CTATOR nu--i -a t -a -asa i Ukcs iu tvur." J. rl.KMINU A. T. V. Mdil.lKIY, I'llH h Jtuniary 1851, No, 17, m ? I inut li to k - -"IaWuI alttSUt. latlim and statalv inttusiiii on ih I Mia. 'a sharp, UrtJ s KtmuVnian f fim.l,iiiilwJ), llail lost Ins hustrtii coinpatu, ii l,y tlctlli 'a i lallm Ul! Willi hia clilkl ha bird in " r.,-rlfuln of Ik pasl." torfUi9 IHtOrsay was iMufrf lasts i.tndrl Iiih ; II ofttu attaya! att ay fnuu horn In rain tu falt.ni- uewt Whars w iihIa auj faloa cwt llmnd'tlng dawn tho Mtvdni. Aiidtiaclaiiilcl.ui1secursdUri lima iray hasm lis taailt Into bb fairy iiaat ami W k lb snow liila yore, Cotsr. wrlcoma! br.t rift fn.. II,.... (th rattlloj gtl J I'll lnr twin II Floralta J woltirr waa art ajil our, by cur a... loci trowu oU 1 In h.fa.ri alia km! a )nttli, lu ahem hr-r heait uiu tinii4ii tVclm.ji ol lore fnsn latfp ami fir I l.nlnj hrail, allirllou. They tjrr not rlH-ckt.l l.y rules oi aiLf-mMf-malic of .'(truly, lu after daya (ty ailtrt carra) loRttlirr lhy vtrr jotiM-tt ! Itumlmlfiil thai Pram llinr hsi,v leine would titi . Tba buskand uraalirj au.1 dil, .'4viUr In w.fa ar.d rluM To walwW iiiiiirulfrlml llirourli wl and filrLi n,U. Yra, lalli nlou iMiil lltiu ct rur lit) ' ilral! Anil Ihfy dUii mouttiM lm 1mi fur many a yrai tMI TIU MTII I now liana tiKiilnHiiHl l tilt clMtartrr ( m atory l.jiit Pit llraay, Ituiniin, ulin alii., fuglinl rr Wy; Tlia ftnloiT tl mottirr lift futy clnUli i'litltj, aiitl lit) lrk Mtlrfiiii;, rr ilrfp au. tiralt frit lliriifafif lln my It-nlli r tt'd pliK ! Win! aatlin tliw inky- n aVr Ilia ocrati nf mm-i whil, My cllikl Itaa fUl'lflK a of llioillil' llucliliriMil, I wnlc To-lifc'rfow 111 ;ra(i a tliriiia, anl iif m) frrl inya My trimigtitf , pure niilnollf,liallliavnMafcaaf J fray; Wrro lliy rliain if tiglittuiig or l) llitiinlrr'a taara aurrotirtiiVil, My uwn frte llioiijlit rliall ratiiUli. mtiM anil un i.ii.i.iri'n OtrMn. Swukliclui, III" mlitreaa ot I ho llltiliiKRli Saturday Visitor, rmnra down on iho AllcgliPtij cminlj lti'prrvntalir in (Vjiigrcaa in the f!.llu iny at) lc. Tin-re it ao much inilcpcinlriKc of tln.ulit un.l cxprrlon nUiut her, ll.al i- rmm.it help inlmtring h'-r writing. Mm- lin-.ilgn.-uiucli t.inardi rcfiriiiiii the iiUi'iH'if ht-r v ill nud nriiiin.l l'ill-.l.ur(;li, an.l hhc prniiu-i oi to ho of Muic'd in tlio Mjitii-iil uurlil. Hut to the cMmcl Hon. .Moik' IIimmon. Thla (j title man l.m refu.r.l t roiri hii aent niter aaying ho w.ul.l .In ao, and induci'it; U.tli parliea to nominate men to tuke hia j.l.icu. I'lio rramn nodoiiht l.ilxcnimi the I)"md. crata took up lr, MiX'Imlncli. Ilii ilrc tioti waa loo prulrabln to run tl." nik of Laving AIli'Kliciiy cnunty n prranili .1 l.y a IJ .iiocrat. 'I'hoio upponed lu tli" alroni. theniu;;. or prca.iny. ur p. rpi-niv ling uf'lho iuntitiilioii of Lively, li.in great reason to rrfjret Mr. liuinpt .n' . cund thoughl. I lu hai done null, mi; .lu. ring hii roaideiiCo nl the Capitol In itt.li. cato that the penpto whom ho roprcienta have any will on ilia mil.j.Tt of Irenlom, or aro not the willing Inula of the alavo rower. Dr. AM'lwtiH'k, though no alio, illoniit, 11 ii man of . inueli linnii.'sa, ilf.rraj.ect and nergy. to p'-niiil lii rou. atitueiiN to reiitiiu ilumli iu ur nitioii.il council. I Il ii n rnt t.liy that the iii-ui of Allegheny cuunt) l."iil. iniiiilniii tin' KMll.j uf s irli'i .1 in- n .t t nk V lie. f M tn.'l th -n i ' ' that Iho grrnt liulllc l 1're.-1 mi mid SI i very ftliuuM I." f 'j 4I1I iu uur 11 i.imiiI ijoiiiiii'i aii'l A I euln-ut wiiil y li.it" in;! tr n word lo iiy unci Ihn iiiiiilen-si-d kpei tutor, nud not caro a button wliioaui el Iho tii-lory so Hint tlio ! inn ml patty keep the power' c do think iho higi ol lint ciiinty kiiniiiu tin,, n iu, t,. u tit oi piety, mid laying tin ir liuili m. tin ir i niiiitlii nud Ir-ith in ,tb iu Ihn .In t, f, liiim. lend mo u liral c.k uud tvniliug maid o- culture lojjitu tlnin warm heailt, nr nn! Tle-v hnto U-h in d ; no Irish, mind Wuscter wo.11.1111.1 lor. ' .lent iiU'.-t ti.en. Hind ymir whobi I'.iinily at tie- lb moduli in utln r m.-ulid wuh wirninli!" j ingiib. rby lb ktrongcordi. Vuu citn. Unclean, unci t.,itni badlv a irtiflloniuiiiio.-itiiie. I - ,. , .- , ' uVlhudeinocrunynl tlinuty an.ltoun. ty of N'mv irk In Id, on I'riduy lust, a Inmn nn.l brilliant luictii L' ill old T.iiu. ' . t .(.... I many Hull, wliithtviia llluiiiinnti-li.ii thr' ocLnnon, loceieunuu uu.ti.i nun .Minn, , "will, my il.-nr, lie replie.1, "ttliv nflhoWilinot pr.H Ivi." Various i o.iieiit',l(.nl you Mop nl 'I'lmmpviu nud gel 'n ..1. .......t..lE.I..V...I.....I....l....a,.itvi. . . . . ... " . a I..I...S.. tl... .I....II. .....I I....I..1 kpeei uei wr,u ..toivi-M -. , . j fioliillnni ndnpted on the ocasion..'iHt rule llrmocriil. OiT Them aro five tistcn in Cambridge, mar Hoitou, who can only sing when in Iho tnetnierio stale, and then they aro said lo ting willi great twcclm-M nud )cr. 'J'iio Honlon Journal says "their music, tvliiht in Ihi' "llo of trance, IikIik.-mI by Dr. Cutter, li superior to anything tve .. .. I.....I t. tl.n .....,...,1 ..ll.li. ' ever licni i 'o " """ . I am going to draw thli bcuu into n knot," ai I'ic youi.glady uild wlit-u tl.u -u'd a: ih1' htuiriical .ibar 3uu.uy U, IfOI-ltlJ i'ur Mill'. tfOatas Jkikik Illillrr. Juiavfe.Vf 1HP anon ii.. i iirr t social ami doinetuo lilc, -. ditf-o results happy nnd nnliu at a wt-ll-jMicrmd jnilii iinilrr the panoply of liixTtr mill law, I inn urnur correspond, i-nta a gentleman of family am I fortune iisl.e.l uslast we. k licllirr there tumid lui mi) iu.pmpri. Iv ur social n.lv in mar r) ill) nil honest, lu.lilitiinus, llli'l poor girl whom ho liked, or iiunuiiii'l k hiii'il. Wo answered, " certainly lol.(.' Wliora ihtshtcalion.1iabilzii4idannersiitialltV n girl I'urnuy station In llfu, lu'f Industry ' '"l mril) of character Pre always strong ri'rnniini'iiilnllKiia, wliilu her lajvrrv Ih not I'lofi'tinnalilc. Hill we irnulil nut Ivrl jut. lihoil in onrrj lny on l tin rrvninmoinlatluti In nny rxli-'nl. Tim ri'iutlicaii irlnoi pli'a nl riiniiy wliiili liirin n fcnluru lu n nuluiii, rniinot alvi l apnlluil to I Ijuillii"). W'r limy liair ifi)iiUr nntli'ii'i lu ril.iu.iii in inarnnr ; hut m Hunk, in tin- liri.1 ilaii', lli.it pnrtii'i aliniilil IilI.mij; la 1,'iri aaiuc ri'h;i'iiii ilrnoiiilinillun, lu or. lor Inarrilti'iilinuiiii'i u lln-Mof lioijj.li r niMVTt in iii'tinii mi tlmt tcry itiixr luui Hiint. V tliink 1 liat in rmiufy, i linr .uit-r, linrit ninl I'tirninl, Uioy li-n!l li irni.iiii . iiii.l ii.aliii.t it,. raj at a I t) ' n"iiiii,iH- ' Itvxi "'.t a rlf ( .a iii.mI.I.i. Suldiii .-li:iti..tia t.. r.iriunc. llila-raira llrnry rliMiiiencn not the ninl f cur.- t . tlmt I...IH..II h.oh fur tun. M'n , are apt I m ike lie held rji' I) mi I I'lrn rniunl , lei.ilioui from a.tl-tl) '.II M'llHIl, llllllal ll'lltrulllll by grin! g.l M'tivnii'l pru.hiioe, nraritU'U hti.l 1.1 iiiuke thr i ii rurauuli.iiv nnd .li. 1'". il. iii, I, nerioiiH and .liM.iliif.fd. If 1 o.uiin, tin M always ntuiiug at some l !n 11 uhi. li 11 li'it .itlniuuMi', nud ahouhl not l.e niiniunl.l.i for hi r own luppuicii. I'erio.n l"irn 111 nlllurrVo nnd mlurnl to H.iettv, frcpieutly beor aueh rude nud painful 1 baiii 1 wiihmorrphiluiopliy ilian tb'n aiiddeiily and unetH'cte.lly elfiatpd friiui obvuiity. I'Miicatioii, tiunui.uily of mind, nud reaignation, are llm p.Ilar'j whleli auitain the unlorliinalc In their re. reraea ; whilit tl.oe auddrnlv elevnled lo fortune from tlio inoit huiuLto purauila aehloin know how tit appreciate and enjoy audi t: i fl. nnd wealth tM'i'omea al otioe a j plaffiio nud an embarraannciil. tie h.ne jiut melt a laily an oiroum. .itieu! i,.litmilillonrl In our rycr Wo knew her when a luilr tewing girl, a wil. ling n.ljunet of llm dii.tuig ib partment. l.e liml enpti.1.c.i the linirt o a oili.g rl"rk, wli 1 uiariied her when ho wai III nlli.li nt credit to op"u a little nhop, arnj win re we liic ofieii hiii her l bin I llio . .inner, snipping rililiuiiiau I i.ikin en tin till with mi air. lY-iiitlm 1I101. M the ""r """J" '" "" "'. """'"";. aim mourn, tor-. In.m the at .re to lb- lirg- ,, , ,t,g lf r'"r '' "' heaien, thai I hey have w,,r.. ,.., nnd fron.ll.etw t ,n frame ''.' '"""j" ngue loaVreil our mad career. I1.0.-111 l.urriKMl Nile, loll,, ibreMo 1 1 ron. lb- graie of I a) ,.r a voice teei.11 rv buildup inagtiiliientlv fiiriiiih.-tl 11. ' ',"'" ' '""r .. '.'i,';'.1 ""'-"'' ? l'ri.;..nore I'lnee, were tbelsb.r, the luck, ''''""'' "' ''" I''1 l" nnd the 11 it.iral lr.iUMliouof,,. ten , art !" l,l'"r'1' ,Rn'l1 ' "V','' Wl" "I'1 ,h', ,,le.'1 of enierprnnu 'I'-rul ilioii. It wa'i in-1 '" ' '! Ihit exampln he regard itrticine. Ifnot amu-in;-. Mace wr roll.d ' ?' "'i'1 '"""'V IMMi.fa 11aliunshr.l1 a inherheavviarriage. w.tl, liubdi ,icl. I U,,n lli'itwi I spring more la aullful than men mid f't-tiueii. from h r d.a.r f.r ."' '''h ghiw-.! h'c his cold remalits, 11 sk.tt is. IiA.ii r t.li at tit it rali ' mn aii.l f 'lul ni'irniiio s-lioppiiiuriuuriiiii, i-iIiiil' ev. er i.ii.ioii.iMi. ato r. an I nuiliii.'r in ll.e 1 -tv i one In, w mil ,iiiclne n rich .Im'nI u i ;i. i .tin r a wiIimM, ill. .Ir. si; In ru a '. .tol.f.il p. li'iine llcre a in wly li.iia.r;. I li'ii'l. '-.. 1 l.ie mant.ll.i, b! ... ! scarf, or Mi 1 silk n Iwt f.r a cbnk lor Hie np.'.runci.u.g co-i weatner. All llietc purcliavi were tuuiMcl into llm nn.li, aii'l nimbi, d 011 lb" wifa when the rcnclnil lioiii" nt two o'clock. A pr.tly i"r.int t;irl tic 11 npp.irid, and was lliui n"- .tt. .1 "lb'li. whcre'i niy lirnlil Nothing prcpir. 1 in in ' I'm Kniw I n'.nnvi bu.'ii ji:, or .111 iitsierpiiir, urn itut l.r.'.i'l, urn M lilcki'ii mida L'laii of llill'i Sciti li ale li.r in) li inch (wi- re. nieiiilk r when u k.,trc rib iiiid kiowt I mi 1 .11 f.r iluuier w.-ro .- .inidere.l .piii. a 'tr nt') mil u.w I 11.11 lift to Ktiirti.. Mi Oiilii' Mm lii.kil" hi," ere.i.i..l with Inn-pi 1 ii-.otiipliti' pr..f im-1 1 lob ml) jerking it... le 11. I lie cool, ran up iu a . hurrv, her luiL'cri cnvnn.l 1 .. r.i 1 .. , ' n.wi nuiigu, a.nl w.nin. I will " Am I to Mart.- urn-nig )uii ! li I lilt tientineiit fi.r n lady f lo.11l.out your l.u , o , I. !. to' Mm "ii j 1 oi'i tiurge tnuuii. loin: tori, nm ! nil. lo .Mri. I.r.en , ninl t.-ll hci I -. 11. . . 1. at . ... II. ia. I.. ... ...la.iT...l 'ii ".st.o 1u1.11.iKiu.il ir.-....ii;t not iiiaKn litem in tlrnng. Krllglon ii h'lrl.Uibiu.l ii.pii.l,nnH;iiiiie hull ulnilote; luti, to ti.id, luirloiniin. mnu nude hi, upiH-nrnuce. A, , , -- - ''.S.. you bateciine, Kir!" a!d the wife ' 0-"A cluin.-.ey Imi b.-i n built near II .1. I li .11 ,, ii .1... !,,,.. ...ol. ,i.; I 'uu leu fei t lih'i.-r than I tin Hunker Hill ,ei,i. Nut u mouthful niiinc hr.-nkfait !" I .. aai at a a. . info umii ui ityaier suiip f - . Oyster noun ' How vulanr I" 11 Well, linn, nn) thing you iiiight fan. cy. Why, bleu mo you bate liecn almp. ping ! What's hero ? Shntvl, veltcl, -ilk, why, my love, wo liatu nil lliesc ihiugi ul our store. Where did you iiiri-iuu them 7 "At Kluwurt's, lu bo kiiro." "Why inv lute," coutiiiuid Iho Inn. hand, "I wild l.lui llicio terv u.Kali.l.y tlio case, and y.nt ci.ul.l luitu had nn) tiling .,, ,, iai,, m .', per ci ul nduclion from nui tluic." . ..,,r !.. ,,,.l... .1. II. in,. il.,,.t 'I...I I 'till... .I.muinluc PliUt.itliNUl:luV;Vl,l''',i''''l,I''"''J MW. ilial uatei , TiTiifi i KliUK laal.a'J I'ialoa ftraim .Vaaiarl HaaraMaa I .an .1 nUnritiJ 'J , H'm llUm It"' !! ( fl flalllll.l ,m ye. f l,,l, Tr. r J' l .Skill, !) ff.lrrf 1144 t afoafirtr lttnttt ftriitf lif((V 'WMi."'' J h' flilluu'' tun u nmitltiu In ilili.ii.ii iitii'iiiiirnrtalilii. Thli la nut whav .. ruivi' lo Ihi u "ell ivncriiuil uiarrlaOi ( Suwlnji Tiiiki, you mutt .Mftol thlMgb' llW worW ud meet rw mortlbtl UgtmA mhth Mlttwr ii ea nor aliqrc aliall lit inclaor nloiloi fall uiKm llni wari'lprer'a Ayo ; wiin th Aincrfcan aliall paaa through the world, worao tlian an orphan, man without a country I Mutt I fiver bo oondrmnnl JO frrl tli.it thvnallflnal alruoturo lo which I ilwcll la not llm ono which wai Luilt ly the nKHtlra of American frmlnm, and icimntnl liy.thoblooiloflla Martrraj not the nno of wliloli Waahliislon laid tba cor. imr atiui", of which Irlutraon and' Mdi. aoiiunrr auioii the chief archltaola J Mot llm our uliiuli waa Illuminated by the uiulniii of a Marshall, and echoed the , ''"' ""'"r"' "llll, "' 'I " Mounl X1..11 of our Am-. lean lararl, ita magnlfl. cent nuar giean.iug ttmiugn clo.lili 01 pa. triotio iiiueuae, nnd the hcavrn-anklndled tire of frvidoui burning forever upon Ita aliriue : no not lhi temple, but aonm hum. bin edifice, without an altar or priest, like that in whleli llm diacontoUlo Jaw mniirna hia loit Jomaalent, nnd, hanging l.ia harp upon Iho willowi, exclalmi, How ran I ting the Lord'a aong In a t range land!" And mutt I not only (M up my portion in" the Rag and history of niy country, hut must I yield my InlaraaJ In any of the omwcralM troll of tblaUav ed repnbliu I Must I attrid on Brnktr'a. 1 1 all and on Islington Md be known M foroigner I Must the man of lb Nafta) prea the sclof MonntVnMtMiwra. fully exclaim, This (1 M leaftf m country I" Mmt tht world rillMilih In. only rallying twdrfrrlinaMlilr A AToicvriMfraitasWmialMMaai of tJjr.H "TakeiWjfwTTfYortfirsou only cily of refuge I" I'rom dungeon vnulti and from the stbea of holy martyra romei a cry: uoiiroy 'not mo only home of religious lllxrty ! I'rom Iho ru. 1 1111 oi aneietil republics, inpptnf holy noet .1 wniiuug 1. mi 011 every nreenv irtm 1"' "' " "'. 10" -p.... 1 ui "I-" ;..-.......,.-...,.. ..... ly, thoie l.rigbleM at.geli nl tint throna of 1,'ial, will ibteeii'l to hral tlio wounds of an allluled land. ArinTloN, V. ao.uelimea meet will. iiicii who mem lo lliuik that nuv inilulv. enco in an air.Ttlonnlu fe.-ling it a weak. lien. They will return from a journey and greet their fainiliea with a distant dig. uily, and tnovo among ihoir children will, the cold and lofty splendor of an iceberg, ju.ni.m, Itil l.y lit broken fragment!. There n lnnlly n more unnatural sight .111 earth, than oun of ihuto faiuiliit Willi. out u bear). A fattier had heller exlln guish a lrn'ic)ii than lake nwny hit !..in. 'l.,,. 1I1.11 l,.i eonrl,.n,....l il,n ptyi t,t" frien.iil.it., nn.l allies rivnipalliy ,',, iiiK-cliuii, would not ralher i'ite all tlmt is lioautiful iu nature's M-euery, thnu be robin d uf llm hidden tri-naiiru uf hii hei.il Chcriah, then, yum bean's he .tile, iion.tilfuhto in the wiirm and guih mg cinutiont of filial, i.niculal and Irnter. . . .. . inn lot... iiiIiik 11 not 11 niiikueii. l,o.I ii hue. leivo (iod, eicrilH.dy, mnl etc. rttbiug that it lotclt . 'i'eni li tour .-hi ui, ii in l'ie ; iu low llio toie, inn roiuu ; I.i live llu-ir p.irculi; tnlntellulr I tod. I.i I II bi-lbe uTinli... I, ,!.,,.. I i,r .l,,.lr.l,,,,,. dr. 11 In Ion-; In lotc tlio toie, tbo robin I .a a. a. . -V"""""-'"'- II" l-!lsl HTM) feet j lis shape iK-iaoonnl, nud ill diameter nl i':: huso U.i feel, Il hi longito the New Hug. laud (ilaii Company nl Kail I 'aiuhridgc, nud is intended to carry nil' nil the riiuikn thai c-r.i.u-H from nil their fa. lories, Il was built by Mr. II. W. I'rall, and cunlniiiil hiiii.iiiiii l.rickH iin.i mil cubiu yanh uf gruiiilu. A )(H8t WORTH Itl.l'CATINU. The fill. lowing imlitie I (niM wai drunk nt n th uf July celebration in Sotn'i Caiuliun, by (i. Klnnard "IV.aci; ami. I'i.kiiv ..,.. in u, ttf ri, .,,,1 ,,v i.. n- ,.,.1,1. Hal-y m ilmnadlouiiilapiiliy mfr tmockit, r.'ll'e... Ilia ilwtl a.i.l foear iiillia banal. , V. . ,! '", ' n,K!i;lit'l,K"1'". hilolh.it of II. ha. tap.. rallou i.r . r. Ilal.lwlii'. eulogy iiponj Umi, kittl Krtllailly ,t, ,cr umrrl... Tl.P r . ..' il ....! i. .. ." ' N!oltlliill.ii Ancrilolr. will nut iay that any wl..i Imvn tin. Unit pmjH'naiiy nr nl.nliMcly Iiimi i, Inn wr know Miinn irry iililliinli. n Kiwi kll'lllr MiniO liTMilla wliu Hull n Ininiiv menial uriianlxatlun. Iliry liovnr Imlulun n iirliilanl itiiril. iiPOilulii will llliiiilratnllK'aiirav'i. LjJTwo tliilvln,; rarmxra, A. nn.l II. IiumI UriiclKliliri wlim i wlvra worn pallorua lUT'eiiarijy, imliMlry, frui.allty. nealnra. r.arli nn.l iici'ii rnarrloil alml lilUrn i - . . . . - . . pniviMl in In) a I lid he an I lu ll " I 111111I gu nl once, or luy wifn will gitu me aurh n leelure." "I really jit lib," replied II., tlmt I inuhl heai my nf'' n'ulil U1 voiira doei, for 111.' iniiiiulei, j.ill to tee how il would rioiiud, lor aim l.aa neier utli.rel a 1 r.a.kiu worn aluceour ninrri.ige." "Oh,'' kind A., "git t-yoitr wile a lua.l of crookid inc. I. and )uu will hear it, I warrant )"ti, f..r tn.tl. ing mnkei my wife rave c;.mI to tlmt." I'nnner II kept hia own vo'Hik I, and when he went to the font! to iirrimtu lui yoar'a tiljiply of maul, bo waa imeul I" 0UI eai n crookru alii k ... en. li tl.l.i ol the curie, to at to preicrie it itiliri', audio throw all ktieh tin ki in a n pnrnto pile, t.ibji ct to I1I1 unb r. Win n In- old tloek of wihk! wai cuuiuintd, hit lollecli I nil rnliri bind of thee crooked atuki nnd do. pouted iheui al hit dour, and tail nothing. When ho came to dinner the next .lay, he expected a verifieatKn of the prophcay j but tin. meal at usual wai well cooked, and in good time, and hit wife came to the laiard with her muni hcnrlirriil 1iiile, and anid nothing iidtlitn to the wood. A the w.aal watted anv, his curioaily inl anxiety iucreateil, till hit wifu one .lay saldloliirn: " Huthsnd, o.ir noal it mar ly oxhaiitled, and if )oit have any more like the last you brought me, I wiili you would get it, for it is tlio best I ever had, Il fita round the pots and kettles ao nicely." .Vitit. I'loufhmiin. Awr.sr or Mo.ir Hi. inc. .The follow. ing ia detailed account from (ialij.'iiani'a Messenger, of Ihn recent ascent of Mont Ulauo : " Wo have jeoelt eil the fillowlntr from VBbeiWpon'nVnt at Lhaniouul, rtalrd the SOth ull. (treat rieitrnient wai canted in the lown of Cliai.wu.ilx on the morning of W'rdnesdny, iho 2lh, In riuteiiirnre of lha de.arlurn of Mr. (SrrtU.ii, late .'.tl. l-'utllsers, and Mr. Itichar.lt, nl the pouti ty of Wet ford, Ireland, with a parly oftbe brava mounlalneeranfChamouuii.'forlhe purpot" of atceuding lo the suniiuit of Mouil lllanc. Crowds Assembled to wil. hen iheir start, at Iho harardmn nature .If the adventure was well known, the guides having left their wjitches and little valuables lifhind, and the two gentlemen made their wills and prepand for the worst. rcst anxiety was rtt.restnd on many a face at the little band, headed by our two countrymen, disappoaro.1 in the forest al the foot of the mountain. The ascent is always accompanied with great peril, 11 steps' have to he cut tin the slo. ping hntiks of Ice, and one of tlio largest glaciers has to In patted, where one false step rnlaili certain death, nt the tiuforlu. nalu man falls into a urvvicn of almost unknown depth, from which no human hand could rxlricato him. A ninlit has , ho pawed on the cold rock, an I spots hate to In passed where no word can be spoken lest thousands of tons of snow should In- set in motion, and hurl the parly Into eter nity, aa was iho caao soma years hack when a similar attempt was made. At 3 o clock the reiurl of cannon nt Chnuiau. tut announced thai our ndt cittiiroui uotin. Iryinen had gained the (iraud Mulcts, Iho r.s.k on which they wem to lako up their uuarlerafur Iho nbhl. The not day nil w at excitenioul ; nothing clso wai thought fin the town, Iho I-leeeie nud llretau wrru crowded with ntitloin observers. About II o'clock, tl.u fog elenriuu nwat from iho suinu.il uf the Tatbrr of the Alps, the li tt lu band were seen to bo slowly np. proacluim I" '" top, mid n few luiuiitci nl. Icr, the riijxirt of u camion iu Chainouuix niiuoiiuced llioiitnlcrtakiiig successful, Tliu I'louils, liuHuii'r,sisin iil.acured Iheui I mm n ir tieiv, un.l wo ia noiliinj more (.flbiuuiuililnlaiul half pail 7 r. M., tthsn precr.icl l.y tlio Ik'M i.iiisio rnamotiiiix nt. inlr.l nnd carried uu Iho bucks of some ciilluisl.iillo l-'ru'iuluuen, they were re. celled ut Iho Hulel do le.inlit'i with loud i beers, firing of enmnm, nud i-xprosaions ofiklight ut their safe return. Tlio guides gltr great praiao to liotli grnlleuiuii lor Ihuciailunas and coiirngodiaphiyed," I'VoirivK HtAvt: I,tf at Hktiioit. A lelegrnplilu despatch fro.n Dotrolt, dale.l Ihn nth, says " A negro hat len nrrestod to.day uu. dcr Iho now- fugitive law-, which created great excitement. Hundreds of negroes aro armed, threatening the rescue of Ihn prisoner. An examination will bo bold tomorrow. Tint slave was conducted In the jail, guarded by three companies nl Hohllcrs ; hut although n groat number of negroes and others had assembled, no res. cuo was attempted. A numlicr of brick, bats wore thrown nl tl.n Mnrilinl's car riftftc. Tho statu win coiumillrd for n week 1W furlhci -cvidi-nic." lloslon TrauUtr. ifto lvrarj. mnl iliitHlrn of A W TV 111 HID N'lUSll HI .ir. A nil !UH11lltM. .liitlr. The gretit ,inl toh'C'.iisi,b r. .1, iu r.-f er.-lne lo tl..- IiiIi.hIiii lion o v,H.nl musi. Into iM.pular rbinunlur) initiu. lion, is, lln.l llieieby you m I iu molloi. ll imglit) (tower, which alb nil), but surely in the end, will hiiuinnle, refine, nud rb into n whole i-omiuiliuly, Muile. ii one uf llm lino arts; It lh.ren.ru deals with nbstrtxt Ixuuly fiom liuilu to ii.fitiiv, ninl In,... tl... uoilil uf inatlnr tolbe world of apirili, nnd lu i;, .Miiiic Is llej great luiudmiid of cUilirntion, Whence i-uims theietra dillonsnfa reverend snt,juily ..editions quelled, cures wrought, II. tit ..',,1 iirmiua governed by the furco of song wlietne the ieKjudiiig of r.H-ki, wr.ls, nnd Irti s to lb, i l.ntpuf ( Irpbe.n win m u a II) ' wnlli uprising Ihiii, nt), ili womb r wo.k ing touches of Aioll-.'s lyre ( Theso, ll It true, aro fables; jet, tiny shadow fifth, lucalh I Ik- t. ol nllrgory, a pio found truth. 'I hey b. aut. fully pro. bum Ihn mysterious union b. Iweett music, ns an iutlruu.et.t of mail's itillntiou, nnd the ton' of man. I'luphiH ninl w no hi. u, h.gh.iiuud.'d l.iwj'u. ra of nn ol.l. u tune, understood nnd nclol uu Ibis truth, Tie sticieul nracb-j were uttered in aong. Thr lnw of the 'I'nelte Tables wire put to muslo and not by b.art at acb -! Mm. ktrel and tatage are inauiii- Innguses, COIilertlble lerilll. Musi, is allied In h' biobeat ..I'Utiiin nti "f mati'a motnl nst.ir. . Into uf thai, lole I, I I'l'linlrV lot,, of friends, W'n o the nation iu w lui b then t. ll I inn uls art' nil, mid 1 1 jni tu Ji cay ! What lengite can Irll the unutteralde en rrgiesthal reside In these I lira e engines church muile, national sin, and fireside tnebaliet at menus of informing nnd en. Urging the uujihty la-arl of a free ponpla I I.ovi.'i List Khicmt. "1'arewill, farewell," I cried "W hen I return thoii'll Im ni) biidr till then le faithful, sweet t.lieu, in silence oft I'll think of you," Theglittining tears tlrsinr.l her bright cyst hor thickening breath it choked with sighs her tongue denies her Uitoiii' sway" farewell ! I lyre myself away. "One moment stay," tho stammered out ; at iuick as thought I whrolod about. My angel, apeak ! can aught bo done to comfort thro when I am gone I I'll send 'llico specimens of art from every I'urope. an mart I'll sketch for thee each Alpine scene, liilel ihn ten where I have been. A stono rroni tsttnplon s dreadful height, shall gratify thy curious tight. I'll climb tho fiery Klna't tide to bring homo treat urea for my bride; an I oh, my life, each ship shall hear a double letter In my fair." "Ah, Urorgc," ihe wreping aug.lsaid, and on my shoulder fall In-r head ' I'or constancy, my tears are hnstagu but when you write, phase pay tho postage. (KT Parson Hrownlow, tho editor of the Kttoxville Whig, says ho Is "forll.nry Clay for I'rrildent, and if Clay should die, he would go fir the man wlr last talked with him.'' Odd I'arson, this Hrownlow. Ho belongs lo iho church militant. b'uiirilte Dntotral. I'l'xrTi'aitrv. Ah, that's the w ,rd punctuality ! did you ever see a man who wat punctual, who did not prosper In a long tun 1 We don't earn who or what hn waa IiIkIi or low, black or white, g. Iior.int or learned, sntngo or citihred wo know if ho .li, I as he agreed and was punctual in all his eu"acein'i.ts, lie proa. pered and was inoru respected than hii shiflleis, lying neighbors. Men who rouiuiriicu business should hn careful how they neglect their nhliga. lions and break their word. A person who is prompt can always be accommodated, and is thcreforo " lord over rtiothe r man's purse," as Franklin would say. Never make promises upon uncertainties. Al. lb nigh tho host men may roiintim-i fail to do m they tumid, tho case tsctcicd. iugly rare. ' He who is prompt lo fulfil his word, will ueter inilien promise when, il it nut next to n tunr.il ccrtaiuit that In- can do as ho ngrrei. If yuti would ue errd bo piiiii lual tu ihe h.nir. Itcturu b..r mwcil ui'iiey the m uu. ut ).u promised. In all things if toil are thus prompt, tie will risk you thro'lifoaf you will sua I you cannot help il. Thusu whi are prompt ill Ihoir business alr,i!rs, nn, p-n-erully su in every ih-pirtmeut of life, Vuu never knew ll.em lo be lute ul church, to tho lulls, or to l'd. A pruuiptlli'Ks iu etc. ry liiingoharai-lerikcj Iheui. May you be thus prompt. (V7"Tho New V.nk Tril.uito s.iyi; " The people of Verinoiit nro preptnug lo send a " Mamuiuth Mciunrial' loCongn-ks nud iho President in litter of UnitcrM.I I'eace, on Iho basis rrcenlly silggesletl at Iho Frankfort Pence Cotitenlioit. Here it the form copy nnd circulate ll To Me I'mliUnl of Ihe United Shift : The undersigned, Irgal voters in Ver. niont, deploriiiL' Iho evils of Waii, nud do. slrotti of Iho ndnpliou of measures leading In Ihn ticanenblo adjustment of all inter national dilllctilties, respectfully reiuest you lo propone. In all nations Iho establish, ment of n llonrd for Iho settlement of all international disputes or claims. A M.tfix u Uu, if.'!i nannrtnlit llm length of tho day and night at uuy time of llio year, uou.uo ino iiiuu tu ma aim a u slug, tvlilch gltra tho length of iho l.Iclil. atiddouMo Iho time of llio cttin0, which givca tho length of tho day. At ,. mis.. Kuii't nta.r. That noVd Hialiuii is I'Miiphle or siillicient which l.atm tin mlij'.lol it m ignoraifp, li I'lniii ; nud ll.ere mu Milam nusuinl rf lliowbdge Ins li us it wi-iiit absolutely nxdliil t ..... iii's high, st welf.tre, nnd is, ..ion .1. r , ss II 1,1 1 1 the ten. b of nil, so should .1 bo C'li.sid. i, il ns i.u indispensable part oftheldln lltl.,.1 ol Ihe Wliole p.Ople, Hitch in ltd lili-ii t i, iidiii", tt i il ...;;, nud a nt ti ll.' tic, nnd. i prop, i I, in,w,',l,,rol tl.e Scrip Int. s, is nn a. .jiiiii.ttnui e witii the erimi. uul law,, ol ib. (,"im ruin, lit uii.lt r whith w. lit, , wuh (', in-r.il i" 'priipby nnd hit Im)-, in., I, 1 s...o. i , i,i, will, our uwu pb)sicnl. i.il'lb. t.i.il, ,i.-i I moral eonttilu ti"n. 'I'll'-gi.tndi rioi i that tlmt Is call .1 1 l.u tt hdge, win, b is m, re rnte-lenrn ing ninl tt... I mjiig. ty. The child is tatd to bo I 'III, -nt. ,1 b I ill e it r tin ri cat 1 .0 I'll of ib. on.- s oniiioi, ,r iti.il that ont'i geogiaph) nnd bistort , Im eau'eu eerta ti u.linb. i of I,., ts. .,ft u w ill, .ut connection or ih pendi in h.it, fir the lime being I,, ed .I, n,mI. , in iu itn inert . iboitgh they bate li' 1 1 r l . n wi night ut all into llm uudctstandii., nor bate awakened, tu truth, one ill., it of ih, bieher faculties. 'III' I 'll ol the , ml is Jf t. by unb cul tore, ii, mil as uul" hi In-d, mid as lull' Ilk. I), lie n-lore I" til'l b.'k taluablo fruit, ic. il th, s ,nroi f i' Is bid b en com ! tultt'd t on ,,, rt m an uul n .wii toi.ei. . It is, a i if tbe bustii,.,o. u tt.-ru up;o firth and act h t . ,1 lit Ih, way a, le, oi on ill" irl'.u . f a lull wliiih lui been tru-bbu I ,wnb) ih. hod's iifmriiiiiif raid" horn , in, I tin t, wle ii the er) of hsrtest it in ar.l almti in... etpeit to r.-apaiabuii daut lelurtis nilhi uent prmideut ninl in. Ill it l ills of bis neighbors, lie forgotn that llm sumo irreti rnLle law lmhls in .in ntnlns in tnnt.-rml husbindry. What eter a man sowed,, that shall he also reap. Srickis,, m l Im 'i ItiuuTs. " II iw it it, John, tint you bring the ttag.u homo in inch n coudiiioii. ' " I broke it ilritingot. r n tliiuip." Where f" " Hack in the won.li, half a uule "r so.' "Uul why did jiiii run ngamtt tho stiiinp CmuI'I'iiI ) oil fee bow to dnto ktraiiihl I" " I did drire straight, sir, and that is tho cry reason that I drove utur it. Tl.n ttitiup was d.r. illy hi llm middlo of tho load." ' " Why then did jiiii not go round ill" lb tause, sir, the stump had no richl iu tin, no. Idle ol llio road, and I had right in it.' "Tru. , John, tho stump might not to hate been in the roi.l, but t wonder that tin were so f mlish as not tu consider that it wat there, and that it wat stronger than jour wagon." " Why, father, ill )ou think thai I am always g ing In ) u-ld up my rights ? l-'or 1 I am d, leriniued to Mick up to litem, conns what will." " Hut w hat it the me, John, of standing up to rights, when ton only get n greater wrung bt mi doing I" " I shall stand up for them at all haz ards." " Well, John, all I hate to say is this hen after you mutt furnish) our own wa-'-m." (I ir-' think," said Mrs Partington, get ting up from the breakfast table, "I will mnkca tower nud goon niliscursion. The bill mi)i, if I colli it lightly, that a party is logo o a trry plural spot, and lo mis lake a cold collection. I hope it will not ho so cold at ours for the poor, Inst Sun day; why there warn't sufficient lo buy a feed of wool for n restitute widder." And the eld lady put on her green calash. 0-V"A swindler put up nl a hotel in Hal. timore and had an eemnplice in Plula ib Iphl t I . lelegr.tpl uu lint his it lie was III. He ni.tdi arMiie. ineius i,i return, but inut get Ins go . .Is pat kid up. On r turning ! supper iiuolber dispatch Clint- that his wile was dead! He look it hadlt , the landlord p.iit.l linn, loaned him n cotisiil.-ral.l, amount of money on a hu i.fgis.ds, nu I w.i. -diddled ! An riii. to. i ;m sriMi m, Mr, (!i.l. din,'s of Ohio ih .1 r.-et nt speei h HI tho House uf Ui pi,... utniivis, dclitcied him m If ns follows : Mu, I kt.ui I here u fn e iimi.lho Itepre. kctit.itite of I'rceiniii. Th.tnk liod, 1 ro. present n , slates. I to I conscious thai I ioiiM I'lH r niy constpiicucy no creator in. suit than In t'olc lor this bill I shall not .In it. If ihe kt.ibilit) of our 1'iiion went In ilepen I uu tho passage of that bill, icon 1 .''tirii il mlh iwlian.ilmi.. 'I'he subject on which lie addrrvsed tho lliiuse whs the Texan boundary bill. 0'Oit the fashionable mode of ladies wearing twitches iu their bourns All.ni.lt our f.islii,.n.ilile W lies, No wu.iili r ii.itt' that It. tie Ito.il.l linger Altawitl liipttet- Insrii.l.. Itt.i t.iin.la Wbrre nu ona elm' tl ire plnro a liujrrr. fiir.V coinpanf of bcnetolent inditidu- nlt has iccrntlv tuirchino I a idol of ground ticnr t'lcu-laiul, Ohio, coelaliilnp two hundred nnd seventy. lite acres, with n view to making il the site of ft college, 1mitlcd the meant necessary to erect Iho mlldinir required can bo raised. Prolen. or An Malum has noceplcd the prrshleii. cy of the Institution, tvliich It to ho ton. dueled tiHiii the plnti of Dr. Wnylaud, as recants, allow mx llio ttiiililit lo select their own comji of study. S x r iJ JfJ