Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 26, 1850, Image 1

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    1 fi-3mwvm9WV KStLWml
y rtTA'.'j '
A - iWTl, J
v .VI ' ' r
' irculHurrf the NMr of EmiiIm Inkcn Hi wr''
- rA-lr
Vol, 5,
Oregon City, (0. T,,) 'ilnwday, December 26, 1850,
iiiiiijiiirii 4 mMi
mbV KT H . H Lm HI ' Hi' HKHmHC
a. m ma mt i m mi i vm mm wImir'
k B B .jM sal . B M SJMk H BjaFiS HJYFaMraj fnkFthi
rm mMKLmmm 7 adab X .m Jm lMfwi!J
r - . i X .i tu ar n n a ill i i iWiWWWI
. . .14, Z. t. (7TVj?i, . 'S1
. .
Fin III Hltrflnlw
Mr. r.ilitnr In I'linilnliig lln loir Hill
making ilonnlinun In m lllcrn ilni tin- pule
llo laiiii in Oregon, it apixn ri tn nm lli.il
Congrri, aim n llm iiin-lil'ii iiii'ni iif I ho
truly brim in tlm I niii'.l NtnlM anil
Ureal llrilaiu, mi llm lillli Juno, IhUI,
Wuring thu .,r r in llm lilln In llm
linen portion nf Oregon, M-emn In Into
Intii forgetful nf llm irii'iinl indue"
tlichta held mil In llm linutlor emigrant In
silUul I lint great iiali'iuul object, In l
llm ifniilng In llm American tiovi'iii
went an Immediate and fatunhln rlm
njiiiakinetit nf lint iliiulnl territory by
ila occupancy liy American Wilzcnn.
Thle aabjeut il wO-ms to mo I worthy
cf eloin examination every admirer of
tTrnmois'-iisrrinilOTi, lO'asetnain in
unit extent ui obligation ilia liovorinnciil
. 1 . .1 1 a 1 1 1. -.1 I
ii under lo tlman inlliieiiccil liy i a ", in:
t .1.1. at ! l. 11
... 7, i?'i t '' ?!,?' ' !" '"'
--.. hi. ..um miuniuii linn iiinin.
I'll, ineir nlatlmia litrlw' il ilti'ii mill
Mlliji'clt ilpnn tlm mill" nuiuiltiiMu la.i
lliat mivi'in tli' irkt nf innnkiii'l ; and uu
man can, in an inti'llii'iil and will rru
latrd ciiiiimuiilty, "lurn the facia niu
Itiiown, wantnnly dinrrard hirgjdifu
ti'int tn an iiiditldinl, wlmtlmr real nr mi
plied, wllhmit "really lin.iirin;: lhat imii
fideuce III lliu cuiniiiiiuily In wlilcli nil,
honnralile nmu mini n'iri', and llm cai I
ia generally reardid aiinSm nKrinnlrd
when the auluect nf decejitioii hat Ix'i 11
the ilnil'n.cllng Indigent "film rnmitry, !
whoao allilition driiiiliiU irntiulinll tin)
inire iiprrnt.
The tola I diirrgard hy tlm IjiglUli
(ioteriinieiit nf theae inenliiiiiiUi' iirinri
ilf, Inwarda llielr American cnlunim, I
1 01m nf thh leailiug cauara ithicli lid
lo llm ai'jiirution nf llm latter from tin
former, and caiwd mir uuriatnn, in tlm
formation nl llnnr neiv unvernmi nt, In
.jiioci' in inn 11.111. 1. ni nm k..i.i n ninri'
, .
pacific remedy than lhat of rrw.lulioii.
llm citizen lia ing U-cn created wiveruigu,
and the rcjireaenlulivo ll.o aertant of the
people, 'limn wc may vaMly ava wlicre
llio remidy lief.
And now I with tn call your attention
lo tlio conduct nf our ourtauli ill Cor.
During the o.7lli (ingrcu, In tbo win
ter of IRU, ilia late Dr. Linn Intro,
diced intn tbo rjonila .of (lie United
Hlatea, tbei.fcllewiait proviakw, euibod.
led in a bill attending tbi jurinlictioti
'CTTffttallcu'SttUi' olr DrcRon Tern,
lory, iko. Aic. t
" A1 U il furtkrr cnecltd, Tlul pro-.
tiainn hertafter ahall bn made by law lo
accure a giant "C "'u aerea of land In
elery while mile iiibabilant of thu Ter.
rilory of Oregon, of the age of Irt year
and upwarila, whnahlll culllialu and ilae
tlio Minn for lie cnnaeciitivu yearn, or lo
lila heira In uaau l htadcccav,
"And If il further enacted, That tn
every audi inlmbitant being a mimed
man, llicro idiall Ihi urantid 111 addilion,
ous huudrid and amy acrvi to hi a ih,
and llm like iUinlil) nfono hundred and ,
.:... ... .1... ,'..ti.... e.. 1. . 1. n. 1 '
MAljr HI.IUB 11. nil' ihiiiui ,i, im 11 .,,'
under the ago uf idchteeii yeara ho may
lino, or which may Ih Iwrn w ilbin llio lite
yean nfantiuid." f .
Tbia Illll, wlilcli panned the Seualc al
thai Roaaion, and wan laid on llm lahle in
lha Ijwor I Ion v, nn aecuiint, 11a wiinul
ledgcd, nfthoailviliuedatigonfthn treat) .
uai followed by llio pannage nl' auotlier.
in tery neatly thu anuio wordn, diiriii;;
thu 'JHth Cougreai, which wan introduced
in thu .Senato by the lion. David U. Atrli
iioii, oil thu IDtli December, 1H. Si
intent bid beoouio the (iovernment and
all tbo uilizuni of llio United Hlatei tn
take poaaeaislon of Ibe country In dinpute,
Olid liy that meant put 11 atop to the nb
Miliary uf the I'mgluli li'iiiTiiment, thai
l'reaideiil I'nlk, ill Ilia ilillliial mennae In
Congre.m, deiliia-d that to iiielion thai
(xiugrint would iillimnli ly make liberal
grault uf laud to llm hardy pioneer tn Ore.
gon, would Ihi In ipieatinu Dm integrity uf
uur Kepreaentlllven IliUoiif'rcan.
I Ilia wna rnlluweil liy llio iuiuimli il
ro,lpcllou 01 n 11111 iiiine iioimeni ll-p. ;
...u.l o..a nil. I liiiA.Ha nT il. i.o.in.a.i. .. I
! ' ?a ; 1 h 1. .iVin ,,1 ;
lo a day brlnni lha ra.ll.ent,.,., ,d l m-
treaty of the two gnieriimenin) by tlm
!.v.rwli,.l,olm maiiiriiv ,.r III in ill n.
,;v,r"''1 (! '""J"r"y "f l " ,u ",' "H .
Amtl it rrlrr rnrll. Tleil nr,,. '
,. '. , . -. .......
.lamiiM kliftll lipreuller tin imiil,. Iil luivtn
M.nnronml L-ranl to eterv white nernn...
, , f. . . ' '
malu or fenia e, otrr llm iign nf I h yearn, ,
Ihrro hundred and twenty nores nf laiid,1
mi. I in every pnrauu, main or leiiime, un.
der llio nun uf H yenra, nun hiiiidrinl and
nixty ncruauf lathi, wlmalmll havorenided
in slid territory, described in lb" lint aco.
lion nf litis not, for live noiineuiillvo years."
Immediately upon tho passage nf the
(tot bill In llm Senate. Introduced by Dr.
I.inn, the leltlenienl of Oregon by Ameri
can citizens commenced. I'lio Hon. Pe
ter II. Iluruet, now Uorernur df Califor
nia, Influenced, in w as hli comrade, by n
plritnfpatriullnm to prnmulo llio interest
of tho (jovorntnent, and In vluw of tho
f;ranl of laud proHined tu Im given, nrgaii.
zed a onmtiany of between nlll) and 11)1111
ouW, conalatlng of men, women, and e.hll.
dren, and for tlm firl time since tho crea.
tion of the world, with inch teluulcn,
crossed the Amorieau cnntiuciil in llm
slnrM of the Piii'iflc, tilth lb. hi .lisiurv
toamn ami ivagnnn. .Sliorlly iiflnr lliuirl
arrival, limy nrgnnliil n Prutini'inal
iioieriimrni wr uii'ir pron-ciiou, accurnig
In thu uruaiiiu pruvinjoumd iheir laws, llm
right, iimler curliui rnuiilalloiin, to nccu.
py iinfliiilil Oil) ncni of Ininl, l,v (.very
innln iiilialiiunl mi r tliv nc nl H yarn,
willinnl Im-iii(. niiiiri'i lnri"iilii'm il, Im
lnj( llm miiKi nf llii l.iiv iihi llm mil
I'lnl iiiiiilnn llml (,'iiiiri'H" iii inenni
din nf iimiii; il In iv ur'li'ililln mil iiiiliur
mi mIh in in uitli'iiH tiliii'li with mien.
Inli il tn iiijiirv nr ruin llirm
A fliT llm map nf llm Hill In llm (m
x llniii liy tiicli n 1 1 1 inn ) i n t unjorii),
mid u fi-w il.iyi Imfirn llm rnlifn.'lion of
llm li'iily Ixlmrn tin tttn H'mriiincnli
aliuin ini'iiti'iiiul, din sul'pctnf laiiil irunti
In Ori'on ccini tn liava Iwrn loil nlglit
nfuulil nyfrv iliyi !. c tiui Irnr flir.4
ruri'ntiy imtiic untnrci ci tint inn comu
lv ' 'n "'" " 'J n' vi ,iiu in
.1 ' . . . .1 ..1.
b.... i.a.u .. 1.1..1.. .1...., ..r .' : t
uuvMin-ir, . nrlil Olll m ITni iy lilt' H' inn
inuit iii llm -iral .lur... I..-I 111 i-xamTii..
... r.... 1... 1 . r ,1 in ...... - mii....
lin I I'll I II 1 1 T. ,III1.IU "I 'flu in.ll ! tlir itl'- .
,r't " !':. r - -
rl in ui'ii'a.rinHea.niiil the 1T1.111 wbii 1 uteri
uimi nml cullivato llm uiilinnrutnl lair,
and .ll.crwi.,. compliea with the i.rn.ia
loiin ..rtiun net, nuiuinn an immediate '
ami uu miohato light, thai the lawn nf '
" a.i
a ,
Una or im other country can interfere with.
V.'iiri! lhi law ia M.'ducin in ita opera,
tiuiij ItulTrra n Imy, nver the age of I?,
and under the ago of til yean, S'.'O acroi
id land ; Init Im uiiiat reside 011 it and cul.
tivala il four conseciititc yearn, thu do.
Syi"g him fioin under tlm protection of
ic parental rpf, contrary to atatutory
pro talon J of the Territory. ,
To the aluulo nren of lrrgon llio law i
cruelly opiiri'i.iir ill ila ik ration. It
not only tlwa one lull I ol Im claim to
the man who inav dealrn M take It. but the
"J .'- - '" " 1
1 niditioui iim w liicli he is tu g. t llm "ill !
ur, mrniito Into Ihiii aportcd with, lie
., ... ' ..n
IlllUt III limllni'lillUM'll upon l.'liat res lur ,
fur cnnneeutie yearn, nr nbaiiion il.
Thin ih'UIH tu be tlio ill'futc nl tlio.n
worthy jniing ineii who in nobly di'M'ted
thi'iiiti'lret without cuiiih nnalion 111 tlm
(i) Ht'i war for the proteiitin'i of uiirn len
.111.1 llm 1 1.' eminent. Ah nil eii'li'iu'coi
, ii, llm. I.aiireiiei ll.ill mf.uiiui
,rlt f rimipnuv coiiiiinndid bv him 111
. .'
lli.it war, of lietwi eu Till and Mil in number,
11. it more 1I1.111 threii of tin 111 were men
Willi f.iuulii n. And i"in, Mr. Ivlitor,
tlieie man injury doii" linn I'nimmituly,
nil parln i.l.uh In the tmiiig 1111J11 nfOm
hi, Ti 1 11 In'riiiiie un tn Ii rril it mil, and
have jutllen iloiin In llu' iiiurel, I think
llnkJiiKller r-li Mild be inwitlL':it.'.l by the
piiipTe, nml N-liu.nin I'.irn.ii.le.l tu (.'oil
e.ien for our nlief, both by our litiii ila
mid the 'lYrntiiita! I.egislMlurc,
M. M. M.
Foaatr t'aria. I'oia Cdcnm, (
H.cri.ilKr 13, 1 fin
Mr Hi
" Truth rrndiM In rarili , iliatl n aiin .
Tie) ilPliul )r.in i.r (.ed al lily J
ll.il rim', w t.li'it, willifn 'lllll p-oll,
Ami iliri aiiioiir Jim uenliiprn r."
Itelietiiig that theclioraelernor pi e
men nm public, pruporty, Ide-ire.witb vour
pcriii'mi'Mi, tu s'iil through the rnlmnui.
i,r,l., II fliu. Inlnr" nlMilll kiimp nf lb,, iln
1 i,i '
ingn ufour di legale 111 oiyrcnj.
I ., , ...I .1 .. 11 I 1 , a 1'ii.iru 1, r
, , ,,, ..(,. city elalm."
' " ,....,-..
" . ' . ' . I
""T,"' V!"0 '.".y: r . i .:i jt: -
uruiiti'd; iusii'iid nfiinri in 1.11.I1 i.liilJ, knmv ouctly limrlir. MuLaiighlin ituoil.
lli'iaul'jerl sreina not Inliate lit'intlioilht ' Tlm aaTtlil nf Mr. Tliuratnn that Ur.
nf hy tlm l.ito I'migtvia, The lliri-u ITe-1 Mul.aughllii liaa "worked diligently to
tl ma II1II1 "lilcli Mini inlrmlucil injiill ' hreik il)n thu nclllfincnti," in alaowltli.
i.f v. Iii Ii Mami mie or the ulher uf the , out fuimdatinn. Tlmro are score of per.
ttvn llniiai-a nf t'iigrrM, did nm rrquiro nn ill tldi valley of the early einli;rinta,
rcinleiii v mi llm mine-, and that -jf llm who ti'itlfy tn thakindnem received at tlic
riptil.ir hraiich did ii'it imii nijiiire till ' haudi of Dr. McLaughlin. And many
Illation j nnr did tin- organic proiisiom llmre are ho would doublleaa bare per.
"fOirpiii, whicli ai'i'iirvd mid n ulaicd lahcl hid it not been for Ida humano at
llm rijfht nf incilon up tn the paanone , tendon, llo helped them to ilcacend Ibe
of tliii laiv, and which had been cafujH (Columbia fed llioin, clothed them ; and
frniimd in view- of the prevlmn ocliun of now he il accuaed of " workins diligently
C"n;:f, reiiiiri'a reaidd 011 tliclnnd. Mo break down thoictilcmentil '
tmi'will perci nr, tbui, the 1 llVeta of the I I idnll notice tut oneinomof Mr.Thura
puinc of lli ii pernlri'iiia law, (if I may ( tou'a aaaerliu ia ill rrginl to llila claim.
torin part nfita feutuie.) 1 1 iibnalra Mr. Thuraton layi: " The Melhodhtl Mia.
at nmi e.'p the la rrgiilatlii4bi' right aioii fir.l took Ihia claim." Now thli Ii
"f HH,...in, I-.1I1 urn!' r tin urunic law an aitvrlion which any ono who knowa
if tie' I'nni.ioiial tJoii'rnini nt nftlm lati' 'any lliiifalwul tlio hiatory of Oregon Cfty,
I li'.i.l.invTi 1 n.11.11111 uta of Iregnii Tern i knoivato ho utterly without foundation.
ir,rt I.. ..im. i. il., rii.tii e.fn iliti.lf. m.iti ii ' (In tlio cmilrarv tlio aaid Mcthodtat Miaa-
, of Mm)i , n'Per ,,.,, in '" 5 Mffiflhw
lirnlM.rtv i,, r nlwut ()rrinn ('ilv nor do ' i "r'rri nai a loimmi en 01 inrre
l'rnl" "X "' "r "l)"1 l '"V1" ") '" ,l" ho iipp.inleil to corrcnpoiul with peraonn,
I ever expect to ; bill I nm liillnem-ed by ui ', cmmiind ineetingn along tho lino
Minting nl n I'i'tlnii kind, wile i nre: the1.. e. 1 1 i i.. ...'...."... .i..V..... ...i
-" -:- . ....... ......
venerniioii i leei mr ism ruurru proisi pica
. .1 1 ... .1. 1 .1.- : .t,1. ...
'nf initli nti.1 uikltfti ..rtiitl llirt innrlihivt
V.. " ";' .' ... V. ..'.i..." ...... ...i ' .. .
II HI I iri'l lit B-l'IHU till' IV MUHIMirs ll"l
, n,! um i,ignlv trampled
lln,I.,r eM,
I'll to tlm time of writlnir Ida celebrated
"Idler In thu iiirmlx'ri uf the Homo of
Reprcninlnilvcn," I, in enmiiion with n
largn portion of tlio peoplo here, wan led
tn ml mire tho ability, the rcn'l, mid Indus
try, with which Mr. Th'irlnii conducted
the business uf this Territory. Rut iu thiit
purlion of said letter, where he ajieakt o(J
inn uregon tuiy claim, I iiuiik no imn
plnecd liluwolf in tho position of tho old
row, who, after giving n linn pail id milk,
kicked it all over. Willi tho dl.potal or
said ulaim as contonipliled In tho bill, I
huvc no faiill In find ; hut with tho moana
employed by Mr. Thuraton lo vll'vcl that
end, 1 do find muat terinus Tault.
Hunin nf thoso I will notice, dpeakiug
uf Dr. Mcl.auglilin, liosuys: "11011111 re
tiers tn tttn 111 j liilciilmut Iu become nn
) uurii.iii lit'-en" N w I .1 ,cit 'hit
Mr. Thurston knetr, prevlnui to the rlrc.
lion, llm Dr. Mcl.iuglilln had filed lilt
i iiiicinion. i iieani linn ill in lump
I ipeeth, al llio City Hold, lint ho'.exprcl.
I ed bin (llm. Doctor ) vote. At llio elec
lion I liniMMicd to U onn of I lie Judgei
Dr. Maljitiiiiiliii cariM up In votn 1 lha
nui nli'iii wa ankril liy my Mil f, if lie lud
tilu.l liN Intditionii 1 Tim Clerk of the
(Jnnrt, (iur(;o f. Currv, l'v., lio n
Mluiiiliiiu near lliu winiiow, aaid tint do
hail, llu voted. Kumn lime niter lliffl
'lection, when I wan lioMinjr. tlio nftlva of
Jmlicf ol llm I Vice, II. Urrgon wily, Mr.
Tliurttnii came to me. In company tvltli a
man ivlmv name I luvn firyoilin, Jiav itifj
an nlli'ln nl already iiriinred wlilcli lia
vvlilnil anurn tn, and uincriuc-J by tin
mill ! whloli vrai dona., fislii
"cni tnn aiaUttM. UiMfCMlUIl
written a letter, or letter, to nonw I'renel
stuiuiB ii'viui in 1110 iviiliiiinn, inrci-iin
1.1 ! . 1 ..... r...i
.-1.1... ......I. ..r .1.. .. 1 11- .i! it.-
-.n. 111 nunii-nv nuniiniiaii'i iuio lur i.hii
Waaler, .Vc, A:. merely inenllnn thla
. Urciiimtnnrn to ihuiv that Mr. Thuraton
: .....--, .... .
ion never had a right to any part or aaid
t 1 . . .... f..fa..
tiaim, union jumping oonauiuiei rigm. -
In what I have aaid about Dr. Mc
l.aughlln. I bat o not apokea from inter,
atcd niolitci. I never received any fc.
. 1 1 t ..
vuralhl.han.ti. nor do IelDccl to. Hut
I am aihained of the courao of our Dele.
gale; I think it ia unbecoming the Rep.
reaeotatlvo of a magmniinoua people.
What must bo tbo feellnaa'of Dr. Mc
l.aughlln T A man whoic bead Ii whiten,
ed by tbo froataof ierbai eirhty wlntcril
Who, during that long period hia bccnjdcrcd hlm.and ai ho roae, loud cheera
litiou aulijecllo tbo Ultion under wliait 1 ont Ifd, him", witbaboulatoKjuid upon live
lias ho wbi torn. lAnd Iki, al lhat .
nm'r.fn"e declarei hia inlenllou of In-
lining a citizen of our great Republic
. O J. .. . .
I aty whit mint be hit nVlinga T and what
inum Ni tho feclinga ol all candid men
nf all men nflionoranduiignanlmily, who
1-.- I tl- ll.. . .. I !...-. 1.1
nam icun .ur. inuii.iiiFJ iciiui.
vet thit aainn llonorablo (I) Delegate in
l.is addreaa tn hia coiiatitueuts lecturca ui
iiion Religion nml Morality.
Very rcapcclfullv, yotira,
I'lntiH Ho rtd .ncfllUR.
Puriuaut to previous notice, thocitizeni
iifH.ileiii and ticinily, met nl J. I), llnou'i
store, for llio purpone of conaidering tho
practicability ofn Plank Road from Mil
iH.uikin up the valley to Albany, Uhan,
L'nifl, K-.il., waa called to the clinir, and
I V. II. N illnon appointed wcrftary.
On motion, V. II. Willwii, S. P. Urn.
'nerd, midJiintpti llolmnn, w re nppoiiucd
i couimltlei' to prepare reanliitlouj ctprca.
tile uftho Mimu of llie'mecliug.
The committee n tired, nm! nftcr n few
iiiluillen, reported the following reaolu
tlnim, which were accepted and adopted i
" llesolrnl, That, in our opinion, a
I'lnnk Road Hir general public uae, in of
far more utility Hi the pcojdnofa country,
llinu rail ruadn.
" 1V11V1' , I hat while Kail Itoailn nre
tlu'iiiMhcs .monopolies, I'lank Itoailn nrc
l.ti.l.le iKnfut nil. I Ininorlnnl In nlvlnr. rli.
ry , oppurlunliv, within I1I1 own
,,.,, of doing Ida own freighting and
' riuiIti..
I .. I f.l m... - n, I. n.. I f
" itc'gireu, 111.11 n riaiiK iionu ironi
MilwauWi ia Oiegon Citv, Rule, Cham.
.. ..' .. ...,P ....,'
. in Albany, would be a ureal .ml fnc48ff&M ""l , .S ? i"e " STJ
imh'?. rnaieni. cnniiam 1. iiv. nun nvracuso
u .M-i-!-r.hc wm..
! faiiiairt In it Cnl tirn ittnpltmr. liit llm tirnolt.
. i ni.i, m m" imei", uii i
...ph... i 1...11. . ..r . i.
""m,7"VV l,r"'"c e?run ,, micii
road : Said ineeliu
; to ho called by the
On mulon,.S. P. Ilranenl, W. II. Will.
hoii, and J, II. McClanc, wero appointed
anid cninmiUrc.
On motion " Hesnleril, That the ieo
relnrv f'rwnnl In eneh newapanor iu tho
Tornlnry, a copy of llio proceedings of
thin iiii'ciiiig, with a rciueat that they bo
W. II. WiLu.w.Hi'u'y.
Salem, Dec. 14, 18.W.
(&" A gnoil vtory is luld of u rough ea
captuin, Inn storm, who, when tlio torrl
fied nasneimeri persuaded him to petition
HenvoiiMor a cessation of tlio tempest,
preferetl tho following brief request : "Oh,
Lord I I hav'nt bftiu in tho habit of call
ing upon thee oftijli ; und if you'll alillt
the wind fioin bol'weM tu u little mure
mi I won't trouble von njMlu'"
- Mr. Dates. The New York Tribune
hia a lopfj acoouutof tho lato Seml.Cen.
leni'a'l Juilo at Vale CoUege. Tbo oc.
caalnn brought together more or the old
production nero cvcrasaemUed before,
rho numterofgueatail the tilde wan one
tkoiiMix! and twenty. five Varioui sen-
l'" - -" B";" -- -
ihetablc. Tfie ftllowlng extract will bo
orin'.ereattonianajrlenda orM. Bai,in
I MB a larva mwm mm apart a mill
tirrunnta IVAen anrJaaai atiil najtlutd madn fjlt
B. niTM MroxM roa T7I WXIT,
"Wtinrdi Sitr ,f Emfin ymlt if my."
' At Hon. Edward lUtMoCMlaaouri wai
Iprcaent, there wai no mialnUing lor whom
Ithli waa Intended. Mair were Impatient
to aco one who bad been offered and wlio
rcfuaoil o high anoulee ai bad been ten
Mihalr; He comnlieM,
remarking. Iwwev
e'r, thai he 'had high legal oulhority (Mr.
Lord), for refusinaiodoao.
Mr. Ualck ii of medium lizo, dark hair
and complexion itoopi alightly hai a
peculiar rich voice, and an rye radiant
with wit and thought.
lie aaid he waa not unuicd lo add real,
inu irtaaa mectii'Ci, but never had alood
before Mich a mail meeting ol IteaiUot
intellect. Ho wm a atraiigcr, anil had
Ihccii taken In to thu aoene which be wit.
ueawsl beforo him. Ills mino waa In.
acribeil on no inch tolumcaathe cata.
loguo uf Yale. He came from a part of
tho country whore men were looked upon
for whit they wcro worth, and for what
they could do to eonuor in tho liatlle of
llio. "ir. aaiil he, "out mere, woncv.
lr (ink w ho' n man'a father. ' If ho ia a
mat, he ia honored. Notliinu ia hereditary;
yet ho rejoice i l'bo here iu tho midtt of
aucu mi utiruuruiiiarr race ui men as inn-
cducatei forlifo s conteat, and whomalie
hai gathered around 'icr to-day. Ho call
ed Connecticut the glorious old little Com.
inonwcaltb. Tbo school. houw of the Con-
tiuent, alio aciula her aurplui export! of
intelligence, cntcrprlae and vlrttio abroad
otcr tlio world, and they reap rich re
wards. Ho aaid that out of tho MiaaUaippi
cialit milliona of peoplo drink. It rum
throush.tho wholo country, and tho pec
plo living nn it would defend tho Union of
the Mates with hearti ami anna, no war
nor policy can dct idc it. Wo want no little
roc lias; uiin a yellow spot upon it. ia
turo apeaki loudest in bor crandeat uorki,
and tho giant West apciki loudest for the
Union, ine children ol parents Iromcon
i ... , .-. . " .. , , ... . ,
minute losclher. and beforo thev know
what poliiiei mean, they know what the
firealdcs ofitheir father a fathers were.
Applauael. The North and South ccm
tohati'furcnttcii that thu West has an in
teres! in the Union. Ily.und-by, when the
INurtit nut couth threaten tu light, mc
cat w ill, as la Mimetiinci ibue with pu
uncious Imya hold them far enough upart
tu prevent strikiui:, but face to luce till
they grin each oilier Into good humor.
Laughter and applauso. Ofcoiirse,thcso
oro only cuo nr two of tho points of a
speech, which tvas received with tho moat
unbounded Mtlafacllon and applause.
I.ovr. Sickmk.s. I neter knew a man
din of iote; but I havo known a twelve
atono man godowntoniuo ilnno five, un
der a dliippolnlcdpnioii, so tliatjritty
neatly a uuarler of him may bo' slid lo
havo ieriahrd and lhat la no small" por
tion. llo hai como back to hisoldaite
subsequently; perhaps is bigger than ever:
vory likely soino new atl'ecllon Im closed
round hia heart and ribs, and made them
coinlortablo, f
(Kr If a causo be nood, the most vlo.
lent attack of Itfrneinies will not Injuro
it so much as uu lujudiciou) defence of it
liy its irieiiu
t ' w iwiniion or trw noma mm or wmn mi JHiBfliH
TtMMlr iiiTirar.
The motlrei which tmmIm tW' Mr
poiratioti or trie noma mm mi
St. Charles HoUl, Trojr, M Nm
etu, bar not t)l mom Ml M
to light. A itHiiMX wiUm
Mow, from the AIbmv Mm
by a penooal frlaad of.
t motive! which could maHMji MM MM
itcrriblo a termination of their Unt. Tmt
jivvui'i n-wiiaii iniii icw iviavaawi
9 ji.Hadl aiakl aaaai aatnhuflaal - bia alaw aaaaa ai
itu SuieifUtYiam- A. CaUwaii
has been a
only trranvl
burp, and a three year'a cnikw M
cargo, on board a nwrestasHstaia as)
dee. He arrived at New York. i
cruise, In early iriaioier. PrtvioM.a
lit. lBlInM llila .' . ' - aMatM
............ ...- -., V-- -
previous,; lie waa engage:! 10 M snamM
lolh lady wrMreiiardMrMiriotMMf
rid death with which we era all fc-Hlir.
Thero waa considerable qmbmIVisi tf tM
match, wiucu delayed tne eoMUWtllaal
J of their deairti. While abaettt la CUm.'
' and other partiof the world, (m hilfmhr
i no more, Deoamo acquainted wiib a fM
' ilcmin by the namo of Krupp, andkor
5 friends importuned br lo accept hbilwa.
rjorallo propasalof marriage, lo whicb,"at
1 length, she relo'ctintly yielded ber asaeat,
' and tbey were married, and hare hadoM
child, which died sTly:ia May, tad jus
Caldwell had sailed nearly .around toe
world, and ai be netted bU natire borea.
tbo moat prominent thought that iwelW
his uooorn, wai in oenataiT, aa m wm
pnecd, of again elajplag Ids LotaUM kaW
heart: but bo returned oalv. lo fiad the
object dearer to him' than" life, tbt U.c
another. The iron entered b bow M
windered ebouf nearly 4ntmih
bli bitter reaaoa oaaaa to bmj MiW'
solved lo ibake, it oat la.ibaWMaXMMt
be found that aba had ditirad M IM Ma I
be, the wife of another, reiiaattid u Tfcv;
tenriew. .Tbey met at Uif, M tMf
meeung Ii not to be iliiiwiii. llMTMia
of abaenca lhat m4 pMH Mty ami
them toarethar aaore MiomW. UwmmUm
than beiore ; they bmi m tMyiMM Ms;
. W ' ..''...- .. ,. ;-.
havo done at. tovera. uaMwau a Bauer
reawn at flrtt did Mt tjjew Hal to
of Uw fatnraaa ihi AiMai. aad U I
deaa would bare Baataadttv. aad liiady
dcipair e iZyti.i.-. fc tfc
loved, and maP"faod tbo ioraver aaaV
clatlom of youth came 'up before then
more frctblv al the'thoosht of a nail aatv'
aratlon. She did not wiih to lira wltlMat
him, and told him thai abo could not, aad
that it wai her determination ,(o remain
with iilm, notwithitandins ibe wti the
wife ol another. Caldwell Wai loo mi-
iicnaie ana rein 10 reain mar, ana il area
1 .-1 t .-.i' 11,. t
talked over, that they ibould meet aftsila;
Ho parfed with her lo viait hia Mmm
In Whitehall, and went on board lha ara
ning boat for Albany. .Alter lha boat
wai under way. and while be, waa walk.
Ing lha- deck1, to hU utter aatwUhmtat,
she appeared before him. The Ihoagat
al once pierced him, that lha bad Indeed
abandoned her home, and resolved, ran
ganllcsi of all tho trcmendoui conae.
quences, to share Ida fate ; and her worda
shortly corroborated what had paised,
liko lightning through hleoul. Taey
iinniediitoly proceodet to hit atate.raoaa;
and there they resolved in the face of all
llio terriblo crtcumatanoee around tbens,
to never part again. They did not part !
but arilved at Albany, and took Jodglngi
at the Delavan House, lie left her Ihere,
and made bU contemplated TtekloWbikt
ball, and returned In about ten daya, abo,
in tho moantlnic, receiving her meala In
her room, according to hU iiunealloa. In
order to avoid observation, lie relumed
and look roomi with her at lha American
Hotel, where he wrote the published let1
icr tu tho editor or the Whitehall paper
ho remained at the American aiewdayi
but tlioueht it w'ia loo piblib a pUoe." a
engaged lodgings at a btlvato honata 1st
Jay. street, where be rcmiincd about
ttcck ; then took the :s.atern cart tod
went lo Willianistown, tnd wai turprlscd
and pursued by somoone.ai he remarked
in Troy, lhat ho had n hipped two oomta.'
blei and escaped, the partiuulanot which
will toon appear, llo escaped In aone.
Imrso carniee, and nrriud at the St.
Charles Hotel, Tuesday morning, about
four o'clock. They wcro molvod lo die
with his own hand ha opened the por.
tals of eternity. Tliey both paaitd to ibe
utidlscotorod country, from whence ao
traveler has returned. Tho pifea.of
romanco can aearceiy produce a porei
lei, nr a dcacrlotion frtucht with 1Mb
startling and awful ctreunutanoea., aa
lV'liavuiou III lliv iiuiiiv vi lllia ubbnj.
8i.ioui.ab BLorBMtxT. Tbt Sliubtn.
vlllo Ohio Newi tneutloni that an, old awn
accompanied by bii itrp-dauahlir of tlah
toon, and hii itep-'aoo, and eUatiyeart,'
caino to inai ciiy a lew aayt Maoe, nar.
Inii walked forty mllea that day In our-
suit of tho alep-daughter'a huebandand
tho step-fillior'a wife, wlio had doped o.
Rother. The eloping pirtle were mt
(GT ICIopemcnt begins In diiobedianoe,
uiai which generally icrimniiei in nuicry,
up' th tell. MM WMIPJH MM, m MM
firerloua relation of Im VWt MJMl'
brtuoato pair, irlilcll dtofJajpyiM JmI
of llm myatcry that at (rat MWrMM mi
tnaayof I
fa'MH I
We haysiiii'i
Mn If aMnrw"!
arlt. , . .T
vl -
cal tr nm nl, tyialoolaVi
wUMjflHUaHHnP 1
Ml MiiMBsj
tbo caSaMal
youn tadaWMi
weak that ttMl
oat tajiac MfpOMM
joy IBM
f- '... i.rL" .j
are. aad lav
1MMI Jkwtt
ftW. rQM
jlma ,
Irish fW
iMsJly thh aHMAMfall
craea aomo faaajai
havo ImmIiH iaWs,-t
aHJLat" a I i '..: J
' "MTSJr' ( ' 'ilM
nais Ttaa isease wmm awaassMnaftr ,
Tsamarmr'i iwnfimot-m'
Wall makt battiv MMM
'thorn." '' (M'll
Aiwuhor aalbouf 'IIimm, mm
luunl. in 'I n MA ( eft -,orf
' s Peggy 1 9mff K p' ,tTx. V-i,t
owjiiMt'im )m'i
afaatwayoti"! '',.''," ".'
"Wo maim tltMtt.J
Mt tmlXs anWJl MBalil mmfmwM
le'i lalltMroaW li
"' . 11 CI '"'1