Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 01, 1851, Image 1

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    rt" "r I''--"!
i). y 8CHNEDI.Y, EDiron.)
Vol, 5.
tiik eRKtioM hii:tctaoiii
a vkkki.v NKWtsPAPi.it,
INTrtim or tii rroria or uaioos
Hoker! .if earr( Proprietor.
One tony, per UI1.
" rocaillKMIh.
7 00
. 4 00
OatMa(l!ll.aor lea) two imrilkiiu,
satb : nou
For rijr additional Ineettlon... . I (HI
A literal dedas-tlon mad. lo jeaily advetilaeis.
Tlio numbrr of hsserlloiia miul be Mlnctljr
Nitnln lit luaiajiu, otherwise they will b
roi-Uautsl till fwbid and charred accordingly
ArphU lor Ihc Nrlnlor.
Til following ponsm at alithortlcd Id acl
Annli foCtlitNneclalof. 'I'll')' will lecelve sub
RTriPtitilM and advejtlscmeliti fur ll
T P. PowiM, CUlwiriiiiii)i) T
Jlro. Aitht & IV . Oirgou on
otrii & Co., Poitlaiid.
i II. Mils-,.. P M Sli in
Urn. Antiai Astoria.
(' M Wst-Kia.cs-I.rhelialem
A.J.IIriaaKV,ce', Vanillill
P. ltT,e-, Uiitllll).
Juetru C. Ata,rsi, .Mould of Mi)' nvei
A. tiui(a, c. IlilUliuruujIi
J, V. Xfcs-tltit. Ncinilh' nulla, Polk roiinl)
Jrea Arrtroirr, l'iiusiu Vatic)
W, . Rill, lloleesiH,.
Hoatar Nimtt, t'haiui-g.
Ilslia laTiilr, laickirfniutc
K.Y Jsista, lleitlourotyil)
J II. Iliitma, Paritic 1'im
Jscoa I'nsta, h)iaei"e, l.ititiroiiiilv
K. UatsTon, 1'lc.ualil llilfl't-t lllr, Itrnloii
Nltllts Oustl, ) tl!r, Cilullib-a liter
.. from ile Aiim-ii, in rmiiri
Ciloill'l UHB.
Pli)Mrialiuf llir fufrltiu! r4Uh,
Ti, M) llirir frra wr lirrd a lunik
iuc wmlonl, rinrr, art anl kill
rf ill combilKil III I'lnnH-l
If Mr oi II ! tk,
Send fur tlic IKxIor and qii-rW
'I he lloftnr roiiir Willi llglil fi will,
And Uliist Willi linn liu CaIiikI
lln laa llwtitul b llic ban),
And C(iiAiikb1i liitta aj a friend.
Tlivu hb awlula bn lml-w to U.
And llif n Ukr out liU Culonil
llr lurtiJ Ixm lo lb uliul' i fi
lial ihi, immI mad am, hmi n( km(
I lliiua, J pur niatunil ni&ild do r!l
Totaki a d of I'almiH-l
lli lliru dvali mil III" fll tfMm
Madam, I tliiiik'lHilUY 'IMlMi'M
liiro in lltrr-i' b HI, at r'u of b It,
lino Iiiiii aduM- of Culunirl
llr lniU f-irmrlt Wilk gfarrful air,
ml Irillr llir (ijlirlit in In r r ll .
In I"m-i Iwtd litlinoli lu rlN I.
Hb frrrl) cilra llie CjIoiikI
'I lia mau grow Horae qililf tl indrrd
1 1 ! fr tlio I Ijrior ruu w iili ird .
llr roinra nfflili Willi ll.lil t;oul mi J,
To In Me llie don of Cilo'in;!
Tlie ui-igltUii all llmk iu to ki
The dire i irrct of ineirurjr ;
What It u rllrrl the uni-ll '
It ia the rilllie l,f ('alulurl
The min in dcalh begin to groan . -,
Th fatal job fr linn i done ,
lliaaoul iaVged lollr Hen or ,
A aacrnficeVj Calonirl
llh, wbtn I inn! reiigii in) breath,
Pray lei me die wine natural death
And bid you all u long farewell.
Without a d'w of ('alotneU
Jiiii.n Aiuhi. III lliu ,'IOlltyrur of hi.
HUP, Juliti Adams inmlu lliu ful liming in
try in Mh Diary. 1 lu wnnllicn iirautlsinK '
law In ll'titon, llionli Ihin' in llrniiilrcii: i
11 It lua Ixcti my fulu In im ncquninloil
in tho way of liuinr (villi n nuiiilirof
very rich mrn (Jarilinor, llowiloin, I'illn, !
Hancock, Itowc, I.oe, Hargcnl, Hooper,
lloano, llooiicr, (iatilincr, Itowc, l.op, I
nun iioauo, hao all arniilrcu lliclr wrnllh
liy tlioir own imluslry ; llowiloin and Han. i
cock rcccivnl iheira Ijy aucccmion, ile.
nccnt or ilcviao ; I'illa by marriage. Hut,
tnero if not ono 01 nn tncao who ucrlvi-a
more pleaauro from Ilia properly (lull I do
from inino ; my lllllo farm ami atock and
caah'aflbrd mo n much Mllifaclloii at all
their Immonio IracK, eilenilvn tmvlga.
lion, tumpluout bulldinga, lliclr vUuin
at inlcrtkt and atooki in trado yield lo
them. Tlio nloaiurc" of property ariu
from acqulillion mora than ksoIoii
for what la lo cotno rather than what in.
The rich aro acldnm romarkablo for mod.
caty, Ingenuity or humanity- Their
HTmith haa rather a tendcnoy.to miko
Ihom penurioua and aelflah,"
Pew peoplo know themaolvo. hecauao
thoy find llio atudy of ihcmaolvca an cm
ploynwut but lilllu calculated lo satisfy
I heir pride or vanity,
-miirrftM'Uiiwiniij-.iwviwiiiw'wwtitMr o - g ftWivw'''''W' . nwam, -
I'or Ilia Hclalor
Ma. KhiTon I
A pilhllo dncuiTatnt entitled, Hneecli
of Mr. Thuraton In defenc of hla von
atlturnli, Vr., dolivered Dro. 'M, INoU,"
now Ilea befuru me, ami In which I hare
glu'ii an atlenlivn iwrmal. In oirnrlng a
few reniarka upon tlili "Hjieruli," I ahall
not liy verbal crillcianitrrnch iiainn,fiold
which will nn dnuht in Ihla caio Im much
more ahly and appropriately occupied hy
the ureal eipoundi'r of tho UjlliuKi'tale
ocabulary, nor will l.altciimt o follow
the orator In Ida 'Jili'iullciry ' iiotiro of
llio many audjecla and inridenla rrlalltiK
to Oregon ami lla early aerli'iiirnl. Oil
lliia auhlevl I ahall only ronutk that many
nf the hlatnrlcal facia rrlated dy lliu dele.
(ate ninl In cnrreapomlcnti, aro lo mu an
lirrl y new. It l tlie lirl I lint it hnt i'Mr I
enine In my kh.mln.lr thai llie IIuJiii
lla I uiiiinny Hirceil American citleni
luiH'L'iiiy pailicular pntli nfllto country,
under the penally of death ; or tint any
were iiiiinlereil fur not couaoltini lliem In
regard lo their loaatmni. Though myaelf
nueniijiraiil or 14 III, I never before knew
thai iheafiirviaid " ra-K'nT'Cuiiipany uud
eery meani In pnivenl ui from rniiilnjr lo
Orison, and Ihreateneil lit with the ludi .
ana if n did no. Hut from tho oonlial
Helcotne o received, and llie many ao ,
coniiinaUtiniia extended lo u, by llio old
' 1'iikJ iiuii" ami Ilia " plmpi," we worr '
ilcci'iv.-il mt the lx luf ihnt we wore not
null imnelceiiie viillen. Hut, air, I ean
not wild levity menl ion the lal ntid next .
'iciiiuii ili.ii(e .Mr 'riiuralmi make ,
tainiiil niiMii lit mrn, nho, mi fir froiii
iiiur. lining nr cihimii lo be iiiunlereil,l'.(r
iiiericatii nt Wniil.Hpu, mo,! earncatly
und aiieeeufull) lubored In inve fioin a
1 1 ftile llm-ie held in enplivily and hour
Iv i'Vpiril In be defiled and butchered by
their aavio eaptui. Vea air, ll.'l Amer
ican im n, women and children, were re.
Iievid fioiu lliia pnlufn'. coptlvily bi llie
exertion, and at llie eenauiiftlial Coin,
piny, ninl llie only acknowledgement oe
return they hula iter recoiled at the
I. nml of tho American (oierninrnt or
pvople, ia to bo charged in the hallo of tho
Ailicni'Jii (ini(;rea, with the atrocioutl
crime or munlerlng llie Koplo they had
laborvd luautc.
llul jklr. Thuaton aaya thoy are raa
eala villaTiitaiid murdereral and Mr.
TliiirW'n ia an hmiorallc man.
Ina iirltato couviraalinn laat winter.
a truly liotiotaldn member nf the Oregon
Council, ape kkiii't of Mr, Waymlrn'a rea.
. iiliiliona thin pciiiliiij', olwerved " I con
aidrr.Mr. 'riiuratnii toliate rendered many !
I xervlcea told iniiutry, to bate d'.pla)ed
Mill tali nia and uidiKtry in advancing.
I licr (uteri ata, and I alioiili! In moat happy
I to li) able lu bettnw iipni him the prniae .
he jintly ineril; bill I cannot cintcleuli. I
. ouily tnlo for rcadution rixlnralng all bii
I act, nml approving Ida tvhnlo cnurie,
' Yel lhinili I ham etideuca aullieieut bo
lire me, ihnl Mr. Thuritou, tonccoinpllal)
biai nd, reanilnl liiaiiblcrfiij'e, nml knotvi
iiijil! i i i 1 1 f.'eurea in reinril lo facia,'
hneiiii nut only nbtniu wlluiaaea to all.
tniii his ni'riioii imul ilin.ro nt from tho
tiulh, Init ibere urn luuny peoplo In Ore.
loi who n ally btfwe ihem to bo true."
I Thouttb iuereiluhiu id the correclneaa of
tlio nbuvo reniarka whin lliey weratnade, '
tln"iiecli"iibli'e me now In nckhowl. '
' ei'Re Ihuir truth, Mr. Tlmr-ton baa cer.
tuiuly pioiluceil tlm wilneaaca, and front
the honor-il'lo atani!in( nf noun nf ih-in, I
' have no doubt llicy axaert noihiii' but
! what they b liovu lu be true,
Mr. Tliuratan odmita that he know that (
Dr. Mcl.aiildiii bud imalilieil lilnnelf lo
' Mite ut llio firat election ill Oregon, by j
takinj; nn nalli to aupHirt tho ('onililulion
'of tbu liiiilud 1-lliilea, and film); hit Illicit, j
Ikiiii to becouio n cilucll ol llio Hulled,
iSialea, and complying with all llio pre. .
litniiiary alrpa riiiilreil by law In beconi i
ina ; but llio wholn traninclloii tvaa
null, becauan of wiinn inliiimnlily iu th
, appointment of llio ollicer who traniacled
Ilia butineaa on ihn part nf the (invern!
I mint, anil ii'ifvillialaudiuK tho wliolo w
dona iu cnoil lailli by Dr. Alul.auuhl
l)ol lliniay aaiat'iia excitao, ll ia all III'
ono ha oll'cra In llm tneiulMtra of C'nngrcaiv
lu juitihcatloii .-.; iiia hroml aaurllon mail
In Ida Idler, "that hu still rcfiuca lo fi.
, , . ..,..: . i . . ...., .
nia inirmiona in income an American fit.
izou. helliur llio lion, penlleman to
ivlioni both tho naaerliou and explanation
worn made, jj.ivu him criilil ftir candor nr
condemned him for duplicity, fa cnally
Tho pronilnnil placo Judjin llrynnt la
inado to fill In Hubaluiillatlnjr tho aaaer
lioinnf the deleuate, must bo exlrcmely
disagreeable lo Iili honor, particularly If
it la known nt Wnahlngton aa ll la hero,
thai Im and Ida aaaoclalea alone aro prof.
Ited by tho iniquitous I llh section of llio
Land Hill, and that his honor nought lo
obtain by legialallon a decision which ho
feared i I rut ton judicial tribunal, and
had refuaed lo submit lo an arbitration of
Ida follow clllna. If ha has really ant
ed tha part at Washington llio Hon. Del.
vgals aaalgni him, poatcrily, If hla name
evor deaoond lo Ihem, may find ll necea.
airy lo add a prefix to hla proacnt llilo,
llio bailor to dcllno the part ho haa aojed
In Ihlf nefarious Iraniacllon,
llul Ihare la a far more Imnorlant vlow
to bo lakott of lids atibjeul. If Mr. Thtira.
Inn's Kiillon ia rorreel in regard to tint
gwjrw wfw rrnwrT:
Wwam lk atar t
Oregon City, (OTWiirsday, May 1, 1851,
caw of llr. McLanghlaai h nuat qnally
apply to all oilier fortlgnera who fllaaj
their iiitvtiiioua uti'lor llko clroumolanoea,
which inoludea aliuuil llio oNlIre" foreign
poptilalluii of llio Territory, who war
rjially auilotii lo become American ell t.
zena, ami availed Ihemcclrea of tlio flrat
opporlunlly to take llio tirallmlnary slept;
and aa Mr. Thurston admits In Ida speech
llul ho know tha declaration, would fail
becauao Mr. Curry waa not a olcik ul
audi oourt as Ihn law rxulroa, huoxplalm
tho moaning, or his reaaon for Introduolug
the ph raw " accordiug lo law," in tho till
aeeiloii of I ho Land Hill, In reapect lo
filing llio intentions of lerclgnora, - for
without Ihla la meant llNmeana nothing. .
now it is ctineui irmji iihi wuniiuji ni
llio llh aoctlon uf tho ami law, anJ llio VKaninunlllea la lixcd by llio ('.i-ngraphy nf
whole aplrlt uf llio law, thai Congress in-1 Iheoounlry, and In none haa ualurc more
tended lo bctlow a grant of land on tho,lrongly marked thon ulnl, Ihnl iniial
naturalized villreus of Oregon, but Mr. . iillimxlely bccoinu lla seal of trade and
Thuralmi's tactics havo been loo lunch
for the " wisdom of llio nation," for by
this informality which ho for Ihe flrat limn
.11 I i.. .1.!- I. I. 1 ..l-i.. 1... I..
diicloica iu Ihla eech, it is plain Im in I
tended and I think succeeded iu dopriviiiK '
Ihem or the bcnchls nl llie llh section, and
III n more open but not leal ingenious
manner, they aro completely barred from
the iM-nrfit uf ihn I "ilh that .ucllon pro, Hut this Is not all uliiiltting Im hat mu thsl ;n filii the tiapnr vtilh Mr. l-urry,
vidlng for such foreigners only at shall justly exerelted the right lie i Isimt by pri pikeii nfby hiniMlflii lliociHiimuiiicatlun
emigrate frnui Ihn United Stale and act jority of aelllemeiit, m making a fortune in the Spectator, 'to rutille him In vote,
lo iu Oregon between the lal, Deo., I4.VI, I by acllliig Indian lands In hi ueighhnis wuilld not bn a compliance Willi our nalli
and lat. l,-o.. tM.i'l . and makltii! noiiin laud llierebv iueurrcd n leeul ubliialmn In ! rnllzalmii lawa In any rciieit : for Iho
tisfou wbatnver for audi foreigner' at
worn iu Iho territory before that date.
l.el m for n ininienl examine tho .
tlll ill which Ihcafl deluded ieopln are
placeil. They bate by tho cunning an I
'. x.a'aa a I. a a
na-tif.... .f ll... .L.L. ..!.. I.a,.. ..1(1.1...!
SS , I l,,X,'J s Itai' ill II )fi1II an i 1 u I aaai a U"""" ''V1 iataaita if.. -
fr-m Ihu benefiit nl tho ilh aeilmnuf Ihn.jii lltiilnna, e Webster, mid )ol'uica,
laud law, and by the careleianestnr inat-1 tcnrrable nu-l tern 'ae, f-itbrrt of )iiur
teiilliin uf I'.iiigrett, ileptived llie letter coualry, and pioleelnrs of the rights' nml
grant uiailn bv the .'uh They have, hy 1. ,lereliif iiur children, Inn could yuti
Inking auiiilhtniup;nit the ColMlltutioii, I allow "a 10.10 elnlhiil lu 11 lit lit brier an
uinl in g..d fiilh filed their inlenlluut lo tbuiily," In work aiteli win era in your
become eiticnt uf llie (lulled Slatea, for- preaen'ee f What dei p 1I1 j(railalou In
feilinl all tlonn to protection in their -)1. your gray bsirt and lipcucil wUloui, In
aettury rights from Ilia llrilih (lovetn ! lie ridden like jiek.attet mid madu llie
inent am now at any moment liable to'lnnla to rfnrk out the daik'purposct of
I., liirneil mil nf ihe ,.mf,irtabli, Lime 'Haill'l It Tlilintun I
llielr iudu.lry haa made, fend ran apply to
110110 Tor pmlicllon or redress. In this
category aro the French I'rlosl and I'.n
gllah IVjclor, tn vthoin Iho detegato, with
a iluiilleity liver which not only he, but a
fiend might exult, eitcnda the right hand
of fellowship nd welcomes Ihem as fellow
r-lil.-n. i,f 11 1 f 1 I 1 il
Icelion and bounty be has himself lahirrtl
indkncst and in secret Indcprlve Ihem.
And ao far aa Dr. McLaughlin is concern
iil, If Mr. Tlmftlon'a nosltlon Is cornel,
Ihu I llh section of iho bill is harmless j
ll onlv appropriates lo llie Hon. Sutirciue
Judgo and others, nrorwrty'talilch the llh
andftlli sections had left wflhnul an owner.
I i.i, , m u iii,,lr.mn I . i-niiieu.l.
lug that llrill.h rcldcntt In Oregon at
Ihe irate of the treaty, are justly cnllllcd
lo Iho liencfils of Iho lib aeeliml of the
land low, or that Ihe Oregon f'ily claim
shoiil.l not havo been reterved by the
i:t.,r.,ei,i. Tin il, i-i.mrarv. I ililnk
tlio obiignliont uf our (lovcrnnient lo lint -
ith siibjccla extend no farlher than ihe
kllpillationsafllie treaty IhIwccII Iho two
(iovciumciits; nor do I think Oregon
City or nay otkrr valuable mwn site m the
Territory, should li Ih-sIomi-iI iiihiii a
.' .. . . - .... .
ainglo IllilHlilual. llio duplicity nml
arlilica used by the delegate, lu iiccoin.
pliih tlm nun object, and Iho Invidious ilia
tiniiioii made iu tho oilier, aro the things
lobe deprecated.
Hecauto at the ililFicullles nf tbu tour
ney from llio (Juilcd Htute.s remain ihu
tame, and llie ciicnae and difficulties nf
forming 11 lllcment iu till' country (a
litllo diminished, perhaps not nKirn llinnlo.
calioua now In Imi taken up are inferior Iu
vuluo lolhosoluken up nt an eailicrdate,
tho onlv rcnaouublo urnuiid iinon which
tho dilfercnce Inadn in the law betweeuj
llio early and late liumlgraiits In llrcgun
Is, their prosenco and occupation or the h'0 nollilng to complain or
Territory nlreiigllieucd Iho Amuricaii llilo'f Ihu HhiIiih Hay (..imp
lu tho country, and gavn them great ad. -J'0 '" ,K J'"'1 ' I"
vautauo in Ihn aetllemenl of the iKiundary
between tlioclalmanlaj liencolf Amcrlenn
aclllers strengthened Iho American title.
to inusl llrlllsh ocoupauts havo given
atrcnglh lo llrlllsh claims, and so far as
liny gavo foroo to tlio claims ofthelrowr.
(lovcriimcul, llielr Influence waa adverse
in American Interests, and It Is evident
llio aubjecl waa vioweil in Ihla light by
llio negotiators and Oruut llritalii stltm.
lalea lor Iho recurily uf tho righla of lier
subjects. '
Hut all qiinttious of llllo being aelllcd,
it npearii tho Olh seel Ion of tho law,
whlcji la moroly, luloihled to encourage
iho aclllcmcnl of (bo country (which our
dtlegalo repreaenlcd to bo about lo bo do
iKipiilalcd) should havo provided for audi
llrlllsh subjects In Oregon as cboao to
chango llielr allegiance, but aa any one
mav aee bv examining tho law, 'either by
design of our ilelcgalo or negllgtncb of
(jougroat, or uy ixhii, lliey aro juioriy ex
eluded from its benefits, and Ihla axpocoh
thowaihVilelegalo had barred Ihom from
iho boiufilaof llio 4lh. .
' If wo may rely upon tho statomeuls of
Iho dolegale, that uongroas waa wnouy
averao lo granting laud lo any but aelual
neotipanta, ho liar mora jualloo on hlssldo
in depriving foreigners nf Iho gram mado
In Iho -llh aoollon. than thoy in ofliirlng lo
foreigners that which thoy donled lo a
clois uf their own eillcns, equally de.
wtaJi f;rtJtf'mg:Cjac-"ar
Bmlr'liiliw'lti war
aurvlng llio homily nflholr llovornineul,
Mil lo whom they worn In an t'ual do
f reo bound by their solemn promisee, aa
they were In llie morn favored ilaaa.
They deny lo Ihn or widow, tliooridian,
llio man reduced In poverty by Ilia luea
of llio journey, llio meoliaiilu and prnfua.
lloual man, who could not seillt iimu n
olaim rmuotii' from aellleiiienla and gain
ho means ul aubaUlenee, tliut which they
nay justly claim as a dull, bill freuly of.
rll lo Ihe ailbjccU nf llm iial power as
no prloo nflhelr allegiuiiCi!
In regard lo t-iwn sltea, It Im f,iel wel
known thai mercbanla, luecluiilcs, iluu
tnrf, lawyers, and laborora, liiuil, lu fol
Iftfv ihclfoipcctlvo oaJllnga, live In com
IWinlllcs, atiinlio proper localloii nf thrau
tonimcrce.lian in It'll. '
Now does It apxar jut lliut imn fif
lliean niTcliant or mecliaulei, not more
deiertiug at the bands nf bis government
tlian Ihn ret nr tint cninniiimly, aliouhl I
-tl, audi granted a aectlon of laud, including the
leulous UicHiiesofnl the reit who are en: oil with
nothing f
! nuke them a title to tle-ir pun liooi. the
(lot eminent "gain Interferes nnd Iwatnwa
'one hitlf, peibapa the whole nf the inhab.
' i.stl uf the city mi llie wife of ihit M.
Vorcd individual, to wbi-iiilhe legal nbli
1 It at, I. Jl...
..iStleati .!,... a.i.l tjl,.llf Mis tv is f '111 f a
llul, genllcincu propneiori, lo imi tnu
secure in vour isesiona. Tho Uw
which you fancy acciirrn you n lordly t.
Wstlon, secures yuu nothing ; it dors not
'acknowledge your right by priority of set.
I llcment, or places your light at grantor
superior In lho of Iho grantee, hut oti
as. 1 1 11 11 11 beatow. iho laudlord'a
Tiglit um the occupying tenant, aSi I you
'mint await with nnxtily fir Iho iliaiiin
oribeHurtoyorl.eneral, wlucli Mityplacv
'you on a level with your ill.ticalcd fellow
Tim rtnerMt author of letters Not. I
and 'i of Mr. Thuralon't corrrspondenre,
I says: " I'.ieiy Oregeiiun except a few
fivnl.i .v htm nn, I Im.n abiiri.aiubi.
'ud doughfaces, has siiju'ond foil Ihe grlnh
lug Iulluc nee uf ihal cuuipany." I
Tho only reply ueee.aary In make In
llio charges mail., b) this" imlnu" i-nrrea
' - .indent, nr lo those eonla d in llm po
ilihui .if Mnreb. In 1:1. which Mr. Tbiira.
'lou wiihdruws fioin in retting placo mi
hla aiiggealion, is Incall your allcn'inn lo
the memoiial to Congress of the I'mvls
Ijunal (lutcniment ih.patched In llm U 8.
In Juno or July, lil.'i, This d.cument
I was' closely exnniimd and debated iu ho
m mi 1
lloilio u Kepreseniatlve. In llie prcaince
llif the exicudvo and judicial nllicurt,
I lilts eXICUriVO aihl judicial lllllcurt,
hose names are .Igucd to it, and tho orlg.
ial draft as .ubuiilliil bv tbu eomniillee 1
lual draft aa aubmillid by tho committee (
rriKirllug il, after rruoiiing ono slight ,
ameiidincnl, was ummlmoutlf adopiod by
the House, and freely and publicly signed
by it members and thclilhcr odliura of the
Ilovernmenl. Tlm menmrialista In lliia
document, which, I think, lu a manly and
lust manner ioinla out llio dclelcrioua in-
lluencn a iKiwerlul foreign inunoiiuly
might exercise over Iho Intereata of their ifi,,,, ,,., (lC0, Curfy, Clerk ul llm
country; yet have llm honor nud jiiilico(;ul,y (llr, f Claokaiiut County and
10 acknowledge mat, at incrcliaiii, lliey
have nothing to complain of llio conduct
pany, nut de
laVil slraimesl of nil, Ihe chairman ofthn
cikniiirlUo who reported this instrument,
portiops tho rrrymnr. who iirmluccil ",
li'si uraii, tins ino lion- 1v111.fi. tiraty,
.....a ..r .1... ...!. I.... nW .!. m I .
think Iho W(-n(-(iullior nf letlem No I
Iglier in 1110 eeiiiiun ii sil.'i mi . s
and 3, lu which Im charges iho nlgm-M of
that mamnrlal as " r.iwuiug aycopliants,
and bbao ahnil-sliilited ilutiulifaces, ' im
teff among ihe, ml.
Iloforu closing Ihit commtmicalinn, I
feel cnnslralncil to nutico Iho Miiilon
which Dr. McLaughlin, by following iho
counsel uf Ida legal adviser, now occupies.
I'.vqry American who remeinbera with
graliludo hla kindness and attlttaiico to
tliem In Ihoir day of need, mutt deeply
rturot and denloro Ihal ho lias nlaccd Ida
jioiior and Ida Intereata In ihu kcopliaj of
Ihal man. lustcail nr relying 011 his own
good aenao and sound judgment to repel
and oonr.ile tlio oliargea mado against imn
In Tliuraton'a Icllur to Iho members uf
Congress, ho Inlrusla Ids defence, lo Ibis
"legal advisor," who instead of meeting
tho oliargea with manly dignity, descends
lo a pitiful and frlvoloua criticism ol tbu
language in which they "are mado. In
alead or placing Ids relianco un llio just,
loo and bounty of tho Uuvcrnmcnt ho had
aworn lo support, by Ihu udvlao of Ibis
pernlolouH oounaelor ho falls back upon
iho promotion uf Ilia (lovornmeut ho had
solemnly declared his Inleiillon to re-
nounce, on. I from tho cxlracla uf letlnrn
Mr. Thuritou has given lo Ihn wnrldf ll
apHisrs lids man haa Ulroyrd ihe hoimr
as will as tho lutorcsta of hla client, giv
ing lilinllioulloua mI lou or double ihal
or and cheat. Whether all lids has liecn
(lone through Iguoraiicu orlelgti by lids
"ailtlanr" will pcrhapi norcr aper, as
hit ability aa n lawyer and honor aa a man,
luakea either auppoiilluti equally i rnbable.
Hero again apteara iho lulmliable an
of our ih legale lu coupling Iho name uf a
ficnllciuau whuao rcspectublo lolonls anJ
lonorabln alaiidlug III society, niakoa him
n furmlilabln op-.inelil, Willi that of one
oillotis lo Ihn conununlly. Mr. Wail
cornea In for an equal aharo nftho abuse
and liijiiiiuua rpllbels, uf pimp, raacal,
tVc, ihal insiiy (xmaldorappfiiprlajy be.
ttuwed on llmolhaT.'ah'Ibal a slrangcrio
the dlllerellt ilatiillng nr the men, will
think applied with equal prop! lily lobolb.
Mil. KlilTOR
I mii lu n teller, publilnil iu lie Ore
Kim Mialeilnau, friini W. I', llrynnt, Kv,,
UtoMupume Judgij nf Oregon Ti rillory,
in which Im slates " ll I alolruo Ihnl
Ihn lloclor aakod and oblaineil my opiu-
, reaanii that Mr. Curry had no more au
ihoritvin ndiuinlaler llnmilawa than Mo
I.aughliii bluiiclf. Mr. furry had beeajj
clerk or Ihn ill fund I'ruvlalonal Clrcuil '
,('milt nf the counly nf Clnekamai, bull
1I..1 l'..u... i.el .,! .11 I...I i.a.. '
lllAt ( () Vlf Illlll-Ilf . CfllJ fl hit All. llllIIUlM-al
- - - - -.....---,.--..
d nwoy ut llm time, ami ibn new court
had not l-een organied and clerks up.
leiluled for tin 111 ; this tho Doctor knew,
Urautn . mid bun "f It." ll Is painful
In me M lie under the neceaaity of cmtra
dieting any tieraon, but I owe il lo truth'
and In ni-j'aell tinaaserl that W, I'. Hry.
ant, qulrr, tlw lata Hupremo Judge of
iho Ternlory of Oregon, nor any olher
iniraon ever t'dd me that (be declaration 1 1
fill d lo U-Collie a cilitcU III the United
Hlalisof America, end l.io oath of alio
giamsj I took bclore IS. I,. Curry, liequirc,
cleik of Iho county cuuil of Clackamaa
county and ex. officio of the Circuit court
of the amo, was nut legally what iho law
required nf me to become a citizen of the
Hulled Hlales. It was a mailer too Jul-
Iportaut lo mu lo forirclor to neolict. Tbu
' mat rnrirlMii ' heard, thai wliat I liadj
, il"in in this allilr, was ihnughlby Mime
not ncooruiiig 10 law, lam air. inuratnna
speech iu llie llout or Iteprraentallvea
n tbu Willi December last. Mr. 'Hiura.
Ion, in bis li Her (lo bo kept dark) to the
iiiimU'raiif the HnUMiof Hepretenlallves,
ld 1I11I I had not filed my lutcnlhw lo I.
come an American cltliTU. In my Idler
of ttflls rtrptriiiber, I staled that I had
fileil my Inlviilion, and ihot Mr. riiU,rslon
limit Imto known il. M". I hnrtloii, In
lilt ss cell ol yon liecciltwr. aovaj. 1
hao now n wonl In savilwubUWliirnli.
zsli'Mi, lu a a ho filed Ida intention lo be. '
come 1111 Ameriomi citizen and that I nitiat
Into known It. I did know ho hailquali
lied hlinwlflo -Vote and no further.
Hinon Mr. Thurston kncw,lhat I filed
my Intention, why did ho aosarj In Ids let
Irr to Iho meinliersnf Iho llouaeof Ucp
. ...i 1 . 1 .-in ur.. .M r.i. -.. 1..
luiiiiuuvia uiui 1 aim nioau luuu-uiy 1.1
lenllnti to becomo an American citizen I
lenuoil w laxwnai n isiiniimn iiiiira I
Hut Jndgo Hryanl ays that to file Iho ia.
per willi Mr. Curry, iK.kcii uf by him
per Willi Mr. Curry, mkcii nr liy liim
sell, was 1101 a compliance ttitn our natu
rallrallon lawa In any resjwet.
Tho following It a copy ol tho dcclara.
t ion I mado .
U,ifU Slulet of Amrrica, )
'IVrrtlory uf Oregon.
;, n-nii-iiilivri'il, llul on ihe Willi day ,
f M.iv. A. ll. IH1II. iarHjnallv aniK-ared
l.xOlliuiii Clerk uf llm Circuit Cutirl,
John McLaughlin, and made oath that he ,
it a foreigner and thai it ishiaiutculinn In
becomo 0 citizen uf llm Hulled Hlulca and 1
avail blmelf nf ihn privilege extended by .
liu provisions nl an act In ealaliliali llio
'IVrrilorial tlnvernmeni uf (Iregon
nutiacrioeu aim swiiru lit ueiuro me at
nflice, Oregon C'ily, llie Ml Mb May, Hi, i
Migneil, (I. L.CHIIUV, Clerk.
Vnitnl Slain of Aatrita, i
Terrilory of'Oregon.
I do solemnly atvear llmt I renounce nil
allosianco and fidelity to nil and any fir
xlgn lirinco, pttenlnle, slate and sovereign
hTwhalnver, and parlleularlv lo Victoria,
(Jucotl nf Ihe Huiled Kiiigdnm nf (Ireal
llrilaln and Ireland, and Ihnl I will sup.
port ihoCoiutlltillim of Iho United Rtates,
and Ihc nrovisluna of an act to establish
tho Torriioral Oovcrniucnt of Oregon, ao
help mo (lod,
Hubsoribcd and awnrn Uiforo mo nl Oft
fico Oregon City, this auih day of May,
A. 1). IB4U.
Higntxl, (I. I..CUUIIY, Clerk.
llul Judgo llrynnt alales, ''llml'(W.
eriiinont court and all had pasted away."
Hy llio 18lh aoollon of tho Organic aot, ll
la enacted, Ihal " All jtislloea of tha pcaeo,
constables, sherllfi, and all other judicial
and inlnosterlal oflieers, who ahall bo In
ollloo within llio limits of aaldTarrllory,
when ihu act ahall lako cflecl. ahall bo
and lliey are hereby atilhorlred and re
No, 34,
quired 10 conllntlo lo exerclso their ra
upccilve nlficca aa officers fur the Torrllo
ry iiulil lliey or olltara aire duly elocled or
apKiluteil or quallned lo fill llielr placea
hi Iho manner hat-In dlreclad."
ll nan ho seen from this that Mr. Curry
was legally acting aa clerk uf Ilia Unlled
Slates fur tho clrouil tourt and county
court uf Clackainaa county, and tho dec
laration I filed aiidlie oath uf allegiance
I look arn valid.
As in Jesuitism, menial reservation, and
such ipilliels, with which Judgo Hryant
honors me, I make no comments ; thosu
who I. now ua both know to whomlhey ap
ply. I slated Judgo Hryanl loft lu October,
he says bo lull tho 1st January, and of
cnurso presume ho is correct, as I do
not chsjrjpaniy nwnsory with alTalra of no
Importance. In Ihaaalno way it aeemalo
mo, though I would not awrar to il, Ihat
Judgo Hryanl told mo Mr. Thuraton jvas
lint a pnier ioraon lo ho sent aa Delegato
from lids Terrilory lo Cungress, ami which
I merely state as if bo mentioned it lo inc.
I presume l,u did so tuuthora. ,
The Judge klstcs! "Vet llitW falsely
publish thf.t I lefl lio Terrilory "in Oclo.
ijr. They havo their object in making
I lit sr falto ataliiueiil ; they both knew bo.
Ion I lift Iho Territory I ha J told to (Jov.
Lane. Ileiico tho bandies of iheir lin
flcschuieiil of my motives lo gel llie Island
confirmed lo llm assignees ol llm Willam
ette Milling and Trading Company."
Though Judgo llryajit assumes to know
my intention lctlcr than I do myself, and
says : " Tbu truth Is ihu Doctor does not
intend to become a citizen of tha United
.Slates." Though it it well known to
some of my friends and all uf tho first
aeiilers in the country, that morn than
twenty years ago (and to which, if nee.
easary lU-v will autar), I told ihem that
I iutfiiilej lu make the Wlllaniiltc tny
home, I am nut n gifted at Judge Uryant,
nml able In aay vvliut were hit inleiitiona,
and that he went homo to get iho Island
confirmed to tho assignee of iho-Wlllam
elli Milling company. Hut this 1 will say,
that I heard in July ur August, dy 'report,
Ihal Judgo Frail was going homo in Iho
fall, and was making arrangements for
this purpoto; btl In September I heard
that Judge I'ralt had to zeman, hecauao
Judgo Hryanl Mat going borne; and I
heard Ibis' after J uJg J Hryanl had recolv.
ed my tetter, Vlltt August 1040. In which
I roTorrrd him la tltu book nr "- Kooonlril
Land Claims" kepi by Thcophllua Mo
(Iruder, l'.qnlre, fur Ihe exltnt anil llinila
of my claim; and I ahall cxiwct Iranafcr
of Ihe fee simple of tho wliolo ground, with
all and every privilege from Iho Govern
mentor Iho United Stales rf America, au
soon as il shall meet the pleasure of my
adopud (lOttrnmcut to act in llio mailer.
The .Judgo did go, Ihe Island in ques.
lion I donated to Oeorge Ahcrncthy hla
Intra am! aasigna, alias Judgo llryant Ills
heir and assigns, tearn rrrry olktr ciliirn
in Orrgm it obtigrd to reii-lr four ytart'oi.
An 7iiii htfart lie can frl hi$ valrnl ; iu
ciiunqueucu of which many wlm had ex.
ieudeil money lo improvo them havo loat
Ihem. And while trusting to the oncour
ugvmenla held uul by tho American co.
plu lo foreigners to come nnd resido among
Ihem, nnd doing all I could to encourage
Iho aeiilimcul of Iho country, and allevi.
nte Ihe lianMilpt and mtaerlea to which
iho firal tutllers of every now cduutry aro
cxKisiil.; ami though tho hardships ami
miseries uf iho first si tilers in llili coun
try were great, yit I llievc il will boad.
iitiied that but for my exertions thoy would
havul-cin iniK'ligristcr. Cut what I havo
1I11110 for the Interests of Oregon, and liow
I conducted invnelf ia known, and I ililnk
I may tay'itllhntit presumption, will bear
comparison with all lljal Judge Bryant has
done for llie In uefll uf I Ire gun ; and when,
after ncrupyiitg my claim iwenlytttu
veais, (Ihc six Insfof which I contlanlly
resided iini il), is reserved while part
of iiiv 1I.1I111 which had I cen jumped pro.
vlout in the formation of tbu Provisional
(toierumriil, ngaitist which I protested at
the lime, and in" lo disturb ihc iieace of
nur lilllu community, I postponed liiinging
t. ... . .1.. tt 11 -i... ,... A.....i r il...
II 111 a ties isiiiii 1111 mi si,ii'i,iiii'iii i,i nn
Unitcd Stares bad extended Its jurisdiction
over llio Toiiitory ; but which when ll did
I could nut iln, as hefuro llm courts were
funned nndoiganled, Judgo Hryanl
boiiiht llm placo In dispute, and aa ll lay
lu hit district, and there woro only Iw'o
judges in iho Terrilory, Iho third being
ub-eul, I thuuglil, through my Ignoranco
of tho law, that il could not Ihi tried but
U'foron lull bench. And Ihla ia donated,
Ihrnughjho representation of tho Delegalu
to Congress from Oregon, Mr. Thuraton,
to (leorgo Aborneiliy, l'.qulre, Ida hoira
and assigns, alias Judgo Hryant Ida heir
and assigns, tvhllo nil 1 know that Judgo
Hryant did for Iho Territory of Oregon ia
thai ho resided about eight months In It,
made a fortune by speculation. Whether
ho drew pay whilo absent, I cannot aay,
but I do mil think Ida attention lo llio bu
alneaaof ihe-Torrllory was tho cause of
his aUctice, aa llio Delegare, Mr. Thurs
ton, could attend to that 1 but perhape It
waa noocasajy for the Judge 10 asatti him
iu gelling ,fMy Land Ullr' passed.
(UT A llooaler, thai heard Jenny Llnd,
aaya her voice aenda a ruth of pleaaaut
thoughts through you, llko the ringing ol a
dinner Ml