Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 22, 1851, Image 1

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    3Pi "PH
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L'" V. "jiV ' fl,'j
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um?ikix-m, i,im-
td Mvnt.ViMNHMiiiinimA)inMMM'
l r. -.s-arrsvs -"St I ia-ft-XrJ':--TjA .AlVri'---!
-ffr imiVuBitHlMWI
D. J. flCMNKBI.Y, KDirOR.)
Vol, 5,
IVctt wurtt Ik llnr of (.Mswlro lukss Ua wny."
Oregon Cltyr0. T,,) Tln&day, May 22, 1851,
.- tx.-- -if "V;- :
r4-w r -rT-v-T
f s v -g
Ba 1 Bel Mi 1 Bar 1 V Mi 1 Wn, Bel 1 BbV';Bbu JBI
BBBtt. '. BH JVBi-l IBal H Bi 1 Bo. ' Bi IBB' BBlBsV'sUBi
.-r.-n i . Am' '
('I jb bi '' . J m warn m aw' H-
BtTOTtS TO tUM UOUt, toflll. !S UTBStaV
Ltnatr or tiii' ntru or ouaao.
Robert moons Proprietor.
. IXyAtlAHt.T I.NAUVAIvrit.
Om cepy, pr annum A? 00
(MxiiK.mli..... , 4 DO
Om Mt(l3lin.r lew) two inwilluu,
well ft'l OH
FocattryaiUlllanat IpmiIIou I 00
A ktonl iiliKiIon raid. I yearly ailvritl n.
Tk MunUr f la rlloiu miMt U dirtlaelly
waHadon Us irj, Ulitrwi ility will W
rer.tbwt4 UK (iLM nJ (barged aceitlluly.
Agent for Ike Mstccfator.
.iiy!irrrHiTr':liaW Tt
truli rw tj8Moltof. Tli.y will r ctii sub.
m-lks ami UrthWinnU ;nr u
T. IV Pawtas ChUop rrrnity, O. T.
(lao. Auumi & Co., Orrfvn cily,
I'wrii &. Co., I'oittkBil.
J. U. .MCuii, I'.M.HaWni.
lin.ADll, AMoria.
(', M. WiUU,rK,('htlialcm.
A.J.l!aiiaac,-, Yanillill.
P. UiTi - , Linn rlijr. .
JoiirH C. Ar, MoJlh.f .Mit)'. li. r.
A.Vfru.n, rr, llilUbvroiili.
J. V. Nt.iiirn, XrmiiUi'a iiiU-, I'ulk.vimnty
Jtrjx Arri.r.HTr, 1'ini.m.i Vatlri.
V. II. IUl., Uutr.tilU.
KoniT NawjLL, Chainj.
,1)4(1 At LiMii.tr, l.ucklimulc.
KF(SaiNaca, llruluii rouiily,
- J. I. IIolmm, I'.cllio Cily,
,Jaci Cvxia. S)rai.'itM, ijnu rounhr.
E. Bawtow, ntMnl Hill 1'trtOfficf, Ilriilari
NtTHtN Ouar, 1I!, Cvluinlua lirrr.
Mi's. SMniut on Hkiamv, Arc Tlita
' ( lad thua dltcourM on matrimony, tlgn.
mv tad conjugal ilulln In tier lmpcr, ilio
rilttburgh Saturday Viiitor. Klio Iia.i a
tat and eaiy way of treating tlicso suh.
, but we like fierapunfc.
" We would like to be able to imagine
how - woman feel when, alio liaa mcccrj.
d In catching a man, and using tlie atrons
rm'ol law Id compelling liim to cnfulJ
bar la lila loriotf embrace! It lanetoaaa.
' .n to tba public weal that orery man
atoald lira with lila lawful wife, Irl th
a; ooUlo attend to Its own welfare1, catch the
truant, bring him to tho lady 'he is Io lote
. and eherih, ami ate to 7t that he performs
iheae Important duties. It surely norer
V can be for tho weal ofany ono woman,
"ihat a husband who wants to get away
from bar enoulfl hi oo pe Util to sU, naf
wo cinooi uudersiand tho patriotlam whkfi
could Indueo hor lo attend to tho business
of Ibe commonwealth, and enforce obedl.
enee to the tans, at her own personal ex
psnao! What any woman would want
with a husband who had gone off ansVmar.
rled another, Is more than wo canter tin.
Itaasho wlihod Io send his Mother' wife a
pair of stores, orhandtomo dreas.or some
tMr token ol cratitude I Sho might with
to see their oaoy ana take it a new irncn,
or a roeky.horse, or sdmelhlng of that nort;
but to Interrnpt their folicity1 would he one
of the last ihlngtwe should think of.
Wa cannot Imaplno how any woman
with ooesoark of delicacy, could en . en.
ffifftiu Into a oontroreray to retain a legal
' eklm Ufeoji buaband "ho really wished
wswee ruoi neri i wouu ratneranorei
eal laHo a cellar pt a living, lire In a
stoef-bouse, quit Uljng and die In a fonoc.
oarsar, than Ityauaitllt a husband whom
nothing but theafcng arm of law could
ootDfeFto lire lttno. Out on such pro-
v ranatloMortneaBBMrnarriagotiei Hucli
Pt Ll. - - I- III ll.
a eemblanco of i
sir aae oi mua use
immortal soul man
7V ufcelurod from brick clay. It does not,
' cannot exist. A husband's love is a good
and sssflioient reason for boarlns with
many faults, for sticking lo him through
'arty, crime, degradation, aoontog and
it tutu winie a couple preier cacti
lo all the world, all the world can.
asarry tbom, and the legal aanctlon
marriage Ie necessary and beautl-
law undertakes 10 croato
t against the will of
beyond its depth,
desirous of
Pram tha Naw KaaUad OaUay.
HMaaatM Llfei Or Ike rirataasl aUtst
Mu.Jtss l'aM.The amlous husband
paces aoross his study, lie ie a father ;
a man child lias been bom unto him.
Miottiea paw. The child baa J-an bltta.
ed with a parent whom it cannot rooocr.
nlao and prosaed to that boabm.to whlon
Instinct alone guides it to sustenance-tho
young wire, too, has faintly answered to
lhehusband'aiuesilona, and fstt bis warm
klat on her forehead. '
Hovaa 1'am. Tho Uw meanings from
the closely covered cradle, tell of the first
want of ita Infant oceupant. The ouiot
read' of tho ntirte aeeaka of auiTsrlngs
arousdheri wliilo her; glad oouatenaoc
aaya that tba.veuc.aJ
tryfiiijTrj alleviate isaaouroa if
tho nainelrta article whicli from tfinsVio
lime she arrangea on tho hearth, (ell of a
new claimant for the courtesies and alien,
lions of tho jo who have progressed further
on tho pathway of existence.
Days 14(1. Visitors aro thronging the
chamber; and tho mother, palo and In.
tnrestlng aftor her recent lllnon, Is recelv.
Ing their congratulatlom nnd llstrning
proudly to tho prnlsrs of Ilia little trraiurr,
which lira asleep In lis nicking bed at her
font. Tho fcono shifts, and tho father is
thcro with her alone, as the twilight deep
ens around them, while (hex are planning
the future destiny of their child,
Wtr.K.1 1'ass. Tho eyca of the young
mother ari aparkling wltli lirallh, and the
row blooma again on her chcok, and Uie
cares of plpoaure and home engagu her at. j caslon, nnd then perhaps, when u arnod hy
lentlon; and. the father la imcn more aou jinllcloiis friend that lliey tire going
mingling with iho world; ye.thv lndtou far, "can hanlly Wiovo ihal iho girl
many opportunities each.day tj visit th
young Inheritor of life ; lo watch over his
ilrcBinless slumbers to traco each other's
looks In hit countenance, and to t'wndvr
UoullierillcIly,nruliicIi lie latliobearar
to thrill. '
Mo.iru Pasj, Tho cradle is deserted,
Hill thecliambnr llr Is slrown with play " " 'eu oi me prearni nay wi.ro iras
things, and them Is a Utile ono loitering "ttfiOi ami self-indulgent, and more ill-ninoiiulhi-m
whoso half llsncd wonts, and Ing tolwoiilnited mid happy upon niodo.
hoartvlauub. andaunnvcoiim'ennncr. till
you thai Ihn entrance of life is over n
pathway of (lowers. The cradle Is empty,
but tho 1st! prayers of tho parents are Ul
lorcd over the ainall crib which stands by
moirown oeu side, ami their latest atten
lion is given to ihc raceful breathing offtlio frmale sox ; rind most cordially do I
Its occupant
YcAaa I'aij. Childhood has strength
met Jnto hry Ixrt peasl IkvjJ-i i has asam
holed atouo ibto manltood. Old conuro.
lions aro brokaji 'aassftnts are sleeping in
their grav-, nsAtArarles aro formed
a new home ie fMat him t new cares
distract him. Uar-'fe abroad struggling
amid tho business of life, or reatina from
it with thoto whom ho hat choaen from lilt
own generation. Time fa beginning tolkmwn vuyagrs lo the South Sea Islands,
wrlnklo lilt forehead, and thought has
roouru lila looks or their gayety, ami study
has dimmed his eyes. Thoto who began
life afler he had crown up, are f-tt crowd-
Ing him out of il, and thero aro many
claimants upon his Industry and love, for
protection and support.
Vkaiih 1'ab.s. Ills own children have
becomo men, and aro quitting him, as ho
also quilled tho homo of hit fathers. Ithi
steps havo lot their elasticity his ha nil
has becomo familiar with his canc.to which
ho Is obliged to trust In his walks. Ilahss
left tho battle which fatigued him. Ilo
looks anxiously in eaoji day's paper among
tho deaths and (hen ponders over tha
nnmonfnn old frind,and tries to persuado
himself, that ho Is younger, and stronger,
and has a bettor hold upon life than any
01 ms contemporaries.
Mux-is 1'au. He gradually dlmln.
ishes tho circle of his activity. Ilo dis.
likes lo go abroad, when he finds ao many
new faces, and he grlovcs lo moot his for
mer companions, after a short abeenco,
they seem to have grown so old and in
firm. Quiet enioVincnla only are relished
a litllo conversation about old limes a
sober game alt whist a religious Iroatlso
on his earthly bed,' form for him Iho sum
total nf his rileaturrs.
tr.ica 1'asi. Infirmliv keeps him In
his cliainbsr. Ills walks are limited to
tho smallftpaco between lila easy chair
and his bod. Ills swoleu limbs are wrap.
ped In flannels. His slirbi is falllns his
ears rsfu'ao their duly and his oup Ie but
nan lined, since, oinerwise, ms snaking
no, cannot carry 11 10 iiissiiruuken lips,
I spilling Its contents, 1 1 Is powers
Kenru ms iscunion are uiunieo,
It is lost. ,
. The old wan does 'not
da memory it failing he
1 - ,-. i.T.L
uuucrsiouu 110 asms
late lo iWe'tranaso.
he speaks of
, but
-i. iu. i.
all about him, hut lie htmls them not lila
frlcnils aro near, but ho does not recognlxe
them. Tho clrolo is coniploted. Tho
courso Is run and utter weakness brines
tho oold damp, which ushers In Ibo night
of death,
Mt.tL'Tcs I'm. Ills breathing grow
softor and slower -his pulso beats fa Into r
and feebler, Thoto around him are II.
Irnlng, but cannot tell when Ibey cease.
The embers aro burnt nut, and the blare
IHahsl not bufbro ll expires. Ills " three
score year arjd ten" aro numbered, flu.
man lift l ' finished."
Mkk Vxii .Woxik. A woman Is na
lurally aratlCesJ. wltnn a man sinulrs her
out and addresiai kta oonjrerseiloii to'faer; I
fully niisleadlng.
Hut how iUfrrentJl is wilh nun. The
mask, with llicm, la'dellbcrately nut on,
and worn aa a mask ; ami wo betide the
Illy girl who is too weak, or Inn unsua.
plcloui, not lo appear illtplra.nl wilh the
well.turiiril cfiiti.lliMPnl, anl llailerlng
attentioni, Inti.hlv hrlord uioii her
by her partner at the ball. If a girl haa
Urollirra, she n little liehlml the
aiTiiea, ami is unvrd much tiuirtlfienlloii
and ditappoililmcnl. HUr ili.niiari how
Utile men inrnii hy nttrulluni they mi
freely bc.tow on the last new face which
strikes their fnnrv.
Men aro singularly uaiitins in cool
Iteiing uiioii nils suiurct: lliey pay n girl
inaraeii attention, Matter tier on eery oc-
couM I so looll.li in to rancy tha: any
'' vinsimnm."
I Tho fault which lnkes oinni most
forcibly in men, Is their aiipreimi selfish-
"c". ". i-vpeci hm uiucii hi rtory
I WB)'t nl'd become inipatieiil if their cm.
forts and pruuliarilies are interfered with.
"to mcanMhrronuuldlofeivere.iux'aor
' fmnplalnt agninsi young wimien undcrta
king situations of governesses when they
wcrn wholly unfit for so responsible an of
fice. I feel tho drrnest interest Iii-the
present movement fur tho iinprovement nf
concur In Ihn si'fiomej for this desirable-
purpose. Hut until men are sufficiently
improved lo bo -Ma.tr apprcsHils hichsr
rjualilles in woman, and to chooso their
wives among women who possets sueli
(lunlitleifilonot expect that the present
dcalrahln iiiovrnietit will make a great
deal of progreet. lixehnngt.
Suikt Tact. The numerous and well
a--c, liavu inaile lis writ ncquaiutcu wlili
what ii called Ilm dreail tree, us well as
. . ..... . ..
anonier Kino, Known under I'm name ol
the butter tree. Hut it remniued for tho
iimeiaiigaoio m. iiumimiiii to discover in
the wilds of iloiith America n trro which
produces ready made Milrts. :
thoy perl Iho rnl and fibrous bark, with,
out inaklnu any louclludiual Incision.
Tlila bark ollordt them a eort of garment,
whlcli. resembles sacks of a very coarso
texture, and without a scam. Tho upper
opening serves lor inn nrau, nut two later
al holes aro cut lo admit tho arms. The
natives wear tlicso hhlrt of marinm lathe
rainy season : they. havo tho form of Iho
ponchos and ruanas uf cotton, which aro
so common In New Grenada, at Quito.
and In Petit. Aa In these climates the'
riches and vettoflcenoe of nature aro ro.
f;ardcd as iho primary cause of the Lido
ence of the Inhabitants, the Missionaries
do not fail lo say in showing Iho shirts of
marlnia, In llio lorctts or Iho Uroonoko,
garments aro found ready made on the
trees.' Wo may add to this tale of tho
shirts llio pointed, csps which the spathes
of certain palm Ircos furnish, and which
xoacutbles coacso net. work."
Wxll Put On. Prentice, of the Louis,
vlllo Journal, whoceexcarialing lash ja al
wave well and faithfully not led to th
backs of ttio demagogues, takes notice of
Mono or Louisiana, who opposed the
ohcep pontage systom, booause il was cal
culated to Inornate iho circulation of nows.
Cpers, and announced himself In debate
hostile lo thorn, says :
Mr. Morne.M. C. from Louisiana, thinks
nowspapors havo dnlerloaled for Ihn last
len yoars, and if Iho hlah postsgo will slop
their circulation, it will lo'better for ihe
nubile. Mr. M. Uvea away down en tho
Uayou Tnchc, where Iho only newefJapere
are prlntod on the skins of dead allgalors,
where whlskoy Is two cents a quart
where the gospel dou't slilno but onoe In
U years, and where uvery man who
q or writo is sent 10 uongress, to
laluro, or tq tho renitentiary.
uuttnai be lully represents
he Washington correa
jrteston uourlersays,
El tne. nomination 01
ley at Brevet Major,
iiet 01 prevoi
e saw on Iho slope nt llm Uerrn Dili- recogulzo me,, from nil r.inks of wiclcly. attention.
11a, - save .11. liumwtidi," tutu trees liny Thr onco honest tradesman, tho once purattn tliisiiillio
uiviiiigii. inn iiminiii cui on, cyiuiun. imrdy fariner, llm nnro Indiittrious 1110. 1 vrneraaio uiouior, 01
cal pieces two feet iu dlaineicr.froin which olianin. ih, idiv.telnn. tlm Uwv-r. nn,l called a "help" for
Oil" Monday evening, May Cih, Mr.
Nltsit, of Mllwaukle, nddrrsicd tho Mocl.
rly.-; Vew worn iirraout, but ihough it
Way hard lo aprak or'f so many empty
seaU, Mr. N. accurod tha nlunllon of the
BUifflUa for nearly an hour. Ilo rninnrk.
ed ,-lhat ho caino not lo prninulgn now
IrtltV, hut to reiteratn old ones, n fioo
dlieiuulou of ivhloh ho hoped might In
holij without nflcurii.
lie regarded lliu phyalologlual nrgu.
inerAfor Tcniicraiico tho strongest ui.
Thefe aro reclproenl relutlnns iMilwern
the rlafncj and tho bod v. Thoro are lawa
of Iff?, and like all laws, ihoy havo their
PenafaVt and that penalty It nUavs In
P'rlHt to.tha, iranagreisHsi. iThtrf U
nmMMkhlit tttnnltii.'Mti. rfttpX)
: .Ti.71 r--iyt-t1 -t-- ',".:;-
osr.yjiw. would no utoieae witnoui it.
The phyaloal system was designed to act
lisrmon ouslv In all Ita imrti. IVImn ilm
eyo and Ihn ear, ihn heart and tho lungs,
wio nervci riih tne tirnlii, mill lli- various
parlaof tho brain, ench end nil perform
ji "., - j --..ii , "I,--, nil, itiuii-iii
Itl.t !( ill. Il'l .1,1. III. ll.A.((I.AWMM..-.
liter overlaskcil nor li much dormant,
tho system it right. This hnlanee of
power consllluies its perfection. Any
. '!( .VI-l(l'It SI Si ''IIVWtlUllt STIIII
over-excolse destroys that balance and
lends lo dlsordsr nml ruin. inilrfrilly
txcilo a man's cotulialivenvts, and )nu
will make hliiiiUarrrlHnu. .
Alcohol destroys that hnJaitco of nw
er. It Is not t uiilriiiirnl, hut nu exciii"
ant. It atlinuttles the littt of the hram.
I ho liuiiilreJI prr rent
in .ro hi .
I is
thrown into Ihj. Iiraln in prooriiii t.i it-.
airPillio.il in any purl nf the human
body. Alrol.il luvrauses t hi iiisiilily,
iiolLrtieficlully but iiiiurinusly. ll never
increases u lean's kiiouh-d., or hit till
rill, or hit kindly ull'-eijons, hut n ttirs
up his pn iii.tfi.. it nl I'k' irritates ihev,
ni.d when its lorce Is spent, thov Ik'i'ouk-
uraii, bin urn imam.- ii lint. Ileiicej.m
' see Iho inchnnln vtm niul Iroiibtesoiiir,
1 1 ill nflpn ilntinir nnj lirisvu. yet i.fiTar.,
hu l-enouies dull and cowardly.
Dr. Sow. ill'n platen illustrates the nu might nitaeli 10 f sites ns Secretary of War,
natural utrilemei.t of lie- ttoinach, and win a reflected glory of honor reflected
it last its hm of fundi. 0-1 rkmir l.y Al- from the gnllant men and bravo ofllcers
coliol. Willi thftn bclhre ii nit, the man I with the nollun uf whose conduct he wee
who use s " liquor" ran look 111 iiii him- ( honored, and cpeelally from him who has
self, and mo us alow but dcttructis'o of lm"i a ilistlngiiisl.eil Major General for
feci upon Ms vital orgam. I .'17 years longer than any other men
Tho ilUtllllug, sending, and'u-.inp nfl Using. The esprrtsinua so delicately
liquors, tonds loK)eily. Of IKK! pan. made nern terrived with a buret of tip.
pore-tti tho Atniihousu in llnltimore, S-7 , plaue, and created for llio JstoorabU
lieranis so Ihruuiih lnteiii-orauce. Tho I speaker feelings of admiration which WlM
AlfcussVsitvif .SaI.iii, IkrriiiNeo ,'vik, U'liduro whvn the frail ve ttctMton' afsMff
Aioany, ami ciiieinuati, prnseut similar
facts. Hut is not i-teiv limn, by the or-'
gauiratlim of soeicty, ImiiiiiI to follow n
buslnsss, and to do Ihut which will not
injure aooiily 1
" ill you look il iwii my tliroat, " said
n youni' man to his physician. ' Look
carefully." " I scetiothln;? nrjiiu'aald
llie iK-cl.ir. "See nothiiiii!" "Ni." .
I . .... . . V. . - I
" hy, sir, 1 h:ivo swallowed n (mm :
1 wiirm -in.uyu, 111 . errors, uiui vu irooo
I'otly thousand drunkards die annually i
' in the United .Slates. At thit I"iil' and !
gloomy proeesion piis.es hv, vnu will '
iwii Uib mliittirr, are moving along in '
Ihascranka ol ilrath. I well reinembi.r .
Ihnrv M.. and Kiln-, his honuilful wilj. '
aid .fr. N. Their linnin wy r. neni em. I
tsgy cnMho hanks of Iho Ohio. In I8III A huiidloul gewgaws bound with aetrl.ag
thrv lived happily. On a summer ovu orflalsandquaverasprinklcdwilhcolofne,
yoii might hear llio sweet notes of thrlandaet in a lurmlno aauoer this la no
llute mrngling will, soft whtsiivrlnga t.fl lie-lj. iflir nnmti who expects lo raise a fam.
Hie liirp, as thoy together beguiled tho ! "' r '"" "' f.l on veritable bread
hours In their retired home. In two years
I relumed. Tho fences about thoir gar,
den nero broken, Iho vinos were untrain
ed, the door was ajar, and tho house dls.
mantled of its comfort. The story Is
short.- Henry had fallen hy the power of
Alcohol, and was one of llio victims nf
lnt9. I visited tho lunatic asylum at
Columbus, and as I passed through its
hull wjih a friend, wo wcro startled hy
eolng two long while arms suddenly
thrust through tho grating, and by hear,
ing fttsW same roainent ft firrWng, mani
ac or. It was Klteti,
An Athenian, palates onoo found a hoy
ao beautiful thai he painted his portrait
and WWg It In hie studio, determining to.
make il his guardian-angel, Ho also de.
lennlited if he evflsaound an Image ofug.
Ilnoas, to paint it',' Bind hang It on the op
noslte wall, that'kwlcontrast he mloht be
mora eeiuiblo of ijie .beauty of the former
picture. 1 cars passou away, ui j 110 aajiv
penedtto be In a prison wlteria criminal
waa cpnnnuu in chains, I hero was no
penltonco, but hitler ourses and dire ina.
lignlty In alljils oonduct. lloro was Ihe
Imcge of ugliness, and he look Iho por
trait and hung it on Iho opposite wall ;
but what was his aurprlso lo find thai il
waa the samo beautiful boy grown lo bo
a man. Apt emblem this or iho doiornil
ty nroajuoed by alcohol. And hare wo
nollilasr to do, my friends 1 Were thero
a poisonous spring on tho way lo this
country, and were every one who should
drink uf ll, become diseased, and finally
die, would you have nothing to doty-
svouni you not wan up mat spring, and
write on every stone of tle wall1' Drink
not this water, for It la poison," Aro not
all our liquor establishment like euoh
poisonous spring f and shall no Invite
our frfrpds' from Ihe distant east hither,
that wo limy nolson thorn f Shall ilNrff
couin among ua and go back wilh (lie lam
of dlaraan and death Infused Into'' laetr
veins 7 Let it not be so, air. Let theee
liniiiiri) fountains Ira walled up.
Thv .'joolcty adjourned till tha fkt
Monday nveiilng In August. -
Tho Mlulsiera of all olaaaes In tbeTer.
rllnry, are invited lo preach lo their ate,
pie on tho subject of Temperance on thai
sreond Hablmlh in June, and the atgendfal
Jul'- .''v ,'
fi. II. ATKINSON,. fJisrV '
' .J
Itcro.tcit.iATiors ur.rwEEM Ukm. Hat
ami IJuv. Maucv. A Washlnglon
in Ilia iNoiv tork Kxnrsas hu th
tinjsiaiemenit . f.
V s fvtcwiJMi iC Uiira
km pine! bolireetl (len. t
Marcy. Iloth geniltmen being present at
' u ,i...nr r,..iv i-i.i. rn nl.n. .Iu
hy J. ('. licnncly, lisq., tho Oeneral
. preisetl to Air. Kennedy n dotormiaitlM
to inako iidvunvcs to Ihe ((.Secretary of
tt' ..1.1. .-I . 1. I. ..I ..... I
,iui, ,i,i -Tiiuni no iiau iioi tmrn lysi
I fiien.lly relativus allien the Mexican War,
aiming ilmt hn lull npprevaed.by ihn U0.
I ueerssary vuiiiniirnicoof any coldness be.
I tueen inini, I u,ii any uentleiiian. and
would much prefer lecdiiulllatlon. lis
h ped that the lioirrnor Woutij rrcetvolill
.-vpresaioti in tho aamn spirit by which
I he um inllueiireil In making them,
' Tha ndtnne.et were m.ide, and Ibft re.
Mill was 0.1 ho had honed. Tho whole
company, (oniong whom wcro I'xUovcr.
' nr ( nitriidev, Allorney General ; bx.
tliiti-ruor l,(tclicr,nrKeiilucky,iiow Mill.
litur 10 .Mexico, l-Mward I'.rcrcll, Isle
' President '.rilnrvord Unlvorally, Mr. Ma.
vv' 1, Minuter from Uracil, Mr. Stuart.
..s.-cn-tjr) of the Interior, Aro.) serroeii
much ilelighttd wilh tho atfalrand Ita re
suits. At the aupiivr lablo Hx.Ctovernor
,.Marevas tniMeil as the late CJovcrnor
of New .11k, and ns Hx-Sccrctery 0
ti ar, in n-;nne to wii cli Ilia i:x.Uover.
nor i- marked, that, whatever celebrity
' siiimia-r in rorgeirulncts.
H',111. vk (lisui. It is high time thai
, eoniekxly told you a little plain I ruth.
' Von huu b en watched for a long lime
I a ce-iaiu class 01 you and II fs plain
'enough von ere laylnit plans lo oheat
snmeboilv. Y011 intend lo sell chsiT for
whrni ; and them it danser that tome of
the l.wli.li "gnilgcoiis will bo sadly ta-
. .. . . ..".... ..
Kru 111.
It may not be your fault that you belonf
,0 ""' ol1" """ parly" that the single
''I' ' Kelhig husband Is the only' one
""'i1'" engroswa much of )our time aasl
nut it la your lault tpa;
wrong tiirectlooi,Vi
I'.den uicinor
man, and you. art
w i- .
l"okiR Tor n man lo help you ; to beta
)'01 ,. ",0 ll"' half Idle, half silly Way
wnirii you nave commenced. Men who
ro worth havliiK, want women for wlvea.
and meat. Tho piano ami the lace frame
aro well enough In their places j and as
am riband and frills and tinsels but you
enn't "inko n dinner of tho former nor n
bed blanket of tha latter. . And n-fW aa
thn Idea may socm lo you, both diasWus
bod blauU't aro neoostary to donseotW
joy mcnl. Llfu has its realities aa wella-
its fincics, but you make il all a maitar, af
uccunun, rrmemocring ine tasaeis as
cuitalns, forirelllnir tho bodstead. Bins
poto a young man of good aento and of
uourso 01 gnou prospects, 10 ua raoftHasjlor,
n wne, vnni ennucu navo you JO 99 caw
ten I Vou may cop him or trap" him to
catch him, but how much bettor lo mksi
it an ublect for him lo catokvoul
dor youraoirworih catching and jroujeUI
noeJ no shrewd mother or 'nvasjefTsM
brothers to help you find a market, ' . '
HnVTItlRif NuLtriOATton. MsJ.",!
elson, ol'Tcnn., now In Washin-tooit
an anecdoto which shows tha extent 'ofj
ouuiiiorii seccsmuii uuwn mai .way 1. 1 1
Coming tip tho Southern rout frfa
Momphis, ho foil in with an eM ssja
om aa,
m koatj.
l aUa.'
wnnm no miicioo, anu wun wnom ao
lorcd into conversation, by atklof -,
wneiuor no mti taioty nearu an
about nullfioatloni he fMalor
havlog eecti litllo or nothing of ll,0t
Tho old man replied that ha waa nret
taken for a man who knew little nf
thine I but for all thai, ha had.
Den, Jackson, nnd would now 11
Uonelson lhat he had three
If any ono 'of thoto turned Dullldnr.fj
would not kill him,' but eiohanga Mi) W.
dog, and then kill tha dog." 41 kf
ble for an old man to ueo anaai
8"I "gurej sW.
iVf wmSi!fSSijt
la 7atevari sj
Mra. Panltvasaitv'MirW ant
iewsliai-. aiSliWst. a.4
a shesH lr-i Iwkinw sjBb e-e '
alamoilag to Use aesj. .iM.sjf thai
witktftaasir. Hows 11 ts.tl
"IMi-l BMMw .
1 aaai aa?r.a
yon don't ko
and lite ssst Irani
f-sssji revareea tesj 11
lie waa renearfs-r
waa rMtMrMnfro nsya.i
tet.. TiWsnl teaV:
ti !
1 tas .-bbs; n nsj 1 ssBajsBxjpBr.
FF hji ""E aBBi JsglPaBBBBBB t; tA
ana mmmimmm:jmimk.wmm'
M jewitin mmmmKrps .--'
" ,' .. ,'. -. B1'1 .. . " W. ."?t? ' &;?M '
ArHFmmf'mk-r ,
sirs 1 ssssir woesjBaswnBaaVswsVsBsnBBn'v- -a
tae DoteoJ. AiiSKStWm&mm " J
cff?!ft i??5iSr,S"lR'.r,r j
fiBfJPUff'SUSaSiM HPv?':'' -1
,fm "''' 'PlJjpiBmBi1BMB M
-rcr QMt-.Mi j
YmttmmtmdMMK1 taB
' ssW,llosWiSaWf" (r-,.' -j .?'' -.if
r '. ' . . ..!
.! Jt' i