Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 19, 1850, Image 2

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THURSDAY, Hi:C. 11), li-M.
d. i. KiiNtrLr, iturua.
OCT We bar appoiutri! a additional"
agents for the Spectator, the follow ing per
tons for thoso placet respectitely :
W. II. Rees, for llutcsvillc.
RnstaT Newell, for Champocg.
Davis cV I.imvii.lk, for I.uckiamutc.
OiT A Table of tha weather, carefully
kepi, will bo fouml in another part of to.
day's paper, by a person whose punctual-
ily, In everything, cannot for a moment
bo questioned. It inav be rclicil on as
strictly correct
(Kr There it to be a Ull at the Oregon
House on Christmas evening. The whole
town arxl country, it is said, arc going to
be present. 7 hc proprietor aayi ha U
going 10 matt nw preparations, in evtry
way, suited to the occasion. Persons fond
of sueh amusement will bare a no op.
.&. ronuniljr to trip on the light fantastic toe.
OT Tenons wishing to furnish their
friends in the States with the newt, would
do well tc call at this office early ; they
will be furnished with papers in wrappers
f... OS. -, J.ttf.1. TI.M MM, fKIa ,'AMlf
vi ...v... ..v... .v -!-. .v,
renltins quito a v.irie'ly of original arti
cles. The Mail fortho State will leave
en Monday morning next.
KrThc citizens, living or. the west side
of Main street, will soon lie in the enjoy
ment of a treat in tho'way of a new tide
walk. Wo are glad to tee that the city
Fathers have an eye to their comfort.
They will certainly know how to apprc
TiioMnox would inform his
customers, and the public generally, tha:
he hat repaired the bridge leading to the
Island Mills. It can be crossed w lilt per
fect safely.
3"The Main Slrtil House has opened
out under nexv auspices. The house hat
been greatly enlarged and improx'ed.
There is a new lsildlord, a man well cal.
eulated for the business, who has taken
charge of it. Now thatour friend Moss
hat retired, i' it b-:. justice to him to tay
that tho house has becn'noted for its qui.
.tlncts amiVgood order, since our residence
in this city. Il rsnoxvyand has been en
tirely -free from dissipation and disorder ;
and we haic the assurance of the propri
etor that it will bo so conducted, in future,
as to meet tho cohTTcIchco of a discrimina.
ling and right-thinking public.
The new proprietor, Col. S. Richmond,
is a gentleman of experience in tho buii.
ness. IIo is lilting up the house in such
a manner as to add greatly to its conveni
ence and comfort.
Willamette. On a hauy xitit to this
place a few days since, wo noticed tho
skeletons of tome four or fixe buildings in
tho course of erection. Among them is a
hotel, which is being built by Mr. Adair,
n gentleman win has lately purchased
an interest in the town. A project for
building a Rail Road from ihe fujt of the
rapid to tho head of the Falls, imn foot.
Of its practicability, from our limited ex
perience in such things, we arc unable lo
say anything, and of tho success with
which it has met wo are not Informed.
tr.5 Our brier 1 Dryer will see by cast,
f, . , .1 , . .
, - the tire, not wills mcro nails dnxen into
can beat hit reports, both asto turnips and (he fellies, but they should Im fastened on
potatoes. Friend, that eflcort of i..wilh tcrewii, and with laps tightly screw,
Steamer Columbia xvas not editorial. Not
haxingyct teen tho Steamer Columbia, !",'" rP;"'n' after crossing tho moun.
xtowcro unablo togivo the jmiT tint m M'l1" anc' traxcling in llie hot sand, lo bo
laid to us. Mr. Dryer teems lo liiiinuiolmo1 w'ili hctwecn the Cascade mountains
thai tho did not come within a " feet " of .
pulling ox or iho lower point 0 ihn rapid.
Wo shall not be like the man of thn 18
feet horse.
CowiiTz ai.EAB. Jutlgo llurhy, nt the
inoullipf tho Cowlitz, raised a Turnip, this
boason, that weighed 34 pounds ; and Mr.
Ulasgow, at the .Sound, raised a Potato
that weighed i pounds. Wo haxo not set 11
either of the above, but xve rely, with con.
fidence, upon Ihu statements of tho po.wn
who communicated tho facts lo 111. The
inconxcnicnco of forwarding them to us is
the reason given why they xxcro not hand,
ed over. It is a satisfaction tn us to bo In
Iho receipt of the specimens, that xve mav
lioflble to vouch for the correctness of the
xveignt. Without nny further ado, xvo pro.
noiince, with tho explanations made, the
Cowlitz ahead in turnips, and the Sound
ahead in potatoes.
(Kr Tho splendid residence, called
Wheatland, of Iho Hon. Jas. Iluchtiitn,
xvaidettroxcd In lire on the ','flth of Sep
Hints to Ksnlgmnt.
As to the time of lea Ing Ihe Slates, xxe
uavo previously sivkon of the importance
ofaUrtlng early front the Missouri river,
in order that person may ax old difficulties
at this end ortltelr journey, xnoincr im
portant iiicjuiry arises, which we shall en
deavor to throw some lip lit upon : that i
to what kind of team i beet calculated for
the trip. I here arc xarioii opinions on
this subject, but our own opinion i, that
with proper management a good team of
horses, mule, or men will come through,
'arson accustomed to mulrs prefer them.
There is no doubt but that thei are much
hardier than horses, and arc capable of
enduring more hardships, ill treatment
ami abuse. They require less time to
feed, and njAfnucli less choice n to w li.il
Ihoy feed niton. This, in o much a grass
is exceedingly scarce in many places, or
was the lust season, is ilcen iug of coitsid.
oration. It might be proper to remark
here, '.hat much the hcaxieit part of the
road lie between l'ort Hall and the Ca
cade mountain; and to Iraxcl tlirough
the beds el sand, to bo found uitliiu I lie
two points named, weight in an animal,
(for thev become very light with the great-
est care and attention, and umfcr the most
favorable circumstances), it will bo dis
colored, isofcrent consequence. In this
rr.sixct. hones haxe a decided advantage.
Hut when wo sav horcs, xve do not wish
lobe understood as includini tinder this
- .--- . ... 0
head the little scrubs or bony MWrd hors.
es. tuch as would lie considered horses in
thnevesofasnorlsman. It s not moor.
I. .... . . P. '
Iam lna, a nortc ue tasi as a traxcicr or
racer; but a gets! walk is indispensably
necessary. A horse xxiihn long back, high
up from Iho ground, or long legged and
ganuliiiKly built, should not be selected ;
for not one horse in ten, of such a dctcrip
lion, will live to get tlirough, if lie U re
quired to perforin scrxice.
Horses should not be taken up, hy one
i. ... :...!. -: ...1 .i...t.r.. 1 :.i,.. s,tj
. , , ",, , ,
havo at least one hour more allowccj them
for gra.ing at noon. Their manner of
n, -..
feeding differs so materially from that of
both oxen and mules, that a little caution
is here deemed advisabl. to keep inexpe
rienced persons from fshiug into error as
to their wants ant necessities; that they
may proxidc in the best possible manner
to meet tho many trying exigences thai
will ariso whilst performing a journey a.
cross the plains. Horses require more
care and attention, but what is lost, as a
gcncril thing, in titno is gained in speed.
Horses should not travel to many hours in
a day. Mules and oxen aro to much alike.
hU ihrir reeding and traxclnig, that to
be acquainted with one is to knoxv the oili
er. Wc havo been thus patticuUr in
speaking of horses, that persons unac
customed to their use may not commit in
discretions during the first part of ihe jour
ney. The difficulties to be encountered the
first I (MK miles arc few in number; the
road, w ith fcxv exceptions, is as good a
could Iw desired. Wo found it compara.
lii fly easy to make nn axcrugc drixo of
25 utiles per doy fir that distance. I'cr-
forming the trip with wagons and horses
in 00 days, from the Missouri river to Ore.
gonCily, is probably thf quickest trip that
ha ever been made. It xvat made hy us
without tho loss nf titlicr man or beast,
itii'l little or no sickness.
Noperon hhotild slnrt with nn old, or f
what is generally termed, a hccond hand
wagon, t.aro thouM lw taken not only
to hate tvagons for crossing the plains '
inado of gorsl material, but they should
ho well put together. One important con.
"deration it Iho manner of fastening on,
Jed down. I he necessity or it it ill bo Pjttnd
Bni' ' "rl ,,a"' "u ,lcc,rt caution
highly necessary, that the emigrant may
not aullcr dclii) , if not toinetlimg worse, xvhnlcsaln praise. Ilecausv, ho did not
a break dixvn, and that loo, in a country think tho bill as perfiel as it might have
where repairs ara out of iho qucktion. born inado ; n to himself (imliti lually)
No calculation should be inado on ol,. Ifl was well suited, hut there were per
taining supplle at any point along iho k0n,p in found, nfter a full examination
road, r.vcry ncrson should kinrt with . ..i-i.it - , .
enough lo carry his parly through. Of,
bread stufi", IS1 Iln. lo each person i not
' .. . . I ... I
too much
inn Ih. clear liacon; ID lb. 1
driid fruit ; gallon tinegar ; i iln. suit ;
1 gaiiou pioKitt ; - n-s. rice ; -j quarts 01 Mr, .ari(.r , Ull, cntertniued the
Ileitis; rj lbs. or sugar ; .1 Ih. cfloo ; 1 Us. , ,. . . . ., , . ,,.
Ih. tea'; I gallon brandy; 1 lb, saher.tu, ' ' T li,,lel"',;,,c,cr,1 - U '"'
Such iroKalut tho proportion (,r tho '' W. and energetic, tliotigh no
thing wo xvoubl reeouuJnd. Wc leax., ' "" nlM't "'. ''ViT'1.. r .V ""'T1
the oulf.t r,r medicine and ammunition In , ?,"'' WI"A ""'i W,h" U"'A "?,?'" "'"'
the discretion of' tho emigrant, will, li,,,1"?"1' 0",r ll"'ltd spaco will not admit
single remark, that it is useles to load "r!,r K'vi,, m,"11,"" l"..c,unl r'r""'
down their teams with gun. Of that in. 1 '"VW ,""'. , V11'; . W w.cr'.' "'"
diipensablo article callml iiKce, wo xx ill nr,'1',,8'"' "J'1' ' "t '' rrw.lulini,,.
not Mcily l.o amount nccn-ary, hut it V 0, , l0 ,1H'"I"I "" w''t v could
will require, under Iho most favorable 1 ir. ti"'t fm ",e rc"""l!"'' "cy WI f""
cumstanccs, upward of comiderablo. . tuo pcakon.
Il might noi bo amiss to urge again the . TUo W,,8, New York, nl tho
great importance of making an car v . r- Vi .1 ,.
7,.., ...J ..iw, .(.. i.... ,i,.t. ....?, f'y":'ioOonxrnl!oii,ii..iiiiuti. I tint Hon.
thev may not hate to tirre them latter
. 1 ' . 1 .' . . .
1 man ni'.ir nmurai trail
IH-bttta In the ComncII.
Vhere was quite an interesting dtbate
arose in the Council on Mmxlav-Jast, in
which nearlv all the members iorgreatcr
or lest extent participated. Wo give bo-
low the substance of the more important
speeches as they occurred. The debate
was iliaraeterixcd by earnestness and
freedom of ej prcssion, though it was
courteous ami gentlemanly throughout.
The subject of the debate was the Intro.
iluetion of the " II Aih-teiusiiu: rcsoju.
tion," a they were termed, comntenda.
lory of iill Mr. Thurston's action as Del
egate in Congress. The resolutions were
Introduced b) Mr. Waynure, one of which
contained llie follow ing in substance :
" Htsohfil, Tliat we highl approve of
Iho acts ol lion. Sam I II. I huMmi, our
Deleuato to Congress, for lui iitdefatlga.
bio exertions in procuring the passage of
the Honatlon Hill : ami Tor lit uiu-eatmg
ellorts.to serxe well hi constituents, hi'
deserves eur highest praie."
Mr. Waymire led oil" in supporl-of Ids
resolutions, which were adxocatcd in hi
warmest and best stile, lie could Dot
boo why there should ho any opposition
to the resolutions as they were introduced.
I. .. .t,m.! ,,.tln onl In ... honorable
Representative hU Jutt deserts,
,. ... ....... v ........0 .
Mr. Ruck followed, in opposition to the
resolutions, and wat onnosed lo cndorslnc
-.,-,.. .. .,r !. IXI...... .l.li
' that the credit for the passage of ihn bill !
"", V- '" .,-V- ,,l: MW,..M I
i xvas due to Mr. Thurston nlone. Thai Ihe
. .
people of Oregon weregrcallx indohtcd to
Senator l.imt fnoxv dead) for much irc.
er faxors. i 1 me nasi, and thai Mr
Hcnton. too, ha cxer liecn one of Ore-
gen's moat anient supporters. Ilocon.
.sidcrtd Congress jusl npo and willing lo
do anything that might be asked within
' reason. Tho other Territories cast of the
mountains, Misessnla for instance, had
receded faxor, in llie xxay of appropna.
linns, almost equal to that nf Oregon,
Mr. Waymire replied with considerable
- , ( . . j.. -(
I , , , , , 1 .. ,1.
who had been so highly laxored hy the ,
bill, rising in opposition to tha rcvilutions'
introduced. IIo had 110 idea that such
a simple tributes of justice, duo our Dele-
uair, nuuiu invti hi. i. nu .nui;ii uis.axor-
? '
It was ungrateful, to say tho least.
... .. ... I !.. .' I- . -
Mr. McDrido rose and said in substance,
that tie wat friendly to Mr. Thurston,
but al this early day ho was unwilling to
sanction ever) thing that the Dclegato had
dono In the matter. He xvas of tho opin
ion, howcxer, that if tho matter had been
postponed until near tho close of the Ses
sion, that it might then bo considered
with nioro propriety 1 ami that ho had not
the leas; doubt but that by pursuing that
course, ample justice would be done Mr.
Thurston. Hut he was wholly opposed
to the matter, in il wholesale and relr.il
firm; and were it urgid irtv, ho would
becmiipi Hi il In veto against it.
Mr. Wu)inire rose, and said that he
was proud to s.iy that ho was the first
man to oiler his umno us n candidate, in
Folk county, for Iho Ost he now fills.
lie hid performed liis nii,ion with credit
to himself ami honor to hi country.
Mr. Ruck was of the opinion, that for
the peculiar feature of iho bill, Mr.
Thurston descrxed all the praise ; for the
tnoi obnoxious pirts, particularly. And
.that lor so Iramiii" tho hill ns to mcrec
part of the Oregon City 1 htm fir the ne
of tin" Territory, and deeding nnclulf of
it to the milliiig company, and 1 tilling elf,
the right of llmie uhu purchased lots nf
Ur. Mcl.augliliii siiitc Ihe Ith (ifMurch,
19 III; for mic Ii legislation ,, richly titer,
itid llie contempt ofcviry right-thinking
Mr. Hall roto anil cxprescd tho npin-
' . . '
ion that Us consideration now was not only
'prcmaliirc, but the rewdutionnvcre couch-
ed in too itrnng langungn in I endorsed 1
bx him. Hewn friendly to Mr. Thu rs
. ton, and might iossih!y support him in a
j re-election, though Im would not commit
Ihitnilf. Ho xvat not distend to find
fault w
xilhtho Delegate, nndxit he was
not willing to hcspntler hint xt itli hur li J
' ",c,"'1 """ ""',."" LU,"0U' cn'l"a
"euro ms itiiwiiiiiignes, to aupport wc
... ... .. ..., .. !
resoitiuons j union, 11 urgeii at mis lime,
ho would xoln against.
1 " lk,"nRlf"' "'' " "fii eundidali foi
At it annitld be.
We leant, wilh pleasure, that a memo,
rial to Cimgres ha been reported lay a
committee of the llnuwt of llt'prvaenfa.
lives, prating n modification of the Land
!, so at to render it optional wlthlhoto
who are rntilltd ton douutiouof laud up.
on compliance wilh Section four, of that
law, to olitalii a lino o uii'ir t limns ny
donalion from four tear actual residence
thereon, or by purchase at one dollar and
a quarter per acre.
There can bo no doubl but ueh a law ,
by Csmgrci. would I hmled with nnaiii
inou rejoicing. Thousand of person
would bo benefited by such nil act. and no
pcrnon would Ui nijiiriil b it.
Justice to the joung men who have la.
miiiu ioi uiv ,.,..,, ,.,.... .""" I
and who haxc Ih en lor. most in its deteuse, I
miuin. such ana, I, and no,,.,,, .,. .!
l.eg.sltixe A ..Id) I.....W "iter a word
bx wax of objection to II.
A ihe law now reads, a man and In J
bored for the iinpnixeinciil l the country
wife may oMnm n paleul loi Hill lines .1
'" X reshlmg iik.ii it in u lent l..r lour
cousecitixo liars, and culm ate a gaid
u litis fln imttK man. 1'littiiiiiki'H hixt lit tiiii
,lh a iighW. cannol hold h claim.
although the who e is plrcil under .'ulll
xalion. Iho iudustiioui incchiuuo ha
done a iiiueli lo adxance! Oregon, as the'
lariuert; io r.spnre mm ro .,.. upon m-,i
I ""."" 7 "." " ""V ' . S.., . J. " , " '
claim. Is placing lilin oul ol, litis ficiiioiii.
MO llie illsililxalliaBO io iiiii.m'.i uiin iir.cn
bnr. and Vet, he has a litglt a cl
the bounty of the guxeruiiiint as a
iMitows, us., are rniirri) oxer
. looked.
I'd publish a paper, mmter nut.st mc-
lPnriK' livu. llioir r..ul toiit In
' .1. . I...- ...i,..i' .
;rem I'l'jrri in i-nininj;
s some relief tsnllon
ed them.
Hy allow inj; a clnim.inl ol low n silos Io
I. l..-. .1 ..l: . I.I -
' I'"" .""" "H" ' ' '" """"
lisabililii'S rt'-atnsl srlliui; lots.
III short, there arc 111.111)', xerr inaiix
i;issl rravins xxlix the pruxcr of the tue
morui! shniild be graittul, and m giul
reason against it.
We haxc no doubt but the kindness and ,
liberalil) extended lo us hx (ingress, in
Iho pasiace of our law, will Ih- rnmmttcd ,
t" u bx iho iiKsliiicalioii praxed lor. 1
We nilicerelx Iioim. that the tiiemoiinl
w '" I'"' iinaiiuiKiiish and that nur ih le
caic mi ongn win mt nine in r. Hint m
hicoiitltiii'iils, lirmg
.,ru. rij f,lr a further
tiring industry.
hrm-iuti! lite iii'slirieatioti '
r xhIciii I his tin
I Wo litul no fault Willi the h legale.-
, , . i . . , , r
" tt".uM ' lijdi.li in us vtm t perfec
l."ll II. Ilimieilli Hie liillli. I. 'I". inir
, . . . . n e. , . .
onlv uhieLt is ;n haxc all beiiefili-d win.
; UMV ,.lll,.l , ,,rnlll . all.
clear that goxermitrui has t other nbji'i I
than this lo accomplish 111 tin
Wo uiidcritatid that nu examination
took place on Tuesdny last Wf ire Judg.
Strong, in relation loalligul miseotidiut
of Mr. Charles II. Kiiiiiiy. who was in
Charge of iho ship Album and her carg 1,
from the line of her sururo until she wns
sold. Il appear from llie exuleiici', tint
there had licen the grosxist 111 gleet nf llie
r mpcrty ; ami ihal many things, ns blank,
its, clothing, and pmxiMi'i, of xarmus
kinds had In ell puil'iiucd, lost or Usui hy
Kiniicx i.i pail, and in par: lo, other per
sous, ivhnm it is n t necessarx to name al
pro-cut. Th" Court ilecmiil ihe ttntti r
one of graxe imjioiianee, deserting fur
ther urn stig.itioii ; nint t?T"reiioii orili rut
Mr. Kinney to give Imnds in the sum of
ft IIIMI for his ,iiH.iirancL' at the in xt li nu
of tin" UNlru t Court 111 Lewis couutx. to
answi r In ait) iiidiuiuciil that may tin 11
ho found iigatiist Imn.
K. I'liin m.rr, I)m hinii 1 1 mr K111111 X.
A. Ifni iiMiiuk, I . S, Allium v f r the
Th" undersigni.l, pasHtigci, nn l,.,r,l
ll.n Sclmnuci " Mi n I1.111t1n.111," linni San
I laiKixo 10 tin gnu, In n hx ixpriss
iln tr entire satisfaction wilh the nttinn
HiMlaiii'iis fitriiisbcil mi Iki.hI nf the xi v
sel, In r sneitl uil'l thu loitifnrts ciii 1)1 d
Tn the Master, Cant. Frederick Morse,
they t.ll'i-r iln ir cordial thanks for bit kind
. if . 1 1
cutv on'1 "I'oitinii, cxer) 1 Hon in hi
J',' '"wH'ieiidcr illii'i cur bost'xxi'sh.H for
his fill urn stuies utitl tirnsiicrity.
MissS. A. William-, A. J. Hembne,
Wm. Harlow, .S.Cainpl II,
Wm. W. Towle. T. Iluckner,
I. Wititerlnil.
I.Ani.i: Ti'HMl's. Il xvill bo sren by
1I.0 followiii" that iittr neic'liUiru bcloxv. i.f.lhn ixolnlid intiiilry will In, f.u in ,.. ml.
Iho Oreg.miaii iitnl Hur, are enilentoriiig
, ,. 1 . . 1 ,, , Pi
to it ad. I. ,pr..li....gr.H,s...,d -,,.
Mr. Williamson, of tho llntti I'n ri
Wosliiiigloii c omit) , I. as m nt us, nl his
(urn raising, ma largcM t'.itu iiin ip we ;
(xer saw. ns nrigiii is in sniiius. 11 1
inrro 11 uny i-'rwn mu, ,-,. 11,
.mi Inl l.ini vlii.ll il iiiiC llrtaltn .Sii,l r
Js." " !- 1
I'shaw! wo can "hIioII nut one inllch I
larger. 77. II. I ladings lirmiglil n tiirnlii.
to our offien lliat weighed nil lbs., xvhieh
was raided by Milton Hale, of Linn coiiii.
ly, JJon I talk alniil your TKN iouiiiiers, I
Iricnd nchncbly, come ilowu anil xvn II
rhoxv you a TllinTV pounder. Do you (.re
utty thing green lliero ? Nnxv, then, fur
thn o Western Star." Miami Irom under,
Messrs. King A' Fuller, nf Portland,
havo !kI. at (luroflicon nolalne measuring
S!l 1-3 Inches In cire'iiiiiferaucn 0110 way,
and It! l-'i llinnthnr; weighing 3 l-'Jlhx.
'rii! wn not ihn lames! 01111 raised hv
1 !,',, I, nt was si.ler.ledVor ila lieautv and
sundry of form, Mcxsrs. K. iV i', noi
onlv iiianulai mic gool Icolh'r, but raise
'.mki politico
Ulrtlt-eiu Ylmv til Orrgoii.
Il is nur wish to make known as fully
at possible I ho oapaclly of Oregon, at re.
spec! ila agriculture, commerce and man.
ufaeture. An article front tin pi u ofT.
J. Drj cr, id thn Orcgniilitii, Is in ih t ltlf
wo waul ; wo publish il head, body, and
nclhcr extremity.
1'ivilnm und htrnlilif oflhe (lumhniitnl
tt'tlliimrtlt Kirtrt, nml the Vrmtipat
V'oieni iilmilfit i';sn Ihtm, from Ihrlr
The fidiiuihia liner enters I ho I'neilio
Ocean frntiiihe Fast, nl ttl III) N. Im
medialeU on ihe lu'llli side of llie mouth
ofllie I tier or ha), Is il high head lat)ynll
I'd Cupel tisapisiiHlmi'til, against wlilihtlie
In ax X miixis niiiii'iH'iau wiiiniieir niiiie
, , , ,,, r, ,,,., ,,, ,U1,
, ,, ,., ,,, ,- m,,,,,!
, , , , ,, ,, ,,
xenturir f.r iu- to i
".,.,,'. ,., , , ,,, , K,
In nit uux is nl thorn') an with their white
h0 ) ,,,., ,! .lilVi. nil. xillike
ul t.r .lilt'ioiil asilx sunn led
,Hi,'.U. when uiideisl.l mid alleuq.t
is . i i.- i. .t.-i
I l ' WZSLZZSu":;,': Z,
,',, ,.,, H.-ni,,! , bringing in all
'.,. ,,, t.. ,..(.,, , -?,,,
t(p (,nM, ' f
I..llllvtl0.. u ,, ro.mdnio Cre l,iii
,aiiipii, ,y i, ,.!, ,.llllr
' l" '" '- "' "'' ami.-l. lh lV
nu ','S'"rll.ijla.,n.N1lI1 , W.siwnrd
aiuitiiaiu friu,1I111.ruvi,,1l,K.l.1(;,rl1K nbav.
ail) other u )il( kiill t((. ;.,r,, lt.l V,., .a'l.
... ...i.-V It.. . ,, ,, v. v
is ctlliil ll.it.rrV ll.ix ; in,
shore nf wlui Ii 'is siiuttid
I'.icihV Cilx
nhn h appears to be wi II I.m .itr.l, nn.l sis
session iiilx.lltt.les f tiiM'i'iiiiiion l li.ll.te
ler, il alieadx has a fpin urns Until mil
m xeral "iln r Mil'-tutituil Imililiugs, nnh
many mipr neiie'tits. which ate pmgnss
ing rapidlx . I'ln am hntage 1 1 said In In'
gissl, texiTiil xi sni Is wi ii ix ing nl inn Imr
liilliehav win u we pass. .I Tin i-xihi
Irx around premtsa ueist I ciiililul pros
pect. 'I'lie hu;liliiiid i'iiii ml with a llirtf.
tx grnullt nf xahiable litnln't asfarasthe
exe cun leaih, with nit s casioii.tl iiidrtt.
latum nf Millers ..f broad extent and neb
ferlililx, iiixiling the hand nf the uilian
am! agrieiillutnlil Far m 'Im disMiue
Inihe e.isiw.i, I lonns up in tnaji'stii gran
deiir and suhliiiiilx the siuw i apt tp nf
Mount St. Ililleus, ii'ii xxlii se summit
human lo.it has net r i tr-l aiii'tn'rli ipsnex
jerwill. I the sniiihw.iril 1 1, mlrx
appears lex el and wi II mltptid to iigm ill
' kj... ... .i ,' i
, I il 1 1, i nu 1 1 ..i" . n.i'i ii nun ii'ii n nn-
, ,K.nln l(.,lr ,(,,. ,,.., ,, .,, I.,l..
1 little
wi li Ii l-llli rtain
uji-'ti Us Lr 1 11 i ixer l ImiiIih
A!Ut s, nnh s Ii.iiii the in .I. nf Ihe '
rixer, mi tin- smith biuk. p.isv, , Fmi
lirnrgi, ni ntnri.i. 1 ,owti 1 I' 1 'iisulcra
hlu s, .11 whieiithe I S tlnops ari
quarlered ; nniix nf the buildings were
appan ully new and nf gnodlisie. The
" Star Spaiighil ll.inuer," that 1 xi rglon j
nil 1 iiihlen. nl " thn tatid nf llie tie und 1
Ihe Iinine nl' the brnxe," was mnjt tieallx
Itoittint' in the bri I'e ii"ii tin' top nf a
majestic dig stall-' r I. II cm ie, pluiiled .
hy the hands nf . nligbti tied I'n 1 tm it.
I lite mile ali-ixe nu tin "nine miI,, the
Sleaincr Oregon" ilr-ppnl her urn hnr,
run up In her mist lnail, the lligot nur
I'liinu, and timl .. nati i .- I -alnl" 111 h"ti
or nf the ndinissinti ol 1 'il .mi.i.
Tins plan- is tailed nri.i the I'osl
Ollice. ('list nil I louse, f , me ln.itnl
lore; tin re are hut f. w httililiou's, hut
what tie re aie. I in;' 111 w and 1 f ui i ru
style pri pent a I11.1 .ijijh .11.1111
'ihe bax ixtind' MXer.il uuhslo llie
i.Ttit.inl. mi 1 ithi-r i.le nl whnh ihere
appears .. It .1 In .11 x gr mill ol i.ilu.ible
IiiiiIh r 1 xli iidmu tithe t 'ps ..I lb" high
lands 111 the ili't.inee 'I In- 1 titi.tiice to
the t'.luiiihi.i ii-r Irmti tin- bit IIM be
Iiiatle hv si xeral ihnimils, whieh Iniilly
im rgi into one. 'Ihe Columbia is, with
1.11I i-tKpli'ii, the ni'Hi IkiiiiiiIiiI tix.rwii
haxe . ter Milt, mid whin 1 paml with
the Mi-stssq.pt, Ohm, lluil-mi. Si, Law
nun mid Suqii 11.1. will l.irixunl
1 itln rot tin 111 in itiagiiilienic", Tim xva.
It r 1 as ihar us ihe 1 hrxslal Immtaiu
fmiii the iiiiitnitaiii upt ing", the (biiiitiel
thiti mid with-, tlmi'iirxis grailii.il ami
silbltine, I h" baiiku hi;'b mid evi 11 luinl
will, xtinnllaud, with here and there the
' rum" nf lb" pmi.ei r, who has periled
much, and miiiiifi sletl 11 ilegn n ol ii.dom.
imni'T ,n-.s"'s nam i- 1,111, ii'inn-, in ,i...ki'
)lH llim(. , t.i-t slisttniit bind. Forests nte
tn Iding In tlm nx. nf the ndn ntnrer.
"l"111'" K'""" ) her. n'fni.'triid by th. wilt
Itllhle tiersel.'iaill l" tiuly nol.le, In Hl.lkl
stixtig", or liiiiiiiiilcil Mill lv hv th" xiiltl
hensts of Ihn lorest. now modui'i'. hv I hi
application nf nidiisirx. ru li rewards In
ihi'tr (Hciipants. Tlie linlnin relteals be. ,
font the mart h nf t'ixtli.iiimi iitnl A tie n. '
'an 1 tilerpris" ; Ihn how ling wilderm ss is
fast hitiiimiig Irmtfiil lit Ids. anil ere Imr-
io 'dmauy -.rlions of oui republic ol
n fetilui) ago. ;
.,.,, ;,', ,.,. Asllli-,
1 is St.
1 1(11
i.lsiiil lid 11.1I1 s distant, Il
j, buiullfully niluiilid mi the Miiilh haul,
iu Cduiiihia, mi high iidliug gmiiiid.
wild 11 uotiiililu siliuilv n rim lit lincf male
r, al haixl lo luitHI up a luge nml II0111.
. I
isiniig inwn,
I hn pri.prn lorn nrr Mini In Im men n
Ihu moil lilieriili ntni prise, nml will atliipt ,
,(i to ihn biiiltjiiig up ami si tiling n lien .
country, (in uhiail, gcmlnim 11, xxi Impe
)our mosl kiiiiguine expectations will k
innrn Ihnii ri'itliml. Almxn S, Id Mi ns,
llnt fane housis bceomo mnrc inimcroiis,
this part of Ihn cnuuliy having been long,
ler m Mini,
Tho town of Milmn, mie milo nml a half
"'"vo Rl. I Mir n, is fust imprnxing, and
'"")' "" forwnrd ixiili conhdeneo lo 11
futtirii iiiiportance. It is well idluatcil fur
a Inwn, and surrounded by the finest ag.
riciinurai coumrx in ungnn, which Is
fast sellling, Wo arc told that llm fiat
'or bottom land, which rxcaslonally over,
' Howx, are of great, extent ami produce a.
, tuiinluiil era t loi the glaring of iimmnse
floeka and herds; Ix'sidea nll'orillug ail np.
tiorlunity of eutlliig large iualitltlea nl
Imv. From thin place, nlvi, is pnposeil
to liulM a Kallronil In l.it'ityctlu, and Ihn
Interior id Orvgon, Homo 'ill miles above
enters the Willamutla livei.a uolile stream
nlxiil half a milo in width, and navigable
fur ihu largest class of xt"wo. This river
drains a largo ami uAtcnsixc country, rich
in agricultural resources, upon whoso
bank arn situated Iho largest and moat
nourishing towns In Ihn Territory, with
cilensivn water poxvcr,and Immense uuau
lilies ofiimbrr.
Tim first liiwu ol imporlancn is Toil
liiud, In miles from Ihn junollon of Iho
Wlllaineiiuand Columbia rivers, situated
mi Ihe west bank nfjho Willamette, up
,. ,. .'' ,. ., " " .' 7, , "
-"""" ' '" '' " lw0lv miles, when
I''''; ,;1''" ';,,7l"""7to'
.I-.. "r"", heanllfulimt
disliimv ,.f 7 or M mile, to the ,.
..r i.tali.iiiilrv. which for Helmets of
ii ii innii lanii, mmi, grairxtaiiy atoemnng
nl ainl rxleiit, I'anuut bo surnasseil hv
mix iniiiitrx on thoioiilini'iit. The tim
ber is prim ihnlU a species of I'llie called
I ir, mid innkes llie I
1 lines! quality nf Inn
. '- ' -''I '" "' J'"C '" "
, I'"'!""?.1, t . e ....-i .
I lilll!tiid it a lowiinriilsiiil IMMI inhah
ilatils, and has sprung iiitorxisleiiec with
ill an incredible nlmil suu ,. nf limn. The
I liulldlns urn innsilv new, iif giswl sfyto
mid t.i-te. w lot I. w ill. llu-ii w lute 1 "all of
I'.xint. it iksIi'.I withtlir brown nnrliliiigv
iipM main ol low ns genriMlIx in1 the I 'a
1 Hit toast, gtxes il a ui,.sl hnme like ns
pei I xx e hate a steiiui saw null nln ail)
in. p. 1.1I1 hi aiiilaiiotlii'r nl-mt U'lnnerit t
ni, nswill a- n .Inuring null, innehio"
iliop. plauiii : nulls ,Vr, whieh will ml I
iiiiu b I the luqsirtaiie.' nl ihe place. The
tirri'H'it) hohli rs, lit (In tr unlit. try ami
lihoialitv, are manifesting nil earnest nf
' Ihe fnliiro'ihsliuy ill ihe plat e. The ill
hahitatils for intelligence anil moral ximili,
jam not siirpassid ht ant tun 111 I lie
Slates. Wi' baxn a Milhislisi Chuiili
(Hit inmpletid, Wlui I. en. . din. es U'ltinv
and .111111 iiii'uri" with a sillislnlillal buthi
ingiifgissl ie,alsna I'n shx teriaiiChureh
of uimh tn stle mid large iliinfin.,i'ni
Hi arlt c.llpliletl Cnillll.otl Sl'hnrilt If
.. ixe a large share nfiilteution a spAeinii
Si lusil house hasnlnadx bun built whuh
is il.nlx I1II1 I with a large iioimIn r nl li"
ttsitig oi'iioratii'ii, wb.i.i- htidiling 11.11. Is
aie being Itamtd hx tea. hem 1 onipeli lit
1 '.i the task.
I Six miles alm I' rllau I mi the 1 as'
bank nf ihe rixer is Irs atcil Milwmikii'.
I wlui h In l lair t iiipi I. with In r tti 1
towns III 1 lllerptlt.' Iltld bllstlli'ss Thetn
Is a good water j.iwer who It isimi.nh ra
hly i.iiprnxnl alriadv, mid Mist 1 1 tihle nt
still more imprnxi im lit. A hue largi
steamer, ih signed fir llie naxigali mi nf the
nn rs, is In tug built at this plate, at. d ts
lion uiidi r i Inward Mute nf I'miiel. tmn ,
we hnpn i see hi 1 111 hi r nalixe t letnriil,
aii'l i.i In r nhiiiiihint -liete.s.
Still Itirthi r up, 11 tlistancc nf sit miles,
slaHils tin beaulifiil town rnllei' I Iregnn
t'ttt, the iildisl and till lulrlx iiduutlnl In
be llie largest and Hinst business Itnxn 111
Oregon I'nrll.uiil, nllhoogli ninth tilling.
lion . lai ins an equality with her.
whither she Is 1 lltllloil lo II, I, i,i ,n nr
x,e mateiml. I reg u I'.ix it u Ih antiful
town, has one "I tin Inn si and nmsti Men
sixo water .wi.r xxn iiaxp 1 xer witmss
1 il, (lint 1 xi 1 tiling Kit liiumiil, iigiiua, or
llm In iter, N 1 I Her ll'Hiring and sun
mills nti lining 1111 ixiinnxi. i.inifs,
which in Ids imn h 10 tin mi rest nf Ih"
pl.li 1 nlld 1 iiuiitlt gelirratlt . The li.lt I
gatimi nl the met here is 111I1 rriti'lul In
f lapids lor smne I no miles .li.t.mi c, al lb"
( upper 1 tnlnf wbii It is n lull of in. lit fert
M,r iidiruUr, ptesi tiling an impregnable
barrier to the Inrtlicr progress nf tessil.
alllinitgh the rixer is haul It. be tiaxigiihle
lir.nrr IIMI nulla nlsne Ihe falls, for lite
duiiii sinl lit. r sti'iitin'is.
On the cpsiti snle nl ll,e titer is a
t"n nl ('"iisiiler.ildf liiiirlniiei', lallnl
liiiuM'iiv, nllbmigli 11 1 as larg" as Ore
'K"iifily, 11 h.isllmfat ililiesuml ele tils,
wilh prnj-r dm Inpiiienls, tiibccniiicii ri-
! I'Mleeii nub t further up is nlownnf
miisnb r.ihlo Irad", and w. li loeatnl. cull.
e. Chatiipoeg, whieh is inn iniiiiili d by n
gis. Ihritltig ngrieiillural inuiitrt, timl
bids lair tn beeniiit' 11 place id cousiilerablo
inqsirlaiK c.
Sal. m .nines next ill milcr, wlntli 11
will hit lllnl nil Ihe i-nsl side nf ihe Wll
Inou lie, smne In nubs iil.in, I'tirllaiiil,
stiii g :i or lint mhahiluiil'i. At this
plate is hi .Hid n Si miliary nf ninth int.
IH11I11111'", whit h is uiidi r ihn i are nf the
Methodist Musmiiar) Sucu ly. Mini is doing
mui li 111 th" thssi Hiiiinti"ii nl h anting, wi
ii.ip"iili.iillnllii' Well-bi tug i.fu new emm
St, ,11 us,-, h.u,t,
Marxsiill'., t 'iiieiti
111.11, mid- tetal .th. r ..w.i,,rc ,u ,.
In 11I1I1X tmi'lilimi, ur . atnl iiihiii tho
W,ll.u.l ,1, Irthula,., 1 nfl, nf
whi.li, iln re is tin 1111 n ikiiii' lin,,
1 win-, w.irlht tin ultuitmn of the utl.
miiii'ii c, wnrlht tin uiuiitmn of li
nltirer mid . .mutant.
xi nltirer mui 1 iiiigiant.
Tltn W1II111.1, tin tall, x inuiaiiisminiea
m i.ui" tiiiti mil.", , , ,,, , , 5,,
..... I i i., ..
.0 1.1 sin iirmuiii.tii" whole ol wbiult
is nt li, mid williulapled In i.giit ulliirul
j uriinli-, xt walcinl, 11 ml In ,ihy. We
inanl imihiiig inntxiog, ll.al nn 101111.
Iry (i.n presii.t greater induct ineuts in
si ill' rs I lift 1 1 ibis.
llillshnriiugli.thi'ciiuiilvscat nf Wash
uiglnil I'l.iuily, is xi. n small inwn, siiua.
Inl I units xv. rlnfl'iirllniiil, 111 Iho 1nid.1l
of one of ih" itinsi lieaiiliful ngrie iiliiiml
reginifi wn haxo exer neen, on xvlial is
called Tualatin I'lains,
Iitifayrlle, Ilia county seat of Vain Hill
t'oiiuty, is 11 largo and flourishing town nf
alsiul ts(ll) iuhabiluuls, having 11 goo. I xva.
ler power, mid oilier ndtiiuliige "which
will inakn il one of ihe must iuimrlaul
towns in Iho country lit 11 xurv short titno.
I 1 I'mpmin Cily Mttialiiil mi tho lliiipqiin
, riS' 1, tilllioiigli nut i ulliurliii" ni"io