hpv d-rS-ir'' -mi " .MtrfitiSwiW -" mtji(fimtmtC!??Gm--rp& " r w 1st I HUM WltHii -iJ. THEJSPECTATOR, THURSDAY, FKUUL'HyIh, 1.M. d. J. ."ciiMtrLY, riMr.. j..- i -r-.... ti. i.. i.. vM.u u..u.,vim vuj,. ... rolltencsaol the .Manual, xto arcctiui'U-.i to furnUhour rcadcra with tlio population of the tssreralcltift named below, Cta Ik On-fon City CUiin CbcRmu Cily J Cane ma, WM mnihv ,vt . -lrs. ,,w 'inin , . . .morn., u. ..... ..o .... wwpletid Ue cn,u. afa.ek.im, l,e i. ted.C1.rk eooaUe. He were not. in. fomteJ, howercr, of the precis number. mh.. t l.i i-r 1... 1.- i--l KrCou. Rkvmly S. Allen, rr.e of' the Commissioner for Oreijon to treat with the Indiius, arrived hero a few days since. The board It now full. It consists of Gov. OsJnes, Judge A. A. Skinner and Cot. 1). 8.' Allen. Wc understand that it it the purpose of the board to proceed to businctt forthwith. (ttf-Todd ti. Co. have established an EifSrcM Lino between this city ami Sau Francitco,connccting with the ports kelow. On of the firm was here last week, nnd mado the necessary arrangements for car rying It into effect right aw ay. Our business men will doubtless know bow to appreciate such an improvement, from the inconveniences felt for the want of it in former times. OiT It U wondered hy the people wheth.i"ous .tram as H urwiekeilncssmatlemp. cr the wrvejror of n port i entitled u the pay o( iiirreyor, and a mtmhr oftr.o Leg. islature, both at tho same lime! This is .query of noordinarv interest, when we take into consideration tho fuel that the individual in question ii not qualified for cither. KT" The faro on the steamer Columbia bat been reduced to 810 for a passenger, ' going to or coming up from Astoria. 1 he chargo for freight per tun 815, and Slo per head for live cattle. Passengers arc furnished their muc-a.tuuo into tho bar pain. This is . cor.rcnler.ee tho public will know how to ajprcciatc. teTA large flat boat that came from up tlie river loaded with potatoes, destined for the California market, was taken roun J the foils and placed in tho river below, where It it being reloaded to ke floatoi! down to the mouth of the river. It wai glided upon green poles laid on the ground somo ISO yards ; tho work was accom. plishvd by the draft of two liorse.-i, Wong. to, and under the management of Charles Drown. (KrTlio sidewalk on the east side of main ttreet, has keen extended to the sis- tcr.hood. Thanks to the city fathers for, not keen that we mi-iepr. sentr.1 it, and ntllllil urfi,(1, bv our 'fair .'ai.wk. thisftror. Our City enn now koas: of a fort'.- ,i..r-l.. purp-iio of c:!..-v- us straight .,., LJUlUn ' uW,,IT ..,ilri,." only letter and mnro substantial, but is D c-iter upihc infa .11 .,f tin.- prKicliug wider nnd inirt; safe tonight pedes:r.'an by dtilariugilie ui.u w lijcoiuiniit' -1 lli's going to, nnd retur"ing from church. ( infrLctidixifla't "in !iutrioii. nn-l liki-lt Kr Hro. Drycrpahli.soti.itla'l wc''. No tisitcil the L'-gislaturs with th. ti"ii of kceoming enlightened, or to gather something to enrich the columns of his pa per. Hut, like ourselves, ho was n't able 10 gather much, either In the way of inter. est or Information. Wo have seen eniiigh' of legislation thii scssto.i, u eontincu us that it hen -crsons get to IcLiblating for themselves, that the publiu is n't only los. ur as isr iionars aim ceirs n--; conierri'u,! ... '( e. .!, 1 . ... . 1 . but natural rights will b tirij.it u.anltin.-- leading Interests of th country will U sacrificed to the cupidity of d signing men, w ho know no interest kut 7". (ttrCapt.TiriiiiH.FiriiK'ilyoftl.eKm. ilyFarnham, wishes us to state that the article, uhlcl. appenrcl In our pap-.r Mie. ral weeks anicc, rdatln to his mdiktc.1. ncssto people ul Attorln for supplies, nt tlieti.no .0 put to -.eattil.several.il l n. ..... u '.. .,. ...! .. I.L. I. .......I . - clu 8am' men, and without th" usual clearances from the Custom-house, is u, kustalued by the fuels in tho case. lie say lie was not tin 11, nor is ho tioiv in debted for 0110 dollar's -worth to the mer ehantsnt Astoria. Wc mako this corn u lion at tho Instuuco of lb? Capt himself. !!o toys tho owner of the tosil tins 11 board at tho time, and ii rojiousibhi l".i ,l)io abrupt depaituro of the vessel, dp. tttin Tichnor, wo uudcrstaul, hauhithcilo borna gooil charade a goo.1 character. . OtrriTMns who have juI arrived in ibis place, briiofc wo aro told, uumiilukablo ctldenco of tlio nkundoiico f cldon the .-i.-.i. ti.A.... in..i.. ,.1.1, ,i... feUmntli. IheWrty brought with them lumps of iitiusurU sizo; our informality utklo that they lutV cm. Inn. p woith t(0, Kiel otlicra tarvhl. fi ..u -n. " il 1 r 1 The Mr tiTiirhliig, I (ttr Mr. I'nyno wan one of Ihtlcoiiimtl- Tlio S.ir expresses a great deal of licit tcr printing. I K' urged the leeettxtiy horror it the report negate of u cavi of'f ut(ng il(, lull., of l' lowii Houw lyncliilif that took place nt .Mlnnul.tt, ' 1tmtml ; that each imittVcr ml; it luiso a abort time ilnrr. An ttcmpllf ina.li' n ,M(.y always nt hand kcfurtf..h 11. II" 'to correct Mine palpable eimr fii lln J.aiJ it micltl do Ru lliu nunt nc ilwr of statement," wo should hate made-nn mi- ,. Ihtti.e. Imt ris fur lilmrlf, it ,s im- partial Intrstlgatica is claimed to li.ni - keen made by the editor in person i Imt n I more oiic-.ide.l statement i-oul.l not haVc lieeit cutijurc.l up Ih-in the s .liter li.i .. i.... ti,.. i i... i... .. win. m, , v...., ... ... ...... ... ..... interested in iiiakim out as stroiii .1 ia.o ..." r 0n the etlicr si.lc. It u jut as strong as ,, i-djtor could make il. if he iiasciui'tut. .,. ...I.,,. ,,,., I. u-i... ... ....1....1 1- ......... , .......... ......... .wUllUv v.......... ' . . . 1 ... Hi... .. .!. . . ll... .n... -... ...ml.. !'"' " "' " , ieortc.l to by the mob, allowing (lie vr- sou so ireaieti 10 nave uecu giiini ,-1 iiiuici- . pimi,imcm . coujUtmi,,;. tlim,el.r, j(1, ,,;,,, am, lrva, , ,, .u., , ,u..m, ,M1 itf .,v;iorVf ,,, ouU rcach w casc Thw h Uf h w censure. Tin. 1- uliat o deemed to Ik- ounlutN as a tatthtul journnifst. i-nrr nonlvocatoof mokoeraey. We luo ue er lived In a country yet, where this ihorl hand nay of riglitin;; a rou; u nt tauct ioned ky puklicopinioni nor h-re il prae tice did no', meat -iokt rcktil.e. When penons wih jo wah out the .In' of eth er, they should go to ork with clean hands thoni'clu-. Now wenhall see whclher tin- Shirha not fallen into mi error, with the f.u'Wmr. ring it in the face, nen nion' than t!i one he charges upin us. lie eaMigalei nuxt uninercifullv .Mr l-ans. With iis cor- rcctncjriiicorric;iirs, wcliaieii-lliiii!: to do: huti'wWilo,vnniiiii-llieeshtorV fairness and itmdiu-.i on the sulject "f whl.ur. After iieliilginj; in a lengths I lin to f.m. tall I'uklicopml in, ky giving ' Ue only, and running through a n catalogue of suspicions entertained by ''liiiielfni'.d others, against .Mr. I. lain, he perpetrates the following homilv. (Wed not wish to b un-lerttixvJ as a defender of; the prosreution in this ease, lir w. know , nothing of the man and lmc no opinion t r :..... 1 .... l-si-rcss l,l f nuatii, .lint , iu. nt ua.c 1 . . b , , ' ' . , nn opinion on the suliect of net and mi'kncracy. Nor do we wish to unm-ccs. sarilv censure those who nre tlm d-rcnd. ef.ts in this ca. Wc havo no feeling for one party more than the othrr.) " These are the material facts ns far a wo know in regard to tho person siti-pi. cionrd; nnd we'would have kooi reluc lant to have made lli.-lil nuhlie. had it not kctn for .k.ii.y iuilien tauul!. in correct, ing the arlicle in tho bjiectator. A ro. g.rd. tlsparrrstntrjrtakliithetaw to t hrir own hands to get ka.k the inonej , 1 .1 , ' .oloii, ns farnj we kiijwih.iii.nre mdiis. piouIil;cly men, ni.d sustain u .! char- act. r. They hate a right in" law to U presumed inm. nt until pmud guilty ky nnimpcachaWc t- st.ni' uy. bef .ro a c in pctcnt court and jurs, whn.li.kih uingthe clrcums:aitces, wv d net UliuM, f .r a inoni'-nt, can lo done." Thus il seems that ho would not have Ri.en any iiitoumui 1111. uu.iir, 11 11 n.iti ' !. ... -- -r .1.. .!-.:- :t .. I . I in-11, ntrl wlio, 'o tar as tlii f.-lit t kniws "sustain ng ! 1 h iract-.r." We bate Uin i.ii'riiiel that the parties are bll siraug'-is in i'ic . jutitit, hating ar; rivnl here !nst fall. The Wirth'n':- th y slioul.1 " kc pn-. siim.-l inuif.'e:,t i.t til ,r ! d gu:l!) by mi-iiujKaL-huk!,' t -tin.Jiiy " , far ai wc l.ij,the I ict if It nelnna bis n.t b'-eu f lu.io I bv nnv nl tlirin. Wli-r" in eon 'si ti tlirir inn-sce" I lies tho .S'.ir ib 11 tail I It an, ' 1 ir . , ,, ..... 1 , 1 ,i tll.lt..lC'V Iluuii.l l JU .,,,..; I ms tin. St.tr wi,h to in.ike it ap;s-ir that tho It iilIiiii is mi iuiioci nt mntler .' Now we ar n'-t iuiicIi of 1. law j. r, hut wo haw Mlfficl'lit kilMiI. d je if law to ku iw that In m well r. gulatcd conniMiilty tii'l -i. 1. roy"ding bo dc imiUiglOnnl la w fill, rr .,.,, j,,,,,,., nflt:r ,,;,,, ,, ,,, , ,,,util,ey should ..v. hu.-.bme ,.. .,.. .,, ..ii.rv .im.h! -.....- ... -..-- ... --- ,mvr. ,,fJ n, ,lrllu ,s.,ur,ly last, ' ' ii'r- iit d ; to ni'ct ivu ib, not cxnetlv ku in where. Tiny hut" logi dated them. civs into n 'piuo'liry that will take 11 ire ma no ut. ling to gut tliciii out of than it I'ok 1 1 gi-t lli'iii into it. Tin-) 1 mi niti-iiipt. id ti rob llii ti'ivrii'irof th" powcid"! gutid tihiiu bv (iingress. WhU is il that iiTi rritorial I.egil.ifuroraunM do .' Thi. is mi ngu of progression, yis, unliiiiiul lid -lunsiuu, if in- luk- fir 11 itnid tl . nolliili fit II1.1 III,! l.eoi-.I:i!lllo. I In V I1.1.1 , v , , fc , . 1 . . .. 1 . . If-m tho r-.l ol lliu rapnt, to tl." IimoJoI ,cll ,,,iu ,,,- ..trsco, knrinng from :.o,i,u ' '"' "'' i km they hat 0 power to do nl-, Indians that lliu body wus there, tvtnl ' "" ''J '""',,' ' ' ''''''? ""' , "," ! ''"" " "" ' :"1,',,t'1 ,.,,t."w",: , '''!"',' ',vo M.'er tbiiiglurning up. II aro bugiu-' 'In. 1 llo'.ting desenplion of tho body : K 0 ,U.,JU;!,( ,71(J ,tUx jj,,.,., Tll. 1 A man, ns neur i.-i thiy ..-oiild Judge, ,ltl,.s,j,. no dpni ngi r lu uUd wliiihtut lo .van ..f ng", nud had 011 11 pair played mom, uroinTI wliioli ilu le -ei 'of leioi in.id" pants, red uinbir hhlil end Ii "''. "'! " iLdTk .,, ' . 1 .t 1 .hill. II. j. "ft - ue1 - -s' .p,.il,,. l.r linn to n tain In lilt iln.l nil ilic fealiiiesof n l-ill. lie nsttel nsolh, et im-nili.-r ho could in.-ntlon, sire mil i iinfuoiu-ntly rojiicllcl to tuloL hills l.i . ... ...... ....., ih ,J I;l;n jiu.j scrj iniprrii-euy iuiiiitsdi.i j ' ,.t ... r.. it., I ....., ii..,. ,.. U,.M.,.t '' ' KIT'" particular features in bill, keen , were not nkt.' from nu-iiiorv to ik the defects. Tlie loer I loco did n der tlie iiriuliiiiuif a kIo kill, and ,. . - -'.1... .., .,. ,! tusci. a. ...uu nun ( in inu iitticr... "'.. . ....-. iK'.sagrs. Mow wan it Willi tho CJuvrmor . Wo learn that aver t no win 111, 11 an priuic.i, nun w titiun. Deliver 11 front iui OCT A .lea.l Uxly the.ililv.nt the l-cri ponite Ule of the -. , , j ( m that the l iky ilrowning. so loop, that It , iiinil ; hut tho CO: I peraeiKprenent, ho ;fiinin- il ui:h linn, tr.i, .Morrni, the onner of the boat? lilu-liie iH-rsoiu drj,'i-- nt It rock ' . l ii t.ili u . iim t . imt.nii .a tnw wmtswu tihnA hi nun 11 im niiiii- 'in 1 v v Putrefaction ha I pr"rcsi d v far, that all , traces of i.liiilil'icniion were renin el, i4p that of the thapi' of the fuee mid col ir of the leanl. (XV" We duvet iirlicului .ittculi.M on the art of pernin at a distance, ('the tat!.-of the weather, nud the ne. ompsiij . ir? renurki of the Rev. Mr. tknnM, 111 .an :htr i-luuoi. Mr ikiu- 11 has ...pi a table tor tl.e last twoyear.. its n-cu racy may he.rclml ur-n. IVmu it the ills- taut ren.l. r may form .-uic Meant 1 cur climate, it is in w marine nil 1.111 lie of I'skmary, anl w. arc enj -Ing the m-'l H.'lii;tittul w.atli. r- tlietlieiiiwini-tcriJiii'. nig nt about f c f -r tlio last ten !.i)s. &T Among tluj 1 uriosilici of tho late . ., . i n Mate Inir, win n iirinii r witha luedollar I'ti i i,i. nnrLnVt A ,.l,itie.. of pin -, w as pock hiui 1 cut xi-111 took him in charge an.' extiilitid , him at ten cmti 11 sight After the (how watnter.il leaked . ml that the five dollar bill in Ids px-ktl was a bill for lite dollars duo hit washer, woman ! lix. ijicr. 'How dillerent the slate of thing in Or- There is no printer who works at his kua'neSJ hut lias h) ljcki,l C"r icHi. Wo might go fuitl.cr, mid say f wltli san-tv. there nro no ir if.ple in ,,, ', ... ... ...,.. , ., Mre!?'n, tiniest it ln n few who nre t Ii " " "'" ' '" work' "" ' ''" wn.e .ii'iiijjh t .1 . kj tlnirwits. Tin ak,e extract is fr.nu -,leowiicnt, 'wliurellie makii huriiciin llint an I tvno 1. n nutmegs. v v"Tlie piece "litke first page, 1 liti'.l.tl, "Thoughts on Muic," is ho sisnilicantof t!ti urgent ne.-cxily uf such music, ns fai r as Orefr 1:1 1 u.-rui'l,' ' nsk Ijt it .111 I'! Ill admirably dune. We bate hear I I Jilt..- b- itix " intisi.- In the !. nnd nnisie in the ;.in," but this i. tie lir-t liui'th.T wi liat'i- I.11111I of inu.ic in tin ie.i..'i.io. ., 'I'h tiiii's'tiriltiu iiinh r tbuhea.l'il ' 'J Ji Ruined Mn.er," by the nntw author, in-vicliirn-'i ristieof the liiiiei" I1.1t in wi,h iter' ; r in tonal it, partu ul.ily 01 fie ii-li nt a 'litlniice. I'or il ih picl - 'tu'.iil' Hy the situation of many n tlisap. p"ii,' .! e.pi'(.1au: ; who- hopes li'ite Ik en ' !.i .t I 'y an oKiwinnin eonlidi nee in lit r pi '," 1, an. I wl. n le inhlh" ib as I a ;''itt. r,n and goi led fiituro Ih" In ds ,f ibot.it eaiu , mil iMnfoiH that w, re 'j ii'iid. r lie ir dicliiiing i ars so dclig.il. lul. 'l'.'lllITIIII.'l'. The ttuipirance niecling, on Mf-nd.iv ' vi-iuii. was will nt.'uiled. Jan:iT. Ti-'itM-ii. Iv.,th.' lli.trit t Altoriiiy of this iislrit t, delivi rttl tho mblio-s. It was 11 . ir'sliiiitiou ol high ui':ril, nnd his mniier nnleliti in.-; II, firci'di- and rl rpi III. It pr duo o .1 happy ll'et t up m tie iiu'licn"" -u;i 1111 c.'iu.iiig l-l to tulicrdti lli-ir 11t111n.it') the plnl .' iJuriii" tic r.v ning tie thoir mmg lliree .'cry nppriipritiio teiiiperaiini t les, in 1. 111:11.111 r highly I'h'ii.iu" to-tle.' mi 1 ting. 'I'll" s.c.i It will h',1'1 (ill adjoined iil"i ting, "il M'tii'lny in niug n xt, nt thi Ik v. tl. II. Alklll Mi's 1 hiliuli, lllll'li uii iiilris will bn ib liver. .I iiy lie., II. John son, tho I'll ti luil of il,,- So'ii ty. -' 1 I1 .!' ATl'.ll. ' I',,. . nlneil '.I.. The li;i.y of n 1,1(111 was fu id mil' iiiihi b"lnw this i.l ue, .i,t S.iii- 1 11 1 ill;'!. Mil to bo hum of the lite luifur- jtm.atu mail that was .Wwi, .1 .l.jw ll l.ill-, 1. sbi. it thiol'.' Mute, hmvi tt'iitl ilrowin 'I ulute I In: 'o)iiiiiitul-riloii IVt tlir. S.lll.. Munition l l.lun t'Biniijr, .Mi. litroi. 'I'lilnMng' i iliM-rlpll.'ii of tlm ii-wr i-oiiiit in tin- Williiiiinll.-Vlllli- on. Is-el Intel el I" .'llt leinl. ei, I lime Ii.kiiI) l.' lili'-l uli.il I ll'im, nml Milmiit 11 to )ur eonthl.-i.iti n l.lim eoiiolx lre;"it 'I'l'iiil'ij . i sit tuleil in itwiiilier vulion of the Willani elii' ulky, 011 the ii,l ni.Ii- of the Wll Innii-lle titer . iui-1 it innpNiMit to I-. in M I il.'UKi"! North l.ntitiiile. It ii IioiiiiiIi-.I on the north hy Mnthit eonnty, on tin- vet tiy llviitim eniinlv, mil on the miiiii lnli'flnc.1. I he tin toiintnlii-i "III lias three forks, the North, .Middle and South f'iks There I a on nl. rakle ei- if ininlr) Itinir Is'w.-. 11 t S and .'iiitli I" I. nnd what I hat.- i 1 t tin- 1 n pM-ars cen r.il t 1" '-' iki-n. mi ' m" wateri-ilust ,' inr'iind iiiiiniii" 1.' -with jti'iilv if Inn's r- and 11 is sn-.l mant .-xi'rllei.l e'.i-ins nii.'it t-l t -in', in this luealitv, as i' 1- nt this pr.sen' ton In." spiiriodt ,.l-li.l. I hi the south i-l" nl tlio lll.llll S iiitiam, nn I .iliilig tli" South fork of this stri'tio t'lere is a ti ry iglit. It and e 1','iit I Ii -n -f.-iunttt.il i1. It t'.le I nnd w, II impr't. .1, oils .1 1111 the c'iri'iiiii.tatii'.-. f the tinu's tie sill giKl, but gi'iH'tiillt ;intell. ; it npi-.ir-li-iwever. I'. U- t ry pr.itu't,.' in u !n at cropland teg-t.il.l. Tie-1 1. 1 I .lin.-t np- 1 1 Ik- iitte-i-'M I -r si Hitler.., ns stream is ..'.tru, ,.! i. tBpl'l'. an I I. ii i-rtl sh.ilb'W tilnces, but ntl'irls s 1 sltl S f ir llllll l"ll ill fi'S 'll.'le nn nulls atrea It iTicti-l an I 111 - js'riit. "i -t In tin-Smtii fork.Me.sr K.irl and Sir..', houfhate 11 saw mill ; up near the iiimiii tains b sirs. Kits uud 1 I'tilf hxf- n 1 il liable null 'tit. with n t'li-l nn I saw nidi in operation ; uml theie mat prol..ible l.e ue ii ll. on tin- .tin r forks. if this river. of which I Am small',' n? the present timet slate their loality 1 but mi tho mam stream, ci potilu '." Syrue'tise, then-i a largo Irani- put up for a merchant mill 111 eorm-xfn wftlVa- Kaw i.'.tlt, byttie Pfiter. toi-nig iim-ii nl" an- in rnmpniiv in 'bis 1 nn ' til, M. ir-. ('"'i..r. I'.i.in . nn-l II it, and it isti Im- Ii""-'I the) will fmnllt 'Ue d in ib.s iiii'irtnnt wink tiny h.iteun. di r'.ikeo. The 111 Xt vtn.llll S'lllll of the Sliitl.llll is tin- C.-llaji-Kiiah, wldi'b mat I., en.-'.'. i'N'i .1 Inrg" creek, its tioiirci s nr. 111 the purs iui I ridges nf h" I'a-c.i'le in nil' tain", mil it is trry probable lint it heads mar lb- thro- '11011 y peal.s called tl'" three sisters. Then' is -1.1110 rii Ii land al'ii" tins strinui, but limber Is rather .'aie,' fioin the in' ml nf this sip am fn tbnillst'lll""of t" II llll'os. There is Ullli . ieiii timber for nut I'npr "teni-nt that mi' bt l made on "ii Ii id" "I lb" creek. Tl I along this creek Iron tin- '.itiith up niicl.ix lighil) inivd wi'h ' 11, nnd he eharneli'l 'f the .,1 iiupfo-s the far tber up ton go 1 in lb., t-nrili iletiflhis s'n inn tier' ar. but ftp ii'-ts. and nome t ilcmble !"' 1 1 lainis ih'ght tit le had on his id.- I il, 1 '- k ','the l.ir;""t settle. in nl 10 1I1 - mi')' .1 on this .11. am, mid I pi, Kiiiui' ib' ie 1 . Mill riKim P r clth rs, is th" sn.ull nn I mm ov viitb y 1 Vends up th scru I. sot b mii 1 nil'i ll." 1 '1-cade nioiiiitiini, nml nll'irdi ig iM'i lb nt null iritil 1 in 111 my pl.ii'i s on tlm rapid slniim. Tle-re is .i.. i-ii.i uii'l in ripe, rati In iiwiiid by Mr. I''uidlt : there Is 11 aw mill now building a mile, nnd a half below Ibe ijilst luiil, wliiili will ! ill ope. i.ilion during tin' winter. The country I ling let w.in th'- Cilhip"tiili and tho .Saiiti.nn is " ueru'.ly n b trl pmiriei nnd . 111 many pl.iet sJlat, nnd of eoure too wet I c ciiltii itiou. lyl'b nil, n small stream tnlbsl Dak crn k which is pi'imrnlly dry 1 in tho minimi r iu"ii, hetnliug north of ' east, within n few mil", of the .S.iiitinui livur luiniiii'.' lnl.'C il'.i..iiali 1 reek, along which nil-dry ridges nf prairie with iiiaiiy line grotes id oak timber in places along the creek mil "ii th- sloughs putting into I'lill.ipooiah orci l. Tho ii'"tt Mrtiini ".nth is Mud I) creek, which is n unall streaiii, or whit ton mi'tlit call n n.'il oral cnn.il, it has but lit tie" current during Ike utuin'r, Tliis i.-reel, nun piirnllel Willi the Willainille liter f.i'7nr- mites, withi i" half 11 mile lutwi illih'S tllstlilit fioin lb" liter, I'm hi the in tilth 'if this stream for nn mill s upsis nn exfi Dent fanning cniiitry, well i.in'ii tj d Ho 11 ihc fir grm 1 s uf iim. In r give "ut, but Ih'-ro is acontiiiuation of fill" 'I'll. (I'll- i wiih Xoelb lit pl'lllri" bind extending to tin mountain , w iucli I . i.itMtllul uud entirely uiiulnlim-d 11 1 the present llmu. Tlm principal m ttl'-iiicnl .011 this stream I'Mcii'li for eight n.lli-ij the ii'iuiilry Iving bilivceii two Minim, inn I luvel prnlrio InirTspersi'il uitli ijr u"i. ouk lluiher, nll'ordiiig bcauliful situs fur kuihlinjr nnd plenty of fin I fui llrcwttod ; tho prairie Is diihlcd into dry rud wit nnd there nie oiliiir of 1 1 1 - 1 1 irnirb ioiuI "1 nuy oil.' r i.i (in"....n l'i iieln,. .1 ,ir , " . 1. , ZslssssHsssssssssssssssssssK.1 r9nHHHHMBPrTOmtrsioiNi Istoi'li. and I hiitc 110 doukl will bo cvrl'i all) si'lllul by lndii.liiois cllleus-, The itvornite ili.ianee bt iwnn the !allawiah nml Muddt InnUnit Ihrco 01 four mlleit till' mouth "f Mii'ldt I. aliout thtie lull's . nlvM' Maiv's 1 nor.', i'hn uosl htu.ain I 111 iilioii and the most nupoitniil to tlm nit i.inii,l' I, inn . mutt, is ib.- Will in. lie nor, w Iucli runs llii .i,'li tbr olib-ex , bill 'I' lie . "Illl't lis Its W. sli III IsUIII'l.t I) Tin. 1111 1 lue n nee in till t ill and 1 .si ide taiic.' s of 111 miliums ; the -Melt in. us I. uk In lids 111 the cascade mouti tains m ai iho llnco snow v peaks uaiii- d the Ihr. -..sliirs, fnun tin ir . lose irotuui It t ti sell oth r ; this f.'tk ol tin H'iIIiiii ,etli unlit !' 1 tiirsi' run we-1 till it ln iik- rough the .puis t( the cascade iiiouii- s, it th tt no tin. s 111 n circular ours - linlh till It is tmileil ilh the mid- d w t 111 foks of lite Will.imitti The inin of this iiiiiiortnnt rli It hccini s 1 tit's' In tl into out. mum nlsverv r.tki-d, u'tiii'iallt l-nr-ug wc 1 of e 11 ti Us width is about 11 I pih is fimn tl t I ft mi"' that lb. . liter is 1 111 sti' 1 1 11 oil 11 c 'unit In ll.ll 1 a'b luelier up, 10 iiiiin n't. wing to an lids fir 7 1.1 . miles and r lull) Its . ch nun '-. which 1 iilhjtru. '".I b) dulls of tuu and sli'tr' 'in us im tin 1 Ita 1 il.mbtlt I"- leiii'H I no I 1 . xt. '1 I I t .j to u'v cub litilati.'ii I I. .11 t counts 1. tl-.iit icV nre a 1 i.'sal, int. Hi nt mil 111 istrioitx in tpt ' , Ul n Ii 1- 1. t Ihi -i lb. 1 tir .' ciliii. cunmitti I in tin 1 sunt tltli ' It ha, b en settksl n iilv lit i.it., and Ih h.l.s 11 .1 be. 11 the lit .1 1' -li-it i 'III' Ii 'd l ih i U'.') I lb n'. ll. 1,1' ' ,. . . ,i. !'. I r tie . iliri.li t I. hi .. ii.ll, .1. a p i. t .', -rderlt .u .1 lit. a' . !.'. e-Jtl Tic- .nn nut I as ,i'.; pi ,,. 't ii ' on i "in' at. i mi. . t . '.- tu .ii ' .- .iti i I. u. btilr. d ll. "i ..Hid d " i Tie I.t: .'s-r I l.inls. fob. a' la In. he c "iiii't fyl-l. "ill .li.i'iliit t I.t' 1 Hi iti.in I I UXV I- -lint t.m. -t1! .!. nl , in -hi '. l.i I if lb i iii I it .'. ' get l' I ' inai'st t tr i' ' , i ' i i. . nt" n.. faun i " r ! i la' i . "i""i A! -aii) . the . until -it I ,, I'.illlltt . It Sltll.lti I 'II the U ill II, e tli r nr at the m .r', . I'll,. I'n'.lip. ah, .1 j'l.l" n llt'W I Ol "I, I lit I .1. it 1 .. ! . nt 1 1 ill- pi. i.i pi , ;.' t r !',: r M o -, . "Ii . Co., It b 1, but ft ll I. H..' J.I, I I" it I. pl ". ible 'hat t! w i!l unpi ti a. lit u. ant 'lit rt is i. -s' in S.i ,.i. 'II t o pl 1 is la: I I i ii a !. i .1 p. .nil", -a lu.i! it d t "i 'ii..- t . th nn . . thfi. a In- land, i ape new tmui thv t 'Wii t x t is, Is. . fo sett ral uit s t th. m 'Uiil.iui. 'flit ie 1 is in cuiirse ot , rt i 'mil a gri.t null n sb-it diitant.' tt hoi the town, tut tin- I'.illnpsi. 1 iah ink, it i, pr.s inn -I it will ! in o.- I rati ai dining th- i iniiig siiiuiii. r. I hate I millers' l tin n is a '..i u.ils in opera- ti ii within uii" mile an I a b lift. I U'.auv, l-..l l.v Aiilrr-m .Xs, llt.j. St i ii M ' i iui' I oi ii I i 'i.r hi i Linn l 'iiit, it i I'llao I "It 111, '.oil i t I ml. ot iln .-in' -no i .1 r, til- ' I' . I) nl.i. ul.t pr-tplietul .if i, i.l I ... I' j wi!' r .1 i' 't -t! ti ' ill 'j ' .1 it - tut a . i.i it. i f I o-.i.. - , ai 1 1, 'i : sit I. , t th. luiil I i -it i'i i It has i. I'ni" . . ti'ii ! c in rt -i " I it. W I! M l',.r Hie Ho "i. -s.s" Mil. lliT..i.' - In j- ur it '!. i ; ; i f tin- tith Junius. l-"tl i !' li' ' ; ', lor n numb- r .t I- "i-r, t t. ' ., I inin'i"ti, I fuel "i 'I; a bint, r I i fir inert 1 1 ill cu-. itrittt n uiul things in the tuiblie patM-rs. Ir. IMitor, it is gem rallt known that farmers are n..'. able I" tlhciis. with lawyers ; 'ut wh"u n lawyer tlie. stull uiiish into. i riti.it i s. ar-.h" n'i t' siuuilc to find it t' : nnd if ill the tculll- I he hiivjir ire.els -n tie Men of I he former he is apt to he pushtsl .ll" Tin- writer nl lob d to, ninoug other thing', complains that the Laud Hill is defei tit-, on nctt unl of it Itiplllillg cccilpllict . lie seem, to think that il would bn ju.t f , (.'"iigrcsn to pnss niiolhi r bil,iiithortiiigtiri in(fiiti.r- III" lilt rcliallts, lilfl. bullies lllld piolesaiill nl mt ll lo liofl i I.iiiih without U III); on 'Inin. Ilonci'ins I'mtolake ll ftr granted that as the l-irui" r has not iiiiuphiiued ul tho hind l.iu under tli" I'lOlNloiml liuv. riiiueiit of l Iregi.n, tliut llinv in relhere-(iiii-colilentiil uud pleased with its r. gilla. lions. I wish, muter, loiuforiil thcgi ll. lb iiiuii, thai lli fanners ha'.u learned lliu lissonlliatlcaidies, " what cuniiot Im cured inuslhci nliiriil.'' A lesson, I trust, whu h tho gentleman will lentil In gooJ advnu. tngu iM'forn he units lliu nuh'jol. Hut hi uscxnininelbocircuiiistiini.t"! under which llin lariner seems lo b" so colileuled mid happy. I'nder tlm I'intisiuual (,'iturii inelit'lhey lived isolnteil, nnd hating b.re mid llurn n sin ill prn-f mptioii house, claim or cabin lor neighbors. Their ctery-dny mnl night tisitors went wote, p-inlhers, nstls uml Iho like Their wnlcli wont wus, build strong, light Iiousi'h; mnl put up the cnltes, pig-, hunks, iVc, l.ccplargit d"gs j tli. charge largo guns, nnd by this nieiius, sate oil" 'tilt of llinil) nf lll'ne tilling nuj. luals, Ni xt lolhis is the scli'din nl bib drill- How is tliis lob" done I The fai luer ansuurs, we bind a lel'i'lnl In ciiinc tu our house li tenth o'tr rhildicu sepa. riilely, lb in;; at all thoctpi nscitnf fin I J hoaidiiig mid paying lb" tli" teacher, mnl nil ibis without l'i uud Im:'. I A nutter . if ii i lis i n liiiiui,-i 'b" uu i ling lor 'hi iii' iion.hi; tluii were no , uu niug lion ,: mats wen p,i nan d un der lliu i-hadon nf mill.' laino lir Inc. I In li oiii.c in n long it bile miiiiu priui.i her j would conic iilong nnd piench u i.eliii"ii, no loatler of whit ih uouiiiiulloii. Hill till piolUllllil", Ills" Rllglll visit! ''"' 'few mid far ki'twi.i.11. .Sliirc.lioise.(, ftiw in iiiuobi i, mid not uii'ch in lln-lii, mid Mill . ,.t. htl) with All lhi. iiml leu llui ' ,. , ' ' ' 'in' bt us fanner'-, w iboiu ..ltd nil coinplaln for I be tin I f id it ' 'III reined)' tl el lis, ire f I nt il 111.111 ' h"uctt anil g.st.1 tiii'.i dnin I ii old fiii-ud, I nt.l ,''11111,1111! to bit tl bun otn thllit ullies, mid b' set it so ihlllg lollbl IH'I be dolie I'm IIS. Tins, . faiiuvLilh"U"bl the b. tli i nnti thin Unit ul giumTITTni; t "Utiiiuull) . Wc think inn isi. hi ha . d 'lie wilt'l'or u, mill inn "Id I in le sinus 1 1 think pntiv 'M t hiui, II thioiigh limit ot age spc ii in i'. In has ll. I a. kt .1 ciioiii'Ii, "i a III lie I"., iiiiii It, win ii he .'mult bin k wc III leinl to talk it till otel with bun, nnd nsk iliiin isilit.lt to make iiiiolhi r ti-it I'll"' bund), lie I it, w i itii.lci--ti.il.! Ini-'iiif nit '.oi iiibl,. i, nl, i, i in.ins, and is iputi at buiu with I lido's Ifis, Sli mid Ii- attempt n;-nui I polio mi u oiir 'Id lit lgll-"ts mid ltl;bl tlsilofs, si tt'dscs, panthers, mils mid emplt cabiie ts il Ii I ti, ..(In l plllilli. hi,, nlll. lid I ..tbiti blsi ,ih" will be d . ;ll Tie ,-"tllleitilit III his aitli le, whit h tl ' tit to ii i!ce, talks ol tlioc wlios-i out, it i me will u 'I will rid, oil of their Ieiii'. II I 111 Ills , but Wc li.lle hunts II ilneol iim i liiiiui s and nn ii hauls lit uig n t "tin tit .ii ii. Hi hi. .iii.I l .'unite; w t all lit , j t - It) uurdlii -, thi ir on Ii business ll Is ll it linrdto pledicl ob.it the ' "Ii Iiiiii ll e will Ii, wiirll a lit lt'hl-"lbtsi. i. ilnkli ,eib I 'I'liiiiour nn eliiig--, ton '. ': ' il I . -, l.d i li it mollis w ill Is I. t ti i , ms ! tl impr 'lid; ll- t .iitli i hi b. 1 . I , .III. .it. J . tin ill Inn l ii i I t'11 ,i.i. i.hr and i ' i .-it s will b iiiii in In I , and nun m " b- lit bt lb. i I I I 11 ... man N.w. Mi r.io .. w. tiimk ii C'.ii . iii i . i i li ue; i iii ' u r laud law 1. 1 .. , t i. t li ll I. -i It n's t- hold l .11 ll 11 .lllllli, '. tt -i .1 Is -i, i ii . t , the ciililltlt . M' I'.'li.r it'iiial'iy.l stii'lutl ( '.ill "I in I i .1 .. .,'1, lit", s . this I tlitlik I. ll, s.iti, nn uu a and. llii t Not, i, i v.. i.i l.i si .! I., hitid li r i '" . ui'b i.tnji tie o iilml 'Hi-,' uu I . I It , Hi . . u b t i w, il t i ' ll . mi' s '' 'li 'll, -if It d i I t t "tl nillt ., I hi ii lilt i.t in li. I. i, It. ml I I. I - I) It I '' le ' .lit It Wo il I ' . II iii ii. ' i tt i,'i .. ti n hfml, an I t n h ms i.t t .. ! I '. .. iih -list, r ol t ' t't'o b ' HI. ' 1 ,1 O tl J . Till t "W II W l I b ni.ll I llllll! Hi I, the l 'llllt.t .'".Ml. 'l 11. i ' .. I. 1' ,1 It, t -It'll llll III .,'' I 111- I I ' . 'i . A '.I .,- Kltlli 1 . ' .. si - k .1 ' I ill.llll s ll 11.. w r i ul.. .- nrtu b w an n 'tic III I I. ,, I I I III Ian I bill, b,i -III-.- li st I. w ! -1 s mid orphans, w li If . '-t ll. .I. ..th i I the hiisl'iim1 mid I. II,. I. i.r .,i I. II. 1 "II In ll.. toll', tit , ai, i. a I' i ot ',, lull Tills We tlllliU i-. -i; ' ii "i w nt, r 1 1-must kii'-v a i ' t . t. n a w i.l t ! -ii- nt- nil il I". I; ' III It t . .11 lei I r at I .. Ill ..I 'll t'e s, ttlellll-llt . I'll ne 'i.pr,--.iItol Itl llUlllts brtwic'i !'," " t s, . s -at bte -illlge iii.it, t" ihnt' ', 1 1 out-womnit Th I" '-Willi 111 tlm bill Will induce llin . "V t .' 11 IV f I ' s... lis .1," I oil- tit . t Itrt". she l r'u.lllt !s-.'- mes tb-ottll'l I hall n 'c'i hi id I in I in her 'n light --i'ii. sh- tint will I her rhil 'ri n. if'h" ,.i. S I .i e iinprt nt n.i."ii t"i t "to l. I.,' ' ,. -.,ie 1. lit I I I'lplll'l i till it I ,,"l"l' t" is hll'l '. and S tint wiilei allliibd, n coiiililaliil. I iii'iider il he M. 1. 1 i .. , 1 hat, i t Ho i ii i.t I ii 'li i. iks a', ut e t old Tut ii I lb M. I. ni 1.1 i. I iipp". , I -ii ti i, tb.it ,1 1 i -i . . t 'he tun. f th m i ' t .', 1 i '' I'm I turn to sat in "i. v I ,i i .' ir sir. tour fr n.l. ,x i i'i:mi:i: M . I. .; I lind lie- I !!, is in;; i ut It lie. liil'.f.hl.UIlt '.I II Im I Mil tllll Ills lUs-tiiscil its I iiirs in Jon . ill . I hup toil will lias. - I.,, . I,,. ., tn stun uii tin loiugsufthc l.'gl l.itiii" in n imt shell Im tin bt in lit of tl.e I ubli, ' Wc lull I" 11 llllll" Usll tot Iregi II Cllt tluriiglhc mil.. The l.tgishituic w.i. bii-.il) . i ,j-I j m putting the 'liiiuh' mi their wok "f Iln- si s.i tu, IV " it imt fir th' " Wju.irii leniluti"!.-. wc i. uk" say ' in" pf'v things about torn" mon. hers of this liugilst Issly nf law makers. Tlm bump nf nr.iii appeared I he most protniiient phn nologlcnl develnpinent we ciiiild iliicover, ii"ii ill- heads uf iviuiu m ui'iers. Their setrral cinisliliieiicy, lioiteser, am kellur picpareil to uppreci. ute their true ineiiis than we nre. Thii In ly will ndj turn to il'iv, lo meet where' (echo) whcl. ' " l(inir iitbrl' ll Irtgihtiiiii. If tbn ctlilor hid lo tl.nl ii liltk' nhnrpei be i.;:;'hl lint it iliscnicicd nonii! ether biiinpt, c.'.'ued by soul- iii'inburs noses eoiuing in I t IV- pi nl cm.lucl with the brandy lsitlle. Itininly has caused their facts lo " hlossniii like the lose." Such is Iho i haracler of some of Iho luiil it ho hate l en ciniceiii.il hi mailing laws Im tho future govciniiieiil of ll." Territory.. Hut tliiti'ii.'ispiriii't cm incieil in tlm lliuisit of Iti'iircsintiiliiis, ii hai.iiii listiu uflhc men who hrgat ii, nnd shottt. iho iiupmo. Iicnhiliiy nf clcctiiio iiiiii lu I he 1,1'glslu line who nre insei- ,lnl in pnrliculiir lo. tiililies. Tho 1 1 neriibht parent (ttrcg.ui cut) where 11 lari;e iiuioiliit uf tb" fund, tu be cmploynl in lunbliug up n I'ultersl. It, neie nctiiullv mail.', has been robbed of all her righls', if iucli wicked mid mi. ht.nrd.iir Legislation is iillotud to sland. I did mipsisu therii iiiisnouio hoiickly u. iiioiii; I Im iniijoriiy of tlm mcmln.rs, hut the location nf iho Seal nf tintei unit III, iho rnlteridly nnd Iho IVnlli nliiiry, bn.i foaed iini ni" the cuiiliniuii ilia', n ("at ul in.- has doll" lliu noil.. Who i.l '.ho (biliiliue 1 ll Wii'iu inun, lis hi. i union would llldie.ilc, lii-j.1. IllUllllioiily. .Slllll' K'"pln say. I'or future ri.Tircuce I wish In ncid tlm iiaiucB nf llin ptThOiis tthoNiip. port'd the bill iiial.iu,; lb. locations refer id loukotc: Atcry, Allphm, lloknie-i, Iting, llnnliiig. Win. I'nrkcr, St. Clulr, Wiilicrs, mnl Wile t.x. Tliin mini iniiiiorl.il nine l.illtd the nv, 'i "i, ' I'lili 'In (eJVeiit'i' p t. its I inf ounceii. -v t