Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 22, 1851, Image 2

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    w '-,u,.--R - . j, - ,T
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IJiV .a- t,
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r it I i
SV i f Ml n , n
"WW mfWuMUMW iin
MH1tML)i ."
rs atmi3""
Unn4xfffcu , k "
I'Vt-n .3
- " v
'-.A -. .: ..1 . A ' ".T
ji r,Ai,VJBJHt BTrArBBJ,
twwww imytmiti' -ttu. am umur
" . IKT1MIW ! (Mil M aaaest.
wsMare (lltowM baa) IW UsrttSa.
H(hH tiL.liiLi.'i.i.."i .... afeO 00
Fw smy aaVeajissal. lsrvB I 00
V liberal sMtetlsa awes Ie yearly MwiM.
iBsAedea.kVe sasajta. etai, al will si
UUM WIMtM JIM ebtffsd WJH'T-
i fMrMMUtoMtator.
ww rirjik-
Om AsMtimv It Co , Orsfeaeitr)
f. ft, M'Cuas.r.M.tfskm.
"('. M. Wiu.it,H,rhhiW.
A.l.Hiauti,Mf, YuallUL
r. inrt : joi rar..
' jMn C.ATUT,
.k.m .. ' " " - mv ai.B
A. clow, n, IUUmn
ijr. NMtm, NMKith'a
t nNf if wi
IK Tolk cwtr
' han Ntwau, Ctuaawf.
B(Ji h larau, iMtkkimX,
, Jim Cwr, flmea. Una
jhm vaav. ameaae. Una fount r.
..laitrW, ruataal Hli Pnt Olltcf, IttatM
Cwkr. ,
Maw. .
Natmm Omit, DaOea, CtaaaWa lint.
Mat.1 8wiaimuL0N Bmamt, Vc ThU
lady thoa diaoouraea on ajatrlmony, bin.
my u4 eoaiufral dotlaa h'her papar, tho
I'lttiourfb Satorday VMtor. . Bbo haa a
freeaadoaar war ofimtlac aaaaaiub.
jectJL cat , like her apunk?. ,
" Wa would tike to bo able to Imlgino
iww -Diaa hou wneo ano nai aneeeeu.
cd In oatokbig a man, and using tha atrong
arm ! -law In compelling him to enfold
her In hi bring embraoa! It la neceaaa.
rr la -Ibo nubuo weal that ererv man
nouMlIre with lie lawful wife, let the
puMle MtoM to Ha own welfare, eatoh tho
truant, bring hln to the lady.ha I to lore
and ehaviak, and aeoto it that bo perform
thoar iaaportaat duti. It auraly nerar
caateaWitlatwfal afaayoaa woman,
. tbalA-MatMM wb want lo gal away
wa eaaatt aadawMaW tho eatrWIam which
could, toduoa ha to alta to the haataea
of the eommoawaallb, and oaforoo obodl.
enoe to the law, at her own paraaaal ax.
neaoel What any woman would want
with a haeaaatt who had got offend mar
ried another, la more than we eentall, ua
leaaeh wiahodtoaend hi Mother' wife a
pair of glove, or baadtemo dr. or aome
ether token of ftratltitde I She might wiih
to ae their baby and take It a new frock,
or a rocky.bore, or aumethbg of that aortj
hut to internet their Wlolty weitU la one
ofttaalaat tttejew.-ehUrtd..
Wa,aanoi. imagine WeaeVweonn
wild numrkef dalioanv. COUM afar en.
. . . .l - I .1
into a ooairoTcny io retain .
m UBonahvaband who really wlahed
ia ha he rid of bar I I weM rather aboral
anal Into a oellar wr a tiring, lira in a
Boor.boua, nab living aad die ia a ranee.
comer, than lire with a haihand whom
nothlar but the etraag arm of law eeuU
oompalto lire with me. Out an Mwnpro.
ftnatloMofthaaaoMdmarrlagaUat Such
aambUace of marrg k like a spirit
mad of mud like aa laajnortal apul man.
ufaoturad from brink f . ' d ni
cannot esJat, A haaaaad'alora liagood
mJu .nflL.Uai4faaaaa tor hearkac with
many fault, fcr eUaklag to hlmthroagh
eorerty, crime. aarnw w
inaulVr-and wklla a aeupla praftjr aaeu
m.m aii aa&ak wriaii armn-
la ftMeaajwr and baauU-
a to create
ww or
iry lm
:h .nJKSiif 'TO
t,-" , vt iJ
- cently
ba ra
ta thi root,
m-Tlhsvilt-lt of tba
velonedlo beeome objeete "f fraji: S?
."ary agency artaaaaH frMUWtly Vli to
rnillfyj7,,tk. "J2B ! LH
noBMrariaatloa of the eeed. Ae eoosj a
the quantity requisite for two sfjtisre row,
! ln vq r""" " e
--.-. - . . , n .
- iariiwiin ihiM ww
i ' ' jjU
-' , i V1
iwnsrrwsjr ii.
i I " iiiivw .
"..-. '
' 11 IU
Mmkith PjiMTho nxloui liutUuJ
tw urn bit Mud.' IU It filior j
mq onitji nit oau uoro unto ntm.
MliutM mm. Tho ohiltl bM lwn blow.
ed wllh parent whom it cannot rccou.
nliek Mi) Dniwd to lint bewm to wMoh
ItwtlMt tontffuUe It to utttnince the
young wlft, loo, lui flntly anijrerttl lo
iMOUoaM'aquitioailMdrell hiiwirtrt
HoDia I'am. Tho low moanlimt from
ibo olosoly eoTmi orarfle, tall of tin dm
want of ita lohnt oeounanl. Thn nulci
tread of fa uureaacalia of aufleringi
around Ur'wbll bar clad oounttntnoo
tryhuf lo allovWa iaa aowew of jay. and
ftfco, Mawlt9KaMlak' which from time to
lima aha arranMa on tho hearth, tall or a
new claimant for tbecourtotleaandattm.
lion ofthoM who bara progrcntd Airtlier
on the pathway ofatbtanoo.
I)at I'am. VlallortarathrooRlnR Ibo
rbambar; and lb mother, pale anil in.
leraatini after her rcoeat Ulneaa. la raoelv.
ng their eomrjaluUtiwn ud Uttenlog
proatinr to me pratae or mo uttia troaaurv,
whion tieo
aileea ia it rockiaa bed at her
real, the ene akina. and the rather l
there with her alone, a the twilight deep,
en around litem, white they are planning
the future deatlay of ibelr child,
waica rjuaj. iho eyea oi the young
mother arewrklia with health, and the
roM bloom again on her cheekt and the
car of pleasure and home engage tier at.
tentlor?) and Ih father ie onca tnora
mingUag wilb thh world t .yet they liml
many afporttinltle aob day to visit the
young Inheritor of life ; to watch over his
ilreamles slumbers lo traos each ether 'a
look in his cottnlenineo, anil lo ponder
upon the felicity, of which be Is the bearer
10 till-Ill.
Mourns Paw. The cradle I deserted.
Hut thochambor .:r is strewn wltlrpUy
things, and there is a little one loilvrlrfg
among them wliose half lispod wonle, and
hearty laugh, and sunny countenaneo, tell
you that tho enlranoo of Ufa Is over a
Kthway ef flnwers. The cradle la empty,
t the last prayer of th parents are ut.
tared over the small crib which stands by
their own bad aide, and their latest atten.
I km It given to the practful breathing of
it occupant.- .
g Yaaaa PAaa.-ftUdl-ood baaatreaftb.
jjhiiiiaJIaijiien?! aai jmiimnir
boied aioae late manieaM. uiaeonneo.
lions are broken parent are sleealag in
their grave, new Intlmaoie are formed
a new borne la about him l new caree
diatraat him. He la abroad struggling
amid the bueleeaa of life, or reeling from
It with those whom he ha chosen from hi
own ganeratlon. Time Is beginning to
wrinkle his forehoatli and thought ha
robbed his looks of thtlrrayely.'and study
has dimmed his eyes. Those who began
life after he had grown up, are fast crowd.
lag hlin out of It, and there are many
otalmanta upon hi Industry and love, for
protection and support.
YA l'jin.i. Ills own chililren hare
become men, and aro quitting him, as ho
also quitted tho homo of his lathers. I lis
step havo lost their elasticity Ills band
ha become familiar with hi oane.to which
ha la obliged lo trust In hi walka. lie hsi
ieA tho battle which fatigued him. lie
looks aniiously In each day 'a paper among
Ike death and. then ponder over the
name of an old friend, and trie to persuado
himself, that It Ie younger, and stronger,
and he a better bold upon Ufa than any
of hi oontemporarlM, ,
Motrraa Pa. He gradually dlmln.'
(she Ibo circle of hi aotlrlly. He ills
like to go abroad, when he find so many
new face, and ha grievea to meet hi for
mer companions, after a sltort absence,
they seem to have grown o old end in.
Grm. Quiet ljoymaata,eplyar relished
little-coatajMlhMebeiifcald titnoa n
aober game t whUt a rellajiaalreailso
i do we w
are blunted,
?W .
'iwlPiea ante ioi
id man uoes noi
tve hi aaaWhai mei
y s fnlllug ho
Ika. but oaarm b,
eou no asks
Km, trmiso.
lueettoaa, am iney
Mora former gi
oojeurreoces, but th reaatMauoaoi no oun
around Mm can go beok to iMiraMtiea
be seem to oommune with comrades, but
whtn be namea thorn, it is found thnt thn
water of time and oblivion have long oov
red their tomb.
' . Hotraa- Pa. The Unar grew dim
mer nd dimmer the machinery move
yet saoreand mora Mowiy tneeanaa are
fewer ae they measure lb allotlod span
the aawiawof those above him wuaaaied
to beaome a vexation. Eoh Inquiry af.
lerTtftTtaallh Is, a knell 'vTba aprlngof
lire can no longer wro on it wnoi
(lie HaHvWuTiord" ia Tut untwisting in
Mobar't brit-,at' thai founla Inand
lIM'U'abfrthe.,' 'HI rkljdrn.arr
iiiii yiMirwi4-iJrtrmU-rt-tTi,-f.-nti',
' ulVMiiJ Ika I
.... . """" '
.' tmufi, irasMWnali-.- aw.
r mi., ,. m.i
yregon wiy, t;u i; ,
v.. 1 , l.ll.Jl ',-,
all about him. hul ha h-aU llmm not bill
friend are near, but he doe not recognlM
them. Th circle la oomplelml. The
oourso I run nil utter wkneM,brinM
the cold damn, which ushera In tba niiut
of death.
MiMUTr. I'iss. in breatliliiff crow
Mfter and slower hie pulse heal fainter
and feebler. Thoso around him are lis
tening, hul cannot lei I when thev ceaao.
The ember are burnt out, and tho blur
mine not heiuro It oiplrcs, His51' Hire
icoro year ami ten" aro numbered, llu
Men Ann Womin. A" wonn Is na
turalt-rVratlfled whon a man' stnolrs tier
nut and addreeie bla'convaraatlon lo her.
Hho takaa pain Ie appeir to th bajM
vanw-(0Ttrat without turtmftJM ufwfiKI
Hut how dlfTcrent It Is with men. Tba
inoik. with them'. I dellberalelv Mil mi.
and worn aa a maik ; and we betide ihe
my gin who Is too weak, nr loo unsus
plolous, noi to aniM-ar diinlcaictl with the
well. turned compliments, and fUtterlng
Alletillons, mi Inrithlv bestowed unon her
by her partner at tho ball. If a girt lias
urotuert, no sec a Utile belilml ttie
scenes, ami ie savod much mortification
and disappointment. She dtsctars how
II 1 1 to men mean by attentions Ihey so
freely bestow on the last new fuco which
strikes Ibelr fsnoy.
Men aro singularly wanting In good
iccniijj, upon mis subject t ttiey pay a girl
marked attention, flutter her nil etery oo-
caslon, nnd then pcthaps, when warned by
some juuicloiu irienu that they are going
Ion far, "can hardly believe that the clrl
could he sii fbnlfih as to fancy that any
nunc wat meant,"
The fault which strikes women moil
forcibly in men, Is their suprriun iclllib.
nen. Tlioy expect loo much In over
way, and hecomu impatient if their com.
forts and peculiarities aro Ititiirfoied wllh.
If the men of the present day were less
width and self-indulgent, and more will
ing to be contented and happy uikmi mode.
rato meant, there would be fewer causes of
complaint agilnst young women underta.
king situations of governess when Ihey
wero wholly unfit for so responsible an of.
flee. I feel tbedecnest interest In the
present movement for the lmprorincnt of
me irmaio aei : ami most oordlsllv dot
cooour in tb(acbme forthl desirable
vrpoM. jiia uatil men are Mcliy
nail It Ie In wontaa.
wive among women', wm poeasws suca
aualltles, I dm4 expecl lhal tho present
eslrabl movement will4ake a great
deal of progrtis. IJirAangf.,
, i,
Siiut Tact. Tho uumcroat and well
known loraire lo the South Sea Island.
dec, have mado us veil acquainted with
what Is called the bread tree, a well as
another kind, known under the name of
the butter tree. Sot It remained for the
Indefatigable M. Humboldt lo discover in
the wilds of South .America a tree which
produce ready nude shirts.
Wo saw on th slope of tho Cerrs Dul-
.la," say M. llumboUi, shirt trees ftfty
fcithjgh. The Imliaus cut off cylindrl
cat'plaoektwo feel Indlametcr.from which
thev otcl the Ted and fibrous bark. with.
nut making any longitudinal Incision,
This bark airoruainem a son oi garment,
which resemble sacks of a very coarse
texture, and without a seam. Th tipper
crcsio; serve foi tho head, endtWo later
al holes are cut to aumit tne arms, -ine
native wear these shirts of ma rlainja the
rainy season they have lliq Cum of (lie
ponchos and ruana of cotton, Which are
so common In Now Urcnlda, it Quito,
and in Peru. As in llicso climates tho
riches and bencficrnat or nature are re
f;ardcd n the primary cause of the Indov
enoe of tho Inhabitants, the Mlsslonarlc
ib not foil to say In shoninj- thu shittsof
marlnta, In tlio loroita oi tuc uruonoao,
carinents nro found rcnily made on the
trees ' Wi mav add to this late of the
shirt the pointed oap which the spAtbrt'
of certain palm trees furnish, and, .which,
a ml WOtK. ..
' -1 ' I. I
1 .. -... 'i'.
r Oi. rrentioe.ortbe loui
vnie'twarnal, whom excoriating lain i.sai-
t. . ... . . t
way wll and faithfully applied Who
backs of tho demagogues, take noiloo of
Morso of Louisiana, who opposed tho
cheap poatago system, because it was oil
ciliated to Incrcaso the circulation of news,
paper, and announced himself In debalo
la hostile to lliom, saya I
M r. Morse, M . C. from Louisiana, think
tmwipapors havo detorloated for tho last
ten voar. and if ibo high pottage will (top
i, it will be-better urtho
(tlive away down on th)
llayot) Th,lwre tno on .uyi
are printed on.tha akin of dad allgifcra,
whro -wblkr ! wo wrt S""
wl.9re the gcep t' Mm lul ,'
re the only newspaper
area , " v"'j ?-- -
can raid or writ U aant .fm Ootmm, to
tho IBUlatura, br to th Peuttfntlary,
hi oeoainaeai. .
atw.itt.-Tr Wiustogtoo eorre.
uni mi the Chrlie Courier say.
t .8enJa rmjd th nomlns.loa of
nilgtdUr J2ral Rllta Brav.t Mijor
ueneri. aw " tTT, ' ' W'"
noulnatwnwa conWmed, 4
rViW'"nT UAWmmt ymetmi.i
Haalaamnir.- i:
T" hut I
iak!ae rnanyl
aaarlVan hotir. lie ret
the phyMotogteal argu-M
peranoe taw trongesi on.
proeai mationa botwaan
oony. v i ner are uwi
U kwaJthoy bara their
aoaity tratwaraja
I eyetem waa
i In all It part.
When the
ire Wd tba tar, th heart and Uo lungs,
he aerre end the brain, aad tho. various
parlsof th brain, eaoh and all perform
Just whft kky ought when they are nel-
tner orertMM nor, too muon normani,
the system Is rlehf. Thl balance of
power ooMtltute Its perfection. Any
ovcr-xerei deatroya that balance and
lend to diairdsr aad ruin. Constantly
excit a man' embeilvncs, and you
will make bkn quarrelsome.
Alcohol deatroya that balance of pow
er. It Is nl a nutriment, bat an excite
(tit- It stimulate the kut ef the brain;
Two hundred per cent, more blood t
thrown into the brain In proportion lo Ita
slM,vthen b)o any part of Ihe IiumH
uout. iot increase mi quantity,
not benanclatly but inlurloualv. It never
iocraase a auut' knewtedg. or hi tal
ent, e kb) kindly altcxtlaa, but U etjiaJ
up me patMoas. ii at itrst irrttaic l.'Miaf,
and wbea ita force Ie apent, they beooaaa
uead, ano, in Miane la low. I lence yoa
soo the lasbrkla ore and treubleeome,
but oAeaiiarfcc and bravo, yet afterwanli
he became dull and cowardly.
I. Sewatj'a plat lllustrats tho ua.
nitural esoaemaM, ef the etotnaob,and
al last ita Ui ofruaalion power by Alcohol-
Wih theee before klm, ih man
wlMUeaH-jUquor' ean look la uaa hhw
self, and fee ita alow bat destructive ef
fect wpeaylrlt vital ercaa. v
Tho etMhliu. veadlni'. and uslasr af
li.J t JL TZ : ' VT. .
uqsawe, jrwa sswoTony. ur WW pU
wsmew mirpi ns-emmn
.Aavtba Wggad
aji taeir gar-
rkea tltf yHmm aatrahv
WMtfkabaM tte bows dl.
, M-sBaaa.' ?.Tb 'aaorv' ia
niMIMfpi y a power or
una sw
1.1 .Ki
ii la hia itilsU; . datfriaaalaa
v..ltXUtmaeillaaBaassl. Ha'aUnd
t.maud If be aver fotuafaa tman ofue
llhei-Miat ftand bang It on ika op.'
rJTirall, that by aeatraat ha might be
man, aaaalbla af tba beauty of Iho former
1 n paea away, ana ne nap
i wnera a onawsai
a. . Tba waa no
saaer aauaar aaa oi
plOrH' i
peosf W W i a pnaoii
t---.i la ahaha
Mfasssaa.4 hat
llgir la al lsibaaaatit Ur wu.iae M
laaawaaaaaawfai"-ew:": wr i wuaaa
i)t7aaEl?lt ?aybMtlta wall i Ufcd
la llMhW faT"n"'i "I" inn HMm
walsaCjaaaW WP"I vMftlfawit to ba Uwu
)ln0wa1lBVakaUirtB4arj Iky
ZWSXwMm$. 'WV wak.
a-Plln"I "arrtaa-jwy M,m
!aSwf Vf ,rU iaaa
drtast a.M.laa cMeaeea, aaa, aaaaarj Daaweoa
tfUIW watt ajftlsitapr
1W9UKn'!wf.VrZ.wrETrr. 9tf
MI1taWil"-J?lV'Jfaaf "'
tiaal -1. 1. agSBBBBV- UpjsjiuyaiiygyiiaaiAi faBHBBBBk. jgJi (TgI-lg
2a!jBaaBBBlf nasi' ahall 'wa 'laSt Sjv'.'iTu-
tni tj uttikMnmila'J(ialBXiifsttmbn
, &' , WW&fatoWoM
n n i .MwmrtiUiWiwwstw
?- '-.,'
tH t 'my
it Shalt ihey
of ah
Hilmo their
ir b Let tboee
vein I Laid
ira wua
Ltfll iL; first
My i
t evenu
i Mini
fall olaaWa'la tba far.'
i to preacii to iheu.aao.
uaf Tomnorano on the
aune, and Ih secoae) In
0. HT' ATKINSON, Secy.,'
and Oo
r.A Washloi
.Biprta bu the fellow.
I goatUmta being present kt
a tapptrnity given a few evening slnoo
ay j, u. jMdy, Ksq., Hi tiencrfcl rx
pressed faVBr. Kennedy a deieiiuinallon
lo make Jtvkiio to Iho Hx.fiecrrlary of
yur, warn waosjt tie nad not Men on
frlendlyrlatlalaoe the Mexican war,
slatlug that ho ! oppressed by the un
neoeaaary oontlflsae of any coldness bis.
tween tiiinscll eU any gentleman, and
wouM rquch. prjM reeoneillatloa. He
led that Ih uMawWld. receive Mi
wspisninna infw ssBBSSBasajiaw. WMOH
ha wa lnfluenplasBjHy:f
The adranoelBMlw KmLmBe r.
suit wai at lJ!Bi:bd4ama' Whole
rotnpauy4 (smonjf wkem vaMjM-Oover.
nor Crittenden, Altoaaayjiaara t tvx.
(lorcrnor Letcher, ofxagaKrw Min
ister to Mexlco,is1WBwTPIvertt, late
President ofliaafatd UnJveraltv. Mr. Ma.
ceoo, MioJftaBapiaM:iJraiil, Mr. Bluai
.. . .Aaai- -. - .. c i
ooreury ainHTMUrlor, &o.) i
much delighted with the affair and
mil. At in lupner labaj.Ux
Marcvwa loaslad asthststn t7ovrrnnr I
. is'. -. i ? .. ..
oi new iorK, anu as KX-nerrrtary oi ) """ ' uv "' 'W 1,n i"""" "i
War, In rcsionie tonhlch thu i.x-Corr- "'' the sheet Iron lirebodW,likcaCllinee,
nor remarked, that, whaleror celebrity ' K"g reverbraled througJi the liouse-J
might attach lo him asSccrelHrv of War, " w' rehearsing n new overture to a.
wa a reflected glory of honor -reflected i thunder storm about tu bo produoed.by
from lb gallant men and hrae officer' juti'"1'0 theatre of.wliicbhe waemana
with the notice of whose conduct ho was ! g"- 'I'be old lady stopped hsr ear and
lionored, and especially from him who han
been a dlstinguiahrd Major General for
8T years longer than any other man
living.' , The expressions so delicately
rere raoetred with a burst or ae.
Aeal.'eteated' for tho htWdrabU
ilaa wblah wW
tttaVM Ibae that
I JlrMl Irfaln Iruth
tabed Bra loan tiro
fafeavf 'yea -and it la plain
aei ark) lavlasr idaaa io cheat
Ktfmtl Utond (o Mil chafT for
arieatt aad thm ie dngr that ,omo or
tba isaHab gtigea" will be aadly ta
kaaia. "
r.ll saay net be yourfault that yoti belong
lata Voae hi party "jthat the aingl
Idea la gettlag tJjiksJtihLPnly one
are I
bad I
arssiwi -jyu i ..i
h oatcblni and yoa wl
ivftj 'mother or matuigloj
pyou nnd a inarxet.
Sourstaiat NtrurioATto.t. Mai. Don.
Mson, at Tana., aow in Washinutoo. toll
an utfwste which shows tho oxtetit oN
Soutbeta aeceasion' down that way t
fttatlna un thn, Southsm routa from
smphls, ha fell In with an' old man;
no fancied, una with whom he en
into conversation, bv aaklnir him
ear ne nu latoiy naarn anything
I nullfloatlon t h ( Malor Doaelaon)
hag aeta little or nothing of U, of law
s' eld awn replied that ho waa probably
laj Ibra man who knew Utile of any
ttaawi'.but for all that, ho had known
Geaihekson, d would now tell Major
that ha had three sons, and mat
Ifaay eae or these turned nuiuner, no
woujd net kill hlmkbut exchango him for
tften Rill Hie uog Nn i impossi-
Owl msn to use a insro cnor.
"S.T-f'rrMrtrvm-,. ;;'-t ".as.' jea-i
- vpaxinactna
iit - rAnUaauAhMUaruiaa
i diaVan $pprr-A iarga:
the Whta. member of Ih
have lndraled (heir prafeiraea
to tho wwl'WliIfl oatidkkte.for.w
denoy. Gen: Wnficld Soott'aMji
lopkad upon aa ibp oaadriate, w-
Pennivlvanla is concerned. Her
M anlnUkltW In lila AivrMfaA Air imml
sfaT'i ''-?:. '..-x j. . ajjaim
lhouihlneom lD(anor It bee aijRHfr ,
ifokea from other notion thar T' xAhfii
Sc.fc.thfodjiale. ThahaMMCy Wfy-
tba number of;.! liAKtn.fU.W,(ll ' V?
merou emxem to vraatiiagtow was .fff' j-77
act urn. Hoott uaoa M popular tBraTf-sr Ofytct
, mm w,mm ,iii ri.imiih tv m - r f (lvfc
MeftewViaeT-wsBeMBlt X. W?.
"-. " - . : - -st-v--
for acy on to he, . We celli
on thn late visit to Waslilr
Jiy with several member.
era speak of their interview,
cnrln laylna that It was one of the moat
pleasant vlsfi mule on I lie trip. ?Gerat
rtcott t a great man the man of the av
and ha a great htart. Ha I admired by
tho world, and lovrd by his countrynsen.i
The Whigs should rally for him l.dao.
and in earnrnt, or inachlnatlnoi may 41
feat him. Though he is a soldi!1, Mia'
Mil aaea adaao -lilrtT.VJ
and beard edu. . .' .V
used only lo the open field, and may and, . iCkJ
a poor uhaucflu 1th inouaingpolltleiaa. ' , Jfe
l'tnniittxinlit Tctrgrtfk., i 'KJ
" Don't make such a noise, Isaiciiaitl'
.ii rs. ran nc on. as jKe sat tiiavinarewar s'
jewsharp, and kicking tho time out jjJ.ttf"
a snect iron iireuoard with one foot, l
ig to the oven dour or the ,
other. I la w a somewhat I
mako suolt a noise, laeaal nvy'
ar.kfajwy.ikull waa Jn free ted ;i
I h' aucgFafJon of the brain, If,
j, .,Mi it.., n . .i...j .. '
shall Mtaa'i
..n. .Ia.. r. ..in ii ti... ii . .i i .. '
, "I shouldn't wonder' IT
took to nmslo, and theft I don't how waaafi
i man do wfta him..;,
such teopi.Bojajotjaaaa,eri
ana pealllaji
ny inept
oMeaat 'ml' laa.aMMa- barai
ovm aVHr 'lemalaM muta-ea he
and stillness rebrned. Ik haH
his jowsharp Iforta PatkJkUtri
dtr A vounc lady paMtneddwn a l
street near tho I'tchanceln this city. I
Ih Detroit Advertiser, be ford the thaw
commenced, was otertaken by one of tba
b'hoys lying flat upon his sleigh, who, was
using Ihe middle of the road for 'coast j?
th ladv Awatiundermlnded and safely, tho'
tbil ami
.sMteiK alldwad aheaaawt I
LaatsTtlaaIairnoililog; akaV
&MmiiV,rnr!t&" .
it'.t,isliiii. ill " 'i?f'
paper at aiiytline gq,f
ilm mills l'1 In'anawaa
M. Noahjafty- it fy:wtr Thaw
"Ye, airnu l ,fi,JWW
were.lsaiMnsiaVaa iree irora .
,.. .L,n JaabM. In ooniMueao afll
uriBor that they ahould pay
Mr year wr crerj imv inim,
KivYiTnTHiIlKAt'i. Tkm'ialwavab.
ftovon oung lady la In lov with you b.
causosue aooept all your; prtarnta with
a smlland.a .thank you.',' .UlrWare-r
Ilk young horses in tliat respect remala-
nig so longaa mere is a roorjiai tsn
measure, and ihen, unless you bar thajw
firm in your grasp, turning, abautM
kicking liiclrlioel at you. i Ityl
Cstr Tho census of New Orlcana la
nleled. and show a population ef 10&M1
the tuimber of voter 13,40B Tbaia
crease InSho pulatlon of the city state '
194? It SM23, or equal ta 37 prse
)"afBBlraBlABaalaaHBaP,aa ,ieXs-n
thoirnippvpMPB?; Jy$cm
.1 . TLJBttNBMirJ.tsakmafBm
V?t VJ
.i' .,
CiH .lv
tS ;!:
. A3
i-Vr f'-'i
, andallaavJ. . lU
' y -A
. Vf V
lll . i
W. . M
UtrmantoteH rrirgropn.
H'VV" .Mt'tt'
' . & SWfets
.. i, . ".' Tto v m.y
&m!&?; g&