Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 12, 1850, Image 3

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. '.
Oregon aU'ajlilMtirr.
OitkiinN Cirr, llco. 4, IBM),
llV..irfinj Mr. Harding prcenled n
icthiun in litlmlf nf llm rltlriii (if Mm!.
mi ooiinly for n Tirrltoriat Itonil from ( Ire
gnu cily In Halrm. Iliiftrrcil tu tho emu.
niitli'iitm Itnadi mul lliuliwnyi.
Mr, Matlock ollcrrcd n rcululluti In.
Mructliig lliu inimilltf oll Knaitt mul
Highway. In inutiiro inln llm expediency
f bridging llmt liiukninna rlvrr nt or mir
f lackitnini I'lly.
Mr. I lua. I j movi-il tn ninrud tlm rpvdu.
linn mi na In liiiilrn inln llm prn.ilirnhili.
IV nf bridging Bin nun nl n aiinilnr i ln
Iliiini;liniii llm lorrll.iry. Tlm munid
incut wna adopted, ninl lliu rcdutloo na '
miiiiul.-il pin.ed. I
Thurl,iu Mr Kiuu rrm-nlml u uetl
lion froiinuinlryi'llUiMniif Ihi' 'IVrnlnry, I
naklng fnr n trprnl of the rim iwr ayntrjn
railing, mill llioriiii.itmrnl ofnliiw pro
tiding fur voling Iiy Imllot. Itcfurrnl to
lliu I'ouililittrit nn l-h-i-linua.
tin innliiiii of Mr. liiluinri', llix I louv
re. .Ived il.idfiiitueuiuiulltri-uf llm whole ,
mi llm (Son iiior. mintage. After rrfur.
ring llm actrrnl arlinn of the nip.aage I
In llm nppmpriatn committer., Ilia llnuw
A roolutiiiti wao tin.apd' i,v llm Ciniii
lil mul rcimttcd In tint lloiiae, illative In
Illl, BI.IMlllllllllll III n IflMlfAIIK., IllilrMII 1
,1 ....
. ..i. .l .. , . .1 ,, m .t ,...,'
nir,ii.,rii m uie i wigrraa 01 111 uniieii
Hiale., ..11 llm mihir.l nf the Civil, war
i'IuImii ihe Ciiiiiiiultin on llm nart (if
Hie Council cimii. of Mcaarn. Mi'llriih-,
I .irkcr, and Mall. ,
On motion of Mr. King, lliu .ulijixt wni ,
laid on the talile.
M . Kiiik iiilioduccdlhi- folloninurran.
iiiiihii niiirn ivna niinpirii :
llrmtrrd. Tliat n nipaanitplM mil in llm
I ' "- -.- f) iii--ia"
Cminnl, rr'ineiliiig llm ri'inrtuf llm coin
inittiuiier nn llmCiJini' elalon.
On inilioiinfMr. Ilpndy, il wan rp.ny.
id, that llm Secretary of llm Territory he
reapei'tfully ri'iiietei In furiilah iiipira
nfall ihe law, niwoii fitu in hi. oiricp, lo
llle Jlliticlun ri'lnlliittee of tho llllia nt '
Mon u prapllcahlc.
(In tiHillcn of Mr. Klnir. llm lloue re-
M.IV..I ilMlf..,M.-t.-..nu..ll,..M,fllml,ol..
nml look up that irlinni film li ncrnir'n
meiiagr. biili n lali a tu ihe ileal!, of iho
Ijiln I'l.ial.l, m, ,.l ll... !'..il...l Uii. i...
Into Pn-aldi lit ol llm I'uitcd .Slate
Oikuioliuii of Mr. Drady, Ihe comiiu
rosr ami n ported I hut limy hnilumhr con.
.. .-------.,,. ..,.-
M.ioratu.11 that 1 trtinn of llm (.ini-riinr'.
inptajgn rpaircliiii the death uf llm Pretl
iIpiiI ofllm t'litlrd Statea, ami had adopt
il llm'f tllnwiiig rpantution
Itetnlrtil, Thai In 01,1 w ttli mir f.l
lowcilicuaof lliu l';iil('dSlaea, rileep
ly deplore llm ilraili of our I'nhlnnt, and
Inn ty olfi r our trihulu tu hi. memory.
On motion ol'Mr. King, the rrinirt wa.
Mr. Ileaily ullereil llm follnwluu IPmilu
toon, which, on uutinu of Mr. King waa
;ai.iiiitlmtab. .
llcvlre.1, .1 ihu Council bojUrmrd
that Urn llouaa refuoo loapHm the joint
4-oituutott (Jayiioo tari;iai,na t
Mr. King nioyril Ilia Mbmlng rawilu-
linn wliich H.i adnnliil. Mniiri. Mai.,
hk, King and Heady ciniviilul-d ihecoin.
. .-.fil.ll
iiiiiirr "il ihu o it urn- iiiPt
Hcioirai, iinoi ntuirii i-uncurnugiuurr
i'i - .......... -.. ......
iIh ileuih of tlm Pronleiil of Ihe
1 Him. Zachary Taylor.
Miaara. A very mid Tlm rp pre.
n iiluliiig In tin- Irtiiinlary
iinly rcfi rreil to committee
V ollereil Hie IlillilWiug leaolll
.V . I III I I
. , . Him aihiptod, Mer. I'endy
II liiim nn, I Niiiionc(.iitiliitcd the coin
Mill tl ',
AV n "i nf," Thai n cnniiiilltecof three I
npiiilnl ti ml willm rniiimlllPf on the
pint of ihu Council In ti riiille Con.
grcaanuilie Mibjpcl nfillm traiuj.oriaii.in
ol inula 111 Ihu territory.
Mr. vlnll.H'l. ollered the follow in;; rrvi.
lillnui, whiih waa ailnplcd.
iV.nri-if, That the IMilnnaml Keport
rtHof unMHpnpcr in llutT.Trn.irr Imiil.
IiimiiI MMla in tin- hall of the II e uf
u pii'i. nt.inu t lor uie purMP.. n 'il
lug llm T. 11 1 ilini nf llm Iii gi.liiHire
I.iii.ii Mr. Sl''vliiir picv'iitid u pe
till 'll fli'lil UiWi'in X Ileiilon I'oiinlV,
praying fr ihe .",tbliliiueul of llie
.'iillllly linei litldllm lncjj"ll of llie cnllutv
M'iit. Iiiferr.il to , tlm cmmiultei' on
The i.ilut iMiiuuillcc of llie two I loiiap re
purled lliu following hi
1I1 nth of Pn M.li nt'l 11. I
illiieit of llm
I'li.il nitheopiii
I Tl In-1- uuuilli 11 il U iiicvpi alia, nt.nt llm
jleiiii mul I hit lucleiiii nl n. ikoii ol Uu
y. 111, to ullciiipl lo nulke 11 public 1I1 in t 1
Mroliou ol'oiir feeliuga iipmi Ihe iH-cimion,
nml iu lieu thereof iccoiiuueiiil the 11.
iloiilii ii of tlie follow iliii rcmilutiolia
lift ,r. (. Tll.lt ill coillllliill Willi .'111
fillow-ciiirim ofllm I'niied Stale-., wc
deeply .leplorc llm dentil of Ihe bile Prcti
dent of the I'ltilcd .Sintcn, tarn. l'.iylor,
iiiiu ..ii. i- mu ti i Riiiiiuiir in oner our
ni loan wiin n like mmmiiiec apKiiiiru me ricay iiiiu mm 1 ruo neiia, are Iruugiii "- v... --,.. -...,.. , .,luwe
l.v tlm (liuncil lo uiakc luilaWi- iirrange. uiihilepp inlrrc.l, and rvincn a pnunoa '"" waaroireurreuin vraaii.i,najru3., I'u niw
. '. .... e.. ,1... r 1 1... r....t......r ..,.. .........i..r..i i.....i.i. :... The nmrnduipiil mak ne an oiiDronrlu. ' AUroMfn
1 i.iiiu..i- ... ............. iiiaiii-iiniiiiiiuiiiiii: ii.viiuuivtlliVll.iiH', - ' A, '.
.1... 1 .t...... -. 1.1 .- ..f ii.i. 'I'..,r,i,. f. .. I....I. 1 1 lion of 'J.").(I0(I fiira euitnin houae at Until. ..'""!
..i'i 1. u'ii' .a.. .....-.. i..i ..iiivii iii' iiiiu .iiii-i i.ii aii ll."" - ' p (0
tribute of rckput to tlm incuioiy ofllm lie work, imr mi evident n li Irriiiuidtinii
ilcpnrtid piilrmt and hero. iluil iiooliiliiilc hluill bcpermillcd loliallle
Hrsolnil, That . Iirn-hy lender our ibrir cll'irts. llm our i-oriKiralioti law,
sincere .vinputhiri tn bin hrreavi-d widow fomud mi n busi hiiimlile tut our Mimll
mid fninily. llt.,i coinpiiijicN, ii Inlullv ueleH for ob.
.Mr. King olTer.d the following rcsolu. jccti iifmrb vml iiiaguilinlo nn nn Inter,
lion which wan mlopled, Mosvrs. King, Oceanic Itnilroud. The fuel ihut llm enpi.
Mnlloik, llolmei., Hi. Clair mid Wnllura lul .iri-nu'ipnuicH U liiuile.l to$i.'ili(l,lliltl, ia
tonstiliiliiig tlm commilleo. f nil Milluient to nhotv llmt our l,cgiialtire
Urtolml, Thai a coinmiltce of fivo Imimuit come to tlm aid nf our cilixcus by an
nptHiiutcd luciiiiiiroa to llm propriety of amendment of llio law. A. (). Crtwrnt.
In of
lormiug u ijoiiatiiutioii lur llm slate
Oregon, mid that mid unniuiiilrii Ii
leave lo report Iiy hill or othcovi-io.
Mr. niv nut ill I hv n row uinn
which win adopted) lhal llm not oral
1...1 ..tV. fJ.i in ,. ..I ....li- J
priiiuof; ouiecu in me I erruory no iioiiiicu
llmt scaled proposal. wlir,be recelyrd un-"'
n' the Kith int. lo do ll.rjmU'r punting
In Iw Id to theluwcol LlilJor, wIki aliall
bo required In cnlar Into lunula fur I lie
faithful performance of Ilia contract.
Tho (.linlminu, Mr. Matlock, on ilia
judiciary aiibmillcd Ilia following ri-port,
which wn ndnpted I
'I'lml In llm (iliilnii of llio (-oiuiolll.-ooii
llm .'udlciary lliuy aliouhl Iw In.lruclcd In
wrilo mil mul ri'rl audi lawn nn in llulr
opinion tlm want, nf llm Territory rt.uire
ivitliiiiit regard In tlnm. Inuii heretofore
paai il.
Miiiiilliiif ('oniinllti'f oH.'oMiii'll
Jiitlia.iry Mia.rt. Puller, Mcllride,
H'iyi . .Vrnni Miiim.IIhII umlWay.
ICI until,,,, Mimim. Mellri.b-ainl Mi-a
Srul n (Internment Wnyinire arid Mil.
Itmi'li A- Ilihiemjt McKi mi mid Mil.
Account Miller ami I liiiti)ir-y.
I'.lretwnt Mrnlny mid Mall.
Mi.iry AffmriWM mil Wnyinire
l,'nAwiiril Itillt I'atkcr mid .Mullride.
.nniW i-U .,,, Mllhr.
IF ,! HII'I ,, Villi, 1,
CVmni'rf Humphrey, Parker Mid Mc
1 iHliiimi of
I'rwlin; Parker mul Mrllr
.Mr. Meulcy prdculid Ilia
n .Nllin l.lfl.i bh.I Ikiil.u. m.hi.1 u ...&..
viii.i.i.u. inniiHir) inniuii lvuhiic I 'mJ '
.. . . . ' ."
mil' ine wiiiiinem hi Mm aulliern iimila.
ry limit nfaaid coimli... ami lli,.orintlnii
l a nen ruiinlv. It,.r,.tr,,l in iln. 1
uiillep 011 cuilllliei.
Th Council cunciirrnl with llm llnu.e
renolulion nlautu In nieiiiurial'iii Coil.
K"'"'' "" tl"" auhjui if tho lran.i'irliilioii
of tho mailt iu tho Territory. Mim.
, .1 U..II.M. n...i.,i: ...1
,v.,..i..;in... ..n ,1.. ....1 ..Cil... .... ....11
1 till-' ',! MIU 1'BII Wl IIIU .(rill.i
Mr. McKran .uhmitlcd n mpuiorlal. to
the tvngrra of tho United .State, 011 Ihe
anlyrcl ufn .Marino hoapilal at lliu iihiiiiIi
ofllm Culnnium riier, I'atwil to a third
A hill iutmdiicpd hy Mr. Humphrey,
frulll llm lOllllnMlen uii emiotiei. m.rr.'n.
Wo lo llm iM-tilioua uf citizen, of Polk
county fur lhal i,iirnfa. In e.l.U'.t, tlm
county .pal nf '..Ik' cniinlv. n.e,l llm ,
Ciiuncil and la lv in tl
Mr Parker preneniod Iho memorial of J.
1...1 ,l I .1- . .1
liuinii Thoriitou ami ollmrii, praying llm
Iota 011 Orrg-ni
1 . .
' , -, 1111 11 iiiiu i" VrT I'll 't Ji 'll
City claim, lo tho purchaacra and ilmiri
hlchvaa rrferrpd to acouiiuilleii con.
of Moiim. Mcllride, Mealry' and
Mr. McKmn from cominillro uu road,
and highway a, rr-irtcd a hill for a t-rii.
turinl mini frnui On-gon City lo lh" ferry
on ihe I'iiimii river read acrnnd tim'p
and coiiuiuticd In coimnitlcvof tlm whole,'
Mr. Parker frum Judiciary coiumitlri-,
reported n hill n-spcctiiig arbitration.
reau a rcnmi I Una ami committed to com.
mitire of the whole
Mr. McKean from committee uf load.
, highway,, rf ,K,rt.d . bill to e.t.bli.l, '
a territorial road from A.lonatoiho W.I.
1 Mnond limn au.i
of Iho w hole. ;
Innmtle vnlley. Head a
commlllrd lo committee
TriifAsrerri. lUitmni.-TIm nnwi-nl
. a . r . a.
"IS, 1M ,, ,,,l inrt.iiiiii iik 1 rriiiaiirni
i niirn lire 01 inn irnua uriK-c imnmai
iiii,Mii,iii I'liM.isiii .. ..j uii, ikiii'iiui
We hail llm everli'.na of the coiiiiiuttre
nn en meat of. till further .ucce.a, un.l we
cannot loo earnestly invoke the ro opem.
lion orour ciliena in a project, the clHcS
..-..- "I" --J- -.,...- .......
of which mini U magical on the growth
und priMperity of our city.
. a
a 1.,,,., ;..,,..,.i ,..,,, i.... i.. ..r
fect.il. The title to tho right, and con.
ccninim erniiiiil l,v llm Meaienii imverii
. iiim (,r mill 11 ley llm Bli . in gov. rn.
ment now belong lo New Orlenna. Iiy
a lll.-'l ." lain 1 lilt iiniiii tiaia uirn 1 1
I of iru.i. ev.ruiril in N.w Ymk.
tlm whole grnul III fee .implaurn Iruct of
bind ilv 1. ilia wide nemv. tho Uthiuus
cvleiidinp fr mi occiiuluoceaii, n ilialatic.
ol III.'i inilia, nu.l llm cm Iiimvc liL'ht of
(manage by rntlwnv. with frr.dnui frnni
any tonageiluty or liiipiiilion of any kind
whatuvcr, hny'e been convey id by Mr.
lliirgitoua, of New York, In Mean.' Pcicr
Coiircv Jr.J.P lleiiiiuniii. I.cuiuril Mu.
ihewa, Hiniuel J I'llem, John M. Lane
y re, mid llernnnl I'iiIIoii. Then' gentle.
men are tn hold llie coureviincr iu trust
till .inrrh. H.'i.'i liiunler In ifiviMime for
the iirgiiuiulinii of n cmipany, lo which
I a
iin-y nre to irnu-iicr luelr rtghta icnu
of neatly two ycnr ill tbia nccured In our
iliena, wiiIiiii which lo otiihlbh u com.
Ii.iiiv am1 ncciirolii nurcilv the control of
mi .iitcrpriao which will divert the whole
iiileof cii-.icru, nml Culilbriu.i i iiuercn
mul travel, mul potirita rich IrciMires into
our ti rv lap.
We iiiiili-rit.iud, however, Ihnl ihe com
iiiillie ia ui n loii nlanil llm further men..
iiick now to ho Inkcn for luialcuing llm
coiuplilloli ol their work, l.icullie they
loitii no inentla of ori'nninliiiii umler nop
law., u.i thev klnnd. Nituili.-rii nfourciti.
n mu mixiom lo mth.cribc, Hud iii.bvd
we luivr never known no general feeling
n iu lerenl i-Mircmci I i,v hem n nnv mi i.
I " l t'ourcna In idny .ccond fiddlo In
'CaliforniiiP Miiaittipp'mn.
Of coumo not ; nnd un one dctirea to
have Imr. Hut what builiioas ha tlm
nave imr. nut vvnai iiii-uiidhs dan tlm
Mimiisiipplan to a.k thlt iurMio,i, when It j
vlr.unllu H.I..A.nilt. ,!.., ......... I. A.. 1. 1
" -.i-..in im. w-n(;i,Miiiuum
I''1' "aeeoml fiddle" lo the Nashville Con. .
vmlion ? Xouthroi,
CMgrewl 1
Tho cloalng accnet of Congre.a art not
without Inlore.t. ft
Woiklngltn CWrrifeaaWe Bill. I'oleht.
Wahiiinoton, Aug. art, 1860.
Nothing of moment u nfli-clf d In el.
Iliar lloiiwi r Congroii to-day.
In llm rlciinic, Mr. Ilctitou brought on
hi. " war of lliu Ixwki," willed Im protri.
iwd lal wcik. 'llm rc.olutlon lei pur.
(.liana Mr. Anrmi II. Piilm.-r'u book onlho
loiiimnr.-rfiflho lia.tcrn world, 1V0., com
lug up forcoii.i-teratlon, Mr. Ileiilon Inrik
(In-Moor and mad.ta longolap-echagalnt
II, which wni romUimca nalirical, aoma,
llmi-i iimiiaiug, nml all llm tlma pompom
and rgnti.ilcal. Mr. Ilenton won twice
inllcd in order hy Mr. I'liolpi, for wide.
Nprpml Irrelevancy, limniiiticli at Ilia Km.
pemr Paul, rufcrrcl luhy Mr. Ilonton, had
iiolhiiiff Id do with Mr. I'almf f' look.
Mr. I'mit ri'plli'd at much Ipnglli, inlm
Icking Mr, llrnl'iii'n pomjioini a
ng r. iirnw . pom,,., m u Karne..
lain, In ipndiiig Irom ancjent hooka.
i'K'illni, in trailing trim a
Mr. Ilaiitnn had alluded lo Ilia Induatrioui
Miiilrr lhal wvavcd lilt '' from tho ma.
. . ..... . . . .. .
1 .er1",l, "hiu hH own ixiwola, whila Mr.
rlmcr, ho aaid, learnpd from other man a
I ''rnliia ir niakn up lil lock.
' Mr. Iiiotp in rrply to (hit point and ial.
. Mr. liiolp in rrply lo (HI. point and tat. ,, nyniph, ' ahall not dance my ring,
7' rc'l " ,u"8 'le'C'lp'"0" f '" nrknf et, ou Lr m cllt for , ,nirfed man."
l','N,iJ,rr,',l')cHlft""l,reoncr'r,OfctiLranotmy loc, Imt Iwainota.
Ici"'"1 I'ho wholr alfalr wa ludlcrom. hfVo who your partner wat."
It ... .-
Al llanlmi , l.Ia .IntulM Hit ,.! -
"; "v " (" "" ,,..,.,.
J"1'1"1 Xotlniy. lie really cha.
llii lemper run hoi.
cool and iielf.iiMternPil,
. Il enioytd llm
imi.i hirflio had cl mi foot, highly.
Mr. l'ool,M.uiliocoiilrary,waK-rfpcllylV'!"? l'u "'" '' o -""- Bl '
Tim battle nn book." having al lant"c" ul tne cnicken two or ;nr
teriiiiiintpil, the rcolulion iu favor of llip
rcha.0 of Mr. Palmer 1 !ook waalnOef.
IllltClV iOlMMleil.
o a
Aaliliuiiii, Aiigutt
... o. ...... , .1... VI. i V. I I.I.
111 nrimic iu ..., . or. ,., i taw.., ...i
Among llm pctiiioiiT preientpil watmi"
from Myru Clark tJainc., wilow of Cien.
(ami., fur a pennon.
riiuHeiiatit at one o'clock vTe.it into lit.
ecullvr afatlon, and wlmn llio doora were
"lulled llm Senate aitioil riled.
itlvp arnlnn, and ttlmn llio doora wprc
The llo.laa .1 NMIm with I he reading
ol I 10 iniiina o yc eruuv, nuuproceeiiea
." ' ,, ' ... ,, 1 . ....
" " c-iii.l.Ti.liuii of tlm en il and diplo.
in title. Mil.
malic Mil
. ""' '
'" aininuincnl 111 imp coiumi lee 01
ll...l...l.i ,.,aL ,11 nt. hi.i.miirlal imtfii-
inrmlincnl of ihr coiumillee of,
.. .. . j,
mo ii-.i-, '""". " ..Mwj'i...r. -.
Iho-vvlmlr. inakuu "' njipropriali'm lor
"appointment"! a 1 nargelo .icorngua,
"' concurred In jein 1 iu, nays rs.
I ho amendment of the roinmilleo ap.
propnalliig 9.1(1,1100 furthn relief of tho
miriiiortoiitlio e.lurnvvaleri., lobe ill.
iK.d of through llm Secretary of Iho
l'ra.ury,watrjpctp.l yea. 03, nay. 99.
Tlm appropriation of 910,01)0 for a cut.
torn Unite at Cincinnati, wat voted down'
raa (IS, nuy. 133. I
Tim appropriation of $7,fKi0 fur placing
the ciiMoMi liouvc in Plillailclpliia In a con. I
': .....I.. 1'... -.
,l"1"" '" rcceiTO g-xxlt on drpo.lt, wat
?'"' -
amendment appropriating S0.000
" the cou.t ruction of ahuileitig for a cut. I imnortant aiallon., he haa now gone to
" ,ouu" ni1 P-nt "Iw t St: Iioult, waMf"' ""
h.:..I.,.I vaa aa Mat' flrl lla, -- - 3Sj
I "J'":"" "" ---; .
''''"" anieinliiwnt nj
rn.lniii liniiaoa n1
af PH.S Main. - V Z
I nangor, M.ic, wa.
- " n--
"r .... .w- ..-, ..-- .
- ...... , '
.le., wa. agreed lo by a voto of 04 aye.
in ")" nays.
Wamiimstun, A iic. tiOtli.
S's.satk. The 'ct Point appropria.
... .1 I I..
"on nut wa. tnKcii up, mucuueu ny a pro-
"" 'n,,uig lb" nalaric. nf profeiiaori, and
lui l ipii onterril tn n tluril ren'linir.
..,.... a a-fjie.iaatfa.BX I oaaaioal ilia
... ... . T
Tin; tfliinly land bin was then taken up.
Mr. Mann moved In miiPiul, providing for
.,.,..,, ...ti:.,,... ...J ..riJ. li-i. i..ii
H" la.ucoi iiiiiitivry lanuocri ,luuialiall
ti feceivisl In payment lor publm lan.la.no
maiicrny iiniprr-iiirii,iiiairuiii irv.
"'K the I'Hiitinii of land to the oldier'a op.
''"" The debate mi On. conliuiud
"" .. inui ui.ji.i ai ii,
iomi no. I tin; iconic went 111I0 l.xcculivc
HUM ine iirno.ui: ...la in i uoieo III
llirili'Uaiuii ol .Mr Manly a rcMdiititm
to bring Uitihic, Vc. before the llouaa for
I'bc diacuaaiou ol tl.,. Tcvi.a Ikv.i ii.l.i rr
, ,1 11 , r
hill wua rcvuiinil, when n nuinbor nf
n"ieii'lniniti vvi re iimpo-ril mid dclmicd
"'"'I n " '"'. "1"1 Kr'al cenfunu'ii,
I .1 . II
wiicii tne ni'iiMMiiijoiiriieu.
il',,,,,,.,,, ,, ,,,1,1,
on 1 ' K" . , ,
RkMTl.. Jim bill granliiig laudato
.Micluguii, to aid iu the cnnatruclion of n
cnual connecting lajko Superior mid l.akc
viiciiiyan, iu 1n1.cn up mul iieli.itnl at
tltXadu the iiuculiouof internal illlprovrr',',", ."'ol Dr. While ln been ofr.nne
nirirtrTGoTiiff -iiMiUlcntHlly louched. the bill , " " W hi the ln -f A-o.1.. If
r. yv j . ... lie hai all) ruivn etilillinff him lo itu-h nchle.
wutordcred to I rngrm.c.1 for il. third li . dam raU lie did.c1.n.le.ime!...bt,,
'Phc rlciiAle then went iiili
I'.vrcutiv e
oea.Inn, oml iibciiictilly ndjotirurd till
Ilomr.. The rcHirl of Mr. ctlnuley,
"rlilio tu llm luterr.-rciH'.' of clllcer. in
olcrtjonu under the Into hduitui.lralioii,
i u-iuumi
III, 11 H1 . "' J",,,,c""on 0I "',, known . tl,p...i,.d Ho.l.."..,Hedo1-r Mr. WILLIAM AYI11! will call upon, or
llllchlciinil ricuif.tnck lor not mnwcrill-r bo in atilm h- IS itrcaktlO nun iinilli. ami f.uieiliide am. ,ih., u, v . t m.i '.. l-.
llie illelloni put tn them.
The rnlirr day waa occupied in illicit..
hiiiL' the reMilulimi HI brluir Kilelibi A: I'.,
miil llie rcMUUUOi III urinj, IliHltli A. Li).
l-u.ro Iho bar of ihe llouao und debating
Iho lexn. Iwiiii'l.vrv iiiction. nnd tlicv ail.
jotiriied vvilhout dclillile m-llon on either
Wahiiimitiin, Aug. ailih.
Mr. MtiKriinaii'a resignation ia ptibli.hed
lllia liinriliur. Ill hit loiter lo llm Preal.
drill, dated Wasliington, Pa,, Aug. SOlli
'bonny hi. peculiar, moro40 temper tin.
miIIhIiIiii In the hurra.imcuta of oilier.
Amoui! Ibo Kcnntn confirmation, are
Ainoni! II
Henry I'. Turner, aiaiitanl treaturer at
U. I ....1. . U. ....! .!.. .1....!-. .....
utl i,-riiin , .'uiiiiiv.-, eioa-.ii, oiauici nuor. .
nay fur Ohio ; and Stvrelrcr, district at I
Itornry for Prnnsylvania.
In the V, S. Senato, on the 3Sih, the fol.
lowing resolution wa jpiiMwd
Ruohtd, That the Comm.'ttta on Piiti.
Ho Diilldlnga ho ulhqrlzdl lolnWls plan,
tccomjunlcd Uy ciil'mitPf, for Iho extcn.
Ion or the Capitol, and In allow promt,
uro of 500 for the plan which may ho n.
dopltd hy Ihe Oinnnlltps on I'uhllo llulld.
lug 1, acting jointly, of Ilia Iwohouaea of
Congrcaa, tu ha paid out of tho contingent
fund of Ida Hcnalc.
Tho New York Courier and Knquircr
ctowa an rdllmial arllclu In defenco of
Iho nothemlloa' Mndlmanla, with llili
tlotid Pa!?fl
"Honor, honor. Ihpn t nav.to liar who.
"Inga like tho atigcl whoio purity li as
ataitilcai at iho now of her own nalUe
hlll.-Hho, charily dronprll, at l.,unll.
fully, and vet at oenfly. a. llm drw of
, . . . " ..'.. . . .
hpaven In trenlut Hi. Cecelia, the Idol
of ilia rich, and In goodnpn a Si. Thcrcia,
f , -
- '
" k huU morn animation, inv dear."
whlinnrpd t.adv II. in il.. n.niln H
--.--..,., v..w. wrw ... ,.,., M.,..v HVw..,
wm w, walking languidly through a
nuadrllle. ' Do leave me to manage my
own hutlneu mamma," replied the provJ.
,cnl nyniph, ' ahall not dance my ring.
ja,rujho your pi
"v3l K....I.
, Ty-i.. ?.,.i i ,. ..i.7im,.. ',.
, " ' n,' " "'f'"" c.n"' '?
fir the Columhui market, Infurnit the
. . , .. . . . . .,
eiitckeni by .imply applying tpirittol lur.
pen inc to llio out.ido ol Iho tli
"'"" " '
iron iu.
rcc appu.
'catlwn. alwayt finding a cure
, (i l'll,irai.v la.l ilmro arri.pd nl llm
iiiiarauiina ground Mow Now York four
' Ippn pniiirant aliltia. Iiovintvnn tinnrrl fl'ifl t
I ...,.-,.-.....-...- --.
,.i,cnpr, principally irom Urcat llrll.
ain. National Intelligencer.
' &3"ln 1935 thcro were not fivo Ihou.
.ami wiitalnhni,itanlilK'twccnlkc.viicii
I Igan and the Pacific Ocean. Now thcTe
! are oter 1,1
are oter 1,000,000.
. . . ,
I ."" J" u. 1 ..::";i "P" Vl
' ,. .. , . 1 . i 1 .
Mlinl the novpr hororo understood what wa
, examination.
I '
, A Nkw ),WVMr. Fire proof llcft.
a 0 "'
I -' ui ' a
a nrocoM tioi ixen uncovered lor rcn.
A proce. hat bcrn diicovcrtd for ren
,(.rin;?B ktndaof cord
nf nil tctntlaiof rnfi!a( urirl fLru nf
t a ugl ,ai,Ic material incomhuttlhlc. Tlic
1 toct,. 1. . r,mP. ,. ,.,!.-. nr.
I.anle auiMlancra inornanii-. Tlm illu-oy.
rrrr it )r, j, u, jmMn r New Or.
M,t wno ia, (ukfn mc,,urc4 t0 ,tcuro
i,c patent right.
CTSome nuper chap oayn that grain la
treated like infant. when the bead l-.
come, heavy, it cradled and generally
it it well Mmcaeel to make ll fit for ute.
1 , So'".';runny f-"0." of D.ol.1 W.b.
Ji". although ho filled many high and
I TTh. Uli.:.. ,u...,l. .IL.I ... I....M
" '" -.. rle4 l F-P" ?
nlllm m tT II lo
Hurt In tibdmiiH iIm hit lit. mum..
. airacp, oei,iyrwr.inp upon (tllllj
b.uni nwre imm.1 bm loafut ;
nMui will, bono 1
thiMirhl, .11 wp.lll, of il.ro
friendabip. .nd Uivo aurrotind Icm
may be muiio unlil lira be clod.
AihI An(f U h.nj, h.yo crowned him.
Notice of Coptrtnenklp.
Jna.rn lluLVai u Attnaoct S. .Mi.tay,
' -." -..-.'
wvaVIMI rnirird into IVrnrtnechlp. hre
I M. Irate lo lufoon tl.p ctiirui of Salem ami
il .. Ok ., ...
.tljwniiig potuilr), that the) hate on haud a hree
ai.. 1
ug '""' "V "I'lanvT
,. I'aKuri, into I) s,
t.bl. for lh. anl. of Ihe couulry j klch v.ilt
i j ,,. nm, MOU,w, , '
. 11. II. A. 1. Iue eprued a brdnch .ttn at
Ihe im.! otfitie, h.rr ever) drocnjKiuu of comla .re
ri.nui,tl)' on h.ad.
lT'l'he hieheit priee. tiren for producp.
J.alfm. llec 9. Ie.i0-iil4 Im.
Oregon lnitltnts.
. fVW IK Winter Term of Uiioiiutiinnoa will com
1 M. niriire lire "J3lJ, to coulino eleven wreU.
, ,.,. ,i .- j .,ri ,t. i. .......
fr lliaiiHigh iii.lrncl.oii In both Ihe common .ml
Injhei br.iieliri of lorl), Ihe Hoard of .Mamcera
hale molted ta ftnUh Ihe biulJinjr coni4etrly,
lr! ,i fr'n'T'-'if' ih" ,,TTU!i.,h!i'il'
eiaT. Alra. r. II. llotl mil .Imomai intheorliool,
,.j r,,,,,, . .1.. 1. 'ii,u,. ...t v..,...,v ,
the Ur;iiiiiiii of ihe Term.
'"' i""e will Iw laujht !., Mr. Hiurteviui.
llm .vuiiltnl laa ho.
, .-.-....".... ,,...,
"p"! Iliunlniiiheolilauiednf Mr. IJie ol Ihe
lii-htutr, and t other .'are. in l.e ne.,.,U,.l.o.,l
Y.rl. III! YT. Principal
c-alrm, Dec 9. !-. u 1 :n
' -"
s S 4 S S S
iilcrnal iinprovrr4 ' i ' "hile haa been affirms
. . .. llhlllrirll f.l aal I. a tl.. I.. am. a ..( t.l.1. t
pome valuable im-era of mine i an J fraudulently
obt.tnedi aud itill rctaiua. a tarj;p amount o( mone) '
klo"i!iBe to me.
I'riKinrtur of Ihe town ot Alton.
December I'.'. l-.MI-lll.l
Orricr i.r th Si rr. or Ixniii Arr.iaa, )
OreeonCily, Pec. 9, Ir'JO.
l'.OTICK laherel.) preii, thai all Ihp country
II drc.4U miu.weot being about Ihreo hundred
""'" r" " "' Canide mouuiam., io remvrd
fl" "" ""l'"c" f " ,nJlJ1 Hx .I""1 agricul.
,,,, ,,,,,, for ,,a.,u,.of il.p Imllouai there.
fore.,!., rl, , ,,.,.. be l.va.e.1 on
laidir.cl of Und, without llio.untpf llio lieu. 1
rrnl (ivrininei. ,v.,v .- '
Si..etiiilriiileiit of Indian Alfalra, O.T.
Steamer Notice.
Till! Steamer " (tau'Htu" will le.vo
i" it al'ing a l-ilkiing, al llie hkx ol llie
Mltupidi. every Wediieodvy monilua:. at 9
o'clock, i. m. JAM. ritllST, Maater.
Oregon (My, Oct. .11, lrS0-lf
I'or Heut,
MA convenient d elllog, on the blulT, iu
Linn Cily. A carpenter woulu bo prefer
red. Inquire ut Ihla o'llce.
Neurit" St", IK'C l?'f
W)UImA.WUrarf. YrauCfthmttUnj.
Wwar BoMcakcrrTi
No. 41 Wiixhm Htuot, Wcw Yoao.
RKMIKCTrUM.Y laTmn their Cakfomla
and Umton frtnada. and otiMN akoat la
Sain Itart, lhal Umj will naalra coilgamtaU of
Id Dual, and IramaiH ! him, kjreartnleala of
drpMt, la say lawn M iba launai or ! uanaa
MalM, aad wAI mtk It InrnUMola of foado,
IwirucUd. Tlvlr rwlliiiea lo da tWa an wall
knowa, aad it will U MUadrd la with fnmvUt
and diwatph. Inaitrsapet tfireud when dVairrd.
Oran t any klodi of Uada. Wair or Mar.
litndiM, will, l rarnttd With ifl can, aad
particular HUntkm la paaklag aad laninaetv
For Ikrir aMIil la Inaaact aay lninn conn
il'd la llirm, Ihoy would nretttfullT ntit to
Mm (.. fii. A. r-
Teaaaa. faut ft C, KaaFnnMra.
- llitto, E.Oi.cwCiy.
. " . ." ft art roaawWoaa w1 ba aa
low t inrwo of any ir firm. -.
Not'inUriW, IM0-I2U
Hall Ummt
From Milton and St. lttltni to La Faytttt.
rMiiii: jr..i 1
or a HATROAO to
coaMrt Iko fannmc portioa of lAc Williawtlo
Valk-r with Iho Cotombia Kiy.r. la al iV.flh abmil
to bfl nnwdied.
Il U ntlnuted Lr eomarUat lJm Ibal Iba
work etn bo 4om for Ii0000, aod H la pramd
lo ditldo llnl oam InU om llwauad .bana of fMO
From II iiamtnw .motul et Maek alroadr la.
!, M im im ran ihattyorr
amnfemi h beta mad. for it. !
kn abroad, aad trma Iba fact lhal tyorjr aatiiHi
work can
pttlkia, il I. ronfiilratljr brkoytd lii.l IU 1
br- Hawked In Iwrlro moalht. J
'in .ubaertpliaa book, arc now anraed. aod caa
r '";."'.":" "r ..".; "n
appaV. KL lit.
1 li.. CnJby & 8miih. Milton.
. m, . it 1, (mJr. uniaa ta adj, thai lln Itr.
miDua of ihla rood oliould bo al a Mint I kit raa
0. rroraci trira Mfity iy Urgt tUu r.arj af
any f aaon aad al mny tltgt 0 Ikt rirtr, a. Iho
iJ of Uroroa havo ainady tipttoxd tbrir
wiafri upon thl. rabrL
NorrmborM, ISiO-llhf
DltaolntloN el Ceparlavenhla).
niHK connilon la buoineo. brrvlofon o.lallat'
Jl btlwrta Ibo Diibnrirnrd, bndpr tbo aamo of
KORTON DKNltlSOK.U&hdmriimtr.
hi by mutual -Moral. All thobaoiaaaaofaM Iota
Una will bo aJiiHUd, ol tho old otaad. br Z. C
Norloa, wlio ikit U aMborind la ino Iho bum tl
Ibt nnq In orturrvtiil.
A. P. UE.1.1IHOX
I'wUand, Nor. 19, I6in-I3lf
.V. II. All ynnta likliUfJ to tho tale Ami of
Norton ol utaniaoa, an c.ntd upon 10 moko Im
mcd.ale nymtol and Ihoao baTini dtrntad.
eauaai in. aamo, 10 proof uv ineni 10 ino uuorw(a
rd far adjuolmrat.
Tho undonirned ha. a larfo 1 dairab!a otack
at hi. apoclouo vVarohouto. ea tho Itpo. and will
continue tbo MERCANTILE aad COMMIX.
SJON bianco, a. utual
rorll.nd. Nov. 19, t8S0-llu
ateajailatr Uatet
For San Franelico, Cal.
Hark Aim 8ith. Drew, ., Doe. IS.
Uri( Taaariii, Mohbroev... Jaa'y I.
I7IREIUIIT and paanjo, by lh rc(alarCao,
al tbo bnml nloa
tioodt ncrired and forwarded by IM Areata at
I'urtland aBd Haa frueaco, arita aofatch aad
j m of coouna-lon.
Coa-ca at Ca . Aa
I ft.L ll "
.A, "to.
n. rra.ean.i-Qi.
' Jf'"'11"'
. For . Frv,tht
or Paaaage.
The A. J.
fat niliaa. eonwritl aad
,eoT foatcBod Ilrbj " fimma rmtoa," ,
,1S4 P3.II3 (niaa krii II.m mlA l !
ifect Mdar, and ran br koI lo oca wiiImuI tl.
jno For particular., opply lo
Nntrmbpr 2. I SiO-ISlf rotthwd.
I. O. O. F.
A LL brrlhnn of lU'l. O. O. F. who any ore
A thia notice, nn roqucatrd to meet at my of.
IIcp, In Orr-mi Cil) , on Friday, Ihe 13ih lnl, al 7
Mi. r t p.. !.. k.. !r ..I...
oVock, r. M for llio purpon of adin mearore.
preliminary lv Iho furuiaUou of a licJielu Ial.
Of Ml. llrhronUucampmeulof Putri.rtha,
eii ..'. r.m mv 01.10 w iaaw i oro.
Decembers, IBi'l-'.'lla
ji'hti.x ciii:iov:tii,
OVVlCr. at Mr. FrlerV Uan Cily. T.rro.
of orrrlce, 810 per day, or or .urveviuf a
I 3U. Kor Tuwn-a.tr, 7 J cento per lot.
N. D. IVnuu. wulUn; la eujago a .urre) or, ca
lie .cromrnoua
mojaled, .1 ahort n.m-e. by leanar vroiJ
td.loj at the cuVe cf Ihe Oieron Ste.
ail lithe 1
NoroiiWr 'JI. t -.".0-Cn.c.H
13 1 Know .Lt I
rBlllllK who tiion (lie)- one me. woulj poy
Jo. me if tliey kne. hoar much 1 need lh. I
fundi. ' Vumtui
Itresoii I'lly, otembrr 1 1, I8.(u0if
CO Look at thii. co
fBlllP. aubaenbera be,; to inform Iho public of!
. Oreaonreuerallt.tlial their HO.IT.' now
Hy rcEui.ny briwern 1'oitlainl and Oreeon Cut
nil l rial in.y arc umler llie cliarje or l'aJ. June.
tMirn. who ttiUuyevi) .lieuiionlof eichtaud
tuioaeil M
Orefpin City, Noy. II, Ip.'.O-Knr
t ........
To iwHirn!
WA.NTKD at lh Aaioria Miikll.ree rood
ria)era, lo whom l.l-eral njn tr.ll be
pten. for parliriilan, inquire of Ihe iiibacuber
oil board of the ate.mboat Columbia.
1 ,, j ,B..,, '"
Wlicro I. William Arf
Vuneouver. or .Meoarn. Probei.Smllh JkCo.,alHan
KraiirI-o, ho will hear of wmelhinf fiom Unj.
ulu f aily la hU adranl.ee.
'1, Hkl U'Uliam AyreleO New Yuk for Call.'
for,!, U"ut h"h,iiAit
1. ,,.. ihao. An. ,. r.,.-.i... i..f-. '
" il Iho above, w(il bo eoufertin a treat fator
- ana will up compcnoalcd lor hM trouble.
Perl Vancouver, November 3(1, IS-JH-CiPJ
Tho Sabocrlbcr
HAS .pir-ted Hugh Coagnvo hU Attorney
during hi. .bornco In tho United Stale All
penon. indeMed, an rcaiieeted to make itaymoal
to .aid attorney. W, U. UAILKY.
December 5, Iea0-33
IJILOUR for ulo by lh. Mibocribor. at rorUaod,
ia quantity lo aull purchaaera, at reduced
prim COITII cV CO.
frf Jin
WBM -MM- I . f.
w mR. Mttt-r
otat Coam of Baaajalij
antWMalatlM Maaaa
Mr. nucha okSaaxi
Cat. Jan. Couaav
uot. t. B. WtUA
W. Ci.tr Jtaao.
AToan. Wooowiaa h
a wawaai twaal,
joiu o. otiaaa, raw, 1 m,
Iff.Al !(
llv. Taoa, Ceawot,
iKWllgnutt, waaatai
A no rotaooatyaM
L n.naoaa, mo-,.
. cwTMiM Ati&camAii
A. Meg. CO, 1
PoruaBd, Irwaoat at M
.uaaaaa urrf aa JAeaootH
mmb 1KB Moataoal'at.fi
VMroirreu at r
PUyiai Cana,Maak
.try, IMaamkl Kaja aad flaa,!
1U1 8ear-,aad IT.aa.nialiaa
01 owor a.oaa.
TU adiroail ban
cciya a rmlor ao4 caaaaalatai
abort namod nada, frtaa kb aaaal
rocionar aad I ana
.tow York 4IT.
APof ihoolOTO
lb Fcat can, aad wM la atat
ckoopBf la IM tonUory. -.. -jr
Orotoa my.Orlakir IT, I
30.000 ttttS
ctlrtiluUfWimbW .i ;r
Cteswfc'T"'"'1 . 1 '
'iiJ!afci,,:i.' 1
-oar.i 5akn.
. (rrrr
laaattMkV- "
i.jV ..x at
. -a- aaalltl
,t,ii-f- it
3 Smmvl4:('
r 1 1 ala-a-ri a. il
aoj oaaaaa- w
NooVaaV aaaaaa .'i
lkaBBf'' '
w.a.'' -frxi
aaaaTawr7 'L-Ji- 31
La i ., . t. 1 Jff .ll4
AtZW.uMMlxkeI '''fl
Nor. T. lBiO-Jif , ...r.a iU't..l
!. pitta.
f ftSffc
f W1IIE Orcjoa Makagfiiaaia
JL fully moka koowa la okaor
InauMhat liny on now noHt
and (1RI8T MILLS, moor
on f ott arraautd to otload Wolh
aod Jaaaitli 7 ''-j-U'
no narf cooMawrr ob aaaa j
of Sftrfim rUur,iMkwM
col aaanul ratoa.
Otagta CMji OrloWi 31
HAVE tonatala ti panMaaba,
eaboadayorMyof fryaV
Tlwr waoal ataak a aaal 1
ov , jW.'l
OCL4.IU9 v.. ' . .V'i
aMaat i
mtmmmfmm via
mMfwmmR0'iii !.i
'immitr Xi 2
xnac :
"oaawry . a,i
(oaaatuaf laoi".
IM Mbbqaoa
lU kihhio.
aodUtotkoIr bt.roatlaintaaai
deltroandto gi vo wlWarllaa ' -t."-. tt-4ir
UTTLB leVByUfrev
Oct. 10, 'iO-ni 3t. , v
TI.1. COPPER, dk
npilGRB ioaoaroaoaodaadiafal
n in ino) vtif, adjotaoia; IM l.lj
o4.b5ahmcnt for Iba lnaiatMHrlagof
irka, Ceer, time. PtrnmUng, oaf
,eooia.r coonectod wtta Man awl
w Diovn hi up. Broaoa faaiaal
put In onriilUn, Letd-pipa' laid, a
' and omaU Cook aad forio 810M0 aWilo m,.."VA
01 aimopiiI atom tot ralo aa ai
Tn.ToTaaaTaaX BaW aaaaaaTaTal
I Thla naauf.clary ha. anpM tota) aaaVaaaaat;
i o, ano inoaa afpnToa a,n bow aa an aa an oaapo 'I
'and u fiaypnpandUBMMlWaaonBlaaanaai
. .IJ...I .1.1. !a.u I . .
"-" "....,,. Vijl.l-.
uhc-ak t. ayctv.ua.- j
airegou vny, t-aoy, ai, ill 111 oaail
DlaevlHtlon at Co-:
M. thouuJerWfaed,iaadoflMnaiafaCaf.an
uiiiu. it Co.,. PocUaad, Ortgaa. It babi iaaa
- ! " b "Uivul feanrat. B
I 'co4 a) the oetlteBMnl of the
(Oigucd.) 8. M. HdLDnoWfM,
rortland. Oct. I, lrS0-3m.
! U. 8. Iliiraicr Cucay, i
Tliiid Judicial Court, Ore job, la Aaaalraky.
. an -jo- i-vwoo.oo. o-t
I aori. nAitnla- aaa I
-" Noilc. U hi
hi u vi..i. ...,..i ,i..i
aby frtna UaBBaaaaa
a libol baa booa ibt dov
yoa tool
, filed beftmtbrM
i,uu. ...Ii,.i ih. Ilri."
coon, ay nwaa.. a. I
"Orbit'' and bar awl
fur alleied indibtcdaeat, prla( far MM
Illllm ,J ,, of .aid III
irlf , OM IBOl IM
of ia'ul ulo may U armpriatad la tin aayanat
a .... r"
of .aid debu.
Aud thai a he.rioa will bo bad Baaa aaid aaaU
le r ul Vancouver, iu Cluk caaaly, la oaM Wont,
w ihe roiirih Tueoday or Uceeauar Ma, aMoM .
,1C Mij rou?li ,, o ,-tii,, a. M. '
(.slened) A. ItoL.aooa,
Dill Coaaf 0 LiMUntt.
Metlco to OoitrtetMia
ilini would rlv. notice. Ui.twawak la lot
T V Ihe building 0' two Doubt. Saw Man ,'1
e cue lo ho undertaken Irom Iho Moan IM
I. partly ftniahed. Wo wiah, too, lo ban ban.
er I. eartlv
nulla complpted and put In operttioa by tin tat ff
rcwuarv neii.
A. A. DURHAM aV CO..Oawoan.
UnuCily, Nor.ai.lfW-ltu;
aTkN K tt.ara engute, ooonlala, M lam aawar
dei(odlarunaMWW7aaall,vi oka,:
macWuery for a nw mill la lUack, kaaaaW Of.
ngllt ana oircuwi oowo. aoefaHinaniaaaaaaaraait
,tuui.a ia vvi,
Portlaad. aug8-93tf
-VmriLLaafcrnr nil al ttat. Ton, at tin
11 baadoritd.-waioroatBf ua
aa aanrlawBt of Dry Uotdo, Urn.rin.fWwi
W.nno, llornno, Laavbtr, Mill Inoo, Iba,
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