V. mmmW W MM MM I liailllanaa, IH MJ Hiltlll Til irTTTI I THE SPECTATOR, "oREUbX CITY I THURSDAY, DEC. 1'.', IMa. D. J. bcusiblt, rpiTox. MahBaTr' TtffaaTTTt i-aam ("Tinr mi VrW have several communication a hand which will appear In our next pa par. Our friends wlirpWso bear within. 03 There leno law hero regulating raarriae coafracta,Tliii being the case, wpi weald Inform all parlies, who meditate etrimony, that jro will not tall to make aid of tlio samejupou notice being given i same. Minister, Magistrates, 1 are requcited to ham) In the occur, ami Mc will Jo what Uf making tuch contract on the partlaa. Tlie&crttary of the Territory Je much creJit for tho comfortable era ha liaa provided for loth branch ea of the Legilature. Dy this nrrange menttlia m-mhfraarenolreoulrml. m.for. I '. I . -. ...!, I!..,.. 1 Mn. ..r.u.... --., ...... ...... ..w.. , .u", . . r,. I Jruhtlr hati. The im. .. . I i manlleit one. .wWHMK.HK. I uL.ni t i ZTj iTT . .1 . i OO-Wj hare learned with regret that ' the aaw.roillof Mr. Lot Whitoomb.ol Mil. i wmBkle,hadburneddownafewdayilnce. I ThaSrewaadlacoreredat loolateanhour to arrest iti progmi; only in time to save the worke In tlie'lowcr part of the build. ing. The carriage, tawoaili and upper worka ware all destroyed. We have not yet learned the extent of the damage. Tbafire laiald ta ha o originated Ly ac eldent. tVs- w- ... l. it.. nh t n VT w ais w vj lliw aH I) lll'ltMkUlt VI I AMiMt 241b. that Gov. Geo. Au.nmv arrive) at New York on the 23rd, he be. lag one of 103 passengers carried thither by the Steam Ship Crescent City. The TWune of September SOth, announ ce! the arrival of Judge O. C. Putt. 1 Ilia friends here will be rrinirnl m learn of hit fortunate eseane from il.. rl.nlnra. ' which waa eutlimr olT manv .11 ammul bout him prior to, and whilat at the Isth. ! mna. Judge Patt Inform tho Tribune that .there ii not gold enough In Oregon to t-.emtgranta i for coming here that it is aaaJtrifBia fPOOo more reliable, more precious than gold yea, than fine gold. The Doxatio: Bill. The passage of tbli bill in ita present form meets with fa- orby a large portion of tho people. It baa its objections. Some are of tho opin. ion that the law is faulty in many particu. I" that lection, for instance, that re. quires aclual occupancy, thus cutting olT liiechamca and others who wish lo fjllow- their regular avocations. It i argued too, that every pcraon immigrating rumr a sec-. tion of land, and that tin hill requiring occupancy, cuu many goal citi7em out oftlfiir jut rights. Oilier argue that its pro isions arc right that peren engoged In lucrati.e employ incuts arc nn justly entitled lo a doublu conitnatioii ,'or im. migrating. It i tho opinion of some thai tne law orars too heavily uon h.ich(lor, making r.o provision fur vvlvi fur tin m at a futuro lime tlmt thdr m t l ing married, is no fault of their. ; that ma. liy of them an so from in ce.siiy ; that incrcurenonumctiiiilliecouiitrv ; tln-re. loro 1110 law puni.l.es too stvcrily thou- who aro still liviiif 'n single hle.Milm-s.. Allliniifil, u., t.ll. ..I...II.. I.l ... .t 1 "- u""i muiigio 1110 inucpcnccm oruer el niit Lnilmlors, ..,. have no objection to nuke. It I our wish that every person may receive lii just deserts. In tho event of being cut out, we shall makn no complaint. We must havo editors anJ printers j all we nsk is a reasonable compeiuitlon for nn service as an editor, and wo shall be c.n. tent lo confine ourselves to a spot m by 10 lect 01 1110 public domain. Or.Measurea havo been token by ihc "City Fathers" Worrcst gambling iu Ore. gonCily. Tho Territorial law i ve-py nvnll,.:, ,.nn ll.. ...1.!.. X' ......1 ..- V explicit upon the subject .voiwnnsiaiiu. Ing, it has been exy openly violated for komothno. A public melting via held vu lumiuajr i-Tcuing, an account oi wiiie-li win oe seen in ouotlier part of to day paper. m wo coutemplato tho oviU connected with gambling, and look at tho matter sorlously, and view it with all It concomitant horrors, wc are truly pained to aoo so great an amount of talent pros. liluled in the n,l nf mamnn ....I .1.1. . ... (J- .. ...y. aJ mm li I worthy acquisition of means of auLsist. ence, (oiay nothing of ihc disgrace at. lachsd thereto. Kiver. We Jiavo no Induce. T S? ..'.' .P J .. , . , ' ., ., 7 'and wh-. ha. bennerj .iieccsaful iu the M.,ti,,,, i ,t .,t om-iniiii haa in coo. faltlilul,,, Vm all ttu .ui.nnri . nn,a,U tWtoy of rich gold deposits to --no wa. au.en.seu toaa.noror.iai.u.ami ue.norr in im- .....,., n- ...a, ........ -.., Mnv th-carea.,,1 ,m.r, ,,f 'rnl. .. wllt.j,C( ,01l , ,Kt , . Vandldate ,. " 'lHa futuro emlgranti, but c hao many or the pasicngera rngage.1 passage .li:oft the in.anmi; an I puiport oi ii.e',Pnr, n.-i-uiipany and pnileet h-r on her fr Ci.rr.,. nn.l that not n canoo I.mi.I I T. reolulion was aupportrd by re. toll, and a liealthv ellmaie. win. . i. for that place. L'pon-nrri.ingal A.toria, nolo we jil,lr...e. to lli- ..en,'ly, n tourney. cmiM I.-fuuud Blin nl. upis.rt jou if . mink from an.eral ..thor centleiiien. ami Tiik UovciNoa'i Meuacik. Though brief, li comprehensive, ami U not with out many ijood point!.. Il it plait1, ami ol commute.-1 in.iilre at what rale the, canbocon.prohnJeabxthetw,tl.un.hlo.'n"tiu!Horil t..".i.lnturo might bo .Ion.. Cltlacn. iTCkt mew-go Iti- lh Wound I f,,r' Wo " "r" ',:,r'' "'Hm '' ,l,f ,v"" I that ncin hereafter immliirallim kv the '""' n" "" "" """ ! IVrrltni-v. ileierto nnnli nf lan.1 eullal t i thoso allowed tho older ..-tilers; in other word, that it woul.l not dlcrimtnalr in the matter of -rants to occupant un.l no Hull cultivator of the soil. Thi .lew m both reasonable ami jiut. nml in-Cut men will. ..rnnrnl falnr. It lake, in. I .1. mll.-li time now, ami it nlteiiJi-J wirh ju-t as ml,,. I, nn..lu In liiiiiili'ratliiiv n. il ,ti,l I'm. .....v.. . ,.-...- p......-D. .. yean aco. Wo arc particularly pleaie.l w it li that ' tvirtlnn n-lallnir to the . tn!,lii!im,MU i,l" mnil route nml Territorial ro.nl, nn.l ear neatly hopo that wmo nieaure maj Ik- ailoptcJ forthwith that will impro.c the facilities of t-oinmunicalioii hilweeu the ilitrt-rent nnlnta of the inlerior of tho Tor. rllo-y. l'coplo in tho ctmtry i-omplaiii. anil jully too, of llicinany iuconxeiiicn. "!.- II- ml ln0 mlelptcd immigration w ill, l..l. III... I. ..... .11.. I..-. !. !. 111 all .vuai'itii. m uiiuvi.u.i, i ..-, , . i. ..,'..... - ' . 11V1I MWIlll. VI VU1IVIUL-IHIIUI1. ,..', e .1.. .... e.. . ' i no iu.iivu vi inu h.i wi l'.i.'iiiiiiiiii .. . ... tuay cause ionic lillle ejcilement, hut the inconvenience ami iletiiment to public buincsnreo apparent, that wethink it! impolblo for another eiionto paw oer' wiiliou. .Icteririnii.g its location. I The recommendation of tho procure-! mentof a dab with n suitable iiucnptioii to rcpreent tho Territory of Oregon in the V. linn at Mi -iiinu-nl. will il,iuLllp I,.' aeud upon. Certainly, Oregon ihould not ' be behind tho other Territories in the crec. tion of this creat Nallcnal work. " Thcapprentic.ngoftheyoiingcrgrowlh of Indiana to ueful employ menu, i a ' pood Idea if it can only bo carried into of. feet. It would contribute grratly to their futuro comfort ami UJel'uln.M. ' , The getting up of a good code of law, ' is a matter in which c.cry citizen of tin. Territory should feel the deepest intereat Tho matter i under adviscimnt and - .i. we .hTC rc"on ,0 beI!cr. ' J UP" J'cious.,, Injustice lo '-aseiitrr-s The Emily Far am arrived a feie "1C P1"'" r "' '"' I'arnlwm not .vlshing to incur the expense ami delay nf fi'.iliiL' his part of tho contract. shioiHil , his passtngcraat Astoria. Sui was hro't against tho tcssel by the passenger. She was boarded by two officers nt Astoria, fur the purposo of detaining her unlit tlnrc might boa hearing liad on the subject. Tin. Captain lia.mg iu tho mciii lime obtained loading and supplie., water nn I provisions, the latter, ol which he for;nta pay for, and is tt due the- mcrUiont. at Astoria j tho anchor wa hoisted, and she put lo oa, carrying with her ll.o two nl- ficcra already named. Smne l or ng'-t persons attempted to hourd her in the c.i- picity of officer", but wire foiled in the attempt Lj llio ladder Leing cut away. .Shu dropped down below tho town n iit'lo out of tho rsr.i-eof the gun and airWi-ircl till morning, wiien sho put pi yu f. mt hr charaiice, with tho oflicor. "il! .. Ixiard. Wc fur ll.o t jusC'iulii' e 'finii.li nn abrupt departure were n"t fullv t.il. ul.il'-.l hy th-Cjptnui. Th" vscl is rrere'i i.t.d ny iii'-i jptnin. i ii'Mis.cl is rejTe'i i.l-d a bring l.iavily in debt at Man Tram-i.c". .inch conduit on tin- pan ufaCiplain ..,.. . , . ... mciiisinciie.itmcniiiiie toapir.'ite; wl.icli there it no don'it ho will receive when he aiumpl to uitir uiiy .tlur port. Th. Captnin' nnn.c i Titlmor; wc tp it that persons in futuieiiiay istapeihe mii. furtuno of fulling into vueh uiiMorlliy hand. Wr-TIm Cliokra, say the California Court' r, is Mieved I'i b" on tho vvniio in San 1'ranci'co. I'p to Nov. 1 1, "illy .i cases wcro rct.orted as I1.1. in" r.crtirrnl in thattity; uml Ihe opinion N general that it ha not ns t prevailed in that 1 ilv ns nn epidemic li ravng--ut ,'iaerameiito .. . . " i-ny navn not urn vi great n it wa at one li predicted il uotild l,c At cur la. test nd.icciit was grudimlly .. creasing iu tlio lullcr place OCT.Mii. Jnsifii C. (ii.m, uppo.ite- the Ilutes, left at thisoflice- a Turnip, (-olid) liio weight of which is o.', pounds, xjI wcigl.t. TMi hend nn thing wo huvo had in tlio ahapo of Turnip. Verily, Oro. B" "" u"' ",0 wo""' .... . m , (KrTho I'urserof il.c htenmcr Califor. nia will pleaso accept our thank for tho receipt cflalo pspirsfriin the State ce tney arc JUttiecic.i to iiu.ior 1110 pre. , .. ,.. 1....1.1 t. ,1 ,,ual ,-."-' . - .-'.. ."'. ' 1 .r 1 ,an in.. I l,-,.., ,,.,;,, ni..l . 1 -.. I . 5 .1 1 1 l',.,,1.,1,K "' " l"11 '" "jv."-."':oBaBwininiuii mo iin lurk, aii.imr.1 racn m -. ; v ' -. .'-.. - ,1 ..,.,, ,, 1 niiiini', in I 10 Pncctaliir. . J ent arrangement.; njiinJ fill i-enu prr pace, ll .. my MflfS, tuii.ki. iil,...,i i-.roi l,uf ,i,l.ii..Jra. Wnin.l ileloiUeil y.01 anal inn nlial I lliui .Ir.-mul ,, ,,,,,1 1 !,,,, 1 inn ' ' I f-l. ... .1.... !.!. ... I.MM. !.... Hir..l .'..!..... I I I. ..I I. t,u.l It 1.. 'ilr.Uu,l ll.. .'..li urn. lull u,l III . f.w Jill for lli.l tim li.ir.li I, i,r.iA,......r ,,ll,r. Illilil I . ' ... I. I Vl.v UKi;vllwi, iv,Mi,,i- iu iiuii.u.iiiL Mini iiinrt-ii ,...'. . in. ..... . . ... . , . I I ..', I. ...I, ..i m ., ,1, '.. ...'. ..,.., 1 1 '. ,.. I I.I.. ....., I..,l I , l.rfjr.,l,ll,..,l I 1'4,'llK-r... Ml- 1.11,1 1BV1, M ,. (,L, Tlionili.ll'a llllll.ll.. . ''"' '" "' '"..V."''"'' Iiiaroauncro9iuev.'-caui-iiiuuiiiaiii,aiM ', ,. i .i..niv.... .v i- .1 ; W T.ntn, ' H X,. ..... ,.", ,i, ... 1 ..... i...i, .1 .lv I. IWIl., A m ..r.i:-i- ,...-.....l,..r. : ,1. matter M In I, a. . n J ..il.l.- reel. ,,,,.,,,. ... ,, .,,,. .,- way of repn.aeh. nn.l ....ee..l..iK I) .1. v . , .-8.,,.v-..v. loci. ... aiiliiiuttcil ftil, mil . mil , ,., Tr,i,., s..i "11 ..,,,.1,.. "."'on are j.m In ll.e ..le..l lliat . . . m.., t.. n r..i.,N m I1L.1.. n....r..i.. ... .... . . . ' I fi 1 rii.iiue u tieni. u eoiiinui . , 1. ........ . .. ... .. ..... I 1 t a & .a -1- e 0 t 1 . I M-n ..,! ..y.,.-.r...I !a. s-.al.tinn II tin I IM lll.l Tf It'll III l KUliM 1II1H lt' !' IU 1 .! minb'Ml lit U tl rli III A ttlMIMIH 111 1 1(1 d Pf i.p.siva ,T 1 1. I a.lia llsaa, ollaa talal lutrit aa J A I.t-Klslutlvc Trliiini. I'ha House of Iti-prcseiiliitive appoint. I,.,.. i ... ' Would do ll " ' lliB.h-out a .t.ltlini-lll "' lllllW " '" n ll """'" ' ' ll"' '". r.'n- who .-all.. I upon u. t'lirstm ; ... "i ur . ol In "tent win h.in.h.l l the coiniuiileo foi tlum '1' "I "' ' "" without our ""' -uh-.-iiU .1 to n. v.i it perl',-,1 ', llll.li r.t v .1 l tl- nit .Ollllllt.-O ol ll"' l" 1 1 ".. wl i i-nnie limn. llut form ll .l. h.lli.1. .1 lilt tin I Iiim It w.itlu mil. Iml-Ml.-r. .1 , hut Ix-t'or.-iin. 'ti ' "'" I' "' " '" l'" r li.l w put III. i-iltlm.-a lilllo urn! roiiM. hu-lt manif.tl h.m.-.l th..t n.li.mt.i:. h.i.1 Ih-i-ii ukenuf .mi hi.l. h. n I ut.-r.-r h inj; mi! aroun.1 fr lint piirp.- Of tin- ... complain.-1, in.l.10 -i-ln-U .i.l.l 111,. following t . the II u. i iiii., . i' n, I' - 'J. I -oil. fiivi'.'i.iir-i.-f'lV lh'ii 'I ." it, enMir.- I lia.e Unrn.'.l that a 1 1 I lor the puClto open' .lllil I ukl, 0, (,j ,.,!.,. a i, , ..,, ,;, I I ....!. I i-..., I.. , . ... tl. .1 il... , r.1.1 .1 i "I'uni nutn'. ' , I..II-. .-. will I.,. ,1 n,. w ith .-. .-r.- t .!.- - - pull h. iiralu. , nml .it a- ! " in., .it 'i ,. . . .. it the olliee ol tin .! -i l.i! i. in ran '" .! n- , tin-'IVrr.t t. 'vJur. Ac. I .'. M'IINI".lti. . ' ''"'" s'"' ''"' A ternl.l. ic" riiio.i' i,t ..i tin ulpmi' 'u'- It ""pi' lil.i.iul it imph ' thut It . n-il-i-m in.i um th committee, nml uj -n 'I. II imralle l.-e Mutllro. Itttl w n u rla-i..-e , tempi ' ll'1' ci-imiiitti -. a- i !l .. I',.- I Iuii-. Sin h i il.o ! n ' "i" ll " mark llul f 11 ' m Mi. Kn-s f V'n'i 11 "gton e,mu II. l. II ! L"MI ( . "1 '! ' a r!r"" l-v.-lo' ' "'" - the Lo.1) oi lu.l. lie u a ue uit.er. ni.u.- f' by a print, r, n t linn . li- ...nil a,l minister a proper r. Imk t any - nti-' artinj;, he t.ir.,1 m t frmu what ur.. . might come ; ami U'.ir,l tin- ion. h- w.m'.l We were not tre'nt when th.- ilehnie on printing fir.t c.inii.ence.1, hut w ""' '" ,!,1C '" e an t xlnh.ti. n f male. C'lcncc ihut was 1 till, unialli-il fur, nn.l .i. n.-i ..!. tll.t fa- .t ii ill tuarai-iti r.r.t.ii.t "-'"" --"l-'".' .- I'--- -- - Mr. .Matlock took n srn.iMc view- of th wa..ni. tn- r'',-in ington iom I. . It m.tiht l "talc here that Mr. king i ii' m TVl pr per t' 1IIU III th connuittce mi prinini'.- Wo wen sorry in n im o '. r thu .tray from hi. dtitj , -ir . . f ',. t In. j '.u a to ulluw u pn.ate pnpi I.. m'. r'aiu- against the prnprutur t cliu'a. t n.- I... ' action toward, u imin id. lally. Mr Mat. lock wn. un.-i'il" t "" th- '-m1 1 thai wa wantr-u t i h. s'lrndup. W. II iiuuht In hai- In uk.,1, whiii. tie iii'inj" wlur J ' It w.i.tnt. .1 in th. r .wnf Mr. Kn". reimrk.. tint fr i'.I.-I nvj tin- law. m llnSfttil r.iflmri. f s'lim wa.ma.l. rThi n-.. m ,n inn. nit tl,- l-a t -!. I..n t fmii I.sii .u iu fait. Tlirr.- is 1..1 . n.ir now n -m U -k-1 r it. It wn. lie n. i nil int. uti ii, nii-l t1 at ii lli- in', nti . i n . lo stilni ,t tie ii .i-t.-r I. lie iiMiti n h- I.- g.'. ill. i ...h'lli r it. iir. ii-i-'. ". nnj i nip- n at i. Wi r- -'re: tl .ii it I .is l i ii .. llm t u -ti . ih. i n In. 't an. ni. in nt. i i . 1 1 .i . li.it - . . t. ol Hi" I.' pi of th- I. t'u'nt.i . . n.i . in,.,. ,i, ...I injiii . . leap. I up 11 tl it our imp rntiv.-d .tv. p. -pi 1-1 ir, uui I- 1 ,1-tir. no unw nloiilv ut'io a nt.y -r iiiui-h I- it 'ml.' r of tl I ni -I ifir . I .' '.i ur 111 ,tiv( . nt.. I in ii .1.- ,ii. nn ! pi -i-1 ... mi.iII sp, ,ik out will. ml I, nr, lu r frown, tr'.in tin.' ipiirt. r. llriR.i. Sti " 1 .... 'I , 1 rn 1 - t ol Hlim, 1 nppruri til. ml I ..I 1', time with 11 nii.' ol l.or.i tl.t. w . .. iin-roua mbh-ri. s hiv. Ihui i o.u it. d i, the m igl.boil..'i,f M nn . i-'i Ll m, I tin. .iiniiK- (.1 SurhiMli-l'l. 'I h- l ,r 111011. will scan -lv In 1 h.ug. .1 will, tin . hr.n. h' of th- 1 1'.. 1.1 tl.i.tii,,-. 'II,.,, reni'ivnl Inn th- .ouuliv -nil dear tl Wv.ii-'.niN, S'pi 7. l-.'iii. 1111-1111111- poi a o'io,i i. i, hlilor ,Srnnr . Tin- I'n aid- nt nl Hi I'uilid Sinii .im. till IllOIII'-Ut llllliolllil'ill lo ll ... II ... 1. ll.ii.. I.. III' -s'l-, lll.lt ll' ll.l. 'Igll'll III'.' ..mil, 'I ll I now- lli- law of lln- lainl. 'l.. Ill ll'l-ll', S II Till ItSToV OV'Mr l.aiio ('oi.s'iinl rem h'-'l in. liome in tins loiiiilj , on Wolf I n-k, j -lerd.ij, fiom Ori-L'on. II, (ante hv lln ViMi Ii ' 'u I.otT.c r v"'o ' lr Jiw'rna'. (ivctlaii'l route lull hill-' ne hor.o nod I. . irt eee-n l-i n ........ ... i..ii... 1...1 MfiMimiiiim 1 llm 1, inn iiiinii'v nil nil I'liifiii ..irpiinv ill wr ', IB. . .,. '.,. 1 ,,.. ........ ,. . . - , . ,, (uV- The Stcam.hfp Cohmbm, built for ,,.lin, nml 'A apiun alia California and Oregon line, .in.h-iv .boil trip on tho Ull. 0f i)cM.r si..- t leprweiiud hy tho T"'""" n, r, ii. dy ...nil an., well ..il.-ill.Ho.l to ...ther UicliMvieM sen. . ,,,..,,,11 I....- t.. . noo.it.t..r on her ..y 1..1111.I the limn IV I'ril.ui..- i-nutnln " '""""- " ""r- " ' '" ' 'I "";,'" "' V. v ".Hon W VV llii.k.t!....l!alii.-a,nn.n'npl. ., , ,. run iiu jour lerr hlc "ntiBer. 1 mi re ,. ,, .1 .. . ' t inter , .. . hi i.irn w.-ro itppouil.-.l 11 roinin 1-1. n in. ,, , , , ,, . , . .. ... 1. ler In 11 lutlei Mm wHiiiliiiin a iieon.l.lre. 1 . , '' ., 11 . r .1 Hi-1 iui,'..i .. I... li l .1.-..l Hr.inirli, . . . .1 1 1 1 "'.I an. moll 1 miiiui.lt' tin i for llm ,.,,., sk.,1.1, . .1- Mr. ,i..,i.i,.rl. aisll..iiionii.l'.ii.iplniiiparllciihirlj nl in) . ' Lit,- . in, I, iti.i.l-i-.. .ml .. Irri i.Vp, n.i heiim"ou't tlio p"r-."in nriueM.all. Ill ,,,, ' ., ... , ,. ,,.., ,:, , ,-,, n., ...u. Mi. .Mf,ri,.1,,,lrntl in K. ii...k up I !.-.iu,- . '. ....i... rellre.1 n ,l . il.,.-,,-.. . L-f".. '-1 0.1 l-h. l ..' "";"." " far front tin, tu R tho h,ul ' T'U u'!" , J" "i'' toilimi. n. t.r.l.t.j i . I 1..1..111 II. im., ,..i,l i.'.mii , 1 ,. .1 1 1 "I On-con, w liii li wraa nce.-ptcil nml a. II 11 '"! -I miPtJfc o ..- n.....lC I..I ii..r.l.i-..iH I Mm-HI I ... ilin ii,.-l .tiai..l I........ 1. w.ili 'l'.l U.II...II in I .i.int.i. il.x.rw lln mi. mil ,iuui;riii.-iil. hip ,.l-i. t nt.l ..'iiirim til. nru .i.i.-i, U..111- 1 in- f.,11 ,. ,...., . in.t 11 in.. 1 1.. 1.1 .nut Mi. mil i. ...i.iin.-.lil- .'0 i-t I" liiol ill.. ..,v.rni;ri.. nn.l al.i. -- ll.....t--i . noli' t,' I, J I' I... .,,.!. I . It.- SI .., 1 , 1, t I I,, 1 ..!!., . . I, ".t i. puiaUnt. li. III. 1 .1 I ' I lll.l .1 .,...i lirf -n i.i Mi. . .T 1.1- . - nn.l .l.p r, 1 iniril .. ..... .. , .. 1. .1 ..I ...I.. !,. I..., li.irr nlir, ,, i, I,. N,uil,i.k.l Hull,-.-.;r up, . n iU nml iulUu.i.1 . !!. 1, 1.1 whh .'' '. 'llll.nl il'l" hlr. i'I III, Kxiil.aill.rn.. . 1.1... ...- I, ..l ....I- Iirii llirni 1 . ti.i 11. .1 .1. ...i f 1 11, ..i-m...... w ..i inr 'I! ... mk- ii Uu-i1 til lit w j nirii.ll I in . r I'm I '.ll.lt the pill. I liem coiiiem ' lt -.flttm ll. i. M Si'ikwill li.i. hi ! i t i , I. Ill Mr .lli I It u.ll. l.-.l I'ltl l . I- Mtr.l Hi, ll ..viitti ,.-,. i'n, i . i ,n.i I, .u .in ,i i MIN ,11.1 li ilJ .1.1,1 ! M..krl. i,rll. ,...', i . ,, i... ... mi i it, ll I. ImIi 4 l.. I'm ',11'ilt mllli. .l. ll rA.i.t Mr I Intr. I II t'i. 'lilt I'' Tilt. I.. ll ..l..t. lll'iuliM' The I' ''tiinl. ..i. i iin.li-riti.n.l. u t" I.iiiil! Si Hi 111 tin pr. .. all 1 iii.it. riaN f r lla .man (i- l. ilr,t.,,i,:u i, til!,, i, f n !. lew ..iperiii. i'I. .l.itt, ,1 .u I'oitl.iml.T.J. Prj.-r r.i t ir mi I pr pri'..r. The paper ' k- w 'I, .-in.i the iir-t Hniuli-r it- n. jl. i..int nn.l -.uiilul u a M.i " .tint.' i'l.i I in "iii.iu it I i nil.nt-.iti-lln- .. lite i-i. in .'ill. i. We I'l.unitu !nt llie i iii n nl' P -rli in.l, iii.iii their . ii-i-i t1 r .. r. u-i'i ul' ni t'ltenli.t and i n. rp I . .-. nun n. Mr. Ilrjer turtpir. ..lit tin, tnti n -.-. nl" tli.it jHiititui nf the t. in' r. Sin-i-.-.. t the t-ililiT, tuci-ess i ih. I Iiol-. in to ."intg tad. from l.arel, In I , ..ii I thr.ilL'h tl place last wi'i'k, on her a lo Cnlilorniu. She inao.er the l.ui.1 r niti , nml it i reported that he I In iiitither iKtr'-tln-.lat I'ort Mall, line limn mile Iroiii St. Joseph, some linn- iu I ...!.. I ...I... lt I June !i-n ninv nrr i nrrirn, nil i pro.iil In Caliloriiin. It i said she i tn I ... I IKI i The ah... i from the " llr.'ik.iltu uniiian" i an-li'ippj in inform the Aiiieru-au il" tlio lii'lj 'a alio arrival, nml -ul'P"5'."ir friend '"it ' i in t'lwn," SI. .i-fh.i.l . me tune .im e in Cnlif ninn. in. ... nj:i rlioiiy Iwi-n ili.pa'i.11. d .iiiii ... k. n . rilurnud l.l.t w.ik Willi llm . .. ii. iin 'tn hi. Wi- del u t cu them, Im we lave l.i i u informed that tho lady w.n ii t nt -,l., . plat " I.;, her in'rudul, and lis ut lei fu'iire Loin-. I itiui,il iuf.ir i i Hi u l,.i. ii ,t v I ii ai In ,1 ii, hul tlnT" i. H . .1 . ibt in ..or nun l ll.at l IU till, th' -.. !ii.. I en inu.lo one, ,im I nrc m the fii'lmi in. ut . I lb. Ii'in-v .ni'iui. Tin 1 1 i. I-i.i i. in iMvt .ii. Yam Hill t nintj. 'u 1 1 .. I . -ii fin lid I 'nt. I Hit . -. I'll, III. . ll, I -.111, Mr ;.,;, I w,i. , nil rp'i "l a fi...-ilnyiuei, - .tliiul. i o. it w.i. tlittl .i- wi r- i harg' d !-. i-m- i t .. mi a Inter fr m ih" iii. a '''it in p-rpiiMti. . r. in .., I,. I K.ki'u' in th- I' t ll.. Ir aii I s .1 1' it' ' II I. II"' p I" I l,'X,l,1, I ll'.iiu In. M. in r. ... Hi ,- I I .1 ' I J - I. .! 1 I -I.I..I was , .,. ,. tlmt ni. .1. ired lh ill. .nit i. ,i.ii. I .Mw.i -ll ..i I 7 lin lie., I llll tl' . I". Ill llll In . IV- -1. lilt llll tl- p'.t'l).'0 Of tll'IS. I I .. tli- .ili.ii.i' -I I iii'li.S.ini' if I'm I- S un .I. mii want to ht .nil. nip lli- 1 in h- l.iid I, ll. r r.ii.i,- than lower ii I. it. k. Your., iU , I'ltti IliiMl I'I IILICU. Hi iiui'in.n, linlil ourvlf r(l. l.i lie ii.niv bull L'oiil.imitl ill lln " .f th- I' ilnp..i.ih nailing, In ti .1.1. I" . , . ------ - I'lidn I. Iplii.i law j. r to iniitslulii from lli- In. r.''l.. pit- .1 . haiaet- r, of lb- accn Inrj wli-Iiiiiii.Ii.. I th luimili a fur tint prm-i. i, i r It wmiiii tuKe mure I It .t ii n I in r . ..It III id- llie b. st "Ul of it tl nt lli mill.l. IU In. ll il had emanated from individual unpin ilj" wi- Ioih lied il ; mid lluit fn 1 1 -l of II llsoil, il wns I W .l.l'l II 't I, u- I tin .i rv ...ut. ii . s.i. .. un.. r.. riini. i Ue I-.ii n 1 1',, ni ih. iSiicrnnieiito 'I'i.him ii,,! tl.ut .i Mn Html ri-sidiii'.' on lln Am. m in rn. r, li ll h'-r In d nml lui-inl I.ikin ' ...ll. I. i i-jrj.Oill) la I liming In hor I. i . I t-i.l .'. .... I I.... I I'.. '-""i ..in- ni". "- .1'i.iMi -. Inn .t'tln li',u."h"ld Kia'(.i'i" ' hililn n t.ikuii.' wiiliher a ildiighliriilaiul Ivvniiiid n ho I vi ..r ii lil. Sim i.stipp'neil In hn.ii ' I' 'I ' ""' ' ''" "!110 "f lln,. l'niii,.iiikH. Her hilshiind nml '" ' children, were .tick nt llio inn., she la. fi. Mr. Hoot haa bflcrrud '.- nun l.r I., r aire.l. ll I in ne iioii-u that the miiltv ..irty will bn npnri'lieiido'l. Mr I'.nrliauk iiuntoilamlv mad n "slid- i, r... ' ' a...i.B.ll..l.i..li.i.t t&d. Il.-4t.ta.ia&...iljnfc I I .... III, Ml . illu II Mli-l- 1, 1 WMmNnlrnUani. ," ;,.., toi,im- "" Mo.t i.r lite participant In tho lata meeting at Salem. .-em Inclined lo trM '" K nimUcmml, attacj, ', " ' , .,''' " ., . ",..,r" . '!." "''"T.1 . " ,,l lo.,Mit anithmK C.illInK fton. lour II...)"""." ." ," ' """ '"""" '""" ,.r 1 i Imt I' will ni-..rlh.-l.. i'ntiir..ii '"?;'' ,"l,,,rr it n - i n . ' - . . . . . lien A I. I.i.i.i'iv. lion. II. t aini.lie II. im'ii iiii iftiiiiniM FiraMi nri' i.i'i'iiuMM nrn-i .'vpuinnt , .-,en nt I ... n.K li " I ' "'"h "T " ' mi-i llil(!i ut ntleuileil it invri-l. in 11 ajK-i Inlor, nn.l iihki-iI to la. rcue.l .. Iii-ii up. ii.nnlril III lilt, i-iiiliiiulli-i, 1,11 ri-MililliuiiM. li... .1 .- 1 ... 1 .. 1 .1 . .1 , ;'" '' '".' ho ,.r.; r. .0 ..I ...I I .I..I .!... J.i - ... ) tiiti. iiimi 11111 ill 1 III 11 1' rii 1. 1 im tl III I I n.itnui'i.j but ,,.rv nlli, r muiilier i.l ,' , , 1, , . ,,,, . 'IIIIM.., ,"- ..',I, ! ...I.l ll ...II ..Ml ii ... -. ' r r. Hl.t ''Ur W 1 II kllo.l mll.ltill I. r f,i I- H'l. I "n l.i I, ,H hni" ttukerj', nml ill all pro InhllltV MUir lllnllllllu r. .Illlllll'll CiHI ll.l .... .. . ,,. ,riTe.l I'l'iKurn lor i uui a.orinii to oi u. nml ileft'iiil . hi, ami ,ui yi m r- '"-it. I. w.ir.1 im- wnh ii i.urM' mil mi ui nil. iiiiiiiH u.'w.pin.r nllaeli, Ini'lv in ' ttihiiiliil null mr i-'hhii. iniiiii.' .anil, mill i , itKiii V.ni cimpl tnt.i.f tin Iihl!U.iui i-i ll.r n "luti"iii tiiuo I. i uuimlisli. I Inr i..1itc i iiri, nn.l I, tlt-r kiiii. -I ... III. utui'.pli.ie I a litli inarKi-l tliiuiili.it "I a re i"n l. pill. In- I k h 1 v . nml at th- .line linn- 1i,i ...ur.. If to ho ii pelf, tt Hunter of lln- iullinuvat.' - ihiilnr. Tim laiigiia, ol jilur i-oiiiuiuiiii-iitmns would hi luilil. t-riiht.ilili. I,, the pr-Mhng grinu nl nil ule house, but .I".-, tint M-i-iii luitirel pro p-r f..r lie late i-lu. f jii.licn" a Jnu .iiiiMuluri uly stile .ourvlf. Iinletd II i-a-i-li'lh-.iiitnl in the in.iulh ol amui n ilislinuishinl "Into liimtiouary n. (o thul.it n ' er.no liyi.lnlor t'ccuiijltii; llio kill 1.1 1 1.1 1llk.1l H 111 I .Mali, ill. Ikt llllrikllil ! 11 r ch.-i-r.'" ' llm Mr. Malluk oirere.l thn follow. Vim say J'UI limn Iti-ii "s-lleileil In inr inn. mini, n1 : n,l that r.ery rellect-ln-enine li eamlidtto f.r ('.mgreaa, but Hull mg mnii mipht tn iirt hi inllueuee, in jour uuliiialioii will nut p-ruill joiitoh.it.l iH .pint, I kiiiilm-s, tn put it down, niiie.. Sumo p.-oplo nro so unfair i t" Am) he supp.rlul his nim-iiduient with iimui'ie that jnu lut.i-ih- lined n mum .nine I. inaiks 'l'lie..cusi"n watinuliuii. unli.'ii willi'Mit e.er lilllii),' I. tn omit' n.ktil Iu aeeent or I'.en thutiuht of for tlmt or nuy uther. Hut if yon should so (,. cunr'ticr ynur rrpufiiMife la halilmg .,. a, j p-rinil our iiime to bn Un-d, Kuil u(m', nrol.al.lv ree-i.i a voto whii li s a I'll. a.. . II ... .'.a ... i ,, l, ,iKy Unltctlllg lo Vntir sell, i-nnceil, nml usoful iu showing jou the' vim wero a i-andcl il. lln imi.t ! a ui'i.l crin I i neiny who would ask you to run for anv "lliui in Ori-gnn. i You ha'.e iiuote.1 pnii-n of vmir I. Ill r in nil' i u sin, ii j 'iur inn- I iiajau ler nii't tin' ..ilin to l' phtutil ill-oil jour li Mil' I will ipi.te nntl.eriyrtmn ,11 pr.i!e 1 1 Ur. McLaughlin to l-n triii and disinteiested frc nd ol lisav. ami vniiliii.n no il.iu'it siii'i-ieil'il iu inakiiig jiim h-lie.o viii nr- .mil You till him '.Inl Mr.Tliurst..ii'. .ilii.iiipl t-. .K-i.riv .-Iii.n if tin tin g.in fity iIiiiiii i. nu iinheurJ ..f 1 1 f ia.e-.litv and wr -iig. or to in- tl." hitigun)- nf vntir e.iiniiniiiu'.ili n. ,i nu-l wn.k.d and uiiju.'" n.t Vi v.ni write t' im-, un.h-i "In- f I l.i ! 1 '.'". .1. folio.. ' ' "'It h.il l.i-ti nil mt, hum, I. ...i-f'.r t. i,i,.,..i.,.,. I .1.11 .I....... 1..1. .1 I i-nu d 1 it "I'll 11 .In- rigiud 1 1 llie pr ..itinn of in. pn-pi-rtv, I in ilhei di-11. "i In ,k fir piilitii- station; I hm 11 in .ti.e. I., v. lid tl.o pro'., eii ,11 of my pi 1 p-rlv, In null il .u 11 Mi. Tliiir.tiiu and .1..1.1 in tfi- 1 It ..iir 11 of 1111 ilin r. Tin - ;,, ;,,,( ,,. ,,, ., ,-. ,tkt lo Mt- turiit'i Pr'i tm m lli i.o I'lm- vj 11 urr I iritii un. .I.117 !i'r 1111 1 ..in'. i'-,iy,, t'ttii'-. 1hl ell 't In -.'n ." No... h n j mi id 1 Iur- thai llm nil. mpl of Mr. Thur.t. 11 to minimi lln "misl w leki d him I unjust " ut t, this " rohherv- '' n. j. ni iiii-tiiu' 1 e.nl it, i. no i-nu - .!' ipi.irn I wiih von You nro nu'lv mil "IIIKIOII. " tosuppnt hull in tho l.li e "f all Iu !:;: r.m t " wn k.'.lues. nii'l nijn. lite." nil I only wait lo hn.i tho till- t-i v.iur iiroti-ilv conlirun-tl n. tho prion ol jour il ling so. Tlio hlitul.-.l ran ec tli.il vou nn- a perfn-l p.illirn ofuu.illi.liu( ... li' My mid integrity, nml without mm. u i, i in. more i.i., iiui.-u i'i in- sun and leine jnu m hel-h forth your spleen ami rage hen alter nimoti.-.. mi. I un. an d for. S. I Alllvl-.l.. llmivvM.vii.i.i.. Ti.xas. Tin. .l-.-i furSli.lc, dlalint nml cminlv olli.'cr I .k pluou in Ti-xn on llm nih iilt. A h-iier lioin IIiohiis.iIIl-loth" N.O. Trim H.lln ,;,.. '.. 'l-l,..,,, , ,,. ,,,11 wing ,!,,. t mine ol llm prrcmela iu Ihl.i-oimlj . Tin- j ,,, i, vi,nnfHII I n-il n rini,n. ,iumt, . u nn pla-e, ..In-r" ihern wi'-ni ,,,,lvi'ii'lit in rwiiiliv-iiiL' in iri'lbau i i,l.u vnti-K ttnri. la.lli-il. I Im .viovienn iptilii. ,! th it day d "i-rl'-d ih-ir liomt-. in MalaiiinnM, mid i rosst I o.er lo n. nil ,riii.tvta nf the I'liiiam privilege nf llm billot. box. I r-gnll'i iiienlioii that ! ,0 i.h-rgy of Miil.unorns tis-.k i.ii netlvn' .,a,t i 01ir -!, .-tl.,.!, nml brought nver Jimny.volu frum Mexico," o " ... e . ' . 7A aliip owimr nl Havre i nbout lo aenil mil llotl jnimg women lo (.alinimin, " n novil 'in nilalioii Iailllti iff ollaiaj. Al '""ellugnf thoelllr.eii of Oregon (1'.",ho''l'l''' t"""""". " Hi" tiH rilii. lY.uli'TZ'uo i.!in". uf namlnB t. J,',,; J,,,,', ,mv ,,,' 't. ,;,, J MllttiiilUo. Ciipl. W. K. Kllbom wna i .1 i 1 1 t t 1 11 a ,, ... ... , .( ,..,... .....V..,,, lopti-il li tlio un-i-liiiK- tin. nii.i-i. I Ion. Niniucl l-.itl.er, and I Ion. II Ciinipb.-ll, eri'n.p..iite.l ai-mn. itiitl.-o In 111 111 uitiit Cant. Uhllioinh with milieu In ill 111111I11I t apt lln- Ill-lion ol III" llll-ellllif, mill reipl I'lflll. , ,,,",,,, ,. '.,.,', , r'iniuillri'iiftliri'r.i'mnl.tliiiriifCunt. Killi.nn, i,'i n l.ii.ijoj 1111. 1 N. I'onl, l'.) , ..I... . . I . .. , ... hi.im.IiiI .1 1.1 mixMirt. all aiiiiriimlali. ' , ,,--, .nil .'I en I. un l.ir llie I'nl, nml pri'inil tin 'in to t'.ii'l. liilt'omh (in io.'Iii.ii, 11 wn inti'il. That tho pro. line- ol urn inn nnn ! ai);nni ny urn At i. iii'-ilini; of riiit'iia uf lln-eon I'll, nml i'inl, In I'I .Mi mi I.l V eti'lliliKi Ilin llilier II, l-."UI. Ill lli I'lLl Coillr. c k'lllnil.ll I'litinll tif OllfP'll 1'itj , lion. .1 W'iiiiii Th'irnloii in. . nlleil tn tho i lour mi I Jn.. II Sinner wn cliom u , r Inr. . II,. pr.Ko.lu.u. wiro nprm.l with j,rn li. tlio lie. (i.hi . Atkinv.u, uli'i nl iHitifl -.lull..! lin- iilurit of tl.ti ni'.liiio to ho nn t-iri-i'n nf the mural ...n... nl tin iimiiiiiiiiiiI) oh tho subject nf i;uiiiui. lie.. Mr. AtkhiMiu tillVrnl tho fnlliining reinll(ii-, aernndril by linn, ' Mr I'aMin nf Yum Hill . ltm.ii.eil, That ((aiiiiii, in all it r.irui., is nil uumiligati-il i-.ll. 'I'lio reviliith-n mi. ilicui. by lln. Mr .ikin."ii, lie. Mr. Jolintnn, Hun Jnin . Mi-Ilinle, lion Ion. Mr. King ami lion Mr r.iwie. e.l l.j ternlui iitleuu u.whcli the iiilestlmi na. taken i n ilu uiiiriiiliiirni. nml ii us. n, ,t,., The Uisluii wn ll taken on tho resolution a ameii.le.l, an-l it wa uiiaiiiuioil.lv udoiiti-d. u. Mr. Itemer oflV (ra.l llm T.tlutt Ills . . ' a . . . ri'solulloll, Oll.l sKifce ill it support, Uesolted, That wo must cordiall lly ap- iiuaniinou.ly ndopti.l, T. f,niug resoluli in wa submitted UM, adopted Iti'MiUed, 'I'linl il is inexpedient, iutlin .1 nsi- Ol llll -itv iharler. i niTiim.-, to surrender our Un iiaitmu, lU-sd.cd, That tho pro. 1 1 ,,lnM. nf lln. nu-itiuglai published in i'i-I lieumi Speflnlor, the Onguiiian and We.tt'iu Si.ir, I'raver w.i (,lT.-ed by tho Key. c. ui Jnliimii, mil lln- mei'iing niljoiirn-il. J. IJi ink Tiiokmh-i. Clinirinau. J.mi.. I. Si ii ii S.-.-ruliiry. - ,, " a.uim.i.a. Sept. V.II. I-.V). ''".'"r -V' '"" 's''' ''' ' h-pjsioii to say, that I l,"' llu.ilnv proeiind, fuiallv, nniippro. pri.itioii id lilleiu huulriil ilolhira tu n-iy .1 1 . . 1 .1 1 .. ,. Mi'i-i- iiii-ii 1111 1 i'H 1 no . . 11. us iv (truer 111 I in. I. uiie. It. tui-rii llilll in,. I "(HI io. In i.i..- 1 1- -si paid to tlm.e men, Ilv I .ikuuMolli' Law of tint I Ith Am.'. Hn. ir.iuiiiiK th-Territory, you will aei-ilu-y in n in l.i'iilliii.iilam-li ii rensonahlii roui. pi .1 ale n n. slnnihl lit allowed hy law, N" r. I'liiuni mlali-ii hi.iug Incn inadn hy lit- (i -tt-r inr of dr. -on n lo what would li- :i reii-oual'h-( Hinpensati'iu, I louk ihn n .p hi iliilnv of getting it lived nt Sl.'illll. What ha l'i u nn.l tu tho several men sin iil.l ln taken 1mm llie iSI'iIMI, nml llm Ii.iIiiiii-- ili.i nl, ul, d intlirue men iu propir lion to tin ir aervit-c I'leii.e publish tlii. fir tho iuforinnliou .il'lh'..r nu int-d, (in.. Ilainc will at. I' ml I" th" pav in-lit. S. It. TlirilHToN. WaiiiihiiMN, Sept, Ml, Ih.lO, I'Militr Sh r.ii.r . Sin ll will ho rn-'.lleili I that anmn luno siui-i', I in ule nu eudiuver to get an ' ' "" ,.i,u..iiiiiri hii .,,.,.,,, ,,,.,,,I(, ( -.tirvcy nf-ho ,,.., , ,i;,vli llM , r,;,r fl,.j ,',. by etlrnl I tin ll applied Ir.thtt Senate ami i!t in-1 nppi..irlilioit put in Hy way or a. m; dm. lit to llm ti.iluud dip Inmaliu hill, ' l'''". ""' ""' ca"" "l" ,la'i "d w l''"1 ,"1''1'' ""' ,. oounnltlei. of vv uya mid iiii-aii nl llm llou.o, having rcc. oinu, led tl.ut llie lluiiau non.coiicur in 'ho S-nnlo nmcnihueiil, hul after dohnto iu lli" i-oininltli-i. of llm whole, thn commit. l""i agreed tn tlinHniialiV niiii'iidmenl. If it i li"l hut III lh"IIuU"i'Uflerlhocom. ...I,,.... .!...., ..... .I,,.tl ... , ll rVr.l....l I1..I., ""," -'.-" h- "- .'h"- "'K- M,i rror.-a.or llaohti assure mn ho will havolh'tColimiblii nirvuyed Inthn Cascade, nml thu Willnim-ttu to tlio head ifMeanilaiat navignlluii. Slmuld tho amend it fulliii lhulIoilsr, r otherwise, I ..111 liir.iriii ynii. H. H. 1 Hl'llSION. Tim wheat crop of Ohio is eallmnted the present season at 'J't.OUO.OOO of bushel. '