Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 15, 1851, Image 4

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    - -.W ' -wji-j' rtBAil
i-irin.if- ir r
jfrpj Jrn,W,,t.W...f, r..r,.,n'r.i ,
fS. l.nflttt. ,
rciuc. m,i
AN ACT making appropriations fur the
civil and diplomatic expenses nf fiov.
rmmohl for tlio onr rndlnu llm llilrll-
cth of Juno, eighteen hundred mid lift.
one, ami for oilier piinkmos. '
MrtitT-iioi'sK nsTJinusiiMitNT.
For MiMlvlnif lldlii.hiiii.rt. ro..ilnt..P
tbrw, llioud onoHundrrd and tun '
an, with ull. tubo.c lur. wick,. I.mr.
even thousand four hundred ami seven
ly.fiaar dollar ami tilnotoeti rent.
Parvrovldlnasuif.bnat. Ilfo.hcnts. mul
ekf rmam for tho nrpierntlou of life
i property hlp rvekrd on tlio roatl of
iJUaltcil SiAtr, ten lliouuiiil ilollarn ;
U .jtotrdcl under ll..contt..l awl ,11.
I'iTteOon r ho Secretary of tho Troaiury.
ti . ..'.. k 'I
ror rcpatn. ami inciilrntnl "loiiw.(
k reRttlni!. anJ liunrutemcnti of IIl-IiI
Uinni,lth oil, tuU..R!r, wicks, hi.tr, " ''" .r'" ', ' -"...,
kin, whiting, nml cotton cloth, ran-' ,0 "'V1 ,0. l'" JW"' ' "
portion ard other expense llier.ou, ami ' ,0 '"'"iT1 ""'i' ,r, ''''". 'crt
for repairing and keeping In rep.I the '". "'", 'T' "",l '" ,0 """' H'r
lluhllnr. apparatus. one hundred n..d f.wtv. t J b lm local .... ''I"1 ?."') "r. I"'"'"
W nailcM ntul Imttiltiina fi.iiiiMrlM.t llmrii.
'""" " "tl' w"l"- v..-
wlth, el;rRt.fotir thouiaml U liumlreil
and thirty il.ilUri'aml Kly centa.
For salaries of throe hinnlred ond two
kcepsrn of light. Ii'imoi, ami twenty at
nuiamt, (tuciity-ivo o lie in Imrt'ei I
wtlli doul-le nnfl tun .,!, i,,.l, i,h.O '
.. ii.i.li. .i i . i i i i
an lnolu.ll.ioe H,oimii.I lMvwn-lrl
J for MlaryofnnlMprclor of ihl I
on u.n upper take., one m rr, an, liii -
ty.seren llmumml fuiirhumlrnl and forty
cipni ilJlIars and thirt) .throe eent.
For aalarle of forty keeper nf iloallng
llphU, twenty. onetliouitii'l een humlrcd
and fifty ilollnri.
ror aoanien w.ige". repairs and up
(i t r.... .1 ". ,,.i".
lillb Ul lllt UV.1II1I1I HIT Miff, i'iuiv.iiiir
I. i .i : i . f i i i . i i i
lhousandc throe hundred and nloel)
tr ami nctenty iccu cenli
!. --.-.-- r ...iji ...:.. .
W..t, . ,.,!, . ? Sr '
cleaiuln. rcpainm VyK tT itcvroii, i
1 buoy, oliAfiH n;.il sinkers. l!i rtv n uu
' ' . . .
. lK.uian.1 our litiivlrr.1 and lorty .ii.umIoI. ,
lar. and ninety !. cm.:.. ,
l-or expense, nf.upn.end. o.i in u,
illniMii'lit.liniiiei niiimnllv. mill ri't.oitni!'
ihefrrSnillito,,. i .!,.; ,,.!.t,.ll.;..
and a h
and nlncl
UH-riiitnidenti cJinniiion. attwo .,.7..i i...... ... ....., ,'.. it.i.. .'. i. ...... -fi ."...u.. ... .1. . huudrr.l dollar.
nil tK!r cent , on llio lour liumlreil n .i ".. . . i ..... ....... .... i ...i I ur ( .iiiiiuii.aii.iM nt iwu n.Mition.il
lm ..... iliiiii-iui iniiiii ill ,ini-i iL-nil. 1, l":unlll. li'i-i inn, irinirinii- .ill' mil., ill inn .. ....
.. . ., i i i i , i .in. .""ii, inemy witjinnuu uuiinr-.. i rnimwi nniiiiip, iiiLintiiiL; ..... oiiiirminir i , ... , . ,
y four tin uaml one huiulred noil, .,. .,' '.., , ,,.' ...,,r ...,. .. .V. .' r watohuien mi tin- ( no to 1 around, -.een
F Ibriyll
. I II III. 1 wl IMIIIHIIJ HUH .II..IMII1: HIU UU. ,111 'III , HI' I'llUIIU L-W,1. u, lllll llllllll, PUIIIII, . , , I ,, ,-,. "
i eo dolliM and eighty one cent", llllllIllr.. ,.?, S.ln uf ,11'tt ,,,, ,. ., ' ,, ,,r ,,,. ,,,, .., ' .... .hundred nml thirty dnllnr
., . . II I
1 Jt :Jt I ?ieT?' l '""i''?""-1
...... .eve...... uu.,.r man ,-upen,. '
lemlcut ol light, or iliilnir ng agent.
l-'orcomnlr'lrg th? light-liouscen Wan
ooihaiK-e, I. alio .Miehlgnn, twenty tlmu
aand Iho bumlri-d nml eighty .lillar.
Fpr completing ih-i light' houm nn Mi
no'.' rock, llo'ton liailAir, the thoutaud
v. ' I., ., , ...
l-orcompl tllns ll.o ligl,ilMiM.illran. '
tlywino Shoal, Delaware Day, three thou.
ami dollar
liioiunnu ine nunoriu iIoII.iih,
For coiiipl.'.rng llio 1 glil.linu on ('a
ryaforl net", eon t f I'lor i.i, thirty fx
V ltoseiiAi.1.
. .
ror coinpie ion oi ttio inarino Imnpitnl
.. iiii.iii', .iniiiii, ...i. en iiiumaiiu uui.
For romidelioii of tho in.xr!nehniiltal
f Z HT" ,.,''', ,0U,v,.I,Url I'ly toll,.-act ..f the third f Mar. gh .ni.guli.r ap. .- on 1'.-in.yliai.ia. no ;"J cnini.en,ni,.m of ll..- (om.o.,.lnner
iwclvo biiiwii.1 three hundred nnd , , , ,, r,rtv.t,.. Iif.,, ,; llr, for . ,., ,,,,,, HmiVpalriiig llr "f ",,l'c ",""' -. I ll.-.ii..l do liar,
reo dollurnrd sixty cent: 'rn , ...... - ' fi.i Jot... -..'. I I ur ! in dii.hariin uf audi miico uue
) 1 ! II .1 ' llll V'llllHVIV'l ! tl'J r HI'IUI a(lll -"H( ' (V.rU HIlt I V W
u.L?'. .1 .".?"' Til iy , fice.bi fore the fourth of March, eighteen !4iid dollar, j to ho expended under the
Li .?i lf1l,,0,,"",,l' 'IrxnlyMlnc Iautir..i all, rcrt nine, lond the amount , .lirroilmi of the Fre.lde.it of ll.o Fniled
Shoal, two thou.and dollar. , u iatl j ,,, ,.np , , ,, state.
For completing th- l.?hl houe wi , V, ,Atho rrrdit oflh'egeiirrnl .mewng For rompeiiinllon ,.r rur ni.tant.
Illacka'on's Island, I'otoiuac liver, uuo r..... ...i.. '' , , , .! ...... i ' .. .... ...i.. i..
I; .at LouU life, Kentucky, fitelhoucaud dol
For furiiWiinj; aid hoipital, sen
thouiand dollar.
i For completion of llie marine hoapilal nt
. Pittbugh, now ilmlcr (oinlrucllon, ten
' thouiand one bund ul and fi.riv mm.- dot.
las and foitj.f.ui rL-.t?
I I. !.....' ... .... . i ll .
t-ur i.n;.win inn niui oi ni'i marine
hot pi I al with Hboihu fence, for filling up,
and levelling tho lot, and constructing
aewcr, lor (iippiying win uuifJiuu witi.
water, and protectinr; tlio hank of tho hi !
on tho Ohio rhor. elm en thouiand tslx ,
l iiundrcd and four ilollnrj.
For furniihlug marine lio.pitnl nt Pitta Holland, llelgium, Naph-, Sardinia, Iho
burgh, IVnniyhanln,n mhi thoMaml dnl-' I'apal iStatot, Peru, New (j'rcu.'iihi, Yen
lar. )eviiola, llueno Ayrco, llolivln, (,'imtcnia-
Por cr.mplflion of thn marine hospital In, and P.cudnr, cvciily-tnu lliousiud
at Cleveland, Ohio, eight thouiand dollar, dollar! And for compensation to Alex.
ror mritwinix nam murine iintpuni, ,
even tnousami uoilar.
For a-radinff. nillii!. Ac. that norlionof
the aald marino hosiiflal aile at Cleveland,
I-fronting llio Inke.vin order to protect tho
bank from tlio tneronoluneiit or llio ya-
1'ier. and mcuVe tho boo itnl edlfire. five i
ihouiand dollars.
For repalnioiid impro omenta ofiniirino i
Pkp aplial nt Mobilo, Alabama, two thouiand
brooliundrcd , and thirty dolluM.
I TO alii III llio conilrucll'ili OI It inarme
(jMhal at" I'.tanaWlle, Indiana, ten thou.
and dollars.
To aid in Iho construction ora marine
Iwcpltal ul Viokiburg, MluNlpii, ten
Ihouiand dollar.
For npalra and finprovenieuta nf ma.
.l.i.hn.iii.il nt K'i-v Wrii. I'lnrulii. lv
hundred dollar.
For completion of nmrinn l.oplinl at
'aduoali, iwvou lliouiaml tix humircu ami
rant v. five dollar
'S.Por corr.pletlou of mnrino hospital el
Wtchrz, two tiioutana two iiunurou ami
Slv dollar.
HrPor completion of the marino hospital
LaVI'Nnpolcoii, Arknuia, ten thoiisatid to
J Any dollar.
ii -' Vor renalr and Imnrmtmcntii of ma.
Mrjiit hopltal nt Now Orleans, five thou.
nd live numircd uottar.
l'or tho oonalruction of a marino ho.
k-to lm lnouted by the bocrntury or
J tin? Tu-asiirv, il or mir Snn Fnim iou,
'in ,I.M .. ...' I ...111!. ...I C.I.. .l.,.....t
i ii
Ill III,' -.ll- ,'l Hill-Mill", llll.l IIIWH1IIIIU
IWiluMiurrliMoofflreonwPoir. Maud,
i.n.rY.,i.,,l.l M1..I..I..I.I l.l.lu ..,..1.,
...... v.nH.Hf ....,...,.., ,. .j .........
by tlio Surgeon (louoral, under Ihn order
ol' tSriiui-nl Tvvi&g, for llio location of a
inllllury hospital, five thousand dollar.
For surveying llm public land, In nil
'dillnii In tlio unoxpomJoil balance of fir
I lucr nimrllion. vlx t
l'or urvnvlug llllo Inmli, ln-
?u,""l 'H,W,nlal expon.. to I. i-.H.r
""!" i "! Tr .', W"" ,'"
' . "" r"S"' V '' I"""'" ""'-
a tin
mn:lc-J tnlpi, uuv liunilrnl
tliiiili.tllil llOlllMll.
l'or completion llir urnrVM ofthn Ion ii
oiiiuni in i loriua, to iiouiitrniiii.il at
'. ami illu, In MljMourl, nnuiril in llic
ol..... -.i..i.. i v i ..i.-- i
I iii-is in i'iiiu-cii niiiryirru iiimi lyirnr, nun
" ", re" .,.""",rc", "4JW-W"i1 '
ul , '" ?'" ,"""" ' '
l'or I (in ktirkfv fir rinatn rlalntc iti
',... ,, .. , 'r.v.,.u..t.,l,.l. r
June, rlghti-i'ii hiiiulml ami arty cIkIiI,
liicluiliti iho work now umlir contract,
liriocn thoutaml itollnrn.
l'or urvevlnc In dnitMana, virt
l'or tho outilninllrj; lintillitlet of the
kureli)K ui'pailini'lil, In Iiunlaini, nx
.,, .7 ,i '. .. i .." n
',0. O"""" "r tU'" . lll,,,
wiuiiwiw ute i u iura i aim ii iv no mr.
,.,, . ,, H.t.Hlu. . of tho
..,,,.,.. icn-riml.n,nn .i- im..i.l...n.
j., ,;. T.. ,,.,.. ,,r li-lu,.I11i ,WJ I
hundrrd nnd mchp .Llnr.
For tho propod nuneyniii I.oniniunn,
v(;liiilto of tlio (IrceniWirfi dltricl, and
including ollieenerk, lexentren thaimniid
For ifv)ned tunovK, iiiolildlus ollioe
ir propped iiriey, incUlJin,
, .11 thn (irecntbiiru dittrio'.
. .1 r.. .1 I t . .1 i
"ork, .ii thn (iroenttiiiru ilittnot. I.oul
lana, r.eventeen thoutnud ii hundred and
-il;iii uwiiui,.
.i.ii .
l'f "I'" '"'"''Ml '"" I "'. I" ""y
i ? ., . e V
r..;., i.i. i ri' i i. i i i
liTht flliil lliiril m .M.irtli. anfili a ft Ii mul mil
, f -
rr cbmpen.i.l,,, of re-.l..,!,!,. .m..
Rrols ,, a, .', ,, &v ,
, " ,.". .' ' . .
-,'"' "cwuna. open.e. all. inling ll.o
l'or rumiiKK and inarl.,nK the n.en.lian
.mill Xlmiii'
,. ,i. ltlllllfl .l,.!!.,,.
For refunding In tho survey Iiir appro
' priutioii, tde atnotiut trniKfi-rri.il there.
Irnm, on the nppliriiti.nl of (he ('ununn
inner ofthn lieuefnl l.uiul Oilier. Iiy the
Weerrtnry ol llio I reasury, to the contin
gent iiitnl ul Hint 'jllice, fur the nervke of
the fin) year eudlng Ihlrtiilh of Jiiim,
,.,,,. mrlll,PC, an!f folly ,, ,r ,
, ouW.j.n ii-'ui.,!,- nf Hut
' liiml.ioutMctcil l) tun (.eueral l.niilul.
f . ... ". .. .ii
uexoiit.-on dollar nml firty.U eent.
i-r:ni . noi: vvini imu.ii.ri nath.m.
I'nr ail n rii- of I lie minUler itrttm I
led Stntei to Grent Ilrltiiin, Franc.-, Itiu
nii .
I nlfiilf.ll ..miiliinliiii. i.iiil ii.k.i. ril llm .liilvf-llliii. tirtlv r.i lirlii.. nliiilniii.a 11. ' I " " ' r'.".i i"'iu-- '.i- iii'.ii.nii'i in .' .
iui.il. ill ... .. iiioi.tt..u m'rii iiiiniirL-i. nun iii-.ii hiT.i, 11 iu' . ... Jinau ur.iiL-i-. in-
.. .. .. ..... .
chili, kotciity.inn thouand
I'nr aalarie of llm rereii.riH. of lei..
li hi to the aamo placm, sixteen lh'JU4iid
Fur iialary ol iniuUter remlent to Tur
kev, six thoutaml dnllnr.
l'or salary of tin-dragoman to the legn
lion to Turkey, two th'iu.-ind five hun
dred dollars.
l'or alarv nf in. nuinlnnl ilrf,niimn
and aecn tnry, In llm ligation lo Tuikuy,
fifleen IiiiihIkiI dollnr.
For nulfil of charge ilea niralro to
Portugal, New (iri-nadn, Cunt mala, and
Femlar, rlchteeii ihouxand dnllnr.
. M . .A
I or is.ilary ami outlit lo clinruo ile or-1
fuir to Nicaragua, niuo thousnml dollun
For ularienf elmri-o do nirir.i to
I'ortugnl, Austria, Denmark, Hwrileu,
nmicr iiaiuiiH'iii lor ma somuc axcuurgo
.ties all lire at rsapiei., trout tliatwcntielli
of May, eighteen liuinlrod uf.l Om-ov
en, to tho Iwonly-nrjKi.rJuno, ulghttin
hundred atra rorlyvlgjii, four ihoutaiid
Oigni iiiimm-ii.iiiimmiuiy.iminuiiars.
hor contingent expense ol nil Ilia mi.
'on abroad, firly tliousnud di-.llar.
l-ur couiingeiit oxpciuos oi loroign in-
tcrcey .nlrty IlioiitauU dollar.
ior-xpciie oi intercouno with llio
narinry i umm, in uu iiiousami noiinr.
For salary of tho couiul nt London,
Iwu ihutixaud dollar, lo dofruy tho
c.xpencoi a tpeciai agent in tun throo
repiibllo or eneRiula, Now (ircnada,
"' Fciidor, to claim or thoso govern-
incnl ropecilvoly, Iho eeral amount
duo from each of thorn on claim of oil!-
r.onx of tho Foiled State aa,nint thn for.
mcr uovornincni u t-mumiiia, two thou-
aun uonur
For nilnry of tho commhxlnncr to tho
Sandwich Island, tbreo Ihouiand ilollara.
Tn Anlhony Tor Fyck, for aalary and
contingent nxpeusea an ComniUiionor lo
tho Sandwich Island, for tho yeur nnd.
lug December lliirty.firt, eighteen hun.
dred and forty.nlno, three thouiand nlno
hundred nud twenty-two dollar and clgh.
To Charlea lUino for additional oom
iwiiiiallnn a late Coinmlaiioner lo Iho
.Saiidwicli Mundi, In ptirtuanco of the re.
ln, l'cii.a, Npain, llrur.il. lexico, ami"" "'"" '" "'" ""ogo annu oo iwu.iui.
I i-iiiiiiiinndiitlon of t"lin Dopftrlmdil of Stale,
. .I...... ll...t.....l .I..1I.... k. I
' lllll-ll lllllllllllll UWIIWI.lt l
I ''or liiiernretom. irunnU, and other ox.
poii) nf the rnnnuUlo at Conilnnlltiople.
Smyrna, and Alflxatnirln, ouo thousand
Ihn liumlred ilollarn.
I't thn expeniica of tlio agent of tho
Hubllmo I'nrle, ten lliouand ilollara, to bo
itltburned under tlio direction of tho ilea
rotary of .State.
For olfioo rent of tlio oonaul at lla.le,
In Hivllierlnuil, one humltnl ilollarn.
l'or salary of a VouiniUtloner to rcmlda
in China, Including llm additional coin.
poiKiilliui under tho acfof he oloveutlt of
Augutl, eighteen hiiudrol ami forty. elfjht,
il thouaml ilollnri.
Fur inlnrv of thn Interpreter and eore.
tnry to ml. I iinSniun, two tlioiiiand (ho
hiiti'lred ilollarn.
For compomalloii of Iho coiiiuliat tho
Iho porta in China, viat Kwaiif;-ulinw,
Aiimy, Fuuhow, NlngK, and Hhang-hal,
five Ihouaaud diillnn. ,
For salary of (JonMil (ieneral at Alex,
andrin, three thmiiAiul dollar.
For dark hire, ollioe rent, mid other ox.
pcmon ii r the oltioo of thn coiutlt at ln
don, two lliounand right hundred dollar.
For (alary of tho coniiil at leirout,IWo
hundred ilnlliirn.
For relief and proteollon of American
cauicn In foreign countrim, nno huudroil
and twt'lity fin llimiamul thdlam, I
I'nr additional contingent expene of
toreign littercvuriir, milr!houaiul itoiiara.
l'or rellefof Hiejilicn II. Wteinn, lto
ca:util of the I'liitcd Slato at Guatemala,
ami to cnaldn him in procure n pauagn
home, ItteUo hundred ihlljari), to Iw nx
pamled iiudi r the illrecllvn of the .State
llcpn 'linen!.
Fur l In- annual rcpnln in tho capitol
mid attend ineo on furnace in urypt, at
tendiiiico nil unter eloel, cleaiiiuu ro
tiimlit, fur nillin gardener, and Inbnn-rx, ,
nnd cartage on the capitol gmiimN, Inula, I
lre, tuum, Irullier, nail', rhalni, ami
po.t, l.ixef, tnw, wbilowa.lilng, iiib. """ '""" "J "" ,
niiro, ire. lor gri.iiuil., nilen.lni.ee Tat thn... ' "r ,,"1' "!'"" ''fl'""!-"' '
iwntini galen nf thn cup.lnl, repair of "' Maryland Hmpilal nt iLlliinorc, eight
pnl.li..'4Table., llagcing, onele-iiiro., .Vc, 'l'",'"' '' lmndre.1 dollar.,
k.epng Innrdrr Iron plp.-a that convoy I , ' "r '''" of annullie. and Rr.il"
uni.r to the capital and public ..lV.ee.., '!' V"" ."L"01? ,'! f ( "3"""- ""1 ,l""
mil ie...iiri.. damage b fre.hcl) '"V.1 ai"1 ''"' J0".".
bn.Hii. hrii.h.-. w.l,.ii imade.. nml
I' IIL'llll'ill. Ill lllll 11
H...cm approaches
ie, ..(.,
and for olln-r
imiirnvenn-iit" I
I ' f
pair ami
twenty tlmu. and ilollnr.
I'nr annual repair of IVtideut'ithnuo-,
garden, and laborer, gravrlinj; the walk
to oi l'rr!dent'Miinri-, inniiure, leather,
nnlK tooN, Arc,, ami repair, nf fent-o at
I.afitW'ttii foiiivri', Foiiiitaiu hiuare, I'rci-
dent' KimiL-, and l'roidenl' gnrdni
'earlnge, Au., f.ur tboiuand Ihe l.undred
i For inu.roilnfftheuroun.Uln l.afavette
U'tUare, ami lunclng tlio aanie, tliiuolhoii
. . -. -?
l-rj nt III" lotniuc iirlilee,
nliiig ml for lamp and mnchiiierr, fire.
t unqd, nml repair, the thouiand dollar! I
Provided, Tliul the allow aiicn.illir(wii1
'iil-"it eiiiioe.lln k. oping t,0 nulli
....l.l ..I.i ..il'lvj . III IM I I'Ulji lllll IWIHIII.
.1-.... .r..i.i ii .i.-it I . . i.i
mr per nny.
lor ligliting I'liiiiavhania aveiiuorrom
j1 - "!"1"1 I'l"" lo llio I rtnury llepart
incut, uml rouiiK-ntaTinn nr two lamp
lighter for tin- imuic, and for lighting tho
Cjiit'd nnd (.'apilol ground and I'rcii.
il. nt' boiisn, eleven tlioiiiuiid dollar..
For cniiipeiiaation ami roiilingont ex.
petno ol auxiliary giianl, nix thoixan
'oven hundred
I nevitily.fno dollar.
; ll,r repulr e-rtlio lirnlge on tlio hat.
if"1 Hranch of tho Potomac, p.iy of two
draw I.e. per, oil lor lampaond mauhine.
i ry. nnd lor rolinbilraiiig lo iho (i.rxira.
i '" ""' LV court or ahiiigtnn city,
ll.a . ..r .111 l.ll.(.lA.l Okn.l fin.. .1. .!!
'".l 1"" "' " .". r nun..
nitvunccil by them for repair already
dune, lno tunuiau44joiinr.
I'nr completing lliH Improvement on
liiTinrihvnvenie, llirr-o Vlituatul dollar.
l'or grading, grntcllmr, ion-ilriug tide.
vallx.i, hulldig culvciul, and olherwiio
niuiu.ir.i .-yew jre a venue, nort i ol
IIV) CrdloT; three ihoma'mT dollar, In be
ex)icndcd under tho direction oP llm Coin.
ii-ionnr ed Piiblio lluildiiig.
1 ur llko liiiiirovemcnt on INow jersey
avenue, from tho Capitol Hijuare to pub.
lie resenntloii, number scu-ulrrn, accord.
ing lo audi grade a ho Corpnrallou or
washiuglnu may hcrcaftci intul.ii-.li, two
thousand dollar, to ho txH.uded under
tho direeiioii of llio (!oiumiviouer of Pub.
lift lluildiiig.
For paying a bulmico duo Peter flor
iiiiiii, for Itiriiirhing atono for paving I'eim
jlvanla avenue, two hundrod und sixty
dollau and sixly.fivo cent.
For completing tho gravelling on Four-umlu-lialf
itrerl, from Maryland avenue
lo Ihn Amonal ground, and flagging tho
west aide, uuo thousand twu hundred dot
Fur tlio auiinort, care, and medical
treatment of twelvo transient pauper mod
leal nr surgical patient In tlio Wnihlng.
ton' Infirmity, two thousand ilollara, to (hi
expended under the direction of tho Com.
mUalonor of Publio lluildlnga : Provided,
Tho nliyxiclanaand lurgconxof iho aforo.
aid Infirmary glva bond for'tho inalnto.
nanoo of twelve paupor Iranilcnt patlonta
during one year, if application bo tnado
for their reception, and bind Ihomaelvea lo
kcop room for tho 'acoomrrfodaflon of
Iwtlvo pauper patlonta weakly on an
nvorago during the year.
For completing thn grading, planting
....'..I.M. 1BHW. .. n.l'l
with Ire and ennloalng with a iibiamT
.. . ....... t f..- .....I. .. ll..... l.
. VT.1UIIC.I fVnW 9VT IHVIT rU.rU..l.r ...U
mall from fllxth at reel waitward, to tho
I'otoinao rivor, nvo tiioiwanu iioiiara.
Forexlendlng tlio oowora from Iho I2x.
eoullvo Departmonl and iho I'reildout'a
houar lo iho canal, anil for further lm.
prorlnu iho grounda aoutli of llio lrl.
donl'aTmuio, fifteen thouiand ilollara.
Fo- paying a balanoo duo tho ooutract
ora for laylpggaa plpoa botwoen Ihw Cap.
Ilol nnd Flfleenlh at reel, within Iho Capitol
and Capitol around, and for ohandollera
and bunion In tin l'roldonl'a houieand
completing tlio branch pipe, lainpa, ito.,
'within thoCapllol ground', three lliounand
For continuing thn tower under I'enn
aylvaula aveiitio on thoeait I In of Four.
fMtenth alrnel lo tho canal, three thousand
ilollara, to bo expended under tlio direction
oi iiift'i;nininiiainnnr oi riiiiiiiuniiinng,
For tho cxtrnnlon of Iho Capllidfau.
cnpllng loaiich plan ax may bo jkffpnnnl
by Iho I'roilil.nt ofthn tliillod Htata,nnc
hundred llinumnd dollars to bo expended
under Ida direction by audi nrohlttcl n
ho bo may appoint to execute the aamni
ThI tlio dutlra now duo thn United
Statea upon a certain imimrtatlnn of print.
ed book, nontnlnrd in three raci, mark
ed one hundred and ninety-three, nno hun
drrd and ninety. fie', Iml three, and idiip.
uid by William Crii-knnr, from lindou,
Fiiglaud, In llmahlp J. V, Andrew", un
to Mrmm. Hill and Near, llo.ton, tho vol
uu of iid bonka Mug evnty.el;lit
ikjund four hllllnp and alx pener ater.
ling, be, and tho Minn are hereby, remit
ted! Vrvi'iitetl, It ahull bo mado to np.
pear to tho aalUfaction of Iho Hcrretary
of tho Trenury, that aiioh hooka have
not b'en iniKrled for lain, hut for chart,
tnl.li- and gratultoiti eiroulatiim by certain
religion iwelelie. in the Fulled .Statea.
I'ol refunding to John Jixvpb Chance,
lluhnp of Nuteher, ihe dnti- paid on n
cathedral boll, prevented n mid lllnh'ip
by I'rinrn Alexander Vnrloiiln, of Koine,
' or ''nn.aii.iii oi -reiary to ign
naini nui iiiiiirne proriiteil lnr, a
"'"" ', admitted ill due conre of settle.
11111. M. .I.M 'I...,.... lit A ,l.n,t. I .I..I.
'........ ...ii a..... , .WII.IJMIII..'I
Prowled. 'Flint no tmrl nf the im
propriation .hail l.e drawn from thoTrva.
niry except in purtuanen of wmio law or
remlutlon of Congress aiithoriring tho ex
penditure. For alurle and cnmmilnn of rei-i.
Ur of land ofiioe and ri-oeiveranfpub.
nv nwniiva, una iiuiiuiini ami uu my eigni
thousand and evnly dollar.
l'or cxKiie of dep, .tiling publio mo.
ucy by receiver of pAl.lia money, sev
enteen thouiand Mivru liinnlrul nud fif
teen dollar.
For incidental expense nf the seteral
laud oilier, tviontv-fiin tbousnnil ami
fifty dollar.
For unlade of nitnnt irnaiurer of
tho- UiilleJ .Stale at New York, H'Mon,
Charleiton, and Si. ?u', el.ivtu ihou
iand fita hundred d' liar.
For additional m lury of the treasurer
of llio mint al Phili-'elphu, fhu hutidieil
For salaries of ten clerk nuthorired by
iho act of sixth Aiiguit, eighteen liumlreil
nnd forty-six, and nf tho twelfth of Au
gust, eighteen hundred nnd forty. eight,
ulne ihouiand dollar.
l'or aalary nf chief clerk of assistant
trensurer at Nnw York, one thousand five
hundred dollar.
For contingent expenses under thn act
for th snfi-.Leeiiinu. ctillcctincr. transfer.
and diiblimucnl of iho pilbliu rovcuue, of
lull uguit, eighteen hundred and forty.
x, tiixtceii ihouiand the hundred dollars:
'Provided, That no part uf said aum of
Mxtieii thousand fivo hundred ilollara
shall bcMpeuded (or clerical aorvlccs.
l'or comjiomatioii to upcclal agent to
cxaiuiuo bonk, account, and money uu
hand In llm several deM)Mlorle, under
thn net nf.Ixtli Auguit, eighteen hundred
ninMbrty.:!:, five tl.nuaud dollar.
' For expense uf loan und treasury
note, twenty thouiand dollar.
" For aupply of deficiencies in the fund
for tho relief ol sick aramnn, including
th furnlihlng of fivo now marino ho,
pllala now building, via : Padiioah, Ken
tucky j Chicago, lllinol j Natnhe:, Ml.
Iislppi; Napoleon, Aikama; St. I,oui,
MImoiiiI; two hundrod thousand dollar.
For continuing tho conatruoilon of Iho
cuatomdiouao at New Urlcaui, lira hun
drill thousand dollar.
Far tho niogranhlcal and hydrogrnpli
laal urey ol'lhu iletta jf tho MlwUilppi,
with audi Investigation aa may lead lo
determino lb. i.m.1 piaotioahlo plan for
securing it from Inundation, and tho beat
mode ol an dcoponlng tho passca al tho
mouth of tho river aa to allow ahlpa of
twenty font draught to enter tho same,
fifty thouiand ilollara.
For repair, alteration, nnd fyrnlturo
for tho. now ouitoin-hoiiM nt .Portland,
Maine, eight thouaand dollars
For repair and furnltaro far Iho cm.
lorn homo at Caatlnc, In Iho .list riot of
Pcnobaoot, Ihrco Ihouiand idx hundrod
For olio purohaae of a alto, and tho oreo.
lion of i. ouiloni-houao In Iho oily of Han.
gar, Moe, fifty thouiand dollar, lo be
aaBaadaoAUndar lb direction of lha Secre
tary of Ihi Treasury i and (he coat of tild
building ihaii not exceed iii turn
. . 1 1. .Ionia ...I li.ll.Ilj. .......a ...... l...i..n.l r.a.A
Fnr the. purchase of a alle, and tho
erection ii a new mintoni-hotiio at Molillo,
to contain room for tho I'oat OlTloo In
city, arfcl Ihn accommodation ofiiaofllaera,
and M nnm for iho Unlteil Hlato die
riot court, and tho nemimdntl"n of It
offioora, ono hundred lliounand dollar, in
addition lo audi aum aa may bo received
for Ilia alo of the oldcuatom-houao build
ing! I'rorltleJ, That tho plan of tho build,
ahall bo audi, that tho whole coil lth of
Iho building and alto ahall in no ovcul ex
ceed tho appropriation hereby made.
Tho Heorelary ofthn Treaaury la here
by, authorlwd and rroulrod to purcliaie,
aa aoon aa ii can oo emitted on rcoona
bio term, n alio fir a oualomdioutn and
wet ofllco In Iho uity of Hath, In thnHlato
of Maine, and to laiim to be erected there,
on audi n building a may bo aultabla for
n ouiloin.lmtno ami K3tolliec! Provided,
alto, That iho rtitlru cot of auoh aitn and
building, or of audi repair, ahall not ex -
cet-d the munofliveuty-fivo thoiiiaiid do.
I'nr r.-tiairing nml lining llie archoaand
ulta of Iho custom. Iioiiho hiiildiuir nl
Philadelphia, In tender them proper for
xlorlns good
i .iiiiiii .OUI..I.IIU i, ti-nui..
... .... ............I .1... I.....
'dred dollar.
For continuing the construction of the For the purchase of audi clcntifio
custom. honso at Charleston, omi hundred work at aro nucoasary for tho iie of the
tlmiisaml dollar. ' Patent Oilier, one Ihouiand five hundred
For the purchase of n silo and tho dollar, to be paid out of the patent fdnd.
building nf n cusiom-lniun nnd jovt of. For comieiiatlon of Librarian, five
Ikn nl Norfolk,. Virginia, In ud-Jitlou lo hundred dollar, lo U-paid out of tho pa
thu prucrcda of llie kale of the pros, utcii-, tent fund.
ti-.-ii-hnuiie and site, In be expended under. For payment of llie sacond and third
the direction ofthoSecrelaryof tho Trea. volume of llio fifth series of tho Docu.
miry, filly thousand dollar Proridal, inctilary History, undor contract with the
That tho plan of tho building ahall Lo ' .Secretary of Stato, ihlny.fno thousand
such that tin- wholu coal, bolh of Iho build- dollar.
lug and silo, shall in no event oxcecd tho For expeii.es In running and marking
appropriation lien by inailn. 'thn boundary lino between the United
For the erection of n new omtom-housn State and Mexico, marking tho examina.
nt San Francisco, to contain room for tho lion Lontomnlalcd bv tho ilxth article or
post ofTii'c in that city, ami Iho accoinmo-
1 dntlon nf its nfllcer, ntul nlwi rooms fur
the I'nitod .ftnte district court, the nc
I roinmodatlon of It oirn-er, and other ov. t
I eminent officer in California, until tho
'whole building is m-oded for custom. house
I purposes, nno hundred thousand dollar:,
Provided, Said building shall bo exempt
from oil Slate, City ur other taxation:
And provided further. Thai the whole
cist of the uinn shall net exceed four '
liumlred tboui.iiid dollar.
For continuing tho construction ol llm
custom houte at .Savannah, Georgia, lit-
ten tlioiisiml ilollur.
' For purchasing n nitc, and coinmeiic.
1 Ing tin- erection of a stiitaMu lire-proof
1 building iii tho city "t'Mt. l.oui, Missiou.
ii, fur J:ustmii huiisn and independent
, 'I'rentiiry, nml other ofilces of the United
I Stales, the sum of fifty thousand dollars;
the whole cut of the building not tu ex-
eeed the mini of sentily.fivo thousand
j.lolhirs- Provided, Tliul .aid building
l all lj exen.pto.l from oily taxe and all
other taxe wlialovtrl.y act or tho l.egis.
Inliire nf Missouri.
For thn purchase nl ii aito, .nil iw.. j
airuclN.ii ul'a pmirr building at Cincin.
nuti, for o ci.l..m.hou.o, indeponden
Ireasiiry. ntul other i.rricM of the United.
Males, liny imusnil dollars: J'roviUed,
That thn total coit of construction shall
not exceed seventy-five Ihouiand dollar,
I ...l .,-.;.. ...V. 'n, .n I ,.ii i:....
Awl rroeiJed iiho. That said building
shall bo exempted from city tnv.es and all
.illisr taxes whatever, by act ol llio l.egis
luturo of Ohio. -
!. rA .!.... .....I ...i..,t..n .i.H .....
I -.. . . .. IV . i o?.. ..i.i i
' house nt Pnni.lciicu Hi llujiStato ttt lll.odo
. ... .. -.... , ul; uiii. i-.i.i..... ....- luiiu nt
lilaud, mi" ll.ou-.nml dollar
J aii-l inarihal'a nfl'.ce, thren thousand nnd
. thirty. one dollar and lovenlv-ono rout.
fur survey nl tlio coait ol the I niteil
Slate, liirlmllng compensation to super-!
:... i i "-....... i ..... i
..i.v.ii.cn. huh ussisiani! ui.u ..ui.u.et. wuu
eighty-six lliousaiid dollars.
For continuation of tho survey of reefs,
shoal, keys, nnd cnist of South Florida,
by the siiprrliilenilfiil nf iho coast iur-
vov, thirty thouiand dollar.
ror cuniiniimg inn survey oi 1110 won.
em coast of the Culled Stntes, forty thou
sand dollar.
Tu enable ilia clerk nf lha Ilouso of,
Itepronenlativc to pay for ono hundred
and two copies of iho eighth volume ofj
inn American archive, 10 no rciainru in
lit possession until dlvted of by Con.
gri-sa, nt sixteen ilollara and eighty. three
rem per volume, run thousand savoti
hundrod ami ilxtecu dollar and slty.i!x
To enablo Iho clerk of tho Ilouso of
Ueprosonlativca lo pay fur one humlrcd
an.1 soventeencopie of ll.o elghlh volume
or Iho American archive, to bo retained
ill Ilia Kis.cnsinn until disponed of by Con.
gros, at nixtcon dollar nnd eighty. three
S . "
cents par volume, ouo thousand nine hun
dred and hlxiy.nino 'dollars and cloven
Tn runblo tlio" dork of llio lluuio of
Ilcproicntatlve to pay for rriortiiig and
publishing in iho "Dally lilobe" two
thouiiiiii t'olumna nf tho proceeding of
tlio lliiii.rnepiccniaive, mr untie,
lion, nt tlio ralo of aoven dollar and (illy
cent a column, fifleen thousand dollar.
To ennldo tho Clerk of tho Ilouso of
Hopreientailvo to pay for biuding lha
Congressional Olobo and Appendix, fur
member of Iho Thirty. first Congroi. ton
Ihqusand dollar, or so muoh thercoT a
may bo required to pay for binding aald
volume in strong aubatanllal Ruaalau
loathor, back and comer, aa prloo not
excoeding alxty oont.
To enable tho, Clerk of Iho Houio of
Kepreotativa lo pay for Ave Ihouaand
fivo hundred and nlndy-lwo copletof iho
Congressional Globe," and for (lvo thou
aand five hundred and nlnety.two oople
of tho Appendix, at three dollars neroopy
caoli, tlilrty.throo Ihouiand four hundred
and eight dollar.
ror iinisiiiug alio altering room in llie meieiewi
.cuslom-hoiiio, P.nllnnd, Maine, W Iho ri.rof i..iiiMniii..isnirioni tliitawni
ar-1-oinin..lai.o.i of the federal coutl.,l.",Sj"iJ,lU,d'I'!",,'0,-
clotks ol tlic illtricl nml circuit courts. ' ti,. ....,. -r. r .i.. i i. ,n
To enable the Llhrlrlin of Cong ran to
aubcriba for and purihnio one thouund
ooplca nf Iho worta of John Adami, aa.
ound Presldont of Iho United Slate lo bo
published by I.itilo and Orown In an tdl.
lion nf ten volume, Provided, Tho ooat
of tho aamo ahall nol exocod two dollar
and tirotily-fivo conta per volurne, aald
volunK- to x diipoacdof a Cong rcaa may
horcalicr direct, twcnty-lwo thouund Are
hundred dollar.
For completing Ihn eaatern wing of tho
Patent Ofljee building according lo Iho
original, plan, undor tliodlroctlon of lb
Hocrotary of the) Interior: and for defray.
ing yrCli oxpoim-a a may have been In.
curwl by material procured or labor an
IplleiNoward Ihn wet wing, prior lo trio
j lllleunth of May lt, and for auoh niatori.
al or labor aa may have been ilnoe pro.
cured or applied for tho iccurily of llio
old building, oun hundred and ten thou
'aand dollar, to be pldsout of tho patenr
fund, If no much of aald fund remain un
appropriated, and ir not, thn rxcroa out or
any money in th" Treasury not otherwise
Fur the collodion uf agricultural ta
il.ti... ...... ll....,.....! Aua I..... .I...I .1.11. .
.i.iiui, t-'iii IIVI..II..I. ii.o i.uim.eu uv...rp.
to be paid out of the patent fund.
tho lrcaty.pl Uuadalupo IHJalgo.and pay.
ing tho salaries of tho uffioor ol the com.
mission, ono hundred and thlrly.five thou.
land dollar.
For the warden, dork, physician, chap.
lain, fwo assistant keeper, four guard,
nnd porter of llie penitentiary of the Dla
trict of Columbia, seven thousand firs
liumlred dollars.
For three inspector! of said penitentla.
ry, threw hundred ilollari.
I't discharging tho expense of taking
tin- seventh enumeration or tho Inhabit-
ants of llio I'liitcd State, orio million one
liumlreil ami sixteen thousand dollars.
j For the pay menl of a balance- certified
b) llio First Coinptrnlltr of the Treaaury
in be duo lo Jaine D. Doty, as governor
nnd supariiilcmlent of Indian alfalrs for
' the. Territory of Wii-oiiiu, one thousand
one hundred and foity-eight dollars and
niuo cent. '
( rr the payment of laxea duo oft lha
mint In Philadelphia, for which a juda-
, mont ha been obtained, ten thousand do!.'
( To lx eontinufd.)
Temlaiaia Acn-r-y. "
,,-,, ,,, ,, ,ilUitfll , u (l1rn rf
M. f.rMn.r.Tii.!.tiari.ln. II1simw In lis
I mUur,, v.l partnt anH uanliam dMutaa U m4
! thuA, nisy b. uwred put wlr f Ui htal
'""and. b"l ' Jk' l.lw, in. lnlll.ac
""' iiwraWyM llw inllloU, lul pMlaUy tint
.rl, ,r.r),rn. ssill t r.njJa, rd .. .Til m.k. tl..
,,tm ,nrB and moral ininruvtm.nl of lh
Kixisn, iii.irclilri u-jfrv.
A siisciinm ami nuMe Aesd.n.r buitdia La
Ikti. .trrtcd Uwu a sitr, roi-unioJioi! lha vmw (
..... .-
lwQilcnlv iiraUiM, ilh Ibeir inlerrtnin M
rnrl(cinjj fon-.u, .ui3wh.acomiJ.led.il will fur.
null an.,-! aceofntnodslurtw fr Wh drpatUniot
J mruct.,
' ?.u,nl
..Mstch IS. 1SS1
Kuinin.r Term Juna 11, "
I.IITrrui Hi4. 17.
WlntrTnn Dmn. to, "
Tli-i Trims will br rlttru wka ssch. TuUlaa
$(! r Irrin.
Hoard may tw otsinfd In prirati funiUts.
text nonx-i usEn:
The Holy Seriptum, S.nad.r'. B.rlr of Bead
rrs, 1'arler Htirlntlcsl K.sdrr, Hsundrr's and
W.Uirr's Hpribn, Woteealrr' and W.hrt.r'
l)ictluuari.s, Thoaipsca' AriUinwIie, Oliwy'
and HiiuUi'i (itensUilw. Wrlb' Ursmmar. Wd.
son' HUturifi, (lis)' ChemUtn-, (,'sU'i Phlloso.
I iJiy, llullion' l.tln slid tin-e k ClaMics.
Hy erd.r of lli Uaard.
i , ,, O. II. ATKINSON, S.c'y,
"nu"7 " -'
Itmu QuistiisIJtiiMiutaiv bsrisratsT, I
Fost Vineovraa, O. T., Oct. 31, IR50. j
NOTIOK I hereby irivra to all whom It may
eanfrrn, that a MIIH.rvHM.mllon.fof and
in brhslf of ItiaCorcranMalof lb United Blatrs,
Ulirtttiru.rlarnl.asfulU.Hii C8imfigalta
polni hrn a mrridlsn tiix,lo ndlo west from
ilh. llmlrd ?lai.- Flsa-S.aiT. .1 Iba Mlfitarr Pes
i"f " Vnreuv.r,O.T-,sirikilb North baak
' 5, 3i 8iuta iUiEIa
. rr, Iheuea dawn said bsnk to lb. place of begls.
' nlng. rturvatlon Wag tukjeel ak to lb
l..-..l .l.l.a. tJ t.A llllnll U.H PlSMIMSlSI &
Iiwlnl elalnu of th lludMii Bar Company.
(-uiranlerd undsttlie Treaty balrtn Iks United
Hlalr awl llrval Urilalo, dated Jkly ssvealeintb,
on thousand light hundred and fort. All lm
prov.rn.nti tnnJio svllhln lh slot. dMcrlbsd lira.
lis, by rrsid.nl sellbrs prior lo lh dato of tola Bo.
Met, will I appratood kr a Board of OsVnsad
p.ya..al i,e..ni.Md.H W.'igwo,
Drv'l Colon.) Cff.nmsudlnf
I lib Military DfpannwBt.
Oct. I, IBW-Jtf
y ROW CtOsMl.
DAIf.YoifoctMlby lb und.rjfn.d.psr Dstk
t'nncl .V Looju, dmet from N.w York la
Portlaatl, Ureoand'
wlUtiU for Uil country, which lhy will oBr en
rsaioaablo lenn at wbohsal and rolall rrnilsti
lo la pari, of Iho fotlcwlof lo wit I
A ajrnrrat aswrimonl of Dry Ooedi, Grosori,
Hardwire. Tin-War., Croek.ry, GlsssnUiry,
rtuMtti, Hani, Bodliry, Lealh.r, Cook Btoros,
IVaUiora, r'amiUw,Frtiltof virtooo klad,Ort
and Mfdiclw. School Books and SlatloDory, Best
ud Hhor, lUady Mado Clothluf , Blaaksta, .,
a portisa of which will be ofisrsd for U by lb
Packap at Poellsnd on antral, and at the atta of
tb KJf 1I0RNB in SsUm.
WM. COX dt CO.
Sal.rn, Martk lv, 18SI-40tf
:m .;
1 ' 1