded over the Territory. Seo tbo 1 tth
tlon.) And, a a matter of course,
wnougn mo rest mat reguinitng tho natu
raJIxatlon of aliens for, it wat ofn gen
en! nniiircond Intended for usn in all'tho
States and nrganlrcd Tcrrllorios whtrover
mnt could Imi found who desired lo avail
tnimtclvo of it prut islons, Itul, it mut
wtadinittid that ulllmugli the lantnftho
U iS. wero extended over Iho Territory by
Jirets enactment of that date, still, the
br lefils to lio dtrlvril from proceedings tn
V bud under them and Ilia protection In
tel ded lo Im furnished by them would bo
pr .ctioally valueless unlets tho machinery
W juttlco-wat, at tho tamo time, provided
10 aid In their administration and tnforcn.
will, 77114 u-at tjil omltUd.iAtui. ,!,
ijjat caro manlfeitcd by Conor, In that
farci, lounu anipio rem
nnrr etaivw, tiiinnp
it rclatliiff to Orccon. Il
ko other Territorial dlt
osttoofiltornnnlzallon. Left brlKTl.v
tb only rfght power having authority to
make nordful rule for lit iratorninMii.
nd without protection. It had. In anli. nt
i.ir i... ... w .. ' ' - -
h iirKieui uj congress, accumuialctl
witliin lis limit large numbcri of Amor i
CM citlrens, rrnd othert trhn irlihed to be
same ueA. all loudlv drmandlim nl,l n,l
ati, Immedlatn extrntlon of law 7lli mean
;i niorco tnem. A great dittunoo Inter.
lied j a HVtgo war wa waging In the
i ui a civnixeii community and, the
p)o compoilng il, without-aid cither in
m or money' to nroaeouta it. ami mn.
jj lod by no other government than that
v(oprictoiu puhttc, opinion, teemed Jn lm.
wow naiaru oi exitrmlnalion, In thlt
Jtirenaiy, Congres noting upon tha ne.
lty of tho cam, provided unusual
J; Janttt meet lh emergency . Without
W'llilng IV'gotlirough Iho ordinary toutlne
VI dlreotlni tho electing a legislative body
J oMemWe mi from a oodo or siatutcs,
were rtmitntUti On adaption
".. wm, jumunmu tntir nan uy
ffwniintj indlii.k'ddltlon.lo extending
fl law of ihe u. H. over tha Territory.
n va.ueciarcd thatihe laws (hut adopt td
thoM ti e-dUkvifif If firt9 until modi.
Had or repealed, l lrliiiinlorla to Mop
hen) iul enquire' what an anomalous or
untMuaj sloto of attain. ihts'Vouiw of aro.
uoadlnBalhtpro.liicMj ItbflntunioUni
fbf our rii'iilfy to I. nor Out Congrtaha
As foietr and dtemtd II expedient to tici.
tlt II lf Ireliliitlmf and mailtiK " " "
ftiri rf taut whloli hail been used by
the pcnplo boforo tho Ttnilory was callvd
into Irgal king. Amongil lhoo laws,
tho ufliprlng ofuooettlty at Ihev all were,
was one creating and otaulUhfnt cortaln
courli pi reconlln each county or tho Dis
trict or Territory, known and called cir
cuit courts; ond onoTorilioso courts coin
poslntr Ihn circuit was that for Ihoountv
of Clackamas. Tho court, tho cleaturn
of that taw and everything IciraJlylappsr-
talnlng to il, was thus mado by' Cong res
shinnl adoption lit men, and ivtctiiport
se io work nut Territorial court oflht U.
.''., for tho use of the people over whom
the laws. had boon extended. This will
! ' "IT""''" " f"lng tlio in section,
"""-" r " V "". ' , ,"
'' ft ' FZ, .ft".' It fe. " $H
I " tiisiis iiiv inline art iiiu t , iinvii tti
Ihn act wmit inloniri-cl, which, at we have
teen was at ir ilitlt of ill liaunge, should
Ihj nml woro thoroby nulkorltal imi rf
iulrrd to continue la tttrcUe Iht dutlrt o
tneir reipetur ofut a oaterrt oj me ir
tUort e Ortgm nai esAwr AaU h up.
pelnleif nivt muilifd M JUI their placet tn
Ike manner llrtele4 In Ik acl. (Sea U. 8.
Hens. Itw i p. 201, Beo. 1H.)
Tho im rmanont liidlolal power was pro-
tided for In section t of iho oct, nnd when
Iho Judges nr Juitice thereof should lm
iK)lnled and qualified and enter upon the
discharge of tholr duties, the Judicial and
Minlalerialpfficersuf the temporary courts,
aiiopieii and recognized by the act of utli
Attuutt would, and not until then, bo sus
pended. The provisions of tha 1Mb, 1 tth,
and I Bill section of that act aro not only
consistent with each oilier, but conttltutii
together k plain and Inltlllgiblo system of
enactments by wnion an immediate and
lastins oxtonklnnoflawf, both of the U. 8.
and and tbnso of a local character, eimld
be nui'le and enforced for the benefit or tbo
coplo of Iho territory without at all ere.
aling a conflict if (totiers or jurisdiction
between llio temporary courts adopted and
the iermaurnt ones to ho afterwards es
tablished. Ilolh woro Territorial count
ofthuL'.H ; lor llo formor becamo so by
adoption of Cnngrest ami tha latter by lis
original ittahluhmeiit through tho aamo
Kwer; aujiachln itsnllutied way and
time desli;iiel to fulfil Its appoiitcd" pur
pov In harmony.
Where tho wonts nfa ttatulo nro ex
press, plsin, and clear, they ouht to bo
construed acoortllng to tholr generally un
derstood slgnifioatloiiand import only, un.
less by audi an explanation , contradic.
lion or (nwintitlcncy should arise ; end,
iv hero an act of Congrcsi enacts any nut
ter or thing, it lieilty gleet te right rf car.
ruin: It into rffttt l all legal meant, and
tharsforv, Ibougl. lire wJ Hsitra ,m
express a lo all iho mattor necessary for
Iho purpose, tbo routl will so construe tho
statute that its object will bo attained.
...in micro mo p.vi's ni n siaiuie aro
seemincly reiui 'iiant. if ihev cttu be ro.
rondled, tlmt shall baaibipled.io that the
ui jvti ui ino law rh or tan u remlioil and
Iho remedy furnished. The rule then fn
this ess should bo that such n construc
tion should be pin upon tl.u law In qucs
lion ns mat rutin. il.n i.,fnl.t..r M..M.I
againti subtlu ihtentiiini and ovations for
llio (tthliuuanoo or il, and glvo lifo and
strenglli tu iho reined)- nr statulo accor.
dins to the truo Intuit and meaning of llio
manors in inu low.
It was necessary to extend the law of
mo v. a. over lirrgon, ami it wa done,
Aug. I lib, 1NIH a well thoso concern.
In? the nslnralUnllon of aliens aa others.
It was further netrssary in provide courlt
in wmoii icgai proceedings could be had
and tho laws thin rendered efieient ( and
this was also done In a manner, at wohnvd
shown, adapted to the exlmieienoflhe etmn.
try. In this way, nt I concilivo, tha Clr.
cult Uititt of Clackama cduaty oeoame
and wat from and after Attg, 14th, 184",
until tupertcded by thoeifoetivaorganlra.
iloh of thp I)u)trlctf.Coiirt for Iho tamo
county nn tho aaamy of May thereafter,
lo nil Intent end purpose, a Territorial
court of the II. H. and a sqch was com-
l"icin, oniieriiy useii nruirougn tiscierx,
lo entertain preliminary Arooecdlnus un.
der the naturalization UvtaWConsret.
I'or thasTeourt had a ludlolal ofltnar. nr
'uuinsssssssLjssja aaauirad uv am or con.
- . ... - -, . , - "-, --
ore, BsatlsUlBtss4M ao at
hather lha
tVM.orMt, h
In cnntomplatn
law. la !,...
though there wat no Jadge to doluduttta.
It. Is understood. 'Imwovar. thai ik. oi.a.
continued In offloo and In chargo of tho
rccora ino wnoio i ino and uaill inn n..
k. in...!.. i..j. ...i.. ".:.""
"" "" "b, who uooaaued tho
Clroult Judge, entered upon duty. Thl
view I consonant to, and In aid of the car.
rying out tho object orCongrce expressed
in tha Bth seotlon. In provldlnavfor iho
'I-- """" " ", i inn un election
under tho act, It was known that there
were in uregoh not only Amerioan old.
cen but a large population of alleat a!
ready tettled, and it wa lupMted from
their aou of remaining and soiilemaet, af.
ler Iho treaty of 1840. that ihtv lntanda.1
lo continue permanently wlibk our llm.
It, and, a anon at thai. 8. law woro ox.
tended over tho counlry, would lakoiipon
thmelvt tbo oblloallons
am iluilet pf
cllltent. It wa dcalmble', Jhorefore, lo
luriuin legni laouuie without deity 'with
in Iho reach of this olastof persons to on
ablo llicni lodcctaro their Intcntloiti. And
if thoy desired lo vnlo, In ndvanuo of tho
live year required tu perfect their natu
ralUailoa, it wat provided that they could
do so'if In addition to their provfout do.
clarallon to hocoino clllrent of tha U. 0.
Ihoy should alo take an oath to upport
tho constitution and tho provision of tho
organic law. Il ha liecn suggeatad that
tho " declaration'-referred toVtaat Mo
tion was only for tho purpose 6f awaWlag
(illtnt to vote at tho first clcotloo, and Ibat
it inlnhl havo boon made before atetwoon
nitglsiralo. Thlt viow I ds hot think
sound. The "oath'fo support Iho oonttl.
tutlon of the U. S, and ike provision of
tbo organic acl," which waa only u part
of what wa required from the alien voter,
it It true, could havo betn laacn uoiore ino
Judire of election t but the "declaration
of Intention under oath to become citlrens
of the U. 8." whloli wu tho first and most
Important part of the qualification, could
only havo been inadeereeviefy lo '
nnd before the court or cterk prescribed In
the naturalisation law.
Allow me, in conclusion, lotay tbtt un.
derttanding thero is soma diversity of onln.
Inn touching ltd question, and reeling
much anxiety lo bo neither misted myself
nor Instrumental Intnlslcadlng other coo-
corning il, I am freo to ttiisatlJtajaslh
cupled mo much Jhwacr than at fijflw
MetnxU ntcessaryr'M'hai, lirttVfnueA
pteail tboMMefM.aaologf for J longl
answer, my nrsi impresuoat wero dll.
forrnt from those heroin expretodand,
with ilofironu) to the contrary opinion of
nlhrrs, some of whom woro formerly In
high places under tho government olOrc
gnu, whoso vjnwton lueb subject are en
titled to, and(do receive great retpccl. 1
mutt Iw -permitted to addthat my own r.
ror, (at mav also havo been that of other)
grew out ola hasty view of the Midsec
tion uf the act, which wss supposed to oov.
or tbo whole ground. On llm contrary, I
find that it -decs not touch tho question at
all. It relates to other mailers altogeth
erto a provision for tlio final disposition
of unfinished business pending and vudtter.
mined Aug. 14. IM, in the court of Iho
late Provisional Government, etui not to
proceeding! or luilnct hid er done In tho
courts established by tbo act, after that
ilite and after the ralid organtiaikm of the.
Territory. Perhaps a inoro careful Inves.
ilgstlonof Iho hvrmay correct others as
well a myself.
Liberty I given to do with thlt reply as
may licit plcaicynu, whllo I remain
Iteipectfulty yours,
3. M. Ilnu.rxrtrss, Esq., Oregon CHy.
(inmvTii nr Tin: Ucri'iiLic. ThoLon.
don Times prediiti that at tho rod of tho
next half ceuiiiry tho Americas will
number a papulation of ono hundred anil
ninety millions, and " thero cannot bo a
douht," a adds, "that if tho Union last
that time, tho United State will bo tho
creates! nation tho world ever saw."
Tl. nll,iney tipua wbieh tin raTOrer'
greatness of America I here made io do
pond, is Iho continuance of the Union
the indlspensablo condition of our progres
and prosperity,
(KT Wo understand that tbo firm of
Woodward As Oi., of this cltyj hkvo re.
ceived the contiact for carrying tho Unllod
Stales Mall through to the Great Salt
Lake. Tlio contract stipulates that tho
Mail shall leniu each polul onco a month,
m that wo shall havo advice from ,tho
Great Salt I.alo City onco overy month.
Tho bids for1 thlt contract wore of a most
varied character. Tho ono which rrob
ably obtained Iho contract wa 'riling
81 1,000. Wo know ono gentleman put
in a urn iur ino same contract, at WHOfl
This oc to thow tho difference in
cttimnles Inlhl crral and rrowlnu ooun.
try. It i a fair amplo of tho variety of
Sainton In regard to tho cost of work in
alirbrrda. Tho 93.1.000 hombro did not
eomo within a " tono throw" of receiv.
Ing Iho contract. (vtcramenl,) Transcript.
I.irritAnv Sion Paintino. The Police
in Paris havo oiipolntod a commlttro to
correct Iho orthography and nunotuatlon
of Slgn.boardt. Thoy regard llio blunder
exhibited, at a sort of disgrace to thcFrrach
national literature. It it rare lo tee an'in.
correctly painted, rven whore thero it but
a solitary name. We havo one dally be
foro our eve. where there Is a full mint af.
tcr the first nam?, nnifnono .at the end of
the second.
(Mai rata
For yiciF
a iiortACB at
Of Nam.Viab?
Subjcot to the rn.dool.fw, of It H Worn.'
an'. Itlght'' and Nieqen Wrona.'W
yeuiton. w i
. Kllhu'ilurrlttsav. that tho bsa
drop for young ladle., aro toeWtbo
practico of dressing thin when they go
out In tho night air. - yp
Tho .number of emigrant logydty1du
107.409 of whom 88,00:1 wero .enTnu"
at the publicsgrpeiise, M
huh an vnairsi n mAiimaJ
5 MiaBaBOpB''?
wm.Mmzmmmmr vt
M.ln4HBtsssssssnasV?i. "''
:'yawisiKasVm i w
iiisaI''.- .
. ;
- '-Is.
, - - V s
a -
- X- .v-..
r V .ai'-rl atlrti
T 1""1 11'Mitt.tM .,.- Va n'&Z
,sm . vitvV W.iMjjslK
,, JTJBtTassssssssssssssssssssaJLiJssUs