Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 15, 1851, Image 2

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' &
.tf&y ?
W,P .-
prescribed k
to the pen
ataeteand la an
My'pWNM'wtwMy aw for the
wrena 10 m Mia
1 tVatuairv. Pm.MH.
UMMMalHtMMtaUU'M newiia-
jM Ml to WMMiMm Mm Amu refuting
wr MffM. when it
JsV'tae.kSjlUltctloB of a
tJtV ' the teid
rtVastom kirns. And
etlsail orier to bo
at rata who. De
lta the oath or
tew, trieh judge
M ttrfcit Md
aula there-
who tM uun
,Hr.- " n- l,
141 fkM aar raaaaer shall han-
"tU'tsBqtcC member af Council or
Ma or tUetaaaaiatb
or HMMMMIItWOflM legists
'kmeuMvi htr. .WetK'reelanetion, or
raise. It sMTha the stair of the Perk
i tbo, tkatsi ofOwtWCajtwsltelonert of
r &&, -.-7 m
M BO MM BW pissjMW liwiro'i iu
uereroor or euea Tacaooy ;
w he feo more than one county
srhhbs the Ikaitt ortueh Council
MtttlreAhartot. It ehatl be the
the CUrkrtbo Board or County
altatra . of Ik' eenlor county in
.diotrtoVaott Mtliy the Ooreroor ;
ttM'QorerBeV.'faMMdteuilr upon hi
VhNt wed .MNflhwtlon, ahtll proceed
h the kw naaaMr aa Is prescribed for
'...- -- .-.
..V V Wl w
f thr ease l Je ntottecnlh section of
1 1 " """'
U irt.il .L.I1 k 11a,m4 nl nf
$ lib Couatr Tieaaarr of each county to
tjtaatvetal jatsieiaao clerks of election,
l a eoraneasauoa set- weir aaiiuc, u
tfllira ner dV t a4 the person convey
JBg.Ura polls'rkai the piece of election to
cm clerk's oAce, the mm of twenty cents
Mr talis fcf gotng end returning.
. Sac. M. If a Meaner should occur In
the CoiinoH or' Hooee of Represcntatires
flats. Territory from any cause, and If
the county or counties composing me uis
trlot In vfiteh ttiA vsoeaer msv havo oc
earred, should bare been divided' after
the election of the member whose scat is
ucaoti and before the election to supply
the Tleaaer. sueh election shall bo order.
41 la' every oowrty la which any part of
Ike origuMd covaty or district may bo sit.
Hated. BA ao persoa shall be permitted
la rote at aay election who does not at tho
tiaia reside wkhla the limks of tbo origin.
-aeuitty orsXetriet In which such vacsn
oy asay hare occurred : Prorated, That
atkhg berths eaatalaed shall bo so con.
trued aa la aertaU aay person to rote, so
rootiwag wkUa the satd Ueaits, wlio hss
at tW other ewaMeatioaa ofa rotor.
Titoc'tT. la aasde of election to ,611 raf
aMeiesv ae prorided fcr to the preoedhig
iSttWlhe retarae ahaU be snade by the
mafiUaWhraoets)aUe, within twelve
slays, to the esleeof the clerk of the board
of eenatr eosamlasueere of the county
composing the district ; and certificates of
eleelioa shall be made oat and signed by
ike clerk of the rjara orooaniy commii
ioeteri oTtasulerent oonotles in which
each eleetkia may have been held.
Sac. 99. Tbhfeetto take eOVet ami be
in force from and alter Its passage.
Paased the ffcueeol. Representatives,
January 97th. 1MI. v
Passed the CoudcII. February 3d, 1631.
Spetttr H. R.
- V: ' FimiiMliffComua.,
& 'eerlMr 'that (ke fcregofne; U a true
' eet of thn orktaal Ml In my office.
r."?i i? ..ira mm .'mv.
Xfi-tr'jtrtt nt Or'iran,
"' w-,
.Ala getting or tl.e clliwnson -oium.
.bta.tlottaoli.ln Clackiimiis county, preps
. k . 1 . .
t taehaatHBistgelsction, it rfa; votou
istia a annflTiiHt roruouotyivoin-rta-rHariHin
br tho countr. and
ri ek' tmasiiar Precincts to join them in
. ' llsaaetalaatioa, helloing that it is forthe
iffamtmna ' ".1 "k"0-. - " " '' r
ataieiajta onu "" p-m "
mmrtl' ...
V Knarsen il. Leavitt was nominated at
Uiv, v aii ,!, .M Ininre.tted In this nrrantre.
Y?jMtt'Ma invited to join us in nuiortiiig
";,ta-i Ike aleotlou.
1Z&X. K. L. QUIMBY, Chairnisn
1' i APtBvl'U (
. J.i rteifxr mm. m .. rt 1
ventlon has adopted an
atvtlitulion which debars
"fpm licensing me sain
aa a oqvomgc, sum
'Mtjthem to. protect
us or tnon saw,
TIIUUSIUY, MAY in, ier.t.
Far Delegate to Coiigrru,
OCT Todd iV: Co. liavo our tlianln for
lato papers in adtauco of tlio mail. We
are alto indebted to Meatrs. Allan, Mc.
Kinlay Si Co. for the first papers eoutnin.
Ing accounts of tlio fire nt San I'rancisco.
0" Messrs. Allan, McKinluy A: Co.,
have removed their store to their new and
commodious building on Msin street. It
Is one of tho best and most substantial
frame buildinrs In the cilv. It is con.
ffcaleat, suitably located, nnd lu ecry
ay well sJaptcJ to tlio bunnru ant
of the community. They bao uito a
large stock of goods to dispose of nl liole.
saloand retail; and they aay they ore
going to mako it a matter of aing for '
tho people to buy of llicm. HjI ieu
CO" The Hoosior made "the portage I
around the falls In lea, than a day after it
a. undertaken, and U now safelv moor. ,
ed at Canemah wharf. v here alio is being
, - ,
fitted up for tho upper Willamette trade.
She !ll probably be in readiness in lcs
than a week's time. The folks at Salem
are rcnuerteu-to he their cannon un.
(Sir We aro requested t-i announce
that a public meeting wilt be held at the
Oregon House, on Saturday evening next.
As matters of interest ill then be discus
sed by V. V. lluck, 1'xi-, wo Ii0w to
sco a full turn out of the peop'e. Don't
forget the time 7 o'clock, Jh'.urJay cie.
(KT There is ;Wof huo ashing to
take place In this c.tv sooii-subjecl, the
conscience of our neighbor. As .. ha,
been strained so often to im ulniojt ien.'u'""" "."I""1"' " '
slon, It Is proposed that an India-rubber
one bo procured with as little .lelav a."' ",laj" "'' " " " -7-
possible. Who'll gi.e a dime toward, it? ' ,y necessary loaelllera Inthe eastern part
. T k- .n.KA. tUl.la...nt sm. lk Taia thai
KT The mail routo Irom tho Dalles to ,
tne aau laKe was ota or at 9-uuu. m o
fear that that sum will not pay. Wo
wcro in hopesour mountain friends, New.
ell & Kraig, who are well acquainted
with the habits and customof tlio Indi-
ans, iho route, etc., would hmc been the
successful bidders
at 910,000.
Tiicir bid was made .
tKr ilro. Waterman paid us a xitit en '
Monday last, and as ho honorcl our nsigh-
borwithaisittoo,we hipo ho will not
omit to mention the fact, lie trssii.fine
spirits, and uo think s-ipls a chance of
becoming a member of ilic net Legi,a. ,
ftT" Wo mav ftntr-t ad, lulled arcnunt
of our neighbor's pleasure tlip to Portland
on the lloosicr, one day las
underttind hclinl a splendid time of..
that the ladies were beautiful and enter
lalning, and tho edibles delicious.
T Our neighbor thinks he Ins ..uis-
lied thn people nt Salem that .n. I.ono
had not intended to run as Delegate to
Congrrti previous to bearing of Mr.
Thuraloi's death. Ho may suceeej in
who '
the 1
onr r.
' persons at a Uutuncc, think so,
not present nlicn !io addressed
0 in this city ; but crry one
Wws that the reverse of what
hbor B3s, h the fuu. He camo
out f"r t en. Lane in his last ho is truly
tho tkvtulh hour man. Ho no doubt
uhouvbt it. was belter lato than nccr.
crmnn, like a ir.nn, came to tho
(r ho steamboat Willamette, was
irpif to arnvo nt tins piaco uunng
tbo fir of tho nick ft rumor of this
km'iiN ig been extensively circulated.
'rliu W ' unct'o is no vol put in running
'!"" a
lori. for the mail en Sunday la-l. W
undorstand tbo will l) thoroughly filled
up for running in nl-oiu two weeks.
(KJr Mr. James 1'ullon ta)s ho did not
arfsli to withhold Irom us money dun on
subscription. IIu was not nwnro that lis
overrun the year for which ho had ;iaid,
and ho is ready und willing to pay tho
llltlu balance. That is tho voice of a
man. Tills evidenco of a disposition on
Ills part to do the clean thing, raises him
very much In our estimation, and wo
think liim now a scry cloior fellow.
(fir The Hmltlifconlan Instltulo Library
containt 4233 olumc or books, 7spam.
pillow, 1!WI engravings, nr.d U07 maps,
chart, drawing, A't-
.tl. .i,t. .i. ;.nni...iin A.licast lociingoi unsaieiy. a 00 re ssnui
Treaties 5 ns .
The Commissioners liavo closed their
business nt Champocg, after session of
about fivo weeks, end havo roiumed to
Oregon City. Treaties hare been oeo.
eluded with tlio uppor and lower bands of
tho Molala Indians, for tlio cession of the
western sloxs of tlio Catcado range of
mountains, and alt their lands in the Wab.
lamet valloy, froivllio dividing ridge be.
tween tlio ClaoUmas and Molala rivers
to tlio head watcrtjof Iho Wahlamet. Thk
tribe, contrary to general bollof, made BO
olftlnt eait of tlio summit rango of the
mountains, whllo on tlio other haul their
range extends somo distance Into tlio ral
ley below tlio line of tlio fir limber.
Their numbers, too, ore greater than Hat
been supposed, the northern baud conttst.
irjrofOS, end tlio southorn of 03.
In the caw of the firsthand, a reserve
was made ofa tract lying between theoU
Kismet trail and tlio summit of the Cat.
cado Mountains, and extending
divide between the Clackamas and
to Silcr Creek. Tho com
Mio salooflhelr remaining li
oi)0, pavsbto in '.'0 annual ti
$M0 to bo in caiti, and tlio retaalaeW la
ctotliln fcc, 'vith a present on the ratlfi.
cation of fio Indian horses for their head
men, and five rifics nt each of the first
ilireo payments.
Tho San'.iam or southern band, reserve
a "" tract commencing on the fork of
"iam mer aoo,e ino ..i.pooyn re.
,ot,c' ",r"cv '"""' '"' ' -
,ne '"""n' J crr" i "
., . . . . 1 I. . .1
, "P ,, cr0CK ' "ureo "nu "
I l" "10 ummit of ",0 mountain.; thence
i '' P"' Jup '", of rlM-A
,"' ''.m ; and thence wrtt down
l''at ,0 P llcK"m'nS
I The consiJe ration of tho last purchase
' is 8"0,000, tn lie paiJ in 20 annual Instal.
menu ; 9ino in cash and tlio balsfico as
bifore, in poolj, titli a present often ri
ties and a horse, on ratification,
Tlio chiefs respectively recognized arc,
by the firt, Quii-cck-ete, Yulkus and
Crooked l'inger; by tbo second, Kost-nah.
The claims of white settlers within tho
"'. ro F" ""'i ..:,
a,r" '" lcw' " """" "T-" B
c moun,ai country. Belli pur-
.1..... A 1,-...i..i . al.A r.- IhkIh.Iu
" "a" com,B """,, B ,0w ,
' u( 1110 uyiKJt i Miiiauivtt wis mv it umi
,le ony ,10re j, upon or ,1 the
base of tho mountains. r
1. ., r
OtT Tlio elegant steamboat, Lot Whit-
'comb, paid our city a visit on Monday
last, remaining at our wharf until Tuts
day morning, whon she left for Astoria
with quito a number of psucogers from
this place. - Many ofour citizens greeted
l,or uP9n ""islng at our wharf, it being
ll0r l''t W.it to this city, and also the first
steamboat that has mado Its appearance
this high up tho Willamette (if wo except
tho lloosicr.) A now-era in navigation
is about to dawn upon this portion of Ore-
gon, ui. ' wo comuentiy nope uiai 11 win
gie an im tus to business hitherto unen-
Wf" "
u.r cilizos. Tho ease with
from tee
I. M'plWlllCII 1110 1.01 lilicuiuu caniv UTDV IIIU
rapids, warrants tno belter mat am can
become n regular packet between this
citj and Ahtoria. -'-
We liavo arrived at that period of pro-
grcsslhat requires that the business shall
, be donn in tho way wu havo mentioned.
f tl0 proprietors of tho Lot Whilcomb
expect to mako tho running of tho boat
profitable, they must doit upon a moro
'enlarged and lilieral policy than thoy have
previously done. It is utter folly for any
man or any set of men to think that our
ciliens will so much disregard their own
' interests as to st-rifico them lo thosothst
may exist out ol lioriolf; or in other
' ords, iftlioy do not accommodate them
Mihca to the requirements of tho countnr,
'our citi7cns will take tlio matter In hand
tficmsvl ,'cs, and run their own freight and
passengers tn and from this city.
Tho Lot Whitcomb, wo understand,
went down over tho rapids without throw
ing off stenm, and was managed with
case, nothing occurring to create the
st r... ttl l sflt
very strong current nt tho raplds. The
Clackamas river has hcen very high br
a week and moro ; which, it ia said, has
had tho effect to greatly increase the our.
rent of Iho Wlllamottp, at the head of the
rapids. But tho current has been some.
vlial lessened by tlio back water from, the
Columbia river; tho annual rise of thai
river having already begun.
Tho lato rains during last week caused
a small rise In tho Willamatto; and the
depO' of water on'tho rapids, is reckoned
to bo about 12 feet in tho shallowest places,
At a nubliu moetlnir held In Mllwaukls
last week, John Obvis WatissMN was
nominated by ballot for Assemblyman.
Ho having received l votes out 01 1 no 0,1
Tats CoMtliiBrntliiii.
8a! FaAnctJCo AOAIN IN AsllM ' S.III
Fwioleeewasjrlilti'd on iho cteuiug of
the Od Inst., with another lorrlblo nnd most
disastrous fire exceeding in extent nil the
previous fires combined. In the idinrt
epaoo of IS months, no leas than four
great fires have occurred in that city.
Almost the entire city Is in ruin. An
Immense amount of goods lias been con.
sumed. Manyaoomntodlotirud elegant
ly built edifices havo been burned ; some
of which wero considered fire-proof j there
being nothing now left but damaged walls,
scattered about in various parts of the
burnt district.
Alt the printing offices liavo been ro
duotdto ashes, save that of the Alia Cal
ifornia, the walls' of which became o hot
that it was impossible to remain iusido
Prom the Alta-of May 0, wo mako the
following extract t
"The boundaries of tho Hie is nearly
aa follows t commencing on tlio wt ni.lc
of Portsmouth 8quare, it oxirndml Jon
CRay street ; then to tho cast, along the
SeMe of Kearney, to Jackson; donn
IM side of Jackson, to Montgomery ;
Ke south sWo of Montgomery, to
I down Pacific, to SaiiKime; along
Weaseme to Broadway ; tlienca illagonal
lyiJBSSr the high ground of Clark's Point,
nearly to Vallelo : thenco eastward, neruvi
Dattery, to tho (lay ; thence, follow ing the
shore of the Bay, to Hattery, lealng thai There the r, .umnol n ml hnirs inn
two corners on the north sido of llatlery ' most eril mi and firl'rti-.iiii.itnii.eset
and Pacifio; thence westward, along llm' ing cver moment tn In luitii-d in (he ru
north tide of Battery, across Joel in, nu nn I ("iivgind i n diindful fate
Washington and Clay streets, tn Long I Wnl in ihii ire.lii aim nl hum of the par.
Wharf; down that beyoml tlio Whllihall 1 lol.l thpnu-h 11 unilm r aniall ap
house, about half way to I'ront atieet , erturr an I ihm n man Icatnnng tots,
l-'rom the nlsco of becininni!. the Iwiin enpe rpvn a m iglitMiiiig li iihling ho bo.
lary runs un Clay nearl to Dupmt .
thenco west to Sacrament--, down th,
west side of Sacramento to Kenrue .
westward, south side of Kearnev, to Sinn
wer street ; down that, 10 Mout"uic-r
west, along Montgomery to line , i,wn
Pine, lo Sansomo ; east, along Kainr.m
crossing Cslifornia sparing a otih r n
each side of Sansomo ; thence, down I'll
Ifornia, to Battery ; eastward, along Hit
lory, to Long Wharf. Nearly eirr bud I
ing within Hits line, a iiisianei- 01 .wr n
mile north.cAst and soutli.wes', by a hall
mile from north. west to oulli.ea-l, wa-i
destroyed. Eighteen largo tutinrt-. e
ceptlngalew buildings, aim iargeiiirit.u
of five or six others, bale been eompt'-teH
destroyed. Tho plank strn ts ar" ruinc d.
and In many places entirely impauaMp
oxcept on foot. Slloll is this aimivern.i
ry of tho great fire of May Ith, t'u
For the want of space we are unaM.-1 .
give a detailed account of tho fire. Wt
glvo the following, bowel cr, as anwng ih
meet important that has reached us, at our
present writing, through the Alia t'.ilifor-
inla: ., I
. Ilia Impossible to give in one ur to
numbers of a paper all tho ineiJenta of
lite fire, but wo publish tho follow ing to
day, and may continue tlicmHioreafu-r
Tneoincersol 1110 unsiom iiouso nn 1
the specie of tho office by catling 11 into a
well. About ei,UUi,UUi wcro saci in
this way.
A.J. uost, naiai otneer, ur. nrown.
appraiser, Mr. (Srcen, collector, ami a
number of others in the Nnial department
had nil of their privato eltei ts diwtroi-d
Tbo books and papers of the department
woie neatly all saved. Tho mom-) w.n
placid in too vault. '
Tho .largo U. S. bonded warthm,
orected'hy Cross & Co., containing nUmt
two thousand tons of inerchondiw in L'.tnl.
was saved through the cxertl mi of Mr.
Anderson, the Inspector. !
Oen. James Wilson, although o.-ridy
burned, Is considered by Ins physn un in
tirejy out of danger. ,
Tlio banking liomeswill all resume bit
einets In Iho course of tbo week.
When Uurgoyn's safn was npi in d 8 1 ,
300,000 was taken out not singed nrd im
aged In tho lent. Tho bwlts nu 1 nil th"
papers, deposits, iVc, came out freli uud
free from ths least bluiuMi. TIih firm
has stood tho test of fires und panic, jud
now stands as firm wuh tho ivi niion (
the loss of tholr building, as it did a n k
ago. They will resume business muni
disiely. x
Tho fireproof building of tiibh. te (' ,
on Long Wharf, was but slightly injured
by tho whirlwind or nemos that xurrmiinl
ed It. A great deal of j nlgmcut uui
shown inthe management of this building.
Ittescano from destruction is n powerlui
argument in favor of fireproof buildings
Wells 6i Co. 's building wnsconsiinn-il,
In consequence of coods boinc stored thure
and the doors holng left open 1. ailing 1 1
i'rt --
Uf. Argent! has most lihorally formed
at hie own exponto, a paliol ofyimrl to,
tho upper stories
protect tho ruins of somo oflilu nrighbors. I
His own building being entirely whole
ana in a rwriooiiy uiu tunumon, ie.uu.--
no otntr eare.
'A gaarJ or thirty lm I, oen r.irnl.lii.1
by Captain Hunter, of tbo llnviiiue culler
Polk. Thny aio stationed in tbo vicinity
of tho Custom iiouso.
Dewlt it Harrison, in lieu of witter,
used 60,000 gallons of vinegar in tin nerv
ing their warehouse. It wai entirely
tared. Tho brick biiildingofdihleinees.
ter, Ee 1'rcomery At Co., on .Montgomery
street, camo near bolng burned down.
Owing, howavor, lo its rear walls Ik Ing
very thlok, it wan saved. I lio city oli-
tervatory on tho roof burnt without rstn-
inunlcatlna firo to tho building. J. Her..
berg, J. W. Oidioriio, Uarn-lt A: Slier
wood, W.O. Blake, and Mf. Ilciibamliad
rented parti of this building.
Mr. James, Mr. Naglco, l'rostnnd nino
others, while endeavoring to save Nag.
lee's building, whew Ihey were rendering
ii i: tim ii
' V V " " V. "?.....'
;Mt ,rl.i.l-Mr..Mwi'h..f..rnnli1 t:rt...Hl.il'jr?JtdUlajiJsoi1Ui ,M
131 l.Mlr. ,Mh,A.M "" Wrsther, I'. M. Wsalnsr-lliu. WM. &-
Vtt "in"i"c liT'ctoud, jtii.teti. M,,,',wa, '.?
n in im at Uhi'i .i. wry. n
n an
a i
tl i
M '
i a
light I tulhU
lililil iloli.U
,tllll t l-'UiU
llijllt rlituiU
, trnr
, hsiy. .-
V.imly ..
. light clowU..
lililil rloixl'.,
, liuhl rtontW
h.i . . .
, rtror .
ilral .
i-lrnr .
flful .
in I
I 1,-tr .
1 Irtir
littll I IiiihIm
liKhl C-I.....I.
Thi hImu liiWrt riiiinii r lh
i,i. f A....I. .iul
maVliig 'II ,1a)
..-"" ."':..'.:......
lo l. i,niiiii iiwnwiiy hi "
iitilaianeo t .ui tin- ImiMiug anil prop
Tt), had tlii-i f ii-lual ml I'll-.' tho Mir
rnunilinu llum i eim I yini; ihe luilldiiig
rnine rmi-li.pnl 111 llnnu -lie li II, et
1 nn-i'eil afi I was mii.tmril
im; III
.1 i'i! rers c lin.l
l 1 it prisons with
l miniiiery alreel,
i'i nam l ihe 1'
il. ir , 1! iiiii' ' I .
I II II,.IIIm,iii
I ricl l hi-, J v I. -hi
eoni'-iy sir,-. ' 1' t--wiili
men ban lis.
Sltlint'MMll' I H.I'
-1 , ninl on Mom
tart-., itlori n
t 'nu, linn
s!I, it. Ijt'HI '"I"
I lain)
; mm
11111 n street,
I It M 1
Tumi A
M r ,1,.
. 'nrfii tnill'-lllo
, 1. MMIII'
A ;o nun
mid M niif t'ii r ,
Hin M I i'i
llipliv .V M.I
61. Ml 00 I.
1 1 I).,. Hank,
'I rch-inl's '.x
r, I j t'roel
John Iktldmii,
Sjil 1111 I.
I'. II .Sior, Di
. Inilige, ,f.,l'iu
IIoIk-ii It iers
Ilrilhilot A Cmniae, r rner Sansomn
nnd Jaikv.il sir.eia, lii.-tlv conogn.il
increhandls)-, aljout Jltii.lHMl.
Iluildingow in,! h Jame I' irnrll '-!i,fl()0.
W. . llo!.ei.,riiiiii g..ls, (S'lll.lllMI
.Starki-y Hrmli r-., vI'imiiio.
I lull 111' A Co. r irn.-r ( 'lay and Han.
someMrec-is, nt Imiidoig ind larg stock
of g.wds, Kin nun
(ltonliim.-r, II. 1 1 It A ( , 6130,000.
M.ilh, "..ui. Un-" I! A Co irC'tl, IKIO.
Cross A-' i.l'iiil.lin. nnd merchants,
t'll.t. I'lilvim, lib mt 6 .".rnio
K,..r, S11111I1 A Itial.-i, IV!.'!, 1100.
SIk-Iiuii, ILiiikI A Co, Wushington
Mrei l.nliow- li.ek A Palmer, corner Clay
mid I.i-nledro stri.la, ST i.OOII
Thoiins Magiiiie, iS-0,000.
Wo.idwor:li vV Morn-., torn and mor.
cliuinlii.-ou Claj kin . I whurf, and home
1 nil Waslniigl.ill 'street, AMO.OHl).
Mil Ki'iioii
I niir rLimrks ,11 hi-.' w . 1 k's Spectator,
under the In ad ,t ' liitelligenco from tho
Mini-c," niiglit I'V xjmiu br cntistrucd as a
-dii'hti.'ii'iuiu on th.- SiiX'iinti udent nf In.
.linn Alliurs. ill tl. lli'TeCire, ImkillJ
I'lHMiyli to puhli-li th" lollowing loiter,
which I nd.lri'ss. I t - tin' lunlan Depart.
merit a-. tn. ufofrit I It. l uiUir last.
erv nip. btiiilts ).iuri,
Ofrff nfttif SMyi'ri,...ii 'ilnf IiiiIhih .lTair, I
lllr;,.ii I il) lite -111, lf.1l.
Silt I haio llm Inmnr herewith tn
transmit n opj .if 11 loiter fnmi Jeaseo Ap.
plegate, uddr. ss. d t II II. Spalding, III
J 1 .i 1 1 A " nt for Suiith-ni stern Oreiioti,
Mr. Apphgnt. is 11 gi iitkiiinu of high
.lauding, nnd on. of the oldest settlers ill
l.ni'Mjin vulle). i am fully pnriuaded
that it is iniisiens.ilil ncoeaiarv that
ther.' should lx 3 d. tnehmrlit of United
.Slates Troops nt to tho I niKma with as
little delay 111 possible.
.11 r. .-sp.ii.inig s liners mine.
cl ro ri)lls IIM, ,;N1!t,y
.., .1, .(,,,. i,i.r ..onden..
Mr. .Sn.ibliiig's litters tome oil this sub.
uso his vlowa
.,, , ,i.0 , tciliv f Hciidina troops lo the
i-11lIj(lni iiu ,y iriiiismlltlng u copy of
r .,,,1, (,UU letter
I huo tho honor tu remuln,
our obedient nurvant,
Hon. (,'iiniuiissiont'r nl Indian Atfairs,
Wiihhingtoii City.
The couslriictitu mileagn will bo paid,
uo iini told, nl if its uresimt call sosslon ol
i-1', S. .Sciiulii. I'lmrii nrosomo Bona.
tor', however, who will not touch tho un.
clean thing, I Im oxtrn pay, wo aro tola,
wns Hindered to Mr. CI11V, (between four
and Ino hundred dullnro.) but ho lioremp.
torily refused it, ns Im has, wo believe.
tor all cusstnuii wnoiu nu nciuai iravc
been purfonued, sineo ho took his seat
10 .Senate. iV. V. Kxprm.
in tho
(Sir An Irishman' speaking ofa lury't
verdict, said, " Il was received wilfi tup
pressed cliren."j
:. i. . r.L.7.ih In Urn altirusaii. sad l
..Ihasy ,..
, ,,'liasjr ..
,,.. 'light tkwai....
leUar ..,
..eWsr ..!
I.., ,(,,,, 4
. rlrar .
,'rlMI . .
clf .. .
Iral. . ..
.'liaHtrjr. .
. Iiuttriy -
light (KimU
l(lll ItHtJ ,.
tigtil rUxtUi.
light rloujl .
... tUsr
.elm. ,u,
. jrktr
.. UM tUU..
... haiy ...i
... Iissy
.... Uf i.,
.... char . -.,.. ,
rnJa ilia 30th of Slav. IUI,t(h UayslacWnl
..i. f t. eii.. I..
, ii "Tftw Vw
isjnws Itetsts Ira law aialee.
Wo cull from the AH CtVfonkt, llm
subjoined Items of newt from tbeB;atee:
Postal Ittxiraocirr wini OsMAtu.
Tho iiegotlstloo wbleh m mentloiifd a
few days since, on rbotbetween Ike Poet.
master Cleneral of Ctraada, and the Pott.
mtstor General at Washlagtoo," has," It
aeeins, been eminently twcoeatfuli An
arrangeinent lias been effected, by which
direct sealed bags will be made for th" -thief
places In Canada.. The pottage lo
to l the ssme In each country, a letter
not exceeding half an ounce will be charg.
id firo cents to the lints from aay part of
tbo fulled States, and five cents to any
piaco within tho United provlaee of Care
ada : tho postage lo bo pre-paid or not.
1 ,1... ..ln. .7 ll.n ,Mr.4tn ..!!, llua
I letter. The postage on newspapers and
pamphlets to be prepaid to tho bursal
l)XATii(irllR,i. lltooxt. A telegraph,
ic despatch was received from Nrw Or
leans at the War Department, March 30,
announcing the drain of Slrevet Major
tieiieral tieorgo N. Urooke, which look
pluce at Ran Antonio, Texas, .... :'" 10th
i)b. We aro not informed of the cause
61 hi death.
We regret to record lhe!iath of M, M.
N'onh.ono of the olden and most respect.
ed editor ofnur whole country. He died
in .Now York, about tho 33IU ult., ana
was buried with unusual pomp and cere
mony. J. H. Skinner, another man of Intellect
and kindness of heart, It also dead,' Ho
was killrJ on lU Oitt all., la Ultimate,..,
by falling through a doorway Jti a cellar
ot the post office. He wasVt the time,
and had Iwrn fur some years past, editor
of nno ot the best airioultursl ana me.
cbanlcsl pspors published In the Union,
ami known a " I tie riougn, tho Anvil
and the Loom."
Isaso Hill, of New Hampshire, died in
Washington cily, on the 33d ult., at Iho
ago of IT ears. I'or many eart"Mr. ,
lllll exercised a very powerful political
influence as the leader of tho Dsmoorallo
party, In New Hampshire, where ho edit,
ml llm Nowllamptfilre Patriot.
I ho (irand. Jury of Boston have Indict-,
ed the prisoners chanted with aldinx in
the late fugitive slave reecue. 'The jury
comes rrom dillcrent parts uilns State.
A letter from the Hon. Daniel Web
trr, written by order of the President, In
reply 10 tho ordor of the City Councils,,
in regard to preventing further resistance
to the Fugitive Slave Law, waa read at
iho meeting of the Council last night.
Tim President, the tetter says, It confi
dent that tho great majority j of the citizens
of llostnn aro loyal to the Constitution and
w ill rally to the support of Law and Order.
Mr. Webiter was invited to a great din.
nnr at Annapollt, Md., which ho attended
on ttip until ult., and where ho made a
ftpuech that soma of the papers pronounce
to be ono of iho greatest ofall lilt tpeecnes.
Charlotte Cushinau and Jenny , Ltnd
wore both at Hi. Louis at the last dattt,
nnd both highly successful.
I'lnr. Paoor Builmhoi Arointi'.
Tho wisdom, of constructing fire proof
hiiildinirt properly, la manifested In the
prcterratlon of the interior of several of JiP
thousand by none mora than that of Mr. Ji
Argenti, the banker. The roof of h( (li
building was to constructed that he could '.J
and diiT bury It in water a loot deep. In 'A
all other pa its it wet perfect, and perfect. ' L
ly iintcathod came wit of the fiery trial. n,
air. Arvunii'ieiin ma niinnii marks arm 1 . f
some true friends, remained ia the build.
ing through .tM entire ntgnt ana nre, ana
urn lr riemmmSTt tuu tfcal lu) U fdllv ore. f
pared lolranrart IiiisInmh iWa morning as1 .,'
usual, aa inouan rmnuw uonssisi nau no.
currod. Wa refcf lo lata (act aa alike
creditable to Mr. Araeatl'a forttluht and
daring, 'and espeelaHy at aa incentive lo ,
all thoto who ehall hereafter eonttruol'va
tuoh buildings, w;y oaretul to have Ihtro u ,
complete In every par. la another part
ofour paper wa.aara referred to aeveral -
simitar inwaaata 1 areeenrsuon, anwnii
. i. uZ2i' Mit.1. n..t- tai. .
wniou ere oseaeia. vnwm v o."i"' v
cVCo., HowaH tit Oreea.tJwMta. rAjl
Hiiattaa at 1 awtteauB uooaa. svo .
learn from aeaasi-fnfary 4 Co. 'a see.
clal ageat that twraatwiTwae otDeera
.1 U.uil.n olaaal task th lalllmo. at '
that bah. uawarsUaf MMMt worth of , l
contraband sMOstet.. TMala a aiagtilar iT
event ia MMWV--i"' YV,HtHM. i