-i-H- KF ' W aT Y IT373r I -TTT " s :!. 7 l-.wM " l-rt t&"'l tA .r "IHUO ACTi i-mm' Tkkitjr - Poiuc No. 77. I MfMHiationi Tor Liahl. LJls. Buov. 4:o.. to J r mc rrectioa im establish- laC mi mm, and for other pur. MMM tfe Sewto and lUtue iwwrwti aw inniM mum ty ; a vongrui mmmnm, i mi iim g fpropriMloM be, and the him .an aa ay jnaoe, ana. m ?atta.aoacyMlhe JWjraTtka Traaaury ta r made, and atrectcd lo iw paid i ma treasury not otu. , lo enable IM 8ecro ary ta carry the provl- aft)saet into effect: rrveldtd , Aote. k'lf a good till to any land which It r la asjeeesary to use, caanot bo oI. ai-aa reeMoswUe terms, or tha exolu. Ilteht toaooh Umleaanot bearaaired -,y mmm, when the Interest ofthe United mHtj4m4 it, before tho appropria. .JamjgaaM ajrlaw foil into tha aurplua MaMaa ma aaa all aaoh case, the appro. - -V- tT-M . !- .:.- ". MM OB MWWWI IB UH OUJCvl m any itrM i aaa VmvTB l rap.'.rtris - " - t-j i. r -. jO-ft VftftV W B Oft , ftftW BVWftJftlW ,. aa ateou tataaa, oa nuaursu ana ntty 'Fat dwnbbeaeoaa oa Drunken and Fid. , at the moathof the thorough. iarsWtweca Northhaven anj Vinalba. a, aaa thoaaaail dollar. sValigrrt-houssoo Dtack Saddleback a tae count Hancock, four I dollars. ni kett ruxraiiKt. Far a boacoa aad buoy at tho mouth f Little Harbor, near Portsmouth, two IkaajaMd Are hundred dollar. Far a beacon on Logy' ledge, tn Pii aataejaa river, five hundred dollar. in KAsaACRtraicra. Far a vreiHag.hoaee tot the keeper of Ua beaeea light at Ilyannis, eight hun. Fata eear buoy oa the middle ground ,T.-aMaaa,oaa oa tjtaaaet end of Moo. r eaia Ma; aaa eat Miaimr Bar; one at , FaM Hale Harbor ' aad one on 8tono 'IwaWi am Polaafc Wp, four hun. atanM. -j I , r rata aaa away at Gaa aorta, and oaa tggmmi, it a loaga oaHei Muake. Bflaa" aorth.wert cod of iaaaaiHaaaia,aaeoatbe laraisat Faiat, aad MWUV atstHot. a"Tt", lliaai oa tha on. Bay, una HSaftSVSVSVSTOSVSWSW-. r r -in KbhaUftfttAiftftlftAWlMMjiftAf I.m.. 4a1aaVit aaa oa ta. Dolphin Reck, djaaaaaaatlbhiy Book, oaeoaSawnej'a Sakjaa oaaka aonh-eaai aad one oa I aaaieaakwiataf Ptg Rook, one on Old k - r .aeaav,iaft aaa mm wiener iwjc, t! " liaaaaWialaa! atatr aaBara. I ..fm taa aoainUtloa of the cauaewav ftWaJay afcar.ee e rlght-booe at Edgar. tara,irtaaMai oouara. Far boojra or kaaooaa at tha Harbor of nawaarypsn, bto nuodred dollar. For a llgal nouea on U breakwater at laaa rrver, fcar thousand dollars. For a beaeon on Bird Island, and one on ' tha Falsa 8oM, aad a buoy on Stale Ledse, ear tha rower mldJlo in tho harbor of Beaton, two thousand nine hundred dot laraJ- s J Far beacon on BlacK Rock, HarbJbr Roek, and Five Pound Miami Tolnt, tnlio aaroar oi uiooesier, niteen nunurcn uoi. Harsi "" For tho erection of a lcon and plac ing buoys at the mouth of and In Rwx rirer, in Ipiwick Day, seren hundred and Gflv dollars. ('or a HshLhouse upon a reef cf rock called tha Sow and Pig, oft tlio Mand of CuttybunK, in plaoe of tho liRht-bojl ta. Iloaed on saw reel, anaiiioiigni.nouicon eaid island: freraW, on examination, a I fcMiadation can be found, thirty thou. I UUn.. ' ' 7TT f9.Js.y BSOBS If UKD. Nsaaaaa fstMMtrjr.), r i, three thousand Ore hundred era. rxl- Pr uuo7 on "10 tn'(""e ground satea). .Dutch Island Harbor, In Norrasan. V.&. .. .i. . fsm 'Ti fcrty ,ol,r- ror a puoy upon a rocx near ioai nunc Wharf, aa the Island of Kliode Itlainl, unc huadred dollars. IS Cn.lNECTICCT. For a can buoy on Pea Field's Reef, olf Dlack Rock Harbor, ono hundred dollar. For a beacon-tluht on llridaenort bar. tare, tuousanu nte nunureu uonars. r in nxw yoik. ' for four spar buoy in Orccnport liar. lailkTMWHMlred dollars. For two beacon. light near Fort Ham. IVtoa. aia range to guide veascl from tho SotrnVwest Spit to the Narrow, four thou. sand dollar, gi,mrtm can buoys In Niagara river, kata'aaa .Horn Shoo Reef and Grand MaaaVaa. tasusdod dollars. ... .. . - ". . . n rwr tba ereeiieti, oi a ucioon on ino t part ef;'Komcr Shoal, thirty ', buoy nn Ulover'a Heur,ncar iaopg mand sound, seventy 'ALmmBf afaAffeaaBf' tLrWiaSnai- liibH' HI (told rlprlmj, I.oiiv lis; 'a. -..-. " WjWVMityuoiiair 1 For four par baoy t, to be placed in the Inlet to Fire (eland Bay, Long Island. in.mkw itaaar. For aa iron buoy between tho new and old Inlet Shoal, auLlltlc Bgg Harbor, two hundred dollars. For a beacon at the "Rtbow" In Pasulc rher, and for four spar buoya In aid riv. er, four hundred dollar. For a par buoy on Mill Reof at the entrarce or the Kill, and a beacon at the Corn r Stake near Kliaabothtown Point, four hundred dollar. Lt MLAwaat. For a light-houso ou Conaikonk Point, four thouaaud dollar. I.N MAHrUND. For a light-house at Seven Foot Knoll, ten thousand dollar. For. Ilght.boatto boatatloncd off James Island, Tangier Sound eight thouand dol lar : or fora liuht.house ou the outli-wot point of James Island, If tho 8ecrolai or the Treasury mail urcliie mat it mil ai. rurerthe purpoto of commerce. in viir.iitu. ) For two lights on tb. south end of Hog isiaao, aaa range tor taa coasa lot ureal MuicWpungo, or on 8aad Basal, a tta laaa aiaajUriBaraasjBla taaUrjaaaalaiaiiaiioHaatU rally aaoertaJauu the fccts, skaH aaa taa aaaroarlatloa of taa tkoinaaa del. Ura, Made by1 taa act of the fourteenth 'August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, lor two lights on sand Snoal lulet, be, and U hereby, repealed. For four beacons in James river, via: one on While Shoal, ono on Btuves Bluff Shoal, ono on Point Shoal, and one on Deep Water Shoal, three thoutand five hundred dollars. IN N0XT1I CAKOUNA. For buoys in Halteras Inlet, near tho south breaker, at tho entrance from tho ocean, me hundred dollar. For buoy at tho Capn Channel opposite tlio llatteras llf!ht.liouo, ono at Late Moo and ono at the Bog Channel opposite Kin. nlkcct, two hunJrcd and fifty dollar. in sorrn caiolina. For a imall beacon. light on Morris Is land, two thoutand five hundred dollars. in Nisstssirri. For a beacon light-house on tha pltr at MlssUsippi City, three thousand dollar. For a liffht.houaa oa the west end of Ship Island, twelve thousand dollars, be. ing a renewal of aa appropriation for this purpose made Augaet fourteenth, eighteen nunarea aaa tony-eignt. Por a light-louse at ornear Pascagouta rirer, three thousand dollar. IN MICirtOAN. For a llibt-bouse on tba ncrlh.wesl point or uraad ,' ravers uay, four ibou- For a II use at the Port of Mar &r .T " ' --w- ..speriof, fivo thousand oVS For a liabt-house on the point of lanil about three miles castof Cheboygan river, In the Strait of Mackinaw, four thoutand dollar. For a licht-houte at or near tho mouth of Eagle river, (bur thousand dollar. for a light -house on thejrouth shoro or Lake Superior, at Ontaniaon. fire thou. sand dollars. For a light-house at Ottawa Point, in Saginaw Pay, five thousand dollar. For a tight-house on Reaver Island, Lake Michigan, five thousand dollars. It WISCONSIN. Fur a light.liouse at the moulh of Twin rivers, three thousand fivo hundred dol. tars. Tor a tigtit-houM at Port Ulao, three tl.ouiand fivo hun Ircd dollars. For a llght.liouse and Iwacon.licht at llrnv Santiago, fiftt.n thoiiMnd dollar. Tor a light-house at Bolivar Point, fif. ticn Ihousaud dollar. For a light.liouto at .Matagorda Island, fifteen thousand dollars. in n-oniDA. For tlio erection of a lilil on St a Ilorso Key, eight thoutand dollars. IN GEOKGIA. For tlio JiircliH"o of tlio stgnaMight at the Satannah river, ono hundred and fifty dollar. I For two dumb beacons to bo erected, one on Dtack Oyster Rock, I he other on Sugar Loaf. la taajtrar fcvaaasb. lour thonsaad doltars. IN LOVISIANA. For a-lluht,houa at or near iho head of ihv Souiii.wc't Pan of llio Miisiuippi ntir, iiikiii iiiouunuuoimr. IN CALirnnNIA. I'ur a liulil.liQuso nt Alcalraj lilnnd : fir n llL'Iit-liouo at Point Conciinlon, and '"8 'l!,la' i ''" Uttht-houte at Batiory ' "" eniranc cutranco of I lie hay of Han Francis. for a H'lit.houTo at San Uiciro: for a llgtit-lioiuo and a fog signal at Monie. rev j for a li"ht.houte at thy island of Fa. raIont, oft" tho harbor of San Francisco, aiidafng.!gnal, and for Iho Irampurta. tloni;frcclhn, and placing the isinn ; ninety ffoutand dollar. li oftEcni. For a light-houto on Capo Disappoint, incut, nt tho moutli to tho Columbia river j ono oi an island oir Ca Flattery, at llio cutranco of tho Slrute of Fuca, and nno at Now Dungennosa; twelto Iron can buojiin Columbia river, and Iho trim, porlalion, erection of tlio same ; fifty.thrc thousand ono hundred aud forly dolUr-. To aulhoriu the Secret a rv of the Treasury to teat tho 110 and tconomv of thr ralt'Iuni llillt fivr- lliointnd rlof. Ini" For log-signal at the llght-houao on Execution Rocks,Uull Island, lxig Island Sound, Reaver 'Pall Point, Rhode Island, and on board tho llghl-boat at Uatllctt'e lleof, I,ong Itland Sound tno llioutaiid fivo hundred dollar. For lire.tiosli for rendering assistance lo wrecked mariners, and others, on the ooasls of the United Stale, to bo eipen. ded under Iho control and direction of the Secretary of ihv Treasury, ten thoutand dollar. Stc.'J. Ami bt it furihtr fiuitltJ, That where tho light-house on Minot'e ledge it completed and in operation, tho ono at Sciluato b. thoivfoiv upendeil during tuch time a the cuo nt Mittot't leJgo is lighted. ' Scc..1. Ami bt it futlhtr CMCttJ, That if such person aa Iho Secretary of Iho Treasury shall designate shall report, in any of tho case herein provided for, that preliminary turvevs arc necessary lo do lurminc tho site of a propoeml llght.houso llght.boat, lieocon or buoy, or to ascertain more fully what tho public cxlgonctes do. mand, tho Secretary of tho Treasury hall thereupon appoint ono or more oflf. ceraof the United State rovenue servtoe to perform iho required duty. Bacwa. iiaif at T arsarr raacsnt, I am- aaUat aa aafalat. shall foetkweltat report I flrel, whetMrtho proposed facility toaavlgatioo Is tha most suitable for lao Exigency which exists ; and second, where it should be placed if the interests of com. memo demand it ; third, if the thing pro posed be. not the moat lutlaple, wiirltwr ll Is expedient (o mako any other kind ofjni. firovcment ; fourth, whether the proposed Ight has any connection ith other lights, and if so, whether it pan bn to located a lo subservo both the general and'lho local wants of trado and navigation ; and fifth, whether there be any, and if onv, what, other faeartaf importance touclimg the subject. v Sec. 3. Awl ken furihtr tiuirtttl, That all such rciwrts shall, at tpetilily at may bo, bo laid before I lie Secretary of the treasury, and ir tucli atlo authorize the work without further legislation, lie shall forthwith proceed with it, otherwise tuch reports shall Ui laid licforc Congress, at the neat ensuing session ; but in all rates whero such person as the Secretary of the Treasury shall designate does not report ucn preliminary elimination a exrKill ent, the provisions of ihi act shall with out delay bo carried into execution. Hie. 0. And l tl furthrr tmttlrtl, That hereafter all buoya along the coast, or in bays, harbors, sounds, or channels, tliall be colored and numbered, so that pawing un ino costi or souno, or cmerinc me uay , harbor or channel, red buoy with even number shall be passed oa the starboard hand, black buoys with uneven number on the port hand. Buoya in channel way to be colored with alternate white and black perpendicular stripe. . "Sac. 7. Ami U UkrAtr nacteJ, That there shall be allowed lo collector, when acting as superintendent of light.houtei, beacon, light.boats, and buoy, tho ame rate of commission on lha disbursement of the aforesaid appropriations, as were allowed and paid ror the year ending fourth Marcn, eigiuaon nunured and lorty.nme : Prtrl'UJ, That no collector shall receive for his services as superintendent afore. aid, over the uin of four hundred dollar per "annum. Ami prvmlfd, furihtr, That the Secretary of th Treasury shall as Ign So the collector Ihe (upcrintcndencc of auch light.houtes, boacout, light.boat and buoy a ho may iudgo best and most convenient for the public interest. Sac. 6. Ami U it furihtr tmttttl, That llioro do, auil hereby Is appropriated tlt ..... u. i. .lurmnru .nu iinyinousan.iv dollar to purchavj a itcamrr to Iju cm. , p oycu in ino coast survey upon llio ra. cific coast, and used ifuceniel evpedunl Indeiignalingthetitcsofthosovoral llubt. nouies protiuol lor In Uslilornis. Si.c. U. Ami bt it further nut ct til, the sum of two thousand dollar ll I appropriated to pay tho balanoe duo to M. I, a runt, oi rant, lor Ihe light at Sun coly Head, Nantucket. Approid Scptimbcr 2H, 16B0. Till ORt-aO.-f HIMX'TATOHl A WKI-KI.V M-Mtll'AI'KII. trnoTrn to tiic nui, aocitL iu Lrrtattr laTctsara ur the rtori.r. or nanoiix. ios soar. Hootr, or Lin ciTt. TEUMH. tr INVAtttAOLV I.I AllVANCE. Oss copy, ptr aruuun )7 00 '-" tavMtSMSStaT'... r....'4W) AIIVCKTIIINO. Oaranara(l3llnesor Iraa) Iwe Inarrtlon., eacl 9) (Ml Foravaty a'dilloual Juarrttoa ,., (,(i A liberal drductloa nuula to yearly advrrtlaara. The uuiubar of inaertfrons muat Im. dwtlurilv inarkrdcn the inarjjiu, olharwwa thay will ba conlluucd till forbid suil charged accorduifflyr .luenla for Iho HMflntor. Tha fullowlnt; wraona are aulliorlitd la id aa Ananta forlheHiieelalor. Thry will rrrriia tub. arrliafou, wih adVarUacrnrnia for ua. l.l'XINliTO' T. I', ruwirui, Clalaou twin. ty.O.T OltEUON. Jo Aaitnmir it. Co, Duron nty i Cot.cn A. Co., I'orllkud J J. II .M'Cum, I'. Al.rlslrmi titu Abtit, AatonaiC. M.WiLa. ta,r, Cluhala.il j A.J.IIMS,ra,Yinllillj W. 1'. Wav, . IJun city Joairu V. Artav, rati, Moulh of Idsry'a nvcr) A. tJiut, iu, liiiiiiawuuen. J W. NcajiiTri, Numltl.'t nulla, I'olk county. Jiraa Arrtsaati, Uniraius Valley. W. II. lUsa, Ilutenillr. Itossav Ntwtix, Chamiiorf. Dtvia ic l.latlLLt, Lurkismula. E. F. Hltwii, Uaulon counlv. Umana I inrr. Aalorla. J. I). HoutiN, I'aclfio Cily. Jacua Co. sss, Kyitcua, linn county. Hou.Mtri't, It. 'I'm arroa. WaahliiitoaCily, I) C , ami Ciratial Aaasl for Iba I'ullrd Klotra. SUUDtr Kotlca. . i-jw anr.oioanier--i.oiisu-will leave VsWi" W'ullliu'e Ijmdlu," at the foot of Ihe TR'iUCItaliula, every A ednrailav rnumluL.. ul ! ..m.i. . .: ' in l.,.1-.... .. .' ....,. m ., i ,1,,.-.,, iiuur "flf 'V t'rt l,r'H.lf TamlmUH ArR4ctstr TIIIH UmiIoIIob U alliutrd In lU town f t'xtll ;,'f , TutUll HallM It Uimw In It Infancy, yrt r nU and (uaiiliaM ilNlriH to mimI In Ibw wim4i mav vt amura ihh wit oi ma nrai UiIiimm shJ traiitr vf Iht (orftllon, the liila Migl- 4 brainy i litjr f Ilia anj niorali i In hahlantt, Iml aiwlallv that ,-cl, trachan will t f fWirrJ M will makt Ih hlfliral inanltl ami ntnal brwcntitt of Iho Kliotan, thrlr chltf ul-jret A nci.'in aiul ulih AftJfinr tiuilJmr liu lm errclrtl vvn a ila, riiiuiiauiliii Ihv view of IwiotUmiTo pcalrira, with llirir IntritrnlHc ami e ucirdlnj f.'ir.u, nml when rwniilrlrcl, It trill nit. luftji amjo atcoiitimftjationi f,t Mil d4ttinoiiU of tha achiMl tNrA (!ko l alil Muidvlaat fnml Iho town cf SI. Ilrliif. Millon. liitln.l, MUaraukla, Dit. pn City, anj lrayvllr. Tlia ViIiik Tnmof Iba In-lilolioii mil roin. nuu.'r Mairh I'J. IiOI Suinmrr Ttmi June II. " PallTtnn Sp 17, ' WIWt Trnn ILciil 10. 'Ih Ti una will t rlrcn arctka rath Tiulmn Qfi t trim tloaM tiny l-e rJta'nr.1 In pliviMf fuinlirf TKXT IKiilKS UMIttit Tha llul) SctiitutM, hauuJrt'p iMof llra.1. rra, nittris Itlulolioal Itradft, hauiulrt ami WcMala Sl-iliTi, n Mental a in I WaMala Uirlwuaim. 'riiunilmn'a Alillilnrlna, (tluri'a anj Hnulli Ciotfrahlilrf. i-IU tllalnhlKt. it a llU.atoa, (Itiy a t lirnilalrt, (lalaa lluliw. fay, llaatMu'a I Jim au.l lirrak I'laioira d ly oruVI (4 Ilia lloatil. O. II. AT K1NH0N, tr'v sattsty It, IMI-lttf aUlw Notice. K. HA M I I, TON, WII.I. tk law In Uia ll.tlicl and ('it tuit Cuurta of Oti-jon Ha will arcrpl Sfancloa fi lha iutrliao anil aalc of loal rMalr irOITitoJu Ihr hiuMin( hilhrlto utcu-i.l by Mr. ftitrhctt, Srnclat) of lha Tatnlot) W Col- JtMra I oijjcb, i coi i wrLLn. igan W I'aaii Jor. i:u r Mqrlfr Jfawn.UtHtiwftan.V ihasisaati ' . ... i 41 Wilham airrrt, Joiii II. Mt taa. Ij-,t. J ..,,,.,,, ,, Auctiuurar, Malk.Ul, j ' lloa Tnoo. t'utwl, It'jtflinfaa Jl'.uilfl,San I'laluftHo, jif f,,N rk , irtflltgrnrtr a.Iunstoii iiiM-tt rw Maifa. t)ttoiifil).iM 3, lll I IHO To llio ,Ti-r fMHIK ,u1m nhar ht, n han-l aiul i- rotManll) JL inaiiiifartutinj Khlnit sUII,( I'trk, Jj. HrtdW. an-l VV imi-nt of all kinl auilnl for picking a-ii on hanj, a l4 of ldii-ft' 0-tWir Kkhor SaJJIaa, .SaJJIt-bar,, IIkIiii W hil-, los I bla Atal Hinifla llatuoa. Marlnrrt, Mitruio. Ar aud Urrpatvd totnaiiuftrlurr, al tha hori no bca, any artcla ui hit hue of bit-iur, at tha ht ataad. A K TOST Orrgon fily, January 9, lll-l"tf jfjaTi.i cnriowimi, SVHVKYOKi OFFICE at Mr. Frwr'a, IJuii Cily Trrma of mnkr, 10 par day, M for unryiiir "claim, without aaMatauca from Uia rinnloyrr, 930, For Townlra, 71 rrnta r luL N. II. IVraoua wmbiuj toauaxo aaurf)or,cau be serornnwiUtrd, at abort nofirr, by Iratinf word with Ihe ritrlof al tho onVt of lha tliarOii Hc. talar. ftambar 31, leSO-Cipoll Till, COPPKR, ak f4III'.t:T-IHU. AJVFACTORT. rgrtllCRC la saw atwaad aad ha nail oparalion, M la Ihia Cirv. .vltowtas ihaVCi, Ihltl. an aatsUUinirnl fiw Iba naouhcttrmiraf 77.Yara'. iraa, Cafaar, Zlal, i'anllaf , aud all kitvda sf JMins ennurclrd with thuw nirlala 77 .V. T.IKK AT WHOLESALE A KETAIl. Naw blovea aal uis brokrn plttra rnrndnl, latnpa put la otviafion, LrwJ p.w laid, a auprnor anirli of Aif.t(hl btotra fW aala , au aaanrlriirn! nf tarr anj null Ci.ik aud Parlor flovra dally cirlrj Tlila nuinufacUiry haa am r loolt and msrhmrry of lha maat approved kinda now In taa In lha atalra. ami it ruuy prrparaUlu rnrrt llio drmaudr and ua. ccwitira of tkil territory. OHCAIl J IIACKt'rt. OrIu Cily, Nov. !il, IriKunrnol I J. D.eVW. C. UOIaMAN nAVI focinrd s eo-trlnrrliln, ami will krrp on hand vantly of Dry bowia and tiro- 1 jiry would aolicit 4 aniall Kirliou of cua- ew mill Client. Hlorr, v .j. . ..,. (...y f-piiftiul-cnlot. luv. ..-..nil, r.i.,rnrJT,r., M. hau I'tanciacu, wiili a cruual auortmrnt ' "'y "l. i.roctri, Clodnn;, llau, Mi.-, A haroofwUio idlrouig. u it.jvcifutl itrd A II Hullrr ami I'hi or will Lc rcuU china for r("a!A. W V HAY AIIOIIINHDN lainnly, rit 5, l"i(l JClf IftllllKl .Til la. '11 HE tlrroi. .Milling rointuny wruldrrftc. M. fully mako known lo their fiiruila un.1 la- Iron, thai ihry are now luin n; Ulh their .V.ItV! auu muni infi,fo, Moiir aim imv amiiiav. ini irciirtd Die eemcra of raaiirfraf Millnr, Ihry I are fully jiraparrd lo allelul lo all fatorewith taal so. Jftftpalcli. TO KUlflRAttTS AND OTHERS. i We hat conataiiUy au hand a niperliu "artlclo uf 8iprJt hltmr, which we wUMtll at tlio low. r iriftukct riios. aw Orrr;ou City, cti4et 31, ajn r,iin- IIshIko &. Ilurlotv, HAVE Jtoit neolvrd, by Hchuotirr Mrrchaut, man tram Hau Funtiaco, lha fullowlu at tlctrt, which thay offer for aalo al thrlr Hii rn In Caurrnah, vit I Wome" and rhildrriu' Mioca and Itiogaii, Ijinrrd Oil, Cofial Varnbh, 1'alnta, fwhilr, liluo and crrrn,) Aaanrlod Tin and Wood-ware, Hoop, llaimna, rlardinea, Huar, Ar , Ac. Caurrnah, December SR, IHlU-IClf OkaBoe fbr layMtmant, i evhaeribrr will aell lota in Aetori eUlma of (Jen. John Adair, Itobrrt Hhortriw armoii.ar.,siiowprrra ir.eae ,ou nave nera , riiUTnlmuTmVtidl.v eoiMtmtt tit mini tnnTim.if..H . . . .1 ,H. .. . . . -. ....... ir. . u. .. a a -" a. -. .' J n. i. i awsL. rtt-saiwiiirF iisitar aiiiiusa is tin isiiiorii. ,. ' tu , which Ihry olK-r lo thou, wulilng to tairchaaa, UHWKRIhS, .tr , which will ba iiMrd of al ; list i .,, rnni f,,MlluB, ,). Clll ot.ta,,,,,! wholraal and retail l.i.o.l airchsrra. I'ha graat. Iicrnuy ,rlrahrra in lha Trnilorv " borealna tola, had, and produrolakan fMRoorla. fl in ca-! scouxaleiy aunreyea i.y cornicnt anil eiK-rleuc..l cn,e cuu u lulll f u,, w,u,r ;,-, rjft agiaaere, and map. of Ihcin nay beaeeuntmyl I III' VVIln (iivili jr -. T,wLa.-r U0,v,fr? . nr "'.". -""r ' " i m,i. ...kir, j,,m, .'. iLw Ihe public, and thoaa wUlilug In luteal al u placo ' . . -i,.v. lha bort of eulrv ta Ihe Columbia liver Ihe value and Imnotlance of which la too apparent la nrrd pairing in an eclverlieemrnl, are iuvitaxl lo rtamlue Ih plans s no early day. AM0I1Y IIOI.IIItOOK. Oregon Cily, July ll-9llf miOTICE TO UIMIIKItMENThr, Hub. 11 eenber, from Malae, hot for aala Iht rnSrhliie. ry for a aaw mill rom. Jele okw, Hhlngto Machlnea, 1 siidlwoKinult Milla.of the boat klud now In ue, whi,h will he mM i l.ran. and mil rl.e m.iil.1 In ..i " i-.":..:r."'..r" ruinn j u juii.-xei,. ff,, J',,,! U, , J ',V.,ir Up-Hlvar NaflgatloaM IH tha .Wlltihifllo llrtr navlrsM Wr Ilia liKHillAof Yam llillt 'Ilia hfw Krrl llat 8M.KN VI.WI'KHll wlil.n-i.fi thalqnra Host t'jr laformiiui Ilia wUle, tUat ftlia haa tacceaa full jfUllMllit."f(ljlilful'llirldiiilugll. urn nar, aa Ur as Salrin, ah.l will roiilluui. lo raur frttgkt la Half in, or any otlift Unilinjon Iho Mil lamrtta ilrrr, whrrr thrio I, unVlriit tMlnrp to Jwiify It. Tina ImI m III cimliiioa tii rati from tha I'alU lo any arcraaMr uuil la Iho country aUita Trtiiu irsftonata I.KONAItll WIIITt Wlllamrlla Itlvar, U.I 31, IJIUHIf N. II. All firlsjtil Mill Im ilalltoml aa div ainl In M(uMlonJtr aaMhfii iiUrod on (maid. L W , To linniliirnata nml otlirra. 'Ulr umlrnlglHHl, ptoivlrtcla uf M 'fun ur . MikTua, balna ilralrmta la hafo liniitota mrnti nttfTrM tsailly, Hia thai thay will stre lo avrty liavl oi i family tno lown tota.aiol In ta rry alnfla man taia lown lat, who will Ux-tanaj attual Tlihr In said town within all imaitha.'snil IhiiM a hiHiati iiftii Iho aama ; In aililltlnnttwliirh, wo will hM I iiil-hn tnalrrlnw tn lhm llial arartit , tltiainMljoniaui allnw tlirni a tuaaonablolanittli 1 "I liuw l m) ft Ihnn In f lo nny iuo uiai hiu huiiii nRrati tiliftl iliu.eai I culalt . a null llatr-l luilollia LuMliro of llir l-?arr, wr Hill Kito null lr,t;rthrr with Ian I ul'iclriit fr tlio jmr. ' lvra I f 1 tfllit milt. I I li Iuhii la liindaanicly lufalnl iijm tha I mn brtnrh of Ilia WUlanwllr lUrr. jut far rliuu(li aluta iu juiieuoa with Ilia " 'uinhla to rnlfl II au atcallaut htlW, aad baa tha adtanUra of ba. In- actfflUa fresa al aktra, allhit by land at tar II la aim lha Issrrat point vn lha rlror thai haa a waffoii rosJ Iraihnf frotnlttolho Wlllaintlla yallay. -Two nmiinUlii iliaama tun, ono oil rarh m.I of tha town. attiaMinff walrr taiwetiutllcirM In niann fartuta .".ll.lioil rial i-f lanikf I pat ilay iiimii mm of which tlitra aaw uhUa ata haw unJrtwalch Allhoujh Ihia lawn haa tt u UUoiil bul a frn (ift.-r.lli. ll haa alrrajy maJa linirii i,i-laii iu lant of imoMrrintnl aiot rt rnni'ira.aiiil lnJa fair, aiMli, to tiroino tha ritwt lni rtant una hi tha let ntn.) To llnft- ,h-ruiia of Ukln ll Ult.1 .Uinta, wo wiailj ,lalo Ihil wa arr lurrvulhlatl h) aa t-aautilul an I frriil a KCt n of ronnlr) a I lrrai ran lNi1 i vf. Iriehitlini iho lra .r, 'ftln, Haiiiir I.U111J, I lha rich anlailfiiMia Prairiltfrly rt-hrvl opnn thr ralla.N.lr.f lnl rilrr an I Iho tiltr UihI hi Ihr iiiunrJiata tirtuily tfl Ilia 1-ll lOSII A .'Mllll lrl..lr 111, I-.V) 111 N II r ran rirr Wrulinrl t rtiilJoMni lit t ju tr i tuimlirr i f hainl, ilonnj thr wmtrr 1 Hull Komi 'him 1lwi iind Al. Ilrltni M hi 1'iKjtll' Mini i iait i'iiicb urn iivrsrMrir '" f Bllli: CI'M n.rr-.ll , f . It ill. HOWlo M. runnrtl ll,alarMililirliwtiof lir ilUnirllr I allry with Iho Colmtiltfa Itirrr, w al Irnath aUiul , to tr KlncLrit It la ratjiualrd by riant Uht Julr, tint Ihr work ran In ilour for $1IK),I)00, aiul tl i rowrJ tnitirklr lhat aum Inla unr Ihuutanil ftliarro i f fJliOO raeh 1-rom iIm- iinntru amotiul ol alick alraaily la krn almmJ, aiol from Uia fact that rrary u.lilr arraii(rnianl haa brrn niaja for Ita ,rjy roin t-lf lion, it la roufhlrutly lirlirtril dial thr work ran ir finiftt.nl In tariff Manilla. 'I hr au1arri4Ha hooka aro now iHnrd. an.1 ran U- ftrrii by raliib; ipcu V II Tapfthi( M. IU Un, I y A Mniilh, Millou A IL It u alnwt luaU. Iu aJl, lhal llw-Irt. minuft of Ihia riKid ahouU In, at 4 imi,i, llaf ran it ttnrknl trfrA aarfy fty farfa rim rr.wl. af aay if9m anj u( aay afajrr tit tirttt aa Ihr la-Jilr of Orrtton ha.o altrady Mprtwrd Ibrrr wiaiiaa .iivm. im mbiaet NotrnibrrtrJ, ICiO-Ulf Jntt Hrrrlyrtl Plllt Uik "lniana," from fw Franclftro, tha fwllowiiit: tMll A largr and gnirral amittuirnt uf UraJy luada t-XurniMi, oil rloth rart-tin?, brurU du j FUHMltllll' auch a. burraur, UIJr..U.I. IraiU, waah atond-, rhalra, ckr , wrn'm and tuikrrie haw ta, ujirnor ri(ara, Ira, aoan, luila, windiw Klam, loharr i, krmr and folta, ailarr -latrd A errinau ailirr Ira A. tabtr ftnaa, tiu'd, iron and buHi d du do do haaort.! buwara, eonij4al aalta liarnnai, aria iron atlra, Iruiiia.cariwl bur, Intra rhaiiu, ariurra aial rarliirr framra, air.li(ht (ookiii ktotra, wilh am and forullura rornp'rir Ml rf which irill bo add, lorlbrr withlbrir firiv ' itifck of iMjila, uiaiii lha n. t favo.ihlr Irruift, rilOSHV .VrlMllll I'.irll J.oill r.lfltl-ldf tV'ilftliliiiitoii t-oillll). f 1 KK M I It'i: 'I hatlbraubftCI bar la uw allftty to Iho auhrrr tier Town hila may Im had of Ihr ulritb r The adraiitagta if locating In thw hrahhy ail are too wrll known A J Jftr.ii.ttiiicea made lo nny pari if tho Matca. AIIII.UlAM SDUillU. Hi'Ma.roii;!, Ili-i 3, l-.MI-ly I irElahrl. 1) irmuluall.ftuiu who have if ll .ilirhliard n l,ol or lailft of Iho Jirnpnrlur of jiui('il),iir whonow liohbi ill urloUby tiaiufrr ui ii), or who no imiiia a hi urioiaiiynaiiftirr olio-fa w hn hate purchaaril from tho priairh tor, iruuioiiiKaw iiniiaieiiurciiaariiiro.il llio proprli tor ami have not i o.ii'irJ Willi their loulratl arN;cirl .to io,t . omt'ird with thrlr coulracl aaaiiccifl- ed In tho lli.J ivcu for tillr, are forfriled lo Iho o. Iinetor, unlcfta 'bay have had aorna wrillenor vsr .al contract wk. me lo Ihe contrary. ' IMHIT. MOOUE, l.lnn Cly.Wor.J. IhUl-ISIf rroprialor 3 J" Tor Wills', ., tf AT (III.WII.Itl.k and fulin. ..f Ihe CON. I1W -'l.'f rUAVIft'.uilxrile A llo-'aalore, Ion Mam ktrori For parlitulara, roll and urn F ft CIIOSIIY. Uiilton City, Diciml.tr l!i, K'.n-I.'.lf Mlli'(ilNlilMU'ili!r.ftx iTlvrs'luiiil rilllE undcrftii;iird, hanui; Uin npjNiotrd JL asenl for the dl.aa-.lt of luinlM-r liMlillfactur rdnt llrejon City, CI ka.nai and Milwnukla, mun rmh a fruni I itrgi.n Cily, Ihe inmeni hi ad of iiavisulif.il of Iho Willaiiwlli, uii.l will be rrady al all llmra loroiilrutl fur al,iiiiiir or ajh- by the carRu nr rrlall, wamrtcd luiniir, .'pi iro liniUr miur,"-, nn , nr. j," i i ,, , .j.,.1 i,ooii i.iftturr for Amancan lioi ea tinawmtart "":"" '''T 'ririiiiniiigiaiiillraiIeranrori.nualed la riamlne Ihia alack ,.".n - .w. Ve-.l.ml U Imded will. Kt.al d.hulth. aa ih, i . , .. . ""I '' i" . ... ','"'?'?' 'auioriiiu, noil llilapiui e. . Attention!)! f 'III! iibvnber woiihl call lha allrnlion of Iba M. I.Jiihra and (irnlh mtn of Oregon Cily aiul vlilmty, lo Iho fatl that ho will leave Ihe place Ii. u few days TIi'm wUhlng ta ohlalu Hue ami life-like inlalalurrt of Ihr.iHelvra or friends, will da well Iu call toon, or Ihey will lore Ihe oiaurlunlly. A few neat lAckela on hand. , in which cturea will ho eel in Iho neileet elyle, ami very low, Mluls 1 urra, r.1-., eel In I'nia, Kings, jkc , in Iho beat etvl. Duii'l wall for ploeeaal weather linlwovo Ih a. -linpr Ilia lluiu. WM .uu.rv 3d, IS'l-Vl 'I' Jl JKN.NI.NUy BDSIrtllB OASDi. rwatftor tftr miloaai n in m.-. at- 4 atiUMl. laoatv.is. Ttinma ll. asitw. UKUMIIY A- HMITII, OHNKHM. NKHVHASIHHE t'f). MISSION MERCHANTS. rlll.Tdl, IISMIIIN. W. T. MATI.WK, ATTORNEY 'r COUNSELOR AT LAW (in miiuiTon it iliAMttav, ' Oreganl'lly, Ktlatll.'W-IC l Alldl'.NTI .V CO.7 HANKCIIH.drawon llaowN, llantntsa A r..,Nrw Yolk HftUiri Ninioiaoftj A I'm, Nrw tlrlaana lln. Siiirna V Co, IJtrrpaol, pay. aUa in londolt Ormc I'lfrr .orner of Clay alreel and IVrlftinoulh a.iiarr, Han I'ranelaro, Cahfi-rala. a iij H-33-lf jnu ii tviin ttnl.eTa flHlCII iV CO. HANKERS, .,,.., wiioi.ehai.i: cv niri'Aii, meiiciianih, rtiTUii, uatuoa Ttaairotv Emuauaon Nrw Voikin xirtw In anil pup tUaiaNa, en.ll.IU at F AinrnllAt'oitan I Ian tlftco firiala. ndier I. IHI'J TIID.H. J. IIOIIIIH .V Cl., tl HOLES ALE.RETAIL4C0MIIISSI0N MERCHANTS, raONT ST., rilBTLAISU, 0IB00N. TMo...lloaaa. IWtUsd. i:s: Jfi.'S. ' r-w-tit.-. aagV'-Vllf , u.irl lria a o LiTiata MINI Ell A I.A1MEII, CttMMISSUiN .MI'KCIlANTftS. !. ..Icinrry , 1-etnrrnCU) A atlilatoua(raria SAN I HAM IMO, 11. June '?, IrlO VtHf MIKAIIVM Hi;i.ti'lt, COMMISSION MERCHANT .J- AIIEN1 riiRTLA.tp, nniiioN. arrsiBNrt-a. I.rn Hilar, I' H A.Cahforiaa l.ru F I Kmiih, " tlraroift. IIaiiii M llai.wa A C lliila.lclil.lt I' II Tiria.A.w Ynk INriitrr A la,sar,Nan Franr.ftco, Jan.iar) 91, Ifin If I.I.O. I'. I'OIITr.ll. ' un rM.iNr.ili, si kVKinu, r.i'iM.iA.iirca AM' III MCA!. I AMI AllkMr. tiff ba. k of llnaika A llallnw'a tture llirc.ui I .1) Jul) J-lf i!i:n. AIII'.ltNKTIM J. VU. ' MEHCH IAT.V, iikn.iif i trv, .intnn.i TtaniTimv. in ftavaaaTiiv, maati .Ms, a Boss TTlllMAH V. HMI'IU " MACHINIST AND ENGINEER, vroal,o t, IH prrpara.1 la e aerate all order, foe lb Ce. etriKlien aad leir of machinery. Dtack. mllli wotk iu general, sad taislsg Iu Iraa a ,rariinable lerma au-gllf A. A. HKINNI'li, AT10RNKY 4 COUNSELOR AT LAW AN OOLICITna IN rnawraay. Ojltr aa lt'l a.efe a IV'al.r arir, oiteo nil. Ocl l-t.lt 13 tll'DlttlK (1111118, COUNSELOR AT LAW, SllirriNO ANIl CI.MMSaclAL AUI.NT, Cuitom Ann' llulltlmgt, aeroau, January 10, 1 -CO-If a noon, MERCHANT AND TRADER Oftll.r.o.i tiTV. Jauuryg.l"oO-lf W. W. CflArMAN, ATTORNEY .r COUNSELOR AT LAW, II.IITMNII, fltteuoN, rorllan.', March 7, foU-.f ' T - Ijiw Notice. THORNTON .t MANCIIIiSTER. JQt is Tiioito A J. Iloicr Mucusem would infomi Ihe pubbc thai thay hare, un. der Ihe above nama and style, aaaaalled tbem rlvee lofeUier, as Alltrmrjt naTCeusaWai al Imit, Velu'.'ere in CAaarery aad iVarlara aad AJtmlr$ In Aimlinlly, In tba luferlut and t. Irior eovrte of Oregon. II r Their Office la ou Main elrecl, noait Ilia llrickHlore. tlregon City, January U, tBil-lyI7 JUST HKOIilVnil, ANEW and ai4eii.lid aaaottmral illlOOTHit NIKIEH, lo-wil i tienla' Una calf hoota, aewed aud prf ged Heavy calf walrr proof boola Klpbvoui,bihl and heavy I din' calf and iiroroccu boot era do d) do buaklne Cowhide boots andehoaa llota' bouta and eboca Cluldren'a alioea of various color Indira' and genu' gaiter I'enamawUblugto Huchste tbelr wlstei' eon. Jy, would do well locaU oa a nANAN. Oregon cily, sag 87, 'tO-HlIf nrw noons I mjw noolJS I i? AimiVKi. 113 PAYarKOM is. vog. IIRK) EMMA PRESTON, Toar, mrrsi. g 1011011 A 1'O.brlhlavetMl.litv. rre.l...l J avrrylarcfe, eoinplelf, tad wall selected at. aorliiienl of inrrrliandiw, comprising i.l.iK.l.lllf.1, IIABBWAltg, I'lll HIIOlis, NACIIIKMV, IUK.7B k SII0I.S, PAINM k OIU, 1'urnilure and Home FtnUhlryi, i tiuce' ami uiTUaN'a rvsKlTtiss, Ac Ac eVe, eke. 'I hrMi aoiftja air now in store al Portland, sod win hom.Ii. at wiiuoaaia ami laiau. -ertnaaia Ih fura iul.lii.tr otheiwlM for i for Ihe ensuing aaaauo. nnjH-il3lf nkw (ioons. f 11 II I' iiudortlgnr.l would Infonn Ihe mblio gea JL orally thai he haa Jiul rrcrlved, -r Calk Kruka," H frh uji(Jy of fancy goods uud cloth. lug, conaJstlng Iu tt of nliwccaa, .Irene, frock indesckcoele alike, imulalooiui, aallra, vpats, linen, data, eliewle, ra, bouneta, cruvala, frlngoa, ahlrta, glm, boola, libboth), shoet, lace and nljiii', glovee, Ae. ANUUKW HOOD , V i'Li-ji